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American Wagyu Association Brand Standards Brand Standards(2013).pdf · Corporate Overview 3...

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American Wagyu Association Brand Standards
Page 1: American Wagyu Association Brand Standards Brand Standards(2013).pdf · Corporate Overview 3 Corporate Overview 3 Audience 3 Branding Purpose 3 Slogan ... Spell out and capitalize

American Wagyu AssociationBrand Standards

Page 2: American Wagyu Association Brand Standards Brand Standards(2013).pdf · Corporate Overview 3 Corporate Overview 3 Audience 3 Branding Purpose 3 Slogan ... Spell out and capitalize


Table of Contents

Corporate Overview 3 Corporate Overview

3 Audience 3 Branding Purpose

3 Slogan

Logo and Color Guidelines 5 Primary Brand Mark

6 Secondary Brand Mark 7 Colors

7 Corporate Typeface

Copy Standards 9 A – Z Copy Standards

Page 3: American Wagyu Association Brand Standards Brand Standards(2013).pdf · Corporate Overview 3 Corporate Overview 3 Audience 3 Branding Purpose 3 Slogan ... Spell out and capitalize


Corporate Overview The American Wagyu Association functions to promote the Wagyu breed and uphold the registered quality standards of the breed. These efforts support the purpose to maintain consistent quality of the product. The AWA membership represents breeders and feeders who target the high-end restaurant trade with highly marbled beef. The AWA also represents bull producers who supply cattle farmers a crossbred alternative that offers ease-of-calving ability and premium carcass quality in a single cross. No other beef breed can rival the ease-of-calving ability of the Wagyu breed.

AudienceInternal: Current and Potential AWA Members Producers, ranchers, feedlots, suppliers to the industry

External: Consumer and Commercial MarketThese enthusiasts of fine cuts and ground meat are the consumer market segments: •25–60yearoldswithannualincomesof$100k+ •Connoisseursoffoodandwine •Health-conscious,discriminatingconsumers •Professionals(lawyers,doctors,financiers,etc.) •IvyLeaguecollegestudents •High-end,independentsteakhouses •High-endhotels •Japaneserestaurants •Specialtybutchershops

Branding PurposeProvide a cohesive brand identity for the breed and create awareness among consumer markets. This is done by enthusing the membership, capturing the attention of commercial cattlement, and stirring the interests of the red-meat consumer.

SloganTaste Excellence

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Section 1: Logo and Color Guidelines

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Logo Guidelines — Primary Brand Mark

Background Examples

Dark Background

Light Background

Logo Guidelines — Single-Color Black Logo

Logo Guidelines — Single-Color White Logo

Minimum logo size


Minimum logo size

Minimum logo size

This logo can appear on dark backgrounds when a one-colorlogoisneeded.(Blackboxwouldnotappear.)

This logo can appear on light backgrounds when a one-color logo is needed.



Primary Brand Mark

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Logo Guidelines — Secondary Brand Mark

Logo Guidelines — Single-Color Black Logo

Logo Guidelines — Single-Color White Logo

Minimum logo size


Minimum logo size

Minimum logo size

This logo can appear on dark backgrounds when a one-colorlogoisneeded.(Blackboxwouldnotappear.)

This logo can appear on light backgrounds when a one-color logo is needed.



Secondary Brand MarkLogo can only be used after the primary brand mark has been shown in a piece.

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Color Guidelines

Pantone201CPantone7502C Black

Brand SealBrand seal can only be used after the primary brand

mark has been shown in a piece.

Web Address Use on collateral to call attention to the website.

ColorsGold Pantone 7502C, Red Pantone 201CThegoldcolorisusedtoaccompanythelightbambootextureusedinthelogo.Thecolorred is often used as a color for marketing food, as it is proven to stimulate appetite. We also use it torepresentJapaneseinfluence.

Corporate TypefaceBody Copy: HelveticaNeue45LightHeadlines: Helvetica Neue 65 MediumHeader: Fugu


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Section 2: Copy Standards

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AaddressesAddresses should defer to The Associated Press Stylebook, with Avenue, Boulevard and Street being abbreviated as Ave., Blvd. and St., respectively. Abbreviate compass points. A comma goes between the street address and the city and between the city and the state abbreviation. UsetheUSPSZIPcodeabbreviationsforfulladdresses(seestatesforrulesincopy).For deliveries to the American Wagyu Association, send packages to the University of Idaho Research Park, 721 S. Lochsa St., Suite 316, Post Falls, ID 83854.

Spell out and capitalize First through Ninth when used as street names; use figures with two letters for 10th and above. 726 Fifth Avenue; 100 21st Street.

Do not abbreviate compass points if the address number is omitted. He lives on East 42nd Street.

a.m., p.m. Lowercase, with periods. Use a space between the number and a.m./p.m. The meeting is at 3 p.m. See also time.

American Wagyu AssociationUse on first reference. Use AWA thereafter, unless the reader needs reminded of the name. Do not break between lines. American Wagyu Association should appear on one line.

Bbrand-new (adj.)

breedThe Wagyu breed.

bulleted listsBullets, en dashes or other symbols can be used to introduce individual sections of a list. Capitalize the first word following the bullet. With bulleted lists, it is preferred to use sentence fragments — not full, complete sentences. Lists of sentence fragments do not require end punctuation.Therearetwoexceptionstothisrule:1)Anexclamationpointcanbeusedforaddedemphasis;2)Ifthelistismadeupofentirelyfullsentences,endpunctuation is required.



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Certified Angus Beef®

Use with superscripted registration mark. Abbreviate as CAB®.

checkout (n. and adj.)

check out (v.)

composition titlesTitleofworks(e.g.,books,magazine,movies,plays,albumsandTVshows)areitalicized.Subsetsofthoseworks(e.g.,chapters,articles,scenes,actsandsongs)areputinquotationmarks. Blogs are italicized, but not websites. For more guidance, see the The Chicago Manual of Style.


customer service hoursMonday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST.

DDashesUseemdashes(—)todenoteanabruptchangeinthoughtinasentence,anemphaticpauseor a series within a phrase. Put a space on both sides of the dash.


datesAlwaysusenumericfigures(notordinals,e.g., st, nd, rd, th).AbbreviateJan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec. when used with a specific date. Spell out when used alone or with just a year. Spell out days of the week. When the day includes a month, date and year, offset with commas. Aug. 1; August 2014; Saturday, Aug. 1; Aug. 1, 2014; Let’s meet on Aug. 1, 2014, to make a decision.

date rangesUse en dashes, with a space on each side. Aug. 1 – 4; Aug. 1 – Sept. 5.

departmentsLowercase department names. I received a call from human resources.

dimensionsUse numeric figures. The height of the fence is 5 feet.Includeathinspacebetweenthewholedimension figure and its fraction. The height of the fence is 5 ½ feet.Ifapplicable,includeaspacebetweenthedimensionandthelowercase“x”thatseparatesthenextdimension.(Thiswillusuallyincludeusinginchorfootmarks,asintheuseofguides,etc.)Door size: 3' x 8'; package size: 5 ¼" x 5 ¼".

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email addressesFormat in the following style: [email protected].

estimated breeding valueUse on first reference. Use EBV thereafter.

expected progeny differenceUse on first reference. Use EPD thereafter.





GgenotypicTerm used for AngusSource® program enrollment.

Hhyphenation and capitalization in headlinesIfthewordwouldnormallybecappedinaheadline(noun,verb,adjective,adverb,pronoun,prepositionswithfiveormoreletters,interjections),itwouldbecappedafterthehyphen.Record-Breaking; High-Quality.Ifthewordwouldnormallybelowercasedinaheadline(article,prepositionwithfourlettersorfewer,conjunction),itwouldbelowercasedafterthehyphen.All-in-One; Top-of-the-Line.Theexceptionwouldbeawordthatfollowsaprefixthatrequiresahyphen(mostprefixesdon’trequireahyphen,e.g.,multipurpose).Whenaprefixrequiresahyphen,though, lowercase the root word. Co-founder; Co-worker; Re-create.


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JJapanese Meat Grading AssociationUseonfirstreference.UseJMGAthereafter,unlessthereaderneedsremindedofthename.



Kumamoto Red Wagyu


MmeasurementsUse figures and spell out measurements in copy. It is 3 feet tall.

NnumbersSpelloutnumbersunder10.Usenumeralsfor10andabove.Spelloutallnumbersatthebeginning of a sentence.


PP.O. Box / P.O. boxUppercaseifusedwithinafulladdress.Ifusedinbodycopy,lowercasebox.

percentUse the word, spelled out, in body copy. Phenotypic means the cow has a 51 percent solid-black hair coat.


phone numbersUsenumbers,withnoparentheses.Donotincludethe“1-”infrontoftheareacode.Contact the American Wagyu Association at 208-262-8100.Ifanextensionappearswithaphonenumber,

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includeacommabetweenthelastfourdigitsandtheabbreviationfortheextension.Donotcapitalizethe“e”inextension.Contact the American Wagyu Association at 208-262-8100, ext. 123.


Qquotation marksUsesmart(curly)quotationmarksintext.Usestraightmarkswithmeasurements.

quotesUseanemdash(—)beforeattributionwhenaquotestandsalone.Usetwospacesbeforethedashand one after to set the attribution apart from the quote. “The American Wagyu Association is a great organization.” — John Doe


SseasonsLowercase the names of seasons. The annual conference is this summer.

serial commaDo not use unless needed for clarity.


statesSpelloutthenamesofstateswhentheystandaloneinbodycopy.Ifusedalongwithacity,astateshould be abbreviated in body copy, per Associated Press style. Our annual conference will be in Stowe, Vt.DonotuseUSPSZIPcodeabbreviations.Incopy,placeacommabetweenthecityandstate or state abbreviation. The American Wagyu Association is located in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. There is also a comma after the state if it is used midsentence. Visit us in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, where you are always welcome.



timeUsenumericfigures,exceptfornoon and midnight.Separatehoursfromminuteswithacolon.(Donotincludeminutesifthetimeddisplayedisexactlyonthehour.)Includealowercasea.m. and p.m.

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(Donotincludeifthetimeisnoonormidnight.)Useasinglespacebetweentimeanda.m. and p.m. Invitationsmaycallforamoreformallistingoftimes.Ifusinganendashbetweendayortimeranges,place one space before and after. Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Our hours are 9 – 10 a.m. We will be there from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

titles (of people)Lowercase titles unless the title is used formally. We welcomed President Barack Obama. Otherwise,don’tcapitalize.We welcomed executive director Michael Beattie. Do not capitalize titles when the name precedes the title, but do separate the title from the name with a comma. Michael Beattie, executive director of the American Wagyu Association. Do not capitalize titles whentheyarenotusedwithanindividual’sname.The executive director issued a statement.

Tottori Black Wagyu

toward Not towards.


UUnited StatesCan be abbreviated U.S.(withperiods).DonotuseUSA.

United States Department of AgricultureCan be abbreviated USDA.




websiteDo not use www for website addresses. wagyu.org.

weightsUse figures and spell out measurement. The cow weighs 700 pounds.


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