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Americans Still Making Unhealthy Choices

Date post: 03-Feb-2022
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Americans Still Making Unhealthy Choices

Americans Still Making

Unhealthy Choices

This Week’s Headline: Overall Health isn’t Improving

• Latest health survey shows

– 60% of Americans – that is 6 people out of every 10 – are overweight or obese

– 20% of Americans – 1 in 5 – smoke

– Only 1 in 5 Americans meets the minimum aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise recommendations

– 1 in 3 Americans is completely inactive when it comes to leisure-time aerobic activity

• Researchers commented that the obesity rate has been rising for the last 30 years and still has not reached a plateau

Speaking of Unhealthy Choices…

• World Cancer Research Fund reviewed 7,000 studies on diet and cancer.

• Conclusion? Processed meats are too dangerous for human consumption. Consumers should stop buying and eating all processed meat products for the rest of their lives.

• Why? Meats are processed with sodium nitrite, a cancer-causing compound

These are Processed Meats

• Beef jerky • Bacon • Sausage • Hot dogs • Sandwich meat • Frozen pizza with meat • Canned soups with meat • Frozen meals with meat • Ravioli and meat pasta foods • Kid’s meals containing red meat • Sandwich meat used at popular restaurants • Nearly all red meats sold at public schools, restaurants,

hospitals, hotels and theme parks

If you eat processed meat…

• 67% increased risk of pancreatic cancer

• Every 50 grams of processed meat consumed daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 21% and risk of type 2 diabetes by over 50%

• Do this instead: – Always read ingredient labels.

– Don’t buy anything made with sodium nitrite or monosodium glutamate.

– Be careful about red meats served by restaurants, schools, hospitals, hotels or other institutions

Another unhealthy choice in the news this week: honey • Honey is good right? It is a natural sweetener and has

many health benefits – Antibacterial, antifungal, good for coughs and colds, much

healthier choice than high fructose corn syrup and artificial sweeteners

• The problem with honey – not all honey is the same • Much of the processed honey in big box stores is mass

produced in Asia – 75% of processed mass market honey has been ultra

filtered to remove the pollen (which has its own benefits) and is watered with high fructose corn syrup, illegal sweeteners and antibiotics

– Why is the pollen removed? To hide the country of origin and the fact the honey came into the country illegally and without being inspected.

How to Buy Honey

• Get honey from your local farmer’s market, co-op, or health food store

• Locally produced honey is rich in pollen and good for your health

– NOTE: If you have allergies to “pollen” it is usually pollen from trees and grasses that sets things off, not the flower pollen bees use to make honey. However, talk to your allergist if you have concerns.

• Do not buy honey at big box stores

Chronic Heartburn

New Study on Chronic Heartburn

• New study finds that chronic heartburn can increase risk of throat cancer by 78%

• The researchers also found that taking antacids (but not prescription acid blockers) reduced risk of cancer by about 40%

• HOWEVER – antacids are not the answer to heartburn!

Stomach Acid is Not the Enemy!

• Stomach acid is needed and necessary

• Stomach acid and pepsin begin protein digestion – Calcium, B12 and iron absorption

• Destroys bacteria and viruses

Water Stomach Acid


Neutral Acid Alkaline

1 7 10


3 10.5

Milk of Magnesia

Increase stomach acid to relieve heartburn

• Why?

– Food isn’t breaking down properly

– Fills up the stomach and ferments, which causes


• The answer is MORE not LESS stomach acid

– Betaine HCl is a natural stomach acidifier – take with meals to increase stomach acidity, improve digestion, and relieve heartburn symptoms

More Natural Heartburn Relief

• D-Limonene (found in the peels of citrus fruits) • Coats the Esophagus

– minor burps carry d-limonene from the stomach to the esophagus; protects it against caustic contents that would have otherwise been regurgitated from the stomach

• Stimulates digestion – Stomach contents move into the intestines promptly – less likely to reflux

back out of the stomach so that these esophageal irritants do not promote as much reflux.

• Protects the stomach lining – provides a barrier in the stomach and esophagus against bacterial infection

(H. pylori bacteria)

• Reduces the amount of gastric juices that reflux back into the esophagus

• Many people can feel the difference immediately, and are heartburn free in 2 weeks!

Sea Buckthorn Oil

• Mucous membranes are not just found in the mouth and the eyes

• Also line the stomach and intestines

• Sea buckthorn oil accelerates the healing process of damaged tissues found in cases of chronic heartburn and acid reflux (GERD)

• Make sure to look for products containing the oil from both the pulp and the seed – Omega-7 is found only in the pulp!
