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An introduction to Markov logic networks and their use in visual relational learning · 2020. 11....

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An introduction to Markov logic networks and their use in visual relational learning Willie Brink Applied Mathematics, Stellenbosch University [email protected] Thanks to Luc De Raedt and the DTAI research group at KU Leuven 1/20
  • An introduction to Markov logic networksand their use in visual relational learning

    Willie BrinkApplied Mathematics, Stellenbosch University

    [email protected]

    Thanks to Luc De Raedt and the DTAI research group at KU Leuven


  • Elephants are large grey animals with big ears.


  • Visual queries

    I see something large and grey with big ears; what is it?

    What do animals look like?

    I see a round and red object being eaten; what is it?

    I have not seen this object before; what can I do with it?

    → object recognition from visual attributes

    → visual attribute prediction from categorical attributes

    → object recognition from visual attributes and affordances

    → (zero-shot) affordance prediction from visual attributes


  • Attributes and affordances

    Visual attributes: mid-level semantic visual concepts shared across classes1,

    1Feris, Lampert, Parikh, Visual Attributes, Springer, 2017.

    e.g. furry, striped, has_eyes, young

    Physical attributes: e.g. size, mass, odor

    Categorical attributes: hierarchies of semantic

    generalizations, e.g. cat, mammal, animal

    Relative attributes2

    2Kovashka, Parikh, Grauman, WhittleSearch: image search with relative attribute feedback, CVPR, 2012.

    Object affordances: possible actions that can be applied to the object3,

    e.g. grasp, lift, sit_on, feed, eat

    3Zhu, Fathi, Fei-Fei, Reasoning about object affordances in a knowledge base representation, ECCV, 2014.



  • Relations

    Relations (pos. or neg.) between attributes and affordances can lead to

    an expressive and semantically rich description of our knowledge, and

    facilitate visual reasoning.

    attribute-attribute e.g. an object with a tail likely also has a head

    attribute-affordance e.g. a spiky object is perhaps not touchable

    affordance-affordance e.g. an edible object is probably also liftable

    Relations should be statistical and learnable4.

    4De Raedt, Kersting, Statistical Relational Learning, Springer, 2011.


  • A unified framework

    We want to model these types of relations, learn about them from data,

    and perform inference tasks.

    Separate classifiers to label objects, recognize attributes and affordances, etc.

    Instead, let’s consider a unified knowledge graph approach that

    1. models the relations between attributes and affordances, and

    2. enables a diverse set of visual inference tasks.

    image credit: Zhu et al. (2014)


  • Probabilistic logic

    First-order logic: convenient for expressing and reasoning about relations

    e.g. apples are fruit, fruit are edible, ∴ apples are edible.

    But logic is brittle.

    Probabilistic models: offer a principled way of dealing with uncertainty

    e.g. apples are fruit, some fruit are edible, ∴ this apple might be edible.

    Markov logic networks: apply probabilistic learning and inference

    to the full expressiveness of first-order logic5.

    5Richardson, Domingos, Markov logic networks, Machine Learning, 2006.

    MLNs are robust, reusable, scalable, cost-effective, and human-friendly,

    and possess a rich relational template structure.


  • Markov networks

    . . . also called Markov random fields or undirected graphical models.

    Set of random variables (nodes) and pairwise connections (edges).

    Satisfies the Markov conditional independence properties.



    Joint distribution factorizes over the cliques:

    P(x) =1



    φC (xC ), with Z =∑



    φC (xC )


  • Markov networks

    Canonical exponential form:

    define E(xC ) = − log φ(xC ), then P(x) =1




    EC (xC ))

    Inference over a Markov net:

    e.g. to compute the marginal of a set of variables, given values of another

    exact: sum over all possible assignments to the remaining variables

    approximate: loopy belief propagation, MCMC, variational Bayes, . . .


  • First-order logic

    Variable X

    Constant john

    Functor mother_of(X)

    Atom person(X), friends(X,Y)

    Clause friends(X,Y) => [smokes(X) smokes(Y)]

    Theory set of clauses that implicitly form a conjunction

    Grounded theory contains no variables

    Possible world assignment of values to all atoms in a grounded theory

    We can think of clauses with variables as templates.



  • Markov logic networks

    An MLN is a set of weighted logical clauses.

    The weight wi specifies the strength of clause i .

    MLNs can encode contradicting clauses.

    If an assignment of values does not satisfy a clause, it becomes less probable,

    but not necessarily impossible.

    Clauses with variables are templates for a Markov network.

    By assigning constants to all variables, we induce a grounded Markov net,

    which defines a distribution over the possible worlds.


  • Markov logic networks

    The famous earthquake example6:burglary earthquake


    calls(p1) calls(. . .) calls(pn)

    6Pearl, Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems, Morgan Kauffman, 1988.

    0.7 burglary

    0.2 earthquake

    0.9 alarm

  • Inference over an MLN

    Knowledge based model construction

    1. ground the MLN: bipartite MN with (grounded) atoms and clauses

    2. belief propagation: pass messages between atoms and clauses

    This does not scale particularly well...

    Lifted inference

    MLNs have templates: compact representation of types of relations.

    • we cluster atom-clause pairs that would pass the same messages• only pass messages between clusters

    If appropriately scaled, this is equivalent to message passing in the full

    grounded MN7.

    7Singla, Domingos, Lifted first-order belief propagation, AAAI Conf. on AI, 2008.


  • Learning in an MLN

    We might want to learn the weights in an MLN from data.

    (It is also possible to learn the structure8.)

    8Kok, Domingos, Learning the structure of Markov logic networks, ICML, 2005.

    Closed-world assumption: what is not known to be true, is false.

    Maximum likelihood estimation (similar for MAP)

    Gradient ascent; turns out that ∂∂wi

    log(P(y|x)) = ni (x)− Ey[ni (y)]

    ni (x) : number of times clause i is true in the data

    Ey[ni (y)] : expected number of times clause i is true according to the model

    Inference is required at every step, to calculate gradients.


  • Case study: Zhu et al. (2014)

    Evidence collection

    40 object and 14 affordances from the Stanford 40 Actions dataset

    sample 100 images per object from ImageNet

    33 pre-trained visual attribute classifiers9

    9Farhadi, Endres, Hoiem, Forsyth, Describing objects by their attributes, CVPR, 2009.


  • Case study: Zhu et al. (2014)

    Evidence collection

    40 object and 14 affordances from the Stanford 40 Actions dataset

    sample 100 images per object from ImageNet

    33 pre-trained visual attribute classifiers

    extract object weights and sizes from product details on Amazon

    extract hypernym hierarchies from WordNet for categorical attributes

    manually link objects with affordance labels

    also describe affordance by human pose and object location







  • Case study: Zhu et al. (2014)

    Evidence collection

    40 object and 14 affordances from the Stanford 40 Actions dataset

    sample 100 images per object from ImageNet

    33 pre-trained visual attribute classifiers

    extract object weights and sizes from product details on Amazon

    extract hypernym hierarchies from WordNet for categorical attributes

    manually link objects with affordance labels

    also describe affordance by human pose and object location

    Learning a knowledge base

    define template clauses between the various types of variables

    learn weights from the evidence


  • Case study: Zhu et al. (2014)

    Zero-shot affordance prediction

    image of a novel object

    extract visual attributes and infer physical and categorical attributes

    query MLN for most likely affordance, human pose and object location


  • Case study: Zhu et al. (2014)

    Predictions from human interaction

    image of a person interacting with an object

    extract human pose and object location as evidence

    query MLN for most likely affordance and state of each object attribute,

    and retrieve object label from attributes


  • Further reading

    • large-scale, multimodal (vision & text) knowledge base10

    • never-ending image learning from the web11

    • visual question answering

    • discovering visual attributes in deep convolutional neural nets12

    10Zhu, Zhang, Ré, Fei-Fei, Building a large-scale multimodal KB system for answering visual queries, CVPR, 2015.11Chen, Shrivastava, Gupta, NEIL: extracting visual knowledge from web data, ICCV, 2013.12Shankar, Garg, Cipolla, Deep-carving: discovering visual attributes by carving deep neural nets, CVPR, 2015.

