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An A-C resistance thermometer bridgenology. Most of the new rcslstance thermometer bridges, \....

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JOURNAL O F RESEARC H of t he No ti onal B ure au of Standards - C. Engineering an d Ins tr um e ntat ion Vo l. 74C , Na s. 1 and 2, Janua ry.June 1970 An A-C Resistance Thermometer Bridge Robert D. Cutkosky Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of St anda rds , Washington, D. C. 20234 (De ce mbe r 16, 1969) r '-' A 400 Hz brid ge d es igned spec ifi ca lly fo r measuring th e resistances of platinum thermometers is describe d. When used in co njun ction with a co nventional 25 ohm ther mometer, th e ins trument can resolve a resistance change of 2 micro-o hm s or less, or about 20 microdegrees. It is believed to be in e rror by no mor e tha n 3 micro-ohms t hrougho ut the useful tempe rature range of a conve ntional thermomete r. Th e ins trum e nt f ea tures an a ut omatic pha se angle balan ce, and extensive use is mad e of multi stage tran sform ers and operational ampl ifi ers. Key words: Automatic phase balan ce; brid ge; multistage transform ers; operationa l amplifiers, resis tan ce brid ge; resis tance th ermome try; te mp erature meas ur ement. > 1. Introducti on A numb er of new r es istance th ermometcr bridges have been described in the last several years [1 , 2, 3, 4).1 Th e inccnti ve behind this ra sh of activity has been to take adva ntage of recent advances in brid ge networks and null detectors, in order to pr ov ide a mcasurcment accuracy clo ser to the l imit set by t,", crmal ag itation noise in th e th ermometer than had b ee n po ss ible usi ng the older tech- nology. Most of the new rcslstan ce thermometer br id ges, \. including the des ign descri bed here, utilize alternating c urr ent ra th er than dir ect cll rr ent, because of the res ultant frecdom fr om err ors due to chang in g thermal emf' s, and because of the availability of low noise a·c amplifiers. At the pr ese nt tim e, in 7.x.Pe nsiv e amplifiers with optimum 1'\., noise fi g ur es smaller th an one dB ar e only available for f fr equ encies hi gher than a few hundr ed hertz. For this :c. reason in part, th e thermometer bridge described here was d es igned to operate at 4.00 Hz. Fa ctors whioh were considered in th e choice of the measurin g fr equency for the brid ge wer e, in addition to amplifier noise, the existence of the technology involving "-. precision dec ad e indu ctive dividers and multistage trans- y' former s, and the tec hnology involving operational ampli- :. ' fi ers. Both t echnolo gies ca n be uscd to fu ll adva nt age at 400 Hz. Some problems might be expected due to th e unav oidable fr equ ency dependence of the r es istance thermometer, but our measurements indicated that the r es istance at the triple point of water of the particular thermomcter used in our experiments did not change by ;> mor e than 1 part per million (ppm ) from dc to 400 Hz. -; Th e fr equ ency dependence of the thermometer is in any 1 Fi gures in bra cket s in di cate th e lit erature references at the end of thi s pape r. 15 case unim portant if it is both calib rat ed an d used at the same frequency. It ma y, however, be neccssary to sel ec t a sta ndard fr equ ency for use in r es istance the momctry . Ea rl y in the design of a r es istance th er mometer brid ge it is nccessary to choosc a speci fi c co nfi g ur a ti on for th e lcads and termi nals to be used with th e thcrmometer. Th e most reli ab le and most precisely dcfincd lead arran gemen t available' at this time is the so-ca ll ed four-tc rminal-pair system [51, in which each of the four leads of the stand- ard is provided with a coaxial shield. W c have elected to retain the usual four·t er minal lead co nfi guration, but mod if y o ur lhermomC'tcrs to acccpt a pair of coaxial ca bl es. One cab le co nstitutcs the "c urr e nt " terminals of th e the rm ometer, and the other constitutes the " potential" terminals. Thi s decision greatly si mplifies th e design of the brid ge, and is acceptab le in this case because the principal un ce rt ainty introdu ced thereby is only in the phas e angle of th e r es istor, which is of no importan ce in resistance thermometry. A disadvantag e of the two- pair system is that the cable admittances appear in parall el with the th cr momet er, but t es ts have shown that the shunt conductance of 15 met ers of RG 58jU cable changes the app are nt resistance at 400 Hz of a conventional 25 n th ermom eter by less than two part s in 10 8 Th e cable capacitance causes a substantial phase angle under these conditions, but this can be readily handl ed. A key part of the circuit desc ribed below is a three- stage tran sformer. A thr ee-stage tran sformer is similar to the well known two-stage transform er [6, 7], but co ntain s thr ee high-permeability cores rather than two. Th e con- struction of a thr ee-s tage transformer begins with a
Page 1: An A-C resistance thermometer bridgenology. Most of the new rcslstance thermometer bridges, \. including the design described here, utilize alternating current rather than direct cllrrent,

JOURNAL O F RESEARC H of the No tional Bureau of Standards - C. Engineering and Instrum entation Vol. 74C, Nas. 1 and 2, Janua ry.June 1970

An A-C Resistance Thermometer Bridge

Robert D. Cutkosky

Institute for Basic Standards, National Bureau of Standa rds, Washington, D. C. 20234

(December 16, 1969)

r '-'

A 400 Hz bridge des igned spec ifically fo r measurin g the res istances of platinum the rmometers is desc ribed. Wh en used in conjunction with a co nvent ional 25 ohm thermometer, the instrument ca n resolve a resistance change of 2 micro-ohm s or less, or about 20 microdegrees. It is believed to be in error by no more tha n 3 micro-ohms throughout the useful temperature ra nge of a conventional thermometer. The instrument fea tures an automatic phase angle balance, and ex tensive use is made of multi stage transform ers and operational amplifiers.

Key words: Automatic ph ase bala nce; bridge; multistage t ra nsform ers; operationa l amplifiers, res istance bridge; resistance thermometry; temperature measurement.


1. Introduction

A number of new resistance thermometcr bridges have been described in the last several years [1, 2, 3, 4).1 The inccn tive behind this rash of activity has been to take advantage of recent advances in bridge networks and null detectors, in order to provide a mcasurcment accuracy closer to the limit set by t,",crmal agitation noi se in th e

~ thermometer than had been poss ible usi ng the older tech­nology. Most of the new rcslstance thermometer brid ges,

\ . including the design described here, utilize alternating current rather than direct cllrren t, because of the resultant frecdom from errors due to changing thermal emf's, and because of the availability of low noi se a·c amplifiers. At the present time, in7.x.Pensive amplifiers with optimum

1'\., noise fi gures smaller than one dB are only available for f frequencies hi gher than a few hundred hertz. For this :c. reason in part, the thermometer bridge described here

was designed to operate at 4.00 Hz. Factors whioh were considered in the choice of the

measuring frequency for the bridge were, in addition to amplifier noise, the existence of the technology involving

"-. precision decade inductive dividers and multista ge trans­y' formers, a nd the technology involving opera tional ampli­:.' fiers. Both technologies ca n be uscd to fu ll advantage at

400 Hz. Some problems might be expected due to the unavoidable frequency dependence of the resistance thermometer , but our measurements indi cated that the resistance at the triple point of water of the particular thermomcter used in our experiments did not change by

;> more than 1 part per million (ppm ) from dc to 400 Hz.

-; The frequency dependence of the thermometer is in any

1 Figures in brackets ind icate the literature references at the end of this paper.


case unimportant if it is both calib rated and used at the same frequency. It may, however , be neccssary to select a standard frequency fo r use in resistance ther· momctry.

Ea rl y in the design of a resistance thermometer bridge it is nccessary to choosc a speci fi c configura ti on for the lcads and termi nals to be used with the thcrmometer. The most reli ab le and most precisely dcfincd lead arrangemen t available' a t thi s time is the so-called four-tcrminal-pair system [51, in which each of the four leads of the stand­a rd is provided with a coax ia l shi eld .

W c have elected to retain the usual four·terminal lead confi gurati on, but modify our lhermomC'tcrs to acccp t a pair of coax ial cables. One cable constitutcs the "current" terminal s of th e the rm ometer, and the other constitutes the " potenti al" terminals. This decision greatl y si mplifies the design of the bridge, and is accep table in this case because the principal uncertainty introduced thereby is only in the phase angle of the resistor, which is of no importance in resistance thermometry.

A di sadvantage of the two-pair system is that the cable admittances appear in parallel with the thcrmometer, but tests have shown that the shunt conductance of 15 meters of RG 58jU cable changes the apparent resistance at 400 Hz of a conventional 25 n thermometer by less than two parts in 108• The cable capacitance causes a substantial phase angle under these conditions, but this can be readily handled.

A key part of the circuit described below is a three­stage transform er. A three-stage transform er is similar to the well known two-stage transformer [6, 7], but contains three high-permeability cores rather than two. The con­struction of a three-stage transformer begins with a

Page 2: An A-C resistance thermometer bridgenology. Most of the new rcslstance thermometer bridges, \. including the design described here, utilize alternating current rather than direct cllrrent,


FIGURE 1. Elementary bridge circuit.

winding called the first stage winding on a single core. In a circuit diagram it is helpful to label this core "in­side." The second core is then placed next to the com­pleted first stage, and another winding called the second stage winding is wound around both cores. This assembly is a two-stage transformer. Following this, the third core is placed nex t to the two-stage transformer and the final winding, called the third stage winding, is wound around all three cores_ The relative positions of the cores and windings can be duplicated on the circuit diagram starting with the labeled inside core. This provides a visual picture of the construction of the transformer, from which its operation can be easily inferred. A three-stage transformer is an obvious extension of a two-stage transformer, and its behavior can be calculated using the methods described in the publications cited above.

2. Bridge Circuitry

The general plan of the bridge is given in figure 1, which shows the resistance thermometer R t in series with a standard resistor Rs and a current generator. A pre­cision adjustable transformer T1 of very high input impedance is connected to the potential leads of the two resistors via a three winding detector transformer, T 2 .

If the input impedance of Tl is sufficiently high, the detector will register a null when Rt = pRs, where p is the ratio of T 1.

In order to maintain a high accuracy in the presence of lead and winding impedances which may be as large as several ohms, without the necessity for separately balancing these impedances, the input impedance of T1 must be at least 108 n. The easiest way to achieve this is by constructing Tl as a two-stage transformer. The first stage of Tl could then be excited by connecting it directly in parallel with the generator supplying current to Rt

and R8 , provided that the total number of turns were continuously adjusted to equal N (1 + p) by ganged switching. This method of excitation was rejected be­cause we wanted to be able to use the bridge not only with R8 = 100 n and a standard 25 n resistance ther­mometer, but also with Rs = 0.1 n and a special 0.025 n thermometer designed for measurements at the gold point. In the latter case, the very large potential drops in the current leads of the resistors would have resulted in an incorrect excitation of the first stage of T 1.



w o (J)


FIGURE 2. Excitation of a two-stage transformer with a voltage follower.

w c (J)


FIGURE 3. Excitation of a three-stage transformer with two voltage

I y;::





I ,

followers. \" The technique used for compensating the interwinding capacitance of the third r

stage is also s hown. r

Figure 2 shows how an operational amplifier connected as a voltage follower can be used to automatically supply

I the correct excitation to the first stage of a two-stage transformer, and yield a high input impedance as viewed I

at the second stage. This circuit is inherently highly ~ stable, and is much less prone to oscillate than alternative circuits based on the permeability multiplier developed "­by D. L. H. Gibbings [8] - The actual circuit used for T1 contains two voltage followers and a three-stage trans­former as shown in figure 3. Additional windings were put on the second stage as shown to provide a means of compensating the interwinding capacitances of the third ~ or outer stage. Small resistors (not shown) were added in series with the compensating capacitors to suppress high

Page 3: An A-C resistance thermometer bridgenology. Most of the new rcslstance thermometer bridges, \. including the design described here, utilize alternating current rather than direct cllrrent,










r----:rF--1 T URE

m9'-------'---v--'_TI ---;>--J





100kn IOOkn




FIGURE 4. Complete circuit of the a-c resistance thermometer bridge. The numbers associated with each transformer winding in dicate the number of turns.


;?' L frequency oscillations. The third stage was constructed r with polytetrafluoroethylene insula ted wire to minimize

The conductance labeled G in figure 3 is selected to eliminate the potential lead current that would otherwise result. A resistor of about 108 n was required. the shunt conductance between the windings .

Only th e first decade of T I was specially constructed, the lower seven decades bein g obtained from a commercial inductive divider Tg, which bridges adj acent taps on TI .

LA( The equivalent shunt resistance of Ta is about 106 n, and its effect on the input impedance seen across a fixed

'J winding on the third stage of T I is independent of p.


The detector system used with the bridge contains a matching transformer, an amplifier with an optimum source impedance of 6 X 106 n and a noise figure of 0.2 dB, and two phase-sensitive detectors followed by low pass filters. The first phase-sensitive detector is ad­justed so that it responds to a resistive unbalance in the


Page 4: An A-C resistance thermometer bridgenology. Most of the new rcslstance thermometer bridges, \. including the design described here, utilize alternating current rather than direct cllrrent,

bridge. Its output is passed through a filter with a 1 s time constant, and displayed on a panel voltmeter and an optional external recorder. The second phase-sensi tive detector responds to a phase angle unbalance. Its filtered output is used to control the level of a quadrature voltage added in series with the detector transformer, T 2, to provide an automatic phase angle balance_

The quadrature balance voltage was obtained by am­plifying the output of the voltage follower driving the second stage of T 1, and applying this voltage to a bridge involving a pair of varactor diodes . The doc output of the second phase-sensitive detector determines the biases on the two varactor diodes, and hence controls the short circuit current at the varactor bridge detector junction. This current is 90° out of phase with the input voltage, since the varactor diodes behave like capacitors. An op­erational amplifier connected as a current to voltage converter then produces an output voltage proportional to this a-c current, and the voltage is inserted in series with T 2. A very similar automatic phase balance system using a balanced mutual inductor rather than varactor diodes has been developed by A. M. Thompson [4].

The behavior of the feedback loop sketched above is somewhat difficult to calculate, since the effective loop gain depends not only upon the gains of a series of a·c and doc amplifiers, but also upon the excitation current applied to the resistance bridge. The bandwidth of the feedback loop is limited principally by the low pass filter following the second phase-sensitive detector, but also by the finite bandwidth of the tuned matching transformer preceding the detector amplifier. In order to avoid low frequency instabilities due to excessive phase shifts, the Q of the matching transformer must be kept small.

The complete circuit of the resistance thermometer bridge is shown in figure 4. In addition to the features described above, it includes a constant current generator with switch·selectable output currents to excite the bridge, so that the measuring current is independent of the tem­perature of the thermometer. Provisions are also made for changing the ratio of the current transformer driving the bridge and the ratio of the detector matching trans­form er to accommodate either a 25 n or a 0.025 n resist­ance thermometer. A liberal use of mu-metal shielding was required, not only to avoid interactions between various parts of the bridge, but also to prevent saturation of the detector by harmonics of the 60 Hz power supply.

3. Performance

When Rs is a 100 n standard, a change of one step in the last decade of the bridge corresponds to a resistance change of 1 fln, or about 10 fldeg when Rt is a conven­tional 25 n platinum thermometer. With a measuring current of 1 rnA, a bridge unbalance of 2 fln can be


resolved throughout the useful temperature range of the thermometer. Tests have been made which indicate that -the bridge reading is in error by no more than 3 fln over the entire range of 0 to 100 n, provided that the }­RG 58/U thermometer cables are no longer than 15 m.

When Rs is a 0.1 n standard and Rt is a 0.025 n platinum thermometer, and with a measuring current of 0.028 A, the bridge wiII resolve a temperature change of 100 fldeg. This relatively large uncertainty greatly < exceeds that which would be produced by thermal agita­tion noise in the thermometer, and is caused principally by thermal agitation noise in the winding resistance of the commercial inductive divider, T3 . For the time being, a resolution of 100 fldeg is adequate for the measure-. ments to be made at the gold point.

The accurate calibration of the bridge was greatly 1 simplified through the use of a special two-stage inductive divider constructed and made available by Wilbur C. Sze of the NBS Electricity Division, High Voltage Section. The reliability of the bridge was verified through an exhaustive series of measurements made by John L. Riddle and William R. Bigge of the NBS Heat Division, Tem­perature Section. The special 0.1 n standard resistor for use with a thermometer designed for operation at the gold point was constructed of a gold-chromium alloy by James L. Thomas while serving as a consultant to the " NBS Electricity Division. The 0.025 n platinum ther­mometer is currently under development by L. A. Guild­ner and R. L. Anderson of the NBS Heat Division, Temperature Section, who provided much of the stimulus for the work reported here.

4. References

[1] Hill , J. 1., and Miller, A. P., An A. C. double bridge with inductively coupled ratio arms for precision platinum reo sistance thermome try, Proc. I.E.E. 110, No.2 (1963) .

[2] Automatic Systems Laboratories, Ltd., Precision Resistance Bridges (Brochure) Leighton Buzzard , Beds., England.

[3] Kusters, N. 1., and MacMartin , M. P ., National Research Coun- c/­cil, Ottawa, Canada (private communication).

[4] Thompson, A. M., National Science Laboratory, Sydney, Aus· tralia (private communication).

[5] Cutkosky, R. D. , Four·Terminal-Pair Networks as Precision Admittance and Impedance Standards, Communication and Elec tronics, 70 (Jan . 1964).

[6] Brooks, H. B., and Holtz, F. c., The Two·Stage Current Trans- I former, AlEE Trans. 41, 383 (1922). ->

[7] Cutkosky, R. D., Active and Passive Direct Reading Ratio Sets ~, for the Comparison of Audio Frequency Admittances, Nat. I

Bur. Stand. (U.S.), 68C (Eng. and Instr. ) No.4, 195-322 ..::: (Oct.-Dec. 1964).

[8] Gibbings, D. 1. H., A Circuit for Reducing the Excitation Cur­rent of Inductive Devise, Proc. I.E.E. 108B, 339-343 (1961) .

(Paper 74Cl&2-295) ' 0

I -<= I

