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American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology December 2015 • Volume 2015, Issue 4 • www.asvcp.org • [email protected] President’s Message Dear Fellow ASVCP Members, I am honored to write my first President’s message, but I am definitely feeling humbled by those who came before me as I take on my new responsibilities. I joined the Executive Board only one year ago in the new plan of a three-year term starting with President-Elect. I found myself on a huge learning curve, which was both exciting and often a bit disorienting! Although I had been a devoted ASVCP member for many years, I rapidly discovered that I had only a superficial knowledge of the many facets and liaisons of the Society. My eyes have definitely been opened now, and I have been truly impressed with the hard work and positive spirit of the Executive Board, our management group (The Rees Group), and the many committee members and chairs as well as regular members. I want to pay particular tribute to Jeff McCartney, the Society’s Past President, who guided me along with good humor and prompt responses to my many questions. Thank you, Jeff, both for this and for taking care of our Society so well as President in 2015. Our recent meeting in Minneapolis was incredibly successful in a multitude of ways! First, we paired with the Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) as well as our usual partner, the ACVP. This increased registration and allowed excellent continuing education and informal networking with many clinical and anatomic pathologists working in industry. We also celebrated our 50th anniversary year with a wonderful party, complete with a photo corner, special cocktails named after effusions (!), and a scrolling video with music and images of ASVCP history and pop culture from 1965 to 2015. A big thank-you goes to Anne Provencher and her team as well as The Rees Group for organizing such a terrific party for us. Special thanks go to Jennifer Owen, who organized the music for the video. Many others contributed, but I want to particularly thank Jeanne George, Rose Raskin, and Steve Stockham, who supplied history and photos. We owe a huge debt for the enthusiasm and foresight to those veterinary clinical pathologists who started the ASVCP 50 years ago. Our Society has come a long way since the original 13 charter members in 1965—we are over 600 strong now! The ASVCP is in excellent shape. We are working with a financial consultant to manage our finances and focus on areas where we would like to expend funds, such as ways we can support trainees. We continue to liaison with the ACVP as ASCVP members move forward with changes in the ACVP Certifying Examination and other shared initiatives and concerns. The ASVCP works so well because of the interest and passion of our members. To keep our Society fresh and moving forward, we rely on new faces to join committees and take on leadership roles. I can state without reservation that the work of our many volunteers is balanced wholeheartedly with fun, new friendships, and that wonderful feeling of truly making a difference. Regardless of your stage of career, please consider contributing in whatever way you can! In closing, it is my pleasure to serve as part of the Executive Board. On behalf of the board, we are looking forward to working with you this next year. I wish you a lovely holiday season and all the best in 2016! Shelley Burton ASVCP President Contents ASVCP Officers ..................................................... 2 State of the Society ................................................ 3 ASVCP 2016 Officers ............................................ 3 2015 Share the Future Campaign Contributors .... 4 Membership Report ............................................... 4 2015 ACVP Clinical Pathology Diplomates ........... 4 2015 ASVCP Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients Drs. Robert Hall and Alan Rebar....................... 5 ASVCP Educator Award 2015 Recipient: Dr. Steven Stockham......................................... 5 Highlights from the 2015 Educator Forum............. 5 2015 ASVCP Young Investigator Awards .............. 6 2015 Share the Future Research Grant .................. 6 2015 Share the Future Travel Awards ..................... 6 2015 ASVCP Pre-Meeting Workshop Recap .......... 7 2015 ASVCP Financial Report ................................ 7 ASVCP Annual Business Meeting Minutes ............. 7 Get to know your Executive Board .......................... 8 First Call: 2017 ACVIM Forum Speakers ................ 8 Externship Funding Opportunities ........................... 8 First Call for Officer Nominations: 2016 ASVCP Election.......................................... 9 First Call for Nominations: ASVCP Educator Award 2016 ............................ 9 First Call: 2016 ASVCP Mystery Slide Case Review Session .......................... 10 First Call: 2016 ASVCP Case Discussion Session .............. 10 Career Opportunities.............. 10 Microscopic Art Corner.......... 10 ASVCP Important Dates ...... 11 Upcoming Meetings ............... 11 ASVCP Committee Updates..... 12 Veterinary Clinical Pathology Report....14 50th Anniversary Celebration Recap. 16 General Information .........................18
Page 1: American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology · 2018-04-02 · American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology December 2015 • Volume 2015, Issue 4 • • info@asvcp.org

American Society for Veterinary Clinical PathologyDecember 2015 • Volume 2015, Issue 4 • www.asvcp.org • [email protected]

President’s MessageDear Fellow ASVCP Members,

I am honored to write my first President’s message, but I am definitely feeling humbled by those who came before me as I take on my new responsibilities. I joined the Executive Board only one year ago in the new plan of a three-year term starting with President-Elect. I found myself on a huge learning curve, which was both exciting and often a bit disorienting! Although I had been a devoted ASVCP member for many years, I rapidly discovered that I had only a superficial knowledge of the many facets and liaisons of the Society. My eyes have definitely been opened now, and I have been truly impressed with the hard work and positive spirit of the Executive Board, our management group (The Rees Group), and the many committee members and chairs as well as regular members. I want to pay particular tribute to Jeff McCartney, the Society’s Past President, who guided me along with good humor and prompt responses to my many questions. Thank you, Jeff, both for this and for taking care of our Society so well as President in 2015.

Our recent meeting in Minneapolis was incredibly successful in a multitude of ways! First, we paired with the Society of Toxicologic Pathology (STP) as well as our usual partner, the ACVP. This increased registration and allowed excellent continuing education and informal networking with many clinical and anatomic pathologists working in industry. We also celebrated our 50th anniversary year with a wonderful party, complete with a photo corner, special cocktails named after effusions (!), and a scrolling video with music and images of ASVCP history and pop culture from 1965 to 2015. A big thank-you goes to Anne Provencher and her team as well as The Rees Group for organizing such a terrific party for us. Special thanks go to Jennifer Owen, who organized the music for the video. Many others contributed, but I want to particularly thank Jeanne George, Rose Raskin, and Steve Stockham, who supplied history and photos. We owe a huge debt for the enthusiasm and foresight to those veterinary clinical pathologists who started the ASVCP 50 years ago. Our Society has come a long way since the original 13 charter members in 1965—we are over 600 strong now!

The ASVCP is in excellent shape. We are working with a financial consultant to manage our finances and focus on areas where we would like to expend funds, such as ways we can support trainees. We continue to liaison with the ACVP as ASCVP members move forward with changes in the ACVP Certifying Examination and other shared initiatives and concerns. The ASVCP works so well because of the interest and passion of our members. To keep our Society fresh and moving forward, we rely on new faces to join committees and take on leadership roles. I can state without reservation that the work of our many volunteers is balanced wholeheartedly with fun, new friendships, and that wonderful feeling of truly making a difference. Regardless of your stage of career, please consider contributing in whatever way you can!

In closing, it is my pleasure to serve as part of the Executive Board. On behalf of the board, we are looking forward to working with you this next year. I wish you a lovely holiday season and all the best in 2016!

Shelley BurtonASVCP President

ContentsASVCP Officers ..................................................... 2State of the Society ................................................ 3ASVCP 2016 Officers ............................................ 32015 Share the Future Campaign Contributors .... 4Membership Report ............................................... 42015 ACVP Clinical Pathology Diplomates ........... 42015 ASVCP Lifetime Achievement Award Recipients

Drs. Robert Hall and Alan Rebar ....................... 5ASVCP Educator Award 2015 Recipient:

Dr. Steven Stockham......................................... 5Highlights from the 2015 Educator Forum ............. 5 2015 ASVCP Young Investigator Awards .............. 6

2015 Share the Future Research Grant ..................62015 Share the Future Travel Awards .....................62015 ASVCP Pre-Meeting Workshop Recap .......... 72015 ASVCP Financial Report ................................ 7ASVCP Annual Business Meeting Minutes ............. 7Get to know your Executive Board .......................... 8First Call: 2017 ACVIM Forum Speakers ................ 8Externship Funding Opportunities ........................... 8First Call for Officer Nominations:

2016 ASVCP Election..........................................9First Call for Nominations:

ASVCP Educator Award 2016 ............................9

First Call: 2016 ASVCP Mystery Slide Case Review Session ..........................10

First Call: 2016 ASVCP Case Discussion Session ..............10

Career Opportunities .............. 10Microscopic Art Corner..........10ASVCP Important Dates ......11Upcoming Meetings ...............11ASVCP Committee Updates .....12Veterinary Clinical Pathology Report ....1450th Anniversary Celebration Recap .16General Information .........................18

Page 2: American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology · 2018-04-02 · American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology December 2015 • Volume 2015, Issue 4 • • info@asvcp.org


The ASVCP is a nonprofi t scienti f ic

organization dedicated to

the promotion of scienti f ic

advancement, education,

and standards in veterinary

laboratory medicine. Our

members include veterinary

cl inical pathologists

and trainees, medical

technologists, specialty

veterinarians, and

diagnosticians in

veterinary and medical

schools, biomedical

and pharmaceutical


diagnostic and


laboratories, and

private veterinary


throughout the

United States

and in over

20 countr ies



2424 American Lane

Madison, WI 53704 USA

Phone: +1-608-443-2479

Fax: +1-608-443-2474

E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.asvcp.org

Board Member Tracy Stokol

[email protected]

Past-President Jeffrey McCartney

[email protected]

Treasurer Jennifer Johns

[email protected]

ACVP Council Representative Anne Barger

[email protected]

Executive Board

PresidentShelley Burton

[email protected]

SecretaryMark Johnson

[email protected]

President-ElectLindsay Tomlinson

[email protected]

Board Member Amy MacNeill

[email protected]

Page 3: American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology · 2018-04-02 · American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology December 2015 • Volume 2015, Issue 4 • • info@asvcp.org


State of the Society

As Past President it is my pleasure to give you an update on the State of the Society. We recently held our annual meeting in Minneapolis with the ACVP and the STP, and it was great to see many members at this combined meeting.

I believe our Society is very healthy due to the strength of its members, who participate on various committees and on our Executive Board. We are fortunate to have so many passionate and talented people who give their energy and time.

Our committees have been working on various projects and publications, and we see the results of this commitment in best practice manuscripts, externships, involvement in student activities, and other completed projects noted on the website and in the newsletter.

We celebrated our 50th anniversary at the annual meeting with a great party. Many thanks to Anne Provencher for taking the lead to organize this party. As noted in the current President’s message, there were several other individuals who contributed to the success of this anniversary party.

Our Society is in good financial health, and we are working with our financial adviser to strengthen our position and allow us to invest in worthwhile projects that provide benefits to our Society and our membership.

Please consider giving your name for consideration for one of our positions on the Executive Board, as noted in the call for nominations in this newsletter. This is a great opportunity to meet and work with colleagues and actively contribute to the future of the ASVCP.

I look forward to working with our Executive Board and The Rees Group for another year and wish you all the best in 2016!

Jeff McCartneyPast President ASVCP

ASVCP 2016 Officers

New officers were inducted at the conclusion of the ASVCP Annual Business Meeting on October 18, 2015, in Minneapolis. Anne Provencher, 2015 Immediate Past President, retired from the Executive Board. Many thanks to Anne for her leadership and devotion to the ASVCP over the past five years! Linda Vap, Executive Board Member from 2013-2015, also retired from the Executive Board. Many thanks to Linda for her hard work and commitment to the Society!

The ASVCP officers and Executive Board members for the upcoming year are:

• President: Shelley Burton• President-Elect: Lindsay Tomlinson • 2014-2016 Executive Board member: Tracy Stokol• 2015-2017 Executive Board member: Amy MacNeill• Secretary: Mark Johnson • Treasurer: Jennifer Johns • Immediate Past President: Jeffrey McCartney• ACVP Council Representative: Anne Barger• Executive Director: Susan Rees ASVCP Executive Board (not pictured Jennifer Johns)

Drs. Burton and McCartney Drs. McCartney and Provencher Drs. Vap and McCartney

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Thanks to 2015 Share the Future Campaign Contributors

Membership Report

Your contributions make a difference for trainees by providing travel and research grants, and supporting clinical pathology speakers for SAVMA and pathology clubs. Be part of the future of clinical pathology!

2015 Share the Future Donors were:

• ACVP• Dina Andrews• Michael J. Fry • Jeanne George• GlaxoSmithKline• Elizabeth Green• William Higgins• Jennifer Johns• Holly Jordan• Jeffrey McCartney• Elmer Mirro• Daniel Morton• Pfizer Foundation• Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Program• Susan Rees• Renee Pearson Consulting, LLC• Angela Royal• Albert Eric Schultze• Shreveport Veterinary Internal Medicine• Michael Topper• Linda Vap• Heather Wamsley

Forty-seven new members were welcomed into the ASVCP at the 2015 Annual Business Meeting in Minneapolis. Our total membership stands at 622. Electronic membership renewal is available at www.asvcp.org on the Members Only page. Our new members are listed below. Welcome to all!

• Virginie Allegret • Patrice Bernier • Gillian Carmichael Branford • Andrew Brooks • Li-Wen Chang• Chien-Hao Chen• Stacey Lauren Clothier• Francisco de Oliveira

Conrado• Emma Crosser• Jose Daniel Cruz Otero• Lea Dickson• Meaghan Eren• Lindis Fouracre• Stewart Francis• Remi Froment• Raena Furtado• Angela Gwynn• Daniela Hernandez Muguiro• Rebecca Hoogstraten• William Joglar• Kelsey Legendre• Annette Levey• Shannon Martinson

• Maurice Mathew• Jaime McCall• Laura Maria Mendez-Morales• Brent Moore• Courtney Moser• Elizabeth Myers• John Parker• Vi Pikoulas• Roberta Rendy Ramos• Jaume Rodon Vernet• Ricardo Rodriguez• Maya Rybko• Noa Safra• Karen Schaffner• Samantha Schlemmer• Priscila Serpa• Shane Sills• Sandra Sisson• Cindy Trice• Erica Twitchell• Tracy Wangler• Lauren Kyle Webb• Shamara Welcome• Hillary Wisehaupt

2015 ACVP Clinical Pathology Diplomates

Congratulations to all these new diplomats!

• Laureen Peters• Saundra Sample• Jill Schappa• Brett Stone• Helena Tuna Ferreira• Kyle Webb• Amy Weeden

Dual Certified in Veterinary Anatomic & Clinical Pathology:• Midori Asakawa• Kathleen Biddle

Certified in Clinical Pathology: • Adeyemi Adedeji• Laura Brandt• Holly Moore Brown• Erin Burton • Caitlyn Carter• Kristin Fisher• Julie Hilligas• Ruth Houseright

• Chien-Tsun Huang• Viviana La Donne• Kristin Loria• Meredeth McEntire• Laurie Millward• Ashleigh Newman• Kimberly Mae Pattullo

Page 5: American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology · 2018-04-02 · American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology December 2015 • Volume 2015, Issue 4 • • info@asvcp.org


2015 ASVCP Lifetime Achievement Award

ASVCP Educator Award 2015 Highlights from the 2015 Educator Forum

Dr. Robert L. Hall and Dr. Anne Provencher Dr. Alan H. Rebar and Dr. Marlyn Whitney

Dr. Carolyn Grimes and Dr. Steven Stockham

Drs. Robert Hall and Alan H. Rebar, the 2015 recipients of the ASVCP Lifetime Achievement Award, were honored at a ceremony held on October 19 in Minneapolis, during the ASVCP 50th Anniversary Celebration. Dr. Anne Provencher and Dr. Marlyn Whitney, who nominated Dr. Hall and Dr. Rebar, respectively, described several of the many reasons why the honorees were deserving of the award. Both Drs. Hall and Rebar shared cherished memories and entertaining comments during the acceptance of their awards.

Dr. Hall received his DVM degree from the Ohio State University, his PhD from Colorado State University, and is a diplomate from the American College of Veterinary Pathology. He is a senior Clinical Pathologist at Covance Laboratories. Dr. Hall has authored more than 60 publications, including articles, abstracts, and book chapters, as well as more than 70 presentations.

Dr. Rebar received his DVM degree and his PhD from Purdue University and is a diplomate from the American College of Veterinary Pathology. He is the Senior Associate Vice President for Research and Executive Director of Discovery Park at Purdue University. Dr. Rebar has given approximately 300 continuing education presentations, both nationally and internationally, and continues to do so.

Congratulations to Drs. Hall and Rebar on this well-deserved recognition. The award recognizes members of the ASVCP who have contributed to the advancement of the field of veterinary clinical pathology through their research and teaching, and through their work on behalf of the American Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

Congratulations to the 2015 ASVCP Educator Award recipient, Dr. Steven Stockham. Dr. Stockham received this award at the ASVCP Business Meeting in Minneapolis from Dr. Carolyn Grimes, chair of the ASVCP Education Committee, who highlighted his numerous educational accomplishments. Dr. Stockham graciously accepted this award and thanked many colleagues, residents, students, and his family who made this award special to him.

The ASVCP Education Committee’s annual forum for discussion, “Clinical Pathology in the DVM Curriculum,” welcomed 35 participants during the ASVCP Annual Meeting in Minneapolis this year. The session opened with a presentation of the results of a survey conducted by the Education Committee during the summer to gather information about the structure of clinical pathology teaching in the DVM curriculum. Thereafter, participants engaged in a lively discussion that included different ideas about testing methods, the role of cytology in the DVM curriculum, clinical pathology-related competencies, curriculum mapping, teaching quality assurance, and reinforcement of clinical pathology concepts during clinical training.

Thanks to those who participated, and we hope to see you at next year’s education forum!

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2015 ASVCP Young Investigator Awards

2015 Share the Future Travel Awards

The ASVCP presented two $500 awards to the residents or graduate students whose platform presentations at our annual meeting in Minneapolis were judged best among the competing presentations in the categories of: 1) basic and translational research*; and 2) applied clinical research**. These oral presentations described original work of the competitor that provided new knowledge to the field of veterinary clinical pathology. The award selection was based on scientific content, abstract composition, clarity of presentation, and ability to answer questions. The winners of the Young Investigator Awards for 2015 were:

1. Dr. Kristina Meichner from North Carolina State University: *Apoptosis-regulating proteins Bcl-2 and Bax in canine lymphoma

2. Dr. Daniel Heinrich from the University of Minnesota: **Evaluation of the cell block method in the diagnosis of canine peripheral lymphadenopathy and the immunophenotyping of canine lymphoma.

Congratulations to both recipients for excellent presentations!

Share the Future travel grants are made possible through the support of ASVCP members and corporate sponsors. These grants are intended to help offset travel costs for clinical pathology residents or graduate students who give talks or poster presentations at the annual meeting. Grant recipients were selected from the applicant pool based on specific criteria. For the Minneapolis meeting, six travel grants of $500 were awarded to the following individuals:

• Kristina Meichner, North Carolina State University, “Apoptosis-Regulation Proteins BCL-2 and BAX in Canine Lymphoma”

• Katherine Schlicher, University of Illinois, “Complete Splenic Abscessation with Septic Peritonitis in a Hunting Dog”

• Rachael Holicky, Kansas State University, "Mineral Oil in Equine Peritoneal Fluid from a Rectal Tear”

• Emma Holmes, Royal Veterinary College, “Mesothelioma in a Horse”

• Nicole Kohart, The Ohio State University, “Advanced Multiple Myeloma and Secondary Plasma Cell Leukemia in a Dog” and “Histiocytic Sarcoma in a Cat”

• Nariman Deravi, University of Guelph, “Prognostication of Canine T-Cell Lymphoma”

Congratulations to all the winners!

2015 Share the Future Research Grant

Share the Future research grants are also made possible through the support of ASVCP members and corporate sponsors. This grant is intended to help support research by clinical pathology residents and gradu-ate students. In general, proposals are focused on an aspect of clinical pathology, must be clearly articulated, and show potential for contributing to the knowledge base in veterinary clinical pathology. Grant selection criteria included scoring of significance, quality of writing, investigators, approach, and environment. This year a $2,500 research grant was awarded to Daniela Hernandez Muguiro from Cornell University (adviser: Erica Behling-Kelly) for her proposal titled, “Flow cytometric measure of phosphorylated histones as a novel, more sensitive, means to determine mitotic index in canine tumor cells.” We look forward to hearing about her completed research at an ASVCP annual meeting in the future.

Daniela Hernandez Muguiro

Share the Future travel award recipients

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2015 ASVCP Pre-Meeting Workshop Recap

2015 ASVCP Financial Report ASVCP Annual Business Meeting Minutes

“Application of New Renal and Hemo-static Biomarkers in Veterinary Medicine and Preclinical Safety: What can we learn from each other?”

This year’s pre-meeting workshop was co-hosted by the ASVCP Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC) and the STP Clinical Pathology Interest Group (CPIG). It featured an impressive lineup of experts from both academia

and industry, including clinical and anatomic pathologists as well as internists and toxicologists. This provided participants with a unique opportunity to learn about progress in the other sector.

In a virtual tag team, speakers reported on diagnostic or industry biomarker advances. The morning session was focused on renal biomarkers. Rachel Cianciolo (The Ohio State University) began by delivering a comprehensive overview of methods for evaluating kidney tissue injury, including histomorphometry, special stains, immunolabel-ing, and electron microscopy. Mary Nabity (Texas A&M University) gave two enlightening presentations on novel canine urinary biomark-ers (of note was SDMA) and IRIS grading/staging guidelines in early detection of canine AKI/CKD.

Representing industry were Warren Glaab (Merck) and Tom Brown (Pfizer). Warren Glaab reviewed the recent FDA qualification of new kidney safety biomarkers for drug development, and discussed efforts to translate preclinical successes to human clinical trials. Tom

Brown addressed the complex issue of biologics testing in nonhuman primates and reviewed morphology and biomarker assessments of immune complex glomerulopathy.

The afternoon session on hemostasis biomarkers began with Marjory Brooks (Cornell University), who discussed nonconventional hemostasis testing modalities including thrombin generation, fibrin turbidimetric assays, and viscoelastic clot monitoring. Next, Eric Schultze (Lilly) reviewed HESI progress in the identification of biomarkers of procoagulant or prothrombotic states, such as sICAM-1, sE-selectin, PAI-1 and D-dimer, extracellular vesicles, and miRNA’s. Florence Poitout-Belissent followed up with extensive empirical data demonstrating the utility of D-dimer and thrombin generation to detect hypercoagulability in nonhuman primates.

The last three talks, given by Kelly Metcalf (Johns Hopkins), Adam Aulbach (MPI), and Kirstin Barnhart (AbbVie) were devoted to platelet function testing. Dr. Metcalf gave a thorough and detailed review of available modalities for in vivo and in vitro platelet function testing, from flow cytometry and AV shunt models to aggregometry and TEG. Dr. Aulbach reviewed the technical intricacies of platelet isolation for platelet function testing. Finally, Dr. Barnhart discussed how standard buccal mucosal bleeding times were successfully applied in the preclinical safety setting as a screening tool for platelet function.

On the whole this was an outstanding educational session that was very well attended; we wish to extend our thanks to the co-chairs, Kirstin Barnhart and Bill Reagan, for their efforts.

Our biggest change this year was to employ the services of a financial adviser for our Society. The Executive Board has reviewed portfolio options and is currently discussing our major concerns, such as the percentage of screened funds (representing socially responsible investments) that we will elect. Our adviser has recommended investment strategies that will ensure a minimum annual income to help support new initiatives, scholarships, and awards. In addition, the Board will be better able to evaluate the impact of unforeseen expenses on the annual budget. This change will help to ensure the long-term financial health of the Society.

At the Annual Meeting, the Board voted to reduce future registration fees for laboratory staff and veterinary technicians for the meeting itself, as well as the pre-meeting workshop; ASVCP membership fees for this group will also be reduced. Other financial issues currently under discussion by the Executive Board include the future of the $5,000 committee grant that has been awarded twice thus far; the adjustment of meeting speaker reimbursement fees; and financial support of the highly popular Online Rounds.

Submitted by Mark C. Johnson, ASVCP Secretary

Please click the following link to the members only section. Login, then click the Reports tab on the left column to read the minutes: https://www.asvcp.org/membersonly/reports.cfm

Highlights include:

• Update on the ASVCP financial plan• ACVP/STP Coalition update• Invitation to 2016 ESVCP Congress in Nantes, France• Veterinary Clinical Pathology journal update from editor• ASVCP Committee updates• Dr. Steve Stockham, recipient of ASVCP Educator Award• New ASVCP officers

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Get to know your Executive Board: Shelley Burton, President

Shelley graduated from the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. After ~6 years in small animal practice, she began her training and MSc graduate work with David Honor and Barbara Horney at the Atlantic Veterinary College, University of Prince Edward Island (UPEI). She started her faculty position at the UPEI in 1993 and became an ACVP Diplomate in 1994. Career highlights include the honor of receiving several teaching awards, helping to institute a graduate training program in clinical pathology, and serving on the ACVP Examination Committee. Shelley has been an ASVCP member since 1990 and feels that as our Society has greatly benefitted her career and personal life, she is glad to serve now.

Shelley and her husband, Darcy Shaw, a small animal internist, have the good luck to live on beautiful Prince Edward Island, which has delicious oysters, red soil, and gorgeous beaches. They enjoy watching the antics of their two applehead Siamese cats, Charlie and Stewie. As Shelley and Darcy love to cook, they often have friends over for dinner or throw parties.

Shelley loves travel, retro-50s design, architecture, and chickens. She tries not to miss local poultry shows and wishes she had a pet chicken. While not much of an athlete (unless arm exercises eating chips while watching TV count…), she went outside her comfort zone recently and had a wonderful cycling trip in Italy with friends. While she has had the good fortune to travel as far as Singapore, Hawaii, and Australia, she is fond of desert environments and loves Utah and Southern California. Another favorite area is the US South, where she has been noted to eat far too many biscuits and become a trifle weepy viewing Elvis Presley’s grave at Graceland. Shelley and Darcy are looking forward to Japanese and European adventures soon!

First Call: 2017 ACVIM Forum Speakers

Submitted by Amy MacNeill, 1st Year Executive Board Member

The ASVCP arranges speakers for the ACVIM meeting each year. The speakers provide eight hours of talks reflecting current knowledge and/or in-depth reviews of topics in veterinary clinical pathology. The topics should comprise a theme or possibly two separate themes (one for the morning session and one for the afternoon session).

Please send me your suggestions for ASVCP themes, topics, and speakers for the 2017 ACVIM Forum (June 7-10). The meeting will be held near Washington, DC, at the Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, National Harbor, MD. Themes should be of strong interest to ACVIM meeting attendees. If you have something you’d like to present or know someone who would be a great speaker, email me at [email protected] by February 29, 2016. Thank you!

Shelley with Charlie & Stewie in 2010…when all 3 looked younger!

Attention Clinical Pathology Residents: Don’t be the Last to Apply!

New externship funding opportunities are available this year! The ASVCP has allocated funding for clinical pathology residents interested in short-term toxicologic and comparative clinical pathology externships.

Residents who apply for these awards must first arrange specific dates and times for individualized externship opportunities with the organization they plan to visit and with their residency program coordinator. A partial list of organizations interested in supporting resident externships is posted here. The application for this funding can be accessed here. Please note that application packages must be postmarked by April 15, 2016.

This is a great opportunity to experience exactly what a clinical pathology position in industry is like. These externships will help forge new professional relationships, educate in a way that is not possible in an academic setting, and instill confidence when applying to clinical pathology positions in industry. Plus, it gives residents the opportunity to visit a new place and learn from new people. So, please apply this spring! If you have any questions, please contact Laura Cregar ([email protected]).

Call for

Actionnew funding


Externship Funding Opportunities

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First Call for Officer Nominations: 2016 ASVCP Election

First Call for Nominations: ASVCP Educator Award 2016

The ASVCP Education Committee would like to take this opportunity to announce the 2016 ASVCP Educator Award to be presented at next year’s meeting in New Orleans. Contributions to education vary greatly, and include standard classroom and clinical teaching that primarily takes place in veterinary schools, continuing education of practitioners and technical staff, formal and informal mentoring of students by pathologists in the private sector, committee service to the ASVCP and ACVP including board examination preparation, creation of teaching materials such as books and computer programs, and publishing articles relevant to any stage of veterinary medical education. Although formal recognition of these contributions is given almost exclusively to pathologists working in academia, the ASVCP Education Committee would like to encourage nomina-tions for ASVCP members with diverse profiles.

The nomination materials requested for this year’s award will be modified from previous years and will be announced in February of 2016. Nominations will be accepted through May 1, 2016. Current members of the ASVCP Education Committee and Executive Board will be excluded from nomination for the duration of their service on these committees. Please direct any questions to the ASVCP Education Committee Chair, Carolyn Grimes ([email protected]).

The Nominations Committee is seeking nominations for President-Elect/President/Immediate Past-President Track, Executive Board Member, and Treasurer. Brief overviews of the major duties associated with each position are provided below. For additional information or to make a nomination, please contact Jeff McCartney, 2016 Immediate Past President of the ASVCP ([email protected]). The deadline for receipt of all nomination materials is June 1, 2016.


- 1st year–President-Elect - 2nd year–President - 3rd year–Immediate Past President

• Major Duties of the President-Elect: - Attend the Executive Board meetings held in conjunction with

the annual meeting - Participate in monthly telephone conferences - Participate in email discussions of important issues - Serve as Chair of the subcommittee that establishes the curricu-

lum for the Focused Scientific Sessions at the annual meeting.• Major Duties of the President:

- Serve as Chairman of the Executive Board - Preside at all meetings (includes teleconferences, electronic

mail discussions, Executive Board meetings, the Annual Business Meeting, etc.); in conjunction with The Rees Group set agendas for the meetings

- Appoint all committee Chairs, and, in conjunction with the committee liaisons of the Executive Board, oversee all commit-tee functions and communications

- Interface with the ASVCP liaison of the ACVP - Review the ASVCP Newsletter and prepare a President’s

Message for each issue - Serve as the primary interface with The Rees Group.

• Major Duties of the Immediate Past President: - Facilitate transition of office to the new President - Increase positive recognition of the Society via writing letters

of thanks and (in conjunction with The Rees Group) press releases

- Serve as Chair of the Nominating Committee for open Executive Board positions

- Coordinate the ASVCP Young Investigators Award competition - Attend the Executive Board meeting in conjunction with the

annual meeting - Participate in monthly telephone conferences - Participate in email discussions of important issues.

EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER:• Serve a three-year term• Attend the Executive Board meeting held in conjunction with the

annual meeting• Participate in monthly telephone conferences• Participate in email discussions of important issues• Serve as liaison to standing committees• Assist in the coordination of the ASVCP slide and chemistry

review sessions at the annual meeting• Assist in developing the ASVCP continuing education curriculum

for the annual ACVIM Forum.

TREASURER:• Serve a four-year term• Develop the annual budget• Manage investment accounts• Coordinate committee budgets with Committee Chairs• Review the findings of external audits• Work with the management company to monitor accounts

receivable and accounts payable, and produce monthly financial statements.

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First Call: 2016 ASVCP Mystery Slide Case Review and Case Discussion Sessions

Submit your challenging cases:

Mystery Slides and Case DiscussionMystery Slide Session:

Submissions (all required material) due May 1, 2016Submissions are requested for the 2016 ASVCP Cytology & Hematol-ogy Mystery Slide Case Session. This is a popular and interactive opportunity to share cases and experiences among attendees. Suitable material are hematology, cytology, or surgical pathology glass slides; hematology or cytology digital slides (see below); and electron photomicrographs. These must be submitted with pertinent history, hematologic, and clinical chemistry results. Cases that are based solely or mostly on interesting hematologic data, clinical chemistry data, or involve quality assurance or troubleshooting are more appropriate for the Case Discussion Session (see below). Case selection is based on broad species representation, specimen quality, pathologic processes, and representation of disease entities that have not been presented at the conference in recent years. Cases that are anticipated to generate controversy or discussion will be favored in the selection process. *New for this year*: We are accepting up to three digitally scanned slides.

Case Discussion Session: Submissions due June 1, 2016 (note later deadline)

Submissions are requested for the 2016 ASVCP Case Discussion Session. The ASVCP Case Discussion Session will be held at a separate time from the ASVCP Cytology and Hematology Mystery Slide Session (see above). It is anticipated that 2-4 cases will be selected for presentation, depending on their complexity.

Acceptable case material can be a classic disease or diagnosis, a challenging case presentation, analysis of group data (toxicologic or research studies) or quality assurance issues, including troubleshoot-ing techniques, assay conditions, statistical analysis and study design of clinical pathologic data, validation studies, interpretation of quality control materials, etc. Cases can be unresolved or have ill-defined outcomes (to stimulate discussion).

For detailed instructions on case submission for either of these sessions: Please go to the ASVCP website

Notification: August 26, 2016For additional information, please contact: Dr. Tracy Stokol ([email protected])

Career Opportunities

To see the most current postings, visit the ASVCP Career Opportunities Page (www.asvcp.org/career/index.fcm)

To place a classified ad, please contact the ASVCP at [email protected] for more information.

• Clinical Pathologist, Kansas State University

• Veterinary Clinical Pathologist, TDDS, Veterinary Pathology Group, UK

• Combined Veterinary Clinical Pathology Residency/PhD Graduate Program, The Ohio State University

• Senior/Principal Toxicologist (Nonclinical), Seattle Genetics

• Veterinary Clinical Pathology Residency Training with Graduate Research Opportunities, Colorado State University

MICROSCOPIC ART CORNERRun, Run as Fast as You Can!

Mouse Gingerbread Lymphocyte Submitted by Kirstin Barnhart

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• ASVCP Important Dates •February• ACVIM Forum speaker and topic

suggestions due by February 29, 2016. [email protected]

March• ACVP Board Examination Phase I

March 10, 2016, Castle Worldwide Testing Centers, www.acvp.org

May • ASVCP Mystery Slide Case Review

Submissions are due May 1, 2016. Tracy Stokol at [email protected]; www.asvcp.org

• ASVCP 2016 Educator Award Nominations due May 1, 2016. Carolyn Grimes at [email protected]; www.asvcp.org

June • ASVCP Case Discussion submissions

due June 1, 2016. Tracy Stokol at [email protected]; www.asvcp.org

• ASVCP Election nominations due June 1, 2016. Jeff McCartney [email protected]

September• ACVP Board Examination Phase II

September 13-14, 2016, Ames, IA www.acvp.org

January• North American Veterinary

Conference, January 16-20, 2016, Orlando, FL, www.navc.com

March• Association of American Veterinary

Medical Colleges (AAVMC) Annual Conference, March 4-6, 2016, Washington, D.C., www.aavmc.org

• Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and ToxExpo, March 13-17, 2016, New Orleans, LA, www.toxicology.org

April• American Society for Investigative

Pathology (ASIP) Annual Meeting, April 2-6, 2016, San Diego, CA, www.asip.org

June• ACVIM Annual Forum, June 8-11,

2016, Denver, CO, www.acvim.org • Society of Toxicologic Patholgy

(STP) Annual Symposium, June 26-30, 2016, San Diego, CA, www.toxpath.org

July• American Association for

Clinical Chemistry (AACC) Annual Meeting, July 31-August 4, 2016, Philadelphia, PA, www.aacc.org

• American Society for Clinical Laboratory Science (ASCLS) Annual Meeting, July 31-August 4, 2016, Philadelphia, PA, www.ascls.org

Upcoming Meetings

August• AVMA Annual Convention, August

5-9, 2016, San Antonio, TX, www.avmaconvention.org

• European Society and College of Veterinary Pathologists (ESVP/ECVP) Annual Meeting, August 31-September 3, 2016, Bologna, Italy, www.esvp.eu

September• Congress of the European

College of Veterinary Internal Medicine-Companion Animals (ECVIM-CA), September 8-10, 2016, Gothenborg, Sweden, www.ecvimcongress.org

October• Veterinary Cancer Society (VCS)

Annual Meeting, October, 20-22, 2016, Orlando, FL, www.vetcancersociety.org

• Annual AAVLD/USAHA Annual Meeting, October 20-26, 2016, Greensboro, NC, www.aavld.org

December• ACVP/ASVCP Annual Meeting,

December 3-7, 2016, New Orleans, LA, www.acvp.org

Don't miss out January: Dr. Dorothee Bienzle

February: Dr. Niki Skeldon

March: Dr. Tracy Stokol

For more images and information, visit https://www.asvcp.org/membersonly/rounds.cfm.

Upcoming Online Rounds. December 2015: Dr. Norm Lowes,


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ASVCP Committee Updates

Quality Assurance and Laboratory Standards Committee

Melinda Camus, Chair

The Quality and Laboratory Standards (QALS) Committee is pleased to announce the completion of two new guidelines: External quality assessment and comparative testing for reference and in-clinic laboratories, and Quality assurance for portable blood glucose meter (glucometer) use in veterinary medicine. Our sincere thanks go to all who provided feedback during general member review. Both guidelines will be posted at on the ASCVP website and will appear in upcoming issues of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

The committee is making progress on allowable total error (TEa) recommendations for hematology and coagulation testing. Additionally, the committee continues to work on the creation of streamlined, user-friendly checklists to facilitate guideline implementation and to work with the editor of Veterinary Clinical Pathology to give guidance regarding reference interval publications in wildlife species.

If you would like more information on QALS’ projects or are interested in joining QALS, please contact Melinda Camus ([email protected]).

Melinda Camus

Lila Ramaiah

Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC)

Submitted by Lila Ramaiah, Chair

The Regulatory Affairs Committee (RAC) of the ASVCP is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for 2016 toxicologic clinical pathology resident externships. If you are interested in applying, please visit the ASVCP website for more information. We would like to acknowledge Amy MacNeill for her role in setting up and maintaining this highly successful externship scholarship over the last few years. Amy will be rotating off of RAC this year and is handing over the reins to Laura Cregar.

Co-chairs Kirstin Barnhart and Bill Reagan did an outstanding job of producing this year’s combined ASVCP/STP Pre-meeting Workshop. The day-long educational session was highly attended and featured an impressive lineup of experts from both academia and industry, including clinical and anatomic pathologists as well as internists and toxicologists. Thank you for a job well done!

I am also pleased to inform the membership that our manuscript titled "STP Best Practices for Evaluating Clinical Pathology in Pharmaceutical Recovery Studies" has been accepted for publication in Toxicologic Pathology and will appear in the next issue of that journal. This manuscript was a collaborative project between RAC, CPIG, and SRPC. It will serve as a companion paper for the Society of Toxicologic Pathology Position Paper on Best Practices on Recovery Studies: The Role of the Anatomic Pathologist by Rick Perry et al in Toxicologic Pathology, 2013: 41(8); 1159-1169.

The RAC would like to acknowledge Shelley Burton, outgoing EB liaison, for her service this past year, and incoming EB liaison Lindsay Tomlinson. We look forward to continued collaboration with Lindsay. Also, we welcome returning member Merhdad Ameri, and new member and scholarship recipient Eric Fish to our fold.

If you are interested in developing new initiatives for toxicologic pathology and driving change within ASVCP, submit your name to volunteer for the RAC!

Laura Snyder

Program Committee

Submitted by Laura Snyder

The 2015 meeting was a great success, and the ASVCP/STP pre-meeting workshop and Education Symposium session were no exceptions. Both sessions focused on biomarkers in laboratory and companion animals and were well attended. The committee is already busy planning for next year’s meeting in New Orleans. The topic of the Sunday morning Education Symposium will be endocrinology, and the pre-meeting workshop will be hosted by the Education Committee. We are also soliciting member suggestions for topics of interest for future pre-meeting workshops and Education Symposia. If you have a suggestion for a topic, please contact Laura at [email protected].

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Submitted by Connie Peterson

Over the last several years we have seen a trend in the decline of Veterinary Laboratory Professionals attending the Annual Conference.

ASVCP Committee Update (continued)

Jennifer Owen

Jennifer Owen, ChairVeterinary Student Clinical Pathology Seminar Stipends• Schools eligible! Student pathology clubs at the universities listed below are now eligible to receive a $150 stipend

toward food/prizes for Clinical Pathology seminars led by an ACVP board certified Clinical Pathologist during the 2015/2016 academic year

• We have not had anyone submit for a stipend yet, so the race is on. Who will be the first school to receive a stipend? Can anyone beat the University of Florida?

• Find updated application details on the ASVCP website under the Students/Residents section, ASVCP Student Seminar Stipend.

Find us on Facebook • Find links to both Facebook pages on the ASVCP website. • To access the closed Members Only group, go to Facebook.com and search for the acronym, ASVCP.• To date, we now have 217 ASVCP members in our closed Members Only group. We had 194 members at the time of the annual meeting in

Minneapolis. I was so touched when some of the biggest names in our field asked to join the Facebook page after the Town Hall meeting. That’s only 405 members of our Society who still need to join. Members who have been practicing the art and science of Clinical Pathology for awhile have so much to share with less experienced Clinical Pathologists. Please share your pictures and join the discussion! We’ll show you ours, if you show us yours. ☺

Looking Ahead• The Web and Social Outreach Committee is planning to redesign our website to make it more user friendly and to become a more valuable

resource to those members of our Society. This will take some time, but we are excited for future improvements.

- Auburn University - University of California-Davis - Colorado State University - University of Florida

- University of Georgia - University of Illinois - Iowa State University

- Kansas State University - Louisiana State University - Purdue University

Web & Social Outreach Committee

We are hoping that the decrease in fees to attend will help change this trend and improve attendance.

Therefore the Executive Board has made the following changes, starting in 2016:

These changes will apply to all laboratory professionals/staff and veterinary technicians:

1. Membership fees will be reduced to the same rate as that for students/trainees ($80).

2. Registration for both the Annual Meeting and for the ASVCP pre-meeting workshop will be reduced to the same rate as that for students/trainees. - Current rate: $150 for the meeting and $110 for workshop. - Note: Reduced rates will only be available to current ASVCP

members.We hope to see you in New Orleans in 2016!

Veterinary Laboratory Professionals Committee

Connie Peterson

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Barbara R. von Beust

Veterinary Clinical Pathology

Submitted by Barbara von Beust, Editor-in-Chief

1. Editorial Staff: The Editor-in-Chief is as-sisted by Managing Editor Laura Brashear and eight Section Editors (2/25% from Europe/UK). It is much appreciated that the Executive Board of the ASVCP agreed in 2014 to approve two additional section editors. It is hoped that this improvement will contribute to less turnover by decreas-ing the workload for individual section editors significantly.

The current section Editors are:

• Mehrdad Ameri, Glaxo Smith Cline, Section Editor for Hemato-pathology and Toxicologic Clinical Pathology

• Kristen Friedrichs, University of Wisconsin, Section Editor for Clinical Chemistry

• Elspeth Milne, University of Edinburgh, Section Editor for Large Animal Clinical Chemistry

• Christine Olver, Colorado State University, Section Editor for Hematology

• Judith Radin, The Ohio State University, Section Editor for Reviews

• Rose Raskin, Purdue University, Section Editor for What Is Your Diagnosis? articles

• Saverio Paltrinieri, University of Milan, Section Editor for Chemistry and Wildlife Studies

• Maxey Wellman, The Ohio State University, Section Editor for Cytology and Surgical Pathology.

The importance of the recommendations by this highly accomplished team of editors cannot be overstated. Many thanks for working so hard for maintaining a high scientific standard of Vet Clin Pathol!

2. Editorial Board: There are 22 members (5/23% from Europe/UK) on the Editorial Board. Included are clinical pathologists, internists, and scientists from academic institutions and institutes, diagnostic laboratories, private consulting companies, and healthcare/pharmaceutical companies, and two biostatisticians. An Editorial Board meeting will be held at the annual ESVCP conference in September 2015 in Lisbon, Portugal, and the traditional Editorial Board luncheon was scheduled on 18 October 2015 at the annual ASVCP/ACVP conference in Minneapolis. In order to express our appreciation for their outstanding services to the journal, all Editorial Board members will again be sent a personal letter of acknowledgment in Fall 2015.

3. Reviewers: We are very grateful for all the diligent and critical reviews by colleagues contributing their expertise and free time to the journal as reviewers. The peer review process is the basis for a journal’s impact and success. In order to facilitate peer review, a “Reviewers corner” has been set up on the Wiley journal website. Interested reviewers can find helpful literature including a checklist and a revised version of “Writing for Publication in Veterinary Medicine, a Practical Guide for Researchers and Clinicians” (by Mary Christopher and Karen Young, both past Editors in Chief of Vet Clin Pathol) for guidance toward a thorough and professional peer review.

4. Affiliations: VCP continues to be the affiliate journal for the International Society for Animal Clinical Pathology (ISACP) and Australian Society for Veterinary Pathology (ASVP).

5. Wiley-Blackwell: We continue to have a strong and thriving relationship with our publisher, Wiley-Blackwell, represented by Meredith Duey, Associate Editor. Throughout 2014 some of the production team was rotated, so for instance Jackie Beggins took over from Jessica Regione as Production Manager. We appreciate the demonstration of a strong commitment by Wiley to keep up a very high production standard of Veterinary Clinical Pathology.

6. Impact Factor: The impact factor for 2014 released in July 2015 is 1.273, which is a slight increase (5%) since 2013 (1.208). Currently, VCP ranks 42/133 veterinary sciences journals (versus 46/143 in 2014). The impact factor for 2014 reflects citations in 2014 to articles published in 2012 and 2013.We congratulate our Section Editor Kristen Friedrichs and her coauthors for the most cited article in 2014 (excerpt from the Bibliometric Report from Wiley, July 2015)!

Accept Reject In Review Grand Total

Brief Communiction 11 12 9 32Case Report 19 16 10 45Original Article 23 57 37 117Review Article 2 2Technical Report 2 2 6 10What Is Your Diagnosis 11 3 15 29Grand Total 66 90 79 235

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7. Journal Articles and Features: In volumes 44.1–44.3 a total of 69 articles will be published; the final page and article count for Volume 44/2015 will only be available at the time of publication of the December issue 44.4. So far, the publications include 29 Original Research Articles, eight Brief Communications, two Technical Reports, 10 Case Reports, and 14 “What is your diagnosis?” submissions. In addition to peer-reviewed articles, two Editorials, one Invited Review, four Laboratory Medicine: Yesterday·Today·Tomorrow (YTT) features, and one book review will have been published in 2015 (as per 1 August 2015). The current article status (compiled for 22 July 2014 to 22 July 2015) is listed in the Table below:

8. Abstract Publication: Abstracts from the ASVCP annual conferences 2015 have been published as usual on the journal website. ESVCP abstracts have not been received at the time the report was compiled.

9. Publication Ethics: As a Wiley-Blackwell journal, Veterinary Clinical Pathology is a member of COPE, the Committee on Publication Ethics (http://publicationethics.org/). COPE promotes the highest standards of publication ethics, provides a code of conduct for journal editors, and is a forum for editors and publishers of peer-reviewed journals to discuss publication ethics. Authors are notified that all manuscripts considered for publication in VCP are screened for plagiarism against previously published works by iThenticate, a plagiarism detection system. Also, only studies that have been approved by an institutional animal welfare committee (identified by a date and protocol number) and have received informed client consent are accepted for publication in Vet Clin Pathol.

10. Author Guidelines: The strict adherence to the Author Guidelines will be increasingly required for acceptance of submitted manuscripts, and non-compliance will result in additional revisions or even rejection. Author Guidelines are constantly being updated and include defined reporting guidelines. Investigators are encouraged to consult CONSORT, REFLECT, STARD and ARRIVE guidelines already when designing or planning studies in order to be in compliance with new VCP requirements. Author Guidelines for VCP can be found here. (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291939-165X/homepage/ForAuthors.html)

11. Online-only Publication: Starting with the March 2016 issue, Veterinary Clinical Pathology will not be printed on paper anymore but will be available online only. The decision for this change was encouraged by Wiley, and the decision was made by the current Executive Board of ASVCP. Among others, reasons to move away from a printed edition are environmental concerns and saving cost. Society members wishing to receive printed editions may do so by paying an extra fee.

Veterinary Clinical Pathology

United States 66Italy 28Brazil 18United Kingdom 12Canada 10China 8Egypt 7Portugal 7Australia 6Turkey 6India 5Iran (the Islamic Republic of) 5Poland 5France 4Germany 4Korea, Republic of 4Spain 4Greece 3Japan 3Mexico 3Thailand 3Belgium 2Hungary 2South Africa 2Taiwan 2Austria 1Bulgaria 1Guinea 1Israel 1Jordan 1Nigeria 1Russian Federation 1Sweden 1Switzerland 1Grand Total 235

Competitor Journals Top-Cited Papers in 2014 Impact Factor Period

Title Journal Author(s) Doc Type

Pub Year

Times Cited 2014



Friedrichs, KR Article 2012 26



Steven-son, GW Article 2013 25



Kisiel, AH Article 2012 14

12. Manuscript Activities by Geographic Regions July 2014-July 2015:

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Recap of the 50th Anniversary Celebration

The 50th Anniversary Celebration party in Minneapolis was a huge success! The presentation of the Lifetime Achievement Awards, the

attendance by numerous ASVCP members and STP and ACVP guests, the delightful visual and audio entertainment, and the eclectic mix of food and “effusion” drinks made for a lifetime of memories for all.

A special thanks to Anne Provencher and her party committee for organizing this event, to Linda Vap, Jeff McCartney and Shelley

Burton for the image displays, to Jennifer Owen for the amazing sound score, to Kendal Harr for the arranging the photo booth, and

last but not least, to all the members of The Rees Group for their support and help for this event!


Present and Past ASVCP Presidents

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cACVP ASVCPd2016 Annual Meeting

December 3-7New Orleans, LA

American College of Veterinary PathologistsTM

andAmerican Society for Veterinary Clinical Pathology

Recap of the 50th Anniversary Celebration

See you next year!

The Rees Group

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General Information ASVCP National Office:

Members can contact the ASVCP National Office at 2424 American Lane, Madison, WI 53704; Phone: 608-443-2479; Fax: 608-443-2474 or 608-443-2478; e-mail: [email protected].

Electronic Newsletters: Members who have provided the society with an email address will receive an email containing a link to the newsletter as soon as each issue is posted to the ASVCP website. The newsletters are posted in PDF format. If you have any problems accessing the newsletter electronically, please contact the ASVCP National Office ([email protected]) or Secretary, Mark Johnson, [email protected]. Members who do not have an email access will receive paper copies.

Change of Address: Please send any changes in mailing address or email address to the ASVCP National Office at 2424 American Lane, Madison, WI 53704; email: [email protected]; Phone: 608-443-2479; Fax: 608-443-2474 or 608-443-2478. You can also update your information on the website, under the Members Only Section.

ASVCP Newsletter and/or Website Submissions:If you have material of interest to post in the newsletter or on the ASVCP website (www.asvcp.org), please contact the ASVCP Secretary, Mark Johnson, Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sci-ences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843; email [email protected]; Phone 979-845-9178; Fax 979-458-1325; or contact the ASVCP National Office at 2424 American Lane, Madison, WI 53704; email: [email protected].

Membership Application:Member application forms are available at the ASVCP website (www.asvcp.org) or by contacting the ASVCP National office 2424 American Lane, Madison, WI 53704; Phone: 608-443-2479; e-mail: [email protected].

Announcements Committees:

If you are interested in serving on one of the ASVCP committees as a member or a committee chair, please contact any of the EB members or Susan Rees, [email protected]. Getting involved is a great way to meet new people and contribute to your Society.

Institutional Slide Sets: Due to the high demand for slide sets, institu-tions that are interested in reserving a set for the upcoming year are asked to contact Dennis Choi at [email protected]. A notice to all members will also be sent out through the listserv.

Reviewers for Clinical and Chemistry Cases: If you are interested in being a reviewer for next year’s hematology/cytology cases or chemistry cases, please contact Tracy Stokol, [email protected].
