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and J New Petticoats his H- Black 289 pow- H-

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THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY MARCH 28 1910 5 7 New Establishment Opens at 8A M and Closes at 6 P M high character and completeness of our display of Black Dress Fabrics es weaves that are decidedly strong in fashionable favor just Especial attention is directed to those here exclusively with us Silk Voiles Eoliennes Crepe de Chines Chiffon Cloths Crepes Marquisettes Satin Di rectoires and exquisite novelties in beautiful Satin and Brocaded Stripes c f I I Woodward J Lothrop YorkWASHINGTONParisT- his Sheer Black Dress Fabrics THE are meritoriousin t mentionedsome 4 ¬ = SATIN DIRECTOIRE An allsilk fabric strong and firm but light in texture nothing more suitable for a gown of ele gance g200 to S300 the yard CREPE bright lus trous and fine silk material much in vogue for the soft clinging gowns and other modes of the hour handsomely woven double width 200 the yard CHIFFON beautiful and sheer allsilk fabric possessing the desired clinging Dualities extensively used this sea- son for modish evening gowns 175 to 200 the yard Second toxx G sL D CHINEA I CLOTHA ¬ ¬ ¬ MARQUISETTE Another sheer and very popular dress goods of unusual beauty and elegance very bright and soft and silky in finish one of fashions greatest favorites S150 to 8200 the yard TUSSAH fabric that com- pares in quality and general beauty with all others produced by the house of Priestley Shown in plain striped and ottoman effects- is bright silky and exceptionally serviceable gl25 to the yard We wish to call attention to the location of our Dress Goods Department on the sec- ond floor where there is an aburfdance of room and a clear natural north light to aid in choosing ROY ALA 200 ¬ a weave or color that spring styles have favored is mitted from this very com showing The present collection is by far the most extensive this sec ever had Fashion tendencies were anticipated by us and our selections governed thereby The most noted foreign and domestic mills supply us and producers with unsurpassed facili ties only are represented here Discriminating attention is invited to our large assortments of creamcolored fabrics- a few of which we mention Latest Shades in Colored Dress Goods I NOT ha ¬ Allwool Cream Serges French and do- mestic in a wide range of weaves and widths 85c SlOQ to 250 the yard Allwool Cream Diagonal in handsome effects 125 and 200 the yard Allwool and Silkandwool Cream Serges striped with hairlines of black 100 8150 and 8200 the yard Strand I j ftc G It ¬ SHEPHERDS small medium and large patterns and in light and heavy weights Very for worn ens misses and childrens dresses suits and separate coats They come in blackarid white and blueandwhite iV SOC 75c to the yard CHECKSIn 225 t fashionable ¬ fresh new lingerie of the very best and prettiest kinds Many styles are here in attractiveness the plain the practical the exclusively elaborate The strongest lines of the season in point of value and quality are here de scribed Fine and Dainty French Lingerie SOFT I I I ¬ Womens French Handmade Night Dresses of nainsook low neck and short flowing sleeves trimmed with handem broidered edge and eyelets run with ribbon daintily handembroidered front 8350 each Womens Handmade Combination Suits corset cover and drawers or corset cover and short skirt of pretty iiainsook hand embroidery and valenciennes lace several good styles complete the trimming 495 to 81000 each appliedin TWrcI kre4h It ¬ Womens French Nainsook Chemises handmade and initialed neatly trimmed with handembroidered floral sprays scalloped edge and ribbonrun eyelets each Womens Drawers handmade of soft nainsook and attractively finished with sliced ruffle pair Womens Long Skirts handmade of wellwearing quality French percale deep ruffles are finished with scallops 8175 each 195 I 100 a 2 H WOODWARD LOTHRQP J OPTION TO BE ISSUE IN HOOSIER STATE County Conventions All Send Instructed Delegates Indianapolis March 27 Complete reports from Republican county conventions held yesterday to seloot delegate to the State convention indicate that the Republicans of the dry counties will insist on the in dorsement of the local option law by the State convention and thus make that question an issue In the campaign In several counties which have voted dry within the last year the local option and antioption forces made a test of strength and In every instance the local option men won George Lookwood editor of the Marion Chronicle and once private secretary to Vice President Fairbanks led the local option foros In Grant County and was elected as a delegate He is pledged to offer a resolution at the State convention next week committing the party to sus- tain the law In Shelby County the convention refused- to Indorse Representative Barnard of the Sixth district who recently allied himself with the insurgents in the light against Cannon District Chairman tried to force through a resolution Indorsing Barnard and Instructing the delegates for him but it was defeated and the dele- gates were left free to vote for some one elseRepublican leaders as a rule are op- posed to a local option Issue but many of the conventions Instructed their dele- gates to vote for resolutions indorsing the law and tho question will be a prom- inent and possibly an embarrassing one at the convention Largest Morning Circulation Bas tt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ELECTED FOR GRACE PARISH Rev Dr Slattcry of Boston May Accept Dr Huntingdons Vacancy New York March 27 The Right Rev Dr David H Greer bishop of the Epis copal diocese of New York prorfchlng in Grace Church today made the announce- ment that the Rev Dr Charles L Slat tery rector of Christ Church Springfield Mass had been elected rooter of Grace Parish in succession to the late Rev Dr William R Huntington and that he Is likely to accept the election The clerk of the vestry Dallas B Pratt said after the service that he had re- ceived a letter on Saturday In which the Rev Dr Slattery said that he would give his reply In a day or two Grace Parish- Is counted one of tho greatest in the Episcopal Church in America Tho salary offered to Dr Slattery Is 1000 and tho rectory which Is ono of the most complete and attractive homos In all New York REFUSE JEFFERSON DINNER Gaynor anti Harmon Send Regrets for Democratic Feast Gov Harmon of Ohio and Mayor Gay nor of New York who are most promi- nently mentioned now in connection with the Democratic nomination for tho Presi- dency two years hence will not be at the Jefferson day banquet to be held in this city April 11 under the aus pices of the national and the District Democracy Mayor Gaynor has declined the Inv- itation extended him in pursuance of his determination to avoid all engagements that will take him out of the city while ho Is mayor With a Republican lieuten- ant governor and legislature or the job at Columbus Gov Harmon finds it im pOssible for him to be and he has sent his regrets Most of the Democrats in the Senate and the House and members of the Dem- ocratic National Committee will be on hand for the Jefferson day celebration Tho newest Democratic member of the House Representativeelect Fas V of the speakers pres- ent resent S is t- one ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > POLITICAL REVOLUTION- Foss Election a Forerunner of Big Upheaval in Uay State Former Assistant Secrotary of the Treasury Charles Sumner Hamlin writ Ing a friend John Boyle here says in respect to the election of Mr Foss The overturn of the Fourteenth Con- gressional district was nothing less than- a political revolution but as matters ap pear now our Republican friends will look upon it as a comparatively pleasing Incident when they view the ruin and de- struction which I believe will overtake the party In tho elections In this State next November CORNELL ACTORS ON TOUR Seventyfive In That Will Play The Misfit Man Ithaca N Y March 27 On the long est trip undertaken by a dramatic or- ganization of Cornell University the Cornell Masque will leave here tomor- row for Buffalo where the first presenta- tion of The Misfit Man a comic opera written by students and professors will be given There are seventyfive in the company The Masque will also play at Syracuse Utica Albany and New York at the WaldorfAstoria on April 1 j Sloat Fassett jr son of Representative Fassett appears In the title role and there Is a large chorus JOINS CLASSMATES TONIGHT President Taft to Attend the Yale Banquet In New York President Taft will leave this city about noon for New York where he is to be the guest at the University Club of Yale 78 his old class at a dinner tonight The President it is said will make no address or nt least will make none for publication since the class dinner is to be strictly private He will return to the Capital early tomorrow morning His next trip Is to Worcester Mass on Sat urday April 2 On Sunday Awn the Pc 1eni wiil b uutsi of his agat- aiiss Ddt T rrey pear Worcester tb I Cad ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sir Ernest Shackleton Guest at Several Functions DINES AT FRENCH EMBASSY Ambassador and Mme Jnn crnnd Entertain in Honor of English Ex- plorer Lndy Shacltleton of British Embassy at Infor- mal Supper MncVenghs Are Hosts The French Ambassador and Mme Jus serand were dinner hosts last evening In honor of the British Ambassador and his distinguished guest Sir Ernest Shackle ton Other guests were Lady Shackleton the British Ambassador and Mrs Bryce the Danish Minister and Countess von Moltke tho Assistant Secretary of the Navy and Mrs Beekman Winthrop Com- mander and Mrs Peary M and Mme Boutroux the naval attache of the French Embassy and Viscountess dAzy the mili- tary attache of the French Embassy and Countess de Chambrun the First Secre- tary of the Embassy and Mme de la Rocca M Tallhand of the Embassy staff and M de Saint Phallo also of tho Em bassy staff Mrs Bryco entertained the wives of members of the embassy staff at lunch eon yesterday to meet Lady Shackleton Informally- Mr Gilbert H Grosvonor soninlaw of Alexander Graham Den gave a luncheon yesterday In honor of Sir Ernest Shackle ton asking to moot him his host the British Ambassador Prof Henry Gan- nett Prof J Howard Gore Dr David Fairchild brotherinlaw of the host Prof A J Henry Rear Admiral J E Plllsbury Gen John M Wilson Prof Willis L Moore Commander Peary Mr 0 H Tlttman Mr John Joy Edson Mr George Otis Smith Dr T L MacDonald Col Henry F Blount Mr Charles J Bell Mr F V Covllle Mr Edwin T Grosvenor Mr John Oliver La Gorce Dr L A Bauer Mr Rudolph Kauff mann Mr O P Austin Mr C Hart Merriam and Mr F B Elchelborger Tho Secretary of Treasury and Mrs MacVeagh ent rtain d at dinner last even- ing The guests wero Assistant Sec- retary of State and Mrs Huntington Wil- son Mr and Mrs F B CrownlnshleW Mr and Mrs Herbert Wadsworth Mr and Mm Elliott Mr and Mrs Preston Gibson Miss Martha Phillips Miss Helen Patten Miss Cook who Is the guest of the family of the Secretary of State and Mrs Knox Mtos Adams Miss Shorrlll Hon Lambert Tree of Chlcagp who Is at the Arlington for the Easter season Mr A Platt Andrew director of the mint Mr Royal IB Cabell Commissioner- of Internal Revenue Mr John B Header IOn Jr and Mr Ksjn MacVeagh of Chicago who Is spending the Easter with his parents The party of young people being enter- tained during Easter at the White House were tho guests of honor at a musicale and yesterday afternoon given by the Minister from the Netherlands and Loudon They were also guests at dinner last evening of Mr and Mrs James Marion Johnston whose debutante daughter Misa Sophy Johnston is one of Miss Tafts close friends Gen and Mrs John W Foster a small company at luncheon yes- terday Informally They have for a house party their grandchildren Miss Margaret Dulles Tr John Foster Dulles and Mr Allen Welsh Dulles and Miss Carlotta The two young girls arc schoolmates of Miss Helen Taft at Bryn Mawr Mrs Foster entertained at a smart tea yesterday afternoon In honor of Miss Taft and her guests The young people who Indulged in the paper chase yesterday started at 4 oclock from west of Sheridan Circle the trail leading to Chevy Chase where they had tea They rode home In the early evening The Secretary of War ned Mrs Dick- inson are spending Baster at their homo in Nashville Mrs Albert Clifford Barney who turned Saturday from a trip to Now York on the matter of the costumes for the historic tableaux to be given on April 7 by society folk entertained at luncheon yesterday in her studio house company of those who will take part Mrs Barney will have charge of the tableaux- to be given for the benefit bf the House of Mercy IN TilE SOCIAL WORLD Meets lbs the the tea enter- tained Wen re a La- dies sea- son Mme ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Officers of tile Mayflower entertained a company of young psople at dinner last night on board the Presidents yacht which lies off the navy yard The Presi- dent gave the use of the yacht yesterday- to the visiting Canadians to go to Mount Vernon The British Ambassador and Sir Ernest Shackleton accompanied the party and visited tho home and tomb of George Washington Senator and Mrs Burrows of Michigan entertained a small company of friends at luncheon yesterday in honor of Mr and Mrs William L Curtis of Michigan Tho President and Mrs Taft have sig- nified their Intention of being present at the Charity ball to be given under the auspices of the Navy Relief Society on Wednesday evening at the navy yard which promises to be a brilliant affair Admiral of the Navy Is also expected al- though Mrs Dewey will not attend as her health has caused her family and friends some anxiety A drill by the Sailors of the Dolphin and tho Mayflower will mark the arrival of the President and party The dancers will not wear fancy dress but the women will wear fancy head dress and the officers will all wear full dress uniforms Bunting palms and spring blossoms with a myriad of electric lights will add to the beauty of the sail loft where the dancing wljl take place A section of the Marino Band will furnish music The new commandant of the Washing- ton Navy Yard and Mrs Frank E Beatty have a party of young people with them over the Easter holidays Including their daughter Miss Emily A Beatty student of the BangsWhitton School in New York and Miss Jean Peters Miss Mar- guerite Gaffney and Mr William A Pe- ters jr of Seattle The members of the Washington So- ciety of tho Archaelos l Institute of America will be the guests of Mrs Bar bou Walker of the National Cathedral School Mount St Alban at the next regular meeting of the society thIs evqn ing Prof William Kelly Prentice of Prince- ton University at one Ume annual pro Tile t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ 420426 7th Street 417425 8th Street Black and colors An entirely new lot and made In several styles Some have shirring others have tucks These are cut full 50 inches through hips all lengths full foundation and dust ruffle They are made of a heavy rustling taffeta silk in black and colors including the mufhwanted changeable shades This Is positively a 500 value at fessor of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens will give an illus- trated lecturo on Ancient Athens In tho modern city Mr and Mrs C W ONeill of Norfolk Va announce the engagement of their daughter Myrl Tyree to Reginald MUTe Hodgson of East Falls Church Va At the Rudolph Atlantic City are Representatives Goldfogle of New York and Sabath of Illinois Dr and Mrs Frank A Jung Judga It T Hough Mr Alexander Wolf Mr LevI David Dr and Mrs Louis Stern Mr Max Goodman Miss Celesta Goodman and Dr and Mrs Leon Senator Warren of Wyoming left Washington last night for his home in Cheyenne where he was called on busi- ness matters He will return in ten days Mr and Mrs Frank Parker of 1 L street northwest gave a reception last evening to their many friends at a rnus cale and dinner The Misses Anna and Eienoro Sohwarz will spend Easter week with friends at Claire Pa and Mr P V win give dance in their honor at Pottsvlile on Monday Maj and Mrs George Downey enter- tained a company of forty young people at luncheon yesterday at the Chevy Chase Club in honor of Miss Katherins Brown granddaughter of former Senator Hoary G Davis and a debutante of this season Mrs Downey was a flrst cousin to Miss Browns mother BAND CONCERT TODAY- At Marine Peed enfcwfea TOBba H SaaUlxaaoB leader Pregrutttt Much With SLot and Shott BUM OratsreLiebBaifcU0g Yes Bios MiHfa de BQetZ rci TVtM n fartcrta- WaJta os horn tile Sooth Stnmu Grand sos froffl La BahcsKPHoaal- Desaiptlre FtaUfaVJm a Dress TRANSFER PATTERNS Upon rapt ef tils psUera ordered ea coaron bow plain Ute rough cr due sUe ef the putters down on material to be stamped thee press bet flaUron an the back or aaoolh tide of the pattern Be careful not to let pattern slip Lansburgh Bro 500 Silk Petticoats fi2 89 l St Cud At the Yarbte s at of D GtlopChiet Icn Spl l PaW 7 289 a 4 1krrs 2 p a b ¬ ¬ Pari Transfer Pattern No 8153 Hand bag design for braiding to be transferred to heavy or weight linen or fabric to match the dress or suit with which it is carried This design also be transferred to silk or and embroidered with silk soutache braid The ribbon which is attached to hang it over the wrist should match the color of the material f Washington Herald Pattern Coupon Name Address Size desired Fill out the numbered coupon and qut out pattern and with cents or coin addressed to Pattern Depart ment The Washington Herald Washington D C Miss JInbel Brady Engaged Albany N Y March 27 Mr and Mrs Anthony H Brady announce the engage ment of their youngest daughter Mabel to Mr Francis P Garvan of New York City Mr Garvan was first assistant dis- trict attorney under Mr Jerome Largest Morning Circulation Leaders at the National Stylt Show Galotta LADIES TAILORS 1123 14th St N W Phone North 968Y RIDING HABITS A SPECIALTY t I I f Bros I ¬ ¬ ¬ SOCIETY IN EASTER ARRAY Continued from Page One Why seek ye the living among the dead He Is not here but Is risen The bishop spoke on the Joy and tri- umph and victory that now predominates- on Easter In contrast the first Eastef morning 2000 years ago To try to cling to the moral teachings of Christ and yet deny His resurrection Is really seeking the living among the dead said the bishop It Is but a dreary caricature of the religion of Christ Easter has Its warnings as well as Lent To have an Intellectual grasp of the truth of the resurrection Is not enough we must believe It with the hfiart we must submit to Its moral pow- er If we are true believers In the rise of Christ we must rise with Him rise to better lives rise to higher nobler alms BOARDWALK CROWD BREAK OLD RECORD FOR ATTENDANCE AND COLORS Atlantic City N J March were more than 200000 promenaders on the Boardwalk at noon today Five thousand rolling chairs formed two solid lines from the Inlet to Chelsea while the overflow gave the Strand the appearance of midsummer The temperature mounted into the 70s under perfect clear skies and scores of bathers took dips In the surf Nothing like the flood of travel had ever been seen at this resort Forty long trains came in over the Pennsylvania system alone and for the first time in the history of the city the full comple- ment of visitors from New York and Philadelphia had not been delivered when the homeward bound started scram- ble for seats In outgoing sections which were run tonight without regard to schedule and less than fifteen minutes apart Weather conditions ware the best known on Easter days for tan years past Brilliant sunshine with a stirring south- erly breeze started the Boardwalk pag- eant before 10 oclock Visitors regretfully snatched minutes from their parado to oat and latecomers protested when Informed by employes of big hotels that they could not get table places Dinner parties were forced back to quicklunch places whose owners reaped ah unexpected harvest Small hotels and boardinghouses were filled to their roofs last night while every desirable room vacated by homebound persons this evening has been snatched up by patiently waiting newcomers The crowd that turned out around noon was lavishly gowned and suited Flower hats gave the Boardwalk the appearance of an elongated garden while vests and cravats of the men added an other collective splotch of color to the turnout Wraps of all sorts were laid aside throughout the day Tho presence of several hundred col lego men for the YalePennsylvania- game added enough to the great Board walk population to give men the major- ity over women in numbers for the first time ever known Nearly 300 automobiles came In during the night and today ANTHEMS OF VICTORY HEARD IN CHURCHES With flowers and music and pulpit elo- quence religious Washington rejoiced in the memory of the risen Lord yesterday and the most joyous rite of the church year was celebrated by huge congrega- tions at morning and evening services everywhere After the somber and Impressive cere- monies of Holy Week telling the story or the Saviours suffering and crucifixion- in solemn chants and prayers the opti- mistic Easter burst of songs of triumph and thanksgiving for Christs triumph over the grave seemed to harmonize with the spirit of spring Heaped with Flowers People went to church gladly and the forty days of Lent fell away with the anthems of victory rendered by chor- isters Chancels were heaped with fra- grant flowers and bright colors were pre- dominant among those who came to wor- ship The Catholic and Episcopal churches held tho most elaborate song and ritual services At Aloysius Catholic Church prominent clergymen connected with the Catholic schools and the clergy of the church took part in the morning services aided by the full chancel choir In a long procession the choir fol- lowed by more than 100 chased boys In cassocks and rich lace surplices officers of the Sanctuary Society and celebrants- of the masses marched Into the church in a stately religious pageant while hun dreds of electric lights and candles added to the splendor of their vestments The Day of Resurrection was sung in a clear swelling chorus as the pro- cession passed into the sanctuary and the huge edifice resounded to the joyful song Rheinbergers Mass In C was sung and at the offertory Terra Tre mult was rendered Onward Christian Soldiers proved an inspiring recessional hymn At the evening service Master Edward McKeevor sang Benedlctus and solemn benediction closed the rites of the day At St Patricks Church Most Rev Diomede Falconio apostolic delegate as- sisted at the solemn high mass at 11 oclock The celebrant was Rev Thomas B McGuigan In attendance upon the apostolic delegate as deacons of honor were Revs N Yasselll and LP McGin ley The Rev George Sauvage acted as assistant priest The rector Rev Dr William T Russell preaohed the sermon his theme being I Am the Resurrection and the Life At St Dominics Church Wlegands Patricks mass with Hamms Ju biiata Dee was sung at 11 oclock Rev Joseph Magee celebrated solemn high mass at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart at 11 a m Tho sermon was de- livered by Rev Charles Warren Currier The choir under the direction of Prof L E Gannon sang Haydns Third Mass Solemn high mass was celebrated at St Marys German Catholic Church at 1030 by Father Wunnenburg assisted by RoY S A Dannenhaur and the Rev H Mihm as deacon and subdeacon re- spectively The choir under the direc tion of Harry Hall sang Beethovens mass and an orchestra from the Ma- rine Band assisted Solemn vespers were sung at 4 p m- St Matthews choir under the direction of Miss Jennie Glennon rendered an elaborate programme at the 11 oclock mass Solemn high mass at Mount St Sep ulcher was sung at 10 oclock and at 3 p In solemn vespers was chanted There PARADES t 27There th St St ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > Dulin Martin Co Bowls Easter and 1 Wedding Gifts IS EB Flowers show to advantage g in a handsome jar H These jars are handsomely shaped and made of a particu H- H larly fine grade of porcelain Theyre artistically decorated in a variety of effec- tive designs Removable dou H- H ble wire for the artistic ar n- H rangement of flowers 250 H 350 J Pottery Porcelain China Glass i- tt Sliver c 1215 F St and 121418 G St Washington 14th unit O Sin York i Astoria and 1153 roadway Spring Flowers and Plants in Great Variety Prompt service and delivery by ex press io nil points OTHER LEADING PLAYERPIANOS G and 13th FOR EASTER GIFTS COMPLETE line of finest boxed confe- ctions Allegrettis Park Tilfords Foss c fresh from the makers CUT PRICES REMEMBER Henry Evans Inc rSSf Druggist 1006 F was a special service following the ves- pers for all the members of the Third Order of St Francis living In Washing ton United Dig Fund After an eloquent sermon at the First Presbyterian Church yesterday Rev Dr Donald MacLeod made a dramatic appeal for pledges of funds to clear the church dabt Within half an hour 9000 had been promised by the congregation to be paid before two years elapsed The Crucillxkm and was rendered at McKendree Methodist Church at the evening service An ambitious programme was given by the choir of Hamllne Methodist Church accompanied- by W E Kaiser trombo solOIst of Bal- timore Tho choir of Metropolitan Pres- byterian Church rendered Bucks Christ the Victor last night at the 7 oclock service Raner violinist played I Know that My Redeemer Uveth from Handels Messiah at New York Ave- nue Presbyterian Church The Easter services In Johns Church Georgetown began with a of the holy communion at 630 a m At the U oclock service the ser- mon was preached by the rector Fred- erick B Howden who took for his toplo The resurrection an essential part of Gods plan of redemption The childrens Easter festival was held in the afternoon when prizes were award ed to the sueceseful scholars The Jntendent Albion K Parrte reported nearly TOO children enrolled The choir- boy prize presented by Mr Thomas Hyde was awarded to Walter Wllkens The Easter offerings amounted to about aaco Rev Dr H A of Manassas Va preached at the special Easter serv- ices at the United Brethren Church North Capitol and R streets A special musical programme was given the solo- ists being Misses Florence Girourd Lulu Lubeer Deborah Hickman and Mrs Suroop The annual Easter offering amounted to 16546 FIFTH AVENUE SCENE OF GAY EASTER THRONGS- Now York March 27 First Second Third Fourth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth and Eleventh avenue peo- ple paraded up and down Fifth avenue today from 11 a m to 4 p m AU the way from Madison Square to the plaza Invading soda fountains and candy shops the crowds swarmed undor the beautiful hats and were swathed In finery Colors obeyed the traffic policemen and at the whistle blasts even the changeable silks waited before crossing from red into purple As the shades of evening were falling fast and the window shades wore being pulled down too the color rioting quieted down and the promenaders went each one to the place where his janitor doth domicile and the taxicabs ceased to offer up incense to people presenting 5 bills Fifth avenue stages with their searching headlights showed the sights of this town to fewer and fewer strangers and peace- ful night settled over every man and that was not gone mumumuu u- Ii H- it n n U Flower FOR I u- ii n u it H- it fi- n n- it different t it Dulin Martin Co mu UU J H Small Sons FLORISTS STEINWAYA- ND PIANOSA- ND A JJ have Elsa St cele- bration super Huro p ob- ject U jj I- It r II ice DROOPS CAN DIES Ascension ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = = =




Establishment Opens at 8 A M and Closes at 6 P M

high character and completeness of our display of Black Dress Fabrics es

weaves that are decidedly strong in fashionable favor just

Especial attention is directed to those here exclusively with usSilk Voiles Eoliennes Crepe de Chines Chiffon Cloths Crepes Marquisettes Satin Directoires and exquisite novelties in beautiful Satin and Brocaded Stripes





Woodward J LothropYorkWASHINGTONParisT-


Sheer Black Dress FabricsTHE


t mentionedsome




SATIN DIRECTOIRE An allsilkfabric strong and firm but light in texturenothing more suitable for a gown of elegance

g200 to S300 the yardCREPE bright lus

trous and fine silk material much in voguefor the soft clinging gowns and other modesof the hour handsomely woven doublewidth

200 the yardCHIFFON beautiful and

sheer allsilk fabric possessing the desiredclinging Dualities extensively used this sea-

son for modish evening gowns

175 to 200 the yardSecond toxx G sL







MARQUISETTE Another sheer andvery popular dress goods of unusual beautyand elegance very bright and soft and silkyin finish one of fashions greatest favorites

S150 to 8200 the yardTUSSAH fabric that com-

pares in quality and general beauty with allothers produced by the house of PriestleyShown in plain striped and ottoman effects-is bright silky and exceptionally serviceable

gl25 to the yardWe wish to call attention to the location

of our Dress Goods Department on the sec-

ond floor where there is an aburfdance ofroom and a clear natural north light to aidin choosing




a weave or color that spring styles have favored is mitted from this very comshowing The present collection is by far the most extensive this sec

ever hadFashion tendencies were anticipated by us and our selections governed thereby The

most noted foreign and domestic mills supply us and producers with unsurpassed facilities only are represented here

Discriminating attention is invited to our large assortments of creamcolored fabrics-a few of which we mention

Latest Shades in Colored Dress GoodsI



Allwool Cream Serges French and do-

mestic in a wide range of weaves andwidths

85c SlOQ to 250 the yardAllwool Cream Diagonal in handsome


125 and 200 the yardAllwool and Silkandwool Cream

Serges striped with hairlines of black

100 8150 and 8200 the yardStrand



ftc G It


medium and large patterns and in light and

heavy weights Very for worn

ens misses and childrens dresses suits

and separate coats They come in blackarid

white and blueandwhiteiV

SOC 75c to the yard


225 t

fashionable ¬

fresh new lingerie of the very best and prettiest kinds Many styles are here inattractiveness the plain the practical the exclusively elaborate

The strongest lines of the season in point of value and quality are here described

Fine and Dainty French LingerieSOFT


II ¬

Womens French Handmade NightDresses of nainsook low neck and shortflowing sleeves trimmed with handembroidered edge and eyelets run with ribbondaintily handembroidered front

8350 eachWomens Handmade Combination Suits

corset cover and drawers or corset coverand short skirt of pretty iiainsook handembroidery and valenciennes laceseveral good styles complete the trimming

495 to 81000 each


TWrcI kre4h It


Womens French Nainsook Chemiseshandmade and initialed neatly trimmed withhandembroidered floral sprays scallopededge and ribbonrun eyelets

eachWomens Drawers handmade of soft

nainsook and attractively finished with slicedruffle

pairWomens Long Skirts handmade of

wellwearing quality French percale deepruffles are finished with scallops

8175 each








County Conventions All Send

Instructed Delegates

Indianapolis March 27 Complete reportsfrom Republican county conventions held

yesterday to seloot delegate to the Stateconvention indicate that the Republicans

of the dry counties will insist on the in

dorsement of the local option law by theState convention and thus make thatquestion an issue In the campaign Inseveral counties which have voted drywithin the last year the local option andantioption forces made a test of strengthand In every instance the local optionmen won

George Lookwood editor of the MarionChronicle and once private secretary toVice President Fairbanks led the localoption foros In Grant County and waselected as a delegate He is pledged tooffer a resolution at the State conventionnext week committing the party to sus-

tain the lawIn Shelby County the convention refused-

to Indorse Representative Barnard of theSixth district who recently allied himselfwith the insurgents in the light againstCannon District Chairman triedto force through a resolution IndorsingBarnard and Instructing the delegates forhim but it was defeated and the dele-gates were left free to vote for some one

elseRepublican leaders as a rule are op-

posed to a local option Issue but manyof the conventions Instructed their dele-

gates to vote for resolutions indorsing thelaw and tho question will be a prom-

inent and possibly an embarrassing oneat the convention

Largest Morning Circulation

Bas tt








Rev Dr Slattcry of Boston MayAccept Dr Huntingdons VacancyNew York March 27 The Right Rev

Dr David H Greer bishop of the Episcopal diocese of New York prorfchlng inGrace Church today made the announce-ment that the Rev Dr Charles L Slattery rector of Christ Church SpringfieldMass had been elected rooter of GraceParish in succession to the late Rev DrWilliam R Huntington and that he Islikely to accept the election

The clerk of the vestry Dallas B Prattsaid after the service that he had re-

ceived a letter on Saturday In which theRev Dr Slattery said that he would givehis reply In a day or two Grace Parish-Is counted one of tho greatest in theEpiscopal Church in America

Tho salary offered to Dr Slattery Is1000 and tho rectory which Is ono of

the most complete and attractive homosIn all New York


Gaynor anti Harmon Send Regretsfor Democratic Feast

Gov Harmon of Ohio and Mayor Gaynor of New York who are most promi-nently mentioned now in connection withthe Democratic nomination for tho Presi-dency two years hence will not be

at the Jefferson day banquet to beheld in this city April 11 under the auspices of the national and the DistrictDemocracy

Mayor Gaynor has declined the Inv-itation extended him in pursuance of hisdetermination to avoid all engagementsthat will take him out of the city whileho Is mayor With a Republican lieuten-ant governor and legislature or the jobat Columbus Gov Harmon finds it impOssible for him to be and hehas sent his regrets

Most of the Democrats in the Senateand the House and members of the Dem-ocratic National Committee will be onhand for the Jefferson day celebrationTho newest Democratic member of theHouse Representativeelect Fas V

of the speakers




is t-














Foss Election a Forerunner of BigUpheaval in Uay State

Former Assistant Secrotary of theTreasury Charles Sumner Hamlin writIng a friend John Boyle here says inrespect to the election of Mr Foss

The overturn of the Fourteenth Con-

gressional district was nothing less than-a political revolution but as matters appear now our Republican friends willlook upon it as a comparatively pleasingIncident when they view the ruin and de-

struction which I believe will overtakethe party In tho elections In this Statenext November


Seventyfive In That Will PlayThe Misfit Man

Ithaca N Y March 27 On the longest trip undertaken by a dramatic or-ganization of Cornell University theCornell Masque will leave here tomor-row for Buffalo where the first presenta-tion of The Misfit Man a comic operawritten by students and professors willbe given There are seventyfive in thecompany The Masque will also play atSyracuse Utica Albany and New Yorkat the WaldorfAstoria on April 1 jSloat Fassett jr son of RepresentativeFassett appears In the title role andthere Is a large chorus


President Taft to Attend the YaleBanquet In New York

President Taft will leave this city aboutnoon for New York where he is to bethe guest at the University Club of Yale78 his old class at a dinner tonightThe President it is said will make no

address or nt least will make none forpublication since the class dinner is tobe strictly private He will return to theCapital early tomorrow morning Hisnext trip Is to Worcester Mass on Saturday April 2 On Sunday Awn thePc 1eni wiil b uutsi of his agat-aiiss Ddt T rrey pear Worcester











Sir Ernest Shackleton Guestat Several Functions


Ambassador and Mme Jnn crnndEntertain in Honor of English Ex-

plorer Lndy Shacltletonof British Embassy at Infor-

mal Supper MncVenghs Are Hosts

The French Ambassador and Mme Jusserand were dinner hosts last evening Inhonor of the British Ambassador and hisdistinguished guest Sir Ernest Shackleton Other guests were Lady Shackletonthe British Ambassador and Mrs Brycethe Danish Minister and Countess vonMoltke tho Assistant Secretary of theNavy and Mrs Beekman Winthrop Com-

mander and Mrs Peary M and MmeBoutroux the naval attache of the FrenchEmbassy and Viscountess dAzy the mili-tary attache of the French Embassy andCountess de Chambrun the First Secre-tary of the Embassy and Mme de laRocca M Tallhand of the Embassy staffand M de Saint Phallo also of tho Embassy staff

Mrs Bryco entertained the wives ofmembers of the embassy staff at luncheon yesterday to meet Lady ShackletonInformally-

Mr Gilbert H Grosvonor soninlaw ofAlexander Graham Den gave a luncheonyesterday In honor of Sir Ernest Shackleton asking to moot him his host theBritish Ambassador Prof Henry Gan-

nett Prof J Howard Gore Dr DavidFairchild brotherinlaw of the hostProf A J Henry Rear Admiral J EPlllsbury Gen John M Wilson ProfWillis L Moore Commander Peary Mr0 H Tlttman Mr John Joy Edson MrGeorge Otis Smith Dr T L MacDonaldCol Henry F Blount Mr Charles JBell Mr F V Covllle Mr Edwin TGrosvenor Mr John Oliver La GorceDr L A Bauer Mr Rudolph Kauffmann Mr O P Austin Mr C HartMerriam and Mr F B Elchelborger

Tho Secretary of Treasury and MrsMacVeagh ent rtain d at dinner last even-

ing The guests wero Assistant Sec-

retary of State and Mrs Huntington Wil-

son Mr and Mrs F B CrownlnshleWMr and Mrs Herbert Wadsworth Mrand Mm Elliott Mr and Mrs PrestonGibson Miss Martha Phillips Miss HelenPatten Miss Cook who Is the guest ofthe family of the Secretary of State andMrs Knox Mtos Adams Miss Shorrlll

Hon Lambert Tree of Chlcagp whoIs at the Arlington for the Easter seasonMr A Platt Andrew director of themint Mr Royal IB Cabell Commissioner-of Internal Revenue Mr John B HeaderIOn Jr and Mr Ksjn MacVeagh ofChicago who Is spending the Easter

with his parents

The party of young people being enter-

tained during Easter at the White Housewere tho guests of honor at a musicaleand yesterday afternoon given bythe Minister from the Netherlands and

Loudon They were also guestsat dinner last evening of Mr and MrsJames Marion Johnston whose debutantedaughter Misa Sophy Johnston is one ofMiss Tafts close friends

Gen and Mrs John W Fostera small company at luncheon yes-

terday Informally They have for ahouse party their grandchildren MissMargaret Dulles Tr John Foster Dullesand Mr Allen Welsh Dulles and MissCarlotta The two young girlsarc schoolmates of Miss Helen Taft atBryn Mawr Mrs Foster entertained ata smart tea yesterday afternoon In honorof Miss Taft and her guests

The young people who Indulged in thepaper chase yesterday started at 4 oclockfrom west of Sheridan Circle the trailleading to Chevy Chase where they hadtea They rode home In the earlyevening

The Secretary of War ned Mrs Dick-inson are spending Baster at their homoin Nashville

Mrs Albert Clifford Barney whoturned Saturday from a trip to NowYork on the matter of the costumes forthe historic tableaux to be given on April7 by society folk entertained at luncheonyesterday in her studio house companyof those who will take part MrsBarney will have charge of the tableaux-to be given for the benefit bf the Houseof Mercy
































Officers of tile Mayflower entertained acompany of young psople at dinner lastnight on board the Presidents yachtwhich lies off the navy yard The Presi-dent gave the use of the yacht yesterday-to the visiting Canadians to go to MountVernon The British Ambassador andSir Ernest Shackleton accompanied theparty and visited tho home and tomb ofGeorge Washington

Senator and Mrs Burrows of Michiganentertained a small company of friendsat luncheon yesterday in honor of Mrand Mrs William L Curtis of Michigan

Tho President and Mrs Taft have sig-

nified their Intention of being present atthe Charity ball to be given under theauspices of the Navy Relief Society onWednesday evening at the navy yardwhich promises to be a brilliant affairAdmiral of the Navy Is also expected al-

though Mrs Dewey will not attend as herhealth has caused her family and friendssome anxiety A drill by the Sailors ofthe Dolphin and tho Mayflower will markthe arrival of the President and partyThe dancers will not wear fancy dressbut the women will wear fancy headdress and the officers will all wear fulldress uniforms Bunting palms andspring blossoms with a myriad of electriclights will add to the beauty of the sailloft where the dancing wljl take placeA section of the Marino Band will furnishmusic

The new commandant of the Washing-ton Navy Yard and Mrs Frank E Beattyhave a party of young people with themover the Easter holidays Including theirdaughter Miss Emily A Beatty studentof the BangsWhitton School in NewYork and Miss Jean Peters Miss Mar-guerite Gaffney and Mr William A Pe-ters jr of Seattle

The members of the Washington So-

ciety of tho Archaelos l Institute ofAmerica will be the guests of Mrs Barbou Walker of the National CathedralSchool Mount St Alban at the nextregular meeting of the society thIs evqning

Prof William Kelly Prentice of Prince-ton University at one Ume annual pro











420426 7th Street

417425 8th Street

Black and colors An entirelynew lot and made In severalstyles Some have shirringothers have tucks These arecut full 50 inches through hipsall lengths full foundation anddust ruffle They are made of aheavy rustling taffeta silk inblack and colors including themufhwanted changeable shadesThis Is positively a

500 valueat

fessor of the American School of ClassicalStudies at Athens will give an illus-

trated lecturo on Ancient Athens In thomodern city

Mr and Mrs C W ONeill of NorfolkVa announce the engagement of theirdaughter Myrl Tyree to Reginald MUTeHodgson of East Falls Church Va

At the Rudolph Atlantic City areRepresentatives Goldfogle of New Yorkand Sabath of Illinois Dr and MrsFrank A Jung Judga It T Hough MrAlexander Wolf Mr LevI David Dr andMrs Louis Stern Mr Max GoodmanMiss Celesta Goodman and Dr and MrsLeon

Senator Warren of Wyoming leftWashington last night for his home inCheyenne where he was called on busi-ness matters He will return in tendays

Mr and Mrs Frank Parker of 1 Lstreet northwest gave a reception lastevening to their many friends at a rnuscale and dinner

The Misses Anna and Eienoro Sohwarzwill spend Easter week with friends at

Claire Pa and Mr P V wingive dance in their honor at Pottsvlileon Monday

Maj and Mrs George Downey enter-tained a company of forty young peopleat luncheon yesterday at the ChevyChase Club in honor of Miss KatherinsBrown granddaughter of former SenatorHoary G Davis and a debutante of thisseason Mrs Downey was a flrst cousinto Miss Browns mother


At Marine Peed enfcwfea TOBba HSaaUlxaaoB leader PregruttttMuch With SLot and Shott BUMOratsreLiebBaifcU0g Yes BiosMiHfa de BQetZ rci TVtM n fartcrta-WaJta os horn tile Sooth StnmuGrand sos froffl La BahcsKPHoaal-Desaiptlre FtaUfaVJm a


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Miss JInbel Brady EngagedAlbany N Y March 27 Mr and Mrs

Anthony H Brady announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Mabelto Mr Francis P Garvan of New YorkCity Mr Garvan was first assistant dis-

trict attorney under Mr Jerome

Largest Morning Circulation

Leaders at the National StyltShow


1123 14th St N W













Continued from Page One

Why seek ye the living among thedead He Is not here but Is risen

The bishop spoke on the Joy and tri-

umph and victory that now predominates-on Easter In contrast the first Eastefmorning 2000 years ago

To try to cling to the moral teachingsof Christ and yet deny His resurrectionIs really seeking the living among thedead said the bishop It Is but adreary caricature of the religion ofChrist Easter has Its warnings as wellas Lent To have an Intellectual graspof the truth of the resurrection Is notenough we must believe It with thehfiart we must submit to Its moral pow-

er If we are true believers In the rise ofChrist we must rise with Him rise tobetter lives rise to higher nobler alms




Atlantic City N J Marchwere more than 200000 promenaders onthe Boardwalk at noon today Fivethousand rolling chairs formed two solidlines from the Inlet to Chelsea while theoverflow gave the Strand the appearanceof midsummer The temperature mountedinto the 70s under perfect clear skiesand scores of bathers took dips In thesurf

Nothing like the flood of travel hadever been seen at this resort Forty longtrains came in over the Pennsylvaniasystem alone and for the first time inthe history of the city the full comple-ment of visitors from New York andPhiladelphia had not been delivered whenthe homeward bound started scram-ble for seats In outgoing sections whichwere run tonight without regard toschedule and less than fifteen minutesapart

Weather conditions ware the bestknown on Easter days for tan years pastBrilliant sunshine with a stirring south-erly breeze started the Boardwalk pag-eant before 10 oclock

Visitors regretfully snatched minutesfrom their parado to oat and latecomersprotested when Informed by employes ofbig hotels that they could not get tableplaces Dinner parties were forced backto quicklunch places whose ownersreaped ah unexpected harvest Smallhotels and boardinghouses were filledto their roofs last night while everydesirable room vacated by homeboundpersons this evening has been snatchedup by patiently waiting newcomers

The crowd that turned out aroundnoon was lavishly gowned and suitedFlower hats gave the Boardwalk theappearance of an elongated garden whilevests and cravats of the men added another collective splotch of color to theturnout Wraps of all sorts were laidaside throughout the day

Tho presence of several hundred collego men for the YalePennsylvania-game added enough to the great Boardwalk population to give men the major-ity over women in numbers for the firsttime ever known

Nearly 300 automobiles came In duringthe night and today



With flowers and music and pulpit elo-

quence religious Washington rejoiced inthe memory of the risen Lord yesterdayand the most joyous rite of the churchyear was celebrated by huge congrega-tions at morning and evening serviceseverywhere

After the somber and Impressive cere-monies of Holy Week telling the storyor the Saviours suffering and crucifixion-in solemn chants and prayers the opti-mistic Easter burst of songs of triumphand thanksgiving for Christs triumphover the grave seemed to harmonize withthe spirit of spring

Heaped with FlowersPeople went to church gladly and the

forty days of Lent fell away with theanthems of victory rendered by chor-isters Chancels were heaped with fra-grant flowers and bright colors were pre-dominant among those who came to wor-ship

The Catholic and Episcopal churchesheld tho most elaborate song and ritualservices At Aloysius CatholicChurch prominent clergymen connectedwith the Catholic schools and the clergyof the church took part in the morningservices aided by the full chancel choir

In a long procession the choir fol-

lowed by more than 100 chased boys Incassocks and rich lace surplices officersof the Sanctuary Society and celebrants-of the masses marched Into the churchin a stately religious pageant while hundreds of electric lights and candles addedto the splendor of their vestments

The Day of Resurrection was sungin a clear swelling chorus as the pro-

cession passed into the sanctuary andthe huge edifice resounded to the joyfulsong Rheinbergers Mass In C wassung and at the offertory Terra Tremult was rendered Onward ChristianSoldiers proved an inspiring recessionalhymn At the evening service MasterEdward McKeevor sang Benedlctusand solemn benediction closed the ritesof the day

At St Patricks Church Most RevDiomede Falconio apostolic delegate as-

sisted at the solemn high mass at 11

oclock The celebrant was Rev ThomasB McGuigan In attendance upon theapostolic delegate as deacons of honorwere Revs N Yasselll and L P McGinley The Rev George Sauvage actedas assistant priest The rector Rev DrWilliam T Russell preaohed the sermonhis theme being I Am the Resurrectionand the Life

At St Dominics Church WlegandsPatricks mass with Hamms Ju

biiata Dee was sung at 11 oclockRev Joseph Magee celebrated solemn

high mass at the Shrine of the SacredHeart at 11 a m Tho sermon was de-

livered by Rev Charles Warren CurrierThe choir under the direction of ProfL E Gannon sang Haydns Third Mass

Solemn high mass was celebrated atSt Marys German Catholic Church at1030 by Father Wunnenburg assisted byRoY S A Dannenhaur and the RevH Mihm as deacon and subdeacon re-

spectively The choir under the direction of Harry Hall sang Beethovensmass and an orchestra from the Ma-

rine Band assisted Solemn vespers weresung at 4 p m-

St Matthews choir under the directionof Miss Jennie Glennon rendered anelaborate programme at the 11 oclockmass

Solemn high mass at Mount St Sepulcher was sung at 10 oclock and at 3

p In solemn vespers was chanted There

































Dulin Martin Co


Easter and1 Wedding Gifts IS


Flowers show to advantageg in a handsome jar H

These jars are handsomelyshaped and made of a particu H-

H larly fine grade of porcelainTheyre artistically decoratedin a variety of effec-

tive designs Removable dou H-

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H rangement of flowers 250 H


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Washington 14th unit O SinYork i Astoria and 1153


Spring Flowers and Plantsin Great Variety

Prompt service and delivery by express io nil points



G and 13th

FOR EASTER GIFTSCOMPLETE line offinest boxed confe-

ctions AllegrettisPark Tilfords Foss c

fresh from the makersCUT PRICES REMEMBER

Henry Evans IncrSSf Druggist 1006 F

was a special service following the ves-

pers for all the members of the ThirdOrder of St Francis living In Washington

United Dig FundAfter an eloquent sermon at the First

Presbyterian Church yesterday Rev DrDonald MacLeod made a dramatic appealfor pledges of funds to clear the churchdabt Within half an hour 9000 hadbeen promised by the congregation to bepaid before two years elapsed

The Crucillxkm and wasrendered at McKendree Methodist Churchat the evening service An ambitiousprogramme was given by the choir ofHamllne Methodist Church accompanied-by W E Kaiser trombo solOIst of Bal-

timore Tho choir of Metropolitan Pres-

byterian Church rendered Bucks Christthe Victor last night at the 7 oclockservice Raner violinist played IKnow that My Redeemer Uveth fromHandels Messiah at New York Ave-

nue Presbyterian ChurchThe Easter services In Johns

Church Georgetown began with aof the holy communion at 630

a m At the U oclock service the ser-

mon was preached by the rector Fred-

erick B Howden who took for his toploThe resurrection an essential part of

Gods plan of redemptionThe childrens Easter festival was held

in the afternoon when prizes were awarded to the sueceseful scholars TheJntendent Albion K Parrte reportednearly TOO children enrolled The choir-

boy prize presented by Mr ThomasHyde was awarded to Walter WllkensThe Easter offerings amounted to aboutaaco

Rev Dr H A of ManassasVa preached at the special Easter serv-

ices at the United Brethren ChurchNorth Capitol and R streets A specialmusical programme was given the solo-

ists being Misses Florence Girourd LuluLubeer Deborah Hickman and MrsSuroop The annual Easter offeringamounted to 16546



Now York March 27 First SecondThird Fourth Sixth Seventh EighthNinth Tenth and Eleventh avenue peo-

ple paraded up and down Fifth avenuetoday from 11 a m to 4 p m AU theway from Madison Square to the plazaInvading soda fountains and candy shopsthe crowds swarmed undor the beautifulhats and were swathed In finery Colorsobeyed the traffic policemen and at thewhistle blasts even the changeable silkswaited before crossing from red intopurple

As the shades of evening were fallingfast and the window shades wore beingpulled down too the color rioting quieteddown and the promenaders went eachone to the place where his janitor dothdomicile and the taxicabs ceased to offerup incense to people presenting 5 billsFifth avenue stages with their searchingheadlights showed the sights of this townto fewer and fewer strangers and peace-

ful night settled over every man andthat was not gone

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