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Anaesthesia in a Bush Hospital in Kenya

Date post: 09-Nov-2015
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Chaaria Mission Hospital - Kenya
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Anaesthetics at Chaaria; a Kenyan Bush Hospital Dr Michelle Hamer 21/05/15
  • Anaesthetics at Chaaria;a Kenyan Bush Hospital

    Dr Michelle Hamer


  • History

    1983: Start of a mission by the Cottolengo Brothers, in Chaaria, south east of Meru town

    1984: A dispensary & a home for handicapped boys Buoni Figli open.

    1993: Start of a mobile clinic

    1998: Br Beppe Gaido specialist in HIV & infectious diseases arrives and out of necessity a hospital starts to evolve under his leadership

    2002: Cottolengo Sisters arrive

    Now cheapest hospital in the area. It treats mostly the very poor; patients turned down by & with complications arising from; other hospitals.

  • Facilities

    160 beds (2015): 1 male & 1 female ward, maternity and paediatric beds

    2 Operating theatres (1 in good condition)

    Outpatients including ante natal care

    Endoscopy Ultra sound - ECG

    Dentistry Immunisation

    Pharmacy Laboratory


    Radiology: C arm

  • Outpatients

  • Female ward

  • Male ward

  • Paediatric Ward

  • New labour ward

  • New maternity

  • Staff

    98 staff including all clinical & non clinical

    Cottolengo Brothers and Sisters

    1 permanent medic/surgeon (Br Beppe)

    1 government funded doctor for 1 year

    2 anaesthetists (18/12 training, experience ++)

    5 clinical officers: 3 yrs training (outpatients)

    1 visiting local surgeon from Meru Hospital

    Volunteers (medical and non medical)

  • Br Beppe Gaido

  • Dr Khadija & Br Beppe

  • Jesse & Mbabu: Anaesthetists

  • Makena, Theatre Matron

  • The Brothers

  • Activity in 2014

    60.000 outpatients

    8000 inpatients

    1400 deliveries

    650 Caesarean Sections

    2900 operations

    An enormous amount of work done by very few people

    2015 may be even busier!

  • Preoperative preparation

    Anaesthetic visit the evening before

    Blood tests inc HIV, very rarely ECG

    Children weight +/-

    No premedication

    NBM from midnight

    Antibiotics: Ceftriaxone +/-

    Most patients are cannulated +/- IVI


  • Consent

  • Typical operating list

  • Anaesthetic set up

    Induction and recovery done in theatre

    Oxygen / N2O cylinders

    Halothane vaporiser

    Oxygen concentrator

    Gambro Anaesthetic machine & ventilator

    Monitor: HR, BP, Saturation, alarms & trends

    No ECG, no end tidal CO2

    Suction unit

  • Airway equipment

    Rubber face masks, Guedel airways (re used)

    A few LMAs (re used)

    Laryngoscopes, ETTs (not re used)

    Hudson mask x1, nasal cannulaes x4 (re used)

    Bougies, NP airways, Aintree catheters (UK)

    Note to self: next time; bring front of neck and paediatric equipment, filters, Yankauer suckers Hudsons masks, nasal cannulaes

  • Drugs

    Diazepam / Ketamine for all GAs Heavy Marcaine Suxamethonium, Pancuronium Atropine, Ephedrine, Adrenaline Lignocaine plain & with Adrenaline Diclofenac IV, paracetamol suppositories (100 mg

    only) Pethidine: occasionally intra op, mostly post op Metoclopramide, promethazine Frusemide, Aminophylline

  • Victoria, 6/12 old

  • Osea, age 3

  • Brian, age 11

  • Martin, age 13

  • Log Book 05/01/15 23/01/15

    80 cases.

    ASA not reliably determined

    Age range: 4 months 75 years old

    27 children under 16

    41 spinals (6 in children 8 13 years old)

    38 GAs +/- block

    1 LA; umbilical hernia (Mbabu)

  • Mangoes season!

  • Casemix

    11 Caesarean Sections

    10 gynae laparotomies inc TAH

    3 open prostatectomies

    7 general laparotomies

    29 T&O cases

    2 Panga injuries

    1 thyroidectomy

    1 evacuation of subdural haematoma (thio) etc...

  • The patients are different!

    They are often very poor with extreme pathological conditions and malnutrition

    Easy spinals, more difficult cannulation

    Very high pain threshold

    Many are HIV positive

    Appear to tolerate well chronically low levels of haemoglobin

    Ephedrine used only twice in 3 weeks!

    Very accepting, non complaining & grateful!

  • The hospital farm

  • The volunteers

  • Rinaldo, Gracia & Max

  • Luciano & Francesca

  • Ania & Michael

  • Making pasta

  • Francesca, Antonella, Sr Joanne

  • A Chaaria orphan

  • Around Chaaria

  • Chaaria village

  • In summary

    Chaaria is an exceptional and inspiring place to work at, one of the best experience in my career

    One of the hardest, mostly due to establishing relationships and communications

    It needs funds to recruit more permanent staff to be able to respond to the growing needs and remain sustainable

    It still needs volunteers... Anyone interested?

  • More about Chaaria





