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laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern...

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Withdrawal and dimensional Portal openings Getting personal right up front: What do you smell like to Yahuweh? What do you smell like to Satan? Did you know you have a spiritual odor? Did you know that within your body there is a spiritual portal that exudes fragrance from whatever dimension it is tapped into? Hold onto your hat, we’re going to take a ride into knowledge that can only be learned by entering another dimension. In this study, I am going to share things I’ve not taught on before. About our odor: II Corinthians 2:14-16, Sha’ul speaking to truly born-again, Spirit-filled, believers: But thanks be to Elohim who always leads us on to overcome in Messiah, and manifests through us the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. Because we are to Elohim the fragrance of Messiah among those who are being saved, and among those who are perishing. To the one, we are the smell of death to death, and to the other the fragrance of life to life…” To the demonic world and its human agents, those who are truly born again by the Spirit of Yahuweh and totally submitted in loyal to Him stink to their nose like a rotting corpse would smell to us! We repel evil forces by our fragrance of life! They definitely know who we are! They may keep trying to find an entrance into us through our mind and/or emotions, but if they are blocked by His repellent, they can’t enter. As with Messiah in the wilderness, Satan tried but failed (Matthew 4:1-11). Yahushua kept quoting Scriptures that repelled his advances. Mosquitoes won’t bite those with “repellent” on them, whether the repellent is Deet, garlic, or Avon “Skin So Soft.” This poses a question: Are the myriads of varying demonic creatures now coming through their dimensional portals onto the earth, or cloned creatures incarnating risen Nephilim spirits,
Page 1: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

Withdrawal and dimensional Portal openings

Getting personal right up front: What do you smell like to Yahuweh? What do you smell like to Satan? Did you know you have a spiritual odor? Did you know that within your body there is a spiritual portal that exudes fragrance from whatever dimension it is tapped into? Hold onto your hat, we’re going to take a ride into knowledge that can only be learned by entering another dimension. In this study, I am going to share things I’ve not taught on before. About our odor: II Corinthians 2:14-16, Sha’ul speaking to truly born-again, Spirit-filled, believers: “But thanks be to Elohim who always leads us on to overcome in Messiah, and manifests through us the fragrance of His knowledge in every place. Because we are to Elohim the fragrance of Messiah among those who are being saved, and among those who are perishing. To the one, we are the smell of death to death, and to the other the fragrance of life to life…”

To the demonic world and its human agents, those who are truly born again by the Spirit of Yahuweh and totally submitted in loyal to Him stink to their nose like a rotting corpse would smell to us! We repel evil forces by our fragrance of life! They definitely know who we are! They may keep trying to find an entrance into us through our mind and/or emotions, but if they are blocked by His repellent, they can’t enter. As with Messiah in the wilderness, Satan tried but failed (Matthew 4:1-11). Yahushua kept quoting Scriptures that repelled his advances. Mosquitoes won’t bite those with “repellent” on them, whether the repellent is Deet, garlic, or Avon “Skin So Soft.” This poses a question: Are the myriads of varying demonic creatures now coming through their dimensional portals onto the earth, or cloned creatures incarnating risen Nephilim spirits, shape-shifters, etc., totally and conclusively repelled from us because we are born again? The answer is “Yes,” and “no!” Once a person’s spirit is truly born from above, the enemy can no longer take authority over the spirit. He is off limits to the spirit within our body, especially if the Spirit of Yahuweh is asked to come in and control our re-born spirit! HOWEVER, the soul-realm of mind/emotions is another story. The soul has to be saved by corralling and discipline so that it submits to the Spirit’s power and the “mind of Messiah” within the re-born spirit. That takes us to “the end of our faith,” for the salvation of our soul (I Peter 1:9) Demons (disembodied Nephilim spirits) can also see the “sealing” of the

Page 2: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

truly born again ones (Ephesians 1:13-14). They can see the Father’s Name on the foreheads of the final-days remnant also, the Bridal remnant. They are insane, but they’re not stupid! Demons are always seeking a body to work through, and if not a body, then a mind and emotions (a human soul). They can try to torment the mind, influence our thoughts to sin--rebel against Yahuweh-- and try to drag us down emotionally, but they can’t succeed if we keep the portal of our re-born spirit open and unobstructed to the eternal realm of Yahuweh, from which our lovely life-giving fragrance emanates. You have a will. The will is the rudder of your life-ship. You can turn your life towards any direction by your will. All the demonic forces can do is deceive, trick, lie, and put pressure on your fleshly lusts (the sin-prone nature of the soul), just as the Serpent did to Eve and Adam. Please be aware, that once you are truly born again according to Scriptures, your spirit becomes an open portal to the dimension of Yahuweh and Yahushua and Their angels, and remains an open portal as long as you don’t put trash in it! [Refer to: “The True New Birth”/2012] Our concern: Do we smell lovely in the nostrils of Yahuweh? Is Yahuweh in control of us totally? Does He see His nature in us? If so, we’re a stench in the nostrils of the evil ones! Soon, Satan will go on a short, but insane, rage-rampage to kill as many of us as possible. According to the Word, there will remain so few people alive on earth that a human being will be “scarce.” (Isaiah 10, 13, 24) The plan is to wipe our 6.5 billion people or more. He knows that if he can’t beat us any other way, he’ll try to kill our body. But, then, there will be a remnant who will overcome him no matter what, and receive great reward from our Master, even through death. Don’t you want to be on the Overcomer’s list? It requires the attitude of those in Revelation 12:11! Make sure you’re not wearing a self-created perfume, masking sin in your life like a French whore’s strong-smelling perfume that is a cover-up designed to make people think she is righteous when she definitely is not. The enemy can smell the deceit, and it attracts him to like flies to sewage. The demonic realm is incredibly intelligent. They are masters at trickery, so they can spot of phony instantly. They, then, have perfect legal right to attack and destroy you. You can’t fool Yahuweh, but also realize that you can’t fool Satan either! It is very wise to get rid of all hypocrisy and have nothing hidden in your life, for the evil forces that are coming on this earth by the tens of thousands through the portals of their kingdom know well who belongs to Yahuweh, and who is playing games. The evil ones are drawn to those whose nature is more like theirs than that of the Creator. They well know those who are weak in the Word, lazy in obedience to Yahuweh, proudly religious, intellectually haughty, worldly, and self-seeking. There is a scent that hypocrites exude which attracts demonic forces like a magnet. The wise will seek to avoid contact with what is defiled at any price!

Page 3: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

Yahuweh allows the enemy to attack at times to punish or test us, as in the extreme case of Iyob (Job) who was being tested hard. He was not being punished. He was blameless before Yahuweh. But, he was tested to prove to Satan that He was loyal to Yahuweh. He stood firm in the test, and after 9 months, Yahuweh ended the test and blessed him abundantly. Yahuweh does nothing but for our ultimate eternal good! We must absolutely trust Yahuweh’s judgment and dealings with us, that they are aimed at good. We must not fall into doubt or rail on hill, accusing Him of wrong. We must all pass the test of Iyob in order to continue with Yahuweh! When Yahuweh tests, His Presence remains with us, even though it doesn’t feel like it at times! We should be smart enough to know when He is punishing us for being naughty children. As we see from Scripture, the enemy is on a leash held by Yahuweh. He cannot cross the boundaries set by Yahuweh. I’ve written about this at least 100 times, but so few understand this basic premise: The soul is our life force that is earthbound. It works through the five senses and desires of the body. It takes input from the outside. It is programmed by what we see, hear, taste, touch, feel. It is also open to the programming of the spirits of the dark kingdom that beguile and seduce the soul to receive their influence. Halucingenic drugs, alcohol, even prescription drugs, outside EMP waves, etc. can distort the thinking of the soul. Thus the soul is basically our mind, emotions, and rebellious will that works through our brain and our physical flesh. It is earth-bound and sin-prone. It is rebellious against discipline. It is stubborn, hard-headed, and defiant against Truth, discipline, and righteousness. It wants what it wants, and the enemy is quick to program it to tell it what we want. This is how the illuminati mind-programming works. Unless we allow the Spirit of Yahuweh to harshly discipline it, corral it, bring that wild stallion into submission to Yahuweh, it will continue to rebel and defy Yahuweh, and has the ability to shut down the portal of our spirit by throwing trash into it, if we let it. Intellectual religious people usually think they are very good. They hide their rebellion under a layer of niceness. But, Yahuweh’s tests expose them. “Sin” is simply rebellion and revolt against the Word of Yahuweh--His Torah (His teachings and instructions for right standing in His Kingdom). The soul is constantly being bombarded with thoughts from the world, the flesh, and the devils. The will in the soul will determine whether we are overcome by the deceptions of the evil ones, or not. Our will determines whether we submit to the control of Yahuweh in the temple of our spirit, in obedience to Him, or not. Yes, at the true new birth, your spirit becomes a cleansed temple for the Spirit of Yahuweh to reside in – if He’s asked to reside in it. There is a mind of the spirit that is the mind of Messiah. The soul and spirit are radically different. One is carnal and earthbound and one, if born from above, is a portal into the eternal realm. The mind of the spirit can function even when the mind of the brain is totally in amnesia. I found this out when I almost died of malaria in Tanzania and couldn’t remember my own name, but I was able to preach

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for 2 hours straight, hearing the voice of the Spirit in my spirit, and repeating what He said. There is a mind of the spirit that is aligned and perfected at the true new birth. If the portal to the re-born spirit is totally open, and the Spirit of Yahuweh resides within it, then He can teach us absolute pure Truth, explain things to us, guide and direct us, comfort us, pour out His love in us, convict us of sin, and rise up in power when needed for ourselves and others. The Spirit IS Yahuweh; Yahuweh IS the Spirit. There is NO trinity. There is a Father and a Son! (I Corinthians 3:17-18) The doctrine of the trinity came from Nimrod, Tammuz, and Semaramis. It is a pagan doctrine. This is why I’ve pleaded for over 60 years with people, since I was 6, to know Elohim personally and intimately for ones’ self. Why would anyone want to live forever with Someone they don’t even know? In Matthew 7:21-23 and 25:12, He said to those who were religious, but unprepared for Messiah’s coming: “Depart from Me, I never knew you, and “Truly I say to you, I do not know you.” Does He know you? He knows those that put up NO barriers to His control, those He can trust with His assignments on earth – faithful servants. It is through using our will to allow the Spirit to discipline and test us that the wild-horse mind finally becomes tamed and submitted to control of the “rider,” the Spirit. By our will, we give the reigns to the Spirit of Yahuweh to tame the wild horse. Once tamed, it aligns to the re-born perfected spirit, and then we become a very powerful and united spirit-man who has the ability to be mighty in battle. The great battle is coming. Are you ready? AS YOU KNOW: “The mind is the battlefield!” It is the greatest of all battlefields. You can easily discern between deception and truth without difficulty by knowing His Word well, and knowing His nature well.You must first win the battle in your mind by allowing the Spirit to harshly discipline you if needed, even by suffering, so that your mind aligns totally with the power residing in your re-born spirit! Then you’re whole being will be stable in His peace! You won’t have a yoyo personality – you’ll be transformed into the nature of Messiah – full of peace, joy, love, faith, self-control, gentleness, kindness, and hate for sin! With this blameless nature in control of you, you will also get the power and authority of Yahuweh as you go forth to obey your Master.Take my warning very seriously: If you do not overcome in the battle for your mind, and you remain self-centered and carnal-minded, you certainly should not do battle against the demonic realm, for you’ve already shown them your weaknesses! If you’ve opened portals to their dimension by sin and rebellion, by laziness and neglect of the Word, then they have every legal right to come through those portals and destroy you and your family! Oh yes, they know our weaknesses and play on them with glee. If you go into battle with any scent of their kingdom clinging to you – you have not only lost the battle, you have set yourself up for destruction. Yahuweh won’t fight for us unless His authority is able to back us. He can’t back our sin.

Page 5: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

“Sin” is rebellion against the Torah, yes, but it is also attitudes that keep the Spirit from being able to move freely through us.Unless you strongly exude Yahuweh’s fragrance, the enemy can smell “flesh,” “carnality,” “sin,” rebellion, whoredom, idolatry, etc. emanating from you, and they have every legal right to tear you apart. They are legalists. These warnings are written throughout the Word of Elohim! I don’t ever tell you anything that I’ve not experienced and learned through traveling the hard road! I have a very compassionate heart. I don’t condemn anyone, or judge. I just give “thus says Yahuweh.” If you have a problem with my constant warnings and exhortations, then you have a problem with Yahuweh. I write only as He directs. At times He has told me “don’t’ write that,” and I don’t. But, we’re at a critical time now, and if we don’t get it right now – we won’t make it through. [Refer to: “Through”/May 4, 2012] If you still believe that “pre-tribulation rapture hoax,” just know that it was a creation of the Jesuit Order of the Vatican at the time of the Counter Reformation to undermine the faith of, especially, American believers. They hired John Nelson Darby to do their dirty work, and he conscripted C.I. Scoffield to help him. Dispensational theology, with its escapist pre-tribulation rapture doctrine, is their “Rosemary’s baby” to get people thinking of future events and not looking at the Roman Catholic Church, and to get people so comfortable that they are unprepared for the realities of what’s coming on the earth. If you know the nature, ways, and thinking of Yahuweh, you won’t be deceived by the cunning wiles of Satan’s elect! [Refer to: “Who Will Be Left Behind?”/January 2006, “The Hidden Agenda Behind the Pope’s Visit”/June 20, 2014, and other articles about the pope from March 2013]

Here I will briefly insert something that I have done much research on, but not fully discussed. It may shock many of you, but it is a theme, in general, throughout the Word, and in passages like Isaiah 6:8-13, John 6:44-45; and Matthew 13:10-16 specifically. John 6:44-45: “No one can come to Me unless the Father who has sent Me draws him. And I shall raise Him up in the last day. It has been written in the Prophets, `And they shall all be taught by Yahuweh.’ Everyone, then, who has heard from the Father and learned, comes to Me.” This is backwards of Christian teaching. The Spirit of Yahuweh, the Father, is the Teacher that draws people to Messiah. Those whom the Spirit/Yahuweh has taught will come to the true Messiah of Israel. Many embrace a weak and cheap-grace gospel that contains no responsibility to the Savior, or to His Father. They continue on with their lives in a carnal manner, worldly and self-seeking, yet they believe they’re going to heaven when they die. Is this what Yahushua died for? Did He die to amass 2.2 billion people who claim to believe in the Biblical Savior, yet they don’t even know His Name, His Word, or His Father, nor have any commit to Him as Master? What about his constant statements and actions

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about gathering a remnant--“a few?” What is “few?” What about Matthew 15:24? I have been drawn to Isaiah 6 for many years, and written about “The Stump.” Isaiah (Yeshayahu) had a vision of Yahuweh and Yahushua in Their dimension. His lips are cleansed. They ask him “who will go for Us?” He blurts out “Here am I, send me.” Then the assignment is given. Upon hearing it, he is stunned. He meekly asks: “how long?”What was his assignment? Isaiah 6:8-11: “Go, and you shall say to this people, `Hearing you hear but do not understand, and seeing you see, but you do not know. Make the heart of this people fat, and their ears heavy, and shut their eyes, LEST they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and shall turn (convert) and be healed.” The Scriptures version note: “This prophecy of reproof is repeated six times in the Messianic Scriptures, therefore a total of seven times.” As He did a lot of the time, Messiah sat down in an open place and multitudes of people gathered around for Him to teach them. But, He only taught them in parables. Afterwards the disciples questioned Him. Matthew 13:10-17: “…Why do You speak to them in parables? And He, answering, said to them, `Because it has been given to you to know the secrets of the Kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever possesses, to him more shall be given, and he shall have overflowing, but whoever does not possess, even what he possesses shall be taken away from him. Because of this, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Yeshayahu is completely fulfilled…for the heart of this people has thickened, and their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed…lest they should understand with their heart and turn back and I heal them. And blessed are your eyes for they see and your ears for they hear. For truly I say to you that many prophets and righteous ones longed to see what you see, and did not see it, and hear what you hear, but did not hear it.” Do you praise Abba for so blessing you? Possess what? Daniel 2:21-22: “He gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who possess understanding. He reveals deep and secret things. He knows what is in the darkness, and the light dwells with Him.” Are you dwelling with Him in light? In my intense study of the Proverbs (Mishlei) I am using the Artscroll Mishlei, which is basically a midrash with many different Jewish sages. I write the wisdom and understanding that Abba has given to me in the margins, and I underline the good wisdom of the sages. But, unless one has wisdom and understanding already, to try to learn from the different opinions of Jewish sages, one can become totally confused and disgusted. Some are very wise, some are dully religious, and some are totally “off the wall.” In order to receive wisdom and understanding for our daily lives, we must have already tapped into the wisdom and understanding of Yahuweh’s mind, by submission to the working of the Spirit within us! Lazy people

Page 7: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

can’t learn wisdom, let alone understanding. It comes from knowing the Word, and allowing the Spirit to have free-reign over our lives. He increases what we have. It’s like the parable of Matthew 25:13-30, the one who did nothing with what had been given to him by His Master had his original gift taken away and given to the one who had caused great multiplication of his gift, and gained reward. To the wise servant, the Master will say: “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master.” This is what we want to hear! So, the Master takes away from what little the lazy, undisciplined, and disobedient servant has, and gives it to the one who is actively productive for His Kingdom. Be aware: Yahuweh is whittling. He is weeding out. He is threshing. He is eliminating in order to concentrate! Yahuweh has always dealt with a small remnant whom He has foreknown from the foundation of the world (I Peter 1:3; Ephesians 1:4) In Mark 4 we find the parable of the sower of seed. The seed is the Word. There are four groups. The first one hears the Word and rejects it. The second and third groups receive it, but it doesn’t take root, and so they throw it off when it doesn’t suit them. The fourth group produces fruit, for the seed fell in good soil, some produce 30-fold, some 60-fold, some 100-fold. I will go into this in more detail later in the study. The Book of life was written before the foundation of the world, based on His foreknowledge. He knows every individual from His perspective in eternity. He knows our end from our beginning, and He deals with each person according to what He knows. He wills that all be saved (“healed”), and enter into eternal life, but He knows that’s not possible. People have a will. And unless that will is disciplined under the Spirit, it is volatile and always in flux, choosing what pleases the flesh. It is better for a person to never enter into salvation, thinking they have the new birth when do not, or receiving the birth, and then turning from it, denouncing Messiah and losing eternal life. Many passages of Scripture clearly state that we can lose our salvation--if we continue in sin, rebellion, worldliness, and the lusts of the flesh. I’m not bringing out these things to make anyone depressed. But, if you are convicted by what the Spirit says, then instead of falling into self-pity, self-condemnation, and despair, run to Yahuweh and make sure of your salvation. II Peter 1:10 (be sure to read all of II Peter 1 in context): “For this reason, brethren, all the more, do your utmost to make your calling and choosing sure, for if you are doing these things you shall never stumble at all.” II Peter 2:19-22 (read in context for clarity, Kepha is speaking of those deceived by the enemy): “…promising them freedom though themselves are a slave to corruption – for one is a slave to whatever overcomes him. For indeed, after they have escaped the defilements of the world through knowledge of the Master and Savior, Yahushua Messiah, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter

Page 8: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

end is worse for them than the first. For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than to have known it and to have turned from the set-apart command delivered to them. For them the proverb has proven true, `A dog returns to his own vomit’ and `a washed sow returns to her rolling in the mud.’ ”Today we are seeing clearly the “great falling away,” the great apostasy of I Thessalonians 2:3. Tragically, multitudes of people who we thought were once truly born-again believers are now denying Messiah and turning to the other religions of depraved and unsaved men. Many are turning to what the world can offer them, money, power, and success. Some turning to drugs, alcohol, and even illicit sex, eastern mysticism, and the occult, to escape the dullness or suffering in their lives. But, multi-millions are throwing away their salvation, not realizing that the eternal world to come could be less than two years away. In general, because of a very weak “gospel,” people don’t realize they are “not their own – they have been bought with a price.” They don’t realize that they are under a Master, and subject to His will. They are not given a “love of the truth,” so that they seek His will with all their heart, obey His Word, and submit to Him in obedience. As a result, they don’t discipline themselves to learn from His Spirit. To my great grief and anguish, it appears that very few understand what it means to be controlled and taught by the Spirit of Yahuweh. Very few even know that they have an eternal spirit that is an open portal to the eternal realm of Yahuweh. They’ve listened to man teach “about God,” explaining theology, or giving philosophies of how to succeed in life, that most have become dulled to any input from the Spirit. There are things that are good for us to know, like learning the meanings of Hebrew words, as long as what we learn enriches our personal study of the Word. But, it breaks my heart that so few even know what’s behind their belly button--a doorway, gateway, “star gate,” or portal, into the very Presence of Yahuweh. If people knew this, would they be so quick to ignore it? The mind is vulnerable to input from the supernatural realm (the realm of Satan, demons, and fallen angels). But, the re-born spirit is only opened to the throne room of Yahuweh. Yet so few take advantage of His input! How horribly tragic! Yahuweh doesn’t speak to the unstable mind of the soul! He can’t. It is so sin-prone, so rebellious, always making excuses, always in flux. The only time that Yahuweh can speak to a person’s soul, mind, is if it has been transformed by the power of His Spirit and the soul aligns totally with the perfected re-born spirit, completing the entire “spirit-man,” THEN He can also speak to the mind. But, this blameless state is rare. This world has too much hold on most people. The Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth practical. Unless a person knows the culture and ways of those who wrote the Word, it is almost impossible to understand it through Western culture and thinking. The two are opposites! So, yes, we need knowledge of the

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ancient paths (Jeremiah 6:16), but only if we are going to apply the knowledge to our daily lives. Once knowledge is given, we’re responsible for it. So, to close up this part of our study, knowing who would fall away, Messiah only taught in parables to the multitudes, so that they would not be saved, and then later turn away from Him to their damnation. There are thousands of heresies and false prophets everywhere, and all are multiplying like rabbits. Tragically, millions of those who have appeared to be born again, and some who really were born again, are falling for deceptions and going off the narrow way to walk on the broad path to destruction. (Matthew 7:13-16) Beware of listening to what sounds good – make sure you get Truth from the Spirit of Truth! Another question: To what extent does the true new birth change our human DNA? The new birth does change it. I learned years ago that the true new birth affects the main glands in the body, like the pituitary and pineal glands located in the brain. The pituitary gland is termed the “master gland,” because it affects the organs and the endocrine glands that regulate hormones. Also, in high praises to Yahuweh, these glands release things health-giving benefits into the body. After all, He is your Creator, so being in touch with Him does affect your whole being for good. And, naturally, if you continue to increase the gifts given to you in the true new birth, it will affect every speck of your life for good. Today, the evil ones of this world in league with Satan are changing our human DNA through defiled food, water, chem-trail poisons, certain additives to clothing, through vaccines, medicines, man-created diseases, EMP waves (electromagnetic pulse waves), radiation and microwave beams from space, “sound of silence” technology, and the use of chemical and biological warfare against us.How does the true new birth change our scent to those outside of earth’s dimension? Demons feel comfortable with those that smell like them, those who are a stench in the nostrils of Yahuweh. They take note when a person transferred out of their kingdom into Yahuweh’s Kingdom. Like a hunting dog picks up a scent and runs towards it to kill its prey, so the enemy picks up our scent and the battle for our mind begins. It takes the wisdom of the Word, and the power of Yahuweh within us to outsmart the enemy and win. It is a battle from the new birth to death, or to the coming of Messiah. We praise our Abba, for He cheers us on to victory! As long as we’re pressing forward to the finish line, we are assured of His constant Presence and strength. We’re in a race to win! No one in a race wears iron clothing. Thus, no one in this race to eternal life can have sin in their lives, attitudes that rebel against Yahuweh, and win. II Corinthians 5:17: “If any man is in Messiah, he is a new creation. Old things are passed away – behold – all things have become new.” There are 40 things that the Spirit does to set-apart the newly re-born spirit, born from above. Each one of these 40 is life-transforming.

Page 10: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

In the true new birth, the spirit is perfected, purified, set-apart unto eternal life. The only way it can ever be judged and punished is if we deny our Savior, and the Spirit of Yahushua has to leave and turn us over to the kingdom of darkness. (Matthew 10:33 is very final!) If we deny Him, He denies us before Yahuweh. Many are denying His deity, demoting Him to a created being, less than the Son of Yahuweh, defying the Scriptures that tell who He is. To deny or demote Yahushua is to put a wedge between Him and His Father. This is the spirit of anti-messiah, as Yochanan (John) speaks of. False teachers are driven by demons to teach their defilement. Promoting their theological insanity, thinking they are still all right with “God,” they go on their way to eternal damnation. Yahuweh is very protective of the One He brought forth from His own loins before the foundation of the world! [Refer to: “Denying the Deity of Messiah] Religion is the most damnable method ever created, by which the evil ones have penetrated the open portals of the minds of human kind! This process is like sex between the demonic world and the human mind--seeding into the mind all sorts of hybrid perversions, heresies, and evil thoughts against Yahuweh and Yahushua. For example, the rejection of Elohim’s Torah came through Christianity. Religion is like the phallus of Satan and the human mind like the fertile and open vagina. And you, precious dear one, are the one who controls whether you will receive or reject the semen of the evil Please be aware: There are powerful demonic spirits attached to any heresy against the person of either Yahuweh or Yahushua! Guard your mind! The only way to do that is to ask the Spirit to teach you! All other teachers are potentially dangerous to your eternal health. These are the days of the “great falling away,” the time of apostasy. People are following the “doctrines of demons” and teachers who “tickle the ear.” And, tragically, I say with great compassion, they are heading headlong into the pit of hell. (II Thessalonians 2:3; II Timothy 4:2-4) Please note: Yahuweh doesn’t use paper plates on His table! He does everything first class! The only One He would allow to be our Substitute would be One from His own being--fully Deity, yet in a Son’s position of submission to Him as Father. Remember: Yahuweh speaks to us as children. Messiah calls us sheep. Man complicates things to put the minds of people under their control. “Unless you become like a little child, you CANNOT enter the Kingdom of Elohim.” Is that simple enough? (Matthew 18:1-4) Hebrews 4:12: “For the Word of Elohim is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, cutting even to the dividing of the soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intents of the heart” (the “heart” in Scripture usually refers to the mind).

Page 11: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

When we are truly born from above, the Word cuts the spirit loose from the earth-bound mind (soul) so that the spirit can be opened into the eternal realm of Yahuweh. At the true new birth, the mind stays earth-bound to help us function down here, but it is still rebellious and defiant against Yahuweh. As the soul is infused with the Word, it slowly begins to change and thus sin is conquered! The Word changes the mind’s reasoning and the emotions unstable reactions. The Word calms us! Kepha (Peter) puts it, “the end of our faith is the salvation of the soul.” (I Peter 1:9 KJV) It often takes a lifetime of submission to the working of the Spirit to corral the soul. He will work with us as fast as we want to go! The rate of our progress depends on either how stubborn and defiant we are against the working of the Spirit, or how submissive we are to Him. “You will seek Me, and you will find Me, when you search for me with all your heart!” GUARANTEED! (Jeremiah 29:13)I Peter 2:9: “You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a set-apart nation, and people for a possession, that you should proclaim the praises of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” Read the Messianic Writings and find out who you really are in Messiah! I recommend the books of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I and II Thessalonians, I and II Peter, and I John, for your edification!Where is your spirit? Is it in your head? NO way! Your spirit is located behind your belly button, in your digestive and reproductive area. That’s why the Word speaks of kidneys, livers, and our belly. “Out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water.” II Thessalonians 5:23: “And the Elohim of peace Himself, set you completely apart, and your entire spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Master, Yahushua Messiah.” We have a body that houses our two-part spirit-man! The spirit-man looks just like our face and body. This is how, when the body dies and goes into the earth, the spirit-man in heaven is recognized by others! Simple huh… A woman carries a baby in the area of the spirit! Did you ever wonder about that? An unborn baby in the womb of a born-again believer can pick up on the spirit within its mother, and its spirit can grow older than its body. If the unborn child hears praise music and Scripture read, its spirit picks up on that, and usually at an early age, the child will seek salvation. Many young children are powerful evangelists, moving in the Spirit with power, because of their time in the womb. After the new birth, Messiah Yahushua is the One who will baptizes you into the Spirit of Yahuweh, if He is asked. (Luke 3:16) Please, believe me! This has nothing to do with a Pentecostal or Charismatic movement of man’s religious control! Read the book of Acts! Allow me, once again, to be bluntly “thus says Yahuweh”: Hang religious theology that limits Yahuweh out to die. (I meant “die,” not “dry.”) Upon the true new birth, our spirit becomes the temple of the living Elohim!

Page 12: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

I Corinthians 6:19-20: “Do you not know that your body is the Dwelling Place of the Set-Apart Spirit, who is in you, which you have from Elohim, and you are not your own? For you were bought with a price, therefore esteem Elohim in your body and in your spirit, which are of Elohim.” Profoundly beautiful! The mind of the spirit can contain more than any computer on earth, for it is attached to the eternal realm of Yahuweh. The earth-bound mind is limited as to how much it can retain. Of course, it is said that we only use 1/10th of our mind’s capacity, having lost the rest in the “fall” of Genesis 3. But, the mind of the spirit has the ability to interact with Yahuweh just like Adam and Eve did before the “fall.” Does that interest you seekers of Truth? The Spirit convicts of sin, teaches, guides and directs, comforts, exhorts, and speaks to us in about 40 different ways. [Refer to: “Forty Ways Elohim Speaks to His People”] We become a new type of being, able to come into the eternal realm of our Creator. If we are under the total control of Yahuweh, it positions a person to be able to enter the Garden of Eden once again. The Spirit is transforming a remnant of His people to go back beyond the garden gate once again. [Refer to: “Back Beyond the Garden Gate” and “The Exploit People”] “You are not your own, you were bought with a price.” (I Corinthians 6:19-20) “You were bought with a price, be not the slaves of men.” (I Corinthians 7:23) Only slaves are “bought.” Salvation is about changing Masters. We were slaves to Satan’s will. In the true new birth we are freed to be slaves of the Master Yahushua, who treats us as friends in training for reigning. In 2008, a friend of mine took 15 of my articles to a couple in North Carolina to read. The man was in his 90s and the woman in her 80s. They had been missionaries to Colombia for many years – good Baptist people, teaching the Good News of salvation. Some of the articles taught about guarding the Torah of Yahuweh. I’ve tried to teach “good Baptists” about the Torah before, and met with hostile opposition. But, these two read the articles, and the next thing I knew, they were guarding the Torah, keeping Shabbat, the Festivals, etc. About 2012, after the man had died, his wife went to visit Israel. I sat with her in the ruins of Shilo on a day-tour with CFOIC. While others bounded down the hill to the tabernacle site, she and I stayed seated up on the hill. She told me the testimony of how my articles changed their lives. I get tears when I think of this, because these were two very born again people with the nature of the Master. (Both has passed away since.) She said that she and her husband read the articles, and then sent them to others they knew. She said one day, she asked her husband, “Do you really think we are supposed to keep the Torah?” She said he answered, “yes, definitely.” This decision came from their spirit. They knew

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truth when they heard it; they just had not previously been exposed to its entirety. Summarizing: Our spirit is opened to the eternal realm in the true new birth. Through the true new birth we become a portal between His dimension and this world. Would an open portal to Yahuweh’s dimension repulse the forces of evil hunters away from us? Yes, IF the soul/mind is also aligned to the re-born spirit! If the emotions of the soul are aligned to the nature of Yahushua! The enemy cannot do anything to the spirit. He is bound and off limits to the re-born spirit. If the spirit is repulsing him, he will press harder in his attacks on the mind! Be aware that “the mind is the battlefield.” The demonic hosts know the ones who have more power than they do – those backed by Yahuweh Himself within them. They also know the ones who have less power than they do. They attack the ones with less power! The fallen ones know the power of their master Satan is weaker than that of Yahuweh, weaker even than His archangel Micha’el. They know that Satan has no authority backing to do what he does, and is acting on his own. All they have on their side is the ability to deceive mankind--trick, and trap mankind who is not plugged into the power-source, Yahuweh! One main thing to be aware of in this battle: If the enemy cannot get to you, so often they will attack your body, or the lives of those you love, so that your faith may be shaken, doubts arise, negative emotions arise, depression comes, grief, confusion and deep hurt come, to force you into letting go of your strong faith in Yahuweh. Then, IF they are successful, they have every right to attack you. Be aware of their methods. Don’t be caught by surprise!I urge you to read “Withdrawal”/December 25, 2014 an “The Withdrawal of the Restrainers”/January 1, 2015 as a foundation for what I build on in this article. Spiritual warfare must be done offensively – never defensively. Most people let the devil into their house, into their lives, and then panic as to how to get him out. They are forced into a defensive position. They cry unto “God” and are dismayed that this “God” that they don’t know won’t answer their prayers. But, the wise stop the enemy at the door. They live in an offensive position. I know these are American football terms. But, better to be on the offense in warfare, even though as a guard, you must defend what He has given to you! The wise guard their thoughts, words, and actions, and are discerning to know who the enemy is, and who he is not. They thusly have the power of the Spirit with His authority-backing to command the devils to leave and not return.Oh my friends, Satan and his forces know who belongs to Yahuweh, who does not belong to Yahuweh, and they know those who say they belong to Yahuweh but don’t know Him. Never underestimate Satan’s power, or the

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power of his angels. The only way to overcome them is to stand in the “power of His might.” (Ephesians 6:10-18) Your will is the gatekeeper of your mind! You decide whether the enemy comes through or not! He can’t just come through unless you leave your door open. A portal is a gate, a doorway, a border. The door can be left open by sin, by neglect, by apathy (a form of rebellion), by religiosity, by self-centeredness, and etc. John 7:37-38: “If anyone thirst let him come unto Me, and let him who believes in me drink. “As the Scripture has said, `Out of his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water.’ And this He said concerning the Spirit, which those believing on Him were about to receive, for the Set-Apart Spirit was not yet given because Yahushua was not yet esteemed.” (Read Acts 2) If the waters of the Spirit are not allowed to flow freely from His dimension, through our re-born spirit and out to a lost and dying world, in American slang, “we’re done for.” If there is blockage to the spirit because the mind is in rebellion against the boundaries of Yahuweh, then He can’t flow through you. We must guard our re-born spirit with our life – for in it is our assurance of eternal life! The enemy can smell the trash in the portal of a re-born spirit that is blocking the power of the Spirit. He will hone in on our weak and puny soulish lusts, our “me”-oriented mind, and have legal right to tear us up--unless we allow the Spirit to flow freely through our re-born spirit. That takes discipline of the soul. Read Hebrews 12 carefully! It’s here that the “fear of Yahuweh” comes into play. Matthew 10:28: “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul (our natural life force). But, rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna (the lake of fire). “Death” is cessation of continuance, a separation from one state of being into another state of being. “The fear of Yahuweh is the beginning of wisdom.” (Psalm 111:10)“The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil.” (Proverbs 8:13)Do you really know what evil is, in its most subtle forms? Most people in Western society don’t recognize evil anymore. It is so subtly hidden behind a cloak of fairness and tolerance. Evil has become so accepted that it is actually called “good” in many situations (Isaiah 5:20). “WOE to those that call good evil and evil good.” The Word bluntly tells us what is evil. Thus, it is labeled a “hate crime book” by the world’s evil rulers. Yahuweh is a “cut and dried” Elohim. He drops plumb lines. He has no tolerance of the dark kingdom or its people.It is imperative that we learn what an abomination to Yahuweh is, and avoid this defilement like the Bubonic Plague! The Illuminati’s “Hegelian Dialectic” mind-programming of the world’s people has people thinking in opposites. There is nothing more affected by this switching of good and evil than evidenced in the Christian religion. Example: Christmas, Easter, and Sunday worship are considered good,

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though they are pagan abominations, but guarding the Torah of Yahuweh is considered bad, though it is necessary for right-standing in the Kingdom of Yahuweh. This concentrated mind-programming of the Illuminati has molded Western culture for nearly 100 years in America, and in the world. The results is that today people can look at pure evil, and hear pure evil, and call it “good,” or at least “acceptable.” Tolerance of evil has been mind-programmed into the American people methodically since at least 1945. That’s why people, ignorant of the Word of Yahuweh, can watch what Yahuweh calls filth and abomination on TV, and think it is good entertainment. People participate in, celebrate, incredibly evil things under the guise of family unity, fun, and innocence--not realizing these things are portals into the kingdom of darkness. This is why the Word stresses throughout for us to come out of all defilement if we wish to enter the Kingdom of Elohim (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1). If we are undefiled, and we touch what is defiled, it makes us defiled! For years, Abba instructed me to teach Haggai 2:11-14. I urge you to read that passage! Learn what Yahuweh calls evil. If you are not passionately in love with His Word from Genesis to Revelation, seeking it out with the Spirit as your Teacher, getting His mind on what He thinks and what He is doing, then there is something seriously wrong. People that say they’ve been believers for 25-30 years have told me that they’ve never read Revelation or some of the books in the Tenach (Hebrew Scriptures). Few have studied the Prophets, yet everything they have written is happening now. Through my years of dealing with thousands of people on 5 continents, in about 42 countries, I have come to honestly believe that people who put the world’s standards and culture, and their own sin and fleshly lusts, above knowing His Word, taught by His Spirit, above knowing Yahuweh and Yahushua, above obedience to Elohim,, above being filled with the Spirit, above passion for the coming of Messiah, are not truly born of the Spirit. I know that is a strong statement, but with the true new birth comes a passion for His Word. How can one profess to be born again, and live like the children of darkness? Oh, yes, I understand that there are times when people get discouraged and wooed off course by hurtful circumstances, depressed from physical, mental and emotional pain, and confused in their lives. Doubts set in. But, we’re at a point now when we must not let any distractions happen to us! We don’t have time to center on what hurts us, or who has hurt us. It is highly dangerous to hold bitterness, anger, or unforgiveness in our heart! He cannot forgive us if we hold these sins in our heart! (Mark 11:25-26) We must let the past go with all of its negatives. Holding in sinful emotions can make a person very sick. One year in college, I was very angry and judgmental of my earthly father. Then I got sick. I didn’t know what was wrong with me, but the Spirit gently let me know if had to do with my attitude towards my father. That evening, I went down the hall to the

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dormitory chapel, and asked Abba to forgive me for my bitterness and anger. I went back to my room, and immediately my body was healed. Please learn from this! We must take positive action to free ourselves in all ways, to prepare for the return of Yahushua! What about mercy? Oh, I know about mercy! I’ve been a recipient of an abundance of mercy! I well know about His patience! I know about His bearing with me when He could rightfully have killed me and thrown me into hell forever. But, answer me this: When did His mercy run out with mankind before the flood “in the days of Noah?” He only had mercy on Noah and his family in the ark. When did His mercy run out before He sent Nebuchadnezzar to destroy His people, Jerusalem, and the Temple? He only had mercy on the few, like Daniel, his three friends, and Ezekiel. When did His mercy run out before He sent Titus to do the same thing in 70 CE? When will His mercy run out before He sends Yahushua Messiah with His wrath? His mercy is extended towards His servants whom He knows, trusts, and loves. He sees the end from the beginning, and His mercy is extended towards those He knows are His! This theme is throughout the Word!As I wrote in the first two Withdrawal articles, Yahuweh is departing and leaving the earth to the evil ones to do their worst to execute His judgment. Then Messiah will come. Mankind as a whole has rejected His Name, rejected His Torah, rejected Him as Creator, rejected His right to rule over them, and rejected those who belong to Him. How much mercy does He have left? It’s about gone! I know that even in His wrath He has mercy, but who does He have mercy on? He has mercy on the ignorant. He has mercy on those who just don’t understand, but how much more mercy can He have on willful rebellion? The final judgment on mankind is near. His mercy will end towards the sinful, when His wrath is ready to be poured out. And, that, dear ones, is close to happening once again! Never presume on Yahuweh! He is not a theology, concept, philosophy, or “it.” He is the Most High, the Creator. The wisest thing you can do is to humbly say: “You are Elohim, and I am not.” We must die to our self-will, our self-centered nature, for unless we do, we’ll die still thinking we’re gods in control. Hear well these words of Jeremiah 10:6-7, 10-12: “There is none like You, Yahuweh! You are great and great is Your Name in might! Who would not fear You, O King of the nations? This is Your due--for among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their reigns, there is none like You…But, Yahuweh is truly Elohim. He is the living Elohim, and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth shakes, and nations are unable to stand His displeasure. Say to them this: `The elah (Aramaic for “mighty one”) that did not make the heavens and the earth shall perish from the earth and from under these heavens.’ Yahuweh has made the earth by His power. He has established the world by His wisdom and has stretched out the heavens by His understanding.”

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He is the Creator. We are the created. We bow in loving worship to Him as our Father (Abba). We bow to Yahushua, our Savior and Redeemer, and soon-coming King. The wisest thing you can do is to loudly praise and worship Him, proclaim His Word, and your loyalty to Him! The heavens will indeed shake, almost out of their orbits, when Messiah comes with the wrath of His Father! (Isaiah 24; Haggai 2:6-7. 21-22; Hebrews 12:25-29; and Revelation 6:12-17) The only thing that will remain is what is unshakable – our faith! (Hebrews 11 and 12) He is also the Supreme Shaddai (Almighty One). And He is a Father to those whom He can call His children. Yet, He warns us that unless we come out of all defilement, He CANNOT be our Elohim or our Father. (II Corinthians 6:14-7:1) This theme is all through the whole Word. He has a long fuse, but when it reaches its end, there is no more mercy. He warns and warns His people to get out of the world system. He has warned and warned His people to get out of end-time Babylon (America), and out of the Babylonian religious system that is connected to Nimrod (Christianity). Note: In all my warnings and exhortations for His people to obey Him, and get out of what He is about to destroy – America - I fully understand there are exceptions. There are those few who truly cannot get out due to physical restrictions, and those tiny few who are called to remain and die, helping others to escape. There will be lots of martyrs, too, because people didn’t act on the warnings, or couldn’t get out by no fault of their own. But, by faith, “all things are possible to him who believes.” -- “All things?” “Nothing is impossible to him who believes.” “According to your faith, so be it unto you.” Start in Genesis and read through to the end of Revelation. You will see things that blast religion, and man’s teaching, into the pit of hell where they belong. Get to know the true Elohim of the Scriptures--the Father, YahUweh, and His Son YahUshua YahUweh.I ask: Are you a stench in the nostrils of Satan and his forces? I sure hope so! I hope every cell in your body repulses them. I hope that they see you as a dangerous threat to them, and are afraid of you. If you fear Yahuweh, they will fear you! They will know that He is backing you with His authority and power! PUT THOSE DEVILS ON THE RUN! In the recent article “Withdrawal,” the first of this trilogy, I explained the pattern of Yahuweh’s withdrawal as prophesied in Ezekiel 8-11:23, and how He has been repeating the same pattern of withdrawal since August of 2012. In 586 BCE, He had to withdraw so that Nebuchadnezzar could come and execute His wrath. But, before His final withdrawal in 586 BCE, He warned His people. There were some who were spared because they did not participate in the sun god worship, but most were either killed or taken to Babylon for 70 years. Of course, Yahuweh did not withdraw from His set-apart servants like Daniel, his three friends, and Ezekiel. Yahuweh’s withdrawal was slow and methodical. He made two moves, each in order to

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stop and observe the reaction of His people to His leaving. The same reaction is obvious today – almost no one is noticing His withdrawal. I remember watching a Prophecy in the News broadcast in 2013, and heard Gary Stearman tell Tom Horn that he felt that “the Lord” was withdrawing. I believe life will go one as usual a while longer, with the pleasures or the trials of this life affecting each human being, but not too much longer. As He departs, who is noticing! I remember being in a home Bible study in 1987. I was shocked as people there became engaged in a meaningless discussion, wasting time on trivial matters rather than continuing with the study. I sat there disgusted. Then I saw Abba in a vision. His arms were folded. I heard Him say quite sternly: “I am not here!” He had to withdraw because the people had departed from His peace, and entered into mental confusion.Yes, He remains in the spirit of those who are totally open to His eternal dimension, those servants He knows and trusts, and who know and trust Him. But, as we read in Jeremiah, there comes a time when He tells us to stop praying for the rebellious, the defiant, the arrogant, the proud and haughty ones, who think they are really something big because of their inflated intellect, and/or their bold worldly lifestyle. In the mid-1990s, we experienced the last restoration in the restoration process that began in the 1800s with evangelism, then the outpouring of the Spirit with His gifts and power, then the healing movement, then the genuine word of faith movement, and finally the restoration of Torah to the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Acts 3:19-21 tells us that once all is restored, Messiah will come. It’s all restored! Orthodox Jews, and people like me, greatly rejoiced in Sukkot 2007, for on Yom Teruah of that year, September 13th, the 2,730-year punishment on Ephraim ENDED! And on that day, we entered the last complete 7-year cycle from creation. Orthodox Jews were rejoicing and celebrating that now Messiah can come. [Refer to: “The Shmittah Year Prophecy”/August 2007] I’ve been carefully following all of the prophetic fulfillments in the Scriptures with great diligence, as well as keeping an eye on His time-clock. Everything is moving on schedule. His watchmen are now seeing “eye-to-eye” and reporting what they see. (Isaiah 52:6-12) However, tragically, with each restoration, man took over and corrupted the purity that the Spirit had given to His servants. But, today, a remnant has come out of all religion, all teachings of man, and stand in His power and authority, taught only by Him! “It is enough for the student to be as his teacher.” (Matthew 10;24-28) In the second article “The Withdrawal of the Restrainers”/January 1, 2015, I went into detail about the withdrawal of the Presence of Yahuweh and Yahushua throughout the last 6,000 years, and what forced their withdrawal. I told about the restrainer over Israel, the Archangel Michael, and about His people who are restrainers of His wrath for a while longer. Not only is there a remnant among His people who restrain His wrath until He’s ready to pour it out, but they also are the “salt of the earth,”—the

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preservers of the earth from utter destruction—from now and until Messiah’s coming. I wrote about His servants who are rooted deeply in Him--in the good soil of faith, tapping into the deep waters from His Spirit--unmoved, firm and solid in the midst of storms. The morning of January 9, 2015, Derek talked to me about the roots of a tree that go down deep into the earth and preserve the earth from soil erosion. If our roots go deep into the Presence of Yahuweh, we preserve the earth from destruction i.e. Malachi 4:5-6, Psalm 1:3, and “trees of righteousness.” He uses trees symbolically to identify His people--Israel is the fig tree, for example (Joel 1:9; Hosea 9:10; Matthew 24:32-34) Romans 8 talks about all creation groaning under the weight of man’s sin. Creation waits for the manifestation of the sons of Elohim who will bring order and righteousness back into all creation. In Revelation 11:15-18, we read that when Messiah comes with the wrath of His Father, He will destroy those that destroy the earth. Did you know you were that important?By our living for Yahuweh on this earth, we have been, and are, restrainers of the evil of this earth. We are “the salt of this earth,” the preservers of earth. But, if we’ve become dull towards Him, the salt has lost its savor, and is good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot. (Matthew 5:13-16) Yet, there is also another factor in play. As we press harder into His Presence, He is withdrawing us in a new way into His Most Set-Apart Place! Our lives are in transition for the final battle. He is calling out “the few” of Matthew 7:13-14 to give them the secrets of the battle, to prepare them for what is coming. To be victorious, we must know our Commanding Officer well, know His orders, know His tactics, what weapons to use, and how to use them effectively. We must be united with our Commanding Officer, Yahushua, knowing His nature, ways, and thinking – how He directs the battle and our part in it. But, also, we must know the enemy’s nature, ways, and thinking. We must know how to recognize the enemy, know how he manipulates the battle, what weapons he uses, and how to thwart his attempts at taking us out. It is very important for a soldier to know what they are up against in a battle beforehand, so that there are no surprises. II Timothy 2:3-5: “Suffer hardship with us as a good soldier of Yahushua Messiah. No one serving as a soldier gets involved with the affairs of this life, in order to please only him who enlisted him as a soldier.” Is this plain enough? A soldier on the battle field lives a nomadic life, a life of suffering, hardship, and the danger of death. Therefore, a true soldier cannot get involved in the affairs of this life if he wants to win in the battle. As disciples (taught ones) of the Master, servants in training for reigning, we are in an intense battle. We cannot afford to go on with life as the world does – working for our advancement, material possessions, security and safety, and a nice retirement villa by the ocean. This world system is run by Satan/Lucifer, “the god of this world.” To align to this world is to make ourselves an enemy of Yahuweh. Ya’cob (James) says it right out in Ya’cob

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4:4 – if you intend to be a friend of this world, you make yourself an enemy of Elohim! Is that plain enough? The true Scriptural intercessor, who is backed by the authority of Yahuweh, knows how to use spiritual weapons to close portals to the enemy, and open portals for the entrance of Yahuweh, Yahushua, and Their angelic forces. Spiritual weapons are given to those who have been immersed into the Spirit, and remain filled with the Spirit. [Refer to: “Intercession: Knowing the Basics” and “Authority Backing”]

Now for some things you need to be aware of that in the world around you – right now! I’m sure you know this, but: There are no benevolent and kind little green people from outer space who claim to be mankind’s parents, who are going to come and rescue mankind, as touted by the Illuminati Satanist mind-programmers. There are shape shifters who appear to be “grays.” The Genesis 6:2, 4 scenario is continuing on with human abductees in “space ships,” in which demons fly between their dimension and ours. These “ships” are being seen by thousands all over the earth. I’ve had my share of seeing them, some up very close. As we see from Ezekiel’s writing, and from the translation of Eliyahu, Yahuweh’s angels also fly in heavenly “chariots” between His dimension and ours. But, since at least World War II, man has been flying up there in space in huge “ships,” as well as landing and taking off from earth. I’ve seen that. Father lets us see what we need to see for our training as soldiers. New Nephillim are being bred in these “ships.” Then there is the big production of man-made hybrids, mixtures of human with animals, birds, fish, reptiles, and even plants, as in “the days of Noah.” There are Nephilim on the earth--demon/human hybrids--and all sorts of demonic creatures coming and going through portals in their dimension. The Rephaim/giants, have returned, and been seen by many in various places, like the Golan Heights, along the Mediterranean Coast where they lived before, and in Mexico, for examples. As the book of Enoch I tells us, the fallen ones came down on Mount Hermon, and the Genesis 6 scenario began. The Nephilim (demon-human hybrids) produced Rephaim. In the book of Deuteronomy we see how Moses and Joshua and the army of Israel wiped out the giants Og and Sihon on Bashan (the Golan Heights). There is physical evidence of these races of giants all over the Golan, in other places in Israel, all over America, and in most every other country of the world. Their descendants formed many tribes after the flood, as seen with the Anakim of Numbers 13:33. And, they are back! The pit that the original Nephilim were bound in by Yahuweh after the flood, Tartaros, has been opened for the final battle. (II Peter 2:4-5) The initial last days outpouring of demonic spirits onto the earth under their king Apollyon/Abaddon in Revelation 9 has begun! That began in April of 2003! The actual events of this are well recorded. I first heard it from Yahuweh, December 25, 2003. Then it was confirmed by researchers like

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Rob Skiba in 2012. [I recommend his book, Babylon Rising-the Last Shall Be First] America is the leader in body cloning--even the body for Nimrod. After all, that’s why America was created as a nation, to resurrect and reincarnate Nimrod (Osiris/Apolo-Apollyon) [Refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny”] Since August of 2012, when He began His departure after His message was delivered to the top Satanic rulers at the Vatican, Yahuweh has allowed the portals of the demonic kingdom to swing wide open onto the earth. Through these portals are coming 9 foot, or larger, “fairies,” huge winged creatures, ogres, gnomes, leprechauns, orbs of different sizes (demon spirits not yet embodied), shape-shifting reptilians, alien “grays,” and other hideous beings that are portrayed so often in movies and on T.V., like zombies, vampires, and werewolves. People are seeing winged creatures in various places as wide as 15 feet. No, this is not fantasy – this is reality! Go to Appendix A and read Isaiah 13, for example, from the Septuagint. We’ve seen so many of these creatures in Walt Disney movies, and in cartoons, and other “family” movies. Remember, Walt Disney was not only a practicing Wicca witch, he also owned a lot of pornography film studios. There is a hard and fast rule of the Illuminati rulers that they have to expose what they are going to do before they do it. So, they show their plans in movies, on T.V., in video games, in children’s books, in children’s toys, etc. so that everyone will think “fantasy” when it is reality. Usually, by the time they expose what they are up to it is already happening worldwide, but undercover. I remember as a youth in the 1950s watching a black and white movie on T.V. that showed a good policeman helping people against an invasion of aliens. Yet, as the show progressed, the camera zoomed in behind this fellow and showed that he had a chip at the base of the right side of his brain. Then he turned evil. In real time, we learned that in Gulf War II American soldiers were experimented on by having a chip put at the base of their brain, to receive orders so they were told. Yes, to receive orders – but what orders? Many of these formerly diligent American soldiers went out and slaughtered civilians. Technology given to man by fallen angels, as before the Flood, has been used to enslave the minds of billions of people worldwide. For example, by the time Star Trek came out in the 1960s, at least three nations on earth had great space craft flying around outside earth’s orbit, and even doing battle. The “beam me up Scottie” technology was available while the TV series made it look like something futuristic. Steve Quayle reported on “acoustic levitators” on Hagmann and Hagmann radio, January 7th. In ancient times, by using the levitators, multi-ton rock blocks could be carved and moved over the Andes Mountains at a height of over 13,000 feet, from a quarry 200 miles away – as with the building of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia. Abba sent me with a good friend there on an intercession assignment in 2010. It is obvious that Tiahuanaco was destroyed by the Flood. It was a Nephilim city. This is also how the pre-flood Great Pyramid of Giza was built by Yahuweh’s angels.

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As before the Flood, the fallen ones convinced modern world rulers to take Yahuweh’s technology, which they stole, and use it to bring them through into the earth as they once came in the days of Methuselah. Thus we have the CERN super collider in Switzerland, which I talk more about below. So many screen writers in Hollywood are not only on heavy mind-altering drugs, but they “astro-travel” via spirit guides into the dimension of Satan, and see these things. Then they write about them. Heavy metal rock music portrays what’s inside Satan’s camp, actually talking about having sex with aliens, and calling for them to come down. This type of “music,” plus the blood-lust horror movies, is very addictive to those sucked into this pit. Do you notice how children’s and youth’s t-shirts abound with skull images? Youth are being sucked into death-loving cults by the wiles of the evil ones. Pornography is enslaving millions from all ages, and it is known to be eight times as addictive as cocaine, heroin, or other such drugs. Once the enemy has taken over someone’s thought-life, it takes the power of Yahuweh to break its power. Many people live in a fantasy world. That too is highly addictive, and destroys people’s lives. But, receiving help from Yahuweh comes with His demand to align to His mind. He does not help us so that we can go back to our destructions. Most people have been mind-programmed to live in a matrix of illusion and fantasy, so that when the reality hits, they will go crazy. [Refer to: “Mind Control, Hidden Manipulation and the World Brain,” and “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons”]The rise of the anti-messiah and his false prophet is happening before our eyes. But, the only way His people are going to know His timing is if they study the Word with the Spirit to teach them. Only the Spirit knows the timing of His events. Only the Spirit, who is Yahuweh Himself, can show us the connection between His prophetic Word and what we’re seeing all around us now, so blatantly.I’ve been writing about the mysterious Mister 13 pope since his election, March 2013.Since then, I’ve written several specific articles exposing his agenda, and the agenda of the Vatican in general, and the hidden agenda behind Mary worship. In July/August of 2012 and July of 2013, Yahuweh sent me to Rome to do extensive intercession and proclamation to the fallen ones, giving them Yahuweh’s final message before the return of Messiah. I reported on these things in several articles in 2012 and 2013. I’ve kept close touch with unfolding events of the Jesuits for a long time. Now, we have a Jesuit pope. Isn’t it interesting how fast this pope is pulling all religions together under himself? Isn’t it fascinating how in March 2012, Pope Benedict announced his resignation to those closest to him in the Vatican, and then just recently the Jesuit General, the Black Pope, has openly announced his resignation, saying that Pope Francis has more power than he does? Wow--what a statement. The Jesuit’s “General” has had all power over the Vatican and the world for hundreds of years. I’ve been exposing his powers in the last few months. This leaves Pope Francis, an

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insane genius, to run the final show. Now, he’s proclaimed that he is writing an encyclical (almost as weighty as his speaking ex cathedra, in which he is supposedly infallible). This encyclical will be read before the United Nations about world climate control, and a world economy to distribute the wealth of the world to all nations equally. Tom Horn received information about a possible second encyclical regarding the world’s acceptance of aliens. Pope Francis has a major in Astrobiology. He is controller of the work at Mount Graham, run by Jesuit astronomers, which is searching for extraterrestrial life. Is “disclosure” near? Will the pope be the one to do the disclosing of what most everyone already knows – that there are things out there flying around that are not of this world? But, his spin will be that they are good and must be accepted as good, even possibly our creators. Watch the moves of this man – he is evil. Are you feeling the withdrawal of Abba’s Spirit? Are you feeling a pull-back in your own life? I’m talking about a pull-back from being so active in ministry, humanitarian work, or just unneeded busyness in general -- a calling for you to enter behind the veil in the Most Set-Apart Place to position yourself under the shadow of the Almighty? Many are sensing this. A couple of weeks ago, I was talking to a dear sister, a neighbor in Costa Rica. She has been on my e-mail list for a long time. She and I have similarities in our ministry background. We’ve both been ordained, had our own corporations, done lots of evangelism and different types of missionary work, been Bible teachers and preachers for years, and ministered in the power of the Spirit in healing and deliverance. She was puzzled because what she thought she’d be doing in Costa Rica to minister to the people has nearly dried up. And of course, in working for Yahuweh it is futile to try to “drum up business.” If His Spirit is not leading us 100% in what we do, we need to zip our lips! This is similar to what is happening with lots of His servants. It is similar to what is happening with me. I have been used to traveling to many countries around the earth, teaching the Word, holding pastor’s seminars, teaching in Bible Colleges, preaching the Good News, leading people to salvation, ministering the baptism of the Spirit, moving in the gifts of the Spirit to minister to others, counseling, interceding and prophesying. BUT NOW He has me shut away a lot of the time, and only traveling as need be to do portal-opening intercession assignments for Him, to research and write what He puts on my spirit to write. Those things haven’t changed. I still meet with people as He leads. I am learning to play a 10-string Davidic harp, which has great spiritual benefit, studying the Mishle to increase wisdom, and being led one step at a time each day for whatever He has for me to do. Yet, still, there remains the fire of a warrior in my spirit, so I look forward to an awesome future. I strongly believe that Yahuweh will send forth a forerunning company in the earth with the message of Jeremiah 25 to the nations before Messiah returns. [Refer to: “Jeremiah 25”] I am ready to go and speak for my Master anytime He wants me to. I am optimistic, joyful, and positive. “My glass is ½ full.” I love to worship and

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praise my precious Abba and my Beloved, Yahushua! I stay in peace. Yet, it is like peaking out at the world from under His tallit. I am well aware that He is drawing me closer to Himself. I know that many of you are feeling the same drawing. He is preparing us for battle during this “calm before the storm.” People whose lives run around a wheel in a hamster cage have no idea what He’s doing, what He’s thinking, and what is planned by Him. It’s time to get off the wheel and sit in His Presence to learn from Him. “Redeem the time for the days are evil.” The rat-race of this world will lead all people into a final rat-trap.He wants so much better for His children. Please read the Prophets, Isaiah through Malachi and Revelation! Before judgment and wrath, He warns His children that if they don’t turn towards Him absolutely, they will perish with the wicked. What’s going on? In talking to my dear friend/neighbor, I found that she, too, has been led to do some unusual research to learn how to recognize the enemy, and to know how he works. I was surprised that she is being led into an arena of research that is new to her, but very common to me for years--to learn what the enemy is doing to prepare for His final onslaught, and what Yahuweh is doing to prepare for the final mop-up.But, it sure has been good to fellowship with her about these things, because in her research she is learning things I need to know, too. No one can know it all – we need each other to put the puzzle pieces together to form a clear picture. This is why, when all of our research and studying is said and done, we must wholeheartedly rely on the gift of the discernment of spirits that comes with the Spirit’s dwelling within us (I Corinthians 12:4-12) Without this gift to correctly discern between demonic spirits, the spirits in man, and the Spirit of Yahuweh, we won’t make it through. We must allow Him to manifest His anointing/Presence, power, anyway He deems necessary through us. We must hear from Him on a daily basis to maintain peace, joy, faith, self-control, and Scriptural love (total submission to the One loved). Abba has answered many questions, so I relax with peace. Being in the hustle and bustle of ministry for most of my life, this new concentration of His Presence is most fascinating to say the least. But, He is letting us know that He is changing our focus to prepare us for the end-time battle, to overcome, endure to the end, and win! He’s calling a remnant back behind the veil. This should bring joy to many of you! As He is withdrawing from the world to give the world what they want – the sky gods, the “men of renown,” (Genesis 6:2, 4; Numbers 33, etc)--His Presence is growing stronger and stronger with His trusted servants. While most people have fallen for the mind-programming “carrots” of the Illuminati, wasting their lives in the pursuit of happiness, Yahuweh has been raising up a Gideon 300 (Judges 7), teaching and instructing them. It is amazing how the earth’s people believe that the news media is telling the truth. The lies told, and the withholding of truth by the world’s news

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media, is turning whole nations against Israel! We are looking at Zechariah 12:2-3 in the face. If people would only read the Word, they would clearly see what is truly happening in our world today. Many are being sucked into YouTube and web-watching for hours a day. The mind-programmers keep people disturbed by constantly reporting singular tragedies--the personal lives of individuals, as well as large-scale tragedies like what recently happened in Paris. But, all the while, everything on the news is directing people’s minds into the “world brain” thinking that will lead them to all receive what the evil ones want. Break loose from the herd! Yahuweh sees you as a precious individual!Fear propaganda is interspersed with sexual allurements, the lives of Hollywood actors and actresses, and childish silliness. Those who will not be sucked up into the vacuum cleaner of Satan’s evil ones know their Elohim personally. They know Him by experience in interacting with Him. He’s pulling back His servants, His restrainers, His preservers, His trusted ones, for the final battle is close at hand. Only the prepared will make it through--not prepared according to man’s reasoning, but according to the Spirit’s leading. Your priorities are what you get done each day. Each and every day, you are sowing for your future. (Galatians 6:7-9) And we all reap what we sow!Proverbs 10 5: “He who gathers in summer is a wise son. He who sleeps in harvest is a son who causes shame.” Jeremiah 8:20: The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.” I wrote in “The Season of the Coming of Messiah,”/2012, giving Scriptures throughout the Word that show His coming is at the end of summer, at the end of the harvest of the fruit of the earth, on Yom Teruah, Tishre 1. We’re near the close of summer. Messiah said not to wait for the harvest season (Elul, Tishre, Heshvan) but to look unto the fields that are now “white unto harvest” (John 4:35-36). He was referring to people in need of salvation. There will be a cut-off point when mercy will not be extended anymore. There is a cut-off point to any father’s tolerance of rebellion in his children. It is our job to be available to Him to reach lost ones that He has prepared. (John 6:44-45) Matthew 22:1-1o: Who is Yahushua talking to?If the spirit is shut off to His Presence, a person is spiritually dead even while they are physically alive, for the earth bound soul only has life if the spirit has life! Death outside of Yahushua is to be separated from the Creator. Thus a person can be dead while he lives, and upon physical death goes on to eternal death. To be separated from Him is spiritual death, even if the body and mind are doing well. It is hell on earth to be disengaged from our Creator. He is the source of all life. To be without His abiding Presence is to pull the plug on life. Thus, King David cried out: “Take not Your Set-Apart Spirit from me.”

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With the trashing of the spirit, mankind as a whole is becoming more and more like Satan – in their nature, their thinking, and their ways. Violence is once again covering the earth, as “in the days of Noah.” Man’s thoughts are turning to evil continually, as “in the days of Noah.” Our goal must be to allow Him to restore us to the purity of Adam and Eve before they sinned. “Let the set-apart be more set-apart!” Don’t focus on what the devil’s doing! To enter the Kingdom, our minds must remain undefiled. Focus on the return of Yahushua – our “blessed hope,” and allow the Spirit to transform us into His nature, so that we think like He does and act like He does. Yahuweh is forcing His people into one of two camps now, to choose sides. We’re experiencing another Mount Carmel, only worldwide. (I Kings 18) He is dropping the plumb line. He won’t pass this way again (Amos 4:12b; 7:7-8) Messiah said that He did not come to bring peace on earth, but rather division. (Matthew 10:34-39) There is a great gulf forming between those morphing into the nature of Satan, and those morphing into the nature of Yahuweh. Following the leading of the sin-prone soul, our fleshly lusts, it is easy to fall back into the kingdom of darkness. It takes effort to go forward into the Kingdom of Light. But, “I can do all things through Messiah who strengths me.” (Philippians 4:13) I have written a lot about Abba’s faithfulness, because I’ve proved Him absolutely faithful through the years. But, if someone has not personally proved Him faithful, it is hard to give their entire lives to Him? It takes faith, that what the Word says is true. Personal faith in a loving Father is not something that is part of most believer’s lives. Most people can’t trust anyone but themselves. But, when the horrors begin, if we can’t trust Him, we’re doomed. It is the fear of Yahuweh that keeps us diligent to guard ourselves, as a sentry guards a fortress wall. “The fear of Yahuweh is to hate evil.” People can’t hate evil and enjoy watching it, reading about it, speaking of it, and dwelling on it. The good watchman/guard exposes evil. Yes, “they” know who we are! A born-again, but “backslidden” girl went to a rock concert with a worldly friend. They were given tickets to get into the party after the concert, which was basically a satanic orgy. The lady taking tickets let her friend in, but stopped the Christian girl. She was told that she could not come in because she was a Christian. How did the ticket-taker know that? The evil ones have their own brand of the “discernment of spirits!” They know who belongs to Yahuweh. Because of this the backslider repented and returned to Messiah. My youngest daughter saw that the Oprah show was coming on T.V. and she turned it off. I heard about something that was going to be on the show, so I told her to keep watching it. Before long, a magician came up on stage and said he was going to levitate a large table that was near him. He called out six people from the audience to lightly rest their hands, palms down, on the table. Then he folded his arms, stood looking at the people at the table, and looked perplexed for a moment. He went over to one girl and asked her to

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sit down. Then he called up someone else. I told my youngest daughter that the girl was a born-again believer. His table would not levitate if her hands were resting on it. Then we turned off the T.V. I wanted her to see how silly Satan’s power is manifested, and yet how people are so fascinated by it. I told her about the power of our Elohim, who is all mighty! They know who we are. Those sealed by the Spirit of Yahuweh, torment them. These truly born again ones are totally loyal to Him. They will not fail Him, and He will not fail them! They are fully equipped for the battle (Ephesians 6:10-18, in the garments of the High Priest). There comes a time in the battle when we just have to “stand our ground.” We stand in boldness, in assurance of victory, because our Captain is by our side. We must know our Captain! What is more important in life to than that?In the last 2 to 2½ years there has been a major shift, propelling us forward like a rocket into eternity future! We have to be free of care, so that we move with the Spirit at a moment’s notice! Are you freeing yourself up to be available to Him? CERN is revving up its super collider to full power. Their own physicists admit that they want to open other dimensions and bring things through. Several years ago they were very tight-lipped about their goals, but no more. Outside the CERN entrance stands the god Shiva dancing. He is the god of destruction, just as is Apollyon (the destroyer).CERN itself is a powerful star gate. It is a “super collider.” It has already tapped into 4 dimensions: “length, width, breadth, and time.” It wants to tap into other dimensions. They are planning on revving up a magnetic field 100,000 times stronger than earth’s magnetic field. How will that affect the earth? They have already opened portals, and even created new dimensions!One of their physicists said that they want to send someone through the gateway into another dimension. CERN is located near a town, which in Roman times was named “Apolia,” the destroyer – the Greek word used in II Thessalonians 2:3. In Apolia was a temple of Apollo/Apollyon. Will they purposely attempt to bring Satan through the star gate? He will incarnate the newly cloned Nimrod/Osiris/Apollo-Apollyon. That is the reason why America was founded in the first place! Nimrod in Iraq/Osiris in Egypt/Apollyon in Greece... Shiva, the destroyer of the world, is dancing out front their facility!Isaiah 13 is a prophecy to end-time Babylon, America, as is Isaiah 10, 18, 24, and 47. Isaiah 13 corresponds to Jeremiah 25, 50 and 51, Ezekiel 26-28, and Revelation 18. The name “America” came from the Spanish word for the plumbed serpent. [Please, for clarity, refer to: “America’s Secret Destiny” and “End Time Babylon”] I have printed out Isaiah 13 from the Greek Septuagint Version of the Tenach. You can read it in Appendix A. Notice that Yahuweh will use an army of giants to fulfill His wrath. This corresponds to Joel 2 – a Nephillim army of Rephaim/giants. They are returning to their old areas on the Golan Heights,

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around Mount Hermon, and on the Mediterranean coast. But, they are also appearing all over the earth now. Notice in this Scripture, the references to creatures that will be used in His wrath, even satyrs and monsters. The army that comes to try to stop Yahushua’s return, positioned at Megiddo (Har Megiddo/Armageddon) is a Nephilim army. (See Revelation 16:12-18) These creatures are the forces of Satan/Lucifer.The tower of Babel (Genesis 11) was a star gate. From Babylon, a star gate was opened in Pergamum over the altar of Zeus, then in Rome at the Basilica of St. John Lateran, then at the Vatican, then in places throughout Western Europe, then in America, resting in New York City. These are just a few of the portals, star gates, gateways, into the dimension of Satan and his fallen angels. In fact, his portals are connected all over the earth, from Easter Island to Tiahuanaco, to America’s Stonehenge, to England’s Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid of Giza, Baalbeck, Mount Hermon, Gilgal Rephaim, Amkor Watt, and many other places in our world. Washington DC is also a major portal connected directly to the Vatican. Yahuweh has portals also into His dimension. The book of Jubilees chapter 4 mentions 4: The Temple Mount (Mount Moriah), Mount Zion, the Mount of Olives, and Sinai. But, right now, the principle portal through which Yahuweh enters this earth to do His work is the re-born spirit of one totally given over to Him! Is this you?As Micha’el is battling with Satan and his forces in the “heavenlies,” the planetary “second heaven,” these creatures are waiting behind gateways to come through, and there are more and more portals that will be opened for them to come through in the near future. (Revelation 12:7-17) If you have discernment from Yahuweh’s Spirit, then you know that we’ve made a tremendous shift in time – leading headlong into the final battle. The portal of your spirit reaches directly into the throne room of Yahuweh! Are you living in His Presence in heavenly places, in His dimension, or are you earth-bound? It is amazing to me that the demonic world needs someone on this side, in time, to open the star gates to them. It takes great amounts of electricity to open the gates. This is why we’ve had so many power-grids shut downs in the last few years. But, also, there are 41 active volcanoes on earth right now – the largest ones are in Indonesia. The magna flow puts out electrical charges! Volcanoes are portals for the entrance and exit of spirits from the dark kingdom. The pit is opened onto the earth. (Revelation 9) The spirits of disembodied Nephilim and fallen angels draw power from the electric current in the magna (lava flow). They come up out of the pit of Hades through active volcanoes. In Costa Rica, volcano Paos is becoming more active. There is also a lake in its cone. Demonic spirits also inhabit rivers, lakes, oceans, and seas, like in the “Bermuda Triangle,” because water produces electric power also--especially great waterfalls, and the churning of the oceans. Ocean currents turn underwater windmills in the UK, producing electricity. For some reason,

Page 29: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

they have to have electricity to come through their gates … so their portals are near where they can get this energy. But, Yahuweh’s Spirit freely comes from His dimension into our spirit-temples when asked, and abides as long as we allow Him to. Angels come to our aid. Messengers from His dimension come to help us. And Yahushua comes and goes as His Presence is needed on earth. The wife in that precious elderly couple I wrote about above related reality to me about the Bermuda Triangle. That portal opens in the Atlantic off the coast of Miami, Florida, in December. One December, one of her sons flew a plane over the Bermuda Triangle, and the electronic mystery happened that has caused so many planes to disappear into another dimension. He disappeared and never returned. Another December, the other son took a boat out into the Triangle, and disappeared. What a horrible tragedy, but you can read about many such tragedies of the Triangle in Decembers past. When the Pharisees tried to throw Messiah over a cliff, the Word says that He just “passed on through them and went His way.” He vanished. In the days to come, He will move His servants in the same way to accomplish His will. As needed, His dimension will be opened to His servants.Every time I am in Israel, I am drawn to go to Dado Point above Metula and look down into Lebanon, then go back towards Kirhat Shmona, turn left across the north Golan to Banias, then to Mount Hermon, then coming down the east side of the Golan Heights. Banias, (Panias) is at the base of Mount Hermon. It was known in Roman times as Caesaria Phillipi. It was where the god Pan was worshipped, the god Zeus, and the Roman Emperor. The temple of Pan was in a large cave there, where human sacrifice was offered. It was considered the “gates of Hades.” Hades was a real being – the doorkeeper of the portal into the abyss that was under the river that flowed from Mount Hermon to Banias (Caesarea Philippi). That cave that was once the temple of Pan is a star gate – a portal into the dark kingdom’s lair. It is where demonic spirits come and go. When Messiah said in that place, “The gates of Hades will not prevail against My assembly” he meant “GATES.” He meant that all the portals of the enemy into the realm of earth will be closed, and those in His assembly, His people, will not be bothered with them ever again … Revelation 19-22! Take comfort in Revelation 21:1-7! The portals of the dark kingdom are opening wide all over the earth. Yahuweh’s portal to His Kingdom is closing, except to those who seek Him with all their heart. In Revelation 15, Yahuweh closes off the entrance to His throne room. He even sends out the angels, during the time when His wrath is poured out. That means that we have to be where He wants us to be, for once He shuts the door, only by His Spirit within the eternal portal of our re-born can we touch His Presence! Think hard about that!In the days to come, we’re looking at about 6.5 billion people being destroyed off the earth, and the earth itself being in great upheaval. Those that overcome and endure to the end will be rewarded – endure to the end

Page 30: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

of their lives on earth, or the end at the coming of Messiah. But, only servants will be rewarded in the Kingdom.Here are two questions only you can answer: Has the portal of your spirit been opened wide to the eternal realm of Yahuweh through the true new birth? Today, is the portal of your spirit open wide to the eternal dimension of Yahuweh, so that if faced by an onslaught of the evil ones you can boldly withstand them and overcome because there is nothing blocking His power flowing through your spirit? It is time to really pray Psalm 139:23-24! Abba once said to me: “You take care of the giants within, and I’ll take care of the giants without.” If you are feeling a pulling back on your active ministry, then rejoice – He is “eliminating in order to concentrate.” If you feel that He is drawing you into His secret place to learn from Him, then submit totally to what He is doing with you. Stay in the Word as much as you can! Read whole books from Genesis to Revelation, asking the Spirit of Yahuweh to teach you. Remove obstacles to your focusing on what He wants you to learn to prepare you for the final battle. He is calling forth His finest troops, His most reliable and disciplined soldiers. Don’t miss it!With His Love and shalom, Yedidah, January 18, 2015 APPENDIX AIsaiah 13 from the Greek Septuagint, describing America’s future:

13:1 THE VISION WHICH ESAIAS SON OF AMOS SAW AGAINST BABYLON 2 Lift up a standard on the mountain of the plain, exalt the voice to them, beckon with the hand, open the gates, ye rulers. 3 I give command, and I bring them: giants are coming to fulfill my wrath, rejoicing at the same time and insulting. 4 A voice of many nations on the mountains, even like to that of many nations; a voice of kings and nations gathered together: the Lord of hosts has given command to a war-like nation, 5 to come from a land afar off, from the utmost foundation of heaven; the Lord and his warriors are coming to destroy all the world. 6 Howl ye, for the day of the Lord is near, and destruction from God shall arrive. 7 Therefore every hand shall become powerless, and every soul of man shall be dismayed. 8 The elders shall be troubled, and pangs shall seize them, as of a woman in travail: and they shall mourn one to another, and shall be amazed, and shall change their countenance as a flame. 9 For behold! the day of the Lord is coming which cannot be escaped, a day of wrath and anger, to make the world desolate, and to destroy sinners out of it. 10 For the stars of heaven, and Orion, and all the host of heaven, shall not give their light; and it shall be dark at sunrise, and the moon shall not give her light. 11 And I will command evils for the whole world, and will visit their sins on the ungodly: and I will destroy the pride of transgressors, and will bring low the pride of the haughty.

Page 31: laydownlife.net and Dimen…  · Web viewThe Word was written in the Hebrew culture, with Eastern understanding. It was written to nomads. The thinking of the Scriptures is down-to-earth

12 And they that are left shall be more precious than gold tried in the fire; and a man shall be more precious than the stone that is in Suphir. 13 For the heaven shall be enraged, and the earth shall be shaken from her foundation, because of the fierce anger of the Lord of hosts, in the day in which his wrath shall come on. 14 And they that are left shall be as a fleeing fawn, and as a stray sheep, and there shall be none to gather them: so that a man shall turn back to his people, and a man shall flee to his own land. 15 For whosoever shall be taken shall be overcome; and they that are gathered together shall fall by the sword. 16 And they shall dash their children before their eyes; and they shall spoil their houses, and shall take their wives. 17 Behold, I will stir up against you the Medes, who do not regard silver, neither have they need of gold. 18 They shall break the bows of the young men; and they shall have no mercy on your children; nor shall their eyes spare thy children. 19 And Babylon, which is called glorious by the king of the Chaldeans, shall be as when God overthrew Sodoma, and Gomorrha. 20 It shall never be inhabited, neither shall any enter into it for many generations: neither shall the Arabians pass through it; nor shall shepherds at all rest in it. 21 But wild beasts shall rest there; and the houses shall be filled with howling; and monsters shall rest there, and devils shall dance there, 22 and satyrs shall dwell there; and hedgehogs shall make their nests in their houses. It will come soon, and will not tarry.
