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Anatomy of-a-campaign

Date post: 06-Aug-2015
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www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com It is time to take Twitter seriously. With the advent of Twitter Cards, B2B brands and their marketers have a powerful new tool to target and directly reach qualified audiences. In fact, the fisher VISTA agency, in tandem with our colleagues at HRmarketer, recently executed a 3-part, integrated social campaign built around the annual HR Technology ® Conference and Exposition, and the extent to which we were able to leverage Twitter’s new advertising tools had an extremely significant impact on the ultimate success of the campaign. Leveraging Twitter Cards and HRmarketer Software to Nail Genuine Lead Gen and Drive Unprecedented Engagement Rates Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed With the advent of Twitter Cards, B2B brands and their marketers have a powerful new tool to target and directly reach qualified audiences.

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com

It is time to take Twitter seriously. With the advent of Twitter Cards, B2B brands and their marketers have a powerful new tool to target and directly reach qualified audiences.

In fact, the fisher VISTA agency, in tandem with our colleagues at HRmarketer, recently executed a 3-part, integrated social campaign built around the annual HR Technology® Conference and Exposition, and the extent to which we were able to leverage Twitter’s new advertising tools had an extremely significant impact on the ultimate success of the campaign.

Leveraging Twitter Cards and HRmarketer Software to Nail Genuine Lead Gen and Drive Unprecedented Engagement Rates

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

With the advent of Twitter Cards, B2B brands and their marketers have a powerful new tool to target and directly reach qualified audiences.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com


Over the course of this article, we’ll share with you details about this campaign, and specifically, how the integration of Twitter Cards and HRmarketer software proved to be a remarkable one-two targeting punch. We’ll look specifically at Twitter Cards – what they are, how you create them, how you use them – and we’ll show you how HRmarketer software can be leveraged to create uniquely qualified recipient lists with unprecedented engagement potential that can be used to support precision-targeted Twitter Card promotions.


As noted above, the impetus for our campaign was the HR Technology® Conference. Our offerings were tailored to it, our schedule was built around it, and our target lists drew from it. Our objective for the campaign was to provide unique, interesting and timely content to the HR technology community, and in so doing, also establish a multi-front presence for our brands and our product.

To achieve these goals, we created a 3-part strategy built around the following content offerings:

Our Influencer Report, made available prior to the event Our Live Hashtag Analysis Tool, running during the event Our Conference Social Report, distributed after the event

Each of these items was the beneficiary of its own supporting promotional campaign: a tailored @mention campaign offering the Influencer Report before the event, real-time social documentation of the Live Hashtag Analysis data during the event, and a precision-targeted Twitter Card campaign promoting the Conference Social Report after the event.


The campaign began well before the conference itself. It began with building our Influencer Report – a detailed report about the top HR influencers scheduled to attend the event. This is a perfect example of HRmarketer software at work, because really, what IS an influencer? So much has been written on the subject, yet there is seemingly no one answer.

Our objective was to provide unique, interesting and timely content, and in so doing, also establish a multi-front presence for our brands and our product.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

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Except there is an answer, and HRmarketer has it. Take a look at the list, and it’s pretty hard to dispute the validity of the results.

Next stop, targeting. Who would be interested? Pretty straightforward. Conference exhibitors (vendors)! So we got the list, and determined the Twitter handle for each. Then, we wrote the 300+ unique @mention tweets required to reach them. Then we uploaded these targeted and tailored correspondences, and spread their distribution out over a number of days and times. In tandem with this, we enlisted the services of a few high-profile influencers to promote the content via their own accounts.

The campaign began with building our Influencer Report – a detailed report about the top HR influencers scheduled to attend the event.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

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The result? Hundreds of downloads of our Influencer Report. (And, the first vetted handles to be added to our ultimate targeting list.)


Next stop, the conference itself. Enter #HRTechConf Hashtag Analysis. This is truly the revolutionary piece of the puzzle. The amount of social media intelligence this tool can generate is nothing short of remarkable. And once created, it essentially runs itself. So, starting a month before the event, we let it run. Not a great deal of activity to track initially, but as the event drew near, the pace quickened, and the data started pouring in. By the eve of the conference, tweets were being generated at a rate of over 100/hr. And we were ready.

Data, as we all know, are just numbers without the human touch to contextualize and interpret them. So to fully leverage the information coming through our systems, our social media team went into all-hands-on-deck mode during the event, manning multiple stations simultaneously, reading feeds, sharing important content, responding to provocative statements and insightful questions, monitoring trends and hashtags, and more.

By the eve of the conference, tweets were being generated at a rate of over 100/hr.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com


Critical to the success of our real-time endeavors was the connection between our team on the floor, and our team in the “command center” at home. (As but one example of this dynamic symbiosis, you can follow the trail of @social_rhonda – aka Rhonda Taylor, VP of Sales, HRmarketer – by the photos she took, and the rate at which we posted them!)

The result? Thousands of unique page views. Our brands, despite not having an actual “presence” on the conference floor (i.e. we did not host a booth, or give a talk, or present a product), stayed at or near the top of just about every list of note in regard to conference social activity: most mentioned, most shared, most popular, etc. And we achieved this by offering a service to our clients, our colleagues, and all the conference attendees, all the while accruing the data that would comprise the third stage of our strategy: The Conference Social Report.


The Conference Social Report profiles the 6,000+ individuals and brands that engaged with #HRTechConf during the event and is essentially hard-copy documentation of all the social media intelligence generated by our #HRTechConf-specific live hashtag analysis. Compiled into PDFs and spreadsheets, this information is a veritable goldmine of immediately accessible, immediately actionable data for anyone seeking to leverage their conference experience in the aftermath of the event, by engaging in precise, focused, disciplined, and targeted

Our brands, despite not having an actual “presence” on the conference floor, stayed at or near the top of just about every list of note.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com


networking and follow-up. In short, this is the mechanism by which to ensure true conference ROI.

Once assembled, we needed to distribute the report. Bearing the same objectives in mind – providing a service to HR space, and elevating our brands in HR space – we launched the final stage of our strategy: the Twitter Card promotion.

In order to fully investigate this segment of the campaign, we’re going to look closely at three important components:

1. Twitter Cards: What they are, and how you use them in a promotional campaign

2. Precision Targeting: How to create the audience for your promotional campaign

3. Lead Generation: How to generate leads from your promotional campaign


First, what is a Twitter Card?

A Twitter Card is essentially a piece of content that is permanently embedded in a tweet, and accordingly travels everywhere a tweet travels. There are many different kinds of Twitter Cards. Have you ever seen a Vine video in a tweet? That’s a Twitter Card. A video that travels in a tweet. Ever seen a promoted tweet with a link to a landing page where you can purchase something at a special discount? That’s a Twitter Card. A coupon that travels with a tweet. Ever been introduced to an App in a tweet? That’s a Twitter Card. An App Store that travels with a tweet.

There are currently nine different types of Twitter Cards, and each offers something unique to both the marketer, and the recipient. And, each presents a new and effective way to reach a targeted audience.

The arrival of the Twitter Card marks a significant step forward for Twitter, as with it they suddenly become a very serious advertising platform. But, it is important to note that the platform is only half the equation: Twitter (and

A Twitter Card is a piece of content that is permanently embedded in a tweet, and travels everywhere a tweet travels.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com


Twitter Cards) can solve the question of HOW to target. But you still have to know WHO to target. And that’s not as easy as it may seem. It’s not just a matter of determining and assembling a list of the Twitter handles of individuals and brands who you think will be interested in your content, and then sending that list a tweet. You need an intelligent list, a dynamic list, a list that will animate in response to your outreach. You need recipients who will engage. This is what precision targeting is all about.


Creating the target list for the final stage of our promotional strategy presented a unique challenge, because what we wanted was something that simple filtering can’t provide. For example, we didn’t just want vendors and attendees (those physically present at the event), because that eliminated those actively participating remotely. On the other hand, we didn’t simply want every single person/brand that tweeted using the #HRTechConf hashtag, because realistically, only a percentage of those tweeters would likely actually be interested in the content we were offering. What we really wanted was a list comprised of every engaged brand or individual that contributed!

This is where precision targeting really makes its impact felt.

A total of 6,374 unique people/brands tweeted (original tweet or a retweet) using the #HRTechConf hashtag. This we knew from the HRmarketer Conference Social Report. And from there, using a combination of the proprietary algorithms built into HRmarketer software, and the skills and experience of our analysts, we were able to identify approximately 1,000 people/brands that we deemed to have been legitimately “engaged” with the conference, and accordingly, that we felt would be interested in our Conference Social Report.* Assembled into a single list, these 1,000 Twitter handles became our target audience for the Twitter Card campaign. And it was this list that we uploaded to Twitter.

*For more explicit detail as regards our process for quantifying engagement, and engagement potential, please read Redefining Engagement By Quantifying The Lurkers.


With the list uploaded, it was time to create our Twitter Card. We elected to create a Lead Generation Card for our promotion, as this was clearly the most relevant and potentially beneficial option for our purposes. Why? Because a Lead Generation Card is essentially a traveling registration page.

Twitter (and Twitter Cards) can solve the question of HOW to target. But you still have to know WHO to target.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com


A Lead Generation Card starts as a promoted tweet targeted specifically to you. You see it, and ideally, you’re interested. So you open the tweet. Ah, you want this! “Get the Report”, it says, and so you click. That’s it. The company receives your info (name, Twitter ID, email, and phone), and you receive your report. Done. You never leave Twitter. No landing page, no registration form. Just a Twitter Card.

Creating the card itself is fairly straightforward. You need an image, a description, and a CTA. Then, you need a selection of tweets to append the card to. This is a little trickier, but it’s also exciting, because later on, you’ll be able to monitor which tweets performed better or worse, and this data can then inform future campaigns.

Next, you need a budget: how much you’re willing to spend per day, and how much you’re willing to spend overall. This is important, because Twitter Cards operate on an auction model, and your success rate as far as reaching your target audience depends on getting the right ratio of audience and “bid.”

Finally, you need your target audience. Because Twitter allows you to upload your own list, we were able to upload our 1,000 Twitter handles.

And that’s pretty much the process in a nutshell. We created a Twitter Card promotion for our Conference Social Report, and we launched it to our qualified list of engaged handles. And then we let it run. The result? Well, we were on the phone recently with our Twitter rep. He was very impressed. He called our

We got highly qualified leads via Twitter... and our cost per lead was very reasonable.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com


campaign “perfect.” And well he should! After all, we got highly qualified leads via Twitter. The Holy Grail was ours. And our cost per lead was very reasonable.

As we understand it, leads have actually been the hardest thing to come by on Twitter. But when we showed them our results (4.6% engagement rate), they were knocked out. Then again, they’ve only got their own product to work with. We’re not constrained that way. We’ve got HRmarketer software too. And HRmarketer solves the second half of that equation we referred to earlier. HRmarketer software can identify WHO to target, and it can do so intelligently and precisely.


We are 100% confident that there is simply no other marketing tool out there more perfectly algorithmically calibrated to its space than HRmarketer is to human resources. And now, with a partner like the new Twitter – the Twitter of today, the Twitter of Twitter Cards and targeted advertising – there is simply no better way to market to HR.

Precision-targeting, strategic outreach, exceptional results. All at the fraction of the cost of a “traditional” PR or advertising campaign. Mission accomplished. The Holy Grail indeed.

And now you too can build and execute a highly successful, intelligent, and precision-targeted social media campaign that builds awareness, amplifies messaging, and generates qualified leads, at a lower cost, and with better results.

All you need is fisher VISTA, HRmarketer Software, and a Twitter Card!

Want to learn more about how fisher VISTA can help you target your audience on Twitter? Let’s chat!

Would you like to see the power of HRmarketer software in action? Then register for a live, one-on-one demo!

Precision-targeting, strategic outreach, exceptional results. All at the fraction of the cost of a “traditional” PR or advertising campaign.

Anatomy of a Campaign so Good, Even Twitter was Impressed

www.fishervista.com | www.hrmarketer.com


ABOUT US fisher VISTA: The agency for the HR marketplace. The companies that engage us have one thing in common: they need greater traction in the crowded and competitive HR marketplace. We help them by enhancing their online presence, driving greater traffic to their website, improving their lead generation, and building their status as an industry thought leader. We can do the same for you.

fisher VISTA helps you earn the attention and business of your prospects by creating engaging content, news and inbound marketing campaigns—everything you need to make buyers, journalists, bloggers and analysts want to know more about you and then take action to do so.

We help you connect with your key audiences in all the right places, using all the right tactics. They’ll download your articles and white papers … read your blog posts and press releases … visit your website … attend your webinars … and engage with your brand again and again.

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HRmarketer: Companies use HRmarketer.com to improve their visibility and thought leadership. The HRmarketer software aggregates the information you need to build awareness of your brand in the human resources and employee benefits marketplace—and tools that empower you to use this information to deliver outstanding marketing. Our 15 years of HR industry experience goes into everything we do. Contact us to find out how we can help grow your HR business.

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