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an open letter to all girls...Dear Girls, Don’t ever let fear hold you back! It’s okay to be...

Date post: 21-Oct-2020
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Dear Girls, Remember that courage is ACTING in spite of any fear of failure, embarrassment or risk. If you fail or don’t get the result you want, KEEP ACTING and use it to LEARN! When your friends feel like they have failed, tell them you’re glad they tried and were COURAGEOUS. Remind your teachers, Scout leaders, parents and coaches to help you when you struggle-- to see how failures can TEACH you. Compliment the people around you on what they do, try, or accomplish instead of how they look or what they have. an open letter to all girls
  • Dear Girls,

    Remember that courage is ACTING in spite of any fear of failure, embarrassment or risk. If you fail or don’t get the result you want, KEEP ACTING and use it to LEARN! When your friends feel like they have failed, tell them you’re glad they tried and were COURAGEOUS. Remind your teachers, Scout leaders, parents and coaches to help you when you struggle-- to see how failures can TEACH you. Compliment the people around you on what they do, try, or accomplish instead of how they look or what they have.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    If you aren’t feeling fear or anxiousness on a regular basis at school or in sports, maybe you’re not going for it! Fear of failure and anxiousness are natural for girls.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Your life is a living scrapbook. It’s filled with all of the great experiences you get to enjoy throughout your life. You can change your scrapbook and make new memories. No matter what you put in your scrapbook, you can look back and see the challenges you conquered. In the end, you will look back and smile because you proved to yourself that your life can’t be changed, but self-modified, because you are perfect and no one can change that.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Please know that failure does not define you. In fact, failure shapes you. Perhaps your best approach is to throw away the word “failure.” It’s negative and brings on stall. Instead, embrace it and use it to shape and drive you to be your newer, better version of yourself, as defined by you and for you.

    You are your own power. Don’t limit yourself by ideas like “perfec-tion” and “failure.”

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Don’t ever let fear hold you back! It’s okay to be scared; everyone is afraid of something. Courage is the willingness to act in spite of your fear.

    Be brave! The faster you fail, the faster you succeed. We must make mistakes and learn from them to be great.

    You are great. Believe in yourself and never be afraid to try!

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    One of the most crucial things that you need to know about life is that making a mistake or two does not make you a “not-great” person. There has not been a person born who could possibly be considered perfect, and it is crazy to think there could be. However, it is possible to be a person who embraces their mistakes, turns them into learning experiences, and is a great person whose “fantasticness” shadows a few missteps that may occur along the way.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    • Celebrate failures = action therapy, doing things in spite of fear.• Redefine perfection as your personal best.• Missteps make you smarter.• Enjoy the journey and the experience without worrying about the outcome.• Change IS good, embrace it.• Girls are wired differently than boys.• Success is reaching your goals

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    We learned some neat things we want to share with you.

    It’s ok to be fearful when you try new things. Don’t wait until that feeling goes away – it will never completely go away. The more you try, the easier it gets. Just do it!

    You will learn more from failure than you will from success, so cele-brate your missteps.

    Have a wonderful, adventurous life!

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Be a person of excellence, not perfection. We were in attendance at a Girl Scout event and here are some messages we thought we’d share with you. Life isn’t about waiting for the rain to stop, it’s about learning how to dance in the rain. Be comfortable with who you are and not how others define you. Live truthfully and “DO” or “DO NOT” - there is no “Try.” Have fun and remember you learn more through failure than getting it right the first time. Celebrate your life.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    When I was a teenager, I resolved that I would overcome my fears. I

    promised myself to do one daring thing per day, to push the envelope of my

    world. For example, I took the bus to a new place, said “hi” to someone I

    like who I wanted to be friends with, changed my look for the day.

    When I left the home, I traveled alone by car from Philadelphia to Texas. I

    am no longer afraid of anything. I just take one small step per day. I don’t

    take anyone else’s definition of “brave.” It just needs to be brave to me.

    Take small steps. Over time, you can travel the world.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Failure happens! Embrace it, learn from it. It’s an invaluable tool to learn to succeed. All successful people have failures.

    Be true to yourself, don’t worry about what others think, and make your own goals and dreams happen for YOU.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    We want to reach out to each one of you. As you embark on your journey to seek your best self, consider:

    Hug the fear monster – face your fears. If you open your mind to failure, it will open you up to greater opportunities and great success. There is power in the word failure.

    Remember to focus on the process and Take Action. The more you do, the less you’ll fear.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Be best version of yourself.Look at mistakes as missteps. Courage is the willingness to act in the face of fear. Define your own personal excellence.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Life is an adventure-- treat it as such. Have fun and enjoy what you are doing. Do not focus on perfection. It is not about “Being the Best,” but “Doing your Best” that counts. Focus on being the best version of yourself. We do not control the outcome, but can be totally responsible for the process. The only person we control is ourselves. So have fun, make mistakes, get up and go at it again. Laugh at your mistakes and celebrate your victories.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    During my school years, I was awkward and felt like I didn’t fit in. My passion was Girl Scouts and that was where I felt I fit in. Little did I know that through Girl Scouts I was building leadership skills, confidence, and becoming an interesting person. When I went to college, I had lots of things to talk about and realized there were lots of people in the world I did connect with. I made great friends and that was the beginning of my journey to a wonderful life with fabulous friends and lots of personal and career success.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Be confident in your choices, in activities, career, college, etc. and don’t worry about meeting standards set by your peers. Today’s society offers so many choices. You can work in formerly male-dominated professions or do whatever you want to do. “Bloom where you are planted” and turn negatives into positives.

    Count on family and friends for love and support.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Here are things to think about!• Be the best version of yourself.• Feel beautiful as a result of your own success.• Look at mistakes as missteps in order to learn.• Cheer when you get an “F” – it is a way to learn.• Change does not equal failure.• Team results supersede individual results.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Fail and fail a lot now. Learn to fail, do things you’re not good at, try many, many different things. The world is a huge place. If you don’t try many different things, it will be hard to find in life all the things that you love.

    Learn to fail and not be great at things. Trying is the most important skill you can learn and apply.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    In the modern age where social media is everywhere, girls have more pressure than ever to think they need to look or act a certain way.

    But why should everyone be the same? That would make a very boring world. Instead, I recommend that you be your own weird self and be you!

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Have an open-mind toward failure or “less than optimal” results. When you feel defeated, it can open you up to greater success than you ever thought possible.

    No one has to be great at everything, but identify your goals and priorities and focus all your energy into what matters to YOU!

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Please believe in yourself, and find your voice within by trusting your heart. Find something you love in yourself that is not beauty. Discover who you are and take action. You are stronger and more capable than you give yourself credit for, so keep pushing even if you are uncomfortable.

    It’s okay to be afraid, be strong in what you do. Failure is just a stepping stone.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Be brave! Your struggles are the building blocks upon which you will build your character and personal as well as professional successes. Do not get caught up on the outside, but get wrapped up and fall in love with your inside – take pride in what makes you, you!

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    They say that age brings wisdom. We’re not sure about that, but we’d like to share some of the things we have learned. First, know that everyone around you feels the same anxiety and feelings when faced with a challenge. To truly exceed, you have to acknowledge to yourself how you feel and move on and accept the challenge. Only by approaching the things that scare you, can you get to where you want to be in life. Decide your own version of perfect and strive to achieve this.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Congrats on your accomplishments thus far. There will be more to come. But with the highs of success will come missteps. Embrace every setback. Embrace every journey. You will look back at every success and remember how you got to where you are at. I was once where you are now.

    Don’t be afraid to be who you are because you are poetry.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    It’s ok to be afraid. Most people are. The important thing to do is to experiment with new challenges, don’t be afraid to fail. Create the best definition of “perfect” for you. Learn to feel comfortable with discomfort.

    Encourage and support our friends to find their voice, and embrace and encourage the differences among us.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Ask yourself: Who am I now? Who do I want to be? How do I get there?Find your focus. Make a plan and go after it. Be your own experiment.Perfection is personal—it’s what’s right for YOU. Redefine perfection and failure so you can achieve your goals.

    Never strive for someone else’s idea of perfection. Seek your own level of excellence; define your own excellence!

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    When you don’t think you can do that “thing”—whatever it is—do it anyway.Always be willing to act—in spite of your fear. Practice… and practice some more.Pursue your passions—even though you may be afraid. Embrace the fear monster.

    When I almost drowned, I didn’t stop swimming. I took lessons. I hung on to the edge of

    the pool and pushed out to the middle. I went on to become a lifeguard and swim

    instructor. Push through your discomfort and move forward.

    When you experience failure, put on your “big girl” panties and move on.

    an open letter to all girls

  • Dear Girls,

    Celebrate missteps as learning experiences. What matters most is what you do after a misstep. Try something new every day!

    To experience failure is to experience success. Failure enables you to recognize success, to pursue success, and be a better you! If you haven’t failed, you haven’t pushed yourself far enough.

    With perspective, you will see that the cliffs you think you are falling off of are actually just little bumps in the road.

    an open letter to all girls
