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“AN ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS‟ PROBLEMS IN WRITING PASSIVE VOICE MADE BY THE SECOND GRADE OF SMAN 9 TAKALAR(Descriptive Quantitative Research) A THESIS Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Education English Education Department JULIANA BASIR 10535 11028 16 ENGLISH DEPARTMENT FACULTY TEACHER TRAINING EDUCATION MUHAMMADIYAH UNIVERSITY OF MAKASSAR 2021



(Descriptive Quantitative Research)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar in Partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree

of Education English Education Department


10535 11028 16










“Use your knowledge as well as possible and be a useful one for other



From the bottom of my heart, I would like to dedicate this thesis to:

1. My beloved parents, Mr. Basir and Mrs. Juwita, always pray and give me

support in finishing this thesis.

2. My beloved sisters and brothers, who always give me support and


3. My beloved classmate of awesome who gives the best memories.

4. And the important one for myself.


JULIANA BASIR. 2020. An Analysis of Students‟ Problems in Writing Passive

Voice Made by the Second Grade of SMA Negeri 9 Takalar. A Thesis of English

Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. The Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar. Supervised by Saiful and Firman.

The Purpose of this research was to found and to analysis the students‟

problems in writing passive voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar.

The design of this research was descriptive quantitative research. The total

number of the sample was 15 students. The researcher used the purposive

sampling technique. The instrument used to get the data was a test and

questionnaire with Google Form as a data collection tool. Based on the results, the

researcher found the percentage of students‟ problems in writing passive voice.

The researcher found that 13 students with a percentage of 86.67% had a problem

writing passive voice in the simple present tense, and 12 students with a

percentage of 80.00% had a problem writing passive voice in the simple past

tense. The causes that become problems for students in writing passive voice are

knowledge and understanding, less practice, and educational background. Finally,

based on the findings, it can be concluded that students of the second grade of

SMA Negeri 9 Takalar have problems in writing passive voice and three causes

that make students problems in writing passive voice.

Keywords: passive voice, test, questionnaire, students’ problems



JULIANA BASIR. 2020. Sebuah Analisis pada Masalah Siswa dalam Menulis

Suara Pasif yang Dibuat oleh Siswa Kelas dua SMA Negeri 9 Takalar. Tesis

Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan. Universitas

Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Saiful dan Firman.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan dan

mendeskripsikan masalah siswa dalam menulis kalimat pasif yang dibuat oleh

siswa kelas II di SMAN 9 Takalar. Desain penelitian ini adalah penelitian

kuantitatif deskriptif. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 15 siswa. Peneliti menggunakan

teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan untuk memperoleh data

adalah tes dan angket dengan Google Form sebagai alat pengumpul data.

Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, peneliti menemukan persentase masalah siswa dalam

menulis kalimat pasif. Peneliti menemukan bahwa 13 siswa dengan persentase

86.67% memiliki masalah menulis kalimat pasif pada simple present tense, dan 12

siswa dengan persentase 80.00% memiliki masalah menulis kalimat pasif pada

simple past tense. Penyebab yang menjadi kendala bagi siswa dalam menulis

kalimat pasif adalah pengetahuan dan pemahaman, kurang latihan, dan latar

belakang pendidikan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa

siswa kelas II SMA Negeri 9 Takalar mengalami masalah dalam menulis kalimat

pasif dan tiga penyebab yang menyebabkan siswa kesulitan dalam menulis

kalimat pasif.

Kata Kunci: kalimat pasif, tes, kuestioner, masalah siswa



Alhamdulillah Robbie 'Alamin. The researcher would like to express their

deepest gratitude to Allah SWT who has provided guidance, grace and health to

complete this thesis. Salawat and, greetings are addressed to the last elected

religious messenger, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Furthermore, the researcher also expressed her deepest gratitude to her

beloved parents: her father Basir and her mother Juwita for their prayers, finances,

motivation, sacrifice for their success, and their sincere and pure love without


The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing of this

thesis, many parties have contributed valuable suggestions, guidance, assistance,

and advice for the completion of this thesis. Therefore, the researchers would like

to thank them:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.,Ag the Rector of Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., the Dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education of the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd M.Pd., the head of the English Department

of Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at the Muhammadiyah

University of Makassar who gave her valuable authorities and

suggestion in doing this thesis.

4. A big thank you to Dr. Saiful, S.Pd, M.Pd., as my first mentor who

gave valuable time and seriousness in motivating and guiding me to

complete this thesis.


5. A big thank you to Firman, S.Pd, M.Pd., as the second mentor who

spent his valuable time and patience in motivating, guiding, and

entertaining me in completing this thesis.

6. All of the lectures of English Education Department for teaching

precious knowledge and share the wonderful experience

7. A big thank you to the family as a family supporter in all conditions

for me.

8. A big thank you for the awesome class as a class that has provided

experience in developing its character.

9. Finally, for everyone who has provided valuable advice, guidance,

assistance, and advice to complete this thesis, may Allah S.W.T. be

with us now happily ever after.

Billahi Fi Sabilillah Haq Fastabiqul Khaerat

Desember 2021, Makassar

The Researcher




TITLE PAGE ................................................................................................. i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN ........................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ..................................................................................... iii

COUNSELLING SHEET 1 .......................................................................... iv

COUNSELLING SHEET 2 .......................................................................... v

SURAT PERNYATAAN ............................................................................... vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN .................................................................................. vii

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... viii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... ix

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... x

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ........................................................................... xi

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... xiii

CHAPTER I INTORDUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background ......................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Statement .............................................................................. 3

C. Objective of Study .............................................................................. 4

D. Significance of the Study .................................................................... 4

E. Scope of the Study ............................................................................. 4


A. Previous Research Findings ................................................................ 5

B. Some Pertinent Ideas .......................................................................... 6

1. Definition of Grammar.................................................................. 6


2. Writing .......................................................................................... 7

3. Tenses ........................................................................................... 8

4. Active and Passive Voice .............................................................. 11

C. Conceptual Framework ....................................................................... 18

BAB III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................ 19

A. Research Design .................................................................................. 19

B. Research Variable ............................................................................... 19

C. Population and Sample ....................................................................... 20

D. Research Instrument ............................................................................ 21

E. Technique of Data Collection ............................................................. 21

F. Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 23

BAB IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................... 25

A. Findings ............................................................................................... 25

B. Discussion ........................................................................................... 51

BAB V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ........................................... 57

A. Conclusion .......................................................................................... 57

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................... 58







A. Background

English as an international language has a crucial position in

Indonesia, this can be seen from its position as one of the main subjects to be

taught in schools ranging from elementary to secondary schools and even

universities. English as an international language also very essential for

Indonesians to communicate with other countries. In learning English, we not

only learn four basic skills, namely speaking, reading, writing, and listening

but, we also learn the components so that we can write English correctly.

Grammar is one of the most crucial constituents of language.

Grammar is an essential part of the language and very important for

learners. According to Muhammad et al (2017) state that grammar is one of

the important aspects of teaching and learning English. Every student has to

understand English grammar because grammar has the core position in

learning the English language. Without learning grammar, the students can‟t

write well belonging writing sentences. Ur (2009:75) in Dewi (2017) defines

„grammar as the way words are put together to make the correct sentences‟. it

can be stated that grammar is needed to arrange words into the right

sentences. Besides, grammar is necessary to build grammar sentences

effectively. Grammar is the study of how to make and structure a sentence.

According to Garot and Wignell in Sandi et al (2016) „grammar, is a theory

of a language, of how language is put together and how it works‟.


From of the experts define above, it can be concluded that grammar

is very weighty to learn and also very needed for writing English sentences.

Grammar is a rule that uses by people as a tool in communication. Besides,

the change of grammar can change the form and the meaning. So, for can

arrange words to be sentenced well in English learning, we have to study


One aspect of grammar that students must learn was passive voice.

It was often used in speaking and writing form. Besides, passive voice is very

general in scientific papers and other types. The passive voice is one aspect

that must be considered by English teachers. In passive voice, students are

usually confused with tenses. Every tense has quite a different rule in the

passive voice. For example, if the active sentence in the simple present tense

used is / am / are and simple past, was/were as to be and followed by the past

participle of the verb. Then, the object is followed by to be and past

participle. Students do not understand about changing forms such as changing

infinitives into past participle of regular verbs and irregular verbs. It is

essential because passive voice is in spoken and writing English.

Sometimes students do not fully understand the passive voice in a

sentence. They can make an error. The students are still confused about

writing passive voice. Many students have a problem in the writing of past

participle form and auxiliaries verb, the students also have problems in

change the object in active voice becomes subject in the passive voice.


According to Dewi Sartika (2017) state that “changing active into passive

voice is the object from the sentence move to the beginning of the sentence”.


According to Sitorus (2015) in Muhammad et all (2017), in writing

passive voice sometimes the students do not understand fully the rules of

passive voice. So, they can not make errors. Sometimes the errors that they

make are the same. For example, in using tenses, auxiliaries, and past

participle form. Those errors should be avoided. In the correct passive voice,

the students have to understand: tenses, auxiliaries (modal auxiliaries and

auxiliaries verb), and past participle.

Based on that problem above becomes a reference to why the researcher

choose this research because the students still mistake made by students in

making passive voice or changing active voice into passive voice. Based on

the statement above, the researcher takes the title of this research that is “An

Analysis of Students’ Problems in Writing Passive Voice Made by the

Second Grade of SMAN 9 Takalr”.

B. Problem Statement

Based on the background above, there was a big problems that the

researcher would answer in this research. It was about the students‟ problems

in writing passive voice. There were two main problems to be investigated by

the researcher. Those problems were present in two questions.

1. How is the percentages of the students' problems in writing passive voice

in the simple present and simple past?

2. What are the causes of the students' problems in writing passive voice

made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar?


C. Objectives of the Study

1. To found out the percentages of the students' problems in writing passive

voice in the simple present and simple past

2. To found out the causes of students' problems in writing passive voice

made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar.

D. Significance of the Study

1. For the teacher

The results of this study can be used as a guidance and reference for

teachers to found out the students' problems in writing passive voice,

especially in the simple present passive and simple past passive. Besides,

this research can motivate the English teachers to make material about

passive voice.

2. For students

This research was expected to be able to help students in writing

passive sentences, especially in changing sentences from active voice to

passive voice.

3. For the next researcher

This research was expected to be a reference source for further

studies on related topics for future researchers.

E. Scope of the Study

In this research, the researcher would analyze the students‟ problems in

writing passive voice. The researcher only focuses on students‟ problems of

passive in simple present and simple past. The subject of this research was the

Second Grade of SMAN 9 Takalar




A. Previous Research Findings

Previous research was intended so that the subject matter to be

examined has relevance ( in accordance or not in accordance ) with a several of

existing theories. As for some of the previous studies which were made as

complementary materials in this research are:

Research conduct by Batubara and Mahardhika (2020) with the

title An Analysis of the Students’ Difficulties in Changing Active to Passive

Voice. The research is to know and to find out the most dominant the students‟

difficulties in transforming active to passive voice form at fourth-semester

students‟ STAIN Gajah Putih Takengon Aceh in 2017/2018 Academic Year.

Research conduct by Princess et al (2018) in their journal An

Analysis of the Second Year English Department Students’ Errors in Using

Passive Voice in the Academic Writing Subject of Universitas Negeri. The

research is aimed at analyzing the errors made by the second year English

department students in using passive voice in the Academic.

Research conduct by Dewi, S (2017) in her journal under the title is

Analysis of Students‟ Difficulties in Using Passive Voice of Simple Present

Tense at English Department of STKIP PGRI Sumatera Barat in 2016/2017

Academic Year. The research focuses on the students‟ difficulty in using

passive voice. The researcher uses descriptive qualitative approach.


Based on the previous related research findings above, this research was

different from previous studies because the researcher discussed about passive

voice on simple present passive and simple past passive, the researcher also

focused on the students‟ problems to avoid confusion in using passive voice, so

the researcher decides to do research again about the passive voice to see the

students‟ problems when writing passive voice or when the students changing the

sentences from active to the passive sentence.

B. Some Pertinent Ideas

1. Definition of Grammar

Brown (in Sandi et al, 2016) stated that „grammar is the rule by

which put together meaningful and part of the language to communicate

messages that are comprehensible‟. The important thing about grammar is

to help people understand in language. Grammar is a study about how to

make and arrange the sentence.

One of the aspects included in the language features of a text is

grammar. Grammar is an important aspect of writing. The idea of the

writing will be clearly understood by the readers through sentences that

are grammatically correct. Thornburry (1999:1) in Yunita et al, (2017)

states that “grammar is a description of rules that governs how a

language‟s sentences are formed and it attempts to explain why the

sentences are acceptable”. Even though writing and grammar are learned

separately, students have to apply the grammar knowledge in their writing.


The students have to pay attention to the language features of the

text some of which are related to grammar use.

From the expert-defined grammar above, it can be concluded that

grammar is a rule that is used by people as a tool in communication, it can

help to understand what the language means and it can help the writer to

make good writing. In addition, the change of grammar can change the

form and the meaning. So, for can arrange words to be sentenced well in

English learning, we have to study grammar.

2. Writing

Writing is important and frequently used in people‟s daily lives

either as an individual such as writing an application letter, messages, and

dissemination of the research result or member of society such as in

workplace issues. Writing is very important for students. It is one of the

language skills that students in primary and secondary school education

need to master. According to Spratt, Pulveness, and Willians (2005:26) in

Rahman, Amin, and Saiful (2017) state that writing is one of the four

language skills. It means that writing is one of the prominent skills that

must be mastered by English language learners. Writing is also taught in

formal education considering the importance of having the ability and good

skills writing. Yet, it is not easy to define the ability of writing. Biscontini

in Iftanti (2016) pointed out that being able to write well is important for

students to be successful both in school and in working life.


The cause is a reason for an action or condition. According to

Huwari and Fadi in Za‟in (2017), there are four reasons behind the

weakness of writing such as grammatical weakness, knowledge and

understanding, less practice, and educational background. Grammatical

weakness means that the students are unable to write a short paragraph,

article, or passage without a lot of grammatical mistakes. In this case, the

students do not understand well yet the sentence pattern and tenses that are

used in writing. Knowledge and understanding refer to students

misunderstanding the requirement of writing. It included understanding the

process of writing, and writing ideas which appropriate to the topic. While

less practice means the students seldom do the writing. Therefore, they

cannot improve their writing skill to make good writing if they are not

practiced to write English. Then, the educational background can be

referred to as how the teacher explains the material in the classroom.

Whether the teacher teaches writing clearly or not, it can affect the

student‟s effective writing. In short, there are four causes of the problem in

writing; grammatical weakness, knowledge, and understanding less

practice, and educational background.

3. Tenses

In English, tense is a very important matter, because all occurrences,

events, or action which is in a sentence must as according to the time of

happening. Komala (2014) states that tense commonly refers to the time of


the situation which relates to the situation of utterance or at the moment at

the speaking. Some people who learn English feel difficulty in


comprehending and getting real correct congeniality about tenses. Tense is

a grammatical category, typically marked on the verb that refers to the

time of the event or state denoted by the verb with some other temporal

reference point.

According to Sa‟diah (2018), in her journal state that “tense means

time. However, it should be pointed out that time to action is a concept that

exists in the mind of the speaker, reader, or listener”. Tenses in actual

usage refer consistently only to grammatical form. There are sixteen kinds

of tenses: Present tense, present continuous tense, present perfect tense,

present perfect continuous, past tense, past continuous tense, past perfect

tense, past perfect continuous, future tense, future continuous tense, future

perfect tense, future perfect continuous tense, past future tense, past future

continuous, past future perfect tense and past future perfect continuous


a. Simple Present Tense

The present tense is the simplest tense in English. The simple

present tense is used to show action that happens all the time, for it

looked at the finite verbal group without auxiliaries. The present tense

is also the only tense that still uses the form of distinction for person

and number. The distinction is that the third person singular has „s‟ or

„es‟ to the form used in other person and number (Komala, 2014).


To form the negative sentence is has auxiliary very „does not‟ for

the third person singular subject (He, She, It), and „do not‟ for the



(I, You, We, They). For the verb to be, do not use an auxiliary verb,

even for question and negatives. The form of the simple present tense:

Verbal sentence form

(+) S + v1 (s/es) (+ o + Adv)

(-) S + do/does + not + v1 (+ o + Adv)

(?) Do/ does + s + not + v1 (+ o + Adv)

Nominal Sentence form

(+) S + is, am, are + 3C

(-) S + is, am, are + not + 3C

(?) Is, am, are + S + 3C?

The use of the simple present tense performs the following functions or


a) To express the general truth

b) To express the customs and habitual action

c) To show the future time

b. Simple Past Tenses

The Simple Past uses towards past actions that happened either

at a specific time, which can either be given by a time phrase

(yesterday, last year, etc.) or understood from the context. Regular

Verbs add -ed to the base form, or -d if the verbs end with -e. Irregular

verbs can change in many different ways. The verb form is the same for


all persons. Uchiyama in Sa‟diah (2017) states, “the simple past tense

usually means


that this action ended in the past”. Simple past can be used for most past

actions; we can use it for actions that happened quickly, actions that

happened over time, or actions that were habited in the past. The simple

past indicates that an activity or situation began and ended at a

particular time in the past. The formula of simple past tense:

Verbal Sentence Form

(+) S + v2 (+ O + Adv)

(-) S + did + not + v1 (+ O + Adv)

(?) Did + S + not + v1 (+ O + Adv) ?

Nominal Sentence Form

(+) S + was, were + 3C

(-) S + was, were + not + 3C

(?) Was, were + S + 3C?

4. Active and Passive Voice

The passive and active are arranged by putting the verb to be

into the same tense as the active verb and appending the past participle of

the active verb. “The subject of the active verb becomes the „agent‟ of the

passive verb, the agent is often not mentioned, when it is mentioned it is

preceded by then positioned at the end of the clause (Batubara &

Mahardhika, 2020).

Active: Julidah made the thesis last night

Passive: The thesis was made by Julidah last night


Active voice is a sentence model where the subject does the job

and passive voice is a sentence model where the subject work by object

sentence. Active voice formula is more commonly used in our daily life

compared to passive voice form. Nevertheless, we often find passive voice

pattern in formal written like as in newspapers, articles, magazines, and

scientific papers. It is used because the object of active voice is more

significant information than the subject (Batubara and Mahardhika, 2020).

Active voice form is used to indicate that the subject is doing an activity,

so the subject is the perpetrator of the activity, and passive voice patterns

is used to shows that the subject is not the actor but the recipient of the

activity (Batubara and Mahardhika, 2020).

Active and passive voice formula refers to the form of a verb

that indicates when a grammatical subject performs the action or is the

receiver of the action, when a sentence is written in the active voice form,

the subject makes the action, and in the passive voice form the subject

accepts the action (Murray in Batubara and Mahardhika, 2020). In brief,

ten types of active and passive voice tenses are generally well-known,

simple present tense, present continuous tense, simple past tense, past

continuous tense, past perfect continuous tense, 6. simple future tense,

future continuous tense, past future tense, past future perfect tense, and

finally to-infinitive.

a. The Use of Passive Voice


According to Jasno & Yusrida (2018) in Nursehag (2020), the

passive voice is used to show interest in the person or object‟s acts.


Moaddab in Sandi et all (2016) define the uses of the passive

sentence as follows :

1. When we want to give your writing an objective and impersonal

tone, use the passive. Because the “doer” of an action may be

omitted in passive sentences, the tone is more objective. For this

reason, passive is often used in scientific and business writing, as

well as in newspaper reports.

2. When we focus attention on the “receiver” of an action, use the


3. When it is not necessary to mention the doer of the action as it is

obvious who he is/was/will be:

Example: The streets are swept every day

According to Mr. Martin Parrott in Tiwari (2017), passive

voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important or not

known; however, who or what is acting.

Example: My bike was stolen.

In the example above, the focus is on the fact that my bike was

stolen. I do not know, however, who did it. In the case of the passive

voice, we can notice that the agent can disappear from the sentence and

the patient takes the front position. This has two effects:


a) First, the patient becomes the topic of the sentence.

b) Second, because the actor is not mentioned, the action itself gets

the focus of the information.

b. Forms of Passive Voice

According to Swan in the journal of Sandi et al (2016) state

that “a passive verb form is made by verb past participle, the subject of

a passive verb is usually the person or thing that is affected by the

action of the verb”. Furthermore, in passive sentences, the subject

receives the action of the verb. “The direct object of the active sentence

becomes the subject of the passive sentence. Because every sentence in

English must have a subject, passive voice can be formed only from

transitive verbs, which can take a direct object”. (Alice and Hogue in

Sandi et al, 2016).

Based on Jasno and Yurisda (2018) in Nursehag (2020) step to

form a passive sentence. To form a passive sentence from an active

sentence: move the receiver of the action from the direct object position

of the sentence to the subject position of the sentences. According to

Tiwari (2017) stated that the active and passive forms are not freely

interchangeable. It is necessary to learn change from active to passive

and vice-versa. However, it is not correct to equate the active with the

passive as though we could use one form or the other freely.

According to Suherman (2017), in his book state that “to help

passive sentences use Subject + Aux sentence patterns. Verb + V3.



Auxiliary Verb will change shape according to the time of the

event that can be discussed as follows:”

Table. 2.1 structure of passive voice

Tenses Structure

Active voice Passive voice

Simple present S + V1/ Vs S + is, am, are + V3


Continuous S + am/ is/ are + Ving

S + is, am, are + being +


Present Perfect S + have/ has + V3 S + have, has + been + V3

Simple Past S + V2 S + was/were + V3

Past Continuous S + was/ were + Ving S + was/were + being +


Past Perfect S + had + V3 S + had + been + V3

Simple Future S + will + V1 S + will/shall + be + V3

Future Perfect S + will/shall + have +


S + will/shall + have +

been + V3

Simple Past


S + would/should +


S + would/should + be +


Past Future


S + would/should +

have + V3

S + would/should + have +

been + V3

When rewriting active sentences into passive voice, note the


a. The object of the active sentence becomes the subject of the

passive sentence,

b. The finite form of the verb is changed (to be + past participle)


c. The subject of the active sentence becomes the object of the

passive sentence (or is dropped)

Table. 2.2 Examples of Passive voice

Tense Subject Verb Object



Active: Rika Tear the paper

Passive: the paper Is torn by Rika

Simple Past

Active: Rika tore The paper

Passive: The paper was torn by Rika



Active: Rika has torn the paper

Passive: the paper

has been


by Rika

Future I

Active: Rika will tear the paper

Passive: the paper will be tore by Rika

Modal verb


Active: Rika can tear the paper

Passive: the paper Can be tore by Rika

c. The Component of Passive Voice

1) Subject-object

In the active voice, focus the sentence on the acting

subject. Whereas in the passive voice, the focus is on the object that

is affected. According to Jespersen in Nursehag (2020) states that,

the subject is what in the active would be an object.


Active voice: she borrows my books

Passive voice: my books are borrowed by her.


2) TO BE

In constructing a passive sentence uses TO BE is a must.

Unlike the active voice, there is an additional to be in the passive

voice to complete the sentence. According to Nusehag (2020) in his

thesis states that TO BE for passive sentences is as follows:

Table. 2.3 To be for passive voice

Tenses ToBe+V3

Simple Present Is, am, are

Present Continuous Is, am, are + being

Present Perfect Have/has + been

Present Perfect Continuous Have/has + been + being

Simple Past Was/were

Past Continuous Was/were + being

Simple Future Will + be

Future Continuous Will + be + being

Modal Present Modal + be

Modal Perfect Modal + have + been

3) Verb

According to Azar (1993) in Nursehag (2020) states that

only transitive verbs (verbs that are followed by an object) are used

by the passiv voice . It is impossible to use verbs such as happen,

sleep, come, and seem (intransitive verbs) in the passive voice.

Meanwhile, Swick (2005) in Nursehag (2020) states that A passive

sentence changes that structure to direct object I used as the

subject+ to be+ “Past Participle” + by+ subject used as the object

of the preposition. Here, in the passive voice, the verb use is

changing into past participle verb.


4) By

Eastwood (2008) in Nursehag (2020) states that if we

want to say who or what act while using the passive voice, we use

the preposition „by‟.

C. Conceptual Framework

Figure 2.1 above describes the purpose of the research. In this case, the

students would change active sentence into passive voice in the simple present

tense and simple past tense. Therefore, to collect the data, the researcher will

used a test (changing active into a passive sentence) to found out the percentage

of the students‟ problems in writing passive voice and closed-questionnaire to

know the causes of the students‟ problems about passive voice (simple present

and simple past passive).

Active Voice

Simple Present Simple Past

Students‟ problems writing passive voice made by

the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar

Passive Voice






This chapter describes the method that was used in conducting the research.

It purposed to answer the problem of the study. This chapter consisted, (a)

research design, (b) research variable, (c) population and sample, (d) research

instrument, (e) technique of data collection, (f) data analysis.

A. Research Design

The design of this research was the descriptive quantitative method.

According to Gay, Mills, and Airasian (2012:7) in their book stated that

quantitative research is the collection and analysis of numerical data to

describe, explain, predict or control phenomena of interest. The descriptive

quantitative research was chosen because this type of research defined what

exists and may help to reveal new point and meaning. According to Polit &

Hungler in Rijasti (2017), descriptive research aimed to describe and observe

characteristics of a circumstance as it naturally occurs. In this research, the

researcher will be found the students‟ problems in writing passive voice made

by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar in simple present tense and simple

past tense.

B. Research Variable

A variable is a characteristic or attribute of an individual or an

organization that researchers can measure or observe and varies among

individuals or organizations studied. Measurement means that the researcher

records information from individuals by asking them to answer questions.


And when variables range, it means that scores will assume different

values depending on the type of the variable was being measured (Creswell,

2012:112). In this research, the variables were used the dependent variable

and the independent variable.

An independent variable is an attribute or characteristic that influences

an outcome or dependent variable (Creswell, 2012:116). The independent

variable is the cause of the other variable. Based on the definition above, the

independent variable of this research was passive voice.

The dependent variable is an attribute or characteristic that depends on

or is influenced by the independent variable (Creswell, 2012: 115). It is the

effect of the independent variable. This variable was not manipulated by the

researcher, but it was affected by the independent variable. The dependent

variable of this research was students‟ problems.

C. Population and Sample

1. Population

The population in this study was all of class II SMAN 9 Takalar. The

total population was 63 students. The students were divided into three

classes that were both science, social, and language class.

2. Sample

In this study, researcher used the purposive sampling technique as a

technique in selecting participants, using this technique researcher easily

select students who are following this research question. According to


Gay and Airasian (2000; 138) in Dewi Sartika (2017), "purposive

sampling is


the researcher choosing a sample based on the experience or knowledge

of the group to be the sample. This means that researchers choose

participants according to their needs. The class that will be used as the

class to be sampled was XI of Science class at SMAN 9 Takalar. In this

study, the researchers only took 15 students who had low scores in

English lesson to become participants.

D. Research Instrument

To identify the students‟ problems in writing passive voice, the

instrument would use tests and questionnaires. The test is a series of

questions or other instruments, which are used to measure the individual, or

group skill, knowledge, intelligence, capability, or talent. The students‟ test

about simple present passive and simple past passive. The instrument in this

research also used a questionnaire to the students. In this research, the

researchers used a close questionnaire type. Based on Arikunto in Diana

(2019) state a closed questionnaire is a question which the respondent can

directly. The instrument used was to obtain data. The tool also analyzes the

students‟ problems in writing passive voice especially, in the simple present

passive and simple past passive.

E. Technique of Data Collection

1. Test

According to Brown (2004:3) in Rijasti (2017), defined a test is a

method of measuring a person‟s ability, knowledge, or performance in a

given domain. A test can also be defined as a series of questions used to


measure skills, knowledge, or performance in a particular area. In this

study, the researcher made tests based on grammar book (Suherman,

2017). The researcher gave the test with ten-item questions. There were

five item questions about simple present passive and five-item questions

about simple past passive. The test was change the sentence from the

active voice to the passive voice by the students. The researcher did the

test for 45 minutes for the students to answer the question based on their

thinking. The test was about transforming from active into passive. The

researcher used a test for this research because the researcher wants to

know the percentage of the students‟ problems in writing passive voice in

present passive & simple past passive.

2. Questionnaire

The questionnaire is a list of questions used to obtain information

from respondents. From data collecting, through questionnaires, the

researcher found out the causes of students‟ problems in writing passive

voice simple present passive and simple past passive. In this research, the

researcher used a close questionnaire with Google Form as a data

collection tool. The researcher gave a questionnaire to students and

provided ten questions. This was used to find out the causes of the

students problems in writing passive voice. As for what researcher use

based on Diana‟s previous research (2019), as follows:


Table. 3.1 Questionnaire guideline for Students


Components Indicator

Number of




To know the students‟

problems in knowledge

and understanding.

The students‟ problem in

knowledge and


1.2,3 3

To know the students'

problems in less


The students' problem in

less practice. 4,5,6 3

To know the students‟

problem in educational


The students‟ problem in

educational background 7,8,9,10 4

(Adaptation from Diana (2019))

F. Data Analysis

In the data analysis, the researcher will see at the result of the students‟

questionnaires and students‟ tests. In analyzing the data of students‟ test, the

researcher will analyze the students' answer sheets in writing passive voice in

the form of simple present tense and simple past tense. And then, to know

the students‟ score from test, the researcher using the formula in Elmaida's

journal (2020) as follows:

After knowing the test results and students‟ scores, the researcher

classified students into having a problem and having no problem by using

the following criteria that are modified from Arinkunti (2012) in Muhammad

et all (2017):

Score ≤ 70 = has problem

Score ≥ 70 = has no problem

The criteria for students‟ scores were the highest score of 100 and

the lowest score of 0. Finally, the researcher calculated the percentage of

Score= Guide score

maximum scorex 100


students who has or has no problems with each indicator using the following



100 %


P: The percentage of students

f: frequency of students who had or had no problem

n: Number of respondents




This chapter was divided into two parts, namely findings and discussions.

It showed the results of research findings and sheds more light on those findings.

The findings of this study relate to the answers to the research questions about

students‟ problems in writing passive voice. And the discussion section, further

information was also provided by the researcher. This study was conducted on

second-grade students of SMAN 9 Takalar.

A. Research Findings

In this research, the researcher collected the data from students‟

problems in writing passive voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9

Takalar. There were 15 students as a sample of the second grade of SMAN

9 Takalar. The researcher gave the test and questionnaire to the second-

grade students of SMAN 9 Takalar. The findings of this research are based

on the results of the tests and questionnaires.

1. The students‟ problems in writing passive voice made by the second

grade of SMAN 9 Takalar based on test

The results of the students‟ test, the researcher found that there

were still many students who have problems in writing passive voice in

the simple present and simple past. In this study, the researcher used the

test as a tool used to collect data on second-grade students at SMAN 9

Takalar, where students were directed to change active sentences into

passive sentences. Based on the results of the research, most students


had problems in writing passive voice, especially in changing active to

passive voice. The result of the students‟ test of simple present and

simple past presented on the research findings table below:

a. The percentage of the students‟ problems in writing passive voice in

simple present tense made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar.

Table 4.1 Percentage of students‟ problems in writing passive

voice in the simple present tense

Tenses Categories Total percentage

Simple present


Has problem 13 86.67%

Has no problem 2 13.33%

Total 15 100%

Based on the table above, the researcher found that there

were still many students who had problems writing passive voice in

the simple present tense, especially in changing active to passive

voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar. The

researcher got a result that was 13 students (86.67%) who had

problems in writing passive voice, and there were only two

students (13.33%) who had no problems in writing passive voice.

The test was given to all students of class XI MIPA,

totaling 15 students. The student test results of students who have

problems in simple present passive are as follows:

a) Students 1

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: an ant has been killed by Tom


The correct answer: The ant is killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: Jimin has drawn a mountain

The correct answer: the mountain is drawn by Jimin.

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: The cake has been made by my


The correct answer: a cake is made by my mother

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer The cat has been detected by the girl

The correct answer: the cat is beaten by the girl.

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: work done at night

The correct answer: his assignment is made by him

every night.

Note: The answer number 1 to 5 were wrong because the

sentences pattern above were a simple present, so the

passive voice should follow the rule of the passive voice

sentence. The answer number 1, 2, 3, 4 were wrong

because the auxiliary verb used is not correct, and the past

participle of number 4 was incorrect. And then number 5

was wrong because the sentences didn‟t follow the passive

voice rule.


According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis namely :

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

b) Student 2

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: an ant has been killed by Tom

The correct answer: The ant is killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: the mountain drew by jimin

The correct answer: the mountain is drawn by Jimin

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: The cake is made by my mother.

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat beat by girl

The correct answer: The cat is beaten by the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: work done at night

The correct answer: his assignment is made by him

every night.

Note: The answers number 1, 2, 4, and 5 were incorrect

because the sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice


pattern. Although the answer number 3 was correct

because the sentences follow the passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis namely :

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 20, (has problem)

c) Student 3

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: ant killed Tom

The correct answer: The ant is killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: the montain in the jimin drawing

The correct answer: the mountain is drawn by Jimin

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake my brother

The correct answer: a cake is made by my mother

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat basted the girl

The correct answer: The cat is beaten by the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he makes his duty.

The correct answer: his assignment is made by him

every night.


Note: Answers number 1 to 5 were incorrect because the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice sentence rules.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely :

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

d) Students 4 and 9 (have the same answer)

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: ant killed Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: the montain in the jimin drawing

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake my mother

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat basted the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he makes his duty.

Note: Answers number 1 to 5 are incorrect because the

sentences didn't follow the passive voice rules.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely :

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100


Students‟ score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

e) Student 5

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: ant kills Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: the montain in the jimin drawing

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake my mother

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat basted the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he makes his duty.

Note: Answers number 1 to 5 were incorrect. After all, the

sentences don't follow the passive sentence rules.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

f) Student 6

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: an ant has been killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: jimin has drawn a mountain


3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer:the cake has been made by my


4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer:The cat beast the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he makes his duty.

Note: The answers number 1 to 5 were incorrect because the

sentence pattern above was simple present, so the passive

voice should follow the basic sentence. The answer number 1,

3, 4 were incorrect because the auxiliary verb used is not

correct, and the past participle of number 4 is wrong. Number

2 was wrong because the subject-object was incorrect. And

then number 5 was wrong because the sentence didn‟t follow

the passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely :

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

g) Student 7

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: The ants kills Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain


The student‟s answer: mountain drawing jimin


3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake making by my mom

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat beat the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he made his assignment.

Note: The answers number 1 to 5 were wrong because the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice rules.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

h) Student 8

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: ant killed Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: the mountain in the jimin mountain

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake my mother

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat beasted the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night


The student‟s answer: every night he makes his



Note: Answers number 1 to 5 were wrong. After all, the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice rules.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could

be found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

i) Student 10

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: The ant is killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: The Mountain is drawn by jimin

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake make by my mother

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The girl beats the cat

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he make his assignment.

Note: The answer number 1 and 2 were correct. Numbers

3, 4 and, 5 were wrong because the sentences didn‟t

follow a passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:


Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 40, (has problem)

j) Student 11

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: The ant kills by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: Mountain drawns by Jimin

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake makes by my mother

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat beats the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he makes assignment by


Note: The answer from number 1 to 5 was wrong.

Numbers 1 to 4 were incorrect because there were no

auxiliary verbs and the past participle (V3) was also

incorrect. Although, number 5 was wrong because the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)


k) Students 12

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: ants kills Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: Mountain drawing Jimin

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake making my mom.

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat beats it girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night his assignment made


Note: The answers number 1 to 5 were wrong because the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely :

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

l) Student 13

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: an ants has been killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: Jimin has drawn a mountain


3) Active: My mother makes a cake


The student‟s answer: a cake my mother.

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The cat beats the girl

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: every night he makes his


Note: The answers number 1 to 5 were wrong because

were didn‟t follow the passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

m) Student 14

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: The ant is killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: the mountain is drawn by Jimin

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake is made by my mother.

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The girl beats the cat

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: his assignment is made by him.


Note: The answers number 1, 2, 3, and 5 were correct.

Meanwhile, answer number 4 was wrong because the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 80, (has no problem)

n) Student 15

1) Active: Tom kills the ant

The student‟s answer: The ant is killed by Tom

2) Active: Jimin draws the mountain

The student‟s answer: the mountain is drawn by Jimin

3) Active: My mother makes a cake

The student‟s answer: a cake is made by my mother.

4) Active: the girl beats the cat

The student‟s answer: The girl beats the cat

5) Active: He makes his assignment every night

The student‟s answer: his assignment is made by him.

Note: The answers number 1, 2, 3, and 5 were correct.

While the answer number 4 is wrong because the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:


Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 80, (has no problem)

b. The percentages of the students‟ problems in writing passive voice

in simple past tense made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar.

Table 4.2 Percentage of students‟ problems in writing passive

voice in the simple past tense

Tenses Categories Total Percentage

Simple past


Has problems 12 80.00%

Has No problems 3 20.00%

Total 15 100%

Based on the table above, the researcher found that there

were still many students who had problems in writing the passive

voice in the simple past tense, especially in changing active to

passive voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar. The

researcher got a result that was 12 students (80.00%) who had

problems in writing passive voice, and there were only three

students (20.00%) who had no problems in writing passive voice.

The test gave to all students of class XI MIPA, totaling 15

students. The student test results of students who have problems in

simple past passive were as follows:

a) Student 1

1) Active: She wrote a letter.

Students‟ answer: letter have been written by him

The correct answer: a letter was written by her

2) Active: she opened the door two minutes ago

Students‟ answer: two minutes ago she opened the door


The correct answer: the door was opened by her two

minutes ago

3) Active: They play football

Students‟ answer: the ball has been played by them

The correct answer: football was played by them

4) Active: she won singing competition

The student‟s answer: singing competition was won by her

5) Active: my sister cleaned the floor yesterday

The student‟s answer: yesterday my sister cleaned the door

The correct answer: the floor was cleaned by my sister


Note: The answers number 1, 2, 3, and 5 were wrong. The

number 1 and 3 were wrong because the auxiliary and the

past participle is incorrect. Meanwhile, the numbers 2, 3, and

5 were wrong because the sentences didn‟t follow the

passive voice pattern.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be found

by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

b) Student 2 and 8 (have the same answers)

1) Active: she wrote a letter

The student‟s answer: the letter was written by her


2) Active: she opened the door two minutes ago

The student‟s answer: the door was opened by her two

minutes ago.

3) Active: they played football

The student‟s answer: the football played by them.

The correct answer: football was played by them

4) She won singing competition

The student‟s answer: the singing competition was won by


5) Active: my sister cleaned the floor yesterday

The student‟s answer: the floor cleaned by my sister


Note: The answer number 1 is incorrect because there is no

auxiliary verb in the sentence. Meanwhile, the others

number is correct.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

0. The score = 80, (has no problem)

c) Student 3

1) Active: she wrote a letter

Student‟s answer: the letter wrote him

The correct answer: a letter was written by her.


2) Active: she opened the door to minutes ago


The student‟s answer: two minutes ago he opened the door

The correct answer: the door was opened by her two

minutes ago

3) Active: they played football

The student‟s answer: the football was played by them

4) Active: she won singing competition

The student‟s answer: singing competence won him

The correct answer: singing competition was won by her.

5) Active: my sister cleaned the floor yesterday

The student‟s answer: the floor was cleaned by my sister

Note: The answers number 1, 2, and 4 were wrong, and the

answers number 3 and 5 were correct.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 40, (has problem)

d) Students 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, and 13 (have the same answers)

1) Active: she wrote a letter

The student‟s answer: a letter she wrote

The correct answer: a letter was written by her.

2) Active: she opened the door two minutes ago

The student‟s answer: two minutes ago the opened she


The correct answer: the door was opened by her two

minutes ago.

3) Active: they played football

The student‟s answer: played they football

The correct answer: the football was played by them

4) Active: she won singing competition

The student‟s answer: singin competition won she

The correct answer: singing competition was won by her.

5) Active: My sister cleaned the floor yesterday.

The student‟s answer: The floor yesterday cleaned my.

The correct answer: The floor was cleaned by my sister.

Note: The answers above were wrong because the sentences

didn‟t follow the passive voice pattern. The sentences above

were simple past passive subject + was/were + V3 + object.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Students‟ score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

e) Student 9

1) Active: She wrote a letter

The student‟s answer: The letter wrote him

2) Active: She opened the door two minutes ago

The student‟s answer: Two minutes ago he opened the door


3) Active: They played football

The student‟s answer: Football is playing them

4) Active: She won singing competition

The student‟s answer: Singing competition won him

5) Active: My sister cleaned the floor yesterday.

The student‟s answer: Yesterday the floor cleaned by my


Note: The answers number 1to 4 were wrong because the

sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice pattern. The

student was also confused about the auxiliary verb, past

participle, and subject-object. Meanwhile, answer number 5

was correct.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Students‟ score =

100. The score = 20, (has problem)

f) Student 10

1) Active: She wrote a letter

The student‟s answer: The letter was written by her

2) Active: She opened the door two minutes ago

The student‟s answer: The door was opened by her.

3) Active: They played football

The student‟s answer: They played football


4) Active: She won singing competition


The student‟s answer: Singing competition was won by her

5) Active: My sister cleaned the floor yesterday.

The student‟s answer: Yesterday my sister cleaned the floor.

Note: The answers number 1, 2, and 4 were correct.

Meanwhile, the answer number 3 and 5 were wrong because

the sentences didn‟t follow the passive voice rule.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Students‟ score =

100. The score = 60, (has problem)

g) Student 11

1) Active: She wrote a letter

The student‟s answer: She was wrote a letter

2) Active: She opened the door two minutes ago

The student‟s answer: She was opened the door two minutes


3) Active: They played football

The student‟s answer: They were played football

4) Active: She won singing competition

The student‟s answer: She was won singing competition

5) Active: My sister cleaned the floor yesterday.

The student‟s answer: My sister were cleaned the floor



Note: The answers number 1 to 5 were wrong because, in

the active voice, the sentences were not an object in the

passive voice. And object in active voice was not subject in

the passive voice.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 0, (has problem)

h) Student 14

1) Active: She wrote a letter

The student‟s answer: A letter was written by her

2) Active: She opened the door two minutes ago

The student‟s answer: the door was opened by her.

3) Active: They played football

The student‟s answer: The football was played by them.

4) Active: She won singing competition

The student‟s answer: Singing competition was won by her

5) Active: My sister cleaned the floor yesterday

The student‟s answer: My sister cleaned the floor

Note: The answer numbers 1 to 4 were correct. And the

answer number 5 was wrong because the sentences didn‟t

follow the rule of passive voice.


According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:

Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 80, (has no problem)

i) Student 15

1) Active: She wrote a letter

The student‟s answer: The letter was wrotten by her

2) Active: she opened the door two minutes ago

The student‟s answer: The door was opened by her two

minutes ago.

3) Active: They played football

The student‟s answer: the football were played by them.

4) Active: She won singing competition

The student‟s answer: The singing competition was won by


5) Active: My sister cleaned the floor yesterday

The student‟s answer: My sister cleaned the floor

Note: The answer number 2 to 4 were correct. And the

answers number 1 and 5 were wrong because the sentence

didn‟t follow the rule of passive voice. And the answer

number 1 wrong because the past participle was incorrect.

According to the data analysis, this student‟s score could be

found by using the formula of data analysis, namely:


Score = Guide score

maximum scorex 100

Student‟s score =

100. The score = 60, (has problem)

2. The students‟ problems in writing passive voice made by the

second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar based on questionnaire.

The questionnaire was created to find the causes of students‟

problems in writing passive voice. The questionnaire consisted of ten

questions. Through this instrument, it can be seen the causes of

students‟ problems in writing passive voice. The questionnaire was

given to all students of class XI MIPA, totaling 15 students. The result

of the questionnaire can be seen in the table below:

Table. 4.3 Questionnaire Report

No. Question Answer Total Percentage


Do you know the passive voice?

(Apakah anda tahu apa itu kalimat



13 86.67%

No 2 13.33%


Do you know the structure of passive


(apakah anda tahu struktur dari

kalimat passive?)


6 40.00%

No 9 60.00%


Do you have knowledge to write

passive voice sentences in simple

present and simple past?

(Apakah anda memiliki pengetahuan

yang cukup untuk menulis kalimat

pasif di simple present dan simple



7 46.67%

No 8 53.33%


Do you like writing passive voice?

(Apakah anda suka menulis kalimat



2 13.33%

No 13 86.67%


Do you often writing passive voice

of simple present tense?

(Apakah anda sering menulis kalimat

pasif simple present tense?)


3 20.00%

No 12 80.00%



Do you often writing passive voice

of simple past tense?

(Apakah anda sering menulis kalimat

pasif simple past tense?)


4 26.67%

No 11 73.33%


Do you have problems when

distinguishing between subject and


(Apakah anda mengalami masalah

dalam membedakan subject dan



9 60.00%

No 6 40.00%


Do you have any problem in using

the auxiliary verb be?

(Apakah anda memiliki masalah

dalam menggunakan kata kerja

bantu be?)


10 66.67%


5 33.33%


Do you have any problem in using be

+ past participle?

(Apakah anda memiliki masalah

dalam menggunakan be + kata kerja

bentuk ke3?)


12 80.00%


3 20.00%


Do you have any problem in using

By + agent?

(Apakah anda memiliki kesulitan

dalam menggunakan be + agent?)


12 80.00%

No 3 20.00%

Based on data number one with the question “Do you know the

passive voice?” 13 students chose the reply “Yes” with a percentage of

86.67%, and there were two students who choose the answer “No” with a

strength of 13.33%.

Based on data number two with the question “Do you know the

structure of passive voice?” six students choose the reply “Yes” with a

percentage of 40.00%, and there were nine students who choose the

answer “No” with a strength of 60.00%.

Based on data number three with the question “Do you have

enough knowledge to write passive voice sentences in simple present and


simple past?” seven students choose the reply “Yes” with a percentage of



and there were eight students who choose the answer “No” with a strength

of 53.33%.

Based on the students‟ answer to questionnaire number four with

the question “Do you like writing passive voice?” there were two students

who have chosen the reply “Yes” with a percentage of 13.33%, and there

were thirteen students who choose the answer “No” with a strength of


Based on data number five with the question “Do you often writing

passive voice of simple present tense?” three students choose the reply

“Yes” with a percentage of 20.00%, and there were twelve students who

choose the answer “No” with a strength of 80.00%.

Based on data number six with the question “Do you often writing passive

voice of simple past tense?” four students who have chosen the reply

“Yes” with a percentage of 26.67%. Eleven students choose the answer

“No” with a strength of 73.33%.

Based on data number seven with the question “Do you have

distinguishing between subject and object?” nine students choose the reply

“Yes” with a percentage of 60,00%, and there were six students who

choose the answer “No” with a percentage of 40.00%.

Based on data number eight with the question “Do you have any

problems in using the auxiliary verb be?” ten students choose the reply

“Yes” with a percentage of 66.67%. Five students choose the answer “No”

with a percentage of 33.33%.

Based on data number nine with the question “Do you have any

problems in using be + past participle?” twelve students chosen the reply

“Yes” with a percentage of 80.00%, and there were three students who

choose the answer “No” with a percentage of 20.00%.


Based on data number ten with the question “Do you have any

problems in using by + agent?” there were twelve students who choose the


reply “Yes” with a percentage of 80.00%, and three students choose the

answer “No” with a percentage of 20.00%.

B. Discussion

The purpose of this research is to describe the students‟ problems in writing

passive voice at SMAN 9 Takalar. The researcher uses a test to get the

percentage of students‟ problems in writing passive voice of simple present

tense and simple past tense and the questionnaire to know the cause of the

students‟ problems writing passive voice.

1. The students‟ problems in writing passive voice made by the second

grade of SMAN 9 Takalar based on test

In this study, the researcher found the students‟ problems in

writing passive voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar.

There were still many students who had a problem in changing the active

sentence into passive voice. Research findings are supported by research

conducted by Lesmana, N et al (2020) where they said that students did

not transfer the subject that should be. So, it made the mistake in transfer

active into passive voice. Batubara, M.H et al (2020) also found the most

dominant students‟ difficulties in changing active to passive voice were:

difficulties in determining the subject, trouble in using the auxiliary verb

be, and difficulties in using verb 3 in the passive voice. Meanwhile,

according to Sandi Kurnia (2016) found that the students‟ ability in using

active into passive voice was score 85, which can be classified as a good

level. It means that the students could implement the passive voice in the


sentence. Based on these findings, this study is different from Sandi

Kurnia‟s research because, in this study, there are still many students

who have problems writing passive voice the simple present tense and

simple past tense especially, in changing active into passive voice.

Referring to the scoring criteria, the highest possible score is

100, and the lowest one is 0. Based on the data analysis of the students‟

result test of the simple present tense, the researcher found that the

highest score that is achieved by the students in writing passive voice in

simple present tense was 80, and the lowest one was 0. The students are

classified as having problem if their score ≤ 70. There were 13 students

classified as having a problem and the percentage was 86.67%. There

were 2 students classified as having no problem and the percentage was


Referring to the criteria of scoring, the highest possible score is

100 and the lowest one is 0. Based on the data analysis of the students‟

result test of the simple present tense, the researcher found, the highest

score that is achieved by the students in writing passive voice in the

simple past tense was 80, and the lowest one was 0. The students are

classified as having a problem if their sore ≤ 70. There are 12 students

classified as having the problem and the percentage is 80.00%. There are

3 students classified as having no problem and the percentage is 20.00%.

Based on the description above, it can be seen the percentage of

students‟ problems in writing passive voice in the simple present tense


and simple past tense. There were 13 students with a percentage of


who had a problem in writing simple present passive. Meanwhile, there

were 12 students with a percentage of 80.00% who had problems in

writing simple past passive. It can be concluded that the second-grade

students of SMAN 9 Takalar have problems in writing passive voice

especially in changing active to passive voice.

2. Students‟ problems in writing passive voice made by the second

grade of SMAN 9 Takalar based on questioner

In this research, the researcher also used the questionnaire to get

out the causes of the students‟ problems in wiring passive voice. The

researcher concluded that the result of the questionnaire indicated that

there were several causes of the students‟ problems in writing passive

voice. According to Muhammad et al (2017), state that there were several

that causes make students had problems in writing passive voice. First,

students think that the subject of a sentence is the agent when it isn‟t.

Second, students may leave out auxiliary verb before the past participle.

Third, students may fail to use a past participle form of the main verb.

Dewi Sartika (2017) also said that “passive voice is made with different

tenses of to be, followed by a past participle”. For more details, the

researcher described the causes of the students‟ problems as follows:

a. The first item shows that 13 students with a percentage of 86.67%

answered “Yes” which means knowing passive voice. Meanwhile, 2


students with a percentage of 13.33% answered “No” meaning they

did not know about passive voice. Thus it can be concluded that most

of the students of class XI MIPA know about passive voice.

b. The second item shows that 6 students with a percentage of 40.00%

answered “Yes” which means knowing the structure of passive voice.

Meanwhile, 9 students with a percentage of 80.00% answered “No”

meaning they did not know about the structure of passive voice. It

can be conclude that most of the students of class XI MIPA do not

know the structure of the passive voice.

c. The third item shows that 7 students with a percentage of 46.67%

answered “Yes”, which means that they have enough knowledge to

write passive voice in simple present and simple past. Meanwhile, 8

students with a percentage of 53.33% answered “No”, meaning that

they do not have enough knowledge to write passive voice in the

simple present and simple past. It can conclude that most of the

students of class XI MIPA do not have the knowledge to writing

passive voice in simple present and simple past.

d. The fourth item shows that 2 students with a percentage of 13.33%

answered “Yes”. Meanwhile, 13 students with a percentage of

86.67% answered “No” which means that they do not like writing

passive voice. It can conclude that most of the students of class XI

MIPA did not like writing passive voice.


e. The fifth item shows that 3 students with a percentage of 20.00%

answered “Yes” which means that they often writing passive of


present tense. While 12 students with a percentage of 80.00% answer

“No” meaning that they did not often write the passive voice of

simple present tense. It can conclude that most of the students of

class XI MIPA rarely writing passive voice of simple present tense.

f. The sixth item shows that 4 students with a percentage of 26.67%

answered “Yes” meanwhile, 11 students with a percentage of 73.33%

replied “No” the researcher can conclude that most of the students of

class XI MIPA do not often write passive voice of simple past tense.

g. The seventh item shows that 2 students with a percentage of 60.00%

answered “Yes”, which means that they have a problem in

distinguishing between subject and object. While 6 students with a

percentage of 40.00% answered “No”. It can be concluded that most

students of class XI MIPA have problems when distinguishing

between subject and object.

h. The eighth item shows 10 students with a percentage of 66.67%

answered “Yes” which means that they are having problems in using

the auxiliary verb be. Meanwhile, 5 students with a percentage of

33.33% replied “No” meaning that they are did not have problems in

using the auxiliary verb be. It can be concluded that most of the

students of XI MIPA have problems in using the auxiliary verb be.


i. The ninth item shows 12 students with a percentage of 80.00%

answered “Yes” which means that they have problems in using be +

past participle. Meanwhile, 3 students with a percentage of 20.00%

answered “No”. The researcher can be concluded that most of the

students of XI MIPA have problems in using be + past participle.

j. The tenth item shows12 students with a percentage of 80.00% answer

“Yes” which means that they have problems in using by + agent.

Meanwhile, 3 students with a percentage of 20.00% answered “No”

which means they did not have problems in using by + agent. The

researcher can be concluded that most of the students of class XI

MIPA have problems in using by + agent.

Based on the results of the questionnaire, it can conclude that

three causes of the students‟ problems in writing passive voice

especially, in changing active to passive voice. The first is knowledge

and understanding; the students have problems understanding passive

voice especially in understanding simple present passive and simple

past passive. The second is less practice, most students rarely write

passive voice, and only a few students like to write passive voice in the

simple present passive and simple past passive. Lastly is educational

background; students are still confused about the passive voice material

that has been taught, especially the passive voice component.

Therefore, they do not understand passive voice in simple present

passive and simple past passive.




After collecting data and analyzing the research result, the researcher drew some

conclusions and suggestions in analyzing students‟ problems in writing passive

voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar.

A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis of the students‟ problems in writing passive

voice made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar. The researcher

concluded as follows:

1. In writing a passive sentence the in the simple present tense, the students

had a problem. It was proved by the fact that there were 13 students

(86.67%) who had a problem and 2 students (13.33%) who do not have a

problem. While in writing passive voice in simple past tense the students

also had a problem. It was proved by the fact that there were12 students

(80.00%) who had a problem and 3 students (20.00%) who do not have a



2. The result of the questionnaire shows that the cause of the students‟

problem in writing passive voice was finding three aspects such as:

knowledge and understanding, less practice, and educational background.

B. Suggestion

Based on the above conclusions, the researcher proposes the

following suggestions;

1. Suggestion for teacher

a. The teacher should be creative in teaching-learning English and

make students comfortable in the class.

b. In teaching grammar, especially passive voice (simple present

passive and simple past passive), the teacher also advised

implementing strategies that attract students‟ motivation to

improve it. They need to be motivated that the passive voice was

also an important part of the English language which must be

mastered in both oral and written communication.

2. Suggestion for students

a. The students should develop their motivations because it was an

important factor in English learning.


b. The students must learn more about how to write passive voice in

simple present tense and simple past tense since the result showed

that they had problems in writing passive voice for those tenses.

c. The students must study the material intensively, repeatedly, and


d. The students must answer every question, which is given by the

teacher, and are not afraid to answers false.

3. Suggestion for other researcher

It is necessary for the other researchers to conduct further research

with the same object but in a different perspective of passive voice

because frequently, the students have problems composing sentences

in the passive voice and often also still face difficulties in converting

active into passive voice.



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Appendix 1

The Test

Name :

Class :

Research Instrument

I. Change the active voice below into a passive voice!

a. Simple Present Passive

1. Active: Tom kills the ant


2. Active: Jimin draws the mountain


3. Active: My mother makes a cake


4. Active: The girl beats the cat


5. Active: He makes his assignment every night



b. Simple Past Passive

1. Active: she wrote a letter


2. Active: She opened the door two minutes ago


3. Active: They played football


4. Active: she won singing competition


5. Active: my sister cleaned the floor yesterday


Appendix 2

The Questionnaire

Name :

Class :

II. Choose the answer below „Yes‟ or „No‟ by giving a check mark (✓)!

No. Questioners Answer

Yes No

1. Do you know the passive voice?

(apakah anda tahu apa itu kalimat pasif ?)

2. Do you know the structure of passive voice?

(apakah kamu tahu struktur dari kalimat passive?)


Do you have enough knowledge to write passive voice sentence

in simple present and simple past?

(Apakah Anda memiliki pengetahuan yang cukup untuk menulis

kalimat pasif di simple present dan simple past?)

4. Do you like writing passive voice?

(Apakah anda suka menulis kalimat pasif?)

5. Do you often writing passive voice of simple present tense?

(Apakah anda sering menulis kalimat pasif simple present tense?)

6. Do you often writing passive voice of simple past tense?

(Apakah anda sering menulis kalimat pasif simple past tense?)

7. Do you have problem when distinguishing between subject and



(apakah anda memiliki masalah saat membedakan antara subjek

dan objek?)


Do you have any problems in using the auxiliary verb be?

(Apakah anda mengalami masalah dalam menggunakan kata

kerja bantu be?)


Do you have any problems in using be + past participle (V3)?

(Apakah anda masalah kesulitam dalam menggunakan be + kata

kerja bentu ke3 (V3)?)


Do you have any problems in using By + agent?

(Apakah anda mengalami masalah dalam menggunakan be +


Appendix 3

The Key Answer of test

a. Simple Present Passive

1. Active: Tom kills the ant

Passive: the ant is killed by Tom

2. Active: Jimin draws the mountain

Passive: the mountain is drawn by Jimin

3. Active: my mother makes a cake

Passive: a cake is made by my mother

4. Active: The girl beats the cat

Passive: the cat is beaten by the girl

5. Active: He makes his assignment every night

Passive: his assignment is made by his every night

b. Simple Present Passive

1. Active: she wrote a letter

Passive: a latter was written by her

2. Active: She opened the door two minutes ago

Passive: The door was opened by her two minutes ago

3. Active: They played football


Passive: football was played by them

4. Active: she won singing competition

Passive: singing competition was won by her

5. Active: my sister cleaned the floor yesterday

Passive: The floor was cleaned by my sister yesterday

Appendix 4

The Students‟ score of simple present and simple past


Students‟ Score of simple present tense

No. Name Score


Has problems

≤ M + 70

Has No Problems

≥ M + 70

1 Siti Nurmadinah 0 √

2 Resky Amalia 20 √

3 Mutiara 0 √

4 Siti Aulia 0 √

5 Hamsina 0 √

6 Ina Wahyuni 0 √

7 Ananda Dwi Kartika 0 √

8 Andi Angreini 0 √

9 Wahyu Abdul Malik 0 √

10 Muh. Raditullah 60 √

11 Andika 0 √

12 Alperian 0 √

13 Jeck Miko 0 √

14 Indrianti Agustina. S 80 √

15 Ivhana Julia Andira 80 √


Table 4

Percentage of students‟ problems in writing passive voice of the simple


Tenses Categories Total Percentage

Simple past passive Has problems 12 86.67%

Has No problems 3 13.33%

Total 15 100%

Table. 3

Students‟ Score of simple past tense

No. Name Score


Has problems

≤ M + 70

Has No Problems

≥ M + 70

1 Siti Nurmadinah 20 √

2 Resky Amalia 80

3 Mutiara 40 √

4 Siti Aulia 0 √

5 Hamsina 0 √

6 Ina Wahyuni 0 √

7 Ananda Dwi Kartika 0 √

8 Andi Angreini 80 √

9 Wahyu Abdul Malik 20 √

10 Muh. Raditullah 60 √

11 Andika 0 √

12 Alperian 0 √

13 Jeck Miko 0 √

14 Indrianti Agustina. S 80 √

15 Ivhana Julia Andira 60 √

Table. 5

Percentage of students‟ problems in writing passive voice of simple past

Tenses Categories Total Percentage

Simple past passive Has problems 12 80.00%


Has No problems 3 20.00%

Total 15 100%

Appendix 5

Table. 6

The result of questionnaire

No. Question Answer Total Percentage


Do you know the passive voice?

(Apakah anda tahu apa itu kalimat



13 86.67%

No 2 13.33%


Do you know the structure of passive


(apakah anda tahu struktur dari

kalimat passive?)


6 40.00%

No 9 60.00%


Do you have knowledge to write

passive voice sentences in simple

present and simple past?

(Apakah anda memiliki pengetahuan

yang cukup untuk menulis kalimat

pasif di simple present dan simple



7 46.67%

No 8 53.33%


Do you like writing passive voice?

(Apakah anda suka menulis kalimat



2 13.33%

No 13 86.67%

5 Do you often writing passive voice

of simple present tense?


3 20.00%


(Apakah anda sering menulis kalimat

pasif simple present tense?)

No 12 80.00%


Do you often writing passive voice

of simple past tense?

(Apakah anda sering menulis kalimat

pasif simple past tense?)


4 26.67%

No 11 73.33%


Do you have problems when

distinguishing between subject and


(Apakah anda mengalami masalah

dalam membedakan subject dan



9 60.00%

No 6 40.00%


Do you have any problem in using

the auxiliary verb be?

(Apakah anda memiliki masalah

dalam menggunakan kata kerja

bantu be?)


10 66.67%


5 33.33%


Do you have any problem in using be

+ past participle?

(Apakah anda memiliki masalah

dalam menggunakan be + kata kerja

bentuk ke3?)


12 80.00%


3 20.00%


Do you have any problem in using

By + agent?

(Apakah anda memiliki kesulitan

dalam menggunakan be + agent?)


12 80.00%

No 3 20.00%


Appendix 6

The Data Analysis

A. Data Analysis Based Test

1. The students‟ problems in writing passive voice of simple present

tense made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar

a. Analysis of the students‟ score

1) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

2) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 20

3) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

4) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

5) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

6) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

7) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

8) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0


9) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

10) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 60

11) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

12) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

13) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

14) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 80

15) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 80

b. Analysis the percentage of students‟‟ problems in writing passive voice

1) Has Problem




2) Has Problem




13 33

1. The students‟ problems in writing passive voice of simple past tense

made by the second grade of SMAN 9 Takalar

a. Analysis of students‟ score

1) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 20

2) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 80

3) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 40

4) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

5) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

6) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0


7) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

8) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 80

9) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 20

10) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 60

11) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

12) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

13) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 0

14) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 80

15) Score = guide score


Score = x

= 60

b. Analysis the percentage of students‟‟ problems in writing passive voice

1) Has Problem




0 00

2) Has No Problem




20 00

B. Data Analysis based questionnaires

Item 1

1. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 86.67%

2. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 33.33%

Item 2

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 40.00%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 60.00%

Item 3

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 46,67%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100% P = 53.33%

Item 4

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 13.33%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 86.67%

Item 5

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 20.00%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 80.00%

Item 6

a. Yes


P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 26.67%

b. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 73.33%

Item 7

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 60.00%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 40.00%

Item 8

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 66.67%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 33.33%

Item 9

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 80.00%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 20.00%

Item 10

a. Yes

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 80.00%

b. No

P =

x 100%

P =

x 100%

P = 80.00%

Appendix 7


Students‟ Test Result



Students‟ Questionnaire Results













JULIANA BASIR was born in Rajuni Bakka on March, 30th

1999. She is the first child of six smiling. Her parents‟ names

are Basir and Juwita. She began her study at SDI 117 Selayar

and graduate in 2010. In the same year, she entered junior

high school in SMP Negeri 2 Selayar and graduate in 2013.

After graduated from junior high school, she began her study in senior high school

at SMA Negeri 2 Selayar and finished in 2016. In the same year, she continued

her study at the Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as a student of the

English department of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. At the end

of her study, she could finish her thesis in 2021. Entitled “An Analysis of

Students‟ Problems in Writing Passive Voice Made by the Second Grade of

SMAN 9 Takalar (A descriptive quantitative research).
