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An end to-end solution for creating smarter products

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IBM Software Software Design and Development IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering An end-to-end solution for creating smarter products
Page 1: An end to-end solution for creating smarter products

IBM Software Software Design and Development

IBM Rational solution forsystems and softwareengineeringAn end-to-end solution for creating smarter products

Page 2: An end to-end solution for creating smarter products

2 IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering

Highlights● Implement a unified lifecycle approach to build and validate

complex products, systems and the software that powers them● Adopt integrated tools and process support to reduce the time

to market● Apply best practices for safety-critical development to help

reduce the cost of compliance● Enhance cross-team collaboration in systems and software

engineering to help improve quality and speed innovation

IntroductionSmarter products are all around us: More fuel-efficient cars.Safer planes. Life-saving implanted medical devices.Smartphones.

Customers now expect products to be smart.

Managing complexity

IBM clients are spending more than 40 percent of their engineering efforts on electronics and software. IBM is helpingthem take on the challenge of the complexity this creates inthe product development lifecycle. One client, an automotivemanufacturer, uses the Rational solution for systems and software engineering to simplify the complex design process.They break the process into smaller, manageable pieces anddistribute them to an engineering team that is located allaround the world. Real-time auditing and information tracinghelps the client keep track of each part of the process as itmoves through their complex systems. For more information,view this video

Products and systems can no longer be developed the way theyused to be. Complexity is rising, and late changes are common.Global competition and increasing compliance requirementsdemand that products be delivered faster, with greater proof ofquality and more functionality. They have to be smarter, saferand connected—yet more secure. Increased functionality andrapid differentiation are achieved through a significant increasein software and electronics. Simply put, how companies designand develop products must change if they want to win in thisnew environment.

Traditional product development took place in a siloed fashion,with each team handing off its work to the next stage in thedevelopment lifecycle. Building smarter products requires asmarter environment. New development approaches must unifydisparate contributors such as:

● Developers distributed across different geographical locationsand time zones

● Lifecycle teams (requirements, design, development, test)that must break down complexity together and deliver proven,incremental results

● Cross-discipline teams (mechanical, electrical, software)that must respond in unison to changes for impact analysis andrapid course correction

● Ecosystem partners for connecting products with other sys-tems for data, remote monitoring or function control

● Key stakeholders needing visibility to manage customerexpectations, timelines, budgets and partner activity

As a result, companies around the world that are producingsmart products have identified five major challenges:Complexity, quality, compliance, competition and predictability.

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3IBM Software

IBM® Rational® software is helping companies meet thesechallenges of effective product and systems delivery by providinga smarter approach to describing, building and validating complex systems and the software that powers them. TheIBM Rational solution for systems and software engineeringprovides collaborative, integrated systems engineering andembedded software development capabilities on an open platform that enables companies to compete in our new worldand overcome the five major challenges of developing smartproducts (Figure 1).

Figure 1: A railway systems developer speeds innovation and solution

deployment with a unified IBM Rational platform for modeling, testing, tracking

and documenting highly iterative, multistage development processes.

IBM Rational solutions help a railway signaling systemscompany develop smarter products

With the advent of high-speed trains, the margin of error forrailway operators is akin to that of air traffic controllers, andthe stakes are just as high: Provide virtually 100 percent reliability or risk loss of life. Invensys Rail Dimetronic developssignaling systems used by railway operators throughoutEurope. These systems must meet a single set of railway signaling system standards and those standards are continually evolving. Modernized development processes are necessary to keep pace with the standards, meet theunique needs of their railway operator customers and integrate systems with other railway technologies.

Invensys Rail Dimetronic deployed an automated applicationdevelopment platform to achieve this modernization.Developers from numerous autonomous teams, who sharecode management responsibilities, use automated require-ments management capabilities and a web-based interface to track changes and generate reports. As standards or customer needs change, developers analyze those changes toform a plan of attack, quickly modeling, configuring, validatingand demonstrating the integration of components in the signaling systems software—and even isolating errors early in the design process.

To learn more, visit: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/rational/info/dimetronic/

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4 IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering

Unify the development lifecycleThe Rational solution breaks down silos and enables stakehold-ers and contributors to collaborate closely and effectively. Allmajor lifecycle disciplines are integrated: Requirements manage-ment, architecture and design, development, collaboration andchange management, and quality management. This helpsensure, for example, that:

● Requirements are validated in designs and proven in tests.● Designs are shared for more effective communication.● All lifecycle artifacts are linked in work items, including

requirements, designs, development artifacts, changes and tests.

● Changes can be tracked and managed effectively—from pro-posal and impact analysis to decision sign-off and execution.

● Complexity can be peeled away with an integrated, iterativelifecycle that enables greater agility, faster impact analysis andeffective response to change at any point.

Provide collaboration guidanceIt is not enough to have documented best practices in papers and procedure manuals today. Distributed development organizations and suppliers need just-in-time, accessible andautomated process guidance to make cross-lifecycle and cross-discipline collaboration happen.

Customizable practices and workflows with automated executiontemplates are offered to improve collaboration:

● Tool mentors show how to apply tool integrations that facili-tate communication in the day-to-day activities of individuals.

● Traceability is built into the workflows and tools.● Metrics, real-time dashboards and 24×7 communication are

automatically enabled in the processes and tools.● Security is maintained when and where it is needed.● An on-demand practice library contains both systems

engineering and embedded software practices.

Improving predictability

Between 20 - 60 percent of the time, companies miss thedeadline for their products.1 An IBM client in the aerospaceand defense industry uses the Rational solution to define thescope and the content of products and then measure theprogress of product development through the lifecycle with aset of metrics and dashboards. This methodology helps themdeliver products on time, time after time. Getting the productsto market on schedule creates excitement for the customers,increases the credibility for the investors and adds significantbusiness value. For more information, view this video

Figure 2: Rational solution for systems and software engineering: Best

practices, tools and services on an open platform.

Best Practices and Integrated Process Guidance





Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration

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5IBM Software

Comply with standards and regulationsCompliance is always a concern for companies that developproducts for regulated industries. Meeting compliance require-ments can raise costs, lengthen schedules and consume resourcesunless more efficient processes and tool automations are applied.The Rational solution offers industry-specific support for safety-critical standards, including ISO 26262 for automotive,DO-178B for aerospace and defense and more.

Streamlining compliance

IBM works very closely with clients to find out what data theyneed to satisfy an audit and uses that information to make itpossible for engineers to virtually press a button and get acompliance report. Recently, IBM helped a client in the medical devices industry reduce the time it took them providecompliance information from 3 - 4 weeks to a matter of minutes. For more information, view this video

Open access to data across the lifecycleNo one vendor, tool set or monolithic database can serve all ofyour needs in complex systems development and delivery.Closed tools and platforms and disjointed processes can result in development silos and a lack of access to critical data andinformation.

IBM’s solution takes a different approach. Inspired by theInternet, the solution integration platform enables a loosely cou-pled “web” of engineering data. This web is achieved by apply-ing an open-standards-based, federated approach to managing

lifecycle data and processes. This makes it possible to incorpo-rate legacy databases and existing applications in systems development environments.

To apply this approach to a broad ecosystem of tools and data, itrelies on an open community for defining integration specifica-tions. Called Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC),this community consists of vendors who develop tools and thecompanies who use them.

Open Services forLifecycle CollaborationLifecycle integration inspired by the web

Enabling innovation for competitive advantage

Innovation is the lifeblood for surviving in today’s tough competitive market. IBM is really focused on knocking downthe barriers to innovation by helping our clients transform howthey work with standardized tools, processes and more. Oneclient was using a thousand different tools in their develop-ment process. IBM reduced that number to a standard set of a handful and they were able to develop an innovative technology product in half the time. Getting to market fasterthan they ever had before has translated into more choices for their customers and direct market share for them. For more information, view this video

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6 IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering

What makes this solution different?The Rational solution supports systems engineering approachesto unify software engineering and other disciplines such as electrical and mechanical engineering. Delivered on an openintegration platform, it uses an end-to-end approach to buildingand validating complex products, systems and the software thatpowers them. In addition, it provides:

● Support for the entire lifecycle from requirements throughdelivery

● Industry-leading requirements management and designapplied in both systems-level and software-level development

● A leading Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution● Web-based sharing (view, markup) of designs for cross-

discipline and cross-team collaboration● Best practices developed and refined through years of working

with product development companies● Systems engineering and software engineering implementation

and consulting services based on process improvement andbest practices

The result? Companies like yours can deliver higher quality,smarter products on time with reduced risk.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

A leading medical device provider enhances collaborationfor significant results

Diagnostic Grifols is a leading medical device provider. Theinternational scale of this company’s business calls for strictcompliance of the software it uses to manage and control the development of its products. And, the complexity of itsdevelopment cycle requires software that can enhance teamcollaboration to deliver products faster. So, the companyimplemented a Rational solution to enhance collaborationthroughout its product development cycle.

The solution connects all stages of the development cycle, sodifferent developers working on the same project can buildand share all regulated product data in a controlled environ-ment. Teams use collaboration features to adapt to changes in regulations and take action on potential conflict. By betteranticipating schedules, teams keep investment and profitabil-ity on track. Automation of operations documentation enablesthe company to support compliance audits better.

Figure 3: Apply the Rational solution to help achieve compliance by efficiently

capturing regulated product data in a controlled environment.

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7IBM Software

Real companies. Real resultsCompanies that are already using the Rational solution for systems and software have seen significant results:

● Railway signal systems developer Invensys Rail Dimetronicreduced time to market for signaling systems products by 40 percent and facilitated a 100 percent compliance rate withstandards for code traceability and safety.

● Diagnostic Grifols, a medical device provider, decreased product time-to-market by 20 percent.

● One major aerospace and defense company reduced typicalsystem design time by 70 percent, and another reduced scopecreep from 98 percent to 16 percent.

To learn about other successful applications, visit: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/rational/workbench/systems

or view the solution video

Improving quality

Product defects risk your brand, revenues and profits. TheRational solution emphasizes quality management throughoutthe product development lifecycle to reduce risk. A multina-tional IBM client using the Rational solution reduced defectsby 75 percent early enough in the design cycle to maintain anaggressive six-week development cycle. This resulted in prod-ucts with a higher level of quality that met time to marketrequirements. For more information, view this video

ConclusionTo succeed in today’s fast-paced, competitive marketplace, companies that manufacture smart products must cultivate efficient and effective communication and collaboration. TheIBM Rational solution for systems and software engineeringintegrates a set of practices and tools for systems and softwaredevelopment, helping everyone in the product development lifecycle collaborate to deliver smart products and systems.

Figure 4: Products of all types are becoming more instrumented, intercon-

nected and intelligent.

Page 8: An end to-end solution for creating smarter products

For more informationTo learn more about how Rational solution for systems and software engineering delivers the tools, best practices, servicesand a platform to manage the product and systems developmentlifecycle, contact your IBM representative or IBM BusinessPartner, or visit the following website:ibm.com/software/rational/workbench/systems

Additionally, IBM Global Financing can help you acquire the ITsolutions that your business needs in the most cost-effective andstrategic way possible. We’ll partner with credit-qualified clientsto customize an IT financing solution to suit your business goals,enable effective cash management, and improve your total costof ownership. IBM Global Financing is your smartest choice tofund critical IT investments and propel your business forward.For more information, visit: ibm.com/financing

© Copyright IBM Corporation 2012

IBM CorporationSoftware GroupRoute 100Somers, NY 10589

Produced in the United States of AmericaFebruary 2012

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This document is current as of the initial date of publication and may bechanged by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are available in every countryin which IBM operates.

The client examples cited are presented for illustrative purposes only. Actualperformance results may vary depending on specific configurations andoperating conditions.


The client is responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and regulationsapplicable to it. IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrantthat its services or products will ensure that the client is in compliance withany law or regulation.

1 Matt Asay, “62 Percent of IT Projects Fail? Why?” CNet News.21 Mar. 2008. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13505_3-9900455-16.html


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