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AMERICA'N - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1990/1990-11-23.pdf · Monica...

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AMERICA'N We have much to be thankful for in this great land of ours. For we live in a nation of abundance and opportunity, health and prosperity. Where freedom is our birthright ... and brotherhood our life spirit. This spirit of brotherhood is one that our forefathers exemplified on the first Thanksgiving. And from it we have established a lasting sense of loyalty, compassion and respect for one another. For this, we are truly fortunate. Let's take this holiday asa time to reflectonallthatwe ' ,' , ' /lave t(J ,tre;asure.' l'han k.$gi ' vingin thetruetraditioll of peace, unity and love. ,
Page 1: AMERICA'N - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1990/1990-11-23.pdf · Monica Jimenez, Christina Lopez, Debbie Quintana, Sara Shaver, ... of Lubbock 26·12 to


We have much to be thankful for in this great land of ours. For we live in a nation of abundance and opportunity, health and prosperity. Where freedom is our birthright ... and brotherhood our life spirit.

This spirit of brotherhood is one that our forefathers exemplified on the first Thanksgiving. And from it we have established a lasting sense of loyalty, compassion and respect for one another. For this, we are truly fortunate.

Let's take this holiday asa time to reflectonallthatwe '

,','/lave t(J ,tre;asure.' t1nd 'Cllle~rtlte ", l'han k.$gi'vingin thetruetraditioll of peace, unity and love. ,

Page 2: AMERICA'N - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1990/1990-11-23.pdf · Monica Jimenez, Christina Lopez, Debbie Quintana, Sara Shaver, ... of Lubbock 26·12 to

The Junior Girt Scout Troup of Hale Center held their investiture ceremony recently promoting the girls to the junior level of Girl Scouting. The troup is led by Sheryl Canales and Minerva Tijerina. The troup consists of (front row) Roni Lynn Yell, Anna Tijerina, Monica Jimenez, Christina Lopez, Debbie Quintana, Sara Shaver, (back row) Gabbie Betancur, Nikki Perez, and Maria Canales.

C01lU1ffi~ng~~eHhdl~ Just In Time For Your Christmas Shopping

Food Baskets, Gijtitems, Art Supplies, Decorating Needs

We will be offering art classes and will do custom wallpapering

9t ~ye llIIdy wi~b 'C(lWbl>Y R(lberi Pullllllill

Texu. Mr.PummiUhisbeenlmembCr (If tho Cowboy Antill (If Aoaerici . orpniZition lince 1984 IJId il the JIVUP'I president-clecL The theme fII tho worbhop was painting the Western lands~pe. Mr. Pummill is noted for his use of landscape in his anwork and as a telCher of the principles involved. The workshop was spons!lred by the Cowboy Artisll of America Museum in Kerrville, TexIS.

To attend the Workshop, anists must apply for admission by sending pieces of their work to the organization which are judged and approved. This was Mr. Lyles second lime to apply as well as the second time to be approved for admission. This special opportunilY 10

study with Mr. Pununill was shated by twenty eight artists from Texas, Oklahoma, California,l11inois, Arizona and Tennessee. Over 600 professional Irtists have allended the Museum workshops since they began in 1983.

Activities included lectures,

. ~l!iowi!rlcillopw" itim6of field ·lketch in an~t-,empttopup die truecolonoftheoutdaon.Qehis'beeii dI'1Iwina and plintlna few I1IOIl of au. life and attributed hi. wntlnued love fbi' an from his (\I'll classe. with instructor RullI Barnell of Hlle Conter. For the pastllve or six years, Lyles has really become involved with his an. He travels to various workshops and is often invited topartlcipate in area art shoWl.

Lyles i. a graduate of Hale Center High School and fanns in the area. When the weather keeps the fanner out of the field, Lyles turns to the easel.

The Cowboy Anisls of America Museum opened in 1983. One of its educational goals has been to offer a series of professional level workshops each year for aspiring artists. Instructors for the coones are membel1 of the Cowboy of America, a group founded in 1965 10 perpetuate the memory and culture of the West and encourage awhentic representation of the life of the American Wes~

MII,VItlI" ·toI*Q I.'" fiN of . frlendlhlA warmth and brothefly ~ .. ~aa we eXperience

ThanklglYlng In all Ita vlo'¥

Eugene Carter, FIC Field Representative

Woodmen 01 the World Life Insurance Society

AJ~us ThankSgiving

to One And All

Hale Center Florist and

Labels Consignment Shop 107 W, 3rd 839·2367


Drop by for a cup of tea or coffee We will have speciality baked goods everyday

until Christmas

Ag 261 Horticulture Class recentJydesigned Thanksgiving centerpieces as part of their semester project. First place was brother and sislerteam,' David and Jeannie Cervantez, 2nd place Jon Ivy and 3rd place Aaron Ramho. \

Open 10 to 5 202 W. Cleveland in Hale Center

Carolyn Curry Linda Mabagan

We have book,d beautiful red poinsettias for the holiday season . These plallts are greenhouse grown and will be delivered to us during the Thllnksgiving weekend. B.t'cause of our early booking we can pass substantial savings to you.

. Junior High Teams Compete In Tourney

M~bl.l~ Mammography Unit will be here ... ·

Tuesday, November 27, 1990 at

Hi-Plains Hospital Please Call 293-2426 ext. 410

FOR APPOINTMENT Beautifulselections available are: • A single poinsett ia with 3 to 4 blooms in a six inchcontoine ... • Three poinsettia plants in a 7 112 inch pot with 12 to 15 blooms. • Aspccial selection of3 foot poinsettias in a 2 gallon pot covered in red

blooms. • Unusual poinsettia in a five gallon container blanketed with up to 8Q

blooms. .

We have also contracted a very special order of individually selected fresh plantation grown. Christmas trees. These trees will b.e available Than,l<sj!i ving weekend.

FJlr·youT.specialdecoration needs, a nice selection of wreaths mllde from ri'eshly cut Douglas Fir'has also been Jjooked for Than!<:sgiv\ng·w.e~ke.rut

'For large orders, delivery can be arranged,

Nonc~" ··Nook & 'c,u,i,o'", Desi,,, . Hal. Center,.Texas.

~9·:i641 or 1',800·365·6794

The seventh grade Owl and Owlelte basketball playcl1 recently Wmpeted, in the All Saints Episcopal Tournamenl in Lubbock. The Owlettes are ,08l:hed

Expected Guest

. Pablo Agtlilar J.r. will beC{lming home for the Thanksgiving holidays to ~el\d tirlie 'with his family. Mr. an~ Mrs. ~ablo Ag\li!arofCouon Cel\ler. He .. is curren,ly stati!ll1ed in Rota', '~pail\' ~nlitisin .. \iie lJ.S;NilV,y . ..... . ' : . He. enliste4 in Jhe Navy April: 4\ 1988~d received basi~tta'ining : iii Orlillldo,Aorida.· After the holidays he will return.tofmishhis tour of duty in Spain. .

. Aguilar is • graduate of Abernathy High School and auended TexlB TCl:h. He is a computer leclmican with the l(IIledforc~.

Thank You' A special thank yOlllO Pay,N-Save

for their senorous donation in providing items for the Operation Desert Shield. .

. We appreciate the continued . support

... _ ......... _ .... . Mr. 5¥gOngivesthii 4·Hclub ... '

. '. ' Hale Cen!er 4·H .Club

Country & Western

}Dj,: .. '\, At N>········ ··C·· ·· ..... IE'. ._ :.~ _ ', '. ' . :t... .' '.' . ' ..... ' < . {,, ' i ,' . f\ . . . ' . . . . .. "

" - - - " .' .• ' . ..• " -".<" :

by Billy . Wilson and the Owls are direcled by Kevin Pittman.

In girls a<:tion the fil1t year playel1 parli,ipating in the.ir fil1t organized game defeated the Tahoka five 28-14. The Owlettes advanced to the championship game with a narrow II· 10 win over 51. Joseph's Academy.

Puring the championship tilt the local girls fell to Christ The KlngSchooJ of Lubbock 26·12 to take bome .the h~me second place trophY from the tournameni.

Don't miss this excellent, low-cost opportunity for a safe and reliable

breast cancer screening

C08'-'eo.oo includes X-ray, radiologist's fee, and . film storage

A.lso winoioa individual honors beiDsPamec! 10 the .illl-tourii!lll'tehttealn ~~ Alinee. _ .,.Rno'el1. .. ... . ~ , '. ...•. .. .. , . .

. , ~D '. .... ':.,. • .. · .. B .. ~/'ngin .. ·gMe· "'.ie. ine·.··.1iO · ~.·.·.O. U ." · '. ', . . ' . '. With iiitly a weeJcof.prepitalion·the : .1/1 v

ievent!l 'i t lldc ' boy~ Diade ·.a . gOlid ' ,.. .. .·r- ...... ·•· AI' .'y. ··OF··TH·.·: • 'E: .p·.·.W·· . ·N·. S· ".110 .. S' ·.PITA·.· L showin8 .Irithe .tPuniime.nt: Thc bciy. . .• , w~ eliminated from the ioumlll)ciu . .." 4000 24th Streel ' lUbbock, TX79410: 1-800-388.6266 :., drojIpinatheir rtrBltwo contes\. t... ...... _____________ .;... ____ - __ ....,I

Thanksgiving is. a day of brotherhood and togetherness:' share

it with those you love and give thanks (or our ric,h b()unty .

Pharma'or 601J\ve, G

DOI~WO~S~~~n~~~i~C~ill~[!ld~~~~~~~L ~Th~·e!~.~.j~~~~~~~ ~y be taken tQ the .' Public J.,ibrary or contllCt Mary Jane Bnishear (839·223S). Checks should be made to the City of Hale Center. Let's f'mish this project this week.

Donations have been received from: Hale Center American Wanda Johnson Chevron Station·Gloria Garcia West Builders Supply Main Insurance Virginia Sturdivant Hale Center Insurance Agency Pioneer Club Gordon & Joyce Russell Pete & Nelda Laney J & M Door & Plumbing Supply Waller's Garage Texas Cafe Connie Lemond Hair Bender-Billie Uptergrove Struve's Ben & Kit Linton Eugene Carter Insurance Lemond Fann Store Garretson Fann Supply Kathlyn Ross Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Heath The Flower Basket Brown Pharmacy Dr. & Mrs. Michael Hinze Weyland & Patti Sni~s " Claude Bumett Agency Hale Center Lions Oub Hale Center Chamber of Commerce First National Bank Dr. & Mrs. Hugh Wilson Dr. & Mrs. Ray Freeman Jerrie's Place Gladys Hudgins . Pay'N Save Fancher & Leta Archer Skeel & Merry Cargill T.L. &. Mary Wright Darryl & Elaine Barrett Smokey & Margarel Faith Anonymous Lucile Ebeling Allen & Doris White Sherril & Enuna Lou Rigsby HC Women's Oub HC Chamber of Commerce Michalik's Variety Shop Lloyd & JoAnn Rogers Clara Martin G-B Supply & Nancy's Nook Hale Cenler Florist& Labels Consignment Shop

Jeanette & Earl Steen J.C. & Novella Sneed Michael, Canda.nceand MeOdithKellet Roben &.Jacqueil¢t Boy!!. CailtUe Gin . . .

. GIVE . THANKS It is oUr pleas1ireandpride to bebleaaed withgoodmenda

and cuitomerllikeyou,; ' .. Ha~ a bappy ,holiday.

11 ; Optninl puyer wa led by Buvey P~nne II ,

NT'. Cox lntrodueed aueltt s frOM h.iI hil i I cti nA. 1,C'lI.tl' r ea", r , 1)C'l"In lt Pr,or •• ltd Nancy Il ,u:<,II.· ;, "

JIiIoLioll LO approy~ ntinul.. ~. era. Lllc OClohu tl I'J90 . , t.' lina iI ~ .rltten _ de by Tol'I'InY Hou ford. Seocond" d by Ro,v- r Hah" Rltn . Vo[(' ~ -_._-

Hn~l on \('1 :.prrC'lY" ,minu tCIl rrolll th~ Oc ~ohC' r . 9 , 19f)n meeting l!.:! .!!..!..!!!!!. IIIIde by JIIIIIIY Curry, Se c. o nded b~ S i d Ber r y. Votl'......!.~,(Ini .. !:I~.!.:

Motioo to .pprove "fnuc et from th" October 2~ 1990 lu e t in s u ~ ,"lIde by Roser Mahagan. Second ed by Tol'IIt)' " 01'11 eOI' d . Vo l e ~ -

Y. Hotion to .. POr o v·1." Da YIDe n, of b il l ... nad. by KORC' r Holh IlRIIII . by T~y " orll(0 1" d. Vo t e I,In a nilllou"

S upe rinte ndent DoddR presented 'h I' F inanc i. a l S tat l'ml'''!..:.

The Tu: Rl'porc vu pr f'seontl' d by Wey l an d ~I\ i p (' • .

I"r I nc l pG I Re p~rll;

". r: . Cl u rk - Aki n l:l C'mC'll t ,lry re- po r tC',! "",,,1 111,, ''' ' " r Wlli t e r C O IC - Middle 5c hoo l repor ted e1lr" II " l'nl nf

- Jr Hi&h r e ported enr ollm('flt " r Ha rvey Penne ll - Hi g h Sc h no l r e p o rt f' d ("n H I! Im('nt of 110 I

TOTA l, EN IH) I.I.Mf. Nl" '- -fOh Edd i e hne field - Spl' c i a l S ervi C'e~ - G.ovr rf'pOrl .

lX . General hporc .·

A. T . P .t. ~ r eport l iven by Lcstl' r Cllrr . Athh'tic Report - NO . Re po rt

X. SUPC" i n(('n o..lC" ll l 'Ii J(~'\,," rl s .lnd/ur te l·,· "m"" ·, ,,j .,' " '" ":

2. ~~...!.J!.[Ioint Lo ng -Ra n Be Schoo l ~.o_"!.:~.!..n~ . . C~:n!,,~.!' .i _tL~.i~.~ r l lI[1 n i ng Commit I ('(> lor ~h (> Hall'_._C!.!!..t!.r ..-G.:'i:.I) :. !..l!_.~'.:.!. .! _n.w.:':_~

t h l! COll nSI"' I o r . 11 1 1 Pr i n c i pa I ~ . thr ~,)(' r I ;' I ~ l" v i (""I"'~ [I i r,'t"! "r • ( h I!! SUpl!T i n t r n dl'" t or Sc h oo l s. l\u.1rd M('nob (' r ~ . r nt Slll' p :l rd. Tommy Ho·c; I ord , Oi ;.! n ll TT f' v i n o , C it ir('n~ cd t h e rllmm\Hl it y ,

I re n !." Ro y . J .G . Cnnnon, Nnf1 ry Canll nn. ronny R:l mb n . C l l1 ~l d i ll

Rambo . Edwar d Wp j t. Dor i s Nl' ll Wl' I I. D.l nny Manri'1 Ul' , Ih'rky

Hanr i q u l'. Teil cherll . Nilo ry 8i l.1't' 1 1 • .J oY'· f' Tyer . : .IP' r y Crigger. Bern ice Carr

as u : conne-n ded made by Rog E'r MiJ llilJ(an . 5rcnn cl f'd 11 )' Sit! [k it,!


J . Super i nt('nde-nt Dodd s f ('v i t'"wt'd ril l' infll rmll L iltn s rCI inn Wi t ., th e Bo rrr d.

S uperi n te ndent Dodds re vil'wt'd wi t h t lo t' RvtH d t lu' 199 1 Atl~i n ­i ll ( rol o r" Hid-Wint t'1' Conft' l'f"nr l' nil !'.d"ral iron in 1\ .. <;1 i ll . January 18 - )0.

HOl i on Lo allow t~c:.!i..I!!....~c!..t:!!!.- .l. !1 ... ~l~~b.Ltt_i !I:~i!15E2_ ~ "' nde by Tommy Hnr!'fn r d. S{' r- ondC'cJ hy Di" I1.1 Tn·v J!w. Vote una n imous.

), Koger Hollagan move d !E-~~~~2.~).f:.'1 . !£~':' Fund 4 11 [ SEA TI TLE V . OF!; & CQHHU NITIE S AC T ror $7,,)OLOO , " \l nd )9 ! ESEA TITLE II MArH EMAHCS-A.~n-"j:;I:H:NI:r.·- 7-;-,-;: · -$)'. Ih J-:- IIll ~('I': r") nd(' d h ~ TnlMlY Hor~ford . 'yotf' ~::;~~~}~,~-'+-''' ---'''' . ...

Thl!' Cll r ('rr l. ilCh k r \.ommil t ['(' ~t'florl ~:iv"11 h\' 1.("~ 1 " 1" ... ,

f. Mr . IJ ,uhh; 1"1' 1," 1"1 .,.1 1111 t h,' pr"f." ... ·' .. 1 ,I .. , II •• " ' ,1., .• t '"''

11 .. ,.1'1.1 M,·~ ,h. ·,,, ( H,. II, " "" ) 1<0- 1'''11 " ..... ,1 .. , I{ , · •• ,,,~,,. ·,,. t .• ' •.

'.: I,!, ' .... 11~p,. : · tl ~~~~1_ 5.!!~!~t-" ~_ i.!$.~!£".' !!!:.!_

'I :!', 1' .'.


As the Pilgrims did so long agot let us now show thanks

by giving thanks, and celebrate this special day in

th~ true .tradition of brotherhood and love.

Freeman' ·Ful)eral· Home

Holiday Scene-·Jcrrie Kelley with a fall scene in front of the Kelley's home. Mrs: Ke lley displays scenes for each season of the year.


Whal do 1 have tu he Ihankful for'! I can think Hf nothing right now;

Rut i f I stTOl tch my head long enough, I will th ink of sumething. sOlTll'how,

One th ing for which we should give thanks, we have the hright sWlshinc cvery day:

11 shjnes forth its grcal ahum!.ncc, 10 wann our hcarls, light up thl~ way.

The neecy white ( ,1 uuds , Ih.t swiflly ny, oewss Ihe sky of pygmalion blue;

Jus. pausing awhilr to give us rain I water our crops, make our .dreams come true.

We are thankful fur the big full """m. our nightly candle th ill brings high lide;

Deepening Illc harbor.; for inmming sh ip.. . that bring their trude ~oods from far and wide.

We are thankful for our common scn~c ,

tlmlsome pcople just call m~nlal heallh; - Without the judgmchl of how 10 lISC .

of what benefit would be our we. lIh . We are thankful for our vision

that lets us sec Thy beautiful carth; But above all we should be thankful

for the promise given by His birlh. Thomas J. Henderson

CROP HAIL MANAGEMENT ... r.. ......... Crop~ Hail & M.P.C.1. Insurance

PAUL ROBERTSON For your sccd need •• 1,,, cul l

!lome 8794403 , .

r-~-"~"'-~~-~~-~-~-"'~~--1' · 'lfI[tRlhiitS3IDltw(Cam~ i

Serving ages Birth to 14 years 7 . a.m. to 6 p.m,

After School .ChildCare

Nutritious Meals & Snacks Plani"ledPrograms . InteractiQD With Nursing HO,me Residents •.

• I

• I • • • • I I

• I . 203.West4th In Hale Center • . Karen Boyce, DI.rector 839-2471 .•

L~~~~~~~ __ ~_~~_-_-~---~

Page 3: AMERICA'N - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1990/1990-11-23.pdf · Monica Jimenez, Christina Lopez, Debbie Quintana, Sara Shaver, ... of Lubbock 26·12 to

MoadlY. Nemaber 26 &,of T_, TOIIIIlIO" Let,., B_1i Spcua, Clary Cobbler

1'ueICIa,. Nonmbtr r7 . QIiduD Fried SteaJr.(:reuu Oravy, Muhed PoIatoes, Milled VOl0tables,

Whole Wbcat RoIIJBUller, Peacbes

Wednada" November za Baked Cbicken. PoIatoes AuOnlin. Stewed TamalOCSJOkn, Whole Wheal

RoUJBulIer, CIftOl Cake/VaniUa kiDs

Thursday, November 19 Macaroni, Hun" Cheese Call1lCTOle, Mexicali Com, PI,lded Beets, Yout

RoUJBulICf, Orange " Banana Cup

FrIda" November 30 Or.! EndlilMla C-ole, Beans, Broc:coIi, Combread/BUlIer, Applcsauc:e

Monday nilht's entertainment bolted by J.V. Hail wu sood food and fun fOl' 35 Senior Citizens. The main c:oune wu a poIalO bar followed by 11111:10lIl peach cobbler and ieo ae&m.

f We'NIIII/'tIJ.V. won't mind our telling he bid vlluable ... i~ from two oC o"ul'ltaffmemben-Botty and Darlene. 0lIII01 of 42 and. dominos finished a pl_t evenInl's entertainment.

By Ihe time lhi. loes to press our bakelaie, held It theemer Wednesday, will be put history. We always have 1011 of Boodies available utd we invite tholO who haven't IIIIIIlh time for holiday preparation 10 take advantage of the delica~ .. offered at our laies.

Next Monday nilhl's observance of birthday utd anniversaries will be bolted by a ,ouple of seniors from the· ConI«. These are Ilways fun times with excellent birthday cakes and gifts for Ihe honorees, topped ofT with table 1- in the _ room.

We rept to repon several of our memberaOll the allinl list. Those in the local Hi-Plains Hospital are Ruth Damron, Hollil Bryan and Cormer lonltimo Hale Ceoie!' resident, Jack Anderson of Plainview. Othera who are home bound with health problems

them do unto you". Betty and Vicky are off 10 Lubbock

next Thursday to a class in computer training. , Recent visitors at the Center are Mildred Fleming of Plainview, sister of Lorene Bryan; and Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Mitchell.

Memorials have been given for Jay CaMon, Billie Malone and Willie Dyer by Nannie Fields.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and may we stop to count our many blessings as we gathetaround the festive table.

Don't forget the Country & Western Danco at the Conter this Friday night even though the Center will be closed at noon.

Food Cor thought: A people that values its' privileges above its' principles soon lose both.

3· AA Football Continues

are Paul BrowndandJ.W. Rhoads. We Dislrict Cootball piayoff mi. all these nice people and . wish representatives Olton and Hart them a speedy JeC:Overy and can join us competed well in bi·district action ItdIDCenletilaOn. AatheoldsOllggocs Friday night. Both teams were "wo'vo grown accustomed to your underdogs but proved to be worthy flCC", and look forward to their early opponents. The two teams tied with return 10 the Cenle!'. Abemathy for playofC positions but Ihe

Lucien Morehead of Plainview made Abemathy teun wueliminatedby ,oin I lenerous donation of OlIO hundred flip. doll .. 10 the Center in honor oC 5.0. Olton moved into Ihe arca playoffs and Silota Richardson's 50th weddins by defeatins a powerful Post team 21-anniveraary. O. The Ollon Mustangs c:ompletcly

Wo were pleued 10 have a generous dominated the contest bQlding the once donation of an absolutely "electable number I tearn in the 8I8le in class AA IIIIIIIInOIII of candies last week by J.D. to 82 total yards while amassing 390 Rogm of Hut. Mr. ROlera ltaled the IOlai yanls. Olton now faces Parthandle Lord baa been so good 10 him he In turn in Canyon Friday night. wants 10 do nice thingdorothen. This The Hart Longhorns lost a I. a mll'Velous, eovl8ble llIitude and heartbreaker against the Sealraves thiiloldplanetEanhwouldbeahappier, , Eagles,droppingal6-14dccision. The mcnpeacofutplacelfmoreofuswould · Eagles sealed theti1t with a seven yard adopt Mr. R08ens' Christian theory of scorin& pa_ in the final five seconds 10 . udo unto otheJS u :you would have defeal thedistrict3-AA runnorup.

. !ArptkfJ~ .. HOLIDAYS Come in now for · lots of good buys ·

Sboppllli Cellter

On ·ThisD~y ·· Of ·


Despite no cooperation ftom the weather, the ·Bridge Tournament held III the Library Thursday, November 8th was a success. Twenty brave women came out for a good time. After several hours. of good fun Vetress Richardson and Marjorie Rhoads were' declared winners. Several others were winners of door prizes given at various times throughout the afternoon. They were aeva Chapman, Vetress Richardson, Fay West and Peggy Morrison. Refreshments were served by Evelyn Trimmier, Arleen Freeman, Venda Robenson and Mary Jane Brashear. By having the Bridge Tournament, $140.00 was made for the Chrisunas Decorations Fund. Attending were Juanita Dent. Faye West, Evelyn Trimmier, Velress Richardson, Marjorie Rhoads, Helen Russ, Vi Cox, Bill McBeth, Rose Schenck, Bertha MCBeth, Frances Laney, Sue Davis, Myrtle Karrh, aeva Chapman, Venda Robenson, Vera Meester, Fannie Sue Boyd, Mary Jane Brashear and Peggy Morrison. The Christmas Decoration Fund continues to grow; and it's not too lale to contribute.

Basketball Season In Full Swing

The Hale Cemer Owls are quickly gaining the respccl of hardcourl teams as a result of two strong showings against AAA Roosevelt and AAA Canyon. The Owls starling one senior. two juniors and two sophomores upset Roosevelt 59·52 and Cell to a highly regarded Canyon tcam 65·58.

Hale Center slarled it's season with a win over big Roosevelt team. Trailing

During the girls lames alainst Roosevelt not only did the Owlelles have to bailie a good Lady Eagle teun but also had to fight a poor shootinll game. Hale Center '1nly shot 20% for the tilt.

The middle quarters were falal to the Owlettes, only scoring 2 points in the second period and 6 points in the third

the Eagles 12·14 at the first quarter, stanza.

Hale Center slormed ahead during the Hale Cenlerdid stage a comeback in secondperiod,31-26,behindthescoring the final period. Trailing 33·16, the of Koy Smith and .Gilben Tr.evino Owlenesmanagod toslrikefor 17poinls tossing in 8 IlId 5 pomts respcctl.vely. while limiting Roosevelt 10 II for the

The Owls. sharpshooter, Gllb~rt . 44.33 decision. Trevino, continued to play havoc With the Rooseveltdefenseduring the second haiC striking for four of his live 3-point bombs.

Smith and Trevino paced the Owls in the 59-52 win pouring in 21 points each.

. Scorinllforthj:Owlct~1Nas~l'linda. Poindexter 21 points and. ~ana Tifler· with 10 points.

Who hoaloth all my. diaouos, Who holds the world in Hit band, When all elso fai1s4y my sido


Thank you, Lord, on 001 day I know you in my hean My mind and my soul

Because I do, from your love I will never part.

Zelma Davis (InremembranceoCmy mother and daddy, Mr . .t Mrs. A.J. Stephens,

and dedi<:ated to my brother and two sisters who reside thero-Melvin Stephens, Geneva Bearden and Goldie Hillman)

GARYS' COTTON BOLL GIN, INC. 5 MI. S. of Hale CeDter. 1-27 Ir FM 37 ~'

'Pruisitm (jinniTIIJ mtli Jt PerM1lllll 'Toum' . Good Grades • Good TUrnout

• Fair Services • Competitive Prices • Modules Hauled At No Extra Charge • Gin Trailers Or Modules • Ginning & Services 24 Hours A Day

We 4Pp~ Your Business! Owners: Bm & Les Gary - (806) 879-4491

We represent several companies but we work for you,

Temple Keith Brashear, CPCU SBMP Inc. dba

H'al,Centerlnsurance A en~y.lnc. The local boys gave the I·AAA

district pick Canyon Eagles all they could handle. Canyon. retuming four stuters from last years dislrict <:hampionship team, held the lead througboul r)le tilt bUI their advamage was in doubt during second half action.

Canyon led 18·10 in the first period and inaeased the lead to 41·26 at . intermission. Making a strong come backefCort aner falling behind 17 ~oints Hale Center cUI the lead to 5249 Bt the end of the third quarter behind the ~hooting of sophomores Marlin Thomton8 points and Dewil!htJohnson 6 points, and freshman Wayne Smith's.

A Time To Be Happy­A Time To Be Thoughtful-

5m~m Hal.e: .. Cen\er cOl1linuel1. toptessure

ilieEaglCl!b)!t ~e~perien.~ofdutyci." . paid· diic;sls tho Eagles ~1Iiecd' a 1!atd . fo~gl)t Same. DurinBthe~Ol1lesl· ~o . 'Eilloa wore deadly .from ~ .. 3..poUll range hitiing8 of the bombi. Can~on also had an advantage fiellling a team . thaI none of the $Iancrs played football and had several weells head start·on the Owls. .

Leadinll the Owls in scoring in d\>uble frgures was Smith 20 and Thornton 13. Also tassinl in point wero Wayne Smith 9; Trevino 5, Dewishl Johnson 6, Laney 3, andClatk ~ . . .

A Time.ToBe . . praye;rlul.-.

.. A Titl1eToBeGrateful And Thankful To All

The Wonderful People, Of Our Community. For

ThePrivUege Of .Servin,lg. Y Oll ···

First ' National :

• • " . • ";' > ,

·B;· a··n·· ···k ·:· "-r>i , .... ~. : : , .. ~ ... \ "".'

A time for lovin, family lind dear friends to share the holiday warmth ... And to ,ive thanks for all the blenin,s we share ...

Jerrie's Place 839-3106 921 N.,Main

·, room. . WhIle cardiac rehabilitation i. tho

PIUJlOSC and the main 'OIICCID of the now unit, Individuals who desire or need proper and cOlllrOlled exercise resardless of the muon may use the equipment and area at nominal cost by .schedulingwiththedeparunenLShould tho demand for fitness type of care and space become evidenlthe Hospital has tentative plans to expand 10 Ihe rather large basement area under the Nursing Home unit.

Almost each day some rural community slands to lose their local modicalcare. hl·Plains HO!Iphal has a strong history and tradilion of adjusting 10 changes in medical practice and to . answering the expressed medical needs of the area. Only a few rural hospilals have deversified and mainlain so mllly services as Hi-Plains Hospital. If the flcililY has a mono it is "We don't do everything in medical <:are, but what we do we do extremely well. second to none". The hospital was established

that upecII of within ita' ~ibility. AJneods have cban,ed theae throe buic units have had added.lO.them anuninshome Oonl tenn care WI), hoine health, swinl bCd (akilled cueu defined by Medicare and Medicaid, an intensity of care between &Cure and nuraing home), hospi~ care, domeati, care Oon8 tcrin <:Ire not covered by Medicare or Medicaid). OUI patient surgery and IIhort stay care, a child care unit and shortly Cardiac Rehabilitation.

Hi·Plains Hospital has always maintained an excellenl working relationship with the three major hospitals in Lubbock, and this will not change. Each of these facilities have unique elements Ihat are mutually advantageous to Hi·Plains and 10 ihem . MethodiS! HO!Ipitai has been extremely helpful assisling .lhe hospilal In establishing the Cardiac unit and will be functionally involved in its day to day operation. The localslafT is excited aboul advllltages this relationship will bring 10 the hospilal and area patients.


Ofilia Rodriguez

Helping Hands--Therapists Hale Hughes, Charlie Rigsby, Danny Mannrique and Kathy Curry.

Funeral services for Ofilia Rodriguez. 61, were held Friday in the Church of the Valley with the Rev. Eliseo Saldana, pas lor, officialing. Burialwas in Hale Cenler Cemelery by Freeman Funeral Home.

As our forefathers shared in the celebrat ion of

Thanksgiving long ago, may we rejoice as

well iR·this nGliliiay. Our best wishes for your

health and happiness this Thanksgiving

West Builders Supply 839·2102 816 N. Main

Hi-Plains Hospital Board of Directors has announced plans to open a Cardiac Rehabililation Unil within the next three to four weeks. Discussion and planning has been going on for some time about the feasibility of a rehabilitation unil in the hospital. Research has shoJ"n that there are individuals in sufficient numbers who experience hcandifficulties that receive their treatmenl within Hale Counly and ones requiring hean surgery in Lubbock IlIdAmariliotosupponaRehabililalion Unit. In the past a heart patienl or patients who might require exercise for other conditions such u joint surgery have had to work at home, walk outside, or travel miles 10 the Unit in Lubbock.

Hi·Plains Hospilal he. established a relationship with the Cardiac Rehabilitalion Unit at Methodist Hospital so thaI Methodist will refer Hale County and area residents 10 the local unit. At the local unit a treatment prodical established by the Lubbock Cardiologisl will be canied out with the patient monitored It all limes by the local stafT and always by direcl phone line by the Methodist Hospital Cardiac

. Today ,Americans still enjoy the bountiful

harvest of their labors And still set aside

one day of Thanksgiving , for · thath~rvest.

Ma.y G:~d couti~ue to bless our la.nd. .

Unit. Following hean surgery patienls arc

placed on differing slages of rehabililalion and graduale from a ,triel always allc lIJcJ . always monitored

· treatmenl pattern,lo a more independcol exercise prodical, to the time wh~n they may go to Ihe unit at their free lime

· for their exercise. Medicare and many commercial insurance companies expecl, encourage. and have benelils for cardiac rehabilitalion follOWing surgery or heart problems not requiring surgery.

The unit will be extremely well equipped. There will be a new Quilen Treadmill with programmable prodicols, IWO new Schwinn exercise bikes, a new a"""'grometer and three cardiac·monitor·transminers. Thrce direct phone lines have been installed so that the eKercising patient is monilored locally and at the Melhodist Hospital unit al the same time. The local staff, who are training at the

Mrs. Rodrigue7. died at 3 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 14, 1990, in the Heritage HOII)e in Plainview.

She was born June 27, 1929 in Victoria and marriedGeneroRodrigucz on Aug. 23, 1946 in Kames County. She moved 10 HaleCemer in 1963from Lockney and was a member of the Church of the Valley and the Fellowship of Women.

Survivors include her husband; four sons, Pcle of Plainview, Raul of Knox CilY, Jose of Canyon and Abel 01 Arlesia, N.M.; fivedaughlers, Margarcl Alonzo and Belia Gonzales, both 01 Colton Center, Sally Gerhard I 01 Crowell, Montie Gomez of Levelland and Brenda Rodriguez of Hale Cenler; one brother, Leonard Zambrano 01 Conon Cemer; three sislers, Francisca Rodriguez of Seymour, Antonia Marlinez oC San Antonio, and Josie Perez of Lockney; 27 grandchildren; and four great·grandchildren.

Methodist Unit will be on another direcl Salome Garibay phone line in constanl communications Funeral Mass for Salome Garibay. with the Methodist unit and their stafT 92, was hcld Tuesday in the Sacred before,durin£ 1Dd after the visit, while Hearl Catholic church of Petersburg

~s~~:: ~!: ~::~~!~~~~t:: ;1~l~'::t~::·g~;~~cR=h ~~Sl;:a~! and standing by. Cenler officialing. Burial was in

Work begin Monday to reCurbiah Petersburg Cemelery by Lemons the present Physical Thcrapy room. The Funeral HOme. office portions of tho depanment has Mrs. Garibay died. at 2:45 p.m. been moved to and ~upies room 41, Sunday, Nov, 18, 1990 in Hi-Plains whi.le the presenl space rcceives new. Nursing Home in Hale Center. windows,cBrpet;paint;amirroredwall; She w.as born OCI. 20, 1898 in a flew e1cctrical supply and new \lire.ct . Jjquilpa, ~ch)lac;an, ~Mexii:o . phoiteservi<;e. The ·volum~of work of. Sb~~ved toBuc~l!Zin 1926, to

· .. LETS GIVE' THANKS •••• · For family and for hecilth . For friends and for wealth For song and for wine · For bounty SO fine Fora guiding star For all that we are Each in his own way Gives. thanks· on this day,

Lubbock in 1945 and to PClel'sburg in 1951.

She was a homemaker and a member of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

She married Ladislado Garibay in 1915 in Mexico. He died in 1945 in Mexico.

Survivors include four daughlCr5, Slelia E~parza of Hale Center, Celia Garibay of Petersburg, Clementin. Gonzales of Waco and Aline Oonzales of marlin; two sons. Alfred and Raul, both of Hale Center; 10 grandchildren; eight great·grandchildren; and one great·great.grandchi Id.

4·HNews The Hale Center 4-H Club met

Thursday, Nov. IS, with .42 members and 19 guesls present. The me .. . bers packaged boxes with a turk.ey and canned goods Cor sevcral.dcaerving families in Hale Ccnler.

They also packed supplies for lite service personnel of Operation Desen Shield. Members broughl items 10

. donate. Charles Soolmgen, mllIagerof Ihe lOCal Pay·N·Save, donated a Ilrge supply from the Pay·N·Save Orocery Store. There were 97 Ibs. of items mailed to Operation Desen Shield from the Hale CCJVCr club.

During th' monthly meeting thw .. men from Dallas with Iau ~ ~liImcdthemeeting. Theywill be making a vidcotopromOle the Y.E.S. program. The Y.B.S. (Youths Exchanging with Seniors) program is designed 10 help senior citizens live a more independent lifestyle and bridge the genera.tion gap while working with seniors and youth.

S.turday lel14.H membcis andf'l'lr . Icader.s . . altended the : Tecll/4:H

· L<iaqersliipj.)ay, . Membets:anIlI~d.C~ , anended workshOps, toUrs and IUncll on the Tec:h'caniPUs and thcn attended t1ieTecb/SMU footban-garlle. .



1I1I, ... IA.Guido M ...... GtotPa .

A Wood carver In Russia came onto an 9ldslump.lnsteadof cursll1g It;.he's qllfVhiglt. lt's .!I.e"

· Ing.transformed.into the head of . a,storybOOK h$ro for his natlon:s

· newest playgrOund. . Lelt alone, Ihe stump ~1db8.

an ugly, \!Hlese thing, always In the Vi-y; Buftiansformed; It' • . _ thing of b$auly~ . . . .. . . . Ate tb.ere ;stumps.ln your life?

. Irlp over them; tranSfOrm oO., 't crlt]c:lze . . ttleclr-

Page 4: AMERICA'N - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1990/1990-11-23.pdf · Monica Jimenez, Christina Lopez, Debbie Quintana, Sara Shaver, ... of Lubbock 26·12 to

Happy bittbd8Y from tbe Outlaws

Roy, EJwa~da &\ Silas

The Owl

Hoots Michelle Sisemore

Well, it is now the end oC the second six weeksl School is going by so fast. Thanksgiving vacation has definilely meaked up on evefYOlte flSl. Be sure and watch those waistlines, I know 1 will bel

OWLETTE BASKETBALL-TheOwlelles lost a close bailie to the Roosevelt Eagles last Friday night. The OwletlCS played really hard and did great. The Owl_ will play in a Slaton Rouad Robin this Friday and Saturday opening up against Lilliefieid Friday night. Nelli Tuesday. Floydada will play the Owlelles here on Nov. 21. Good luck. Owl_I

VARSITY OWL BASKETBALL-The Owl basketballteUD is looking greal. Last Friday night the Owls defeated Roosevelt in a very hard and close fought game. The Ow Is lost 10 CIIlYon by only 1 pis. after trailing by over 20 II the half in Saturda)' nighl's game. The guys will play again on Nov. 27 here againsl FloydadL Good luck. guys! Keep up the hard worle.

B-Ball Schedule

11123 Slalon II {21 Floydada (H) 11129-12/1







x Pioneer Classic X

BA~Theini&htyOwlbandisSlillhard.lworlcontheirconteSllunes! They sound greall Keep liP the hard work!


A simple word between friends used as an expression of appreciation.

Lighting Contest Carded

The Hale Cenler Chamber of Commcrc:e will again be apmaorina a home lighling eonle51 duriog tho Christmu holidays. The three winnina homos will receive handsome plaquea Cor their efforts in the contesL

Homos will be judged Friday Dec:. 21.

Execution Date Set

Convicted Hale Center IlOIIvcniCIII:C

store killer David W. Stoker il flCing an execution date of Dec:. Ig according 10 Hale County Districi AlkJmey Terry McEachern.

Stoker was convicled Cor the Nov. 9.1986 shooting death of Allsup! convenience Itore clerk David Manrrique. Stoker was ICDtenced by a district coun jury on Oct. 28. 1987 after being convicled on capilal murder charges.

Mr. Manrrique, a pan lime preacher, was shol three limes during the robbery while he wasaclerk II the local Allsup's slore. He was found by anolher slore clerk in the early morning hours II the rear of the slore.

All of us at Hale Center Coop Gin & Supply Store would. like to say .. thanks" to the following:

Our membea··you are why we are here. · . Our families •• you are our strength and support. Our community··a wonderful place to live and raise a family. Our muntry··the most blessed on earth. !lw:..1IJIIl •• who provides all blessings. May you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

, Hale Center Coop Gin & Supply Store

a· will be 1be~ II iDVIled to ..... both IWIIIL

'I'he ..-Ial MrYlce .1 ... lor Salurday ovOlliti, wid inelude perfor_oeo. by lb. cbolr. and bancIb6. DIuIaa·Ibe..w. allllllllo liahlina will be beId.

tlWLS JthoolMe?

BREAKFAST Mood" Nqv 2§

Mixed Fruil CoreaIII'oul


Typley Npy 27 Juice

French ToastISmoIcica Milt

Wednesday Nov. 28 Applesauce

,Oalmea! Muffllll/SaWNIge Milk

Thupd.y Ngv 29 Blcon/Scrunbled Eggs Biscuil5/Honey Bulter .


Friday Nov 30

Juieo Cereal

Peanul Bulter{Toast Milk

LUNCH Monday N9v Z6

Corn Dog. Tater ToIII

Canot Slicks Pineapple Upside Down Cake


Tuesday Noy 27 Tacos

Pinto 8canJ Pem

Chocolate POIIIIII BUller Surprise


WedpgdayNgvZ8 Chicken NUDes! Creamed Potatoes

BogUm Peas Hoi Rolls

Jello Gelatin Milt

Thugdey tiPy 19 ClIili CQn Came BuueieclCorn

CarrotI.Railin SaI.d " CornBread .

~a"Pliclaini . Milt ...

w" tWy ~ .. Cheeleburier

LeItuce1l'ontatoC. Plekles,lOniOlll French Friea

DatelWllnIIl Caito

JOhnrD"r~ . · . Agrloulture • Equipment

I would like .110' t.o 't.viev brief'lr the relult.. of • very ple •• ina .vant. tbat you r.ad .• bout - in the ad_ Center "-eriean ju.~ • ahort ci .. 1.0. If ,.ou r.can ch. picture of S.Dat.or Larry Comb'lt .. kina e", ,..1.entlciClin of .~ av.rdl to Itr. Pac Shepard the prelident of OUt' bou'd. The avardl vere for the ~cOllPUIh_ntl fUde on the 1989-gO!!!!!! tele. l would like to .. lte a bri.f •• planation of why the honor. vere dir,cl:,e4 toward our "iah School an4 Junior High School. 'l'be exceptional achieve.nt, and exceptional aain avatda are recoa­I1IM("d hl tilt' SOttile! 'nard ",f Education tor , 8 vl'ry hiRh percc.>ntage .a!n. 1n ract our hiab achool .aia exce.ded lOX above last yean acore. Thi' reflecta a IT'eat job by our .tudenta Ind teachen on th.,. c •• pu •••• There vere ver, f.v .chools in di.triet fifteen who had Chie accoapUlh_DC. The rea.oa for our el.aeotar)' .cbools Dot pttinl any reColnition thie ti.e" because our teachen on this caapu. have our children 80 cia •• to the top of the test r'uulu that cher,e i.. very lite Ie roo. for iaploveMat and the State let an amount for you to illProve in order to be recoanized. 1 guels teachers. we IIMre already the best. So jUlt ht ... ay keep up the great job and we will continue to bra. on you for I job well done.

Sp.altina of accOllpli.hinl a ta.k may 1 .ay congratulations to a group of .. n who finiahed a long had sellon. Believe you me boys it 8'ome­ti .. a take. aore work and Pdde to finish 8 tough season like you had this y.ar, than it does to tinish I winning season. Keep your heads UP. ,i_If viLl look beLlel' for you lOllOrrow. Your .!IIlaff ilf fllill be­hind you.

Blmd. lwld your h"ltdll high lOU did a gTeat job .(III. uBual. Your community take. pride in your accomp~!.8hml!!nts and wish you the best for the URt of [his year. .

W .. ·II h;u.kl'(hall ill. 111.-1'(' ~JFlin lind r 'u rming (ull bluMl. W(> aT(' luukinr.

;:;;a::o~o t~e 1:::e:::8::a~:t u;: ~~ ::. ~y I~p::~t:l !o:f a~~\~:a::y ~hiS Thank'living season is upon us, and ve here in Hale Center have a lot to be: thankful for. Our kida have 8 heart larger [han Dallas 88 the old •• yin& aoes. Let me ellplain briefly. Not long ago our junior high kida lent cards co the little boy whOIl we read sbout not long ago ..,ith cancer and had ju.t a short while to live. His request vas that he receive enough carda for hiS name to aD in the World Book Of Cuinneu Records and ChaC was accomplished and surpassed by huge nUllbera. ThankS kid~ for underfltanding. Then IIC had a reque!'lt for us to send care packages and letters to the ~n serving us ,in the Culf Crisis und our hir.h 1,,'hn~1 kids r("~pllndC"d well with the ll."adership coming froll the FHA thiS under the direl:tion of Mrs. SillS Lhe)' pUl LogelllL'r

three large packages ~or mailing to the men and vomen in need. May I lIay thank you student bod~ in thia time of concern and Thanksgiving,

Pt'esa time 18 near and 1 need to close tor' th is t i .. e, but would like to take a tDOaent to bring you up to .date on a coumittee apPolnted by ynur hoard at our last meeting. We were mandated b)' Senate Bill I to form .. ~ ~ ~ ~!!!! Community ~ Planning Commit t ee for Th(! Hale Center Independent School butrict.

The board appointed the following to this committee. The district counseloT. the .3 campus pT incipah, the specis 1 services dir·ec tor. the district superintendent. 3 board mellben. Pat Shepar'd, TaRDY Horsford. and Diana Trevino. and the followina citizens in the district. Trene Roy, J.G. and Nancy Cannon, TOID-Y and Claudia Rambo, Kdwar'd and Doris Nell Weil, Danny and Becky Kanrique. and teachers Nancy Bizr.:ell, Jo)'ce Tyer, Sherry Crisger and Bernice Carr,

nlis commit tee vill have its tirst meet ing short Ly after Thanksgiv i ng dnd begin its work.

Have a good Thanksgiving.






:, .., .... 11_ .. 111 "lJu'tonf Pa""

. ilnd . .. , Shop """"i

__ 1811 711 AlII :r..,......, __ . ~ AonIIa ..... fIOII\ .... 1)ftIae

HOMES FOR sALE 8 DR, 2 iath, Double car

comer lot with cellar. 1860 l1li. ft. IivillllPace ....

If you qualifY. call me about or VA Loan. e.p. "Pack" Smith

Irwin Realtor 879·2348 after 7 p.m.


2 BR 1 Bath, 2 Car Garap on West 10th. Would be great for a retired couple or for a starter home.

Keeton Real Estate 802 Main 889-2212

HOUSE FOR SALE 4·2·2 Brick Home

2800·Sq. Ft. Phone 839-3164

A·Frame For Rent 115W.6th

Call 794·9568 11/30

LAND FOaSALE 160 ICJa of irripled land. Uj"

wells in tile. Lays good. For more informllioa call:

409f265-4831 Collect

Morlan·Eaves Real Estate


1) A DeHght to See: Large Den, Elltra nice kitchen, 1 314 bath. double garage. bright .. cheerful, 50's. Morgan-Eaves Real Estate, L"gon X",mood,

Realtor 839-2360. 2) Loti 01 Space lor a~.

Growia. Family: Remodeled, 3 bedroom, over 2400 sq. feet of living area, extra living quarters for teenager, grandparent, or tenant. 50's. Morgan·Eaves Real Estate. JdlADD '«mond Realtor 839-2360.

3) N,w Central Heat " KeMleraled Air Systems: resh interr Paint, Newlinoleum, Re' Double Garage, 2 bath, 50's. Morgan-Eaves Real Estate, l.nann Lemond, Realtor 839-2360.

4) For Keat: 3 bedroom. 1112 bath, large living area, references, deposit .. lease required. Call Cary LEaves . Realtor, 296-5514.

5) Need to sell you .. property?? Need a larger home for you family? Cpll I,npnn I.emond Ljcensed Realtor at Morgan.Eayes ReAl EstAte at 296-5514 in Plpinview grin Hple Center 839.2360 We Appreciate your bu§joftsS


PVMPKINS FOR SALE Deco ... te JOur home lor Fall a 'l'h ...... vlq.

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1985 Ford Thunderbird 839·2525

1980 Mercury Cougar Good tires, ACIPS/PB

One Owner 839·2509

Classifieds Sell Call 839-2312


Clothing Resale Shop Labels . 839-2367

107 W. 3rd In Hale Center

Tape, bed, tedare, minor repaln aud quallty palatln •• Thoma. Hoadereon Jr. 839-2946 or 889-11816.

$5000 Credit Card Guaran1eed! No deposit! Free $80

certificate! Also no-deposit Visa. No credit check! R_h for Cluistmas!

1(800)800·5146, anytime

TEXAS REFINERY CORP. needs malure person now in Ihe HALE CENTER areL Regardless of training. write w.e. Hopkins, Box 1\ I. Fon Worth, TX 76\01.


r:---------:I I Life Trends Toning System. $10 Coupon

: Maybe applied to 12 ViSitS: I (reg. price $48.(0) I

Valid thru 12/24,190 I Jerrie's Place •

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Do Your Christmas Shopping EARLY Subscribe to the American for a gift that last all year

Call 'S39-2312 $15.00 Hale County·· $18.00 Out·Of·County

CoHon Center Churches FIrst United Methodist Church LyndaJl Fletcher, Pastor 879-2253 Morning Worship 9:00 a.m. Sunday SchOol 10:00 a.m. Sunday Bible Study 5:00 a.m.

FIrst Bapa .. Church Joe E. Cariker, Pastor 879-2301 SUnday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 10:55 a.m. Evening Worship 8:00 p.m. Wednesday AuxUIar1e8 3:30 p.m.

Hale. Center . Churches FI' .... ptl .. ~h o.n. Me~arn.Paitor 3~W; 8.th . 83~2405 ,

: . SQoc!atSChooJ .9:30 ~a.m. ' . Morning Worahlp1 0:55 a;m,

Evening WorShip 7:00 p.m. Wedne~ayS.tvk:el7:00 p.m.

FIr .. United Methodl .. Church Craig Curry. Pastor 202 W. Stevenaon 839-2480 Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 6:00 p.m.

ClUch Of CtvI .. SlI .. Short. Pntl!Qher 202 W.41h839-24CM Sunday School ,:45 a.1D, Momlrig W!II'shlp 10:30 a.m. EV.nIntiWoni~., 6:00 p.m.

. W.ed~~ay -se~8:00 p;m,

Lon. st.r BlptI .. Church Ira Charles !IoOnea.Paalor Sunday$choo19:45 a.m. J.1citnlng Worilhlp 11:1)1) a:m. ~ayMI18IonS8:00p.lD •. Wednesdayse~ 6:.00 p.m,


Though fortune seems to pass you by, There's something that you can't deny: At times we all have things go wrong, But manage still to get along. If you ean somehow pay eaeh bill, And no one at your house i.s ill, And if y<>ur ehiidren get good grades And don't indulge in escapades; And if you have just one good friend,

. In case misfortune should descend, Then you have blessings by the score,

. Of things you should be thankful for. Your House; of Worship wiUeonvey . This message for Thanksgiving Day, So lei: m.. all, with one: acr.;orq; .. . nxtend our thanks unto the Lord.

. -'<- ·GlQtia Nowak '

FrJenciahlp Holinua Bapillll2 W.L. Grillin, Pastor

Igl,"a Bautfsta Jersualam Albert Calderon, Paalor East Cleveland Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Morning Worship 12:00 Noon Evening SarvIca3:00 p.m. Wednesday Sarvic:e8 8:00p.m. Friday MlsalonI7:00 p.m.

~ 01 the Valley Ellseo Saldana, Pailor 1201 N. Main 839:2300 . SundaY Sc:;hoqI10~oO. "n·" .. MornIng Worship 11 :3r;1 ~m.

.E~"I!IIi Wo~h!p. 6:00 p.m. .. W8d~ Sarvices7:30 p.m.

Church Of the UvlnQ· God Elias Mo ..... z, Pastor 131~ Ave.E 839-2243 DailY Pray.r "'~ng 9:00 .;m, ~ilday .SdtooI10:00 a.m. Morning \'fqrshlp 11:15a~li1. Evening W0!8h,p 6:30 p.m. W:~neiClay S.~ .. 1:~0 p.m; ··

SUnday School. 9:45 a.m. Momlng Worship 11:00 a.m. Evening Worship 5:00 p.m. Wednesday Sltrvices 7:00 p.m.

St. Tt.a .. Catho/lcChlirch Falhar George Roney 1308 Aila. C 839-2310 Morning Worship 10:35 a.m. Mass.t1:00 a,m. . . . . . Wedl)8sdaySitrvi\lll,e:OO p.m .

Church of God of the FIrst Bom Sergio Bemal,Pastor . a22E. Stevenson 839-2276 Sunday School 10:00 a.m. . Morning, WorShl~ 11:00 a.m. El/IInlng Wot\lhlp 6:30 p.m, :: WednaSCIay ~r:vitei. 7:30 p.m.

. $15.00 Plr y .. r In HI" County $18.00 per y .. r outside HI .. COunty

March 2, 1872

Edited and Published by Tommy and Claudia Rambo Drawer B Phone 839-2312 Hale Center, Texas 79041 TEXAS PRESS



'I'm: ESTfo,','E 01' AUDRHY A. SIiAVEll

i\ollce 1s hereby glYen that Original Lett e rs of (.;u'''·,hUIIShlP for the Estale of Aubrey A. Shll\'er were Issued 0 1. th e f Olll'leenth day of NovelD.ber, 1990, in Causl!' No. 11.207 rt' ndlll": 1n the County Court of lIele County, Texali, to !' I C' hBI'd G. Shover. 405 \0,', 10th Stree t , Hale Center', Texas and I 'h<'n· t Sll (! Lyles. Kr~ss. TeXAS a.nd claims ilia), b. pr'eserlted to s II <, 11 GUli rdlans at such address 01' to FANCH£R ARCHER, 524 Main , .... \' . 1', 11, Ill' Rwrr ~JO, 1I ;'d\.~ ('enter. T~xn. 790~1. Attorney s lI .; 1I (' s l a t. ... and guardIans,

A]I pers o ns hl\ vi ng claims alla i os t this estate which is ,· UI' I,\·"tl)' bC ~llg oJlIli llislered an! r~q u lrect t o prcu: e nt "I tilin th e tlme and 1n t.he !Dilliner prescri b t'>d by 10.101,

])I\ l e d t h iS fifteenth of Nov(!llber, J990,

-:;Z:fJ?";~ c.J~ a~er Archer. St. BartlZ89000

,\ltorney Fo r ~11C'h E!\\.atC' P. O. U"uwnr ,1:W Hnle Cent e ,· , Te1l.ns i9041

Local4-H members participating in the Hale County 4-H Food Show were 0 to r back row) Jarred Hors.ford, Wes Horsford, Amy Jarrett, Michelle Dorcas, Mary Williams and 0 ot r front) Brandi Rogers, Shiloh King, Jeshua King, Clayton Dorcas. Casey Barrell and Joshua R~~ .

Creamy Chicken Tortilla Soup Blue ribbon winner in eounly 4-H Food Show

Wcs Horsford

6-8 med. com tonillas (chopped) 112 slick margarine I small can evaporated milk I cup diced chicken 16 oz. chicken broth 2 chjckeil bOullion cubes 3Tflollr l/2c waler 1/4 c dieed carrolS (optional) 2 T chopped green chilies (opliOnli) Sail aqd pepjiilriO laste· .

Cook:one.2to 3W. i:hiCk~nin ·bOiling "';aler·unlillender. Cool and debone . cl)icken br\>Ih; mugariite;milk,ho\tIlion ·cubes, a!ld ".gelables iinaucepan .

aqd sinunor. StU floUr inlotoIQ-wali:i'.and:add lomixlurC for thickening. Cui · lomllas inlo pieces and add 10 mixture. Add desired . !!Casoning: Coole unlil looillas are "mushy", and mixture hasthiekened. Yeilds 6' I c serving!'.

I " ,

. Browsing A:rourul AtThf!

. P~"lic Library By Jearin~T. ,Allen .

, " " , . - ,;'

Ruth RichardsOn is b.cK.at the Library after I wondmu)vacation in Hawaii. It Jeanne .Allenis home and working with a physicallhentpisl. JcannereporlS .\hal thc 'prop-ess illSlow. Everyone wishes her. speedy recovery.

FOOQFOR FIlliES will coritinue.iOOefmi!clyso iCyou have anovcrdueboolc • . "ideo or other.malerial now IS the time tog!:l them M.clc 10 the Library. JUS! bring .

. _cm offooil'for BlOb o~erdueitem~ The food will be gathered by the Youth : of FlO I B.lplist Chlln:bforbask~for loca1~; ... .. .

It·~: th"lime igain.,.()pen!(ionCliris~as. BooI>. l!I9Owill soon..beundcrway. _ .. . M~ aboufthll nellt w~!.·· . . . .

• . . .-.. 'Bonnl8 Chllto~ ' :

21 ..... FlrltStNlt • __ . ..... CInW :


Page 5: AMERICA'N - Unger Memorial Libraryunger.myplainview.com/hale center/1990/1990-11-23.pdf · Monica Jimenez, Christina Lopez, Debbie Quintana, Sara Shaver, ... of Lubbock 26·12 to


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