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An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching...

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An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource
Page 1: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

An Introduction to DebatingA Teaching Resource

Page 2: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex WealleansDr Colin Litten-BrownContact: [email protected]

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Page 3: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

This document has been prepared where possible using guidelines provided by the British Dyslexia Association.


Page 4: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

The purpose of this presentation is to show a case study of a simple debate and to illustrate its structure and format.


Page 5: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk


Teaching Aims

Page 6: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Teaching Aims• To provide a case study highlighting the structure and

format of a simple debate.

• To illustrate the purpose of debates and the context in

which they may be used.


Page 7: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

What is a Debate?• A debate is structured and formalized

discussion about a controversial topic

• The debate is subject specific and on a

defined topic

• A debate is NOT an argument – shouting,

personal insults and violence are not



Page 8: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

• Debates allow for a formal, structured

discussion about what are often difficult

or highly emotive subjects, for example:

– Animal testing

– Genetic modification

– Animal welfare issues

• By structuring the debate, both sides of

the argument are given equal weight and

allowed to put their points across


Why do People Debate?


Page 9: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Use of Debates• Debating is commonly

used in Parliament and other

government structures to

discuss issues that are to be

worked into policy and law.

• Debates are also used

competitively and for this there

may be particular variations on

the general format depending

on the nature of the



Page 10: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Debate Structure• The question being debated is

known as ‘the motion’

• It is phrased ‘This house believes...’

for example:

– This house believes animal testing

is essential.

– This house does not believe

genetically modified crops should

be allowed to enter the food



Page 11: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Debate Structure• Two ‘teams’ of speakers

– Proposition (arguing for the motion)

– Opposition (arguing against the


• Usually 2 speakers on each team

– Each have different roles

• Order of speakers, and length of

speeches, is agreed in advance


Page 12: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Debate Structure• There may be a chairperson whose

responsibility is keeping order in

the debate and ensuring that the

rules and timings are adhered to.


Page 13: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

1st Speaker for the Proposition

• Explains the debate topic;

• Puts forward major points in support of the


• Highlights the points of following

proposition speakers – this is known as



Page 14: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

1st Speaker for the Opposition

• Speaker puts forward major points

against the motion.

• Flags points for following opposition



Page 15: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

2nd Speaker for the Proposition

• Puts forward points flagged by

1st speaker for proposition

• Rebuttal of opposition points

and arguments


Page 16: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

2nd Speaker for the Opposition

• Puts forward points flagged by

1st speaker of opposition

• Rebuttal of proposition points

and arguments


Page 17: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Debate StructureProposition Opposition

1st SpeakerSpeaks first

1st SpeakerSpeaks second

2nd SpeakerSpeaks third

2nd SpeakerSpeaks fourth


Page 18: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Debate Structure Questions from the Floor• Depending on the rules of the individual debate,

the audience may ask questions either

– After each speaker

– After all speakers have been

• These are known as ‘questions from the floor’

• They question points made by speakers, ask for

clarification, or offer an opinion of their own


Page 19: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

• After the first minute of a speech has elapsed, any

member of the OTHER side of the debate can offer an

interruption to the current speaker, with their


• If a member of the other side wishes to offer a point of

information they stand up and say ‘Mr/Madam

Speaker, on a point of information’

• The person being interrupted can then decide

whether to allow the interruption or not19

Debate Structure Points of Information

Page 20: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Speech Style• Your opponent is not referred to by name, but rather by

their position in the debate, for example:

– ‘as the speaker for the opposition said…’

• Speaker’s arguments must be based on evidence, not

simply their own opinions


Page 21: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Speech Style• Speak clearly and slowly, this helps to get your point


• Use examples and metaphors that people can relate to

• Use humour carefully – if it goes well, humour can win

the debate; but a failed joke can lose it just as fast


Page 22: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Speech Style• You are trying to persuade the audience to your point

of view

– Use emotive and persuasive language

• But do not villify the opposing speakers, or simply make

fun of their points


Page 23: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Voting• It is often the case that once a debate has

been made, the audience are able to vote

on the issues raised.

• Voting can be done in a number of ways

e.g. raised hands or secret ballot but will

usually vote on whether to accept or not

accept the motion given.


Page 24: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Voting• You should remember that they way you vote will

depend on the type of debate.

• In a competitive debate you vote on the best

speaker and NOT in reflection of your personal

opinion of the subject.

• In non-competitive debates (e.g. Parliamentary

debates) you form your opinion depending on the

arguments offered.


Page 25: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Case Study• In the following video clips, an example debate has

been filmed.

• We will examine each section closely to point out the

structure and also matters of style. These will be

indicated by subtitles and captions.

• Although the same person has been used for all of

the clips, the different roles are indicated by different



Page 26: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk


1st Speaker for the Proposition

Page 27: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

1st Speaker for the Proposition

• In this slide, the speaker will explain the

debate topic, in this case ‘This house

believes that academic qualifications

ensure success in later life’;

• The speaker will put forward major

points in support of the motion and

highlight the points of following

proposition speakers (‘flagging’).


Page 28: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

1st Speaker for the Proposition

• Listen out for such things as:

– Statement of motion

– Rhetorical questions

– Emotive language

– Flagging / reference to partner

– Facts and statistics

– Repetition

– Emphatic language

– Named reference

– Use of props

– Claims of rightness

• These will be indicated as they occur.


Page 29: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk


1st Speaker for the Opposition

Page 30: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

1st Speaker for the Opposition

• Speaker puts forward major

points against the motion.

• Flags points for following

opposition speakers


Page 31: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

1st Speaker for the Opposition

• Listen out for such things as:

– Emphatic language

– Flagging

– Emotive language

– Rhetorical questions

– Named reference

– Rebuttal of motion

• These will be indicated as they occur.


Page 32: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk


2nd Speaker for the Proposition

Page 33: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

2nd Speaker for the Proposition

• Puts forward points flagged by

1st speaker for proposition

• Rebuttal of opposition points

and arguments


Page 34: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

2nd Speaker for the Proposition

• Listen out for such things as:

– Affirmation of motion

– Unnamed reference

– Rhetorical question

– Rebuttal

– Mirroring previous speaker

– Emphasis

– Emphatic language

– Facts

– Emotive language

• These will be indicated as they occur.


Page 35: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk


2nd Speaker for the Opposition

Page 36: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

2nd Speaker for the Opposition

• Puts forward points flagged by

1st speaker of opposition

• Rebuttal of proposition points and



Page 37: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

2nd Speaker for the Opposition

• Listen out for such things as:

– Named reference

– Emphatic language

– Reference to previous speaker

– Rebuttal of motion

– Rhetorical question

– Rebuttal of previous speaker

• These will be indicated as they occur.


Page 38: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

Conclusion• This case study has shown some of the basic format

and structure of a debate.

• You will also find on the DVD (as the next chapter)

the complete debate without interruption or


• If you wish to view this, either leave the DVD

running or you can skip straight to it by using the

forward chapter function.


Page 39: An Introduction to Debating - University of Reading...An Introduction to Debating A Teaching Resource Dr Jennie Litten-Brown Alex Wealleans Dr Colin Litten-Brown Contact: j.c.litten-brown@reading.ac.uk

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© University of Reading 2011

