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AMERIGAN NET&·TWINE - Memorial University...

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) T I f I [ . • < ·. ,:\;\:\IV DIED. On !!l11t iuat., or Rnohcl, ht"l nvNI wif o of Can· Dings. fj!) )',t'IITS. J\ t Melhouroc, ;\ uatrnhn, on Dec. 6th, l 92, Frt><leric-n , ·r('li ct of th o late Chna. N. Esq, nud arconrl of t ho lnte Jaruca Bayley .Eeq., of St. John 's. Wnahed m•erbonrd from schooner Pion eer, ofr'Cnpe Flnttery, British Col· umbiA, 1 98, Edward Cah ill, formerly of Harbor Grace. His body wa,. recovered and, buried at. ¥ictoria, B.C. n' March 24th, Wm. Brown, a native of :Xorwa:y, 49 years. On March 1 5th, at t.Pierre, Miquelon, Felix J .. the eldest. son of th e Jato Pat· ri c "' O'Neill, J. P., of Burin, aged 26 ;years. · At Cow Harbor, • •. W. Coast, on Feb. 23rd, C harles n,:red 68 yeArs. At Chicngo, on the 9nd Mnrch, nt 11is brother's rffidence, John Lewis O'Brien, son of tb e lat e Patrick nnd iMnry O'Brien, a nntive of Aqunfa rt c, N. F., nged 27 yen rs. Emergency-:- Meeting. Pun;uDl},t to a Requi s ition from the Teacnere. an Emergen cy Meet- in g of the T eacher s' Associa t-i on is convened at t he R11.rbor Gr11 ce Aca· dproy Hall, for T UESDAY. April 4th . Meeting will open at 7 o'clock p. m. sha rp. A full attendance is urger.tly r c- questec. wn r .28 NOTICE. THE Annual Meeting .._ OF TilE SHIP-OWNERS OF THE C. B. Mutual Marine Insurance C lub ,., .i ll be held in th e Literary Jnllti- tute on THURSDAY next , 30th in t., at 11 o'clo c k a . m .. for the pur- pose of formi ng a C lub for the esu ing eeaso n. A. RU THERFORD. H nrbo r Grnce, Mnr ch :2 . JUST- RECEIVED. ·r b · I :> ·• _.) oxcs . \..: 1..} _, ' rctniling at "<.'n tll pt'r lb. 10 brl ·. PRDIE BEEF, r etaili ng nt G cents per lb. Turni ps nnd Potatoes nt lowest prict's. .T. E. \\'ALKER, Oppos.ll<' Hoot anc.l :ihw Foctory. m nr.!.'ll FOR ' ALE AT T II F. FANCY AND TOY BAZAAR, VICTORIA STREET. Easter Came, Birth-dny Cnrds, Traced nnd Shaded Mats, Plain and Shn<ied Berlin Wool, Gold Braid, Tieauc Paper, &c. • A . . & A. BRUNLEES. STATUTORY NOTICE. In · the mAtt er of tho .Eet ate or PETER D'\\l'ER, lnte of Harbor Grace, in th e Northern Distri ct of the Islnnd of Newfoundland, .Mei:" chnnt, deceased. to.t h<· provisions of the .A. ct pnu• d in th o 4.lst y<'a r or the l'C'i$:11 of )lcr prcac·ut .Majesty, cntiUed "Tho Tn:al c• • a' An, 1g; ," :;\otico ia her eby .Ji n 11 lo all persons claiming to be cred1tors uf , or who may bne any claims or dem nnds upon or aff ecting tb e Eats.te or Aa.;l"ls of PETERDWYEB, . late of H nrbr•r Groce. in tho North ern Dis trict 1•f 1\, \vfoundlnnd, Merchant, deceased, "·ho died nt Harbor Grace, af oreaaid, on th e 1 th d ay of Februnry, .A. D., 1&1 :1, aiad of wb Otle Will Probnte was grant l '<l forth of tho Supreme on tno 7th day of lJnr c h, A. D., 1898, to Richard Dwy• r, of linrbor Main, achoolmaator, sud 'Thomns Hnnrnban, of Harbor Orac<'. schoohnaat('r, t.be E%· «utore in uid Wi!J named, are her eby requested to send 1 (J tbe so\id .Exeouwrs or to the undersigned Solicitor f or the aaid Executors toeithcroftbe addreuea below, the particulars, in writing, Of their claims, on or before tho FIBST Qf MAY, A.D., 1893. And notice is bcreby ghen tbat after . the aaid Firat day or May, A.IJ)., 1898, the aaid Ex cntort will proceed to dil tri buto the .A.Meta aod of tbo eaid deceased amonau the Lent.e91 iu the aaid Will .... ea. &ad noli Qther pRrtit'a 81 may 'be ;Dil'11e4 to abari bo.ving re- _. &o t.be claima or which t.bef' ... lla•• had notice. II a. John'e, thla 14th day of . Ja P.J. so.,_ ..... .. St. ... , }{ARB OR GRACE, NFI D, Y, MARCH 28, 1893 ( SING::..E COPIES T\YO CENTS.) NUMBER 22 . and For Sale: Bargains ----- 1 111 ' SP ECIAL ToTradesmen 3 .cases American OlE CLOTHES, Keystone Brand: 2 cases Long Black Oil Coats, <Leather bo\md, English Make. lo dozen Hamburg Hose, ll> do. Men's Cardigan Jackets ., 10 do. Docy Hats o do. The above wilf be sold Cheap, whole- sale'MUiNN B. ROS. Sie-n of the LION. I AMERIGAN NET& · TWINE 34 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass. MANUFAC'fURERS OF COD- HERKING AN D SEINES. C.A_PLIN -A LSO- HER RING ALL :>F THE VERY BEST QUALITY A ND MADE OF OUR S f I EP A l{ I) • G0 I.J D - of whi;h we are the o"lly mnnu 1 ac to reul, Hi gh es t awards at Boston. 1869; Phil adelphia, 1876 Fisheries Exhibition, 1883. . 'p ud for Illustrated Catalogue. : London, We n. spleudicl l ot of Women's and Hosiery in Merino, Ct tShl.Jlere and Wool·;· pr'ces ranging from 8 c. per pair. Also, n lot of' C:lshmere and ool Gloves which 'Ye offer at won derfully low prices. Lady' Gauntlets, Cash- mere Gloves, only 9 c. per pair. A large assortment Ribbons, from 3 c. per yard. Fancy Silks, Flushes and Dress Trimmings in gren variety- and very cheap. We have a few pi ercs of our famous 9 c. Fleece and 4c. Calico. Also, n. few pnirs of any E. S. Boots at 50;c. per pair. See our window for Gl.t:; ·w:tre, Photo Frames, a nd The rush has been . o r• r eat th at our stock is nearly cleared out, so we advi se e\·eryonc to cn.ll early ns it cannot l ast much longer .. M. J. JONES, 'White is King OF ALL Sewing _ - Machines. Hand' and Foot Mncbinca always on band, and selling chcnpcr tbnn over. All Stock is imported direct from tho Fnctory at. Cleveland, Ohio. Outport Orders promptly filled. We keep Needlca and Oil of beat quality. The Wh ite Sewing Machine Co JOHN CASEY, General Agent, Water St., Harbor Grn.ce, Nfld. 93 WATER STREET .. Harb or Grace. Skinner's Monumental Art Studio '!'he Science of Building, by E. W. Tam , - prict', $1.25. · Practical Cnrpenlry, by F. T. Ho:lbJI'Jn - $1. 10 . N ew Svl!t.em of HRndrnlllnl;'. b\' do.-$1.10 Slalr-Uu lltll nlt Murlo &'\11\ ', b\' olo .-I.IU T he St ceiSI'juare and ILS'U 1, hydo.-1.111 Col llu .. -;:'JO R ot•ll''" ror Tl mhr•lloo .to-(;Jc. R>·rn••'s T lml"'r nnd T he J>r nrtlrnl 1'1' t'hnl•·nl !nnlrnclor ....... 7)e. T he DeC'orntornnd .Hll' •n'" Hllnrlh .. T •ao .. ll:11 u lv l look-'lOc. T he M echnnlr'" Wo rk,.hOJ> 'Hn od, · l:.ovk--:;Qc Tho fl amlv . 'J'ho ('abt ll f'l Ha' nch · Uuo•r-:l:)c ' Thl' CIO('k Johhrr'• ll ntuly Tlw !look M fo'l\11<'.' .\ lphntrili - :!Oc T hl' Cnqwnll'r 1 1! PO<'kN ll1mr•nn lon-.>5c · Pocl :l't ')'<•lopcrlln-15<.-. P niiiMcr'li Amcrl cn n A rC'hllt•C'Iurc-$1f ' DulldcN 1 UIICflll De tnlls--$:!-'0 Sl . GARLAN D , Water and Bond Sts. ST. JOHN'S. Entertainment consisting of FARC _ ES will be held in St Paul's Hall ou TUESDAY, Aprilllth. .16T'Particulnrs 11\t er on. Post Office Notice ! The following Section of the Postal Act of. 189L is published for the information of the public, a nd Q 'Q'R Bus iness Plaee nnd entire Stock was des troyed in the Great Fire IZh ·en thll't IT of J uly 8. We have since socceedecl in erectmg a manufacturing . WILL IN FUTURE BE HIGlD · Sh op and Wareroom on t he old spot. We have received a large supply LY ENFORCED. of Marble, from the quarries; t ogether with a num her of the latest d t b t'( 1 d · f c d · H SEC 76--Every person wbo encloses a Bn mos eau 1 u es1gns or em et ery ecornhons, in e!\dstonel and letter or letten. or a ny "' ritinJ to ICl'\ 'O Monuments. Marhle or Al so, a few pieces Italian Art whidb tho purpoeo of a let.Ur or J>oet-eard, 11re exquisi te in design and finish·, suitable for Ohu r oh lor p&rcel pott ,- ornamentation. Personal attenti e>n is given to end i' order, smnll or or in 1\ pack et of samples or pattcrna W!l as well e ver to nud execute o rdf'rs. Every· poet cd to pnss nt tbe rate of poeLage thmg lS new, everyth 1 ng ts good . \\til ou r pntro ns ond fr ie nds note appli cable to anmples nnd plltterus; or th is? As in the pnst. we will do noth i ng but .firs t ·cln"s work, and thus encloses a letter or post-cnrd, or any sustain the good r eputation earn ed in nin eteen )' ears of successful bus writing to at'n·e the purp<'se of a l etter T 1 C p ) or post-card, or encloaea $ny other n <' BS 11e. oo s, eme nt , laster, nnd for sale . thing in 1\ ncwsnapcr posted to paaa as 1\ newllpnper nt the rnte of poetage TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, npplicnbtc to nQwspnpcr! (except in TH 'L Duckwot·th St c t st of Bcck.' s H'll 't J 1 • 1 th e cnse of th e Recounts nnd rec eipt. MARLIN .. . "-U - A . SM . ITH 'S ., M, bl . lW , . 0 lk ll s. i R ( RIFLES a r 0 r s I scribl·re), or euclOe<' d a letter or any l ... . Insurance - c.oy. I I I writing intended to at>r vo .t li O . I of a lettel' or poet-card 1n any mall· in nil stylesnnd s izes. Largest, L . h G ESTABLISHED 1847 I' mntt er sent hy poet not · a letter . atrongeat, eaaies t. working,aafrsl, simpl e- ostmt e reat ; SHALLINCURA PENALTYNOTEX eat, moet accurate, most compnc t, and the sum of CEEDING FORTY DOLLARS, ANIY !l1ost modern. For sale by all dealers $ 5 4 l,OOO . We beg to inf orm the . public that we moved into our :NOT LESS T HAN TEN DOI.LABS IN tn arms. .. new Workshop d Sh t to S 'l ' J.l d I BACH CASE. Cntaloguea mailed 1\- ee by an ow-room, nex a1 ors 1 ome nn op- , J. o. FRASER. 1' . M. Th e Marlin Arm s Co., and the posite our old Stand, where we have. in stock one of the lnrgc st Mnroh 9. G. QUEEN I NSURANCE CO. and best-selected Stocks of H b G NEW .. t;.S.A. paid out to 398 of its patrons, H EA DSTO N ES M 0 N U MEN TS &c ar or race 'vhose policies were involved ' ' ., I .... " [fEPA'RJ'MENT Notice to Mariners. No . 1 of 1893 . 1HE BELL BU OY at the entr ance of Portrau·Bnsquo Hal:'- bor, Channel, ha.a been dri ''<'ll from it. moorings. Ita 'Preaent position ie un· known. fob28. GEO. W. MEWS,' · Secretary Bonrd \Yorke. in the fire, exact\y a similar eve r seen in Ne,vfoundland. Having purcha.sed the stock and 1 · --- ' · a.moun . t, viz., -, ) business of the late ALEX. SliiTU nt a. rate far below cost, the 1 · Dr. LEBR hnvinJr newly fitted up S b 'b . ' ' t' t ll d · h' h' · · · · · · HOUSE, fo r $041,000 I u scrl er lS lD a pOSl 1<:ffi 0 se urmg t 18 ycnr everyt mg I w'n!'oo pleoaed to atte nd to ao:r in line at lower rates than over before. J · Opcratlne nopnrt- Best Stock and first-class workmanship. m ent on d Labatory will bo !o uod completo. JOHN CORMACK, 0 A. D b' l 't s h d B WATER STREET, A t St J h , . UR .ntm- urn 1 1 y, t ren gt a.n enuty. HARBOR GRACE - NFLD gen ' · ' 0 n 8 ' A. SMlTH'S MARBLE WORKS, ' · A. T. DRYSDALEI CHARLES F. MUIR, PROPRIETOR. N' · ' Agent,Hnrbor Gra .ce, '> . '-- '-'£1 Higgins' Hair- Dressing ·w 1 '11 1 THOMPSON & . CQ, NOTICE. n and improvell Machinery for NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl\'EX to nil [Two doort west oft.po Telegraph Oftlce] tho manufnctor t> of persona who may bnvo mndc npplica· ' STREET , HARBOR GRACE. MUNN'S · Lion at th e SORVE\'OR OFFl I for .Mineral, Timber or Agricultural ieitora and travellers can rely OD w ...... o 1esa le and Re ' tai"l D ruggi"sts ·. Liquid FISH cLUE, Grants, Licenaes or Leaa<'s J•rior to b ving their requirements satisfactorily th e 8th day of July, 1892; th ut their tt !led c.o. 1 1 th ey are prepared to till orders for npplicntions and all recorda of the so.me . . . nny qunntity,- · in casks from 5 to wc rcdeatroyed in the fire or th at date. P. HIGGINS, Proprietor. Outport Orders personally and promptly attended ' m cans frNn i gallon to Applicat 1on for th e renewnl of the to Pr · t• full d d 1 · 1 •• 1 d 2 eaid Grants, Liconsca or Lrutset; v•Ul be WANTED . escrlp Ions care y compoun e . plot; a 110, Jn an oz. bottles received at tho above Office (upon •alia· by the gross. # factory proof being given ot tbo filing - . ATTENDANCJC 1 0N SuNnAYs-10 to 11 ami 2 to 3 nna 8 to 9 p.m We Challen' ge the St gth of the snme), and t.ako precedence of Agp uta to aell our &Jld hardy ren all others for tb e same location, · t1ntil · Stock. t We b.avo many special of ihis nrUcle against all Competi· th e first day of May ne xt after which vanetiea, both Ul fnuta and ' omamen· ESTA LIS H ED 1855 dato all application. will be treated ae tale to offer, which are. co,ntroUed ool7 B tors. having been made fo r th e first time. by ue. pay commtaaton or salary. MUNN & CO., Dated at St.. J ohn'•, thla 6th day oC Write ta at for ter ms , and secure B ARBOR GBAO& ... obolce o(lern<oryz.U.'Ij,$\/ Post Office Stewart Mu}ln & Co., JanBOlot Extracts Stim\Uate only. · FOR 8BIPPJNG AND coMMIBSioN MER- J. A. Wh1tman. Johnson's Fluid JJeet Nourishes thoroughly. Euco_pe, United States and the CHANTS. Ouetom Tailor . Dominion of Canada, 22 &r, Jo HN sT MONTREAL. , -- ' Stimulants make you feel good temporarily. S_])lclalattention .tventO the .. te J'lt, Worlnn•Nhtp Nourishment does you good permanently. of J'iab ud J'Jeb Oif1. . . . lhlpDlu Whioh would yon choose to givo you strength? of l'loar aod pronlllopa ADd G.Oeral . . • .. , KoDklal. I Beef or Ex wlll be oloaed at Ule Poet Omoe, Harbor oty TUESDAY-28tTi Marab. " - 11th April. A. T DRY.'JDALB. ,. .... .. '



I f I

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VOJ.U ~lF. ,:\;\:\ IV

DIED. On Tu't-&~lny, !!l11t iuat., or pnrnl~·eie.

Rnohcl, ht"lnvNI wifo of ~eorge Can· Dings. ft~('(f fj!) )',t'IITS. • •

J\ t Melhouroc, ;\ uatrnhn, on Dec. 6th, l 92, Frt><leric-n, ·r('li ct of tho late Chna. N. Thorn~", Esq, nud arconrl dnu~ht<'r of tho lnte Jaruca Bayley .Eeq., of St. J ohn 's.

Wnahed m•erbonrd from schooner Pioneer, ofr'Cnpe Flnttery, British Col· umbiA, Jann1u~·. 1 98, Edward Cahill, formerly of Harbor Grace. His body wa,. recovered and, buried at. ¥ictoria, B.C.

n' March 24th, Wm. Brown, a native of :Xorwa:y, a~-ted 49 years.

On March 15th, at t.Pierre, Miquelon, F el ix J .. the eldest. son of the Jato Pat· ric"' O'Neill, J. P., of Burin, aged 26 ;years. ·

At Cow Harbor, • •. W. Coast, on Feb. 23rd, Charles \'inc~ont, n,:red 68 yeArs.

At Chicngo, on the 9nd Mnrch, nt 11is brother's rffidence, John Lewis O'Brien, son of tbe late Patrick nnd iMnry O'Brien, a nntive of Aqunfartc, N. F., nged 27 yenrs.

Emergency-:- Meeting.

Pun;uDl},t to a Requisition from the Teacnere. an Emergency Meet­ing of the T eachers' Associat-ion is convened at the R11.rbor Gr11 ce Aca· dproy Hall, for T UESDAY. April 4th . Meeting will open at 7 o'clock p .m. sharp.

A full attendance is urger.tly r c­questec. wnr.28


Annual Meeting .._OF TilE


C. B. Mutual Marine Insurance Club

,.,.i ll be held in the Literary Jnllti­tute on THURSDAY next, 30th in t., at 11 o'clock a . m .. for the pur­p ose of forming a Club for the en· su ing eeason .

A. RUTHERFORD. H nrbor Grnce, Mnrch :2 .

~ JUST-RECEIVED. ·r b · I:> \l~I'T ·• _.) oxcs .\..: 1..} _ , ' •

rctniling at "<.'ntll pt'r lb.

10 brl ·. PRDIE BEEF, retailing nt G cents per lb.

Turnips nnd Potatoes nt lowest prict's. .T. E. \\'ALKER,

Oppos.ll<' Hoot anc.l :ihw Foctory. m nr.!.'ll



Easter Came, Birth-dny Cnrds, Traced nnd Shaded Mats,

Plain and Shn<ied Berlin Wool, Gold Braid, Tieauc Paper, &c.

• A . . & A. BRUNLEES.

STATUTORY NOTICE. In· the mAtt er of tho .Eetate or PETER

D'\\l'ER, lnte of Harbor Grace, in the Northern District of the Islnnd of Newfoundland, .Mei:" chnnt, deceased.

t>UllSl.:A~T to.th<· provisions of the .A.ct pnu• d in tho 4.lst y<'ar or the l'C'i$:11 of )lcr prcac·ut .Majesty, cntiUed "Tho Tn:al c•• a' An, 1g; ," :;\otico ia h ereby .Ji n 11 lo all persons claiming to b e cred1tors uf, or who may bne any claims or dem nnds upon or affecting tbe Eats.te or Aa.;l"ls of PETERDWYEB,

. late of H nrbr•r Groce. in tho Northern District 1•f 1\, \vfoundlnnd, Merchant, d eceased, "·ho died nt Harbor Grace, aforeaaid, on the 1 th day of Februnry, .A. D., 1&1:1, aiad of wbOtle Will Probnte was grantl'<l forth of tho Supreme Cour~ on tno 7th day of lJnrch, A. D., 1898, to Richard Dwy• r, of linrbor Main, achoolmaator, sud 'Thomns Hnnrnban, of Harbor Orac<'. schoohnaat('r, t.be E%· «utore in uid Wi!J named, are hereby requested to send 1 (J tbe so\id .Exeouwrs or to the undersigned Solicitor for the aaid Executors toeithcroftbe addreuea ~Yen below, the particulars, in writing, Of their claims, on or before t ho FIBST

~day Qf MAY, A.D., 1893. And notice is bcreby ghen tbat after .the aaid Firat day or May, A.IJ)., 1898, the aaid Exe· cntort will proceed to diltributo the .A.Meta aod p~ of tbo eaid deceased amonau the Lent.e91 iu the aaid Will .... ea. &ad noli Qther pRrtit'a 81 may 'be ;Dil'11e4 to abari tht~in, bo.ving re-_. ~ &o t.be claima or which t.bef' ... lla•• had notice.

II a. John'e, thla 14th day of . Ja

P.J. so.,_ ....... for-~.

.IJi-~:1&., St. ...



~ust R~ceived and For Sale: Bargains - - - - -

• 1111 ' SPECIAL

• ToTradesmen 3 .cases American OlE CLOTHES, Keystone Brand: 2 cases Long Black Oil Coats, <Leather bo\md,

English Make. lo dozen Hamburg Hose, ll> do. Men's Cardigan Jackets., 10 do. Docy Hats o do. ~ellow ~ou'-Westers.

The above wilf be sold Cheap, whole-

sale'MUiNN B.ROS.

Sie-n of the LION.


AMERIGAN NET&·TWINE C~. 34 Commercial Street, Boston, Mass.






S f I EP A l{ I) • G 0 I.J D -

of whi;h we are the o"lly mnnu1actoreul,

Highest awards at Boston. 1869; Philadelphia, 1876 Fisheries Exhibition, 1883.

. 'pud for Illustrated Catalogue.

: London,

We are' showin~ n. spleudicl lot of Women's and Childr~n's Hosiery in Merino, CttShl.Jlere and Wool ·;· pr'ces ranging from 8 c. per pair. Also, n lot of' C:lshmere and ool Gloves which 'Ye offer at wonderfully low prices. Lady' Gauntlets, Cash­mere Gloves, only 9 c. per pair.

A large assortment Ribbons, from 3 c. per yard. Fancy Silks, Flushes and Dress Trimmings in gren variety- and very cheap. We have a few piercs of our famous 9 c. Fleece and 4c. Calico. Also, n. few pnirs of any E. S. Boots at 50;c. per pair.

See our window for Gl.t:; ·w:tre, Photo Frames, and ~ases. The rush has been . o r•reat that our stock is nearly cleared

out, so we advise e\·eryonc to cn.ll early ns it cannot last much longer ..


T~ 'White is King OF ALL

Sewing _- Machines. Hand'and Foot Mncbinca always on

band, and selling chcnpcr tbnn over. All Stock is imported direct from tho

Fnctory at. Cleveland, Ohio. Outport Orders promptly filled. We keep Needlca and Oil of beat


The White Sewing Machine Co JOHN CASEY,

General Agent, Water St., Harbor Grn.ce, Nfld.

93 WATER STREET .. Harbor Grace.

Skinner's Monumental Art Studio

'!'he Science of Building, by E. W. Tam, - prict', $1.25. ·

Practical Cnrpenlry, by F. T. Ho:lbJI'Jn - $1.10 .

New Svl!t.em of HRndrnlllnl;'. b\' do.-$1.10 Slalr-Uulltll nlt Murlo &'\11\', b\' olo.-I.IU T he S tceiSI'juare and ILS'U 1, hydo.-1.111 Hnnllrnll l n~tnnd tol r~aslngb•· Colllu .. -;:'JO R ot•ll''" ~!en•nrer ror T l mhr•lloo Slon~ • .to-(;Jc. R>·rn••'s T lml"'r nnd Ln~ Rook~\ic'. T he J>rnrtlrnl 1'1't'hnl•·nl !nnlrnclor ....... 7)e. T he DeC'orntor• nnd .Hll' •n'" Hllnrlh .. ok~n."c T •ao PnUt•rn·)fnk~'r' .. ll:11ulv l look-'lOc. T he M echnnlr'" Wo rk,.hOJ> 'H nod,· l:.ovk--:;Qc Tho :11 \!lni .TnrnM'~t fl amlv Ron:.~ . 'J'ho ('abt llf'l \\'urkr•r'~ Ha'nch· Uuo•r-:l:)c ' Thl' CIO('k Johhrr'• llntuly ~Jon:<-soc. Tlw ~C\" !look M fo'l\11<'.'' .\ lphntrili - :!Oc T hl' Cnqwnll'r11! PO<'kN ll1mr•nn lon-.>5c

· E•·l'r~·boc ly's Pocl:l't ')'<•lopcrlln-15<.-. P niiiMcr'li Amc rl cnn A rC'hllt•C'Iurc-$•1f ' J>nlll~cr 'll DulldcN1 UIICflll D etnlls--$:!-'0

Sl. GARLAND, Water and Bond Sts.


A~ Entertainment consisting of

FARC_ES will be held in

St Paul's Hall ou TUESDAY, Aprilllth.

.16T'Particulnrs 11\ter on.

Post Office Notice ! The following Section of the Postal

Act of. 189L is published for the information of the public, a nd

Q 'Q'R Business Plaee nnd entire Stock was destroyed in the Great Fire noti~e i~ h~rAbv IZh·en thll't IT of J uly 8. We have since socceedecl in erectmg a manufacturing .WILL IN FUTURE BE HIGlD·

Shop and Wareroom on t he old spot. We have received a large supply LY ENFORCED. of Marble, fr~h from the quarries; together with a num her of the latest

d t b t'( 1 d · f c d · H SEC 76--Every person wbo encloses a Bn mos eau 1 u es1gns or emetery ecornhons, in e!\dstonel and letter or letten. or any "''ritinJ to ICl'\' O Monuments. Marhle or G~nite. Also, a few pieces ~f Italian Art whidb tho purpoeo of a let.Ur or J>oet-eard, 11re exquisi te in design and finish·, suitable for Ohuroh purp.Qe.eut..h-..w·.......,~-~ lor i.~ p&rcel pott,­ornamentation. Personal attentie>n is given to endi' order, smnll or 1nr~e.· or in 1\ packet of samples or pattcrna W!l ar~ as well prepn~ed n~ ever to re~~h·e nud execute ordf'rs. Every· poetcd to pnss nt tbe rate of poeLage thmg lS new, everyth1ng ts good. \\til our pntrons ond friends n ote applicable to anmples nnd plltterus; or this? As in the pnst. we will do noth ing but .firs t·cln"s work, and thus encloses a letter or post-cnrd , or any sustain the good reputation earned in nineteen )' ears of successful busi · writing to at'n·e the purp<'se of a letter

1 '~' T 1 C p ) or post-card, or encloaea $ny other n <'BS 11e. oo s, em ent, laster, nnd .Malle~ts for sale . thing in 1\ ncwsnapcr posted to paaa

as 1\ newllpnper nt the rnte of poetage TERRA NOV A MARBLE WORKS, npplicnbtc to nQwspnpcr! (except in

TH'L Duckwot·th St c tst of Bcck.'s H'll ' t J 1 • 1 the cnse of the Recounts nnd receipt.

MARLIN .. ~~~~t~! . "-U- E~-E-N A . SM. ITH 'S .,M, bl . lW, . 0 lkll s. i ~L~J;~~I~d:~~:i~~s~~:~r~i:~~i~lr~~~ ~ R ( RIFLES ~ a r ~e 0 r s I scribl·re) , or euclOe<'d a letter or any l ... ~P.~~~ . L~~~ . Insurance - c.oy. I I I writing intended to at>rvo.tliO pur~e . I of a lettel' or poet-card 1n any mall·

~lade in nil stylesnnd sizes. Largest, L . h G ESTABLISHED 1847 I' mntter sent hy poet not · be~ng a letter. atrongeat, eaaiest. working,aafrsl ,simple- ostmt e reat Conflagt~tion ; SHALLINCURA PENALTYNOTEX eat, moet accurate, most compnct, and the sum of CEEDING FORTY DOLLARS, ANIY !l1ost modern. For sale by all dealers $ 54 l,OOO . We beg to inform the. public that we h~tve moved into our :NOT LESS THAN TEN DOI.LABS IN tn arms. .. new Workshop d Sh t to S 'l ' J.l d I BACH CASE. Cntaloguea mailed 1\-ee by an ow-room, nex a1 ors 1 ome nn op- , J. o. FRASER. 1'. M.

The Marlin Fil~c Arms Co., and the posite our old Stand, where we have. in stock one of the lnrgcst Mnroh 9. G. QUEEN I NSURANCE CO. and best-selected Stocks of H b G

NEW HAvE~, eo~~ .. t;.S.A. paid out to 398 of its patrons, H EA DSTO N ES M 0 N U MEN TS &c ar or race 'vhose policies were involved ' ' ., I DE}~fAL .... "[fEPA'RJ'MENT Notice to Mariners.

No. 1 of 1893 .

1HE BELL BUOY at the entrance of Portrau·Bnsquo Hal:'­bor, Channel, ha.a been dri ''<'ll from it. moorings. Ita 'Preaent position ie un· known.


GEO. W. MEWS,' · Secretary Bonrd \Yorke.

in the fire, exact\y a similar ever seen in Ne,vfoundland. Having purcha.sed the stock and 1 · --- ' · a.moun. t, viz., -, ) business of the late ALEX. SliiTU nt a. rate far below cost, the

1· Dr. LEBR hnvinJr newly fitted up

S b 'b . ' ' t' t ll d · h' h' · · · · · · " LIO~" HOUSE, for

$041,000 I u scrl er lS lD a pOSl 1<:ffi 0 se urmg t 18 ycnr everyt mg I Potlerit.~~,' w'n!'oo pleoaed to attend to ao:r

in h~s line at lower rates than over before. J · n~t ~,~m~~niiooms, Opcratlne nopnrt-Best Stock and first-class workmanship. m ent ond Labatory will bo !ouod completo.

JOHN CORMACK, 0 A . D b'l 't s h d B WATER STREET, A t St J h , . UR .ntm- urn 1 1 y , trengt a.n enuty. HARBOR GRACE - • NFLD gen ' · ' 0 n 8

' A. SMlTH'S MARBLE WORKS, ' · A. T . DRYSDALEI CHARLES F. MUIR, PROPRIETOR. N ' } ' 1 '1 1 ' 1~" ·' Agent,Hnrbor Gra.ce, '> . '-- '-'£1

Higgins' Hair- Dressing ·w1


THOMPSON &. CQ, ~~:nduen~;::ig~!fngbj~fl:oP!~~~~ NOTICE. Room~ n ne~ and improvell Machinery for NOTICE IS HEREBY Gl\'EX to nil [Two doort west oft.po Telegraph Oftlce] tho manufnctor t> of

persona who may bnvo mndc npplica· ' STREET, HARBOR GRACE. MUNN'S · Lion at the SORVE\'OR GESER.~J.'I! OFFl I for .Mineral, Timber or Agricultural ieitora and travellers can rely OD w ...... o1esale and Re' tai"l Druggi"sts·. Liquid FISH cLUE, Grants, Licenaes or Leaa<'s J•rior to b ving their requirements satisfactorily ~ the 8th day of July, 1892; thut their tt !led c.o. 1 • 1 they are prepared to till orders for npplicntions and all recorda of the so.me . . . nny qunntity,-· in casks from 5 to wcrcdeatroyed in the fire or that date. P. HIGGINS, Proprietor. Outport Orders personally and promptly attended ' tO ~ntlooa; m cans frNn i gallon to

Applicat1on for the renewnl of the to Pr · t • full d d 1 · 1 • • 1 d 2 eaid Grants, Liconsca or Lrutset; v•Ul be WANTED . escrlp Ions care y compoun e . plot; a 110, Jn an oz. bottles received at tho above Office (upon •alia· • by the gross. #

factory proof being given ot tbo filing - . ATTENDANCJC10N SuNnAYs-10 to 11 ami 2 to 3 nna 8 to 9 p.m We Challen'ge the St gth

of the snme), and t.ako precedence of Agputa to aell our cbou!l~ &Jld hardy ren all others for tbe same location, · t1ntil · Nu~ery Stock. t We b.avo many special of ihis nrUcle against all Competi· the first day of May next after which vanetiea, both Ul fnuta and 'omamen· ESTA LIS H ED 1855 dato all application. will be treated ae tale to offer, which are. co,ntroUed ool7 B • • • tors. having been made for the first time. by ue. W~ pay commtaaton or salary. JOB~ MUNN & CO.,

Dated at St.. John'•, thla 6th day oC Write ta at ~nco for terms, and secure B ARBOR GBAO&

D~b ... ,A.D.'w.~~~.~c;or.;;mal. obolce o(lern<oryz.U.'Ij,$\/ Nouril;lbment.:V.~.~~J:~timulant Post Office N~tice I ·

Stewart Mu}ln & Co., JanBOlot • Extracts ·ofBe~f Stim\Uate only. · MAIL~ FOR 8BIPPJNG AND coMMIBSioN MER- J. A. Wh1tman. Johnson's Fluid JJeet Nourishes thoroughly. Euco_pe, United States and the

CHANTS. Ouetom Tailor ~ . Dominion of Canada, 22 &r, JoHN sT ~ MONTREAL. , -- ' Stimulants make you feel good temporarily.

S_])lclalattention .tventO the .. te ~'~tee J'lt, Worlnn•Nhtp • Nourishment does you good permanently. of J'iab ud J'Jeb Oif1. . Gin~ • ~ . . ~tothebu!fDJand lhlpDlu OQ~--~pom"M*&too Whioh would yon choose to givo you strength?

of l'loar aod pronlllopa ADd G.Oeral . ~ . • .. ,

--~-11uo, KoDklal. ec.aa~~&"'ll~ I John~n's Flu~d Beef or Ex

wlll be oloaed at Ule Poet Omoe, Harbor 0~, oty TUESDAY-28tTi Marab.

" - 11th April. A. T DRY.'JDALB. ,. ....



. . t I

THE HARB01t , GRACE STANDARD. ~~~~~~~~~~~. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~~==~~~4~~~~~======~~~~~~~~==~~


0~ :.P}~'tJOY® . noth the reetbod and rcs.Ilts when dyrupofFigs is tnhni it is pleasan­and refreshfng to tllc iruite and acto gcc.tly yet prot:'! 1· !!yon the Kidneys, L1ver :md Bowels, clcnnses the sys· tcm eff~wtu::.lly, dispels colds, bead­aches and fevers and cures habitual t r;nstipniion. S,yrup of Figs is the n:lly remedy of ~ts kind everjro• <bced, pl~.tmg to tho tdte nn ac-­cc?t.'lble to C12 :,.~oo:;.ch, prompt in : ts nctio::t c.:1d truly beneficial in its d~ect~, prC'p:ll'cJ v:-:.:l fro::n the m~st benlthy~c~l c.~.::~::!> .~ r:ub3tances, 1~

, ro-:mye::.ccl .: :. ~ r!:-.:iticscommendi\ to . r.ll :md l.t' ;o made it the most p opular rcmc.iy known.

Syrup of Figs is ,.for snle in '15o bottles by :ill leading d.ruggists. .Any rcliablcdruc:gist who m ay not

• · have it on hn.n-d will procure it promptly for a::1y one who wisher to try it. MnnU:O.cturcd only by th6


LO~ .. ~-:. ~~WYOllll:.~ ~





Jose~b W. Baxendale, Esq. Bristow Bovill. E~q.

• Tbo Rou. J a mall Dyng. John Cintron. E s!{.

Octnv)us E. Coopo, Esg., :\I.P. George Artbnr FuiJeri Esq.

~hnrh!8 E. Good 1nrt, E~q. .M. Rbodo H nwldns Esq. Sir Joh:l Ll:bbuek, Hnrt., :\f .P.

<.:bnrles 'l:homns Lucns, Esq. <.:bnrles ~l nv:nn~·. E.sq.

The Hon. Edwin B. I'ortmnn, Esq. Dudley Robort Smith, E.~q.

Will In~. ~-~~~.s .. Thompson, Esq.

H on. Dlrector-JOR:s' J . BLOO:\I FIEL D,Eaq. WILLLUI C. MACDO:-IALD I Joint FR.U~CUI B. llACDO:-IALD I ~crctnrlcs.

The cngnl!cmcnts or this Omco nrc ~nnrnn· teed by n numerou~ nnd \vcnl thy ProprJe­tarv, In addition ton lnrge Invested CnpiLnl · and t ho promptitude and II !Jcrnllly with which clnlma have 111wnya been meL nrc W~>ll-knO\vn and "<'knowledged.

Tho lm~nonco or th ~ tmnRMtlons of tht> PlJQ£NJX FiRE OJtFJCE

may be c~tlmnted from the fOI'L thot s ince 11.1' e~tabll&bmenL-no•v o•·cr 0 :-~ E H tr:-IDRED Y&AM-the PR>•ments In IIRtllrfn<'llon o r the alalml! for Lo~e~ hn••o oxcocdcd FOUrtTEE." MILLIONS Sterling.

,arinsurnncc" ttgalu~t Lo111 b1· Fire nnd Llrhtnlng nre elfecUld by the Comp•u•y upon every '' "ACrlptlon or Property, on tho most tavorablo UlrmL

W. & G. RENDELL, St. Johns, Agents for ~cwfoundlnnrl .

O F'

Liver Oil AND THC

HJpophospb!t~s of Lime and Soda.

No ot'tler Emulsion is so easy to take.

It does not V-parate nor SpdiL

It is always sweet as cream. The most sensitive stomach · can retain it. CURES

Scrofulous and Wasting DiseaseL

. Qrroalc Cough. . Loss or Appetite.

Mental anCl Nervous Prostration.

General DebWty, &-£


Highest of all in Leavening Power.-'Latest U.S. Gov't Report. unmcnt desire m e to stR.te thnt. the arbitrntion upon tho sole quration now to be submitJ.Qd t.o the Commission Cl\n· n6t be 1\bauio·n~ ; but they ~tte willing to give au assuraoca thn.t no furLber q_uestions 1hall be submitted tt> the . nt:bitrotn~ without full . consultation with the Cotoni1\l Government, and that the opinion o fttlo Colonit\1 Government will not be cl isrr,c:nrdPd in the Ansence of prc11sins;: consi<l<'rntions affecting the

m eot paid hie salary . Oo tbnt allmll P"Y in the evening ¥f. l[o,.roc! Jl.:ft. for Newfoundland and he (Premier) · would ask ·whethnl: in t liat stage of the oegot.iationa Mr. ¥ on rpo could exr cuse himself for not remaioin~ to con­clude them in t.hedisohnrgo of bis dutieiJ as a. d.elegnte, abd~it wne extrnordinnry for lnm now to plend thRt tho other del<'~n tes hll(! permitted h im to 1cavo, unlN1s ha wna prepare<{ to a cquiesce iu what t.hl'y nfterwl)rds did. It wa8 truo they hnd Sth·on h i m a lett¢r which was ~ivcn him at his enrneat rcqueat, but in \'iew of Mr. l\Ionroo'a actit~n i n leaving uncler these circumstanCC'It on June 6th, coupled wi th the f11.ct of his having tell's:;rnphed to llr. Morine, May 28 as follows :-" Don't feAr our agreeing permanent ll'l!islttio}l" indicated ' 'cry s lrons:;ly that Mr. ~Ionroe never in tendnd

. --, FRIDAY, }[arch 10.



&ki ~~ H _on. the PREmER. (conti.nu~)-Tho Legislature proceeded .agam to talco into <'onsideration this s econd t elt>gram r t>cPived frort1 the deleghtea and finallv decided to recede from their former decision. lL wns appreciated that thu delegntes bad acted contrary to tho in­stmctions so clearly laid dQwn for their Jnlidn,nce in reference t!>, a pem1anent bill, n'nd further tbat if ~he Legislature were to sanction ~be act1on of the dele­J:atee. they would be approving thai. which bad been so recently condemned by tho whole colony, not alone from public pln t forms hnt through the unnnimon.s voice of Parliament. They would be mnkin!rthemselves ridicul ous in thl' ~'Y f'~ of the world, for such a ction would d~clnrC' that thei r solemn resolu­tion wne n mistake: But, above all, the H ouse appreciated thnt they ~ere in­vit('d to assent to le~islntion m ost de­trimental to the heat inter<'s ts of the colony And 'lnost repn~nnnt to tho feel· illJ!S orthe. people. Th t'refore, after the mist cn rrful nnd dispnssionnte consider­ation, the House resoh·cd us foll ) ws,

Powder ~

ABSOWTELY ·PURE i nt('rl'sta of tho Em pi rll." 1

" 10 ',l'hey will11.lso cn.refnlly consider whether the question of compcnsntion should properltb,. given to thret> ncr­sons whose proper ty mlly be di11111rbed by the a.wnrrl of the Mhitratot11. although thrv sne no ~rounds for nrlmittintt nny linbi lity on the part. of the l~perial C:ovl'rnm('nt o pn.y suoll compensa-jeaty'e Government and the delegate~ in

tho cours(~ of their ne~otiutions. 1'ho first of which wns dated April 21st, 1891, and which wns as-follow.,:-

tion." ·

"Hotel ~[ctropolo, April 21. 18!>1." . ''The Delegntes would res pectfully

submit to tho consideration nf Ltlrd 'n.l isbury the followinJ: propo!!nls, which

the.)' t rust will m eet with h is Lordship's nppre,m1 :

" Rely in~ upon the neauroncr11 con­. tainerl i n -yoilr prll\'ions corrl'spon!lrnce with us, e.'lpecinlly with r\'frrrnc!' to thr limitation of tho pr<'sl'nt 11rbitration on tho..lo.hstcr question. n ml com pensntion to be mnde under thn nHxlu<~ vivr ndi , we nrc of opinion tlmt tho Newfound-

lt~tcemrd to him (Prrmir r) !!in~ulnr to nttrmpt t fntrodncc 1tnd to contC'ml thnt th~> qn !Il ion of comp<'nsAtion nnrl limit'\tion f Arhitration wr rc princi-

to be a pnrt.v to the arrangem ent of n. pt'rmnnl'nt Bill, :1lthou~h with tl1o other dell'gntrs he had concei ,·ed it hnrdiy pro­hf\ble thnt emch pcrmnnr nt net could ho arranA"ed nod pnssed. With respect to the present. proposed np~otintions for-a new permnnent Bill, could thero be anv sin­eerily i n snch n pronosal nftc:>r the litter-

nnmel\·...: ~ "Tliat wherens, th is Legisla t ure did

on the 31st day o ~fnrch lost past. ap­point certain delegntcs to proceed to London fo r the purpose of bring ing be­fore the British Pn'\'linment tbc ' ' lows of this Legisla ture, nne! of the people of this colony, respecting certain legisla­tion nbout to be introduced bv H er ~fnjrsty's Go,·ern.'ll<'nt i9 relaiion to t he French Fisheries qoeation in New-fou ndland: .

And wherens, the Mid delegates hR.ve not succeeeded in inducing H er Ma­jesty's Go,·ernment to wi thdraw the proposed lcgit~la tion, nod it has been renrl n second time in the H ouse of Lords·

And whercna, the said delegntea have advised this Le~isla.Ltlrc tbnt they deem it nddl'l\hll' that t!1is Legislature should imnwdintrly pnss a temporary bill en­forcing modus vi\'endi arbit~tioo n ward and treaties, in· prcaent manner .... r this sen on , p rovided that I mper ial Bi II is dropped, that eompenMtion ia t~rcm• d to possibl(' sufferers' under 1\\'ttnl. nnrl the principle is admitted or: thr rr('ntion of courts to discharge iucl i· inl functions no w performed by nn ,.n I officl'rs, which t em porary l<'gis­ln tion is to I.e mnde into a!permnncnt bill ;

A nd wher<'ns, this Legislature, after the most cnreful consideration of the drl<',l!'at rs' proJ)OSnl deemed it nccessnry to nsk for full<>r information before nr· rh·in,c: nt n conclusion respecting their propll~al. nnd resolt\tions to that effect w.-rr eahlrd hy this H ouse to the said delegates ; ·

. \ n.J whrrt' .IS. Lhc ' rcph r rcceivcrl this .Jay fwm thl' dcle:;:nt<'s docs not fnrni h :I snt ief11ctory e:cnlanntion to the Ll'gis-1:1 ~u tr of t1w: nl t ion: tn kt'!l by tho d t'le­~ntrs. nor <' ''t•n l.ellr out the contention Of the rlelegntrs that the legislation prnposl'<l is of a m erd y t empo.zary n:uurc; ~. n i:SOJ.\'En,- TI11lt,"'/this Legislature ··nnnot nssrnt to ~he proposal made by thl' .J,·I··~ntrs or to pass any mcasurr of le;.:is!nti<m whatsO~\·er. ·

R ESoLn:n,-That a.copy of the fore­J!Oing resolut ion be enabled t o the dele­gates.

This resolution wns c.'lbled to the dele­gates immediately, and there was a fC'eling o f reli<'f that Sll!lpense Wlls O\'er , <lnd that the H ouse had done its u tmost to prc\'ent the obnoxious legisiRtion ; nml thllt. i f i t bad failed, still it had 'lone its duty.

FIR:."T.- (a ) The Newfou dlnnd Le~is­lntur~' to pl\8!1 imm('dinely nn Act 'nu­thorizin~ the execution · for this ,·rnr of the modus " ivrndi. the nwnrd of the Arbitration Commission re~nrdinj;t th" lobster question , nnd the t renties and cleclnrnttons, uncl<'r in•tructions from H er Mn:••sty in Council.

"(b) Tho further progri'SS of t he Bill now b<'forc Pnrlillment to be deferred until the p11S8ing of the above Act and the Bill th <'n to be withdrnwn." ' ~(c) Tho terms of no An to empower

COurts nnrl pro,·ide for regulations to enforce the treaties and declarat ions to be discussed and n rmnged with the Del<'gates now in this city, as ropidli ns possible. nncl to ho enacted b,· the Legislature of tho Colony as soon as agreedfupon." . •• SEC<?:->D.- (n) The present arhitrn­

tton ngre<'m<'nt not to be nllowr tl to Op<'rnto fu rth('r thnn the lob!ltcr question wi thout tho prior con!lentofthoCoi•111Y, nnd in this case the Colom· to be re­presented upo.1 the Commi~sion."

•: (b) The Colony desires nn a;:rC'e­m cnt for nn uncon(lit ionnl arbitration on nil points that ei ther party CAn raise nnder the lrentiee 1\Jtd declnrotions nnd if th is he nrmuged between Great' Bri­tain and Frnnce. Ncwfoundlanrl willnsk to be represented upon such arbitration. and pnss Btl Act to carry out the a wll rd:"

And culn:inntin!!' in the let ter of the delega tes to Lor.! Knutsford, dated Mlly 27th, 1 91, ns follows:-

H otel ~ctropolr. W ., } · ~lay '17. 1 ' !H.

" ;\fy ·Lolm.-\\'e lc:an thnt h er :\fn­jesty's Go'·"rnment nrc not nd \'crse to acct••linf! to the prupo.~ition mAde lw us rl'lnti \'(' to the rn~lli ll~ of 1\ tcmpornr.\' Act for cnrryin!-; out the n1odus ,·ivendi n·:~prctinl( the lobster llsh <'r~· t ho <>x­ccu\ ion df the awnr.l whicli ' may be n.tndc u:-.dcr tho ngrrcm cnt for nrhitrn­tton :ts re~n rdcl lobsterd,llnd the t retHics pro\'i :ied thnt such Act is made to te; minnte nt the end of the ,·ear 1893. . " \\'c·mllkc this propos1tion with con­

s tdernble roluct:mcc, and rrfroin from recommending its conclusion by the loMl Lef!islnturc withou t r eccidng from H er ::\Injesty's Governm ent an as­su rAnce th11t in Cllse SltCh Bill bo pll sed H er Majesty's Go,•ef-nm ent will (1) withdraw the Bill now before the H ouse of Commons, after its s c:rond rending· (2) w;.Il also g h ·c neaurnnco that th~ terms of n permanent Bill. to be pnssed by the Colonial Li!gisla.ture, baaed upon the pri nciple ·Of the establishment of Court.a under judges or magistrates, in­lltend of under naval officera, for the ad­judication of questions arising under the treaties , modus vivendi and n ward of the present arb itration, be forthwith d is­cu~sed with theDelegt1.tes,and -nrrnnt;cd. Such permanent Act, when passed uy tho Colonial Legis lature, might at once supet11ede the present proposed Coloni­al t ern pornn· Act.

H ero t hen wtts n distinct repudiation of the proposals of the delegates and th<' delegati's action with regard to the Bill i n this H ouse. How t hell' could it be said truthfully, that there waa no in­tention on the part of th e Legislnture to rrpiHi inte proposnls of the delegates! Anti it . would be remarked, especially, that the Cc•lonia l Secretary insisted u pon the delegates' duties being limited to simply opposing tho pn!lllnge of the Bill t hen before t.he Brittsh parliament nntl upon fniti ng to snccrrrl , they wcr<• to return without making any' pro­posals wbntsoevor for a solution of the diltieulties. Tho reJ><?rt now before the Committee was mtelcading and con­tr~dictory, a nd not in accordance )Yi~h -fac t. The fourth pnrograph runs thus:-

"In CJlse no such permanent Act can be a rronged nod passed-which wecan· n<?t concci vo ns probable-or course it will be competent ror Purliament~to ptlBs 11urh nn Ao before the end of 10 year 1893 na it. may deem uecessnry or th~? car~y~ng ont of the treaties, &c."

(·1) By reference to the ct-rrespon­dcncc and documents •then before the L<'gislntur<', the Commit tee find that tno delegates made the following pro­poMis in reference to legislation of a continuing character ::

(n) 'fh tlt it should provide for the creation of 11 Court to adjudicate u cornpla inta arisinl{ in the COUt11C of the enforcement of the treaties, and the award of the propoaed·arbitrotion upon tho lobster question, theJudgea' .of which Coll)'t should be 11.ppointed by the Go,·€rnm cnt of the Colony. with the nppr .. val of H er Majesty 10 Council, and from whose judgmcnta there should be a right of appeal t.o the Sur .. flmc Court of tht. Colony, and the•·~e to tho Judioiul Com.mlt.­tee of the Privy Council. . · (b) That compensation should be pr<r vided for those 'pilmoos, if any wboee property might be injured or dt.turb­ed m conse:quence ofthe eDforcem ent of the award of the arbi&•tioa ; prO­vided it were found impoaible to abandon arbitration altogeth81' -(See leUer of Delegate. to Secretary of State for Coloniea, .. daled Jlay' ht.., 1891.) Now It would be aup~ · tbat t.he

letter of Hay ht rcleriea to, contained ~he pl'OplUla oftbe d~tea been acquieaoed In H er Goverm:nent. 8uoh DOl fort hie, a ~IIIJIIlUrll.~t,!c)Ooo-o~lleJ)f

A REVEREND .MOTHER SPEAKS The Rm-orend Mother of th\ C.nvent of

the Holy Fama.· Baltic, Conn., wrltee · that abe can a 11: in only the b!~htwt &.erma of the kapoo Indian Remedlee. and that ·She keepe a supply of each kind oonatantly on band the year round u for aeveralyeara they ~ve stood ~he'teat 111 every case. "The he&lth of two Jlundred chUdren under my ciare fa par&mouDt. to ever,thlng eU41, and fever, oold, and cough fa llleldom ltDoWD, th&nb to thf Elobpoo Indlan on and Ooqh Cure· while the Elaka~ IDdlau Salft and tiM Jtlokapoo Iadlau Worm JtWer haw otta proved their etreo&lno-."

Klokapoo Indian Remedlet For Sale bJ All Druulete.

ii=:Rar ....

ll\nrt L<'J!islnturc will :1roede to our pro- · po8itiont~ mndo hrrl'in."

" \Ve l11wo tho hon()u r to b <'. )[y Lod, Your Ohlldicnt.\' S!'rmnts.

" T 11E x~:wFot:~m.\:->11 DEt.EG.\TEs. "Th~ lArd Knutsford.'' . \Vhirh on the n~>xt rln ,. wns followed by th <' lrttl'r of )f·w 2 ~th :

" ?lfETROT'GLE H on:L, Mny ::! • 1891. ~11 LoRD.- " Pnrsunnt to tho purport of our commrmicJttion o f v!'sterdar't~ date, and in accordance with the ,·icws e:<presscd by tho Hi!:ht H nnonrnhl!' the Secretary of St.Atc for Fnrr iJ::n Affi1irs and for tho Colonies. the :\'ewfouncllnwl Le,c:isl11.ture, at onr instnncr.h:1s passrd the Bill. R. copy of which hns been sent to your Lordship. wi th th<' nm r ndm!'nt su)!gestl''l by your T.ord~h i p tha t the net should continur unt il dl•' end' fthc year 1 !>3. 11ncl with nltcrntion in the second session b v insl' rtlne the words 'or any continun'tion t herr of p<'nd i ng t.hc nrhitrntion" nftr r the fkurr11 1 ~ I. We presume that nothing now r'' lll :t ins to be clone br 1111 or lw t hr X<.'wfl1tll1d· land L"l!i11lniure in ord~"r tn ohtain from ~·onr Lord~hip the withdr.1wnl of th<' Bill11ow liC'fore thr linus~> of Commoos after i t hns been n•nd n IIPCOIHI timr. a!ld tl!nt your Lor,l~h i p will gi,·e sul'i1 dtrecttons for tho tmmcdintc nrranc:!'· m ent wi th the Dcl(·~nt<'s of thr lf\rms of a permnnl'nL Art bnsed on the principle 1\8 m<'ntionNl in ourlettrr of yestr r.Jay. \\',, lm n• the horrour to be, my Lord. ~·ollr.ohedil'l1L11Pn':l ntll.

Tur. x~:I\'FOl:~Dl. \:\0 DELEG.\TE.<:;. "The Lord K llutsfor,l."

W hich t wo letters were replied to on )lny !:!')th. ns follo" 's: [lmmc<llntt•.]

'· Do\\'XI:->G STJa:t:T. :\f:\ ,. !:! . 1 fll. ' ~ GJ:~TI.E~IE:\1-f IIlli d i n·~~tt'<Jln- }..()r,J

K nutsfo)fl! to nck!lt l\\' l t ·d~P rr rcipt of your lt:tt<'rs of the :27th nn·l :2 h i nl\t .. 1\n(~ to 1\CfJ III\Ln t yoll . in r<!ply, thnt l[rr ){II.JC'sty's GO\'I•rnnwnt Ira n • with much sntisfact ion lt:mrnt fro m t.hr srcond of thC'St' l<'tte~ thnt th ,, (',)J<>ni.d LegisiH­tu rP h tl.\'e J'R Wd th l' fiiJJ (:1 COpY of which wns rl'c~i,·ed fr,lln ,·ou on' the 2-2nrl inst.), with nm•·•ulm~·nt,; in th<' 2nd nnd ~lth Cbusrs : the r<'sult h t'inJ! thnt tlw Bill when i t hl'I'(JI1l es law wi ll hn\'C <'fi',•ct until th l' t'nd of 1 !l3. nnrl will ;:ti,·e now.•r fnr l'lllt~rdn;: n continu­ance of the modu:l ,.i ,·,·ruli l)f l i>!H . should !the_ fou'.ul ll"CP:~s.•ry, pendin~ the nrlntrntlnn, tor JT,•r ~ l :lirst\''s Gov­rrnnu•nt to ng rr e wi th thr i~rt'l.ICh Gov. ernmrnt for nny eurh r ontimmncc."

11 2· 1 h n;ve. CMIRCfJIIP:ltl,\', th (• p!PilStlrl' of COn\·e~·trlg' tO you 1111 !1!;,.,11 !'Ill ICC fro~m Her )fnJPs ty's Go,·ernnwut that llft<'r tho l'lrcond rt'nd in~ th<'\' wi ll withdraw t ho Bill 'IThich i11now l;<•fure the I-1ouse of Commons."

"3 1 hn,·c furth C'r to acquaint you th:1t Her )[11jr sty ·.• G•w ernm!'nt llrt'

·prepnrNI ft)rthwith 111 diSI'Ill<S and n r­rang"n. wit h you th <> t•·rullc o f a prrmnn· ~nt Bill to he pn~;s,•d t,,· t he Ct> lonin l 1:e_~; isl11tur.·.uron the ~,.n t· r:d principle r<.'le rred to 111 the ~· ·cnnd p:~r. 1 -;::rnph ol your lett<>r o f the 27th i1 !IL; ntid [ am to ncld that th? \' i<: ws of l h' r ~IujCJ~ty '~ GO\'<'rnnwnt 111 rr~<pt•CI to thP oth••r points mentioned in th:1t le tte r havl' IJcen st:\tt•d in thl' pn·,· i .,u~ rorrt'IIJlf•n· denct'. I :tm, Gcntlctn ~:n , yuur olH·tl ienl 8Cr\'A.nt -

' Rom:nT n. \\'. H r.1:m:r.T." . "The Xewfoumllaml Ot:lc~ntc:~."

Xow,wns it ingenuou.s nnd ~~ r1tight for­w'\r~ or\\':\-, it cnlcu!nt<'cl io h<' of nny sernC<' to us to put lorwnr.l H! :llt' lll''nt..Q rondo in 1\ letter of :\[rw l dt :ls lu irw 1 l.t·

·conclusion ~negotittti on:~ wlr i··l• ~H'rl' nnt t <'lllly em · or concurr,' d in until M•'Y 27th? Co hi it b<' l' ll Pf•O~rd 1 hilt this would <'acnpe th r noticr of 1 he olli­ciufs of H t•r :\frlJ•' sly',; Go \'t•rntn l•nt. nnd e\'en if i ~ ditl ,was itfln hnnnur.1hlc m ode of proceed in~? Rcft•rrin;.; tn the propo­i>ition br t he Dl'leg:rtes, unth-t' dat e.~lnv 2ith, the c.n!~: principl,• as he ( l 'rcmicr) understood ~ 111\'0I\'t•d in a permnncnt BiliJ wn tho principlu •>f the esl:•ulish­m cnt of Court~~ under Jadges or Magis­tml cs iuetcnd. of under naml oflicers for the adjudicat ion of qn t'8tions under the Treaties and so forth. Aud the Dr l!'gat(s contended thnt th.C'y could not cooceh·e it p~ob,lblo thnt the• terms

piP!I in A Jlil f!'r the 1'1\.tnblishment !'f conr t 11 nd!' thesr circnmsl.l\ncrs. In lhr 11i:xth p rogro.ph of tho report we fi nrl :

( t)) In furthPr proof thnt the pro­pO!;·d<~ r>f 1 hi' tl elc~11 t ~ wer<' l}ndet11tood lw H er )1ni~"sly's Go,·crnmcflt to he as nhm·o sl't forth. WI' rlrnw at.lrntion to th<' fac t thnt th<' fi r&t dr11.ft bill rli3cucs­crl l,rtwcen the llrlrgn tl'!! Anrl R !'r )!,,. i ~'>~t•·'~ C1 o\'ornrnrnt (hereto nnn":cPd nnd mnrkPrl B ) containPrl p rovision11 for the npp•)intmrnt of Jn•k PII iw thn Go,·crn­Ol"nt of Xewfoundlnnrl. ind for nn np­pcnl to the Supremo Count a nrl Privy Connci l.

T.et us turn to this so-called Drnft Tlill llnd trace its histor~·: Tmmt'd intr ly IIII!'Cetding the cr>rrrsponrlence nf )fllV 21th and 2 th. the t wo unllr r ~ccrrtJl ri ('s of Sll\te, Mr. Brnm~t on nnrl Sir Thomns ::;""n'let11on, of thr Coloninl and Forl'ign Offierl'. wr rl' llpnoi nl<'ll to m l'rt t he dele­~ntrs to discu~s th<> t erm~ d tho p<'r­mnn('nt Bill reft>rr<'d to. Thr clf'll'l!l\tra nr~'lll'ntrrl this so-cllllr.! drnft, which he ( Prr mier} clid not rnlln clrnft. bnt rnthr r a !<k<'leton ofclrnft, fnr it rcnlh· rontn in­rtl nnly :1n outl ine of whnt \\'C pr~osed and w~ as follow~ :-


Entitled, &c, (RfX'tTF: TilE Tnf:.\TJ F:.~ . DEc-unATI0:->3

Al'D .\ ORF.El! E ST FOR :\nm;rRATIO~.) \\'hl'rrns it is nN•rs,nn· thnt trihunnls

should h r r~tnhliRh<'tl 'on the Trrnt,· r onst of Xrwfoundlnnd "" rrfrrr('d toii1 tlw s:~iol Tr"nti~<r. <ll'c lnrntion nnrl :IQrP<.'me nt for tlw purpose of ncljud ic'l\t­i n!!' u pon nil qnr 11t ions a risinz from limo to time ns l•<.' twrcn the pr rsons tish ilJ!! nnd cnrinz their fish upon the ~:1 id ('llllSt.

ne it ennr t..,,J h.'· th l' Go\'nrnor, Ll'c: is­lnt i,·e Qouncil nwl H oui!<' of Al'SI'tnhly, in l.l'~iHJllth·l· IIPR:<i nn CO!l\'<.'ni'Cl :-

1- T hnt it 11hnll :\11.1 mn\· h(' lnwfnl for the Go\'!'rnmr nt of Xr wfounclland. by and with tht' npprO\'.ll Qf H r r :\{a­i ~'sly, to nppoint Jnd;.:<'s, r i thrr -,talinn­nry or i ti nr rllnt., u pon t he Rni•l TrPnty C,):l t to hold C llrt 1\!1 OCCilllion nil\\' rE'· quirt' to d<.'Wrmin'' nil quest i•mo; n rit~inJ: hPlwren P<'l'l!On!l fi11hinr: nnd t•minJ:: or dr.dn~ their fish unon thl' llllid co,u•t.

(~)-Thnt a ll11ur h questions rl '\ nfM!'­Rnicl shall he hl'nr\lllnd lll'te rminerl in n lHIII1 1111U')' manner befd~ th<' court wi thout n j nn·.

3-Thnt t he snid .JndQ<'S ehnll have pnwer to ·n ,akl' Rlll'h rtll l's lls mn,· he drrmNI n{'('E's!lnry for th(' forms · and procedure of the COil rt.. which ru Irs :<hnJI. nftr r hnvin~ b<'Pn npprOYI'tl of IJy !il•r .Maj ·sty in Council nnd publish<.'cl 1n the ~oynl Gllzf'lte. be le~-:al 11nd bindin!! 1\tS if emhoclierl h ert'in.

+-That the jud~ments, orrl<.'ra 1\nd rl<'crrrll of the ~~nid conrt~ shill! he P:tt>· cutcd hy o flic in ls t<> he n.ppointl'd !\!! occnsion 011\,\' r"quirr by thr Go\'l•rn· m ent of Xc,,fonndlupd. suhject to the­·tpPro\'nl of H rr ~[njt•sty. .5~\\'hcn any pnrty shnll ('onsidPr

h.llnlwlf nggrion!d by the lldjudicn­u nn. &c

(Righ t of appeal to the upreme Court of Ne·,o,·foundlnnd nnd from th<'nco to 1hr Pri\'y Council. ] 13-~o j udgm<'nl or ,Je.cr<'e of th<' s:' id

eou rt shall bo que t ioned for· W1111t of fnrm.

an co by tho ColoniaL ecretnry :tr. tho discu11sion of th<> l'rentir s Di llli\St se • eion when he hnd said that if anylegis­hltioo w.1s nocessllry for securing tbo 'l'rt>atiell it would he fa r !Jette r for that. le~i!llntion to be cna c,:tcd hy tbe Imperial Parliament thnn b~· this le~it~lature. This wru~ echoed and re-echot•tl uy t i;e opponrnte of the Bill , and th t' ho n. ~u·m­ber, Mr. Morine. had c.<tpressed h imself etrOnJ!lY in tltnt direction. nntl to ~he rfl'!'ct tbnt if tho Imperial Pnrliamcn t d irl enact such a mensure, we shou ld always hsn·e a sore and n cau I' of com­plnint. A~nin i t. \\'1\s pro~rd lhn.t wo should open ncgotintion with the lm­p<'rial GO\'C'rnmrnt for tho arr.ln:;:-cm r•11t of the t r rms of this p<'rmant:n t Dill when t he comanitter 11ny in Lh i report, pn ra­grnph !l, that i t i11 th<:ir opinion thl\t tbo Jr~illln tnro should n<>,·er consent to a ny lPJ! islntion which does not nccorJ the right to 11.ppoint the J ud).:!'S of the spccid ? ~'Ourts nnd pr01·icle for compr ns'ltif)n fpr dnmnJ:ell cons <>qnent upon the 'llWi\rd under lohster :1rhitrntion H e ( Premier) wishrd it to be di"tinctly understood that he rli\l not objrc t to on nJJrcss setting forth fnct3 nncl fnir nrg,nucnts, nnd couched in pr.lper langun"'.:,\•: ith a. \'i('w to the obtninin!{ of Lt•rm, mor,• nd­Yantnl!rous to the colony \\'it h r··sp<'ct to this Bill. nnl! h~ c• ·n~ idPrt."l th:\l i t WMJ

pot~!< ihl c, :d thonl!h nnl pr,lp·d•h•, tha t 11•tch mnr he ohtni llr .l frdlll the 11e\v Go\'l'rnn\rnt nl hom.·. Jf,, would stronc:h· reromrnr il 1 t ilt' n lt.•r.l< ion of pllr.lj!rt\,ph" in tlw r. port .m d in lw pro-po Nl .\ dd rPI'S which won!.! ro•ndcr hoth in acror.lnncP with f11Ct~ 1111d n :ICOnt r.l­dictor.'·: for i n thri r p r. s<·nt cond it ion thry w.·n' mislcndin~. cnntn.in I m is­r('prr srn tat itrn!< nut! t:•>:ltr.ltli..:t im:s such n11 1\'r>lt ! I hr s imp!_,. 111ld inl; to th com­pl i<'ntious in whieh tlw cu•e~ti"a \r ae 11 11 fortunnleh· im·olvl'd .

(To be eontln ncd.)

"August Flow err

M r. Lorenzo F. Sleeper is y ery well known to the citizens of Apple­lou, Me., and neigllborhood. H e says: " Eight years ago I was taken " sick, and suffered as no one but a " dyspeptic can. I then began ta k­" ing Augus t Flowe r. At that time " I. was a great sufferer. Every­" thing Tate distressed me so that I "had · to throw it up. Then in a "fe w morueuts tha t horrid distress " would come on and I ·wo u ld have

For that



Fee ling.

"to eat and suffer '

1 a g a i n. I took a "little of your med­' ' icine , and felt much II better, and Q fte r "taking a little more "AugustFlowermy 1

' Dyspepsia disap-11 peared, and since that time I " ha,·c never h ad the fi rst s ign of it. 11 I cau cat anything witho ut the 11

least fea r of distress: I wish all "that a re afflicted with that terrible 11

disease or the troubles caused by "it \ \Otild try Augus t Flower as I . ~:n sati~fied there is no medicine II equal to i t , II Ol


Assurance Co, E ·tablished .: 1836


I~CO~tE A~l> FUXDS {1887.) of auch n Bill cc:1'uld 11ot be n rri nvl at net ween tho Dcl<'~ntes nntl H er M11jt•stys Gov<'rnmcnt. TlTo question ns to which Government, tho Imperial or Coloniul ehould bn.ve tl1o po¥owofnppointing th~ Judges of t.he Court. fo ho created wns not 11 principle of the Bill, nor wns the qucslion of compensating pnrti<'s, w,ho ma.y be d11mnged by the lobster lll'bi-

/ -This ActJ!hnll hl' citNl ns, &c., &c. · Tho delegate!! fl.nd thC'sc t;entl!'men met . th ree t i mrs, discnsst'd n ,·nri<'t'· of qu<'s· tinns nrisinJ!' inciclentn lly in connect ion wi th the proposed Bill. nncl on \\'ed­nt'sclny. nt the final d iscu!lsion. 11r. J cn· kin.s, dmftsmnn of thl) H nuse of Com­mons; bl'ill<: !'n•srnL. ~[r. Brnmstonstnt­<'<1 to us that ~[r. Jenkins would prepnre a. draft with n view of cn.rrying out the object intended, and in nccordnnce with 011r wishes, for submission to Lo rd Krmtafor<l and H e r l\l lljC'sty's Govern­ment. T heso ~entlcmen had no pmrer to determine, they could only hcnr our orrinions nod report to tho Gowrnment . \\' o hnd, t herofore, only taken tho in­copti vo or initiatory step as re~l\r,ls the r,>erm'nnent Bill when on .. a turdny tollowin~. namely June 6th , the <lc l&­gn.tcs were t.gnio in Mr.Bmmstons office. ~~othing further up t..:> thnt ti'lle hnd been dono Ill! rcgnrds the Bill. The <lelegn!.('s then bud nn intervi<'w w1~h Lort! Knutaford, when ho enid, em­phntionlly, that the Imperinl Govern· nwnt would not give up the right to the Colonial Government. of tho appoint· m~>nt oft.heJudgesor the JudicialCom­misaionera to oe appointed under the propoeed Act. Tb11 ho hnd laid down most emphatically; it ia rccotded in the minutes kept by t.be ·Secrctarv of ~ho delegation, and \he Hon. Mr. Mon· roe 'was pretent on tho OCCAaiOn and bent it. Lord Knutsford added that this det~minAtion would apply to ~he t~o udgea which h e uoderetood it waa rnbpoeed to be appointed. That the Imperial Govemmen~ would pay tlteee Judges; but if a ~bird Judge should be fnund to be neceesnry, pouibly Her Hajelty'e..OOveroment would accept a recommendation from the Colonial Gov· hom-the Colonial; Government tor enob appointmem provided *be looal GoYe~

F!i- Prcm~urns ....................... £GOi,OOO Llfu Premmms ............. ... ........ ] \)7 ()()()

~ration awn.rd, one of principle in the · 11~. and yet it 11.ppenre•t byt tho report they were t.o be considered tts such. Now with reeoect to ~be suhject of com· peria•tion ,and lhnitfit ion of the nrbi­ttation to the lobster question, ijlo dele-

.Jrata• ~reued themat!lvce ae relying upon &he ... urancee contained in Lorcl Knulatord'a pre,•ions corre~~pondenoe. l#t ,,..·tnm to this corrl'8p6ndenoe and we~~~Umriagpa~~p~:-

,.9 'AI ~ Uie fun her propMI\1,. made ~ JOUr letter, Ret MoJ•t.y'l qoy.

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Tho Undet11igncd are bmpowerca to effect insunuwes oo all k inds of Pro­perty in Newfot'lndland at ourrcnt.Ratea of Promiurns.

Tho above Company ia well -kno\\·n for ita Ubernllty and promptnees in settling loeeee.

Proepcctnace, F onna of applicAtion for Fire and J;.ife Insurance, and all

.other information can be obtained at theoffiee o~ .

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.!ftDt for N.F .LD. . W. lC TBOKPSON

8ab-Aa~M for BaJbar'Qsue.

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m.m:::, E~tJ I::iES, S?I~~!~:::;,


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;_J : :;<: ,; .... ·":.: ::1 ljOGt:. or(/t-r.

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Dr. Morse's .-, -~ ...,...;_..,L.

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Dr. lVIorsc'~

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•, :. ~ · · -: l.t. '''h< "'i~ thn worlu, .. , ~· • ·. .... . . . . ,. ,,c !1!)· :\d: .. 1tc.!i!ference rt· ~ ·'· • t • • • ... '", l• l \lit ) 'OU; U

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:.• :. · · i • · · <:t :. , ., .v require , • ,. an.:. tl ro ?'brks..

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, ! ~· ~ ' h t: .,u ~., purify tha • , ,.. "' c.i :o!o. --·~ Pills, IUld

' . _o~, . ... J~ Illt*,

11 l• .\ • WE L L.

:; · • ..... ·a.,- . ·~ · :-·.· ' ' ; r-Gi~ llrtl .

.- .· .. . · . · ... :•, ~.s . • . ":1 . 21. '9G. J · • ' • ' ( .tnt.

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• 1 . ; , •: I .• "J much o ( • ., : • 1 I."' . ...... :~m.l 1 ,.. ; I not con.

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• ,.: ~'· :-:.s., J~. •3, 'go. ~-;."u.- One.

• • • , J h> • :.ty 1~.1 : I f 1 ~· in P2.teot !u ! 1 ): \ ' o us k_i., ' " 0 1 ! .. ills. 1 seU

. ' · : . ' • • I •c!i•n I<•"'' l'o.l th:tn o( all ..

THE C.E ST F AM I L '/ P :L:_ 11: us= :·:~=~·'.! ~ ... .... L,.~n· ., .··i r ~lrj 1 Lr~ ! a1 e tc.iU in-) a . :.c .. (

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W.J. utssefl Jlme ~btJ~ liP aa• GBDeral Paillter

VeneUav mh1da made, rdt.tecl and f'IIIO'\'aa.d. . ~ rranlUced.


8Atleratclon paranteedln cut, Qualr ity and price. .

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Water St_ Harbor Grace


Deer Sta!k:lng up th~ "Terra. Nova River."

BY 110~1£ CF 'fJIE l'Ar.n·. SEVEt."TB D .. w.-Tucsdny m oroiug we

W«'rO out, At ' 1 r~'«'P n' cl11r," nnrl II c'l'lltl urcaq· U\IJratilab IL W:te. '1 h u l.i ~ <1 \\ \"N ourlllln<'d b~· :\.thick fog uml t.hu lt1liuge wns t'·•fl· r nLcd with tlc w. \\"1• 1Hd uot, howe,·~:r, cvusidcr thn t auy impediUJcot t o o ur w ork. na iL Wj1!! nn tiJ;r•·caltl,• chnugo to lhc hca~ which bnd IJccn 1111 intwJeo during the $:rl'n t Pr pn rt o f tho trip. W e did nmple justice t o brca.k· fn11t. Our uppctilc11 incrl':l cd on•r.'· d•l.r, nnd na n nnwral ccmsequc1tt:O the p ro­,·isiOI"II corn•spondinJ.!IY 1kocn·n · cd, but we h o!Jed soon t o he in the l11nd of plcnt.y wbcrn we could :1g:tin n 'tltuek our lanF e r. What conc<'rncd us m ost. was to geL the deer, which had l}ccn k i lkd the c,·ening before, o ut t o tho boa ts, in ordl't to cl'l snfdy d o wn the lake nllll ri,·cr b Pfore'nigbt, llll s igns of nppro:lching bnd wentbcr could b e llt'cu. To tra,mp ou· 4 <•r !l miles O\' t' r th is horrid gr,lund ng:- i n aud brin;; back one hnmln!tl pounds of \'tJilii!OII "9n one'!! ahoultfc r w1~ not alto­,gNher n plen!ln nt tnsk. .Aw:ty wo go with ropes, knh·e~ nnn g uns, like 110 mnny sealer~~ to t ravel tho "jam " in search of whiteroats. On r eaching t he scene of s laughte r we begnn skinning the animals, nnd di~ging holes in the mosa to cover up what wo could not b r i nj! in on e tri p. The s t11g which h ad f111lcn in tbe woods was a very largo beast. The nntlc re wcro i mmense, nnd gra cefully former!, the skin wns nlso in exct'llcpt condi t ion. Juet ns the wo rk o f di~ction wns finished, tW•)n~re deer W<·re seen 6 or i hunt!ret! yanls nwny wnJking lown rds us fro:-n n. wintlw11rd lo­cality. Some of t he pnrty said not. to killnny m orc-th l\t we had enough, )!. :1 nd D. hn ving do n t' such ~ood work tlw P\'ening hefo ro Wl'rc gLttinl! s :\tislird. W e mus t lfi\\'c tiH•s e , too,1mhl the: ~uide. " 'e felt. sorry for the t.wo poor nnimnls whrnj!uidc, nrnl<'d wit.h D':~ rifll'. lllld II . with hi11 "Sh:np" ran n way to interce pt them. lt \1'11:1 n o t. r .. ng hct"o re n deadly .engagem ent began , ror thr deer, u n con· sci ous of the dan~t>r, came right. nlonsr by the lead n cnr which thc ir rnemies were ly ing i n nmhn>lh. H ., who ,;ns nmtiOtt!! to hnY<: the first t~hot, wns n littl<' in nth ·nnco of the guitl<', but. ho wns wnr ncd not to firc until t he d:nk li n<'! o(. the deer'~; cy«'e wr rc • vi~ibl<', so th:lt. propcr clc\'ntion mny hc nllowed. ·• Quir k n o w", 11nya thf" gnid••, "push ~·our ri fle o r er thnt. c lump. r-im behi nd h C'r shoulder, hold y o ur hrrn th nml pull. A h, me'! this i11 cn !! it' r sn it! thnn done,ns :\ mysterious shnking scC'ms t o take r hnrge of one duri nJ; auch a time ns t his. n. fired. nnal tTir gu id r 's shot. in· s tnntly follo " 'Nl ;·ancl th«' nnin}nls ff'll , ••Ill' for ench s;:un. W e nil jo ill(·d i n tht' \\'l•rk o f" paunchin~." whit:h wna d onP in double-qu ick time . W o took th<' horn~ nnd left the carcnses for thcguidC'. who wne .to r eturn f• ,r them in 1\ day or two. Cnmpwanls wr ~o with four s e ta of antlN11, two k in11 and tlareo qnnrters l)f vcnison, wh ich.in ,·cry d t•c<l prnv<'d hPn ,·y t'no ugh b r forc wu rc .. c lwd the River nt 2 p .m. T o pnck all o n bonrd nnd g e t o ur dimw r alid not take muc h tir~<', oe t nere w11s c ,·cry a pJICnranco ol 11 stormy e \'t•ni ng. At :J P. ::~r.. wc shnpecl our cour:<e dn wn the lake, with n ~!l li•of wind frr.mthc .. \\'.nn<l rnin into r­rt•nts.The'bonts hcing!tl(•cph · lnlll'n. ll .dc· c icled to wn lk 11 lo ng by t h"c s ide of thf' In k e !n s ightof thc bont:;, while thc c:u idC' nnd :'\L manneu the dnn· nnd Ahmhnm nnd;D . . took:chars;c o t:thc 'c::uwc. Slow p rogress wns:mndc, ns the w ind biC'w o n the beam, nnd, to ndd misery to his soak ed condition , D. by 11omo mishap fC'Il o verboard, nnd got wet m his cl1in. ~iJ!ht cnmc Otl just ns the r i,:cr nt the l'nst. e nd of the Jnke wna cntPred, nnd si~nal j!tms wcr <' llrcd to ll't H . know our position. Like lhe p reccd ing n ig ht

·it was denscly~dnrk, nntllwo: round thc pnssngo was extrem elydiJlicult. Some· times n. 11an" bank, nnd other times thick bouldere would be en counte red ; nnd to make i~all the worse tho rive r had fallen about rour"l ochcs since we pnsaed up. OcC1111io nnUy we hnd to g e t. overboard and Wilde nlong, still holding on t o the b~t, 115 .decp1 treacherous h9h's · wcrc numerous 1n th'c h ed of the nvt·r Aftr r nbout acvcn h ours of this kind o f work, we 11\'nchcd our bont8 nt our dt•stinntio n , cold, we t, tired nnd hungry. Tht! first perso n wr <'X peel(>{! t o see, ccr· tainly, would be H . but. no, he could n o t

• be found. " " 'hale vl'r had brcom o of, bim," was the u nnnimous question. A lantc·rn wns proc ured nml guide nnd 1>. a~t ofl at. on ce lo travel bnck u lonJ; the s1de o f the Rin•r in the di rection of where the last aignnl g uu \\'as fired by H. Trncks coul,J b e se<'n irM·hc annd, but how cou ld we t ell his from those of og narn who worked in the n "ghbo hood? W e discowredone foot ' rint c fl"crent .fro m tho rrst, nnd upon eloao n nsti!!lltion, we fou nd tile murk of n. . ked big toe i n the mud, this we concltt t•d tn be h is ns onc or h is boots WIUI w orn through before. be left ua in the e ve ning. Lookingenst.wnnl wu snw n. light waving in the d tilt.nncc, s o we retraced our steps nnd fouud H and another man coming lookinr;:, fo r us. Guide's and D .'s nnxicty wnl e 41ded, nnd .H. rccei ved 1\ altarp n•proof for rao t. m eeting t. ~ .at b ead(lunrtere.

We were entc:rt.alnccl nt. the " can," thanks to our kind f.riertd, Mr. P owell 0. E., nnd also Mrs Gushuc, which lady treated u • to a 12 o 'clock suppt'r. Eapeoially do we feel indeb~d to the Mtasnt. Reid ; t.heee gentlemen gave us iovalable n111iatance, and were the mcana or our trip being far a 11ucceu. A furnished car waa placed at our diapoaal ror the night., which WRa luxurioual)' ftt&ed up, and we &\"ailed of their boapl· lali'J1rith aincere gratitndej

fTn h~> c-ontinued.

ra from a hard cough, wi'b li[' .. ... u.bo .... !1. Y .•• .,. n 'be atdt! and otieat, aod

~&i,iet o!blood. Be•eral elld In vain ~ relieTe him.

f11 WI8'WPI Buann 01' .... laliD.


Legislative Council. ~~:.~t~~:;o~~·;~?/:;~~, ~L ;,~!'~r.~~~~, ':",'I'!; GUARD! AN --n-- Mllk'l•\'11i Uova•rnm 1 ' w II ., ~·• ""''' h•;cl .... 1

~'U£8D.\ v , itnrch i'lh, l8l3. tntlonlutn Pnrllnm•·••'. J'''f • ·nw ·-.~··•l lh '~ I Oovorumont Ol eo tony \\ II lnlr~llll'" .... I Fl. re and T :~e

Tho Boa. tho l'IH'!ilnX.">T Inform I'll I ho pn~ n lli\Ll¥rnrl.or~ p~rmnn,•nt lnl'a,uro tlur· ~· Rouao tba.t ho hnd r<lC\Itvud lhiliOIJO\VIng ud· tng t ho l!l'tu~lon. 'dw d r.11n. or uch n hill mu,t A c • d m 'I ftonm thn H <>ll"ll nr i\I"Omhl)" :- ~'f"!.~:~~~~:~~\';' ~~~~:~~~t('. n;~,~~t!~~'f';.'!! !n~ ssurance Q y •

Mr. Pnt:St nr~'ir-l'llt' Jluu, , h( .\ thllmuty llo\•t·rn tn·•nL•Iul uu. lllkllll ."' 1u•t•t "II : '" 1

OF LONDON ._ bon to I&CI}Uillnt tho non. Lu~ehctnt.lvu t'uun· bitt or IlL-'lL ycnr, which lb ·y k u w, "r" lla•• • oWth•~ :)lev :nvc no"P:><>Inll'fl thl•'Sclt>Cl C11m rrpl,\' Ul Lho rlr : 1 ,. 1 .,~r '"'" ' '"h''"" , c• 11.,. r ''"i' . ---miUo~' 111'1' •h. ·•d '' • ,r o , .. •'Jill I ruiJQrL 11)1011 t.tl: l'"r, ll'•h.i.'r· ··l ·h•l-t~u ·U• t . ... . a I htllll>et•n rll.JI.'cl.l.,l '• 11 , .11 1'' .! 1' ' • ,( •' "·"' , },'')1' \BLISH ED ~ D 181 •) rCII))OCtiU!ly rCI}UCliL that thO Couuctl Will bu O( Opinion Llml thu tdu;:rn ln I III HJU u.tl 11 :.. : • • • " "'•

1 tl "' 1 t. tt o~1 t , , Itt • •!11011 cat.u rur Url(l'll<"y. Tho Uvv ·rnmc uL or ---p CWIC ""' rt'uppo II lC ""' <'U '-'011110

1'1.' 0

• Nt\WCIHin•llan•l wuw .'l ,f,•t•cltn ,HIJII.<t IL'I In; II· S ~ • Q 12 ()()0 ()\)() S t bolr numbor to cooter with tho llnld Om· ' OIJSCJHIJI o APlTAL. .,. t ... mtiMIC ot this BouKO oo tho 811mo mnlwr.. tlon with n:I(!Lr<i tA) v.:ru:nn.:n! t•~.;llllntlon LO · ... .... • , -e• 0 R E S , "IIYry <)ur 1 r.·at ,, Ohll·•<>tlun,und,lf w.:rnt h:d to I TOTAL l NVESTF.D FuNDs UP-so. . lti:HSOS, J>OII•>Or. t !..,..,_. II 1

Bonae or AMOmbty, Murch 1. lll:l-}. ::: vo oroJX•r nltcn t <)JI II> 1 1 s mutt.cr. t 10 WARns OF 2 750 000 6'·"' Hrllliih liii\ 'IJflllll\'ll t \\lhllhl 1111 LO ,, ....... ~Ul•h ~~ • , ........ ~." ;""" 1 ~ 1 "&• H on. M. i\{Osnos ob.,crvt..'<l thnt rtlthoa~th hill n~ llwy m1~~· r,•wuct 111c m·•· ·~~«lr~"wi Lhou~ n..NNUA.L 11\coll£ liPW DB OP 350,000 Stg.

lbo J oin' Co111miUN.> or bOth Hou~cs llf'I.VIul. our con~cul ur llt>tWO\ nt. IL "\\'II~ auo-"l. d.:,lr· ----C.!-1 ltLSt. yeur to con~ldcr tho rf.'pOr L upon Lh<' nhlu thut wo ~oh~>uhlm:t prumt>tly lu tho. lu· I The G UA 11DIAN b eing a fil'1!trl:1Ma F rcnch Tr.:ntl~:s Q.ut'stlon hlld m~·t nnd aur•·cd t••r••'L~ <•I llu' <"ulun r 'f• ... r •• \l'<•n· not 1111111\" "'- • Co lhoy wcro 'ootlnnpo ILiolltorcporl,lnurdl•r •ln~uppurtLill" hltti.rtn•t ,·c: •r nlltiiiOWilu\t :.:.u$:hflh I mwmnco mplliJ.v,oft'era all to sot tho wnt~~UIIfhl, he l)cL:o:cd to uw ve Ltu· ruu,..-•n>< tnr lt-1 r •~·lloi1 w•·r.:~lvo·uln Ch1• t hose :ulvuntages m oat desimble to in-lhi'SclctL Cl)ll'ltnlUeu uf 11 ... ~ ll(lll<l{:_. l"' r~~ 0 rl'IIOrl, Wo..'I'OIIIhl•!l I llulhln,_ hy ruttuwln;;r • . I bt-.1 tab"lit f: appointe(). Cmnmlltco. HtJIIOUr.tbll'8 :lion· l ht• "tlu:.r· l ii·Lh •~I7111H!l'l'" ('llllr,.: •• rrw .. did I!Urt•rs, VIZ., unr I)U U\J • 1 ;y, avor­r~_,l::lke lwu. Rc mll:l l,n:.d t 'l t"ury. uut 1""''£' 11r ' '" , ,, wthl n:::. t hc DrlliHh Gov· nhlo t.orms und prompt aettlement to

a o n. ~l r. HAH\'F.Y ~uvu unt k c thn t •mlo· oornmcnt wuu :Oi nll ,.,. JHIII.1.1~ ... , hlll wiUaout claims for IOt!s morrow ho would movo lor thl! :\l'liiJin:m •11L 1111) ' r.·•tlCCL wht\f c ···r .n 1111r .wl~<lw:<. It wns , , · ·. • or-a act eel c:ommltlt.'<' on prlnllng nntl ciiOL:n- tHimon• hlnclng .,, h~m 11111n "" ' ' uthct hun. J he Und r nugncd bnvtng been apo gonctc~~o •!•·:Il l " " '" i11 tltc !un·~· 1o pa .... ttiiiiH'I"lrt poiutt•d \ '-Pnts f'or N ewfoundiRnct ar111

.on Motion onion. l\r. )JI. SIIOK n llll'l>'tnqc Slwuhl It .... Jl' l"l "' tw t.l. nr l>hOulll W•' 1;0 IIIQ I 0 • r 't,... p I' . .. t WllliOnlored to l)c lit'llL LO \he llOUit tl' .\•· ''" llllllltlt'l' •lll lltf.L "'n~ln tlwh:uHI»' IIfthO JtrqJ,~CI't 0 ISSUe O Je i CII &gtUDII U somhly,tu rormln~t lhnt hotly lh:a l thlt~ llnll., · lluu-••. 1!1• wnuh l llY l)trthcr th11L IL woultl Ly F 1n•. • · hnd usent(.'d to Lhc .\dtlrt'h>'lll.·n t lip n•qn ··t· I"• lh'C '"'nr~· f•.r t1 • r.•purt 111 IK." rcndy 10 <:' I J ,\ ~fES S. WINTER St. John's lng Lbo rcappoln tnw n t or tht• '"'"'"' couunll· lw 1111111 n<":tt Tuq-.dnv. If hrm. ~:•:nttemtn J OSE G .,. ' • too orLbls Houso on tho J:"r unch Trcnlles t~ucs· would como hore tl>·uiorrow nml diKcutu~Lhls PH ODDEN, Sub· Agent, tlon. mnuer, ho wns ll~rrcNh· .. nL~IIl'd . 1 HgrhnrGrace

On motion otRon. ~Jr. HAlt\'~\' the H•'lUSO On motion or Hon. ~(r. ){ k)·, tho rcporL - • n~Oill'ned until t~morrow t\t 4,3U o'clo~k. wn~ po•toonrtl until L<>· mor w. ( I

Hnn. )lr. TALHOT ~:n•·o notlco Lhnt on to-'l' H OHS DA \',~lurch !'. morrow. he woul•l movc thO !in~penstpn or tho .

Tho R ouso mot. nt 4.00 o'clock. p:m. :~;ah r ule or tho Hou~c. In rolnUon to tho Ad· Wistar's Balsam

dr•• sIn rert~·· Otto enOl' T u t; DAY. On montlun or n on. lJr. Talbot th<' Uouso

B oo. M . )to~ nor- ro c to m n\'.:.> thl' ndopLion ll(Uourncd unm to-morrow nt o~;lllo'elock, J).rn o)'tbe Report or J oint teet Commlttc<' o r hoLh Houi'Cs ot the Lc~t~lntur!'on the ~·rench Awful F ate of Throe .Men in Colorado. Trcntlca Question. wblcb hntl been lnhlntl<ln tho t.nbto or tho Roui'C ycMt('rdny. Ho clltl not lnlf'od t~ OC<"upy tbo t tmo or thtl lrou!"l A Mt. J oh n L ,ng, owner of n cnttlo \orltb nny lengthy rcmnrk~ on lh<' renort IL rnnch in Colorado, hno r ••ccsltl,. arrl· ved '"M not noeessnr~· thi\t ho ~honld do ~n. As ..., ~ J tho quc,Lions ln\'OI> 'cd thc>rt'l n hnd nlrl'n•h· nt Sun Franc isco 1\Jld tells of the fin ding t>een dtscuss<'d nd nnusM m. The Fr!'nrh of t.he ske letons of three men on tlu Trcnlles question wt"· In 1 hi!! r<' "nct'l. •om"· thln~r llkc t he 1empnrnncc 11ursllon-nll thtll d <.'acrt of Colorndo. About. th rl!e weeks I could roosslbl\· oo ~nlrl nbout It, with n ,.1,.,,. to a~o h e und two of his rn nchm nn we re 11romote n ~~nll ~<rnt•tor~· scttll'm<'nt. h ncl h.••'n ·I' 1 · · sntd nlro•dy. It wn.o \'l'ry <lc~lmhlc>. how.•,·cr rt• tng non~ Ill sonrch of m issing CIILtle I hnt lt.o ndoptlon shout•! h .. ~n nct ln111~d b\· n when hc ohst!rXI!•l · n Wl\~!.jOII 111.1d ro.le 1 unnnlmOUil \'Oil'. 1'hc report \\"11 '1 tn~o h!'fnro Ll)\V lr Ill ,·' 'I' I e . l • I t. t ol r ' : the Brttlsii'O(tvcrnmr nt. nnlllt wnJO mo•t tm· 1

' "· 1 Ill!; 1• t 111 m e "'1 lr I portnnt. In tho lnt.:r•·,.ts or thr f'Oiorw.thnt eyes Wl\8 :1 s ic k ening 11nc, f11r the 11kelt~ wr l!houtd show thnt hut nn(' oulnlon· l' :oc l•ts to ns o f ttar<"C m en wa·r,• s a·alt,•r.:d alm ut I h<'re on thl~ qnNillon. ll•' won ttl therefore the r;wion, t h .. ir '"lot 111·1w torn i nto

1 mn,·o thnt thr repor t h e :uiOil iNI. ., " o Hon. A . ){. ;\f.\C.-AY ~~nld hi' cnuld not c-on· shr ed.s b;• woh·cs. Tlacru wus noL a. I

sl~t.enLiy \'Ol<' fo r thr ndr,.tlon n( I hi' r·•('Ort 1· · ) k b 1 • h nntll ""knew more nhoutll. H •• hnd NN•n IL 8 Cr:Lp 0 P•LIWr In L W puc ·l'ts Y \\' IIC no"· ror the tlr-;t t lmr nnd hl'tlld not thin k It tlwy could lw iolcnti fit•ll. hcc~t\111() t hen! n '~'"" ,.on~•~ 1n <~ulll<l'rlbe 10 II'< nnf\rovnl h•·· wr re no pockets left. llut the box o f torohe)ladaowlrcdi<Om" personnl kno"·t<'dg-' 1 b · f bl 1 h f or whnL It .. nntaln.,d. He did not 11n\· llmL t 1e WnJ;"gOn ~re stn10s o . 00< , nl the re wM nn,·thlnL: wrnn~: It) 11, nr thnt"l t ""'s ohl i tC'mtctl by tho r :\ i n, showing that. tn nn:v n·n~·oht~>•·llnnnhl<'. hnt h r>olld not con· \lie unfortunate m e n 1:.111 ,.,' ' •lthercd"into ~<tdcr thnL hi' would IJc lu~tltlNIIn \'Otlnt;: for ll~ndoptlon until he kne'~ ~omdltln~e mnro the box for safc•ty nn t il they hecnmo nhout. ltthc•n h<' cllrl11l tlu• prc~"nt lim ·. lfe too exhausted t o fl ..:ht the rl\vc n ous wnsof opinion th11L nmpl,. tlm!' ~honltl he 1. 1 · 1 h · 1. f ' 1· b ::lvcn tomt'mllf'rsnflhr L •L:I•Intnrf' to ~ntt•h· ucnsts \\ H C 1 tnrn t c m ltlllu rom 1111 • tbcmsel\'<'1' n~ to thf' ml'r ll,. or n mt·n•ur,. h"- But tho \'Oice fro m th l' t.u.sh h• n e ve r roro ukln~: lhl'm to dc<'ldl' monn nn,·el\'t!n 'J 1 1~ 1 1 ) } Nmrsc. Puhllc bnsl ncs.!l!!honld not Ill'. nt•h<'ll st c n cct · ~'·rn ro m t w t l'SC'rt t l C through wi th un1lnu hMtc. The M mc <'Onr~o ,·o icc o f cxpirin~ nnt\lrC' eric~ ·dou1l to hnd 1\0cn rollowetl nfler the llr~'. nnrl n H envcn with its faintt•st brcn.Lh. On 1\ 11

"1 wa., hurrl<'d tbront:h whl<'h. '~" 11 h proper cnrd t "ckecl •o •110 l1eal of t l1e "··~ '"•t>ll time nod nttl'nllon. m ight hn\'1' ht•('n mntlr n " • • .• ,.,_

much m t"lrc p.-rrect m('n"ure. Ill' hnd only was d istinctly writtr n in t\ lumd that. hnd n l'llllnnl~:tnncl' nt lhc r<"port nn•l h<' tlld 1 .: t 1 · h 1 not reel thnL he <'OUld vot<' ntlJ)ro\'l n~e or It~ ll\u ~rown rc mu ous WIt t 10 pangs ndOfltiOu w11horL knowlnt: mort' ubout 11. of fnmino the wo rds : " \Vc nrc lost. T\1'0 YCI\T~ nao h(' ' 'OII'd ror ruloptlo\ n O( r<>r· The c i t tl t lA h tnln rc.ot ntlonR. t nlcln~r ror urnniNl Jhnt thr .- r 11 no wn C r on 10 C~Vgmp c-ontnlned norhtn~: objc.ortlonnbll.' · he hnit road." And this pntbPtic messa~o from round nrtenrnrct•. hi)WO\'l'r. thnt th"" O;y,•re mrn whos«' three, white skulls lRy nnt.such M would hn,·c m l't wllh ht~·n..,pro· Llc:lch iu." in the !!lttntcd ,.,r!\SI! b es ide \"1\l hnel he known moro nhout thr m nt the , " t ime thnt hi' ~:n\'(' llarm h ill •upport. \\'llh the wn~on wns nil th"t cnmo hack from regard to the ro:port or th<' Joi nt r~>mmln•·"· t h<·m lo the '\'Orlu tbnt IHHI closed o n hi' WM t.."Om)X'Ilcd to snv thnt h!' dhl not know. <'nough nbonL It , or ttie c-lrrumo;tnnc•·• ~nr. t hr-m folrC\'Cr. rnundln~t 11. to tl\k<' ono slu•• or t hr othrr, "On c of these· men wns 11 f:it mnn ," nnd ho could not. 1 hr rcrnre nL 1 ho pr~"'·nt ~n id ?tf r. f.:ln", •· n ntl the n thc r 1 wo Ll me, vote ror ll• ltdoptton. "

Ron. :\Jr. T.u.noT wns •ll"po•rct 1o m:rr r were thin. Y ou cnn :dwny:1 t e ll tho Wllh hi" honoruul<' O"l t"IHJ WhO hn•l jll'l ~·\t hon r s Of 1\ fut Jill\ II bf'C:\11!'1(' thC'' CIIJ1• down. R ou. t!rntl<'!u<'n or Jill• Hon"' tl ld J not know whnt IIH' re11ort ("Ontnln,.tl: whl'thc tnin 1\ lnm,.r ' pcn·ent.l~C of iro n whic h l18 11tntem cnl" wrrl' ronslswnt. or whnt \\'f\S tur ns r c•ddish brown afte r t h e ft <.'sh is t hc obJcct or lt. nn•l how could 1 hoy rt'nson- . ..L • 1 1 1 b 1 It nbly be tu•kNI to votc> ror ItA nclopr Jon. H runlO~ e1 nn< lle on es \I\ \'0 >ccn e x· n<lopl.OO· whAt c•tcc~ would It hn,·o ! wa~ tL pn~cd to thc n i r. Thcs«' men ·e re lras Intoned to rn1>,.,. the Urlt l~oh Oowrnm••nt to th :m fo ur mill's from 1\ fn irly ~oorlsu tr knO<\" whnt W I' \VI~h? \VI'r•• \\'t ' 10 lu•lltnt · n . . · •1un rre t wi th I he Rrlltsh Oow•rnmNII '!'nnrn~ I p ly of wnt('r, but tho•y d1tl no t kuow tt." 11th<' Intention thnL we ~honld nronounro Xn hnrnr ss coliltl b,• found nnywltcrc in our ootnton nslo \l'hct her F.u~:lnnrl wns r luhL 1 • 1 or wron~e tn thr courso n<IOJlt~d wll h rl':.:nrd ! 1<' ~ n~nn n or wer(l t wrc any WCilfOns to tho Fron<'h Trc>ntl<'8 Qu4.'~1lon ~ Cerlmuly 1 1r1 1:11ght. As p roplc d o not t.mve o n tr this wtu~thc Intention It would bl' rN:nnlrd such e rrands without w ei\ nons t.o nhl nt< presumption .on our pnrt A ur,nt fll'nl I . . :· nt d tacu8fllon hntl b<'cn provokrd on thl11 fllh'H t lwm 1n pror urmz food, All ''-'ell ns for t ton. \Ve kuow the nnturcot thebtllnmltho I d cfen ccngni r111t I ndi:ms. it is quito like-t('rms with which we wr r(' I' :OCJIC'I'II'd to com· 1 h h • 1 d b · ply. l t hnd be('n stntt>d t hat th t> htll wn!l ': t 11t. t <' wngon HI con p rc n ously nuree to by the dol<-gnt('l! whllr In F:n~:lnnd th:tCO\"rrcd by oth e r rnr ties pnseing thnt. nnd nn opposite l!lutement hnd l)o'C'll mndc. I wa v \\·ho roLbcd i t o f its "h:lstl)· On·' H o \orould not undcrtnlco to !R\' which Wt\.11 • •· • • ,.. u right. R o did notthlnlt thr rrrort wnq Ctll· I nod kcpL tho d tsCO\'en· to th<'mselves. cul nted to be~cnt this I'Ountr~·· I t hod boen I · prepnrcd Jru;L yenr. hut h<' ' dld not k nO\v whether or not consistent \Vlth thl' rn,.t~ nnd , H OI.I.O\\'A Y's Pu.t.-:.- In g<•ner.d d e h ili: l'l rcunutnnccs rolntl lllt to the F r('nch Trenth•s ty Ill •ntal d c1>n !ll!illn 11 nd ner\'0118 QucliQon... IJe thou;ht It would bl' wc>tl to · •. . . ' . . . . delnJ' tbe ropor t for n fl'w dny tn ordr r to l rnlnh t l:l.y th <.' rc IS n n rn cch c w o wh1c h gl\'o time ror Ondtn~r ouL whnttt mrnns. No OP<'r>lt es so liken rhnrm ns t hese fnmous member ot this R ouso hnd l!UftlclenL kno,v- P'll '1" 'f 1 blood ledgo or It nt Lhc prcseM time to wnrrnnL , I s. ucy purl Y t lC , soothe him lo ''otlng for I til nrtoptlon. It would not and strengthen the n en ·cs and system hnvo any we!:;!lt or lotluen<'o \VIth the Drltl~h g i \'(l tone to tho sto mach e levat e th~ Government. Thoy would sny. "IC you don't . . . ' . hnve whnt we St'nd you; \1'1' wnnt no t\arthcr 8plrt~, and In fnc t, 11111ko tho pnt1cnt dl1cuu ton, but will pMs n bill whl<'h. tn our s ensible of n. t ot11l nnrl m 0st d elightful

pinion\ will bo consistent with nllthe lnt<'r· r C' \'Oiutlon in h is wholo ,. tenl Tl Ul o r tno Qlii'RI ton At IMUC. You h~ the B. S • Wy

opportunity to n<·t nndtlld notn\•oll or tt .~ow mny be commended m oat unrrscrvcd ~y '"e n:usL_dcnt with 11 ar<'nt nntlon In n spirit n~t t.h e ,·er\· h1•11t.t,11 mih· · m cdic1"110 • ot houour ond lntcgrh,... Yon nrl' t ho <'Oionv . · . In nnd wo nrc Lh(' best J tiducs M 10 \he l'rorc'r CX Il!tenoc. Thouc: l 110 po wcrfully cm-('()Urso to follow, nntl we tn!'trul.'lccl you n~ to CJ\c ious thc r :Ire s ingulnrly mild in their tho best m Nhoct (J)r brl na:cln£! nhout nn ndln1t , ·' · 1 · 1 '· · • m('ot otdltrerr nchbetwcen the two nnt lonN Opl' rlltJnll , IIIII m1g IL ucgi\"Cn With per· but you Insist upon following n cour:.cor you; ft•ct CIJn fidc n cc to dC'Ii cate wom en 1\nd 01vn. ;Now, wo mu t cnrrr oul our cn~:n~·· · ' ) 'II . ' fl · · ment.s wtth FrAnc<' Inn wiw thnt will hf' ~~til· ) Oll.•)g' C II 1 r, n. I C) conUltn n o t a lMnctory In order suRtnln th4.' honor or thl' A"mll1 of m t'r l' l:o'.'' n r n ny o thc r noxious Urltlllh nntlon. The French h:wc <'t' rtnln suhslRnre· uno!"• rn not clo hnrm Deli· trenty riJthl.i Qn the ~tor t hll lslnntl nnd f ' r' 1 • • thCIO rightS cnnnot be •IOI('Iltl\· tnkcn O"nm C!\ t a•. Cfll:l l'"'i_ Ill~ ti l p• •r~nns O( SCtfcntnry them . Englnud wtll not 1:0 \.o wnr with lwLtt.s Will lm ! t:a~·:~ t: Ptll~ :1 blessing. FrAnce ove r 8nch compurntlvcly mnll diiT1•r ('OCI!& En~:lllnd co• ld not. h ll trltlt•tl wlt h In thts wny. If wo continued 111 thlri Hh uflt tn,;: Diseases of the Chest and Langs. cour10 we ~bould JHOve our •1\'f·~ to lw nn · 'l'l 1. worthy or .nuy turther ~outt<tr>nf'Q. Thl I<'Se l l:!Case nro lo well known to rc-mutter hnd b<'cn tll~cu l'tl tw " r nhn ov•·r quiru :lily lhseri pt ion. lft•W manv ll).:nln. H e woul1lllkc to know whnl tlnncor· • I · " ahto gonl h.'m"n wooled. " '"' lt nllotlwrtl,•l· t now;•u u II :1re ca rn•·tl in O''•·n · rt•n r to <'untton l Did uw1~vnnt to ~o hvmu nl:"nln' thcailt•nt~r:t ,.,. hy that dn·adfn'lscou rge, In his oplntdn It ook,.,.l \'en · 11111ch like lt. co rP 1 t 1 · 1 1 lle dld not Lhtnk thnl nn~· ,.oOc.J -'\'nutd r('•JIIt "11111' ton, w II\' IlL w:lys comm ences to thecolonv rrom 11nv furqacr ro11r«' CII UI· with a slh:ht t•·•n.;:l a. K •'l'fl t he bluod

. -oF-

Wild Cherry

Thla old reliable epeolflo for coughat colds and all dlaeaaea of a pulmonary nature eaally retains Its popularity among the peo• pie, thouaanda of whom may a I moat be said to have been ralaed upon It s lnco It haa so long.been the unl· v~"''!!al oure·all In so many homes; Ita record for up· warda of a ' half century Ia known to all and attaatalta remarkable m er i t. For sale by all Druggists.

Seth W. Fowle & Sons,

Do ·not be Depressed

because you have been unable to rid yourtelf of that obstin::tc cough.

' You have been experi­menting with new and

worthless conipounds.

Cheer up! There ' is hope for you if you will try that stand­ard preparation that has been in use for more .... _______________ ______

tlian 50 Yec!"·

Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry.

It wiD Cure You. . Sold by aO CVntgft·sls-


fn lho laJVtat bc.ptt;i;""ln t bo world pl't'llded OYI!r by tho moat alrlllCol oC liTtllll: phfiletaa.. tho IDj(Te(lli!IIU AN pre.erlbed 11101'0 UI&G twiCe U ot!Glu a~ otll~ra put tO(I'etttea-•




And O"l!rT othor 87lbptom or DIM&M t.b&UOII:Ilail tromanr Dllontoroc tho

Stomach, Liver or Bowels. tlons to the 13rtt18h Onvornm• nt. pure 1\ nd lll'nlth.v ll.r tnkl n..,a few d OSl'l!

R on. "ll r. ~I OSilOI'l rose ( Q f.':OCUitlltl thnl ho r D " JUI)anl Tabu lea blulllb !):liD &nd)lro~uto. hnd no dt>alrr 1o prrM.~ th<' nclur,tton oc tl:o 0 r. ~rorsc·'l! l nd iun Hoo~ P i lls ench Rlpan• Tabull!ll coatniQ noth!D& tba' OIUliMI»

• :. . 1 I' tun oua to tho moe" de.llt"Ote. r po.-t,sotnrnahewMpcrS<Innl Y l'<llll'l'rlll'd Wee,;:, llllu I UICIISt) of 1\lly k ind is im· RlpanaTUiololarvpltuant.totJ\~~tatolllldtJ. r'rciiC.llt clrcurm8lanc-tos, how''' or, would ~0 ihlt•. · A ll n.ctlt'c t' no tl•:nlcre acll D.r. ,..., ... etreowat. On«~ tl()jW! 11 ..... ~ucn. ·com to wnrrnnL Lho diSI>O'nl or tt~ cnAC t\8 ... Tbo bell\ gontral r.n!ll¥ mectlclllo e'fV ~ soon 1\J! po. lbte. Tbc .eporL wn01 signed hv . [o rsc's. l llllinn Root Pills. &ot.bo pobliO. ctroulanuemouapptlt:auou. tour boO.J!OnLI(•mcn or Lhlli H OU"C nnll th (s ua~~~~~o~~l¥ Quaci.'!:'~S: rout ougbt, or II elf, to bo n Butllctcn~ ~n•nr.m- J)&IIJ",a111t patJenta aro lnvt~ wrtce forfi)OOtaJ tee tbni. IL c:ontnln('d ~thing wrong or ob- A . d \ A.m m oni IDilt:niCCIODil lo..peoullar ea-. Tbdr '-t~enW111 JocLlonabtc. Hon. gt>ntleml'n who w,•rc not VQ I , ~.!.!! wch aiUAUoa u Ulq reqWra, ere. ot l1"'ro to reutJ tho re r>Ort. when 1~ wn>~lnld on • _..,. .. the table I>UithL t.o bo t~at to ol\)ecL to 11. H e '( .t.tw-.,. ~ Rlp!LQ Tabwle• til tM boaiO \vne, bowover. propttrcd to dolny thl' rtonort Al aDd whe!n 'ou &raY~ take llOIIIO "Wf1tb :roa. 'l1le7 l!lbO liOUIO renrdOd I~ all \\'Oil t<) <IO ~ L:\~L ••• • .. ...... • U ID &nl Pll~lltmall'flala, w111dtmq bO -...a. y.:nrtbl' tnOD.IUroprcpl\r('tl In F.n~lund lllltl " • eatijo IA&he"t'ee&~cn~ knowoutho Coercion .Bi ll.'" wu14, throu.;h s p . lol4b7~orll('lltbY11Wlbl&llefo1Jow.

I t. WRII thought ndvtenblc tO hnntr I \lfl lOr 1\ 1 lOttie, • 1 I otllta.112 lett .... • II.JI n-ommendnLton or tho del~n\e~l r\'jCCLt.'tl, ecu re { Urlty blaQIIUUU.,pocarocalptofpdoe l

lvc•r, untllln cltnngo or Govl.'rrtm<'nL t houtd • lllotUM. • 711o 01.... 14 lett .... • 1~ nlto plACe In Entrtnnd, with tho. bopcthntlbe , \\' ' "' ~

nuwao•ornmont. wyutd oo .more r~tvornbto •....• ...... .. .... ... h o lcsomcness TH .. RIPANS CH•MI"•L to tbll colony. The Into Government bnyo , 'T • -oo otbeor bill. During tbo PnB tow wcok• thll I to 8MUOI 8T., Nn Yoaa. rolloW1n« tol c&1"•Dl• had ~ruwolvod trom BY (jSI ~ G the Brlll1b a-ovoromoot :.-1• R er Mlt!Cllty's Oov~rDQleot.wllb to know tho lptcoflon oo tbe 0oYtf1lm Ont. and Lefrllh,turo 01 tbO Ool· r <'117 M tO permanflnt lt>.UIIltlon t.o carry ou' treat~ obllaatto~ TO thl• tbo rollowtnr rc.<- WOODlLL'S piJ' wu~•en :.J' Tho OoYernment repl)' tba • · •

~~·ll:,'~~, r:.arr= =~=~~~~·~;"~~ lERMAN BA.,.I 61G ~-mbiJ' OD Ma)' !Uh, 181111. lntiiCiltt'l tbe pro K n tiQaecl aetaon ar the Aaerut?IY." The Mxt. 1 · teJMi , dat~ Feb. 18, Ia a rro11ow1 : "Rn · X 'II OoYcmruent. eon*lder pl!rmanon&

1 • POWDER · I OD n~. Fl'l'oeh GOvf'rnmcnt. •

w .-aeptla~ ror par~• lndlt'llU'cl hJ' · AliiM...,.....,IutloD or ..,. l«b, uu arbl• . '


• ll•t )jClrbor- 5tClte, St.ut)arb roas Dllvis. of Harbor. Grace ; Sam-

' , -AND- . , uel Husser of Boa.vista ; ·a o d CONOEPTIOlf BAY ADVBRTISgRt Stephen and Wilh'l in ' Hulen of St. ------ T17 . ~ 28 . ~'00 lieorge'11 Say_. Of t~se two took

............... ESD.&.~ ...... ,~ ... -:..~ ....... ~"'''"" prize~ durin~ the paA ear-oame-r Taz'S. S. Acr.-There ha" lately 1>:, ~~the ~tte.rary D artment (l.at been brGoabt before the lower •ltvun~n), Samuel Huae81; a.nd 1!' Houae a Hill, Rtipulating that " no • 1.~~ r..tter·~~l; Department, (thud d1-aeale shAll be killf!ct hy the or~w o( VIRI~n) • Lthan Rreaker. For t.be any etenmer or eailing vea.el. or by popt11 1n -a.uenda~oe a. ~r cap1ta any me~berthe•enf, on anvSunday ~rdot ot ,SloO each 18 patd anou!llly (that itt .to •A v. rrorn 12 o'olook 00 hy the ~ ewfoundl"od Gpverum~nt. Saturday nilzht until 12 o'clock on r ':' 1890 the Ad . of .IncorporatiOn Sundav ·night) in any' yMr nor was amen~ed, by w~toh. the Board Sh 11 • 1 ' • 1 br.'•u ht' ,,f Managers \Vas gtven power to • a rPa a, Rn k11. ed. be " ~. . t nd it.lf number by electing aa an toto an:r P<?rt ~h this Colony or tts ' ~~-~fficio member the Premier or

.. depPopeooiH tn any year under a first Minister of a qy Province con­penalty .of - dollars. to be re- tribuLiog towards, tbt fundt of the covered to a Rummary manner, by l:iohool. Under tl)is Act Cbe Pre-any p!norr who shall sue fnr the ... f ~~.~ 8 · ~ p E 1

b r • 1 d' M • •mets o ""ew runewtc.... . . a-same e.ore a St pen tary a~1s· ll\nd and NewfntJndlancl become trate from the o""ner or other pe1'8on members of toe Board of Managers. on 'Yboee account such ete,mer or The tr i~g impartecl by the saihog ve.seel ~?all have been sent ,chool ie ~ VtJry thorough one, and

._. to the Se~~ol Flshl'ry, 01• from the tbe blind workmen are thus fitted to ~ mast~~ or crew of the eatd steamer Aogage in work which. properly

orNsA1hog ytesh eelt.". b" to nter a~ prosecutstl, wi:1sure 't.ht~ir 1ndo-ow, wt ou w1s mg e ~ vendence

~n'y l!ngtb into what may p~r~l\ps " Brueh corn roflm and mat 1?r tbe ooo~e be ~ermed thf'! ~ehgi?US making as' occupations for th• Blind' 8lde of the qnesboo, w~ des!re ~tm· t le st i n this country have been ply to !lay tha,t,t~e. aforegom~r. 19 a ~~ tri:d ancl found \Ya~Ling 11 ; the

. matter fortbe 1ndtvtdual ooni'Olenoe cl ief reasons bein~ that tb.e Blind JD~re.tbal\ (o.r the enactment of re· r.J:nnot work to adyantage with scc­str1cttve l&we. It may htLp. tno, • 1 1 b · 1 that the seals when fallen in with. und-cla.sR mate.na. 't u t ~ a mater• a may be (ou~ct· to be outside the t~!'lecl bad to be uap~~ted 1n corupara­th •. '1 r it . d · that case t \•ely amall quAnttttes, and that t.~ e

ree mt e tro ·' an. 10 margin between t.h1e cost of matenal . could any 1e~tSII\tlve enactment and the selling price of the finished · frKJUed ~ th1s Colo~y .hav~ th~ product did not leave a living pro·

smallest effect, or be bmdm(t ~~the tit. ln our expen ence willow bas· leas~ degre• UP.?~ the crews of #nther ket making and the caoe seating of s~eamera or !11\lhn~ vessels? Ques· chaiu are the trades beet adapted ttonable.. Would tt ~oreoxer be no to the Blind in ·the eastern p'orlion easy·.matter to d etermme tlie exact of Canada. as they afford a fair locahty where the eeBl~ had been . 'h d · d · k killed? Doubtful. And ~pMin~ hveh oo .to any 10 us~r1ous wor •

't ld t •he ode"vor man. As a preparat1on for the even 1 were. wnu n n ~ 1 · y r th t d d t · t d b h t 'th ma: y per- t":trmng o eae ra es an or ln-0 •

0 80 . ,. u.e Wl etructivn in the tuning department, fiexmg d1fficnlt~('S? . nur youngest boys are trained ac-

' But be t\ll th11la!'! !t may. bas not 0 .1rding to th• Sloyd system to use the fact bt'en loo~ lltncG. plnde•l

1?•· all kinds of carpenter's tools· and

Y'?nd all_ dispute th!lt. 1.n ( 8 \(g. tht! results prove·the advantages of wtth the rleep !l11

" fillherlt't~; be~t~ technical training (or the young. and·every ~ther .country ·• Our girls work dep~trtment is in and the wtser. tnrlef'd the only fi . b' d' . d d

'bl , . t folio- 1·s "io a ()UriS 10g con tt1on, an uo er eene. e COUTM 0 .... I f I . l t' f M' B II 1 h d th mode of their pro t 10 cnre u. tns rue ton o • 1ss ~ a eave.t I'm Rn e .•. io other Bowman 1tr has shown steady tm -

seoutton lle~erely alol\P · ct b provement Many of our girls and words. have th~~ unhampere · Y some of ou'r graduates have found legi8lative restnctlnn~ ail m~ch js remunerative employment in the can be? W"ll. no\~ is a~:O otth~ making of various kinds of uaeful ~~dt~~~~t~~~~~a~~ sea!l~n c; I~ it not nud fan~y nrticl~s.and !"s tbe orders

f p h' ~h dmits of no doubt are ~onttnuallytocreastng we hope a act w

1' ' n •e of thi!l en ine of to ~1ve employmeq~ to msny more

that, Wf"re the llv . g d •>f our d eserving graduates and thus fish capture not tbeo perm1tte • 1\ ·. 1 . · . h .

0 "ge would htLve been se.:" l~· !natena ly asstst t em 10 pro· poor v y.. . h h d \'tdtng for them11elves." ~~d~;a~:~~:r~dhic~~~~~w!r~edll;·~~e ~ n view of the verv commendable

er ( h .. h d to1' 1ere" on the obj ect set before them by the worthy ~uorts o t e ar Y \1 f th l bl I t't • t f th country and . twagerd o e va ua e ns 1 u nor\Lherbn pda):' 0

: elly? Does not tion. we have oo hesitancy in j oin-the a ra or espt'Cia · · th h · d b h

11 b . f t o e the fullncy of tog 10 e ope expreese . 1 t em a t 1s ~o ar 0 vr v. 1. . 1 which, we feel s ure, will be re-echo-

• attemptlng to proscrtbe by fegts a· ud by all alike that, viz., "leading tive enactment. the modes o pr ose- . II . f h outing ~ne rleep ee!'tfis)heries? ( 'Tis 1;:;i~::o Pr~nv;cee ~e:~. ~~O:wrou~tl~ of them we now wr1 e. 1 • ' 11 1 h · 1· · · t

For the above nod and sufficient .aoa wt I' l~W t ~tr tvlDg 1nteres g ret that we can- •n the .work 1n wh1ch we &reengaged

teas one, then • we rfg t by beeomi og members or·life mew· not eee our way oGltar to

1, eu pp.or burs of the Corporation, by employ-

the boo Sorvtyor enera s mottoo . . d · f B'li to revent the killio9: of 1og and enc.ouragtng ou.r gr~ uate~; ~eais 1

00 S~ndays. The object and by do1ng what hes tn the~~ aimed at is no doubt a commend· power to help forw~rd as opportum·

bl -u t an it be attained ty off!ra an educattonal and oen~v-a e one. .ou c. oleot work • the success of whtch by the ooar:;e advtsed? most alwayd · depend largely upon

A WxeE PaECAUTION-Yesterdav'e public tel~gram con\aineod the in­telligence tbi\L \he•teRmer Labrador with one tbou11"nd immigrAnts h'ad arrlnd at . Halifax. and tbRt two thonRaod more were expected next week. • )

U i1 pleuing to not1oe t~a~ tb~ oivil authorities of the Domlmnn­in view of and if poAtible to guard trgain•t the apprebeaded Approach of the dread cholera invader-have adopted certain wise preoautioDAry meaanre•-aocp. for io•tanfe, 1\8 tbe 'POuring of deadlv · tolphdr fumes upon tbe ohatt.el1 'o(all immig:-an~, who arrive at the deepwater termint. In addition to this. other sa(egu.nd• hAve heen adopted by t.be Domin· ion autborWea, and strict quaran­tine regulations are rea<ly to be do• forced' at a moment's wcarning, and thnaisolate any case of diaease which might unforttmately ocour. A a pre· nnt.ion il al way• and ever • . t~oo­fand timet better than oure, 1t 18 to be bo'J)ed that Newfoundland also will have her advance guard­ltringent quarantine regul,ation~­ready to move at a mom en~ a not1ce. Tnra NMa baa not for yeare been ~lilted by tbe cholera fiend. Hu~ w.bo ~owl when abe may be again.

The tbd .Aaaaal Rer;rt of t.he Boucl of Mao~ ohh truly val­

IriadtaUoa li• before a1. , AI --~~· bonl' •ad for 1ome Mriral ~pllt from thi•

beiD reoelvio1 very tiUibiUIIIJiftlll thereln,~e notice

~aorethaa Me•

tb~ number and earoeatness of ita friends."

----------~------WESTWARD Ho f-Som& thirty pR!s1mgere weot out by train ve~ter­day, all en route to the United States and the Provinces. The greater part of them· came from the North Shore, 1\bout .llroo.d Cove and Blackhead. a nd maQy of tbem have been away before. 'fhe full star~· out of those wbo go away every Rpring h •8 not yet set in, but daring tbe next fort11igbt they will be on thl\ move. The annual return and goio~ out of these ll)en has more to do with the finaoeitl bl·ttermeot of t.he country than ieg~oert\lly known. ·r., see o.nd prove this, one need only grJ into tbe stores, and ask to be ao· t·ommodated with U. S. acid Canad­ian paper· money-And there un· cloul>ted evidence . will be eeeo. Of course, some of this ·is sent by letter, but not so much now co1nee ky thiil means aw came yean ago, because the people are eeUiing down with their familiee, and the same need therefore doe~ not exist to send money home. Year after year. tbe oomblfl' of penon• going out baa iooreaaed, a certain percentage of wbom hae · remained, and will re­main as they find remunerative em­ployment. Seaidu tb01e who went oy train the tt S. L.sdy' Glover took aboat thirty pauengere, w•tward bQund.

--------~~------LAf&rr 11'&1)11 Noaw.a:r.-The in· telllgenoe n4etved·by oable oo Sat­urday in ~ard to lbe Norwqtan winter oocUllbery pl§OII 'he ~tal oa~b o~daa. Q " ml11loDI (•IMt 1 qalatall) aptan 81 milllo01 (a a' 680,000 quaatall) for Silo oorrtepondlai periOd '-' 1••


The Be~ Piaherv and the .Bait Act Pune-Se~ IuluriOUJ. Deer very Plentiful. Wutetul Practice.

Harbor Briton, MArch 18, 1898. With the first break in the' atormy

weather I started from this for the Head of t.he Bay. A smart and favourable breese took me from tbis to Hay L' Ar­eent in little more than five hours, there I apent a few dAya and then madQ the tour of the North side of the Bay na f.'\r 1\8 Belleoram. The herring fishery may be said to be at an end now. There we:e only two ornfta in the Bay, and these were almoetloaded. The thoughte of meet were ·tumin~ towards the her­ring trade with St. Pjene. but it was too e~nly in the eeaaon for anything to be dnne therewith. Many were the en­f}Uirica made about tho movements of t\ll! "Fiona," nod whilst there was " certain dread hangin~~; overtbe beads of all lest they should be unfortunate enough\o run a~Rinat bex-:Jhe J;renerl\1 expression of opinion was that' there'll he no me in going to St. Pierre if abe does not come, for we'll get nothing for our herrinJt.' Tho b11.lf lieartPd way in which the Bl\it Act ht\1! been enforced hM rendered it worse thl\n useless. for· it bas simply led the people to think that the Go,·ernment doe~ not very much care whether they take bait to.St Pierre or not. Mv own irnoression is that it would t..ike not lea's tbl\n five ~ncb etcn m Prs ns the "Fiona," with t rcbM the stl\ff of Cust.om's officers along the coast, t-o stop the herring smuggling. When the people take to carrying out. b11it in their punta. every fishing bont needs to be watched. Moreover, our people are so accustomed to run to St . Pierro thjt io· the dense fogs we so fre­quently 1tn ve here; they w9uld run out under the. very bow of the " Fiona," or be off when she daro not venture out of harbor. Then again our Yankee cousins are Yery kind to our neighbors and the dollars which some of our peot•le make by getting them to carry.out herring on the halves, are some t1mes reckoned not by hundreds but by thouaands for 1\ season. I don't say that the French get all the bait they want, nor yet al­ways just when they want it ; but they certainly get n fair share, and at times refute to ouy at any price.

In a previous epistle I referred t.o the "pursing" ofherring, by which mea'na this fish we.a for the moat part taken during the present ao.ll!on. Even the Yankees the~ruelves declare this to be likely to prove mO&t injurious to the fishery t\nd such a modo of cap\ure a would not be permitted by any other country. It frightens the herring, and prevent. their coming to the shore (so 1t ia sa id.) Aa with t.be lo&ater fiaberx, ao probably with the herring-eteps Will be taken to preserve it when too late. • No sooner was the herring fls~ery

over than the people betook themselves to the country in search of deer, which lUI you are f\wnre have been very plen­ti fulalon~ the coast this season. In 1\ll I 'd say that not less than 2500 have been slaughtered. This in itself would be bnd enough, but when one hears of hnodreda being left in the country to rot, merely because those who shot them nfterwards m et with others nenrer home, it. is pure and 11imply shamefuL H enrsf\y e'•idence is not recognized, I b6Jie,·e, in Law, nor is it nlways to be rrlicd unon, yet where there's awoke there's ~enemlly fire, 1md so when one h ears of a pile of 300 deer left to rot in the country, one ia inclined to think thllt, not only mutt sr.mc have been left there, but that the law regult\ting the killing of deer cannot have been very strictly observed. 20, 60, and aa 1111\QY na 90 hawe been the numbers quoted as falling before one gun to one rnnn'a share. There's something radi­cally wrong if thia be the oaae.

SOliE APT REFLEOTIOSS.-We take pleuure to-day in laying before our readers apother of the valuable letters of our well-informed Fortune Bay correapondent. His remarks in regaa

·to the WIUlton dea$ruotion of deer ar very valuable, and ahould incite ou ruler~ to males aome p~mpt, energetic effort to 'etly . th'! wuteful, well-nigh viminal practice. Unleu thia ·soon be lfooe, tbe days of the noble etag are numbered-the Newfoundland caribou becomea a creature of the paat. Let ua quote here the pertinent remarka m.~de reapectiog this baneful procedure, ns well in regard to the equally aiofu l wute of herring now lately eeen in Fo"une Bay : '1 With hundred• of deer rotting in the country {l~e say a. hundred or two), and hundreds of

a of herring rotting on the shore nd t ouaan<Ls in the a en., · a stronger

wou think .we lived in the land of ple y, anrl not in .~tuch a po,•erty atri eo district. as the He¥! of this 131\y certainly ia. It will be a wonder if there is uot ao outbre1~k of diph­t.heria or other -maligo&nt disease in aome parta of the Bay when the wnrm weather comes, aa a. result of the pol-­lution of the wells in some mnces, coo­sequent "upon the aprooding~f t erdug on t.ho ground Wlfrcezo, and l t~a\'ing toem there to rot, At Liule Harbor, near Lit.tlo .Bay, i£ wns tho ~enoral cry ' ' we can'~ use the wut.cr, 1t taat1.'1 ao bad." .Herring Jay about the bencbee and land in all dtrections when I wu there; and )'OUr correapondeo~ wae ~ur­ed that they'd be '1 aJmoet knee deep on the ttrand when tb6 anow and' ice melted.''

Our corrapondent here wu forced to exolalm-and bit remarlct are deeerving or t~l notice in view or the reoen~ aci&&tion lo re the repeal or the Batt ..u&. Be Mid : " And yet ,... t&lk about &be •alaeoloor bahflthetl A,.ny one &o ... &be wUI'ul watte ~hero t. nl 1aoh ln &bll .Bar 1f0Dld think &IM& we ..a DO aoooun& ot lltllt. to ~-. clap. ~tween lbe Taabel aad the PrenOb,

.f& wt.lllilobablJ be th~GUO &bat a~ a few 7eit. tb-11 De no ntted of uq . .

BA.rr .A(!r. Surely thoro nre some practical men in the House who cno auggt'l~ reaaonRble mcuaurea for the preaervatiun of this goose which lays ao maoy,goldea e~ in t.he al1ape of A!Oori­can dollars ILDll French ~ tmno p1eces. It eo, lt ia time they were up and doing. Onr American couaina will very soon be coming in for their first baitbg, nuJ in many casee are aure to cnll n.t. St. Pierre on their wo.y out na well as coming in the &y-1\·ith what object i• beat known. to themselves t\t>.d those they serve."

-TBE JAPANESE. WEDDING.-01) ~londay .evening next, the pupils of l~igh School will give their aonuSLl enterf~~oinmen in S t.t Paul's. Hall. The progri\ID me com flriees no 1111qort· ment of songs, Dinlogue$, Dr i!lfl, Quble:\u, etc, and sorne Chinese nnJ Japane1e perf<lrmances. among!!t the latter beini a -piece entitletl '' TheJapanese Weddtng.''of which the ful1owing is a short riescriptioo. [,, order to undor,)tnnd this very interesting piece properly no oul· line of its com posi tioo is neces!ary. The plot shows ·up th rt "mntri­ruonic~l business" as cond ucterl bv lbese !'leople far aw:1y t n. the east. ''od expla.s ns how the uil\ir is mnn­,,~ed from the beginning to the entl of the agreement, without the con­tracting parties ever seein~ each other, the only ngent l>cing: what is known amvng the J:\psnt>so ns tho go-bet.ween. This person i!l t he on" who is privileged to see the youn~ l:ldy, and of course hn!! ~;o!'O the young gent before tbe g.)-between undertake3 the visit t., the f11ir one. Children are l>ethroled to eech ot lier wh~n very young, even when born, and know nothing of each other, perhl\ps hRe never seen each other. until the ti.me of the nu JJtial etrin~: is about to be tied. A young lady never sees any ma.le company out­side of her own familv. For a young lady t<Y waltl nod talk with a young mao would be a thing never of, would abook the family and break up the moral code in-to io­etrevable ruin. The piece which i f! to be produced on Monday shows up the matrimonial busioe3s in all ita detai111, ar.d will giv• one a good tdea of bow Lheee lhiog11 are man­aged among the JapQ.neae.


I notice by the papers that the Government have r~fused to amend that part of the late Eoi ·•cationn.l Aut'· dealing with tho Pension SCheme, on the ground that there has been no public expression of ciieeatisfaotion on Lbe part of the T eachers.

For the enlightenment of thA Gov­ernment in general. and the Honor· n.bles E. P. Mor ris and H. J, B. Woods in pnrticulnr. p c>rmit me to quote the follo wing extract from the report of t he In L rn'!cl ing of the Teache1 s' Assocbtion, t •lgeLhor with .~ r tl!l" lnt ion, u nall imou!ll y passetl, by t.hut body.

Extrnct fr,,m Ropnrl: :\ fu•r the nlt'ction of officers.t.htl debalu on t he Pension Scheroe begnn n.n<l continu­ed Rt some length. O pinions were freely advanced as to_ the utilit-y or c.tberwise of t he mMAure. Some co41dem nor I it in toto, others nri mi tted i' 111 put:....none accorded it an un­qu&lifiA.d approval." . Resol ution : Hesol veJ that the

l're!'ent Pe_nsion Soh"'me id undatii! f~tc\ory tor the following reasons.

That the yearly pre uliums are too heavy a burden on the pre.-~en t small s al11.ries of the Teachers. ...

(2) .Tbat the retiring al lo wnnce of $100 a year for male~ and S80 u yeat'for fe~ales is too email.

(3}1 That t he age of n:tir i og is put &t too high a fi~ u re.

That Rep~wai pub!b;h tlJ in all tbe otwapapers of toe couutry, i!till there baa· been, in the o pinioa nf Honorable 111embers, nn t•u h!ic ex ­pression of dissatisfact ion ou 'tile part of the teachen1.

I r~pectfully eu umit thtU t horo ie and there Nill be di:Js!lti .. fnot ioo among the ~eo..cher~ uutil t.be pre­l!eot Perision tich.,me is replaoerl hy , oue u1ore crtldit:tble to \hu Gfl\~.,ru­ment nnd more ad vaotnge~us to tho TeuclH1l'.s.

Yours sinonrely, T. j iANRA II t\ N

.President Teacuer.; As11uuil\tion. Harbor Grace, l\~r. 28. 1893.

-Gooo FRtoAY wilt be nbsorvcd here io the clltlt omnry manner- as '' geooml holiday. Divine Services will IJe held in the different. churches-in theOatho­dnlll\t 7.80 a.m. there will be tho Ad­Ollltion or the Croea, followed by n. sel'­mon on the Paaaion. In St. Paul'• and Cbnat Ohurcbea and in the Methodist Church at lla.m. and 7.80 p.m. r64pec· tive!y_.

-!(eur.t. John Munn & Co's barqt. William, Capt. Tiaard, arri vca here tti._ moroing, 28 da7t from 8&, MarUn't wtdt a load or taU. Tho W illlam ex­per_lenoed ftne weat.her on tbe run up, ••ld j)~t into Ba7 Bulla on Satn~ • 'rbe WilUam taw • veaeel off Ba7 in \bellab ~~ but her 'ria ooa1d * Dl4 a,, · uqt. She wu drivtaa eud••~ to make her .,.., &brobJ'b,


Local and other Items. D.ut&OltD.-Mesars. J. & W. Stcwart.'a

schooner Stella arrived at Alicante on tho 22nd ul~ .• with lou or binnacle, and top-gallant yard. ·

The Conception Bay mails 'per Grand Lake left by thia morning's tram. Tbe..Y · will cloeo tlt St. John's thia :cmooo A 5 p.m. · .

-In another cd'h:mn appeal'!! .e ;, Iotter descriptive of the hunting trip up Terra Non River. This, it goes with­out saying. will be persued with equal interest t9 the o;hers. r

-The Eot]ain:nent which wna to come off in tb Academy Hall on Eaater Monday, ia p t-)on~d till Wednesday, April, 5th. , · . · ·

. -Thp mate f the St. John's achoon-· ·er Belle of t~e E~o:e-a Norwegian­died on Frida morning he was very ill on the last pas age from Brazil.

-Fon EASTER •nuJE.-Mr.t Robert Lahey has four head of cattle which he is about to kill for h is Ea~ter trade. The four nvcrnge about 600 lba. eSLCh, :\nd Rrc all loclll-rnised benst~. They h·~\'O been stall-fed :\Dd consequently are in prime order.

- The E nglish schooner Arthur, con­Bigncd to H . J. Stnbb, Esq., St. John's, hns hnd a eventful ~o~·age. h~ left Plymouth on September last wllh a cnJtoof brick to him, and she h ns now put back for the third time to effect rc­ptlirs. -M&~tORAxnu~.-The barquentine

Lndy Elibank, Cavt. Congdon, from Bar­bad~, reports on the 13th inet., in lat. 42.7, toni. 59.43, passed n vessel bottom uo, nhout 90 tons, copper painted bot­torn, black: topside, apparently a new VC<ISCl.

-IcF..-Tbe steamer Grand Lake on ht>r lnst trip to St. John's from Halifax met a large body of ice at the Misaine Bank:. She ran into it about n mile 'and backed out again. The steamer waa afterwards run into a "break," ex­tending a distance of about forty miles and steamed in it till 4 o'clock, when the solid body was again met, and en­countered till midnight. It was a. heavy body of ice, and at times the steamer bad to be backed and to butt it. Water could not been inside of it ; it reached away up the Gulf. The steamer cleared it nt the south-enst end of St. Pierre Bank:.

-A New York correspondent of the St. Jqhn'a Tribune, sends that paper an item about Mr. George F . Bowden, who is studying at the BrQOklyn 1\Iedi· cal College. Mr. Bowden haa passed two succespful eXAminations for the winter course. The correspondent says thRL " Mr. Bowden must bnve worked hnrJ since his corning here, to accom­plish so much in such short time.'' We l\re much pleased to learn ~?f M'r. Bow­den's pro~rcsa, and wish him eYery sue­cuss in h1c1 chosen professi~

~The friends ofDr.Willil\mjones,aon of ~[ichnel-Jones, Esq, or this town, will be giRd to hear of his successful career n.t ·the B~tltimore MediCAl Collt>ge, where he hn.s recently gmdunted. Dr. Jones intends returning to Harbor Grace for :\ short time t.o sec his friends, after which he will continue hie studies in New York, wherP he will attend the various hospitals for about a. year. His success at the Baltimore Medical Col­lege baa been marked, na soon after entering that i nistuti9o, he wns ap­pointed clinical n~istn.nt 1.o the Eye nnd E"r Department, nod continues to hold that position up to the present. Thoso who know his steady and per­IIOvering hl\bil8 b11.Ye reason to beheve .that he will attain aJ.rominent posi\ion in the medical worl .

-TROUBLE WITH NFLD. •SEALERS.-It. is much to be regTet.ted that some mia­

_underataoding hp.a taken place between the St. John's :Yfid. sealers and Cnpt. Farquhar of the S. S. Newfoundland, by which the sealing master and 74 mem­bers of the crew left the vessel af~er her arrh·al in Cow Bay on March 4th. Gttpt. Fnrquharwho lS himael!incharge of tho .atearper baa a largo amount of money invested in this enterprise and uo one would imagine be would en. danger his own life and the lives of thos('loo board by lea. ving for the scal­ing grounds if be did not conaider the steaUler was in every way IIC& worthy. It is only the New(oundland men that becnme d.iaantisfied, as every Halifa.x mnn remained by the ship. Capt Thomey ou being 1oterviewed by a re­porLer of the Halifax Mail on his ret.urp to Hlllifax said that the stenmi'U' wns unaeaworthyand incomploi ely equipped and' pl'Qvideli. Seen by the same re­porter Mesars: PiclcforJ & Black &1\id the Newfoundland was 1\8 staunch and sea worthy ae any sealer out of St. John's or other Ne"foundln.nd porta. No state­mont reg!Uding tho trouble w~ the N'uwfoundfand scalers had boon ecciv­ed by them from Capt. Farquba . The Newfoundland left Cow Bn.y with thoee of her cre1f· remaioing aod reached lngoniah Friday where Capt. Farquhar procured about 20 men !rom that place and Neils Harbor and got tafely around Cape North on bar way up tbo gulf. That ~be Newfoundland may return to port -.tith a full load ia the Ardent wish of hia many Irfenda in North Sydney.­Nortb Sydney Herald.

All=~ ~l~-~~t their r41oaer wW bu7, to evur f-mU7 thould bave,at onoe, a boUle of the bei~!amil.Y .-,ed71 Hyrup of Fip, to ole&n~e the IJI&em w&m 001tlve or bUloot. For ~&~e ~·1ao ~ hr·.u l.Unc dru&'­ptt,


By Telegraph. -o-

HALIPAX, March 25,-Tbe British Houae of Commona paued a reaolution by 276 to 229 that oJ.1 membem should be paid. '

Sheppard, editor or tbe New York Mail and Expteaa, died suddenly yester­day . .

'fhe Pope~ave a public rece-etion and privnte a.ud1ence to the Pnncess of Wales and the Duke of York.

MARCH 27.-Tbe steamer Labrador, with one thousand immigrants, arrived here Saturday night. Two thousand more are expected this week.

Berardi threw a stone at King Bum­b,ert while returning from the sub•ubs. Berardi is insane. 'fhe King ia ul1burt.

The · cotton · strike in Manchester which lasted five months ends to-day ; the operntives "ccepted seven pence per pound reduction in wages.

Ln. Grippe is spreading in New Yoric. B&Jfour gives notice of a motion of

censure on the Government for con· doning offences bringing law into coo-tempt. '

M.ARCR 28.-Tbe lfontreal He;nld onilding was burnt last night. · Financial panic Nashville, Tennessee; three banks failed.

. ,

Canadian aupplcrnentnry estimates for oYer one milhon nod a half dollars were submitted yesterday.

The Dnkc of Bedford is dead. · . Balfour's motiOn for censore of lrisb

Executive for condoning om~nccs wns de­feated by n rol\jorit~ of 47. British and French Government!! make their mi,nisten to Washington nmbnesndors.

H ouse of Commons ant ti ll fi\'e on Saturday moroio~, discuui.ng · n.rmy estimates; tho sitttug was stormy. .

SPECIAL TO STA...,DARD. St. John's, noop, Tueaday.-In the

H ouse to-dny the Recci\'erGenernl gaYe notice that he would mo,·e the HousY) into COmmittee on the Budget on Wed- · oeaday, April fifth. Tho H ousa._.ru:L journed till Tuesday week. I n last message, Murray should have rend Muno ns \'Oting for Premier's resolu­tions.

The Miaaing " Maggie Mac."

All doubts aa to the fate of the schr. Maggio Mac seem to be cleared away by the story brought down by tho seal­ing schooner Pioneer. It will be re­membered that something O\'er n. year a~o the CoLO~IST pubhshed an account ot a wreck which h11d · occurred near Cape Scott. A rcprcscntati \ 'O of tho CoJ.O!>IST wns dispatched to nscert~in the pn.rticulars of the wreck, but ow1ng to the rous;:hne8s of the coost anrl tho stormy weather he was una.blc to reach the acwe of the disMter. Frcm the de­scription of the frllgmcnts olltnincd by him from t1lo Indiana it \Vas then sup­posed that the ill-fat~d YC!sel wns the . schooner H enry Dennis. The Qnadra. mndc n trip to the same locality a little Inter, but in·some wn.y missed the wreck, and ao the matter rcmnin.ed, . until the story told by Capt. McLeod, of the P ioneer.

The tnlo of the lbeation of the wreck wns told to the captain by the two men who nrc runnin~ a store on Quntsino Sound. · According to them, tho I ndians reported n wreck lying in one of the many small bRys south of Cnpc Scott. A s they nrc often compelled to go across to Fort Rupert for s\lpplit>s, they resolved on one . of thctio trips to look the matter up, and nfLer som!l difilcult.y located ~he wre-ckage. On the bench wns found a mass of debris, consisting­of a aide of the schooner, the house, fragments of the boat~, boxes, barrels, pordagc, etc, 'l'ho vessel must, in their opinion, bne gone down somewhere nrnong the group of small islands be­tween Cape :::lcottand 'l'riaoglehland.

'l'he crew were undoubtedly loet. with the vessel, u from the nature of the surroundings the Indians cluim thnt in case of a storm of t\ny magnitude no boat or being could live for nny length of time in the an_gry breakcn , or by any possibility make a landing.

The Pioneer hn~ bad rather a hard time of it, nod durfng a.n entire month out of port the '•ind was so high and the sen so rough thnt the lowcrmg of a boat would have been impossible. About a month ago, \vnilo lying at anchor in St. George's Bay, the anchor chnin of tho Pioneer snapped and the s~;hv0ner was driven out to sea. Capt. ltf'&~od resolved to make an nttempt to re urn to Victoria, but owing to heavy hone winds tho progress Wl\8 very slow. Lost Saturday morning, off Clipc Fla~ tery, Edward Cnhill,'one.of the seamen, went out on tho jib boom t.o make fe.at the jib. An unmul\ll)' heavy scaawung the boom suddenly, and washed him 1\wny. With great difficulty tho scbr. was b rought to, nnd a boat lowered in th~ l'i\ging sen. .

Though the wind hnd ke~t the body afloat h.Y inflating the oilskln& worn by -tho unfortunate sailor, he wna dead when tho boat reached him. The ontirG boat1s ~crow almost desp!\ired of life before th~ schooner was agrun reached. The•body wl\s brought in to Victoria.

No schooners were lighted during the ' 'OY•' ge, but Capt. McLeod thinks that the catop mUIIt be ' 'ery small, owing to the rough weatber, 'l'be seala aecmed t.o be very scarce along thft ahorea of Yancouver leland 110 fao: ua he could aee, though the weathcc \V&a too rough to lower a boat.-" Victoria B. C. Colonut.'' ~ •

S~uRT Worut-Tbe S. S. I..adyGlover, Ca~t. Norman, lefL hel'll ~·eakrday at 9 0 clock for s~ J6hn'•· .8be met )&flte ,_naol.itiee or ice in the :Bar and at &lie Cnpo, and did not. ~to the capital nnul 4 o'clock. She left t.h.-e at 6;tor Ba7 Bu!Ja, arrived there at Q, and came out ••in at 10 o'olook with ibe barqt. Wlutam ln tow for tbll ~ At S. o'olook tbtt m~ abe itaclbed thla. pon "ltb her~.


