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American Hemerocallis Society Region 12 Florida Daylily News

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American Hemerocallis Society Region 12 Florida Daylily News SPRING 2020 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1 Letter from the Region 12 President Another year has begun and another bloom season is upon us. I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and healthy. What a start to a year! Every year we say that this year is crazier than the last. This year will be the top for quite some time. Unfortunately we won’t be able hold the regional meeting this spring because of the virus and shows have been cancelled. At least we have the daylilies. You will probably notice that the newsletter is not as nice as in the past but we are without a newsletter editor and we have to make do with what I can do. Would love for a creative person with an eye for detail to take over the position. I would like to offer a big thanks to the North Florida Daylily Society for hosting a great Fall Regional. Lots of fun and good to see all of the familiar daylily faces. I hope everyone has had a chance to check out the redesigned Region 12 Website by James Fennel. If you see or talk to James, let him know how much we appreciate it. In this newsletter you will find the ballot for the next Region 12 President. Please make sure you vote. Either mail or email your vote to Opal Howell, her address and email address are on the ballot. Because the shows have been cancelled our club is holding a virtual show on our show date of May 2nd. Each person participating will email or post to Facebook five pictures of daylilies blooming that day. It’s not a show but we can at least interact a little and see some pictures of pretty flowers. Let me know what you club is doing to keep in touch during this time. Lastly, I ask you to mark your calendar for September 18th and 19th. The Central Florida Daylily Society will be hosting the Fall Regional at Mead Gardens. More details to come. See you in the garden CJ Gregory Letter from Region 12 President 1 Director’s Corner 2 Hello New Members 3 Meeting Minutes 4 Treasurer’s Report 5 Florida Daylily Clubs 6 Local Club News 7 Popularity Poll Ballot 9 Garden Judge Liaison 10 Exhibition Judge Liaison 11 President Ballot 12 Officers 13 Inside this issue: The Florida Daylily News is only sent via email and is posted later on the Region 12 website. Make sure the AHS Membership Manager has your correct email to ensure you get the Spring & Fall issues!

American Hemerocallis Society Region 12

Florida Daylily News SPRING 2020 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 1

Letter from the Region 12 President

Another year has begun and another bloom season is upon us. I hope you and your loved ones are all safe and healthy. What a start to a year! Every year we say that this year is crazier than the last. This year will be the top for quite some time. Unfortunately we won’t be able hold the regional meeting this spring because of the virus and shows have been cancelled. At least we have the daylilies.

You will probably notice that the newsletter is not as nice as in the past but we are without a newsletter editor and we have to make do with what I can do. Would love for a creative person with an eye for detail to take over the position.

I would like to offer a big thanks to the North Florida Daylily Society for hosting a great Fall Regional. Lots of

fun and good to see all of the familiar daylily faces. I hope everyone has had a chance to check out the redesigned Region 12 Website by James Fennel. If you see or talk to James, let him know how much we appreciate it.

In this newsletter you will find the ballot for the next Region 12 President. Please make sure you vote. Either mail or email your vote to Opal Howell, her address and email address are on the ballot.

Because the shows have been cancelled our club is holding a virtual show on our show date of May 2nd. Each person participating will email or post to Facebook five pictures of daylilies blooming that day. It’s not a show but we can at least interact a little and see some pictures of pretty flowers. Let me know what you club is doing to keep in touch during this time.

Lastly, I ask you to mark your calendar for September 18th and 19th. The Central Florida Daylily Society will be hosting the Fall Regional at Mead Gardens. More details to come.

See you in the garden

CJ Gregory

Letter from Region 12 President 1

Director’s Corner 2

Hello New Members 3

Meeting Minutes 4

Treasurer’s Report 5

Florida Daylily Clubs 6

Local Club News 7

Popularity Poll Ballot 9

Garden Judge Liaison 10

Exhibition Judge Liaison 11

President Ballot 12

Officers 13

Inside this issue:

The Florida Daylily News is only sent via email and is posted

later on the Region 12 website.

Make sure the AHS

Membership Manager has your correct email to ensure you get the Spring & Fall issues!

Director’s Corner

I want to do a special thanks to Sharon Agosta and Marsha Crisler for all their help with the Tallahassee Club, Region 12 and ADS. We work together with the auctions for the club and the region and a lot of other activities. I have been treasurer for Region 12 for about 20 years in addition to being Director for the past 3 years. Region 12 Bank Account Fraud: I made a check out for $14.95 and mailed took it the local post office for mailing. The check was intercepted and wiped clean and cashed for $13,500.00. I discovered this after receiving the bank statement realizing the error. I went straight to the bank and told them what the problem was. I also contacted the local police and the Post Office. We did get the money back, after 4 months! My personal opinion as lessons learned: The checking account should only have a small amount of money. The majority amount of money should be in a savings account. You only have 60 days to notify the bank if there is a problem. The bank, the police nor the post office were not very helpful. Not for Profit accounts are considered business accounts and it could be up to 6 months before you get the money back. Use writing pens that will not wash off.

Make a complaint to FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). The Registrar for ADS is looking for the missing pictures for the William Munson daylilies and any other old daylilies you are growing. If you grow any of the Munson Daylilies, please check the ADS Portal for any missing pictures. If you grow any of these and have pictures, please forward the pictures to the Registrar.

Respectfully Submitted, — Opal Howell

Region 12 Director Regional Officers Chair

Tallahassee, FL


Florida Daylily News Advertising: Full Page $75 Half Page $50 Quarter Page $25 Eighth Page $15

$15 one-time layout fee per ad $20 fee for scanning slides / photos to digital The Florida Daylily News advertising policy is the same as AHS guidelines outlined in The Daylily Journal (see www.daylilies.org).

Please send submissions to: Virginia Gregory 1603 Brooks Lane Oviedo, FL 32765 [email protected]

Out –of-Region Subscriptions $10.00 per year (two issues)

Make check payable to: AHS Region 12 c/o Opal Howell, Treasurer 926 Rosemary Terrace Tallahassee, FL 32303

Deadlines: Spring Issue – February 28 Fall Issue – July 31

Disclaimer: The opinions expressed by contributors to Florida Daylily News are solely those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, members of the board of directors, regional officers, or the American Hemerocallis Society, Inc. (AHS). Florida Daylily News publishes paid advertisements as a service to its members, but cannot be responsible for the quality of plants, services, or supplies received, nor for expressed or implied guarantees.

We’re on the Web!



We are pleased to welcome the following new AHS Region 12 Members:

• Sandra Brooks and Dennis Cox

• Hugh Buntyn

• Denise Cope

• Lera Jean Crawford

• Sondra Crosswhite

• Bert Fields

• Bruce French

• Sheryl Gage

• Connie Gladding

• James and Laura Hall

• Nancy Hart

• Annabel Howard

• Ruth Immel

• Emily Jennings

• Kathy Machesky

• Patricia Martinez

• Mary Mattiace

• James and Luane Mikell

• Gloria Moreau

• Sharon Oberlin and Michael McGuckin

• Derek Ponto and Amanda Brown

• Dian Rowan

• Joe Schiff

• Janice Seifert

• Melissa Sponel

• Greg Stephan

• Paul and Sandra Stopiak

• Carol Wendland This is wonderful to see renewed interest.

—Martha Caldwell Membership Liaison

Orange Park, FL

Page 4 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

Minutes from Region 12 Fall Business Meeting

them, then forward to James Fennel, the Website Manager. New Business: CJ stated that Paula Hughes has moved. Pam Anderson will be taking over as Region 12 Secretary. CJ Gregory said that no club has volunteered to host our Spring 2020 Regional Meeting at this time. He said not much would be required and that he would work as a team member so that the host club wouldn’t have to do all the work. Said Central Florida club will be hosting Fall 2020. Ways & Means Position is open. This Region 12 position is in charge of auction plants for the Fall and Spring Regional meetings. Only way the Region earns money. Publicity Liaison needs to be filled. Virginia has gotten too busy with work. The main function of the job is to keep up with the Popularity Poll. Newsletter Editor is open. This position takes information for newsletter. Template in Microsoft Publisher. Opal Howell mentioned needing to send memorial contributions for two members: Wayne Johnson and Edith Butler. Motion made to make $100 contributions by Floyd Sewell. Martha Caldwell seconded the motion. Group unanimous in approval. Meeting adjourned. Raffle announced. Auction consisted of plants from John Kinnebrew, Jr., Jamie Gossard, Ottis Houston, Jeff and Elizabeth Salter, Nicole Devito and Dan Hansen. There was no program presented.

Respectfully submitted, — Pamela Anderson Region 12 Secretary

Lake City, Florida

Meeting called to order by Region 12 President, CJ Gregory. CJ welcomed all in attendance, and thanked Ray Wensel & Floyd Sewell, NFDS Regional Chairs and Registrar, Martha Caldwell, for their work on the Fall Region 12 meeting. Director’s Report: Region 12 Director, Opal Howell, attended the ADS National meeting in Madison, Wisconsin. She met with Ken Cobb, Archives Chair, and together they updated the Regional Officers Handbook, located on the ADS Portal/Administration. Announced this year Honorable Mention awards winners:

Joe Bumgardner Dan (& Jane Trimmer) x 2 Guy Pierce x 2 Grace Stamile 1 + Sunshine Cup

Treasurer’s Report: Region 12 Treasurer, Opal Howell, provided an accounting of regional monies. Reminded all that renewal dues are due January, 2020. Publicity Report: Region 12 Publicity Director, Virginia Gregory, thanked those who submitted ideas and information for the newsletter, as well as the photos. Thanked those who participated in the Popularity Poll. Odd Man Out is the Popularity Poll winner this year. Second place is a tie between Spacecoast Irish Illumination and Dorothy and Toto. Third place is a tie between Mark’s Bouquet and Elva White Grow. Exhibition Judge’s Report: Region 12 Exhibition Judges Liaison, Floyd Sewell, reported that they had held an Exhibition Judges Refresher workshop – in summary: What can we do to improve our plants for showing. Garden Judge’s Report: Region 12 Garden Judges Liaison, Joe Agosta, had nothing to report to the group. Membership Report: Region 12 Membership Liaison, Martha Caldwell, reported two new members attending today: Barbara Denison and Fred Sutton. Old Business: CJ said the website has been redone and updated. Recommended that all check it out to see how they like it. Send any ideas or suggestions to him. He will approve


AHS Region 12 Treasurer's Report

Jan. 1, 2019—Jan. 1, 2020

Balance Jan. 1, 2019 $20,068,13


Tampa Club $1,000.00

Spring Regional Meeting Auction $3,870.00

Fall Regional Meeting Auction $1,116.00

Total Incomes $5,986.00


Rita Ming Web page $114.45

John Kimmebrew Half of Auction Plants Sales $695.00

Ottis Houston Seedling Award at Regional $100.00

AHS Memorial Edith Butler $100.00

AHS Memorial Curtis Goodall $100.00

1018: Opal Howell Director Expense at National $764.28

AHS Memorial Wayne Johnson $100.00

1019: Dublin Trophy Sunshine Cup at National $65.22

1021: Opal Howell Director Expense—Fall Mtg $818.96

1022: AHS Inc. $57.75

Total Expenses $2915.66

Balance Jan. 1, 2020 $23.083.47

Respectfully Submitted by Opal Howell, Region 12 Treasurer

Page 6 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

Bay Area Daylily Society Dennis Hoffman, President

email: [email protected] web: https://www.facebook.com/Bay-Area-Daylily-Society-107020062668398/

Meeting dates and locations vary. Visit our Facebook page above for more information.

Choctwhatchee Hemerocallis Society Stanley “Stan” Smith, President

email: [email protected] Meet at 2pm on the 4th Tuesday of the month

from January-June at the Walton County Extension Service, DeFuniak Springs, FL.

Central Florida Daylily Society Linda Swanson, President

email: [email protected] web: https://www.facebook.com/Central-

Florida-Daylily-Society-1666126847036692/ Meet at 2pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month

from September-April at the Orlando Garden Club, 710 East Rollins Street, Orlando, FL.

North Florida Daylily Society Donald Schnepel, President

email: [email protected] web: http://nfdaylily.com Meet at 2:15pm on the 2nd Sunday of the

month from January-April at the Orange Park Library, 2054 Plainfield Ave, Orange Park, FL.

Ocala Area Daylily Society Bill McBride, President email: [email protected] web: facebook.com/Ocala.area.daylilies Meet at 2pm on the 4th Sunday of the month,

September-May at the Ocala Public Library, 2720 E Silver Springs Blvd, Ocala, FL.

Pensacola Daylily Club Linda Porter, President email: [email protected] web: www.pensacoladaylilyclub.com Meet at 6:30pm on the 2nd Monday of the month

from September-June at the Garden Center Café, 1850 N 9th Ave, Pensacola, FL 32503.

South Florida Daylily Society Inactive Suwannee Valley Hemerocallis Society Jeff Salter, President Email: [email protected] Meeting dates vary, our next meeting will be the 3rd

Sunday in September at 2:00 at the Lake City Public

Library in downtown Lake City. Tallahassee Daylily Society Elisa Burns, President email: [email protected] web: www.thsgardens.org Meet at 2pm on the 4th Sunday of the month

from September-April (excluding December) at the Leon County Cooperative Extension Center, 615 Paul Russell Road, Tallahassee, FL.

Florida Daylily Clubs


Local Club New April meeting, our show scheduled for May 2nd and any further work on our display Garden at Mead due to Covid-19. We hope to get back to our meeting in September. The clubs wish is for every one of our Daylily friends to please stay safe in these trying times.

—Linda Swanson-, CFDS President


No report submitted.


We have had an unusually warm/hot start to spring here in north Florida. We are so fortunate to have a club that has so many strong, giving members, always willing to provide assistance and guidance to making our club one of the best in Region 12. Unfortunately, the recent spread of Covid-19 has limited our effectiveness as a club on a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. We had so many productive and fun activities cancelled during this time of “social distancing”.

On February 29, 2020, several of our members were available to expand the knowledge and beauty of daylilies through a plant sale at the Duval County Extension Office. We were able to sell over 100 pots of planted material and made $450.00.

The following functions either have already been cancelled or potentially will be cancelled:

04/04/2020 - Plant Sale at Blooms Galore

04/19/2020 – North Florida Daylily Society – Monthly Meeting (April)

04/25/2020 – Bus trip to Orlando area

05/09/2020 – North Florida Daylily Society Show

and Sale

05/16/2020 – Breakfast in the Garden at Nicole’s


05/23/2020 – Spring Regional Meeting at Wynn’s

Daylily Garden

05/24-27/2020 – National Convention in Savannah,



The BADS club ( Bay Area Daylily Society) is only meeting for dinner or lunch every other month or so since last spring. Since the break out of Covid 19 we haven't been able to meet.

We still have a active Facebook page. We are sure many of you daily fans are excited to see the bloom season start that you take photos of that first bloom. We would like you daylily fans out there to post a photo of this season's first bloom on our page. Feel free to share personal garden photos on our page as well. We would love to see a video virtual tour of daylily gardens on our page as well. Stay safe in your gardens and keep visitors six feet away.

—Dennis Hoffman, BADS President

Central Florida Daylily kicked off our 2019-2020 season in September with a presentation by Jeff, Liz and Alex Salter. We got to see some of their new intros plus some of their seedlings being evaluated for future introduction. We also brought some great auction plants. Dan Hansen from Ladybug was our October Speaker filling us in on what he has for his 2020 intros and also what he looks for in his hybridizing. November's speaker was Floyd Sewell who gave us a wealth of information on growing our favorite flower, Daylilies of course. The club had our annual Christmas pot luck dinner and gift exchange in December. The New Year brought us Bruce and Kathy Fowler of Kathy's Daylilies located in Moultrie, GA followed in February by our speaker Nicole DeVito from Nicole's Daylilies. The club also participated in February at the Seminole County Garden Expo located in Sanford FL. We brought some Daylilies to sell and they were very popular selling out in a couple of hours. The club received a lot of questions on Daylilies and also our club. Our March meeting speaker was Tom MacCubbin, horticulturist, author and host of "Better Lawns and Garden" radio show for over 18 years. Tom spoke about different plants that do well in Florida and what time of year we should be planting them. The club also started work on our display garden located at Mead Garden in Orlando. The plans for our bed were designed by our Club member Fred Sutton and with the help of Martha Clouse and volunteers from Rollins College the sod was stripped and Fred put down compost for us. Sadly, we had to cancel our

Page 8 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

Local Club New

With all this “doom and gloom”, there are several positive things that are happening here at NFDS:

• Our club has achieved 50% AHS membership. This is extremely important for hosting an accredited show.

• Preparing to submit an order for NFDS shirts and hats.

• Preparing to secure and purchase $500 worth of plants from hybridizer in Region 12.

• Setting up a “zoom” presentation platform in hopes of being able to socially interact during a time of “social distancing”.

One of the many things I enjoy about our club is we have many members who are “master” gardeners.

During our March meeting, we were blessed with presentations by Connie Gladding and Floyd Sewell on the topic of “introducing and maintaining companion plants in our gardens”. The presentations were followed by a raffle of many of these companion plants.

—Donald Schnepel, NFDS President


Not much going on with our club, we have discontinued meetings till September. We are continuing to partner with the Pioneer Garden Club of Ocala building a daylily garden at the Ocala Art Park. We planted the two pots of Ophelia Taylor plants CJ and Virginia Gregory donated at the park. We would like to create a display of Ophelia’s plants at the garden if we can locate and obtain more plants hybridized by her. Ophelia lived in Ocala and was a member of the Pioneer Garden Club.

—Bill McBride, OADS President


No report submitted.

—Linda Porter, PDC President


As of now we are meeting about four to five times a year. Our next meeting will be the 3rd Sunday in September at 2:00 at the Lake City Public Library in downtown Lake City.

Our April and May functions had to be canceled.

—Elizabeth Salter, SVDS Reporter


Opal's Green Thumb

We all know Opal Howell - a stalwart figure in the national daylily society. She has been around long enough to know a good plant from one that needs to be discarded - registered or not! When you visit her home in Tallahassee the first thing you notice is she doesn't have a lawn mower. To her, grass is a weed and every square foot of her yard is dedicated mostly to daylilies, some camellias and a few other flowering plants.

Her "green thumb" skills are evident in the health of her plants. She likes variety in her daylily patch and seldom keeps more than half a dozen of any one flower. Why? Because she is always either giving them to club members or contributing them to our club's annual sales event in May. Unfortunately, this year's sales event has been cancelled - another CoVid-19 casualty.

Typically, Opal will give a new daylily plant two years to show its best features - lush, broad leaves; thick scape stalk that supports numerous buds and a near perfect, fully-opened flower. If it makes through the first criteria, come splitting-time it better show a robust root system or she is likely to toss it onto the compost pile. Also, she hates a plant that is susceptible to Rust - what's the point? Who really has time to be treating a daylily with multiple chemicals throughout the year? Not her.

She wants all daylily growers to consider using some of the oldest known varieties with natural disease and pest resistance to restore vitality to the plant - roots, leaves, scapes and flowers! Let's strive to keep this beautiful flowering species at the top of the list

Page 9 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

Local Club New

TALLAHASSEE DAYLILY SOCIETY Now for a quick update on the TDS Veterans Cemetery daylily project. The first year of growth in this 100 ft X 10 ft bed saw all plants blooming nicely throughout spring and summer 2019. Irrigation has been regular and the bed is being tended by community volunteers. The groundskeepers learned a lesson in herbicide spray-drift on a windy December day when several areas of the Cemetery started showing plant stress a few days later - including our bed of daylilies!. At first, club member Dan Adkison and I weren't sure what the problem was. After

conferring with the Cemetery director he confirmed the hit from herbicides and noted they will be taking greater precaution in the future.

Fast forward to March 2020 and the flower bed was looking much better with scapes starting to show on many varieties. They looked so nice that the director was interested in knowing when they could be split to plant a second bed. Even though the TDS club will not be meeting this year, members concurred that the new bed preparations should begin in summer so it would be ready to accept new fans for planting in November 2020. Stay Tuned for another news flash covering the bloom season of 2021.

—Bruce French, SVDS Reporter

You can vote the popularity poll by going to the ADS website, emailing Virginia Gregory at [email protected] or mailing your ballot to Virginia Gregory, 1603 Brooks Lane, Oviedo FL 32765. The deadline to vote is September 1st, 2020.

Page 10 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

Region 12 Garden Judge Liaison report for spring 2020 newsletter

At this writing Florida is under a stay at home order because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Exceptions include “Participating in recreational activities (consistent with social distancing guidelines)”. Clearly gardening and garden visiting fall under this exception. According to my reading of this ADS garden judges are not precluded from doing their annual appraisal of daylily cultivars. All Region 12 daylily gardens (private and commercial) should be welcoming of visitors as usual.

If the May 23 Regional meeting is held as scheduled, the Garden Judge Clinic II will be conducted by Jeff and Elizabeth Salter. Judges needing to complete the clinic for reappointment have another option if they are not able to attend or if the meeting is cancelled. ADS sent out the following:

Hello AHS Garden Judges,

As you probably know, some regions have canceled their spring meeting, some are considering the same, and the National Convention is not a certainty.

Garden Judges II workshops (required for about 80% of those up for 2020 reappointment) are usually a part of each of these events.

In light of that, it has been decided to give a one year extension to all Garden Judges that are up for Reappointment in 2020.

A memo to this effect will be included with the Awards

Ballot that will be mailed to all active Garden Judges soon by the Awards and Honors Chair, Rhonda Veroeven.

This does not apply to those that are up for reappointment beyond 2020.

Anyone that has completed the Garden Judges I workshop and has not yet attended and completed the Garden Judges II workshop will be given an extra year to fulfill their obligation for an Appointment as a Garden Judge, as outlined in the Judging Daylilies In The Garden Handbook.

Claude Carpenter, Garden Judges Records Chair

In addition, Clinic I will not be available at the May meeting. However an online clinic is held periodically. Go to the ADS Members Portal for details.

See you in the gardens.

— Joe Agosta AHS Region 12 Garden Judge Liaison

Tallahassee, FL

Region 12 Garden Judge Liaison Report

Page 11 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

If you have a high interest in daylilies and want to learn more about the characteristics of daylilies, including bloom size, bloom form and are interested in learning what makes a great show flower or what is considered a fault in an exhibit, then exhibition judging is for you! Many hybridizers and enthusiastic exhibitors also find that taking the judges training gives them an advantage in exhibiting and registering exceptional daylilies. Judging Daylilies is a wonderful study of the daylily on a very intimate, detailed level. A keen eye and ethical mind are required! What are the steps I need to follow to become a exhibition judge?

•You must be an AHS member in good standing for at least two consecutive years to start judges training.

•You must successfully complete two clinics. These clinics may be offered by clubs in your area or at Regional and National meetings.

•To become a Senior Exhibition judge, you must satisfy several practical hands on requirements, all described in the Exhibition Judges handbook.

Why should I consider becoming a Exhibition Judge?

AHS members may download the Exhibition Judges Handbook for free from the Members Portal Exhibition Judges Materials page.

Contact for more information? You may contact the Region 12 Exhibition Judges Liaison Floyd Sewell at [email protected].

— Floyd Sewell AHS Region 12 Exhibition Judge Liaison

Jacksonville Beach, FL

Floyd’s Self-Isolation Quarantine Diary: Day 1 – I Can Do This!! Got enough food and wine to last a month!

Day 2 – Opening my 8th bottle of Wine. I fear wine supplies might not last.

Day 3 – Strawberries: Some have 210 seeds, some have 235 seeds. Who Knew??

Day 4 – 8:00pm. Removed my Day Pajamas and put on my Night Pajamas.

Day 5 – Today, I tried to make Hand Sanitizer. It came out as Jello Shots!!

Day 6 – I get to take the Garbage out. I’m So excited, I can’t decide what to wear.

Day 7 – Laughing way too much at my own jokes!!

Day 8 – Went to a new restaurant called “The Kitchen”. You have to gather all the ingredients and make your own

meal. I have No clue how this place is still in business.

Day 9 – I put liquor bottles in every room. Tonight, I’m getting all dressed up and going Bar hopping.

Day 10 – Struck up a conversation with a Spider today. Seems nice. He’s a Web Designer.

Day 11 – Isolation is hard. I swear my fridge just said, “What the hell do you want now?”

Day 12 – I realized why dogs get so excited about something moving outside, going for walks or car rides. I think I just

barked at a squirrel.

Day 13 – If you keep a glass of wine in each hand, you can’t accidently touch your face.

Day 14 – Watched the birds fight over a worm. The Cardinals led the Blue Jays 3–1.

Day 15 – Anybody else feel like they’ve cooked dinner about 395 times this month?

Page 12 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 1

AHS 2020 Region 12 Exhibitions Judges

Ballot for Region 12 President The nominating Committee of Opal Howell, Chair, Marsha Crisler and Bruce French have put forth the nominee of Ray Wensell.

Ray Wensell

Write in Nominee ____________________

Please mail or email your vote to Opah Howell,926 Rosemary Terrace, Tallahassee, Fl. 32303-

Regional President C. J. Gregory 1603 Brooks Lane Oviedo, FL 32765 (407) 883-6936 [email protected] Regional Director Opal Howell 926 Rosemary Terrace Tallahassee, Fl. 32303-3903 (850) 386-1076 [email protected] Treasurer Opal Howell 926 Rosemary Terrace Tallahassee, Fl. 32303-3903 (850) 386-1076 [email protected] Secretary Pamala Anderson [email protected] Regional Publicity Director Virginia Gregory 1603 Brooks Lane Oviedo, FL 32765 [email protected]

American Hemerocallis Society Region 12

c/o Newsletter Editor 1603 Brooks Lane Oviedo, FL 32765

American Hemerocallis Society Officers President Judie Branson 2301 Woodland Ave., Springdale, AR 72762 (479) 841-6173 [email protected] Vice President Scott Elliott 658 Edward Smith Rd., Ellabell, GA 31308 (912) 596-7252 [email protected] Chief Financial Officer Nikki Schmith 424 Pheasant Court, Worden, IL 62097 (248) 739-9006 [email protected] Membership Manager Beverly Winkelman 17103 Herridge Road, Pearland, Texas 77584 (832) 567-4706 [email protected] Daylily Journal Executive Editor Adele Keohan (781) 249-0222 [email protected]

Newsletter Editor Open Awards and Honors Liaison Ray Wensell 1900 St George Ct Middleburg, FL 32068 (904) 215-9457 [email protected] Exhibition Judges Liaison Floyd Sewell 1831 Ocean Dr S Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250 (904) 200-6528 [email protected] Garden Judges Liaison Joe Agosta 7444 Creekridge Circle Tallahassee, FL 32309 (850) 668-1368 [email protected] Historical Liaison Open

Membership Liaison Martha Caldwell 713 Dove Creek Circle Orange Park, FL 32073 (904) 272-0018 [email protected] Scientific Liaison Jeff Salter 7024 NW 18th Avenue Gainesville, FL 32605 (352) 331-2716 [email protected] W. E. Monroe Endowment Fund Liaison Ottis Houston 2147 SW State Road 47 Lake City, FL 32025 (386) 752-4654 [email protected] Ways & Means Liaison Open Youth Liaison Open

Region 12 Officers and Committee Chairs
