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An-noor Dec-15

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An-noor Dec-15
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3 December 2015 Safar 1437 E DITORIAL Sharp Edge of Technology By: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib A knife is an extremely useful tool. No home can do without one. Some knives are very much sharper and more delicate than others. They are used for much more intricate and sensitive tasks, such as slaughtering an ox. Despite a knife being such a useful item, a child is never allowed to handle it. Even adults handle a super- sharp slaughtering knife with extreme caution. Why? Simply because of the associated dangers. The more sophisticated the knife, the more dangerous it is. Yet, its benefits cannot be denied. DESTRUCTION
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3 December 2015 Safar 1437


Sharp Edge of Technology

By: Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Patel Sahib

A knife is an extremely useful tool. No home

can do without one. Some knives are very much

sharper and more delicate than others. They are used

for much more intricate and sensitive tasks, such as

slaughtering an ox. Despite a knife being such a

useful item, a child is never allowed to handle it. Even

adults handle a super-sharp slaughtering knife with

extreme caution. Why? Simply because of the

associated dangers. The more sophisticated the

knife, the more dangerous it is. Yet, its benefits

cannot be denied.


Much of modern technology is similar to a knife

– albeit an extremely sharp knife.  If one carelessly

handles a steel knife, one could lose a limb or even

one’s life. Careless use of modern technology could

lead to the destruction of Adab (respect) and Hayaa

(modesty), the break-up of marriages and even loss

of Imaan – Allah Forbid!

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4 December 2015 Safar 1437

While every sane adult handles even a

moderately sharp knife with extra caution, and never

allows his child to play with one, the razor-sharp knife

of technology is handled with little or no caution by

most people and has become a toy in the hand of

almost every child. The resultant havoc is clear as

daylight – for those who care to see. 


Among the sharpest knives of technology in the

hands of almost every person are the cellular phone

and the internet. Due to these items being used

without caution and due to placing them in the hands

of children, evils which seemed far-fetched even a

decade or two ago have become widespread. The

worst filth can be seen at the press of a button – and

that button is in the hand of almost every youngster

and adult. Numerous people – young and old – have

sought assistance from Ulama and social workers to

overcome the addiction to “chat-rooms,” “mxit” and

other immoral filth available on the internet and

through mobile phones. Those who access immoral

sites often become addicted to viewing such material

and experience an ever growing crave for worse filth,

eventually leading to the destruction of this world and

the Hereafter. Most youngsters who were spoken to

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5 December 2015 Safar 1437

by Ulama, teachers and social workers admit that

they have been to immoral websites or on “mxit” and

other chat-rooms for haraam purposes. Marriages

have ended up in divorce when one of the spouses

was entrapped in “mxit” and other similar chat lines.

Teenage girls have eloped or secretly married

strangers twice their age after a brief liaison on mxit

or internet chat-rooms. At times, innocent people

have become the victims of suspicion and slander

due to this very device. Similarly, the daggers are all

out on the internet. Apart from all the immoral filth

easily accessible on the net, many people fall prey to

the extremely destructive anti-Islamic literature on

websites. Yet, we would perhaps be much more

worried or concerned if our child held a butter-knife.

The razor-sharp knife of technology in our child’s

hands generally evokes little or no concern.

It is time to stop and take notice. It is time to

learn from the lesson of crying parents, heart-broken

husbands/wives who have been abandoned by their

spouses and youngsters who plead for help to

overcome their “addiction”. Thus it is time to take

steps to protect ourselves and our families from being

swept away by these fitnas, Allah forbid, and from

being stabbed in the back by modern technology.

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6 December 2015 Safar 1437


As already discussed, the internet has many

benefits. Unlike the television which will certainly

involve the viewer in haraam, the internet can be

used in a way which does not necessarily involve one

in any violation of Deen. However, it is an extremely

sharp two-edged sword. If there is no genuine need

for it, it is best not to have it at all. If one does have it,

it should be securely “under lock and key”. Some

suggestions in this regard are:

Children must never be allowed on the

internet except under direct parental


The computer should always be in an open

general place – not in the privacy of

anyone’s room.

Software which prevents the viewing of

inappropriate sites should be installed.

While this helps in some little way, it is

hardly effective. Numerous sites which are

totally haraam in Shariah will not be

deemed inappropriate by the

manufacturers of the software.

The password to use the internet should be

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7 December 2015 Safar 1437

known to the parent only.

The internet should only be used when

searching for something, such as material

for school work or other research. Do not

idly surf the internet as a pastime.


  Despite its great benefits, the cellular phone is

arguably the biggest fitna tool in our times. It is like

the Swiss knife which has several blades and sharp

instruments tucked under its casing. The difference

here is that all the blades and instruments are open,

ever ready to cut and maim.  Yet it has become the

first choice for a gift or as reward for a good pass or

merely to make the child happy. This is indeed

dangerous. Some suggestions to protect ourselves

and our families from this fitna are:

A child does not need a phone. A teenager

does not need a phone. It may sound absurd or seem

like advice that is applicable to the camel ages, not

the twentieth century. Nevertheless, it is advice to

save us from crying when it will be too late to cry. Ask

those who have already learnt the hard way. (May

Allah Ta’ala save us all. Aameen.)

On the rare occasions that a child needs to

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8 December 2015 Safar 1437

have the use of a phone for a genuine reason, a

phone could be lent to him for that time only.

Remember, the blades are wide open.

For those who need to have a phone, try to

have a phone with the basic functions only. Unless

necessary for one’s work, totally avoid any functions

which enable one to go on-line to any sites. Disable

such functions on one’s phone.

Do NOT circulate gossip or immoral material

via SMS. Instead send an SMS to all your associates

asking them not to forward to you any gossip or rude

and immoral text messages.

Remember, most children know more than their

parents about cell-phones and other technology. In

fact many parents rely on their children to teach them

about many features on their phones or to help them

surf the internet for something necessary. Hence

children often easily hide what they want and make

parents believe that all is well. Therefore, we cannot

afford to take chances. Have we not heard that it is

better to be safe than sorry? 

      May Allah Ta’ala protect the Ummah from all

fitnas and safeguard our Imaan, Akhlaaq (good

character) and Hayaa. Aameen.

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9 December 2015 Safar 1437

TAFSEER( C o m m e n t a r y o f t h e H o l y

Q u r ’ a n )By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Muhammad Shafi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

SURAH AL-BAQARAHNote: This part of Tafseer is the remaining portion of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer and hence connected with the previous chapter of Surah Al-Baqarah Tafseer.

(3) The Jews knew very well that their indulgence in black magic was not only a sin, but also involved infidelity (kufr). They could also see that such activities would do them no good even in this world, for their sorcery could not harm anyone except when Allah Ta’ala willed it so. Thus their practice went against their knowledge, and they made no use of their understanding to see this discrepancy. That is why the Holy Qur’an, to begin with, states that they ‘knew’, and then goes on to negate this knowledge by saying “Only if they knew!” For, if one does neither act upon what one knows nor tries to understand it properly, one’s knowledge is no better than ignorance.

(4) There was a time when black magic had grown

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10 December 2015 Safar 1437

very popular in the world, particularly in Babylon. Seeing its astonishing efficacy, ignorant people began to confuse its effects with the miracles of prophets, and to suppose that the two were identical in nature. Some even looked upon magicians as being holy men, and worthy of being obeyed; still others actually started learning and practicing black magic as if it were a good deed bearing a divine sanction1.

In short, this extraordinary veneration for magic and magicians had become a potent source of misguidance. In order to eradicate this misunderstanding, Allah Ta’ala sent down to Babylon two angels, Haarut and Maarut, for informing the people as to the true nature of magic and as to its different forms, so that they should distinguish it from the miracles of prophets, and keep away from obeying magicians and practicing magic themselves. Just as the prophethood of prophets is divinely confirmed through miracles, signs and rational or other arguments, in the same way the angelical nature of Haarut and Maarut was confirmed on the basis of different signs and arguments, so that people should listen attentively to them and follow their guidance.

This particular function was not assigned to the prophets for two reasons. Firstly, the need of the hour was to establish a distinction between the prophets 1 Just as there has been a sudden outburst of enthusiasm for the occult sciences in the West since the middle of the sixties in this century, particularly in America where even the universities have been inundated by it.

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11 December 2015 Safar 1437

and the magicians, and, the prophets being in a way a party to the dispute, it was proper that a third party should be the arbitrator. Secondly, the necessary distinction between the two could not, in a normal course, be defined without citing and reporting the verbal formulas employed in magic. Merely to report heretical speech is not in itself a heresy – this is a logical and rational principle, and the Shari’ah too accepts it. So, the prophets could have been allowed to cite these formulas; but, they being a manifestation of divine guidance, Allah Ta’ala did not ask them to perform such a function, and chose two angels for the purpose. For, Allah Ta’ala’s commandments are of two kinds – those pertaining to takween (creation and the cosmic order), and those pertaining to Tashri (legislation) -, and it is quite possible that sometimes the two may not seem to accord with each other. The order of creation is made up of good and evil both, and it is the angels through whom divine commandments are enforced in this sphere. So, the angels are made to do things which, in the perspective of the cosmic order, always lead to general good, but which, in so far as they necessarily involve some kind of partial disorder, are seen to be evil – for example, the growth and upkeep of a human tyrant, or of a harmful beast, each of which is right in the context of the order of creation, but wrong from the point of view of the order of legislation. On the other hand, the prophets are entrusted only with the functions of the legislative order, which are, in their general as well as particular applications, nothing but good.

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12 December 2015 Safar 1437

(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Ta’ala)


Nabi ’s Love for Children

By: Hazrat Maulana Abu Talhah Muhammad Izharul Hasan Mahmood Sahib

Translated By: Hazrat Mufti Afzal Husain Elias Sahib


(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Respect shown to the mother ofHazrat Ali Raziyallahu Anhu

After the demise of the mother of Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, the mother of Hazrat Ali Raziyallahu Anhu, Hazrat Faatimah-Bint-Asad Raziyallahu

Anha took Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam into her loving care. He also loved her very dearly.

When she passed away, Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam gave his shawl (as a shroud) for her. He also laid her in the grave so that through the blessings of the Nubuwwat the grave would become a place of comfort and rest for her. After her burial, he stood beside her grave for a while and made Duaa for her. Whilst making Duaa he said, “O my mother! May Allah Ta’ala have mercy on you, for after the demise of my mother, you were like my mother. You would

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13 December 2015 Safar 1437

remain hungry so that I could eat. You would ensure that I had sufficient clothing when you were in greater need of clothing.” Together with making Duaa for her, he would remember the goodness she had shown him. (Al-Isaabah)

Sayings of Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam as regards the rights of children:

The rewards for correct upbringing of children

A woman once came begging to Ummul Mu’mineen Hazrat Aa’ishah Raziyallahu Anha.

Accompanying her were her two daughters. At that movement in time Hazrat Aa’ishah Raziyallahu Anha had nothing other than a single date to give the woman. She thus made over this single date.

The love of a mother in this poor woman for her children was such that she would not bare eating the date whilst her children went hungry. She, therefore, broke the date in two and made over a piece of each daughter. Seeing this, Hazrat Aa’ishah Raziyallahu Anha

was very much astonished. When Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam arrived, she narrated to him what had occurred.

Hearing this, Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam said, “Any person who is blessed with daughters and as a result tested (by Allah Ta’ala), yet he/she shows kindness towards these daughters, these daughters will serve as shields for that person

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14 December 2015 Safar 1437

against the fire of Jahannam.” (Muslim)

The reward for bringing up two girls:

Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam is reported to have said, “Any person who brings up two girls until they reach the age (where they are able to differentiate between right and wrong) will be close to me on the day of judgment.” (Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam indicated towards the closeness by holding up his two fingers close to one another.) (Muslim) Such a lofty position is indeed unimaginable.

On another occasion he Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

said, “A father teaching his child a good manner is better than him giving one saa’a (approx.4kgs) in charity.”

On yet another occasion he Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

said, “A father can not give his child anything better than giving him sound (deeni) education.” (Tirmizi)

In an effort to rectify the evil practice of giving preference to boys over grills, he Sallallahu alaihi wasallam

once said, “That person who has been blessed with daughters and he does not kill them (by burying them alive as was an old Arabian practice), neither does he humiliate them in any way, nor does he give preference to his sons over them (the daughters), will be given entry into Jannat by Allah Ta’aa.” (Sunan Abu-


Giving preference to sons over daughters or giving preference to one son over the other sons is also against the teachings of Islam. This has been referred to as oppression

by Hazrat Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam.

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15 December 2015 Safar 1437

(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Ta’ala)



HAZRAT RASULULLAH From the teachings and advices of Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Sahib Gangohi (Rahmatullahi-Alaihi)

Compiled by: Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Kashmiri (Daamat- Barakatuhum)

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Other Incidents

Maulana Riyaasat Ali Sahib said, “Okay, why don’t we have the debate at Koot?” They declined, therefore, the debate did not take place at all. They had collected a substantial amount of money and hundreds of kilos of grain on the pretext that they would plant the flag of Sunnah in the Wah-haabi camp. When the people demanded their money and grain back, as their livelihood depended on these necessities, they decided to hold a debate in Kanpur. The people of Kanpur sent a message to me. I said, “Don’t ever decline the challenge. Accept whatever conditions they make.”

Actually, they had wished that some quarrel would break out so that they could gulp the grain and cash collected from the gullible people. They were using the debate to deceive the people. The debate did not take place there as well. They held their own Jalsah and gave speeches. They said whatever they wanted to say in those Jalsahs. Their usual conduct is to constantly interfere with, swear and spread false rumours about others. We don’t

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16 December 2015 Safar 1437

have to answer and respond to them. The services of our elders are apparent for the world to see.

Consolement by Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alayhi wasallam)

Maulana Waaris Hasan Sahib’s son lived in

Lucknow. Maulana Waaris Hasan was Bay’at to

Hazrat Maulana Gangohi Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi).

Someone came to his son and said, "I wish to

become your Mureed. However, I don't consider so

and so to be Muslims." Thus, he mentioned the

names of the senior Ulama of Deoband and said

that he regards them as kaafir. He also added that,

"If you wish to make me your Mureed, then you

may do so.” Hazrat accepted him for Bay’at.

One day, this man came to him shivering and

crying. He was very perturbed. He said, "I saw

Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu alaihi wasallam in my dream.

Maulana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) was

sitting in the Tashahhud position (sitting posture in

Namaaz) with his hands on the feet of Hazrat Nabi-e-

Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) saying, "O Allah’s Nabi

(Sallallahu alaihi wasallam), please tell me of my faults. Why

do these people speak ill of me?" Hazrat Nabi-e-

Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam) held both his hands,

placed them on his Mubaarak chest and said, "I am

not speaking ill of you. I am not speaking ill of you."

The man then said, "I have come to make

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17 December 2015 Safar 1437

Taubah in your presence. In future, I will never

condemn these personalities again.”

Therefore, we do not need to say anything nor

prove the innocence of our elders and ourselves.

Our elders' services are as clear as daylight before

the people. However, brothers, make Du’aa that

Allah Ta'ala creates within the hearts of those who

oppose (these Awliyaa), the guidance (to see the

truth). May Allah Ta'ala save them from the wrong

path and make them true followers of Hazrat Nabi

Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam). Aameen.

Salaam in the court of the best of humanity, Hazrat Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu alaihi wasallam)

Compiled by: Hazrat Aqdas, The Torch- bearer of Shari’at and Tareeqat, Mufti Mahmood Hasan Sahib Gangohi

(Rahmatullahi Alaihi)

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18 December 2015 Safar 1437

(Concluded, Alhamdu-Lillaahi-Rabbil-Aalameen)


Statements and Anecdotes of Faqeehul-Ummat, Hazrat Maulana Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi

Sahib .

Compiled By: Hazrat Maulana Mufti Farooq Meeruti Sahib (Daamat- Barakatuhum)

Matters pertaining to Hadith

The Aqeeqah of Hazrat Rasulullah This servant (the compiler) had once asked, “It

appears in the kitaab: Maa Laa Budda Minhu (Pg. 171) that Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had performed his Aqeeqah after Nubuwwat. Where does this hadeeth appear?”

Hazrat replied, “It is recorded in Allaamah Suyooti’s Rahmatullahi alaihi kitaab, Al-Khasaais-ul-Kubra. There are two opinions regarding the Aqeeqah of Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam. One is according to that which is written in Maa Laa Budda Minhu. The second is that Hazrat Nabi Akram’s Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

grandfather carried out his Aqeeqah seven days after

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he was born.

Placing the hand on the forehead whilst reading a Duaa after Salah

Q: Is the placing of the hand on the forehead after

Salah and reading a Duaa established in the Hadeeth?

A: It is established.

Haafiz Ibnus-Sunni, a student of Imam Nasaai Rahmatullahi alaihi has recorded a marfoo hadeeth (narrated directly from Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam in his kitaab, Amul-ul-Yowmi-wal-Laylah.

The Hadeeth explains that after Salah, Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam used to place his right hand on the front portion of his head and read the following Du’aa:

(O Allah! Distance from me all grief and sorrow.)

Allaamah Jazari Rahmatullahi-alaihi has recorded the entire Du’aa in Al-Hisn-ul-Haseen, page No. 107 on the authority of Abu Ya’la and Ibnus-Sunni as follows:

(With the name of Allah the being besides whom there is no deity, the Most Compassionate Most Merciful. O Allah!

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Distance from me all grief and sorrow.)

What is the Sunnat trouser?

Q: What is the Sunnat trouser? Is it the wide trouser or the Aligarh style trouser or a Shar’ee trouser?

A: Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam had

purchased a trouser and liked it because it conceals

the private areas better. According to some

narrations, Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam

even wore a trouser. (Khasaa’il-e-Nabawi. Pg70)

However, the style of trouser is unknown, how was

the cut and how was it sown? Nevertheless, to adopt

the attire of the pious of one’s area would be the

closest to the Sunnat. Whatever type of trousers they

wear, one should wear the same as long as it does

not contradict the Shari’ah i.e. it should not be the

trend of the Sinners and Kuffaar.

Hazrat Hanzalah Raziyallahu Anhu

fearing Nifaaq (hypocrisy)

It was the habit of Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu

Alaihi Wasallam to enquire about those who were absent

from Masjid. Once, Hazrat Hanzalah Raziyallahu Anhu did

not come for Salah and Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu

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21 December 2015 Safar 1437

Alaihi Wasallam enquired regarding him. Hazrat Abu Bakr

Siddeeq Raziyallahu Anhu then went to his house for an


On enquiry from his household, they informed

him that he was seated in the corner crying away.

Hazrat Abu Bakr Raziyallahu Anhu went up to him and

asked him the reason for him crying. He replied,

“Hanzalah has turned a Munaafiq (hypocrite).”

Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddeeq Raziyallahu Anhu asked

him the reason for saying this. He said, “When we are

seated with Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam then

it is as if we are seeing Jannah and Jahannam, but

no sooner did I came back home and get involved

with my family, these feeling no more remain.”

On hearing this, Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddeeq

Raziyallahu Anhu said, “If this is Nifaaq (hypocrisy) then I

am a Munaafiq as well because this is also my


Thereafter both of them came to the company

of Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam and explained

the entire discussion. Hazrat Nabi Akram Sallallahu Alaihi

Wasallam said, “If the condition you experience when

seated by me continuously remains, then the angels

would greet you in your beds and on the road.”

(Mishkaat with reference to Muslim, Vol 1, pg 197)

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Note: This hadeeth will be a means of consolidation for those

Saalikeen who do not find the yearning and enthusiasm to carry out ibaadat as they do when in the company of their mashaayikh.

(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Ta’ala)


Etiquettes for students

BBy: Hazrat Maulana Siddiq Ahmad Baandwi Sahib Rahimahullahu-Ta’alaBB

Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR

Second EtiquetteRefraining from evil

Whilst studying, throughout the night, he continuously placed his finger in the flame of the lamp. The girl sat watching the entire scene.

It was approaching morning when he told her: “The rioters have all gone home. The path is now clear. You may leave now.” She replied: “I will not go home until you explain to me your actions. Why were you placing your finger in the fire?” “What’s that got to do with you?” said the student, “You do not worry about that, go off now.” However, after much insistence, he answered: “Shaytaan was inciting me to commit sin with you. Hence I kept on placing my finger in the fire and

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23 December 2015 Safar 1437

addressed myself saying, ‘You cannot tolerate the fire of Jahannam?’ All thanks are due to Allah that he protected me.” Hearing this she left for home. It so happened that she was the daughter of a wealthy man and was about to be engaged to a rich relative of hers. She immediately refused the proposal and informed her parents: “I want to marry that certain student.”

The entire family tried to reason with her. Many people became suspicious of her. When she realized this, she explained the entire incident to them and said:

“I will marry only him. He has the fear of Allah in his heart. He will never cause harm to anyone.” She married that student and eventually he became the owner of that home.

How true it is that the one who saves himself from Haraam, Allah Ta’ala will grant it to him in a Halaal manner.

Nowadays, evil habits are on the increase among students. There is no sign of Taqwaa, trustworthiness, humility or piety left in them. Infact, even the outward actions are lacking in them. They are not punctual with their Salah with Jamaa’at. Their minds are only inclined towards corruption. If they cannot correct themselves whilst they are students living in an environment of Deen, how will they ever be able to correct others?

Once, a student was sitting in a Masjid after Esha. After some time, he extinguished one lamp, lit

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another lamp and resumed hid studies. A pious person sitting there asked him the reason for this action. The student replied: “This is the lamp of the Masjid. It burns for the duration it is allowed. Thereafter, I burn my own lamp and continue my studies.’ The buzurg asked: “With whom have you established your Islaahi ta’alluq (contact for self-reformation)” The student replied: “Hakeemul Ummah.” The buzurg remarked: “This ought to be the effect.’

If a student really wishes to benefit from his knowledge and he wishes to benefit others, then he must not be unmindful of his own reformation. An easy method to attain this is to establish some contact with a Shaikh-e-Kaamil. Thereafer, in everything that he does he should consult him and follow his advice.

My Ustaaz, Hazrat Shiakhul-Hadith, Maulana Muhammad Zakariyya Saahib Rahmatullahi Alaihi in the Abu- Dawood-Shareef lesson said that if a person has not become a Saahib-e-Nisbat in his student days, then he has not achieved anything. Thereafter, he mentioned that Allah Ta’aala had blessed Hazrat Muhammad Abraarul-Haq Saahib Rahmatullahi-alaihi with this wealth in his student days.

Because of this relationship with Allah, Allah is taking great work from Hazrat regarding the reformation of the Ummah. Whoever wishes may go to Hardoi and see for themselves.

It is written in Ta’leemul Mura’aalim that Hazrat

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Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam said. “The angels do not enter a home wherein there is a picture of an animal, object or the presence of a dog.” Thus a person who acquires knowledge via the assistance of the angels should refrain from committing sins, so that this evil habits do not became an impediment in his acquisition of knowledge.

(To be continued, Insha-Allah)


Potions for the HeartA Translation of Dawa-e-Dill

By: Hazrat Peer Zulfiqar Ahmad Naqashbandi Sahib Daamat-Barakatuhum

Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR

The importance of self purification

The clothing of the people of Jahannam

When one gets admitted into hospital,

regardless of his status, his clothes are taken off him

and he is made to wear the uniform of the hospital.

Likewise, Allah has made a uniform for the dwellers of


Their shirts will be of rosin.

[Surah Ibarhim 14:50-Only relevant portion of the Aayah is documented]

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26 December 2015 Safar 1437

The Holy Qur’an states that they will be made

to wear clothes of sulphur, which will have terrible

stench. The scholars have written that if all the living

beings of the world (i.e. humans, animals, birds, etc)

were to gather in one place and die, the stench of

their decomposing bodies would not be more than

that of the clothing of Hell.

In this world, we are always searching for food

perfumes and fragrances. We use air fresheners to

ward off bad odours. In Hell, however, one will have

to wear a uniform whose stench will be suffocating. If

there is a dead dog lying on the road, we change our

route due to its smell. Imagine what may be the state

of stench in Hell, where is a great extent of dead and

decomposing bodies!!

After being made to wear the uniform, one will

be sent to a section of Hell. Some will be in a higher

section while others will be in a lower one.

Surely, the hypocrites are in the lowest level of fire.

[An-Nisa 04:145- Only relevant portion of the Aayah is documented]

The hypocrites will be in a separate section of

Hell. These people, who show themselves to be

different from what they actually are, will be place in

the lowest level of Hell. They will go into a special unit

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where they will be accordingly.

Thus, all the sinners will be given different

routes according to their sins.

The food of the people of Jahannam

When one is sick, the doctor puts them on a

special diet. For example, a heart patient is stopped

from eating oily foods, a diabetic is stopped from

taking sweet foods and one with ulcer is prevented

from taking spices.

In the same way, one who enters Hell will not

be given tasty foods. As we all know, one who is sick

usually made to eat boiled food. In Hell, it is also

compulsory for the dwellers to have special food.

Allah Ta’ala has placed a special vegetable there,

which is called Zaqqum.

O O Indeed the tree of Zaqqum. IS the food of the sinful.

[Ad-Dukhan 44:43-44]

O Like dregs of oil. It will boil in the bellies.

[Ad-Dukhan 44:45]

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It is full of thorns, and is poisonous and so bitter

that one will be unable to bite it. When a sinner will try

to eat it, he will neither be able to swallow it nor spit it

out. The thorns will be spread throughout his body.

He will suffer severe thirst, and ask for something to


(To be continued, Insha-Allahu-Ta’ala)

Family Bond


By: Hazrat Maulana Dr. Muhammad Habibullaah Mukhtaar SahibTranslated by: Jenab Rafiq Abdurrahmaan Sahib

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)Etiquette of humourExcessive joking lowers the esteem of the speaker in the eyes of the listeners and arouses antagonism. It encourages juniors to take liberties with their elders. It results in loss of dignity.When being humorous, one must not insult or degrade others. It is good to humour others as long as they are not offended or disgraced. The hadiith narrates that one must not conceal what belongs to others or terrify them. It is very cruel to scare or make someone panic.It is also wrong to lie or report a false story humorously. It is a sin to fabricate a lie even if it is meant in jest. It is a betrayal of trust to narrate a lie in a manner that persuades a listener that it is true. A person is full of Imaan who does not lie or feign quarrels. Similarly, the playing of practical jokes rather like ‘April Fool’ is demeaning. It is a lie and a western custom that must not be adopted.The Noble Rasuul, Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, was truthful even while he joked. Once, he caught hold of a Sahaabi while he was selling merchandise and announced, “Who will buy this slave?” Then again,

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when a person asked for an animal to ride, he said: “We will give you the son of a she-camel.” That person could not understand what he meant, so he explained that a camel was, after all, a child of its mother! Again, we know that when a female Sahaabiyyah once conveyed her husband’s greetings to him, he queried if he was not the one with whiteness in the eyes. She protested, No, no! There is not any whiteness in his eyes! He insisted, Why not, there is whiteness in every eye! Obviously, he referred to the pupil of the eye and she took it to mean blindness! Then, there is the account of an old woman who requested that the Noble Rasuul Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam make Du’aa so that she be admitted to Jannah. “O no! Old women will not enter Jannah!” Tears flowed in her eyes. He was quick to explain that all will be in their youth when they enter Jannah. There will not be any old people! (Continue)

Great Personality

Rahimahullahu Ta’ala

By: Hazrat Allamah Muhammad Ibn Yusuf Salihi Dimashqi Shafi’ee Rahmatullahi-Alaihi

(Continue from the previous issue of AN-NOOR)

Hazrat Imam Sahib’s excessive ‘Ibaadat and recitation of the Qur’an and his nightly vigils

14. He also narrates that Mus’ir ibn Kidaam says: “One night I went into the Masjid where I saw a man performing Salah. I was taken aback by his melodious recitation of the Holy Qur’an. When he reached the seventh juz of the Holy Qur’an, I thought he may go into Ruk’u any movement but he did not until he recited a third of the Holy Qur’an. I thought he may go into Ruk’h at the termination of half of the Holy Qur’an, but he continued until he recited the entire Holy Qur’an in one Rak’at. Upon closer inspection, I realized it was Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Sahib (Rahmatullahi Alaihi)”.

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15. Khatib Baghdadi, Abu Muhammad Haarithi and Abu Abdullah Kursi Narrate that Mus’ir Ibn Kidaam said;’’ When I went to the Masjid of Hazrat Imam Abu Hanifah Sahib (Rahmatullahi alaihi) I saw that he performed the Fajr Salah and immediately thereafter he continued teaching until Zuhr . He performed Zuhr and continued teaching until ‘Asr and after ‘Asr he continued teaching until Maghrib. And after Maghrib he taught until ‘Esha. I thought to myself, with such a busy teaching schedule, when can this man ever make ‘Ibadat? I will try and determine this, I thought. When the people departed after ‘Esha Salah, Imam Sahib returned to the Masjid well-scented in ‘Itr (perfume) exuding fragrance like that of a bride. He came and stood for Salah and he continued performing Salah right until true dawn. He thereafter returned home for a fresh change of clothes and repaired to the Masjid for Fajr Salah. He thereafter continued teaching right until ‘ Esha as he had done the previous day. He went home after ‘ Esha and returned to the Masjid after the people had all departed. He continued performing Salah until true dawn as he had done the previous day. He thereafter returned home for a little while and returned for Fajr Salah and continued teaching right until ‘Esha whereafter he went home I thought to my self, his zeal of vitality may lost a day or two at the most, today I will see how it goes. He returned after a short while and again he occupied himself with Salah for the entire night. In the morning, he continued teaching in the same manner. I said to myself, ‘I will never leave him until my death.’

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Accordingly, I stayed in his Masjid. I never saw him without Saum (Fasting) during the day and I never saw him sleeping at night. However, he used to rest a while before Zuhr.”

Ibn Abu-Mu’aaz says that Mus’ir Ibn-Kidaam, the narrator of the aforementioned incident, passed away in Sajdah in Imam Sahib’s Masjid.

(To be Continued, Insha-Allahu-Ta’ala)

Letters to the editorHeart-felt Condolences

Dear Editor,This has a reference to your news item: Haafiz Muhammad Ibraaheem Sahib passes away, AN-NOOR, Campus Round-up, November 2015. This sad news came as a sudden shock to all the members and the students of Islamic Da’wah Centre (IDC) here. Really, Hazrat Haafiz Muhammad Ibraaheem Sahib Alaihi-

rahmatullah was pious, righteous and a devoted Muslim of Johannesburg Africa. May Allah Almighty give the bereaved family strength and patience to bear the grief and loss on the sad demise of Hazrat Haafiz Sahib. And may Allah Ta’ala admit the deceased Haafiz Sahib to Jannatul-Firdaus. Please convey our heart-felt condolences to the bereaved family and to the Esteemed Rector of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora Kashmir. With due respect and regards,Lateef Ahmad WaniGeneral-SecretaryIslamic Da’wah Centre (IDC)Chattabal Srinagar

Sunnah is the GreatDear Editor,This has a reference to your Editorial, “Spirit of the

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Sunnah” by Hazrat Maulana Ilyaas Patel Sahib, AN-NOOR, November 2015. The said Editorial made us cautious that we should never consider any Sunnah as small as it is tantamount to Kufr. Of course, every Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Sallallahu alaihi wasallam is the great and we love and respect every Sunnah very much.Talhah Raheem ShahSopore Kashmir

Reformative journalDear Editor,The monthly journal of Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora, AN-NOOR, in English, is a reformative journal as it has reformed my life and the life of my wife from worst to well and good.Imraan Habeeb Khan from Kulgam Kashmir


Fayyaz Ahmad Zarroo

Dates for a mega seminar of Islamic jurists announced

The administration and faculty members of the deemed Islamic varsity of the Jammu & Kashmir state, Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora Kashmir, is gearing up to organize a mega-cum-maiden seminar of Islamic jurists of the country at its spacious campus, Mahmood-aabaad Bagh Nussu Bandipora Kashmir, in which hundred plus great scholars of Islam across the country is

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expected to participate. As per the communiqué issued by the Esteemed Rector of this varsity, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Daamat-Barakatuhum, two contemporary issues will be discussed in the said seminar. One is: The joint business of father and sons, and the second is: Medical Insurance. As per the given information provided by the Respected Naazim of Idaaratul-Mubaahith-al-Fiqhiyyah, Hazrat Maulana Muizzud-deen Sahib, this seminar will be held on 4th, 5th & 6th of May 2016 Insha-Allahu Ta’ala at Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora Kashmir.In this connection, Hazrat Maulana Muizzud-deen Sahib visited Darul-Uloom Raheemiyyah Bandipora Kashmir on 30, November 2015 and took the stock of the preparations going on at the Raheemiyyah Campus here. He was satisfied with the enthusiastic preparations going on under the command of the Esteemed Rector of this varsity, Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Rahmatullah Sahib Qasmi Daamat-Barakatuhum, and prayed for its success and acceptance.
