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An Introduction to Positive Psychology

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An An An An Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction to Positive to Positive to Positive to Positive Psychology Psychology Psychology Psychology Wali Wali Wali Wali Memon Memon Memon Memon Wali Memon 1
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An An An An Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction to Positive to Positive to Positive to Positive PsychologyPsychologyPsychologyPsychology

WaliWaliWaliWali MemonMemonMemonMemonWali Memon1

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One track mind?

� Psychology consumed with mental illness

� Describing and measuring depression, schizophrenia, addiction etc.

� Explanations for ‘disorders’ across the lifespan

� Genetics, biochemistry, psychological causes

� Emphasis on relieving the ‘pain’

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Progress at a price?

� Trying to relieve the states that makes life miserable instead of building the states that makes life worth living

� A shift from what is wrong to what is right (and fundamentally why it is right)

� From ‘fire-brigade’ psychology to ‘fire-proofing’ psychology

� Surviving crisis: how? Why?

� Strengths as well as weaknesses

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Global Gallop Poll

� Which would help you be more successful in your life -knowing what your weaknesses are and attempting to improve on them or knowing your strengths and building on them?

� 41% US, 38% UK, 24% Japan focused on weaknesses. No country focused on strengths.

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� From 2+ to 7+

� From -5 to -2

� How improved/better are you?

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Time has arrived for a science that seeks to understand positive emotion and strengths and offer us guideposts for the ‘good life’

New research into happiness shows that it can be lastingly increased

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Authentic Happiness?

� Comes from identifying and cultivating your most fundamental strengths and using them everyday in work, love, play, parenting etc

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3 Pillars of Positive Psychology


� STUDY OF POSITIVE TRAITS - strengths, virtues, abilities (intelligence, athleticism)


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� FROM THE DISEASE MODEL - helping people who present themselves for treatment once the problems have become unbearable

� Therapy usually too late - better to act when well, prevention, self-empowerment, education etc

� Prevention is massively effective

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Are there psychological interventions in youth that will prevent depression, schizophrenia and substance abuse in adulthood?


� Seligman: Teaching 10 year olds the skills of optimistic thinking and actions cuts their rates of depression in half in puberty

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� Prevention of mental illness by recognising and nurturing a set of strengths, competencies and virtues in young people such as future-mindedness, hope, faith, work ethic etc.

� Building strengths as a buffer

� Disease model focuses on deficits

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Positive Psychology

�The Study of Happiness

�When people are happy they are also mentally healthy

�Work: Are you happy in your job?

�Happier people are markedly more satisfied in their jobs than less happy people

�Research shows that happiness actually causes more productivity and higher incomes

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� One study (TOYOTA) 275 employees measured their positive emotion and followed their job performance over next 18 months.

� Happier people went on to get better evaluations and higher pay

� Happy people endure pain better and take more health and safety precaution when threatened

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� Approximately 50% of all personality traits are attributed to genetic inheritances

� But high hereditary link does not determine how unchangeable a trait is

� State of Drift

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� Strengths ( integrity, valor, originality etc.) and talents (perfect pitch, facial beauty etc.) not to be confused with each other

� Strengths are moral traits

� Talents are non-moral

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Talents or Strengths?

�Talents tend not to be as ‘buildable’ as strengths

�Strengths can be built

�Talents more innate - you either have them or not

�Talents are relatively automatic (It’s C sharp v act of will (too much change in shop)

�Talents involve choice - whether to develop it or not, whether to use it or not

Jill was so smart. She wasted her intelligence

Jill was so kind. She wasted her kindness.Wali Memon16

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Strengths can be acquired….

� Time

� Self-discovery and Self-potential

� Determination

� But talents cannot be acquired merely by an act of will

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The Signature Strengths







Several distinct routes to each of the six and these are measurable and acquirable strengths

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� Not once off kindness in one setting but seen across different situations and consistently over time

� Ubiquitous - across culture

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� Curiosity / interest in the world

� Love of learning

� Judgment / critical thinking / open-mindedness

� Ingenuity /originality / practical intelligence /street smart

� Social Intelligence / personal intelligence / emotional intelligence

� Perspective

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� Valor and bravery

� Perseverance industry/ diligence

� Integrity / genuineness / honesty

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� Kindness / generosity

� Loving

� Allowing oneself to be loved

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� Citizenship / Duty / Teamwork / Loyalty

� Fairness and Equity

� Leadership

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� Self-control and discipline

� Prudence / discretion / caution

� Humility and modesty

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� Appreciation of beauty and excellence

� Gratitude

� Hope, optimism, future mindedness

� Spirituality, sense of purpose, faith, religiousness

� Forgiveness and mercy

� Playfulness and humour

� Zest, passion and enthusiasm

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� Does my work have to be this unsatisfying?

� What can I do about it?

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Positive Psychology

� Work can be more satisfying

� Using your signature strengths at work more often

� Re-crafting your job to make it more satisfying

� Job Coaches - implications for placing clients in ‘work’ and in measuring clients’ satisfaction within work

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�To maximise job satisfaction we need to use our signature strengths and develop them more

�Strengths-based development

�Transforming a ‘token’ job to a ‘calling’

� ‘Calling’ is the most satisfying form of work because it is done for its own sake rather than for the material benefits

�Companies that promote this state will overtake companies that rely solely on monetary reward

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3 Kinds of Work Orientation

� Job: for the pay cheque, no other rewards sought, means to an end

� Career: deeper personal involvement, achievement marked through money/advancement / promotion brings more prestige, power, money (When opportunities close we start looking elsewhere)

� Calling: Passionate, fulfilling in its own right

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Positive Psychology says..

Any job can become a calling and any

calling can become a job.

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Implications for Job Coaches

� Matching clients to jobs

� Positive Psychology within assessment process

� Assessment of satisfaction within job

� Strengths-based development

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Positive Psychology Research shows……

� Strengths-based development linked to positive outcomes

� Direct relationship between strengths-based development and attendance, punctuality, productivity

� Linked to ‘Employee-Engagement’

� Studies of ‘State of Flow’

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People will be healthier and happier by

� By identifying and developing individual strengths.

� Ensuring sufficient levels of self-engagement are involved in the work setting

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