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Ancient trade routes. The Silk road Italy (I) after Lodis peace (left)

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Ancient trade routes
Page 1: Ancient trade routes. The Silk road Italy (I) after Lodis peace (left)

Ancient trade routes

Page 2: Ancient trade routes. The Silk road Italy (I) after Lodis peace (left)

The Silk road

Page 3: Ancient trade routes. The Silk road Italy (I) after Lodis peace (left)

Italy (I)after Lodi’s peace (left)

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Treaty of Tordesillas

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World map about XVI century

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Africa’s map about XVII-XVIII centuries

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Europe and the other world areas after middle XVIII century


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Europe after congress of Vienna

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The “european concert”Congress of Verona (1822)

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Italy (II)toward the united Monarchie (right)

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Geopolitical map of Europeclose before WW I

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Austrian war declaration (1914)

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League of Nations

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Between I and II world’s wars :a multipolar system


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European alliances in WW II

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United Nations

Name of general secretaries

• Trygve Lie (Norvegia: 1946-1952)• Dag Hammarskjold (Svezia: 1953-

1961)• U Thant (Birmania: 1961-1971)• Kurt Waldheim (Austria: 1972-1981)• Javier Perez de Cuellar (Perù: 1982-

1991)• Boutros Boutros-Ghali (Egitto: 1992-

1996)• Kofi Annan (Ghana: 1997-2006)• Ban Ki-Moon (Corea del Sud: 2007-… )

Number of States members:

• 1945-1955: 51• 1955-1965: 76• 1965-1975: 117• 1975-1985: 144• 1985-1995: 159• 1995-2005: 185• 2006: 192

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Cold war bipolar system

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Non-aligned movement


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1991-2001A new “imperial” age


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The XXI century

Toward a new multipolar system


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Sources analysed with care and in their own context

• US president Monroe doctrine (1823)

• Austrian war declaration (July 28th 1914)

• Political speech (inaugural address of J.F. Kennedy, 1961)

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Students’ individual contributions(order of exposition)

• Covenant of the League of Nations (1919)• Schengen agreements (1985)• Agreement for provisional administration of Venezia Giulia (1945)• Tonkin gulf resolution (1964)• Anglo-Russian alliance against France (1805)• Balfour declaration (1917)• Tordesillas treaty (1494)• US independence declaration (1776)• Pope Pius II’s letter to sultan Mohammed (1461)

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Spunti, parole chiave, eventi e personaggi evocati a lezione

 PARTE A  •La denominazione “Storia delle relazioni internazionali”: come intenderla.•Sviluppo nel tempo della connessa disciplina di studio.•Leopold von Ranke e le relazioni degli ambasciatori di Venezia.•Cancellerie e sedi diplomatiche.•“Les Annales” (1929- ) e il superamento della “histoire bataille”.•M. Bloch e L. Febvre.•P. Renouvin e il progetto della Histoire des relations internationales.•Le ediz. ital. del Renouvin: nel 1960-1961 la Storia della politica mondiale; nel 1974-1976 la Storia politica del mondo.•Gaston Zeller ed elementi di pregiudizio nei suoi contributi alla Histoire. •The expansion of International society e il “British Commitee on the theory of international politics”.•Ennio Di Nolfo e la successiva storiografia italiana.•G. Formigoni, Storia della politica internazionale.

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Spunti, parole chiave, eventi e personaggi evocati a lezione

PARTE B •Nunzio e Delegato apostolico (diplomatici della S. Sede).• “Stato patrimoniale”.•“Stato moderno”.•Guerra dei Trent’anni (1618-1648).•Paci di Vestfalia (Westfalen). •“Ancien régime”.•“concerto europeo”.•Congresso di Vienna. •Spiegazione dell’aggettivo “assoluto” applicato alle forme di governo: “a legibus solutus”.•I modelli di governo e le appartenenze religiose dei contraenti la Santa Alleanza.•1492: C. Colombo, l’evento e la sua mitizzazione.•1494: Trattato di Tordesillas.•La bolla “Inter caetera” di Alessandro VI e il ruolo della motivazione di fede a sostegno della politica europea di colonizzazione delle Americhe. •T. de Vitoria, B. de las Casas e la riflessione teologica sulla colonizzazione.•1867: ősterreichischer Ausgleich.•Fluss Leitha.•“pro-tempore” (lat.).•US president J. Monroe.•“ghostwriter”.•“ex ante” (lat.).•US president J. F. Kennedy.

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Spunti, parole chiave, eventi e personaggi evocati a lezione

PARTE C •Il dibattito teorico su “sovranità” e “anarchia internazionale”.•La formula “terra nullius” (lat.).•L’intreccio tra politica e religione tra XVI e XVII sec.: “Cuius regio eius et religio” (lat.).•E. de Vattel e lo “ius gentium” (lat.). •H. de Groote-Grotius-Grozio.•Deutscher Bund.•English Foreign Secretary R. S. Castlereagh.•“statu quo ante” (lat.)•Deutscher Kanzler O. von Bismarck.•Turkish president Mustafa Kemal “Atatűrk”. •League of Nations.•US president W. Wilson.•US republican H. Cabot Lodge.•Trattati di Parigi (1919).•Dawes plan.•Crisi del 1929.•Lebensraum.•Ap[pease]ment.•Molotov-von Ribbentrop agreement.•Yalta conference.•Potsdam-Poznam conference.•United Nations: between Theory (universal system) and Reality (modern balance of power).•Marshall plan.•NATO e Patto di Varsavia.•Non-aligned movement.•La formazione della UE: tra Roma, Schengen, Maastricht.
