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An Introduction to Algebraic Statistics Mathias Drton Department of Statistics University of Chicago January, 2010
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An Introduction to Algebraic Statistics

Mathias Drton

Department of StatisticsUniversity of Chicago

January, 2010

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‘Algebraic statistics’

Application and development of techniques in

Algebraic Geometry, Commutative Algebra, and Combinatorics

to address problems in Statistics.

Instrumental paper:

Diaconis, Persi; Sturmfels, Bernd. Algebraic algorithms forsampling from conditional distributions. Annals of Statistics26 (1998), no. 1, 363–397.

Applied-minded algebraists get involved with Statistics

(AMS meetings, SIAM activity group, . . . ).

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Some literature

Pistone, Riccomagno & Wynn: Algebraic Statistics (Exp. Design)

Pachter & Sturmfels: Algebraic Statistics for Computational Biology

Gibilisco et al. (Eds.): Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Statistics

Viana & Richards (Eds.): Algebraic Methods in Statistics and Probability(2nd volume in prep.)

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These lectures

Material from Chapters 1, 2 and 5 in

Drton, Sullivant & Sturmfels:Lectures on Algebraic Statistics

Chapter 3: Conditional independenceGraphical models

Chapter 4: Hidden variable models

Chapter 6: Worked exercises

Chapter 7: Open problems

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Lecture I: Markov Bases for Exact Inference in Contingency Tables

(Chapter 1 in lecture notes)

Lecture II: Likelihood Ratio Tests and Singularities

(Section 2.3 in lecture notes)

Lecture III: Bayesian Integrals

(Section 5.1 in lecture notes)

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Part I

Markov Bases for Exact Inference in Contingency Tables

1 Fisher’s exact test for 2× 2 contingency tables2 Log-linear models for multi-way tables3 Markov bases for exact conditional inference

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Lecture outline

1 Fisher’s exact test for 2× 2 contingency tables

2 Log-linear models for multi-way tables

3 Markov bases for exact conditional inference

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Example: Cancer treatment

Surgery versus radition treatment for cancer patients:

Cancer Cancer NotControlled Controlled

Surgery 21 0 21Radiation therapy 15 3 18

36 3 39

Disease outcome independent of treatment?

Chi-square test p-value = 0.1788

Fisher’s exact test p-value = 0.08929

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Independence model

Two discrete/categorical random variables

X ∈ [r ] := {1, 2, . . . , r} and Y ∈ [c] := {1, 2, . . . , c}

Joint and marginal probabilities:

pij = P(X = i ,Y = j), pi+ = P(X = i), p+j = P(Y = j)

X and Y independent (X⊥⊥Y ) iff

pij = pi+p+j for all i ∈ [r ], j ∈ [c]

or, equivalently, the matrix P = (pij) has rank 1.

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Chi-square test of independence

Counts from n i.i.d. copies of (X ,Y ):

Uij =n∑


1{X (k)=i ,Y (k)=j}, i ∈ [r ], j ∈ [c].

Contingency table U = (Uij) has multinomial distribution:

P(U = u) =n!

u11!u12! · · · urc !




ij .

Chi-square statistic

X 2(U) =r∑



(Uij − uij)2


H0−→d χ2(r−1)(c−1), n→∞

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Fisher’s exact test for 2× 2 table

Hypergeometric distribution:

If X⊥⊥Y , then

P(U11 = u11 |U1+ = u1+,U+1 = u+1) =


)( n−u1+u+1−u11

)( nu+1

)for u11 ∈ {max(0, u1+ + u+1 − n), . . . ,min(u1+, u+1)}.

Exact test:1 Choose a test statistic T (u)

(e.g., X 2(u), P(U11 = u11 |U1+ = u1+,U+1 = u+1), . . . )2 P-value:

P(T (U) ≥ T (u) |U1+,U+1) =∑

v :T (v)≥T (u)







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Lecture outline

1 Fisher’s exact test for 2× 2 contingency tables

2 Log-linear models for multi-way tables

3 Markov bases for exact conditional inference

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Three-way table (Agresti, 2002)

White subjects were asked about:

(1) “Black children on school bus”, (2) “Black candidate for presidency”,

(3) “Black friend for dinner at home”

HomePresident Busing Yes No ???

Yes Yes 41 65 0No 71 157 1??? 1 17 0

No Yes 2 5 0No 3 44 0??? 1 0 0

??? Yes 0 3 1No 0 10 0??? 0 0 1

??? = ‘don’t know’

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Log-linear models

Discrete r.v. X1, . . . ,Xm; X` ∈ [r`]

State space: R =∏m`=1[r`]

Joint probability table: p = (pi | i ∈ R)

Probability simplex: ∆R−1


Fix a matrix A ∈ Zd×R whose columns all sum to the same value. Thelog-linear model associated with A is the set of positive probability tables

MA ={

p = (pi ) ∈ int(∆R−1) : log p = (log pi ) ∈ rowspan(A)},

where rowspan(A) is the linear space spanned by the rows of A.

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Example: Independence model

X , Y : two discrete r.v. with joint probabilities pij > 0

X⊥⊥Y is equivalent to

log pij = log pi+ + log p+j = αi + βj , i ∈ [r ], j ∈ [c].

Suppose r = 2 and c = 3. Then log p ∈ R2×3 is in row span of the(r + c)× rc = 5× 6 matrix

A =

11 12 13 21 22 23

α1 1 1 1 0 0 0α2 0 0 0 1 1 1β1 1 0 0 1 0 0β2 0 1 0 0 1 0β3 0 0 1 0 0 1


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Contingency tables

Based on n-sample, define m-way contingency table U:

Ui =n∑


1{X (k)1 =i1,...,X

(k)m =im}

, i = (i1, . . . , im) ∈ R

Let T (n) be the space of non-neg integer tables summing to n.


We call the vector Au the minimal sufficient statistics for the model MA,and the set of tables

F(u) ={

v ∈ NR : Av = Au}

is the fiber of a contingency table u ∈ T (n) with respect to model MA.

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Example: Independence model

Let u be an r × c table.

For the matrix A encoding the independence model X⊥⊥Y :

Au =



where u·+ and u+· are the row and columns sums of table u.

If r = 2 and c = 3:

Au =

1 1 1 0 0 00 0 0 1 1 11 0 0 1 0 00 1 0 0 1 00 0 1 0 0 1














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Hierarchical models

Conditional independence:

X1 and X2 conditionally independent given X3 if

P(X1 = i ,X2 = j |X3 = k) = P(X1 = i |X3 = k)P(X2 = j |X3 = k).

Equivalent to matrices Pk = (pijk) having rank at most 1 for all k.

Log-linear formulation:

log pijk = α(13)ik + α


No three-way interaction:

log pijk = α(12)ij + α

(13)ik + α


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Conditional inference


If p = eATα ∈MA and u ∈ T (n), then

P(U = u) =n!∏

i∈R ui !eα

T (Au).


Conditional distribution is multivariate hypergeometric:

P(U = u |AU = Au) =1/(∏

i∈R ui !)∑

v∈F(u) 1/(∏

i∈R vi !) ,

and does not depend on p.

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Exact test

Consider the hypothesis testing problem

H0 : p ∈MA versus H1 : p 6∈ MA.

Maximum likelihood estimates pi

Expected counts ui = npi (same for all tables in a fiber F(u))

Chi-square statistic

X 2(U) =∑i∈R

(Ui − ui )2


Exact p-valueP(X 2(U) ≥ X 2(u) |AU = Au)

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Markov chain Monte Carlo

Exact p-value is equal to∑v∈F(u) 1{X 2(v)≥X 2(u)}/

(∏i∈R ui !

)∑v∈F(u) 1/

(∏i∈R vi !

) .

Larger counts or tables: prohibitive to sum over entire fiber

Approximate p-value by Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms forsampling tables from the conditional distribution

With prob 1, MCMC yields sequence of tables vt ∈ F(u) such thatthe proportion of tables with X 2(vt) ≥ X 2(u) converges to p-value.


For an irreducible Metropolis-Hastings sampler, find

Finite set of moves that connect any two tables in any fiber.

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Lecture outline

1 Fisher’s exact test for 2× 2 contingency tables

2 Log-linear models for multi-way tables

3 Markov bases for exact conditional inference

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Markov basis – Definition

Log-linear model MA associated with matrix A

Integer kernel kerZ(A)


A finite subset B ⊂ kerZ(A) is a Markov basis for MA if for all u ∈ T (n)and all pairs v , v ′ ∈ F(u) there exists a sequence u1, . . . , uL ∈ B such that

v ′ = v +L∑


uk and v +l∑


uk ≥ 0 for all l = 1, . . . , L.

The elements of the Markov basis are called moves.

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Metropolis-Hastings algorithm

Input: Contingency table u; Markov basis B for the model MA.

Output: Sequence (X 2(vt))∞t=1 for tables vt in fiber F(u).

Step 1: Initialize v1 = u.

Step 2: For t = 1, 2, . . . repeat the following steps:

(i) Select uniformly at random a move ut ∈ B.(ii) If min(vt + ut) < 0, then set vt+1 = vt , else set

vt+1 =

{vt + ut


with probability


1− q,


q = min


P(U = vt + ut |AU = Au)

P(U = vt |AU = Au)


(iii) Compute X 2(vt).

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Markov basis for independence model

Let eij be the r × c table:


0 0 0 0 0 0 . . .i 0 0 0 1 0 0 . . .

0 0 0 0 0 0 . . ....



. . .


The (unique minimal) Markov basis for the independence model MX⊥⊥Y

consists of the following 2 ·(r



)moves, each having one-norm 4:

B ={±(eij + ekl − eil − ekj) : 1 ≤ i < k ≤ r , 1 ≤ j < l ≤ c


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Independence model – Proof

Idea Show that we can use elements of B to bring any twodistinct tables in the same fiber closer to one another.

Claim Given v 6= u, v ∈ F(u) show that there is b ∈ B such that(i) u + b ≥ 0 and (ii) ‖u − v‖1 > ‖u + b − v‖1.

Proof Recall Au yields row and column sums:

(a) Since u 6= v and Au = Av , there is at least one positiveentry in u − v . WLOG, u11 − v11 > 0.

(b) Since Au = Av , there is a negative entry in the first row ofu − v . WLOG, u12 − v12 < 0.

(c) Similarly, u22 − v22 > 0.

(d) Let b = e12 + e21 − e11 − e22. Then‖u − v‖1 > ‖u + b − v‖1 and u + b ≥ 0 as desired.

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Symbolic computation – 4ti2

Markov basis of ‘no 3-way interaction model’ for 2× 2× 2 table?

Matrix representing model has format 12× 8 (store in file no3way):

12 81 1 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 1 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 1 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 1 11 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 1 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 1 0 1 00 0 0 0 0 1 0 11 0 0 0 1 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 1 0 00 0 1 0 0 0 1 00 0 0 1 0 0 0 1

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Symbolic computation – 4ti2

Compute Markov basis (up to sign) using command markov no3way

Output in file no3way.mar:

1 81 -1 -1 1 -1 1 1 -1

Two moves

±(e111 + e122 + e212 + e221 − e112 − e121 − e211 − e222)

correspond to the quartic equation

p111p122p212p221 = p112p121p211p222

Recall:pijk ∝ θ

(12)ij θ

(13)ik θ


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Polynomial algebra

Polynomial ring R[p] = R[p1, p2, . . . , pk ]

For non-neg integer table u = (u1, . . . , uk) ∈ Nk define monomial

pu = pu11 pu2

2 · · · pukk

For integer table u = u+ − u− ∈ Zk with positive and negative partsu+, u− ∈ Nk define binomial

pu+ − pu−


p =

(p11 p12

p21 p22

), u =

(2 −2−1 1

)=⇒ p2

11p22 − p212p21

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Polynomial algebra

A subset I ⊂ R[p] is an ideal if

f , g ∈ I =⇒ f + g ∈ I

f ∈ I , h ∈ R[p] =⇒ hf ∈ I

Hilbert’s basis theorem:Every ideal I has a finite generating set f1, . . . , fm ∈ R[p], that is,

I = 〈f1, . . . , fm〉 =



hi fi : h1, . . . , hm ∈ R[p]


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Fundamental theorem

Given a matrix A ∈ Nd×k for a log-linear model, define the (toric) ideal

IA := 〈 pu+ − pu− : u ∈ kerZ(A) 〉 ⊂ R[p].

Theorem (Fundamental theorem of Markov bases)

A subset B of kerZ(A) is a Markov basis if and only if the correspondingset of binomials { pb+ − pb− : b ∈ B } generates the ideal IA. Inparticular, a (finite) Markov basis always exists.

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Example: Independence model for 2× 2 table

We have shown that a Markov basis (up to sign) is given by

b =

(1 −1−1 1

)Hence, IA = I ∗ := 〈p11p22 − p12p21〉

Example for IA ⊆ I ∗: Consider the tables

u =

(4 12 5

), v =

(3 23 4


Since u − b = v , we have u − b+ = v − b− and thus



22 − p311p2


22 = p311p1


22(p11p22 − p12p21) ∈ I ∗

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Computing Markov bases


The ideal IA is a homogeneous ideal and its homogeneous elements areexactly the homogeneous polynomials f in R[p] that vanish on thelog-linear model MA:

f (p) = 0 for all p ∈MA.

For a matrix A = (aij) ∈ Nd×k , compute a Markov basis byeliminating the variables from the equation system

pj − θa1j

1 θa2j

2 · · · θadj

d = 0, i = 1, . . . , k .

Software for Grobner basis calculations.... . . Macaulay 2, Singular, 4ti2

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Example: No 3-way interaction in 2× 2× 2 table

Equation system:

p111 = α11β11γ11, p112 = α11β12γ12,

p121 = α12β11γ21, p122 = α12β12γ22,

p211 = α21β21γ11, p212 = α21β22γ12,

p221 = α22β21γ21, p222 = α22β22γ22.

Variable elimination:Every relation among pijk is a polynomial multiple of

p111p122p212p221 − p112p121p211p222

Markov basis:

±(e111 + e122 + e212 + e221 − e112 − e121 − e211 − e222)

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Singular session

LIB "elim.lib";ring R = 0,(p111,p112,p121,p122,p211,p212,p221,p222,

a11,a12,a21,a22,b11,b12,b21,b22,c11,c12,c21,c22),dp;ideal M =p111 - a11*b11*c11,p112 - a11*b12*c12,p121 - a12*b11*c21,p122 - a12*b12*c22,p211 - a21*b21*c11,p212 - a21*b22*c12,p221 - a22*b21*c21,p222 - a22*b22*c22;eliminate(M, a11*a12*a21*a22*b11*b12*b21*b22*


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Background reading

Cox, D.; Little, J.; O’Shea, D. (2007).Ideals, varieties, and algorithms.Springer, New York, 2007.

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Database: http://mbdb.mis.mpg.de

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Slim and long tables


Let X1 be a r.v. with 3 states, and X2 and X3 r.v. with r2 and r3 states,resp. Let v ∈ Zk be any integer vector. There are r2, r3 ∈ N and acoordinate projection π : Z3×r2×r3 → Zk such that every minimal Markovbasis for the no 3-way interaction model contains a table u with π(u) = v.


Fix a set of interactions Γ for a hierarchical log-linear model, and fixr2, . . . , rm. There exists a number b(Γ, r2, . . . , rm) <∞ such that theone-norms of the elements of any minimal Markov basis for Γ ons × r2 × · · · × rm tables are less than or equal to b(Γ, r2, . . . , rm). Thisbound is independent of s, which can grow large.

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Exercises 6.1 and 6.2 in the lecture notes

Perform an exact test for your favorite table

e.g. test ‘no 3-way interaction’ in the example from Agresti (2002)shown earlier:

HomePresident Busing Yes No ???

Yes Yes 41 65 0No 71 157 1??? 1 17 0

No Yes 2 5 0No 3 44 0??? 1 0 0

??? Yes 0 3 1No 0 10 0??? 0 0 1

??? = ‘don’t know’

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Part II

Likelihood Ratio Tests and Singularities

4 Algebraic statistical models5 Large-sample asymptotics and Chernoff’s theorem6 Examples

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Lecture outline

4 Algebraic statistical models

5 Large-sample asymptotics and Chernoff’s theorem

6 Examples

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Example: Bayesian network

Sachs et al. (2005): Analysis of flow cytometry data

Expression values for 11 proteins discretized −→ ternary variables

Large sample size (observational part: n = 1200)

Bayesian network (conditional independence model):

Typical task: test absence of edges

Likelihood ratio test of absence‘PKC → PKA’ can be based on χ2



See Chapter 3 in the lecture notes

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Chi-square asymptotics



(i) {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} is a regular exponential family (Θ ⊂ Rk open),

(ii) Θ0 ⊂ Θ1 are smooth submanifolds of Θ,

(iii) True parameter point θ0 ∈ Θ0.

Then the likelihood ratio statistic for testing

H0 : θ ∈ Θ0 vs. H1 : θ ∈ Θ1 \Θ0

tends to χ2dim(Θ1)−dim(Θ0) as n→∞.

Theorem covers Bayesian network example because

interior of probability simplex is regular exponential family, and

Bayesian networks define smooth submanifolds.

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Regular exponential families


Let PΘ = {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} be a family of probability distributions onX ⊆ Rm that have densities with respect to a measure ν. We call PΘ anexponential family if there is a statistic T : X → Rk and functionsh : Θ→ Rk and Z : Θ→ R such that each distribution Pθ has ν-density

pθ(x) =1

Z (θ)exp{〈h(θ),T (x)〉}, x ∈ X .


H =

{η ∈ Rk :


exp{〈η,T (x)〉} dν(x) <∞}

is an open subset of Rk and h a diffeomorphism between Θ and H, thenwe say that PΘ is a regular exponential family of order k .

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Curved exponential families


Suppose {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} is a regular exponential family. If Θ0 is a smoothsubmanifold of Θ, then {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ0} is a curved exponential family.

Well-developed large-sample theory for CEFs

Estimation and confidence intervals:

Maximum likelihood estimators are asymptotically normal.

Hypothesis testing:

Likelihood ratio statistics have asymptotic chi-square distributions.Wald statistics asymptotic chi-square distributions.

Model selection:

Bayesian information criterion (BIC) is consistent and connected to theasymptotics of marginal likelihood integrals.

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Example: Instrumental variables

Estimate coeffient γ43 in the system

X3 = γ35X5 + ε3,

X4 = γ43X3 + γ45X5 + ε4,

X5 = ε5

with εi ∼ N (0, ωi ) independent




Variable X5 hidden

: Consider distributions

(X1, . . . ,X4) ∼ N(0,Σ(γ, ω)

)(γ, ω)→ Σ(γ, ω) polynomial parametrization

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Example: Instrumental variables

Estimate coeffient γ43 in the system

X1 = ε1,

X2 = ε2,

X3 = γ31X1 + γ32X2 + γ35X5 + ε3,

X4 = γ43X3 + γ45X5 + ε4,

X5 = ε5

with εi ∼ N (0, ωi ) independent






Variable X5 hidden

Marginal distribution

(X1, . . . ,X4) ∼ N(0,Σ(γ, ω)


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Example: Instrumental variables

Covariance matrix parametrization is a polynomial map:

Σ(γ, ω) =ω1 0 γ31 ω1 γ43 γ31 ω1

ω2 γ32 ω2 γ43 γ32 ω2

Var[X3] γ43 Var[X3] + γ35 γ45 ω5

ω4 + γ243 Var[X3] + γ2

45 ω5 + 2γ45 γ43 γ35 ω5


Var[X3] = ω3 + γ231 ω1 + γ2

32 ω2 + γ235 ω5

Coordinate σij is a combinatorial expression summing termsassociated with ‘treks’

i ←− `1 ←− `2 ←− . . .←− t −→ . . . −→ r2 −→ r1 −→ j

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Example: Instrumental variables

In this hidden variable model test

H0 : γ31 = γ32 = 0

Null distrib. of LR statistic (n = 1000) X1





0 2 4 6 8 10 12










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Algebraic exponential families

Asymptotic behavior of the LRT in instrumental variables example?

Hidden variable models 6= curved exponential family

What is a suitable general framework to study hidden variable models?


Suppose {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} is a regular exponential family. If Θ0 is asemi-algebraic subset of Θ, then the submodel {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ0} is analgebraic exponential family.

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Semi-algebraic sets


Let R[t1, . . . , tk ] be the ring of polynomials in the indeterminates t1, . . . , tkwith real coefficients. A semi-algebraic set is a finite union of the form

Θ0 =m⋃


{θ ∈ Rk | f (θ) = 0 for f ∈ Fi and h(θ) > 0 for h ∈ Hi},

where Fi ,Hi ⊂ R[t1, . . . , tk ] are collections of polynomials and all Hi finite.

Theorem (Tarski-Seidenberg)

If g : Rd → Rk is a polynomial map and Γ is a semi-algebraic set, thenΘ0 = g(Γ) is semi-algebraic.

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Lecture outline

4 Algebraic statistical models

5 Large-sample asymptotics and Chernoff’s theorem

6 Examples

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Likelihood ratio test

Independent observations X (1), . . . ,X (n) with unknown distribution

Statistical model {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ}, Θ ⊆ Rk

Suppose Pθ have density functions pθ(x). Define likelihood function

Ln : Θ→ R, θ 7→n∏


pθ(X (i)).

Test H0 : θ ∈ Θ0 vs. H1 : θ ∈ Θ1 \Θ0 for some Θ0 ⊂ Θ1 ⊂ Θ.


The likelihood ratio test rejects H0 if the likelihood ratio statistic

λn = 2 logsupθ∈Θ1



is “too large” =⇒ p-value PH0(λn ≥ λobs).

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Canonical example: Normal means

Normal mean model {N (θ, Ik) : θ ∈ Rk}Log-likelihood function

`n(θ) = −nk



2‖Xn − θ‖2

2 −1



‖X (i) − Xn‖22.

Sample mean

Xn =1



X (i)

Likelihood ratio statistic for testing H0 : θ ∈ Θ0 vs. H1 : θ 6∈ Θ0:

λn = n · infθ∈Θ0

‖Xn − θ‖22 = inf



n(Xn − θ0)−√

n(θ − θ0)‖22

where θ0 is the true parameter.

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Canonical example: Normal means

Asymptotics of LR statistic determined by squared Euclidean distancebetween N (0, Ik)-point and “limit of

√n(Θ0 − θ0)”

Example: Cuspidal cubic

Bivariate normal mean model

Θ0 cuspidal cubic {(θ1, θ2) : θ31 = θ2


Tangent cone at θ0 = 0 is half-ray{(θ1, θ2) : θ1 ≥ 0, θ2 = 0}

Limiting distribution of LRT is a mixtureof chi-squares:

λnD−→ 1


1 +1



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Chernoff’s theorem: Preparation

Definition (Tangent cone)

TC θ0(Θ0) =



θn − θ0

βn: βn > 0, θn ∈ Θ0, θn −→ θ0


Definition (Fisher-information matrix)

Positive semi-definite matrix I (θ) with entries

I (θ)ij = Eθ


∂θilog pθ(X )


∂θjlog pθ(X )

)], i , j ∈ [k].

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Chernoff’s theorem (for exponential families)


Suppose {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} is a regular exponential family with Θ ⊆ Rk . Letθ0 ∈ Θ0 ⊆ Θ ⊆ Rk be the true parameter point. If Θ0 is Chernoff-regularat θ0 and n→∞, then LR statistic λn for H0 : θ ∈ Θ0 vs. H1 : θ 6∈ Θ0

converges tomin

τ∈TCθ0(Θ0)‖Z − I (θ0)1/2τ‖2


where Z ∼ N (0, Ik) and I (θ0)1/2 is any matrix square root of theFisher-information I (θ0).

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What is Chernoff-regularity?

Condition on how tangent cone TC θ0(Θ0) approximates the set Θ0

locally at θ0 ∈ Θ0.Allows one to pass from supθ∈Θ0

. . . to supτ∈TCθ0(Θ0) . . . .

For θ0 = 0:

distance(θ,TC 0(Θ0)) = o(‖θ‖), θ ∈ Θ0,

distance(τ,Θ0) = o(‖τ‖), τ ∈ TC 0(Θ0)


A set Θ0 ⊆ Rk is Chernoff-regular at θ0 if

For all τ ∈ TC θ0(Θ0) and βn ↘ 0there exists a sequence θn → θ0 in Θ0 such that


θn − θ0

βn= τ.

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Chernoff-regularity of semi-algebraic sets


Semi-algebraic sets are everywhere Chernoff-regular.

Follows from ‘curve selection lemma’ that implies that for all τ ∈ TΘ(θ0)there exists a (real analytic) map α : [0, ε)→ Θ with α(0) = θ0 s.t.

τ = limt→0+

α(t)− α(0)


Corollary (Testing in a submodel)

Suppose {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} is regular exponential family with Θ ⊆ Rk . LetΘ0,Θ1 be semi-algebraic subsets of Θ. If true parameter θ0 is in Θ0 andn→∞, then LR statistic for H0 : θ ∈ Θ0 vs. H1 : θ ∈ Θ1 \Θ0 converges to


(Θ0)‖Z − I (θ0)1/2τ‖2

2− minτ∈TCθ0

(Θ1)‖Z − I (θ0)1/2τ‖2

2, Z ∼ N (0, Ik).

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Lecture outline

4 Algebraic statistical models

5 Large-sample asymptotics and Chernoff’s theorem

6 Examples

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Linear spaces


If Θ0 is a d-dimensional linear subspace of Rk and X ∼ N (0,Σ) withpositive definite covariance matrix Σ, then


(X − θ)T Σ−1(X − θ) ∼ χ2k−d .


Likelihood ratio statistic is asymptotically chi-square when testing linear orsmooth hypotheses.

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Order-restricted inference


X1 : Difference in blood pressure before and after taking 1 pillX2 : Difference in blood pressure before and after taking 2 pills

Suppose X1 ∼ N(µ1, σ20) and X2 ∼ N(µ2, σ

20) and test:

H0 : µ2 ≥ µ1 ≥ 0 versus H1 : (µ2 < µ1 or µ1 < 0)

or possibly,

H0 : µ2 = µ1 = 0 versus H1 : µ2 ≥ µ1 ≥ 0

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Mixture of chi-square distributions


8· χ2

0 +1

2· χ2

1 +3

8· χ2


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Convex cones – ‘Boundary problems’


Distance between standard normal random vector and convex cone isdistributed like a mixture of chi-square distributions.

Theorem (Miles, 1959; Drton & Klivans, 2009)


H0 : θ ∈{

x ∈ Rk : x1 ≤ x2 ≤ · · · ≤ xk

}Mixture weights ∝ coeff’s of t(t − 1) · · · (t − k + 1)


H0 : θ ∈{

x ∈ Rk : 0 ≤ x1 ≤ x2 ≤ · · · ≤ xk

}Mixture weights ∝ coeff’s of (t − 1)(t − 3) · · · (t − 2k + 1).

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Geometry of a semi-algebraic set Θ0 ⊆ Rk expresses itselfalgebraically in the vanishing ideal

I(Θ0) = {f ∈ R[t1, . . . , tk ] : f (θ) = 0 for all θ ∈ Θ0}.

Finite generating set

〈 f1, . . . , fs 〉 = I(Θ0), f1, . . . , fs ⊂ R[t1, . . . , tk ]


A point θ0 in Θ0 is a singularity if the rank of the Jacobian matrix

Jf (θ0) =

(∂fi (t)



∈ Rs×k .

is smaller than k − dim Θ0.

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Algebraic tangent cone

Let θ0 be a root of the polynomial f ∈ R[t1, . . . , tk ] and write

f (t) =L∑


fh(t − θ0),

where fh homogeneous, degree(fh) = h, and fl 6= 0.

Since f (θ0) = 0, minimal degree l ≥ 1, and we define fθ0,min = fl .

Tangent cone ideal:

{fθ0,min : f ∈ I(Θ0)} ⊂ R[t1, . . . , tk ].


Suppose θ0 is a point in the semi-algebraic set Θ0 and f ∈ R[t1, . . . , tk ] apolynomial such that f (θ0) = 0 and f (θ) ≥ 0 for all θ ∈ Θ0. Then everytangent vector τ ∈ TC θ0(Θ0) satisfies that fθ0,min(τ) ≥ 0.

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Example: Cuspidal cubic

Θ0 = {(θ1, θ2) : θ31 = θ2

2}Tangent cone ideal for θ0 = 0 isgenerated by t2


Associated algebraic tangent cone

{θ : θ22 = 0} = {θ : θ2 = 0}

Tangent cone at θ0 = 0 is half-ray

{θ : θ1 ≥ 0, θ2 = 0}

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Instrumental variables – Singularities

Covariance matrixω1 0 γ31 ω1 γ43 γ31 ω1

ω2 γ32 ω2 γ43 γ32 ω2

ω3 + . . . γ35 γ45 ω5 + . . .

ω4 + . . .






Vanishing idealI = 〈σ12, σ13σ24 − σ14σ23 〉

Singular locus:

{Σ = (σij) : σ12 = σ13 = σ14 = σ23 = σ24 = 0}

coincides with H0 : γ31 = γ32 = 0

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Instrumental variables – Tangent cone

Singularities are ‘zero’

Vanishing ideal is homogeneous and thus equal to tangent cone ideal

Algebraic tangent cone at a singularity:(diag2×2 rank ≤ 1


)Geometric tangent cone TC is closed cone that contains all derivativedirections. It is equal to algebraic cone.

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Instrumental variables – Asymptotics


Consider testingH0 : γ31 = γ32 = 0

in the instrumental variables example. Under the null and as n→∞,

λn −→d max{eigenvalues(W(2, I ))}

where W2×2(2, I ) is standard Wishart matrix with 2 degrees of freedom.

‘Proof’ (Details in worked exercises 6.4 and 6.5 in lecture notes)

Tangent cone invariant under transformation with matrix square rootof Fisher-information

Distance between 2× 2-matrix A and {rank ≤ 1} given by smallersingular value of A

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Factor analysis

Factor analysis (conditional independence given hidden variable)

X1 = γ1H + ε1,

X2 = γ2H + ε2,

X3 = γ3H + ε3,

X4 = γ4H + ε4

X1 X2 X3 X4


Multivariate normal distributions N4(µ,Σ) with µ ∈ R4 and Σ in

Θ0 = {∆ + γγt | ∆ ∈ R4×4pd diagonal, γ ∈ R4}

Software (e.g. factanal in R) for testing

H0 : Σ ∈ Θ0 vs. H1 : Σ 6∈ Θ0,

uses LRT and χ22-approximation

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Factor analysis

Histograms of 20,000 simulated p-values for sample size n = 1000:

Γ = (1, 1, 1, 1)t


0.0 0.4 0.8

Γ = (1, 1, 1, 0)t


0.0 0.4 0.8




Γ = (1, 1, 0, 0)t


0.0 0.4 0.8




Γ = (1, 0, 0, 0)t


0.0 0.4 0.8



Factor loadings 0 or 1, cond. variances 1/3 =⇒ correlations 0 or 3/4.

Three types of limiting distributions?

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Factor analysis – Singular session

LIB "sing.lib";LIB "linalg.lib";

ring R = 0,(s11,s12,s13,s14, s22,s23,s24, s33,s34, s44,d1,d2,d3,d4, g1,g2,g3,g4),dp;

// Compute the vanishing ideal by eliminationideal F = s11-(d1+g1^2), s12-g1*g2, s13-g1*g3, s14-g1*g4,

s22-(d2+g2^2), s23-g2*g3, s24-g2*g4,s33-(d3+g3^2), s34-g3*g4,s44-(d4+g4^2);

ideal I = eliminate(F, d1*d2*d3*d4*g1*g2*g3*g4);I;

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Factor analysis – Singular session

ring RR = 0,(s11,s12,s13,s14, s22,s23,s24, s33,s34, s44),dp;ideal I = fetch(R,I);dim(groebner(I));

// Compute the singularitiesideal S = slocus(I); S;primdecGTZ(S);

// Tangent cone at diagonal matrixtangentcone(I);// at matrix with s12=1tangentcone( subst(I,s12,s12+1) );// at regular point with s12=s13=1tangentcone( subst(I,s12,s12+1,s13,s13+1) );

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Factor analysis: Singularities and tangent cones

Theorem (D, 2009)

(i) A covariance matrix Σ is a singularity of the one-factor model if andonly if Σ has at most one non-zero off-diagonal entry σij , i < j .

(ii) If Σ is diagonal then the tangent cone is the topological closure of{∆ + γγt | ∆ ∈ Rm×m diagonal, γ ∈ Rm


(iii) If Σ has exactly one non-zero off-diagonal entry that is positive, sayσ12 > 0, then the tangent cone is the set of symmetric matrices

θ =

θ11 θ12 θ13 . . . θ1m

θ12 θ22 cθ13 . . . cθ1m

θ33 . . .θmm

, c ∈[σ12




Case σ12 < 0 is similar with c < 0.

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Exercise: RC association model (Haberman, 1981)

Two discrete r.v. X1 and X2 with r1 and r2 states, respectively.

Logarithmic parametrization

log pij = αi + βj + γiδj , i ∈ [r1], j ∈ [r2]

What are the singularities? (in log-prob coordinates)

What do the tangent cones at the singularities look like?

What is the asymptotic distribution for the likelihood ratio statisticwhen testing the independence model X1⊥⊥X2 against the RCassociation model?

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Part III

Bayesian Integrals

7 Information criteria for model selection8 Marginal likelihood integrals9 Resolution of singularities and Newton polyhedra10 Reduced rank regression

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Lecture outline

7 Information criteria for model selection

8 Marginal likelihood integrals

9 Resolution of singularities and Newton polyhedra

10 Reduced rank regression

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Model selection: Setup

Observations X (1), . . . ,X (n) ∼ P i.i.d.

Unknown P assumed to be in (identifiable) ambient statistical model

{Pθ : θ ∈ Θ}, Θ ⊆ Rk .

True parameter θ0 is such that Pθ0 = P.

Call submodel given by Θ0 ⊂ Θ true if θ0 ∈ Θ0.

Model selection problem

Find the “simplest” true model from a set of competing submodelsassociated with

Θ1,Θ2, . . . ,ΘM ⊆ Θ.

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Score-based search


Assign a score to each model and maximize the score.

Assume densities pθ(x), and define likelihood function

Ln : Θ→ R, θ 7→n∏


pθ(X (i)).

For submodel Θi , let

ˆn(i) = sup{ log Ln(θ) | θ ∈ Θi}, i = 1, . . . ,M.

If Θ1 ⊆ Θ2, then ˆn(1) ≤ ˆ


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Information criteria


The information criterion associated with a penalty function πn : [M]→ Rassigns the score

τn(i) = ˆn(i)− πn(i)

to the i-th model, i = 1, . . . ,M.


AIC: πn(i) = dim(Θi ) (Akaike)

BIC: πn(i) = dim(Θi )2 log(n) (Bayesian, Schwarz)

Information criteria strike balance between model fit and modeldimensionality.

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Basic consistency result

Theorem (compare Haughton, 1988)

Consider a regular exponential family (Pθ | θ ∈ Θ). In particular, Θ ⊆ Rk

is open. Let Θ1,Θ2 ⊆ Θ be any two sets.

1 Suppose θ0 ∈ Θ2 \Θ1. If 1n |πn(2)− πn(1)| n→∞−→ 0, then


Pθ0 (τn(1) < τn(2)) = 1.

2 Suppose θ0 ∈ Θ1 ∩Θ2. If πn(1)− πn(2)n→∞−→ ∞, then


Pθ0 (τn(1) < τn(2)) = 1.

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Suppose a collection of models is given by closed sets Θ1,Θ2, . . . ,ΘM . Ifthe collection is closed under intersections, and Θi ⊂ Θj impliesdim(Θi ) < dim(Θj), then:

1 AIC identifies a true model with prob one as n→∞.

2 BIC identifies smallest true model with prob one as n→∞.


1 Linear regression (random design)

2 Undirected graphical models

3 Determining rank in reduced-rank regression (‘singularities)

4 Determining number of factors in factor analysis (‘singularities)

5 Directed graphical models (‘faithfulness’), hidden var’s (‘singularities’)

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Lecture outline

7 Information criteria for model selection

8 Marginal likelihood integrals

9 Resolution of singularities and Newton polyhedra

10 Reduced rank regression

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Bayesian model determination

Prior probability of model i :

P(Θi ), i = 1, . . . ,M

Prior distribution of parameter in model i :

Qi (θ), θ ∈ Θi

Likelihood function:

Ln(θ | X (1), . . . ,X (n)) =n∏


pθ(X (i))

Posterior probability of model i :

P(Θi | X (1), . . . ,X (n)) ∝ P(Θi )


Ln(θ | X (1), . . . ,X (n)) dQi (θ)︸ ︷︷ ︸marginal/integrated likelihood

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Bayesian model determination

Prior probability of model i :

P(Θi ), i = 1, . . . ,M

Prior distribution of parameter in model i :

Qi (θ), θ ∈ Θi

Likelihood function:

Ln(θ | X (1), . . . ,X (n)) =n∏


pθ(X (i))

Posterior probability of model i :

P(Θi | X (1), . . . ,X (n)) ∝ P(Θi )


Ln(θ | X (1), . . . ,X (n)) dQi (θ)︸ ︷︷ ︸marginal/integrated likelihood

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Marginal likelihood

In typical applications, the models are parametrized:

θ = gi (γ), γ ∈ Rd

Priors Qi specified via distributions on γ that have densities pi (γ)

Marginal likelihood for one model (suppressing index i):

µn =



(g(γ) | X (1), . . . ,X (n)

)p(γ) dγ



e`n( g(γ) |X (1),...,X (n))p(γ) dγ

Frequentist view

Suppose X (1), . . . ,X (n), · · · ∼ Pθ0 are i.i.d. with θ0 = g(γ0).

What is the asymptotic behavior of the sequence (µn)?

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Asymptotics for marginal likelihood integrals

Theorem (Laplace approximation; Haughton, 1988)

Let {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} be a regular exponential family with Θ ⊆ Rk . Consideran open set Γ ⊆ Rd and a smooth injective map g : Γ→ Rk withcontinuous inverse. Let θ0 = g(γ0) be the true parameter, and assumethat the prior density p(γ) is smooth and positive in a neighborhood of γ0.Then

logµn = ˆn −


2log(n) + Op(1),

whereˆn = sup

γ∈Γ`n(g(γ) |X (1), . . . ,X (n)


Recall: Rn = Op(1) if ∀ε > 0 ∃Mε ∀n P(|Rn| > Mε) < ε

Haughton actually gives expansion of log µn up to Op


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Example: Normal means model


X (1), . . . ,X (n) ∼ N (θ, Ik×k), θ ∈ Θ = Rk

Likelihood function:

Ln(θ | X (1), . . . ,X (n)) =




exp{−n · 1

2 ||Xn − θ||2}

Model parametrization g : Rd → Rk

Marginal likelihood

µn = Cn


exp{−n · 1

2‖Xn − g(γ)‖2}

p(γ) dγ

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Cuspidal cubic

Model Θ0 = {θ ∈ R2 : θ22 = θ3

1}Parametrized by g(γ) = (γ2, γ3)

If γ0 6= 0, i.e., g(γ0) 6= 0, thenHaughton’s Theorem applies.

If θ0 = g(γ0) 6= 0, then


∫ ∞−∞

exp{−n · 1

2‖Xn − g(γ)‖2}

p(γ) dγ = −1

2log(n) + Op(1).

(Exponent ≈ quadratic in γ, Gaussian density with variance c/n)

What if θ0 = 0 ⇐⇒ γ0 = 0?

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Cuspidal cubic

Integral with normalizing constant omitted:∫ ∞−∞

exp{− 1



nγ2 −√

nXn,1)2 + (√

nγ3 −√


p(γ) dγ

Change of variables γ = n1/4γ:


∫ ∞−∞

exp{− 1


[(γ2 −

√nXn,1)2+( γ3





)d γ.

Let θ0 = 0 and Z1,Z2ind∼ N (0, 1). Limit when multiplying by n1/4:∫ ∞


{− 1


[(γ2 − Z1)2 + Z 2


]}p (0) dγ.

Hence, log µn = ˆn − 1

4 log(n) + Op(1)

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Sequence of random intervals:

logµn = log


Cn exp{−n · 1

2‖Xn − g(γ)‖2}

p(γ) dγ


{ˆn − 1

2 log(n) + Op(1) if γ0 6= 0,ˆn − 1

4 log(n) + Op(1) if γ0 = 0

Deterministic intervals (replace Xn by expectation θ0 = g(γ0)):


∫ ∞−∞

Cn exp{−n · 1

2‖g(γ0)− g(γ)‖2}

p(γ) dγ


{n log(C )− 1

2 log(n) + O(1) if γ0 6= 0,

n log(C )− 14 log(n) + O(1) if γ0 = 0

Same asymptotics!

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Laplace integrals


Let {Pθ : θ ∈ Θ} be a regular exponential family. Consider a polynomialmap g : Rd → Θ, and let θ0 = g(γ0) be the true parameter. Assume thatthat the prior density p(γ) is smooth and positive on a compact andsemi-analytic supporting set. Then

logµn = ˆn − q log(n) + (s − 1) log log(n) + Op(1),

where the rational number q ∈ (0, d/2] and the integer s ∈ [d ] satisfy that



p(γ)dγ = −q log(n) + (s − 1) log log(n) + O(1).


The remainder can be shown to converge in distribution.

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Watanabe’s book

The theorem is proven in the book byWatanabe.

Watanabe also discusses algebraictechniques for computing the learningcoefficient = growth index q and themultiplicity s

Singular integrals:

Arnol’d, V.I.; Gusein-Zade, S.M.;Varchenko, A.N. Singularities ofdifferentiable maps. Vol. I & II,1985/88.Work by Michael Greenblatt at UIC

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Example: Sample vs true mean in normal means model

Random integral

logµn = log


exp{−n · 1

2‖Xn − g(γ)‖2}

p(γ) dγ

Simple bound for any a > 0:

2|〈Xn − θ0, g(γ)− θ0〉| ≤ a‖Xn − θ0‖2 +1

a‖g(γ)− θ0‖2

Bound in exponent:

‖Xn − g(γ)‖2a=1≤ 2‖g(γ)− θ0‖2 + 2‖Xn − θ0‖2

‖Xn − g(γ)‖2a=2≥ 1

2‖g(γ)− θ0‖2 − ‖Xn − θ0‖2

If deterministic integral based on e−n‖g(γ)−θ0‖2has an asymptotic

expansion then random integrals have same growth behavior.

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Lecture outline

7 Information criteria for model selection

8 Marginal likelihood integrals

9 Resolution of singularities and Newton polyhedra

10 Reduced rank regression

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Zeta function

Polynomial map f : Rd → [0,∞)

Smooth prior p(γ), positive on compact semi-analytic support

Laplace integral ∫e−nf (γ)p(γ) dγ

Zeta function:

ζ(λ) =

∫f (γ)λp(γ) dγ, λ ∈ C,Re(λ) > 0


The zeta function ζ(λ) can be continued (uniquely) to a meromorphicfunction on all of C. All poles are negative rational numbers. The negatedgrowth index q is the largest pole of ζ(λ) and the multiplicity s is themultiplicity of this pole.

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Local view

For large n, main contribution to∫e−nf (γ)p(γ) dγ

comes from neighborhood of

Vf = {γ : f (γ) = 0} ∩ supp(p).

Since prior support assumed compact, study the asymptotics of∫U(γ0)

e−nf (γ)p(γ) dγ, U(γ0) small neighborhood of γ0,

for all γ0 ∈ Vf

Note: For marginal likelihood f (γ) = 0 ⇐⇒ g(γ) = θ0

(‘identifiability’ issues)

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Resolution of singularities

Theorem (Hironaka, 1964; Atiyah, 1970)

In the considered setup, for every γ0 ∈ Vf , there exists

a neighborhood U(γ0) of γ0 ∈ Rd and

changes of coordinates

such that the zeta function becomes a finite sum of the form∫U(γ0)

f (γ)λp(γ) dγ =




2k1(α)1 . . . u

2kd (α)d


h1(α)1 . . . u

hd (α)d du,

where the φα are smooth and bounded away from zero on [0, b]d .

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Largest pole and multiplicity

Once in ‘normal crossing form’ meromorphic continuation anddetermination of poles clear.

Example:∫(u2k)λuh du =


2kλ+ h + 1, Pole λ = −h + 1


Growth index:

q = minα


hj(α) + 1



s = maxα


{j :

hj(α) + 1

2kj(α)= q


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Example: Blow-up transformations

Product interval∫ 1


∫ 1

−1e−n·(x4+y6) dy dx ∼ n−1/4n−1/6 · C = n−5/12 · C

Resolve by repeatedly applying blow-up transformation, i.e., the pair

x = x1, y = x1y1; x = x2y2, y = y2.

y = y’x = x’y’,

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Example: Blow-up transformations

First blow-up transformation gives

x4 + y 6 = x41 (1 + x2

1 y 61 ) Jacob. x1

= y 42 (x2

2 + y 22 ) y1

In 1st coordinates normal crossing, 4λ+ 2 = 0, pole −12

In 2nd coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

y 4(x4 + y 2) = x61 y 4

1 (x21 + y 2

2 ) Jacob. x21 y1

= y 62 (1 + x4

2 y 22 ) y 2


In 2nd coordinates normal crossing, 6λ+ 3 = 0, pole −12

In 1st coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

x6y 4(x2 + y 2) = x121 y 4

1 (1 + y 21 ) Jacob. x4

1 y1

= x62 y 12

2 (1 + x22 ) x2

2 y 42

Normal crossing in both coordinates: q = 512 , s = 1

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Example: Blow-up transformations

First blow-up transformation gives

x4 + y 6 = x41 (1 + x2

1 y 61 ) Jacob. x1

= y 42 (x2

2 + y 22 ) y1

In 1st coordinates normal crossing, 4λ+ 2 = 0, pole −12

In 2nd coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

y 4(x4 + y 2) = x61 y 4

1 (x21 + y 2

2 ) Jacob. x21 y1

= y 62 (1 + x4

2 y 22 ) y 2


In 2nd coordinates normal crossing, 6λ+ 3 = 0, pole −12

In 1st coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

x6y 4(x2 + y 2) = x121 y 4

1 (1 + y 21 ) Jacob. x4

1 y1

= x62 y 12

2 (1 + x22 ) x2

2 y 42

Normal crossing in both coordinates: q = 512 , s = 1

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Example: Blow-up transformations

First blow-up transformation gives

x4 + y 6 = x41 (1 + x2

1 y 61 ) Jacob. x1

= y 42 (x2

2 + y 22 ) y1

In 1st coordinates normal crossing, 4λ+ 2 = 0, pole −12

In 2nd coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

y 4(x4 + y 2) = x61 y 4

1 (x21 + y 2

2 ) Jacob. x21 y1

= y 62 (1 + x4

2 y 22 ) y 2


In 2nd coordinates normal crossing, 6λ+ 3 = 0, pole −12

In 1st coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

x6y 4(x2 + y 2) = x121 y 4

1 (1 + y 21 ) Jacob. x4

1 y1

= x62 y 12

2 (1 + x22 ) x2

2 y 42

Normal crossing in both coordinates: q = 512 , s = 1

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Example: Blow-up transformations

First blow-up transformation gives

x4 + y 6 = x41 (1 + x2

1 y 61 ) Jacob. x1

= y 42 (x2

2 + y 22 ) y1

In 1st coordinates normal crossing, 4λ+ 2 = 0, pole −12

In 2nd coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

y 4(x4 + y 2) = x61 y 4

1 (x21 + y 2

2 ) Jacob. x21 y1

= y 62 (1 + x4

2 y 22 ) y 2


In 2nd coordinates normal crossing, 6λ+ 3 = 0, pole −12

In 1st coordinates not normal crossing, repeat

x6y 4(x2 + y 2) = x121 y 4

1 (1 + y 21 ) Jacob. x4

1 y1

= x62 y 12

2 (1 + x22 ) x2

2 y 42

Normal crossing in both coordinates: q = 512 , s = 1

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Resolution – Singular session

LIB "resolve.lib";ring R = 0,(x,y),dp;

ideal J = x4+y6;list L=resolve(J);presentTree(L);

list L=resolve(J,0,"A");presentTree(L);LIB "reszeta.lib";list coll=collectDiv(L);LIB "resgraph.lib";ResTree(L,coll[1]);

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Distance of Newton polyhedron

∫ 1


∫ 1

−1e−n·(x4+y6) dy dx ∼ n−1/4n−1/6 · C = n−5/12 · C





ρ = 4 · 3

5= 6 · 2



5=⇒ q =



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Newton polyhedron


f (x) =∑a∈Nd

caxa, xa = xa11 . . . xad


Newton polyhedron Pf is the convex hull of the set⋃a:ca 6=0

({a}+ [0,∞)d


ρ = min{r : r · 1d ∈ Pf }

For A ⊂ Rd , definefA(x) =



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Non-degenerate exponents and remoteness


If the polynomial f has a minimum at zero and is non-degenerate, that is,for any compact face A of the Newton polyhedron the equation system


∂x1= . . .


∂xd= 0

has no solution in (R \ {0})d , then for small ε the growth index for theintegral ∫

[−ε,ε]de−nf (γ)p(γ) dγ

is q = 1/ρ and the multiplicity s is the codimension of thelowest-dimensional face containing the point at which the ray spanned by1d first intersects the Newton polyhedron.

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Lecture outline

7 Information criteria for model selection

8 Marginal likelihood integrals

9 Resolution of singularities and Newton polyhedra

10 Reduced rank regression

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Reduced rank regression

Multivariate regression model

Y = θX + ε, θ ∈ Ra×b, rank(θ) ≤ h






Multivariate normal model (random design X )


θ = g(α, β) = αβT , α ∈ Ra×h, β ∈ Rb×h

Model selection problem: Determine h

WLOG: Assume coordinates of X and ε mutually independent withknown variances.

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Asymptotics – regular case

Consider model given by rank h.

Suppose true matrix θ0 has rank r ≤ h.

Interested in the asymptotics of the integral∫ ∫exp{−n‖αβT − θ0‖2} dα dβ

Regular case:

The Jacobian of the map g(α, β) = αβT achieves its maximal rankh(a + b − h) at a point (α0, β0) if and only if α0β

T0 has full rank h.

If θ0 has rank r = h, then the set g−1(θ0) ⊆ Rah+bh is a smoothmanifold of dimension h2.

Reparametrize and apply Laplace approximaton (Haughton’s result) toobtain

q = h(a + b − h)/2, s = 1.

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Asymptotics – singular case

Interested in the asymptotics of the integral∫ ∫exp{−n‖αβT − θ0‖2} dα dβ

Singular case: rank of θ0 is equal to r < h

Aoyagi & Watanabe (2005):Found growth index q and multiplicity s as a function of (a, b, h, r)

Simplest case with singularities is model rank h = 1

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Asymptotics – singular case for rank 1

Model rank h = 1

Only one singular point: θ0 = 0

Fiberg−1(θ0) = {(α0, β0) : α0 = 0 or β0 = 0}

singular at the origin (α0, β0) = 0 and smooth elsewhere.

Local integrals are∫U(α0)


exp{−n(α21 + · · ·+ α2

a)(β21 + · · ·+ β2

b)} dα dβ,

(α0, β0) ∈ g−1(0).

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Case 1

Suppose α0 = (α01, . . . , α0k , 0, . . . , 0) 6= 0. Then β0 = 0.

Shift (α0, β0) to origin by transformation αi = αi − α0i

Local integral becomes∫U(0)

exp{−n[(α1 + α01)2 + · · ·+ (αk + α0k)2 + α2k+1 + · · ·+ α2


(β21 + · · ·+ β2

b)} d(α, β)

Function of α in exponent is bounded away from zero in aneighborhood U(0).

Asymptotics determined by that of∫U(0)

exp{−n(β21 + · · ·+ β2

b)} dβ

which is a regular integral with growth index b/2 and multiplicity 1.

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Case 2

Suppose α0 = β0 = 0.

Resolve (α21 + · · ·+ α2

a)(β21 + · · ·+ β2

b) by applying a blow-up to thefirst term and a blow-up to the second term.

We obtain∫U(0,0)

α2λ1 β2λ

1 αa−11 βb−1


(1 + α2

2 + . . .)λ (

1 + β22 + . . .

)λdα dβ.

Consider ∫α2λ+a−1

1 β2λ+b−11 dα1dβ1 =

α2λ+a1 β2λ+b


(2λ+ a)(2λ+ b).

Poles λ = −a/2 and λ = −b/2.

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Asymptotics for rank 1


The marginal likelihood for the reduced rank regression model for rankh = 1 has growth index and multiplicity

(q, s) =


2 , 1)

if θ0 6= 0,(min{a,b}

2 , 1)

if θ0 = 0 and a 6= b,(a2 = b

2 , 2)

if θ0 = 0 and a = b.

This can also be shown by looking at the Newton diagrams

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Exercise: Factor analysis

Let H and ε1, . . . , εd be mutually independent N (0, 1) r.v.


X = αH + ε, α ∈ Rd

Then X ∼ N (0, θ) with covariance matrix θ = I + ααT , α ∈ Rd

X1 X2 X3 X4


What is the growth behaviour of marginal likelihood of this model?

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Algebraic statistical models:useful framework for discussing non-smooth statistical models.

Computational algebra:Markov bases, vanishing ideals, singular loci, tangent cones, resolutionof singularities, . . .

Many open questions about classical statistical models . . .

Mathias Drton 110 / 110
