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AND JEFF?Jeff Dog His Mm Only Two Days More...

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AND JEFF?Jeff Should Have Gotten a Dog License for His Fish. STAR?TUESDAY. AUG. 29. 1916. PAGE 7 (Copyright, Hit, t»y II r Kl»ti«r. Tr*4« Mm k IV \u25a0 Tuf OttlM > BY BUD FISHER. Only Two Days More Cheasty's Clearance Your Opportunity "Values Tell" WELSH PICKED TO RETAIN TITLE IN LABOR DAY BOUT BY EDWARD HILL. TRICKING the winners is always a more or less dangerous occupation for a young fellow, hut having already Stepped into the mire we will slip a little further . We have already picked one winner of the I.alxir Day bouts, Johnny Kilhane to defeat (leorge Chaney This -.elec- tion is Freddie Welsh to deicat Charley White when the pair tangle at Colorado Springs on the afternoon of Sep- tember 4 In picking* Welsh we took a glimpse over the dope oi the past fights these lads have tangled in. The champion has always had a little more clasN than the hard-hitting Chicagoan. In choosing Welsh to win we do not mean to disagree with those who think White is a k. o. kid. The Chicagoan carnes a good, healthy click and is a mighty dan- gerous gladiator for even such a clever man as W cl>h to chtnb into the nng with. White plays a waiting game and when he land*, good night Lizzie. Welsh, however, is White's master at mfight ing and when he does go in he will have his jaw well protected. \u25a0IXMB RINKMAN ARRIVES BACK AMONGST US SULLIVAN FIGHT® KNOWLTON INSTEAD OF BENJAMIN Kddle Ptnkman. he o< tho load ehlrt» and former pot of the \u2666Mtto* boulevard», I* b®ck M Eddie arrived l»'t HKslag from I-oe Angeles. Eddie Kent to the cafeteria city to take the winner of the Eddie K'- wnrds-Eddie Shannon bout Shan- son won and la today being hailed ?a Ih* second Joe Hirers, because of the way he mauled "our hero." ?a 4lklXU rttM »«tOm«nra taaea* BASEBALL TATOMA VI a*ATTI.E tomorrow *rreß*««* ?I a ?turk. Admtaaion 31 and i* Cmta. Take Fourth Are. Car* amusements I -A WA* or HO«U«" I A VrtffiM "»»\u25a0« Summer Prlcee. 19c. Mata. Thoreday and Eaturdajr. J IS | .NEW PANTAGES f ** jesse*uSkirs 1 ??SOCIETY BUDS" Thr«# i*urprf#« Art* and A NEW SERIAL ?BIQGEST VET PALACE HIP Ari*rn<v>na 1 I# i. K»a* ' " «° 11 Ijut Ttmaa Today Haaaard ra«M aad Cwaapaaj. -W hra l»»»»a»? la >l(ki«a K»mmr4r aad Kramer. Daaru aad M«H». I»a*»a aad Klawra. CHI« \4tnm. tvatnrr Pkaoaiar aad Trtbaav *»««? Ma:a !?» any ««» r E '* and * on '** ' 4flE3s H It Were Possible to Do Better Dental Work the Union ftentists Would Be the First to Do It The best of materia!*, manipulated by the highest skill obtainable in the Den- tal profession, is the secret of our wonderful success. Our prices are within the reach of all. All work positively pain- less. Guaranteed 15 Years UNION DENTISTS 30»i/» Pike St. Over Owl Drug Store. Frankle Hulll ran. H. H. Van Nos- tern's featherweight mitt allnger. meets Walter Knowlton. former amateur lightweight champ of the Pacific coast, tonight. In Portland. It was supposed that Sullivan was tackling Joe Benjamin, but a copy of the card received thla morning haa htm down to take on the light- weight ss the eemMinal to the (ior- man Mascott melee CHARLEY MANNING CLEANS UP BUSINESS HERE Charley Manning, the Everett promoter, wss In Seattle yesterday, making final arrangements for his labor day boxing card In Everett. Manning was closeted with I.an- rence Hall and a;*o saw JJoyd Madden step thru his paces In the gymnasluta. HOT BATTLE SCHEDULED AT DUG'S THIS WEEK Despite the fact that both clubs are out of the running for the flag, or even second or third pla"-«* hon- ors. and there should Imj some lively combating this week at the local baseball battlements The Giants and Tacoma tangled today In the first game of thr> final series of the league race Tacoma Is now Holding fourth place hy a email margin, and the Clants will endeavor to beat the Tigers out of 'it. Women Cans will be admitted ! free all week except Saturday, BOGAN'S STOfHES postponed UNTIL NEXT MONDAY There have been aeveral Inqul- rlea abont the aerie* of article* on boxing to be wrlttwi by Freddie Hogan Well. Freddie baa done hi* share, but limited apace thl* week would not permit of the publishing of them The first atorv will poaltlvely ap- [tear In next Monday's Star, how ever Don't mlaa them. HAVE FUNNY ftCALES IN DENVER. SAYS RITCHIE Home one aaked Willie Rltrhte. Juat after Freddie Welah had made 129% pounds, how near he could come to that mark. "Could you make ISO ponnd* for Welah?" *11 the question "Certainly not, and I wouldn't try to," anawered Willie, "unleaa I fought In Denver They have funny scale* In Denver" Tlae Rate© NORTH WEOTEK.N l.r.ACil T. Won. Fri. 1 Hpnhtn« 7* 4'* *14 Halt* «" ** (irral Fall* ...... M M .Alt M "W 4U7 M M .473 47 74 '*4 N ATIO NA I. I MOI F W'.n !\u2713»\u25a0« r«*t Brooklyn . 41 *' 7 BofUf ** 44 *2° l-hlU'lalphU ** 4 * &mw York *4 ft* nnat'tirr M *' 4 *" Ht |,oul« 6r* 4 r-hirw ?? ; JJ; rindnnat! 4* 74 *77 AMK.KIf AN I.KAlil t Won I/oM Tct. F«o«ton rhicac" 47 »4 Ml p«frolt 4 7 !? H .MR &mw York 4ft ftf .*l7 fit Is>ul* 44 r-7 RJ7 r:i«v«ltn4 . 44 #? r *7 Washington M 41 Philadelphia 24 92 .221 Late Popular Song# "Aaleep In th< dr-pp" By Connie Mark. "Ifa a rrand old ran" ?By Wil- liam Carrlgan. ??[ h*ar yon calling m«"-?I>'rd Hill Byron. "I d'W't know wh#»ra I'm Koln*. but I'm on my way"?Pat Moran. Get The Star Fight Extra for the Dope Always first with the beat news, The Star hat made ar- rangemsnta to cover the Dig Labor day flghta for the bane fit of tha homing fane. The old reliable United Preee *?111 carry tha reporte of the two champlonahlp clashes? Charley White va. Freddie Welah and Johnny Kitbane we Oeorge Chaney. The reeulte of many of tha minor battlea will also be carried. Edward Hill. The Star's box- ing critic will cover the tiff bt tween Laurence Hall and Joe Gorman at Everett for the ban- tamweight champlonehip of the Pacific Coaet. Cheatty Ball Team Victor* in Conte«t fhraatya defeated th* Jefferson ?Park Junior* Sunday, at Jefferson lark by the score of 9 to I. Laikanarlc, for Cheastvs. twirled * very nice game, striking out Is, men and allowing but threw htta. King. Riley. Petite and Wagner starred both at hat and In th» field, the latter making a difficult <*tch of a long drive to left. Pointer, for Jefferson park, pitch- ed well, retiring nine via the ?trlke-out rout®. Good Play by Women Features Tennis Mix Good play in th«« women'a ?In- gle* featured yeaterday'a matrh»* In the tennla tourney at Woodland park. Mlaa Oertrude Schrlener went down to defeat at the hand) of Mlaa Annla Greene In two aeta. M. M. Mia* Greene will meet Ml** Virginia Hena«m In the aeml final matches Larry Doyle Swapped for Zimmerman CHICAGO, Ang. 2# ?Two vet eran major l<-agti<«r* flgurod In a trade announced here last night. Heinle Zimmerman, eccentric In fielder of the <'üba, wu traded to the New York Giants for T-arrr Doyle, on» of the veterana of the Glanta Two recrulta were Incltid ed with Doyle In the deal. Eddie Mahan Arrive* on Job at California BERKELEY. Ca!, Aug. 29 ?Bd die Mahsn, whose name I* syn- onymous with Harvard football, ar- rived here yesterday. took off hi* In* to have the huaklea of the I" In* to have the huaklea of the W. of C. who aaplre to football glory, gallop thru th*lr pacea In antlrlpa- tlon of a hot year on the gridiron. Sherwood Magee Set* New Fielding Mark BOSTON. Aug. 29?Sherwood Magee. Hoston Tirave outfielder, ha* made no ermr In 7S gamea. In which he had 170 opportunities to boot the ball According to local aport aorlt.p*, till* la a new record for flaw-lea* fielding !n 1908, Frank Schulte of the ChlMwto Cubs, handled 126 chances with but one hoot. Chaney Starts Final Training for Bout CI.EVEI.AND, O , Auk 29.?Geo. Chaney of Italtlmore, who aspire* to take Featherweight Champion Johnny Kllbane's crown, at Cedar T'olnt. I.abor day. today started th« final (?rlnd of his training. Spokane Reds Win Over Brown's Lad* At Spokane: R E. Vancouver ?> R ' Hpokane 9 H B ItiiHHf-11, Acosta and Check; Zamlock and Murray. Simpson and Mucks Have Place on Team CHICAGO, Auk. 29 Hob Simp- son, I nlverslty of Missouri hurdler, and Archie Mucks, Wisconsin shot putter, will have place* on the Mid die Western learn which will com- pete In the national championship track and field miW at Newark, N. ( J? September 8 and 9. MANY BOYS ENTER BIKE RACES TO BE RUN LABOR DAY Entries for the Seattle Bl- cycle club'a 16-mlle blk* en- durance race, to be ataged on the morning of Labor Day, under the auepicee of The Be attle Star, were pouring in to Piper A Taft all afternoon yes- terday. From the present outlook there ehould be some keen com- petition for the beautiful M 2 50 Escslslor motorcycle etyl* bike and other prises donated by Piper A Taft. course and keep a path cleared for the youths. Remember, the onlv restrictions placed on the race I* that It Is for boys 17 years and under. Utiles of true sportsmanship will govern the event. The route of the race and the complete list of prlxes, well as other valuable Information for con teatanta. will be published on this page tomorrow. If you have not yet had a look at thei first prise, clip mil the entry blank on thla page, and then hurry to tha* Seneca at window of Piper ft Taft and see the beautiful bike At the same time deposit your entry blank for the rare at the store. Mayor GUI was Interviewed attain yesterday recanting police protec tton for the contestants, aiid there will be enough officers on hand to see that the boys are well taken car* of Motorcycle officers will go ahead of the rar*<rs around the Watch tomorrow's Star for th< list "f prizes and route of the i course. Favorites Hold Spotlight at National Tennis Meet roRKST HILIA. N. T . Aug 29 ? | William M. Johnston and Clarence J. tJrtffln. holders of the national tennla rhampl> nshlp In double*, and Maurice K. Mclaughlin and Ward Oawaon. challengers, atlll hold th» spotlight on the West Side Tennis club's court* today Th*se four, having been balked yesterday In their Intention to play the challenge round for the title, will play off th« game* thla afternoon. (Jeorge M Church. New Tork, vs Herbert Chase. New York: Holand Roberta. California, vs. CraJg Middle. New York; Ichlya Ktimagae, Japan eee. vs. Stanford (Jeer, Jr.. Hooslck Kail*. Yesterday, after tsric* declaring all maJche* off. the Went Side Ten nla club offlclala announced that the four In the doubiea challenge round would play their alngles matches. Very late In the after noon the skin* cleared, aftor a slight rain which had fallen most of the day. and. with a strong wind blowing, the four men dlapoaed of their first match«w. Ward Pawson. Mclaughlin's double* psrtner. be- ing the only one to lose his match Single* matches for the national championship, all but four of which were postponed yesterday on ac count of ths rain, will be played today. Among the most Important are those between Willi* K Paris of California and Joseph J. Armstrong of Philadelphia. Karl P Pehr, New York. vs. Conrad Pnyl*. Washing ton; llarhlshlro Mikatnl. Japanese vs. Win, J. Clothier. Philadelphia, Mclxmghlln. In defeating R. R. McClave. a former Cornell star, showed something of his old time form, and It Is bnlng predicted he will play great tennis right lip to the finals He won In straight net*. S-0. 6-1, «-2. PORT DOPE Bright Lights Liked by This Box Fighter CHTCAOO. Aug 29?The bright white lights are more alluring than Missouri's simple farm life, declared Kver llimnrr, Chicago lightweight, today. Th* Golfer's Invictue Out of the blight that covers me. As some one's said before, I thsnk whatever god* there he Hammer started training for his lft-round bout with Johnny Dundee of New York at Kansas City Sep- tember 11, on a farm at Bthel, Mo , but fled back to Chicago. For whst fate ha* in store. Then when I give the ball s rap And watch the shot careen. To coyly bound across some trap And pull up on the green. n 8 n Seattle Boy to go to Newark Classic Those Detroit conveyances at $345 would be a handy thing around th* houae If baby wasn't forever putting them Into his mouth. POIITIiAND, Aug. 29.?Psul Clyde of Seattle has been selected by T. Morris Dunne, secretary of the P. N. A., to represent that body at. the A A. C. championships nest month In Newark. N. J. tt tt tt Speaking of strikes reminds us that the best kind are those you make on a bowling alley. tt O « It's getting so nowadays when a gent Is spoken of In six figures you can't tell whether It refers to his bankroll or his last score at golf. AMERICAN REBULTS At Philadelphia 0. Chicago 1. At Washington 2, Cleveland 0. No others. tt tt tt Several of our best Southern states will go dry In November. Which reminds us a lot of North- ern tourists will have to order their golf bottled and expressed from home. NATIONAL RESULTS At St. 1/oulh 4. Brooklyn 0. At Chicago 2. Philadelphia *. At Cincinnati 5. New York 2, At Pittsburg 5-2. Boston 1-8. tt tt Speaking of names, there's Rowdy Elliott's. After looking him over, the Cubs dubbed him Bunny. He le almost as ferocious as a rabbit. NO GAME AT BUTTE fircut Falls arrived at Butte too late for yesterday's game. MIKADOS WIN BALL GAME tt tt tt Giants Have Little or No Chance ?Headline. The accent being on ths NO. With Oeorge Kngle on tho hill, tho Mlkados defeated the New System Paundry lnds at baseball Sunday at Pug's park, f> to 4. ENTRY BLANK FOR BICYCLE ENDURANCE RACE I hereby make application for entry In the Seattle Bicycle club's endurance road race, to be staged under the auspices of the Seattle Star, on day. I also make application to be- come a member of the Seattle Bicycle club. ? Full name Address Age years Year of birth Month Psy I am a pupil of the school. I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the above boy. give my permission for lilm to participate in the bicycle endurance road race. Signed Restricted to boys of 17 yeareH of age and under. (Fill this blank out completely and take to Piper * Tuft. 1117 Second ave Race will start at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Entries close at 10 o'clock p. nr. Saturday. COLORADO SPRINGS. Col., Aug. 29. ?Imagine witnessing a battle for the lightweight championship of Ihs world from a point 30 milss distant by roadway from tha actual scans of ths combat and mora than two miles sloft In alti- tude! Yet this wit the novel wager made yesterday by two prominent fen». Francte Dra* of New York offered to b«t that ha could, thru field glaaaea, ace the 20-round bat- tle Labor day betwaan Fred dla Welsh and Charley White from tha top of Pike's peak. FIGHT FANS WOULD WATCH BOUT FOR TITLE FROM PIKE'S PEAK Murray Kelley doubted this and took the wager. Only a cloudy or rainy day will pre- vent the e*ttlement of the bet. To Finish Saturday Welsh and White have started on the last lap of the training grind and plan to finish hard work by Saturday night, taking It i-Hff Sunday and Monday fore- tioon. ribbons. I.<eo was bleeding freely at the end of three rounds of rough work. Welsh's training style Is more of the muscle developing, physical culture order and he reserves his rough work for his heavyweight partner. Klreman Jim Flynn. Welsh was the feature attraction at s ladles matinee" at the Antlers hotel yesterday, where he went thru his gym work and boxed ex- hibition bouts with Chsrles Koss, battling Reddy and Jack Hratton. White continued his slam-bang tactics In his boxing preparations. Middleweight L<so Johnson being his latest victim. White's motto apparently Is The bigger they are the better tho punching bag.' Judging from the way he tore Into Johnson yesterday, cutting him to Kd Smith of Chicago, official stakeholder. Is on tha ground The entire purse money will be depos- ited with him Saturday. IUIOTHER Nature and Father Time made I yVg*4j£j| AVA diamonds out of carbon* But pshaw! I %r Look what their method does with tobacco. B I Two years of it make VELVET, I I pOR VELVET is matured I \u25a0 by two full years of ageing I |j in Nature's way. The result is that H mellow, aged -in - the - wood H smoothness that no other H smoking tobacco possesses. H You can't getthat smoothness I \u25a0 One Pound Glass Humidots I TOBACCO
Page 1: AND JEFF?Jeff Dog His Mm Only Two Days More Cheasty'schroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87093407/1916-08-29/ed-1/seq-7.pdf · AND JEFF?Jeff Should Have Gotten a Dog License for His

AND JEFF?Jeff Should Have Gotten a Dog License for His Fish.


(Copyright, Hit, t»y II r Kl»ti«r.

Tr*4« Mm k IV \u25a0 Tuf OttlM >BY BUD FISHER.

Only TwoDays More



"Values Tell"



TRICKING the winners is always a more or less dangerousoccupation for a young fellow, hut having already

Stepped into the mire we will slip a little further. We have already picked one winner of the I.alxir Day

bouts, Johnny Kilhane to defeat (leorge Chaney This -.elec-tion is Freddie Welsh to deicat Charley White when thepair tangle at Colorado Springs on the afternoon of Sep-tember 4

In picking* Welsh we took a glimpse over the dope oithe past fights these lads have tangled in. The championhas always had a little more clasN than the hard-hittingChicagoan. In choosing Welsh to win we do not mean to

disagree with those who think White is a k. o. kid. TheChicagoan carnes a good, healthy click and is a mighty dan-

gerous gladiator for even such a clever man as W cl>h to

chtnb into the nng with.White plays a waiting game and when he land*, good

night Lizzie. Welsh, however, is White's master at mfight

ing and when he does go in he willhave his jaw well protected.



Kddle Ptnkman. he o< tho loadehlrt» and former pot of the\u2666Mtto* boulevard», I* b®ck

M Eddie arrived l»'tHKslag from I-oe Angeles. EddieKent to the cafeteria city to take

the winner of the Eddie K'-wnrds-Eddie Shannon bout Shan-son won and la today being hailed?a Ih* second Joe Hirers, becauseof the way he mauled "our hero."


4lklXU rttM»«tOm«nra taaea*


tomorrow *rreß*««*?I a ?turk.

Admtaaion 31 and i* Cmta.Take Fourth Are. Car*


I-A WA* or HO«U«"

IA VrtffiM "»»\u25a0«

Summer Prlcee. 19c.

Mata. Thoreday and Eaturdajr. J IS |


** jesse*uSkirs1

??SOCIETY BUDS"Thr«# i*urprf#« Art* and


PALACE HIPAri*rn<v>na 1 I# t® i. K»a* ' " «° 11

Ijut Ttmaa Today

Haaaard ra«M aad Cwaapaaj.-W hra l»»»»a»? la

>l(ki«a K»mmr4r aadKramer. Daaru aad M«H». I»a*»a

aad Klawra. CHI« \4tnm.tvatnrr Pkaoaiar aad

Trtbaav *»««?

Ma:a !?» any ««» r E '* and * on '**'

4flE3sH It Were Possibleto Do Better DentalWork the Union

ftentists Would Bethe First to Do It

The best of materia!*,

manipulated by the highest

skill obtainable in the Den-

tal profession, is the secret

of our wonderful success.

Our prices are within the

reach of all.

All work positively pain-


Guaranteed 15 Years


30»i/» Pike St.

Over Owl Drug Store.

Frankle Hulllran. H. H. Van Nos-tern's featherweight mitt allnger.

meets Walter Knowlton. former

amateur lightweight champ of thePacific coast, tonight. In Portland.It was supposed that Sullivan wastackling Joe Benjamin, but a copyof the card received thla morning

haa htm down to take on the light-

weight ss the eemMinal to the (ior-

man Mascott melee


Charley Manning, the Everettpromoter, wss In Seattle yesterday,making final arrangements for hislabor day boxing card In Everett.Manning was closeted with I.an-rence Hall and a;*o saw JJoyd

Madden step thru his paces In thegymnasluta.


Despite the fact that both clubsare out of the running for the flag,

or even second or third pla"-«* hon-ors. and there should Imj some livelycombating this week at the localbaseball battlements

The Giants and Tacoma tangled

today In the first game of thr> finalseries of the league race TacomaIs now Holding fourth place hy aemail margin, and the Clants willendeavor to beat the Tigers out of'it.

Women Cans will be admitted! free all week except Saturday,

BOGAN'S STOfHES postponed

UNTIL NEXT MONDAYThere have been aeveral Inqul-

rlea abont the aerie* of article* onboxing to be wrlttwi by FreddieHogan Well. Freddie baa done hi*share, but limited apace thl* weekwould not permit of the publishingof them

The first atorv will poaltlvely ap-

[tear In next Monday's Star, however Don't mlaa them.


DENVER. SAYS RITCHIEHome one aaked Willie Rltrhte.

Juat after Freddie Welah had made129% pounds, how near he couldcome to that mark.

"Could you make ISO ponnd* forWelah?" *11 the question

"Certainly not, and I wouldn'ttry to," anawered Willie, "unleaaI fought In Denver They havefunny scale* In Denver"

Tlae Rate©NORTH WEOTEK.N l.r.ACil T.

Won. Fri. 1Hpnhtn« 7* 4'* *14

Halt* «" **

(irral Fall* ...... M M .AltM "W 4U7M M .47347 74 '*4

N ATIONA I. I MOI FW'.n !\u2713»\u25a0« r«*t

Brooklyn . 41 *'7

BofUf ** 44 *2°l-hlU'lalphU ** 4 *

&mw York *4 ft*

nnat'tirr M *' 4 *"

Ht |,oul« 6r* 4

r-hirw ?? ; JJ;rindnnat! 4* 74 *77

AMK.KIfAN I.KAlil tWon I/oM Tct.

F«o«tonrhicac" 47 »4 Mlp«frolt 4 7 !? H .MR

&mw York 4ft ftf .*l7fit Is>ul* 44 r-7 RJ7

r:i«v«ltn4 . 44 #? r *7

Washington M 41

Philadelphia 24 92 .221

Late Popular Song#

"Aaleep In th< dr-pp" By ConnieMark.

"Ifa a rrand old ran" ?By Wil-liam Carrlgan.

??[ h*ar yon calling m«"-?I>'rdHill Byron.

"I d'W't know wh#»ra I'm Koln*.but I'm on my way"?Pat Moran.

Get The Star FightExtra for the Dope

Always first with the beatnews, The Star hat made ar-

rangemsnta to cover the Dig

Labor day flghta for the bane

fit of tha homing fane.The old reliable United Preee

*?111 carry tha reporte of thetwo champlonahlp clashes?Charley White va. Freddie

Welah and Johnny Kitbane weOeorge Chaney. The reeulte of

many of tha minor battlea will

also be carried.Edward Hill. The Star's box-

ing critic will cover the tiff bt

tween Laurence Hall and Joe

Gorman at Everett for the ban-tamweight champlonehip of thePacific Coaet.

Cheatty Ball TeamVictor* in Conte«t

fhraatya defeated th* Jefferson

?Park Junior* Sunday, at Jeffersonlark by the score of 9 to I.Laikanarlc, for Cheastvs. twirled *

very nice game, striking out Is,men and allowing but threw htta.

King. Riley. Petite and Wagnerstarred both at hat and In th»field, the latter making a difficult<*tch of a long drive to left.

Pointer, for Jefferson park, pitch-ed well, retiring nine via the

?trlke-out rout®.

Good Play by WomenFeatures Tennis Mix

Good play in th«« women'a ?In-gle* featured yeaterday'a matrh»*In the tennla tourney at Woodlandpark.

Mlaa Oertrude Schrlener went

down to defeat at the hand) ofMlaa Annla Greene In two aeta. M.M. Mia* Greene will meet Ml**

Virginia Hena«m In the aeml final


Larry Doyle Swappedfor Zimmerman

CHICAGO, Ang. 2# ?Two vet

eran major l<-agti<«r* flgurod In a

trade announced here last night.Heinle Zimmerman, eccentric In

fielder of the <'üba, wu traded to

the New York Giants for T-arrrDoyle, on» of the veterana of the

Glanta Two recrulta were Incltid

ed with Doyle In the deal.

Eddie Mahan Arrive*on Job at California

BERKELEY. Ca!, Aug. 29 ?Bddie Mahsn, whose name I* syn-onymous with Harvard football, ar-rived here yesterday. took off hi*In* to have the huaklea of the I"

In* to have the huaklea of the W.of C. who aaplre to football glory,

gallop thru th*lr pacea In antlrlpa-

tlon of a hot year on the gridiron.

Sherwood Magee Set*New Fielding Mark

BOSTON. Aug. 29?SherwoodMagee. Hoston Tirave outfielder,

ha* made no ermr In 7S gamea. In

which he had 170 opportunities to

boot the ball According to localaport aorlt.p*, till* la a new recordfor flaw-lea* fielding

!n 1908, Frank Schulte of theChlMwto Cubs, handled 126 chanceswith but one hoot.

Chaney Starts FinalTraining for Bout

CI.EVEI.AND, O , Auk 29.?Geo.Chaney of Italtlmore, who aspire*to take Featherweight ChampionJohnny Kllbane's crown, at CedarT'olnt. I.abor day. today startedth« final (?rlnd of his training.

Spokane Reds WinOver Brown's Lad*

At Spokane: R E.Vancouver ?> R '

Hpokane 9 H BItiiHHf-11, Acosta and Check;

Zamlock and Murray.

Simpson and MucksHave Place on TeamCHICAGO, Auk. 29 Hob Simp-

son, I nlverslty of Missouri hurdler,

and Archie Mucks, Wisconsin shotputter, will have place* on the Middie Western learn which will com-pete In the national championshiptrack and field miW at Newark, N.

( J? September 8 and 9.


RUN LABOR DAYEntries for the Seattle Bl-

cycle club'a 16-mlle blk* en-

durance race, to be ataged on

the morning of Labor Day,under the auepicee of The Beattle Star, were pouring in toPiper A Taft all afternoon yes-terday.

From the present outlookthere ehould be some keen com-petition for the beautiful M 2 50Escslslor motorcycle etyl* bikeand other prises donated byPiper A Taft.

course and keep a path cleared forthe youths.

Remember, the onlv restrictionsplaced on the race I* that It Is forboys 17 years and under. Utiles oftrue sportsmanship will govern theevent.

The route of the race and thecomplete list of prlxes, a» well asother valuable Information for conteatanta. will be published on thispage tomorrow.

If you have not yet had a look atthei first prise, clip mil the entry

blank on thla page, and then hurryto tha* Seneca at window of Piperft Taft and see the beautiful bikeAt the same time deposit your entry

blank for the rare at the store.

Mayor GUI was Interviewed attainyesterday recanting police protectton for the contestants, aiid therewill be enough officers on hand tosee that the boys are well taken

car* of Motorcycle officers will goahead of the rar*<rs around the

Watch tomorrow's Star for th<list "f prizes and route of the


Favorites Hold Spotlightat National Tennis Meet

roRKST HILIA.N. T .Aug 29 ? |

William M. Johnston and ClarenceJ. tJrtffln. holders of the nationaltennla rhampl> nshlp In double*, andMaurice K. Mclaughlin and WardOawaon. challengers, atlll hold th»spotlight on the West Side Tennisclub's court* today Th*se four,having been balked yesterday Intheir Intention to play the challenge

round for the title, will play off th«game* thla afternoon.

(Jeorge M Church. New Tork, vsHerbert Chase. New York: HolandRoberta. California, vs. CraJg Middle.New York; Ichlya Ktimagae, Japaneee. vs. Stanford (Jeer, Jr.. HooslckKail*.

Yesterday, after tsric* declaring

all maJche* off. the Went Side Tennla club offlclala announced thatthe four In the doubiea challenge

round would play their alngles

matches. Very late In the afternoon the skin* cleared, aftor aslight rain which had fallen most ofthe day. and. with a strong windblowing, the four men dlapoaed oftheir first match«w. Ward Pawson.Mclaughlin's double* psrtner. be-ing the only one to lose his match

Single* matches for the nationalchampionship, all but four of whichwere postponed yesterday on account of ths rain, will be playedtoday.

Among the most Important arethose between Willi* K Paris ofCalifornia and Joseph J. Armstrong

of Philadelphia. Karl P Pehr, NewYork. vs. Conrad Pnyl*. Washing

ton; llarhlshlro Mikatnl. Japanesevs. Win, J. Clothier. Philadelphia,

Mclxmghlln. In defeating R. R.McClave. a former Cornell star,

showed something of his old timeform, and It Is bnlng predicted hewill play great tennis right lip tothe finals He won In straight net*.S-0. 6-1, «-2.


Bright Lights Likedby This Box Fighter

CHTCAOO. Aug 29?The bright

white lights are more alluring thanMissouri's simple farm life, declaredKver llimnrr, Chicago lightweight,today.

Th* Golfer's Invictue

Out of the blight that covers me.As some one's said before,

I thsnk whatever god* there heHammer started training for his

lft-round bout with Johnny Dundeeof New York at Kansas City Sep-tember 11, on a farm at Bthel, Mo ,

but fled back to Chicago.

For whst fate ha* in store.Then when I give the ball s rap

And watch the shot careen.To coyly bound across some trap

And pull up on the green.n 8 n Seattle Boy to go

to Newark ClassicThose Detroit conveyances at$345 would be a handy thingaround th* houae If baby wasn'tforever putting them Into his

mouth.POIITIiAND, Aug. 29.?Psul

Clyde of Seattle has been selectedby T. Morris Dunne, secretary ofthe P. N. A., to represent thatbody at. the A A. C. championshipsnest month In Newark. N. J.

tt tt ttSpeaking of strikes reminds us

that the best kind are those you

make on a bowling alley.tt O «

It's getting so nowadays when agent Is spoken of In six figures

you can't tell whether It refers tohis bankroll or his last score atgolf.

AMERICAN REBULTSAt Philadelphia 0. Chicago 1.At Washington 2, Cleveland 0.No others.

tt tt ttSeveral of our best Southern

states will go dry In November.Which reminds us a lot of North-ern tourists will have to ordertheir golf bottled and expressedfrom home.

NATIONAL RESULTSAt St. 1/oulh 4. Brooklyn 0.At Chicago 2. Philadelphia *.

At Cincinnati 5. New York 2,At Pittsburg 5-2. Boston 1-8.

tt ttSpeaking of names, there's

Rowdy Elliott's. After lookinghim over, the Cubs dubbed himBunny. He le almost as ferociousas a rabbit.


fircut Falls arrived at Butte toolate for yesterday's game.


Giants Have Little or No Chance?Headline. The accent being onths NO.

With Oeorge Kngle on tho hill,

tho Mlkados defeated the NewSystem Paundry lnds at baseballSunday at Pug's park, f> to 4.


I hereby make application for entry In the Seattle Bicycle

club's endurance road race, to be staged under the auspices of

the Seattle Star, on day. I also make application to be-come a member of the Seattle Bicycle club.

? Full name

Address Age years

Year of birth Month Psy

I am a pupil of the school.

I, the undersigned parent or guardian of the above boy. give

my permission for lilm to participate in the bicycle endurance

road race.Signed

Restricted to boys of 17 yeareH of age and under.(Fill this blank out completely and take to Piper * Tuft.

1117 Second ave Race will start at 9:30 o'clock a. m. Entries

close at 10 o'clock p. nr. Saturday.


Aug. 29. ?Imagine witnessing a

battle for the lightweight

championship of Ihs world

from a point 30 milss distantby roadway from tha actualscans of ths combat and morathan two miles sloft In alti-

tude!Yet this wit the novel

wager made yesterday by twoprominent fen». FrancteDra* of New York offered tob«t that ha could, thru field

glaaaea, ace the 20-round bat-tle Labor day betwaan Fred

dla Welsh and Charley Whitefrom tha top of Pike's peak.


Murray Kelley doubted thisand took the wager. Only acloudy or rainy day will pre-vent the e*ttlement of the bet.

To Finish SaturdayWelsh and White have started

on the last lap of the training

grind and plan to finish hardwork by Saturday night, taking Iti-Hff Sunday and Monday fore-tioon.

ribbons. I.<eo was bleeding freely

at the end of three rounds of rough

work.Welsh's training style Is more of

the muscle developing, physicalculture order and he reserves hisrough work for his heavyweightpartner. Klreman Jim Flynn. Welshwas the feature attraction at sladles matinee" at the Antlers

hotel yesterday, where he went

thru his gym work and boxed ex-hibition bouts with Chsrles Koss,battling Reddy and Jack Hratton.

White continued his slam-bangtactics In his boxing preparations.Middleweight L<so Johnson being

his latest victim. White's mottoapparently Is The bigger they arethe better tho punching bag.'Judging from the way he tore IntoJohnson yesterday, cutting him to

Kd Smith of Chicago, officialstakeholder. Is on tha ground Theentire purse money will be depos-ited with him Saturday.

IUIOTHER Nature and Father Time made IyVg*4j£j| AVA diamonds out of carbon* But pshaw! I

%r Look what their method does with tobacco. BI Two years of it make VELVET, I

I pOR VELVET is matured I\u25a0 by two full years of ageing I|j in Nature's way. The result is that H

mellow, aged -in - the - wood Hsmoothness that no other Hsmoking tobacco possesses. HYou can't getthat smoothness I

\u25a0One Pound Glass Humidots

