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Anatomy of Eye

Date post: 15-Oct-2015
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Organa sensuum Organum visus Organum vestibulocochleare Organum olfactoria Organa gustatoria Integumentum commune
  • ANATOMY OF HUMAN EYE dr. Ika WaraztutyDepartement of Anatomi-HistologyFaculty of MedicineSyiah Kuala University

  • BackgroundText &LinesShadowsTitle TextFillsAccentAccent &HyperlinkFollowedHyperlink

  • Eye Anatomyhttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Eye_orbit_anatomy_anterior2.jpg

    The orbital boneThe eye socketFormed by:Cheekbone Forehead Temple Side of noseEye is cushioned within orbit by pads of fat





  • External Anatomy of the Eye LUAR

  • EYELIDS & EYELASHESEyelids (Palpebra)Protection:Protects eye from foreign matter (dust, dirt, debris)Protects against bright light that might damage the eye Help spread tears over surface of eye- moist & comfort Eyelashes : Filter out foreign matter prevent it from getting into eye



  • Conjunctiva (Conj):

    Thin, clear layer of skin Covering of the front of eyeCovers the sclera and the inside of the eyelidsFunction:Keeps bacteria and foreign material from getting behind eyea.Ciliaris ant & a.palpebralis


  • Conjunctiva (Conj):


  • ScleraWhite of the eyeTough, opaque tissue that extends around the eye Surrounds the eye and gives the eye its shapeThe sclera is attached to the extraocular muscles


  • Made up of 3 layers:EpiskleraSkleraLamina Fucha

  • CORNEAClear layer at the front & center of eye Located in front of the iris (colored part of eye)Function:Focus light as it enters eyeAvascularOnly organ that has no blood vesselsNutrision PD limbus, tears &humor aqous

  • Cornea Layershttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cornea.jpg



  • Iris The colored part of the eyeunique to every individual like a fingerprintColor is dependent on the amount of pigment A diaphragm, the iris has tiny muscles that control the light levels in the eye Has 2 layersPupil is located in the center of the iris pupil = hole: it is not an eye structure per se

  • IRIS

    Iris (I):Ring shaped tissueColored part of eyeControls the amount of light that enters the eyeTwo muscle fibers:ContractionConstricts pupil in bright lightDilationDilates pupil in dark



  • Intrinsic Eye Muscles and their response to light


    Crystalline Lens:Clear, flexible structure Behind the iris & pupil Surrounded by a ring of muscular tissue ciliary bodyThe lens & ciliary body help control fine focusing of light as it passes through the eye



  • LensTransparent, biconvex structure, held in place by ciliary zonules Composed of 6 layersRefracts light Nutrition comes from aqueous humorinsoluble deposits of proteins build up over time = cataractsA clouding of the lens and capsule Diameter : 9mm, thick: 4,5-6mm


  • Ciliary body (Corpus Ciliaris)Connects the choroid with the irisHas three parts including:The ciliary muscle is ring shaped muscle that controls the shape of the lens (accommodation) The ciliary process is the attachment site for the zonules and produces the aqueous in the pars plicata The ciliary ring is attached to the choroid and is composed of the pars plana.

  • Zonules Zinn Attach the lens to the ciliary bodyMay become broken or stretched causing the lens to move out-of-place



    Anterior Chamber (AC):Fluid-filled spaceBehind the cornea & in front of the irisFluid = Aqueous humor (AH)AH helps nourish the cornea & the lens



  • Anterior Chamber Angle

    Located where the cornea meets the iris Trabecular MeshworkSite where aqueous humor drains out of eyeIf cannot properly drain out Pressure build up inside eyeCauses optic nerve damage & evetually vision loss = glaucoma



  • Posterior Chamber (PC):

    Posterior Chamber (PC):Fluid-filled spaceAqueous Humor!Immediately behind the iris but infront of the lens



  • HUMOR AQUOSUSHumor aquosus:Terdapat di camera aculi anterior dan camera oculi posteriorDiproduksi oleh processus ciliaris c.o.p c.o.a angulus iridis Trabeculae Meshwork sinus venosus scleraeglaucoma

  • Production of Aqueous Humor and Intraocular pressure Ciliary Process:Produces Aqueous Humor2. Posterior Chamber:Aqueous Humor flows from this chamber through thepupil in Anterior ChamberCanal of SchlemmReabsorbs Aqueous Humor

    Glaucoma:Increase in intraocular pressure due to build up ofAqueous Humor

  • Fungsinya :

    Mempertahankantekanan intraokulardan kantung dunia mata.Menyediakan gizi (misalnya asam amino dan glukosa) untuk jaringan okular avaskular; posteriorkornea,meshwork trabecular,lensa, dan vitreous anterior.Membawa limbah produk dari metabolisme jaringan di atas mata avaskular.Dapat berfungsi untuk mengangkutaskorbatdi segmen anterior untuk bertindak sebagai agen anti-oksidan..

  • Vitreous Chamber

    Vitreous Chamber:Located behind the lens & in front of the retinaFilled with a gel-like fluid called the vitreous humorThe vitreous help maintain the shape of the eye



  • RETINAActs like the film in a camera to create an imageConsists of a specialized layer of cells Converts light signals into nerve signal then send these signals to the optic nerveOptic nerve carries the signals to the brainThe brain helps process the imageRods- low light situationsCones- allows you to see color



  • Rods and ConesThe retina uses special cells called rods and cones to process light. Just how many rods and cones does your retina have? How about 120 million rods and 7 million cones - in each eye!Rods and cones are most sensitive to yellow-green light.

  • RODS/sel batangRods see in black, white, and shades of gray and tell us the form or shape that something has. Rods can't tell the difference between colors, but they are super-sensitive, allowing us to see when it's very dark.

  • CONESCones sense color and they need more light than rods to work well. Cones are most helpful in normal or bright light.


    MaculaLocated in the central part of the retina Responsible for giving sharp central visionUsed for reading, recognizing faces, and watching TVAny disease that affects the macula will cause a change & impairment in the central vision



  • CHOROIDChoroidA layer of tissue that is:Located under the retinaSeparates retina & scleraMostly made up of blood vessels Helps nourish the retina by carrying the blood supply to the eyes internal structureshttp://www.cnib.ca/en/your-eyes/eye-conditions/amd/the-eye/basics/Default.aspx


  • NERVUS OPTICUSOptic NerveA bundle of 1 million nerve fibersResponsible for transmitting nerve signals from the eye to the brainThe optic disc is the front surface of the optic nerve The optic disc is visible on the retinahttp://cssd.us/body.cfm?id=802http://www.wollongong.youronlinecommunity.com.au/wollongong-online/2008/50/walkthrulife/eye-health.html


  • Rangsang cahaya sel conus & bacillus

  • Organon visus

  • Intra-ocular musclesPurpose is to move eyes Maintain binocularity6 musclesmedial rectus (MR)moves the eye toward the noselateral rectus (LR)moves the eye away from the nosesuperior rectus (SR)primarily moves the eye upward and secondarily rotates the top of the eye toward the nose inferior rectus (IR)primarily moves the eye downward and secondarily rotates the top of the eye away from the nose superior oblique (SO)primarily rotates the top of the eye toward the nose and secondarily moves the eye downward inferior oblique (IO)primarily rotates the top of the eye away from the nose and secondarily moves the eye upward

  • Intra Ocular MusclesAdduksi:M. rectus medialis bulbiM. rectus superior bulbiM. rectus inferior bulbiAbduksi:M. rectus lateralis bulbiM. obliquus superior bulbiM. obliquus inferior bulbiGerakan ke cranial:M. rectus superior bulbiM. obliquus inferior bulbiGerakan ke caudal:M. rectus inferior bulbiM. obliquus superior bulbi

  • Lacrimal System/Tear FilmLacrimal system is responsible for tear production and drainageMade up of 3 layers Created primarily by lacrimal apparatus and meibomian glandsLubricate the eyeball, provides oxygen/nutrition for cornea, has antibacterial properties and helps wash away debris Also have unique composition which keeps surface of cornea slick

  • Lacrimal System

  • Gld lacrimalis dan ductus lacrimalisGLANDULA LACRIMALISfossa lacrimalis (temporocranial orbita)

    DUCTUS LACRIMALISDuctus lacrimalisSaccus lacrimalisDuctus nasolacrimalis

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