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An HKBN Summer to Remember

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An HKBN Summer to Remember 2017 Co-Owers of t Future and teir Sharngs Summer Interns 2017 Co-Owners of the Future TALENTS Summer Internship 2017 Co-Owners of the Future
Page 1: An HKBN Summer to Remember

An HKBN Summer to Remember

2017 Co-Owners of the Future and their Sharings


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Summer Internship 2017

Co-Owners of the Future

Page 2: An HKBN Summer to Remember


Part 1 — Internship Highlights

Learning by doing: Practical, hands-on experiences

“Wow” experiences

Inspired series: #StartfromLimit

HKBN core values: TREE






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PART 2 — Intern Reflections

Joannie Yuen — Administration

Kate Mok — Administration

Bonnie Young — Enterprise Solutions — Banking, Finance and Insurance

Jinseo Koo — Enterprise Solutions — International Business

Lynette Li —Enterprise Solutions—Major Corporate Account Relations

Dominic Cheung —Entreprise Solutions Marketing

Teresa Wong —Finance

Phipson Lee — Information Technology — Business System

Kathy Lee —Legal

Dustin Cheung —Network Operations

Shun Cheung —Network Planning and Commercial

Nawaj Sharif —Network Planning and Commercial

Anna Lai —Talent Management

Geovanny Lay —Talent and Organisation Development


p.11 p.12












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26 Jun — 18 Aug

26 June

Orientation day(interns on


3 July

Reflection workshop & Calvin

Leung sharing

5 July

HKBN Experience


10 July

Lunch with

Management Committee members

11 July

Talent town hall meeting

14 July

J.P. Morgan Hong Kong office visit

& Mixer Night

19 July

Monthly management


24 July

Corporate social investment

charity event

10 Aug

Microsoft Hong Kong office


16 Aug

Monthly management


18 Aug

Farewell lunchNow

Our new journey begins


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HKBN Core Values:TREEOur first-hand experience in these two months tells that HKBN’s

core values, i.e. the acronym “TREE” (Trustworthy, Responsive,

Entrepreneurial and Engaging), are not a slogan but a common

operational principle understood by all Talents in the Company.

Responsive - business and social feedbacks

Everyday, we received mass emails from Company and we often read about how HKBN deals with service

reviews or feedbacks from customers. Every feedback is handled properly with a serious attitude as a

reprise to the core values. HKBN is not only responsive to business-relevant notions, but also to

community needs. We perceived the campaign #StartfromLimit as another “responsive” example. The

current atmosphere of Hong Kong society is so groomy that many Hong Kongers could not find a way out.

#StartfromLimit campaign reminds HongKongers of a positive attitude to life.

Entrepreneurial - innovation encouragement

HKBN is not satisfied in doing business traditionally. We witnessed how it always encourages Talents

to propose innovative ideas. One remarkable example would be the pain/GAIN Co-Grow programme.

By encouraging more “out of the box” proposals, HKBN will see its business strive without the past


Engaging - nurturing sense of belonging

Policies enacted in HKBN are always Talent-oriented, for example, monthly early-off Friday for LIFE-

work priority. In early July, a Family Day was held. Talents brought their children to Company and had

an enjoyable time. Through all these activities and policies, a sense of belonging is developed and

Talents are engaged in work at an increasingly high level. As to CSI, we could also see HKBN’s

commitment in social investments that attracts Talents to volunteer. We were also fortunate enough to

join the trial run of a CSI activity.

Trustworthy—high degree of trust

One of our astonishments would be the high degree of autonomy and credits entrusted to Talents,

including Summer Interns in the Company. No matter which department we attached to, we all came in

contact with important information and were treated with trust. Trustworthiness could be seen to be

highly upheld in HKBN and cherished by every single Talent.


Page 7: An HKBN Summer to Remember

Inspired Series: #StartfromLimitHKBN has given summer interns opportunities to participate in an inspired series cwhich

included Calvin Leung’s Google internship sharing, and interactions with

“#StartfromLimit” campaign ambassadors, Mr. Lai Chi Wai, Mr. Langston Suen and

Principal Ivy Yip. To start from limit, what we have to focus on is to break the barrier that

we have created for ourselves. This was definitely not an easy task to accomplish in a

short period of time. Therefore, through the inspired series, these speakers shared with

us their life lessons, and we started to think about the following:

1. Stop blaming, start doing

We do not get to choose what challenges

to encounter in our lives. Even with

thorough planning, we would not be able

to stop all unwanted incidents from

happening. Instead of sitting there and

putting blames on others, this year

summer interns have learnt to be

proactive. Being proactive is a common

value found among all inspired series

speakers. While we cannot change what

has happened, we can fix it and become


2. Persistence

As mentioned above, realising and surpassing

one’s limit is not an easy task that can be

accomplished in a short period of time. No matter

how determined we are at the beginning, without

persistence, we would not be disciplined enough to

strive for a long term goal. As young Talents at

HKBN, we believe that we should reframe our

mindset to focus and persevere until we succeed.

Talents gather and discuss networking experiences with Calvin Leung

Urban Springs presents ground-breaking

sustainable innovations at JP Morgan Case



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“Wow” Experiences

Apart from working in HKBN office,

we also had opportunities to learn

and explore outside HKBN. We

would like to fulfil the spirit of ‘Pay It

Forward’ by sharing some with you.

Another impressive one is about networking

skill. It is inevitably one of the most useful

amongst all regardless of which career we are

going to take. During the summer internship at

HKBN, we developed our networking skill step

by step. We learnt basic business manners and

techniques (like how to exchange name cards

and initiate small talks) from the Experience

Day, then we got to challenge ourselves at the

Mixer Night event at our COO, NiQ’s house.

After this summer, not only did we witness the

great improvement of each other, but we had

also enlarged our networks by meeting top

management teams and interns from other

companies. We appreciated the opportunities,

especially when it came to the part of listening

to others’ sharing. It was not just about enjoying

stories, but being inspired by them. Our take-

away may vary, but undoubtedly such

inspirations would be beneficial to our lives.

Our learning insights do not end here. From banking to smart-tech industries,

opportunities were provided for observation of various career fields. This certainly

broadened our horizons, and provided us with a good understanding of business

management and collaboration in the real business world. Whereas during this

journey, we felt excited to have learnt from different speakers the crux of

competitiveness, and the importance of taking challenges and grabbing

opportunities. After this series of fruitful programmes, we feel more prepared to

strive for our dreams.

Talents presenting comprehensive solutions to

water heating problems experienced by client



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Learning by DoingPractical, Hands-On Experiences

One and half days of CPE (Certified Professional Engineer) workshop was one of

most valuable experiences we had. In-office presentation made us aware of the

practical skills required and daily chores expected of a CPE, whilst the site visit to

Kwai Chung Estate equipped us with real life experiences about what CPE Talents

are doing to “Make our Hong Kong a better place to live”.

A CPE is expected to have not only technical knowledge

about setting up broadband services but also excellent

communication skills to “wow” the customers, so that

they would be willing to build long lasting customer

relationship with HKBN. We also learnt how to set up

router for home internet service and configure IP phones

for office environments with various hunting features

enabled. One of the CPEs even demonstrated to us how

to use cable pullers to carry cables from the cable room

to junctions and customer points. For instance, the white

[hard] cable puller (see photos) is used for drawing

multiple long tubes, whilst the orange [flexible] puller is

used for short distance cable drawing, such as in

residential buildings.


Christopher (a CPE) demonstrating

different cable pullers

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On a different note, Dominic from the Enterprise Solutions had a chance to shadow

a sales promoter during the internship, through which he learnt valuable marketing

& sales skills. He also experienced the challenges of being a sales promoter.

One may ask “how do sales promoters identify potential customers?” It is rather

simple. When the customer looks at their easy-roll banner, our promoter would

shout “Broadband service, 4G data” (家居寬頻 4G上網) to draw customer’s

attention. Sales promoters are trained to communicate in both Chinese and

English, so that they can deal with potential customers coming from all walks of


To sum up our on-field experiences, we learnt the significance of learning by

doing and that experiential learning is fundamental for unlocking our learning



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Summer Intern


“By three methods we may learn

wisdom: First, by reflection, which is

noblest; Second, by imitation, which is

easiest; and third by experience, which

is the bitterest.”

— Confucius


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A company would not be able to sustain and

grow without a developed foundation. And

throughout this 8 weeks Summer Internship

program, I was given a chance to work at the

Administration Department and assist with

the operation aspect of HKBN. Being a

freshman in the department, I always

provided my team with creative and

innovative ideas for room design and office

space utilisation. However, from the weekly

meeting that I had with my senior manager

and buddy, I learnt that there are always gap

between idea level and operational level, and

I had to find a balance between them before

pitching my proposal to the manager.

Another project I focused on was the

development of open space office

area at HKBN. At the beginning, I

thought it would be easy to set a

guideline and regulation for open

space office usage but after a while,

I realised that it is indeed very

challenging to change the cultural

norm of the majority of Talents at

HKBN and not many of them would

accept the idea of open office space.

As an intern, my ideas were valued

and works that I accomplished were

treated equally as other full time

Talents. The most important lesson

that I acquired from the internship

programme is that we should never

settle but, constantly reflect and

improve ourselves.

Joannie (right) presenting certificates to her buddy (left) to thank them for the VOOL Summer!


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Volunteering to present to Microsoft and showcase

the culture, innovation, and inspiration at HKBN!

Learning and experiencing Google’s culture at visit to

the Hong Kong Google Office

Finding my name card at the Google office in Hong Kong!


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University of California, Berkeley


How many people can say that they’ve accomplished that within such a short

amount of time, or even at all during an internship? Most of my friends spent their

internships filing papers, running errands and making coffee. While I definitely had

some of those moments, I also got the chance to participate in real projects that

had a real impact. Just one of my projects – that I was responsible for creating a

green bazaar. I wasn’t just “helping” out. I was given the opportunity to

communicate with the vendors and organise everything. I was given the

opportunity to interact with the vendors and my department to gain a further

understanding of the big picture. It wasn’t just about the bazaar, I learned.


Overall, my work experience at Administration department was positive. I was

very happy with the number of things that I have learned and experienced in the 8

weeks of being a Summer Intern with the company. I ended up learning a lot more

than I thought I would be able to in the time span.

Kate (2nd right) with other interns.


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Being attached to the corporate sales team that is focusing on the banking and financial

institutes, I was given an opportunity to join couples of their meetings with our potential

users, as well as to go to site visit with the CPE team. Those were very exclusive

experiences in this internship that might not be available in every department and it is

intellectually stimulating.

I remember we had meeting with the Senior Vice President of Strategic Planning &

Transformation of a bank and he really WOWed me. Normally the clients will only sit and

listen to our presentation, then ask questions about our services but this time their

senior VP brought out couple innovative thoughts during an one hour meeting. He

always says that “we can explore on this further”, on every items that appeared on the

agenda, even it was supposed to deal with another department which is not in charged

by him. He inspired me, we need to think a step forward in the technology world, be

creative and make impossible to be possible, do things before everybody else do it .

For example, the bank is using traditional way to verify their clients’ addresses, then how

can our company (with eight hundred thousands residential users, i.e. eight hundred

thousands verified addresses) cooperate with a bank to make this process a lot easier

and reliable, on a technology level. With the trend of big data and the importance of

technology, we need to be innovatory and think big.

Bonnie emceeing at the annual HKBN Cloud Event


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HKBN gave me an unforgettable summer and I met 13 fabulous Talents here, I gained an invaluable friendship and an unique extraordinary internship.

Bonnie with her department head, Brian Lee, at

the farewell party.

Bonnie accompanied other Talents to yum cha at

the nearby restaurant.


Bonnie discussing with clients and co-workers at an official HKBN site visit.

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While I worked in ESIB department, what I

could learn the most was the importance of

a comfortable atmosphere to interact with

my team members. Our department is

totally open to discussion even to an intern

such as me. Since the day I started to

work, my manager Karina created a

comfortable atmosphere for discussing and

questioning. That is, I could present

opinions and questions without being

pressured, although I was just an intern in

the hierarchy and didn’t have the

knowledge enough. Looking back on these

days, I believe that it helped me a lot to be

immersed into the work. Therefore,

whenever a certain amount of works were

assigned to me, I brought more questions

than this was supposed to be. Naturally,

the atmosphere had me interested in the

industry and conduct more research. In

other words, I believe that the free

discussion atmosphere created a positive

cycle to me and the department.


In addition, I could experience the real work environment. I participated The sales

process, from pre-sales to post-sales, could be overall participated as a part of the

team. For example, I could join sales meetings and feel the real work field.

Furthermore, I was able to interact and have conversations with experts of the field

and get to know experiences from the real work field in the process of the

participations. This is one of the most appreciative part to the company and

department, and I believe that this was a priceless experience for my future career.

Jinseo (Left) with his department head and buddy


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Other than my data integration work, dealing with spreadsheet and database, I was

able to attend some client meeting in the later part of my internship period. Along with

my colleague, I attended two meetings in a shipping company in Cosco Tower and a

hotel in Sha Tin. The first meeting in Cosco Tower is related to fault handling and

customer complaint. The second one is just a normal service review meeting to

update our client on their service status. These two meetings expand my horizons a

lot, especially the first one.

The meeting in Cosco Tower is very impressive to me. Due to one of our company

systems that have not been updated for a long time, it automatically terminates our

client’s IDD service upon their credit limit. However, the IDD service is of significant

importance to the company and its users. Therefore our client is very dissatisfied and

demand a comprehensive explanation and compensation. In the meeting, I

experienced how clients stress on the service quality they receive, in terms of service

recovery and service speed. He cannot stress enough on how my colleagues can do

to regain his trust and and improve future operations. I also learned how my

colleagues employed customer negotiation techniques when dealing with negative

customer feedbacks, when the company cannot afford to lose the client.

Lynette’s first client meeting at Cosco Tower!


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Lynette with her team for the Account Servicing


Lynette parting ways with another intern at


Lynette cooperating with other fellow talents for

CSI activity 16

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I observed the following from my colleagues. Before the meeting, they prepared a

number of variables that they can work with the customers during the discussion.

During the meeting, when they were under attack, they did not defend only

because they want to. They dare to take attacks and extract as much information

as they can from the customers. This gives them more clue on what to do more

and what to avoid when closing deals with this customer in the future. In addition,

they referred to their own notes prepared beforehand and jot down what the

customer say at the same time. This allowed them to keep track of the discussion

and avoid repeating agreements that have been made. However, due to intense

anger of the client in this meeting, the same discussion topic was repeated by the

client. In return, my colleagues leveraged the opportunity to recap what the

customer said and reassure him that they have been listening to their arguments.

I really learned a lot in this meeting.

Lynette collaborating with other marketing talents to plan, execute, and orchestrate the annual Cloud Event


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In this internship,I think that the tasks assigned by my department is quite different

from other internship. First, I held a cloud event in July. To me, it is a big challenge as

it is my first time to hold such a large commercial event (Around 70 people + 40

Sales). Through this event, I had a better understanding of event marketing and able

to know some specific design terms. At the same time, I am really satisfied with this

event because we received a lot of positive comments which is a motivation for me to

work harder. Second, I participated in a market research, I need to conduct lots of

phone calls and online survey to obtain data about how people feel about online

retention. Through this market research, I had a better understanding of how to

collect the data, like sample size and focus group etc. Also, it help me to train my

attitude when conducting phone calls as I need to face different kinds of customers in

the future. Third, I had a chance to create a marketing strategy, I felt surprise when I

first knew that I can have a chance to participate in designing a marketing strategy by

myself. I needed to design the strategy by myself as we are targeting to two different

kinds of customers. Through this marketing strategy, I had a better understanding

about the steps of creating a strategy as well as follow production, like how to make a

DM, use which type of paper, laminate or not etc.


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Although it is harsh and need to meet tight deadline in many times, I really learned

a lot from these three tasks and broaden my horizon because this is exactly what I

would like to do in the future. ESMKG really let me get a taste of what marketing

is instead of learning from books.

Through the cloud event, I have better understood the whole process of holding

an event and the importance of communication.

Dominic outside the HKBN headquarters

Dominic in preparation for his client calls (at his



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I would use ‘unprecedented’ to describe my experience at HKBN. To be frank, I was

quite surprised to be allocated to the Finance department, because its works did not

directly relate to what I am studying. Indeed, my supervisor decided to give me both

academically related and unrelated works. Hence throughout the internship, I learnt a

lot of ‘new’ practical skills. You may wonder why did I put the word under a pair of

quotation marks – because it might seem to be a fundamental skill to most people,

but definitely not for me. I remember on the first week, my supervisor asked me to

use the Excel to generate a report. Thanks to this piece of work, I had master the

basic part of that software.


Because of getting in touch with different tasks, I encountered a lot of difficulties.

During those times, I had worried about the process of the works. Here, my

colleagues were being very helpful. Whenever I came up with questions, they would

teach me techniques to tackle with the barriers. Sometimes, we would share ideas

with each other, for instance on how to improve efficiency of the entire project

implementation. I think these valuable conversations are achieved thanks to my

willingness to take challenges and to communicate with others. I learnt plenty and I

believe they would always be advantageous in the future.

Teresa concentrating on work Teresa handing certificate to buddy20

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For the longest time, I was always afraid of applying my learning outside of a

classroom environment- I would be fearful of the expectations people had towards

me, and try to mitigate the stress by avoiding it. However, upon entering HKBN’s IT

Department, I was immediately forced into an independent leadership role where I

was not only conducting research into the online registration and renewal services

HKBN provided, but also offering coding insights by providing technical support for

the ongoing server-side and front-end projects. From self-learning database

algorithms, to programming the front-end for the company’s up-and-coming

application, what was supposed to be a holiday transformed into my opportunity to

push past my limits.


Often times, I was assigned large-scaled projects by my department head(s), under

the assumption that I was proficient in a multitude of programming languages and

would be able to program the expected behavior on computer. Surprisingly, most of

my existing knowledge with programming in university was irrelevant: though I had

learned basic algorithms and data structures, the projects required extensive

knowledge and experience with contemporary languages such as python,

javascript, html, SQL, etc. For a first year who has only coded on C++, I was often

discouraged by the plethora of knowledge and information I had to master within a

short time frame. However, rather than passively absorbing information, I treated

my office as a laboratory, where I could ask questions, discuss solutions, and

investigate algorithms with my colleagues. Gradually, I overcame my inferiority

complex, and would ask questions with my department supervisors on a daily

basis. In my free time, I would continue to investigate the language, to catch up with

my peers. Nonetheless, my insatiable hunger and desire for improvement was

paramount to my success in this internship.


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I had always considered networking a tedious means of building ‘fake’ relationships

and exploiting other people. However, upon immersing myself in a variety of WOW

experiences, as well as hearing the advice of my peers, I was able to strip away that

negative mindset and embraced networking as a method of storytelling. Similar to a

TED Talk, I would listen to people’s concerns and ideas, and better ‘humanize’ them

by listening to their stories. By asking my department heads about their personal

experiences with Artificial Intelligence, as well as sitting down for lunch with some of

the graduate trainees to discuss their achievements and motivations for doing

programming, I have been able to better grasp the world of Information Technology

and built up inspiration to better motivate myself to specialize in machine learning.

Phipson parting ways with other HKBN talents to return for school

Phipson offering opinions on water heating solutions for business


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Within my department, I was given real, legal

work to do. HKBN really trusted me with the confidential material because it would

help me learn. I am so grateful this internship exposed me to actual legal work. I

learned to use the legal sources in Hong Kong, such as using government

websites to check the ordinances. My department head was also really patient

with me when she explained to me how there are a couple specific Ordinances

that apply to the telecommunication industry and these are the ones the Company

mostly work with. In addition, I had no idea that talks and discussions in the

Legislative Council are recorded and they could be helpful at times. I was also

exposed to different types of contracts and was taught on how to look for

important terms and what to look out for when circumstances arise. I worked with

a lot of Competition cases and it is actually a course I will be taking next year or

the year after. This experience will make it a lot easier when I take the Competition

Law course.


Also, HKBN really trusts our abilities and doesn’t hesitate to help us grow.

Because of this, the Company doesn’t hold back and honestly if you wanted to

learn something about the company which might not be related to your

department, I am sure HKBN is more than happy to help with your learning. What

I feel about this internship is that it is really flexible, it really isn’t just about sitting

at your seat and doing the same thing for two months. You also get chances to

meet people outside the Company, whether it be a business partner or a

colleague’s friend. For example, a colleague in another department introduced me

to lawyers from other firms which enhanced my knowledge. This is the kind of

environment HKBN is. You don’t just expect something from your small bubble,

the company functions in the way that your learning is more important than just

being so fixated on what the paper says.

Kathy (right) presenting at Microsoft


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From the day to day network operations at the office to celebrating my birthday with

other interns, this has been a joyful experience. From day 1, my team wanted my

internship to be more project based so I wouldn’t just be performing day to day

mundane tasks. They believed it was the best way for me to make the best out of

those 8 weeks. Hence I was always involved in meetings, site visits and onsite duty.

These are all practical skill sets that can be learnt from first hand experience. The

highlight of my time here was the RISE project. This opportunity allowed me to oversee

the entirely of a project, from start to finish. I learnt a great deal from those particular 2

weeks: I learnt how different departments across a firm work together; how vital good

preparation is; how to deal with unexpected problems; how to turn complaints into

compliments; most importantly how to make sure the customer says “see you next

year”. Surprisingly, the work I was given in the office was very rewarding as well. Much

of the work was not academically related and I had to learn a lot of concepts and skills

from scratch but really this is probably the case with many jobs. I can say with pride

that I’ve made quite a few mistakes but my colleagues were always there to help me

out, which I really appreciated. Many people at HKBN have said to me, “This is the

time for you to make all these mistakes. Make sure you learn from them.”.

I am by no means leaving HKBN. I will be taking HKBN back to England in my heart

along with friendship, life lessons, experiences and memories that will last forever.

Dustin at RISE

Dustin surprised for his birthday!


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Hong Kong University &

University of Toronto


Even though 8 weeks might not seem enough to attain in-depth understanding of

the complete fiber network infrastructure, we gained an expansive overview of the

infrastructure through multiple site visits and in-office discussions with our

department talents, who were always eager to help us learn and grow from within.

In general, we were exposed to the learnings of how HKBN provides broadband

services from the core network to the customer points utilising the network

hierarchy of core, distribution and access layers. We were very fortunate to visit

each level of the network hierarchy and learn from our buddies and mentors in

department. One key learning was the two types of technology HKBN uses to

provide their services: Metro Ethernet and GPON. Overall, we’ve gained

meaningful insights through these experiential learnings and we would like to take

the opportunity to thank all, in and out of the department, for opening up a vivid

window of learning by doing.

Shun (left) and Nawaj (2nd left) presenting certificates to department heads


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We were responsible for testing the functionality of the proposed database to be

used in Network Technology sector(?) for cross-functional project management.

We’ve tested and ameliorated it to make the database more user-friendly. In

addition, we prepared UAT tests at multiple stages before the NPPD launch to

obtain feedback from different departments to further improve the functionality of

NPPD - much like an ‘Agile’ style of product development. It was an amazing

experience to be involved in a task where we directly assigned tasks to the user

and obtain feedback to continuously develop the product - we saw the results of our

contributions in action. Furthermore, the field trips made us aware of why we

actually needed to have an integrated project management tool like NPPD. We’re

not only involved in planning, but were also able to experience the outcomes of our


Shun playing against CIO Eric

Nawaj presenting enterprise solutions to clients and department


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This journey ended like a dream. I still remember the tick I put next to Talent

Management Department on my wish list, it was like yesterday. I was told that HR

is the core of a company which would be the best place to figure out its visions

and directions practically. Up to this stage, I feel significantly grateful being

attached to TM because my acquisition is more than original aspirations, including

the caring and lovely colleagues.


One of my KPIs is carrying out data analysis about HKBN Talents. Having

reported and discussed twice with department head, I notice my insufficiency

through feedbacks, including: what I should pay attention to while reporting to

seniors, more initiative role should be taken to dig out stories behind data for

verification of hypothesis, etc. While it’s hard to list them all out here, they would

be surely accumulated and served as vital tips at work.


My other task is policies and contract templates review. I was allowed to discuss

and express views over these important documents as a fresh eye, which

surprises me a lot. Having gone through some policies and the Handbook, I got

more profound understanding on how HKBN develops its Talent Culture and what

policy serves for. If core values is lighthhouse of company - bright at the top as

reminders, policies are compass - handy and more substantial that leads us to the

correct direction, i.e., operation culture of a company.


My another task is being coordinator among Interns. After these two months, I

found one thing crucial to be a coordinator, or say leader - you get to explain

purpose behind tasks allocated. With purposes clearly explained, groupmates

would be motivated by understanding what they are actually working for but not

merely an up-to-bottom instruction. I will bear such leadership skills in mind and

practice it in no longer future.


The Chinese University of Hong Kong


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“It might be strange to start a story with an ending. But all endings are also

beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.” This is my favourite quote from “the

Five People You Meet in Heaven” written by Mitch Albom. Ending of my internship is

just beginning of my own life journey applying insights to study, work and ultimately to

community. Thanks everyone for these fruitful two months.

Anna’s last day with her Talent Management department


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Being attached to the Talent and Organizational

Development department (TOD), which mostly

involve organizing different kinds of internal

company events was a whole new experience

for me. It didn’t take me long to realize how I

was inadequate for my first task – organizing

HKBN’s first family event. I totally remember

the pressure I felt when my buddy, Jay, told me

that he wants me to be responsible for the

whole event. On the side note, I realized that

giving me such responsibility means that

despite of my lack of experience, they trusted

me as a member of the team, and that

motivated me to give my best.

Through organizing this event, I learned that

event planning truly requires a lot of

preparation, and that every single thing needs

to be taken into consideration. Alongside my

buddy, we planned for everything from zero. We

started from brainstorming activities, drafting

the proposal, getting the word out to all the

talents, searching for vendors, acquiring overall

logistics (from signage to food), purchasing

giveaways, setting up the venue, and the list

goes on. Thankfully, as much as we have

prepared, everything went on smoothly. I still

vividly remember the happy faces of the

children and parents while enjoying the

activities, it was priceless. To sum up, we sent

out a follow-up eDM with a link to a survey for

the department to acquire feedbacks for future

improvement. My heart was content when I saw

the positive comments given by the


Children during Friday x Family Day

Families during Friday x Family Day


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Even though I had a few experiences organizing events for university societies, the

task given to me by the department was on a different level. I encountered

challenges, a lot of uncertainties hit me during the process. Through these times, I

am really grateful for my colleagues who were being very understanding and helpful.

They always encourage me to be proactive, and to ask questions when in doubt. We

discussed a lot, and they valued my opinions. Through this experience I would like to

sum up my biggest takeaway for this summer - skills or knowledge in itself is not

enough; you need that attitude to complete the pack. If you show your willingness to

learn and be proactive enough, your surrounding will be more than happy to support


Geovanny and Talent Management Department during

Edith’s farewell and housewarming party

Geovanny presenting certificates for Talent

Management department upon farewell



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HK BNSummer Interns

