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Analyzing Wiretaps - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-05-02 · 72 ANALYZING WIRETAPS JEFF GRANT...

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72 ANALYZING WIRETAPS JEFF GRANT Hast ings, New Zealand In the February 1982 Word Ways, Darryl Francis attempted to form words out of the 255 different subsets of letters from the set NEUSTRIA. There were eight gaps in his list; two, SRT and TRN, were filled in the February 1983 Colloquy as placenames in Yugo- slavia. After considerable searching, 1 was able to plug three more holes: aeiu AUlE 16-17th century form of 'a-vie' in the OED aeisu AUlSE early form of 'advisy' shown in 1330 quotation in the OED aeitu ATl DE a place in the South Pacific in the Times 1ndex- Gazetteer This leaves only nrs, nst and nrst missing. I decided to try a different set of eight letters I selecting the five consonants PRSTW and the three vowels AEI. The list below is complete, but 1 had to resort to abbreviations to fill two gaps (TW and PTR) and a symbol for a third (PR). Perhaps Word Ways readers can improve on these. For example, 1 think it likely that TW IS an old Scots form for 'to', too' or 'tow', but the Diction- I ary of the Older Scottish Tongue has not progressed beyond P. dE- AE ei EI ir IR pw WP 4 ai AI ep PE is IS rs RS S ap PA er ER it IT rt RT ar AR es ES iw WIl rw \.]R as AS et TE pr PR st ST 2 6 at AT ew WE ps PS sw WS 3 7 aw AW ip PI pt PT tw WT 8 9 aei AEI apw PAW ept PET irw WIR aep APE ars SAR epw PEW ist SIT aer ERA art RAT ers ERS isw WIS aes SEA arw WAR ert RET itw WIT lO ae t ATE ast SAT erw REW prs PRS ll aew AWE asw WAS est SET prt PTR aip PIA atw TAW esw SEW prw PRW air AIR eip PIE etw WET pst PST ais AIS eir IRE ipr RIP psw WPS ait AIT eis SEI ips SIP ptw PWT 12 a iw WAI eit TIE ipt PIT rs t SRT 13 apr RAP eiw WIE ipw WIP rsw WRS aps SPA epr PER irs SIR rtw TRW apt TAP eps PES irt RIT stw STW
Page 1: Analyzing Wiretaps - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-05-02 · 72 ANALYZING WIRETAPS JEFF GRANT Hast ings, New Zealand . In the February 1982 Word Ways, Darryl Francis attempted to



JEFF GRANT Hast ings, New Zealand

In the February 1982 Word Ways, Darryl Francis attempted to form words out of the 255 different subsets of letters from the set NEUSTRIA. There were eight gaps in his list; two, SRT and TRN, were filled in the February 1983 Colloquy as placenames in Yugo­slavia. After considerable searching, 1 was able to plug three more holes:

aeiu AUlE 16-17th century form of 'a-vie' in the OED aeisu AUlSE early form of 'advisy' shown in 1330 quotation

in the OED aeitu ATl DE a place in the South Pacific in the Times 1ndex­


This leaves only nrs, nst and nrst missing.

I decided to try a different set of eight letters I selecting the five consonants PRSTW and the three vowels AEI. The list below is complete, but 1 had to resort to abbreviations to fill two gaps (TW and PTR) and a symbol for a third (PR). Perhaps Word Ways readers can improve on these. For example, 1 think it likely that TW IS an old Scots form for 'to', too' or 'tow', but the Diction­I

ary of the Older Scottish Tongue has not progressed beyond P.

dE- AE ei EI ir IR pw WP4ai AI ep PE is IS rs RS S

ap PA er ER it IT rt RT ar AR es ES iw WIl rw \.]R as AS et TE pr PR st ST2 6at AT ew WE ps PS sw WS

3 7 aw AW ip PI pt PT tw WT

8 9aei AEI apw PAW ept PET irw WIRaep APE ars SAR epw PEW ist SIT aer ERA art RAT ers ERS isw WIS aes SEA arw WAR ert RET itw WIT

lO ae t ATE ast SAT erw REW prs PRS ll aew AWE asw WAS est SET prt PTR

aip PIA atw TAW esw SEW prw PRW air AIR eip PIE etw WET pst PST ais AIS eir IRE ipr RIP psw WPS ait AIT eis SEI ips SIP ptw PWT

12 a iw WAI eit TIE ipt PIT rs t SRT13

apr RAP eiw WIE ipw WIP rsw WRS aps SPA epr PER irs SIR rtw TRW apt TAP eps PES irt RIT stw STW

Qeip PEAl aeir ERIA aeis ASIE

l4aeit AEITaeiw AWEI aepr PEAR aeps PEAS aept TAPE aepw WEAP aers SEAR aert RATE aerw WEAR aest SEAT aesw WASE aetw WATE aipr PAIR aips PAIS aipt PlAT

aeipr PERAI aeips SEPIA aeipt PAITE aeipw AWPIE aeirs RAISE aeirt IRATE aeirw WARIE aeist STAIE aeisw AWISE aeitw TAWIE aeprs SPARE aeprt TAPER aeprw WRAPE aepst PASTE

aeiprs PRAT: aeiprt PIRA' aeiprw WIRE] aeipst PATI: aeipsw SWAT aeiptw TAWP aeirst SATI]

aeiprst PIA: ae iprsw WASI

ae iprs tw WII


1. PR sy 2. PS pI: 3. PT va 4. RS pI! 5. RT 10

6. WS 17

Page 2: Analyzing Wiretaps - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-05-02 · 72 ANALYZING WIRETAPS JEFF GRANT Hast ings, New Zealand . In the February 1982 Word Ways, Darryl Francis attempted to

attempted to from the set nand TRN, les in Yugo­g th ree more

D 30 quota tion

'lmes 1ndex­

;electing the ~ list be low ill two gaps ; Word Ways

likely that the Diction­

)nd P.

)w WP 4 ~s RS

S ~t RT 'w WR ;t ST

6 ;w WS

7 :w WT

9 .rw WIR.s t SIT sW WIS

.tw WIT ,rs PRS 10

11,rt PTR,rw PRW 's t PST sW WPS tw PWT

12 s t SRT13 sW WRS tw TRW tw STW

15Qeip PEAl aipw WAIp eips PIES estw STEW aeir ERIA airs AIRS eipt PIET iprs RIPS aeis ASlE airt RAIT eipw WIPT iprt TRIP14aeit AEIT airw WARI eirs SIRE iprw PWIR aeiw AWEI aist AITS eirt RITE ipst SPIT aepr PEAR WAIS eirw WIRE ipsw WISPa~sw

aeps PEAS ai tw WAIT eist TIES iptw WIPT aept TAPE aprs SPAR eisw WISE irst STIR aepw WEAP aprt PART eitw WITE irsw WIRS aers SEAR aprw WARP eprs REPS irtw WRIT aert RATE apst SPAT eprt PERT istw WITS 17 aerw WEAR apsw WASP eprw WERP prst STRP16 18aest SEAT aptw WAPT epst STEP prsw PRWS aesw WASE arst STAR epsw PEWS prtw TPRW aetw WATE arsw WARS eptw WEPT pstw PWTS

19aipr PAIR artw WART erst REST rstw WRST aips PAIS astw TAWS ersw REWS aipt PlAT eipr RIPE ertw WERT

aeipr PERAI aepsw WEAPS airtw WAITR eirsw WISER22aeips SEPIA aeptw PAWTE aistw WAIST eirtw WRITE20aeipt PAITE aerst STARE aprst STRAP eistw SWEIT

. 21 ae~pw AWPIE aersw SWEAR aprsw WARPS eprst PREST aeirs RAISE aertw WATER aprtw WRAPT eprsw SPREW

25aeirt IRATE aestw WASTE apstw SWAPT eprtw TWERp 26

aeirw WARIE aiprs PAIRS arstw WARTS epstw SWEPT aeist STAlE a~prt TAPIR eiprs PRISE erstw WREST23aeisw AWISE a~prw WAIRP eiprt TRIPE iprst TRIPS

27aeitw TAWIE aipst TAPIS eiprw WIPER iprsw WIRPS 28 aeprs SPARE a~psw SWAIP 24 eipst SPITE iprtw TWIRP29aeprt TAPER a~ptw WA-PIT eipsw SWIPE ipstw WISPT

aeprw WRAPE airst STAIR eiptw PEWIT irstw WRIST30aepst PASTE airsw SWAIR eirst TIRES prstw TPRWS

aeiprs PRAISE aeirsw WARIES aerstw WATERS eiprst STRIPE aeiprt PIRATE aeirtw WAITER aiprst RAPIST eiprsw WIPERS31 33 37aeiprw WIREPA aeistw WAITES aiprsw RIPSAW eiprtw WERPIT

3aeipst PATISE aeprst REPAST aiprtw WARPIT3~ eipstw PEWITS aeipsw SWAIPE aipstw PITSAW eirstw WRITES aeiptw TAWPIE :::;~: ;~~~~~32 airstw WATIRS eprstw TWERPS

36aeirst SATIRE aepstw PAWTES aprstw SPRAWT iprstw TWIRPS 39aeiprst PIASTER aeiprtw TAWPIER aeirstw WARIEST aiprstw PRISTAW38 40aeiprsw WAS~IER aeipstw TAWPIES aeprstw TRAWPSE epirstw PWIREST

. 41 ae~prstw WIRETAPS


1. PR symbol for propyl (Web 3) 2. PS plural of the letter P (Web 3) 3. PT variant of 'PT boat' (Web 3) 1.,. RS plural of the letter R (Web 3) 5. RT in Cnri Rt I, a point listed in the OSNG, YugoslaviaI

6. WS 17th-century Scottish form of I us I

Page 3: Analyzing Wiretaps - COnnecting REpositories · 2017-05-02 · 72 ANALYZING WIRETAPS JEFF GRANT Hast ings, New Zealand . In the February 1982 Word Ways, Darryl Francis attempted to


7. WT abbrev. for 'wireless telephone' (Web 3) 8. AEI ea rly form of 'any' 9. WI R early form of 'wire'

10. PRS plural of PR, a Puerto Rican, as in the OED citation 'the PR was neutral as grey paint'

11. PTR abbrev. of 'painter' and 'printer' (Web 3) 12. SRT a mountain listed in the OSNC, Yugoslavia 13. WRS a 13th-century spelling of 'worse' 14. AElT a 13th-century spelling of 'ait' 15. WAIP variant of 'wap' (EDD) 16. WAPT past tense of verb 'wap', shown in c1550 citation 17. STRP a populated place listed in the OSNC, Yugoslavia 18. PRWS plural of 'prw', variant of 'prow', an old word mean­

ing 'profit' 19. WRST 13th- and 14th-century spelling of 'worst' 20. PAlTE an early form of 'pate' 21. AWPIE the guillemot (Scottish National Dictionary) 22. PAWTE variant of 'paut', to poke (EDD) 23· WAIRP Scots form of 'warp' (Scottish National Dictionary) 24. WA-PIT the act of sending away (Scottish National Dictionary) 25. SWAPT past tense of the verb 'swap' 26. TWERP an insignihcant or contemptible fellow (Web 3) 27. WIRPS jogs along (EDD) 28. TWIRP variant of 'twerp' (Web 3) 29. WISPT past tense of the verb 'wisp', to rub (a 1598 quota­

tion) 30. TPRWS imitati.on of horn sounds 31. WI REPA a Maori surname (there are eight listed in the 1983

Auck land, New lea land telephone directory) 32. PREAWT variant of 'prowt', rubbish (EDD) 33. RIPSAW to saw wood in the di.rection of the grain (Web 3) 34. WARPlT early past tense of the verb 'warp', shown in var­

ious OED citations 35 PITSAW a type of large saw worked by two men (Web 2) 36. SPRAWT to sprawl (EDD) 37. WERPlT 14th- to 16th-century past tense of the verb 'warp' 38. TRAWPSE variant of 'trapes', to trudge (EDD) 39. PRlSTAW 19th-century val'iant of 'pristaf', a police officer 40. PWIREST superlative form of 'pwir', an early Scots form of

'poor' 41. WIRETAPS devi.ces for tapping telephones

All the definitions given above are from the Oxford English Di.ction­ary (OED) unless otherwise stated. Undefined terms can all be 10-­cated in the OED.


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