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American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted...

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American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME Accepted Manuscript Repository Institutional Repository Cover Sheet Peter Griebel First Last ASME Paper Title: Emissions of a Wet Premixed Flame of Natural Gas and a Mixture With Hydrogen at High Pressure Authors: P. Stathopoulos, P. Kuhn, J. Wendler, T. Tanneberger, S. Terhaar, C. O. Paschereit, C. Schmalhofer, P. Griebel and M. Aigner ASME Journal Title: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power Volume/Issue Vol. 139 (4) Date of Publication (VOR* Online) Nov 02, 2016 ASME Digital Collection URL: http://gasturbinespower.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleid=2553180 DOI: 10.1115/1.4034687 *VOR (version of record)
Page 1: American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilized combustor featuring axial air injection to increase

American Society of

Mechanical Engineers

ASME Accepted Manuscript Repository

Institutional Repository Cover Sheet

Peter Griebel

First Last

ASME Paper Title: Emissions of a Wet Premixed Flame of Natural Gas and a Mixture With Hydrogen at High



P. Stathopoulos, P. Kuhn, J. Wendler, T. Tanneberger, S. Terhaar, C. O. Paschereit,

C. Schmalhofer, P. Griebel and M. Aigner

ASME Journal Title: Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power

Volume/Issue Vol. 139 (4)

Date of Publication (VOR* Online)

Nov 02, 2016

ASME Digital Collection URL: http://gasturbinespower.asmedigitalcollection.asme.org/article.aspx?articleid=2553180

DOI: 10.1115/1.4034687

*VOR (version of record)

Page 2: American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilized combustor featuring axial air injection to increase

© 2016 by ASME. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/



P. Stathopoulos∗, P. Kuhn, J. WendlerT. Tanneberger, S. Terhaar, C. O. Paschereit

Chair of Fluid Dynamics— Hermann-Föttinger-Institut —

Technische Universität BerlinMüller-Breslau-Str 8, 10623 Berlin, Germany

C. Schmalhofer, P. Griebel, M. Aigner

German Aerospace Center (DLR),Institute of Combustion Technology,

Pfaffenwaldring 38-40, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany

It is generally accepted that combustion of hydrogen andnatural gas mixtures will become more prevalent in the nearfuture, to allow for a further penetration of renewables inthe European power generation system. The current workaims at the demonstration of the advantages of steam dilu-tion, when highly reactive combustible mixtures are used in aswirl-stabilized combustor. To this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilizedcombustor featuring axial air injection to increase flashbacksafety. The experiments have been conducted with two fuelmixtures, at various pressure levels up to 9 bar and at fourlevels of steam dilution up to 25% steam-to-air mass flow ra-tio. Natural gas has been used as a reference fuel, whereasa mixture of natural gas and hydrogen (10% hydrogen bymass) represented an upper limit of hydrogen concentrationin a natural gas network with hydrogen enrichment. The re-sults of the emissions measurements are presented along witha reactor network model. The latter is applied as a means toqualitatively understand the chemical processes responsiblefor the observed emissions and their trends with increasingpressure and steam injection.

NomenclatureLBO Lean blowoutPFR Plug flow reactorPFZ Post flame zonePSR Perfectly stirred reactorp Absolute pressure

∗Address all correspondence to this author at [email protected].

α Scaling exponent for emissionsφ Equivalence ratioΩ Steam-to-air mass ratio

INTRODUCTION AND MOTIVATIONCombustion of hydrogen and hydrogen-enriched natu-

ral gas is steadily gaining attention in the power generationmarket. In an electric power system with high penetration ofrenewables, the production of hydrogen and its injection intothe natural gas network offers a great opportunity for a fur-ther increase of the share of renewables and a reduction ofCO2 emissions. Hydrogen production through electrolysisor generally power-to-gas technologies can be used both as anegative power reserve and as a power arbitrage method [1].

Nevertheless, modern gas turbines face several problemswhen operating on hydrogen-enriched fuels including flash-back, combustion instabilities, and increased emissions. Fur-thermore, there are several considerations about the changesin the compressor-turbine matching and the cooling of thefirst turbine stages [2]. As gas turbines are major gas con-sumers, these issues are important restrictions of the upperlimit of hydrogen concentration in the existing natural gasnetwork.

There is an extensive body of research on premixedflames of hydrogen-enriched fuels on both industrial [3–5]and generic combustion systems, mostly focusing on flamestability, emissions and flashback. Hydrogen addition evi-dently lowers the LBO limit of swirl-stabilized combustorsirrespective of the combustion system details, even for rel-atively low hydrogen concentrations in the fuel. Schefer

Page 3: American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilized combustor featuring axial air injection to increase

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et al. [6] came to this conclusion by studying the effects ofhydrogen enrichment in methane–air mixtures on a genericcombustor with a center body and a swirled annular pre-mixed fuel–air jet. The stabilizing effect of hydrogen en-richment has been also confirmed in the results of Mayeret al. [7] for the case of a swirl-stabilized combustor with-out a center body. Equivalent results were also presented byGriebel et al. [8], who carried out experiments in a generic,high-pressure combustor with a sudden expansion geometryfor flame stabilization. Zhang et al. [9], on the other hand,concentrated on the blowout dynamics of hydrogen-enrichedflames in a combustion system comparable to that in [6].Zhang et al. pointed out that relatively low hydrogen enrich-ment has no impact on the blowout phenomena, whereas forhigher enrichment extinction/re-ignition phenomena lead tohighly dynamic blowout sequences. The observed dynamicblowout phenomena were demonstrated as complex interfer-ence between the vortex breakdown zones and blowout andre-ignition phenomena [9].

In contrast to the effect of hydrogen enrichment on LBO,researchers came to different conclusions about its effect onemissions. In fact, Schefer et al. [6] claimed that hydro-gen enrichment had no impact on NOx emissions as long asthe flame temperature was kept constant, whereas CO emis-sions were reduced with enrichment. By contrast, several re-searchers [8, 10] claimed that hydrogen enrichment had nomeasurable effect on CO emissions. They reported how-ever that an increase of NOx emissions was observed andthey attributed this effect to the chemical influence of hy-drogen enrichment on the NOx formation processes. Anincrease of NOx emissions due to hydrogen enrichment ofnatural gas has also been reported in commercial swirl-stabilized combustion systems and it was attributed to thesame cause [5, 11].

The challenges introduced in the design of swirl-stabilized combustion systems by hydrogen addition havealso been the focus of several researchers. In particular, Kimet al. [12] focused on the effect of swirl on flame shape andemissions, while they analyzed primarily the effects in themain flame zone. Sangl et al. [13] and Mayer et al. [7], onthe other hand, presented a way to actively influence theflow field of a swirl-stabilized combustion system so thatit can be adapted to various reactivities of the fuel mixture.They sought to achieve this goal by introducing axial air andfuel injection to change the position of the inner recirculationzone in the combustion chamber and increase the flashbackresistance of the system.

The combustion system of the current work also usesaxial air and fuel injection to control the position of the vor-tex breakdown zone. A thorough presentation of the systemdesign, its stability maps and the respective emissions in ex-periments with pure hydrogen at atmospheric pressure havebeen presented in the works of Reichel et al. [14, 15]. Kuhnet al. [16] extended this work by performing experiments ina very wide range of conditions, ranging from pure hydrogento steam diluted natural gas. The current work aims to extendthe results of Kuhn et al. [16] and present the performance ofthe combustion system at higher pressures.

In the following sections, the experimental facility usedfor the high-pressure experiments is briefly described alongwith the combustion system and the measurement procedure.The emissions of the system are then presented and the workis concluded with the analysis of the results of a reactionnetwork model.



A sketch of the combustor is presented in Fig. 1. It con-sists of a radial swirl generator followed by a mixing tube anda cylindrical combustion chamber. Air enters the mixing tubethrough the ports of the radial swirl generator (green) and anorifice in the main axis of the combustor (yellow). The flowswirl number can be adjusted by changing the surface areaof the swirl generator ports with the help of blocking rings.The proportion of the total air flow that is directed to the ax-ial injection is not directly controlled. Instead, the pressuredrop of the two passages, swirl generator and central orifice,is adjusted by changing their surface area. This air propor-tion was kept constant throughout the experiments presentedin the current work, and it was determined from previousvelocity field measurements [15]. Fuel is injected into themixing tube through 16 injection holes located around theaxial air injection orifice. The mixing tube is designed toprovide enough residence time to the reactants for good fuel–air mixing. In the work of Reichel et al. [14], the fuel–airmixing quality was studied for the current combustor setupand other configurations by means of laser-induced fluores-cence. Within this study [14], the current setup showed verygood spatial and temporal mixing quality, having a spatialunmixedness factor of Us = 2.37 · 10−4 and a temporal un-mixedness factor of Ut = 4.2 ·10−4. Moreover, no further de-crease in NOx emissions was found for temporal and spatial

Page 4: American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilized combustor featuring axial air injection to increase

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© 2016 by ASME. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


unmixedness factors below 10−3. Flashback in the bound-ary layer of the mixing tube is avoided by diluting the mix-ture with air near the walls. This is achieved by drilling airdilution holes in the circumference of the mixing tube andchoosing the residence time of the reactants below their au-toignition delay times [14].

High pressure test rig


Component Concentration (vol.%)

Methane 90.7-96.3

Ethane 3.8-4.8

Propane 0.4-0.7

Nitrogen 1.4-2.8

Carbon Dioxide 1.1-1.5

The measurements at elevated pressures were carriedout in the high-pressure combustor rig (HBK-S) at the DLRStuttgart. In this optically accessible rig, geometricallyscaled combustors can be investigated with optical diagnos-tics at gas turbine relevant operating conditions. The air sup-ply system (main, cooling, secondary air) is capable of de-livering a total mass flow of 1.3 kg/s at a maximum pres-sure of 40 bar. The main air can be electrically preheated upto 1000 K, while experiments with various gaseous and liq-uid fuels are possible. In this study, natural gas (NG) and aNG/hydrogen blend of 90/10% by mass were used. The nat-ural gas composition used in the experiments is presented inTab. 1 and a more detailed description of the HBK-S can befound in [17]. A light fuel oil fired steam generator was usedto generate saturated steam up to a mass flow rate of 250 g/s.The mass flow rates of air, steam, natural gas and hydrogenwere measured with Coriolis flow meters with an accuracyin the order of ±1%.

Figure 2 shows the optically accessible combustion

chamber integrated in the HBK-S. Steam was guided in aninsulated stainless-steel pipe to the supply flange of the high-pressure casing. Preheated main air and steam were mixedin the air/steam plenum and subsequently fed to the swirlcombustor. A K-type thermocouple placed at the exit of theair/steam plenum measured the combustor inlet temperature,which was in turn controlled with an accuracy of ±2K. Thefuel mixture of the experiments with hydrogen-enriched nat-ural gas was prepared outside the pressure casing. A K-typethermocouple, positioned in the fuel plenum of the combus-tor, was used to measure the fuel temperature and was foundto be in the range between 326 and 545 K. An example of thefuel injection temperatures is presented in Fig. 3. As the fuelstream was not preheated, the differences in the fuel tem-perature at the inlet of the combustion system are a resultof heat transfer from the air plenum to the fuel stream. Therespective heat transfer coefficients depend strongly on thefuel composition and flow rate, which consequently resultedin a different fuel injection temperature for each operationalcondition of the combustion system.

The combustion chamber has a rectangular cross-sectionof 100 mm×140 mm and is 280 mm long. The exhaust gaseswere led out of the combustion chamber through a water-cooled exhaust gas nozzle with a length of 305 mm, a min-imal inner diameter of 50 mm and a sudden expansion (seeFig. 2). In addition, this geometry resulted in total residencetimes in the range of 20-35 ms, based on the operating con-ditions reported in the present work.

About 5% of the main air flow rate was used for theimpingement-cooling of the combustor front panel. Thecooling air entered the combustor through small slots close tothe liner walls. A sandwich of an inner and an outer quartzglass window is embedded in a water-cooled metal frame,forming the liner. Similarly, convective cooling with a sepa-rately controlled air stream was applied at the windows. Sev-eral sensors monitored and recorded the experimental condi-tions and the temperature of the combustor wall to prevent

0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1350





Equivalence Ratio φ [−]







Fig. 3. FUEL TEMPERATURE FOR 100% NG AT p = 4 bar ANDTHE MIXTURE OF 90% NG AND 10% BY MASS HYDROGEN ATp = 5 bar AND STEAM CONTENTS ( — Ω = 0 / - - Ω = 0.1 /· · · Ω = 0.2/(Ω = 0.25 FOR THE MIX))

Page 5: American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilized combustor featuring axial air injection to increase

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overheating of the combustor front panel.The flow rates and the inlet and outlet temperatures

of the cooling flows were measured in order to calculatethe convective heat losses at the air-cooled windows, water-cooled metal frame, and the air-cooled exhaust gas nozzle.These measurements were used in the reactor network mod-els to estimate the overall heat loss of the network. As ex-pected, the relative total heat loss decreased with pressureand was in the range of 4-11% for the combustion chamberand 12-22% for the exhaust gas nozzle.

The major gas species and the NOx and CO emissionswere measured with a gas probe located 80 mm downstreamof the exhaust gas nozzle, using an exhaust gas analysis sys-tem at dry conditions. The uncertainty of the emission mea-surements is typically better than ±3%, including the mea-suring error of the exhaust gas analyzers (typically ±1%) andthe uncertainty of the O2 measurements. A flame ionizationdetector was used to monitor unburned hydrocarbons (UHC)emissions at wet conditions but no UHC emissions were ob-served during the measurements.

Operating conditionsThe steam-to-air mass flow ratio used in the current

work is defined by Eqn. (1), where msteam and mair are themass flow rates of steam and main air, respectively.

Ω =msteam


Table 2 presents the operating conditions during the experi-ments presented in the current work. The mass flow rates ofair and steam were kept constant for all measurements at agiven pressure level. At 1 bar their sum was 50 g/s, increas-ing to 300 g/s at 9 bar. For a typical measurement series, theequivalence ratio was increased in steps starting from φ= 0.5until either flashback occurred or the value of φ = 0.95 wasreached.


Parameter Value

Combustor air inlet temperature (K) 673

Pressure (bar) 4, 5, 9

Steam content, Ω (%) 0, 10, 20, 25

Thermal power (kW) between 70 and 800

EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSFlame position and shape

The influence of pressure and steam injection on theflame shape and position is displayed in Fig. 4 for the nat-ural gas flame and in Fig. 5 for the mixture of natural gas

p=1 bar


p=4 bar p=9 bar




and hydrogen. Each OH*-chemiluminescence image is nor-malized by the respective maximum intensity value. In bothfigures pressure is increased from left to right and the steam-to-air mass ratio Ω increases from top to bottom. The firstcolumn corresponds to the atmospheric tests, conducted ina cylindrical quartz glass combustion chamber with diame-ter 105 mm, while the high pressure flames are situated ina rectangular (100 mm×140 mm) combustion chamber. De-spite the differences in the combustion chamber geometries,both atmospheric and high pressure conditions lead to com-parable results in terms of flame shape and position. Theflame position, depicted by the white stars, is estimated bythe center of mass of the flame region with an intensity ofmore than 70% of the maximum intensity at each case. Forthe highest steam content the atmospheric natural gas flamewas slightly unstable, resulting in a blurry average intensitydistribution. The presented images were recorded at a con-stant equivalence ratio of φ= 0.8 for the natural gas measure-ments and φ = 0.85 for the hydrogen-enriched fuel mixture,for all pressure and steam levels. For the case with purenatural gas presented in Fig. 4, the flame shape remained rel-atively constant for all three pressure levels, except for theatmospheric case at highest steam content.

The influence of steam dilution, pressure, and fuel com-position on the flame position and shape is presented in Fig. 6and 7, in which the axial and radial flame positions are shownfor the tested experimental conditions. Concentrating on theaxial position of dry flames (Ω = 0), it can be observed that

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p=1 bar


p=5 bar p=9 bar




an increase in pressure shifted the flame downstream for bothinvestigated fuel compositions. On the other hand, the ad-dition of hydrogen in the fuel mixture had the opposite ef-fect and the flame was shifted upstream closer to the burneroutlet. Figure 6 also reveals that increasing steam dilutioncontinuously shifted the axial flame position downstream ir-respective of the fuel mixture used. Concerning the radialflame position, which gives an indication of how compact aflame is, Fig. 7 shows that steam dilution shifted the radialflame position outwards, thus, making it less compact. Theaddition of hydrogen had exactly the opposite effect for allinvestigated pressures, making the flame more compact. In-terestingly, increasing pressure seemed to have no practicaleffect on the compactness of natural gas flames, whereas thedata indicates that the hydrogen-enriched natural gas flamebecame less compact at elevated pressure levels.

The presented flame is stabilized at two V-shaped shearlayers produced by the typical vortex breakdown flow field.As a result, changes in burning velocity lead to a downstreamor upstream propagation of the flame front. The experimen-tal and numerical study of Göckeler [18] showed that thedilution with steam strongly reduces the laminar flame ve-locity for methane as well as for hydrogen-enriched methaneflames. This observation can be attributed to the reduction ofthe reactive species concentration and the increased heat ca-pacity of the mixtures as well as to a direct chemical effect.

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250





Steam−to−air mass ratio Ω [−]




e p



n x

/D [


Fig. 6. AXIAL FLAME POSITION AS A FUNCTION OF STEAM DI-LUTION AND PRESSURE FOR BOTH FUEL MIXTURES. NATURALGAS ( — p = 1 bar / — p = 4 bar / — p = 9 bar) AND FUELMIXTURE ( - - p = 1 bar / - - p = 5 bar / - - p = 9 bar)

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.250





Steam−to−air mass ratio Ω [−]




e posi

tion y

/D [


Fig. 7. RADIAL FLAME POSITION AS A FUNCTION OF STEAMDILUTION AND PRESSURE FOR BOTH MIXTURES. NATURALGAS ( — p = 1 bar / — p = 4 bar / — p = 9 bar) AND FUELMIXTURE ( - - p = 1 bar / - - p = 5 bar / - - p = 9 bar)

Furthermore, Albin et al. [19] showed that the decrease inburning velocity due to steam dilution was similar for lam-inar and turbulent methane flames. These observations ex-plain the slight downstream shift of the flame and its spatiallyless confined structure as a result of an increase in steam con-tent. The same trends are also observed in Fig. 5 for the mix-ture of natural gas and hydrogen.

More generally, Göckeler et al. [20] have shown that theburning velocity exhibits a maximum for a certain equiva-lence ratio and increases with higher hydrogen fuel content.In particular, for natural gas–hydrogen mixtures, with rela-tively high natural gas concentration, the burning velocity in-creases quasi-linearly with the hydrogen content as reportedby Boushaki et al. [21]. In this case, the influence of the largemass fraction of hydrogen is much higher than the smallvariation of the equivalence ratio. This increase in burningvelocity made the hydrogen-enriched flame more compactand lead to its centralization near the stagnation point for the

Page 7: American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilized combustor featuring axial air injection to increase

© 2016 by ASME. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

dry case. With increasing steam dilution the flame widenedagain.

NOx emissionsThe formation of NOx emissions strongly depends on

pressure and it is known to increase exponentially with theflame temperature [8, 10, 18]. Figures 8 and 9 present themeasured NOx emissions. The black lines represent data ofthe atmospheric measurements conducted in the cylindricalcombustion chamber, whereas the emissions at elevated pres-sure were measured in the high pressure test rig. As a result,the scaling of NOx emissions is considered to be a ratherqualitative and not an absolute trend. Although the differ-ences in the combustion chamber geometry and experimentalsetups between the atmospheric [16] and high-pressure testsare not insignificant, the measured NOx emissions reflect thesubstantial increase with pressure. This increase can be ex-pressed by the exponential scaling law presented in [22]

Emissions(p) = Emissions(p0)


, (2)

with p0 being a reference pressure and α, the scaling expo-nent. This scaling law was shown to be applicable at steamdiluted conditions [23].

The increase of NOx with pressure markedly affected thecases without steam injection (Ω= 0), resulting in high emis-sions even at low adiabatic flame temperatures . This effectwas even more pronounced for the hydrogen-enriched fuel.In this case, the exponent α is approximately 0.55, comparedto 0.4 for the natural gas experiments. Those exponents areobtained by scaling the NOx emissions from intermediatepressure (5 bar and 4 bar respectively) to high pressure (9bar). Scaling emissions from 1 bar to higher pressure levelsconsistently results in higher exponents α in the range of 0.6to 0.9 for both fuel compositions and at various steam injec-tion rates. This finding reflects the differences in combus-tion chamber geometry and cooling. With a steam injectionrate of 10%, the NOx formation was considerably reducedfor both fuel compositions. At elevated pressures, however,an injection rate of 10% was not sufficient to achieve lowNOx emissions in the entire operational range, especially inthe case of hydrogen enrichment (α = 0.7 compared to 0.5for 100% NG). At the highest tested rates of steam dilution, asubstantial reduction of NOx was achieved for both fuel com-positions up to the highest investigated pressure and equiv-alence ratio. Here, the scaling law could not be applied dueto consistently low NOx emissions (< 10 ppm for 100% NGand < 5 ppm for the hydrogen-enriched NG), which were inthe order of magnitude of the described measurement uncer-tainties.

CO emissionsThe measured CO emissions are presented in Fig. 10 and

11. As for the NOx emissions, the black lines represent dataat 1 bar, obtained in the atmospheric test rig. When plot-ted with respect to the equivalence ratio, the CO emissions

1700 1900 2100 23000






Adiabatic Flame Temperature [K]


x [




O2, dry


Fig. 8. NOx EMISSIONS FOR 100% NATURAL GAS AT VARIOUSPRESSURE LEVELS ( — p = 1 bar / — p = 4 bar / — p =9 bar) AND STEAM CONTENTS ( — Ω = 0 / - - Ω = 0.1 / · · ·Ω = 0.2)

1700 1900 2100 23000






Adiabatic Flame Temperature [K]


x [




O2, dry


Fig. 9. NOx EMISSIONS FOR 90% NATURAL GAS AND 10% HY-DROGEN BY MASS AT VARIOUS PRESSURE LEVELS (BY Ω =0 AND p = 9 bar 95% NATURAL GAS AND 5% HYDROGEN BYMASS) ( — p = 1 bar / — p = 5 bar / — p = 9 bar) ANDSTEAM CONTENTS ( — Ω = 0 / - - Ω = 0.1 / · · · Ω = 0.25)

seem to be reduced by the injection of steam. However, inorder to achieve the same adiabatic flame temperature withsteam injection, higher equivalence ratios were required dueto the cooling effect of steam. Consequently, when the emis-sions are compared at the same adiabatic flame temperature,a slight increase of CO with increasing steam content can beobserved.

In the present study, the influence of pressure on COemissions was not as distinct as for the NOx emissions. Gen-erally, CO decreases at elevated pressure [24, 25], and isknown to follow the scaling law in Eqn. (2) with α in therange of -0.4 to -0.5. Since the CO emissions at 1 bar wereobtained in the atmospheric test rig, the scaling law can onlybe applied to the data at elevated pressure, due to the sensi-tivity of CO formation on the experimental setup [6]. Thiscircumstance is reflected by a lower exponent α in the or-

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1700 1900 2100 23000






Adiabatic Flame Temperature [K]





O2, dry


Fig. 10. CO EMISSIONS FOR 100% NATURAL GAS AT VARIOUSPRESSURE LEVELS ( — p = 1 bar / — p = 4 bar / — p =9 bar) AND STEAM CONTENTS ( — Ω = 0 / - - Ω = 0.1 / · · ·Ω = 0.2)

1700 1900 2100 23000






Adiabatic Flame Temperature [K]





O2, dry


Fig. 11. CO EMISSIONS FOR 90% NATURAL GAS AND 10% HY-DROGEN BY MASS AT VARIOUS PRESSURE LEVELS (BY Ω =0 AND p = 9 bar 95% NATURAL GAS AND 5% HYDROGEN BYMASS)( — p= 1 bar / — p= 5 bar / — p= 9 bar) AND STEAMCONTENTS ( — Ω = 0 / - - Ω = 0.1 / · · · Ω = 0.25)

der of -0.8 when back-scaling the measured CO emissionsfrom 4 bar (Ω=0, 100% natural gas) to the atmospheric mea-surements at the same conditions. In Fig. 10 a decrease ofCO at dry conditions is observed from 4 bar to 9 bar, follow-ing Eqn. (2) with α=-0.5. The decrease of CO emissions atsteam diluted conditions however, was not consistent withthe aforementioned scaling law, in the specific case from in-termediate to the highest pressure level. Nevertheless, COwas significantly reduced compared to atmospheric condi-tions. For the mixture of natural gas and hydrogen (Fig. 11),CO emissions were relatively low at elevated pressure levels.Except for higher adiabatic flame temperatures, the lines ofCO at 5 bar and 9 bar collapsed. Although no quantitativetrend can be determined based on the current study, steaminjection shows excellent results at elevated pressure levels.Especially for the hydrogen-enriched fuel composition, it is

considered beneficial, not only in terms of NOx reduction,but also due to low CO formation and an enhanced opera-tional range.

REACTOR NETWORK MODELLINGA chemical reactor network implemented in Can-

tera [26] is employed to analyze the reaction kinetics andpollutant emission formation in the combustor. It has beenshown by previous authors [27, 28] that the flame of a well-premixed, swirl-stabilized combustor can be modeled by acombination of a single perfectly stirred reactor (PSR) forthe flame followed by a plug flow reactor (PFR) for the postflame zone (PFZ). This approach has been successfully ap-plied by Göke et al. [23] and is also used in the current study,as mixing experiments showed that the mixing quality of thegases in the mixing tube of the combustion system is suf-ficiently good [16]. All gases inside a PSR are perfectlyand instantaneously mixed resulting in a uniform composi-tion and temperature within the reactor. In a PFR, tempera-ture and composition vary along the reactor, i.e., in the flowdirection, but not in its cross section. In Cantera, a PFR ismodeled by interconnected PSRs in series.

The applied network model consists of 26 perfectlystirred reactors (PSR) in series (see network schematic inFig. 12). A further refinement with more PSRs does not leadto significantly different results in the PFZ [29]. The air,fuel and steam mass flows are injected into the flame re-actor where the combustion of the mixture is initiated. Inthe following 25 reactors, the oxidation of the fuel proceedsthrough a complex scheme of coupled reaction chains. A de-tailed reaction mechanism models the participating speciesand the elementary chemical reactions and reaction ratesleading to the final combustion products. An optimizedmethane-air mechanism, the GRI-Mech 3.0 [30, 31], is ap-plied for the network calculations. It consists of 53 speciesand 325 elementary reactions including NOx formation.

In the flame reactor and the first five reactors of thePFZ, the flame heat loss due to radiation from CO2 and H2Omolecules is taken into account with the help of a gray gasradiation model [32, 33]. During the tests, the temperaturesof the cooling air and water were measured at the combus-tion chamber inlet and outlet and at the exhaust nozzle for alltested operating conditions. The temperature data is used toestimate the overall convective heat loss of the setup, whichis distributed homogeneously over the network. The result-ing amounts of heat loss are included in the reactors’ energyequations. The reactor volumes are estimated from the OH*


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measurements and the dimensions of the experimental setup.

Simulation results and discussionThe aim of the reactor network simulations is to study

the influence of pressure, steam injection and hydrogen en-richment on NOx generation. To that end, the simulationsmodeled the experiments with natural gas and a mixture ofnatural gas and hydrogen with 10% mass fraction of hydro-gen in the fuel. The range of equivalence ratio and adia-batic temperature values tested during the experiments andsimulated here varied from lean to near stoichiometric con-ditions and from approximately 1600C to 2200C. Thesimulations considered the pressures p = [1,4/5,9] bar andthe steam diluted experiments with steam-to-air mass ratiosΩ = [0.0,0.1,0.25] were taken into account.

Figure 13 presents the results of the simulations for bothmixtures, which are generally in good agreement with themeasurements. The individual deviations between simula-tion results and experimental values can be attributed to twoeffects. On the one hand, the heat transfer model is not ableto perfectly reproduce the exact temperature and heat trans-fer conditions in the combustion chamber, which in additionare only known to a limited extent. On the other hand, thechemical reaction mechanisms used and the reference emis-sions measurements are always connected with a certain un-certainty. Nevertheless, the effects of the changes in the adi-abatic flame temperature, steam dilution, pressure and fuelcomposition on the emissions are well captured by the reac-tor network model.

Four main pathways contribute to the formation of ni-tric oxides: the thermal (or Zeldovich), the prompt (or Fen-imore), the NNH and the N2O pathway. In the chemicalreactor network, the contribution of each pathway to theoverall NOx emissions can be investigated by disabling thepathway specific reaction equations in the applied reactionmechanism. The NOx formation stemming from the elimi-nated pathway can be extracted by comparison with the re-sults from the original reaction mechanism. This approach isjustified as the emissions calculated for the individual path-ways add up to >95% of the original level received with theunchanged mechanism including all pathways at once [18].

In the present study, a formation pathway analysis wascarried out for the hydrogen-enriched natural gas fuel at 1and 9 bar and its results are presented in Fig. 14. As it canbe seen, the increase of NOx emissions with pressure forboth dry mixtures is caused mainly by the increase of theNOx produced through the thermal pathway, even when theemissions are compared at the same equivalent flame reac-tor temperature. In the dry cases an increase in pressurehad a minor impact on the other pathways. It slightly re-duced the influence of the prompt and the NNH pathways. Ifthe equivalence ratio is held constant, the thermal effect ofsteam injection consists of a reduced average flame tempera-ture compared to the dry case. Therefore, a direct analysis ofthe effect of increased pressure on the steam diluted flame isnot possible with the available data set. Yet, the influence ofsteam injection at constant pressure can be observed. It was

1700 1900 2100 23000





Adiabatic Flame Temperature [K]


x [




O2, dry


1700 1900 2100 23000





Adiabatic Flame Temperature [K]


x [




O2, dry


Fig. 13. MEASURED AND SIMULATED NOx EMISSIONS FORNATURAL GAS (TOP) AND H2-ENRICHED NATURAL GAS (BOT-TOM) FOR VARIOUS PRESSURES ( — p = 1 bar / — p = 4 bar(TOP), p = 5 bar (BOTTOM) / — p = 9 bar) AND STEAM CON-TENTS ( — Ω = 0 / - - Ω = 0.1 / · · · Ω = 0.2 (TOP),Ω = 0.25 (BOTTOM))

found that steam injection leads to a reduction of NOx emis-sions because it suppresses the thermal and N2O pathways.In addition to the described dilution and thermal effects, theinfluence of steam also stems from a significant reduction ofthe oxygen radical concentration in the flame as indicated byGöckeler [18].

CONCLUSIONSThe presented experimental results focused on the influ-

ence of pressure, steam dilution and hydrogen enrichment onthe emissions and the flame shapes produced from a genericswirl-stabilized combustion system.

The increase of flame burning velocities with pressureand hydrogen enrichment was shown to slightly change theshape and position of the flame. In accordance with liter-ature, increased combustion pressure causes a rise in NOxemissions, mainly due to an enhancement of the thermalpathway. Steam injection has been proven beneficial for NOxreduction especially at higher pressure levels, without detri-mentally affecting CO emissions. In the particular case of

Page 10: American Society of Mechanical EngineersTo this end, high-pressure exper-iments have been conducted with a generic swirl-stabilized combustor featuring axial air injection to increase

© 2016 by ASME. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

1800 1900 2000 21000





p = 1 barΩ = 0

Flame reactor temperature [K]


x [





2, d


1800 1900 2000 2100 2200

p = 9 barΩ = 0





1650 1700 1750 18000





Flame reactor temperature [K]


x [







p = 1 barΩ = 0.25





1750 1800 1850 1900 1950

p = 9 barΩ = 0.25


hydrogen-enriched mixtures and high combustion pressures,it was shown that relatively high steam injection levels arenecessary to keep the NOx emissions at levels acceptable ingas turbine applications. Nevertheless, these levels still lieat the region of the thermodynamic optimum steam injectionfor most commercial gas turbine applications [34].

AcknowledgementsThe research leading to these results has received fund-

ing from the European Research Council under the ERCgrant agreement: 247322, GREENEST. The authors wouldlike to thank Andy Göhrs for his support in the lab and help-ful discussions. The authors would also like to thank R.Schieferstein, S. Peukert, and T. Schiek for their technicalsupport during the high-pressure measurements.

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