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Analysis of the arguments for and against corporate social r

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Page 1: Analysis of the arguments for and against corporate social r













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Page 2: Analysis of the arguments for and against corporate social r

ABSTRACTFrom the point of view of neo-liberal economist such as Fiedman and Hayek, the prime function of any business enterprises is to generate profits, its central responsibility is to shareholders. The idea that business owners should also seek to perform social tasks is regarded as completely erroneous. Historical evidence suggests that not all business leaders have been formed simply to perform a commercial role in society. Numerous industrialists and entrepreneurs throughout the nineteenth century made significant contributions to their local communities. The early efforts of socially responsible business leaders are well documented. This paper aims to build an existing historical analysis of business philanthropy and social involvement by analyzing developments in post-war Britain. Three main historical developments are outlined. First, the early post-war years, deposit the formation of the welfare state, witnessed some notable efforts to engage business in society. These were mainly inspired by church-led organizations and Christian entrepreneurs. Second, the expansion of the corporate economy throughout the 1940s and 1950s placed increasing constraints on the social aspiration of business. Finally, from the mid – 1970s onwards there grew a more general interest in corporate responsibility. This was consolidated in 1980s as part of the general redefinition of state functions in this period, the role of business in addressing social problems became more prominent. Such political and policy developments, it was argued, have made a significant contribution towards enhancing the social role of business. Keywords: Social responsibility, private business, economic development, philanthropy, ethical practice, corporate responsibility.

Paper type: Research Paper


Page 3: Analysis of the arguments for and against corporate social r


It is a known fact that government interference with market

mechanism, and control and regulation of the private business

become inevitable due to failure of the market system to fulfill the

economic and social aspirations of the society, via optimum utilization

of resources, near-full, if not full, employment, equitable distribution

of income and wealth, economic growth and stability. The greater the

failures of the market system in achieving these goals, the greater

the need for government interference, control and regulation of the

private business enterprises.

Nevertheless, another factor that is attributed to the increasing

role of the government in the economic system is the failure of

private business to recognize, accept and fulfill, their social

responsibilities. This implies that if business man fulfill their social

responsibilities, the need for government interference with private

business will be considerably reduced, if not eliminated. This work

wants to look at the implications of social responsibility of business in

economic growth of Nigeria.


Social is an ethical ideology or theory that an entity, be it an

organization or individual has an obligation to act to benefit socially

at large. Social responsibility is a duty every individuals or

organization has to perform so as to maintain a balance between the

economy and the ecosystem.

A trade-off always exists between economic development, in the

material sense, and welfare of the society and environment. Social

responsibility means sustaining the equilibrium between the two. It

pertains not only to business organizations but also to everyone

whose any action impacts the environment.


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This responsibility can be passive, by avoiding engaging in

socially harmful acts, or active, by performing activities that directly

advance social goals.

Businesses can use ethical decision making to ensure their

businesses by making decisions that allow for government agencies

to minimize their involvement with the corporation.

For instance, Kaliski, (2001) if a company is and follow the

United Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) guidelines for

emissions on dangerous pollutants and even goes on extra stop to

get involved in the community and address those concern that the

public might have, they would be less to have the EPA investigate

them for environmental concerns.

A significant element of current thinking about privacy, however,

stresses self-regulation “rather than market or government

mechanisms for protecting personal information”.

Swire, (1997) according to some experts, most rules and

regulations are formed due to public outcry, which threatens profit

maximization and therefore the well-being of the shareholders, and

that if there is no outcry there often will be limited regulation.


Social responsibility dates back to the early days of capitalism

when people like Titus Salt demonstrated that society should not be

ruled only by market forces. Many events have been influential in

shaping the social responsibility agenda.

In 1848, Yorkshire wool baron Titus Salt creates Saltaire, a

model community outside Bradford for his staff, where each home

has running water.


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In 1911, David Lloyd George introduces the National Insurance

Act; it requires businesses to make contributions to unemployment

and sickness insurance for all staff.

In 1969, Ralph Nader founds the centre for responsible law in

the US to expose corporate abuses and lack of enforced regulation.

In 1971, Anita Roddick opens the first body shop branch in

Brighton. The company operates according to a strict ethical and

environmental policy.

In 1982, Business in the community is set up to forge links

between business, trade unions, government and communities.

In 1992, sustainable development dominates the Rio UN

conference on Environment and Environment and Development,

addressing environmental damage and world poverty.

In 1999, the Turnbull Report, recommends that companies’

Boards should focus and manage the full range of risks including

health, safety, environment and reputation.

In 2004, it was announced that from 2005 all listed companies

will have to provide an operating and financial reviewed with their

annual report, taking into account their social, environmental and

economic impact.

Social responsibility is a core value at Hess Corporation. The

company is committed to meeting the highest standards of corporate

citizenship by protecting the health and safety of employees,

safeguarding the environment and creating long-lasting, positive

impact in the communities where we do business.

Hess endorses the universal declaration on Human Rights and is

an active participant in three voluntary initiatives designed to protect

the environment, promote human rights, and encourage financial

transparency. The United States Global Compact, The Voluntary

Principles on Security and Human Rights and the Extractive Industries


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Transparency initiative. Hess is honored to have ranked 15th on

corporate responsibility officers’ 10 best corporate citizens 2009.


Every business enterprise or organization are faced with some social

responsibilities to the environment and its inhabitant in different

dynamism. The following are some of the reasons surrounding

corporate social responsibility in Nigeria.

1. To promote the social welfare of the people: Promotion

and provision of standard health, education and cultural

services, a particular place generally owns by the citizenry some

social responsibilities of providing health education and cultural

services. This is because the organization enjoy natural

resources of the community or society.

2. To protect the environment against social hazards or

risks: In preventing environmental pollution, an establishment

or business organization aims the responsibility to the general

society to which it operate to ensure that it protect eh

environment against some social risks or hazards like pollution

or other industrial contamination of any source. In case of an

organization that spill oil, it should take adequate and proper

control of its wasted material to make some that it prevent

environmental pollution to the society at large.

3. Cooperating with the government in research and

development: A business organization is a separate entity

different from the owner by law. Therefore, the business owner

have it as a responsibility to corporate and collaborate with the

government in research and development of any sector of the

economy. As technology changed so also the need to improve


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on the standard of well being of the people probably through

product, invention, innovation and new product development.

4. Cooperating with the government in promoting social

values: A business organization set up in an environment

should help the government in promoting social values of the

people like building of good hospital, good road, good network

and pipe borne water for a better life standard of the people.


Fredman and Bavmol, two of the greatest economists of our

time, are opposed to the view that businessmen have many social

responsibilities to fulfill in the opinion of Friedman. The view that

corporations and labour unions should accept social responsibilities

shows a fundamental misconception of the character and nature of a

free economy.

He argues that in a free economy, there is one and only one

social responsibility of business to use its resources and engage in

activities designed to increase its profits so long as it stays within the

rules of the game, which is to say, engage in open and free

competition without deception of fraud. If businessmen do have social

responsibility other than making maximum profit for stockholders

how are they to know what it is.

In his opinion, assigning any social responsibility to private

entrepreneur other than profit maximization is a fundamental

subversive doctrine which undermines the very foundation of a free


Baumol on the other hand is of the view that private business

should not be asked to assume the responsibility of fulfilling the social

and political goals of the society nor should they be expected to

allocate resources optimally for, in his opinion, a competitive system


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automatically rewards efficiency and punishes inefficiency, and where

it fails, fiscal measures – taxes and subsidies may be adopted to

correct the system and to encourage the business in favour of social




Some authors argue that even if it is accepted that businessman

have social responsibility, it is extremely difficult to fix it. As Niall

Fitzerald has remarked, “corporate social responsibility is a hard-

edged business decision” (Tol, 2007). Fixing corporate social

responsibility is extremely difficult because:

i. Social different persons

ii. It is not easy to fix social responsibility in practicable terms

because there are no standard rules.

iii. Private firms, even big corporations, do not have control over

the market mechanism of resources allocation. In addition, the

following arguments are put forward against assigning social

responsibility to businessmen.

i. Social responsibility is a matter of public policy, not a number of

business policy.

ii. Businessmen do not have legal powers or social sanction to

meddle with social welfare.

iii. Businessmen do not have legal powers to prevent anti-social

activities of others.

iv. Managers are not empowered to spend money on social welfare

beyond a limit.

v. Expenditure on social welfare often lead to rise in prices.


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vi. Businessmen’s social responsibility will make them more

powerful and will create conflict between the businessmen and

the government.

vii. As regards setting moral values corporations are not moral


Clearly, the views on whether businessmen have any social

responsibility, are divergent and arguments against assigning social

responsibility to businessmen are equally strong. The divergence of

views however, should not mean that private business has no social

responsibility. It is of course difficult to fire social responsibilities for

the businessmen and it would be unreasonable to expect the

businessmen to give up their profit maximization motive in favour of

social interest.

However, if one examines the argument, the social

responsibilities of businessmen, one would find that they are more

emotive than logical, and are not very convincing. For example, look

at Friedman’s argument that assigning social responsibility to private

business is contrary to the character and nature of a free economy.

The validity of this argument is limited in many respects as

maintained below:

First and foremost, Friedman would agree that if growth of

monopolies and concentration of economic power shake the very

foundation of the free society, some social responsibility has to be

fixed with social sanction as regards the governments power to

control the monopoly powers, big business houses influence the

political decisions and, in a way to rule the country with their invisible

hands’ and therefore, the process is the other way round.

Again, as regards to the argument that businessmen have the

sole objective of profit maximization, some economists object

strongly to profit being the sole objective of modem corporations. In


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their opinion, the profit maximization objective often leads to growth

of monopoly and concentration of economic power, and it is wrong to

say that the state will take care of monopolies because large

corporations use their money power to bring into power the

government of their choice. How can such a government control

monopolies in the real sense of the term. They believe that labour,

management and public have a much more legitimate claim to

corporate returns than the stockholders who are merely the passive

certificate holders with little knowledge of business or commitment to


Equally, it may be unreasonable to expect businessmen to

replace their profit motive with economic welfare of the society, but it

is not unreasonable to expect from businessmen to desist from the

anti-social activities in which they often indulge e.g. fleecing the

consumer under conditions of scarcity, supplying adulterated,

substandard and spurious goods (especially foodstuffs and

medicines), black marketing, exploitation of labour (paying them

much lower ways than their productivity), not complying with efficient

treatment laws, polluting air and water in the residential area posing

risk to human survival, and so on.



In an independent assessment of Shell’s Oil Spill at Ogbodo,

Rivers State, in June – July, 2001, Terisa Turner, a world renowned

authority on political economy of oil corporations, exposed the falsity

of Shell’s Sabotage thesis. She declared; the claim of sabotage is

patently false. The oil companies have been claiming that the oil

spills, the pipeline explosions were all caused by sabotage. But there

is no evidence to this so far.


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Since the WECD gave global currency to the concept of

sustainable development the international business sector has

systematically counted sustainable development.

The first round of this incongruous courtship manipulated itself

in the business sector’s preference for sustainable economic

development as the primary determinant of sustainable development

by relating to environmental development as an after thought. By

enunciating corporate social responsibility, the international business

sector aspires to demonstrate the human face of business as its

strategies to modify the citizens in countries of its operations.

Notwithstanding, its “human face” of business policy, Shell has

not been able to meaningfully address the environmental challenges

of sustainable development like other corporations, Shell has

appropriated sustainable development without being able to avoid a

collision with environmentalists and environmental imperative.



The effective management of social responsibility by an organization

has following prospect, amongst which are:

1. It brings about reduction of crime: The concept of social

responsibility ancore a duty of providing social benefit to the

host community, if the organization that goes the business

effectively comply with this duties, naturally people who would

have attack them due to non-compliance will be drastically

reduced therefore effective management of social responsibility

brings about reduction of crime by the host community.

2. Provision of employment in the rural area: The business

organization through the principle of social responsibility and its

management create and provide employment to the host


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community in which they operates. If the business organization

did not or refused to comply with the provision of employment

the host community can revolt against the business enterprise a

case study of Niger Delta crisis.

3. It is a source of development to the rural area (or the

host community): The employment opportunities provides by

the business organization to both the host community members

and outsiders will in turn brings development to the community

at large. Therefore effective management of social

responsibilities bring about development to the host community.

4. It helps to improve the social environment of the people:

social responsibility of an organization if adheared to will help in

improving the social environment of the people like provisions of

some social amenities by the organization to the citizens.

5. It leads to provision of jobs and achievement of a sustainable

economic growth.

6. It engenders a friendly society among the host communities and

the organizations.

7. It creates securities for the organization as the host community

takes it upon itself to safeguard the assets of the firm.

8. It gives the firm, organization or business enterprise a

favourable publicity.

9. It boost the productivity of the staff of the organization.


It is quite obvious to any observers that Niger Delta residing in

the areas of oil exploration been a significantly higher explosive to

environmental risks than, say, residents of Kaduna who enjoy much

higher benefit from the exploits of oil exploration without incurring

any environmental risks arising from such exploration.


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Nevertheless, at the corporate level, the issue of social

responsibility has two dimensions. Meeting social responsibility and

aligning the working of the corporations with the general welfare of

the society such as keeping social gain at per with private gains. The

corporate sector seems to be fairly well aware of its social

responsibilities as far as financial contributions towards social welfare

activities are concerned. The big corporate have made significant

contribution to the promotion of social welfare activities like building

of school, colleges, charitable hospitals, and dispensaries, research

and technology institutes, creating species chairs for professors of

excellence in the universities and so on. But when the issue is

examined in the overall social perspective, the working of the

corporate sector leaves much to be desired. The corporate sector

shows little or no concern for environment and water pollution and

safety for human life.

Consider, for example, the tragic case of Bhopal gas leak and

loss of human life. Exploitation of labour (paying wages less than

their productivity), has become an accepted norm of the corporate

sector. A much more dangerous trend set in India for example is the

use of money power by big business houses to corrupt the politicians,

political environment and bureaucracy for personal gains. India is

rated to be the second or third corrupt nation in the world.

However, it is unfair to hold business houses alone responsible

for the widespread corruption is the country.


Based on the above work the following recommendations are


i. That government should set up a regulatory body to oversee the

total compliance of private business to social responsibility.


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ii. Private business or organization should always try to uphold her

responsibilities towards the shareholders, employers consumers,

the government and the society as a whole.

iii. Businessmen should be given legal power to prevent anti-social

activities of others.

iv. Businessmen’s social responsibility should be given power to

settle conflict between the businessmen and the government.


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