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An Introduction to RedMonk Analytics

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Meet RedMonk Analytics, the world's first developer insights tool. This presentation will walk you through the context for the product's development, describe the capabilities and answer some frequently asked questions.
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10.20.2005 RedMonk Analytics Helping You Understand the New Kingmakers V 1.3: December, 2010
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RedMonk AnalyticsHelping You Understand the New Kingmakers

V 1.3: December, 2010

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QUESTION: What do the following technologies have in common?

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...besides being open source and ubiquitous from startups to the enterprise

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ANSWER: They have been successful because of developers

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Just like these projects

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And just like RedMonk

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Since 2002, RedMonk has been the only developer focused industry analysis firm

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Because developers are The New Kingmakers

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Technology adoption today is bottom up



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What IT Decision Makers Think is Being Used



What Developers Want to Use What is Actually Being Used

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TRANSLATION:If you're in technology, you need developers. Badly. And you're going to be competing for them.

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Who can help you work more effectively with developers?

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Who else?

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RedMonk has spent nearly a decade engaging with and learning from developers

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We built RedMonk Analytics to share these insights with you

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Quantitative insight on developers

RedMonk Analytics

Insights on:• Search queries• Developer influence• Trending by topic• Worldwide location• Traffic by institution• And more every week

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Delivering you answers, not data

RedMonk Analytics

Comes with: • Out of the box usability• Easy to understand reports• Simple filtering/querying

Does not require• Training courses• A Statistics/BI background• Complex data crunching

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RedMonk Analytics is a subscription SaaS tool providing a one stop shop for

developer insights

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QUESTION: What is RedMonk Analytics?

ANSWER: RedMonk Analytics is a tool for understanding developers. It's a product that will give you insight into what developers are interested in, where they're coming from, what they're reading, who's influential and more. If you have a Developer Relations program, this is a quantitative complement to it. If you don't, you should, and we can help with that too.

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QUESTION: How do you define “developer?”

ANSWER: Loosely. Think: folks in the trenches getting things done. We're talking about coders and programmers from novice to wizard, yes, but also sysadmins. DBAs. Architects. Designers. Anyone with a hands on role in implementation. They are our people, and we exist for them.

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QUESTION: How does RedMonk Analytics work?

ANSWER: RedMonk Analytics is similar to tools like Google Flu Trends in that it watches for patterns in data. As an analyst firm, RedMonk has always published content for free. This content is consumed primarily by developers; in watching where and how and how frequently this content is consumed, we learn a lot. We clean this data up, analyze it and serve it up along with data we collect from other sources like Twitter.

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QUESTION: Who should use RedMonk Analytics?

ANSWER: Anyone who needs to understand developers more completely. The tool does not assume a background in statistics, computer science or BI, so it's available to everyone from public relations and marketing to competitive intelligence to product design and strategy. Senior leadership is taking a keen interest as well, and developer relations are another natural audience.

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QUESTION: Is RedMonk Analytics strictly RedMonk data?

ANSWER: Yes and no. The bulk of the reports are currently driven by our own data. We are in the process, however, of incorporating various third party developer centric data sources from blogs to other developer centric data sources. Our Twitter Top 50 – scored for us by Infochimps - is one example of how we'll be incorporating outside data in the future.

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QUESTION: Is there a free version of RedMonk Analytics?

ANSWER: Sorry, but not at the present time. We regularly incorporate data from RedMonk Analytics into our free research and post daily insights from the tool to Twitter (@analyticsmonk), but full is access is restricted to paying subscribers at present.

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QUESTION: What's on the roadmap?

ANSWER: Very, very cool stuff. The next planned report will make available data on developer preferences for operating system, browser, search engine and more. As more third party data sources see the value of the product, they want to get on board. So while we can't give you a schedule, we can tell you that we'll be very actively adding new data in to the system for users. The roadmap also includes more extensive local storage and querying as well as more sophisticated visualizations.

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QUESTION: What's in it for data partners?

ANSWER: Most data partners are excited about using RedMonk Analytics as a channel. If you have a complex dataset and are in the business of providing detailed analytics on it, great! We're not in the business of providing deep dive mining of your data: we'll take simple summaries and lists and leave the rest to you. Additionally, all of our external data sources will be attributed, not white-labeled, thus creating sales opportunities for you.

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QUESTION: What if I have a more detailed question than RedMonk Analytics can answer?

ANSWER: That's where RedMonk Analytics Custom comes in. To maximize usability, our tool is oriented around the 80/20 rule; we try, in other words, to answer most questions rather than every question. Customers with more detailed queries, however, can simply apply hours from their RedMonk subscription towards a RedMonk Analytics Custom project. Our analysts will research your question and prepare you an answer for a predetermined hourly cost.

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QUESTION: I'm a current RedMonk customer: am I already a subscriber?

ANSWER: The product launched this fall, so contracts signed prior to that don't have provisions for RedMonk Analytics, meaning that the odds are that the answer is no. It's an easy add-on process for current customers, however.

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QUESTION: How do I sign up?

ANSWER: We've got self-service sign-up coming, but in the meantime we're working on a standard invoicing basis. Contact [email protected] for signup. If you want a demo prior, add yourself to the list here: http://monk.ly/arcturuslist.

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QUESTION: Do you have paying customers, or is this just beta software?

ANSWER: Yes. We are in beta, and likely will be until January, but we have multiple customers already signed up. Join them!
