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Ampul Fall 2010

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Fall 2010 issue of Ohio Northern Pharmacy's Ampul
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FALL 2010 A MAGAZINE FOR ALUMNI & FRIENDS OF THE RUDOLPH H. RAABE COLLEGE OF PHARMACY The Ampul IN THIS ISSUE Synergy Independent Pharmacists Continuing Education Insert
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FALL 2010


The Ampul



Independent Pharmacists

Continuing Education Insert

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The Ampul is a publication of The Rudolph H. Raabe College of Pharmacy

Editors:Josh AlkireLynn BedfordAmy (Rettig) Prigge, BSBA ’94Laurie Wurth-Pressel

Design: Toma (Grothous) Williams, BFA ’96

Photography:Lynn BedfordKen Colwell

Contributors:Scott Wills, BSBA ’87

The Ampul is published by Ohio Northern University, 525 S. Main St. Ada, OH 45810, 419-772-2000.

The R.H. Raabe College of Pharmacy at Ohio Northern University has long been recognized as one of the premier colleges of pharmacy in the nation, continually meeting the high standards of pharmaceutical education. Throughout its prominent history, the college has graduated pharmacists who now have successful pharmacy practices and who are active in local, state and national health-related organizations. More than one-fourth of all pharmacists in Ohio are Ohio Northern alumni.



Message from the Dean

Features p. 4-13

Synergy: ONU’s Teacher/Scholar ModelIndependent pharmacists play a vital community roleEnhancing patient care and expanding pharmacy practiceOutreach Corner

Alumni and Friends Entrance Plaza p. 14-15

Student Focus p. 16-17

Pharmacy News and Activities p. 18-20

Advisory Board p. 23

FALL 2010 Ampul Contents

On The Cover:This past summer, Marcela Acosta, a pharmacy student from the University of Costa Rica, worked in the ONU research labs of Dr. Jeffery Talbot as part of the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation.

FALL 2010


The Ampul

IN THIS ISSUESynergyIndependent Parmacists

Continuing Education Insert

Photo: Ken Colwell


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From the Dean

Dr. Jon SpragueProfessor of Pharmacology and DeanOhio Northern UniversityRaabe College of Pharmacy

In higher education, there are three academic models that can be implemented:(1) The scholar-teacher model – Faculty members are required to focus

on scholarship over teaching and are expected to generate some portion of their salary from their research grants or clinical practice site. This model runs the risk of the focus moving away from teaching.

(2) The teacher-only model – Faculty members are expected to focus only on teaching and are rewarded for these efforts. In this model, however, the faculty member runs the risk of not staying current within their discipline. Consequently, the faculty member’s teaching (although good) suffers as a result.

(3) The teacher-scholar model – Faculty members are rewarded for excellence in the classroom but are expected to be professionally active in scholarship through research and/or maintaining a clinical practice site. This model allows the faculty member to focus on the importance of teaching while staying current within their discipline.

Here in the Raabe College of Pharmacy, we have adopted the teacher-scholar model. The Ampul highlights some of our efforts in maintaining this model.

The teacher-scholar model has served our students, alumni and faculty members very well this last year. Our students won numerous state and national awards and competitions. During the 2009-10 academic year, our students received the national regional award for the APhA-ASP Heartburn Awareness Challenge, APhA-ASP Project Chance Award, OPA OTC Challenge, OPA Pharmacy Olympics, the AMCP Elite 8 (National P&T Competition), Red Cross Youth of the Year Award, and NCPA Student Chapter of the Year (national runner-up).

Our faculty received the national advisor awards from Phi Delta Chi and NCPA and the Public Health Services Excellence in Pharmacy Practice Award. ONU pharmacy alumni also received six of the seven awards presented at the 132nd Ohio Pharmacists Association meeting.

The Raabe College of Pharmacy is preparing for many events that may be of interest to you. We have provided a listing that will hopefully fit into your schedule. We always welcome the opportunity to catch up with alumni and friends of the college. If you make it back to campus, we can offer you a tour of the college so you can see the teacher-scholar model firsthand.


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There is unique synergy that exists between cutting-edge research and quality teaching. In the Raabe College of Pharmacy, students and faculty benefit from having adopted a teacher-scholar academic model.

Faculty members are rewarded for excellence in the classroom but are expected to be professionally active in scholarship through research and/or maintaining a clinical practice site. This model allows the faculty member to focus on the importance of teaching while staying current within their discipline.

In the laboratory, Drs. Jeffery Talbot and Mark Olah are discovering new drug therapies that could one day affect the lives of millions. And in the classroom, they are making a difference in the lives of their pharmacy students on a daily basis.



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Dr. Jeffery Talbot, assistant professor of pharmacology, has two passions in his professional life – teaching and research. “I’ve always felt that teaching in the classroom makes me a better researcher and that being a researcher makes me a better teacher.”

Talbot came to Ohio Northern University five years ago – giving up a research fellowship at the University of Michigan – because the Raabe College of Pharmacy enables him to pursue both his passions in equal measure. “At Ohio Northern, I achieve the satisfaction and enjoyment of interacting with students in the classroom while still being able to engage in cutting-edge research,” he explains.

Growing up, Talbot became inspired to teach by observing his mother, a high school English and history teacher who dedicated her life to quality teaching. “She is a magnificent teacher inside and outside the classroom.”

Following in his mother’s footsteps, Talbot has mastered the ability to make learning enjoyable. His teaching philosophy is that relevance increases retention. “If I can help my students see how a concept applies to them in real life, they are more likely to understand and remember,” he says.

Watching his students develop into competent pharmacists is his greatest reward. “When they conquer a difficult topic successfully, a transformation takes place. They develop a new level of confidence, and you can see the change in their whole disposition.”

When Talbot isn’t teaching students in class, he is most often found in another type of classroom, his laboratory. Along with collaborators from the University of Michigan, Talbot and his research team of ONU pharmacy students are blazing a trail to a more targeted and effective treatment for depression and anxiety, work that was featured in the June 2010 issue of the top-tier medical journal Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences.

Depression affects an estimated 21 million Americans. Yet existing treatments for this devastating illness are plagued with drawbacks. Some patients are non-responsive to antidepressant drugs, while many others experience side effects that cause them to discontinue treatment. In addition, nearly two-thirds of patients taking antidepressant medications will experience a relapse in symptoms. “It’s a surprisingly treatment-resistant illness,” explains Talbot. “There is a tremendous unmet therapeutic need.”

The class of drugs most commonly prescribed for the treatment of depression is selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or SSRIs. These drugs work by increasing synaptic concentrations of the neurotransmitter serotonin in regions of the brain that regulate mood, such as the frontal cortex and hippocampus, eventually leading to increased serotonin signaling through the more than dozen serotonin receptors in the brain.

Talbot’s research details the complex actions of a family of proteins, known as RGS proteins, which act as brakes on neurotransmitter signaling. In their studies, Talbot and colleagues used a strain of mice that was genetically altered to block RGS protein activity in the central nervous system. He and his team discovered that genetically inhibiting these braking proteins dramatically and selectively enhanced serotonin signaling through the 5-HT1a receptor, a key receptor that influences the


Relevance increases retention

I’ve always felt that teaching in the classroom makes me a better researcher and that being a researcher makes me a better teacher. – Dr. Jeffery Talbot

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effectiveness of SSRIs, such as fluoxetine (Prozac) and sertraline (Zoloft). Without RGS protein regulation over 5-HT1a signaling, the mice not only were more responsive to SSRIs, but also showed antidepressive and anxiolytic behavior without first being treated with antidepressants.

“When placed in stressful situations, the mice behaved as though they were being treated with an antidepressant,” says Talbot. “When the mice were given an SSRI, the antidepressant potency of the drug was dramatically improved by five to 10 times.”

Talbot is optimistic that his research could lead to a new class of drugs capable of inhibiting RGS proteins, which would more selectively target the antidepressant signal produced by 5-HT1a receptors. “Eventually, we hope this work will lead to improved therapies for depression and anxiety, both in terms of efficacy and treatment outcomes,” he says.

Olah has been investigating angiogenesis, the development of new blood vessels from existing vessels, since his postdoctoral research days at Duke University. In particular, he’s interested in the role of a protein known as Epac in blood vessel growth. His studies have demonstrated that the recently discovered Epac protein has a role in activating a major growth pathway in endothelial cells. These findings were published in The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics.

Recently, Olah was awarded a three-year National Institute of Health (NIH) Academic Research Enhancement grant to support further research on the role of Epac in the endothelial cell events that are necessary for angiogenesis.

Angiogenesis is a process that is currently not targeted by many drugs; however, it is an area of great therapeutic potential as evidenced by the recent approval of anti-cancer agents that disrupt angiogenesis. Olah’s research could lead to new treatment options for a wide range of disease states, such as diabetes, coronary atherosclerosis and cancer.

“The long-term goal is to identify and characterize the proteins involved in blood vessel growth and find ways to turn them off or on,” says Olah. Cancerous tumors, for example, rely on blood vessels to feed them. If blood vessel growth could be shut down at the tumor site, it would be possible to starve the cancer. Conversely, if blood vessel growth could be stimulated, it would help individuals who suffer from blood vessel damage caused by diabetes or heart disease.

Every weekday, Olah can be found in his laboratory absorbed in experiments with DNA and human microvascular endothelial cell cultures that are the byproducts of tummy tucks and other surgeries. Making a new discovery “feels pretty darn good,” acknowledges Olah. But most days don’t produce a home run. Experiments are time-consuming, and it can take repeated attempts before they yield results or a definitive answer. “You can’t be the type of person who gets easily discouraged.”

Olah appreciates his time spent in the classroom for the balance it provides. He enjoys his daily contact with students and the challenge of teaching them the biomedical

According to Dr. Mark Olah, associate professor of pharmacology, teaching and research provide an ideal balance in his professional life. Teaching offers the rewarding experience of sharing his knowledge and seeing the light turn on in his students’ heads. While research gives him the satisfaction of knowing that he is progressively shedding light on an important area of vascular signaling.

Extending the classroom

My students remind me that my research applies to real people in real life.– Dr. Mark Olah

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sciences. An interactive and enthusiastic teacher, he often uses real-life examples in his classes. “I like it when the light bulb goes off in their heads,” he says. “When students begin to realize that the basic science is applicable in the clinical setting.”

He also considers his laboratory to be an extension of the classroom. He methodically trains his student workers, ensuring that they fully understand the scientific concepts that they are applying as well as the significance of their work. “Dr. Olah has been a wonderful mentor in that he welcomes any questions and is very patient. I have learned a great deal in the laboratory because he wants us to understand what is going on, and for me that only makes me want to learn more,” says Lauren Miller, a fourth-year pharmacy student from Tipp City, Ohio.

In return, Olah’s pharmacy students, who possess a keen interest in the clinical setting, connect him with the ultimate purpose of his research. “At times, it’s easy to become caught up in the details of individual experiments,” he says. “My students remind me that my work applies to real people in real life.”

Bidding farewell to their home countries for summer 2010, two international students – one from the University of Alcalá de Henares in Madrid and the other from the University of Costa Rica – jumped at the opportunity to work in the research laboratories at the Raabe College of Pharmacy. The students were placed at ONU through the International Pharmaceutical Students’ Federation, a student exchange program. They were taken under the wing by pharmacy students who showed them around Ada and other parts of the U.S.

“This experience opened my eyes to what type of research is being done in different countries and how I, as a student, can contribute to the development of new drugs,” says Marcela Acosta, a pharmacy student from Costa Rica who worked with Dr. Talbot. “I acquired a lot of knowledge that will be useful in my career.”

Patricia Laranjeira, from Spain, also had a positive experience working with Dr. Olah. “I had never traveled abroad, so I learned to live alone and resolve problems by myself,” she says. “I learned so much about pharmacy science and was so happy to make friends with people from another country.”


Faculty, Staff and Students Stay Healthy with ONU HealthWise

The key to staying healthy is having the right support, believes Dr. David Bright, assistant professor of pharmacy practice. His commitment will provide ONU employees with the help they need to lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, control blood sugar levels, lose weight and more.

ONU’s HealthWise program is a new initiative aimed at those who have complicated health concerns. “We hope to foster a culture of health and wellness, which will not only improve our employees’ health, but also decrease health care costs and improve employee satisfaction,” explains Bright, program founder.

A strong educational component involves nursing, pharmacy and exercise physiology students at every level. They gain invaluable hands-on experience with patient privacy, counseling and screenings.

“We have pharmacy students helping with ONU HealthWise, and it gives them a chance to experience the non-dispensing role that pharmacists can play,” says Bright. “They have to think on their feet dealing with real patients and real situations.”

ONU HealthWise was launched in January 2010 as a pilot program with 20 individuals participating. They met regularly with campus health care faculty and students for screenings and education, including medication therapy management and exercise coaching.

The results were significant. Among the group, 16 medication-related problems were identified, including eight disease states that were untreated. Upon completion of the program, the four patients who had diabetes were below the 7 percent goal for HbA1c set by the American Diabetes Association, four patients achieved blood pressure control, and one patient achieved normal cholesterol readings. Of the seven patients who listed weight loss as a goal upon enrollment, five lost weight, with an average weight loss of 6.7 pounds.

Based on the success of the pilot program, plans to expand ONU HealthWise have started with the appointment of Dr. Michael Rush, PharmD ’05, as director. Rush is seeking to increase the number of participants and will begin offering additional services

in preventative medicine, tobacco cessation and management of cholesterol, diabetes mellitus and high blood pressure. “Our vision is to help the ONU family reach their maximum wellness potential by creating an environment that educates, supports and empowers the employee to make positive health and lifestyle changes.”

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Community pharmacies have been an esteemed American

institution since the end of the 19th century. Today, they

continue to serve loyal customers in towns both large

and small across the U.S. In fact, independent pharmacies

are a $45.5 billion industry with almost 17 percent of the

prescription market share. Facing formidable competition,

they survive by staying true to their roots. These locally

owned businesses put customers, and the community, first.

Independent pharmacists are valued for their knowledge,

compassion and integrity. In this article, four Ohio Northern-

educated pharmacists and entrepreneurs share their

passion for owning and operating community pharmacies.

David Burke BSPh ’90 – Dave’s Pharmacy in

Marysville, Ohio

Jeff Holycross BSPh ’78 – Aries Pharmacy in Russells Point, Ohio

Robert Mabe BSPh ’71 – Ashville Apothecary in

Ashville, Ohio, and Circleville Apothecary in Circleville, Ohio

Jeff McCracken BSPh ’81 – McCracken Pharmacy in

Waynesburg, Pa.

Independent Pharmacists Play a Vital Community Role

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How does your independent pharmacy enhance the quality of health care offered to people in your community?Burke: Personal service. We take the time to meet the individual needs of each person. This takes us in many directions but always advances care and improves outcomes. It is more than pills in a bottle.

Holycross: We provide health screenings, private counseling, hormone counseling, a compounding service and free delivery. We also provide compliance programs so patients get the full benefit of their drug therapy.

Mabe: One unique service is our Wellness Education Center in the Circleville store. This is a large room with a projector that is used by other health care professionals to present on various health topics, such as bio-identical hormone therapies and diabetes. I also require my sixth-year pharmacy students to organize a “brown bag” review for any patients who may have questions about their drug therapies.

McCracken: We employ three full-time pharmacists so that one of us is available to spend a significant amount of one-on-one time with patients when situations arise that require this attention. We maintain a good working relationship with all the physicians and clinics in the area.

Share your pharmacy’s philosophy on serving patients.Burke: Each person is different and has a unique need. Finding that need and moving that person’s health forward improves their life and saves them money.

Holycross: We believe it is all about the patient. We try to make service quick and efficient, affordable and appropriate for each patient.

Mabe: When a patient enters my pharmacy, I expect them to receive courteous and professional treatment. I do not look at patients as “lives” or “dollars.” I am grateful for their patronage and expect my staff and me to do our best to give them accurate and timely service. Each person gets personalized attention, and in most cases, I know them and their family by name. I make an effort to empower my employees to make decisions to improve good patient interactions and impress upon them that we are only in business because people choose to walk in our door.

McCracken: I want each patient to feel like they are the most important patient I have waited on that day. They are not just a number to me. I will do whatever it takes to make sure they get the best customer service and individualized attention possible.

What challenges face independent pharmacies?Burke: Contracts. Our country is built on an open, competitive market. When exclusive contracts undercut the free market and form a monopoly,

costs increase and choice is limited. This impacts not only independent pharmacies, but also the profession in general. I also think individuals forget they own their health care policy and insurers are the administrators of those plans. People should have a choice, and the free market should prevail.

Holycross: Pharmacy benefit managers. They are diverting patients into their own pharmacies and cutting reimbursements to unprofitable levels.

Mabe: The inability of younger pharmacists to acquire adequate capital to purchase stores from owners who wish to retire. As a result, stores either sell out to chains or close. Most independent pharmacies are very profitable. Another challenge is the fact that due to federal anti-competition laws, we cannot form groups that can access advantages enjoyed by large interconnected networks of competitors. Pharmacy PBMs and insurers can create closed networks and mail-order networks to overtly or covertly capture market share, receive rebates, negotiate special prices and get reduced transaction fees. These competitors make a huge amount of money from their drug enterprises and have the political power to keep the status quo. As we enter into national health coverage, they will only become more powerful. Finally, the continual regulation of pharmacy is costly and takes up a lot of time.

McCracken: Mail order and PBMs.

David Burke, BSPh ’90, and his wife, Donna (Albert), BS ’89.

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Describe the key opportunities for independent pharmacies.Burke: Changes in health care will give more people access to pharmacy care. This new population gives pharmacy the opportunity to improve lives while decreasing health care costs. Additionally, pharmacists can become a more integral part of health care.

Holycross: There is a great opportunity to do more cutting-edge things like working closer with other health providers to manage drug therapies.

Mabe: You can decide what services you wish to offer, and if you work hard and use your capital wisely, you can make a great living. Also, you can achieve a high professional standing in the community. I wish I were 25 years younger because there are so many new opportunities out there for better patient care, and I don’t believe the big competitors are nimble enough to service them.

McCracken: The graying of the baby boomers, the increased awareness of wellness and the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle among younger Americans.

What trends have you noticed in the pharmacy field?Burke: While profit margins have decreased, technology has improved workflow and business management. Today, we fill more prescriptions for less cost than ever before. I see this trend growing, and we must use all our tools as we strive to make ends meet without sacrificing care.

Holycross: In recent years, it appears that pharmacy schools have been more geared toward chain stores and hospital pharmacies than independent pharmacy practice. This could be very dangerous to the profession, changing it to a technical job instead of a noble profession.

Mabe: One disturbing trend I see is the use of the pharmacy as loss leader, for example, $0 or $4 generics to draw people into the larger grocery or general merchandise stores. I think that the independent pharmacy that differentiates with services and good customer care will find adequate people who want quality, not commodity prices. Independents who stress that they are in business to improve people’s health will thrive.

McCracken: There is a much greater emphasis on technology – bar coding prescriptions and electronic prescribing are becoming much more commonplace.

How is your independent pharmacy preparing for the future?Burke: Workflow, inventory management, niche markets and service.

Holycross: We are looking for ways to differentiate and move away from just dispensing prescriptions. We are striving to become more involved in medication management and compounding.

Mabe: I intend to keep adding services. Also, my son, Stephen, now has joined the team, and he will bring new perspectives, energy and ideas. We hope to build a new building in Ashville and grow our compounding center in Circleville, where it can be spun off as a freestanding store.

McCracken: We are continuing to attend as many educational seminars as feasible to maintain a sharp focus on the present and an eye on the future. We know we must hone our skills to keep pace with the ever-changing landscape of our profession, and we are committed to doing so.


Jeff McCracken’s Pharmacy in Waynesburg, Pa.

Jeff Holycross, BSPh ’78

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with people as he dispensed prescriptions and his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of how to approach the variety of problems presented to him by the public fascinated me.” After a heart-to-heart talk with Strine during his senior year in high school, Mabe determined that pharmacy would be the right career path for him.

After graduating, Mabe worked a few years before following in his parents’ footsteps and becoming a small business owner. Today, he owns two independent pharmacies in Pickaway County, Ohio – Ashville Apothecary (36 years in business) and Circleville Apothecary (six years in business). His Circleville store offers expanded services, such as compounding, wound care and vaccination services.

Mabe and his wife, Melissa, have been married for 26 years and have four sons – Robert, a fireman and paramedic who lives in Memphis, Tenn., Stephen, PharmD ’10, who works in his pharmacies, Nathanial, a third-year ONU pharmacy student, and Daniel, a high school senior.

For Jeff McCracken, BSPh ’81, owning a community pharmacy is a family legacy. His father, Jack McCracken, BSPh ’53, established the McCracken Pharmacy in Waynesburg, Pa., in 1961. “Growing up as the son of a pharmacist and working in the pharmacy since the age of 15, it just seemed natural for me to choose this career path. Although my father didn’t pressure me, he was quite pleased when I decided to follow in his footsteps.”

After getting his pharmacy degree, McCracken didn’t immediately join the family business. Instead, he worked at Weber’s Pharmacy in Woodsfield, Ohio, and then at a Rite Aid in Akron, Ohio, before moving back to his hometown in 1985.

McCracken Pharmacy fills about 300 to 400 prescriptions each day for local residents. “I enjoy the daily interactions with my patients. No two days are ever the same. Each day presents its own rewards and challenges.”

McCracken’s wife, Dr. Helen McCracken, is the superintendent of the Canon-McMillan School District located just south of Pittsburgh. They have one daughter, Elissa, who is a second-year ONU pharmacy student. “A third-generation pharmacy student, Elissa is a testimony to the pride and confidence our family feels in ONU.”

Meet the panelistsDavid Burke, BSPh ’90, and his wife, Donna (Albert), BS ’89, own and operate Dave’s Pharmacy in Marysville, Ohio

In 1997, the Burke’s risked everything by purchasing a dilapidated corner gas station on West 5th street to launch their business. Starting with no customer base, today they have enough patronage to employ 12 people, including four pharmacists, and to realize annual sales in the millions. As the only independent pharmacy in the county, Dave’s Pharmacy specializes in compounding, home health and orthopedic items.

Dave and Donna met when they were students at Ohio Northern in the late ’80s. Donna majored in biology at ONU and then later attended The Ohio State University for her pharmacy degree. They married in 1991 and have two children, Alexandra and Adam.

Jeff Holycross, BSPh ’78, enjoys the personable aspect of being a pharmacist. “I like getting to know my patients and having a positive impact on their health,” he says.

Holycross’ business, Aries Pharmacy, is locat-ed in the rural, resort community of Russells Point, Ohio, on Indian Lake. A professional pharmacy, Aries sells only medically related products and services. Each year, Holycross and his team fill approximately 30,000 prescriptions for local residents and out-of-town vacationers. He says his pharmacy’s personal, efficient and cutting-edge service are what set it apart. “We just offer services and programs that our competitors don’t have,” he explains.

Married with two daughters and two stepdaughters, Holycross enjoys hiking, boating and playing golf in his free time.

Robert Mabe, BSPh ’71, was born into a family of hard workers and entrepreneurs. His parents owned a clothing store when he was growing up, and his mother, Martha Mabe, refuses to let advancing age slow her down. At 93 years old, she still puts in 40 hours a week in the sporting goods store she owns in London, Ohio.

Working in his parent’s store as a youngster, Mabe became acquainted with the pharmacist who owned the drug store next door, Darrell Strine, PHC ’28. “The way he positively interacted

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Pharmacy Outreach Corner

In order to inspire pharmacy students to become involved in their community, the Raabe College of Pharmacy made outreach programming a top priority. At the beginning of the 2009-10 school year, all pharmacy student organizations were encouraged to expand upon or create programs that would promote health and wellness, proper medication use, and disease state education to the public. Program goals were to 1) provide an opportunity for students to apply pharmacy practice skills learned in the didactic curriculum, 2) collaborate with other health care professionals, and 3) screen patients as well as educate them on their health conditions. Program development was incentivized financially through a generous grant from Target. Pharmacy organizations were each given a portion of these funds to support screening equipment and supplies used at all outreach events.

Newly developed or established programs included:

• Kappa Psi – asthma/COPD education and prevention• Phi Lambda Sigma – poison prevention• NCPA – cholesterol and osteoporosis (heel scan) screenings• SNPhA – stroke awareness• CPFI – vitamins for the world and OTC drive for mission trips• Kappa Epsilon – blood pressure screenings• SSHP – brown bag events• Phi Delta Chi – prescription drug abuse awareness campaign• APhA-ASP – operations diabetes, immunization and heartburn

Screenings were included at outreach events in local businesses, schools, churches and indigent clinics. Student organizations also hosted “health fairs” with large corporations to include a menu of health topics and free screenings. Various collaborations included Kroger (Kenton), Ray’s Market (Lima), Health Partners of Western Ohio (Lima), Restore (Ada) and Blanchard House (Kenton). In total, pharmacy students conducted more than 100 outreach programs in various settings throughout the region and screened approximately 3,500 patients.

Regardless of the outreach program type, the purpose was the same: provide excellent health care in the best interest of the patient. Through outreach programming, ONU students promote the profession of pharmacy by

serving others and raise health care awareness in the community. Inspiring the future of our profession both inside and outside the classroom setting is what we consider to be a top priority to enriching their educational experience by providing unique patient care opportunities in the community. Faculty instill the importance of serving others to our students so that, one day, they too will continue to help the needs of their communities and inspire their students be passionate about patient care.

If you would like our pharmacy students to host an outreach event in your practice, please contact Dr. Kristen Finley Sobota, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, at 419-772-2569 or [email protected]

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As the Raabe College of Pharmacy continues to meet the high standards of pharmaceutical education, the college’s experiential program allows for expansion and direct application of knowledge and encompasses approximately one-third of the student’s total curriculum. The experiential department provides a variety of quality opportunities for students in both Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs) and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPEs). The Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) adopted these new educational standards in 2007.

“The experiential program runs smoothly because of alumni who are enthusiastic about educating future pharmacists,” says Dr. Pat Parteleno, BSPh ’91, PharmD ’96, director of experiential programs and associate professor of pharmacy practice. “The college appreciates the perspective alumni provide and the positive connections that are made between students and pharmacists.”

IPPEsStudents must complete a total of 300 pharmacy practice hours with at least 80 hours of experience at community sites, such as independent pharmacy, chain pharmacy, health department with an outpatient pharmacy or ambulatory care clinic, and in another 80 hours at institutional sites like a hospital, long-term care facility, correctional facility or hospice. These settings expose students to pharmacy practice, allowing them to explore the pharmacists’ approach to patient care and decision making and learn how the pharmacist and staff provide for the well-being of the patient.

APPEsStudents are required to complete nine one-month APPEs or rotations. The six required rotations are general/internal medicine, ambulatory care, pediatrics or critical care, geriatrics or long-term care, community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy. They then select three elective rotations in areas such as cardiology, administration, infectious disease, managed care, emergency medicine, psychiatric, trauma, nutrition or oncology.

Enhancing Patient Care and Expanding Pharmacy Practice

Cassie Spray is an excellent representative of my alma mater! It has been a pleasure to have her at Summa Health System, Parkview Center. I have extended an invitation to return in her APPE for a month.

Ronald Smetana, BSPh ’71Cancer Center Pharmacist/Clinical Trials CoordinatorSumma Health System, Barberton, Ohio

The students will be exposed to codes, traumas and other direct patient care activities. They will find that the rotation will be one of the best.

Charles McCluskey, BSPh ’97Director, Pharmacy ServicesRiverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus, Ohio

We enjoy precepting ONU students. They are excellent students, future residents and future employees. We have a rich tradition with successful results with ONU students.

Jamie AllmanClinical Coordinator, Residency Program Director and Inpatient Clinical Pharmacist Huntington VA Medical Center

For more information on how to get involved with helping students enhance their patient care skills and expand their pharmacy practice knowledge, contact Parteleno at [email protected] or 419-772-1866 or Karen Montgomery at 419-772-2418.

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Select from the following brick paver sizes:

12”-by-12” brick paver $500

8”-by-8” brick paver $250

4”-by-8” brick paver $125


Additional naming opportunities include:

Visionary $5,000 — Receive recognition on a named bench area and personalized 12”-by-12” brick paver

located in the plaza and distinct nameplate outside the college’s Pharmacy Skills Center

Benefactor $2,500 — Receive recognition on the entrance plaza donor wall, a personalized 12”-by-12”

brick paver, and distinct nameplate outside the college’s Pharmacy Skills Center

Partner $1,000 — Receive recognition on a personalized 12”-by-12” brick paver located in the plaza

and distinct nameplate outside the college’s Pharmacy Skills Center

Thank you to the more than 300 alumni and friends who have already created a lasting legacy. It’s not too late to purchase a personalized brick paver. Each can be customized with a name, special date, or company, business or club to commemorate your affiliation with ONU.

Your support will serve as a visual reminder of your pharmacy experience at ONU and provide much- needed support for current and future students.

Honor Graduates Celebrate MilestonesRemember Loved Ones Create a Lasting Legacy

Page 15: Ampul Fall 2010

4”-by-8” brick paver 8”-by-8” brick paver 12”-by-12” brick paver

KAPPA PSI James Hay ’72 Richard A Degli

Medina Ohio Class of 1960

Osowski Family Casimir ’52

Helene (Brysacz) ’55Susan (Ayers) ’81

John ’82Joseph ’83


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Thanks for your support of the

Raabe College of Pharmacy.

Janice Newsom Geiger

Class of 1977

Todd Gallentine Rho Chi

Crestline, Ohio

Tina Rogers Love Class of 1986

Go Polar Bears!

Catherine TaylorClass of 2010

Josh Suffel ’05 Sarah Suffel ’09

Mary Beth Mazoch Class of 1974

John R Jenkins Class of 1953

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Thanks ONU! Tom Barthlow 1992

and Cheryl Worthington


Page 16: Ampul Fall 2010

Student Focus


The American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) chapter has received the 2010 APhA-ASP Project CHANCE Award to help fund the “Remember Your MEDS: Medication Education Delivers Success” program. Only 10 APhA-ASP chapters in the country were awarded $2,000 for outstanding work.

The ONU chapter is focused on improving medication adherence at Allen County Health Partners in Lima through education, counseling, pill boxes, timers, refrigerator magnet reminders, calendar stickers, handouts, phone calls and text messages.

Kelsey Marvin, a fourth-year pharmacy student from Swanton, Ohio, served as the Project CHANCE chair and was instrumental in ONU garnering the grant for the project. Dr. David Bright, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, and Dr. Kristen Finley Sobota, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, share the advisor duties for Project CHANCE.

ONU Pharmacy String Quartet Performs during Junior Visit Day

Members of the ONU Pharmacy String Quartet performed during Junior Visit Day last spring. From left: Anastasia Barkett, violin, fourth-year pharmacy, Cleveland; Samantha Loutzenheiser, violin, first-year pharmacy, North Canton, Ohio; Brett Kopp, viola, fourth-year pharmacy, Dayton, Ohio, and Tasha Hissett, cello, fourth-year pharmacy, Cincinnati.

APhA-ASP chapter receives national CHANCE award

“This award is such an honor because our pharmacy students were given this amazing opportunity from the American Pharmacists Association to start a new medication program in an environment where individuals are in need of health care,” says Sobota. “It is a great way for our profession to help shape the direction of pharmacy practice in the community by educating people on the importance of taking their medications as prescribed.”

Academic Achievement Recognized at Honors Day

Abby Ricket of Pickerington, Ohio, receives her white coat from her parents, James, BSPh ’75, and Marcia (Allison) Ricket, BSPh ’76

Honors Day has a 38-year tradition of ONU departments and colleges recognizing students and faculty for their distinguished scholarly achievement and service. As part of the day, the Raabe College of Pharmacy held its annual Professional Commitment Ceremony, during which third-year pharmacy students receive their white coats. This ceremony officially marks the students’ transition from the first three years of their ONU pharmacy education to the last three professional years.

Page 17: Ampul Fall 2010

Pharmacy Students Help with ‘Prescription Drug Take Back’ Program

Two ONU pharmacy students and an ONU pharmacy graduate headed a recent prescription drug take back program at Barnesville Hospital, Barnesville, Ohio.

Working in cooperation with the Barnesville Police Department, Kirsten Yoho, a fifth-year pharmacy student from Bethesda, Ohio, Todd “TJ” Tucker, a third-year pharmacy student from Barnesville, Ohio, and Ashley Shumaker, a student

at Ohio State University, volunteered to assist with the program in August.

According to Joseph Jeffries, BSPh ’89, pharmacy director at the hospital, “We are thrilled to have been able to offer this program. The take back program helps protect our environment by keeping medications out of the water supply and helps to protect our community by keeping drugs off of the street.”

In August, more than 36,000 units of drugs and 450 types of drugs were collected and disposed of safely. Area residents dropped off potentially dangerous expired, unused and unwanted prescription and over-the-counter medications.

Hospital officials say the program addresses vital public safety and public health issues. Many Americans are not aware that medicines that sit

in home cabinets are highly susceptible to theft, misuse and abuse. Rates of prescription drug abuse in the U.S. are increasing at alarming rates, as are the number of accidental poisonings and overdoses due to these drugs. Many Americans do not know how to properly dispose of their unused medicine, often flushing them down the toilet or throwing them away – both potential safety and health hazards.


Pharmacy Student Selected for National ASHP Advisory CommitteeRyan Fischer, a fifth-year pharmacy student from Spencerville, Ohio, has been selected to serve on the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) National Advisory Committee on Policy and Legislative Advocacy. The selection is a highly competitive process in which only 10 students nationally earn a spot on each committee.

“It is rewarding for Ohio Northern students to be involved at the national level in issues that are important to the profession

of pharmacy,” said Dr. Kelly Shields, associate professor of pharmacy practice. “Ryan will have the unique opportunity to represent the voice of students across the nation as well as share ideas for continuing to develop ONU’s student chapter of ASHP.”

The ASHP Pharmacy Student Forum has five advisory groups that advise the forum on key student needs and offer suggestions for how to meet these needs. The Policy and Legislative

Advocacy Advisory Group recommends on policy to help pharmacy students develop into effective advocates for the profession of health-system pharmacy.

Some of the responsibilities of group members include determining the most efficient means to educate students about political issues in the pharmacy and health care system as well as current legislation; educating fellow pharmacy students about policy and issues presented before the

ASHP House of Delegates; exploring innovative methods to promote student participation in ASHP policy and legislation; and assisting the student delegate to the ASHP House of Delegates.






Page 18: Ampul Fall 2010


Pharmacy News and Activities

National Advisors and Student Chapter of the Year Named

Kappa Psi Returns to Campus

Two Ohio Northern University pharmacy professors have been named National Advisor of the Year for their respective organizations. David Kinder, professor of medicinal chemistry, was named the National Advisor of the Year by Phi Delta Chi, the professional pharmacy fraternity. “Receiving this award was completely unexpected, and I am humbled and honored to receive it. I have been an

On March 20, the Gamma Delta Chapter of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity celebrated their 90th anniversary by reactivating the chapter at the Raabe College of Pharmacy. With more than 60 alumni and other brothers from across the country in attendance, the Ada Graduate Chapter gave the ritual of initiation to 30 promising pharmacy students. Cameron Van Dyke, BSPh ’96, served as the Master of Ceremonies. Ada Grad Regent Craig Boyce, BSPh ’89, then installed the new chapter officers, and Van Dyke presented the charter to Regent Alex Koudelka, a fifth-year pharmacy student from Kenmore, N.Y.

Ohio Northern was named the 2010 Student Chapter of the Year at the NCPA 112th Annual Convention and Trade Exposition in Philadelphia. Lauren Anderson, a fourth-year pharmacy major from Monroe, Mich., was selected as an Outstanding Student Chapter Member and earned a Presidential Scholarship.

advisor to Phi Delta Chi for 18 years and have enjoyed knowing and working with the brothers. This is the ‘icing on the cake,’ and I will always treasure it.” Phi Delta Chi was founded on Nov. 2, 1883, by 11 men from the University of Michigan. Since then, Phi Delta Chi has chartered 57 undergraduate chapters and initiated 33,000 men and women into the organization. Kenny Walkup, BSPh ’92, serves as executive director.

Deirdre (Mozdy) Myers, BSPh ’83, pharmacy and laboratory instructor, was honored as Advisor of the Year by the National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA). “I am motivated to instill the ‘habit’ of pharmacy association involvement and advocacy in my students. Nothing gives me greater satisfaction than to see them come back to pharmacy meetings as young pharmacists.”

Page 19: Ampul Fall 2010


Top Awards Earned at Ohio Pharmacists Conference

Upcoming Events

Sebok Pharmacy Lecture – Jan. 18, 1 p.m., Freed Center for the Performing Arts

Carmen A. Catizone, MS, RPh, DPh, is the executive director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) and the secretary of the Association’s Executive Committee. NABP is an international organization.

Pharmacy Mentor Dinner – March 31Third-year pharmacy students have the opportunity to meet ONU pharmacy alumni who have volunteered to assist students in selecting their career path. This event is sponsored by a grant from Rite Aid Corporation.

Pharmacy Golf Day – Aug. 12Mark your calendar for the pharmacy golf outing and CE.

Contact Dr. Robert McCurdy, BSPh ’65, Hon. D. ’96, at [email protected] for more information on these events.

Ohio Northern University alumni received six of the seven awards presented at the 132nd Ohio Pharmacists Association annual meeting and conference in April. ONU students also competed in both the OTC Challenge and the Student Olympics at the OPA conference.

Dr. Jeffery C. Allison, BSPh ’71, PharmD ’95, of Ada, Ohio, is the 2010 recipient of the Pfizer Bowl of Hygeia Award to honor a pharmacist who has contributed to the progress of his community within the state of Ohio.

Allison is a professor of pharmacy practice for the Raabe College of Pharmacy. His involvement in philanthropic service stretches beyond the state of Ohio and into multiple countries, including El Salvador, Kenya and Honduras.

“It is not out of the ordinary for pharmacists to be active in their communities, but Jeff Allison is a true role model in every sense of the term. It’s pharmacists like him who take health care to the next level that goes beyond what goes on behind the counter,” said Ernest Boyd, Hon. D. ’10, OPA executive director.

Gary R. Rutherford, BSPh ’78, of Columbus, Ohio, is the 2010 recipient of the Beal Award for outstanding contributions to the pharmacy profession. Rutherford has worked in a hospital pharmacy and as a successful manager at several community pharmacies in central Ohio. Rutherford became the first president of the Pharmacists Rehabilitation Program – a position he would hold for nine years.

Other ONU alumni who received awards included Marc Sweeney, BSPh ’93, of Xenia, Ohio, recipient of the Keys Award; Stacy Walker, PharmD ’03, of Westerville, Ohio, recipient of the Distinguished Young Pharmacist Award; Allen Nichol, BSPh ’74, Hon. D. ’93, of Columbus, Ohio, recipient of the Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award; and Dan Karant, BSPh ’77, of Norton, Ohio, recipient of the Pharmacist Public Relations award.

ONU’s student olympics team consisted of fifth-year pharmacy majors Patrick Schmees from Fairfield, Ohio, Robin Craig from Butler, Pa., Rachel Behning from Ossian, Ind., and Doug Raiff from Westlake, Ohio.

Competing for ONU in the OTC Challenge were fifth-year pharmacy majors Rich Boyd from London, Ohio; Kelsey Kern from Bowling Green, Ohio; Anna Persichetti from Pickerington, Ohio; Michael Flynn from Rochester, N.Y.; and alumnus Randy Myers, BSPh ’82, of Carey, Ohio.

Dr. Kristen Finley Sobota, assistant professor of pharmacy practice, has received the National Association of Chain Drug Stores Foundation (NACDS) Community Pharmacy Faculty Award. She has been awarded a grant for community outreach programs that will be used to continue various health and wellness screenings in Hardin and Allen counties. The NACDS Foundation established the award to recognize a pharmacy school faculty member who has made significant contributions to the practice of community pharmacy through innovations in patient care.

Page 20: Ampul Fall 2010

Honorary Doctorate awarded to Boyd

Rorabaugh receives largest research grant in school history

Dr. Boyd Rorabaugh, associate professor of pharmacology and cell biology, has received the largest National Institutes of Health (NIH)-funded research grant in the University’s history for his work investigating the role of regulators of G-protein signaling (RGS) proteins in cardiac ischemic injury. The total amount of the grant is $2,484,937, of which ONU will receive $347,235. The project, a collaboration with Richard Neubig, M.D., Ph.D., from the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Michigan School of Medicine, involves understanding how interactions between RGS proteins and G proteins protect the heart from ischemic injury, or the injury that occurs when there is a lack of blood flow during a heart attack. “I am thrilled to have the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues at the University of Michigan and to have NIH support for this project,” Rorabaugh said. “We are looking forward to developing a better understanding of the functions of RGS proteins in the heart and studying their potential role as therapeutic drug targets for the treatment of ischemic heart disease.” Recently, the American Heart Association (AHA) accepted some of the data from the project for presentation at the AHA Scientific Sessions meeting in November. The AHA accepts approximately 25 percent of the abstracts that are submitted for presentation at this meeting. The team also will be submitting the data for publication in a medical journal. Part of the grant money will be used to hire a full-time technician to work in Rorabaugh’s laboratory. Rachael Waterson, a sixth-year pharmacy student from Benzonia, Mich., Corbin Thompson, a fifth-year pharmacy student from Painesville, Ohio, Nathaniel Mabe, a second-year pharmacy student from Ashville, Ohio, and Madeline Shanko, a third-year pharmacy student from Avon Lake, Ohio, have assisted on the project.

Ernest Boyd, Hon. D. ’10, executive director of the Ohio Pharmacists Association, received an honorary doctorate of pharmacy as part of the commencement ceremony at Ohio Northern University in May. He is a registered lobbyist in Columbus and Washington, D.C., representing Ohio pharmacists. Boyd also is a media consultant on multiple pharmacy issues and is a member of the National Community Pharmacists Association, Ohio Society of Association Executives and Boy Scouts of America. He is a preceptor of ONU (sixth-year pharmacy) students and presents regularly to pharmacy classes and student organizations.


Page 21: Ampul Fall 2010

Profiles in Giving

The charitable gift annuity is an agreement between you and ONU’s Raabe College of Pharmacy that provides you with an opportunity to receive a fixed income stream and possible tax benefits while supporting the college.

In simple terms, it is part gift and part annuity. The annuity portion provides a high rate of return on cash and certain assets for as long as you live. And the gift comes into play when, upon death, the value of the agreement becomes a charitable contribution to an area of your choosing. At the present time, annuitants earn incomes between 3.3 percent and 10.5 percent, depending on age. In addition, the agreement carries a number of attractive tax benefits, and variations on the gift make it extremely attractive as part of retirement planning.

Charitable Gift Annuity: A Win-win Proposition

Receive income for life and leave a legacy for current and future pharmacy students

Gifts to The Campaign for Ohio Northern University’s Tomorrow never

stop supporting both current and future Northern pharmacy students, and now the need is greater than ever. For details

on this and other planning options, please contact Scott Wills, BSBA ’87,

director of development for the College of Pharmacy, at

[email protected] or 419-772-2705.

Our life began together at ONU. The College of Pharmacy and ONU mean a great deal to us. Establishing a gift annuity presented an opportunity for us to provide support for the next generation of Polar Bear pharmacists, while at the same time providing us an important income stream during our retirement years.

Phil, BSPh ’66, and Mary (Monstwil) Oleson, BSPh ’70

ONU means so very much to us. Establishing a gift annuity provides us another avenue to assist in our retirement and most of all support the so many deserving current and future pharmacy students at ONU.

Mary Jo Bremyer-Krebs, BSPh ’45, and Capt. Ed Krebs


Page 22: Ampul Fall 2010

Through the generosity of alumni, I have been able to pursue a field that I have great passion for – pharmacy. My experiences at ONU mean the world to me. I’m really honored and appreciative for the alumni support that is making it possible.

Keith AndersonFifth-year pharmacy studentMadison, Ohio

866-ONUGive (668-4483) | E-mail us: [email protected] ce of University Advancement | 525 South Main Street | Ada, OH 45810

Ohio Northern Pharmacy Students Say THANK YOU!

Without scholarship support from alumni, my dream to become a pharmacist would not be possible. I’m so appreciative of the family atmosphere at ONU and all of the personal support I receive in the classroom and through the generosity of alumni. Hopefully I’ll have the opportunity to give back and help future ONU pharmacy students realize their dreams.

Sara McAllisterThird-year pharmacy studentYoungstown, Ohio

Now, more than ever, your gift matters so much to Ohio Northern pharmacy students! Please consider an additional gift to fund student scholarships. Your support can absolutely change someone’s life. Make your gift today to The Northern Fund for the College of Pharmacy using the enclosed envelope!

In their words...

Page 23: Ampul Fall 2010

Advisory BoardDominic BartoneBSPh ’77OwnerHock’s PharmacyVandalia, Ohio

Dr. Bruce Bouts BSPh ’82 General InternistBlanchard Valley Medical Associates Inc.Findlay, Ohio

Col. Mark Butler BSPh ’79 Commander, 59th Clinical Support GroupLackland AFB, Texas

Adrienne (Wood) Donaldson BSPh ’99Professional Services ConsultantMcKesson Foundation Inc.Moon Township, Pa.

Dr. Shawn Eaton PharmD ’01Manager, Professional and College Relations CVSTallmadge, Ohio

George Hill BA ’69, BSPh ’74 Director, Pharmacy ServicesCatholic Health InitiativesUnion, Ky.

Kathy Karas BA, BSPh ’75Pharmacy ManagerBuehler’s PharmacyCanton, Ohio

Richard KeyesBSPh ’92 Executive Vice President of Supply Chain Operations and Mfg.Meijer Inc.Grand Rapids, Mich.

Paul T. KocisBSPh ’82 Clinical Pharmacist, Anticoagulation ClinicMilton S. Hershey Medical Center, Penn State UniversityHershey, Pa.

Phillip Lettrich BSPh ’85Director of Professional RelationsEmdeon Business ServicesTwinsburg, Ohio

Jay Meyer BSPh ’82President and COORemedi PharmacyCovington, Ohio

Theresa “Tip” Parker BSPh ’74 Director of Trade Relations & Pharmacy OperationsAbbott PPDAbbott Park, Ill.

Robert “Bob” ParsonsBSPh ’71 Executive Vice PresidentOhio Society of Health-System PharmacistsMarietta, Ohio

Nichole (Pearson) Penny BSPh ’98 District Pharmacy SupervisorWalgreens-Grand Rapids East District Kentwood, Mich.

Dr. Ervin Pierstorf ’53, Hon. D. ’78Chairman of the Board and CEO, RetiredFairview Photo ServicesRocky River, Ohio, and Pinellas Park, Fla.

Tom WiechartBSPh ’81PharmacistRite AidLima, Ohio

Suzanne Eastman Wuest BSPh ’74Executive Director for Clinical ServicesCatalina Health ResourceCincinnati, Ohio

Michael C. Yount BSPh ’98, JD ’00Vice President, Regulatory LawRite Aid CorporationHarrisburg, Pa.

Meet an Advisory Board MemberDominic Bartone, BSPh ’77President, Hocks Pharmacy and Hocks Medical Supply

Q: Tell us about your work.A: My wife, Debbie (Nardini), BSPh ’79, and I own Hock’s Vandalia Pharmacy in Vandalia,

Ohio. We purchased the pharmacy in 1985, and in 2007, we opened a 4,000-square-foot medical supply store. We have a very active Web presence, shipping approximately 400 orders per day for over-the-counter items to all 50 states. It’s a true family business. My son, Brian, runs the warehouse and shipping department of the medical supply store. Our son, Jeff, PharmD ’08, recently began working for us. He is married to another ONU pharmacy graduate, Brittany (Brown), PharmD ’08.

Q: What knowledge, skills and abilities have served you best in achieving success in your career?A: Hard work, enthusiasm for my profession and a great educational background.

Q: What advice do you offer new graduates of the Raabe College of Pharmacy?A: Students should explore all of the pharmacy practice areas available to them and not just settle for the highest-paying job.

This is a career that they will be engaged in for 30 to 40 years or more, so they need to enjoy what they do.

Q: Share your vision for the Raabe College of Pharmacy’s future.A: The Raabe College of Pharmacy has positioned itself, both locally and nationally, as a leader in providing a high-quality

pharmacy education. I envision the college continuing to provide the highest-quality education and job skills that will be demanded as our health care system continues to evolve and pharmacists become more intimately involved with patient medication management.

Q: How do you hope to contribute to the advisory board?A: I hope to bring a real-world working pharmacist perspective and provide insights into the marketplace.


Page 24: Ampul Fall 2010


Tuesday, Jan. 18, 1 p.m.Freed Center for the Performing Arts

“Quality of Care: Can Pharmacy Measure Up?”Carmen A. Catizone

Carmen A. Catizone, RPh, DPh, executive director/secretary of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®), will speak at the Sebok Pharmacy Lecture on Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 1 p.m. in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts.

Catizone serves as a governor of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Board of Directors and chair of the PTCB Certification Council. He is a past president of the National Pharmacy Manpower Project and the National Conference of Pharmaceutical Organizations as well as a past member of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Board of Directors. He is the recipient of many honors and awards including two Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Special Citations and American Druggist Magazine Pharmacist of the Year.

The Sebok Pharmacy Lecture was established by alumni and friends to honor Dr. Albert A. Sebok, BSPh, ’53, Hon. D. ’88.

Carmen A. Catizone, RPh, DPh, executive director/secretary of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®), will speak at the Sebok Pharmacy Lecture on Tuesday, Jan. 18, at 1 p.m. in the Freed Center for the Performing Arts.

Catizone serves as a governor of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Board of Directors and chair of the PTCB Certification Council. He is a past president of the National Pharmacy Manpower Project and the National Conference of Pharmaceutical Organizations as well as a past member of the United States Pharmacopeia (USP) Board of Directors. He is the recipient of many honors and awards including two Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Special Citations and American Druggist Magazine Pharmacist of the Year.

The Sebok Pharmacy Lecture was established by alumni and friends to honor Dr. Albert A. Sebok, BSPh, ’53, Hon. D. ’88.
