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An Invitation to the Journal of Information Systems Conference 2016 (JISC2016) An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on Data Analytics and Big Data October 13 and 14 at the offices of Workday, Inc., Pleasanton CA Sponsored by Workday, Inc., Slalom Consulting, Inc. and the IMTA Division of the AICPA JISC2016 Oct ober 13-14, 2016 Workday, Inc. Pleasanton, CA
Page 1: An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on …commons.aaahq.org/files/deca2bc6f2/JISC2016_Invitation.pdfAn Invitation to the Journal of Information Systems Conference 2016 (JISC2016)

An Invit at ion t o t he Journal of Inform at ion Syst em s Conference 2016 (JISC2016)

An Account ing Inform at ion Syst em s Perspect ive on Dat a Analyt ics and Big

Dat a

Oct ober 13 and 14 at t he of f ices of Workday, Inc., Pleasant on CA

Sponsored by Workday, Inc., Slalom Consult ing, Inc. and t he IMTA Division of t he AICPA


Oct ober 13-14, 2016

Workday, Inc. Pleasant on, CA

Page 2: An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on …commons.aaahq.org/files/deca2bc6f2/JISC2016_Invitation.pdfAn Invitation to the Journal of Information Systems Conference 2016 (JISC2016)

You are invit ed t o at t end t he Dat a Analyt ics and Big Dat a conference (JISC2016) organized by t he Journal of Inform at ion Syst em s (JIS) (www.jisonline.com ) t oget her w it h t he suppor t and sponsorship of Workday, Inc., Slalom Consult ing, Inc. and t he IMTA Division of t he AICPA. The conference w il l be held in t he of f ices of Workday, Inc. in Pleasant on, CA on Oct ober 13 and 14, 2016. JIS is t he journal of t he Account ing Inform at ion Syst em s sect ion of t he Am er ican Account ing Associat ion.

Dat a Analyt ics and Big Dat a play an increasingly im por t ant role in account ing and audit ing. This conference addresses t he fut ure of t hese t echnologies. This by-invit at ion conference is a unique collaborat ion bet ween t he wor ld of academ ia and t he wor ld of pract ice.

The conference feat ures leading edge cont r ibut ions f rom deeply exper ienced professionals and research f rom t he academ ic com m unit y. There are a very l im it ed num ber of places available for professionals in t he account ing and inform at ion syst em s com m unit ies t o at t end JISC2016.

JISC2016 w il l feat ure a keynot e by Mark Nit t ler , Vice President , Ent erpr ise St rat egy, Workday, Inc on Big Dat a and Analyt ics and t heir relat ion t o account ing and f inance, t hree panels and f ive academ ic papers.

The panels at JISC2016 feat ure t echnology focused professionals and academ ics. The t hree panels are on People and Big Dat a, Evolving Role of Technology in Account ing and Pr ivacy Considerat ions Wit hin t he Dom ain of Big Dat a.

Panel par t icipant s include m em bers of t he leadership t eam of t he IMTA Division of t he AICPA, and senior t hought leaders f rom t he Big 4 account ing f irm s, Workday and ot her organizat ions.

Five academ ic research papers w il l be present ed at t he conference. Each paper present at ion w il l be fol lowed by bot h professional and academ ic com m ent at ors. Subject s include blockchain, social net work analysis, big dat a oppor t unit ies and t hreat s for t he account ing profession, and em ploying big dat a analyt ics in t he audit process. The papers present ed at t he conference w il l appear in a fut ure issue of JIS. The feedback f rom at t endees at t he conference plays a very im por t ant role in im proving t he qualit y of t he papers for publicat ion.

There is no charge t o at t end JISC2016 -- but space is very l im it ed. Sessions at t he conference w il l qualify for account ing CPE credit , which w il l be adm inist ered by t he Am er ican Account ing Associat ion. The JISC2016

conference hot el is Four Point s by Sherat on, Pleasant on. The daily rat e is $189. Reserve at (t inyur l.com / jisc2016hot el). Quer ies can be m ade t o

conference chair Eileen Taylor ([email protected]) or t o JIS senior edit ors Roger Debreceny ([email protected] ) and Mary Cur t is

(Mary.Cur t is@unt .edu).

Regist er for JISC2016 at ht t p:/ / t inyur l.com / jisc2016regist rat ion.

An Invit at ion t o t he Journal of Inform at ion Syst em s Conference 2016

An Account ing Inform at ion Syst em s Perspect ive on Dat a Analyt ics and Big Dat a

Oct ober 13 and 14 at t he of f ices of Workday, Inc., Pleasant on CA

Page 3: An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on …commons.aaahq.org/files/deca2bc6f2/JISC2016_Invitation.pdfAn Invitation to the Journal of Information Systems Conference 2016 (JISC2016)

Conference Program

Thursday, October 13

7:30 am Shuttle from hotel to Workday, Inc.

7:45 am - 8:30 am Break fast @ Workday

8:30 am ? 9:00 am Welcom e and Opening Rem arksRob Pinsker , President , Account ing Inform at ion Syst em s Sect ion, Am er ican Account ing Associat ionJoel Lanz, CPA, P.C. & Chair IMTA Execut ive Com m it t ee, AICPA

9:00 am - 10:15 am


Paper session 1 - An REA Ont ology Based Model for Mapping Accounting Information Systems Elements to Big DataUday S. Murthy, University of South FloridaGuido L. Geerts, University of Delaware

Academic commentator: TBD

Professional commentator: Chuck Hooper, Bialytics.comModerator: Robin Pennington, North Carolina State University

10:15 am ? 10:45 am Break

10:45 am ? 12:00 pm CPE

Panel 1: People and Big Dat a Panel members: Mike Leonardson, E&YMark Nittler, Vice President, Enterprise Strategy, Workday, Inc.Adam G. Chaikin, Thought2Execution & IMTA Executive Committee, AICPA Moderator: Eileen Taylor, North Carolina State University

Page 4: An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on …commons.aaahq.org/files/deca2bc6f2/JISC2016_Invitation.pdfAn Invitation to the Journal of Information Systems Conference 2016 (JISC2016)

12:00 pm ? 1:00 pm Lunch @ Workday

1:00 pm ? 2:15 pm CPE

Paper session 2 - Big Dat a and Dat a Analyt ics: Oppor t unit ies and Threat s for t he Account ing Profession Greg Richins, University of Waterloo, CanadaAndrea Stapleton, University of Waterloo, CanadaTheophanis C. Stratopoulos, University of Waterloo, Canada Christopher Wong, University of Waterloo, Canada

Academic commentator: TBD

Professional commentator: Joel Lanz, CPA, P.C. & Chair IMTA Executive Committee, AICPA.

Moderator: Rob Pinsker, Florida Atlantic University

2:15 pm ? 2:45 pm Break

2:45 pm ? 4:00 pm Panel 2: Evolving Role of Technology in Account ing

Panel members: Miklos Vasarhelyi, Rutgers UniversityBrian Hobdy, CFO, PABCO Products, Sacramento Joel Lanz, CPA, P.C. & Chair IMTA Executive Committee, AICPA Annette Melatti, Senior Director of Product Marketing for Financial Applications, Workday Inc.

Moderator: Roger Debreceny, University of Hawai?i at M?noa

4:00 pm ? 5:15 pm CPE

Paper session 3 - Corporat e Net work Cent ralit y Score: Met hodologies and Inform at ivenessRoger Debreceny, University of Hawai?i at M?noaAsheq Rahman, Auckland University of Technology, NZDavid Wang, DePaul University

Academic commentator: TBD

Professional commentator: TBD

Moderator: Mary Curtis, University of North Texas

6:30 pm Dinner : Faz Rest aurant , Four Point s by Sherat on Pleasant on, sponsored by t he AICPA.

Page 5: An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on …commons.aaahq.org/files/deca2bc6f2/JISC2016_Invitation.pdfAn Invitation to the Journal of Information Systems Conference 2016 (JISC2016)

Friday, October 14

7:30 am Shuttle from hotel to Workday, Inc.

7:45 am - 8:30 am Break fast @ Workday

8:30 am - 9:15 am Keynot e Address - Big Dat a and Analyt ics and it s relat ion t o account ing and f inanceMark Nittler, Vice President, Enterprise Strategy, Workday, Inc.

9:15 am - 10:30 am CPE

Paper session 4 - When Should Audit Firm s Int roduce Analyses of Big Dat a Int o t he Audit Process?Anna M. Rose, Victoria University of Wellington, NZJacob M. Rose, Victoria University of Wellington, NZKerri-Ann Sanderson, Bentley UniversityJay Thibodeau, Bentley University

Academic commentator: TBD

Professional commentator: Matt Bogusch, Deloitte and Touche LLP & IMTA Executive Committee, AICPA Moderator: Rob Pinsker, Florida Atlantic University

10:30 am ? 10:45 am Break

10:45 am ? 12:00 pm CPE

Panel 3: Pr ivacy Considerat ions Wit hin t he Dom ain of Big Dat a


Panel members: Glenn Dyszinski, Slalom Consulting, Inc.Kevin Martin, IMTA Executive Committee, AICPA Doran Rotman, KPMG

Moderator: Mary Curtis, University of North Texas

12:00 pm to 1:00 pm Lunch @ Workday

Page 6: An Accounting Information Systems Perspective on …commons.aaahq.org/files/deca2bc6f2/JISC2016_Invitation.pdfAn Invitation to the Journal of Information Systems Conference 2016 (JISC2016)

1:00 pm to 2:15 pm CPE

Paper session 5 - Towards Blockchain-based Account ing and AssuranceJun Dai, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, China & Rutgers UniversityMiklos A Vasarhelyi, Rutgers University

Academic Commentator: TBD Practitioner Commentator: Terry Campbell, Indiana University & IMTA Executive Committee, AICPAModerator: Pat Wheeler, University of South Florida

2:15 pm to 2:30 pm Concluding rem arks and JISC2018 Announcem ent

Alex Kogan and Pat Wheeler , Senior Edit ors elect of t he Journal of Inform at ion Syst em s.

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Conference Information

VenueWorkday, Inc.

6230 Stoneridge Mall Rd, Pleasanton, CA 94588

Workday is 1.8 miles from the conference hotel. A shuttle will be made available from the hotel.

HotelFour Point s by Sherat on , Pleasanton

5115 Hopyard Road, Pleasanton, CA, 94588

The conference rate is $189 per night. Bookings can be made here.The room block ends on 27 September.

AirportThe closest airport is Oakland (OAK). Airlines serving Oakland include Alaska, American, Delta, and Southwest. There is a BART station at the airport. Transit to the Dublin/Pleasanton BART Station is approximately 35 minutes. The Four Points shuttle can pick you up at the BART station or it is a 15 minute walk. Taxis are normally available at the BART station.

Transit from San Francisco airport by BART is also available. This takes 75 minutes. Commuter shuttles are available to the East Bay.

CPENASBA Continuing Professional Education credits will be available through the American Accounting Association.

DinnerFaz Restaurant, Four Points by Sheraton Pleasanton

The conference dinner (sponsored by the IMTA Division of the AICPA) will be held at the Faz Restaurant on the grounds of the Four Points on October 13, 2016 at 6:30 pm.
