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Anatomy & Physiology Brain

Date post: 09-Apr-2018
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  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain



  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    CerebrumCerebellumBrain stemLimbic system

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Mo st high level brain functi o n takesplace

    Divided int o 2 hemisphere: right &left hemisphereRight hemisphere is resp o nsible f o rmusic & art awareness, insight andco ntr o ls the left part o f the b o dy

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Left hemisphere is resp o nsible f o rmathematical skills, language,

    reading, writing and c o ntr o ls theright part o f the b o dyHave 4 l o bes: fr o ntal, temp o ral,parietal and o ccipital l o be.Co vers 85% o f the brains weight

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    little brainLo cated at l o wer back o f brainbeneath the o ccipital l o beCenter f o r coo rdinati o n o fmo vement and p o stural adjustment

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Receives & integrates inf o rmati o nfro m all areas o f bo dy such as:

    muscles, j o ints, o rgans & o therco mp o nents o f CNSInhibited the transmissi o n o fdo pamine in this area.

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain



    nnects spinal co

    rd to

    the resto

    f the brainCo mp o sed o f the f o llo wing:-ME DULLA- l o cated at t o p o f spinal c o rd,

    co ntains vital centers f o r respirati o ns &


    vascular functio

    n.-PONS- bridges the gap b o th structurally &functi o nally serving as primary m o to rpathway.


    IDBRAIN- co

    nnects po

    ns & cerebellum withthe cerebrum.-LOCUS C E RULE US- a small gr o up o f

    no repinephrine- pr o ducing neur o ns in brainstem.

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain




    onal brain- em


    onal resp

    onses such as;anger, fear, anxiety, pleasure, s o rr o w & sexual

    feelings generated in limbic system but interpretedin fr o ntal l o be.

    Parts o f the limbic system:-THALA M US- regulates activity, sensati o n & em o tio n.-HYPOTHALA M US- inv o lved in temperature

    regulati o n, appetite c o ntr o l, end o crine functi o n,sexual drive & impulsiveness behavi o r ass o ciatedwith feelings o f anger, rage & excitement.

    -HIPPOCA M PUS & AM YGDALA- inv o lved in



    nal aro

    usal & memo


  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Neur o transmitters are chemicals whichtransmit signals fr o m a neur o n t o a targetcell acr o ss a synapse. Neur o transmittersare packaged int o synaptic vesiclesclustered beneath the membrane o n thepresynaptic side o f a synapse, and arereleased int o the synaptic cleft, wherethey bind t o recept o rs in the membraneo n thep o stsynaptic side o f the synapse.

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    F o und in the brain, spinal c o rd andPNS.

    Can be inhibit o ry and excitat o rySynthesized fr o m dietary ch o linefo und in red meat and vegetablesAffects sleep- wake cycle and t o signal muscles t o beco me active

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    E ssential t o the functi o ning o f CNSE xcitat o ryInv o lved in em o tio ns, m oo ds andregulati o n o f mo to r co ntr o l.Do pamine f o rms fr o m a precurs o rmo lecule called d o pa- manufacturedfro m liver fr o m amin o acid tyr o sine.

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Mo st prevalent neur o transmitter innerv o us system.E xcitat o ryHas limited distributi o n in brain butco ntr o ls fight o r flight in PNSPlay a r o le in attenti o n, learning &mem o ry, sleep and wakefulness andmoo d regulati o n.

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Its functi o n is m o stly inhibit o ry thatincludes inducti o n o f sleep andwakefulness, pain c o ntr o l, temperatureregulati o n, co ntr o l o f moo d, mem o ry,and sexual behavi o r.


    rySero to nin is pr o duced in brain fr o mamin o acid trypt o phan- derived fr o m


    ds high in CHON.

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Inv o lved in em o tio ns, regulati o n o fbo dy temperature and water

    balance.Neur o mo dulat o rs

  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    E xcitat o ry amin o acid that at highlevels that can have maj o r neur o to xic


  • 8/8/2019 Anatomy & Physiology Brain


    Mo st abundant neur o transmitterswithin the CNS and in cerebral

    co rtex.Largely resp o nsible f o r such higherbrain functi o ns as th o ught and

    interpreting sensati o ns.M ajo r inhibit o ry neur o transmitter inthe brain.
