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An Adventure With the Olympic Spirit of Phul

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AN ADVENTURE WITH THE OLYMPIC SPIRIT OF BETHOR 3 Days to the Evocation Preparatory Prayers and Purifications on the Day of the Evocation This one recite once in the morning, twice at noon, three times in the afternoon, four times at night, and five times right before going to sleep. Splash yourself with holy water before saying this prayer each time. “HERACHIO, ASAC, ASACRO, BEDRIMULAEL, TILATH, ARABONAS, IERAHLEM, IDEODOC, ARCHARZEL, ZOPHIEL, BLAUTEL, BARACATA, EDONIEL, ELOHIM, EMAGRO, ABRAGATEH, SAMOEL, GEBURAHEL, CADATO, ERA, ELOHI, ACHSAH, EBMISHA, IMACHEDEL, DANIEL, DAMA, ELAMOS, IZACHEL, BAEL, SEGON, GEMON, DEMAS. O Lord God, Who art seated upon the Heavens, Page 1 of 94
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3 Days to the Evocation

Preparatory Prayers and Purifications on the Day of the Evocation

This one recite once in the morning, twice at noon, three times in the afternoon, four times at night, and five times right before going to sleep. Splash yourself with holy water before saying this prayer each time.


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mind I may accomplish in my work, through Thee, O God, the Sovereign Ruler of all, Who livest and reignest unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.”These two recite once in the morning and twice at night. If you’d wish you can repeat the schedule of these as above as to not get confused.“O Lord God Almighty, be propitious unto me a miserable sinner, for I am not worthy to raise mine eyes unto heaven, because of the iniquity of my sins and the multitude of my faults. O pitying and merciful Father, who wouldest not the death of a sinner but rather that he should turn from his wickedness and live, O God have mercy upon me and pardon all my sins; for I unworthy entreat Thee, O Father of all Creatures, Thou Who art full of mercy and of compassion, by Thy great goodness, that Thou deign to grant unto me power to see and know these Spirits which I desire to behold and to invoke to appear before me and to accomplish my will. Through Thee Who art Conqueror, and Who art Blessed unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.

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O Lord God the Father Eternal, Who art seated upon the Kerubim and the Seraphim, Who lookest upon Earth and upon Sea; unto Thee do I raise my hands and implore Thine aid alone, Thou Who alone art the accomplishment of good works, Thou Who givest rest unto those who labour, Who humblest the proud, Who art the Author of Life and the Destroyer of Death; Thou art our rest, Thou art the Protector of those who invoke Thee; protect, guard, and defend me in this matter, and in this enterprise which I propose to carry out, O Thou Who livest, reignest, and abidest unto the Eternal Ages. Amen.”

This having been done thrice with a devout, pure, and contrite heart, in a place withdrawn from men, cleansed, and pure, where thou canst not be seen, taking the water and the hyssop, thou shalt say:—6

Purify me, O Lord, with hyssop, and I shall be pure;wash me and I shall be whiter than snow.7

After this, bathe thyself with the exorcised Page 3 of 74

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water, and clothe thyself again with the consecrated garment which thou hast taken off; cense thyself, and surround thyself with odours, as will be told farther on, when we speak of perfumes and suffumigations.

B. Solomonic Bath and Ritual ClothesNow the ritual bath is well covered in both the greater key and in Aaron’s book so I will not go over the details here. Also there are many modern day adaptations of the ritual bath if you wish to do a different form. Also go ahead and list the details of prayers etc that are to be said after the bath and as you clothe yourself in your ritual garb. I will leave the details up to you but whatever you decide the prayers, procedure, and psalms should be listed here for ease of use on the day of the operation.

And when the master shall be entirely disrobed let him enter into the water or into the bath, and let him say:—


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I exorcise thee, O creature of Water, by him who hath created thee and gathered thee together into one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the enemy, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleannesses of the spirits of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God almighty who liveth and reigneth unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

Then shalt thou begin to wash thyself thoroughly in the bath, saying:—


All the which names thou shalt repeat twice or thrice, until thou art completely washed Page 5 of 74

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and clean, and when thou art perfectly pure thou shalt quit the bath, and sprinkle thyself with exorcised water, in the manner described later on, and thou shalt say:—

Purge me, O Lord, with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

C. Day of Operation Setup

At three O’ clock on the On the D-day, I cast the magical circle

The Pentagramme in White Chalk (Blue Chalk not available)

The Planetary Angles symbols written in the Circles

the evocational triangle:

The Pentacles of Jupiter The Seal of Bethor

The altar as follows:

the Pentagramme cast on canvas on the altar.

I put two candles: White on the left and Blue on the right.

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The magical instruments on the altar were (a) the Sword (b) the Bell (c) the Daggar (e) the Wand and (e) Holy Water and (f) Pure Olive Oil (g) a cup for the Communion Wine and Bread for the Sacrifice.

Take the Solomonic Bath as follows Holy with herbs

The bath is necessary for all magical and necromantic arts; wherefore, if thou wishest to perform any experiment or operation, having arranged all things necessary thereunto according to the proper days and hours, thou shalt go unto a river or running stream,1 or thou shalt have warm water ready in some large vessel or tub in thy secret cabinet,2 and while disrobing thyself of thy raiment thou shalt repeat the following Psalms:— 3

(Ps26 =KJV27) Dominus illuminatio mea (The Lord is my light, and my salvation....)4

(Ps13 or 52 =KJV14 or 53)5 Dixit insipiens in corde suo non est Deus (The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God....)

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(Ps68 =KJV69)6 Salvum me fac Deus, quoniam intraverunt (Save me, O God, for the waters are come in unto my soul....)

(Exod15.1) Cantemus Domino gloriose enim magnificatus (I will sing unto the Lord: for he hath triumphed gloriously....)

(Ps105 =KJV106) Confitemini Domino, quoniam bonus (Give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good....)

And when the master shall be entirely disrobed let him enter into the water or into the bath, and let him say:—


I exorcise thee, O creature of Water, by him who hath created thee and gathered thee together into one place so that the dry land appeared, that thou uncover all the deceits of the enemy, and that thou cast out from thee all the impurities and uncleannesses of the spirits of the World of Phantasm, so they may harm me not, through the virtue of God almighty who liveth and reigneth unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

Then shalt thou begin to wash thyself thoroughly in the bath, saying:—

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All the which names thou shalt repeat twice or thrice, until thou art completely washed and clean, and when thou art perfectly pure thou shalt quit the bath, and sprinkle thyself with exorcised water, in the manner described later on, and thou shalt say:—

Purge me, O Lord, with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

After the Bath I put on a White Robe with a vestment and a yellow chord after the consecretation:

Whilst again clothing thyself, thou shalt

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recite the following Psalms:9

(Ps101=KJV102) Domine exaudi orationem meam (Hear my prayer, O Lord….)

(Ps50=KJV51) Miserere mei Deus secundum magnam (Have mercy upon me, according to thy loving kindness….)

(Ps4=KJV4) Cum invocarem exaudivit me (Hear me when I call….)

(Ps9 or 110=KJV9+10 or KJV111) Confitebor tibi Domine in toto corde meo (I will praise the Lord with my whole heart).

(Ps118.97=KJV119.97 (Mem)) Quomodo dilexi legem tuam (O how love I thy Law!...)

(Ps113=KJV114) In exitu Israel de Aegypto (When Israel went out of Egypt….)

(Ps125=KJV126) In convertendo Dominus captivitatem (When the Lord turned again the captivity….)

(Ps138=KJV139) Domine probasti me, et cognovisti (O Lord, thou hast searched me, and known me….)

After which thou shalt recite the following prayer:—

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EL strong and wonderful, I bless thee, I adore thee, I glorify thee, I invoke thee, I render thee thanks from this bath, so that this water may be able to cast from me all impurity and concupiscence of heart, through thee, O holy ADONAI; and may I accomplish all things through thee who livest and reignest unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

After this take the salt and bless it in this manner:—


The blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this creature of salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good enter herein, for without thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me.

After which thou shalt recite the following prayer:—


EL strong and wonderful, I bless thee, I adore thee, I glorify thee, I invoke thee, I

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render thee thanks from this bath, so that this water may be able to cast from me all impurity and concupiscence of heart, through thee, O holy ADONAI; and may I accomplish all things through thee who livest and reignest unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

After this take the salt and bless it in this manner:—


The blessing of the Father Almighty be upon this creature of salt, and let all malignity and hindrance be cast forth hencefrom, and let all good enter herein, for without thee man cannot live, wherefore I bless thee and invoke thee, that thou mayest aid me.

Then, taking the spices and exorcised salt11 thou shalt cast them into the aforesaid bath; and thou shalt again disrobe thyself, pronouncing the following words:—

After this thou shalt enter a second time into the bath and recite13

(Ps102 or Ps103=KJV103 or KJV104) Benedic anima mea Domino (Bless the Lord, O my soul....)14

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(Exod15) Cantemus Domino gloriose enim (I will sing unto the Lord: for....)

Then thou shalt quit the bath and clothe thyself as before in linen garments clean and white, and over them thou shalt put the garments,

After this perfume the vestments with the perfumes and suffumigations of the Art, and sprinkle them with the water and hyssop of the Art.

But when the master and his disciples shall commence to robe themselves after the first Psalm, and before continuing with the others, he should pronounce these words:—

ANCOR, AMATOR, AMIDES, THEODONIAS, PANCOR, PLAGOR, ANITOR;7 through the merits of these holy angels will I robe and indue myself with the vestments of power, through which may I conduct unto the desired end those things which I ardently wish, through thee, O most holy ADONAI, whose kingdom and empire endureth for ever. Amen

I then proceeded to consecrate the temple. I read at first Solomon

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Dedication of the Temple. Followed by (Ps2=KJV2) Quare fremuerunt gentes (Why do the heathen rage....)

(Ps66=KJV67) Deus misereatur nostri (God be merciful unto us....)

(Ps53=KJV54) Deus in nomine tuo salvum (Save me, O God, by thy name....)


NAZARION most powerful, OCCIDAMON most strong, SEDON most mighty, YOD HE VAU HE, IAH, AGLA,1 assist me an unworthy sinner who have had the boldness to pronounce these holy names which no man should name and invoke save in very great danger. Therefore have I recourse unto these most holy names, being in great peril both of soul and of body. Pardon me if I have sinned in any manner, for I trust in thy protection alone, especially on this journey. .

Now, after you enter your circle, repeat the following prayers:Prayer #1 while standing:“When we enter herein with all humility, let

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God the Almighty One enter into this Circle, by the entrance of an eternal happiness, of a Divine prosperity, of a perfect joy, of an abundant charity, and of an eternal salutation. Let all the demons fly from this place, especially those who are opposed unto this work, and let the Angels of Peace assist and protect this Circle, from which let discord and strife fly and depart. Magnify and extend upon us, O Lord, Thy most Holy Name, and bless our conversation and our assembly. Sanctify, O Lord our God, our humble entry herein, Thou the Blessed and Holy One of the Eternal Ages! Amen.”-Key of Solomon the King, Book I Chapter 3

Prayer #2 while kneeling:“O Lord God, All Powerful and All Merciful, Thou who desirest not the death of a sinner, but rather that he may turn from his wickedness and live; give and grant unto us thy grace, by blessing and consecrating this earth and this Circle, which is here marked out with the most powerful and holy Names of God. And thee, I conjure, O Earth, by the

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Most Holy Name of ASHER EHIEH entering within this Circle, composed and made with mine hand. And may God, even ADONAI, bless this place with all the virtues of Heaven, so that no obscene or unclean spirit may have the power to enter into this Circle, or to annoy any person who is therein; though the Lord God ADONAI, Who liveth eternally unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.

I beseech Thee, O Lord God, the All Powerful and the All Merciful, that Thou wilt deign to bless this Circle, and all this place, and all those who are therein, and that Thou wilt grant unto us, who serve Thee, and rehearse nothing but the wonders of Thy law, a good Angel for our Guardian; remove from us every adverse power; preserve us from evil and from trouble; grant, O Lord, that we may rest in this place in all safety, through Thee, O Lord, Who livest and reignest unto the Ages of the Ages. Amen.”Consecration of the Instruments

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NB: We exorcise the tale and wine on the altar with the formulas below (NB: previously the tale and wine have been exorcised three times with the standard forms, and for power to keep them in the occultum.)


Our help is in the name of Lord YAWEH, who created heaven and Earth. Lord hear my prayer and let my cry come unto thee! May the Lord be with us and with our Spirits. Amen. I exorcise you, sacrificial bread, creature of wheat, by IOH, the living God, IOAH, the true God, by IAHOH, the Holy God! I urge you by He who from the beginning, separated you from all other creatures, so that you shall bring life and that no power darkness may be able to stay within you until this day. That you may rather be an instrument of our Salvation and the spiritual nourishment of those who believe in your virtue, you will be for food for the soul, after having been dedicated to the Lord, to the Almighty God, the God

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most high EHEIEH, YAWEH, AGLA King of heaven and the Earth. And you, communion bread, may you be dedicated as pure and immaculate victuals by that God that I serve and may you be consumed in the fire of Holy Sacrifice, set up in heaven and the heaven of heavens to his glory, and let my prayers ascend to the heavenly seat of grace. Oh most holy and powerful (N) (here vibrate the name of God which governs the Angel referred to), God most high God, that I confess to be the true and only God, I entreat you fervently to be gracious and merciful towards me by sanctifying these creature of bread that you have given as food for the nourishment of man and to drive away the spirit of demons which haunt or possess them. By your very Holy names: EHEIEH, ELOHIM GIBOR, AGLA, IEOUSHOUAH, ELOHIM ELION, SHADAÏ, ADONAI MELEK, ADONAI HA ARETZ! Amen this we pray through Melchidesec, King of Salem and priest of the most high God, and through

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the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Lord Almighty, bless and dedicate this bread which is the fruit of the Earth, and wheat that she received bore in her womb. Through thy grace, anyone who partakes of this offering will now and forever receive the salvation of the soul and the health of the body, the assurance of salvation and the strength of his faith. He shall again receive all the charity and hope that ROUACH ELOHIM, thy Holy Spirit shall bestow upon him. Also, may the Lord Almighty most gracious and merciful the God of gods accept these holy offering which will be offered on this holy fire as burnt offerings of Atonement, prayer and Thanksgiving for those who will offer them to you. This will offer through Melchisedek, your priest and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, thy servants, and by your very Holy names: EHEIEH, SHADAÏ IEOUSHOUAH, ELOHAH, EL GIBOR, ADONAI, MELEK, ADONAI HA ARETZ! Amen

Consecration of the Wine

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Our help is in the name of Lord YAWEH, who created heaven and Earth. Lord hear thou my prayer and let my cry ascend to thee. That the Lord be with us and with our spirits. Amen. I exorcise you, O creature of wine, and fruit of the vine that God created by IOH, the living God, by IOAH, the true God, by IAHOH, the Holy God! I entreat you by that which in the beginning separated you from the "rest of things", so that you be healthy and should retain nothing of the power darkness may reign over you up tilll this moment. That you rather be a source of Salvation, inspiration and spiritual and moral purification of those who believe in your virtue, so that whenever thou shalt be used anywhere or place, you shall be a cure and protection against the snares of the enemy Invisible. And you, Lord powerful and Holy EHEIEH IAVEH (N) (here vibrate the name of God which governs the Angel referred to), I confess thee to be the only true God, I entreat you fervently bestow an eye of support and mercy and sanctify by virtue of thy Holy blessing, this wine, from the vine press, and

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to drive away for ever all the demonic forces which want to possess it. This I pray through your very Holy names: ELOHIM GIBOR, AGLA, IEOUSHOUAH, ELOHIM ELION! Amen.


Once that candles are properly charged and blessed, they should be lighted as follows:

1. Light a match and bring it in the middle of the 2 candles on the altar (a little higher than

their Wick) and say: KETHER! Fiat Lux.

2. Quickly bring the match over the candle on the right (without lighting it) and say "CHOKHMAH"

3. Quickly bring the lighted matches over the left candle and light it by saying: "binah, geburah, hod, Amen"

4. Light another match and light the candlelight on theright by saying : "CHESED, NETZACH, Amen."


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While naked, put the pentacles of Pentagram and Hexagram on the chest and at the back. It is very important to light the divine candle as stated above, because in doing so they is placed under the powerful Protection of God and reduces the risks of attack by the Forces of darkness Demons, Astral beings, , etc. Well, we must be careful to this.

Recite the following prayer to the East: EHEIEH, ROUACH ELOHIM CHAIM, SCHIN, SCHIN, SCHIN I purify you o fire, I dedicated you Lord IHVH, and by the virtues and powers which have been vested in me by the most high God; I therefore command and dedicated thee by my word and intention for the service for which I intended to undertake which is to make the intelligences that I evoke obey my command, according to the innate power which is within me. Be accordingly just and truthful as the lights that chosen few who the creator use in their operations which are made for the spiritual regeneration of my fellow men. For the greater glory of the

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eternal thought: ROUACH ELOHIM CHAIM, for the greater glory of the eternal desire: Red ELOHIM for the greater glory of the eternal Action: ELOHIM GIBOR, Amen.

Then light the coals of the censer and say: I exorcise you creature of fire, I dedicated you, (+) I sanctify you in the name of the Lord: EHEIEH, ELOHIM GIBOR, ADONAI, AGLA, HA KADOSH BAROUK HO, in the name of the God that created you which appeared unto his servant Moses in the form of a burning Bush so that you will immediately be purified of all blemishes and influence of the evil spirits, so that you immediately become the sweet fragrances on the altar of the Holy Temple at Jerusalem and to let the incense which is due to his glory and honour rise up to the throne of ADONAI EL ELION the most high God.


Come thou Just Oh Holy Spirit: ROUACH HA KODESH! Surround the fire which is devoted to your throne shining brightly and Page 23 of 74

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radiating throughout every part of the universe; Take immediate control and chase away any spirit of darkness, error and confusion, from this altar and its sorroundings so that my soul and the souls of all men can enjoy the Fruit of works that you give to those who are worthy to be visited by your holy spirit: ROUACH HA KODESH, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH. Amen

in filing the incense on the embers:

Lord God Eternal: EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH, vouchsafe to bless and sanctify this aromatic creature, and may the fragrance of its smoke r

Ascent to you, and let its odour be pleasant to you as were those of spices and resins that once wafted on the altar of the fragrances of the Temple in Jerusalem so that the same effect of the penetrating smell of the fragrance will be around this operative place, for both the elementary as planetary spirits, terrestrials or celestials, which are called, summoned or commanded by the words of your obedient servant

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(name) while, at the same time the spirits of darkness and error flee from here so that their evil deeds and intentions will never haunt us again.

Then perform the Lesser Banishing ritual of the Pentagram and Hexagram of Earth and recite the following Psalms:

PS: 2 (Quare fremuerunt gentes etc…)(order of the vulgate).

Quare fremuerunt gentes, and populi meditati sunt inania madrasa? Astiterunt reges terrae, and principles convenerunt in unum Dominum adversus and adversus Christum ejus: "Dirumpamus vincula eorum and a nobis iugum ipsorum proiciamus." That habitat in caelis irridebit eos, Dominus Subsannabit eos. Tunc loquetur ad eos in ira sua and in furore suo conturbabit eos: "Ego autem constitui regem super meum Sion, montem sanctum meum!". Praedicabo decretum ejus: Dominus dixit ad me: "Filius meus es tu ego hodie genui te.". Proposed has me and dabo tibi gentes hereditatem tuam and possessionem tuam terminos

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terrae. Reges eos in virga ferrea and could vas figuli confringes eos. »

Et nunc reges intellegite, erudimini, which judicatis terram. Servite Domino in timore and exsultate ei cum tremore. Apprehendite disciplinam, not quando irascatur and pereatis of via, cum exarserit in brevi ira ejus. Beati omnes, quiu confidunt in eo.

Then reload the incense burner with incense and hyssop.

(1) And then in lowering and raising the incense burner successively, starting at the East, turn in the clockwise direction say the cleansing formula.

(2) The operator then asperages himself with holy water by the sign of the cross (+) at the four cardinal points, starting from the East in a clockwise direction, and says the cleansing formula.

(3) Then with the Wand in the left and pressed against the pentacle on the chest and the sword in the right hand a circle (the wildest possible) by turning round a

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clockwise direction while reciting the cleansing formula.

(4) Then take candle at the right hand of the altar with the left hand and hold the sword in the right hand; go round place in a clockwise direction by repeating the consecration formula followed by the blessing of the place.

(Now that the place is consecrated we can proceed todraw the magic circle, and put in place the required accessories).

Cleansing formula:

Adjutorium nostrum in nomine Domini that caelum and terram manner. Exorcizo te: (N) * per sanctissima nomima Dei: ROUACH ELOHIM CHAIM, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH, IAH, IHVH ELOHIM, EL, ELOHIM GIBOR, IHVH ELOHA VE DÅÅTH, IHVH TZABAOTH, ELOHIM TZABAOTH, EL SHADAI CHAI, ADONAI HA ARETZ, ut puritatem in STA te. Exorcizo te: (N) * per potestatem Archangelorum: METATRON, MICHAEL, GABRIEL, RAPHAEL, OURIEL, SANDALPHON, ut puritatem sit in te.

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Exorcizo te: (N) * per ignem, per aerem, per aquam, per terram, ut puritatem sit in te. Amen

Formula consécratoire:

Consecro te: (N) * per nomen: AB + BEN + VE ROUACH HA KODESH +; consecro te: (N) per nomen Domini IHVH ad magiam; consecro te: (N) * ad utilitatem meam solum. Amen formula of blessing of the oratory: Benedic Domine locum autographic, ut sit in eo sancta sanctitas, castitas, virtus, victoria, sanctimonia, humilitas, bonitas, plenitudo mansuetudo legis; oboedientia Patri, Filio, and Spiritu Sancto. Exaudi Domine me sancte Pater omnipotens aeterne Deus, and mittere digneris Archangelum MICHAEL tuum sanctum which I custodiat protegat, foveat, visitet that me habitantem in hoc habitaculo, per sanctissimum and ineffabile nomen tuum: TETRAGRAMMATON YAWEH which vivis and regnas in aeternum.

(*) Locum (the operation place) once the place is purified and devote the operating must make his own consecration: upholding Page 28 of 74

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of the operator. To the East before the altar kneeling, recite the confession of your sins;

then Psalm 50: (have pity my God, according to your mercy etc...) When you come to the place where it is written: you wash me with hyssop; sprinkle yourself 3 times with holy water on the right hand; then continue the Psalm to the end.

MISERERE MEI (Psalm 50) "Have pity me, Lord IAVEH, according to your great mercy." And erase my iniquity according to the multitude of your kindness. Wash me more in addition to my dirt, cleanse me of my sins. Because I know my injustice, and my crime rises constantly against me. I have sinned against you alone, and I've done wrong before you. You allowed him to be faithful in your promises and impeccable in your judgments. I've designed in iniquity, and my mother resulted me in sin. But you, Lord, like the truth, and you have shown me the hidden mysteries of your wisdom. You aspergerez me with hyssop, and I'll be purified. You bandana me, and then I will Page 29 of 74

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be whiter than snow. You'll hear in my ear to the words of consolation and joy, and my broken bones tressailliront elation. Divert your eyes of my offenses, and erase all my iniquities. Create in me a pure heart, O my God, and renew the spirit of righteousness in my soul. Dismiss me your presence, and do not me remove your holy spirit. Make me the joy of your beneficial assistance and fortify me by the powerful grace of your mind. So, I following your tracks to the bad, and the ungodly convert you. O God, God Saviour, deliver my blood that I paid and my voice will celebrate your Justice. Lord, you open my lips and my mouth will sing your praises. If you had desired sacrifices, I in I would have offered to you. But burnt you are point pleasant. The sacrifice which pleases God is a broken soul in pain. You mépriserez therefore, O my God, a heart pure and humiliated. Be, Lord, in your goodness, conducive to Zion, and that Jerusalem sees rebuilding walls! You will then accede justice sacrifices, offerings and holocausts. "Then it immolera on your altar of victims of offerings"

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Then put the dress and the pentacles, and recite the formula: cells, Amacor etc.... and I' preliminary oration.

Ancor, Amacor, Amides, Theodonias, Anitor, per merita Angelorum tuorum sanctorum, dominates induam vestimenta salutis hoc quod desidero, possim ad effectum perducere, ut per te sanctissime: ADONAI, deceased regnum permanet per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen

Preliminary oration:

Sceptram Israel vigilatio invariabilis Deus incomprehensibilis and vinculum insolubile tuum posse fortissima is esse frrmissimum quod invoco in perfectione and complemento mei operis ut vigorem tui spiritus almi in me ponas quotumus project lucidos beatos Angelos oboedientes tibi benignosque claros * (N) ad me mirtas meque dignum facias hujus rei secutionem veram per sanctum nomen tuum quod ad is: EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH.

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*(Ici_dire_votre_nom_d'opérateur_nomen_mysticum) then take the rod in your right hand put it against the chest pentacle and say: "Ego (say here his name of operator), sum sacerdos Domini in aeternum."

Now fall on your knees at the altar saying:

"Spiritus luminis est in spiritu Mio."

Now rise up on you Feet then Embrace the sacrament saying:

"Ecce liber roboris mei".

Then recite the following formulas:

"Dominus caeli;" Dominus terrae; Dominus cui omne genu flectitur and realize terrestrium infernorum: te invoco dominates per simplicitatem meam; per scientiam meam; "per fortitudinem meam". Amen

NB: As soon as you say: Dominus cui omne genu flectitur;

bend right knee towards the East.

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Then light the candles in the Circle and the coloured candles in the triangle by saying:

EHEIEH, ROUACH ELOHIM CHAÏM, SCHIN, SCHIN, SCHIN I purify you o creature, I consecrate you (+), I sanctify you in the name Jehovah the evalasting God, and by the virtures and powers vested in me by the Lord God Almighty. Therefore, be thou commandeered and concrated by my words and my intntions for the service of which I have dedicated you that is to let the spirits that I shall invoke assist me according the hidden poweres that is in me. Therefore be just and faithful as as there lights which the elect of the Creator used in their operations, for their own sake and for the sake of the spiritual regeneration of their fellow men. For the highest glory of the Everlasting Architect of the Universe ROUACH ELOHIM CHAÏM for the highest glory of the eternal will ELOHIM GIBOR and through Jesus Christ our Savioiur. Amen

Burn the incense aroundthe altar and the magic circle: Hold the chained inscense

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burner with the left hand and the candle at the right side of the altar with the right hand and recite the following prayer.

Round 1

O Eternal IEVAH (+) let this incense which is being burnt to you in this temple be the true image of the purity of my words and my intentions, to your highest Glory and Justice. Amen

Round 2

O Eternal JEVAH (+) let this incense which is being offered as a witness of the purity of my soul have the same success as that which Zorubabel of the City of Babylon, offered for the deliverance of the rest of Israel. Deliver me from the bondage of the forces of darkness which have surrounded med and keep me away from thy the divine will. With thy science, hear my prayer and my wishes and words ascend unto thee.

Round 3

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O Eternal JEVAH (+) let my prayers be forever as a true incense that I will offer to you. Let this incense be the symbol of the favour for which I pray for reconciliation so that my words will become the Virtue and Spiritual Power as it was before the Fall of Adam the first man and for thy highest Glory for ever and ever Amen

Prayer for the fumigation of the Magical Circle : Beginning from the Est make 3 turns in the clockwise direction around the circle.

Then with the right hand, sprinkle the outside of the Circle beginging from the East in a clockwise direction and from the centre of the circle in the form of a cross (+). Be careful not to extinguish the candles. Repeat the following formular:

Lord cleanse me with hysope and I shall be clean; was me and I shall be whiter than snow.Have mercy upon me O Elohim, according to thy loving kindness, according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.

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Asperges me Domine IEVAH hyssopo et mundabor

lavabis me et super nivem dealbabor cum aqua.

Then spiritually charge the circle and triangle

Place the Angelic Seal at the centre of the Triancle and put more charcoal in the Incense Burner.

At this juncture, offer the Sacrement into the fire then fill the Incense Burner with the operational incense then enter into the magic circle.. (See specific notes)

Take the wand in the right hand and face then turn from the east in a clockwise direction in order to close the magic circle. While still holding the Want in the right hand, say the following invocations:

- De Profundis Page 36 of 74

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The Psalms130

Hope in the LORD's RedemptionA Song of degrees.

1 Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O LORD.

2 Lord, hear my voice:        

let thine ears be attentiveto the voice of my supplications.

3 If thou, LORD, shouldest mark iniquities,        

O Lord, who shall stand?

4 But there is forgiveness with thee,        

that thou mayest be feared.

5 I wait for the LORD,        

my soul doth wait,and in his word do I hope.

6 My soul waiteth for the Lord


more than they that watch for the morning:I say, more than they that watch for the morning.

7 Let Israel hope in the LORD:


for with the LORD there is mercy,and with him is plenteous redemption.

8 And he shall redeem Israel

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from all his iniquities. Mt. 1.21 · Tit. 2.14

- Miserere Mei

Have mercy upon me, O God, according to thy lovingkindness: according unto the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. 2 Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I acknowledge my transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. 4 Against thee, thee only, have I sinned , and done this evil in thy sight: that thou mightest be justified when thou speakest , and be clear when thou judgest . 5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. 6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom. 7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean : wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow. 8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice . 9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine

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iniquities. 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. 11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. 12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit. 13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee. 14 Deliver me from bloodguiltiness, O God, thou God of my salvation: and my tongue shall sing aloud of thy righteousness. 15 O Lord, open thou my lips; and my mouth shall shew forth thy praise. 16 For thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: thou delightest not in burnt offering. 17 The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise . 18 Do good in thy good pleasure unto Zion: build thou the walls of Jerusalem. 19 Then shalt thou be pleased with the sacrifices of righteousness, with burnt offering and whole burnt offering: then shall they offer bullocks upon thine altar.

- Conjuration of the four,

- Conjuration of the ten

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- Invocation of Solomon,

- consecration of the place,

- Invocation of consecration of the operator,

- said of appeal daily Invocation,

- Conjuration of the Celestial Angel


Face South with the holy water Cup with two stretched arms say:

Angel with the dead eyes, obey or flow away with this holy water.

Then take the Holy Water in the right hand and sprinkle it in the form of the cross facing south

Take the sword in the right hand and turn to the West and say:

Winged bull labour or return to earth; if thou art not willing that I prick thee with this sword.

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Still facing the West trace the cross on the ground with the sword

Now turn to the East holding the Wand in the right hand and say:

Chained eagle, obey this sign, or withdraw before this breath.

Now Turn to the North Holding the Incense Burner full of incense in the right hand and say:

Moving serpents, crawl at my feet, or be tormented by this sacred fire and be dissipated with the perfumes I burn therein. Now trace a cross in the air with the incense burner at the North.

Now Say:

Let the water return to water! Let a fire burn! Let air circulate! Let earth fall upon the earth, by virtue of the pentagram which is the morning star, and in the name of the Tetragram, which is written in the centre of the cross of light. Amen.

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Turn to the North holding the Sword in the Right Hand say the conjuration of the salamanders:

SALAMANDERS (Fire): SOUTH – Lion (Wand) - Iron and Copper - DjiuWe exorcise fire by casting in it salt, incense, white resin, camphor, and sulphur, and by pronouncing three times the three names of the genii of fire: Michael, king of the sun and of lightning; Samael, king of volcanoes; and Anael, prince of the astral light. Immortal, eternal, ineffable and uncreated Father of all things I who are borne upon the incessantly rolling chariot of Worlds which are always turning; Ruler of the ethereal immensity where the throne of thy power is elevated; from whose height thy dread-inspiring eyes discover all things, and thy exquisite and sacred ears hear all; Listen to thy children whom thou hast loved from the beginning of the ages; for thy golden, great, and eternal majesty is resplendent above the world and the starry heavens. Thou art raised above them O sparkling fire! There thou dost illumine and support thyself by thine own splendour; and

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there comes forth from thine essence overflowing streams of light which nourishes thine infinite spirit. That infinite spirit nourishes all things, and renders this inexhaustible treasure of substance always ready for the generation which fashions it and which receives in itself the forms with which thou hast impregnated it from the beginning. From this spirit those most holy kings who surround thy throne, and who compose thy court, derive their origin. O Father Universal! Only One! O Father of blessed mortals and immortals! Thou hast specially created powers who are marvellously like thine eternal thought and adorable essence. Thou hast established them superior to the angels who announce to the world thy wishes. Finally thou hast created us in the third rank in our elementary empire. There our continual employment is to praise thee and adore thy wishes. There we incessantly burn with the desire of possessing thee, O Father! O Mother! the most tender of all mothers! O admirable archetype of maternity and pure love! O Son, the flower of sons! O Form of all forms: soul, spirit, harmony and number of all things. Amen.

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Now face the East with the Sword in the Right Hand and the Wand in the Left and say the conjuration of the sylphs

PRAYER OF THE SYLPHS (Air)EAST Eagle (Pentacles) gold & silver Paralda

Spirit of light! Spirit of wisdom! whose breath gives and takes away again the forms of all things! Thou, in whose presence the life of being is a shadow which changes, and a vapour which passes away. Thou who ascendest the clouds and movest on the wing of the winds. When thou breathes! forth, infinite spaces are peopled! When thou inhalest, all that comes from thee returns to thee! Endless movement in eternal stability, be thou eternally blest! We praise thee and bless thee in the changing empire of created light, of shadows, of reflections and of images; and we long unceasingly for thine immutable and imperishable light. Let the ray of thy intelligence and the heat of thy love penetrate even to us; then what is movable will become fixed; the shadow will become a body; the spirit of the air will become a soul; the dream will become a thought, and Page 44 of 74

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we shall no longer be borne away by the tempest, but shall hold the bridle of the winged steeds of the morning, and shall direct the course of the evening winds that we may fly into thy presence. O spirit of spirits! O eternal soul of souls! O imperishable breath of life! O creative inspiration. O mouth which inspires and respires the existence of all beings in the flux and reflux of thy eternal Word, which is the divine ocean of movement and of truth. Amen! Now face the South with the Sword in the Right Hand and the Wand in the Left and say the conjuration of the ondines

PRAYER OF THE UNDINES (Water): SOUTH - Aquarius (Cup) – Mercury Nicksa

Terrible king of the sea! Thou who boldest the keys of the cataracts of heaven, and who enclosest the subterranean waters in the hollow places of the earth! King of the deluge and of rains, of springtime! Thou who openest the sources of streams and fountains! Thou who commandest the moisture (which is like the blood of the earth) to become the sap of plants! We adore and invoke thee! Speak to us, ye

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moving and changeable creatures! Speak to us in the great commotions of the sea, and we will tremble before thee. Speak to us also in the murmur of the limpid waters, and we will desire thy love. O immensity in which all the rivers of being lose themselves, which ever spring up anew in us! O ocean of infinite perfections! Height which beholdeth thee in the depth! Depth which breathes thee forth in the height! Bring us to the true life through intelligence and love! Lead us to immortality through sacrifice, in order that one day we may be found worthy to offer thee water, blood, and tears, for the remission of sins. Amen.

Now face the West with the Sword in the Right Hand and the Wand in the Left and say the conjuration of the Gnomes

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GNOMES : WEST (Earth) Bull (Sword) Lead Ghob

We exorcise the earth by the sprinkling of water, by the breath and by fire, with the perfumes proper for each day, and we say the prayer of the gnomes.

Invisible King who has taken the earth as a support, and who has dug abysses in order to fill them with the omnipotence! Thou whose name makest the arches of the world tremble! Thou who makest the seven metals circulate in the veins of stone; Monarch of seven luminaries! Rewarder of subterranean workmen! Bring us to the desirable air and to the kingdom of light. We watch and work without respite. We seek and hope by the twelve stones of the Holy City, for the talismans which are buried by the magnetic nail which passes through the centre of the earth. Lord! Lord! Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer! Enlarge our hearts! Let us be free and raise up our heads! Exalt us! O stability and movement! O Day invested by night! O Darkness veiled in light! O Master who

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never retainest the wages of thy workmen! O silvery whiteness! O Golden Splendor! O Crown of Diamonds, living and melodious! Thou who bearest the sky upon thy finger, like a ring of sapphire! Thou who hidest under the earth, in the kingdom of gems, the wonderful seed of stars! All hail! Reign; and be the Eternal Dispenser of riches, of which thou hast made us the guardians. Amen.

Go on your knees facing the triangle and recite the CONJURATION OF THE ten Divine names:

EHEIEH... SCHEMYA TEFLOU! ÏAH ......................... SCHEMYA TEFLOU!







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HÏAH SCHEMYA... TEFLOU! NB: the Expression SCHEMYA TEFLOU, meaning in French, thy name I pray.

Ensuite debout face au triangle le pied gauche en avant, laBaguette en main droite tenue en l’air, et l’Epée en main gauche pointedirigée vers le sol réciter:

Then facing the triangle with the left foot forward, the Wand in the right hand raised in the air and the sword in the left hand pointing to the ground to recite:


The Invocation of Solomon

Powers of the Kingdom, be ye under my left

foot and in my right hand!

Glory and Eternity, take me by the two

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shoulders and direct me in the paths of


Mercy and Justice, be ye the equilibrium

and splendor of my life!

Intelligence and Wisdom, crown me!

Spirits of Malkuth, lead me betwixt the two

pillars upon which rests the whole edifice of

the temple!

Angels of Netzach and Hod, establish me

upon the cubic stone of Yesod!

O Gedulael! O Geburael! O Tiphereth!

Binael, be thou my love!

Ruach Chokmael, be thou my light!

Be that which thou art and thou shalt be, O


Ishim, assist me in the name of Shaddai!

Cherubim, be my strength in the name of


Beni-Elohim, be my brethren in the name of

the Son, and by the powers of Sabbaoth!

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Elohim, do battle for me in the name of


Melachim, protect me in the name of Yod

He Vau He!

Seraphim, cleanse my love in the name of


Chasmalim, enlighten me with the

splendors of Elohim and Shekinah!

Aralim, act!

Orphanim, revolve and shine!

Hajoth ha Kadosh, cry, speak, roar, bellow!

Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh!

Shaddai, Adonai, Yod-Havah,

Eheieh Asher Eheieh!

Hallelu-jah, Hallelu-jah, Hallelu-jah,

Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then say it: CONSECRATION of the place: thus said the Lord:

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"The sky is my throne and the Earth my footstool." What House will be me building you? What place will be the one my rest? Because all of these things exist by them. Thus said the Lord. Also I me am happy when I was told: "Go to the home of the Lord God." Our feet stop at your gates, o Jerusalem built as a city well United! Peace is in your walls and security in your Palace! Because if the Lord builds the House, those who build work in vain, if the Lord keep the city, those who guard the guard in vain! O (N) (here vibrate the name of God which governs the angel will evoke) God of strength and size, be of beings, Sanctificateur Almighty who created everything for nothing, despises point thy servant (Nomen), but that you should sanctify and devote this area devoted to your service. Therefore orders to your Angel (appoint the Angel) is down, reside and stay to your glory and your service. AMEN + +++

CONSECRATION of the operated: receive, therefore, Lord my God YAH (YHVH) ELOHI

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ISRAEL CHAIM OUMELEKH OLAM SHADAÏ (N) EL ELOHIM SABAOTH (here vibrate the name of God which governs the angel will evoke), the offer that I you these faculties that really make me your Image in this world and which mustas such, make me formidable all the enemies of your holy Act. Grasp you if many of my faculties have life for you alone by you alone, and only you, who are the life, the way and the truth. Made that, by the power of your name Redoutable that I made that in tremblant, o true King, all the powers of darkness away from me without return, and they let me enjoy the consolations that you grant to those who by their true desire and perseverance in your channelsbecame worthy to know Angel faithful and powerful, that you have attached to your creature.


My strength is in the name of Lord YHVH, who made heaven and Earth! Lord hear my prayer, and that my IRC monte until you... Lord, God of mercy, patient, very benign,

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liberal and wise God, give your graces of thousand ways and generations, which forget sins, the iniquities and transgressions of the men, in the presence of which has never been found no innocent, which visit the breaches of the fathers, children and nephews and this until the third and fourth generation I know my misery, and I know that I am not worthy to appear before your Divine Majesty, nor even to beg and pray your kindness and your mercy for the slightest grace! However, Lord of Lords: ELOHIM of ELOHIM (N) (here vibrate the name of God which governs the angel will evoke), have pity me. Remove me any unfairness and malice, wash my soul of all garbage of sin. Renew my mind that it is able to understand the mystery of your grace and the treasures of your Divine wisdom in me! Sanctify me with oil (+) * your sanctification, with which you have sanctified your prophets. Purify me everything what belongs to me, so I am worthy of the conversation of your Saints Angels someday. And your Divine wisdom

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finally grant me the power delivered to your prophets on all unclean spirits! Amen! Amen! That the Lord IHVH, God of Israel be blessed forever of eternity in eternity, Amen.

* (here must be make oil of anointing with the right thumb and anointing on the front by drawing a cross to equal branches (+))

And then there are plans by the visualization in the sphere of the angel who is HOD (mercury), call Angel internally having in mind that it is a divine principle; Once your mental has captured the response of the angel that you are sure to hear and mentally see the Angel, then, at that time you re-enter your astral and physical body bearing in mind that you are United with God. Then call the Angel murmuring his name, thus the entity will be present in your astral environment and your oratory, and then conjurez the Angel to appear physically with the following conjuration: (1) NB: with the triangle should recite the conspiracy 3 times in a row.

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(1) Conjuration OF ANGEL CELESTE.

I conjure you for 24 elderly people I conjure you for 9 choirs which you ô very potent (N) (N): say here the name of the angel that it evokes)! I conjure you for Angels and archangels, of thrones, of domination, of principalities, powers, virtues, of Kérubim, and Séraphim! For the four mysterious Forces which bear the throne of the very high EL ELION, and have eyes in front and back! I conjure you spirit of light, for the true God, the God of life: ROUACH ELOHIM CHAIM! For the mysterious 7 candlesticks that are in the right hand of God! On behalf of the seven churches of Asia! In the name of Ephesus, in the name of Smyrna, in the name of Pergamum, for Thyatères, name of Sardis, in the name of Philadelphia, on behalf of Laodicea! I conjure you by sky and by Earth, Sun and the Moon, by day and by night! By what is in the universe and all the virtues that there are conjoined by the four primordial elements. Any that may be said or thought of the sovereign creator, in its Supreme

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will, of the Heavenly Court or he reigns! By which all produced nothing, from the beginning, by the glorious Phalanges which you are!

By the Saints, by all those who, day and night, with a single voice, cease to sing: "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord the God of armies of heaven." The heavens and the Earth are full of his glory! Hosannah to the highest of the heavens! I conjure you, Intelligence Illuminatrice, Messenger of light! I conjure you for OURIEL, sunset keeper! I conjure you for MICHAEL, North guardian! I conjure you for RAPHAEL, the custodian of the East! I conjure you for GABRIEL, the guardian du Midi! I conjure you Divine messengers, by 7 columns of gold glittering before the altar of God! The cohort of the blessed that follow the footsteps of the Immaculate lamb! I conjure you, o heavenly (N), on behalf of all the Saints that the Lord HA KADOSH BAROUK HO is chosen from, and well before the creation of the world! By their pleasant merits to God! I conjure, o invisible power

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but presented by the Lord power Redoutable's name! SHEMHAMPHORASH ELOHIM (here vibrate the name of God which governs the Angel) by the glory of the divine, in the world name and or translate the finest attributes of God. I conjure you and urge you, o ye celestial (N), for these attributes themselves. That the appeal of their omnipotent syllables you leave the residence Celeste. That in their evocation you leave celestial stays, you deign, ô power illuminatrice, descend in this place, to show your presence and grant (Nomen) and all those present in this room your saving and light despite our human indignity. Silence, internally vibrate the Tétragramme of the month by calling the divine name with the fingers. I conjure you for MALKUTH ADONAÏMELEK, the master of the Kingdom of forms! I conjure you for YESOD SHADAÏ, mirror of truth! I conjure you HOD ELOHIM SABAOTH, Lord and master of Divines lyrics!

I conjure you for NETZACH YAHWEH SABAOTH, sovereign Essence of beauty! I

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conjure you for THIPHRETH YHVH ELOHA VE DÅÅTH, principle of Kingdom of glory! I conjure you for GEBOURAH ELOHIM GIBOR, principle of Infinite Justice! I conjure you in the name of CHESED EL, the Divine Mercy! I conjure you in the name of BINAH YAHWEH ELOHIM, the exemplary Intelligence! I conjure you in the name of CHOKHMAH ÏAH incréée wisdom! I conjure you for KETER EHEIEH, Horizon of eternity! I conjure you Oh heavenly illuminator for the TETRAGRAMME (N… here vibrate the divine name of the month) I conjure you name of EHEIEH! I conjure you for ELOHIM! I conjure you for ELOHAH! It thus the name Lord Béni +++ I urge you Oh heavenly (N), after the CRA 7 colors that appeared in the ued showing the Alliance between the Lord HA KADOSH BAROUK HO and the Patriarch Noah. I conjure you after the light column which environna the Ark of the Covenant, thus showing the Alliance between the Lord HA KADOSH BAROUK HO and the son of Aber! I conjure you power heavenly, after signs that you Reverend appear in the flocks,

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shortly before the destruction of the Temple!

I conjure you for NETZACH YAHWEH SABAOTH, sovereign Essence of beauty! I conjure you for THIPHRETH YHVH ELOHA VE DÅÅTH, principle of Kingdom of glory! I conjure you for GEBOURAH ELOHIM GIBOR, principle of Infinite Justice! I conjure you in the name of CHESED EL, the Divine Mercy! I conjure you in the name of BINAH YAHWEH ELOHIM, the exemplary Intelligence! I conjure you in the name of CHOKHMAH ÏAH incréée wisdom! I conjure you for KETER EHEIEH, Horizon of eternity! I conjure you Oh heavenly illuminator for the TETRAGRAMME (N… here vibrate the divine name of the month) I conjure you name of EHEIEH! I conjure you for ELOHIM! I conjure you for ELOHAH! It thus the name Lord Béni +++ I urge you Oh heavenly (N), after the CRA 7 colors that appeared in the ued showing the Alliance between the Lord HA KADOSH BAROUK HO and the Patriarch Noah. I conjure you after the light column which

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environna the Ark of the Covenant, thus showing the Alliance between the Lord HA KADOSH BAROUK HO and the son of Aber! I conjure you power heavenly, after signs that you Reverend appear in the flocks, shortly before the destruction of the Temple! I conjure you o spirit of light and truth! In memory of the signs that accompanied the birth of the Savior. In memory of the ALLELUHÏA of the Valley of Bethlehem! In memory of your message to the shepherds! After the light luminary who guided the Magi! Have therefore my form of impure matter and all those who attend this evocation, so that they are, at this time, to receive your saving light, the communication of your celestial thoughts, and to contemplate your face. I conjure you therefore ô Céleste (N) by IOH God life, by IOAH, the true God, by IAOH the God Saint you show us a form sensitive to our eyes and our other senses at this moment and in this placeon this area devoted to your service. Appear therefore o divine (N), appear torchlight of Palace celestial, light of forecourt at the top, Lord watchman of

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the greatest Kings! Quit the celestial visit! Worldly in this place! And your glory there broke out tangible reflection of the glory of God! Come heavenly (N), the divine name in 42 letters containing the name of your Creator, and the mine: YAH (YHVH) ELOHI ISRAEL CHAIM OUMELEKH OLAM SHADAÏ EL ELOHIM SABAOTH. Come by the name of God living and true (N...) that reigns in the universe on all visible and invisible creatures! Come (N) for the Archangel Céleste (N...), which dominates heavily in séphira (Ulr), show you now at the moment even in my physical eyes! Then he should recite the verse of the Angel in Latin 3 times in a row. N.B. By pronouncing the names divine (IOH, IOAH, IAOH) knock the air Cross (+) with the rod of almond (or elderberry)

If the Angel refuses to appear, the operating will to knees to the East, and it will offer the following orations with faith and belief in God: YAH (YHVH) ELOHI ISRAEL CHAIM OUMELEKH OLAM SHADAÏ EL ELOHIM SABAOTH: ALPHA

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and OMEGA ADONAI, ô Grand IHVH TETRAGRAMMATON, you pity me, o Heavenly Father very lenient and most merciful, deign spread your holy blessing on me (Nomen) your servant, all unworthy I am, extend your arm Almighty against the evil geniuses who oppose the performance of my desiresso that by your assistance I can contemplate your divine books. Light up my soul of your spirit divine, purify my body of all impurities, and our Savior Jesus Christ sanctified the sinful woman saying woman your sins you are given, ô EHEIEH (here say the name of God which governs the Angel it evokes) adorable father, tell me this night (this day) the appearance of your Angel Celeste (N...), and by the Department of archangels and with celestial Intelligences that President on this day, exaucez me o my God, I to entreat it for our Saviour Jesus Christ who said himself of his sacred mouth: "Look, you will find ask you receive, tap on the door and one you will open, by adding what you ask in your prayers, if you ask with faith will get it" O my God EHEIEH (here say the name of God

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which governs the Angel it evokes) exaucez me; I you in begged very humbly me reveal that night (this day) the appearance of the Angel (N...), through your Holy Archangels. Amen

O God Almighty and Lord domineering sovereign, creator of all that exists in the vastness of your circle infinity; o you are the Holy Spirit: ROUACH ELOHIM CHAIM, o God infinitely good and merciful, that have revealed the future things to our first fathers, by the departments of your Saints Angels Raziel to Adam, Eve and Sem JophielTzadkiel to Abraham Péliel Isaac, Jacob, Mitraton Moses, Tzaphkiel to Noah, Sophiel WK, Raphael with Tobias, David Cerniel, Radiel Solomon, Mikael to Daniel Samuel and David Maltiel at Elie, Ezechiel, Uriel to Ezra Hasmael PielGabriel Joseph to Joshua to the Blessed Virgin and St. Joseph. O my God, since it is that man can be up to you, and you have discovered the Secrets of your Redeemer the holy prophets, the Apostles and the harddrive, I you begged and you apply for your Saint name EHEIEH

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(N...) by your kindness and your infinite mercyfulfill my prayer; make me the grace of giving me this night (this day) Vision or the appearance of my Saint+ l'Ange Gardien, following the promise that you have made to our first fathers, to Abraham and to his seed for ever, make me the grace to be visited my good Angel tonight (so far) by a Vision or appearanceso that it entertains me and lead me in all your channels, to me on his hands for fear that I struck my foot against the stone (here say Psalm 90), and then standing with the Triangle, recite Psalm: PS 90 : One who lives under the Protection of very-high will rest in the shadow of God. He said to the Lord: "You are my hope and my Refuge;" You are my God. "Because it is he who has freed me laces of the Hunter. It will cover you from his shadow and you will find a haven. Its truth will keep you the horrors of the night; the arrow during the day, night and noon daemon conspiracies. Thousand shall fall on your left, ten thousand at your right and you will not be affected. You regarderas and you'll see what will be the

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reward of the wicked. Lord, you are my Refuge and my hope. The misery not reach you and no misfortune will approach your home. Because God ELOHIM SABAOTH told his angels to keep you on the right road. They will carry you so that your foot strikes not the stone. You walk on the aspic and basil and you fouleras your feet the lion and the dragon. It will issue you and protect you because you as put your confidence in him. You invoqueras him and he cry you. He will accompany you in the tribulations and you glorifieras. You will have long days and it will be your salvation.

And to protect me against my both visible and invisible enemies. O Angel (N...), my good Angel, that God has for my control, I urge and conjure you to come visit me this night (this day) by a Vision or an appearance for to reveal me the key to the Divine ScienceTherefore, to lead me in all the wisdom, and to protect me from all my enemies, come to me, o my good Angel I to conjure you, by the magnitude of Force and the virtue of the holy name of God EHEIEH

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(here say the name of God which governs the Angel refers to it) that I love, Your Creator and mine, and by all the gods written in four letters, names by which it loves one God in all the languages of the world, on all the names of the Godhead revealed to men, all names that are known of angels, by the formidable and adorable name of God, in which resides the strength and the power that knowledge is reserved for the angels, and God alone knows. O my good genius, o my good angel (N...), so come to me (Nomen), I to conjure you for AB (+) BEN (+) VE ROUACH HA KODESH (+). Amen to pause to see if the angel appears; then after it became apparent the oath of the entity and require its application. NB: If the Angel is not yet shown in the triangle, reiterate the conjuration to each cardinal point beginning with the triangle and turning in the direction of clockwise. But if the Angel does not appear in the triangle, after all these oaths, in this case will continue the ritual two or three days at the same place and at the same time. (solar time) Then is

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projecting again mentally and conscientiously in the sphere of HOD, focusing on what the Angel left I' oratory and returns in HOD. Then it returns in its astral and physical body by recognizing that it is United with God; then back to the conscience of ordinary human and it puts an end to the Evocation of the Angel operation reciting 3 times formula of Action of grace: ACTION of GRACE. Angels of light and peace! O (N here... move the name of the Angel) messengers of the Divine glory, powers Illuminatrices and Glorieuses! That this fragrance fume be your intention, the pledge of my recognition and gratitude! Like, o (N.) Spirit of light and knowledge, to continue giving me wonderful Treasury of your Inspiration, your support and your support. And now Divine peace of: (here vibrate the name of God which governs the Angel) is between you and me. Amen (+)

Now burn pure incense and recite praise to God 3 times as knees to the East: praise and glory to Toi Lord God living and true: EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH, ROUACH

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ELOHIM CHAIM, TETRAGRAMMATON IOD-Ho-VAU-HE, ADONAI, EHEIEH, AGLA (say the name of God which governs the Angel was raised) in the centuries of centuries. Amen (make a short pause) then perform the ritual of the small Pentagram and Hexagram of the Earth in banishment, and then with the sword open circle Théurgique; then by viewing you will need to dissolve in the universe light which has been accumulated in the oratory, you turn off all lights in the opposite direction of their ignition, and you carefully store everything.

After this thou shalt entirely immerse thyself in the water, and thou shalt dry thyself with a towel of clean white linen, and then thou shalt put upon thy flesh the garments of pure white linen whereof we shall speak hereafter.

Hereafter, for three days at least, thou shalt abstain from all idle, vain, and impure reasonings, and from every kind of impurity and sin, as will be shown in the chapter of fast

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and of vigil. Each day shalt thou recite the following prayer, at least once in the morning, twice about noon, thrice in the afternoon, four times in the evening, and five times before lying down to sleep; this shalt thou do on the three ensuing days:—


O Lord God, who art seated upon the Heavens, and who regardest the abysses beneath, grant unto me thy grace I beseech thee, so that what I conceive in my mind I may accomplish in my work, through thee, O God, the sovereign ruler of all, who livest and reignest unto the ages of the ages. Amen.

These three days having passed, thou must

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have all things in readiness, as hath been said, and after this a day appointed and set apart. It will be necessary for thee to wait for the hour in which thou shouldst commence the operation; but when once it shall be commenced at this hour, thou shalt be able to continue it unto the end, seeing that it deriveth its force and virtue from its beginning, which extendeth to and spreadeth over the succeeding hours, so that the master of the art will be enabled to complete his work so as to arrive at the desired result.

Also in the section write out the exorcism of fire and any other prayers and procedures you may use or need either leading up the operation or the day of the operation.


O Lord, we fly to Thy virtue! O Lord, confirm this work! What isoperated in us becomes like dust driven

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before the wind, and the Angelof the Lord passing, let the darkness disappear, and the Angel of theLord ever pursuing, ALPHA, OMEGA, ELY, ELOHE, ELOHIM, ZABAHOT, ELION,SADY. Behold the Lion Who is the conqueror of the Tribe of Judah, theRoot of David! I will open the Book, and the seven seals thereof. Ihave beheld Satan as a bolt falling from heaven. It is Thou Who hastgiven us Power to crush dragons, scorpions and all Thine enemiesbeneath Thy feet. Nothing shall harm us, not even ELOY, ELOHIM, ELOHE,ZABAHOT, ELION, ESARCHIE, ADONAY, JAH, TETRAGRAMMATON, SADY. The earthis the Lord's and all those who dwell therein, because He establishedit upon the seas and prepared it in the midst of the waves. Who shallascend unto the mountain of the Lord? Who shall be received in hisHoly Place? The innocent of hands and clean of heart. Who hath not

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received his soul in vain and hath not sworn false witness against hisneighbour. The same shall be blessed of God and shall obtain mercy ofGod to his salvation. He is of the generation of those who seek Him.Open your gates, ye princes, open the eternal gates, and the King ofGlory shall enter! Who is this King of Glory? The Lord Almighty, theLord, mighty in battle. Open your gates, ye Princes! Lift up theeternal gates. Who is this King of Glory? The Lord Almighty. This Lordis the King of Glory. Glory be to the Father, &c.


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