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Ancestors and Descendants of Matthew Thornton

Ancestors and Descendants


Matthew Thornton


Table of Contents

Ancestor Tree of Matthew Thornton .....................................................................................................................2 Descendant Tree of Matthew Thornton .................................................................................................................3 Ahnentafel Report of Matthew Thornton...............................................................................................................5 Map......................................................................................................................................................................10 Index....................................................................................................................................................................61

Matthew Thornton


Ancestors of Matthew Thornton

Matthew Thorntonb: 1714 in Derry, Kilskerry Parish (Tyrone)Northern Irelandm: 1760 in New Hampshired: 24 Jun 1803 in Newburyport, Essex,Massachusetts

James Thorntonb: Abt. 1684 in Derry, Kilskerry Parish (Tyrone)Northern Irelandm: Abt. 1710 in Irelandd: 07 Nov 1754 in East Derry, Rockingham, NewHampshire

Elizabeth Jenkinsb: Abt. 1690 in Irelandd: 1741 in East Derry (Rockingham) , NH

James Thorntonb: 15 Nov 1648 in Low Bentham, West Riding(Yorkshire) Englandm: 14 Feb 1686 in Prestwich, Prestwich(Lancashire) England

Nancy Smithb: 1656 in Low Bentham, West Riding (Yorkshire)Englandd: 1734 in Derry (Rockingham) New Hampshire


Descendants of Matthew Thornton


1714 - 1803


1742 - 1786


1769 - 1846


1774 - 1821

Harriet FrancesMcGaw

1808 - 1877


1796 - 1873

Katherine PerleyWood

1845 - 1914

Arthur SherburneHardy

1847 - 1930

Beulah AshleyGreenough

Thornton SherburneHardy

1876 - 1937

Minnie LauraAmes

1885 - 1946Cont. p. 4


1870 - 1875

EvelynHardy1902 -

Henry S. I.Kitchen

GelstonHardy1901 -

Barbara BonestellWalton

Patricia ElizabethHardy

1914 - 1995

Harry WhitneyDurand

1910 - 1993


1911 - 1970


1908 - 1970

HughHardy1932 -

Titziana Harry WhitneyDurand1942 -

Sarah ChadwickChrystal1942 -

Laura AmesDurand1944 -

Robert ScottDoolittle1943 -

Carol AnnWolf

1937 - 1995


James LewisWolf

1940 -


James ThorntonDurand1969 -

Marguerite M.Sharrock

1964 -

Stephen ChrystalDurand1971 -

Sarah WhitneyDurand1975 -

Lauren ElizabethDoolittle1968 -


Christopher ScottDoolittle1972 -

Elizabeth JenniferWolf

1975 -



1979 -


Michael ChadwickDurand2003 -





Descendants of Matthew Thornton

Cont. p. 3Thornton Sherburne

Hardy1876 - 1937

RuthStacker- 1968

Blaise CourtenayHardy

1925 - 1982



CavanHardy1926 -

Carolyn SherburneHardy1932 -


Lester F.Hardy1952 -


CourtenayHardy1958 -

Stephen DellaRocca

AlisonHardy1951 -


RobinHardy1953 -


ShalomAberle1959 -

Susan SharonAberle1961 -


RuthAberle1962 -


AmeliaHardy1997 -

MalcolmHardy1999 -

Christopher Blaise DellaRocca1988 -

ScottDingle1987 -

Child 1Aberle

Child 2Aberle

Child 3Aberle


Child 2Petkitis

Matthew Thornton


Ancestors of Matthew Thornton

Generation No. 1

1. Matthew Thornton1, born 1714 in Derry, Kilskerry Parish (Tyrone) Northern Ireland1; died 24 Jun 1803in Newburyport, Essex, Massachusetts1. He was the son of 2. James Thornton and 3. Elizabeth Jenkins. Hemarried (1) Hannah Jack1,2 1760 in New Hampshire3. She was born 1742 in Chester, New Hampxhire4, anddied 05 Dec 17865. She was the daughter of Andrew Jack and Mary Morrison.

Notes for Matthew Thornton:[MATTHEW THORNTON.FTW]

Matthew Thornton was the son of James Thornton, a native of Ireland, and was born in that country, about theyear 1714. When he was two or three years old, his father emigrated to America, and after a residence of a fewyears he removed to Worcester, Massachusetts. Here young Thornton received a respectable academicaleducation, and subsequently pursued his medical studies, under the direction of Doctor Grout, of Leicester. Soonafter completing his preparatory course, he removed to Londonderry, in New-Hampshire, where he commencedthe practice of medicine, and soon became distinguished, both as a physician and a surgeon. In 1745, the wellknown expedition against Cape Breton was planned by Governor Shirley. The co-operation of New-Hampshirebeing solicited, a corps of five hundred men was raised in the latter province. Dr. Thornton was selected toaccompany the New-Hampshire troops, as a surgeon. The chief command of this expedition was entrusted tocolonel William Pepperell. On the 1st of May, he invested the city of Louisburg. Lieutenant Colonel Vaughanconducted the first column, through the woods, within sight of Louisburg, and saluted the city with three cheers.At the head of a detachment, chiefly of New-Hampshire troops, he marched in the night, to the northeast part ofthe harbour, where they burned the warehouses, containing the naval stores, and staved a large quantity of wineand brandy. The smoke of this fire, being driven by the wind into the grand battery, so terrified the French, that,spiking the guns, they retired into the city. The next morning, as Colonel Vaughan, with his men, consisting ofonly thirteen, was retiring, he accidentally discovered that the battery was deserted. Upon this, he hired a CapeCod Indian to creep into an embrasure and open the gate. Thus he obtained possession of the place, andimmediately dispatched a messenger to the commanding general, with the following note: "May it please yourhonour to be informed, that, by the grace of God, and the courage of thirteen men, I entered the royal batteryabout nine o'clock, and am waiting for a reinforcement and a flag." In the mean time, the news of Vaughan'scapture of the battery being communicated to the French, a hundred men were dispatched to retake it; but thegallant colonel succeeded in preventing their design, until reinforcements arrived. The capture of Louisburgfollowed after a long and perilous siege. It was here that cannons were drawn by men, for fourteen nights, withstraps over their shoulders, from the landing place through a deep morass, into which they sunk, at every step, upto their knees in mud. Few expeditions in the annals of American history, will compare with this. Louisburg wasthe "Dunkirk" of America; yet it surrendered to the valor of our troops. It is recorded to the praise of Dr.Thornton, and as an evidence of his professional abilities, that of the corps of five hundred men, of whom he hadcharge as a physician, only six died of sickness, previous to the surrender of the city, although they were amongthose who assisted in dragging the cannon over the above mentioned morass. Under the royal government, he wasinvested with the office of justice of the peace, and commissioned as colonel of the militia. But when the politicalcrisis arrived, when that government in America was dissolved, Colonel Thornton abjured the British interest,and, with a patriotic spirit, adhered to the glorious cause of liberty. In 1775, the royal governor was obliged toflee from the province of New Hampshire. A provincial convention was at this time in session at Exeter, fortemporary purposes, of which Colonel Thornton was president. In this capacity we find him addressing theinhabitants of the colony of New Hampshire in the following manner: "Friends and brethren, you must all besensible that the affairs of America have, at length, come to a very affecting and alarming crisis. The horrors anddistresses of a civil war, which, till of late, we only had in contemplation, we now find ourselves obliged torealize. Painful beyond expression, have been those scenes of blood and devastation which the barbarous crueltyof British troops have placed before our eyes. Duty to God, to ourselves, to posterity, ends forced by the cries ofslaughtered innocents, have urged us to take up arms in our own defence. Such a day as this was never beforeknown, either to us or to our fathers. You will give us leave, therefore, in whom you have reposed specialconfidence, as your representative body, to suggest a few things, which call for the serious attention of every one,

Matthew Thornton


who has the true interest of America at heart. We would, therefore, recommend to the colony at large, to cultivatethat Christian union, harmony, and tender affection, which is the only foundation upon which our invaluableprivileges can rest with any security, or our public measures be pursued with the least prospect of success." Afterenjoining an inviolable observance of the measures recommended by the Congress of 1774, lest they should crossthe general plan, he proceeds to recommend, "that the most industrious attention be paid to the cultivation oflands and American manufactures, in their various branches, especially the linen and woollen[sic], and that thehusbandry might be managed with a particular view thereto; accordingly, that the farmer raise flare and increasehis flock of sheep to the extent of his ability. " We further recommend a serious and steady regard to the rules oftemperance, sobriety, and righteousness; and that those laws which have, heretofore, been our security anddefence from the hand of violence, may still answer all their former valuable purposes, though persons of viciousand corrupt minds would willingly take advantage from our present situation. "In a word, we seriously andearnestly recommend the practice of that pure and undefiled religion, which embalmed the memory of our piousancestors, as that alone upon which we can build a solid hope and confidence in the Divine protection and favour,without whose blessing all the measures of safety we have, or can propose, will end in our shame anddisappointment." The next year he was chosen a delegate to the Continental Congress, and took his seat on thefourth of November following. He was, therefore, not a member of that illustrious body which planned andpublished the Declaration of Independence. This was true, also, of Benjamin Rush, George Clymer, JamesWilson, George Ross, and George Taylor. But all these gentlemen acceding to the Declaration, were permitted toaffix their signatures to the engrossed copy of that instrument. During the same year, he was appointed chiefjustice of the court of common pleas; and not long after was raised to the office of judge of the superior court ofNew Hampshire, in which office he remained until 1782. In 1780, he purchased a farm, pleasantly situated on thebanks of the Merrimack, near Exeter, where, in connection with his other diversified occupations, he devotedhimself to the business of agriculture. Although advanced in life, he cheerfully granted his professional services,whenever they were required, and they were at all times highly appreciated. In the municipal affairs of the town,he took a lively interest. Of the general court he was a member for one or two years, and a senator in the statelegislature, and served as a member of the council in 1785, under President Langdon. Dr. Thornton was a man ofstrong powers of mind, ad on most subjects to which he directed his attention, was able to elicit light andinformation. In private life, he was peculiarly instructive and agreeable. The young were delighted with hishilarity and humor. His memory was well stored with entertaining and instructive anecdotes, which he was able toapply upon any incident or subject of conversation. He often illustrated his sentiments by fable. He delighted toamuse a circle of an evening by some fictitious narrative, in which he greatly excelled. At such times, placing hiselbows upon his knees, and supporting his head with his hands, he would rivet the attention of his auditors, andastonish them by his powers of invention. In satire he was scarcely equaled. And though he sometimes employedhis power immoderately, he was universally beloved, and occupied a large share of the confidence of hisneighbours. A single fault of his character should not pass unnoticed. It is asserted, that he betrayed some traits ofan avaricious disposition, and sometimes enforced his rights, when if justice did not require, charity dictated arelinquishment of them. If, however, he was severe in his pecuniary claims, he was also strict in the payment ofhis debts. The powers of Dr. Thornton's mind continued unusually vigorous to a late period of his life. After hewas eighty years of age, he wrote political essays for the newspapers, and about this period of life prepared for thepress a metaphysical work, comprised in seventy-three manuscript pages in quarto, and entitled, "Paradise Lost;or, the Origin of the Evil called Sin, examined; or how it ever did, or ever can come to pass, that a creature shouldor could do any thing unfit or improper for that creature to do," This work was never published; but those whohave had access to the manuscript, pronounce it a very singular production. It is not a little remarkable, that,although a physician and consequently often exposed to the whooping cough, he did not take that disease until hehad passed his eightieth year. Although at this time enfeebled by years, he survived the attack, and even continuedhis medical practice. In stature, Dr. Thornton exceeded six feet in height, but he was remarkably well formed. Hiscomplexion was dark. and his eyes black and piercing. His aspect was uncommonly grave, especially for one whowas naturally given to good humor and hilarity. Dr. Thornton died while on a visit at Newburyport,Massachusetts, on the 24th of June, 1803, in the 89th year of his age. In the funeral sermon by Rev. Dr. Burnap,we are furnished with the following sketch. "He was venerable for his age, and skill in his profession, and for theseveral very important and honourable offices he had sustained; noted for the knowledge he had acquired, and hisquick penetration into matters of abstruse speculation; exemplary for his regard for the public institutions ofreligion, and for his constancy in attending the public worship, where he trod the courts of the house of God, withsteps tottering with age arid infirmity. Such is a brief outline of one who was honoured in his day and generation;whose virtues were a model for imitation, and while memory does her office, will be had in grateful recollection."[Research of J, Robert Schmidt; Iowa City, Iowa; 1994]The men who led New Hampshire's civil governmentduring the Revolution have nearly been forgotten by historians and others who have chosen to write about those

Matthew Thornton


events of 200 years ago. Military officers such as Stark, Dearborn and Sullivan and the flamboyant John Langdonhave all been the subjects of various books. But the men such as Matthew Thornton who toiled long hours in thecourt room, the Provincial Congress and the legislature have received only passing notice in shortbiographies.Thornton is especially unusual for among the prominent New Hampshire individuals of this period,he alone was not a native born American. He was born in Ireland in 1714 and with his family came to Wiscasset,Maine, about 1717. The Thorntons soon moved to Worcester, Massachusetts, which with Londonderry, NewHampshire, was a center of Scotch lrish settlement in New England. Here Matthew studied medicine at the thenfamous Worcester Academy. In 1740, he opened his practice in Londonderry. Then a small, isolated settlement, itbecame by 1775 the second largest town in New Hampshire in both population and taxable wealth.Skilled as aphysician, well educated and from the same European stock as most of the townspeople, Thornton soon becameboth an important and a wealthy man of the town.He accompanied the New Hampshire regiment on the militaryexpedition to Cape Breton, Canada in 1745.Although the army suffered greatly in capturing Louisburg,Thornton's medical skill held his regiment's losses to only six men.He soon made a name for himself in civilmatters, too, serving in a variety of town and provincial offices as both a legislator and a judge. He even receivedfrom Governor Wentworth a commission as a Colonel in the Londonderry militia. In 1768 he and other membersof his family were granted the township which still bears his name, Thornton, and he had interests in other townsas well.The Scotch-Irish Presbyterians of Worcester had been badly treated by the MassachusettsCongregationalists and partly for that reason, Thornton and others of his nationality had moved to Londonderry.Perhaps because of that unfair treatment, Thornton readily took the side of the people of his town and provinceover the increasingly harsh policies of the royal government during the 1760s and 1770s.When the war began, hewas 61 and too old to serve in the army (although he held the rank of colonel until 1779), but he readily served inthe various provincial congresses, becoming president of the Fourth Congress on May 17, 1775. From this timeon, the members of the Congress virtually ignored the remnant of the royal government in Portsmouth and theyassumed the real authority for running the province. During this difficult period of transition from royal toprovincial government, Thornton was the acknowledged leader of the government, acting as president of theCongress and chairman of the Committee of Safety throughout the rest of 1775.He was also president of the FifthCongress, which on January 5, 1776, adopted the first constitution in the colonies. He had also chaired the fiveman committee that drafted that document, Since this acceptance vote was not unanimous, New Hampshire wroteto the Continental Congress for an opinion of their actions.Starting in the early summer of 1776, the ContinentalCongress made a series of decisions which culminated in the Declaration of Independence. Thornton was not amember of the Congress when the Declaration was adopted, but by law was permitted to sign it on November 4,1776, the day after he arrived in Philadelphia to begin the first of two terms in the Congress. Nearly 18 monthsearlier in a letter to the Congress, Thornton had first suggested complete independence from England, a viewwhich at that time was not universally supported. It must have been with a great deal of satisfaction that he signedthe Declaration, for by November of 1776, his signature certainly was not required.After the adoption of theJanuary 1776 constitution, Thornton was elected the first speaker of the house, then became a member of thecouncil although Meshech Weare was named to head the council. Both Weare and Thornton were extremely ablemen and if times had been different, there might well have been a conflict between them. Whatever his personalfeelings, Thornton set them aside and while he assumed a somewhat lesser role in the state, he was an activemember of the Continental Congress from November 1776 through 1777.Before being sent to the ContinentalCongress, Thornton had been appointed as a Superior Court justice and he continued to serve on variouscommittees of the legislature and the Committee of Safety. He served six years on the Superior Court and as chiefjustice of the Court of Common Pleas, but in 1782 declined reappointment to those posts.In 1780, Thorntonmoved to Merrimack where he purchased the confiscated estate of Tory Edward Goldstone Lutwyche. After thewar he represented that town in both the House and the Senate, and also served on the governor's council. Thepressure of his many duties forced Thornton to end his medical practice in 1779 and after the war he became agentleman farmer and owned the ferry at that place on the Merrimack River still known as Thornton's Ferry.Withthe death of his wife in 1786 and of his son the following year and with increasing infirmities, Thornton resignedfrom public life. He died in 1803 while visiting his daughter in Newburyport, Massachusetts.

[Research of J. Robbie Schmidt of Iowa City, Iowa]"New Hampshire: Years of Revolution"; by Peter E, Randall;Profiles, Publications and the New Hampshire Bicentennial Commission: 1976"The Family Of James Thornton,Father of the Honorable Matthew Thornton"; by Charles Thornton Adams; New York City, New York; 1905(CS71. T49. 1905 LofC) (Library of J. Robert Schmidt, Iowa City, Iowa)"The Encyclopedia Of The AmericanRevolution"; by Mark Mayo Boatner III.; Stackpole Books; Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania; 1994 (973.303 B6621994 LAPL)

Matthew Thornton


See also "The Family Of James Thornton, Father of the Honorable Matthew Thornton"; by Charles ThorntonAdams; New York City, New York; 1905 (CS71. T49. 1905 LofC)· ID: I08535 · Name: Matthew Thornton ,MD · Sex: M · Birth: 1714 in Derry, Kilskerry Parish (Tyrone) Northern Ireland, The British Isles · Death: 24JUN 1803 in Newburyport (Essex) Massachusetts · Burial: Thornton's Ferry Cemetery in Merrimack, NewHampshire ·

More About Matthew Thornton:Burial: 1803, Thornton's Ferry, Merrimack, NH5

More About Hannah Jack:Burial: Thornton's Ferry, Merrimack, NH5

Generation No. 2

2. James Thornton5, born Abt. 1684 in Derry, Kilskerry Parish (Tyrone) Northern Ireland5; died 07 Nov1754 in East Derry, Rockingham, New Hampshire5. He was the son of 4. James Thornton and 5. Nancy Smith.He married 3. Elizabeth Jenkins Abt. 1710 in Ireland5.

3. Elizabeth Jenkins5, born Abt. 1690 in Ireland5; died 1741 in East Derry (Rockingham) , NH5.

Notes for James Thornton:[MATTHEW THORNTON.FTW]

"The Family Of James Thornton, Father of the Honorable Matthew Thornton"; by Charles Thornton Adams; NewYork City, New York; 1905 (CS71. T49. 1905 LofC) (Library of J. Robert Schmidt, Iowa City, Iowa)

More About James Thornton:Burial: Forest Hills Cemetery, East Derry, NH5

Notes for Elizabeth Jenkins:[MATTHEW THORNTON.FTW]

"The Family Of James Thornton, Father of the Honorable Matthew Thornton"; by Charles Thornton Adams; NewYork City, New York; 1905 (CS71. T49. 1905 LofC) (Library of J. Robert Schmidt, Iowa City, Iowa)

Child of James Thornton and Elizabeth Jenkins is:1 i. Matthew Thornton, born 1714 in Derry, Kilskerry Parish (Tyrone) Northern Ireland; died 24 Jun 1803 in

Newburyport, Essex, Massachusetts; married Hannah Jack 1760 in New Hampshire.

Generation No. 3

4. James Thornton5, born 15 Nov 1648 in Low Bentham, West Riding (Yorkshire) England5. He married5. Nancy Smith 14 Feb 1686 in Prestwich, Prestwich (Lancashire) England5.

5. Nancy Smith5, born 1656 in Low Bentham, West Riding (Yorkshire) England5; died 1734 in Derry(Rockingham) New Hampshire5.

Notes for Nancy Smith:[MATTHEW THORNTON.FTW]

"The Family Of James Thornton, Father of the Honorable Matthew Thornton"; by Charles Thornton Adams; NewYork City, New York; 1905 (CS71. T49. 1905 LofC) (Library of J. Robert Schmidt, Iowa City, Iowa)

Child of James Thornton and Nancy Smith is:2 i. James Thornton, born Abt. 1684 in Derry, Kilskerry Parish (Tyrone) Northern Ireland; died 07 Nov 1754

in East Derry, Rockingham, New Hampshire; married Elizabeth Jenkins Abt. 1710 in Ireland.

Matthew Thornton



1. MATTHEW THORNTON.FTW, Date of Import: Apr 12, 2003.2. OneWorldTree, Ancestry.com. One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc.3. MATTHEW THORNTON.FTW, Date of Import: Apr 12, 2003.4. OneWorldTree, Ancestry.com. One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc.5. MATTHEW THORNTON.FTW, Date of Import: Apr 12, 2003.

Matthew Thornton


Family Map





SpainUnited States







Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Aalst, Belgium

Gertrud Van Aalst Born: 1098 Aalst Sint-Pieter, Ghent

Abbeville, France

Pierre Cresson Born: 1609 Menil La Cresson,Abbeville, Picardy

Aberdeen, Scotland

John Morrison Born: 1628

Alameda, Alameda Co., CA

Patricia Elizabeth Hardy Born: 19 Aug 1914

Albany, Albany Co., NY

Abram Abraham Ver Planck Born: 1606Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Maritje Post Born: 1610 Albany, Albany, NY,USA

Catalyntje De Vos Born: 1628Rensselaerwyck, Albany, NY, USA

Anetzie Webber Died: 29 Jan 1633Beverwyck, Albany, New York, USA

Susanna Dirkse Mayer Born: 1634 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Barent Albertse Bradt Born: 22 Oct 1634Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Storm Albertse Bradt Born: 02 Nov 1636Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Engeltje Bradt Born: 1637 Rensselaerwyck,Albany, NY, USA

Enleltje Alberts Bradt Born: 1637Renselearwyck, Albany, NY, USA

Guleyn Ver Planck Born: 01 Jan 1637Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Hendrick Albertse Bradt Born: Mar 1637Albany, NY, USA

Gisseltje Bradt Born: 1640 Rensselaerwyck,Albany, NY, USA

Andries Alberts Albertssen Born: 1642Rensselaerwyck, Albany, NY, USA

Andries Bradt Born: 1642 Albany, NY, USA

Susanna Ver Planck Born: 25 May 1642Albany, NY, USA

Jacomyntje Ver Planck Born: 06 Jul 1644Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Gessetie Bradt Born: 1645 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Gisseltje Albertse Bratt Born: 1645 Albany,NY, USA

Engeltie Bradt Slingerland Born: 1646Rensselaerwyck, Albany, NY, USA

Ariaantje Ver Planck Born: 02 Dec 1646Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Jan Albertse Bradt Born: 1648Rensselaerwyck, Albany, NY, USA

Dirck Bradt Born: 1650 Rensselaerwyck,Albany, NY, USA

Abigel Uyten Bogaardt Born: 1651 Albany,Albany, New York, USA

Abigail Uytenbogart Born: 1651 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Isaac Ver Planck Born: 26 Feb 1651 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Mynno Jemima Jurckxen Born: 1655 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Gysbert Van Blarcom Died: 1655Rensselaewyck, Albany, New York, USA

Anthony Barentse Bradt Born: 1657 Albany,New Neth Colony, NY, USA

Maritje Bradt Born: 1661 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Annetie Barentse Van Rotmers Died: 06 Jun1662 Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Dirk Bradt Born: 1664 Albany, Albany, NY,USA

Anna Bradt Born: 1666 Albany, NY, USA

Johannes Bradt Born: 1668 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Maria Vigne Died: 1671 Albany, Albany, NY,USA

Jacob Bradt Born: 1674 Albany, Albany, NY,USA

Isaac Bradt Born: Apr 1676 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Daniel Bradt Born: 1677 Albany, NY, USA

Gisseltje Bradt Died: 1677 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Anna Bradt Born: 1678 Albany, Albany, NY,USA

Hendrick Albertse Bradt Died: 1678 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Sara Bradt Born: 1679 Albany, Albany, NY,USA

Storm Albertse Bradt Died: 1679 Albany, NY,USA

Rebecca Bradt Born: 1682 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Engeltje Bradt Died: 1683 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Enleltje Alberts Bradt Died: 1683 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Albert Andriessen Bradt Died: 07 Jun 1686Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Fredrick Debow De Boogh Born: 11 Sep 1686Albany, NY, USA

Frederick Debow Born: 11 Sep 1686 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Barent De Boog Born: Feb 1689 Albany, NY,USA

Ariaantje Ver Planck Died: 1690 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Abigail Uytenbogart Died: 1690 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Abram Abraham Ver Planck Died: 1691Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Dirck Bradt Died: 1698 Albany, Albany, NY,USA

Andries Bradt Died: 1706 Albany, Albany,NY, USA

Catalyn Ver Planck Died: 08 Oct 1708Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Catharina Abrahamse Verplanck Died: 08 Oct1708 Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Barent Albertse Bradt Died: 1716 Albany,Albany, NY, USA

Dirck Meyer Died: 1716 Albany, NY, USA

Anthony Barentse Bradt Died: 16 Feb 1722Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Susanna Dirkse Mayer Died: 08 May 1722Albany, NY, USA

Isaac Ver Planck Died: 1729 Albany, NY,USA

Jan Salomonse Goewey Died: 28 Sep 1731Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Jan Albertse Bradt Died: 18 Dec 1739Albany, Albany, NY, USA

Anna Bradt Died: 04 Jan 1740 Albany, NY,USA

Daniel Bradt Died: 05 Jun 1740 Albany, NY,USA

Sara Bradt Died: 06 Feb 1756 Albany, NY,USA

Albemarle Co., VA

John Buster Died: Albemarle, VA, USA

Andrew Wallace Born: 1711 Ivy Depot,Albemarle, VA, USA

William Buster Born: 1729 Albemarle, VA,USA

Jane Woods Born: 1735 Albemarle, VA, USA

William Buster Bustard Died: 1747Albemarle, VA, USA

Elizabeth Wallace Died: 1772 North Garden,Albemarle, VA, USA

Andrew Wallace Died: 1785 Ivy, Albemarle,VA, USA

Claudius Buster Died: 1807 Albemarle, VA,USA

John Buster Died: 1820 Albemarle, VA, USA

Amsterdam, Montgomery Co., NY

Gudyen Vigne Died: New Amsterdam, NY,USA

Dirck Vanderburgh Born: 1600 NewAmsterdam, New York, USA

Maria Vigne Born: 1613 New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Jan Vigne Born: 1614 New Amsterdam, NY,USA

Rachel Vigne Born: 16 Mar 1623 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Celtje Jans Born: 1630 New Amsterdam, NY,NY, USA

Aechtje Lambertszyn Died: 1632 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Guillaume Vigne Died: 30 Apr 1632 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Jan Roeloff Died: 1637 New Amsterdam,New York, USA

Hillegont Verplanck Born: Oct 1648 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Tryntje Hoppe Hopper Born: 10 Sep 1651New Amsterdam, NY, USA

Judith Ellsworth Born: 22 Sep 1652 NewAmsterdam, New York, USA

Cornelis Christiansen Van Horn Born: 03 Aug1653 New Amsterdam, New York, USA

Lysbet Roos Van Lipstradt Born: 25 Oct 1654New Amsterdam, NY, USA

Adrienne Cuvellier Died: 1655 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Hendrick Hopper Born: 09 Jan 1656 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Hendricks Henry De Boogh Born: 1658Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Andries Hopper Died: 18 Dec 1658 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Abram Janns Died: 1663 New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Rachel Vigne Died: 18 Feb 1663 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Pieter Casparszen Van Naerden Died: 1664New Amsterdam, NY, USA

Phillip De Boogh Born: 11 Feb 1672Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Rebecca De Boogh Born: 12 Feb 1679Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Abraham De Boogh Born: 02 Apr 1681Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Marritie De Boogh Born: 03 Feb 1683Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Jan Pietersen Sloat Died: 1690 NewAmsterdam, NY, USA

Yellis Giles Mandeville Died: 16 Mar 1701New Amsterdam, New York, USA

Aegidius Jansz Mandeville Died: 22 May1701 New Amsterdam, Long Island, NewYork, USA

Hendricus De Boog Born: 02 Oct 1715Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Salomon De Boog Born: 02 Oct 1715Reformed Dutch Church, New Amsterdam,NY, USA

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Sargaent Gaspard Mabille Born: 1575Naarden, Noord, Amsterdam, Holland

Pieter Cornelius Born: 1580 Breille,Amsterdam, North Holland

Antoinette D Dumond Died: 1580 Naarden,Amsterdam, Holland

Divertje Cornelius Born: 1584 Breille,Amsterdam, North Holland

Thomas Badie Born: 1586 Noord, Holland

Aeltje Braconie Born: 1589 Noord, Holland

Jean Bellier Born: 1590 North Brabant, DutchRepublic

Eli Braconie Died: 1590 New

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Adrian Hendricks Dewees Born: 1595Amsterdam, Noord Holland

Pieter Casparszen Van Naerden Born: Sep1600 Naarden, Noord, Amsterdam, Holland

Jean Des Marets Died: 1604

Thomas Badie Born: 1607 Noord, Holland

Hildebrand Pietersen Born: 1613 Amsterdam,Holland

Hendrick Dewees Born: 06 Dec 1615Beverwijk, Amsterdam, Holland

Elizabeth Bellier Born: 24 Jan 1616 Berlicum,Dutch Republic, Amsterdam, Holland

Hildebrand Pietersen Born: 1617 Amsterdam,Nord, Holland

Barber Phillips Born: 17 Nov 1619Amsterdam Zuid, Holland

Hendrick De Boogh Born: 1620 Amsterdam,Holland

Aeltie Jans Born: 1620 Amsterdam, Noord

Andries Hopper Born: 1622 Amsterdam,Holland

Jean De La Vigne Died: 1622 Amsterdam,Holland

Frederick Hendricks Deboogh Born: 1633Amsterdam, Holland

Eva Albertse Bradt Born: 09 Jan 1633Amsterdam, Nord Holland

Abel Poppese Gowey Died: 1638 Amsterdam,Holland

Jannatie Hildebrand Pietersen Born: 1639Amsterdam, Nord, Holland

Catharina Abrahamse Verplanck Born: Feb1639 New

Peter Jansen Slot Born: 1640

Garrett Hendricks Dewees Born: 1641Amsterdam, Noord Holland

Jan Jansen Sloat Born: 1642 Amsterdam,Noord

Anneken Ackerman Born: 31 Jul 1642 DenBosch, N Brabant, Dutch Republic

Johannes Ackerman Born: 1645 Den Bosch,N Brabant, Dutch Rep

Jan Salomonse Goewey Born: 1650Amsterdam, Zuid Holland

Aeltie Jans Died: 1650 Amsterdam, Holland

Sarrentje De Croix Du Bois Died: 1652Naarden, Noord, Amsterdam, Holland

Sargaent Gaspard Mabille Died: 1656Naarden, Noord, Amsterdam, Holland

Hillegont Govaerts Died: 15 Jan 1656Amsterdam, Noord Holland

Hendrick Dewees Died: 1661 Amsterdam,Noord Holland

Adriaentje Jans Died: Nov 1661

Adrian Hendricks Dewees Died: 04 Apr 1674Amsterdam, Noord Holland

Pieter Cornelius Died: 1686 Breille,Amsterdam, North Holland

Jean Pierre Legrand Born: 1695 Amsterdam,Holland

Andover, Essex Co., MA (89 Mi NW ofChatham)

Ruth Greenslade Died: 16 Mar 1724 Andover,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Arthur Sherburne Hardy Born: 13 Aug 1847

Antrim, Ireland

William McClung Born: 1706 Coloraine

Armagh, Ulster, Northern Ireland

Jane Dixon Born: 04 May 1719

Arnhem, Netherlands

Belitje Arabella Hendrickse Born: 1624Norway, Arnhem, Gelderland, Netherlands

Arques, France

Godfrey Vicomte Arques Born: 1010 ArquesLa Bataille, Seine Inferieure, Normandy

Gozeline Vicomte Arques Died: 1035 ArquesLa Bataille, Seine Inferieure, Normandy

William D Arques Born: 1035 Arques LaBataille, Seine Inferieure, Normandy

Enguerrand De Ponthieu Died: 1053 Siege,Arques, Normandy

Maud D Arques Born: 1083 Arques LaBataille, Seine Inferieure, Normandy

Athens, Greene Co., NY (201 Mi NW ofChatham)

Julianne Margaret Mix Born: 11 Dec 1801

Atlantic Ocean (W of Spain)

Nathaniel Turner Died: Jan 1646 Lamberton

Augusta Co., VA

Keziah Stephens Born: 1737 Augusta, VA,USA

David Buster Died: 1797 Augusta, VA, USA

Aylesbury, England

Richard Bryan Born: 1632 Aylesbury, Co.Bucks

Ayr, Scotland

Mary Almour Died

Margaret Buckingham Died

Janet Cathcart Died

Anne Lady De Montgomerie Died: Kilmaurs

Christine Kilbane Died

Janet Schaw Died

Adam Wallace Died

Alan Crawford Born: 1106

James De Loudoun Born: 1130 Loudoun

Richard Wallense Born: 1143 Riccarton, Ayr,Clackmannanshire

Margaret De Loudoun Died: 1200 Loudoun

Hugh Crawford Born: 1201 Loudoun

Alan Fitzwalter Died: 1204 Dundonald, Kyle

Reginald De Crawford Died: 1250

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Alicia De Dalsallock Died: 1251 Loudoun

Cecilia De Crawford Born: 1255 Auchenames

John H Lindsey Born: 1293 Craige

Reginald Crawford Died: 1297 Auchenames

Andrew Campbell Born: 1314 Louden

Margaret De Lindsay Born: 1320 Craige

George Campbell Born: 1344 Louden

Hugh Campbell Born: 1374 Louden

Katherine Campbell Born: 1400 Louden

Robert Cunningham Born: 1400 Kilmaurs

James Kennedy Died: 1408 Dunure

George Campbell Born: 1420 Louden

George Campbell Born: 1444 Louden, Nisbet

Robert Cunningham Born: 1451 Kilmaurs

Catherine Maxwell Died: 1484 Dunure

John Wallace Born: 1484 Craige

Jean Hamilton Born: 1517 Holmstone

Isabel Wallace Died: 1530 Louden

John Wallace Born: 1530 Craige

Matthew Campbell Born: 1531 Loudon

William Wallace Born: 1629 Holmstone

John Wallace Born: 1633 Holmstone

James Wallace Born: 1637 Holmstone

Ayrshire, Scotland

Hodierne De Lucerne Died

Hodierne De Lucerne Died

Hodierne De Lucerne Died

Fergus Lord Born: 1090 Carrick

Lambinus Laird De Loudoun Born: 1120Loudoun

Gilbert De Galloway Born: 1126 Carrick

M Galloway Born: 1126 Carrick

Margaret De Galloway Born: 1130 Carrick

Reginald Crauford Born: 1162 Crawford

James St Lord De Loudoun Born: 1165Loudoun

Margaret De Loudoun Born: 1165 Loudoun

Richard Wallace Born: 1172 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Duncan De Carrick Born: 1174 Carrick

Margaret Buckingham Born: 1176

Walter Stewart Born: 1180 Dundonald, Kyle

Gilbert De Galloway Died: 01 Jan 1185Carrick

Reginald De Crawford Born: 1190

Margaret De Loudoun Born: 1190 Loudoun

Richard Wallace Died: 1196 Riccarton

Adam Wallace Born: 1197 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Neil Carrick Born: 1202 Carrick

Hugh Craufurd Born: 1202 Loudoun

John Craufurd Died: 1202 Drawford

Richard Wallense Died: 1204 Riccarton

Euphemia Stewart Born: 1206 Dundonald,Scotladn

Euphemia Stewart Born: 1206 Dundonald,Scotladn

Euphemia Stewart Born: 1206 Dundonald

Euphemia Stewart Born: 1206 Dundonald,Scotladn

Margaret Stewart Born: 1206 Dundonald,Kyle

Christine Kilbane Born: 1210

Adam Wallace Born: 1213 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Alexander Stewart Born: 1214 Dundonald

Walter Le Stewart Born: 1218 Dundonald,Scotladn

Hugh De Crawford Born: 1226 Loudoun

Reginald Crauford Died: 1229 Loudoun

Richard Wallace Born: 1249 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Jean Macrory Died: 1250 Dundonald,Sclotland

Margaret Craufurd Born: 1251 Loudoun

Marjorie Carrick Born: 1252 Carrick

Reginald Crawford Born: 1253 Loudon,Nisbet

Hugh Craufurd Died: Sep 1255 Loudoun

Alice Stewart Born: 1264 Dundonald

Alexander De Lindsay Born: 1267 Breneville

Reginald Crawford Born: 1269 Loudon,Nisbet

Adam Wallace Born: 1271 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Margaret Craufurd Died: 1273

Roger De Crawford Born: 1285 Crumshuc,Cunningham

Mary Menteith Died: 1286 Dundonald, Kyle

Susanna Crawford Born: 1289 Loudon,Nisbet

John Wallace Born: 1290 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Malcolm Wallace Died: 23 Aug 1305Loudoun Hill, East

John Wallace Born: 1307 Riccarton, Craigie

Andrew Campbell Born: 1315 Loudon, Nisbet

John Wallace Born: 1315 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Adam Wallace Born: 1340 Craigie

George Campbell Born: 1342 Loudon, Nisbet

James John Wallace Born: 1345 Riccarton,Clackmannan

Elizabeth Stewart Born: 1346 Dundonald

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Family Map

Hugh Campbell Born: 1374 Loudon, Nisbet

Alan Cathcart Died: 1386 Auchencruive

George Campbell Born: 1390 Loudoun

John Wallace Born: 1390 Riccarton, Craigie

Mrs Alan De Cathcart Died: 1410

William Wallace Born: 1415 Craigie

Gilbert Kennedy Born: 1440 Bargany, Dailly

John Wallace Born: 1440 Craigie

John Wallace Died: 1447 Craigie

Thomas Kennedy Born: 1461 Bargany, Dailly

John Wallace Born: 1463 Craigie

Marjory Douglas Born: 1469 Kilmaurs

Isabel Wallace Born: 1472 Craigie

William Wallace Died: 1472 Craigie

Hugh Campbell Born: 1480 Loudon

Elizabeth Campbell Born: 1489 WestLoudoun

Alexander Kennedy Born: 1491 Bargany,Dailly

Helen Campbell Born: 1507 Loudoun

John Wallace Died: 1507 Craigie

Hugh Campbell Died: 04 Aug 1508 Loudoun

William Wallace Born: 1513 Craigie

Margery Sophia Kennedy Born: 1517Bargany, Dailly

Robert Crawford Born: 1534 Kilburnie

Margaret Hepburn Died: 1542 Kamaurs

Malcolm Crawford Born: 1551 Kilburnie

Thomas Crawford Died: 30 Dec 1603

Beatrix Crawford Born: 1649 Auchenames

Robert Wallace Died: Oct 1681 St Quivox

Bailleul, France

Hugh De Balliol Born: 1065 Bailleul-En-Vimeu, Somme, Picardy

Barnard, Lincoln Co., KS

Gene C. Montgomery Died: 25 Mar 1923

Barnard Castle, England

John De Baliol Born: 1212 Barnard Castle,Gainford, Durham

Euphemia De Baliol Born: 1249 BarnardCastle, Gainford, Durham

Bayeux, France

De Bayeux Born: 984 Bayeux, Calvados,Normandie

Emme De Bayeux Born: 990 Bayeux,Calvados, Normandie

Emma Bayeux Born: 1017 Bayeux, Calvados,Normandy

Emme De Bayeux Born: 1017 Bayeux,Calvados, Normandy

Emmeline De Bayeux Born: 1018 Bayeux,Calvados, Normandy

Emma De Bayeux Born: 1020 Bayeux,Calvados, Normandy

Beauchamp, France

David Des Marets Born: 1620 Beauchamp,Picardy, Somme

Bedford, Bedford Co., VA (589 Mi SW ofChatham)

Edmund Logwood Born: 1767 Bedford, VA,USA

Mary Logwood Died: 1805 Bedford, VA,USA

Bedford, England

Ralph Parles Born: 1340 Thurleigh

Bedford, Westchester Co., NY (193 Mi SWof Chatham)

Abigail Ver Planck Born: 1635 Bedford,Westchester, NY, USA

Bedfordshire, England

Dervorgilla De Galloway Died: 28 Jan 1290Kemston

Alice Died: 1309 Stevington

William Hervey Born: 1315 Thirley

John Harvey Born: 1330 Thirlye

John Lawyer Hervey Born: 1360 Thurleigh

Margaret Parles Born: 1368 Thurleigh

Margaret Parles Died: 26 Apr 1427 Elstow

Begard, France

Alan The Black Died: 15 Sep 1146 Begard,Bretagne

Belgium (NE of France)

Baudouin I De Flanders Born: 838 Flanders

Baudouin I De Flanders Died: 879 Arras,Flanders

Folcard De Gand Born: 1015 Gand, Flanders

Landrade De Louvain Born: 1015 Louvain,Brabant

Lambert De Gand Born: 1040 Ghent, Flanders

Geyla De Gent Born: 1045 Gand, Flanders

Gilbert De Gand Born: 1048 Alost, Flanders

Baudouin Ii De Gant Gand Born: 1068 Ghent,Flanders

Heldiarde D De Mons Chievers Born: 1085Flanders

Arnould De Gent Born: 1095 Ghent, Flanders

Baudouin Ii De Gant Gand Died: 13 Jan 1097Drongen, Ghent

Petrus Ackerman Born: 1480 Ghent, Flanders

Jean Sohier Born: 1519 Bergenhenegouwen

Pieter Ackerman Born: 1520 St Stroud,Honault

Aegidius Van De Raede Born: 1555

Sara N Born: 1565

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Bergen Co., NJ

Marguerite De Herville Died: 1626 Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Matthew Lubbertse Born: 1628 Bergen,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Marretje Jacobs Van Winkle Born: 1643Ahaismus, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Lubbert Gysbertsen Van Blarcom Died: 1655Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Wybrogh Helling Born: 1661 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Jan Pietersen Sloat Born: 1665 Bergen,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Tryntje Lubbertse Died: 1666 Bergen, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Johannes Van Blarcom Born: 03 Nov 1667Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacobus Slot Born: 17 Feb 1669 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Antie Slot Born: 1670 Bergen, Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Jannetje Gerritzen Died: 12 Jan 1670 Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Divertje Jans Van Blarcom Born: 31 Jan 1670Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Cathlyntje Van Blarcom Born: 02 Jun 1672Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Claretje Clara Mockers Died: 04 Dec 1675Bergen, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Adriaen Post Died: 18 Feb 1677 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Gysbert Janse Van Blarcom Born: 21 May1682 Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Samuel Demarest Born: 1683 Kinderkamack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Willem Hopper Born: 02 Apr 1684 Bergen,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Daniel Demarest Born: 01 Feb 1685Kinderkamack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Henricus Banta Born: 08 Apr 1685 Bergen,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Catherine Hopper Born: 05 Oct 1685 Bergen,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Mary Demarest Born: 1687 Kinderkamack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Lydia Demarest Born: 1689 Kinderkamack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Benjamin Demarest Born: 1691Kinderkamack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jannetje Jans Died: 13 Jul 1694 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Marretje Jacobs Van Winkle Died: 1701Bergen, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Maria Deruine Died: 1708 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Rachel Demarest Died: 1710 Bergen, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Divertje Jans Van Blarcom Died: 21 Feb 1710Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Magdaleentje Theunis Died: 04 Sep 1711Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jan Lubbertsen Van Blarcom Died: 04 Sep1711 Bergen Cty, New Jersey, USA

Catharina Hopper Died: 08 May 1716 Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Tryntje Hoppe Hopper Died: 08 May 1716Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Cornelius Van Horn Born: 16 Jun 1717Tappan, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Samuel Laroe Died: 16 May 1719 Ramapo,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Wybrege Van Orden Born: 20 Jan 1723Schraalenburgh, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Samuel Demarest Died: 1728 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Samuel Des Marest Died: 1728 Bergen,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Antie Losier Died: 1731 Schraalenburgh,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Cornelius Van Hoorn Died: 12 Mar 1733Schraalenburgh, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Mary Demarest Died: 1741 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

David Des Marets Died: 04 Mar 1760 Bergen,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hendrik Larue Laroux Died: 13 Jun 1760Ramapo, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Paulus Vanderbeek Died: 1762 NewBarbadoes, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacobus D Des Marest Died: 24 Mar 1763Schraalenburgh, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacob Banta Died: Jan 1764 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Jan Hendrickse Hopper Died: 1766Hoppertown, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Marytje Ackerman Died: 1780Schraalenburgh, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacobus Lozier Died: 13 Jan 1792 Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Wiert Banta Died: Jan 1834 Bergen, NewJersey, USA

Bergenfield, Bergen Co., NJ (215 Mi SW ofChatham)

Jannetje Lozier Died: 20 Apr 1738Schraalenburg Bergenfield, New Jersey, USA

Berkshire, England

Ralph Basset Died: 1120 Abbey, Adingdon

Maria Wilson Died: 26 Jul 1613 Welford

Berlicum, Netherlands

Anneken Adrianse Born: 1593 Berlicum, BoisLe Duc, North Brabant, Netherlands

Beverwijk, Netherlands

Hillegont Govaerts Born: 1601 Beverwijk,Noord Holland, Netherlands

Blaricum, Netherlands

Lubbert Gysbertsen Van Blarcom Born: 1601Blaricum, Gooiland, Netherlands

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Bloomington, Monroe Co., IN (886 Mi SWof Chatham)

Harry Whitney Durand Born: 22 Oct 1856

Charles See Durand Born: 12 Nov 1864

Boston, England

Elizabeth Burton Born: Abt. 1544 Boston,Lincolnshire, England/Boston

Boston, Suffolk Co., MA

Sarah Died: Aft. 1630 or near

John Chesebrough Born: Bef. 11 Nov 1632

Jabez Chesebrough Born: Bef. 03 May 1635

John Miner, Sr Born: 03 Jun 1635Charlestown

Elisha Chesebrough Born: Bef. 04 Jun 1637

Jabez Chesebrough Died: Bef. 1639 Boston,Suffolk County, Massachusetts at a young age

Bridget Cocke Died: Abt. Jul 1660

Nicholas Busby Died: 28 Aug 1697

Charles Holmes Died: 02 Jan 1845

Susan Died: 21 Jan 1856

Alpheus Hardy Died: 07 Aug 1887

Botetourt Co., VA

Nathaniel Chrisman Born: 07 Jul 1789Botetourt, VA, USA

Boxford, Essex Co., MA (86 Mi NW ofChatham)

Hephsibah Bridges Born: 1697 Boxford,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Bradford Co., PA

Hiram Mix Died: 08 Sep 1847 or near Wysox,Bradford County, PA probably

Braintree, Norfolk Co., MA (64 Mi NW ofChatham)

Joseph Chesebrough Born: 18 Jul 1640

Bremen, Germany

Paulus Vanderbeek Born: 1623

Bristol Co., MA

Jonah Palmer Born: 1617 Rehoboth, Bristol,Massachusetts, USA

Jonah Palmer Died: 22 Jun 1709 Rehoboth,Bristol, Massachusetts, USA

Brooklyn, Kings Co., NY

Catherine Van Der Beek Born: 10 Sep 1645Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA

Elsje Jans Staats Born: 20 Apr 1653Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA

Thomas Badie Died: 1670 Brooklyn, Kings,NY, USA

Paulus Vanderbeek Died: 1680 Brooklyn,Kings, NY, USA

Paulus Van Der Beck Died: 1690 Brooklyn,Kings, New York, USA

Paulus Van Der Beek Died: 08 Oct 1691Brooklyn, Kings, NY, USA

Grace Aspinwall Bowen Born: 1850

Broughton, England

Warin De Vernon Died: 1248 Est

Broward Co., FL

Carol Ann Wolf Died: 24 Jul 1995

Brugge, Belgium

Aganitrude Von Brugge Born: 1050 Brugge,Brabant

Buckinghamshire, England

Godfrey De Verdun Born: 1030 FarmhamRoyal

Godfrey De Verdun Died: 1069 FarmhamRoyal

Bertram De Verdun Died: 1100 FanhamRoyal

Norman De Verdun Died: 1140 FarmhamRoyal

Aline De Gay Born: 1159 Wycombe

William De Fiennes Born: 1185

Alice Basset Born: 1192 Wycombe

Agnes Dammartin Died: 1192

Alice Basset Died: 1196 Wycombe

Bucks Co., PA

William Moon Jr Born: 24 Feb 1744 BucksCty, PA, USA

Byron, Ogle Co., IL

Silas St John Mix Died: 1860 Byron, Ogle,IL, USA

Cadiz, Trigg Co., KY

Jane Hughes Born: 1937

Caen, France

Matilda De Flanders Died: 02 Nov 1083Caen, Calvados

Sylvia Norbert Died: 30 Jul 1126 Caen,Calvados, Normandy

Caernarvonshire, Wales

William Fleming Born: 1063 Caernarvon

Elen Verch Llewelyn Born: 1206

Calais, France

Elbodon D Ardres Died: Ardres, Artois, PasDe

Elbodon D Ardres Born: 1025 Bergues, Nord,Nord Pas De

Susanne De Gramines Born: 1025 Guisnes,Nord Pas De

Baldwin I De Guines Born: 1045 Guisnes,Nord-Pas-De-

Arnould I D Ardres Born: 1062 Ardres,Artois, Pas De

Eustace De Guisnes Died: 1065 Guisnes,Nord Pas De

Eustace De Licques Born: 1067 Licques,Artois Pas De

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Family Map

Hugh De St Pol Born: 1067 St Pol, Nord,Nord Pas De

Gisele De Guines Born: 1075 Guisnes, Nord-Pas-De-

Arnould D Ardres Born: 1090 Castle Ardres,Artois Pas De

Elembert Vicomte De Marcq Born: 1090Marcq En Ostrevent, Nord, Nord Pas De

Hugues De Saint Pol Born: 1090 St Pol,Artois, Pas-De-

Baldwin I De Guines Died: 1091 Guisnes,Nord-Pas-De-

Adele De Licques Born: 1095 Licques, ArtoisPas De

Arnould Vicomte De Marcq Born: 1118Marcq En Ostrevent, Nord, Nord Pas De

Adelaide D De Ardres Born: 1120 CastleArdres, Artois, Pas De

Adelaide De St Pol Born: 1130 St Pol, Nord,Nord Pas De

Christine D Ardres Born: 1148 Castle Ardres,Artois, Pas De

Jacques Des Marets Born: 1519 Cauroy,Cambray

Antoinette Suceur Born: 1523 Cauroy,Cambray

Pierre Le Roux Born: 1634

Caledonia Co., VT

Abel Poppese Gowey Born: 1586 Waterford,Caledonia, VT, USA


Blaise Courtenay Hardy Born: 30 Sep 1925

Cambrai, France

Aleïdis De Cambrai Born: 888 Cambrai, Nord

Hugues I D Oisy Born: 1048 Cambrai, Nord

Guillemette De Solomnes Died: 1421

Francois Des Marets Born: 1555 Cambrai,Nord, Hainaut

Elizabeth Herbecq Born: 1557 Cambrai,Nord, Hainaut

Cambridge, Middlesex Co., MA (75 Mi NWof Chatham)

Samuel Andrew Born: 29 Jan 1656

Samuel Andrew Died: 21 Jun 1701

Cambridgeshire, England

Richard De Enqaine Died: 1110 Abington,Litton

Godehold De Toeni Born: 1140 Brinkley

Ralph Gernon Died: 1248 East Thorpe

Eleanor De Vere Died: 1274 Great Birch

Ralph Gernon Died: 1274 East Thorpe

Nicholas De Engaine Died: 10 Dec 1322Coton

Jacques Des Marets Died: 1500

Samuel Andrew Born: Abt. 1621

Elizabeth White Born: 24 Jan 1687

Camden, Camden Co., NJ (294 Mi SW ofChatham)

Grietje Van Winkle Born: 1645 Pasonia,Camden, New Jersey, USA

Catskill, Greene Co., NY (203 Mi NW ofChatham)

Silas St John Mix Born: 03 Oct 1799 Catskill,Greene, NY, USA

Cavan, Ulster, Ireland

William White Born: 04 Feb 1786Ballyjamesduff

William White Born: Nov 1830Ballyjamesduff

Chatham, Barnstable Co., MA

Elizabeth Jones Died

Elizabeth Nickerson Died: Abt. 1706

Richard Sears Died: 04 May 1718

Sarah Matthews Died: Aft. 23 Jun 1718

Isaac Hardy Born: 14 Aug 1782

Alpheus Hardy Born: 01 Nov 1815

See Also Spotsylvania, Hingham, Goochland,Salem, Plymouth, Litchfield, Staten Island,Derry, Nashville, Mount Kisco, Knoxville,Glen Cove, Delaware, Maryville, Waterbury,Ipswich, Schenectady, Ridgewood, Freehold,Montclair, Andover, Old Saybrook,Bloomington, Hanover, Rowley, Tappan,Cambridge, Groton, Bedford, Newport,Lexington, Little Silver, Woodbury, Hickory,Norwalk, Jersey City, New Kent, Paramus,Wenham, Woburn, New Milford, Westerly,Coxsackie, Rising Fawn, Braintree, Boxford,Windsor, Lynn, Rensselaer, Cookeville,Stratford, Williamsburg, Jerseyville, Peekskill,Bergenfield, Bedford, Edgartown, Honeoye,Wethersfield, Watertown, Northampton,Catskill, Athens, Ridgefield, Essex, Newark,Nutley, Newburyport, Orange, South River,Trenton, Newport, Camden, Southampton,Lancaster, Malden, Green Pond, Cortland,Massena, Oswego, Syracuse, Gloucester,Concord, Dansville, and Skippack.

Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN

Franklin Anderson Vinson Died

John Jerome Durand Born: 28 Apr 1828

Katherina Durand Born: 15 Jun 1886

Harry Whitney Durand Born: 19 Jul 1888

Harry Whitney Durand Died: 17 Nov 1890

Charles Jerome Durand Born: 02 May 1891

John Jerome Durand Died: 16 Apr 1901

Caroline E. McNabb Born: 1909

Elizabeth Yarnell Copland Died: 10 Nov 1910

Carrie DeLain Vinson Died: 16 Dec 1912

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Family Map

Andrew George Vinson Died: 11 Jan 1913

Robert Paul Swanson Born: 18 Jan 1917

Betty Jo Montgomery Born: 12 Sep 1919

Charles Washington Vinson Died: 13 Oct1923

John Jerome Durand Died: 03 Nov 1939

Robert Montgomery Swanson Born: 17 May1942

Harry Whitney Durand Born: 09 Aug 1942

Laura Ames Durand Born: 12 Dec 1944

Jessie Lee Vinson Died: 13 Mar 1954

Harry Whitney Durand Died: 26 Jan 1958

Lucy Amelia Buster Died: 18 Feb 1962

James Thornton Durand Born: 09 Feb 1969

Stephen Chrystal Durand Born: 27 Oct 1971

Lillian Buster Died: 13 Sep 1973

Sarah Whitney Durand Born: 04 Nov 1975

Mary Clyde Buster Died: 03 Apr 1985

Harry Whitney Durand Died: 30 Nov 1993

Charles Anderson Chrystal Died: 27 Aug1994

Patricia Elizabeth Hardy Died: 21 Apr 1995

Dorothy Bertha Chinnock Died: 15 Sep 1996

Frank Parker Durand Died: 23 Oct 1997

Chaumont, France

Ermengarde De Chaumont Born: 1055Chaumont, Loire

Cheshire, England

Warin De Vernon Died: 1190 Bostock

Warine De Vernon Born: 1210 Shipbrook

Alditha Vernon Born: 1228 Shipbrook

Matilda Margaret De Haughton Born: 1290Haughton

Chesterfield, Chesterfield Co., VA

Richard Lockett Born: 1727 Chesterfield, VA,USA

Mary Logwood Born: 1730 Chesterfield, VA,USA

William Lockett Born: 24 Mar 1772Chesterfield, VA, USA

Jane Eke Died: 1775 Chesterfield, VA, USA

Edmund Logwood Died: 1775 Chesterfield,VA, USA

Richard Lockett Died: 1795 Chesterfield, VA,USA

Christian Co., KY

James Gholson Chrisman Born: 11 Jan 1802Christian, KY, USA

Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH

Zebediah "Zed" Mix Died: 07 Aug 1856Cincinnati, Hamilton County, OH in his 71styear of age

Clay Co., MO

Rebecca Chrisman Died: 1843 Clay, MO,USA

James B Buster Died: 1858 Clay, MO, USA

Coal Hill, Johnson Co., AR

Lillian Buster Born: 04 Oct 1884

Lucy Amelia Buster Born: 18 Apr 1888

Florence Belle Buster Born: 30 Apr 1891

Cocke Co., TN

Lydia Coleman Born: 1778

Lydia Coleman Died: 26 Sep 1840

Anderson Dudley Vinson Born: 04 Sep 1845

Anderson Dudley Vinson Died: 25 Oct 1847

Adam Crittenden Vinson Born: 21 May 1849

Anderson A. Vinson Died: 15 Oct 1888

Adam Crittenden Vinson Died: 07 Jul 1911

Concord, Merrimack Co., NH (131 Mi NWof Chatham)

Katherine Perley Wood Born: 26 Oct 1845


Elizabeth Palmer Died: 26 Oct 1677 CT, USA

Anna Quimby Born: 07 Oct 1701 Stonington,CT, USA

Anne St John Died: 1750 Sharon, CT, USA

Arthur Sherburne Hardy Died: 13 Mar 1930Woodstock

Grace Aspinwall Bowen Died: Abt. 24 Jun1940 Woodstock

Conrad, Pondera Co., MT

Johannes Ackerman Died: 1631 Conrad,Montana, USA

Cookeville, Putnam Co., TN (914 Mi SW ofChatham)

Laura Lee Deason Born: 25 May 1970Cookeville General

Cornwall, England

Elizabeth Comyn Born: 01 Nov 1299 Wyke

Richard Talbot Born: 1302 Wyke

Elizabeth Comyn Died: 20 Nov 1372 Wyke

Cortland, Cortland Co., NY (324 Mi NW ofChatham)

Henry Chadwick White Died: 03 Oct 1967Cortland

Coxsackie, Greene Co., NY (202 Mi NW ofChatham)

Salomon Abelse Goewey Born: 07 May 1617Coxsackie, Greene, NY, USA

Cumberland, England

William Fleming Born: 1059 CaernarvonCastle, Beckermet

Edith Fitzforne Born: 1084 Greystoke

Michael Fleming Born: 1085 CaernarvonCastle, Beckermet

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

William Fleming Died: 1150 CaernaevonCastle, Becermont

Robert Bruce Died: 04 Apr 1304 HolmeAbbey, Holme Cultram

Maud Whitley Born: 1465 Whitley, Castle

Myles Whitfield Born: 1480 Netesbury,Aulston More

Robert Whitfield Born: 1492 Alston Moor

Dalkeith, Scotland

Jane Douglas Born: 1317 Dalkeith,Midlothian

James Douglas Born: 1350 Dalkeith, Mid,Lothian

Margaret Douglas Born: 1370 Dalkeith,Midlothian

Agnes Dunbar Died: 1378 Dalkeith, Mid,Lothian

James Douglas Died: 1420 Dalkeith, Mid,Lothian

Dansville, Livingston Co., NY (400 Mi NWof Chatham)

Katherine Perley Wood Died: 14 May 1914Per.

Darmstadt, Germany

Jacob Markley Born: 11 Jul 1701 WimpfenAm Hesse, Darmstadt, Bonfeld


Susanna Ver Planck Died: 1680 DE, USA

William Vinson Born: 1777

Delaware, Delaware Co., OH (688 Mi SWof Chatham)

Dimmis Kaple Born: 04 Dec 1773 Galena,Delaware, OH, USA

Dimmis Kaple Died: 09 Apr 1847 Galena,Delaware, OH, USA

Stiles Parker Died: 16 Dec 1847 Galina,Delaware, OH, USA

Delft, Netherlands

Rachel Cresson Born: 1656 Delft, Holland

Denmark (NE of Scotland)

Lodowyck Ackerman Born: 1656 Berlicum,Nr Bosch, N Brabant

Derby, England

Ralph Gernon Born: 1229 Bakewell

Geoffrey Gresley Died: 1240 Drakelow

Hawise Tregoze Born: 1250 Bakewell

William Gresley Died: 1254 Drakelow

Geoffrey Gresley Died: 1305 Drakelow

Derbyshire, England

Hawise Tregoze Died: Bakewell

William Fitz De Stafford Born: 1090Drakelow

Elena De Stafford Born: 1095 Drakelow

Maud De Ferrers Born: 1096

Robert Gresley Born: 1125 Drakelow

Basilia Gresley Born: 1130 Drakelow

Robert De Montgomery Died: 1139 Sualston

Goda De Toni Born: 1140 Eggington

Basilia Gresley Born: 1151 Drakelow

William Gresley Born: 1151 Drakelow

Avice De Avenel Born: 1155 Haddon

Robert Bakepuiz Born: 1156 Burton Bakepuiz

William Fitz De Stafford Died: 1166 ChurchGresley, Burton Upon Trent

Roesia Bakepuiz Born: 1169

Geoffrey Gresley Born: 1172 Drakelow

Henry De Theydon Born: 1174 Bakewell

Robert Gresley Died: 1183 Church-Gresley,Burton-Upon-Trent

John De Bakepuiz Born: 1184 BartonBakepuiz

Goda De Toni Died: 1186 Eggington

Beatrix De Theydon Born: 1190 Bakewell

Pernell Of England Born: 1196 Ashbowne

William Gresley Born: 1206 Drakelow

Elizabeth Bakepuiz Born: 1212 Barton,Bakepuiz

William Gresley Died: 1220 Church-Gresley,Burton-Upon-Trent

Adam Mercaton Born: 1226 Ashbowne

Ermentrude Emma Fitz Walkelyn Born: 1227Egginton, Burton Upon Trent

Geoffrey Gresley Born: 1243 Drakelow

Ms Agnes Gresley Born: 1248 Gresley Castle

Robert Stafford Born: 1251 Egginton

William Gernon Died: 04 Dec 1258 Bakewell

Peter Gresley Born: 1273 Morton

Johanna Stafford Born: 1278 Egginton

Ms Agnes Gresley Died: 1291 Gresley Castle

Geoffrey De Gresley Born: 1298 Morton

Gundreda Stafford Died: 1308 Egginton,Burton Upon Trent

Peter Gresley Died: 1310 Morton

John De Gresley Born: 1328 Morton

Geoffrey De Gresley Died: 1331 Church-Gresley, Burton-Upon-Trent

Margaret Gernon Died: 1352 Drakelow,Burton-Upon-Trent

Nicholas De Gresley Died: 1380 Morton

John De Gresley Died: 1395 Gresley,Drakelow

Derry, Rockingham Co., NH (108 Mi NWof Chatham)

Nancy Smith Died: 1734

Elizabeth Jenkins Died: 1741 East

James Thornton Died: 07 Nov 1754 East

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Detroit, Wayne Co., MI

Peter Pond Died: 1765 Detroit, Wayne, MI,USA

Devon, England

Melisinde De Picquigny Born: 1060Barnstable

De Briwere Born: 1143 Stoke Damerall

Engelesia De Briwere Born: 1167 Stoke

Roger De Valletort Died: 1207 Harberton

Walter Foliot Born: 1270 Whiteford

Roger Le Brett Born: 1285 Spencercombe

Walter Foliot Died: 1312 Whiteford

Ada Sanford Died: 1331 Whiteford

Joan Talbot Born: 1337 Wyke, Axminster

Thomas Parker Born: 1471 North Molton

Isabel Woodhall Born: 1546 Waldon

Dieppe, France

Francois Le Sueur Born: 1625 Dieppe, Seine,Inferieure

Doesburg, Netherlands

Yellis Giles Mandeville Born: 1626Doesburg, Netherlands

Dol-de-Bretagne, France

Alan De St Florent Born: 1020 St Florent,Dol-De-Bretagne, Ille-Et-Vilaine

Alan Fitzalan Born: 1050 St Florent, Dol-De-Bretagne, Ille-Et-Vilaine

Alan De St Florent Died: 1080 Dol-De-Bretagne, Ille-Et-Vilaine

Donegal, Donegal, Ulster, Ireland

Grain O Niel Born: 984 Blairlusk

John Buster Born: 1683

William Buster Bustard Born: 1694

Dordrecht, Netherlands

Catherine Herque Born: 1590 Dordrecht,South, Holland

Dorset, England

Beatrice Bardolf Died

John Sanford Born: 1190 Melbury Turbeville

Laurence Sanford Born: 1232 MelburyTurbeville

Ada Sanford Born: 1270 Melbury Turbeville

Elizabeth Smith Brewster Born: 1589Yetminster

Grace Palmer Born: 09 May 1612 Yetminster

Douai, France

Hugues De Douai Born: 1015 Douai, Nord

Dumbarton, Scotland

Duibhn More Born: 620 Rea Hall

Arthur Oig MacDuibhn Born: 684 Rea Hall

Arthur Oig Mac Dwbhn Born: 690 Rea Hall

Ferither Eile Born: 730 Rea Hall

Dumfries, Scotland

Jean Hamilton Died: Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire

Nigel De Heriz Born: 1195 Dumfries-Shire

Henry De Heriz Born: 1230 Dumfries-Shire

Herbert De Maxwell Born: 1240 CarlaverockCastle, Carlaverock, Dumfries-Shire

John De Maxwell Died: 1241 Dumfries-Shire

William De Heriz Born: 1260 Dumfries-Shire

John De Maxwell Born: 1262 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

John Maxwell Born: 1285 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

Robert De Herries Born: 1294 Nithsdale,Dumfries-Shire

John Comyn Died: 1306 Grey Friars Church

John De Maxwell Died: Jun 1307Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfries-Shire

John Maxwell Born: 1310 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

Christian Maxwell Born: 1315 Carlaverock,Dumfries-Shire

John Johnstone Born: 1330 Annandale,Dumfries-Shire

Edward Crichton Born: 1340 Sanquhar,Dumfries-Shire

Robert Maxwell Born: 1340 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

John Herries Born: 1360 Terregles,Kirkcudbright, Dumfries-Shire

Adam Johnstone Born: 1360 Annandale,Dumfries-Shire

Herbert Maxwell Born: 1366 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

Katherine Stewart Born: 1366 Dalswinton,Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire

John Maxwell Died: 1373 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

Herbert Herries Born: 1380 Terregles,Kirkcudbright, Dumfries-Shire

John Herries Died: 27 Feb 1386 Terregles,Kirkcudbright, Dumfries-Shire

Herbert Maxwell Born: 1388 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

Janet Herries Born: 1400 Terregles,Kirkcudbright, Dumfries-Shire

Robert Maxwell Died: 1410 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

John Johnstone Died: 1420 Annandale,Dumfries-Shire

Herbert Maxwell Died: 16 Oct 1421Caerlaverock Castle, Dumfries-Shire

Alexander Cunningham Born: 1425Glencairn, Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire

Herbert Maxwell Died: 1454 CaerlaverockCastle, Dumfries-Shire

Cuthbert Cunningham Born: 1467 Glencairn,Dumfries-Shire

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Catherine Cunningham Born: 1482 Glencairn,Nithsdale, Dumfries-Shire

Robert Cunningham Died: 1490 Glencairn,Dumfries-Shire

Catherine Borthwick Born: 1493 Borthwick,Dumfries-Shire

William Cunningham Born: 1493 Glencairn,Dumfries-Shire

Christian Lindsay Died: 1496 Glencairn,Dumfries-Shire

Alexander Cunningham Born: 1510Glencairn, Dumfries-Shire

Margaret Cunningham Born: 1533 Glencairn,Dumfries-Shire

Dunbar, Scotland

Agnes Dunbar Born: 1324 Dunbar Castle,East Lothian

Agnes Dunbar Born: 1335 Dunbar Castle,East Lothian

Beatrix Born: 1362 Dunbar, East Lothian

Beatrice Dunbar Born: 1373 Dunbar, EastLothian

Beatrix Dunbar Born: 1380 Dunbar, East,Lothian

Christina Seton Died: 1402 Dunbar Castle,East Lothian

Dunfermline, Scotland

Mary Stewart Born: 1380 Dunfermline,Fifeshire

Durham, Durham, England

Mathilda Baliol Born: 1100

John De Baliol Died: 12 Oct 1269 BernardCastle, Gainford

Emma De Durham Born: 1275

Robert Keith Died: 17 Oct 1346 Durham

Dutchess Co., NY

Lucas Lozier Died: 1781 Hyde Park,Dutchess, NY, USA

East Kilbride, Scotland

Agnes Maxwell Born: 1353 CalderwoodCastle, East Kilbride, Lanarkshire

Edam, Netherlands

Isaac Ver Planck Born: 1580 Edam, Holland,Netherlands

Jan Lubbertsen Van Blarcom Born: 1632Edam, Beemster, North Holland, Netherlands

Edgartown, Dukes Co., MA (35 Mi SW ofChatham)

Martha Pease Born: 1682

Edinburgh, Scotland

Fergus Lord Died: 1161 Holyrood Abbey,Edinburgh, Edinburghshire

Elizabeth Gloucester Died: 1165 AbbeyHolyrood

Margery Sophia Kennedy Died: 12 Jan 1597Edinburgh, Edinburghshire

Elderslie, Scotland

Mary Almour Born: 1278 Elderslie,Renfrewshire

John Wallace Born: 1378 Elderslie,Renfrewshire

George Wallace Born: 1405 Elderslie,Renfrewshire

Patrick Wallace Born: 1440 Hellington,Elderslie, Renfrewshire

Patrick Wallace Born: 1444 Hellington,Elderslie, Renfrewshire

George Wallace Died: 1468

John Wallace Born: 1470 Hellington,Elderslie, Renfrewshire

William Wallace Born: 1500 Elderslie,Renfrewshire

Janet Schaw Born: 1503 Elderslie,Renfrewshire

William Wallace Born: 1530 Elderslie,Sctoland, Renfrewshire

Elgin, Scotland

Robert Crichton Died: 1495 Barmuck, TY

Elihu, Pulaski Co., KY

Elisha Franklin Parker Died: 29 Aug 1916Elihu, KY, USA

Ellwangen, Germany

Otila Merckle Born: Sankt Vitus Katholisch,Ellwangen Jagstkreis Wuerttemberg

Johann Marthin Merkel Died: Sankt VitusKatholisch, Ellwangen JagstkreisWuerttemberg

Enghien, Belgium

Richard De Enqaine Born: 1060 Enghien,Hainault

England (NW of France)

Maud D Arques Died

Ancelin De Beaumont Died

Agnes De Gaunt Died

Gisèle De Roucy Died

Matilda De Swynnerton Born: Maiden Name

Elizabeth Gresslap Died

Greeley Hobbs Died

Stephen Hopkins Born

Dorothy Jones Born

Nathaniel Mayo Born

Mary Newland Born

Elizabeth Nickerson Born

Isabella Pole Died

Odon Stigand Died

Joan Talbot Died

Gabriel Whelden Born

John Whitfield Died

Lucy Whitfield Died

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Myles Whitfield Died: Aulston More,Nothumberland

Asperling De Vaudreuil Died: 975

Godefroi Seigneur Rumigny Born: 980

De Islay Born: 985 Isle Man

Adelucie De Torote Ferrieres Born: 1046Tutbury

Fouque De Aulney Died: 1050 Abbey,Adington, Bershire

Godefroi Seigneur Rumigny Died: 1050

William Pantulf Born: 1051 Wemme,Shropshire

Avise De Roucy Died: 1070

Robert Pantulf Born: 1078 Wemme,Shropshire

Adeliz De Mohun Born: 1081 Dunster,Somerssetshire

Maud Beauclerc Born: 1086

Alice De Lisure Born: 1087 Northamps

Dionysia De Mandeville Born: 1105

William Fitzjohn De Tilli Born: 1105

William Pantulf Died: 1112 Wemme,Shropshire

Alicia De Verdun Born: 1136 Rodlowe,Shropshire

Maud De Boulers Died: 1138

Christina Fitzalan Born: 1143 Clun,Shropshire

Christina Fitzalan Born: 1143 Clun,Shropshire

Christina Fitzalan Born: 1143 Clun,Shropshire

Christina Fitzalan Born: 1143 Clun,Shropshire

Hugh Pantulf Born: 1145 Wemme, Shropshire

Alicia De Verdun Born: 1146 Rodlowe,Shropshire

Robert Corbet Born: 1151 Pontesbury,Shropshire

Margery FitzUrse Born: 1160 Bulwick

Atte Wode Born: 1160

Sara Chesney Born: 1165 Laxton

Roger De Valletort Born: 1165 Caus,Shropshire

Agnes De Fortibus Born: 1169

Alesia Valletort Born: 1169 Caus, Shropshire

Ivo Pantolph Died: 1175 Shropshire

Petronilla De Doreslowe Born: 1176 LittleSugnall Dorslow

Richard D Engaine Died: 1177 Pytchley,Kettreing Northa Ptonshire

Henry De Novo Mercato Died: 1178

Godehold De Toeni Died: 1186

Avice De Avenel Died: 1188

William Corbet Born: 1190 Caus, Shropshire

Maud De Ferrers Died: 1190

Alesia Valletort Died: 1191

Thomas Corbett Born: 1199 Cause,Shropshire

Avelina Fitzwalter Died: 1202

Avelina Fitzwalter Died: 1202

Isabell Valletort Born: 1203 Cause,Shropshire

Alice De Verdun Born: 1204 Rodlowe,Shropshire

Isobella Le Scot Born: 1206 Huntington,Huntingtonshire

Denise De Tilli Died: 1212

Robert Corbet Died: 1222 Caus, Shropshire

Alice Corbet Born: 1225 Caus, Shropshire

Christina Fitzalan Died: 1227 Shropshire

Christina Fitzalan Died: 1227 Shropshire

Christina Fitzalan Died: 1227 Shropshire

Christina Fitzalan Died: 1227 Shropshire

Emma Pantolph Died: 1227 Caus, Shropshire

Walter De Tilney Born: 1230 Lynn,Shropshire

Johanna Hastings Born: 1230

Adam De Novo Foro Died: 1247

Hervey De Keth Died: 1250 Humble, EastLothian, Countyberwick

Andrew De Chaucer Born: 1251 Lynn,Shropshire

John Swynnerton Died: 1251 Swynnerton,Staffords

Ermentrude Emma Fitz Walkelyn Died: 1253

Isabella De Tilney Born: 1254 Lynn,Shropshire

Joan Heriz Born: 1262

Thomas Corbett Died: 1274 Caus, Shropshire

Robert Le Chaucer Born: 1277 Lynn,Shropshire

Alice Colville Born: 1286 Castle Bytham,Stanford, Lncln

Mary Heyrown Born: 1286 Lynn, Shropshire

Margaret Haughton Born: 1290 Haughton

Ada Corbet Died: 1291 Caus, Shropshire

Adam Forrester Born: 1294 Corstorphine,Midlothian

Margaret Forrester Born: 1294 Corstorphine,Midlothian

Hawise Corbet Died: 1297

Isabell Valletort Died: 1299 Caus, Shropshire

Walter De Faucomberge Died: 02 Nov 1304Rise, Holderness

Mary Folliott Born: 1318 Kildale, InglebyGreenhow North Riding

John Forrester Born: 1320 Corstorphine,Midlothian

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Margaret Forrester Born: 1320 Corstorphine,Midlothian

Joan De Valence Died: Jul 1326Abergavenny, Monmouthshire

Dulcia Le Taverner Died: 1328

Elizabeth De Mowbray Died: 1331

Alice Colville Died: 28 Feb 1334

Isabella De Tilney Died: 1338

Johanna Stafford Died: 1342

Janet Forrester Born: 1346 Corstorphine,Midlothian

Maud De Holand Died: 1361 Swynnerton,Staf

Joan Hastang Died: 1380 Swynnerton,Staffords

George Hervie Born: 1407 St Martins

Michael De La Pole Died: 14 Sep 1415Harfleur

Mrs. Richard Whitfield Born: 1454

Thomasine De Wasteneys Died: 1456

George Dunbar Died: 1457

Lodovick L Miner Died: 1458

John Frye Born: 1476 Fryhall, Devonshire

Thomas Parker Born: 1496 Fryhall,Devonshire

Isabella Pole Born: 1499

Elizabeth Frye Born: 1500 Fryhall,Devonshire

Christopher Church Born: 1515

Anne Parker Born: 1517 North Molton,Devonshire

Mary Parker Born: 1522 South Moulton,Dvnshr

Joan Squire Died: 08 Mar 1524

John Parker Born: 1525 N Molton,Devonshire

Brewster Born: Bet. 1530 - 1570

Elizabeth Smith Born: Bet. 1530 - 1570

Walter Palmer Born: Abt. 1540

Elizabeth Carter Born: 1542 Brockhampton,Dorsetshire

William Wilson Born: 1542 Wellsbourne,Lincolns

Bridget Cocke Born: Abt. 1585

Nicholas Busby Born: Abt. 1587

Thomas Poindexter Born: 1590

Bridget Whitfield Died: 1591

Margaret Coke Born: 1592

Daniel Meekes Born: 1598

Margaret Leachland Born: 1602

Elizabeth Whitfield Died: 1614

Thomas Whitfield Died: 1624

Ann Poindexter Poynter Born: 1625Devonshire

Jane Tapp Born: 14 Feb 1627

Elizabeth Carter Died: 1628

Jonathan Chesebrough, (twin) Died: Bet. Apr- Jun 1630 the Arbella crossing the ocean toAmerica from

Pierre Le Roux Died: 1678 Detrouw

Jane Eke Born: 1702

Susanna Schofield Born: 08 May 1815

William Ames Born: 1830

Jane Ames Born: 1842

Esabella Wells Died: Unknown

Erin, Houston Co., TN

Melodie Kay Mitchell Born: 13 Aug 1973Trinity Hospital

Erskine, Scotland

Henry Erskine Born: 1190 Erskine,Renfrewshire

John Erskine Born: 1217 Erskine,Renfrewshire

John Erskine Born: 1249 Erskine,Renfrewshire

John Erskine Died: 1271 Erskine,Renfrewshire

William Erskine Born: 1274 Erskine,Renfrewshire

Robert Erskine Born: 1320 Erskine,Renfrewshire

Beatrice De Lindsay Died: 1352 Erskine,Renfrewshire

Robert Erskine Died: 1385 Erskine,Renfrewshire

Essex, England

Rohese De Vere Born: 1070 Hedingham

Hodierna De Sackville Born: 1094 Bures AdMontem

Briwere Born: 1122 Stanstead

Femname Bruce Born: 1122 Stansted

Nn De Briwere Born: 1132 Stanstead

Ralph De Gernon Born: 1138 Stansted, Bures

Ralph Gernon Born: 1152 Stansted

Matthew Gernon Died: 1161 Mont Bures

Rohese De Vere Died: 1166 Rickling

Margaret De Montfichet Born: 1170 StansteadMontfichet

Eleanor De Vere Born: 1188

William Gernon Born: 1190 Stansted

Mahaut De Fiennes Born: 1210 Tolleshunt

Isabel Bassett Died: 1224 StansteadMountfitchet

Ralph De Gernon Died: 1248 Stansted, Bures

William De Gernon Born: 1250 LextonHundred, East Thorpe

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

John Brett Born: 1274 Anviliers

John Bret Born: 1275 Anviliers

John Gernon Born: 1285 Lees Hall

Joanna Brett Born: 1298 Anviliers

William De Gernon Died: 1327 LextonHundred, East Thorpe

Margaret Born: 1530

John Parker Born: 1560 Great Burstead

John Parker Died: 1581 Great Bursted, county

John Parker Born: Bet. 1585 - 1590 GreatBursted, county

John Parker Died: Bef. 05 Aug 1613 GreatBursted, county Essex, England [burial date]

Capt. James Parker Born: Abt. 1617 GreatBursted, county

James Fitch Born: 24 Dec 1622 Bocking

Essex, Essex Co., MA (78 Mi NW ofChatham)

Elizabeth Mix Died: 14 Feb 1726 Newbury,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Essex Co., NJ

Jacob Van Winkle Born: 1599Acquackanonck, Essex, New Jersey, USA

Samuel Des Marest Born: 1683Kinderkamack, Essex, New Jersey, USA

Falaise, France

William The Conqueror Born: 14 Oct 1024Falaise, Normandy

Adeliza Of Normandy Born: 1029 Falaise,Calvados, Normandy

Falkirk, Scotland

Herbert De Maxwell Died: 22 Jul 1298Falkirk, Stirlingshire

Farnham Royal, England

Bertram De Verdun Born: 1062 FarnhamRoyal, Buckinghamshire

Norman De Verdun Born: 1097 FarnhamRoyal, Buckinghamshire

Flintshire, Wales

Nest Verch Gruffydd Born: 1059 Rhuddlan


Beatrix De Gand Born: 1127 Ghent, Florida,USA

Forfar, Scotland

Gilchrist Ogilvie Thane Born: 1154 Forfar,Angusshire

Beatrix De Angus Born: 1184 Forfar,Angusshire

Gilchrist Ogilvie Thane Died: 1211 Forfar,Angusshire

Marjory De Huntingdon Died: 1213 Forfar,Angusshire

Beatrix De Angus Died: 1270 Forfar,Angusshire

Isobel Ogilvy Born: 1442 Lintrathen, Forfar,Angus

Fort William, Scotland

John Comyn Died: 1303 Inverlochy Castle,Fort William, Inverness


Cambus Bellus Beauchamp Died: Normandy

Adrian Bennet Died

Hanry Claus Died

Raoul De Beauffou Died

Mahaud De Boulogne Died: Guisnes, Picardy

Mrs Arnoul Comtesse De Boulogne Died:Boulogne, Artois

Herald De Furnes Died

Siher De Gramines Died

Gisele De Guines Died

Walter De Hames Died

Adelle De Selvesle Died

Adelle De Selvesle Died

Jaques Desmarets Died: Cambrey

Hawise Rumigny Born: Cambray

Judith Princess Of France Born: 844 Flanders,Nord Dept

Regnier I De Hainault Born: 850 Lorraine,Alsace

Rudolf Raoul Born: 867 Flanders, Nord

Alaides De Amiens Born: 870 Flanders, Nord

Alberade De Mons Born: 870 Mons

Tilbert De Rumigny Born: 900 Rumigny,Ardennes, Champagne Ardenne

Tilbert De Rumigny Born: 904 Rumigny,Ardennes

Sporte De Bretagne Born: 911 Bretagne

Asperling De Vaudreuil Born: 911 Aubigny,Bretagne

Alpaïs De Lomegau Born: 921 Roucy, Aisne

Arnoul Comte De Boulogne Born: 922Boulogne, Artois

Mrs Arnoul Comtesse De Boulogne Born: 927Boulogne, Artois

Thurston De Montfort Born: 928 Normandy

Ardolph Le Blount Ct Born: 930 Guisnes,Picardy

Hildoin I Montdidier Born: 930 Arcis-Sur-Aube

Godfrey I De Rumigny Born: 940 Rumigny,Ardennes, Champagne

Sporte De Bretagne Died: 945 Normandy

Mahaud De Boulogne Born: 950 Boulogne,Artois

Raoul De Beauffou Born: 954 Beauffou,Normandy

Avelina De Crepon Born: 960 Arque, SeineInferieure, Normandy

Maud De St Pol Died: 965

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Raoul De Beauffou Born: 968 Beauffou,Normandie

Osbern De Bolebec Born: 970 Longueville,Normandy

Arnoul De Rumigny Born: 970 Rumigny,Ardennes

Arnoul Comte De Boulogne Died: 972Abbaye De Samer Aux Bois

Hugh I De Montfort Born: 975 Normandy

Enricule Boulogne Born: 976 Boulogne,Artois

Ardolph Le Blount Ct Died: 978 Guisnes,Picardy

Adeline Comtesse De Boulogne Born: 980Boulogne, Artois

Mrs Hugh I De Montfort Born: 980Normandy

Enguerrand I Ponthieu Born: 980 Ponthieu,Ain

Rudolph Ralph Born: 980 Guisnes, Picardy

Nn De Bayeaux Born: 984

Emme De Bayeux Born: 984 Beauffou,Normandy

Richard De Beauffou Born: 984 Beauffou,Normandy

Gozeline Vicomte Arques Born: 985Longueville, Normandy

Emmaline De Normandy Born: 985Normandy

Erneberge Albreda De Caux Born: 988 Caux,Normandy

Siher De Gramines Born: 990 Picardy,Somme

Gisèle De Roucy Born: 990 Roucy, Aisne

Rosetta De Saint Pol Born: 1000 St Pol,Artois

Emma De Ivry Born: 1005 Ivry La Bataille,Eure, Normandy

Herald De Furnes Born: 1008

Emma De Ivry Born: 1008 Ivry

Adelle De Selvesle Born: 1008 Selvesse

Adelle De Selvesle Born: 1008 Selvesse

Emma Of Ivry Born: 1008 Ivry

Matilda Billung Died: 25 May 1008 Flanders

Avise De Roucy Born: 1010 Roucy, Aisne,Picardy

Eudes Stigand Born: 1010 Normandy

Alice De Beauffou Born: 1015 Beauffou,Normandy

Godfrey Rumigny Born: 1018 Roucy, Aisne

Hugh De Montfort Born: 1020 Montfort,Normandy

Enguerrand De Ponthieu Born: 1020Ponthieu, Somme, Picardy

Jeanne Irmengarde Born: 1020

William Pantulf Born: 1020 Noron, Calvados,Normandy

Cambus Bellus Beauchamp Born: 1021Normandy

Thurston De Montfort Died: 1023 MontfortSur Risle, Eure, Normandy

Amelie De Rouen Died: 1024

Tittensor De Dol Born: 1025 Dol, Normandie

Adeliza De Normandy Born: 1026 Falais,Calvados

Eustace De Guisnes Born: 1027 Guisnes,Picardy

Thurston Basset Born: 1030 Ouilly Basset,Normandy

Matilda De Flanders Born: 1031 Flanders

Enricule Boulogne Died: 1033 Abbaye DeSamer Aux Bois

Emme De Bayeux Died: 1034

Emma De Brittany Born: 1034 Brittany

Isabel De Broyes Born: 1034 Broyes, Marne

Emma De Ivry Died: 1034 Normandie

Emma Of Ivry Died: 1034 Normandy

Beatrice De Bolbec Born: 1035 Longueville,Normandy

Woerta De Crepon Died: 1037 Dammertin

Hugh I De Montfort Died: 1037 Normandy

Hugues Sohier Born: 1040 Cambrey

Nigel Stafford Born: 1040 Normandy

Archibald Campbell Born: 1041 Normandy

Jean Des Marets Born: 1043 Marets, Cambray

Odon Stigand Born: 1045 Normandy

Ralph Bakepuiz Born: 1046 Bakepuiz,Normandy

Enguerrand I Ponthieu Died: 1046 Ponthieu,Somme, Picardy

Gansemond Des Mares Born: 1047 Picardy,Somme

Eulalie Gansemond Born: 1047 Picardy,Somme

Jean Born: 1047 Picardy, Somme

Eulalie Picquiguy Born: 1047 Picardy,Somme

Gansemond Picquiguy Born: 1047 Picardy,Somme

Mrs Ralph Bakepuiz Born: 1050 Normandy

Ralph Basset Born: 1050 Montreil-Au,Houlme, Normandy

Alice De Montfort Born: 1050 Montfort Sur,Risle

Aude De Rumigny Born: 1050 Roucy, Aisne

Elisenda De Ponthieu Born: 1052 Ponthieu,Somme, Picardy

Emma Aldreda Born: 1059 Ivry

Ancelin De Beaumont Born: 1060

Hamo De Crevequer Born: 1060 Cruelly,Calvados, Normandy

Eudes De Vermandois Born: 1060 Valois,Bretagne

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Family Map

Hugh De Bosville Born: 1061 Beuzeville LaGiffard, Seine Inferieure, Normandy

Osbern De Bolebec Died: 1063 LonguevilleSur Scie, Seine Inferieure, Normandy

Lesceline De Normandy Born: 1065Normandy

Robert De Bruce Born: 1066 Normandy

Arthur Armberg Macduibhn Died: 1066Normandy

Malcolm Macduibhn Died: 1066 Normandy

Susanne De Gramines Died: 1071

Adeline Comtesse De Boulogne Died: 1074Boulogne Artois

Jean Des Marets Died: 1075 Picardy, Somme

Baldwin I Des Marets Born: 1076 Marets,Cambray

Nn De Bayeaux Died: 1078

Conan Le Grosse Of Brittany Born: 1080Brittany

Alice De Tyrel Born: 1080 Merets, Cambray

Agnes Stigand Born: 1080 Normandy

Eudes De Vermandois Died: 1085 Bretagne

Hugh De Montfort Died: 1088 Duel, AbbeyBec

Adeliza Of Normandy Died: 1090 Artois

Eustace Grener Born: 1091 Palastine,Cambray

Matilda De Brittany Born: 1092 Brittany

Emma De Brittany Died: 1094 Brittany

Rosetta De Saint Pol Died: 1094 St Pol,Artois

Beatrice Born: 1095 Normandy

Beatrice De St Pol Born: 1095 St Pol, Artois

Alan The Black Born: 1096 Brittany

Matthew Gernon Born: 1100 Normandy

Eudes Stigand Died: 1101

Bertha Conan Born: 1108 Brittany

Hugues Sohier Died: 1111 Cambray, Seez,Normandy

Berthe De Bretagne Born: 1112 Richemont,Charente

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1113 Marets,Cambray

Alice De Beauffou Died: 1115

Reginald Des Marets Born: 1115 Cambray

Agnes Grener Born: 1117 Palestine, Cambray

Otes De Tilli Born: 1121 Tilly Sur Seules,Calvados, Normandy

Elisenda De Ponthieu Died: 1128

William De Tankerville Died: 1129

Reniee Bodival De Jauche Born: 1130Cambray, Nord

Godeheut De Toeni Born: 1130 Le Neubourg,Normandy

Beatrice De Rumigny Born: 1132 Rumigny,Ardennes

Geoffrey Le Breton Born: 1135 Bretagne,Indre Et Loire, Provence

Hugues De Saint Pol Died: 1141

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1144 Cambray

Agnes Grener Died: 1147 Cambray

Agnes Stigand Died: 1150 Normandy

Melisande De Beauvoise Born: 1156 Cambray

Simon De Jauche Born: 1162 Cambray

Gertrude D Enne Born: 1164 Cambray

Berthe De Bretagne Died: 1167 Richemont,Charente

Agnes De Beaumont Died: 1175

Agnes Dammartin Born: 1177 Dammartin, SE Mr

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1184 Cambray

Jean De Rambures Born: 1185 Cambrey

Goswin Des Marets Born: 1186 Cambray

Gillette De Jouche Born: 1188 Cambray

Melisande De Beauvoise Died: 1190 Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Died: 1190 Cambresis

Hawise Bournonville Born: 1200 Wallincourt

Jean Des Marets Born: 1214 Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1216 Marets,Cambray

Hugo Des Marets Born: 1218 Cambray

Ermegarde De Rambures Born: 1220Walincourt, Cambray

Walter De Hames Born: 1222

Simon De Jauche Died: 1224 Cambray

Gertrude D Enne Died: 1230

Gillette De Jouche Died: 1233 Cambray,Picardie

Goswin Des Marets Died: 1239 Cambray

Peter De Brus Died: 07 Sep 1241 Marseilles,Bouches Du Rhone

Piers Died: 07 Sep 1241 Marseilles

William Des Marets Born: 1244 Merets,Cambray

Godwin De Mares Born: 1246 Merets,Cambray

Peter Brus Died: 1247 Marseilles, BouchesDu Rhone

Peter De Brus Died: 1247 Marsielles,Bouches Du Rhone

Peter De Brus Died: 1247 Marseilles

Guiote De Hames Born: 1248 Walincourt,Cambray

Hugo De Mares Born: 1248 Merets, Cambray

Hugo Des Marets Born: 1248 Marets,Cambray

Alix Des Marets Born: 1250 Merets, Cambray

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Jaques Desmarets Born: 1250 Merets,Cambray

Pierre DesMarets Born: 1252 Merets,Cambray

Walter V De Brienne Born: 1275 Brienne LeChateau, Aube, Champagne

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1276 Herault,Cambray

Agnes De Forest Born: 1278 Cambray

Guiote De Hames Died: 1279 Cambray

Ermegarde De Rambures Died: 1280 Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Died: 31 Jul 1287Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1315 Cambray

Jacqueline De Ranchicourt Born: 1317Cambray

Pierre Des Marets Born: 1323 Cambray, Nord

Agnes De Forest Died: 1335 Cambray

William Des Marets Died: 1335 Cambray

Jean Des Marets Born: 1341 Cambral, Nord,Hainaut

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1345 Cambray

Geoffrey Atte Wode Died: 26 Aug 1346Crecy On Ponthie

Emma De Neuville Born: 1347 Cambray

Phillipa De Roet Born: 1348 Picardy, Somme

Jacqueline De Ranchicourt Died: 1370Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1373 Cambray

Hugo Des Marets Born: 1380 Cambray

Guillemette De Solomnes Born: 1382Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Died: 1395 Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Born: 1406 Cambray

Reginald Des Marets Born: 1415 Cambray

Agnes De La Saulx Born: 1417 Cambray

Baldwin Des Marets Died: 1429 Cambray

Hugo Des Marets Died: 1429 Cambray

Jean Des Marets Born: 1450 Cambray

Pierre Des Marests Born: 1452 Cambray

Jacques Des Marets Born: 1454 Cambral,Nord, Hainaut

Agnes De La Saulx Died: 1456 Cambray

Reginald Des Marets Died: 1457 Cambray

Catherine Gerardel Born: 1458 Cambray

Guilliame D Montmorency Born: 1464

Fere D Mailly Born: 1476 Chateau, Mailly,Bourgogne

Jacques Des Marets Born: 1480 Cambray

Martin Sohier Born: 1484

Catherine Gerardel Died: 1486 Cambray

Louise D Montmorency Born: 1490 Chateau

Marta D Oise Born: 1490 Chateau DmaillyBourgogne

Baron Robert Neville Born: 1491 Chateau,Leneuvy

Jean Des Marets Died: 1498 Cambray

Sanctine Brassart Born: 1500

Jean D Mailly Born: 1509 Chateau, Le Mailly,Bourgogne

Fere D Mailly Died: 1512

Jacquine D Neville Born: 1517 ChateauLeneauvy, Sur-Loire Nievre

Jean Des Marets Born: 1518 Cambray

Antoinette Malapert Born: 1520 Mons,Hainault

Martin Sohier Died: 1536

Seigneur Pierre Mabille Born: 28 Jun 1542Neuvy-Sur-Loire, Nievere

Il Le Catherine Mailly Born: 1546 Neuvy,Sur-Loire, Nievre

Louise D Montmorency Died: 1550Chatillion, Sur-Loire

Marta D Oise Died: 1550 Chatillion Sur-Loire

Antoinette D Dumond Born: 1555 Neuvy Sur,Loire, Nievre

Pierre Des Marets Born: 1557 Cambray

Jean Des Marets Born: 1559 Cambray

Jean Des Marets Died: 1560 Cambray

Wife De La Vigne Born: 1560

Jacquine D Neville Died: 1560 Chateau DNeuvy, Sur Loire

Aeltye Brackunell Born: 1569

Sarrentje De Croix Du Bois Born: 1587Wicres, La Basse, Artois

Jean Des Marets Born: 1592 Oisemont,Somme, Picardie

Marguerite De Herville Born: 1596 Oisemont,Somme, Picardie

Chriatina De La Vinje Born: 1610Vallenciennes, Nord

Pierre Cresson Died: 1611 Menil, La Cresson,Picardy

Rachel Clauss Born: 11 Feb 1618 Picardy

Jeanne Guerin Born: 1635 Artois

See Also England, Netherlands, Germany,Belgium, Ireland, Wales, and NorthernIreland.

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Milton Pope Buster Died: 21 Jan 1864Frankfurt, KY

Frederick Co., VA

Peter Stephens Born: 1690 Frederick, VA,USA

Abraham Chrisman Born: 15 Oct 1733Frederick, VA, USA

George Chrisman Born: 1745

Peter Stephens Died: 06 Dec 1757 Frederick,VA, USA

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Family Map

Maria Christina Rittenhouse Died: 1758Frederick, VA, USA

Regina Christine Merckle Died: 01 Jan 1760Cedar Creek, Frederick, VA, USA

Phoebe Chrisman Born: 1771 Frederick, VA,USA

Magdalena Hite Died: 1771

Jacob Chrisman Died: 1778 Winchester

Jacob Chrisman Died: 1778 Winchester

Fredrikstad, Norway

Arent Bradt Born: 1549

Andries Arentse Bradt Born: 1578Fredrikstad, Smaalenenes, Ostfold

Aefje Eva Kinetis Born: 1584 Fredrikstad,Ostfold

Albert Andriessen Bradt Born: 1607Fredrikstad, Smaalenenes, Ostfold

Arent Andriessen Bradt Born: 1610Fredrikstad, Ostfold

Freehold, Monmouth Co., NJ (244 Mi SWof Chatham)

Fredrick Debow De Boogh Died: 19 Dec1757 Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA

Frederick Debow Died: 19 Dec 1757Freehold, Monmouth, New Jersey, USA

Geffen, Netherlands

David Ackerman Born: Sep 1653 Geffen,Holland

Genesee Co., NY

Ransom Parker Born: 02 Feb 1814 Genesee,NY, USA

Germany (NE of France)

Catharina Markle Born: Uhlback,Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg

Georgius Markle Died: Uhlback, Neckarkreis,Wuerttemberg

Maria Markle Born: Uhlback, Neckarkreis,Wuerttemberg

Phillip Markle Born: Uhlback, Neckarkreis,Wuerttemberg

Regnier I De Hainault Died: 916 Meersen,Pfalz

Hester Storm Born: 1552 Franchendahl

Hester Storm Died: 1584

Laurens Ackerman Died: 1585 Frankendale,Dutch Republic, Pfalz

Jorg Merckle Born: 1603 Bonfeld,Wurttenburg

Eva Merkle Born: 1617 Bonfeld, Wurttenburg

George Chrisman Born: 1649 Strasbourg,Alsace Lorraine

Johannes Hans Heydt Born: Abt. 1650Bonfield

Anna Marie Magdalena Born: 1653 Wimpfen

Georgius Rettinghausen Died: 1661

Abraham Merkle Born: 01 Mar 1664 Bonfeld,Kraichgau

Anna Veronica Born: 1666 Bonfeld,Wurttenburg

Johannes Peter Chrisman Born: 1668Strasbourg, Alsais Lorraine

Jeremias Andreas Merckle Born: 16 May1685 Bonfeld

Hans Jost Hite Born: 05 Dec 1685 Bonfield,Kraichgau

Jorg Merckle Died: 16 Dec 1686 Bonfeld,Kraichgau, Baden Wurtemberg

Anna Maria Merkle Born: 16 Jan 1687Bonfield,Necker

William Stephens Died: Mar 1688 Heidelburg

Eva Merkle Died: 13 Mar 1690 Bonfeld,Wurttenburg

Anna Veronica Merckle Born: 22 Aug 1690Bonfeld

Anna Veronica Merckle Died: 23 Aug 1691Bonfeld, Wurttenburg

Andreas Jermias Merkle Born: 09 Jun 1692Bonfeld

Anna Katherine Merckle Born: 19 Mar 1695Bonfeld

Anna Veronica Merckle Born: 03 Jan 1697Bonfeld, Wuerttemberg

Johannes Hans Heydt Died: 06 Mar 1697Bonfield

Regina Christine Merckle Born: 20 Mar 1699Bonfeld, Wurtenburg

Isaac Merckle Born: 11 Jul 1701 Bonfeld

Isaac Merckle Died: 15 Oct 1701 Bonfeld,Wurttenburg

Jacob Chrisman Born: 12 Sep 1706Strasbourg, Alsas, Lorr

Anna Katherine Merckle Died: 1708 Bonfeld,Meckar

Anna Veronica Merckle Died: 1708 Bonfeld,Wurttenburg

George Chrisman Died: 1720

Glasgow, Scotland

Christina Bruce Died: 1357 Bothwell Castle,Glasgow, Strathclyde

John Colquhoun Died: 1570

Glen Cove, Nassau Co., NY (198 Mi SW ofChatham)

Diantha White Chrystal Born: 30 Oct 1943

Charles Anderson Chrystal Born: 01 May1948

Margot Chinnock Chrystal Born: 12 Aug1951

Gloucester, Essex Co., MA (74 Mi NW ofChatham)

Elisabeth Wise Born: 06 Aug 1723Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Gloucestershire, England

Isobella Le Scot Died: 1251 Interred SaltreAbbey, Stilton

Philippe Beauchamp Born: 1334 Elmley

Ismania De Hanham Born: 1347

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Goochland, Goochland Co., VA (502 MiSW of Chatham)

Claudius Buster Born: 1731 Goochland, VA,USA

David Buster Born: 1735 Goochland,Goochland, VA, USA

John Buster Born: 1737 Goochland,Goochland, VA, USA

Jean Pierre Legrand Died: 10 Jul 1737Goochland, VA, USA

Gorebridge, Scotland

Margaret De Lyne Born: 1240 LochorwartCastle, Gorebridge, Midlothian

William De Haya Born: 1263 LochorwartCastle, Gorebridge, Midlothian

Gilbert De Haya Born: 1280 LochorwartCastle, Gorebridge, Midlothian

Thomas De Haya Born: 1305 LochorwartCastle, Gorebridge, Midlothian

William De Haya Died: 31 Oct 1308Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian

William De Haya Born: 1328 LochorwartCastle, Gorebridge, Midlothian

Thomas De Haya Died: 15 Oct 1335Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian

Thomas Haya Born: 1354 Lochorwart Castle,Gorebridge, Midlothian

William De Haya Died: 29 Aug 1392Lochorwart Castle, Gorebridge, Midlothian


Walter V De Brienne Died: 15 Mar 1311Cephisus, Attica

Green Pond, Morris Co., NJ (238 Mi SW ofChatham)

Esther Christine White Died: 1938

Greenbrier Co., WV

Susannah Wallace Died: 1797 Greenbrier,WV, USA

Greene Co., TN

Claudius Buster Died: 20 Aug 1806 Greene,Tennessee, USA

Greenock, Scotland

Mrs Roger De Crawford Born: 1290 EasterGreenock, Renfrewshire

Malcolm De Crawford Born: 1330 EasterGreenock, Renfrewshire

Gailbraith Born: 1335 Easter Greenock, EG,Renfrewshire

Roger Crawford Born: 1380 EasternGreenock, Renfrewshire

Mrs Roger De Crawford Born: 1385 EasterGreenock, Renfrewshire

Malcolm De Crawford Died: 1390 EasternGreenock, Renfrewshire

John Crawford Born: 1421 Eastern Greenock,Renfrewshire

Mrs John De Crawford Born: 1422 EasterGreenock, Renfrewshire

Malcolm Crawford Born: 1442 EasterGreenock, Renfrewshire

Roger Crawford Died: 1445 Eastern

Greenwich, Fairfield Co., CT

Elizabeth Reynolds Born: 1634 Greenwich,Fairfield, CT, USA

Joseph Ferris Born: 20 Aug 1657 Greenwich,Fairfield, CT, USA

Jeffery Ferris Died: 21 May 1666 Greenwich,Fairfield, CT, USA

Jonathan Reynolds Died: Jan 1674Greenwich, Fairfield, CT, USA

Abigail Ferris Born: 13 Apr 1701 Greenwich,Fairfield, CT, USA

John Reynolds Died: 08 Nov 1701Greenwich, Fairfield, CT, USA

Groningen, Netherlands

Anne Jacobse Died: 30 Aug 1605 Huisinge,Groningen, Holland

Groton, Middlesex Co., MA (105 Mi NW ofChatham)

Elizabeth Long Died: Bef. 1697 (probably)

Capt. James Parker Died: Bef. 12 Jul 1700

Hackensack, Bergen Co., NJ

Elizabeth Van Orden Died: Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Marritje Janse Van Blarcom Born: 30 Dec1661 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Cathlyntje Van Blarcom Died: 12 Sep 1673Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Sitske Dircksda Died: 1675 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Rachel Hopper Born: 1678 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Wybrogh Helling Died: 20 Jul 1678Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Lea Des Marest Born: 07 Apr 1679Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Rachel Demarest Born: 21 Jun 1680Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Andries Hopper Born: 21 Dec 1680Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Marie Sohier Died: 03 Oct 1681 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jannetje La Roe Born: 18 Apr 1682Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jan Hendrickse Hopper Born: 26 Jun 1682Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Wiert Wiertse Banta Born: 19 Aug 1682Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Peter La Roe Born: 1685 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hendrick Banta Born: 08 Apr 1685Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Tryntje Hopper Born: 05 Oct 1685Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Gelyn Ackerman Born: 1686 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

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Family Map

Epke Jacobse Banta Died: 1686 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacomina Demarest Born: 1686 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Cornelius Van Hoorn Born: 1686Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Margarita Van Orden Born: 1686Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Antie Laroe Born: 1687 Hackensack, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Elsie Banta Born: 20 Jun 1687 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Aechtje Jans Died: 1689 Hackensack, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Maritie Ackerman Born: 1690 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Weart Epkese Banta Died: 1690 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Mary La Roe Born: 1690 Hackensack, NewJersey, USA

Elizabeth Van Orden Born: 1690 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacob Banta Born: 21 Mar 1690 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Marqaret Leroux Born: 1691 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Leah Hopper Born: 20 Jan 1691 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

David Desmarets Died: Aug 1691Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jannetje Lozier Born: 1692 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hendrik Larue Laroux Born: 1694Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hillebrant Lozier Born: 1695 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Samuel Laroe Born: 07 Mar 1696Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Petrus Lozier Born: 07 Mar 1696 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Gerret Hopper Born: 25 Dec 1696Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Rachel Leroux Born: 1698 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Agenitie LaRue Leroux Born: 1699Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Margaret Laroe Leroux Born: 1699Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Johannes Lozier Born: 26 Feb 1699Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Geertje Hopper Born: 26 Mar 1699Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Seba Epkese Banta Died: 1700 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Anthony Lozier Born: 1700 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Susanna LaRue Leroux Born: 1701Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Maritie Lozier Born: 11 May 1701Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Antie Losier Born: 31 Oct 1703 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Abraham Leroux Born: 1705 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Lucas Lozier Born: 18 Mar 1705 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacobus Lozier Born: 05 Oct 1707Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Susanna Laroe Died: 1708 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Johannes Leroux Born: 1708 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Benjamin Lozier Born: 24 Oct 1708Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Tryntie Slot Died: 1709 Hackensack, NewJersey, USA

Wiert Banta Born: 1710 Hackensack, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Rachel Cresson Died: 1710 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Antie Slot Died: 1710 Hackensack, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Jacobus Van Orden Born: 23 May 1711Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Johannes Van Blarcom Died: 20 Feb 1712Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Rachel Banta Born: 29 Jul 1712 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hillegond Ackerman Born: 30 May 1714Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Peter La Roe Died: 19 Sep 1714 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Geertie Banta Born: 20 Nov 1715Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

David Ackerman Born: 24 Jun 1716Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Elizabeth Van Orden Born: 1717 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Lydia Banta Born: 27 Oct 1717 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Derrick Epke Banta Died: 1718 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Trientjen Ackerman Born: 09 Nov 1718Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Tryntie Ackerman Born: 09 Nov 1718Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Cornelius Epkese Banta Died: May 1719Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Nicolaes Ackerman Born: 22 Jan 1721Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Gelyn Ackerman Born: 06 Aug 1722Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Lodowyck Ackerman Died: 10 Jun 1723Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

David Banta Born: 02 Sep 1723 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hillegont Verplanck Died: 1724 Hackensack,New Jersey, USA

David Ackerman Died: 04 Jun 1724Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

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Family Map

Marritje Janse Van Blarcom Died: 27 Dec1724 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacobus Slot Died: 1725 Hackensack, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

Marytje Ackerman Born: 10 Jan 1725Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Antjen Ackerman Born: 27 Aug 1727Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hester Ackerman Born: 09 Aug 1728Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Samuel Demarest Died: 19 Oct 1728Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Cornelis Christiansen Van Horn Died: 24 Mar1729 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacques Laroe Died: 02 Sep 1730Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Abraham Ackerman Born: 06 Oct 1730Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Metty Van Orden Died: 1732 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jan Pieterse Van Naarden Died: 29 Aug 1733Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Lysbet Roos Van Lipstradt Died: 15 Dec 1735Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Gerret Hopper Died: 1736 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Powles Vanderbeck Born: 20 Mar 1737Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hendrick Hopper Died: 26 Sep 1737Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Benjamin Demarest Died: 1739 Hackensack,New Jersey, USA

Cornelius Van Horn Born: 05 Mar 1739Closters Area, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Hendrick Epkese Banta Died: 1740Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Sarah Berdan Born: 1740 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Wiert Wiertse Banta Died: 13 Sep 1741Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jannetje Vanderbeek Born: 08 Nov 1741Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacomyntje Van Horn Born: 1742 ClostersArea, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Johannes Ackerman Died: 19 Aug 1745Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacob Vanderbeek Born: 02 Mar 1746Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Wiert Davidse Banta Born: 15 Mar 1747Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jannetje Van Horn Born: 23 Oct 1747Closters Area, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Johannes Lozier Died: 1749 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Salomon Vanderbeek Born: 12 Feb 1749Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Andries Van Horn Born: 17 Jan 1750 ClostersArea, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Jannetje Banta Born: 05 Jun 1750Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Rachel Van Horn Born: 18 Apr 1752 ClostersArea, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Wiert Banta Born: 08 Jul 1753 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

James Van Horn Born: 09 Sep 1755 ClostersArea, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Johannes Banta Born: 17 Aug 1756Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

David Demarest Died: 1759 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hendrick Vanderbeek Born: 25 Feb 1759Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Mariah Banta Born: 25 Mar 1759Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Nicholas Lozier Died: 08 Apr 1761Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Elizabeth Van Horn Born: 16 Jul 1761Closters Area, Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Abram Banta Born: 23 Jan 1762 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Hillebrant Lozier Died: 03 Aug 1763Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Gysbert Janse Van Blarcom Died: 03 Mar1764 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Rachel Banta Born: 03 Sep 1764 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Abraham Ackerman Died: Aug 1770Hackensack, New Jersey, USA

Hendrick Junior Vanderbeck Born: 07 Dec1773 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Leah Hopper Died: 03 Dec 1774 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Antie Laroe Died: 1775 Hackensack, Bergen,New Jersey, USA

David Banta Died: 08 Oct 1782 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Annetcha Ann Banta Born: 05 Aug 1783Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jacobus Van Orden Died: 16 Oct 1784Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Elizabeth Alezbeth Banta Born: 18 Dec 1785East Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Sarah Vanderbeck Born: 27 Jun 1810Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Eliza Catherine Vanderbeck Born: 22 Sep1816 Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Ann Vanderbeck Born: 1820 Hackensack,Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Jamina Jamime Vanderbeck Born: 1822Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Christiana Vanderbeck Born: 10 Nov 1824

Henry Vanderbeck Born: 03 Mar 1829Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Elizabeth Alezbeth Banta Died: 06 Feb 1868Hackensack, Bergen, New Jersey, USA

Haddington, Scotland

Eupheme Stewart Born: 1215 Haddington,Lincolnshire

Mary Fraser Born: 1275 Yester, Haddington,Mid Lothian

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Family Map

Mary Fraser Born: 1275 Yester, Haddington,Mid Lothian

Christian Lindsay Born: 1430 Byres,Haddington, East Lothian

Hamilton Co., TN

Jonas Posey Moon Died: 27 Feb 1849Hamilton, Tennessee, USA

Hannover, Germany

Barent Van Rotmers Born: 1595 Altenbruch

Annetie Barentse Van Rotmers Born: 1608Altenbruch

Hanover, Grafton Co., NH (182 Mi NW ofChatham)

Sherburne Hardy Died: 05 Apr 1875

Thornton Sherburne Hardy Born: 16 Nov1876

Harderwijk, Netherlands

Trintgen Wilms Born: 1601 Harderwijk,Gelderland, Netherlands

Trintgen Wilms Died: 1630 Harderwijk,Gelderland

Hardy Co., VA

Jacob Chrisman Died: 28 Apr 1809 Lost River

Harlingen, Netherlands

Reytske Sickedr Born: 1598 Harlingen,Friesland, Holland

Epke Jacobse Banta Born: 1619 Harlingen,Friesland, Holland

Sitske Dircksda Born: 1630 Harlingen,Friesland, Holland

Derrick Epke Banta Born: 1657 Harlingen,Minnertsga, Friesland, Netherlands

Hartford, Hartford Co., CT

Ebenezer Richardson Born: 04 Feb 1689Farmington, Hartford, CT, USA

Joseph Richardson Born: 24 Sep 1725Farmington, Hartford, CT, USA

Heilbronn, Germany

Jeremias Andreas Merckle Died: May 1685Bonfeld, Heilbronn, Baden Wuerttenberg

Henrico Co., VA

Peter Le Grand Born: 11 Jan 1726

Hereford, England

Nest Verch Gruffydd Died: 1153 RichardsCastle

Herefordshire, England

Richard Talbot Died: 23 Oct 1356 GoodrichCastle, Eccleswall

Hertfordshire, England

Godeheut De Toeni Born: 1130 Flamsted

John Sanford Died: 1212 Hormead

Alice De Toeni Born: 1284 Flamsted

Alice De Toeni Died: 01 Jan 1324 CastleMaud, Flamsted

Elizabeth Long Born: 14 Nov 1621 St.Alban's, Hertfordshire, England [bapt. date]

Hickory, Catawba Co., NC (735 Mi SW ofChatham)

Bryan Taylor Adams Born: 21 Sep 1970

Cecylia Grey Adams Born: 10 Nov 1997

Hingham, Plymouth Co., MA (61 Mi NW ofChatham)

Clement Minor Born: 04 Mar 1639 Hingham,Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Ephraim Miner, Sr Born: 27 Apr 1642

Joseph Minor Born: 25 Aug 1644 Hingham,Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Judah Minor Born: 25 Aug 1644 Hingham,Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Judah Miner Born: 1646

Honeoye, Ontario Co., NY (393 Mi NW ofChatham)

Zenas Dean Parker Born: 17 Sep 1807Honeoye Lake, Ontario, NY, USA

Honolulu, Honolulu Co., HI

Sherburne Hardy Born: 30 Jun 1932

Thornton Sherburne Hardy Died: 16 Aug1937

Hoorn, Netherlands

Mary Baerts Born: 1600 Hoorn, NoordHolland, Netherlands

Christian Barentsen Van Horn Born: 1625Hoorn, E Friesland, Netherlands

Marretie VanWinckell Slot Born: 1643Hoorn, Netherlands

Huntingdon, England

Daughter David I Of Scotland Born: 1199


Duina Macduibhn Died: 1066 NormandyFrance, Indiana, USA

Paul Macduibhn Died: 1066 Scotland,Indiana, USA

Archibald Campbell Died: 1162 Indiana, USA

Adam Wallace Died: 1246 Witness Charters,Indiana, USA

John Wallace Died: 1366 Witness Charters,Indiana, USA

John Wallace Died: 1390 Witness Charters,Indiana, USA

Meritt Knapp Durand Died: 11 Dec 1849

Inverness, Scotland

Banquo Thane Born: 990 Lochaber,Inverness-Shire

Banquo Thane Died: 1043 Lochaber,Inverness-Shire

John The Comyn Born: 1225 Badenoch,Inverness Shire

John Comyn Born: 1242 Badenoch, Isle Skye

John Comyn Born: 1269 Badenoch, InvernessShire

Joan De Valence Born: 1273 Badenoch,Inverness Shire

John The Comyn Died: 1274 Badenoch,Inverness Shire

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Mary Margaret Fraser Born: 25 Jun 1881Lovatt, Inverness-Shire

Ipswich, England

Andrew De Chaucer Died: 1288

Mary Heyrown Died: 1308

Ipswich, Essex Co., MA (82 Mi NW ofChatham)

Ruth Greenslade Born: 1656 Ipswich, Essex,Massachusetts, USA

Elizabeth Manwaring Died: 31 Dec 1664Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Edmund Bridges Died: 13 Jan 1684 Ipswich,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Ireland (NW of France)

Jane Hunter Born

Margaret Irvine Born: Londonderry

Jane Steele Born

Margery De Braose Born: 1262 Pipton,Breconshire

Ephraim McDowell Born: 1672 Londonderry

Elizabeth Jenkins Born: Abt. 1690

William Bell Born: 06 Jan 1694 TemplePatrick

Mary Morrison Born: 1718

Susannah Wallace Born: 1719 Castle,Dunshanglin

Peter Wallace Died: 1723 Northern

Margaret Irvine Died: 1728 Londonderry

Mary McClung Born: 28 Oct 1735

Jacob McGaw Born: 1737 Lineygloss

Jersey City, Hudson Co., NJ (223 Mi SW ofChatham)

Tryntje Jacobs Died: 11 May 1677 JerseyCity, Hudson, New Jersey, USA

Grietje Van Winkle Died: 20 Sep 1732 JerseyCity, Hudson, New Jersey, USA

Jerseyville, Jersey Co., IL (1083 Mi SW ofChatham)

Phoebe Chrisman Died: 1858 Jerseyville,Jersy, IL, USA

Jerusalem, Israel

Alan Fitzalan Died: 1097

Kent, England

Robert De Crevecoeur Born: 1085 Sarre

Hendley Born: 1350 Cransbrook

Thomas Hendley Born: 1375 Cransbrook

John Hendley Born: 1400 Coursehorn,Cranbrook

Peter Courthope Born: 1425 Cranbrook

John Hendley Born: 1440 Cranbrook

Thomas Sheafe Born: 1440 Cranbrook

Robert Millon Born: 1443

Joan Born: 1445

Robert Foster Born: 1460 Cranbrook

John Giles Born: 1460 Biddenton

Robert Andrewe Born: 1465 Cranbrook

Agnes Millon Born: 1468 Cranbrook

Thomas Sheafe Born: 1470 Cranbrook

John Hendley Died: 1472 Cranbrook

John Hendley Died: Nov 1472 Cranbrook

Alexander Courthope Born: 1474 Cranbrook

John Harman Born: 1474 Cranbrook

Katherine Foster Born: 1478 Cranbrook

John Harman Born: 1478 Cranbrooke

Gyles Andrews Born: 1480 Cranbrook

Alice Hendley Born: 1480 Cranbrook

Agnes Andrews Born: 1484 Cranbrook

Robert Church Born: 1495

Robert Foster Died: 25 Sep 1497 Cranbrook

Elizabeth Courthope Born: 1500 Cranbrook

Thomas Harman Born: 1500 Cranbrook

Joan Died: 1502

Robert Millon Died: 1502

Richard Sheafe Born: Sep 1505 Cranbrook

Elizabeth Andrews Born: 1510 Cranbrook

Agnes Millon Died: 1513

Robert Andrewe Died: 15 May 1514

John Streetinge Born: 1515 Beakesbourne

Alice Hendley Died: 1520 Cranbrook

Thomas Sheafe Died: 1520 Cranbrook

Alexander Courthope Died: 1525 Cranbrook

Katherine Foster Died: 1525 Cranbrook

Gyles Andrews Died: 1526 Cranbrook

Thomas Sheafe Born: 10 Oct 1532 Cranbrook

Mary Harmon Born: 1536 Cranbrook

Agnes Andrews Died: 1540 Cranbrook

James Church Born: 1540

Alyce Streetinge Born: 1544 Beaksbourne

Elizabeth Courthope Died: 1547 Cranbrook

John Harman Died: 1547 Cranbrook

Thomas Harman Died: 17 Nov 1547Cranbrook

George Reynolds Born: 1555

Richard Sheafe Died: 1557 Cranbrook

Thomas Sheafe Born: 10 Oct 1562 Cranbrook

Elizabeth Andrews Died: 15 Oct 1564Cranbrook

Thomasyn Church Born: 1566 Beaksbourne

Maria Wilson Born: 1575 Cranbrook

Agnes Atwood Died: 1591 Downe

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

James Church Died: 02 Nov 1596Bekesbourne

Alyce Streetinge Died: 02 Nov 1596Becksbourne

Dorothy Sheafe Born: 1601 Cranbrook

Thomas Sheafe Died: 06 Sep 1604 Cranbrook

Mary Harmon Died: 20 Nov 1609 Cranbrook


Samuel Wallace Died: 1800 KY, USA

Louisa Rachel Parker Born: 22 Feb 1827 KY,USA

Mary E Parker Born: 04 Dec 1828 KY, USA

Sarah M Parker Born: 1830 KY, USA

Jane Keaple Parker Born: 04 Apr 1832 KY,USA

Lemuel Deforrest Parker Born: 22 Aug 1834KY, USA

Lewis Rousseau Parker Born: 20 Apr 1838KY, USA

Marshall Emory Parker Born: 17 Jan 1841KY, USA

Louisa Deforest Died: 1849 KY, USA

Mary Buster Died: 1852 KY, USA

Albert B. Ames Born: 1862

John William Parker Died: 10 Dec 1910 KY,USA

Mary E Parker Died: 1914 KY, USA

Kilbirnie, Scotland

Robert Crawford Died: 1513 Kilbirnie,Ayershire

Isabel Crawford Born: 1526 Kilbirnie,Ayshire

Helen Campbell Died: 1547 Kilbirnie,Aylshire

Lawrence Crawford Died: 04 Jun 1547Kilbirnie, Ayershire

Margaret Colquhoun Died: 1561 Kilbirnie,Aylshire

Hugh Crawford Died: 1576 Kilbirnie,Ayershire

Malcolm Crawford Died: 1595 Kilbirnie,Aylshire

Kilkenny, Ireland

Thomas Kaple Born: Abt. 1715

Kings Co., NY

Johannes Christoffel Schaers Born: 1641Gowanus, Kings, New York, USA

Willem Adrianse Bennett Died: 1644Gowanus, Kings, New York, USA

Adeltje Vanderbeek Born: 30 May 1649Flatlands, Kings, NY, USA

Paulus Van Der Beek Born: 27 Nov 1650Gowanus, Kings, NY, USA

William Mandeville Born: 1657 Flatlands,Kings, New York, USA

Francois Sohier Died: 1663 Flatbush, Kings,New York, USA

Maria Johannes Schaers Born: 1667Gowanus, Kings, New York, USA

Paulus Vanderbeek Born: 1672 Gowanus,Kings, NY, USA

Aaltje Schaers Born: Jul 1678 Gowanus,Kings, New York, USA

Jacobus D Des Marest Born: 30 Oct 1681Flatbush, Kings, NY, USA

Marritje Willemse Bennet Died: 25 Apr 1690Flatbush, Kings, New York, USA

Johannes Christoffel Schaers Died: Oct 1690Flatbush, Kings, New York, USA

Tryntje Mandeville Died: 1696 Flatbush,Kings, New York, USA

Adeltje Vanderbeek Died: 30 May 1710Flatlands, Kings, NY, USA

Kingston, Ulster Co., NY

Jannetje Lozier Born: 22 Aug 1660 Kingston,Ulster, New York, USA

Hillebrandt Le Sueur Born: 04 Nov 1663Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA

Hillebrandt Le Sueur Died: 04 Nov 1663Kingston, Ulster, New York, USA

Jacob Le Sueur Born: 26 Jul 1665 Kingston,Ulster, New York, USA

John Le Sueur Born: 26 Jul 1665 Kingston,Ulster, New York, USA

Tryntie Slot Born: 06 Aug 1671 Kingston,Ulster, NY, USA

Andries Rees Died: 1674 Kingston, Ulster,NY, USA

Jannatie Hildebrand Pietersen Died: 1678Kingston, NY, USA

Aeltje Slot Born: 1678 Kingston, Ulster, NY,USA

Jonas Sloat Born: 04 Apr 1681 Kingston,Ulster, NY, USA

Magdalena Hite Born: 06 Sep 1713 Kingston

Knoxville, Knox Co., TN (845 Mi SW ofChatham)

Martha See Died: 06 Apr 1906

John Eric Swanson Born: 27 Jan 1967 BaptistHosp.

Sheila Grey Swanson Born: 16 Feb 1972

La Rochelle, France

Anne Morand Born: 03 Aug 1646

John Durand Born: 26 Dec 1664

Lanark, Scotland

John De Crawford Died: Crawford

Lanarkshire, Scotland

Galfridus De Crawford Born: 1120Crawfordjohn

Reginald De Crawford Born: 1120 CrawfordJohn, Clydesdale

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Unknown Swane Sweinsdotter Born: 1122Crawford, Clydesdale

John De Crawford Born: 1138 Crawford John,Clydesdale

John Crawford Born: 1140 Clydales, L

Gualterus Crawford Born: 1150 CrawfordJohn, Clydesdale

Hugh De Crawford Born: 1170 Crawfordjohn,Clydesdale

Mrs Hugh Crawford Born: 1172 CrawfordJohn, Clydesdale

Galfridus De Crawford Born: Apr 1185Crawford John, Clydesdale

John De Crawford Born: 1222 Crawfordjohn,Clydesdale

Alicia De Dalsallock Born: 1226Crawfordjohn, Clydesdale

Alicia De Dalsallock Born: 1230 Draffen,Lesmahagow

Alicia Draffen Born: 1230 Draffen,Lesmahagow

William Douglas Born: 1240 Douglas

Alexander Stewart Born: 1240 Crawford

Reginald Crawford Born: 1255 Crawfordjohn,Clydesdale

John Maxwell Born: 1289 Libberton

Beatrice De Lindsay Born: 1291 Crawford

Archibald Douglas Born: 1297 Douglas

Alexander De Lindsay Died: 1308 Crawford,Clydesdale

William Douglas Born: 1323 Douglas

Eleanor Douglas Born: 1325 Douglas

Margaret Stewart Born: 1325 Douglas

Eufemia Lindsay Born: 1365 Crawford,Clydesdale

William Douglas Died: May 1384 Douglas

Janet Herries Died: 1439 Caulderwood

Lancashire, England

Daughter Robert De Stuteville Died:Aldingham Manor

Daughter Robert De Stuteville Born: 1088Aldingham Manor

Robert De Bruce Died: 1094 Gisburn

Michael Fleming Died: 1150 AldinghamManor

Isabella De Albiniaco Born: 1229 Muston

George Douglas Died: 1402 Hamildon

Lancaster, Lancaster Co., PA (349 Mi SWof Chatham)

James McClung Died: 1744 Lancaster, PA,USA

Le Havre, France

William De Tankerville Born: 1054Tancarville, Le Havre Seine Inferieure

Lee Co., IA

William Palmer Mix Died: 21 Apr 1844 Lee,IA, USA

Leeds, England

Daniel De Crevequer Born: 1130 LeedsCastle, Kent

Elias De Crevequer Died: 1145 Leeds Castle,Kent

Robert De Crevequer Born: 1155 LeedsCastle, Kent

Leeuwarden, Netherlands

Michael Johannis De Mandeville Born: 1585Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands

Maria Van De Raede Born: 1585 Leeuwarden,Netherlands

Zytian Liuwes Born: 1644 Leeuwarden,Friesland, Netherlands

Leicestershire, England

Ralph Bakepuiz Died: 1067 Allexton

Robert Bakepuiz Born: 1110 Allexton

Alice Grimbald Born: 1120

Margery Fitzurse Born: 1135 Kirby Bellars

Richard Fitzurse Died: 1141 Kirby Bellars

Margaret Somervile Born: 1176 Cossington

Eustace De Greinville Born: 1184 Hallaton,Uppingham

Gilbert De Greinville Born: 1210 Hallaton

Joan De Greinville Born: 1236 Hallaton

Gilbert De Greinville Died: 1243 Hallaton

Margaret Somervile Died: 1244 Cossington

Joan Peverel Died: 1358 Hallaton,Uppingham

Leiden, Netherlands

Adriaentje Jans Born: 1619 Leiden, ZuidHolland, Netherlands

Lens, France

Adeliza De Normandy Died: 1090 Lens,Normandy

Lewis Co., NY

Paulus Van Der Beck Born: 17 Nov 1650Gowanus, Lewis, New York, USA

Tryntje Mandeville Died: 1696 Flatlands,Lewis, New York, USA

Lexington, Fayette Co., KY (808 Mi SW ofChatham)

Peter Le Grand Died: 11 Jan 1813

Lucy Nash Died: 01 Dec 1817

Limerick, Limerick, Munster, Ireland

Harald Sitricsson Born: 925

Lincolnshire, England

William Wilson Died

Alice De Montfort Died: 1091 Folkingham

Walter De Gaunt Born: 1092 Folkingham

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Gilbert De Gand Died: 1094 Bardney

Agnes De Gaunt Born: 1121 Folkingham

Walter De Gaunt Died: 1139 Bardney

De Briwere Died: 1160 Moulton

Matilda De Albini Born: 1166 South Ingleby

Jordan I Foliot Died: 1166 Frisby

Roger De Colville Born: 1200 Bytham Castle

Walter Colvill Born: 1225 Bitham

Jordan Foliot Died: 1225 Frisby

Elizabeth De Mowbray Born: 1242 Axholme

Roger Colvill Born: 1251 Bitham

Isabella De Albiniaco Died: 1266 CastleBytham, Stanford

Walter Colvill Died: 1276 Bitham

Roger Colvill Died: Apr 1288 Bitham

Margery De Braose Died: 1335 CastleBytham, Stanford

Joan Toly Died: 28 Dec 1392 Bassingborough

Anna Dyer Born: 1425 Great Staughton

John De La Pole Born: 27 Sep 1442

William Wilson Born: 1496 Welbourn

William Wilson Born: 1512 Welbourn

William Wilson Born: 1516 Welbourn

William Cheesbrough Born: Abt. 1550

Margaret Jenkinson Born: Abt. 1550

William Cheesbrough Died: UnknownLincolnshire, England probably

Margaret Jenkinson Died: UnknownLincolnshire, England probably

Linlithgow, Scotland

Catherine Maxwell Born: 1408 Linlithgow,Linlithgowshire

Lippstadt, Germany

Andries Rees Born: 1629

Litchfield, Litchfield Co., CT (166 Mi NWof Chatham)

Ichabod A Mix Born: 1779 Litchfield, CT,USA

Olive Mix Born: 1779 Litchfield, CT, USA

Amelia Mix Born: 1783 Litchfield, CT, USA

Hiram Mix Born: 22 Apr 1801 Litchfield, CT,USA

Litchfield Co., CT

Mary Mercy St John Born: 26 Jun 1734Sharon

Amelia Pennoyer Born: 1762 Sharon

Little Silver, Monmouth Co., NJ (232 MiSW of Chatham)

Hendrik Van Voorhees Born

Hendrik Van Voorhees Died

Livingston Co., NY

Leysebert Jans Born: 1627 Flatlands,Livingston, New York, USA

Lysbeth Janse Born: 1650 Flatlands,Livingston, New York, USA

Chriatina De La Vinje Died: 1663 Bushwick,Livingston, NY, USA

William Mandeville Died: 30 Oct 1679Seatalcott, Livingston, New York, USA

Gerret Lubbertsen Died: 1721 Flatbush,Livingston, New York, USA

Aeltie Paulus Van Der Beek Died: 1728Flatlands, Livingston, New York, USA

London, England

Daniel Meekes Born

Daniel Meekes Died

William Douglas Died: 1298 Tower London,London, Middlesex

John Wallace Died: 1307 London, Middlesex

John Le Chaucer Born: 1309 London,Middlesex

Agnes Copton Born: 1317 London, Middlesex

Geoffrey Chaucer Born: 1343 London,Middlesex

John Maxwell Died: 1346 Tower London,London, Middlesex

Bartholomew Burghersh Died: 03 Aug 1355Grey Friars, London, Middlesex

Elizabeth De Verdun Died: 01 May 1360Grey Friars, London, Middlsex

John Le Chaucer Died: 1366 London,Middlesex

Agnes Copton Died: 1381 Vintry

Phillipa De Roet Died: 1387 London,Middlesex

Geoffrey Chaucer Died: 25 Oct 1400 London,Middlesex

Annie Giles Born: 1496 London, Sussex

John Hewson Atwood Died: Mar 1562 Field

Elizabeth Herbecq Died: 1602 London,Buckinghamshire

Thomas Mix, Sr Born: Abt. 1624 LondonCity, Middlesex (now

Thomasyn Church Died: 1634 London,Middlesex

George Reynolds Died: 1634 London,Middlesex

Los Angeles, Los Angeles Co., CA

Rosamond Hardy Born: 1911

Loudoun Co., VA

Sarah Jane Jones Born: 17 May 1768Loudoun, VA, USA

Sarah Jane Jones Born: 17 May 1768Loudoun, VA, USA

Jockey Bill Buster Born: 05 Jun 1791Loudoun, VA, USA

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Elizabeth Buster Born: 25 Dec 1795Loudoun, VA, USA

Lynn, Essex Co., MA (74 Mi NW ofChatham)

Edmund Bridges Born: 1612 Lynn, Essex,Massachusetts, USA

Macon, Macon Co., MO

John Buster Died: 21 Aug 1877 Macon, MO,USA

Malden, Middlesex Co., MA (76 Mi NW ofChatham)

Gabriel Whelden Died: Abt. Mar 1654

Mannheim, Germany

David Desmarets Born: 20 Dec 1651Mannheim, Baden, Wurttemberg

Samuel Demarest Born: 05 Aug 1656Mannheim, Palatinate

Jacques Laroe Born: 02 Dec 1656 FrenchChurch

Susanna Laroe Born: 09 Oct 1658 Mannheim,Karlsruhe, Baden

Jacob Leroux Born: 1660 Mannheim,Karlsruhe, Baden

Marie Le Roux Born: 11 Aug 1662Mannheim, Palz

Jeanne Guerin Died: 1664

Anne Le Roux Born: 17 Aug 1664Mannheim, Palz

Maryville, Blount Co., TN (855 Mi SW ofChatham)

James Kevin Swanson Born: 13 Jun 1968Blount Memorial Hospital

Florence Belle Buster Died: 1971

Frank Boyd Montgomery Died: 1978


Joseph Atkins Died: Eastham

Hope Howes Born: Yarmouth

Hope Howes Died: Eastham

Dorothy Jones Died: Yarmouth

Elizabeth Jones Born: Yarmouth

James Matthews Died: Yarmouth

Judah Minor Died: Massachusetts, USA

Martha Pease Died: Eastham

Peter Chesebrough Died: Bef. 1649Massachusetts probably

Sarah Chesebrough Died: Bef. 1649Massachusetts probably

Sarah Matthews Born: 21 Jul 1649 Yarmouth

Samuel Howes Born: Abt. 1650 Yarmouth

Nathaniel Mayo Died: 1662 Eastham

Thomas Howes Died: Oct 1665 Yarmouth

Joseph Atkins Born: Bet. 04 Mar 1669 - 1670Eastham

Henry Howland Died: Bet. 01 Jan 1670 -1671 Duxbury

Abigail Howland Died: 07 Apr 1672 Eastham

Mary Newland Died: 16 Aug 1674 Duxbury

Richard Sears Born: Abt. 1680 Yarmouth

Giles Hopkins Died: Abt. 1690 Eastham

John Young Died: Bet. 28 Jan 1690 - 1691Eastham

Joseph Wise Born: 1695 Chebacco,Massachusetts, USA

Samuel Smith Died: Bet. 22 Mar 1696 - 1967Eastham

Hannah Prence Died: Bef. Nov 1698 Eastham

Henry Atkins Died: Bef. 21 Aug 1700Eastham

Paul Sears Died: Bet. 20 Feb 1707 - 1708Yarmouth

Deborah Williard Died: 13 May 1721Yarmouth

Samuel Howes Died: Bet. 10 Jan 1722 - 1723Yarmouth

Massena, Saint Lawrence Co., NY (334 MiNW of Chatham)

Louise Carolyn White Born: 30 Nov 1928

Maybole, Scotland

Katherine Kennedy Born: 1465 CulzeanCastle, Maybole, Ayreshire

Meath, Leinster, Ireland

Elizabeth Woods Born: 1682 DunshauglinCastle

Elizabeth Wallace Born: 1695 DunshanglinCastle, Dunshanglin

William Wallace Born: 1706 DunshanglinCastle, Dunshanglin

Mercer Co., KY

Samuel McDowell Died: 25 Sep 1817

Mary McClung Died: Oct 1827 ShawneeSpring


Katherina Durand Died: Guadalahara

Middlesex, England

Bridget Hervie Born: 1435

Middlesex Co., CT

William Palmer Died: 1697 Killingworth,Middlesex, CT, USA

Middletown, Middlesex Co., CT

Zebediah Mix Born: Bef. 03 Mar 1728

Amos Mix Born: 10 Jun 1754

Zebediah Mix Born: 03 Mar 1756Middletown, Middlesex, CT, USA

William Mix Born: Bef. 29 Jan 1758

William Mix Died: Bef. Oct 1759

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

William Mix Died: Oct 1759 Middletown,Middlesex, CT, USA

William Mix Born: 21 Oct 1759 Middletown,Middlesex, CT, USA

Ephraim Mix Born: 19 Jul 1761 Middletown,Middlesex, CT, USA

John Mix Born: 16 Sep 1764 Middletown,Middlesex, CT, USA

Sarah Mix Born: 02 Mar 1766 Middletown,Middlesex, CT, USA

Molly Mix Born: 07 Jun 1767 Middletown,Middlesex, CT, USA

Thomas Mix Born: 12 Feb 1769 Middletown,Middlesex, CT, USA

Milford, New Haven Co., CT

Abigail Treat Born: Apr 1660

Jane Andrew Born: 16 Apr 1699

Jane Tapp Died: 08 Apr 1703

John Downs Born: 18 Jul 1704 Milford, NewHaven, CT, USA

Robert Treat Died: 12 Jul 1710

Ann Hine Born: 19 Feb 1711 Milford, NewHaven, CT, USA

Abigail Treat Died: 25 Dec 1727

John Durand Born: Abt. Dec 1734

Samuel Andrew Died: 24 Jan 1738

Peter Pond Born: 18 Jan 1740 Milford, NewHaven, CT, USA

Susan Newell Born: 1742 Milford, NewHaven, CT, USA

Ann Hine Died: 27 Jan 1795 Milford, NewHaven, CT, USA

Meritt Knapp Durand Born: 05 Oct 1795

John Downs Died: 12 Jan 1799 Milford, NewHaven, CT, USA

Peter Pond Died: 1807 Milford, New Haven,CT, USA

Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN

Eliza Catherine Vanderbeck Died: 18 May1889 Minneapolis, Hennepin, MN, USA


Walter Palmer Born: 01 Jun 1633 Suffolk,MS, USA

Mons, Belgium

Gossuin De Mons Born: 996 Mons, Hainault

Gossuin I De Mons Born: 1050 Mons,Hainault

Gossuin De Mons Born: 1110 Mons, Hainault

Montclair, Essex Co., NJ (228 Mi SW ofChatham)

Charles Anderson Chrystal Born: 12 Jul 1914

Dorothy Bertha Chinnock Born: 07 Sep 1914

Montgomery, Montgomery Co., AL

Zenas Dean Parker Died: 21 Feb 1897Montgomery, AL, USA

Montgomery Co., VA

Rebecca Chrisman Born: 1760 Montgomery,VA, USA

Joseph Chrisman Born: 1763

Elizabeth Chrisman Born: 1765 Montgomery,VA, USA

Isaac Chrisman Born: 11 Apr 1766Montgomery, VA, USA

Jonathan Chrisman Born: 1769 Montgomery,VA, USA

Mary Chrisman Born: 1773 Montgomery,VA, USA

Ann Nancy Chrisman Born: 1776Montgomery, VA, USA

Keziah Stephens Died: 05 May 1814Montgomery, VA, USA

Jonathan Chrisman Died: 1818 Montgomery,VA, USA

Joseph Chrisman Died: 1847

Monticello, Wayne Co., KY

Julia (Kitty) Gholson Born: Monticello, KY,USA

Mary Buster Born: 12 Jun 1789 Monticello,Wayne, KY, USA

James Stone Chrisman Born: 14 Sep 1818

Sarah Buster Born: 26 May 1820 Monticello,KY, USA

John Parker Buster Born: 18 Jan 1861

Lucy Dixie Chrisman Born: 15 Jul 1863

James Stone Chrisman Died: 29 Jul 1881

Morris Co., NJ

Margaret Mandeville Died: 1704 Pacquanac,Morris, New Jersey, USA

Mount Kisco, Westchester Co., NY (197 MiSW of Chatham)

Minnie Laura Ames Died: 02 Oct 1946

Lewis A. Alliger Died: 28 Feb 1951

Rosamond Hardy Died: 1970

Mulheim, Germany

Georgius Rettinghausen Born: 1595 Mulheim,Westphalia

Heinrich George Rittenhouse Born: 1620Mulheim, Westfalia

Nicholas Rittenhouse Born: 15 Jun 1666Mulheim, Westphalia

Naarden, Netherlands

Seigneur Pierre Mabille Died: 1580 Naarden,Noord, Holland

Abram Janns Born: 1600 Naarden, Holland

Namur, Belgium

Ida Countess De Namur Born: 1083 Namur

Nashville, Davidson Co., TN (977 Mi SW ofChatham)

Sarah Frances Sanders Born: 28 Sep 1942Nashville, Tennessee at Protestant Hosp.

William Jennings Bryan Died: 1991

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Stephanie Morgan Swanson Born: 03 Jun1999 Centennial Hospital

Netherlands (NE of France)

Lieuwe Te Banta Died: Holland

Wenemar De Gand Born: 1070 Ghent,Flanders, Holland

Wenemar De Gand Died: 1140 Ghent,Flanders, Holland

Pieter Walichs Born: 1478 Winkle, NorthHolland

Hendri Ackerman Born: 1500 Franckendahl,Palatine

Jan Pieter Walichs Born: 1508 Winkle, NorthHolland

Pieter Jans Walichs Born: 1538 Winkle, NorthHolland

Lieuwe Te Banta Born: 1540 Minnertsga,Friesland

Sil Cornelisda Born: 1554 Minnertsga, WFriesland

Anne Crommelin Born: 1560 Conay, Holland

David Sohier Born: 1560 Mons, Hainault,Holland

Eli Braconie

Jean Cuvellier Born: 1565 Hainault

Epke Luvese Banta Born: 1569 Minnertsga,Friesland

Dirck Walichs Born: 1570 Winkel, Holland

Anne Jacobse Born: 1573 North Holland,Gooiland, Holland

Jacob Walichs Born: 1573 Winkle, NorthHolland

Gysbert Van Blarcom Born: 1576 Holland

Tryn Willems Born: 1577 Winkle, NorthHolland

Adrian Bennet

Sara N Died: 1585

Aegidius Van De Raede Died: 1587 Franeker,Friesland, Friesland

Engeltje Jans

Adrian Bennett Born: 1594 Holland

Willem Hopper Born: 1596 Holland

Anne Crommelin Died: 1598 Holland

David Sohier Died: 1598 Holland

Barent Barents Born: 1599 Hooren, ZuyderZee, East Friesland

Jean Cuvellier Died: 1599 Valenciennes

Divertje Cornelis Born: 1603 Debeemster,Noord Holland

Anetzie Webber Born: 1605 Hague, Holland

Maria Thomas Badie Born: 1608 Waverveen,Utrect Provence

Jan Pietersen Sloat Born: 1613 Holstein,Holland

Tryntje Jacobs Born: 1620 Hoorne, NorthHolland

Clerke Everts Born: 1621 Holland

Jannetje Gerritzen Born: 1624 Gelderland

Gysbert Lubbertsen Born: 1624 Beemster,North, Holland

Gysbert Van Blarcom Born: 1624 Noordt,Holland

Barent Barents Died: 02 Feb 1624 Hooren,East Friesland

Giles Jansen De Mandeville Born: Jun 1626Garderen, Veluwe, Gelderland, Holland

Thys Lubbertsen Born: 1628 De Rijp, North,Holland

Thuys Lubberts Van Blarcom Born: 1628Rijp, Beemster, Noordt-Holland

Epke Luvese Banta Died: 1630 Minnertsga,Friesland

Neeltje Weber Died: 1632 Ultrecht, Holland

Divertje Cornelius Died: 1638 Holland

Magdaleentje Theunis Born: 1639 Huisen,Gooiland, Noordt, Holland

Marritje Jacobse Walichs Born: 1644 Hoorne

Tuman Jansen Jans Died: 1646 Ultrecht,Holland

Hendrick Mandeville Born: 1646 Guilderland,Holland

Aeltie Paulus Van Der Beek Born: 30 May1649 New

Sil Cornelisda Died: 1650 Minnertsga,Friesland

Cornelius Epkese Banta Born: 1652Minnertsga, Friesland

Tryntje Mandeville Born: 1652 Gardeven,Veluwe, Gilderland

Seba Epkese Banta Born: 1654 Osterbierum,Friesl, Holland

Jan Mandeville Born: 1654 Voortbuizen,Garderen, Gelderland

Tryntje Mandeville Born: 1654 Voortbuizen,Gelderland

Hendrick Epkese Banta Born: Jun 1655Minnertsga, Friesland

Jacob Epkese Te Banta Died: 1656 Arum,Friesland

Johannes Michaelsz Mandeville Died: 1657Garderen, Gelderland

Jacob Walichs Died: 17 Aug 1657 Winkle,North Holland

Weart Epkese Banta Born: May 1658Minnertsga, Friesland, Holland

Wilhelmina Dewees Born: 13 Mar 1673Lieuwarden, Friesland, Holland

Isaac Ver Planck Died: 1689 Holland

Johannes Ackerman Died: 09 Jan 1731

New Hampshire

Mary Morrison Died: Londonderry, NH, USA

John Morrison Died: 16 Feb 1736Londonderry, NH, USA

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Family Map

Hannah Thornton Born: Abt. 1769 prob.Londonderry

John McGaw Born: 12 May 1774 prob.Bedford

Henry Wood Born: 10 Apr 1796 Loudon

Harriet Frances McGaw Born: 1808 Bedford

New Haven, New Haven Co., CT

Nathaniel Turner Born: 1600 New Haven,New Haven, CT, USA

Rebecca Turner Born: 1624 New Haven

Thomas Mix Born: 30 Aug 1655 New Haven

James Mix Born: 29 Dec 1683 New Haven,New Haven, CT, USA

Thomas Mix, Sr Died: 1691 New Haven

Dorothy Mix Born: 23 Nov 1691 New Haven,New Haven, CT, USA

Ann Mix Born: 07 May 1694 New Haven,New Haven, CT, USA

Peter Pond Born: 22 Jan 1718 Branford, NewHaven, CT, USA

Rebecca Turner Died: 14 Jun 1731 NewHaven

Joseph Mix Born: 1789 New Haven, NewHaven, CT, USA

New Haven Co., CT

Andrew Durand Born: 17 Dec 1702 Derby

John Durand Died: 29 Mar 1727 Derby

Jane Andrew Died: 15 Feb 1778 Derby

Zebediah "Zed" Mix Born: Bet. 1784 - 1785or near Litchfield County or

Hiram Mix Born: 1787 or near LitchfieldCounty or

Andrew Durand Died: 28 Oct 1791 Derby

New Jersey

Jacob Van Winkle Died: 1657 Pavonia, NewJersey, USA

Laurents Ackerman Died: 03 May 1707 NewJersey, USA

Lydia Demarest Died: 1712 New Jersey, USA

Hendrick Mandeville Died: 08 Dec 1712Mountain View, New Jersey, USA

Marrityn Ackerman Born: 10 Jan 1725 NewJersey, USA

Jacomina Demarest Died: 1728 New Jersey,USA

Maritie Lozier Died: 30 Mar 1728 NewJersey, USA

Daniel Demarest Died: 30 Mar 1767 Oradel,New Jersey, USA

Lydia Banta Died: 27 Oct 1792Schraalenburgh, New Jersey, USA

Johannes Banta Died: 26 Dec 1822Schraalenburg, New Jersey, USA

William White Died: 18 Nov 1868

Hannah White Died: 08 Jul 1873

Lillian E. Keegan Born: 21 Jul 1895 Bogota

Helen Raymond Chinnock Born: 1908

Beatrice White Chinnock Born: 04 Oct 1909

John Henry White Died: Aug 1917 BeaverLake

John Edward White Born: 11 Aug 1932

Dorothy Allegra Chrystal Born: 17 Aug 1937Glen Ridge

Bertha White Died: 1939

Mary Chadwick Died: 19 Feb 1942

Sarah Chadwick Chrystal Born: 01 Apr 1942Glen Ridge

James Hunter White Died: 26 Jul 1966

Lillian E. Keegan Died: 1969

New Kent, New Kent Co., VA (470 Mi SWof Chatham)

Matthew Whitfield Died: 1684 New Kent,VA, USA

Matthew Whitfield Died: 1761 New Kent,VA, USA

New London, New London Co., CT

Lydia Moore Born: 06 Oct 1644 Stonington,New London, CT, USA

Manasseh Miner Born: 23 Apr 1647 NewLondon, New London County, CT, the firstmale child born in

Rebecca Palmer Born: 01 Jul 1647Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Ann Minor Born: 28 Apr 1649 New London

Maria Miner Born: 05 May 1651 NewLondon

Eunice Minor Born: 05 May 1651 NewLondon, New London, CT, USA

Ann Minor Died: 13 Aug 1652 New London

Rebecca Baldwin Born: 20 May 1673Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Elnathan Miner, Sr Born: 28 Dec 1673Quiambaug, New London

Samuel Miner Born: 20 Sep 1675 Quiambaug,New London

Sylvester Baldwin Born: 04 Mar 1677Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Hannah Miner Born: 30 Nov 1677Quiambaug, New London

Lydia Miner Born: Bet. 1678 - 1681Quiambaug, New London

Thomas Miner, Sr Born: 20 Sep 1683Quiambaug, New London

Hannah Miner Died: 1692 New London

Hannah Chesebrough Born: 25 Feb 1699Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Rebecca Baldwin Died: 12 Mar 1700Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Clement Minor Died: 08 Nov 1700 NewLondon, CT, USA

James Fitch Died: 18 Nov 1702 Lebanon

Elihu Chesebrough Born: 30 Nov 1704Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Lydia Chesebrough Born: 10 Mar 1710Stonington, New London, CT, USA

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Family Map

Joseph Minor Died: 31 Jan 1711 Stonington,New London, CT, USA

Rebecca Chesebrough Born: 16 Mar 1711Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Rebecca Palmer Died: 02 May 1713Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Elisha Chesebrough Born: 30 Jun 1714Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Elisha Chesebrough Died: 12 Aug 1719Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Manasseh Miner Died: 22 Aug 1728Quiambaug, New London

Sylvester Baldwin Died: 1732 Stonington,New London, CT, USA

Hannah Chesebrough Died: 1737 Stonington,New London, CT, USA

John Kaple Born: 12 Nov 1750 Stonington,New London, CT, USA

Anna Mix Born: 04 Mar 1753 Stonington,New London, CT, USA

Sarah Richardson Born: 10 Jun 1753Lebanon, New London, CT, USA

Lydia Chesebrough Died: 29 Jul 1762Stonington, New London, CT, USA

Elihu Chesebrough Died: 27 Oct 1769Stonington, New London, CT, USA

New London Co., CT

Joseph Chesebrough Died: Aft. 1649Stonington, New London County, CT at ayoung age

John Chesebrough Died: Bet. 1649 - 1660Stonington

Samuel Miner Born: 04 Mar 1652 Mystic

Elizabeth Miner Born: 1653 Stonington

Hannah Miner Born: 15 Sep 1655 Mystic

Maria Miner Died: 24 Jan 1660 Stonington

Walter Palmer Died: 20 Nov 1661 Stonington

William Chesebrough Died: 09 Jun 1667Wequetequock, Stonington

Elihu Chesebrough Born: 03 Dec 1668Wequetequock, Stonington

Elisha Chesebrough Died: 01 Apr 1670Stonington

Samuel Chesebrough, Sr Died: Abt. 31 Jul1673 Stonington

Anna Stevenson Died: 24 Aug 1673Wequetequock, Stonington

Nathaniel Chesebrough, Sr Died: 22 Nov1678 Stonington

Grace Palmer Died: 12 Oct 1690 Stonington

Thomas Minor Died: 23 Oct 1690 Quiambaug

Zebediah Mix Born: 12 Dec 1697 Preston

Sarah Chesebrough Born: 03 Dec 1700Stonington

Lydia Miner Died: 22 Apr 1707 Stonington,New London County, CT from complicationswith the birth of her son John Baldwin

Ephraim Miner, Sr Died: 19 May 1724Stonington

Amos Mix Born: Bef. 06 Feb 1726Stonington

Hannah Mix Born: Bef. 11 Jan 1730Stonington

Olive Bell Born: Bef. 12 Apr 1730 Stonington

Sarah Mix Born: Bef. 03 Nov 1734Stonington

Rebecca Mix Born: Abt. 1736 Stonington

Thomas Miner, Sr Died: 09 Apr 1739Stonington

Lydia Mix Born: 13 Jul 1746 Stonington

Elihu Chesebrough Died: 28 Jun 1750Stonington

Hannah Miner Died: 22 Aug 1751 Stonington

Elnathan Miner, Sr Died: 11 Oct 1756Stonington

Sarah Mix Died: 19 Jan 1790 Stonington

New Milford, Bergen Co., NJ (216 Mi SWof Chatham)

David Des Marets Died: 16 Oct 1695 NewMilford, New Jersey, USA

New York

Gudyen Vigne Born: 1614 LI, NY, USA

Jan Jans Jenszen Born: 05 Dec 1636 NY,USA

Elizabeth Solomon Goewey Born: 1640 NY,USA

Hendrick De Boogh Died: 1649 NY, USA

Hester Van Der Beek Born: 15 Dec 1652 NY,USA

Barent Van Rotmers Died: 1660 NY, USA

Elizabeth Bellier Died: Mar 1668 Harlem,NY, USA

Jacomyntje Ver Planck Died: 20 Apr 1669NY, USA

Francois Le Sueur Died: 1671 Harlem, NY,USA

Abigail Ver Planck Died: 1672 NY, USA

Isaac Salomon VandeBong Born: 1673 DutchChurch, NY, USA

David Demarest Born: 19 Feb 1676 NewHarlem, NY, USA

David Des Marets Born: 19 Feb 1676 NewHaarlem, NY, USA

Peter Des Marest Born: 21 Apr 1677 NY, NY,NY, USA

Abraham Van Der Beek Born: 01 Apr 1682NY, USA

Jacob Vanderbeck Born: 02 Mar 1688 NY,USA

Jan Vigne Died: 21 Dec 1689 NewNetherlands, NY, NY, USA

Conrad Vanderbeck Born: 05 Nov 1693 NY,USA

Abraham Van Der Beek Died: 17 Jul 1706NY, NY, NY, USA

Tryrntie Lozier Died: 1711 NY, NY, USA

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Family Map

Annatje Barent De Boog Born: 26 May 1717NY, NY, NY, USA

William Palmer Mix Born: 1795 NY, USA

Otis Parker Born: 01 Jan 1796 NY, USA

Gelyn Ackerman Died: 09 May 1800 Fishkill,NY, USA

George A Mix Born: 01 Aug 1805 NY, USA

Sarah Richardson Died: 1816 Decatur, NY,USA

John Parker Died: 25 Mar 1865 NY, USA

New York, NY

Elizabeth Janse Clausen Died: New York,USA

Marritie De Boogh Died: New York, NY,USA

Gysbert Van Blarcom Died: New York, USA

Geertje Hendricks Born: 1624 New York,New York, NY, USA

Lucas Dirckszen Vanderburgh Born: 1625New Amsterdam, New York, New York, USA

Annatje Cornelis Born: 1630 NewAmsterdam, New York, New York, USA

Hildebrand Pietersen Died: 1639 New YorkCity

Catalyn Ver Planck Born: Feb 1639 NewYork, NY, NY, USA

Conrad Vanderbeek Born: 01 Sep 1647 NewYork, New York, NY, USA

Catharina Hopper Born: 10 Sep 1651 NewYork City, New York, NY, USA

Hendrickje Hopper Born: 10 Sep 1651 NewYork City, New York, NY, USA

William Hopper Born: 29 Mar 1654 NewYork City, NY, USA

Jan Pieterse Van Naarden Born: 04 Oct 1654New Amsterdam, New York, NY, USA

Margrietje Vanderburgh Born: 1658 NewYork, Dutchess, New York, USA

Matthys Hopper Born: 03 Mar 1658 NewAmsterdam, New York, NY, USA

Solomon De Boogh Born: 1660 New York,NY, USA

Jeanne Leseur Born: 22 Aug 1660 New York,New York, New York, USA

David Ackerman Died: 1662 New York, NewYork, NY, USA

Belitje Arabella Hendrickse Died: 1662 NewYork, NY, USA

Maria Deruine Born: 01 Jan 1662 NewHarlem, New York, USA

Sara Fredrick DE Boogh Born: 1665 NewYork, NY, USA

Lucas Dirckszen Vanderburgh Died: 1665New Amsterdam, New York, New York, USA

David Mandeville Born: 1670 NewAmersfort, NY, New York, USA

Stoffel Johannes Schaers Born: 1672Gowanus, New York, USA

Jeanne Leseur Died: 1675 New York, USA

Gysbert Lubbertsen Died: 1676 New York,USA

Isaac Fredericks De Boog Born: 1677 NewYork, NY, USA

Andries Van Orden Born: 1678 New York,NY, USA

Metty Van Orden Born: 1678 NewAmsterdam, New York, NY, USA

Mary Bush Van Der Beek Born: 10 May 1679New York City, New York, NY, USA

William Mandeville Died: 30 Oct 1679Seatalcott, Long Island, New York, USA

David Ackerman Born: Mar 1681 New YorkCity, NY, USA

Divertje Cornelis Died: 11 Dec 1681 NewAmsterdam, New York, NY, USA

Johannes Ackerman Born: 16 Apr 1684 NewYork, NY, USA

Guleyn Ver Planck Died: 23 Apr 1684 NewYork City, NY, NY, USA

Frederick Hendricks Deboogh Died: 1686New York City, NY, USA

Geertje Hendricks Died: 1686 New York City,NY, USA

Celtje Jans Died: 1688 New York, NY, USA

Peter Jansen Slot Died: 1688 New York, NY,USA

Gelyn Ackerman Died: 11 Aug 1688 NewYork City, NY, NY, USA

Hendricks Henry De Boogh Died: 30 Oct1688 New York, NY, USA

Anna Margariet Vanderbeek Born: 18 Sep1690 New York, NY, USA

Thys Lubbertsen Died: 30 Jul 1693 NewYork, USA

Gerritje Jillisae Manderville Died: 1696Pacquenac, New York, New York, USA

Jan Jansen Sloat Died: 1696 New York City,New York, USA

Maria Thomas Badie Died: 1697 Long Island,New York, USA

Jacob De Boogh Died: Feb 1699 New York,NY, USA

Rebecca De Boogh Died: 1702 New York,NY, USA

Elsje Jans Staats Died: 21 Oct 1702 NewYork City, NY, USA

Jan Pietersen Sloat Died: 1704 New YorkCity, NY, USA

Conrad Vanderbeek Died: 1707 New York,Kings, NY, USA

David Mandeville Died: 16 Jan 1724Greenwich Vill, New York, New York, USA

Anneken Ackerman Died: 09 Jan 1731 NewYork, USA

Matthys Hopper Died: 1733 New York, NewYork, NY, USA

Judith Ellsworth Died: 1735 New York, USA

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Family Map

Margarita Van Orden Died: 1742 New York,NY, USA

Jacob Bradt Died: 19 Apr 1746 Dutch Ch,New York, NY, USA

Solomon De Boogh Died: 1753 New York,NY, USA

Jonas Sloat Died: 29 May 1759 New YorkCity, Kings, NY, USA

John Pennoyer Died: Aft. 1785 Connecticut orNew York possibly

Louis Parker Born: 23 Mar 1798 New York,NY, USA

Robert Stevenson Chinnock Died: 04 Mar1986 New York City

Edith Louise Woodward Died: 18 Jun 1988Fairport

Dorothy Allegra Chrystal Died: 16 Apr 2006Sag Harbor

Newark, Essex Co., NJ (227 Mi SW ofChatham)

Kenneth Carlyle Sutphen Born: 13 Jun 1924

Newburyport, Essex Co., MA (91 Mi NW ofChatham)

Matthew Thornton Died: 24 Jun 1803

Newport, Cocke Co., TN (811 Mi SW ofChatham)

Anderson A. Vinson Born: 07 Mar 1804

William Vinson Died: 26 Nov 1870

Newport, Newport Co., RI (71 Mi SW ofChatham)

Thomas Miner Died: 19 Apr 1662Narragansett, Newport, RI, USA

Nieppe, France

Francois Sohier Born: 1595 Nieppe, Hainault

Marie Sohier Born: 1623 Nieppe, Hainault

Nijmegen, Netherlands

Joannes De Mandeville Born: 1560 Nijmegen,Gelderland, Netherlands

Michael Johannis De Mandeville Died: 1635Nijmegen, Gelderland

Joannes De Mandeville Died: 11 Oct 1635Nijmegen, Gelderland

Maria Van De Raede Died: 07 Jul 1636Nijmegen, Gelderland

Nogent, France

Isabel De Broyes Died: 1058 Nogent Le Roi,Eure Et Loire, Beauce Centre

Norden, Germany

Aechtje Lambertszyn Born: 1600 Norden,East Friesland, Holland, Germany

Aechtje Jans Born: 17 Aug 1629 Norden, DinHooren, East Friesland

Norfolk, England

Margery De Stuteville Born: 1216Gressenhall, Mitford

Agnes De Tilney Born: 1233 Lynn

Jordan Foliot Born: 1249 Gressenhall,Mitford

Jordan Foliot Died: 02 May 1299 Elsing,Mitford

Robert Le Chaucer Died: 1315 Lynn

Maud Kerdeston Born: 1324 Claxton, Loddon

Margery De Newmarch Died: 18 Apr 1330Wendling Abbey, Mitford

John Harvey Died: 1386 Burnham Thorpe

North Carolina

Samuel Stephens Born: 1650 NC, USA

William Stephens Born: 1674 NC, USA

Northampton, Hampshire Co., MA (145 MiNW of Chatham)

Stiles Parker Born: 02 Jan 1765 Northampton,Hampshire, MA, USA

Northamptonshire, England

Richard Engaine Born: 1060 Laxton Pytchley,Enghire

Alice De Buci Born: 1080 Weldon

Viel Engaine Born: 1086 Laxton Pytchley

Viel Engaine Born: 1086 Laxton Pytchley

Viel Engaine Born: 1086 Laxton Pytchley

Viel Engaine Born: 1086 Laxton Pytchley

Richard Fitzurse Born: 1095

Richard Engaine Born: 1116 Laxton

Margery Fitzurse Born: 1119

Reginald De Baliol Born: 1120 Bywell

Richard D Ingham Born: 1120

Richard Engaine Born: 1130 Laxton Pytchley

Richard Engaine Born: 1130 Laxton Pytchley

Richard D Engaine Born: 1130 Laxton,Uppingham

Richard D Engaine Born: 1130 Laxton,Uppingham

De Baliol Born: 1137 Bidwell

Richard I Born: 1137 Laxton

Richard D Engayne Born: 1160 LaxtonFytchley

Richard Engaine Born: 1167 Laxton

Richard De Engaine Born: 1178

Margery Fitzurse Died: 1196 Laxton

Viel Engaine Born: 1200 Laxton, Uppingham

John De Engaine Born: 1232 Laxton,Uppingham

Rohese Montgomery Died: 1248 Laxton

Viel Engaine Died: 22 Oct 1248 Laxton,Uppingham

Joan Peverel Born: 1310 Castle Ashbey

John De Engaine Died: 16 Feb 1358 Laxton,Uppingham

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Northern Ireland (NW of France)

Abraham McDowell Died

Joseph "The Calvinist" MacDowall Died:1655

Northumberland, England

Richard Whitfield Died

Bernard De Balliol Born: 1095 Bywell

Hugh De Balliol Died: 1122 Bywell

Henry De Huntingdon Born: 1151

Bernard De Balliol Died: 1153 Bywell

Henry Cinneadth Born: 1155

Archibald Douglas Died: 19 Jul 1333 HalidenHill

Patrick Hepburn Died: 22 Jun 1402 NisbetMoor, Wooler

John Wheatley Born: 1440

Archibald Campbell Died: 09 Sep 1513Flodden, Kirknewton

Norwalk, Fairfield Co., CT (182 Mi SW ofChatham)

Ezra St John Born: Jun 1707 Norwalk,Fairfield, CT, USA

Ezra St John Died: 10 Dec 1740 Norwalk,Fairfield, CT, USA

Norway (NE of Scotland)

Malahule Eysteinsson Born: 845 Maer, NordTrondelag

Maud De St Pol Born: 859 Maer

Richard I De Cotentin Born: 912 Maer

Malahule Eysteinsson Died: 912 Maer, NordTrondelag

Pieter Kinetis Born: 1560

Dirck Meyer Born: 1608

Norwich, England

Jacques Des Marets Died: 1522

Pierre Des Marets Died: 1604

Antoinette Suceur Died: 1604

Norwich, New London Co., CT

Abigail Mix Born: 10 Mar 1680 Norwich,New London, CT, USA

Deborah Mix Born: 14 Apr 1687 Norwich,New London, CT, USA

Rebecca Mix Born: 14 Apr 1687 Norwich,New London, CT, USA

Elizabeth Mix Born: 15 Apr 1689 Norwich,New London, CT, USA

Thomas Mix Died: 1691 Norwich, NewLondon County, CT possibly

Rebecca Mix Died: 1718 Norwich, NewLondon, CT, USA

Abigail Mix Died: 1742 Norwich, NewLondon, CT, USA

Dorothy Mix Died: 17 May 1761 Norwich,New London, CT, USA

Nottinghamshire, England

Ralph De Novo Foro Born: 1061 Blythe Elton

Thurston Basset Died: 1086 Colston Bassett

Ivo FitzHerice Born: 1090

De Novo Foro Born: 1091 Blythe Elton

Thomas Basset Born: 1099 Colston

Alice De Dunstanville Died: 1186 Colston

Nutley, Essex Co., NJ (226 Mi SW ofChatham)

Kenneth Carlyle Sutphen Died: 10 Sep 1983


Stiles J Parker Died: 09 May 1854 OH, USA

Old Saybrook, Middlesex Co., CT (128 MiSW of Chatham)

Hannah Fitch Born: 17 Dec 1653

Abigail Whitfield Died: 09 Sep 1659

Onondaga Co., NY

John Parker Born: 18 Mar 1793 Onondaga,NY, USA

Ontario, Canada

James St Lord De Loudoun Died: 1165Woolwich, Guelph, ON

Piers De Brus Died: 30 Jan 1307

Arent Bradt Died: 1579 S Lincoln, UpperCanada, ON

Ontario Co., NY

Stiles J Parker Born: 28 Apr 1800 Ontario,NY, USA

Charles Parker Born: 23 Jul 1802 Ontario,NY, USA

Artemus Parker Born: 23 Jun 1804 Ontario,NY, USA

Artemus Parker Died: 26 Jun 1804 Ontario,NY, USA

Riley Parker Born: 19 Jun 1805 Ontario, NY,USA

Sanford Parker Born: 13 Apr 1810 Ontario,NY, USA

Orange, Essex Co., NJ (230 Mi SW ofChatham)

Maritie Ackerman Died: 24 Nov 1756Orange, Essex, New Jersey, USA

Orange Co., NC

Elizabeth Buster Born: 1751 Orange, NC,USA

Caswell Buster Born: 1752 Orange, NC, USA

William Woods Buster Born: 1754 Orange,NC, USA

David Buster Born: 1760 Orange, NC, USA

Charles L Buster Born: 10 Dec 1765

Orange Co., NY

Eybertie Lubberts Van Blarcom Born: 1636 FtOrange, New York, USA

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Family Map

Eybertie Lubberts Van Blarcom Died: 24 Aug1663 Ft Orange, New York, USA

Eybetie Lubberts Van Blarcom Died: 1666Fort Orange, New York, USA

Thomas Badie Died: 1670 Gowanus, Orange,NY, USA

Aeltje Braconie Died: 22 Jun 1670 Gowanus,Orange, NY, USA

Nicolaes Ackerman Died: 01 May 1769Orangetown, Orange, NY, USA

Oss, Netherlands

David Ackerman Born: 1615 Oss, NordBrabant, Netherlands

Oswego, Oswego Co., NY (354 Mi NW ofChatham)

Mary Ruth White Born: 17 Jun 1927 OswegoHosp

Oswestry, England

Christian Fitzalan Born: 1145 OswestryCastle, Shropshire

Otsego Co., NY

Thomas Kaple Died: 1801 Decatur

Abigail Pennoyer Died: 28 Mar 1821Gilbertsville, Otsego, NY, USA

Jane Dixon Died: 29 Mar 1821 Decatur,Otsego, NY, USA

Oxfordshire, England

William De Arsic Born: 1040 Cogges

Robert De Arsic Born: 1095 Cogges, Whitney

Manasser De Arsic Born: 1120 Cogges

Alexander De Arsic Born: 1140 Cogges

Emma De Solenbi Born: 1140 Cogges

Renebault Tankerville Died: 1140 Clinton

Edith Fitzforne Died: 1152 Oseney Abbey

Alan Bassett Born: 1155 Headington

Robert De Arsic Died: 1155 Coggs

Robert De Arsic Born: 1170 Cogges

Thomas Basset Died: 1182 Hedington

Joan De Arsic Born: 1190 Cogges

Manasser De Arsic Died: 1191 Coggs

Alexander De Arsic Died: 1202 Coggs

Robert De Arsic Died: 31 Jan 1230 Coggs

Alan Bassett Died: 1233 Headington

Margaret Gernon Born: 1304 Launton

John Gernon Died: 1335 Launton

John De Burghersh Born: 29 Sep 1343Ewelme

John Burghersh Died: 30 Jun 1349 Ewelme

Thomas Chaucer Born: 1367 Ewelme

Alice Chaucer Born: 1385 Ewelme

John De Burghersh Died: 21 Sep 1391Ewelme

Maud De Burghersh Born: 1396 Ewelme

Thomas Chaucer Died: 1434 Church, Ewelme

Maud De Burghersh Died: 28 Apr 1436Church, Ewelme

Alice Chaucer Died: 20 May 1475 Ewelme

Paisley, Scotland

Alan Fitzwalter Born: 1126 Paisley Abbey,Renfrewshire

Avelina Fitzwalter Born: 1179 Paisley,Renfrewshire

Avelina Fitzwalter Born: 1179 Paisley,Renfrewshire

Wallace Heiress Born: 1360 Eldeslie, Paisley,Renfrewshire

Paramus, Bergen Co., NJ (219 Mi SW ofChatham)

Andries Hopper Died: 10 Mar 1750 Paramus,Bergen Nj

Paterson, Passaic Co., NJ

Sarah Cooper Died

Geertje Hopper Died: 14 Jan 1795 Paterson,Passaic, New Jersey, USA

Richard White Born: 13 Sep 1850

Elsie White Born: Abt. 1853

Hannah White Born: 04 Feb 1855

Catherine White Born: 01 Feb 1856

Thomas White Born: 31 Aug 1857

James Hunter White Born: 09 Mar 1859

Sara Jane White Born: 12 Feb 1861

Esther White Born: 19 Mar 1863

William Alexander White Born: 05 Feb 1865

Eliza C (Elizabeth) White Born: 29 Sep 1867

John Henry White Born: 15 Jan 1870

Andrew Jackson White Born: 14 Sep 1872

Richard Andrew White Born: 28 Dec 1873

William White Born: 22 Feb 1877

William White Died: 14 Oct 1878

Mary Stevenson "Mamie" White Born: 26 Jun1879

Sarah "Sadie" White Born: 31 Mar 1881

Bertha White Born: 29 Aug 1883

Angelo Zabriskie Born: 07 Feb 1886

Alice Beatrice White Born: 26 Nov 1887

Mary Stevenson Died: 31 Oct 1889 Paterson,Pasaic

Ada B White Born: 04 May 1891

James Hunter White Born: 21 Jul 1892

Henry Chadwick White Born: 03 Aug 1894

Helen Myrick White Born: 30 Oct 1896

Amelia White Born: 12 Jun 1899

Mary Evelyn White Born: 12 Jun 1900

Elsie Joy White Born: 05 Jan 1901

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Family Map

Florence Mabel White Born: 12 May 1901

Leonora White Born: 12 Oct 1904

William Alexander White Born: 15 Jun 1906

James Hunter White Died: 26 Aug 1916

Joseph White Died: 1918

Mary "Jane" Sutphen Born: 04 Oct 1930

Helen Myrick White Died: 13 Aug 1944

Paxton, Ford Co., IL

James A. Vinson Died: 1918

Peebles, Scotland

Margaret De Lyne Died: Locherwarth,Peebles-Shire

Margaret Fraser Born: 1271 Oliver Castle,Tweedmuir, Peebles-Shire

Margaret Fraser Born: 1271 Oliver Castle,Tweedmuir, Peebles-Shire

John De Haya Died: 1272 Locherwarth,Peebles-Shire

Mary Fraser Born: 1288 Peebles-Shire

Margaret Fraser Died: 1383 Locherwarth,Peebles-Shire

Margaret Fraser Died: 1383 Locherwarth,Peebles-Shire

Peekskill, Westchester Co., NY (206 Mi SWof Chatham)

Jan Mandeville Died: 15 Sep 1696 Peekskill,Westchester, New York, USA

Pembrokeshire, Wales

Joan Munchensy Born: 1222


Jacob Chrisman Born: 1730

Abraham Merkle Died: 1734 PA, USA

Samuel McDowell Born: 29 Oct 1735

Adam Wallace Died: 1738 PA, USA

Jonas Posey Moon Born: 18 Jul 1777

Edwin Ames Born: 1864

Caroline Crork Born: 1865

Laura Ames Born: 1867

William Ames Born: 1874

Peronne, France

Adelise De Peronne Born: 975 Peronne,Somme, Picardy

Robert De Peronne Born: 1010 Peronne,Somme, Picardy

Adelaide De Peronne Born: 1090 Peronne,Somme, Picardy

Perth, Scotland

De Moray Born: 592

Muldivana De Atholl Born: 998 Atholl

William De Haya Born: 1192 Errol, TayEstuary

John De Haya Born: 1235 Errol, Tay Estuary

Mary Menteith Born: 1238 Menteith, Rusky

Nicholas De Haya Born: 1240 Erroll

Gilbert De Haya Born: 1270 Erroll

Nicholas De Haya Died: 1306 Erroll

Nicolas De Haya Died: 1332 Dupplin Moor

Thomas Hay Born: 1342 Inchetuthyll

Alicia Hay Born: 1382

Elizabeth Stewart Died: 1389 Kinnoul Castle,Perth

Catherine Douglas Born: 1442 Angus, Atholl

Isabell Drummond Born: 1531 Innerpeffray,Crief

Philadelphia, Philadelphia Co., PA

Maria Christina Rittenhouse Born: 1695Germantown, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Garrett Hendricks Dewees Died: 1701Germantown, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Zytian Liuwes Died: 1703 Germantown,Philadelphia, PA, USA

Geertruid Kersten Pieters Died: 1708Germantown, Philadelphia, PA, USA

William Rittenhouse Died: 18 Feb 1708Germantown, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Nicholas Rittenhouse Died: 04 Jun 1734Germantown, Philadelphia, PA, USA

Wilhelmina Dewees Died: 1737 Philadelphia,PA, USA

Henry Wood Died: 09 Oct 1873

Harriet Frances McGaw Died: 10 Dec 1877

Minnie Laura Ames Born: 07 Jan 1885

Jennie Ames Born: 1887

William Ames Born: 1889

Anna Ames Born: 1892

Delhia Ames Born: 1898

Caroline Ames Born: 1900

Edith Ames Born: 1903

Clayton Ames Born: 1906

Phoenix, Maricopa Co., AZ

Cavan Hardy Born: 1926

Plymouth, Plymouth Co., MA (40 Mi NWof Chatham)

Abigail Howland Born

Hannah Prence Born

Thomas Miner Born: 10 May 1640 Plymouth,Plymouth, Massachusetts, USA

Stephen Hopkins Died: Abt. Jul 1644

Pont-Audemer, France

Woerta De Crepon Born: 968 Pont Audemer,Eure

Avelina De Crepon Died: 1010 PontAudemer, Eure

Pontefract, England

Adam De Novo De Newmarch Died: 1160Womersley, Pontefract West Riding

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Family Map

Pulaski Co., KY

David Buster Died: 1806 Pulaski, KY, USA

William Woods Buster Died: 15 Nov 1829Pulaski, KY, USA

Michael Buster Died: 1846 Pulaski, KY, USA

Matilda Deforrest Lockett Died: 31 Jan 1867

Louisa Rachel Parker Died: 30 May 1908Cedar Hill

Raleigh, Smith Co., MS

James Gholson Chrisman Died: 1866 Raleigh,MS, USA

Renfrew, Scotland

Helen Roodman Born: 1585 Helington

Janet Wallace Born: 1608 Helington

David Wallace Born: 1610 Helington

Rensselaer, Rensselaer Co., NY (204 MiNW of Chatham)

Johannes Bradt Died: 20 Oct 1711Schaghticoke, Rensselaer, NY, USA

Ridgefield, Fairfield Co., CT (185 Mi SW ofChatham)

Anne St John Born: 01 May 1717 Ridgefield,Fairfield, CT, USA

Ridgewood, Bergen Co., NJ (220 Mi SW ofChatham)

Angelo Zabriskie Born: 11 May 1922

Carlyle Edgar Sutphen Born: 12 Feb 1928

Angelo Zabriskie Died: 18 Jul 1954

Rising Fawn, Dade Co., GA (966 Mi SW ofChatham)

William Jennings Bryan Born: 1900

Roane Co., TN

Charles Washington Vinson Born: 30 Jan1830 Pond Creek, Philadelphia

Mary Sample Vinson Born: 11 Feb 1832

Martha Howard Vinson Born: 12 Apr 1835

William Vinson Born: 10 Feb 1837

Bartlett Cannon Vinson Born: 08 Jan 1839

James A. Vinson Born: 25 Feb 1842

Rockbridge Co., VA

Samuel Wallace Born: 1708 Rockbridge, VA,USA

Michael Wallace Born: 1709 Rockbridge, VA,USA

John McDowell Died: 25 Dec 1742 Petit'sGap

Elizabeth Woods Died: 1745 Rockbridge,VA, USA

William McClung Died: 1784Timberridgemaybe, Rockbridge, VA, USA

Peter Wallace Died: Sep 1784 Thornhill,Rockbridge, VA, USA

Rouen, France

Gozelin De Rouen Born: 975 Rouen, SeineInferieure, Normandy

Emmaline De Arques Born: 988 Rouen, SeineEt Maritime

Amelie De Rouen Born: 1010 Rouen, SeineInferieure, Normandy

William The Conqueror Died: 09 Sep 1087Hermenbraville, Rouen, Normandy

Elizabeth Plantagenet Born: 22 Apr 1444Rouen, Seine-Maritime

Rowley, Essex Co., MA (85 Mi NW ofChatham)

Elizabeth Manwaring Born: 1615 Rowley,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Josiah Bridges Born: 1650 Rowley, Essex,Massachusetts, USA

Saint-Denis, France

Henry I Beauclerc Died: 01 Dec 1135 StDenis, Seine-

Saint-Lo, France

William De Mohun Born: 1066 Moyon, StLo, Normandy

Geoffrey De Clinton Born: 1100 St Pierre DeSemily, St Lo Manche Normandy

Saint-Omer, France

Guillaume De Saint Omer Born: 1045 StOmer, Pas De Calais

Guillaume De St Omer Born: 1075 St Omer,Normandy

Mahaut De St Omer Born: 1110 St Omer,Pas-De-Calais

Saint-Quentin, France

Jean D Mailly Died: 04 Jan 1556

Salem, Essex Co., MA (75 Mi NW ofChatham)

Thomas Greenslade Born: 1625 Salem, Essex,Massachusetts, USA

Thomas Greenslade Died: Jul 1674 Salem,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Sarah Whitfield Died: 08 Jul 1675 Salem,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

Ann Poindexter Poynter Died: 22 Sep 1692Salem, Essex, Massachusetts, USA

San Antonio, Bexar Co., TX

Charles See Durand Died: 23 Nov 1904

San Francisco, San Francisco Co., CA

Lester F. Hardy Born: 1952

Schenectady, Schenectady Co., NY (217 MiNW of Chatham)

Arent Andriessen Bradt Died: 1662Schenectady, Schenectady, NY, USA

Andries Arentse Bradt Died: 1690Schenectady, Schenectady, NY, USA

Catalyntje De Vos Died: 1712 Schenectady,Schenectady, NY, USA


John Crawford Died

Janet Dunbar Died

Mary Fraser Died: Locherwarth, Pebbles

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Mary Fraser Died: Locherwarth, Pebbles

Marion Godfrey Died

Thomas Kennedy Died

Agnes Maxwell Died

N N Died: Locherwarth, Pebbles

Cambus Bellus Niece Died

Grain O Niel Died: Lochowe, Argyllshire

Elizabeth Sinclair Died

Janet Wallace Died

Ferither Our Born: 591 Rea Hall,Dumbartonshire

De Moray Died: 650

Ferither Eile Born: 748 Dumbartonshire

Mardgallach Born: 797 Dumbartonshire

Ferither Finruo Born: 837 Dumbartonshire

Ferither Finruo Born: 839 Dumbartonshire

Dwbhn Derg Born: 860 Lochow, Argyllshire

Dwbhn Derg Died: 860

Dwbhn Derg Born: 865 Dumbartonshire

Dubhn Doun Born: 904 Lochow, Argyllshire

Dubhn Doun Died: 904

Dubhn Doun Born: 942 Dumbartonshire

Diarmid MacDuibhn Born: 942Dumbartonshire

Godfrey Haraldsson Born: 950 Isle Man

Diarmid MacDuibhn Died: 977 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Cambus Bellus Niece Born: 980 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Arthur Armberg Macduibhn Born: 1004Lochowe, Argyllshire

Duina Mac Diubhn Born: 1005 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Paul Macduibhn Born: 1005 Argyllshire

Duina Macduibhn Born: 1006 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Malcolm Macduibhn Born: 1020 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Marion Godfrey Born: 1035 Maun

Robert De Brusse Born: 1036 Carrick,Argyllshire

Walter De Lochaber Born: 1045

Dugald Cruachan Born: 1047 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Eva Na Macduibhn Born: 1050 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Dugald Crauchan Born: 1051 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Archibald Campbell Died: 1067 Lochawe,Argyllshire

Simon Fraser Born: 1068 Tweeddale,Peebleshire

Duncan Mac Durine Campbell Born: 1070Lochowe, Argyllshire

Margaret De Lochaber Born: 1070

Dorothy Crauchan Born: 1072 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Archibald Campbell Born: 1090 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Cailen Maol Campbell Born: 1096 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Duncan Mac Durine Campbell Died: 1097Lochow, Argyllshire

Marjory Alexander Born: 1098 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Gilbert Fraser Born: 1098 Tweeddale,Peebleshire

Thurstan De Crichton Born: 1100 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

Mrs Gilbert Fraser Born: 1102 Tweeddale,Pebblesshire

Undweyn The Norseman Born: 1105

Herveus De Keth Born: 1109 Humbie, EastLothian

Gilbert Fraser Died: 1109

Cailen Maol Campbell Died: 1110 Lochawe,Argyllshire

Juliana De Soules Born: 1110 Liddel Castle,Liddesdale, Roxburghshire

Margaret Douglas Born: 1120 Keth Symon,East Lothian

John Fraser Born: 1120 Tweeddale,Peebleshire

Swane Born: Apr 1120

Roland De Mearns Born: 1124

Maccus Undweysson Born: 1130 Maxwheel,Springwood, Roxburghshire

Malcolm De Keth Born: 1135 Humbie, EastLothian

Finetta Fraser Born: 1136 Peebleshire

John Craufurd Born: 1138 Ehc S Lenarkshire,Roxburghshire

Dorothy Crauchan Died: 1140

Thurstan De Crichton Died: 1140 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

William De Crichton Born: 1140 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

Margaret De Keith Born: 1140 Humbie, EastLothian

Juliana De Sordis Born: 1140 Liddisdale

Le Scot Born: Apr 1145

Reginald De Crawford Died: 1146Auchinames, Refrew

Marjory Alexander Died: 1150

Janet Cathcart Born: 1150 Riccarton

Gilbert De Galloway Born: 1150 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Lambinus Laird De Loudoun Died: 1150

Maccus Undweysson Died: 1150

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Family Map

Naughton Macgillivail Born: 1154 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Duncan Campbell Born: 1158 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Naughton Mac Gillivrail Born: 1159Lochowe, Argyllshire

Philip De Keith Born: 1161 Humbie, EastLothian

Nachtan MacGilmory Born: 1162 Argyllshire

Herbert De Maxwell Born: 1165 Teviotdale,Roxburghshire

Eda Lorens Born: 1166 Humbie, East Lothian

Thurston De Crichton Born: 1170 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

William De Heriez Born: 1170

Nicholas De Mearns Born: 1170 Mearns,Clydesdale

David De La Hay Lord Erroll Born: 1170Erroll

Roland McGeachan Born: 1170 Mearns,Aberdeenshire

Alexander Galloway Born: 1175 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Avelina Fitzwalter Born: 1179 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Alexander Galloway Born: 1179 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Finlay MacGillivrail Born: 1180 Clarinch,Buchanan, Stirlingshire

Macrow Mackennedy Born: 1180 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Archibald Campbell Born: 1182 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Marcow Mac Kennedy Born: 1184 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Hervey De Keth Born: 1187 Humbie, EastLothian

Galfridus De Crawford Died: 1189Renfrewshire

Hervey De Keith Born: 1192 Humbie, EastLothian

Findoig Finval Mac Gilmory Born: 1192Lochowe, Argyllshire

John De Maxwell Born: 1195 Teviotdale,Roxburghshire

Herveus De Keth Died: 1196 Humbie, EastLothian

Archibald Campbell Born: 1199 Lochowe,Argyllshire

Duncan Campbell Died: 1200 Lochowe,Argyllshire

William De Crichton Born: 1200 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

William Douglas Born: 1200 Hermiston,Midlothian

Mary McGeachan Born: 1200 Mearns

Nicholas De Mearns Died: 1203 Mearns,Clydesdale

Archibald Campbell Died: 1204 Lochow,Argyllshire

Roland De Mearns Died: 1204

Mrs Eva De Haya Born: 1205

Herbert De Maxwell Died: 1206 Teviotdale,Roxburghshire

Martha De Bruce Born: 1207 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Robert Bruce Born: 1210 Annandale,Dumfrieshire

Gilbert De Haya Born: 1210 Altyre,Morayshire

Naughton Macgillivail Died: 1210

John De Keith Born: 1212 Humbie, EastLothian

Aymer De Maxwell Born: 1215 Caerlaverock,Dumfrieshire

Margaret Cumyn Born: 1217 Buchan,Aberdeenshire

Jean Bute Born: 1218 Bute

Dervorgilla De Galloway Born: 1218Galloway, Wigtownshire

Jean Macrory Born: 1218 Bute

David Huntingdon Died: 17 Jun 1219Jedburgh, Roxburghshire

Malcolm De Keth Died: 1220 Humbie, EastLothian

Marthout Mac Kennedy Born: 1220 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Idonea Comyn Born: 1221 Altyre, Morayshire

Idonea Comyn Born: 1221 Altyre, Morayshire

Idonea Comyn Born: 1221 Altyre, Morayshire

Euphemia Fitzalan Born: 1222

Marthout Mac Kennedy Born: 1224 Carrick,Galloway, Argyllshire

Philip De Keith Died: 1225 Humbie, EastLothian

Robert Hepburn Born: 1225 Newton,Aberdeenshire

Henry Erskine Died: 1226

Colin Mor Campbell Born: 1230 Stirlingshire

Finetta Fraser Died: 1230 Lochowe,Argyllshire

St Clair Born: 1232 Rosslyn Castle, Roslin,Midlothian

Thomas De Crichton Born: 1235 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

William Keith Born: 1236 Humbie, EastLothian

Barbara Seton Born: 1236 Seton, East Lothian

Eda Crichton Born: 1240 Crichton Castle,Pathead, East Lothian

William De Crichton Died: 1240 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

David De La Hay Lord Erroll Died: 27 Apr1241

Donald Mar Born: 1243 Kildrummy,Aberdeenshire

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Family Map

Robert Bruce Born: Jul 1243 Annandale,Dumfrieshire

Joan Haye Born: 1245

Joan Haye Born: 1245

Margaret De Lindsay Born: 1247 Lamberton,Mordington, Berwickshire

William De Ross Born: 1249 Fearn, Ross,Ross And Cromarty

Finlay MacGillivrail Died: 1250 Lochawe,Argyle

Duncan De Carrick Died: 13 Jun 1250Carrick, Galloway, Wigtownshire

Mac Gilronan Born: 1253

Margaret Stewart Died: 1255 Carrack,Galloway

Neil Carrick Died: 1256 Carrick, Argyll

Donald Campbell Born: 1260 Loudoun

Aymer De Maxwell Died: 1260 Mearns,Clydesdale

Gilbert De Haya Died: 1262 Pitmilly,Kingbarns, Fifeshire

Robert Keith Born: 1262 Buchan,Aberdeenshire

John Menteith Born: 1265 Menteith, Rusky,Perthshire

Eupheme Fitzalan Died: 1267 Whittingham,East Lothian

Eupheme Stewart Died: 1267 Whittingham,East Lothian

Euphemia Stewart Died: 1267 Whittingham,East Lothian

Euphemia Stewart Died: 1267 Whittingham,East Lothian

Euphemia Stewart Died: 1267 Whittingham,East Lothian

Euphemia Stewart Died: 1267 Whittingham,East Lothian

Margaret Crawford Born: 1269 Loudon,Ayreshire

William De Crichton Born: 1270 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

John De Keith Died: 1270 Humbie, EastLothian

Hugh De Crawford Died: 1271 Loudoun,Ayreshire

St Clair Died: 1271 Dunnyglass

Gratney Mar Born: 1272 Kildrummy Castle,Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire

Piers De Brus Died: 18 Sep 1272 Skelton

Christina Bruce Born: 1273 Seton, EastLothian

William De Cunningesburgh Born: 1273Tullybody, Clackmannanshire

Margaret Cumyn Died: 1274

Margaret De Lindsay Died: 1274 Lamberton,Mordington, Berwickshire

William Douglas Died: 1276 Fawdon

Jean Bute Died: 1280 Dundonald

Archibald Campbell Died: 1280 Menstrie,Clackmannanshire

Errick Carrick Died: 1280 Lochawe, Argyle

William De Cuningesburgh Born: 1280Tullybody, Clackmannanshire

Isabel Ross Born: 1280 Sanquhar Castle,Dumfrieshire

Margaret Fraser Born: 1283 Neidpath Castle,Scottish, Borders

Margaret Fraser Born: 1283 Neidpath Castle,Scottish, Borders

Ellen De Mar Born: 1284 Mar, Aberdeenshire

Barbara Seton Died: 1285 Humbie, East,Lothian

Marjorie Carrick Died: 1292 Carrick, Argyll,Strathclyde

Nicolas De Haya Born: 1292 Slains Castle,Buchan, Aberdeenshire

Alexander Gordon Born: 1292 Huntley,Aberdeenshire

William Keith Died: 1293 Humbie, EastLothian

Colin Mor Campbell Died: 1294 String Lorne

Robert Bruce Died: 1295 Priory, Lochmaben,Dumfriesshire

John De Crawford Died: 1295 Melrose Abbey

Walter Le Stewart Died: 1296 InchmohIsland, Loch Rusky, Stirlingshire

Donald Mar Died: 1297 Kildrummy Castle,Aberdeenshire

De Soules Born: 1298 Hermitage Castle,Liddesdale, Roxburghshire

John Menteith Born: 1298 Mar,Aberdeenshire

Euphemia De Baliol Died: 1300 Fearn, Ross,Ross And Cromarty

Thomas De Crichton Died: 1300 CrichtonCastle, Pathhead, East Lothian

Macgilronan Born: 1300

Stewart Born: 1300

Duncan Campbell Born: 1305 Lochowe,Argyle

Reginald Crawford Died: 13 Feb 1307Carlisle

Lora De Cuningesburgh Born: 1310Tullybody, Clackmannanshire

Agnes Maxwell Born: 1311

Edward Crichton Born: 1315 Crichton Castle,Pathhead, East Lothian

William De Crichton Died: 1317 Sanquhar,Dumfrieshire

David Hay Born: 1318 Slains Castle, Buchan,Aberdeenshire

Reginald Crawford Died: 1320 Renfrewshire

Margaret Keith Born: 1320 Innerpeffer

Donald Campbell Died: 06 Apr 1320

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Family Map

Christian Menteith Born: 1321 Mar,Aberdeenshire

Agnes Hepburn Born: 1322 Hailes,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

Patrick Hepburn Born: 1322 Hailes Castle,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

John Menteith Died: 1323 Menteith,Perthshire

William De Ross Died: 28 Jan 1323 Fearn,Ross, Ross And Cromarty

John Keith Died: 1324 Innerpeffer,Angusshire

John Herries Born: 1330 Terregles, Dumf

Alan Cathcart Born: 1331 Cathcart,Renfrewshire

William Erskine Died: 1331

Gilbert De Haya Died: Apr 1333 SlainsCastle, Buchan, Aberdeenshire

Mrs Alan De Cathcart Born: 1335 Cathcart,Renfrewshire

Patrick Hepburn Born: 1338 Hailes Castle,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

Christina Seton Born: 1340 Cockburn,Berwickshire

Christina Seton Born: 1340 Cockburn,Berwickshire

Christina Seton Born: 1340 Cockburn,Berwickshire

Ellen De Mar Died: 1342

Robert Crichton Born: 1345 Sanquhar Castle,Dumfrieshire

Beatrice De Vaux Born: 1345 Dirleton Castle,East Lothian

David Hay Died: 17 Oct 1346 Durham

Agnes Dunbar Born: 1350 Morayshire

Christina Seton Born: 1350 Seton, EastLothian

Margaret Stewart Born: 1354 Angusshire

Johanna Gifford Born: 1356 Yester Castle,Gifford, E Lothian

Christina Erskine Born: 1358 Kinoull,Sanquhar, Perthshire

Margaret Boyd Died: 1360

Roger De Crawford Died: 1360 Renfrewshire

Eleanor Douglas Died: 1360

William John Erskine Born: 1360 Kinoull,Sanquhar, Perthshire

Alan Cathcart Born: 1362 Cathcart,Renfrewshire

Adam Forrester Died: 1365 Corstorphine,Mid, Lothian

Mrs Alan Cathcart Born: 1366 Renfrewshire

Andrew Campbell Died: 1368

George Dunbar Born: 1370 Cockburn,Berwickshire

Adam Hepburn Died: 1371 Hailes Castle,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

Janet De Seton Born: 1374 Berwickshire

Robert Crichton Born: 1376 Sanquhar Castle,Dumfrieshire

George Douglas Born: 1376 Mar,Aberdeenshire

Agnes Dunbar Died: 1378 Thirlestane Castle,Lauder, Berwickshire

Janet De Seton Born: 1380 Berwickshire,Aberdeenshire

Margaret Douglas Born: 1380 Mar,Aberdeenshire

William Hay Born: 1380 Lockerworth, Mar

Adam Hepburn Born: 1382 Hailes Castle,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

Janet Seton Born: 1382 Berwickshire,Aberdeenshire

Elizabeth Erskine Born: 1385 Kinoull,Sanquhar, Perthshire

Christian Menteith Died: 1387 Synton,Selkirkshire

Janet Borthwick Born: 1388 Barthwick,Midlothian

Janet Dunbar Born: 1390 Cockburn,Berwickshire

Beatrice Hay Born: 1390

Elizabeth Cathcart Born: 1395 Cathcart,Renfrewshire

Thomas Haya Died: 1397 Yester Castle,Haddingtonshire

Johanna Gifford Died: 1398 Locherwarth,Pebbles

William Douglas Born: 1399 Mar,Aberdeenshire

Patrick Hepburn Died: 1402 Hailes Castle,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

Christina Seton Died: 1402 Stranith, East-Lothian

Christina Seton Died: 1402 Stranith, East-Lothian

Christina Seton Died: 1402 Stranith, East-Lothian

Margaret Hay Born: 1404 Locharret

Anne Lady De Montgomerie Born: 1405Eaglesham, Sotland, Renfrewshire

Alan Cathcart Died: 1406 Cathcart,Renfrewshire

Thomas Hay Died: Jul 1406 Slains Castle,Buchan, Aberdeenshire

Gilbert Kennedy Died: 08 Nov 1408 Dunure

Robert Crichton Born: 1409 Sanquhar,Dumfriesshire

Catherine Graham Born: 1409 Angusshire,Kincardineshire

Elizabeth Erskine Born: 1413 Sanquhar,Dumfriesshire

Thomas Kennedy Born: 1415

Margaret Johnston Born: 1418 Abernathy,Aberdeenshire

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Family Map

Margaret Stewart Died: 23 Mar 1418 South

Margaret Stewart Died: 23 Mar 1418Angusshire

William Hay Died: 1421 Yester Castle,Gifford, E Lothian

Margaret Hepburn Born: 1424 Hailes,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

Elizabeth Stewart Born: 1427 Darnley,Renfrewshire

Hugh Campbell Died: 1430

Margaret Glendinwyn Born: 1435

William Douglas Died: Oct 1437 Mar,Aberdeenshire

Robert Crichton Born: 1440 Sanquhar, Dumf

Herbert Herries Died: 04 Jul 1440

Adam Hepburn Died: 1446 Hailes Castle,Prestonkirk, East Lothian

Robert Cunningham Died: 1448

Alicia Hay Died: 1451

Robert Crichton Born: 1457 Riccanton, WestLothian

Marion Stewart Born: 1457 Lennox Hills,Dunbarton

Mary Stewart Died: 1458 Duntreath Castle,Strathblane, Stirlingshire

Marion Crichton Born: 1464 Sanquhar,Dumfriesshire

Elizabeth Stewart Born: 1465 Darnley,Renfrewshire

Archibald Campbell Born: 1466 Argyllshire

Catherine Borthwick Born: 1467 Nenthorn,Lothian

Robert Crichton Died: 1478 Sanquhar Castle,Dumfrieshire

Elizabeth Erskine Died: 1478

Robert Crichton Died: 17 Oct 1478

Margaret Hay Died: 22 Apr 1484 Mar,Aberdeenshire

George Campbell Died: 1485 Loudon

Marion Stewart Died: 1488 Lennox

Alexander Cunningham Died: 11 Jun 1488Sauchieburn, Stirlingshire

Isabel Campbell Born: 1489 Glenorchy, Lorn,Argyllshire

George Campbell Died: 09 Mar 1491

George Campbell Died: 1492

Mariot Dunbar Born: 1495 Mochrum

Malcolm Crawford Died: 1499 EG,Renfrewshire

Gilbert Kennedy Died: 1500

Elizabeth Sinclair Born: 1500 Caithnessshire

Margaret Semple Died: 1509 Crawford John

John Colquhoun Born: 1511 Luss,Dumbartonshire

Catherine Borthwick Died: 17 Jan 1528

Isabel Campbell Died: 1529

Elizabeth Stewart Died: 09 Dec 1529 CastleCampbell

Janet Hamilton Born: 1535 Ferguslie, Buchen,Aberdeenshire

William Wallace Died: 1538

Cuthbert Cunningham Died: 1541 Glencairn,Dumfrieshire

Marjory Douglas Died: 06 Mar 1542

William Cunningham Died: Mar 1548Glencairn, Dumfrieshire

Alexander Kennedy Died: 1551

Marion Crawfurd Born: 1557

Margaret Crawfurd Born: 1559

John Wallace Died: 1559

Robert Wallace Born: 1560 Holmstone,Ayreshire

Isabel Campbell Born: 1568 Loudon

Margaret Cunningham Died: Jun 1573

Alexander Cunningham Died: 23 Nov 1574Glencairn, Dumfrieshire

Matthew Campbell Died: 21 May 1593Loudon, Aryshire

Mariot Dunbar Died: 1595

Robert Wallace Died: 1600

Robert Wallace Born: 1600 Holmstone,Ayreshire

Joseph "The Calvinist" MacDowall Born:1620

Helen Roodman Died: 1620

William Wallace Died: Dec 1620

Samuel Wallace Born: 1635 Holmstone,Sterlingshire

Abraham McDowell Born: 1648

James McClung Born: 1650

James McClung Died: 1670

Peter Wallace Born: 1680 Highlands

Samuel Wallace Died: 1682

James McClung Born: 1685 Galloway

Mary Stevenson Born: 12 Jul 1832

See Also Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

Sedan, France

Hanry Claus Born: 1570 Sedan, Ardennes

Pierre Cresson Born: 1578 Sedan, Picardy

Elizabeth Vuilesme Born: 1582 Sedan,Picardy

Elizabeth Vuilesme Born: 1582 Sedan,Picardy

Elizabeth Vuilesme Born: 1582 Sedan,Picardy

Jeanne Famelar Born: 1590 Sedan, Ardennes

Pierre Clauss Born: 15 Apr 1598 Sedan,Picardy

Elizabeth Vuilesme Died: 1610 Sedan,Picardy

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Family Map

Elizabeth Vuilesme Died: 1610 Sedan,Picardy

Elizabeth Vuilesme Died: 1610 Sedan,Picardy

Pierre Clauss Died: 11 Aug 1660 Sedan,Ardennes, Picardy

Jeanne Famelar Died: 11 Aug 1660 Sedan,Picardy

Senlis, France

Robert I De Senlis Born: 955 Senlis, Oise,Picardie

Robert I De Senlis Died: 1034 Senlis, Oise,Picardy

Sevier Co., TN

Sophia Moon Born: 27 Apr 1805

Skelton, England

Walter De Faucomberge Born: 1220 Skelton-In-Cleveland, Rise Withernwick, Holderness

Skippack, Montgomery Co., PA (300 MiSW of Chatham)

Jacob Markley Died: 29 Aug 1784 Skippack,Montgomery, PA, USA

Somerset, England

Adeliz De Mohun Died: Dunster

William De Mohun Died: 1090 Dunster

William De Mohun Born: 1108 Dunster

William De Haya Born: 1135 Dunster

William De Mohun Died: 1155 Dunster

William De Haya Died: 1170 Dunster

Alice De Briwere Born: 1184 Dunster

Godeheut De Toeni Died: 1186 Dunster

Barbara Douglas Died: 1350 Castle Cary

Barbara Douglas Died: 1350 Castle Cary

William Miner Born: 1357 Mendippe Hall

Thomas Miner Born: 1374 Chew Magna

Lodovick L Miner Born: 1405

Thomas Miner Born: 1436 Chew Magna

William Miner Born: 1476 Chew Magna

Sarah Born: Abt. 1500 near Chew Magna

William Myner Born: 23 Apr 1508 ChewMagna

Thomas Myner Born: Bet. 1530 - 1535 ChewMagna

Joan Born: Bet. 1535 - 1540 near ChewMagna

William Miner Died: 1553 Chew Magna

Clement Mynor I Born: Abt. 1562 ChewMagna

John Mynor I Born: Abt. 1564 Chew Magna

Edith Myner Born: Abt. 1566 Chew Magna

Edith Myner Died: 10 Oct 1573 Chew Magna

Thomas Myner Died: Bef. 15 Nov 1573 ChewMagna

Sarah Pope Born: 1578 Chew Magna

Walter Palmer Born: 1585 Parham

William Myner Died: 23 Feb 1585 ChewMagna

John Mynor Born: Bef. 23 Apr 1587 ChewMagna

Joan Mynor Born: Bef. 19 Oct 1589 ChewMagna

Marie Mynor Born: Bef. 19 Feb 1592 ChewMagna

Joan Died: Bef. 21 Dec 1592 Chew Magna

Elizabeth Mynor Born: Bef. 07 Sep 1594Chew Magna

Joan Mynor Died: Bef. 09 Nov 1595 ChewMagna

Edith Mynor Born: Bef. 06 Feb 1597 ChewMagna

John Mynor Died: Bef. 03 Dec 1597 ChewMagna

John Mynor I Died: Aft. 1598 Chew Magna

Clement Mynor II Born: Bef. 23 Nov 1600Chew Magna

Thomas Minor Born: Bef. 23 Apr 1608 ChewMagna

Robert Treat Born: 1622 Pitminster

Sarah Pope Died: 1640 Chew Magna, ChewMagna

Clement Mynor I Died: Bef. 31 Mar 1640Chew Magna

Marie Mynor Died: Bet. 1640 - 1641 ChewMagna, Somerset, England unmarried

Somerset Co., MD

John Wallace Died: 1685 Manokin River,Somerset, MD, USA

South River, Middlesex Co., NJ (245 MiSW of Chatham)

Christian Barentsen Van Horn Died: 26 Jul1658 South River, Delaware, USA

Southampton, Suffolk Co., NY (137 Mi SWof Chatham)

Barbara Vonk Born: 16 Apr 1679Southampton, Long Island, New York, USA


Hugh Hardy Born: 1932 Majorca

See Also Atlantic Ocean.

Spotsylvania, Spotsylvania Co., VA (468 MiSW of Chatham)

William Gholson Born: 1705 Spotsylvania,VA, USA

Susanna Collins Born: 05 Dec 1709Spotsylvania, VA, USA

Anthony Gholson Born: 1733 Spotsylvania,VA, USA

Elizabeth Gholson Born: 1737 Spotsylvania,VA, USA

Susanna Collins Died: 1786 Spotsylvania,VA, USA

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

William Gholson Died: 1795 Spotsylvania,VA, USA

Staffordshire, England

Cotton Gressley Died

Ms Nigel De Stafford Born: 1045

Aslen Swynnerton Born: 1050 Little Sugnall

Aslen Swynnerton Born: 1060 Little Sugnall,Eccleshall

Robert Swynnerton Born: 1100 Little Sugnall

Robert Swynnerton Born: 1102 Little Sugnall,Eccleshall

Ivo Pantulf Born: 1106 Coubbleston

Alice De Buci Died: 1107 Drayton Basset

Nigel Stafford Died: 1115 Drakelow

Hervey FitzBagot Born: 1119 Moiety, Kinfare

Robert Swynnerton Born: 1120 Sugnall Parva

Robert De Swynnerton Born: 1132 LittleSugnall, Eccleshall

William De Ferrers Born: 1140 Tutbury

Robert Swynnerton Born: 1150 Little Sugnall

Robert Swynnerton Born: 1152 Little Sugnall,Eccleshall

John Swynnerton Born: 1170 Sugnall Parva

John Swynnerton Born: 1176 Little Sugnall,Eccleshall

Robert Swynnerton Died: 1189 Swynnerton

Lasceline De Clinton Died: 1193 AlvetonCastle

John Swynnerton Born: 1200 Little Sugnall

Margery Swynnerton Born: 1200 LittleSugnall

John Waure Born: 1200 Little Sugnall

Roger Waure Born: 1204 Eccleshall

Roger De Waure Born: 1212 Eccleshall

Auda De Vernon Born: 1228 Sandon

Stephen Swynnerton Born: 1230 Swynnerton

Joan Waure Born: 1230 Eccleshall

William De Wasteneys Born: 1244 Colton

Constance De Wasteneys Born: 1250 Colton

Gundreda Stafford Born: 1250 Anslow,Burton Upon Trent

Margery Swynnerton Died: 1257 Swynnerton

William De Stafford Died: 1258 Anslow,Burton Upon Trent

John De Wasteneys Born: 1271 Colton

Isabella Hay Born: 1274 Colton

Stephen Swynnerton Died: 1276 Isewall

Roger Swynnerton Born: 1290 Swynerton

William De Wasteneys Born: 1296 Colton

Johanna Hastings Died: 1299 Swynnerton

Nn Born: 1303 Swynnerton

Robert Stafford Died: 1303 Rolleston

Swynnerton Born: 1303 Swynnerton

Mrs (swynerton) Swynnerton Born: 1303Swynnerton

Ms Roger Swynnerton Born: 1303Swynnerton

Maud De Holand Born: 1319 Foxhall

Thomas Wasteneys Born: 1321 Colton

Alice De Swynnerton Born: 1325 Swynnerton

Hugh Stafford Born: 1334

Roger Swynnerton Died: 1338 Swynerton

Nicholas De Gresley Born: 1345 Colton

Thomasine De Wasteneys Born: 1345 Colton

Alice De Swynnerton Died: 1350 Swynnerton

Catharine Stafford Born: 1376

Elizabeth Gresslap Born: 1403 Cotton

Henry Squire Born: 1420 Handsworth

Henry Squire Born: 1424 Handsworth

Joan Squire Born: 1445 Handsworth

Stamford, Fairfield Co., CT

Peter Ferris Born: 28 Sep 1636 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Mary Bell Born: 1646 Stamford, Fairfield,CT, USA

Lydia Knapp Born: 08 Jun 1647 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Sarah Chesterfield Died: 31 Aug 1657Stamford, Fairfield, CT, USA

Jeffrey Ferris Born: 1658 Stamford, Fairfield,CT, USA

Jeffrey Ferris Died: 1658 Stamford, Fairfield,CT, USA

Thomas Pennoyer Born: 29 Mar 1658Stamford, Fairfield, CT, USA

Peter Ferris Born: 20 Jun 1660 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Mary Ferris Born: 02 May 1662 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Elizabeth Ferris Born: 02 Jan 1664 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Mary Hoyt Born: 22 Dec 1664 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Hannah Ferris Born: 1666 Stamford, Fairfield,CT, USA

Samuel Ferris Born: 03 Jul 1678 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Joseph Ferris Born: 31 Mar 1688 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Elizabeth Ferris Died: 1690 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Joshua Hoyt Died: 09 Nov 1690 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Mary Ferris Born: 12 Dec 1690 Stamford, CT,USA

Nathan Ferris Born: 22 Oct 1694 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Samuel Ferris Born: 05 Sep 1696 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

John Pennoyer Born: 26 May 1698 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Elizabeth Ferris Born: 19 Mar 1699 Stamford,CT, USA

Elizabeth Reynolds Died: 1703 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Hannah Ferris Born: 20 Jun 1704 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Deborah Ferris Born: 27 Aug 1706 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Peter Ferris Died: 28 Sep 1706 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Thomas Pennoyer Died: 21 Nov 1723Stamford, Fairfield, CT, USA

Mary Bell Died: 1724 Stamford, CT, USA

Hannah Ferris Died: 27 Sep 1724 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

John Pennoyer Born: 19 Dec 1727 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Joseph Ferris Died: 07 Apr 1733 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Deborah Ferris Died: 1736 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Mary Ferris Died: May 1736 Stamford, CT,USA

Abigail Ferris Died: 1737 Stamford, Fairfield,CT, USA

Peter Ferris Died: 02 Jan 1737 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Samuel Ferris Died: 10 Aug 1738 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Mary Hoyt Died: 1739 Stamford, Fairfield,CT, USA

Abigail Pennoyer Born: 20 Jan 1752Stamford, CT, USA

Joseph Ferris Died: Apr 1756 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

John Pennoyer Died: 10 Dec 1775 Stamford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Staten Island, Richmond Co., NY (230 MiSW of Chatham)

Pierre Cresson Died: 13 Oct 1679 StatenIsland, New York, USA

Rachel Clauss Died: 1692 Staten Island, NewYork, USA

Catherine Van Der Beek Died: 13 Dec 1724

Stone, England

Philippe Beauchamp Died: 1386

Stratford, Fairfield Co., CT (167 Mi SW ofChatham)

Lydia Knapp Died: 09 Dec 1716 Stratford,Fairfield, CT, USA

Suffolk, England

Rudolph Ralph Died: 1026 Ixworth

Dulcia Le Taverner Born: 1234 Ipwich

Robert Le Taverner Died: 1280 Ipwich

William De La Pole Born: 16 Oct 1396Cotton

Catharine Stafford Died: 08 Apr 1419Wingfield

John De La Pole Died: 27 Oct 1492 Wingfield

Elizabeth Plantagenet Died: 1502 Wingfield

Suffolk Co., MA

John Palmer Born: 1615 Charlestown,Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Elizabeth Palmer Born: 1619 Charleston,Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

William Palmer Born: 1619 Charleston,Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Elizabeth Smith Brewster Died: 1633Charlestown, Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

John Miner Born: 30 Aug 1635 Charlestown,Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

John Palmer Died: 24 Aug 1677 Charlestown,Suffolk, Massachusetts, USA

Surrey, England

Ada De Warenne Born: 1120

Peter De Wyckhurst Born: 1180 HooleyHouse, Coulsdon

Peter De Wyckhurst S Wife Born: 1184Hooley House Coulsdon

Peter De Wyckhurst Born: 1195 HooleyHouse, Coulsdon

Peter De Wyckhurst Died: 1203 Coulsden

Peter De Wyckhurst Died: 1220 Coulsden

William Atte Wode Born: 1220 HooleyHouse, Coulsdon

Juliana Born: 1224 Hooley House, Coulsdon

Alice De Briwere Died: 1233 Sandown

Peter Atte Wode Born: 1245 Hooley House,Coulsdon

Alice Born: 1254 Hooley House, Coulsdon

William Atte Wode Born: 1270 HooleyHouse, Coulsdon

Juliana Born: 1274 Sanderstead

William Atte Wode Died: 1278 Coulsden

Geoffrey Atte Wode Born: 1297 Woods,Colsdon

Juliana Died: 1302 Coulsden

Peter Atte Wode Died: 1313 Coulsden

Peter Atte Wode Born: 1321 Sanderstead

Laurencia Born: 1324 Woods Place

William Atte Wode Died: 1345 Woods Place

Peter Atte Wode Born: 1360 Sanderstead

Petronilla Born: 1364 Sanderstead

Peter Atte Wode Died: 30 Nov 1382Sanderstead

John Atte Wode Born: 1400 Sanderstead

Petronilla Died: 1401 Sanderstead

Peter Atte Wode Died: 1404 Coulsden

Isabell Surrey Born: 1405 Sanderstead

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Laurencia Died: 1419 Coulsden

John Atwood Born: 1445 Sanderstead

Denes Born: 1449 Sanderstead

John Atte Wode Died: 1459 Sanderstead

John Atwood Born: 1475 Sanderstead

Henry Atwood Born: 1484 Sanderstead

Peter Atwood Born: 1488 Sanderstead

Richard Atwood Born: 1492 Sanderstead

Edward Atwood Born: 1494 Sanderstead

Agnes Atwood Born: 1496 Sanderstead

Thomas Atwood Born: 1499 Sanderstead

Nicholas Atwood Born: 1500 Sanderstead

Isabell Surrey Died: 1500 Sanderstead

John Hewson Atwood Born: 1509Sanderstead

John Atwood Died: 30 Jul 1525 Sanderstead

John Atwood Died: 30 Jul 1525 Sanderstead

Denes Died: 17 Mar 1531 Sanderstead

Mildred Fortune Manning Born: 1560 Ockley

John Whitfield Born: 1584 Ockley

Bridget Whitfield Born: 1591 Ockley

Frances Whitfield Born: 1595 Ockley

Henry Whitfield Born: 1597 Mortlake

Elizabeth Whitfield Born: 1599 Ockley

Katherine Whitfield Born: 1602 Ockley

Lucy Whitfield Born: 1604 Ockley

Sarah Whitfield Born: 01 Nov 1620 Ockley

Abigail Whitfield Born: 01 Sep 1622 Ockley

Thomas Whitfield Born: 1624 Ockley

John Whitfield Born: 11 Feb 1627 Ockley

Mary Whitfield Born: 1631 Ockley

Henry Whitfield Died: 28 Feb 1634 Ockley

Henry Whitfield Born: 09 Mar 1634 Ockley

Rebecca Whitfield Born: 1635 Ockley

Mary Whitfield Died: 1657

Sussex, England

Jane Whitfield Died: Bayham

Agnes De Saint Clare Died: 1080 Bramber,Sussexshire

Daughter De Braose Born: 1102 Bramber

NN De Braose Born: 1102 Bramber

Bertha De Braose Born: 1109 Bramber

De Braose Born: 1116 Bramber

Maud De Braose Born: 1116 Bramber

De Briwere Born: 1132 Bramber

Sybil De Braose Born: 1157 Bramber

Laurence Sanford Died: 1271 Wiston

Bartholomew Burghersh Born: 1287Burghersh

William Atwood Born: 1500 Wadhurst

Agnes Atwood Born: 1502 Wadhurst

Robert Whitfield Born: 1518 Wadhurst

Robert Whitfield Died: 02 Jun 1541 Wadhurst

Thomas Whitfield Born: 1545 Wadhurst

Jane Whitfield Born: 1547 Wadhurst

Joan Whitehead Born: 1550 Wadhurst

William Whitfield Born: 1552 Wadhurst

Frances Whitehead Born: 1554 Wadhurst

Margret Whitfield Born: 1556 Wadhurst

John Whitehead Born: 1558 Wadhurst

John Whitfield Born: 1558 Wadhurst

Sarah Whitehead Born: 1560 Wadhurst

Annie Giles Died: 1567 Wadhurst

Mary Reid Whitfield Born: 1570

Robert Whitfield Died: 09 Dec 1597 Worth

Mildred Fortune Manning Died: 01 Sep 1627Rowfant, Worth

Thomas Whitfield Died: 01 May 1629Rowfant, Worth

John Whitfield Died: 20 Aug 1636 Worth

Sutton Coldfield, England

William Harman Born: 1435 Moor Hall,Sutton Coldfield, Warwickshire

William Harman Died: 1470 Moor Hall,Sutton Coldfield, Warwaickshire

Sweden (NE of Scotland)

Jan Roeloff Born: 1602 Maesterland,Goteburg Och Bohus

Laurents Ackerman Born: 12 Jun 1650Geffen, Nord Brabant, Dutch Republic

Syracuse, Onondaga Co., NY (329 Mi NWof Chatham)

Mary Ruth White Died: 11 Oct 1988

Tahlequah, Cherokee Co., OK

Mary Clyde Buster Born: 12 Feb 1897

John Parker Buster Died: 10 Jan 1902

Tampa, Hillsborough Co., FL

Carlyle Edgar Sutphen Died: 30 May 1962Tampa Beach

Tappan, Rockland Co., NY (211 Mi SW ofChatham)

Jacob Banta Born: 04 Aug 1728 Tappan, NY,USA

Andries Van Orden Born: 28 Mar 1729Tappan, Rockland, New Jersey, USA

Tecumseh, Johnson Co., NE

Riley Parker Died: 02 Jun 1894 Tecumseh,NE, USA

Matthew Thornton


Family Map


Elizabeth Yarnell Copland Born: 22 Mar 1834

Barnes Vinson Born: 1843 Tennessee, USA

Towanda, Bradford Co., PA

Anna Mix Born: 21 Sep 1789 Towanda,Bradford, PA, USA

Sarah "Sally" Mix Born: 21 Dec 1791Towanda Township

Sarah Sally Mix Born: 21 Dec 1791 Towanda,Bradford, PA, USA

Amelia Pennoyer Died: 18 Mar 1832Towanda Township

Hiram Mix Died: 08 Sep 1847 TowandaTowhship, Bradford, PA, USA

Amos Mix Died: 16 Oct 1847 TowandaTownship

Anna Mix Died: 01 Oct 1868 Towanda,Bradford, PA, USA

Sarah "Sally" Mix Died: 23 Sep 1881Towanda Township

Sarah Sally Mix Died: 23 Sep 1881 Towanda,Bradford, PA, USA

Trenton, Fannin Co., TX

Bartlett Cannon Vinson Died: 01 Sep 1919

Trenton, Mercer Co., NJ (269 Mi SW ofChatham)

Andries Van Orden Died: 1768 Trenton,Mercer, New Jersey, USA

Troyes, France

Yolande Chastillon Died: 1354

Tyrone, Ulster, Northern Ireland

James Thornton Born: Abt. 1684 Derry,Kilskerry Parish (

Matthew Thornton Born: 1714 Derry,Kilskerry Parish (

Ulster Co., NY

Nicholas Lozier Born: 10 Jun 1668 Esopus,Ulster, NY, USA

Eva Albertse Bradt Died: 1689 Hurley, Ulster,NY, USA

Margaret Laroe Leroux Died: May 1773Lloyd, Ulster, NY, USA

Lewis A. Alliger Born: 09 Sep 1874Marbletown

United States

Richard White Died: ,USA

Utrecht, Netherlands

Jan Gijsbertsz Born: 1597 Utrecht, Utrecht,Netherlands

Tuman Jansen Jans Born: 1600 Utrecht,Holland

Neeltje Weber Born: 1604 Utrecht, Holland

Jannetje Jans Born: 1629 Utrecht, Netherlands

Valence, France

William De Valence Born: 1225 CistercianAbbey, Valence, Charete

William De Valence Died: 18 May 1296Valence, Charente, France

Joan Munchensy Died: 1307 Valence,Charente

Valenciennes, France

Jean De La Vigne Born: 1550 Valenciennes,Nord

Guillaume Vigne Born: 1586 St Vaast, LaHaute

Adrienne Cuvellier Born: 1590

Veurne, Belgium

Heribert De Furnes Born: 1015 Veurne,Dunkerque

Mlle De Furnes Born: 1044 Veurne,Dunkerque


Matthew Whitfield Born: 1604 Isle Wright,VA, USA

Ralph Whitfield Born: 1606 Isle Wight, VA,USA

Robert Whitfield Born: 1608 Isle Wight, VA,USA

Adam Wallace Born: 1713 Rock Bridge, VA,USA

Peter Wallace Born: 1719 Rock Bridge, VA,USA

Mary Maria Chrisman Born: 1732

Sarah Chrisman Born: 23 Sep 1734

Isaac Chrisman Born: 09 Nov 1736

Johannes Peter Chrisman Died: 1740 VA,USA

Hans Jost Hite Died: 07 May 1760 OpequonCreek

Mary Gholson Born: 1766

William Wallace Died: 1766 Greenwood,Albermarle, VA, USA

Ephraim McDowell Died: 1770 RockRidge

Matilda Deforrest Lockett Born: 11 Jan 1803

Julia Chrisman Born: 05 Jan 1806 Loudon,VA, USA

Loretta W Perrin Born: 02 Sep 1806 Loudon,VA, USA

George Chrisman Died: 29 Aug 1816

Vitre, France

Pierre Bellier Born: 1566 Vitre, Ille-Et-Vilaine

Mathurine Herce Born: 1570 Vitre, Ille EtVilaine

Vlaardingen, Netherlands

Adela Holland Born: 1061 Vlaardingen, ZuidHolland, Netherlands

Wales (NW of France)

Ameria De Montgomery Born: 1025Montgomery, Montgomeryshire

Fleance De Lochaber Died: 1045

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Maud Braose Born: 1109 Gower,Glamorganshire

Ismania De Hanham Died: 09 Sep 1420 Coity,Glamorgan

Warwickshire, England

Hodierne De Lucerne Born: 1150Wormleighton

Hodierne De Lucerne Born: 1150Wormleighton

Hodierne De Lucerne Born: 1150Wormleighton

Lady Maud Fitzgeoffrey Born: 1250 BernardCastle

Robert De Beauchamp Born: 1278 Earl

Joan Hastang Born: 1295 Leamington,Hastang

Johanna Hastang Born: 1295 Leamington,Hastang

Waterbury, New Haven Co., CT (159 MiSW of Chatham)

Margaret Warner Born: 16 Mar 1693Waterbury, New Haven, CT, USA

Margaret Warner Died: 27 Jun 1749Waterbury, New Haven, CT, USA

Ebenezer Richardson Died: 30 Jun 1772Waterbury, New Haven, CT, USA

Watertown, Middlesex Co., MA (78 Mi NWof Chatham)

Jonathan Reynolds Born: 1636 Watertown,Massachusetts, USA

Wayne Co., KY

Joshua A. Buster Born: 08 Apr 1793

Anthony Gholson Died: 1813 Wayne, KY,USA

Elizabeth Gholson Died: 1817 Wayne, KY,USA

John William Parker Born: 12 Mar 1825Wayne, KY, USA

Isaac Chrisman Died: 15 Apr 1829 Wayne,KY, USA

Elisha Franklin Parker Born: 03 Mar 1836Wayne, KY, USA

Lucy Verlina Parker Born: 02 May 1845Wayne, KY, USA

William Lockett Died: 26 Apr 1853 FallCreek, Wayne, KY, USA

Polly Buster Died: 13 Dec 1855 Monticelo,Wayne, KY, USA

Charles Hayden Buster Died: 01 Jul 1869Wayne, KY, USA

Wem, England

William Pantulf Died: Wem, Shropshire

Robert Pantulf Born: 1085 Wem, Shropshire

Lesceline De Normandy Died: 21 Sep 1112Wem, Shropshire

Ivo Pantolph Born: 1136 Wem, Shropshire

Ivo Pantolph Born: 1140 Wem, Shropshire

Emma Pantolph Born: 1162 Wem, Shropshire

Ivo Pantulf Died: 1175 Wem, Shropshire

Hugh Pantulf Died: 1224 Wem, Shropshire

Wenham, Essex Co., MA (79 Mi NW ofChatham)

Josiah Bridges Died: 09 Feb 1715 Wenham,Essex, Massachusetts, USA

West Virginia

Anna Maria Merkle Died: 1738 LongMeadows, H

Westchester Co., NY

William Hopper Died: 1685 PhilipsburghTown, Westchester, NY, USA

Mynno Jemima Jurckxen Died: 1733Philipsburg, Westchester, NY, USA

Samuel Ferris Died: 1736 North Castle,Westchester, NY, USA

Westerly, Washington Co., RI (99 Mi SWof Chatham)

Rebecca Chesebrough Died: 1751 Westerly,Washington, RI, USA

Westmorland, England

Gilbert Fitz Reinfride Born: 1169 Barton

Wethersfield, Middlesex Co., CT (138 MiW of Chatham)

John Reynolds Born: 1639 Wethersfield, CT,USA

Williamsburg, Williamsburg Co., VA (470Mi SW of Chatham)

Louisa Deforest Born: 1764 Williamsburg,VA, USA

Wiltshire, England

Alice De Dunstanville Born: 1118 CastleCombe

Greeley Hobbs Born: 1376

Windsor, England

Thomas Sheafe Died: 12 Dec 1639 StGeorges, Windsor, Berks

William Vincent Born: 1753

Windsor, Hartford Co., CT (138 Mi NW ofChatham)

Joshua Hoyt Born: 1641 Windsor, Hartford,CT, USA

Woburn, Middlesex Co., MA (82 Mi NW ofChatham)

Eunice Brooks Born: 10 Oct 1655

Woodbury, Litchfield Co., CT (168 Mi SWof Chatham)

John Miner Died: 17 Sep 1719 Woodbury,Litchfield, CT, USA

John Miner, Sr Died: 17 Sep 1719 Woodbury,Litchfield County, CT in his 85th year of age

Worcestershire, England

Bertha De Braose Died: Elmley Castle

Ada Corbet Born: 1200 Chaddesly Corbet

Maud Braose Died: 20 Mar 1201 ElmleyCastle

Matthew Thornton


Family Map

Maud De Braose Died: 20 Mar 1201 ElmleyCastle

Hawise Corbet Born: 1225 Chaddesly Corbet

William De Beauchamp Born: 1237 ElmleyCastle

William Corbet Died: 1254 ChaddesleyCorbet

William De Beauchamp Died: 05 Jun 1298Elmley

Lady Maud Fitzgeoffrey Died: 16 Apr 1301Grey Friars

Worms, Germany

Johannes Ackerman Born: 1582 Worms,Rheinh, Hessen

Wythe Co., VA

Sarah Buster Born: 19 Apr 1775 Wythe, VA,USA

William Buster Died: 13 May 1795 Wythe,VA, USA

John Buster Born: 24 Jun 1800 Wythe, VA,USA

Jane Woods Died: 1812 Wythe, VA, USA

Sarah Buster Died: 19 Oct 1836 Smythe,Wythe, VA, USA

York Co., VA

Matthew Wallace Born: 1717 York, VA, USA

Yorkshire, England

Beatrice De Bolbec Died: 1071 Thorpe Arche

Richard De Beauffou Died: 1081 Lowdham

Aubrey De Lisoures Born: 1085 Sprotbrough

William D Arques Died: 1086 Thorpe Arche

De Bosville Born: 1091 Harthill

William De Waddon Born: 1091 Whatton

Elizabeth Gloucester Born: 1095 Talby

John Ingram Born: 1105 Ayresome

Adam De Novo De Newmarch Born: 1121Newmarch

Richard De Engaine Born: 1127 Sprotboro,West Riding

Phillip DE Colville Born: 1130 Little Timble,West Ride

Walter De Faucomberge Born: 1140 Rise,Holderness

Henry De Novo Mercato Born: 1151Newmarch

Joan LE Grammarie Born: 1155 Knottington,West Riding

Joan Le Grammaire Born: 1160 Knottington,West Riding

Peter De Faucomberge Born: 1165 Rise,Holderness

Adam De Novo Foro Born: 1166 Newmarch

Phillip DE Colville Died: 1170 Sigston, NorthRide

Joan Le Grammaire Born: 1172 Knottington

Robert Ingeram Born: 1174 Ingleby Arncliffe,North Riding

Robert Ingeram Born: 1178 Ingleby Arncliffe,North Riding

Engelise Ingeram Born: 1200

Walter De Faucomberge Died: 1216Withenwick, Skirlaugh

Peter De Faucomberge Died: 1230Withenwick, Skirlaugh

Adam De Newmarch Born: 1242 Newmarch

Margery De Newmarch Born: 1252Wormersley

Anice De Faucomberge Born: 1275 RiseWithernwick, Holderness

Agnes De Brus Died: 1280 Rise, East Riding

Pernell Of England Died: 1293 Womersley

Michael De La Pole Born: 1361 Hull

James Thornton Born: 15 Nov 1648 LowBentham, West Riding (

Nancy Smith Born: 1656 Low Bentham, WestRiding (

Zeeland, Netherlands

Jacob Epkese Te Banta Born: 1600Middleburg, Zeeland, Netherlands

Yellis Jansen De Mandeville Born: 1625Garderen, Veluwe, Zeeland, Netherlands

Jean Des Marets Died: 1642 Middleburg,Zeeland, Holland

Reytske Sickedr Died: May 1652 Middleburg

Zwickau, Germany

Franziskus Marthinus Merkel Born:Gruenhain, Zwickau, Sachsen

Margaretha Ficker Born: 1551 Gruenhain,Zwickau, Sachsen


Index of Individuals

Aberle -Child 1: 4Child 2: 4Child 3: 4Ruth: 4Seymour: 4Shalom: 4Sharon: 4

Ackerman -Abraham: 32Anneken: 13, 43Antjen: 32David: 43, 46David: 29, 31David: 43David: 31Gelyn: 30, 43Gelyn: 31, 43Hendri: 40Hester: 32Hillegond: 31Johannes: 19, 60Johannes: 13, 40Johannes: 32, 43Laurens: 29Laurents: 41, 57Lodowyck: 20, 31Maritie: 31, 45Marrityn: 41Marytje: 16, 32Nicolaes: 31, 46Petrus: 15Pieter: 15Trientjen: 31Tryntie: 31

Adams -Bryan Taylor: 33Cecylia Grey: 33

Adrianse -Anneken: 16

Albertssen -Andries Alberts: 11

Aldreda -Emma: 26

Alexander -Marjory: 49

Alice -Unnamed: 15, 56

Alliger -Lewis A.: 39, 58

Almour -Mary: 13, 22

Ames -Albert B.: 35Anna: 47Caroline: 47Clayton: 47Delhia: 47Edith: 47Edwin: 47Jane: 24Jennie: 47

Laura: 47Minnie Laura: 3, 39, 47William: 24William: 47William: 47

Andrew -Jane: 39, 41Samuel: 18Samuel: 18, 39

Andrewe -Robert: 34

Andrews -Agnes: 34Elizabeth: 34Gyles: 34

Ann - (name: Elizabeth Smith Brewster): 21, 56

Ardres -Arnould D: 18Arnould I D: 17Christine D: 18Elbodon D: 17

Arques -Godfrey Vicomte: 13Gozeline Vicomte: 13, 26Maud D: 13, 22William D: 13, 60

Atkins -Henry: 38Joseph: 38

Atwood -Agnes: 57Agnes: 57Agnes: 34Edward: 57Henry: 57John: 57John: 57John Hewson: 37, 57Nicholas: 57Peter: 57Richard: 57Thomas: 57William: 57

Badie -Maria Thomas: 40, 43Thomas: 12, 46Thomas: 13, 17

Baerts -Mary: 33

Bakepuiz -Elizabeth: 20Mrs Ralph: 26Ralph: 26, 36Robert: 36Robert: 20Roesia: 20

Baldwin -Rebecca: 41Sylvester: 41, 42

Baliol -Mathilda: 22


Banta -Abram: 32Annetcha Ann: 32Cornelius Epkese: 31, 40David: 31, 32Derrick Epke: 31, 33Elizabeth Alezbeth: 32Elsie: 31Epke Jacobse: 31, 33Epke Luvese: 40Geertie: 31Hendrick: 30Hendrick Epkese: 32, 40Henricus: 16Jacob: 31Jacob: 16, 57Jacob Epkese Te: 40, 60Jannetje: 32Johannes: 32, 41Lieuwe Te: 40Lydia: 31, 41Mariah: 32Rachel: 31Rachel: 32Seba Epkese: 31, 40Weart Epkese: 31, 40Wiert: 31Wiert: 16, 32Wiert Davidse: 32Wiert Wiertse: 30, 32

Bardolf -Beatrice: 21

Barents -Barent: 40

Basset -Alice: 17Ralph: 16, 26Thomas: 45, 46Thurston: 26, 45

Bassett -Alan: 46Isabel: 24

Bayeux -Emma: 15

Beatrice -Unnamed: 27

Beatrix -Unnamed: 22

Beauchamp -Cambus Bellus: 25, 26Philippe: 29, 56

Beauclerc -Henry I: 48Maud: 23

Beck -Paulus Van Der: 17, 36

Beek -Abraham Van Der: 42Aeltie Paulus Van Der: 37, 40Catherine Van Der: 17, 56Hester Van Der: 42Mary Bush Van Der: 43Paulus Van Der: 17, 35

Bell -Mary: 55, 56Olive: 42William: 34

Bellier -Elizabeth: 13, 42Jean: 12Pierre: 58

Bennet -Adrian: 25, 40Marritje Willemse: 35

Bennett -Adrian: 40Willem Adrianse: 35

Berdan -Sarah: 32

Bertani -Nick: 3

Bierly -Jeremy: 3

Billung -Matilda: 26

Black -Alan The: 15, 27

Bogaardt -Abigel Uyten: 11

Borthwick -Catherine: 53Catherine: 22Janet: 52

Boulogne -Enricule: 26

Bournonville -Hawise: 27

Bowen -Grace Aspinwall: 17, 19

Boyd -Margaret: 52

Brackunell -Aeltye: 28

Braconie -Aeltje: 12, 46Eli: 12, 40

Bradt -Albert Andriessen: 11, 29Andries: 11Andries Arentse: 29, 48Anna: 11, 12Anna: 11Anthony Barentse: 11, 12Arent: 29, 45Arent Andriessen: 29, 48Barent Albertse: 11, 12Daniel: 11, 12Dirck: 11Dirk: 11Engeltje: 11Enleltje Alberts: 11Eva Albertse: 13, 58Gessetie: 11Gisseltje: 11Hendrick Albertse: 11Isaac: 11Jacob: 11, 44


Jan Albertse: 11, 12Johannes: 11, 48Maritje: 11Rebecca: 11Sara: 11, 12Storm Albertse: 11

Braose -Maud: 59

Brassart -Sanctine: 28

Bratt -Gisseltje Albertse: 11

Bret -John: 25

Brett -Joanna: 25John: 25

Brewster -Unnamed: 24Elizabeth Smith (aka: Ann): 21, 56

Bridges -Edmund: 34, 38Hephsibah: 17Josiah: 48, 59

Brittany -Conan Le Grosse Of: 27

Briwere -Unnamed: 24

Brooks -Eunice: 59

Bruce -Christina: 29, 51Femname: 24Robert: 50, 51Robert: 20, 51

Brus -Peter: 27

Bryan -Richard: 13William Jennings: 39, 48

Buckingham -Margaret: 13, 14

Burghersh -Bartholomew: 37, 57John: 46

Burton -Elizabeth: 17

Busby -Nicholas: 17, 24

Bustard -William Buster: 12, 21

Buster -Caswell: 45Charles Hayden: 59Charles L: 45Claudius: 12, 30Claudius: 30David: 13, 30David: 45, 48Elizabeth: 45Elizabeth: 38Florence Belle: 19, 38James B: 19Jockey Bill: 37

John: 12, 21John: 12, 30John: 38, 60John Parker: 39, 57Joshua A.: 59Lillian: 19Lucy Amelia: 19Mary: 35, 39Mary Clyde: 19, 57Michael: 48Milton Pope: 28Polly: 59Sarah: 60Sarah: 39William: 12, 60William Woods: 45, 48

Bute -Jean: 50, 51

Campbell -Andrew: 14Andrew: 14, 52Archibald: 26, 49Archibald: 33, 49Archibald: 50Archibald: 50, 51Archibald: 45, 53Cailen Maol: 49Colin Mor: 50, 51Donald: 51Duncan: 50Duncan: 51Duncan Mac Durine: 49Elizabeth: 15George: 14George: 14George: 15, 53George: 14, 53George: 14, 53Helen: 15, 35Hugh: 14Hugh: 15, 53Hugh: 15Isabel: 53Isabel: 53Katherine: 14Matthew: 14, 53

Carolyn -Unnamed: 4

Carrick -Errick: 51Marjorie: 14, 51Neil: 14, 51

Carter -Elizabeth: 24

Cathcart -Alan: 15, 52Alan: 52Elizabeth: 52Janet: 13, 49Mrs Alan: 52

Chadwick -Mary: 41

Chastillon -Yolande: 58

Chaucer -


Alice: 46Geoffrey: 37Thomas: 46

Cheesbrough -William: 37

Chesebrough -Elihu: 42Elihu: 41, 42Elisha: 17, 42Elisha: 42Hannah: 41, 42Jabez: 17John: 17, 42Jonathan , (twin): 24Joseph: 17, 42Lydia: 41, 42Nathaniel , Sr: 42Peter: 38Rebecca: 42, 59Samuel , Sr: 42Sarah: 38Sarah: 42William: 42

Chesney -Sara: 23

Chesterfield -Sarah: 55

Chievers -Heldiarde D De Mons: 15

Chinnock -Beatrice White: 41Dorothy Bertha: 19, 39Helen Raymond: 41Robert Stevenson: 44

Chrisman -Abraham: 28Ann Nancy: 39Elizabeth: 39George: 29George: 28, 58Isaac: 58Isaac: 39, 59Jacob: 29Jacob: 29Jacob: 33, 47James Gholson: 19, 48James Stone: 39Johannes Peter: 29, 58Jonathan: 39Joseph: 39Julia: 58Lucy Dixie: 39Mary: 39Mary Maria: 58Nathaniel: 17Phoebe: 29, 34Rebecca: 19, 39Sarah: 58

Chrystal -Charles Anderson: 19, 39Charles Anderson: 29Diantha White: 29Dorothy Allegra: 41, 44Margot Chinnock: 29Sarah Chadwick: 3, 41

Church -Christopher: 24James: 34, 35Robert: 34Thomasyn: 34, 37

Cinneadth -Henry: 45

Claus -Hanry: 25, 53

Clausen -Elizabeth Janse: 43

Clauss -Pierre: 53, 54Rachel: 28, 56

Cocke -Bridget: 17, 24

Coke -Margaret: 24

Coleman -Lydia: 19

Collins -Susanna: 54

Colquhoun -John: 29, 53Margaret: 35

Colvill -Roger: 37Walter: 37

Colville -Alice: 23, 24

Comyn -Elizabeth: 19Idonea: 50Idonea: 50Idonea: 50John: 25, 33John: 21, 33John The: 33

Conan -Bertha: 27

Conqueror -William The: 25, 48

Cooper -Sarah: 46

Copland -Elizabeth Yarnell: 18, 58

Copton -Agnes: 37

Corbet -Ada: 23, 59Alice: 23Hawise: 23, 60Robert: 23William: 23, 60

Corbett -Thomas: 23

Cornelis -Annatje: 43Divertje: 40, 43

Cornelisda -Sil: 40

Cornelius -Divertje: 12, 40


Pieter: 12, 13Courthope -

Alexander: 34Elizabeth: 34Peter: 34

Crauchan -Dorothy: 49Dugald: 49

Crauford -Reginald: 14

Craufurd -Hugh: 14John: 14, 49Margaret: 14

Crawford -Alan: 13Beatrix: 15Gualterus: 36Hugh: 13Hugh: 35Isabel: 35John: 36, 48John: 30Lawrence: 35Malcolm: 30, 53Malcolm: 15, 35Margaret: 51Mrs Hugh: 36Reginald: 14Reginald: 36, 51Reginald: 14, 51Robert: 35Robert: 15Roger: 30Susanna: 14Thomas: 15

Crawfurd -Margaret: 53Marion: 53

Cresson -Pierre: 28, 53Pierre: 11, 56Rachel: 20, 31

Crichton -Eda: 50Edward: 51Edward: 21Marion: 53Robert: 52Robert: 52, 53Robert: 52, 53Robert: 22, 53Robert: 53

Crommelin -Anne: 40

Crork -Caroline: 47

Cruachan -Dugald: 49

Ct -Ardolph Le Blount: 25, 26

Cumyn -Margaret: 50, 51

Cunningham -

Alexander: 21, 53Alexander: 22, 53Catherine: 22Cuthbert: 21, 53Margaret: 22, 53Robert: 14, 53Robert: 14, 22William: 22, 53

Cuvellier -Adrienne: 12, 58Jean: 40

Dammartin -Agnes: 17, 27

De Albini -Matilda: 37

De Albiniaco -Isabella: 36, 37

De Amiens -Alaides: 25

De Angus -Beatrix: 25

De Ardres -Adelaide D: 18

De Arques -Emmaline: 48

De Arsic -Alexander: 46Joan: 46Manasser: 46Robert: 46Robert: 46William: 46

De Atholl -Muldivana: 47

De Aulney -Fouque: 23

De Avenel -Avice: 20, 23

De Bakepuiz -John: 20

De Baliol -Unnamed: 44Euphemia: 15, 51John: 15, 22Reginald: 44

De Balliol -Bernard: 45Hugh: 15, 45

De Bayeaux -Nn: 26, 27

De Bayeux -Unnamed: 15Emma: 15Emme: 26Emme: 15Emme: 15Emmeline: 15

De Beauchamp -Robert: 59William: 60

De Beauffou -Alice: 26, 27Raoul: 25Raoul: 26


Richard: 26, 60De Beaumont -

Agnes: 27Ancelin: 22, 26

De Beauvoise -Melisande: 27

De Bolbec -Beatrice: 26, 60

De Bolebec -Osbern: 26, 27

De Boog -Annatje Barent: 43Barent: 11Hendricus: 12Isaac Fredericks: 43Salomon: 12

De Boogh -Abraham: 12Fredrick Debow: 11, 29Hendrick: 13, 42Hendricks Henry: 12, 43Jacob: 43Marritie: 12, 43Phillip: 12Rebecca: 12, 43Sara Fredrick: 43Solomon: 43, 44

De Bosville -Unnamed: 60Hugh: 27

De Boulers -Maud: 23

De Boulogne -Adeline Comtesse: 26, 27Arnoul Comte: 25, 26Mahaud: 25Mrs Arnoul Comtesse: 25

De Braose -Unnamed: 57Bertha: 57, 59Daughter: 57Margery: 34, 37Maud: 57, 60NN: 57Sybil: 57

De Bretagne -Berthe: 27Sporte: 25

De Brienne -Walter V: 28, 30

De Brittany -Emma: 26, 27Matilda: 27

De Briwere -Unnamed: 57Unnamed: 21, 37Alice: 54, 56Engelesia: 21Nn: 24

De Broyes -Isabel: 26, 44

De Bruce -Martha: 50Robert: 27, 36

De Brus -Agnes: 60Peter: 27Peter: 27Peter: 27Piers: 51Piers: 45

De Brusse -Robert: 49

De Buci -Alice: 44, 55

De Burghersh -John: 46Maud: 46

De Cambrai -Aleïdis: 18

De Carrick -Duncan: 14, 51

De Cathcart -Mrs Alan: 15, 52

De Caux -Erneberge Albreda: 26

De Chaucer -Andrew: 23, 34

De Chaumont -Ermengarde: 19

De Clinton -Geoffrey: 48Lasceline: 55

DE Colville -Phillip: 60Roger: 37

De Cotentin -Richard I: 45

De Crawford -Cecilia: 14Galfridus: 35, 50Galfridus: 36Hugh: 36Hugh: 14, 51John: 35, 36John: 36, 51Malcolm: 30Mrs John: 30Mrs Roger: 30Mrs Roger: 30Reginald: 35, 49Reginald: 13, 14Roger: 14, 52

De Crepon -Avelina: 25, 47Woerta: 26, 47

De Crevecoeur -Robert: 34

De Crevequer -Daniel: 36Elias: 36Hamo: 26Robert: 36

De Crichton -Thomas: 50, 51Thurstan: 49Thurston: 50William: 49


William: 50William: 51

De Cuningesburgh -Lora: 51William: 51

De Cunningesburgh -William: 51

De Dalsallock -Alicia: 36Alicia: 14, 36

De Dol -Tittensor: 26

De Doreslowe -Petronilla: 23

De Douai -Hugues: 21

De Dunstanville -Alice: 45, 59

De Durham -Emma: 22

De Engaine -John: 44John: 44Nicholas: 18Richard: 60Richard: 44

De Enqaine -Richard: 18, 22

De Faucomberge -Anice: 60Peter: 60Walter: 60Walter: 23, 54

De Ferrers -Maud: 20, 23William: 55

De Fiennes -Mahaut: 24William: 17

De Flanders -Baudouin I: 15Matilda: 17, 26

De Forest -Agnes: 28

De Fortibus -Agnes: 23

De Furnes -Herald: 25, 26Heribert: 58Mlle: 58

De Galloway -Dervorgilla: 15, 50Gilbert: 14Gilbert: 49Margaret: 14

De Gand -Beatrix: 25Folcard: 15Gilbert: 15, 37Lambert: 15Wenemar: 40

De Gaunt -Agnes: 22, 37Walter: 36, 37

De Gay -Aline: 17

De Gent -Arnould: 15Geyla: 15

De Gernon -Ralph: 24William: 24, 25

De Gramines -Siher: 25, 26Susanne: 17, 27

De Greinville -Eustace: 36Gilbert: 36Joan: 36

De Gresley -Geoffrey: 20John: 20Nicholas: 20, 55

De Guines -Baldwin I: 17, 18Gisele: 18, 25

De Guisnes -Eustace: 17, 26

De Hainault -Regnier I: 25, 29

De Hames -Guiote: 27, 28Walter: 25, 27

De Hanham -Ismania: 29, 59

De Haughton -Matilda Margaret: 19

De Haya -Gilbert: 50, 51Gilbert: 47, 52Gilbert: 30John: 47Mrs Eva: 50Nicholas: 47Nicolas: 47, 51Thomas: 30William: 54William: 47William: 30William: 30

De Heriez -William: 50

De Heriz -Henry: 21Nigel: 21William: 21

De Herries -Robert: 21

De Herville -Marguerite: 16, 28

De Holand -Maud: 24, 55

De Huntingdon -Henry: 45Marjory: 25

De Islay -Unnamed: 23

De Ivry -


Emma: 26Emma: 26

De Jauche -Reniee Bodival: 27Simon: 27

De Jouche -Gillette: 27

De Keith -Hervey: 50John: 50, 51Margaret: 49Philip: 50

De Keth -Herveus: 49, 50Hervey: 23, 50Malcolm: 49, 50

De Licques -Adele: 18Eustace: 17

De Lindsay -Alexander: 14, 36Beatrice: 24, 36Margaret: 51Margaret: 14

De Lisoures -Aubrey: 60

De Lisure -Alice: 23

De Lochaber -Fleance: 58Margaret: 49Walter: 49

De Lomegau -Alpaïs: 25

De Loudoun -James: 13James St Lord: 14, 45Lambinus Laird: 14, 49Margaret: 13, 14Margaret: 14

De Louvain -Landrade: 15

De Lucerne -Hodierne: 14, 59Hodierne: 14, 59Hodierne: 14, 59

De Lyne -Margaret: 30, 47

De Mandeville -Dionysia: 23Giles Jansen: 40Joannes: 44Michael Johannis: 36, 44Yellis Jansen: 60

De Mar -Ellen: 51, 52

De Marcq -Arnould Vicomte: 18Elembert Vicomte: 18

De Mares -Godwin: 27Hugo: 27

De Maxwell -Aymer: 50, 51

Herbert: 50Herbert: 21, 25John: 21, 50John: 21

De Mearns -Nicholas: 50Roland: 49, 50

De Mohun -Adeliz: 23, 54William: 48, 54William: 54

De Mons -Alberade: 25Gossuin: 39Gossuin: 39Gossuin I: 39

De Montfichet -Margaret: 24

De Montfort -Alice: 26, 36Hugh: 26, 27Hugh I: 26Mrs Hugh I: 26Thurston: 25, 26

De Montgomerie -Anne Lady: 13, 52

De Montgomery -Ameria: 58Robert: 20

De Moray -Unnamed: 47, 49

De Mowbray -Elizabeth: 24, 37

De Namur -Ida Countess: 39

De Neuville -Emma: 28

De Newmarch -Adam: 60Adam De Novo: 47, 60Margery: 44, 60

De Normandy -Adeliza: 26, 36Emmaline: 26Lesceline: 27, 59

De Peronne -Adelaide: 47Adelise: 47Robert: 47

De Picquigny -Melisinde: 21

De Ponthieu -Elisenda: 26, 27Enguerrand: 13, 26

De Raede -Aegidius Van: 15, 40Maria Van: 36, 44

De Rambures -Ermegarde: 27, 28Jean: 27

De Ranchicourt -Jacqueline: 28

De Roet -Phillipa: 28, 37


De Ross -William: 51, 52

De Roucy -Avise: 23, 26Gisèle: 22, 26

De Rouen -Amelie: 26, 48Gozelin: 48

De Rumigny -Arnoul: 26Aude: 26Beatrice: 27Godfrey I: 25Tilbert: 25Tilbert: 25

De Sackville -Hodierna: 24

De Selvesle -Adelle: 25, 26Adelle: 25, 26

De Senlis -Robert I: 54

De Seton -Janet: 52Janet: 52

De Solenbi -Emma: 46

De Solomnes -Guillemette: 18, 28

De Sordis -Juliana: 49

De Soules -Unnamed: 51Juliana: 49

De Stafford -Elena: 20Ms Nigel: 55William: 55William Fitz: 20

De Stuteville -Daughter Robert: 36Margery: 44

De Swynnerton -Alice: 55Matilda: 22Robert: 55

De Tankerville -William: 27, 36

De Theydon -Beatrix: 20Henry: 20

De Tilli -Denise: 23Otes: 27William Fitzjohn: 23

De Tilney -Agnes: 44Isabella: 23, 24Walter: 23

De Toeni -Alice: 33Godeheut: 33, 54Godeheut: 27Godehold: 18, 23

De Toni -Goda: 20

De Tyrel -Alice: 27

De Valence -Joan: 24, 33William: 58

De Valletort -Roger: 21, 23

De Vaudreuil -Asperling: 23, 25

De Vaux -Beatrice: 52

De Verdun -Alice: 23Alicia: 23Alicia: 23Bertram: 17, 25Elizabeth: 37Godfrey: 17Norman: 17, 25

De Vere -Eleanor: 18, 24Rohese: 24

De Vermandois -Eudes: 26, 27

De Vernon -Auda: 55Warin: 19Warin: 17Warine: 19

De Vos -Catalyntje: 11, 48

De Waddon -William: 60

De Warenne -Ada: 56

De Wasteneys -Constance: 55John: 55Thomasine: 24, 55William: 55William: 55

De Waure -Roger: 55

De Wyckhurst -Peter: 56Peter: 56

Deason -Laura Lee: 19

Deboogh -Frederick Hendricks: 13, 43

Debow -Frederick: 11, 29

Deforest -Louisa: 35, 59

Demarest -Benjamin: 16, 32Daniel: 16, 41David: 32, 42Jacomina: 31, 41Lydia: 16, 41Mary: 16Rachel: 16, 30


Samuel: 32, 38Samuel: 16

Denes -Unnamed: 57

Derg -Dwbhn: 49Dwbhn: 49

Deruine -Maria: 16, 43

Des Mares -Gansemond: 26

Des Marest -Jacobus D: 16, 35Lea: 30Peter: 42Samuel: 16, 25

Des Marests -Pierre: 28

Des Marets -Alix: 27Baldwin: 27Baldwin: 27Baldwin: 27Baldwin: 27, 28Baldwin: 28Baldwin: 28Baldwin: 28Baldwin: 28Baldwin: 28Baldwin I: 27David: 15, 42David: 16, 42Francois: 18Goswin: 27Hugo: 27Hugo: 27Hugo: 28Jacques: 18, 28Jacques: 28, 45Jacques: 18Jean: 26, 27Jean: 27Jean: 28Jean: 28Jean: 13, 28Jean: 28Jean: 28, 60Pierre: 28Pierre: 28, 45Reginald: 27Reginald: 28William: 27, 28

Desmarets -David: 31, 38Jaques: 25, 28Pierre: 28

Dewees -Adrian Hendricks: 13Garrett Hendricks: 13, 47Hendrick: 13Wilhelmina: 40, 47

Dingle -Barry: 4Scott: 4

Dircksda -

Sitske: 30, 33Dixon -

Jane: 13, 46Doolittle -

Christopher Scott: 3Jake: 3Lauren Elizabeth: 3Robert Scott: 3

Douglas -Archibald: 36, 45Barbara: 54Barbara: 54Catherine: 47Eleanor: 36, 52George: 36, 52James: 20Jane: 20Margaret: 49Margaret: 20Margaret: 52Marjory: 15, 53William: 50, 51William: 36, 37William: 36William: 52, 53

Doun -Dubhn: 49Dubhn: 49

Downs -John: 39

Draffen -Alicia: 36

Drummond -Isabell: 47

Du Bois -Sarrentje De Croix: 13, 28

Dumond -Antoinette D: 12, 28

Dunbar -Agnes: 22Agnes: 22, 52Agnes: 20, 52Beatrice: 22Beatrix: 22George: 24, 52Janet: 48, 52Mariot: 53

Durand -Andrew: 41Charles Jerome: 18Charles See: 17, 48Frank Parker: 19Harry Whitney: 17, 18Harry Whitney: 18, 19Harry Whitney: 3, 19Harry Whitney: 3, 19James Thornton: 3, 19John: 35, 41John: 39John Jerome: 18John Jerome: 19Katherina: 18, 38Laura Ames: 3, 19Meritt Knapp: 33, 39Michael Chadwick: 3


Sarah Whitney: 3, 19Stephen Chrystal: 3, 19

Dyer -Anna: 37

Eile -Ferither: 21Ferither: 49

Eke -Jane: 19, 24

Elizabeth -Unnamed: 3

Ellsworth -Judith: 12, 43

Engaine -Richard: 44Richard: 44Richard: 44Richard: 44Richard: 44Richard D: 23, 44Richard D: 44Viel: 44Viel: 44Viel: 44Viel: 44Viel: 44

Engayne -Richard D: 44

England -Pernell Of: 20, 60

Enne -Gertrude D: 27

Erroll -David De La Hay Lord: 50

Erskine -Christina: 52Elizabeth: 52Elizabeth: 52, 53Henry: 24, 50John: 24John: 24Robert: 24William: 24, 52William John: 52

Everts -Clerke: 40

Eysteinsson -Malahule: 45

Famelar -Jeanne: 53, 54

Ferrieres -Adelucie De Torote: 23

Ferris -Abigail: 30, 56Deborah: 56Elizabeth: 55Elizabeth: 56Hannah: 55, 56Hannah: 56Jeffery: 30Jeffrey: 55Joseph: 30, 56Joseph: 55, 56Mary: 55

Mary: 55, 56Nathan: 55Peter: 55, 56Peter: 55, 56Samuel: 55, 56Samuel: 56, 59

Ficker -Margaretha: 60

Finruo -Ferither: 49Ferither: 49

Fitch -Hannah: 45Rev. James: 25, 41

Fitzalan -Alan: 21, 34Christian: 46Christina: 23Christina: 23Christina: 23Christina: 23Eupheme: 51Euphemia: 50

FitzBagot -Hervey: 55

Fitzforne -Edith: 19, 46

Fitzgeoffrey -Lady Maud: 59, 60

FitzHerice -Ivo: 45

Fitzurse -Margery: 44Margery: 36, 44Margery: 23Richard: 36, 44

Fitzwalter -Alan: 13, 46Avelina: 23, 46Avelina: 23, 46Avelina: 50

Fleming -Michael: 19, 36William: 19, 20William: 17

Florid -Elva: 4

Foliot -Jordan: 37Jordan: 44Jordan I: 37Walter: 21

Folliott -Mary: 23

Foro -Adam De Novo: 23, 60De Novo: 45Ralph De Novo: 45

Forrester -Adam: 23, 52Janet: 24John: 23Margaret: 23Margaret: 24


Foster -Katherine: 34Robert: 34

France -Judith Princess Of: 25

Fraser -Finetta: 49, 50Gilbert: 49John: 49Margaret: 47Margaret: 47Margaret: 47, 51Margaret: 47, 51Mary: 32, 48Mary: 33, 49Mary: 47Mary Margaret: 34Mrs Gilbert: 49Simon: 49

Frye -Elizabeth: 24John: 24

Gailbraith -Unnamed: 30

Galloway -Alexander: 50Alexander: 50M: 14

Gand -Baudouin Ii De Gant: 15

Gansemond -Eulalie: 26

Gerardel -Catherine: 28

Gernon -John: 25, 46Margaret: 20, 46Matthew: 24, 27Ralph: 18, 24Ralph: 18, 20William: 20, 24

Gerritzen -Jannetje: 16, 40

Gholson -Anthony: 54, 59Elizabeth: 54, 59Julia (Kitty): 39Mary: 58William: 54, 55

Gifford -Johanna: 52

Gijsbertsz -Jan: 58

Giles -Annie: 37, 57John: 34

Glendinwyn -Margaret: 53

Gloucester -Elizabeth: 22, 60

Godfrey -Marion: 49

Goewey -Elizabeth Solomon: 42

Jan Salomonse: 12, 13Salomon Abelse: 19

Gordon -Alexander: 51

Govaerts -Hillegont: 13, 16

Gowey -Abel Poppese: 13, 18

Graham -Catherine: 52

Greenough -Beulah Ashley: 3

Greenslade -Ruth: 13, 34Thomas: 48

Grener -Agnes: 27Eustace: 27

Gresley -Basilia: 20Basilia: 20Geoffrey: 20Geoffrey: 20Ms Agnes: 20Peter: 20Robert: 20William: 20William: 20

Gresslap -Elizabeth: 22, 55

Gressley -Cotton: 55

Grimbald -Alice: 36

Gruffydd -Nest Verch: 25, 33

Guerin -Jeanne: 28, 38

Hamilton -Janet: 53Jean: 14, 21

Haraldsson -Godfrey: 49

Hardy -Alison: 4Alpheus: 17, 18Amelia: 4Arthur Sherburne: 3, 13, 19Blaise Courtenay: 4, 18Cavan: 4, 47Courtenay: 4Evelyn: 3Gelston: 3Hugh: 3, 54Isaac: 18Lester F.: 4, 48Malcolm: 4Patricia Elizabeth: 3, 11, 19Robin: 4Rosamond: 3, 37, 39Sherburne: 3, 33Sherburne: 4, 33Thornton Sherburne: 3, 33

Harman -


John: 34John: 34Thomas: 34William: 57

Harmon -Mary: 34, 35

Harvey -John: 15, 44

Hastang -Joan: 24, 59Johanna: 59

Hastings -Johanna: 23, 55

Haughton -Margaret: 23

Hay -Alicia: 47, 53Beatrice: 52David: 51, 52Isabella: 55Margaret: 52, 53Thomas: 47, 52William: 52, 53

Haya -Thomas: 30, 52

Haye -Joan: 51Joan: 51

Heiress -Wallace: 46

Helling -Wybrogh: 16, 30

Hendley -Unnamed: 34Alice: 34John: 34John: 34Thomas: 34

Hendricks -Geertje: 43

Hendrickse -Belitje Arabella: 13, 43

Hepburn -Adam: 52Adam: 52, 53Agnes: 52Margaret: 15, 53Patrick: 52Patrick: 45, 52Robert: 50

Herbecq -Elizabeth: 18, 37

Herce -Mathurine: 58

Heriz -Joan: 23

Herque -Catherine: 21

Herries -Herbert: 21, 53Janet: 21, 36John: 21, 52John: 21

Hervey -

John Lawyer: 15William: 15

Hervie -Bridget: 38George: 24

Heydt -Johannes Hans: 29

Heyrown -Mary: 23, 34

Hine -Ann: 39

Hite -Hans Jost: 29, 58Magdalena: 29, 35

Hobbs -Greeley: 22, 59

Holland -Adela: 58

Holmes -Charles: 17

Hopkins -Giles: 38Stephen: 22, 47

Hopper -Andries: 12, 13Andries: 30, 46Catharina: 16, 43Catherine: 16Geertje: 31, 46Gerret: 31, 32Hendrick: 12, 32Hendrickje: 43Jan Hendrickse: 16, 30Leah: 31, 32Matthys: 43Rachel: 30Tryntje: 30Tryntje Hoppe: 12, 16Willem: 40Willem: 16William: 43, 59

Howes -Hope: 38Captain Samuel: 38Thomas: 38

Howland -Abigail: 38, 47Henry: 38

Hoyt -Joshua: 55, 59Mary: 55, 56

Hughes -Jane: 17

Hunter -Jane: 34

Huntingdon -David: 50

Ingeram -Engelise: 60Robert: 60Robert: 60

Ingham -Richard D: 44

Ingram -


John: 60Irmengarde -

Jeanne: 26Irvine -

Margaret: 34Ivry -

Emma Of: 26Jack -

Andrew: 5Hannah: 3, 5, 8

Jacobs -Tryntje: 34, 40

Jacobse -Anne: 30, 40

Janns -Abram: 12, 39

Jans -Adriaentje: 13, 36Aechtje: 31, 44Aeltie: 13Celtje: 12, 43Engeltje: 40Jannetje: 16, 58Leysebert: 37Tuman Jansen: 40, 58

Janse -Lysbeth: 37

Jarnigan -Pearl: 4

Jean -Unnamed: 26

Jenkins -Elizabeth: 2, 5, 8, 20, 34

Jenkinson -Margaret: 37

Jenszen -Jan Jans: 42

Joan -Unnamed: 34Unnamed: 54

Johnston -Margaret: 52

Johnstone -Adam: 21John: 21

Jones -Dorothy: 22, 38Elizabeth: 18, 38Sarah Jane: 37Sarah Jane: 37

Jr -William Moon: 17

Juliana -Unnamed: 56Unnamed: 56

Jurckxen -Mynno Jemima: 11, 59

Kaple -Dimmis: 20John: 42Thomas: 35, 46

Keegan -Lillian E.: 41

Keith -John: 52Margaret: 51Robert: 22, 51William: 50, 51

Kennedy -Alexander: 15, 53Gilbert: 52Gilbert: 15, 53James: 14Katherine: 38Margery Sophia: 15, 22Thomas: 52Thomas: 15, 49

Kerdeston -Maud: 44

Kilbane -Christine: 13, 14

Kinetis -Aefje Eva: 29Pieter: 45

Kitchen -Henry S. I.: 3

Knapp -Lydia: 55, 56

La Pole -John De: 37, 56Michael De: 24, 60William De: 56

La Roe -Jannetje: 30Mary: 31Peter: 30, 31

La Saulx -Agnes De: 28

La Vigne -Jean De: 13, 58Wife De: 28

La Vinje -Chriatina De: 28, 37

Lambertszyn -Aechtje: 12, 44

Laroe -Antie: 31, 32Jacques: 32, 38Samuel: 16, 31Susanna: 31, 38

Laroux -Hendrik Larue: 16, 31

Laurencia -Unnamed: 56, 57

Le Breton -Geoffrey: 27

Le Brett -Roger: 21

Le Chaucer -John: 37Robert: 23, 44

Le Grammaire -Joan: 60Joan: 60

LE Grammarie -Joan: 60


Le Grand -Peter: 33, 36

Le Roux -Anne: 38Marie: 38Pierre: 18, 24

Le Scot -Unnamed: 49Isobella: 23, 29

Le Stewart -Walter: 14, 51

Le Sueur -Francois: 21, 42Hillebrandt: 35Jacob: 35John: 35

Le Taverner -Dulcia: 24, 56Robert: 56

Leachland -Margaret: 24

Legrand -Jean Pierre: 13, 30

Leroux -Abraham: 31Agenitie LaRue: 31Jacob: 38Johannes: 31Margaret Laroe: 31, 58Marqaret: 31Rachel: 31Susanna LaRue: 31

Leseur -Jeanne: 43

Lindsay -Christian: 22, 33Eufemia: 36

Lindsey -John H: 14

Liuwes -Zytian: 36, 47

Llewelyn -Elen Verch: 17

Lockett -Matilda Deforrest: 48, 58Richard: 19William: 19, 59

Logwood -Edmund: 15, 19Mary: 15, 19

Long -Elizabeth: 30, 33

Lord -Fergus: 14, 22

Lorens -Eda: 50

Losier -Antie: 16, 31

Lozier -Anthony: 31Benjamin: 31Hillebrant: 31, 32Jacobus: 16, 31Jannetje: 35

Jannetje: 16, 31Johannes: 31, 32Lucas: 22, 31Maritie: 31, 41Nicholas: 32, 58Petrus: 31Tryrntie: 42

Lubbertse -Matthew: 16Tryntje: 16

Lubbertsen -Gerret: 37Gysbert: 40, 43Thys: 40, 43

Mabille -Sargaent Gaspard: 12, 13Seigneur Pierre: 28, 39

Mac Diubhn -Duina: 49

Mac Dwbhn -Arthur Oig: 21

Mac Gillivrail -Naughton: 50

Mac Gilmory -Findoig Finval: 50

Mac Gilronan -Unnamed: 51

Mac Kennedy -Marcow: 50Marthout: 50Marthout: 50

MacDowall -Joseph "The Calvinist": 45, 53

Macduibhn -Arthur Armberg: 27, 49Arthur Oig: 21Diarmid: 49Duina: 33, 49Eva Na: 49Malcolm: 27, 49Paul: 33, 49

Macgillivail -Naughton: 50

MacGillivrail -Finlay: 50, 51

MacGilmory -Nachtan: 50

Macgilronan -Unnamed: 51

Mackennedy -Macrow: 50

Macrory -Jean: 14, 50

Magdalena -Anna Marie: 29

Mailly -Fere D: 28Il Le Catherine: 28Jean D: 28, 48

Malapert -Antoinette: 28

Manderville -Gerritje Jillisae: 43


Mandeville -Aegidius Jansz: 12David: 43Hendrick: 40, 41Jan: 40, 47Johannes Michaelsz: 40Margaret: 39Tryntje: 35, 40Tryntje: 36, 40William: 35, 37William: 43Yellis Giles: 12, 21

Manning -Mildred Fortune: 57

Manwaring -Elizabeth: 34, 48

Mar -Donald: 50, 51Gratney: 51

Mardgallach -Unnamed: 49

Margaret -Unnamed: 25

Markle -Catharina: 29Georgius: 29Maria: 29Phillip: 29

Markley -Jacob: 20, 54

Matthews -James: 38Sarah: 18, 38

Maxwell -Agnes: 49, 51Agnes: 22Catherine: 14, 37Christian: 21Herbert: 21Herbert: 21John: 21, 37John: 36John: 21Robert: 21

Mayer -Susanna Dirkse: 11, 12

Mayo -Nathaniel: 22, 38

McClung -James: 53James: 36, 53Mary: 34, 38William: 13, 48

McDowell -Abraham: 45, 53Ephraim: 34, 58Captain John: 48Samuel: 38, 47

McGaw -Harriet Frances: 3, 41, 47Jacob: 34John: 3, 41

McGeachan -Mary: 50

Roland: 50McNabb -

Caroline E.: 18Meekes -

Daniel: 37Daniel: 24

Menteith -Christian: 52John: 51, 52John: 51Mary: 14, 47

Mercato -Henry De Novo: 23, 60

Mercaton -Adam: 20

Merckle -Anna Katherine: 29Anna Veronica: 29Anna Veronica: 29Isaac: 29Jeremias Andreas: 29, 33Jorg: 29Otila: 22Regina Christine: 29

Merkel -Franziskus Marthinus: 60Johann Marthin: 22

Merkle -Abraham: 29, 47Andreas Jermias: 29Anna Maria: 29, 59Eva: 29

Meyer -Dirck: 12, 45

Millon -Agnes: 34Robert: 34

Miner -Elizabeth: 42Elnathan , Sr: 41, 42Lieut. Ephraim , Sr: 33, 42Hannah: 41, 42Hannah: 41, 42John: 56, 59Capt. John , Sr: 17, 59Judah: 33Lodovick L: 24, 54Lydia: 41, 42Deacon Manasseh: 41, 42Maria: 41, 42Samuel: 42Samuel: 41Thomas: 54Thomas: 54Thomas: 44, 47Deacon Thomas , Sr: 41, 42William: 54William: 54

Minor -Ann: 41Lieut. Clement: 33, 41Eunice: 41Dr. Joseph: 33, 42Judah: 33, 38Lieutenant Thomas: 42, 54


Mitchell -Melodie Kay: 24

Mix -Abigail: 45Amelia: 37Amos: 42Amos: 38, 58Ann: 41Anna: 42Anna: 58Deborah: 45Dorothy: 41, 45Elizabeth: 25, 45Ephraim: 39George A: 43Hannah: 42Hiram: 17, 41Hiram: 37, 58Ichabod A: 37James: 41John: 39Joseph: 41Julianne Margaret: 13Lydia: 42Molly: 39Olive: 37Rebecca: 45Rebecca: 42Sarah: 42Sarah: 39Sarah "Sally": 58Sarah Sally: 58Silas St John: 17, 18Thomas: 41, 45Thomas: 39Thomas , Sr: 37, 41William: 38William: 39William Palmer: 36, 43Zebediah: 42Zebediah: 38Zebediah: 38Zebediah "Zed": 19, 41

Mockers -Claretje Clara: 16

Montdidier -Hildoin I: 25

Montgomery -Betty Jo: 19Frank Boyd: 38Gene C.: 15Rohese: 44

Montmorency -Guilliame D: 28Louise D: 28

Moon -Jonas Posey: 33, 47Sophia: 54

Moore -Lydia: 41

Morand -Anne: 35

More -Duibhn: 21

Morrison -

John: 11, 40Mary: 5, 34, 40

Munchensy -Joan: 47, 58

Myner -Edith: 54Thomas: 54William: 54

Mynor -Clement I: 54Clement II: 54Edith: 54Elizabeth: 54Joan: 54John: 54John I: 54Marie: 54

N -N: 49Sara: 15, 40

Nash -Lucy: 36

Neville -Baron Robert: 28Jacquine D: 28

Newell -Susan: 39

Newland -Mary: 22, 38

Nickerson -Elizabeth: 18, 22

Niece -Cambus Bellus: 49

Niel -Grain O: 21, 49

Nn -Unnamed: 55

Norbert -Sylvia: 17

Normandy -Adeliza Of: 25, 27

Norseman -Undweyn The: 49

Ogilvy -Isobel: 25

Oise -Marta D: 28

Oisy -Hugues I D: 18

Ossolinski -Elizabeth: 3Harry: 3Robert: 3

Our -Ferither: 49

Pagano -Janet: 4

Palmer -Elizabeth: 19, 56Grace: 21, 42John: 56Jonah: 17Rebecca: 41, 42


Walter: 24Walter: 42, 54Walter: 39William: 38, 56

Pantolph -Emma: 23, 59Ivo: 23, 59Ivo: 59

Pantulf -Hugh: 23, 59Ivo: 55, 59Robert: 23Robert: 59William: 26, 59William: 23

Parker -Anne: 24Artemus: 45Capt. James: 25, 30Charles: 45Elisha Franklin: 22, 59Jane Keaple: 35John: 24, 25John: 25John: 25John: 43, 45John William: 35, 59Lemuel Deforrest: 35Lewis Rousseau: 35Louis: 44Louisa Rachel: 35, 48Lucy Verlina: 59Marshall Emory: 35Mary: 24Mary E: 35Otis: 43Ransom: 29Riley: 45, 57Sanford: 45Sarah M: 35Stiles: 20, 44Stiles J: 45Thomas: 21Thomas: 24Zenas Dean: 33, 39

Parles -Margaret: 15Ralph: 15

Pease -Martha: 22, 38

Pennoyer -Abigail: 46, 56Amelia: 37, 58John: 56John: 44, 56Thomas: 55, 56

Perrin -Loretta W: 58

Petkitis -Child 2: 4Gabriel: 4Peter: 4

Petronilla -Unnamed: 56

Peverel -

Joan: 36, 44Pfost -

Jim: 4Phillips -

Barber: 13Picquiguy -

Eulalie: 26Gansemond: 26

Piers -Unnamed: 27

Pieters -Geertruid Kersten: 47

Pietersen -Hildebrand: 13, 43Hildebrand: 13Jannatie Hildebrand: 13, 35

Planck -Abigail Ver: 15, 42Abram Abraham Ver: 11Ariaantje Ver: 11Catalyn Ver: 11, 43Guleyn Ver: 11, 43Isaac Ver: 22, 40Isaac Ver: 11, 12Jacomyntje Ver: 11, 42Susanna Ver: 11, 20

Plantagenet -Elizabeth: 48, 56

Poindexter -Thomas: 24

Pole -Isabella: 22, 24

Pond -Peter: 21, 41Peter: 39

Ponthieu -Enguerrand I: 26

Pope -Sarah: 54

Post -Adriaen: 16Maritje: 11

Poynter -Ann Poindexter: 24, 48

Prence -Hannah: 38, 47

Quimby -Anna: 19

Ralph -Rudolph: 26, 56

Raoul -Rudolf: 25

Rees -Andries: 35, 37

Reinfride -Gilbert Fitz: 59

Rettinghausen -Georgius: 29, 39

Reynolds -Elizabeth: 30, 56George: 34, 37John: 30, 59Jonathan: 30, 59


Richard -Unnamed I: 44

Richardson -Ebenezer: 33, 59Joseph: 33Sarah: 42, 43

Rittenhouse -Heinrich George: 39Maria Christina: 29, 47Nicholas: 39, 47William: 47

Rocca -Christopher Blaise Della: 4Stephen Della: 4

Roeloff -Jan: 12, 57

Roodman -Helen: 48, 53

Ross -Isabel: 51

Rumigny -Godefroi Seigneur: 23Godfrey: 26Hawise: 25

Sagan -Alan: 4

Saint Clare -Agnes De: 57

Saint Omer -Guillaume De: 48

Saint Pol -Hugues De: 18, 27Rosetta De: 26, 27

Sanders -Sarah Frances: 39

Sandra -Unnamed: 3

Sanford -Ada: 21John: 21, 33Laurence: 21, 57

Sarah -Unnamed: 54Unnamed: 17

Schaers -Aaltje: 35Johannes Christoffel: 35Maria Johannes: 35Stoffel Johannes: 43

Schaw -Janet: 13, 22

Schofield -Susanna: 24

Scotland -Daughter David I Of: 33

Sears -Captain Paul: 38Richard: 18, 38

See -Martha: 35

Semple -Margaret: 53

Seton -

Barbara: 50, 51Christina: 52Christina: 52Christina: 52Christina: 22, 52Janet: 52

Sharrock -Marguerite M.: 3

Sheafe -Dorothy: 35Richard: 34Thomas: 34Thomas: 34Thomas: 34, 35Thomas: 34, 59

Sickedr -Reytske: 33, 60

Sinclair -Elizabeth: 49, 53

Sitricsson -Harald: 36

Slingerland -Engeltie Bradt: 11

Sloat -Jan Jansen: 13, 43Jan Pietersen: 12, 40Jan Pietersen: 16, 43Jonas: 35, 44

Slot -Aeltje: 35Antie: 16, 31Jacobus: 16, 32Marretie VanWinckell: 33Peter Jansen: 13, 43Tryntie: 31, 35

Smith -Elizabeth: 24Nancy: 2, 8, 20, 60Samuel: 38

Sohier -David: 40Francois: 35, 44Hugues: 26, 27Jean: 15Marie: 30, 44Martin: 28

Somervile -Margaret: 36

Squire -Henry: 55Henry: 55Joan: 24, 55

St Clair -Unnamed: 50, 51

St Florent -Alan De: 21

St John -Anne: 19, 48Ezra: 45Mary Mercy: 37

St Omer -Guillaume De: 48Mahaut De: 48

St Pol -


Adelaide De: 18Beatrice De: 27Hugh De: 18Maud De: 25, 45

Staats -Elsje Jans: 17, 43

Stacker -Ruth: 4

Stafford -Catharine: 55, 56Gundreda: 20, 55Hugh: 55Johanna: 20, 24Nigel: 26, 55Robert: 20, 55

Steele -Jane: 34

Stephens -Keziah: 13, 39Peter: 28Samuel: 44William: 29, 44

Stevenson -Anna: 42Mary: 46, 53

Stewart -Unnamed: 51Alexander: 14Alexander: 36Alice: 14Elizabeth: 14, 47Elizabeth: 53Elizabeth: 53Eupheme: 32, 51Euphemia: 14, 51Euphemia: 14, 51Euphemia: 14, 51Euphemia: 14, 51Katherine: 21Margaret: 14, 51Margaret: 36, 53Margaret: 52, 53Marion: 53Mary: 22, 53Walter: 14

Stigand -Agnes: 27Eudes: 26, 27Odon: 22, 26

Storm -Hester: 29

Streetinge -Alyce: 34, 35John: 34

Suceur -Antoinette: 18, 45

Surrey -Isabell: 56, 57

Susan -Unnamed: 4Unnamed: 17

Sutphen -III Carlyle Edgar: 48, 57Jr Kenneth Carlyle: 44, 45

Mary "Jane": 47Swane -

Unnamed: 49Swanson -

James Kevin: 38John Eric: 35Robert Montgomery: 19Robert Paul: 19Sheila Grey: 35Stephanie Morgan: 40

Sweinsdotter -Unknown Swane: 36

Swynnerton -Unnamed: 55Aslen: 55Aslen: 55John: 55John: 55John: 23, 55Margery: 55Mrs (swynerton): 55Ms Roger: 55Robert: 55Robert: 55Robert: 55Robert: 55Robert: 55Roger: 55Stephen: 55

Talbot -Joan: 21, 22Richard: 19, 33

Tankerville -Renebault: 46

Tapp -Jane: 24, 39

Thane -Banquo: 33Gilchrist Ogilvie: 25

Theunis -Magdaleentje: 16, 40

Thornton -Hannah: 3, 41James: 2, 8, 60James: 2, 5, 8, 20, 58Matthew: 2, 3, 5, 8, 44, 58

Titziana -Unnamed: 3

Toly -Joan: 37

Treat -Abigail: 39Robert: 39, 54

Tregoze -Hawise: 20

Turner -Nathaniel: 13, 41Rebecca: 41

Undweysson -Maccus: 49

Uytenbogart -Abigail: 11

Valletort -Alesia: 23


Isabell: 23Van Aalst -

Gertrud: 11Van Blarcom -

Cathlyntje: 16, 30Divertje Jans: 16Eybertie Lubberts: 45, 46Eybetie Lubberts: 46Gysbert: 11, 40Gysbert: 40, 43Gysbert Janse: 16, 32Jan Lubbertsen: 16, 22Johannes: 16, 31Lubbert Gysbertsen: 16Marritje Janse: 30, 32Thuys Lubberts: 40

Van Hoorn -Cornelius: 16, 31

Van Horn -Andries: 32Christian Barentsen: 33, 54Cornelis Christiansen: 12, 32Cornelius: 16Cornelius: 32Elizabeth: 32Jacomyntje: 32James: 32Jannetje: 32Rachel: 32

Van Lipstradt -Lysbet Roos: 12, 32

Van Naarden -Jan Pieterse: 32, 43

Van Naerden -Pieter Casparszen: 12, 13

Van Orden -Andries: 43, 58Andries: 57Elizabeth: 30, 31Elizabeth: 31Jacobus: 31, 32Margarita: 31, 44Metty: 32, 43Wybrege: 16

Van Rotmers -Annetie Barentse: 11, 33Barent: 33, 42

Van Voorhees -Hendrik: 37

Van Winkle -Grietje: 18, 34Jacob: 25, 41Marretje Jacobs: 16

VandeBong -Isaac Salomon: 42

Vanderbeck -Ann: 32Christiana: 32Conrad: 42Eliza Catherine: 32, 39Hendrick Junior: 32Henry: 32Jacob: 42Jamina Jamime: 32

Powles: 32Sarah: 32

Vanderbeek -Adeltje: 35Anna Margariet: 43Conrad: 43Hendrick: 32Jacob: 32Jannetje: 32Paulus: 17Paulus: 16, 35Salomon: 32

Vanderburgh -Dirck: 12Lucas Dirckszen: 43Margrietje: 43

Vernon -Alditha: 19

Veronica -Anna: 29

Verplanck -Catharina Abrahamse: 12, 13Hillegont: 12, 31

Vigne -Gudyen: 12, 42Guillaume: 12, 58Jan: 12, 42Maria: 11, 12Rachel: 12

Vincent -William: 59

Vinson -Adam Crittenden: 19Anderson A.: 19, 44Anderson Dudley: 19Andrew George: 19Barnes: 58Bartlett Cannon: 48, 58Carrie DeLain: 18Charles Washington: 19, 48Franklin Anderson: 18James A.: 47, 48Jessie Lee: 19Martha Howard: 48Mary Sample: 48William: 20, 44William: 48

Von Brugge -Aganitrude: 17

Vonk -Barbara: 54

Vuilesme -Elizabeth: 53Elizabeth: 53, 54Elizabeth: 53, 54

Walichs -Dirck: 40Jacob: 40Jan Pieter: 40Marritje Jacobse: 40Pieter: 40Pieter Jans: 40

Walkelyn -Ermentrude Emma Fitz: 20, 23


Wallace -Adam: 13, 14Adam: 14, 33Adam: 14Adam: 14Adam: 47, 58Andrew: 12David: 48Elizabeth: 12, 38George: 22Isabel: 14, 15James: 14James John: 14Janet: 48, 49John: 37John: 14John: 14, 33John: 14, 33John: 22John: 15John: 15John: 15John: 22John: 14, 53John: 14John: 14, 54Malcolm: 14Matthew: 60Michael: 48Patrick: 22Patrick: 22Peter: 34, 53Peter: 48, 58Richard: 14Richard: 14Robert: 53Robert: 15, 53Samuel: 53Samuel: 35, 48Susannah: 30, 34William: 15William: 22William: 15, 53William: 22William: 53William: 14William: 38, 58

Wallense -Richard: 13, 14

Walton -Barbara Bonestell: 3

Warner -Margaret: 59

Wasteneys -Thomas: 55

Waure -Joan: 55John: 55Roger: 55

Webber -Anetzie: 11, 40

Weber -Neeltje: 40, 58

Wells -Esabella: 24

Wheatley -John: 45

Whelden -Gabriel: 22, 38

White -Ada B: 46Alice Beatrice: 46Amelia: 46Andrew Jackson: 46Bertha: 41, 46Catherine: 46Eliza C (Elizabeth): 46Elizabeth: 18Elsie: 46Elsie Joy: 46Esther: 46Esther Christine: 30Florence Mabel: 47Hannah: 41, 46Helen Myrick: 46, 47Henry Chadwick: 19, 46James Hunter: 46, 47II James Hunter: 41, 46John Edward: 41John Henry: 41, 46Joseph: 47Leonora: 47Louise Carolyn: 38Mary Evelyn: 46Mary Ruth: 46, 57Mary Stevenson "Mamie": 46Richard: 58Richard: 46Richard Andrew: 46Sara Jane: 46Sarah "Sadie": 46Thomas: 46William: 18, 41William: 18, 46William: 46William Alexander: 46William Alexander: 47

Whitehead -Frances: 57Joan: 57John: 57Sarah: 57

Whitfield -Abigail: 45, 57Bridget: 24, 57Elizabeth: 24, 57Frances: 57Henry: 57Henry: 57Henry: 57Jane: 57John: 57John: 57John: 22, 57Katherine: 57Lucy: 22, 57Margret: 57Mary: 57Mary Reid: 57Matthew: 41


Matthew: 41, 58Mrs. Richard: 24Myles: 20, 23Ralph: 58Rebecca: 57Richard: 45Robert: 20, 57Robert: 57Robert: 58Sarah: 48, 57Thomas: 57Thomas: 24, 57William: 57

Whitley -Maud: 20

Wife -Peter De Wyckhurst S: 56

Willems -Tryn: 40

Williard -Deborah: 38

Wilms -Trintgen: 33

Wilson -Bill: 3Maria: 16, 34William: 36William: 37William: 37William: 37William: 24

Wise -Elisabeth: 29Joseph: 38

Wode -Atte: 23Geoffrey Atte: 28, 56John Atte: 56, 57Peter Atte: 56Peter Atte: 56Peter Atte: 56William Atte: 56William Atte: 56

Wolf -Carol Ann: 3, 17James Lewis: 3Jennifer: 3Katherine: 3Marlin: 3

Wood -Rev. Henry: 3, 41, 47Katherine Perley: 3, 19, 20

Woodhall -Isabel: 21

Woods -Elizabeth: 38, 48Jane: 12, 60

Woodward -Edith Louise: 44

Young -John: 38

Zabriskie -D.D.S. Angelo: 46, 48III Angelo: 48
