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Ana Laet Factsheet YIA ML

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ana laet
 YIA ART FAIR EXHIBITION 23 >> 26 OCTOBER 2014 Le carreau du Temple 4 rue Eugène Spuller 75003 Paris

    23 >> 26 OCTOBER 2014

    Le carreau du Temple 4 rue Eugne Spuller

    75003 Paris


  • Milk on Pavement

    2008 pigment ink on cotton paper

    100 x 80 cm Ed. of 5 + 2AP

  • Separao

    2013 video, 346

    Ed. 1of 5 + 2AP

  • Untitled (Dialogue series. Balloon and body)

    2008-2009 ink on tracing paper

    136 x 98 cm Unique edition

  • Untitled (Dialogue series. Balloon and body)

    2008-2009 ink on tracing paper

    138 x 98 cm Unique edition !

  • Untitled (Dialogue series. Balloon and body)

    2008-2009 ink on tracing paper

    135 x 98 cm Unique edition

  • Untitled (Dialogue series. Balloon and body)

    2007 analogic print on fiber paper

    39.5 x 58.5 cm Edition of 5 + 2 AP

  • Untitled (Dialogue series. Balloon and body)

    2007 analogic print on fiber paper

    39.5 x 58.5 cm Edition of 5 + 2 AP

  • MARIA LAET - Born in 1982 in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil Lives and works in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil

    Education 2011 - 2012 PIESP, So Paulo, Brasil 2011 - 2012 PIESP, So Paulo, Brasil 2007 - 2008 Camberwell College of Art, London, England MA Theory and Practice of Transnational Art 2007 Chelsea College of Art and Design, London, England Post Graduation Diploma in Fine Art 2000 - 2006 PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Degree in Graphic Design

    Solo Shows 2014 Stone Gap, A Gentil Carioca Gallery, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Curated by Michael Asbury 2014 Situao de gua, Marlia Razuk Gallery, So Paulo, Brasil. Curated by Luisa Duarte 2013 Pela superfcie, 3+1 Contemporary Art Gallery, Lisbon, Portugal 2013 La voix/e des choses, MdM Gallery, Paris, France. Curated by Felipe Scovino 2012 O que vive espesso, Galeria a Gentil Carioca L, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Curated by Frederico Coelho 2010 Gesto Mnimo, Galeria Riccardo Crespi, Milo, Italia. Curated by Federica Bueti 2010 Desenhos de Ar, Centro Universitrio Maria Antonia, So Paulo, Brasil 2010 Eu fiz o nada aparecer (verso de Manoel de Barros). Galeria A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Selected group shows 2014 Rumors of the Meteore, Frac Lorraine, Metz, France. Curated by Beatrice Josse 2014 Everydayness, Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk, Poland. Curated by Beatrice Josse and Aneta Szylak 2014 Jaro 3, Rooster Gallery in association with Residency Unlimited, New York. Curated by Caroline Taylor 2014 A Inveno da Praia, Pao das Artes, So Paulo. Curated by Paula Azulgaray 2014 nico, Carbono Gallery, So Paulo. Curated by Paulo Venncio Filho 2013 Correspondncias (exposio em homenagem ao centenrio da artista Tomie Ohtake), Centro Cultural dos Correrios, Rio de Janeiro. Curated by Agnaldo Farias e Paulo Miyada 2013 Brutalidade Jardim, Marlia Razuk Gallery, So Paulo. Curated by Kiki Mazzucchelli 2013 Chambres Part VIII: Seeing is a Fable, Paris, France 2013 Lugar comum, SESC Quitandinha, Petrpolis. Curated by Marcelo Campos 2012 PIESP. Programa Independente da Escola So Paulo, Instituto Cervantes, So Paulo. Curated by Adriano Pedrosa e Luiza Proena 2012 (chamo silncio linguagem-que-j-no--orgo-de-nada)... (after Pascal Quignard), Quase Galeria- Espaot, Porto, Portugal. Curated by Ftima Lambert 2012 From the margin to the edge, Somerset House, London, UK. Curated by Rafael Cardoso 2012 18th Biennale of Sydney: all our relations, Art Gallery NSW and MCA, Sydney, Australia. Curated by Catherine de Zegher and Gerald McMaster 2012 Rumos Ita Cultural Artes Visuais, So Paulo, Belm, Recife, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Curated by Agnaldo Farias, Ana Maria Maia, Felipe Scovino, Gabriela Motta, Paulo Miyada, Alejandra Muoz, Carlos Franzoi, Jlio Martins, Luiza Proena, Marcelo Campos, Matias Monteiro, Sanzia Pinheiro and Vnia Leal. 2010 Chez Toi Exposition phmre N.1, See Art, Paris, Frana. Curated by Maria do Mar Guinle 2010 Silncio, Galeria Zipper, So Paulo, Brasil. Curated by Paula Braga 2010 O lugar da linha, Museu de Arte Contempornea, Niteri, Brasil. Curated by Felipe Scovino 2010 O lugar da linha, Pao das Artes, So Paulo, Brasil. Curated by Felipe Scovino 2010 Natura e Destino, Galleria Riccardo Crespi, Milan, Italia 2009 TrAIN to Bad Ems, Galerie Nord, Berlin, Alemanha. Curated by Danile Perrier 2008 O Contrato do Desenhista, Plataforma Revolver, Lisbon, Portugal. Curated by Paulo Reis 2008 Little Things, The Parlour Project Space Gallery, London, England!

  • !2008 Reflect refract, Rich Gallery, London, England. Curated by Luca Pizzani 2008 Realidades Imposibles, Fototeca Juan Malpica Mimendi, Vera Cruz, Mexico 2008 MA Theory and Practice of Transnational Art, House Galery, London, England. Curated by Michael Asbury 2008 Paper Trail: 15 Brazilian Artists, Allsopp Contemporary, London, England. Curated by Maria do Mar Guinle 2007 Upstaging Nature, Lookoutpost, in collaboration with London Wildlife Trust, Sydenham Hill Wood, London, England 2007 Novas Aquisies 2006/2007, Coleo Gilberto Chateaubriand, Museu de Arte Moderna, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

    Grants 2011/ 2012 Programa Rumos Ita Cultural Artes Visuais, So Paulo Indicated to PIPA Prize 2010, 2011, 2012

    Residency 2014 RU Residency Unlimited, New York 2010 Carpe Diem Arte e Pesquisa, Lisboa, Portugal 2009 Schlo Balmoral, Bad Ems, Germany 2009 Schlo Balmoral, Bad Ems, Alemanha

    Collection MAC, Museum of Contemporary Art, Niteroi, Brasil Gilberto Chateaubriand, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil FRAC Lorraine, France, Museum of Fine Arts, Ghent, Belgium

    Texts 2014 Michael Asbury, Pedra Vo, text for exhibition Pedra Vo http://maria-laet-textos.tumblr.com/post/97004854764/michael-asbury 2014 Luisa Duarte, Situao de gua, text for exhibition Situao de gua http://maria-laet-textos.tumblr.com/post/81882846411/luisa-duarte 2013 Felipe Scovino, Sobre o silencioso despertar das coisas, text for exhibition La voix/e des choses 2012 Luisa Duarte, Devagar e sempre, texto para o Segundo Caderno do jornal O Globo, de 12/11/2012 2012 Frederico Coelho, text for exhibition O que vive espesso http://objetosimobjetonao.blogspot.com.br/2012/10/o-texto-abaixo-foi-escrito-para.html 2011 Moira Roth, interview for the Biennale of Sydneys blog http://moirarothsgleanings.tumblr.com/post/13516744523/gleanings-7-maria-laet 2011 Alessandra Alliata Nobili, text for the Italian magazine Arte Contemporanea number 26 2010 Federica Bueti, text for exhibition Gesto Minimo 2010 Cau Alves, Desenhos de Ar, text for exhibition Desenhos de Ar 2010 Federica Bueti, text for exhibition Natura e Destino 2010 Felipe Scovino, Maria Laet e Paulo Sergio Duarte, Imperativo e acidente 2009 Suzana Vaz, Maria Laet. The might beyond duality, text for exhibition TrAIN to Bad Ems http://www.suzanavaz.org/resources/The%20Might%20Beyond%20Duality.pdf 2009 Danile Perrier, text for exhibition TrAIN to Bad Ems 2008 Isobel Whitelegg, text for exhibition MA Theory and Practice of Transnational Art 2008 Michael Asbury, interview for Abre Alas Magazine, A Gentil Carioca 2008 Michael Asbury, Some Articulations of Modesty and Ambition 2007 Paulo Reis, Espao de Sensao !

    MDM Gallery 6 rue Notre-Dame de Nazareth / 75003 Paris

    T +33 9 54 59 23 77 [email protected]
