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An Unusual Love Story

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  • 8/2/2019 An Unusual Love Story



  • 8/2/2019 An Unusual Love Story


    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    Ch 1:

    A new beginning. All excited I headed to attend my first class as an engineering student, unaware of the

    fact that this day had to offer me something far more interesting, which would change my life forever.

    By 10 am most of the first years had assembled in the auditorium, the Director of Queens College of

    Engineering welcomed us with his hour long speech. I don't really remember what exactly he said that

    day, but he repeated words like "hard work" , "efforts" , "goals" and stuff like that. That guy probably

    had these few words in his vocabulary, which he repeated for the latter two years. I met him and many

    other people that day whom I will never want to remember for the remainder of my life. They all made

    my life a hell in the insti. (But more about them later, they're not worth wasting time on. ).But amongst

    all these people I met someone so special; I met the love of my life.

    Bored by the torture I began to look around me to find a pretty face, but forget about a pretty face I

    couldn't even find ten girls in the entire auditorium.

    "Welcome to QCE" the director said at the end of his speech.(What the hell was he doing for so long).At

    the end he announced the schedule of the orientation program which I had no plans to attend. Which

    also meant more two days to go till we actually began with the classes?

    There were many reasons for choosing QCE , firstly it was in my hometown, secondly I knew for sure

    none of my friends from previous school would get admission here. I never liked them, or maybe I never

    like anyone. Right from my fifth grade I studied in a boarding school, but in spite of it I had made really

    few friends, but i wanted to change everything I wanted to start all over again right from root one.

    I walked out of the auditorium, and went straight to the college canteen. I was expecting it to bedeserted but to my surprise it was full with people , some chatting on phones , some narrating their

    vacation tales, some describing their new girlfriends and all sort of unimportant stuff. I decided to go to

    the corner table, where already two people were seated. As soon as i sat down, one of the two guys

    who were seated opposite to me asked me my name.

    "IT's JUST A NAME" i told myself.

    But when someone is in their junior year they act a bit strange even speaking out their name is a big

    deal for them. The same thing wasn't applicable to me. Throughout my life I was a strong boy. I never

    took any sort of help from anyone nor did i try to help anyone.

    But today I just wanted to avoid those guys, somehow wanted to make an exit from that place. I still

    can't explain the cause of my actions that moment but neither do I regret what i did at that time.

    I just stood up and walked away to the main exit. I could hear one of the guys shouting from behind

    "Hey buddy Wats your name, i jus' saw you in the auditorium today we're probably in the same class"

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    That was really very much embarrassing, but I just couldn't turn the damage was done. This clearly

    meant i already lost two friends from the batch of 60, or it would have been very difficult to come up

    with a good argument to support my action. But as they all say some actions need not have a reason but

    they always happen for a greater good, which you will eventually realize. But i never knew i would

    realize it as soon as i step out of the canteen.

    I began to walk towards hostel block IV when i heard someone call out my name from behind

    "Ayaan wait a minute" said a really pretty girl, whom at once I recognized to be Anandita Roy.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar


    7 January 2002

    It was midnight. I laid on my bed trying my level best to get some sleep but unfortunately I couldn't. The

    following morning we were supposed to have our cricket team selection, a day I was eagerly waiting for

    since the announcement of the state level inter school tournament. I was a bit uncertain about my

    selection, not because of my skills but because of my bad reputation with our physical training instructor

    .Way back in my seventh grade I used to be a bit lazy and also a little gross compare to the others in my

    class, which lead to a poor personal fitness record which I feared would yield a negative result in the


    I woke up the following morning and was shocked to find that all the people in my dormitory had left;

    the time was 12:15 in the noon.

    I had to make the move; I didn't want to miss this opportunity at any cost, because if i had missed this

    that day I would have never got to see myself in the team. In boarding schools most of the teams are

    selected in the seventh grade and are given specialized training to strengthen their skills. Annually the

    selections are conducted but the following year one has to compete with well-trained people with more

    practice which makes it impossible to confirm your spot in the team.

    I got ready, wore my sports shoes and approached the door of the dorm to exit.

    I tried to turn the knob, but the knob did not budge, the door was locked from outside. I knew for sure

    this was yet another prank on me my by classmates. I was a usual target of them. Nobody kind of liked

    me. I tried the best i could to open the door, but all effort proved futile. Tears began to roll down my

    cheeks. But something deep inside me told me that time that sitting down here and crying won't serve

    the purpose, I needed to plunge into action.

    I jumped out on the window. (Luckily i was on the ground floor. For some reasons i always wanted to

    stay on the top floor where the seniors stayed)

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    "Luck was with me" i told myself.

    I ran to the sports complex and in no time i was there .I had finally made it. But i was unable to spot the

    instructor there; the only people there were my classmates who seemed to be in a mood of celebration,

    some laughing at me, some passing comments on me, some looking at me very strangely.

    At that moment i felt that the entire universe had conspired against me. Dejected I left that place.

    26 June 2007

    "Hey Hi Anandita. What are you doing here?" I asked surprised to see her in the campus.

    "Well actually I got admission here in ECE branch. Was a bit delayed today for college and I have heard

    that you too secured admission here in EEE." she said this without a single pause.

    I knew Anandita Roy from class 11. We studied in the same coaching class for engineering entrance

    examination. She was really very different from the rest of the girls I had ever known. Apart from being

    cute this girl really had the right brains.

    The reason probably my batch had near 100% attendance was mainly because of her. I had never got a

    chance to interact much with her because i was always a late comer.

    We were not allowed to take extra classes outside the campus. The secondary school had its own tie up

    with an institute for entrance test coaching which everyone knew sucked.

    I and seven other people secretly managed to attend the coaching class which was just three minutes

    from the main gate of the college.

    "Oh that's cool, good to know that i have a friend here" I said trying to fake a smile.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    "Aren't you attending the orientation session? She asked me.

    "It's already over" I lied.

    She didn't seem to have heard that.

    (She dialed a friend of hers from our class and to my good luck the program had actually concluded for

    the morning session)

    Both of us stood there for some time without even uttering a single word. The silence was finally broken

    by their arrival of six other girls. Than they all began to introduce themselves to each other . I watched

    them from a distance. Anandita knew only two from the six girls but they were all talking as if they knew

    each other from the start of the time. I didnt really dare to go there and introduce myself. I was really

    weak in the women department. Thats what happens when you spend most of your time in all men

    world all by yourself.

    "And that's Ayan Sharma" Anandita introduced me to her newly made friends.

    I stood there still in the best position as possible, the way i normally stand while being clicked.

    Than the girls began to introduce themselves .I dont remember much of their introduction, I was just

    too nervous for the first time in my life six girls were voluntarily talking to me .Thats a huge number for

    people like me. Priyanka, Apeksha, Ruhi , Pooja, Smita & Shruti.(& all of them were in my department)

    At that moment i could have had never imagined that one year from that moment i would be madly in

    love with one of these six girls. Anandita was the one who introduced me to the love of my life, probably

    for this reason I never argued with her on any topic though i never quite agreed with her.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar


    Love at first sight. A girl and boy meet each other for the very first time. Suddenly from nowhere it starts

    to rain. The clock stop ticking, the world seems to be so beautiful and then the stranger you just met

    becomes an indispensable part of your life. Just so perfect!

    The above is definitely not reality but a scene of a typical Bollywood movie wherein you can spot SRK

    literally in each and every frame. But everyone wants such a perfect love story which they can recount

    years later. But unfortunately reality is far from fantasy. Our dream world never coincides with our real


    Some people are lucky enough to actually experience all of the above things in reality, not literally

    everything but most of it. At one point of time I would have considered myself lucky to have had this

    perfect love story, but nothing in life is perfect nor should one seek perfection. Only once you are out of

    your dream world you will realize how screwed up your life is.

    3 July 2008

    "This place is just so beautiful. If possible I would settle down here forever" Priyanka said this to startsome conversation.

    But none of us were interested to talk to her. All of us were busy in capturing the beauty of the beach

    through our eyes and listening to the sound of the waves.

    It was the last week of our vacations. Our group had planned a holiday at Goa before the start of the

    summer term. Altogether we were sixteen, nine guys and seven girls .And we all were on the famous

    Goan beach 'Colva'. Suddenly my phone rang and broke the long silence (In spite of being a popular song

    throughout the summer of 2008, my friends detested the popular song "Pappu can't dance sala".I wasthe only admirer of it amongst us, the rest hated the ringtone).

    After attending to the call I asked my friends if anyone of them would like to join me for a walk. As

    expected none of them volunteered .How happy I was with myself at that moment, everything was

    happening the way I had planned it to happen.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    The Goan holiday wasn't just any random holiday, I had planned it throughout the summer break, also it

    wasn't easy to convince all my friends to come along but finally I had all my friends with me everything

    was just so perfect.

    It was November 14 2007, when I first met Akansha and instantly fell in love with her. She was a medical

    student from a medical school in the same city where my engineering college is located.

    My engineering college life wasn't really good. Almost all professors had issues with me. My marks were

    declining at an exponential rate. I had dreams of Einstein travelling at a speed faster than that of light,

    and laughing at me for not remembering his famous equation E=Mc2. In Engineering Drawing class I

    broke many of my personal records while playing games on my cell. I also had a record of maximum

    zeroes in my engineering maths internals. In short I was just a typical engineering student.

    Our chemistry professor had promised us 10 marks if we attended one seminar of biotechnology in the

    town and submit a report. His promise could excite only three of the students, including me.(Some

    student believed that he was just trying to fool them).

    Butfor me this was the only option. One of my friends Rajesh was accompanying me so even the

    worries of the report were gone. I was sure that at least i wouldn't flunk in this paper.

    This is where I met Akansha and we both fell in love with each other. Both of us had decided to keep this

    love a secret from our friends so we rarely used to meet, most of our conversations were on Orkut and

    through phone. She was the first girl I ever dated and we had the near perfect relationship.

    The entire Goan trip was planned by me as i knew she would also be in Goa and this was one

    opportunity for me to tell my friends about us.

    I arrived with her after sometime to the place where the others were resting. I decided not to waste any

    time in introduction. I wanted to give them a pleasant surprise.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    "Ok guys I have a confession to make" I announced the loudest I could.

    "I am In Love with this girl. She is called Akaansha"

    The moment I finished with the announcement i was questioned my almost every one at the same time

    and most of them were a bit outraged.

    "Wait......wait.... Everyone just stop" Akansha stepped forward and shouted on the top of her voice.

    Everyone was silent in a moment.

    "Ayaan I need to talk to you in private. Please can you just come with me?" Akansha spoke to me like

    she never did before. She was acting as if she was trying to hide something and I had noticed this since

    the time I had met her in Goa.

    "Whats' the matter theyre all my friends. At some point of time we had to tell them"

    "I am extremely sorry Ayaan, I am seeing someone else. I can no longer be with you she said without

    making an eye contact with me.

    It was a big shock for me and for the others who were having difficulty in understanding what was


    Akansha left that place without any further explanation and I didnt even try to stop her.

    This is how it all ended an abrupt end without a reason. This is how reality differs from fantasy, in

    fantasy you have hundreds of reasons for a bad cause but in reality you can't even find a single.

    All that had to end had ended, that incident had also changed me and now it was time was a new start

    .It was at that time when I fell in love with the girl whom i knew for more than nine years.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar


    5 August 2008

    Everyone was in a mood of celebration, our college team had won the state level football tournament in

    a succession for the third time. Even I had a reason to celebrate that day even though I never followed

    football . It was my birthday.

    The council had organized a party to celebrate the victory and the best part was that this time it was

    organized outside the campus. All the parties which we had in the campus were attended by some

    faculty members who mostly drained the excitement from these parties.

    As soon as we all reached the venue Anandita , Apeksha and Ruhi came to me and wished me on my

    birthday. They had not seen me since morning as they were busy shopping the entire day both for the

    party and as I knew for my gift. All the girls looked really pretty that day, especially Anandita.

    Anandita handed me a wrapped gift which was from all of my close friends. The DJ had began to play the

    music, most of the guys were busy impressing the girls on the dance floor with their moves. I was

    standing in a corner with Raman when Ruhi came to us and wished me for the second time in the day.She invited me to come on the dance floor, I was really bad at dancing but I could have never refused

    her at that time. The reasons were many, I shared the strangest relationship with her from amongst all

    of my friends

    We had never interacted much until my recent breakup with Akansha. I shared different feelings for her

    which I could have never explained to anyone so I always tried to stay away from her.

    5 August 2002

    My birthday was probably the only day in my school days, when by classmates did not bully me. That

    day in the evening I was opening the gift packets I had received from friends and family on the school

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    playground. I never used to open any parcels with personal belongings in the dorm because I feared that

    I would never get them back or I would wake up to see them destroyed while I was unwrapping a gift my

    Geography teacher Mrs.Sushma Kadam spotted me on the field.

    "What are you doing here Ayaan. Its your birthday today you should be with your friends and why have

    you placed your gifts on the ground, I know its tempting to know what your friends have given you but

    you could have done it in the dorm"

    I was speechless .I couldn't have told her the reason. She was one of the best persons I knew in school,

    she was good to everyone especially me. But exact opposite of her was

    her son Pankaj who studied with me and also shared the same dorm with me. He always waited for an

    opportunity to insult me and always spoke ill about me to others. Things always exist in opposites. To

    counteract the effect of negative charge there is positive charge. For every evil there is good but the

    worst part is the good and evil are not distributed equally, some get too much of good things and the

    unfortunate ones like me never experience a good things.

    "Now hand me all your gifts and greetings and go and enjoy with your friends. I'll send them with Pankaj


    That was exactly opposite of what i wanted, but i dint want to disobey my teacher so i handed over my


    The next morning Pankaj returned me all my gifts (which were unwrapped, probably by him), and I was

    really surprised that he had returned all of my gifts. (Including the chocolates). I coldly said thanks and

    accepted all of them. Later on the only thing I found missing in them were all the greetings i had

    received, but at that moment i didnt care much about them, I was happy with what i had received.

    In March 2003 on the last day of the academic year Pankaj came to me to apologies for everything.

    "I am sorry dude. Now that i am joining a school in Mumbai for my ninth grade i felt a need to apologize

    for what i have done. Huh...... Ill...hmm miss you yaa"

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    "That was nothing Pankaj we were always buddies. I will miss you the most here" i said with a sarcastic

    tone. (At that moment I actually wanted to kick him but somehow controlled the desire for doing it)

    "And ...huh ....One more thing......How's everything between you and her?? I had read your greeting


    "Whom are you talking about? And which greeting card? I asked him unable to follow what he was

    trying to tell me.

    "Man, don't you know about it? I thought that you two shared special feelings for each other"

    " I am still not getting your point."

    If he hadnt answered me quickly i would have literally kicked him at that time

    " I am talking about Ruhi she had given you a card on your birthday on which she had written that shewas in love with you , it was a kind of a love letter so i thought that you two were together by now.

    Didn't you read it?"

    (Actually i hadn't read any of the cards)

    "Why should I believe you, can you show me the card right now??" I asked angrily.

    "I would have liked to do so, but unfortunately I dont have them right now you know me well, I dont

    keep such things in my possession for a long time.

    Okay than buddy Take care have a good life ahead" saying this that shameless fellow left.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    Ruhi Pawar studied with me in my school days. That very same year she left the school and joined the

    same school in Mumbai where Pankaj had joined. I wanted to ask her about the letter when i heard

    about it from Pankaj, but I didnt see her until my first day of college.

    For the second time when we were introduced as strangers by Anandita both of us did not reveal that

    we knew each other, neither did we ever interact anytime without the presence of a third person . Thatschool episode always made me feel uncomfortable with her. But now things had changed she was

    always there for me as a friend whenever I needed her since my breakup. She was the one who had

    convinced the others not to question me over the entire Akansha incident. From just friends she had

    become someone so special to me and all this had happened after so many years.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar


    "I want to leave .Just want to get some sleep" I told Anandita .

    But she wasn't convinced.

    "The party had just started and you want to leave so soon? And the way you are talking it seems like you

    are the one to score all the goals in today's match."

    "I can't stay here anymore, am sick of this loud music."

    "Music? Dude can't you come up with something good, that's really a pathetic reason"

    "Even I want to leave, it was a hectic day today, tired after the entire shopping session"

    Ruhi who was listening to our entire conversation finally spoke to Anandita.

    "You two are really mad and before you start convincing others about the side effects of loud music and

    how hectic the entire day has been its better you two leave. But remember its not gonna be easy, you

    will have to walk all the way back to the college"

    "Don't worry we will manage" Ruhi spoke as soon as we Anandita finished her last sentence.

    "Well in that case the only thing I can say is Enjoy".

    Ruhi and I began our journey back to the insti . The distance wasn't really that much. How excited I was,

    I wanted to ask her about the incident in school. In short i just wanted to know if she feels the same that

    i feel for her.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    "..So should we wait for a taxi or should we just start walking"

    I knew very well that the probability of finding a taxi there was nil. But i thought that it was good

    manners to ask a girl.

    "I don't feel we will get a taxi at this time. Its pointless wasting time, better we start walking"

    She spoke exactly what i wanted to here.

    "Yeah sure"

    "So did you ever speak to Akansha after you know what happened in Goa? Its alright if you dont want

    to tell. I asked because i was worried for you"

    This was the last thing I wanted to hear that night. It was a really bad beginning.

    Huh no, didn't see her after all that. I was so embarrassed that day but thanks to you all. None of you

    made me remember that horrible day" I answered as patiently as possible.

    "My intention wasn't to remind you of that incident. i thought you needed some help"

    "Its perfectly alright"

    This discussion was going nowhere. If this had to end the right way the way I wanted, I had to changethe topic before she asked me another weird question. How could you talk to your most likely girlfriend

    about an ex??

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    "Can i ask you something personal Ruhi?"

    I asked her looking right into her eyes.

    "Go ahead; there is no need of any formality"

    "Do you have a Boyfriend?"

    At once I asked this question she broke the eye contact and began to smile. And i should admit she looks

    really gorgeous when she wears that smile on her face.

    "I should have told you about it long back but I thought you wouldn't respond the right way"

    What the hell, was she thinking that i am from some zombie island that would not respond to her 'the

    right way

    "Why did you think so? I feel i am quite normal in all respect"

    "Don't get me wrong Ayaan , i told you i was unsure. I would have told you when the time comes"

    "And do you think is this the right time and who is he? I asked her hoping that she will confess her love

    to me.

    "Well maybe yes or may be not and you know him very well Ayaan more than anyone else"

    "Nobody on this earth can understand women you are as complicated as the expressions you wear on

    your face" I said trying to be a little bit philosophical.

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    An unusual Love Story |Gourish Amonkar

    "Well in that case you have all this night with you to get to understand me. Tomorrow i have a surprise

    planned for you. Now go to your hostel and get good sleep. Good Night."

    Hell we were back at the main gate. The time passed so soon with her, I wanted it to never get over.

    Back in my room I was thinking very hard as to what the surprise could be. I couldn't wait for the

    morning. More or less i knew that she would express her feelings for me. I wanted to make it special for

    both of us, so before she surprises me i wanted to surprise her. I couldn't sleep till early morning, allnight i thought of all the possibilities to ask her I wanted to make it special yet different.

    It was 11:30 in the morning I was too late. The first thing i wanted to do was call Ruhi i grabbed my cell

    to see i had received three messages from Ruhi to come to the cafeteria.

    This is the worst thing that can happen to any guy to be late on your first ever date.

    I got ready the fastest I could and left for the cafeteria. From the entrance I could see all the girls seated

    at our favorite table along with Ruhi. What kind of surprise was she planning for me or was i too late. My

    mind was filled with questions.

    I approached the table and greeted everyone.

    "Ayaan thats too early I could have waited over here the entire day"

    Ruhi said with heavy sarcasm.

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    "Hmm.. i sorry.. Got up late ..and"

    I couldn't even complete a sentence.

    "Listen everyone i want to introduce you to my boyfriend, I know you know him but that would be a

    pleasant surprise for you too Ayaan"

    "What? I didn't get you." I asked her puzzled.

    "Just turn and look behind you at the counter".

    Right behind me at the counter was the person who haunted me throughout my school life. Who made

    my life a misery.

    " Pankaj???? No way"

    It was the biggest shock i could get. Probably even bigger than a 220 v supply line.

    I know Ayaan its difficult for you to accept, but trust me he is a changed person now I discovered my

    feelings for him at high school in Mumbai. I didn't tell you or anyone else because I thought you

    wouldn't accept it the right way and i didn't want to lose friends like you"

    This explained a lot of things. All this time she stayed away from me not because she shared feelings for

    me but because she loved the guy i hated the most. The reason she was there with me post my breakup

    was because she wanted a chance to talk to me about that idiot.

    Hey Ayaan ...Its great to see you after a long time the biggest idiot on this planet finally spoke.

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    "Me too, I am glad to see you all over again my dearest friend"

    " I wanted to tell you about us but Ruhi wasn't willing so I had to wait. And do you remember about the

    greeting card prank i played on you last time we talked. Was so original wasn't it?"

    "I didn't buy even a single word of it"

    I spoke in my defense.

    I knew a person of your intellect wouldn't have believed me but you should agree it was a good one"

    My anger was at its peak i wanted to kick him on his face even though i don't have proficiency in any

    martial art.

    "What prank are you guys talking about" Anandita interrupted us.

    "No nothing at all. It's not a big deal now. It's important that these two are together now and we should

    celebrate it. Anyways i have to submit an assignment now so i should take a leave and it was a pleasant

    surprise Ruhi"

    With those words i left without looking back. Pankaj wasn't the biggest idiot on this earth , it was me to

    believe him and yet again he succeeded in his prank on me after so many years.

    I was a fool to think about her in a different way all this time. My so called 'love story ' had no base. I

    was building castles in thin air. But now i got answers to all my questions. This is how it all ended the

    most unusual love story anyone would ever experience.

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