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AMS ,m, ATX p Home Events Newsletter Calend ar Security /Insecurity Contact Stories from Summer Vacation: Brendan Gaughen Researches Place Collecting ''Am'ri"• Studies In the last gasp of sLJmmer , here are a few words fr om Brendan Gaugh en, who spent his summe r taking seve ral t ri ps across the nat i on for his disse rtation research - I'm finally do ing some di ssertatio n resea r ch and did some t favel ing this summer to do some interviews and generally r eport on wha t I saw. I'm look i ng .at spec i fic ways people inte r .act with the places they vis it .and h ow some tr ea t travel as a fo rm of co ll ecting. how tech nology facilitates or enab les t hese practices, and the ways in which some of these pr actices can function as .a sort of voluntary su rve illance. I ' ' I ' •I I I '' it .. ' 1 · Pf . I ·I , .I .. . ' . ' I I " ' I ,1 ' I' 1' Geo-Woodstock, Lakeland FL • j • : . ·r· I ' I ' '' I ,.'111,i I ·f · I This is the la r ges t annua l gathe ring in No rth Ame rica for .a comm uni ty of practitioners of a GPS·b.ased hobby called geocach in g, in which people hi de con tai ne rs, pos t t he coo rdin ates on line, and ot h ers go out and find them. It's pret ty simp le bu t some of these so - ca ll ed " geocachers " ta ke things to t he ex t reme, turning the hobby into a full-t ime occupation . There are more t han 2 mil li on geocaches hi dden around the world, .and an ent i re cot tage in dus try has spr u ng up in the last seve r al yea rs cate r ing to this commu nity. Geocache rs often hide obj ec ts as a way to memo r ialize places they find sign if ica nt, th ough no n -geocac hers ("muggles ," bo rrow in g a te rm from Harry Potter canon to describe th ose wi thout wizar d powers) genera ll y have no i dea these conta iners ex ist. Ext ra Miler C lub Co nvention, Reno NV This is the only formal annual meet in g for th is group of peop le wi th inten tiona l travel goa ls, generally that of vis i ting all 3141 co unties in t he un ited St ates. Many members doc u ment the ir accomp li sh ments by t ak in g a photog raph of themse l ves at eve ry co unty line sign ; others at tempt to do ce rta in things in each state (suc h as play go l f, eat at a Dai ry Quee n, etc). I spoke at length wilh one coup le who drove the ir RV through all 48 states in a very circu i tous ma nner , stopping to ge t an enve lope stamped at the pos t offi ce in every cou nt y sea t in the us, something that had to h appe n during business hours Mo n day thru Fr iday . They had a page for each county with .a postma r ke d envelope, se l f-photograph in front of the cour t house , and short write- up about what the town was l ike. This pe r sona l arc h ive totaled 20 bi nde rs, some t hing I would love to explo re in fu rth er de ta il. Lincoln Highway centennial celebr.:ition, Kear ney NE The L in col n H ighway was the fi rst t ran scontinenta l highway built in t he United St ates and Kear ney is the closest ci ty to the hi ghway's midpoi nt (it ran between New Yo rk and Sa n Fran ci sco) . A few doze n vi nt age autos star t ed at eit her end of the highway and me t up in Kearney, so the tow n was tempora rily saturated with Packa rds , F ord Model A's, and mo re cars my da d can mo re easi ly recog nize tha n I can . Aside from witn ess i ng a lo t of n os talgia for ar chaic forms of au t omo b ile tour ism, I attended some presenta t io ns ab o ut t he histo ry of the cu rre nt incarnat ion of the L in co ln f-lighway Associati on and its 12-year long effo rt to map every iteration of the ent ir e r oute - over 5,000 miles count ing all the bypasses , rea lig n me nts, and mode rniza t ions of t he ro u te. Some Lincol n Highway devot ees wish to tr avel as many mi les of the or igina l route as p ossible , and at one sto p on our bus tou r I watc h ed about 100 people feel compelled to wa lk a 500-foot stre lch of ce n tury-o ld concrete, an or igi n al 1913 section of the Lincoln Highway. I was BY FAR the youngest pe r so n th ere, so it seems th is [firstha nd] nosta lgic fee li ng t oward the L in co ln Hi ghway, and post wa r r oad cultu re in gener al. may be in danger of disappear ing altogether . I made many co nt acts and took extens i ve no tes at all thr ee ol t hese events, which , on ce I tie in a theo r et ical framewor k, will be beneficial for a coup le chapters of my dissertat ion. I s ti ll have to dec ide h ow to app roach w ri ting about th ese groups and their me mbe rs, bu t these tri ps have r esulte d in a ton of r aw dat a, photog ra phs, and in te rview no tes. B ei ng in lhese places rem inded me t h.a t Amer ica is a big, fasci n at ing, and complex place , and that the re is a cer tain joy to discovering , interpret in g, and complica ting .aspects of American culture . Share: .. QQ @ GO OG * L.i l{e Be the frst to li<. e th is . Re la1ed Sto1 ies from summer vaca ti on: Ir ene Garza on t he (lnc1 edi ble !) A MS Graduate S tu de nt Lib r ary In "Stories from summer vacation• New Feature: Stories fr om UT AMS 's Summer V acat ion In "Stories from Summer vacation" Stories from su mm er vacation : K irst en Ron al d's Summer of Dance In 'Stories from summer vacation" This entry was posted in Sto1 'ies f rom Summer Vil.c at ion and tagged geocaching, geogr aphy, highways, su rveill ance , tra vel Grad Reseax<:h: M Choic e; Te:i;:as " Announcement: Artist L;;iu1ie Anderson Be •. Leave a Reply Enter your comment here. S!og at WordPress.com. The Quintus Theme from the De partme nt of Amer ican Stl1dies at the University of Texas at Austin Bookmark th!" per malink _ AMS:: ATX is a bl og dedi ca led to representi ng the ma ny ac1i viti es and inte1 ests of the depa1 tment of American Studies at The llniversi ty ol Tex as al Aus tin _ Toget he1 with ihe department's Twitter feed, lhis bl og exi sts to se rve th e A,._15 and Aus tin comm un i ti es by acting as a hub fo r up - to-date inlo rmati on on e ve n ts an d opport unities at UT and beyo nd. Email Su b scrip ti on Ente r your em.a il .address to subscr ibe to this bl og and nol1 f ic.at1ons of new posls by em ail. Join 1, 705 ot her followers I Enter your email address I Sign me up! I On Faceboo k 1111111111!! American St udies at UT Austin I tiM§ 480 Contribut ors !i ll Catet;ories 5 Questions Alumni Voices A nnouncements Departmen1al Theme Facul ty Researc h Foodways TX G rad Research Lists Read Th is Stories lrom Summer Vac<it ion T he tnd of Austin Uncategorized Undergrad Research Watch This Popul a Posts S(ish) Questions: A Convers;at1on With Or. RamIJ Fawaz (Uni versity ol \ViS<:onsin ·Madison) G rad and Fac ulty Research : UT AMS al ASAI Graduate Research + Exhibiti on: Nat.a l ie Zelt on L<iToya Ruby Frazi er Stories from Summer Vac at ion , A nne Gess l er on coope1a11ves in New O rleans \Vatch Thi s: Dr. Ju l ia llUckenberg on Book TV Tweets RT@H_Al'.,STDY: 2015·1016 Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowships in the Humanities @ransomc enter @Ulilillstin networks .h- net.01g/node/2602/d1sc ... 12 hours ago RT @EndofAuslin: Dave Grohl wa;.i:es poetic about Austin's precarious future ro llingsto ne .com/music/news/ q-a ... 12 hours ago Why do we find sol a ce in sad songs? ps mag. com/navigation/boo ... 14 hours ago RT@Ne\v81ackMan The Oral History of Will Smith and OJ Jazzy Jeff's "Parents just oon·t Undersl and' esquire.com/biogs/culture/ ... 1 day ago How do we find words lo express pain' bookforum.com/ review/13868 1 day ago '# Follow@11mstud i es RSS Feeds RSS - Post5 RSS · comments
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p Home Events Newsletter Calendar Security /Insecurity Contact

Stories from Summer Vacation: Brendan

Gaughen Researches Place Collecting ''Am'ri"• Studies

In the last gasp of sLJmmer, here are a few words from Brendan Gaughen, who spent his

summer taking several trips across the nation for his dissertation research -

I'm finally doing some dissertation research and did some tfavel ing this summer to do some

interviews and generally report on what I saw. I'm looking .at specific ways people inter.act

with the places they vis it .and how some treat travel as a form of collecting. how technology

facilitates or enables these practices, and the ways in which some of these practices can

function as .a sort of voluntary surveillance.

I '


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Geo-Woodstock, Lakeland FL

• j •

: . ·r· • I ' I ' '' I ,.'111,i

I ·f · • I

This is the largest annual gathering in North America for .a community of practitioners of a

GPS·b.ased hobby called geocaching, in which people hide containers, post the coordinates

online, and others go out and find them. It's pretty simple bu t some of these so-ca lled

"geocachers" take things to the extreme, turning the hobby into a full-t ime occupation. There

are more than 2 mil lion geocaches hidden around the world, .and an entire cottage industry

has sprung up in the last several years cate ring to this community. Geocache rs often hide

objects as a way to memorialize places they find significant, though non-geocachers

("muggles," borrowing a term from Harry Potter canon to describe those without wizard

powers) generally have no idea these conta iners exist.

Extra Miler Club Convention, Reno NV

This is the only formal annual meeting for this group of people wi th intentional travel goals,

generally that of visiting all 3141 counties in the united States. Many members document

their accomp lishments by tak ing a photograph of themselves at every county line sign; others

attempt to do certain things in each state (such as play golf, eat at a Dairy Queen, etc). I

spoke at length wilh one couple who drove their RV through all 48 states in a very circu itous

manner, stopping to get an envelope stamped at the post office in every county sea t in the

us, something that had to happen during business hours Monday thru Friday. They had a page

for each county with .a postmarked envelope, self-photograph in front of the courthouse, and

short write-up about what the town was like. This personal archive totaled 20 binders,

something I would love to explore in fu rther detail.

Lincoln Highway centennial celebr.:ition, Kearney NE

The Lincoln Highway was the fi rst t ranscontinenta l highway built in the United States and

Kearney is the closest city to the highway's midpoi nt (it ran between New York and San

Francisco). A few dozen vi ntage autos started at either end of the highway and met up in

Kearney, so the town was temporarily saturated with Packards, Ford Model A's, and more cars

my dad can more easi ly recognize tha n I can. Aside from witness ing a lot of nostalgia for

archaic forms of automobile tour ism, I attended some presentations about the history of the

current incarnation of the Linco ln f-lighway Association and its 12-year long effort to map every

iteration of the entire route - over 5,000 miles counting all the bypasses, realignments, and

modernizations of the route. Some Lincoln Highway devotees wish to travel as many mi les of

the origina l route as possible, and at one stop on our bus tour I watched about 100 people feel

compelled to walk a 500-foot strelch of century-o ld concrete, an original 1913 section of the

Lincoln Highway. I was BY FAR the youngest person there, so it seems th is [firsthand]

nosta lgic feeling toward the Lincoln Highway, and postwa r road culture in general. may be in

danger of disappearing altogether.

I made many contacts and took extensive notes at all three ol these events, which, once I tie

in a theoret ical framework, will be beneficial for a couple chapters of my dissertation. I sti ll

have to decide how to approach wri ting about these groups and their members, but these

trips have resulted in a ton of raw data, photogra phs, and interview notes. Being in lhese

places reminded me th.at Amer ica is a big, fascinating, and complex place, and that the re is a

certain joy to discovering, interpret ing, and complicating .aspects of American culture.


.. QQ @GOOG * L.i l{e

Be the frst to li<.e th is .

Re la1ed

Sto1ies from summer vacation: Irene Garza on the (lnc1edible!) AMS Graduate Student Library In "Stories from summer vacation•

New Feature: Stories from UT

AMS's Summer Vacation In "Stories from Summer vacation"

Stories from summ er vacation: Kirsten Ronald's Summer of Dance In 'Stories from summer vacation"

This entry was posted in Sto1'ies from Summer Vil.cat ion and tagged geocaching, geography, highways, surveillance , travel

~Recent Grad Reseax<:h: MChoice; Te:i;:as" Announcement: Artist L;;iu1ie Anderson Be •.•

Leave a Reply Enter your comment here.

S!og at WordPress.com . The Quintus Theme

from the Department of American Stl1dies at the University of Texas at Austin

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AMS:: ATX is a blog dedicaled to

representing the many ac1ivities and

inte1ests of the depa1tment of

American Studies at The llniversity ol

Texas al Aus tin_ Togethe1 with ihe

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exists to serve the A,._15 and Austin

communities by acting as a hub fo r up­

to-date inlormation on events and

opportunities at UT and beyond.

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5 Questions

Alumni Voices


Departmen1al Theme

Faculty Research

Foodways TX

Grad Research


Read Th is

Stories lrom Summer Vac<ition

The tnd of Austin


Undergrad Research

Watch This

Popula i· Posts

S(ish) Questions: A Convers;at1on

With Or. RamIJ Fawaz (University ol

\ViS<:onsin ·Madison)

Grad and Faculty Research: UT AMS


Graduate Research + Exhibition:

Nat.alie Zelt on L<iToya Ruby Frazier

Stories from Summer Vacat ion,

Anne Gessler on coope1a11ves in

New Orleans

\Vatch This: Dr. Julia llUckenberg on

Book TV


RT@H_Al'.,STDY: 2015·1016 Harry

Ransom Center Research

Fellowships in the Humanities

@ransomcenter @Ulilillstin


net.01g/node/2602/d1sc ...

12 hours ago

RT @EndofAuslin: Dave Grohl wa;.i:es

poetic about Austin's precarious


rollingstone.com/music/news/ q-a ...

12 hours ago

Why do we find solace in sad


ps mag. com/navigation/boo ...

14 hours ago

RT@Ne\v81ackMan The Oral History

of Will Smith and OJ Jazzy Jeff's

"Parents just oon·t Undersland'

esquire.com/biogs/culture/ ...

1 day ago

How do we find words lo express



1 day ago

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