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American Historical Association 2013 Program Ad

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Duke University Press's program ad for the 2013 annual meeting of the American Historical Association.
The Paraguay Reader History, Culture, Politics PeTeR LambeRT & andRew niCkson, ediToRs Latin America Readers 504 pages, 35 illustrations (incl. 10 in color), paper $27.95 adiós niño The Gangs of Guatemala City and the Politics of death deboRaH T. Levenson 208 pages, 30 illustrations, paper $22.95 Religion and state Formation in Postrevolutionary mexico ben FaLLaw 360 pages, paper $25.95 making samba a new History of Race and music in brazil maRC a. HeRTzman 368 pages, 17 illustrations, paper $25.95 Culture of Class Radio and Cinema in the making of a divided argentina, 1920–1946 maTTHew b. kaRusH 288 pages, 12 illustrations, paper $23.95 adiós muchachos a memoir of the sandinista Revolution seRGio RamíRez Translated by stacey alba d. skar American Encounters/Global Interactions 264 pages, paper $23.95 beyond shangri-La america and Tibet’s move into the Twenty-First Century JoHn kenneTH knaus with a foreword by Robert a. F. Tenzin Thurman American Encounters/Global Interactions 384 pages, 23 illustrations, paper $25.95 Fevered measures Public Health and Race at the Texas-mexico border, 1848–1942 JoHn mCkieRnan-GonzáLez 440 pages, 17 illustrations, paper $26.95 Come visit us! BOOTHS 236 & 238 Use promo code DEXH131 B for your online order! 20% off through March 1, 2013 order online! www.dukeupress.edu Books, Journals, and Electronic Collections
Page 1: American Historical Association 2013 Program Ad

The Paraguay ReaderHistory, Culture, Politics

PeTeR LambeRT & andRew niCkson, ediToRsLatin America Readers504 pages, 35 illustrations (incl. 10 in color), paper $27.95

adiós niñoThe Gangs of Guatemala City

and the Politics of death

deboRaH T. Levenson208 pages, 30 illustrations, paper $22.95

Religion and state Formation in Postrevolutionary mexicoben FaLLaw360 pages, paper $25.95

making sambaa new History of Race and music in brazil

maRC a. HeRTzman368 pages, 17 illustrations, paper $25.95

Culture of ClassRadio and Cinema in the

making of a divided argentina, 1920–1946

maTTHew b. kaRusH288 pages, 12 illustrations, paper $23.95

adiós muchachosa memoir of the sandinista Revolution

seRGio RamíRezTranslated by stacey alba d. skarAmerican Encounters/Global Interactions264 pages, paper $23.95

beyond shangri-Laamerica and Tibet’s move

into the Twenty-First Century

JoHn kenneTH knauswith a foreword by Robert a. F. Tenzin ThurmanAmerican Encounters/Global Interactions384 pages, 23 illustrations, paper $25.95

Fevered measuresPublic Health and Race

at the Texas-mexico border, 1848–1942

JoHn mCkieRnan-GonzáLez440 pages, 17 illustrations, paper $26.95

Page 1 (covers: Lambert, Levenson, Karush)

Come visit us! Booths 236 & 238

Use promo code DEXh131B for your online order!

20% off through March 1, 2013

order online! www.dukeupress.edu

Books, Journals, and Electronic Collections

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black France/France noireThe History and Politics of blackness

TRiCa danieLLe keaTon, T. denean

sHaRPLey-wHiTinG & TyLeR sTovaLL, ediToRs344 pages, 4 illustrations, paper $25.95

Toussaint LouvertureThe story of the only successful slave Revolt

in History; a Play in Thee acts

C. L. R. Jamesedited and introduced by Christian HøgsbjergThe C. L. R. James Archives248 pages, 10 illustrations, paper $23.95

an Historical account of the black empire of HaytimaRCus RainsFoRdedited and with an introduction by Paul youngquist and Grégory Pierrot392 pages, 18 illustrations, paper $27.95

obeah and other PowersThe Politics of Caribbean Religion and Healing

diana PaTon and maaRiT FoRde, ediToRs376 pages, 9 illustrations, paper $27.95

The sexual Life of englishLanguages of Caste and desire in Colonial india

sHeFaLi CHandRa288 pages, paper $24.95

The making of the middle ClassToward a Transnational History

a. RiCaRdo LóPez & baRbaRa weinsTein, ediToRsRadical Perspectives464 pages, paper $27.95

money, Trains, and Guillotinesart and Revolution in 1960s Japan

wiLLiam maRoTTiAsia Pacific464 pages, 125 illustrations (incl. 19 in color), paper $25.95

The Pariahs of yesterdaybreton migrants in Paris

LesLie PaGe moCH272 pages, 8 illustrations, paper $23.95

Foreign FrontThird world Politics in sixties west Germany

Quinn sLobodianRadical Perspectives320 pages, 24 photographs, paper $24.95

Page 1 (covers: Lambert, Levenson, Karush) James, Rainsford, Lopez)

Come visit us! Booths 236 & 238

Use promo code DEXh131B for your online order!

20% off through March 1, 2013

order online! www.dukeupress.edu

Books, Journals, and Electronic Collections

Page 3: American Historical Association 2013 Program Ad

bourdieu and Historical analysisPHiLiP s. GoRski, ediToRPolitics, History, and Culture448 pages, paper $27.95

The Great enterprisesovereignty and Historiography in modern korea

HenRy H. emAsia-Pacific272 pages, paper $24.95

improvising medicinean african oncology ward

in an emerging Cancer epidemic

JuLie LivinGsTon248 pages, 14 illustrations, paper $23.95

The other zulusThe spread of zulu ethnicity

in Colonial south africa

miCHaeL R. maHoneyPolitics, History, and Culture312 pages, paper $24.95

image mattersarchive, Photography,

and the african diaspora in europe

Tina m. CamPT256 pages, 128 photographs, paper $24.95

Poverty in CommonThe Politics of Community action

during the american Century

aLyosHa GoLdsTein392 pages, 17 illustrations, paper $26.95

somebody’s ChildrenThe Politics of Transracial

and Transnational adoption

LauRa bRiGGs376 pages, 7 illustrations, paper $25.95

Challenging social inequalityThe Landless Rural workers movement

and agrarian Reform in brazil

miGueL CaRTeR, ediToR544 pages, 45 illustrations, paper $27.95

Come visit us! Booths 236 & 238

Use promo code DEXh131B for your online order!

20% off through March 1, 2013

order online! www.dukeupress.edu

Books, Journals, and Electronic Collections

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aloha americaHula Circuits through the u.s. empire

adRia L. imada392 pages, 80 illustrations, paper $24.95

a new deal for all?Race and Class struggles

in depression-era baltimore

andoR skoTnes

Radical Perspectives384 pages, 40 illustrations, paper $26.95

in search of First ContactThe vikings of vinland,

the Peoples of the dawnland,

and the anglo-american anxiety of discovery

anneTTe koLodny448 pages, 10 illustrations, paper $27.95

vertical empireThe General Resettlement

of indians in the Colonial andes

JeRemy Ravi mumFoRd312 pages, 14 illustrations, paper $24.95

River of HopeForging identity and nation

in the Rio Grande borderlands

omaR s. vaLeRio-Jiménez392 pages, 22 illustrations, paper $26.95

new approaches to Resistance in brazil and mexicoJoHn GLedHiLL &

PaTienCe a. sCHeLL, ediToRs416 pages, paper $28.95

How a Revolutionary art became official Culturemurals, museums, and the mexican state

maRy k. CoFFey248 pages, 54 color illustrations, paper $24.95

Come visit us! Booths 236 & 238

Use promo code DEXh131B for your online order!

20% off through March 1, 2013

order online! www.dukeupress.edu

Books, Journals, and Electronic Collections
