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Amistades Peligrosas

Date post: 09-Mar-2016
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Kirill Kazarine y David Avia
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Kirill KazarineDavia Avia



1.You’ve got the technical details of the film in Valencià. Translate it into English, so you can learn/revise the basic vocabulary related to audiovisual productions.


Duration: 119 min.

Nationality: United Kingdom and EEUU

Year: 1998 (Color)

Direction: Stephen Frears

Production: Warner Bros

Producer: Norma Heyman and Hank Moonjean

Script: Christopher Hampton

(Based on the work of Choderlos de Laclos

Photography: P. Rousselot

Mounting: Mick Audsley

Music: George Fenton

Art direction: Stuar Craig and Gerard James

Wardrobe: James Acheson

2.Write about 3 of the main characters. Include their physical and personality description.

Viscount of Valmont: The Viscount is a tall man, thin and with dark skin and dark eyes, and his hair is black and long. His personality is of capricious character, he likes giving orders and he is a bit machist.

Madame de Merteuil: She is of medium height. She knows how to fool the people. She has lovers and all what she does is for her benefit.

Madame de Tourvel: She is young, beautiful, blue eyes, thin, normal stature, shy and quiet and a bit unsociable. She is women that is married and a good person that didn’t fool since she fall in love with the Viscount.

3.Write a description of the most representative locations of the age, like the lounges (living room), the bedrooms or the gardens.

Gardens: The gardens in this film are based in the classic gardens, they are big and with many flowers and green in it.

Living room: They are also big, with many luxuries and with classic furniture.

Bedrooms: Also with classic furniture and with colors like gold.

4.Do you think they are genuine people? What do Madame of Merteuil and the Viscount of Valmont use to dress up in front of the people? Which physical or material elements do they use to build their social identity?

We don’t think they were genuine people because they fool and they treated the people depending the benefits they could give them. They used elegant dresses because they were of the high society.

5.In the film you can find people who aren’t what they are supposed to be. The society of that age was based on rules, conventions and traditions which stopped people from being what they really were. What are the objectives that each character wants to meet? What means do they use to use to get those objectives? Are they really happy?

Viscount of Valmont: His objectives were obtaining exploits every time majors which were flirting with the women’s.

Madame de Merteuil: She knows how to fool the people. She has lovers and all what she does is for her benefit.

Madame de Tourvel: Her objective was obtaining the viscount because she was in love with him.

They weren’t happy because they couldn’t be and do what they really want.

6.Quina dona de les que hi apareix a la pel-lícula et sembla més moderna, més atrevida, més d’acord a l’esperit del Segle de les Llums reflectit a l’expresió Sapere aude? Mme de Merteuli, Mme de Tourvel, Cécile de Volanges, sa mare…? Justifica la teua resposta.

La més moderna era Mme de Merteuli perque era la més lliberal i la que menys p reocupada estaba per el honor que era l’important d’aquella época. Aquesta dona també utilitzava el seu propi criteri per aconseguir el que volia.

7. Diríeu que Mme de Trouvel és una persona “major d’edat” d’acord a l’ètica de Kant? Hi ha algún canvi en aquesta situación al llarg de la pel-lícula? Justifica la teua resposta utilitzant els teus coneiximents.

Al escomençament de la pel-l’icula no es una persona major d’edat perque les seues decisions les prenia sa mare o se les demanava a algu que les decidirá per ella. Més tard quan el vizconde li diu que a de fer i ella espabila ja escomença a ser major d’edat, ja escomença a decidir.

8- La pel-lícula és una crítica a la moral i els costums de l’aristocràcia durant el segle XVIII. Elabora tú aquesta crítica. Un element molt important tés l’escena final de Mme de Merteuli, el desenllaç de Valmont, etc.

Aquesta pel-lícula demostra que l’aristocracia en aquella época no tenia escrúpuls per a aconseguir els seus objectius, i que si tenia que destruir la moralitat i els principis de

una persona o feien per al seu propi benefici. També demostra que per el damunt de tot estaba l’honor que era imprescindible per a aquella época i s’interposava moltes voltes entre la voluntad de les persones.
