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Analaysis of different music magazines

Date post: 07-Aug-2015
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  1. 1. By Ishla Owusu Analaysis of different music magazines
  2. 2. Most of these magazine front covers will contain one main image used as a feature that will attract the audience. The similarities regarding the imagery is the angle of gaze. They all look into the camera. The shots are all mid-shots and it is clear that they are the main feature of the magazine. Most of these magazines will only have one image on the front cover, however some (like the middle magazine) have more than one which may give the audience an idea of what else may be in the magazine. Angle of gaze Medium close up shot IMAGES
  3. 3. By looking at these magazine covers, I can see that they have a lot of similarities. One being the colour scheme. They may not use the same colours, but they all use the same amount and use them effectively. Most of them only use 3 or 4 colours at the most. The main colour theme here is orange, black and white. COLOURS
  4. 4. All magazines have a substantial amount of text on the front cover. It makes the cover look filled up. A front cover wouldnt look good if there were loads of gaps. There are only often around 2 or 3 fonts as more than that would make it look very cluttered. Consistent colour scheme TEXT
  5. 5. The layout is also very similar. Youll have the image in the centre with text placed around it. There are loads of graphics to grab the readers attention. You will see subheadings, pull quotes and puffs. These are the similarities in most magazine front covers. The masthead is usually clear and bold at the top and covers the whole of the top. However some mastheads can be at the top left of the page. FONT/LAYOUT
