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AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in

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No. 50, Scries Mo. 104 AND THE MOSQUITO WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, October 10, 1919 5 cents Per icanLegibn Plans iom In Proposed emorial Building lip Campaign Progressing and J. C. filliams Officials t ir membership of ^inii i>f Woodbrldge \; i ho last meeting ..ii-iv! himself to get man to Join. < IIK a report of the whi«h will be held nk. will h* fllv»* h pi evented by R. R. n.uni.T, .«. C. Wlll- iniinander, .and adjutant. The 11 rv PoMer and Hny Andernosi nlt<>rnateii. ii* 1-4 ni the post i service man to ration card* may Inure'* hardware ':•. i andy Kit then inning to have |tn - nil ttnd winter nli 111 ll Mi«- W •.. 'li<« meeting linit pi i-.i (he blggpat v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw li> itsi' of it* rluli- i ;iny other pur- ! fur Aftpr the Mnnihi'tl <h<- poet .i I riiiiin which in (•- "<• A yt k »r. f,,ll,,wi<: it. R I (' WllfhMn*, In VUKUHI <.>reln*>r. MIIII«T: ('has. H. ! . IVKJ Brown. i. u m i Srhoder. mh ivt tuui Wttliam employ s', :i[>ii<iin(ed t h e f o l - I Karr, chutr- ilnry Reyder. Huffman. WUl- I nn||s<>n. ln.y Pftrr. KV«nk '. -i line. Barron f* ••. siiiuley Potter. i'i'piui. j . Kin- Ill Kntct tainment NEW SCHOOLS VOTE CARRIES Wooflbridjje and Fords to Have New Schools Jn ihf ftrhixii ctt'i'tlon which was hold for the imrpouc of appropriating V3p,OOfl ronre for the erection of a n«« irrhonl houxr In the rear or •chooi No t thirty votea were cast and thf fUvlton wan. carried. Thin alib provide* fur a further appro- priation of money for the Fords school. None of the bids which were received before for the erection of theae two schools could be oov- ered^by the apjjroprlatlona. « Whether you own your bom* or Otherwise, your BUILDING LOAN shares will always rnmt tn food for a rainy day and you should he It Former Soldier Killed By Thugs h m " \"'' lo '' k T »e*day »>«ht Iwo white pnmps. n ot h men have a num- 7 S »°' muGl Kuriok at h l B W of »'"»"«" «»« *re.wild u> live ,,.. In H«,of,r.veM. The two m-ii, New Urunuwkk aVenUfl. in Elizabeth. 1O ** MUie Mun ' The (hiof ot count y > M ? Smith ' ° f KllMbftth - Richard Peltier, and Chi«-f i... \! W and - wer « Prowlin B ton of thp H <K1 «ev*>lt police are fol- ','!! w ,*; n lh *'V w « rB acooBtod by lowing up a numb«r of clues. Mun- th k VVh<ln th<> y perceived that klshl.nnd Smith were arrostfld in n.v w.r.. rnn K hl thfly shot Kurlok In Kllz^bpth Wednesday morning and »,'',, 1 !"V 1 " 1 «<"-«P»d through the brouRhr (<, Middlesex couuty by win.h,w. A<<-or<lin K to the police thin Prosecutor «tricVer- 8 men „*•,."" ' ,' n . rRi lirn . p 1nat th «y have Earlrk-H body was removed to *« tn.i.'n.i the houso and th«y have und^rlake,••(, morgne In ('arteret, \i L. r'" RPen pvow1ln K aro«n«1 It. whore nn autopsy will he performed MiinkUhi. who 1 H twonty-four y (!H rn on It. " »Ke had If.ng whitfl hair, a Krocn Bamnol Km-irk «erv«d 18 ruonlha »ap «nd a .lark H ,,lt. while Smith, a with th.> Amerlrun Expeditionary r > (> « n ^t-. wore a grey suit and Fnrc*s at the fn.m all prepared to meet such a contingency (•teacher* 8ian- Weber. Harold <> mini t tee, ATex- toots Game otb^l d»tOT~ i .u (he fool •ll-Kf last i»l.')»'d tbe Unl- uiiliiia and de- ' >r 19 to 0. The field. »t wire re Ml si Murtin, Bpen- Hlrner, TIN WRECK On SiiUirdny morning part of 'a comniutor'H train.^whlrh leaves Hall- way at 7 4') M tn. and arrives In Kliiabeth HI T."I4 a. m., was derailed In South Klizabeih. The engine and Ibe flr«t two I'HTH ptmsed itafply orer an Iptrkate Hwiich. but (our of the remaining onex weir*> derailed, while the other car wan detached. Aa the train had been going quite faat theae titf ««m went bumpiag and »w»;in < g over the roadbml for about 76 ytarda before they came' to a Btandstlll. Parts ot the rartt were broken and windowit werf shattered, while Ui« pawengern and seats were tossed about. One man. In reaching for til* Mfely cord. fell, but finally another who hud recently returned from overscan service, reached it. One of tbe cars became wedged OR the bridge over South Htreet. Am- bulances and physicians rushed "to the scene of (he wreck a^nd a num- ber of tbe pauengera were taken to the St. Elisabeth Hospital, and one to the Kliiabeth General Hospital. Quite a number of llahway people Were hurt, while others suffered from the shock. ' The tracks were strewn with "wreckUR*' of all description fur about 2(0 f«et and it In thought that the steel cars used by the Pennsylvania r«llro<td prevented any greater dis- aster. and Ura. W. If Mrs. Jlarta- i>. Mrs. C. A. '•tty <le Hussy. Club, t. Brewgter*s was ea- t»y Mm. g. home In seven tabt«l( r ere made bgr Mi's". H. R. , and Urm. . The club »«xt F-riday by i Bamuel being drunk 11 "e of waB iKER R T - W. n. S. EOR EM WEARS Sewaren History Club To Hold Lectures OUT BI8LE The American Bible Society not long ago received a Hi hie from a. per- son who asked that it be recovered. The Sewaren History Club held Its " H C(>vers Rh «»w«>d that they had regular meetin K ul the home oi Mrs mmpIy heen worn o u t b y constant J. H. Tbayer Martin on la»t Wednes- I "^ The '"tereBting looking book day afternoon. The. club IB planning ' tau8ert the TOcie(v t to hold a series of four lecture, in the } hi8forv Us o^ ner ' looking book tau8ert the TOcie(v t0 in<l»ire into its p to hold a series of four lecture, in the foun(i - to hold a series of four lecture, in the } high school from October to Decani- a " Indian •chief ot the Siwash ber. Although I he tickets for the e«>urse>will bu u dollar It de<!ldad to arrange for a special price for the Mrs, -Atwell, who is a current events lecturer, will lecture. I A Kcbolartthip. which tbe clrib has.i will be k«pt for n*-xt year when It wifl !)«• prenentt^l to a Woodbrldge tribe. He Had been converted about six years ago in Sing Sing prison and afnee that time he had constant Hible . simply worn out the cov' Hold Over Garbage Petitions for Monday Will Discuss Busses HOPELAWN FETES RETURNED III Hopeiawn to Honor Returned Men Hopelawn Kin* Co, in to fiivo a Welcome Home Celebration to the returned boys on Saturday night, October 11, at S , P. M., in Stucho'st Hall. Dining th« evening tli<*y will have dancing, good music and re- freshments All tfln. townspeople and families of the boys are cordially In- vited to be present. Tpe. Fire Co. haw planned to give badges of honor to all the men, who number about 12. This is one of the many Wel- come Home Celebrations which the towns a!l over the country are giving. he had of the TIIFUFT in the foundation of suc- cess, and there is no bttter means of acquiring the THRIFT HA HIT lh<wi by placing a small sum monthly in your local building and loan asuo elation. I All, TO HAVK, MKKTINUH THIS WEEK Hecnupo not enough were present for u quoriini Monday night, Mayor HiwkAin idgfi amtounced that tUri itoiird of Health meeting" would bo postponed until Monday night, the i:*th, Mr. Gridley had the petitions ready aRking fur renewal of garbage collection aiul will present them on Monday night. If The special meeting oJ the Town- whip Committee, to ink", up the buss ordinance-. wu« not held, but the or- together with the lfie«nian street ordinance, will be taken up at the committee's reRular meeting on Monduy night. book. The owner of the book will Hpeak from it on Sunday night at the Presbyterian Church at 7:30 P. M. AU boys and girls are especially urged to take advantage or the opportunity to hear a real Indian chief. He will High School girl. A magazine article on Captain! h . lmUan war costume Oubrlele d Annujizio waa read by ... • . Mrs. J. H. lleywuoil, Mrs, T. Martiltj read u poem on Italy and Mrs. H: B. Coombti told a very interesting atory about an adventure in which tbe bad been picked up by nit Italian man-of- \ war in her girlhood. On October 15 the club will meet at the home of Mrs. C. H.. Boynton The topic will be "Serbia." bile and taken to the Itahway Hoe* pltal. •, Her left arm was fractured and her left leg and side had re- School Girl Struck by Auto Frances Augusta Oroviga waa •truck last Thursday by an autcttnO- j born; secretary, Mrs. W. H. Voor- Missionary Society , Elects Officers The ladies of the Congroga14onal Church held a missionary meeting on Tuesday afternoon at tne homo of Mrs. A. G. Brown.. Following that the annual business meeting was held. Interesting reports were, r<md of the work done and the following officers were elected for the coming year: President. Mrs. D. W. Hone- land; Ylce-president, Mrs. W. A. Oe- PUBLIC SERVICE ACCUSED OF CHEATING EUZ. Public Service Accused of /Cheating Elizabeth - 21 of 27 Zones Are Short Measured. As a result of various complaints) concerning the zone distances the bees; treasurer, Mrs. W. IJ. Harned; hospitality committee, Mrs. E. H. mayor of Elizabeth ordered an in- Boynton, Mrs. Strong find MrH, | ventigation to be niiido last weok. ««iv«4 laoerationa 8h« waa on herjBrown; missionary committee*), for-J Thin investigation, which was made way to schbol w^ieut the accident ~ "" . - . . * . ... occurred. If you want to semi something to New York, Newark. Elizabeth. Car- leret or Perth Amboy call 2^2-W be- fore 9 A. M. and it will be delivered Ibe Mm« day eign, Mrs. I). Voorhees and Mrs. HoagMand; home, Mrs. Strong and Mn. W. H. Voorheefl; purchasing committee, Mrs. M. Irving Dentar- est; chairman ttt visiting committee, Mrs, W. A. Osborn. The ladies will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. W. A. Ossborn. Of Wandering Disposition Anthony Deletion, an flalian, was arre«tud by Ofttcer Ludurgtion at Iselln as a vagrant. He wa.-> brought before the Recorder and when <tuen- tloued «ald he worked on a farm at Millburn and strayed away The Ke- <-oitler din< hur^eil him and guv« blm one hour to leave the township. Needed—-A License ICdwuril Ite Roache, of Now YorV city, wan arraigned before Recorder Aaht«y on complaint of Officer Dun- pby for driving a motorcycle without u license and Improper registration plates. He was nmtd $25 and f 1.60. Auto Strikes Child lawyer, of Perth l Bmll m , y Al)iUoy, while driving bis automobile on St. Own-Bo's aveuue atruck CJ«org« SUka, aged a, of Home (lantern*, Woodbridse, Hllghtly injuring (be child. York £xprew moves any- ft Cll thing from 222-W. 1 1b. to 2 tonft. bereaved faroiiy of Mrs. J*cob h k f the ( wlah tu «xt«od- thanhtt for the syinpftthy iexpre»8«d aad th«< Itoweis their uiuuy *ind-f '" WBJBBB AND ^Fresh" Girls at Rutgers Must Be Chaperoned Th« New Jersey College foi Women eni'Oll«d. *. AH In other colleges, tli*i- has begun ita year with an enrollment new atiuleiit» are forced to wear a of 133. The' college, which U in its green button on every day except second year, has added on some tm- -Sunday. The faculty is partly cum- provementu during the uuminer A noafid of Rutgers profe^ors ami in- new Jiauortttory and gym wore er«'<-Iml ut^acJ^ors. m)d(looi>er Hull w»> eulaitetl. giviiiK Mjp«. Mabel a. Douglas 1^ <leMn of eitra dormitory room and a lat^ur the college and Mine MUzahetti N. dining room and modern kin-hen Creene is registrar. 'V The Targum, which la publisUfd On© of the other 'rules foibuls them by tbe HtudentH of Itutgerv Collect', to eat ice cream In the back of limns by dty Ensiueer Wioq. E. Collins, showed thut 21 out of 2 7 of the zones measured less than a mile, while six measured over a mile. The report gave the exact lenfeth of each zone and a map was submitted showing the different trolley lines. One. of the zones* is 77 trml more than half u mile lonp, while another is 1,937 feet short. Ot'her of the short zones are from 5 to 652 feet IOSB than the required distance. Of the six zones that are in ex- cess of a mile, one is V,5I»S feet ionger and the otherH range from a few feet to 491 feet ni,oro than a mile. The mayor has not yet determined jUBt what to do about, this, but in all probability the matter will be laid before the-State Public Utility Com- mission. From all reports Elizabeth not the only municipality which in protesting against the zones. Cam- den has already laid the matter be- fore the Pubiie Utility Commission. The business, men have 1 been coin- plaining on account of the people patronizing steam roads and there- fore going 1 to other places of, buni- neas. "Jhe president, when asked that, the troljeyst could not be run under the old management, v Announce Marriage , of Grace Valentine invitations have been sent out by Mr. and Mrs., Howard lto.snit.i' Val entine for the marriage of their daughter, Grace, to Mr. Jerome Baker Wiss, to take pltfce October 23, at 8 o'clock in the eve- ning at TrJpHy Church, followed by a reception at 8:30 O'clock at Green street. Mr. and Mm. will bo at home afUtr Newark. K. J. STARTS ATHLFTES Self-Governing Organization at High School UAItltON AVK.NUE HKJH SCHOOIJ XOTKS At a recont meeting held in the Hiph School auilitiifhim a "Kouoial oi'Kaiii/.Ht ion" ni^ani/nl ion was ef- fected. IJOUIH Mark, president; Ruth Totter, vicn-priisident; flelcn l J eck,. secretary; Viola Dunhatu, treaKurer; .Mml in Brauil, buseliall manager; Kdwin Potter, assistant baseball manager; V ll ''or IJi unimond. lemiiH iiiiinager; Hurry Tor^iin. asuistant tennlH manager, were elected. The object of thU organization i« to place th(* Knninl. llti-rnry Mini iilhlctlc m-tlvl- .' ties in the hivntls o( the pupils them- . HBIVPK, supervised and guldnd by the faculty ndviaors. The pupiiR will hereby gain practfeal wo'rking knowl- edge in ]>urliainentary proceedingH anil in society organizations and de- velopment. , letters will be awarded to !ait year's basket baU, tennis and orches- tra eligible^ at the next jjneeting of j\he general organization. Physical training is taking on uew life. The supervisor has-arranged (or the playing of outdoor basket ball, volley bail, tu*t ball and captain ball. Due Xo the part-time sixth grade continuing class until 4:15, the usual basket ball practice was arranged (or in the evening. The basket baH team now practices every "Monday and Thursday evening in the High School gymnasium from 7 ' to & o'clock. These prac-ticeu are not open, to the general public. By. a recent decision of the High School futility. High School report cardu will be issued every six weeks. Meetings relative to pupils' progress are being arranged between parent* antl teachers. Such co-operation will insure positive results. The first Barrou aveuue parents- teachers' meeting will be held in the High School, Tuesday, October 14. Mrs. ISrne.st Doyuton, urestfding. Ev- ery parent sl^ouUl be present at this- Initial meeting. Good things in t for thostf who come. Watch thrive. Uarron avenue grow and 1 on 107 I in If you bought somethiiiK out of town rail 222-W before 9 A .\1 utid you will ha*a It to show hubby when he geta home from work. I y with whii'ti the Women's College ^ unleaa acc<itup«^i«d b.y mi arnliated, l»a« recently published a m-t . lassman-Cnqt trojn RutgeiH). They ol rules itu,4 rejttriction* wliifb m^ me alao^turbid^en to JUBBJ* over the to govern the 8'4 freabnwn' who it) e Itont fen«e-undfer p«|u>Uy of a«ath. Female Help Wanted Work in the Hand kerchief Factory where you will be well treated and have clean, ouiiy work to do with pleasant rtttorii now 1 milking from 14 tq dollara a week. Why ,not you? G<t,, 235 Brunji- Salmagundi Society- Opens Season Salmagundi Literary and Muafcal t i i Society their first- meet in K of the Reanon on Tuesday UlJ|ht at the home of Mr. and .Mra. 'Colby Dill. Mr. Aslier Huudolph, the retiring president, called the meeting to or- tler, after which the qew preaidftil. Mr Colby \mi, took the chair. Tin- program, which wan a nu>.it tiuiiOHtinK. one, V»rfti |io)oa, Mrs. ^ p l'aper,~ "Comparisou lietwetui tho Ka«t and the West," written by Mia. HuBhman, read by Mr Aslier Hau- dolph, in the absence or Mm. Bu4h- mau*. solo, MM KritK. "In UiHiHi of «' Waterfall," Mrs. 1 * W. VT 1 1>. .Strung. Vocal HOIOH, iif. Artlur Randolph. At the rio.li! of the program da- llciou* r«rrexhmentH were served an4 a aoolal Jiour anjoyod. The/ next meeting ot the wil) b« at the h_ome of Mr. and M
Page 1: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in

No. 50, Scries Mo. 104

AND THE MOSQUITOWOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, October 10, 1919 5 cents Per

icanLegibn Plansiom In Proposedemorial Building

lip CampaignProgressing

and J. C.filliams Officials

t • ir membership ofinii i>f Woodbrldge

\; i ho last meeting..ii-iv! himself to get

man to Join.< IIK a report of thewhi«h will be heldnk. will h* fllv»*

h pi evented by R. R.n.uni.T, .«. C. Wlll-

iniinander, .andadjutant. The

11 rv PoMer andHny Andernosinlt<>rnateii.

ii* 1-4 ni the posti service man toration card* mayInure'* hardware':•. i andy Kit theninning to have

|tn - n i l ttnd winter

n l i

111 •

ll Mi«- W•.. 'li<« m e e t i n g linit

• pi i-.i (he blggpat• v. r hurl.

ii',! H.i.it C lub hawli> itsi' of it* r lu l i -

• i ;iny o t h e r p u r -! fur Aftpr t h eMnnihi'tl <h<- poet

.i I riiiiin w h i c h in

(•- "<• A y t k »r .f,,ll,,wi<: i t . RI (' WllfhMn*,

I n VUKUHI <.>reln*>r.MIIII«T: ( 'has . H .

! . I V K J Brown.• i. u m i Srhoder.

mh ivt tuui Wttliam


:i[>ii<iin(ed t h e f o l -

I Karr, chutr-i l n r y Reyder.

Huffman. WUl-I nn||s<>n.

ln.y Pftrr. KV«nk'. - i l ine . Barron

f* ••. siiiuley Potter.i'i'piui. j . Kin-

Ill Kntct tainment


Wooflbridjje and Fords toHave New Schools

Jn ihf ftrhixii ctt'i'tlon which washold for the imrpouc of appropriatingV3p,OOfl ronre for the erection of an«« irrhonl houxr In the rear or•chooi No t thirty votea were castand thf fUvlton wan. carried. Thinalib provide* fur a further appro-priation of money for the Fordsschool. None of the bids whichwere received before for the erectionof theae two schools could be oov-ered^by the apjjroprlatlona. «

Whether you own your bom* orOtherwise, your BUILDING LOANshares will always rnmt tn food fora rainy day and you should he It

Former Soldier Killed By Thugs

h m

" \ " ' ' l o ' ' k T»e*day »>«ht Iwo white pnmps. n o t h men have a num-7 S»°' m u G l K u r i o k a t h l B W o f »'"»"«" «»« *re.wild u> live ,,..In H«,of,r.veM. The two m-ii, New Urunuwkk aVenUfl. in Elizabeth.

1O ** M U i e M u n ' T h e ( h i o f ot c o u n t y> M ? S m i t h ' ° f K l l M b f t t h - Richard Peltier, and Chi«-f

i . . . \! W a n d - w e r « ProwlinB ton of thp H<K1«ev*>lt police are fol-' , ' ! ! w ,*;n lh*'V w « r B acooBtod by lowing up a numb«r of clues. Mun-t h

k VVh<ln th<>y perceived that klshl.nnd Smith were arrostfld inn.v w.r.. rnnKhl thfly shot Kurlok In Kllz^bpth Wednesday morning and

»,'',, 1 ! " V 1 " 1 «<"-«P»d through the brouRhr (<, Middlesex couuty bywin.h,w. A<<-or<linK to the police thin Prosecutor «tricVer-8 men„*•,."" ' ,' n.rRi l irn.p 1 n a t t h «y have Earlrk-H body was removed to *«

tn.i.'n.i the houso and th«y have und^rlake,••(, morgne In ('arteret,\i L. r'" R P e n p v o w 1 l n K aro«n«1 It. whore nn autopsy will he performedMiinkUhi. who 1H twonty-four y(!Hrn on It." »Ke had If.ng whitfl hair, a Krocn Bamnol Km-irk «erv«d 18 ruonlha»ap «nd a .lark H,,lt. while Smith, a with th.> Amerlrun Expeditionary• r >(>«n^t-. wore a grey suit and Fnrc*s at the fn.m

a l l prepared to meet such acontingency (•teacher*

8ian-Weber. Harold

<> mini t tee, ATex-



i .u (he fool•ll-Kf lasti»l.')»'d tbe Unl-uii l i i ia and d e -

' >r 19 to 0. Thefield.

»t wirere Ml s iMurtin, Bpen-


T I N WRECKOn SiiUirdny morning part of 'a

comniutor'H train.^whlrh leaves Hall-way at 7 4') M tn. and arrives InKliiabeth HI T."I4 a. m., was derailedIn South Klizabeih. The engine andIbe flr«t two I'HTH ptmsed itafply oreran Iptrkate Hwiich. but (our of theremaining onex weir*> derailed, whilethe other car wan detached. Aa thetrain had been going quite faat theaetitf ««m went bumpiag and »w»;in<gover the roadbml for about 76 ytardabefore they came' to a Btandstlll.Parts ot the rartt were broken andwindowit werf shattered, while Ui«pawengern and seats were tossedabout. One man. In reaching for til*Mfely cord. fell, but finally anotherwho hud recently returned fromoverscan service, reached it.

One of tbe cars became wedgedOR the bridge over South Htreet. Am-bulances and physicians rushed "tothe scene of (he wreck a nd a num-ber of tbe pauengera were taken tothe St. Elisabeth Hospital, and oneto the Kliiabeth General Hospital.

Quite a number of llahway peopleWere hurt, while others suffered fromthe shock. '

The tracks were strewn with"wreckUR*' of all description fur about2(0 f«et and it In thought that thesteel cars used by the Pennsylvaniar«llro<td prevented any greater dis-aster.

andUra. W.

If Mrs.Jlarta-

i>. Mrs. C. A.'•tty <le Hussy.

Club,t. Brewgter*s

was ea-t»y Mm. g.home In

seven tabt«l(rere made bgr

Mi's". H. R., and Urm.. The club

»«xt F-riday byi

Bamuelbeing drunk

11 "e of w a B


R T -


Sewaren History ClubTo Hold Lectures

OUT BI8LEThe American Bible Society not

long ago received a Hi hie from a. per-son who asked that it be recovered.

The Sewaren History Club held Its " H C ( > v e r s Rh«»w«>d that they hadregular meetinK ul the home oi Mrs m m p I y h e e n w o r n o u t b y constantJ. H. Tbayer Martin on la»t Wednes- I " ^ T h e '"tereBting looking bookday afternoon. The. club IB planning ' t a u 8 e r t t h e TOcie(v t

to hold a series of four lecture, in the } h i 8 f o r v U s o ^ n e r '

looking bookt a u 8 e r t t h e TOcie(v t 0 in<l»ire into its

pto hold a series of four lecture, in the

f o u n ( i -to hold a series of four lecture, in the }high school from October to Decani- a " Indian •chief ot the Siwashber. Although I he tickets for thee«>urse>will bu u dollar It de<!ldadto arrange for a special price for the

Mrs, -Atwell,who is a current events lecturer, willlecture. I

A Kcbolartthip. which tbe clrib has.iwill be k«pt for n*-xt year when Itwifl !)«• prenentt^l to a Woodbrldge

tribe. He Had been converted aboutsix years ago in Sing Sing prison andafnee that time he hadconstant Hible .simply worn out the cov'

Hold Over GarbagePetitions for Monday

Will Discuss BussesHOPELAWN FETES

RETURNED I I IHopeiawn to Honor

Returned MenHopelawn Kin* Co, in to fiivo a

Welcome Home Celebration to thereturned boys on Saturday night,October 11, at S , P. M., in Stucho'stHall. Dining th« evening tli<*y willhave dancing, good music and re-freshments All tfln. townspeople andfamilies of the boys are cordially In-vited to be present. Tpe. Fire Co.haw planned to give badges of honorto all the men, who number about12. This is one of the many Wel-come Home Celebrations which thetowns a!l over the country are giving.

he hadof the

TIIFUFT in the foundation of suc-cess, and there is no bttter means ofacquiring the THRIFT HA HIT lh<wiby placing a small sum monthly inyour local building and loan asuoelation.


Hecnupo not enough were presentfor u quoriini Monday night, MayorHiwkAin idgfi amtounced that tUriitoiird of Health meeting" would bopostponed until Monday night, thei:*th, Mr. Gridley had the petitionsready aRking fur renewal of garbagecollection aiul will present them onMonday night. If

The special meeting oJ the Town-whip Committee, to ink", up the bussordinance-. wu« not held, but the or-

together with the lfie«nianstreet ordinance, will be taken upat the committee's reRular meetingon Monduy night.

book. The owner of the book willHpeak from it on Sunday night at thePresbyterian Church at 7:30 P. M.AU boys and girls are especially urgedto take advantage or the opportunityto hear a real Indian chief. He willHigh School girl.

A magazine article on Captain! h . „ l m U a n w a r c o s t u m eOubrlele d Annujizio waa read by ... • .Mrs. J. H. lleywuoil, Mrs, T. Martiltjread u poem on Italy and Mrs. H: B.Coombti told a very interesting atoryabout an adventure in which tbe badbeen picked up by nit Italian man-of- \war in her girlhood. On October 15the club will meet at the home ofMrs. C. H.. Boynton The topic willbe "Serbia."

bile and taken to the Itahway Hoe*pltal. •, Her left arm was fracturedand her left leg and side had re-

School Girl Struck by AutoFrances Augusta Oroviga waa

•truck last Thursday by an autcttnO- j born; secretary, Mrs. W. H. Voor-

Missionary Society, Elects Officers

The ladies of the Congroga14onalChurch held a missionary meeting onTuesday afternoon at tne homo ofMrs. A. G. Brown.. Following thatthe annual business meeting washeld. Interesting reports were, r<mdof the work done and the followingofficers were elected for the comingyear: President. Mrs. D. W. Hone-land; Ylce-president, Mrs. W. A. Oe-


Public Service Accused of/Cheating Elizabeth - 21

of 27 Zones Are ShortMeasured.

As a result of various complaints)concerning the zone distances thebees; treasurer, Mrs. W. IJ. Harned;

hospitality committee, Mrs. E. H. mayor of Elizabeth ordered an in-Boynton, Mrs. Strong find MrH, | ventigation to be niiido last weok.

««iv«4 laoerationa 8h« waa on herjBrown; missionary committee*), for-J Thin investigation, which was madeway to schbol w ieut the accident ~ "" . - . . * — . — — ...occurred.

If you want to semi something toNew York, Newark. Elizabeth. Car-leret or Perth Amboy call 2^2-W be-fore 9 A. M. and it will be deliveredIbe Mm« day

eign, Mrs. I). Voorhees and Mrs.HoagMand; home, Mrs. Strong andMn. W. H. Voorheefl; purchasingcommittee, Mrs. M. Irving Dentar-est; chairman ttt visiting committee,Mrs, W. A. Osborn. The ladies willmeet next Tuesday afternoon at thehome of Mrs. W. A. Ossborn.

Of Wandering DispositionAnthony Deletion, an flalian, was

arre«tud by Ofttcer Ludurgtion atIselln as a vagrant. He wa.-> broughtbefore the Recorder and when <tuen-tloued «ald he worked on a farm atMillburn and strayed away The Ke-<-oitler din< hur^eil him and guv« blmone hour to leave the township.

Needed—-A LicenseICdwuril Ite Roache, of Now YorV

city, wan arraigned before RecorderAaht«y on complaint of Officer Dun-pby for driving a motorcycle withoutu license and Improper registrationplates. He was nmtd $25 andf 1.60.

Auto Strikes Childlawyer, of Perth

lBmll m , y

Al)iUoy, while driving bis automobileon St. Own-Bo's aveuue atruck CJ«org«SUka, aged a, of Home (lantern*,Woodbridse, Hllghtly injuring (bechild.

• York £xprew moves any-ft C l lthing from

222-W.1 1b. to 2 tonft.

bereaved faroiiy of Mrs. J*cobh k f the( wlah tu «xt«od- thanhtt for the

syinpftthy iexpre»8«d aad th«< Itoweistheir uiuuy *ind-f '"


^Fresh" Girls at RutgersMust Be Chaperoned

Th« New Jersey College foi Women eni'Oll«d. *. AH In other colleges, tli*i-has begun ita year with an enrollment new atiuleiit» are forced to wear aof 133. The' college, which U in its green button on every day exceptsecond year, has added on some tm- -Sunday. The faculty is partly cum-provementu during the uuminer A noafid of Rutgers profe^ors ami in-new Jiauortttory and gym wore er«'<-Iml ut acJ^ors.m)d(looi>er Hull w»> eulaitetl. giviiiK Mjp«. Mabel a. Douglas 1 <leMn ofeitra dormitory room and a lat^ur the college and Mine MUzahetti N.dining room and modern kin-hen Creene is registrar. 'V

The Targum, which la publisUfd On© of the other 'rules foibuls themby tbe HtudentH of Itutgerv Collect', to eat ice cream In the back of limns

by d t y Ensiueer Wioq. E. Collins,showed thut 21 out of 2 7 of the zonesmeasured less than a mile, while sixmeasured over a mile. The reportgave the exact lenfeth of each zoneand a map was submitted showingthe different trolley lines.

One. of the zones* is 77 trml morethan half u mile lonp, while anotheris 1,937 feet short. Ot'her of theshort zones are from 5 to 652 feetIOSB than the required distance.

Of the six zones that are in ex-cess of a mile, one is V,5I»S feet iongerand the otherH range from a fewfeet to 491 feet ni,oro than a mile.

The mayor has not yet determinedjUBt what to do about, this, but inall probability the matter will be laidbefore the-State Public Utility Com-mission. From all reports Elizabethi» not the only municipality whichin protesting against the zones. Cam-den has already laid the matter be-fore the Pubiie Utility Commission.The business, men have1 been coin-plaining on account of the peoplepatronizing steam roads and there-fore going1 to other places of, buni-neas. "Jhe president, when asked

that, the troljeyst could not berun under the old management,

v • •

Announce Marriage ,of Grace Valentine

invitations have been sent out byMr. and Mrs., Howard lto.snit.i' Valentine for the marriage of theirdaughter, Grace, to Mr. Jerome BakerWiss, to take pltfceOctober 23, at 8 o'clock in the eve-ning at TrJpHy Church, followed bya reception at 8:30 O'clock atGreen street. Mr. and Mm.will bo at home afUtrNewark. K. J.


Organization atHigh School


At a recont meeting held in theHiph School auilitiifhim a "Kouoialoi'Kaiii/.Ht ion" ni^ani/nl ion was ef-fected. IJOUIH Mark, president; RuthTotter, vicn-priisident; flelcn lJeck,.secretary; Viola Dunhatu, treaKurer;.Mml in Brauil, buseliall manager;Kdwin Potter, assistant baseballmanager; Vll''or IJi unimond. lemiiHiiiiinager; Hurry Tor^iin. asuistanttennlH manager, were elected. Theobject of thU organization i« to placeth(* Knninl. llti-rnry Mini iilhlctlc m-tlvl- .'ties in the hivntls o( the pupils them- .HBIVPK, supervised and guldnd by thefaculty ndviaors. The pupiiR willhereby gain practfeal wo'rking knowl-edge in ]>urliainentary proceedingHanil in society organizations and de-velopment.

, letters will be awarded to !aityear's basket baU, tennis and orches-tra eligible^ at the next jjneeting of

j\he general organization.Physical training is taking on uew

life. The supervisor has-arranged (orthe playing of outdoor basket ball,volley bail, tu*t ball and captain ball.

Due Xo the part-time sixth gradecontinuing class until 4:15, the usualbasket ball practice was arranged (orin the evening. The basket baH teamnow practices every "Monday andThursday evening in the HighSchool gymnasium from 7 ' to &o'clock. These prac-ticeu are not open,to the general public.

By. a recent decision of the HighSchool futility. High School reportcardu will be issued every six weeks.Meetings relative to pupils' progressare being arranged between parent*antl teachers. Such co-operation willinsure positive results.

The first Barrou aveuue parents-teachers' meeting will be held in theHigh School, Tuesday, October 14.Mrs. ISrne.st Doyuton, urestfding. Ev-ery parent sl ouUl be present at this-Initial meeting. Good things in tfor thostf who come.


Uarron avenue grow and1



I in

If you bought somethiiiK out oftown rail 222-W before 9 A .\1 utidyou will ha*a It to show hubby whenhe geta home from work.


ywith whii'ti the Women's College ^ unleaa acc<itup«^i«d b.y miarnliated, l»a« recently published a m-t . lassman-Cnqt trojn RutgeiH). Theyol rules itu,4 rejttriction* wliifb m^ me alao^turbid^en to JUBBJ* over theto govern the 8'4 freabnwn' who it) e Itont fen«e-undfer p«|u>Uy of a«ath.

Female Help WantedWork in the Hand kerchief Factory

where you will be well treated andhave clean, ouiiy work to do withpleasant

rtttorii now1 milking from 14 tqdollara a week. Why ,not you?

G<t,, 235 Brunji-

Salmagundi Society-Opens Season

Salmagundi Literary and Muafcalt i iSociety their first- meet in K of

the Reanon on Tuesday UlJ|ht at thehome of Mr. and .Mra. 'Colby Dill.Mr. Aslier Huudolph, the retiringpresident, called the meeting to or-tler, after which the qew preaidftil.Mr Colby \mi, took the chair.

Tin- program, which wan a nu>.ittiuiiOHtinK. one,

V»rfti |io)oa, Mrs. ^ pl'aper,~ "Comparisou lietwetui tho

Ka«t and the West," written by Mia.HuBhman, read by Mr Aslier Hau-dolph, in the absence or Mm. Bu4h-mau*.

solo, MM KritK."In UiHiHi of «' Waterfall,"

Mrs.1* W. VT1 1>. .Strung.Vocal HOIOH, iif. Artlur Randolph.At the rio.li! of the program da-

llciou* r«rrexhmentH were served an4a aoolal Jiour anjoyod.

The/ next meeting ot thewil) b« at the h_ome of Mr. and M

Page 2: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in

The Magnificent Booth Tarki 6


Rynopntu Major Ainti'rrwn hurl ntfido a fortune In 1R7J when oth*r T p!<¥<lng fortunes. Rixl thn magnificence of the An>l»monii t>«gnn then

Major Amlxsrnon laid nut a 200-nrra "doVeloprrmnt," with r"<i<l« »nit »t«tunrv,• till In t»« renli'T (if a fnur acre tract, on Amb*rRon ftvftiiie. built for nlmud'tha most masTilftcpnt mansion Midland p i ty ha4 rvn H».-U When tliA major'sdStUKlitm nifti i l<:d VIIUDK Wilbur Mlnar*r tha neighbor* predicted that «sIsabel could tic.vBt ronily love Wilbur i l l h « love would Im hmtnweri upon thrchildren. Tri«r* In only ant child, however, O«or«re Amlwroon Mlnnffir, amihis uplirintrlnif anil hln youUiful acconapUnhrnvntii aa a mlachlnf maker oi"qultn In kwiiiliiK with the mnnt pen«lmlntlo prwitlrtlnnR Tly thp time O«ors»ROfin hWAjr to mllng*. hf> <loen not attempt fo ronoeat hln hell of that tit*Ambernonc oro about thfs mo*t Important family In tlis world. At A ball Rlv»>nIn hlR honnr wli*n hn rotiinut from roltece. tjeorge monopolism I.ucy Mnr««n.a utrniigrr and thf prettt<-«t girl present, and Rftn on fammialy with h^r millllif. U'arnn Mint « ''qurpr looking chirk" at whom ho had liif>n poVlnn much fun.In th« yotinic lrvly'R fmtif>r. Ho In F . u o n i Mnrsrftn, fi former rpntilent ofHlKhurg, nrnl Tin In returning ' n *ri«rt a factory and tn hulM hnr«i«>lr<<s <-«rrl«KMiof hla own Invention Rupnuo had hp«n an t>lfl iulmlr«r of IBIIWIH anil tli»yhnil bonn MiKni o<l whi rt IHIL1M>I thrftw Mm ov«r b«rBiia« of a youthful liullwrrft-tlon unit married Wilbur M1n<if<»r, URiirgn makM rapid projcresa In his courtshipnf l.ury.

CHAPTER VII- Continued._ 5 —

He jrrormed faintly "Aren't yonrbrother HIM! floor RII> escorts enoughfor you and Pnnny?"

"Wouldn't you enjoy It nt HIIT""You know I don't."ISftbol let her hnnd remain upon

his shoulder a moment longer; sheBtood behind him, looking Into the fire,Oeorfte, watching her hroortlriRly,thought there was more color In lierface than the reflection of the flamesuncounted for. "Well, then," she stiildindulgently, "stay at home and foe

-We Wont Urge You If You'd Reallyfather Not"

happy We won't urge you if you'dreally rath'er not." *

"I really wouldn't," he said contentedly. w

Half an hour later George was pass-ing through the upper hall, in a bath-robe stage of preparation for the evo-ning's guyetles. when he encounteredhis Aunt Fanny, lie stopped her,"Look here!" he said.

"What In the world Is the matterwith you?" ahe demanded, regardinghim with Httl« amiability. "You lookas if you were rehearsing for a villainin a play."

His expression gave no sign of< yielding to the request; on the con-

trary, its sombernega, deepened. "Iflupcose yon don't know whj fatherdoesn't want to go tonight," he saidsolemnly.

"Ha never wants to go anywherethat I ever heard of," said Vanny."What is the matter with you?"

"He doesn't want to go because hedoesn't like tbla man Morgan. Lookhere, what makes you and—and ev-erybody so excited over him?"

'"Excited!"1 she Jeered. "Oan'tpeople be gtad to see an old friendwithout silly children tike you havingto make a to-do about It? I've justbeen In your mother's room suggest-ing that she might give a little dinnerfor them—"

"For who?""For whom, Georglel For Mr.

Morgan uud his daughter.", "Look here!" George sa,ld quickly.

"Don't do that! Mother mustn't dothat. It wouldn't look well."

"•Wouldn't look well!'" Fannymo£^£d him; and tier suppressed.Y0-beroftncjg betrayed u Hurprlulng acerb-Ifr.' ' "HUB hero, GeorRio Mlnafer, 1fpggeat that you Just wim-ii straighton. Info your robin and finish yourdressing! Soroetlnn-H you u»y thingsthat Show you have a prttlylittle rjjiwll"

George was so astounded iiyoutburat that his Indiguuttoii wu» d»vInyfcu by hla curiosity. "Why, wimtupsets you this way?" he inquired.

"1 know whet you mean," Him Sher volet: Kttll lowered, but notcrMiBlnjf lu sharpness. *You're tryingfo Insinuate thut I'd get you* motherto Ipvlto Shijfi-ue Morgan here on myaccount because he's a widower!"

"I am?" Gtsorgo gasped, nonplusedtrying to imHuuate thut you're


mother tr> help you? 1B thftt what yonmeanl"

Beyond n dotiht thnt wns what MissFnnny meant. She Rave him a whitehot look. "Yon attend to your ownnffalrs I" she whispered fiercely, anilswept nwny.

deor-pe, diiHifnundct], returned tohis room for meditation.

Ilfi hnd l ped for yeiirn tn the snmehouse vrith'hln Ann! Kniitiy, mid 11now nppenrcd thiit during HII flumeyeurs; he hud heeti fh1i*t Inflmntclj HK-soclHtlnp with « total strnrjger. Neverbefore ln\d he mot the pnsslonutelady with whom he hnd Juat held acmivorsntimi hi thehall. So she want-ed to Ret married 1 And wantedGeorjie's mother to help her with thisHorselcsH-cn.rrln.jre widower!

"Well, 1 will he shot !" he mutteredaloud. "I well—I certainly will lie-Imt." And he begun to laugh.•Lord 'lintRJity!"

Hut presently, lit the thought nf theHorseless-carriage widower's dmigli-ter. his jrrlmness returned, nnd he re-solved upon a line of conduct for the• vi'iiinp. IIt> would nod to lier care-lessly whoa he first saw her; undafter thnt lie would notice her nomore: lie would not dunce with hei ,lie would not favor her in the cotil-lion he would not go near heri

. . . He descended to dhuiei uponthe third urgent summons ot the col-ored liutler, having spent two bourndresslug—and rehearsing.

The HOD. George Anderson was ncongressman who led cotillions--thesort of congressman an Ambersonwould be. He did It negligently to-night, yet wish Infulllhle dexterity,now and then glancing humorously utthe spectator^ people of his own uge.

Qeorgle had carried out MH Uhearsed projects with precision. II»•had given MIHS Morgan u nod studiedinto perfection during his lengthy toi-let before dinner. "Oh, yen, I do

l to rememti r (lint curious tittleJoutslderl" this nod seemed to say.Thereafter all oocnixnnce of her evap-orated: the curious little outsider waspermitted no further existence worth

struggle. Nevertheless slu- Hushedthe corner of liis eyes too often.

She BCH-ined to bo having a "wonder-ful time!"

An unbearable soreness accumulat-ed lu his chest: his dislike of tin- girland her conduct Increased until hathought of leaving this sickening As-sembly und going home to bed. Thatwould show her! But Just then lu>heard her luughiug und decided tliulIt woifjriii't show her. Ho he remained.

When the young couples Hen tedthemselves In chairs ugulnst the WHIIMround three tddt'K of tin* room for the.cotillion Georg« Joined u brazen-facedgroup clustering about tin.- doorway—youths with no partners, yet eligibleti» be "called out" and favored. Hemarked thnt his uncle placed the In-fernal Klnney and Miss Morgan, asthe leading couple, lu the tirst clmlrsat the head of (the Hue upon the lead-er's right; and this dUloyulty on thepurt of Uucle CJeorge WUB lueicusuble,for In the family circle the nephewhad often expressed his opinion ofFred Klnuey. In hit* bitterness (icorgeuttered a ttlgnitlcunt luouosylluhle.

The music flourished, whereuponMr. Klnney. MISH Morgan uud sis oftheir neighbors ruse und wnllxcdknowingly. Mr. Atnherson'H whistleblew; then the eiKUf yniing peoplewent to the favor table and woregiven toys uud trinkets wherewith todelight the new parlnein it WUH nowtheir privilege to select.

George Strolled with,a bored air tothe tropical grove, where ant hi.-, eld-ers, and seated himself beside hisUinta Sydney Hin iimM,,-, I, in,...IUPIOSH M l s u P l u m y , r i i l n i h j j h n v o i i - i -

over the music to H(HHIL U> him."Ueortrte, nobody win tie ubi« to ace

you here. You'll not be tu wired. Vouought tp be where you run dum-.-."

"Don't care to," lie i.-uuutd."Bore I"

"But »£ft ought—" She utoppedund laughed, waving her run to directbis attention behind him. "i imk-Over your shoulder!"

He turned anil dj*r.ayenail MinnLucy {Morgan tn the act of oftilitiu u purple Uvi batloun.

"i found you!" sb« laughed,wtu atftrtled. "Weil—" bu

"Would yo* ratber 'rtt H qutf

IIIOTI>. "I don't cam to dance Ifyou—"

"No," he snlcl, riwlnfr. "Tt would bebetter to dance." Ills tone wan md-emn, and noleninly he departed withher from the jtrovo. Solemnly bednnccd with her

Knur time*, with not the ntlghteRtencournirement, ithc brought him afavor: four times In succession.When the fourth cmne,'KLook here!"sn!d Ceorge huskily. "You going tokeep thlH up all nlghtr What domena hy KY"

For an tn^innt nhti seeemed con-funed. "Thol'n whut cotillions ft^efor, nren't th«>y7" Mie murmured.

"What do you mean: what they'refor?"

"So thnt n girl ran dance with aperson nhe wants tot"

(leoige'M huMkliieHnlnemHed. "Well,do you mean yon -you want to dancewith me all the Mme—nll evening1?"

"Well, this much of It—evidently!"she laughed.

"Is It because yon want to eventhings up f»r malnng me angry—Imean for burtltig my feelings on theway home?"

With her eyes averted—for girls ofninptef-n enn be as shy «» boyn.sometimes —- sh« Bald, "Well — yOttonly got nngry becanfte I couldn'tdance the crrtlllJon with you. I—Ididn't feel terribly^ hurt with jon forgetting angry about thatl"

"WBR there any other reason? Didmy telling you I liked you have any-thing to do with i t r

hl« i—'. ' - ' —**« "Tirl as Georgemet her eyes Bomethlng exquisitelytouching yet qucerly d^lghtftil gavehim n catch in the r.iro T. She lookedInstantly away, and, turning, ran outfrom the palm grove, where theystood, to trie duuclng SOOT,

"Come onl" aha cried. "1/efBdance!'!'

He followed her."See here—I—I—n he stammered.

"You mean— Do you—""No, no" Bhe lamehed. "Let's

dunce!" "He put his arm about her almost

tremulously nnd they began to wait*.It was a happy dance for both ofthem

day Is the children's, butthe holidays are youth'* dancingtime. The holidays "Belong to therurly twenties nnd the 'teens, hompfrom school and college. It is theliveliest time in life, the happletit ofthe irresponsible times In life. Moth-.TM echo itn happlne««i—nothing Islike a mother who has a aon homefrom college, except another motherwith a non home from college. Yetilicy give, up their HOIIH to the daugh-ters of other mothers, and find itliruuil rapture enough to be allowedIn :•!( miii WRtc.li.

Thus Isubel watched George andLucy dauclng a | together they dancediiway the holldlyti of thut year Intotin- pu>t.

"Tliey seem to get aloug better thiuithey did at tirst, those two children,"1'iumy Mlnafer Haid, sitting besideher at the Sbarona' dance a weekafter tkfc Assembly. "They seemed tohe always having little quarrels ofsome sort at flnst At least George

-I Found Youi- Sh« L*uoh*d.

did: lie m'HiiH-d to be continuallypeeking at that lovely, dainty littleLucy, und being cross with her overnothing."

" 'Peckingr " Inabel laughed. "Whatu wofd to use about Georgle! 1 think1 iwsver knew a wor* nntcciUalljnnilublH dlspoBltlou in my life!"

IflKti Vnnny echoed her «lKter-lu-law'ii luugb, butidl WUM a rueful celio,uud not sweist. "He's amiable to you!"Hhe Haid. "That's all tin- Bide,of dlniyou ever happen tu tsee. And whyWouldn't he b« wmlulilc lo anybixiythut tdruply fell down und wor«hli>edhim every minute ul tier Uf«? Most


"Isn't he wurlli uorshlplnn?look nt him!"

"Oh. I'm not r^ng to ftrgue withyon nhmit (ieort;.!1 said MIPS Fanny."I'm fond etiouish of hltn, for (bntmatter. H? mn b» chnrtnlng. and he'Hcertainly stunning looking, lr only—"

"I et the 'If only' go, *Mir." Isabelsuggested ijixnl nnturedly. "L t1* talkabout that, dinner you thought Ishould—"

"It" MIRH Fnnny Interrupted qiflck-ly. "Didn't yon want to five It yonr-sel fr *,

"Indeed I did. my dtwl" Bald Isu-b«l heartily, "l only meant that unlew you had iiropwietl. H perhapa Iwouldn't—"

Bnt here Kucene >cathe for her todance, nnd HIIC left the sentence uncompleted Holiday dances can befcappy for yntith renewed aa well asfor youth In hud—«JH! yet It wa«r hotwith the nir of a rival that MIMFanny wntctud fier brothcr'a wifedancing with the, widower. MissFanny'B eyes narrowed a little, butonly an if h< > iuiiid ^pgaited In a hope-ful calciiltiiiun. She looked pleased.


A few diiys after Oeorge't returnto the university It became evidentthat not <mjte everybody ha* gaceilwith complete oeW»olen«« upon theVarinuN young collegians at theirhollriny sports. The Sunday editionnf the principal morning paper evenexpressed some bitterness under theheading, "<Jllded Youths of the Fln-de-Slecle"—this wag considered theknowing phrase of the time, espe-cia!!:1 f"r Sunday supplements—nndfhere l< no doubt that from certainrefereutes In this bit of writing somepeople iiiew rhe coocluelon thnt Mr.George Amberson Mlnafer had notyet got hla come-npance, a postpone-ment still Irritating. UndenlnlilyFnnny Mlnafer was one of the peoplewho drew \M»\ conclusion, for she cutthe urilcle out and ladosed i t jn aletter to her nephew,'having writtenon th* border of the Clipping, "I won-der whom it can ipejuaj" 1R

tseorpe rend part ot It:W« ilphato aoswUtan Wtwt Is to be th«.

futur.: ot this nattot),wTUM W« think thatIn a fiw yeu-a f>iibll« affair* may be Intha ti;inds of the On-rl«-alecle glidedyouttia we see about utt during th* Clulst-mas holiday*. Such fopp«ry, »uch lurtry,Burh Insolence n i CtlT ly never prac-ticed t.y the ac«nUd, overbc«r]nc patrl-ciaiifl ut the Palallna, even In Rorae'aiiioKi decadent epotti. With hla alra ofyoung milord, hla fMt horses, hla goldarul silver ds«retts ewes, hla clolheBriuin a New York tailor^hla racklra^nnwof Uiimey showered upoa him by Indulgentmothers ot totipi caandlatberi, hn re-dpc. La nothing «iid ru>bo«y. He Is blase.>r juu please. Waieh him at a noi-Ulfun.lion, bow cOptfewMtdlndv he deignsto select a partner for the populir wntuor iwo-step; how carelecsly he ihouldersoiler p*nple out of hi*,way. vtth what ati.inw »iur« he retnMfi the aalutatloni nfKerne old acquaUwnce* whom he mayuiiooae ID hla r«yal whim to forget!

"ne wonders what ha* come over th*new Kenermtlon. Of tiucti as these the re-l,ut.|if w«« not made. Whan we comparetin- young manhood of Abraham Lincolnwith the apacirriADs we'aie now producingwe see too well that it bod*a IU for thetwentieth Century—

Oeorge r*wnef and tossed the clip-ping Into hla waate banket, wonderingwhy hla aunt thought auch dull nunsense worth the sending. As for herInsinuation, penciled upon tbe border.he supposed «h« meant to Joke—a tap-poBitlon which neither surprised himnor altered hi* lifelong opinion ofher wl*.

He read her letter with more intereut:

• . . *nte dlttoer your mother gave forthe Koreans waa m, lovely ail»lr. It wum»i MomUjf «T«nlnf, ]iut Un day* afteryou left. It W4W apDntprUie thai your•iiuUt«r, henwlf %n aid frtend, siuMiM MHeinbte k rmraiuitaUve velecUaii of Mr.Mor«*»'a oM'frifBds around htm at «u> ha time. He waa In great splrtu «4><1 n u t

He will eoofl b«|tn to build hla factoryhare tor the manufacture ot automobile*which he aa.y» U * term he prefvi* to"tioraeleas aajhrGMtwi" Your Uncle Georgetold me he wotyd like to Invest In thlafactory, aa OAOrM think* there 1* a fu-ture tar automobile*; RerhapB not for «tii-eraj use, but •* aa ilitereulljiK noveltywhich people with autOclenl ine»nn wouldlike to own for their amusement ami thesake ot variety. However, he suld Mr.Moigaa t*atf4imly declined hln offer, a*Mr. 1C w u fully able to finance tlila ven-ture, thougtMllot startlrts In a. very largeway. Your uuaj* *a|d oilier people ar«)manuta^HurlnK auUMnobllti* In differentpart* of the-country with success Yourfather iM not ver» Well, though he U notactually ID, and the doctor tells him heought not to be ao much at his office aatha lour years of apttlicattaii Indoors withno exMviaW *»• heg-lnnlriK to uff<»ci himunfavorably, but I believe your fatherwould die U he had to «iv« up him workwhich la ail that has ever Interested himoutside Ot hla family. I never mul.i t,n.derstaod t t Mr. Morgan took yourmoth«* ajul me with Uuoy to anu UudJeelta «B "Tifalrih Iflght" yesterday evu«li»K, «a4 Woy «»«l «he tht>uKht the JUK.Blooked r*4b«r l * e you. only mucli i,,,,,,.democr»ttc in hi* rp*nn«r. Hopiim thatyou ai« flndJna: «oll*i(a mm «« uttmruv,.


Qmtff Tfaad onr> wutence »n thinUslter *«venil tinn»H. ThV-n \w tlroppidthe missive in hit) wuste biiatet tuJoin the clipping, mm Httolied downthe eorrldor erf his dormitory to bor-row « fjpW »f "Twelfth NlKbt." Bav-Ing secured one lm returneu to hi«Study «lld refreshed hln nn-iiiory oftl a #•»—but received no enlightentnent that enabled him to comprehend

fmnul liiin«elf Impelled In thn direc-tion of < (irrespondance, nnrl nrenentlywrote n letter not a repljt to binAuni Funny.

r I,iiry: No doubt to« will b« tur-1 ni hrarlnB from me *o sorm n(rain,inliy us this maltea two In answer

to Mio (in<- rerslved from jrou slqi-e gettingl,ii. t t,. the old place, I henr you havehren mAking coounehta ajbout inn at theihmifr. that sorne aotar was mfirn demo-rrntlc In his manners than I am, which Ido not understand. Tou know my theoryof life berime 1 explained tt lo you onour first drive together, when I told youI wnulil not lalK to everybody aboutthlna-s 1 feel I'** tha way I apoka to youot my theory of life. I believe th<me* whoare »t>ln slxmU) ha«B » true theory of Ufa.and I rtftveloped my theory of lire long.tonK Ago

here t «U •meJttng my faithfulbrlftr pipe. Indulging M the frai(rani:e i*fmy tnhur ax I look out on the c»mp«*from my niany-paned window, and thmir*are dirfert-nt with roe from the way theywere wa? bark In rreahnuut year. I can*e« now how boylah m many way* I was

I beheve What has changed me a*much an anything was my vrstt home atthe time I met ynu. Ho I sit fiere withmy fnlthful brlsr and d+earn the oMdream* over an It were, dreatning ot the

we wall Hit together and of thntlast night before * ' pejrted, and you tol.lm« th« awvt news you were going to Ilv*there, and I w»ul<) And my frtend waitingfor me when I ««t home next summer

1 will be glad my friend wUl be waitingfor m«. I ant nol rapafrle of fri#nd«lilf

for-Ui* vrry (ejT, and, lookliiK ha. kover my Ufa, I. remember thert were ttrrwawhen 1 doubted If I could fe«1 a *f<«tfriendship for anybody—especially fclrls.Uerc In the old place 1 do not believe In

hall-fellow-well-met with cvnryTom, nick and Harry Juat becauwi h*-happens tn lir n rlasam^te any more I bunI do at home, where t have ulwayn heen'fRn-ful who I w»" •*en with. lavKdy nnaccount of the family, but also becausemy disposition ever since my boyhood hasbeen to encouriiKR r e t t l Intimacy from bfjtHie f$w.

From several Intteni from my mother,nnd one from Aunt Fanny I henr you areseeing a KIKKI O>IU of the fumlly slnre Xleft. I hope RmiiFtimes yon think nf themember who Is absent, I got a nliverframe for ycuir photograph In Now York,and I keep It on my desk. It In tho only(flrl's photograph 1 ever took tlie troublelo have frameil. thoiiKh, us t told youfrankly. 1 have had any number of other1 photographs, yet all were only paas-Inp funcles. and oftentimes I have ques-tioned In years past If 1 waa capable <>fmuch friendship toward the feminine s«x,which I usually found shallow Until ourown frlendahlp began. When 1 look atyour photofri-aph. 1 say to myself. "Atlast, at last here Is one that will notprove shallow."

Friend, this is from your friend,Q. A. M.

George'* ontlcipatlona were not dis-appointed. When he came home InJune his friend wan awaiting him; ntletiHt Bhe was BO pleased to see himagain that for a few minutes aftertheir first encounter ahe was a tittlehrenthlenELand • great deal glowing,and quiet withal. *

I.ucy and her father were living atthe Amherson hotel, while Morgan gothis Hinall machine shops built In tiwestern outsklrt of the town; andGeorge grumbled about the shabht-netw and the old-fashioned look of thehotel, though It was "still the best Inthe pJace, of course.1* lie remoh-utrated with his grandfather, declar-ing that the whole Amberson Estatewould be getting "*run down and outnt h'eet If t hi age weren't taken Inhund pretty soon." He urged theRt-neral need of rebuilding, renovat-ing, varnishing a&d lawsuits. But theMujor, declining to hear him 014, tnu-rrupted1 querulously, saying that hehad enough to bother hk> without anyadvice front George; sod r«ftred toIHH library. «olng so far ms to lockthe door audibly.

"Second childhood r Qeorg* mottered, shaking his head; sod b*thought sadly that tbe Major had u tlong to lite. BoweTer. this surmisedepressed htm for only a moment or•o Of rourw peopl* couldn't, b» «x.pected to iWe forvver, and tt would!>e a good thing to have someon* Incharge of the KM hie who wouldn'tl«t it get to looking so rusty that rift-ruff dared to make fun of . lu forGeorge had lately undergone th# an-noyance of calling upon the Morgans,in the rather stuffy red >«loura,andgilt parlor of their apartimnt at thehotel, one evening whan Mr. Fred-erick Klnney also was a caller, andMr. Kityiey had not be«u tactful. Infuct, though be adopted a humoroustone of vojc» la expressing sympathytar people wiio, through the city'spoverty In hotels, were obliged to»tny at the Amberon, Mr. Kluney'sintention Was Interpreted by tbeother ttatftar a* not at all humorous,but. on the-contrary, personal and of-fenolve.

O«orfs roae abruptly, his face tbecolor of wrath. "Good night, UlsaMorgaa. Oood night, Mr. Morgan. Iitlmll take pleasure in calling at aonjeother time when a more courteoussort of people rnuy l>« present.

Xoek herel" di« hmiteaded K»*dIt out "Don't you try \u iiudu tue

out a boor. Ueorge Mluuf««# ^vann'tIiintlng anything »t you; l Hltnply for-got all about your xruudfuther owning this old bulldliiK. I»on't you tryto put me la the liKhi of a boor I Iwon't—"

Hut tteorKi! witlkdl ,,ut In the very<i<urue of hla vehement protest, and," wajj neewwarjjy Irft antifiU

Wr. Klnney »t>iiiium.,j onjy • f«w'noinontB nft»r <jc,,ri{e'B dexwrtvre;"i»l ua the door closed upon htm the<M»tre«»e.i Lucy turned to bar

bin> in a condition «t

managed to•Kinney'a.


b r i n g s t i i i ,ed I

Jurt such thine :that age—and. r,,,Oeorge Ambers,,,,

Of UH!" An.'


,;;you try to putb o o r ! * '1 dhni i t.,1

I n g a t s o m e tlin.t w a a aort of p,.,,,..,abla to go on.

"Papa, I 11,1,1k •:Weren't they n«r,,i

11 ti



• " 1 »

Ing hln eye*.But Lucy cntiM ,.

was gEc a n forgive n,.,i

said. MH, ,

r a g m u s l y 1"

She came tti.ihid chair. *• i• [ t , , ,behave like th,:

l i e s s«i.«< 11'Ilather! it,;

anything he m .Kurti for uh:n

"GOOd NiQ^t, M.S!

why nhoiilil h i fthe leant liui.him, or on mr> -neoted with li'-

Eugene uiii'' ione of the (:I-I-..

vanity, ile;tr; .••know I he nil-->most arroxnM •have l>eiMt Un-people who li. 'contempt of .and who «•"!highest B I H » . Ifurious If It u-rogant nnd il•••Stand the \;breath of m i :theni."

"Papa, do y !:ribly i irropi:

"Oh. h t > >-i.:

rri- ill

• I ' l

• • : , . *


fine stufT inbecause h>- -<

Lucy sti-i-k.stil l ainioMt u-llke<* her i>:>

I»pa""1 do"She1*


"WUntr•*I w o n d i ' i i'i

to marry Mi M"Ob, Kill"-''

gtne. "Hi'> 'he's a good n. :always WHS. U»

"I don't H iiOeorge hint 'thoughtfullyIs."

"Only wlu-i! ithing*' Mi-i-•etnblanof it

"Tes," sh- 'celviog thut iious. "All it"really very ;•"much more » itime Ji»A« I'1

behaved *<-••'lumped up. I""He dW. Iml, •)courage hloi nme pretty o»,>i

Whereupon tnewal of i)'laughter.

, » r i

. rt i



i *

. . • ! > '

George GOup. S i y ^ oi

' AnlMrsoii tt'ii

Page 3: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in

Game forThrefc


st i»

,,:i, waiting In the deni ,,f h«r lover, knew by, ,,r his face that be had,,,.T, H* had gone Into,,.,.- Mr. arid Mr*. Nor-.(,lin«(, and there he had..,,,„ tn wed the girl of

,1, . imppened to be their!,hi,> eyed daughter.

'j[:,v?" Hetsy asked.v,, ^imiily. "Not a hit., e=||,i UIP talking, and In-,, nniiiT no circumstances,,- you. 8he waa willing„„,. n- friends, bnt as for

„ hit of It! And she, ,,f naylng so. Then

i , , i i l with h e r Ti,,,,timd fatherl" Betsyi, "He likes you, t,miner ha* against youi,nr. she thinks yon


Mr*.one fvnr rpniRii,p,i W | t ) l

rnlRht lu,Vi> re:ichedwny t<> wn.ru ni<» ji

find s e n s e d m l u h l I,,, f,,,,,,,,,,,,

"" In he*"' '" " r ' " " " " " " M | | " w « l ' n l n t -y in d l K l i i F i r i , 11 o i l t h i . c u r <uu>f1 t<v

w a r d t h e m th.* 0 , * . „ „ . „ „ „ ,_ I n j m l f « „ t , , , n r ( h e f,.llr , , „ , , R(An<s

_ _ M r ' • • • '* o n H l i b r a r y , tin- 1 ,,My

h a l r p d >{lrl t>e«ii,i,, h im,

Mr. .Tudnon smilli. ( | n tBlinll h i i v c toM m . JudHon 1ly . My hn.isi .kfM'jurI w i l l m>p if "


HIIC queried,

„„.„„ 11TI()1hor" I I Tit t(>

serve ns one.

wnlt, Mr.,t art theturning to

"I'll m i l h i tn ," M,P

A moment Intorthe drivor st,.,,,,enp off, ro



op«»nod nndrtlt. low-nttin*

hnlr. and—

heiwetf btwidecompleting the sen-

1...1 enough jIMt BOW,**smiling faintly down

Pi;,i like uplifted fa<*.

my hoy. M"r«.

, ever give yonwere In hU

f,lM i

, nt his worried, nun-h- mw deepened Iniitef was In her glance

fgj" Hhe questioned.he caught b*r mean-

.ii hi* firm ahootdar;m.nn?" he asked, hope,

mingled In bis ere*.i:,r. l do not Intend to: 4 jinjudlre come be-

v.,ii; no I say, "Lei'slit " "

hi« fp*t snd caughttwnrl-h hug. "And 1

bly rnn't give yoo opt

.• Mii.t, wriggling loose

tin that had made bin1 in una ot the down-tli.'i-f turned the pool*[•>•. "Betsy, can you1 out-nay, about BtaeMill give me tlnw to

i). nn " The fire died Ininn (to It. I'll tete-

•M.L, nn old nlBtoterW10 lives about 30

nt \i it right by y o n f,\re down to her* and•ryhody trusts you ex-folks will be wttfc ««•

1 wining to give myself'LIT cure; and U you

iih me now you have11 to believe yon areward!"

lu<!i>'!igt>. Ten nlnutesn hi* way to makennd Jihe was saun-

11 the library, whereit reading, and -there

1 moment later. Betsyhail been In a po*t>

tin- conversation In

. -.fry. but Mr. RlderKM- l»et->tr hopes forr «uid in h«r flna.• y.ur father agr*et»

!>• .-r.-«i over hta paper.: • nputatlon amongu:i. ;iu lined to think he.: the right sort atn< nnd that la nerve,1*

Raymond Mnrorl. y |Mr. Nnrcrnsn Krlntl<*rt with

It'* th,. old mnn. Now, youB,.t (..my hofore y»ur moth

er fln«l-i out whm wp nre up tn!""Hut hut uhi . t -howr Haymond

trlfd to Kny"Simple r

ernnn \n qultp sot sometimes—as youmay flnrt tht* yo.mjt lady to be—andmust he hnndUvi with care. 1 eympn-thl«ed with you. Bmi mHde up my mindto help yim. When -IIR oaUed-Novell, 1!1sten«l. Novpll called. Baying thatyou wanted a car at 8:45. She toldhim not tn IK yon have It. Then Itook a hftn.i- I cot It. Then, too.Doctor Jurist. ha|>nen£,to be a friendof mine nnd hp telephoned to find outIf everything wag alUplght It certain-ly In. Now lefa gotbuaj. and Wellmotor hack, nnd all three of us willbreak the news to mother. I don'twant to do It alone—and, Betsy, here's•mrietht** ynu don't know—your moth-er and I eloped! I want'yon to usethat a* a ninchlni* argument Now,Judfton, your turn!"


On Payment af ftmall Sum All WhoWished Might See British Mon-

arch at His Oevetli

fleorge III was the last of the Brit-ish monarch* to live In regal state atthe palace where the prince of Waleshas taken op residence, aaj-s the Man-chester Guardian. After George hadabandoned St. James* In favor of Buck-ingham palace, be continued to attendthe services at the chapel ruyal. Itwas here, a« Fanny Burner relates,that the king stayed no long over bisprayers that "the queen and familydropped off one by one, used to htatethe king, the purtoa and his majesty'sequerry to freete It out together," Aneighteenth century guide book to Lon-don Informs visitor* that "at the g tJames' chapel royal, by knocking atthe *lde floor and slipping a ahlUlngfor each person Into the hand of tb»verger who opens It, you may haveadmittance, and «tand during divineservice In the presence of their maj-esties. For one shining more ewcjiperson you may sit in the royal pres-ence, not In pews, but oft t«n»-up seatson the outside of then."

\wt»y twld, stniUng-


H thought lie washer mother ao-

to drive a manin touch with

[o> v iiidinir her amliea.it tti.y win think after

"h<> was ready, •i figure. 4ust where

the corner threw

i.'iidy stride caught".'•:'• ui> the almost de-

1 iiMiment he waa at

'• Is to pay. Tour'I Novell's garage,><d lose her trade.

l|'>).v i»* the curb. "'.'• this Mr. EHflT

f Kuruge. n e told mehe 1 ,1 changed hl»

1 inn under your or-tmsky voice of the

-i thought and Ridern<t*y into the car,

'"* to the driver. Thelilspored a little, and<> the dusk on their

">•< alight flgttf* he-h i of a protoct-

into one, we are on the w»y.•(! a cbaace of heartalong you ha-to theiu word aa.4 we will

<:<>ol cheelc agmlMty»u, d«ajr. t» the very

• ' ' d i W h ! - -

RATED OXEN ABOVE HORSESGood a>*aso« Why the tarty Settlers

Preferred the- Slewer but SaferMethod ef

The first horses Imported into theUnited States were brought to "NewEngland In 1C28. One horse and sevenmares survived the voyage. Horsqfwere not highly esteemed nor muchneeded In America at that time norfor a hundred years afterward. Therewere no race course* nor trottingparks and the roads generally were sopoor that speed was not desirable hadIt been possible with safety. Oxenwere fouoilto be much better for allfarm work.

Host of the land was rough, rodryand full of titumpv, so that oxen, be-ing strung, patient and slow, CMdamuch the better team for agricultur-al purposes and luiuherlng (ban didhorses, and they were cheaper kept,needing hut HtTfc grain even whan atbard work aijd none at all when "tnpasture. Tliey rwjulrrd uo expensive

-hanteih Uk« borne*, only cheap yOMand chttln. ami were quickly yoked.

The neptirate skirt h a s extended WttW«-ld <if iirti'fulnesm nnd entt-ri'd tin-rnnkn of npparel for morning, noonMid nlRht. It appears this seawon !i>ftuch Mtuff as nets and lace, trimmedwith crystui heads or jet and wlfh•••quins, or one runs across It In bril-liant velvi-tK, beautifully draped, Inmodels nienut to glow or twinkle underthe lights of evening.

To be worn at the other end o^ theday and on the street there are veryhandsome skirts of plain of atrfpe,d,or cro-m-barred woolen materials. 'Pheyare In qutm colors, ns taupe,.brown,dark hlu*., tilm-k nnu white combina-tions. AmoiiK the handsomest thereare miMleU mnde of materials havingbroad diagonal Htrlpes. laid IQ flat boxplnltn. Each plait breaks the stripeand In stttchexl down or pressed Infrom the walac line downward.

Besides these varieties there l a t h e

ttklrt for afternoon wear with HIt n|!|H'urh In |tlnln velvet,

al the hips; In skirts mndr ofthree or more tiers of scant Hounees,having hanging, looped l|tmds aboutthem, or sklrta with these hnmla overtunics of another material, like themodel nhown In the picture. In thinskirt the tnnle is of Hatln and thelooped band.s of wool like the underskirt. They are suspended under ugirdle of the satin and are*iined withIt. The pointed ends of these hnndn,turned back and fastened down with acovered button, give the effect of asmalt pocket nt each side.

The tunic skirt and the tiered alclrtare to be recommended when onewlshea to remodel a last year's suitand make It into Something new In»tyle, Along wtth the one-piece dress,the separate skirt has an Importantplace In every up-to-date wflrdrobe.

Fall Blouses Are Different

Bnakea.I hail lH'«n loslnif for somehail lH if, aud baa beep laying the loss to

i h b hich wereaud b a p yhounds of u neighbor, which were

around," writes ,L. B.

mmS o " •' •

of Fire and UnnecessaryWaste of Qa« Is Prevented

by Contrivance.

Stethoscope Emptoyod to Exam-ine Hearts of Maohines.

SPARK PLUG IS MADE USE OFConnected With C«ll and Battery,

Eliminating Necessity of LeavingTorch Burning—Advantageous

In Various Shops.

It Is the practice In HDIDO fshopa toleave a wfildlnfc torch, burning with asrnnTl flame whnu It In not In IIH<\ ow-ing to the time raquirod for HKM>II^It. Asldo from tho dftngor of ftrcirauficil by thl« cuatoui, It a!wn.y.twastes more or le»3 Ras, which Js notnece«snry If some appnrntUR siirh asthat shown In tho akfttrh la provided.

Anrang«ment of Battery.Underneath tho bench. In a bnt

mounted for the purpose, are placedfour or flvo dry cWls, connected In thenminl w«y tn a Jumjispflrk coil, nnch

Automobile engineers in their HWr-r-censln* efforts to attain tho Mgh-st degree of perfection in motorsnve Invaded tho Held ol nursery tot>taln fin lnfllrument which wilt aidhem.

Tho Ftetho.iropc; l« the Infttnimentwhich has found Ita way Into the

utomobile Indnstry.It la being utilized in th* final teat

of nutnerotifl motor car


A Spark. Pluff, Sunk In the Bench, andConnected to a Colt and Battery ofDry Cells, Eliminates the Necessityof Leaving the Torch Burning.

as US*H! orr atiromohllcs or stnllonnrygan enKlnoft. Tho high-tension tentiln-al» of thfi spark coll om connected toa apark plug, mounted as shown Inthn dctnll, so that thi; points aroflush with the bpneh. In the primaryCircuit Is connected a iiiisli huttonWhich may be located on the floor,preferably sunk 1nro It, so ns to proJoct no farther than tho nc-cuBsiiry diBtance for pushing tho button with thefoot. The torch 1s lighted l>y turningon the gas nnd hrlngiup; the nozzlenear the spark plug, nt the samo tlmopressing the button with tho foot. Thetime required for this operation Ispractlctlly none, after tho workman hasbecome familiar with the location othe button and spark pint;. In tinupper rlght-hnnd corner of tlin tikej^liIti shown a simple method of milking astand or rack for the torch, which willbe handy In connection with the tightIng apparatus.

Safety Most Important.While the gas saved la perhaps a

small Item, the element of nattily lamore Important, and since the amounof current used \H very small, the »i*-paratus will be advantageous In manyahopn whero the all around UKofulnoHsof a welding torch Is appreciated.—0.O. Spreen, Detro't, Mich., in i'opular•Mechanics Magnzlne.



Expert Tester tnefteete Power Ptatttof Modem Automobile Wtth Muoh

Precision- GMightest UnnaturalSound Detected.

The motor^ of nearly every car Is to-fly Hiihjerted to the "stethORcope

:cRt" hefure the car la permitted toeavo (he factory. In th« name malt'er thnt: the physician employs thiniiHlrnment tn examining the heart-—he power plant—of n patient, foritiurmuni," the etpert. tester eiatn-non the power plant of the modernlutnmohlle.

VVIth the enda of the ntethoscopeuhes In hi* earn, tho mechanic "go*«>vrr" the motor with preclRton. Justs tlie doctor oftentlmow pulR tho p«r-on txMnp examined through certain

exercises, th« motor la putIts various paces nnd npeedn,

he tester meanwhile Hounding It outwith \\\H Instrument.

If the results of the examinationnre. not absolutely inatlsfactory, theester diagnoses tho trouhle »nd rec-unmcndR the remedy.

The KtothoHrope tosts aro condnct-d In what are known ns Hllflnt rorfmtiL

Theno rooms, though in tho heart ethe factory, aro Isolated In such a

manner as to he practtcally sonnfl-There, with the aid of tho

stethoscope, the trained ear of themechanic can detect the slightestunnatural sortfid in a motor.



ROPE IS GOOD SUBSTITUTEBorne Emergency Device Is Often Nec-

easary After Ghowei to Prevent•Car Skidding.

frequentlyin Boys' Lffe. "1'erhuiw some

of tho loss was Juittty laid to them."One "Itfbt I found only one «gg

tu a house where I thought thereshould be quite a number, and wa»tuAt leaving the house when I dlscov-

black an ut six feet long,In bis middle

be atiwith a knot oWHnshthat looked as If ft WLI killed him and oarrled him to tb«dwellhiK houae, where I oiwuail Wift

otheff- egg. It urovfd t»

Along With other of our apparel forevery day wear idoinvn have slippedInto* more elaborate ntyles than havucharacterized them for several seu^sons. Just now they reflect the richand glorloua colors of autumn folIuKts

'and presage a chwrrul winter. OeorVgette crepe remains the favorite mate-Yl»l for making them, and Its texturerobs the bright glowing colors usedof any gartrtineM. It Imn u rettne-ment of Its owu to lend to auy color.

Anotjber style future of the newfall blouaes \» the perslatonce of pep-

to the„„ . glass n«8t efg- " hadprevented bl» «a«iplng through th«bole he entered" $S hen house by, and•o proved a snar« (tor

tutoa on »till u.mth«ron Otbtt combination ofg^rgette lu ou.e bloiu.«

i btween aeve

colors otAl*. thereJ.lu ou.

between aeverul neckmay have a high, straight

the front OF

"<3uirt you fin^'work at' /our trader"No. uiu'ttin," ;"Why nott""Well, you se«. .,

cap«eolUrorth«rouu«laln neck nnlan. without auy ¥*>•••»


short aklrts.

hencewith IH;I>UIIU»

'One of tbew In shown

t your driller shown It to you luvivid mi-lurtUiui ri'd . or gold, or

turtiunlsu l) aL•.warm purple orMake u\> your mind to urrtiytike the lili of the Held—or find your-

tuimli alipiii-lL-d uloilg with morebrilliant 4lst ,•r i who follow the trfudof the mode.

Th« blouse pictured Is enihi-ltlshetlwith umhruldciy, or more propi-rl.v nee-dle work, two colors, oneof them hluck and the other mulchingthe blouse. This touch of hlnck<tAwn umni u hvlgbt color in

bloUMu It Ht*th«i'i>d In at 1 he wtilstline nnd u narrow rlhhtni, t tilch It,•eervesftji a girdle. It Is a slipovermodel, which necessitates an tMiistlcbsjnd for ,tbe waistline, iwi™ it Isprosldod with a caaltij,' lutvhiK a Hb-bqo run tjjrougb It. The elastic baudi* more' convenient und the girdle

better w.litju It I* ma,de to hooktugettlar under " bow at the

A uumruer shower occasionallymakes it necessary for the driver of a

ssenger automobile or u truck to use.some emergency <levice to prevent theskidding and slipping of the wheels.At such a time it utwayti happens thatthe tire chajns arw In the t;urugu amieomc makeshift has to be provided.

One tire company suggests that Inauch an emergency a rope wrappedaround the tire at Intervals will

-the traction necessary and will do evenless Injury to tho tlren than chains.The rope should be recvod throughthe spokes and tied securely.

Change your tires from wheel towheel.

(Jlance both wnya on each crossstreet, nnd if you're bot on the mainthoroughfare slow down before youcross.

• • • 'Ilo not full to test your hattery with

a hydrometer every week. A redding;of 1.1.™ to 1.170 ehowa that battery Ladischarged.

• * •Springs are. easily lubricated by

Jackl.iK up the body of a car and sep-arating the leaves with, a scriw-drlveror leaf-spreading tooL

Avoid aimless and unnecessary useof earn ; do a number of errands In onetrip: carry purchases home in the carto reduce deliveries by the stores.

• * •When ljmke.H squeak U IH usually

due to dirt forced Into the lining tfnbrlewhen pressed against the drum. Oftenthtu dirt c.uu bu wuuhud out with koro-«eue.

When putting on new tirea, wherealt are the same size,, put them- onthe rear wheels and the half worn oneson the front wheel*— fhoy will lastlonger.

• • •If gears or differential become noisy

u temporary relief may he obtained byusing ii hciLvii-r oil or grease, but thistrouble comes buck us the lubricantgets low.

• * *Stop wheu the Htreot car ahead of

you stops, and stand still till all pas-Hungers getting off are out of thoHtreet. In moat cities thla Is requiredby ordinance.


HotOrcycle<> Are Fully Equipped WMh Essential* fur Liyht Repairs.

First aid tu thr in..i.*iiMtH «n<1 their tehUli.'« tn in»vidcd \>y th« AutoiuobtlaAjjaoclutlon or tOuglaiid, will- U la qtUlalng motorcycles fitted wlUL^pure tlreaant) tuliea ue<»-8«ary foi- light repairs; also u wtr<trln»r for emergency. Tln>.i*motorcycles work hi conjuijotldn with the A. A. loudsldu telephoru-s and willrespond to calla from motorlats anywhere wlthlu a radios of 80 n»lle» from th«A. A. ph«ne».

. . . _: \,

Page 4: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in


Not On the MarketN. .J.,

Orloher 7, 1 9 1 9My dear F r i e n d s nncl All:

A consolidation of thrat 3r> Smith Si,, PrrlJi Aml>«y.

Published weekly byMIDDLESEX PRESS, 23 Green St., Woodbridgr.Subscription $1.50 Per Year Circulation 1,000


T\ntrncl as scronri-clnss ntnttcr March 1-1, 1!U9, at ttar TostOdicc at Wooflnridge, N. J., unrW the Art of March 3, 1871).

GOVERNMENT AND TRANSPORTATIONWoocUiridge is sadly hit at present for lack of adequate freight

transportation. With the government control freight shipments hereas -well as nil over the country slow up almost invariably, and leasthan a carload of freight now moves in and out of Wuodbridgc aboutonce a week. This threw a great deal of the former freight trafficovrr to the express companies. *

Recently, taking advantage of the monopoly gained by theconsolidation of the express companies into the American RailwayExpress Company under government supervision, when the agencywas given up by Maxwell Logan on account of his grpwing jobprinting business and having a bouncing, newspaper on his hand*the express office at Woodbridge was discontinued and a makeshiftdelivery and pick-up established from itS( Perth Amboy offire,against vigorous protests from the factories of the town. Thisleaves Woodbridge further in the hole.

The express. company, banking on its government petting,attempted to economize more by discontinuing deliveries to EdgarsHill and Spar Spring, thus cutting off four factories just Devourwas. not authorised in the classification without heeding the needsand wants of the people. The former agent saved these sectionsbecause they contained factories important to the welfare of Wood:bridge, On account of the precedent established by the formeragent the company found it hard to ignore these sections, and it iabelieved Wave since restored service,v Providently at this time a local expressman, known as theYorke Fxpre*H, established a daily motor express service betweenPerth Amboy, Woodbridge* Carteret, Rahway, Elizabeth and New-ark with a transfer at Newark for New York. The* rates are muchlower than that of the government company, and goods are pickedtip and delivered the same day. Because of the acquaintance of theformer express agent. Maxwell Logdti, with the transportation needsof Woodbridge, this office has been made a. station for this newexpress. Ordersr to pick up and deliver goods over its route for anyday may be telephoned in by calling 222-W before 9 A. M. ofthat day.

Since the government company no longer furnishes adequatefervic« we believe thi» private motor express will meet with greatfavor.

in lot you knowthin town can't hold a truB audjion-oat American soldier rtQwn, and Ihave a record I urn proud ol and can

write ns Rood iifl anybodynnd am glad" to «ny T was born and,rnlsod in

ntiy -old maids or my|yfi I have th« true

1 am Tint exported or 6n£Sgfxl tolie mnrrifd toown blood RHblood of a truo American citizen.

There never was « man couifl saytliiit "I was a Imp soldier to rayniutvn land." which Is Ih i town of

p, and I rnnnot. stand bynow as I belong to the Army

and Xnvy now and forever,. I foughtin France and Mexico, and now T atnnot Koine to put • up with this nnylonpnr. 1 never knew what b_rotherljrlove wns until I came back. But nowthe Navy is to keep me forever. Andplease don't write until I write fltst,

I ennnot worry over anyhody any

Put thin in the paper and pang Itaround to everybody and when they

6ff Sprcial Correspondent.'Mr. T h o m s o n , nf Mft lne s t ree t . Is

a b l e t o iMi'nhoiit ;"K»'n. a f t e r b e i n g 'bf idly l i i l u r c d '» "" o u t o m o b i W i "'<* .dent. < <

Mr. V. Fonliiuuulsen, of CutterBVenuo, lias joliu'd *h« Y. M- C- A. ,of Perth Amboy. • j

Mr. and Mr*. A P. Johnson enter-tained Mr. nnrt Mrs. Qulah, of. Keaa-bey. ,

Mrs. l.fddle » M an out-of-town visitor flnturnar.

wa» a Perth

yyr»u who It won say !t was

Cnn. I, Olbrick. H*> Is a soldier oflove and iwnrn and prosperity.

Hifl nrothors nevs»r holleved him ornny rolntion of his, so his hnnut Inbroken up. Please leave him alone.OR he. Is willing to work for an honentunion. l»(in'n wage* and not « com'mon ormlnary neat's wages.

H*> is a man for thr V. S. Army andthe U. S. Navy any day in the week.He will mukf good as he Is a smartkid for his HK« and too Ktlrk forWoodbridge now. Bo glvn him ftgood, warm handshake before tieleaven, as you cannot beat him nomatter what you Bay. He ia a trueman no matter what game he plays,so I hope and wish him good luck and

d h h d t lnd bring him buck a true American

fighter, as I wiBh we had a conpte ofmillion Ilk* him on hand.

I remain a soldier, American Expe-ditionary Forces, snd one of the first

GEO. L. O.

KEEPING OUR BALANCEIt is you, the reader, who huys this paper because it is made

for you to read that causes the advertiser to buy space that he may.through the medium of its columns, reach you, the people that this,paper reaches.

It is the reading matter that we carry, and not the advertising.that makes this paper a valuable advertising medium.

If we should stop carrying reading matter, stop making a news-paper for me reader, or if we should stop delivering full readingmatter value to you who are paying for this paper, it would loseits advertising value and would not long enjoy its present measureof prosperity. You, the reader, will not buy and the advertiserlenows you will not buy—merely an advertising dodger. *

You will not look at and the advertiser know* you will notlook at—merely an advertising doger.

So if we should quit making a newspaper for you, the reader,if we should encroach upon the reading matter for which you arepaying by filling the space with advertising for which you are notpaying, and for which the advertiser knows you are not paying, wewould kill the paper with both the reader and the advertiser.

The successful, publication of any kind, the big city newspapersor the better grade of magazines, never encroach upon the spacesold to readers, the amount of reading matter is always /rjaintained•and is as a rule increased with,the increases in volume of advertising.

The great majority of publishers of daily and weekly news-papers are today dealing fairly with their readers, and are givingthem full value in reading matter for the subscription prices theyare paying. It is largely because the publishers of the country dailyand weekly newspapers are doing this that these publications haveachieved a better standing as an advertising medium. But thereare some publishers who fail to recognize the rights of the readers,who look upon their publications as advertising dodgers in which the

< readers lutvt; no rights. The publishers are injuring themselves,and if they will not learn that they must be honest with their readers,if they art* ti> l>t- successful, their papers will soon tome to theinevitable reputation of "all advi»."

This paper believes in keeping a balance of at least one-half. reading matter.

PERSONALSand iot> Soklusky are tinjoy

ing their new touring car> j t ' Mr». Morris antavUlned tlio ladies

Mrs. Levl, *Jho hau bttn making of th^ Presbyterian Church at ihith b M Cher home with ber sou, Mr. (leurge home of Mra, C. A.

l.nvl, on Linden avenue, has U U n u Mr. Wober. of Wedgewou.t avenuehuube on CufC jFOt avenue. ia enjoying- hit* n«w t^.i.iK car

The Junior Boy Scouts will gu im Mr. Von. Bremen ou^anml a gur% hike BiUurday $fter,noou at ;'• ttt-m-r n> lay out *>'i urouurtyo'clock- / " . iji'dfii'K and ornuinepUil trtjes.

MtHavi(, ^ibtei who has been stuy- iitiward Huber ot Ne* Itrunuwlck'ior.ttjB past two motith« to Lwtg H\W.W\ (ht- week-end at the borne oliUior.ttjB past two motith« to Lwg H\W.W\ (ht weekend at th borne of

]Br$ftch, has returned tp her ajater'tf hit) i>aii,nu, Mr and 'Mra. Adsru1 • : - ' Mil'•'Curdlu'er of Frw»il»a MHUor : ; v 'home,etroet.


jof Frw»il»a

MlHH Marsuerlte Browne of Longof Freemau Iulaud WUB iu towu ou

God !>'a«H his honest and soul

Hbout TLownHtf Special Corretfrondent.

Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Campbell willeavtt thin week for New York Citywhere they will be located duringhe winter months

Mr. Colby Dill has; purchased theP. A. Anness hous* on Green strtwtand exnectH to move his family thereabout 1.

MIBS Minnie Campbell, who haboon spending; the summer hern, hasreturned to her home la Philadelphia. *

Mtsn Molly crossAmboy vhiitor v.'>y<

Mr. and Mis I'etmw, of Ford ave IMfi, et)tertiiin''i friends ov«r the jweek-end.

Mrs. A. OlB<n entertained her als- ••er-in-)aw, Mrs N. llansen, and chll-Iren, of Perib Amboy, Sunday. ;

Mrs. Hniidrrhan snd children, of I

The End of a Peri** Da

Maino ptreet, spout Sunday with her , —mothor In l v ' h Amboy.

Mr. and Mrs. Marlao Hanson .at*1

iriHd th.o tw-ntieth' *eddinit annl-!voraarv of **• Hanien'n parents,*Mr. and Mrs. N»lson, ot ferthAmhoy.

Mi»s Eli/.ni>«'th An.<*«r»on wat a |'erth Amhm visitor Wednesday, •

TSn. Martini M. W-rnat vldlted her]Bister. Mn< I Dock, of N«w»Tk. :

hSusan A ,ltifU,old. divdn Fords.

Mr. WUi

nty-threo yearn ,her home :

il IH having a steam heat-infilled in hla new horn*

on Ford nv< rnie.Mr.

nie. „ . ^Weinman, of Tottenrtlle,

spent lh^ wii*-end witfc hta aunt,Mn<. A, W'leman, on Ford avenuj.

New BarbeY Shop -at Hopelawn

* O'Rri.<n. tho barb«r of Hopelawn.a putlinp up a $4,400 building In

whirh to oarry on hi* trowing busi-ness. Mr O'Brien ha* been la bust-new for B uumber of. years.

VICTROLA CLUB AT CONCXNNON'S NOW$1.00 and select the machine v<u, •.>.. ,

woith (>( rc'.or/li and tben pay $1.00 per ^. ; •deliver it to you for Christmas. Come tml:i\ ,open to only 2f> inembrr*. Caflnt hour Hu- , • ,CnlumMii records. Gel my factory to l»n\,l'iunos ami Player Pianos.


Published Weekly Circulation ofSubscription $1^0 Per Year 1,000

Mrs. William H Trail, who wasoperated on for appendicitis In theHaliway Hospital the paat week, lareported to be doing vary nicely.

Mr. , John Jost of Col I Ings woodvisited friends In town the paBt week.

Mr. and Mrs. Brown of Tunkaha-noch were the weekend visitors oftheir daughter, Mies Esther Brown.

Mrs William H. Voorhees leftyi'Htorday for a two weeks' visit withlmr sister, Mrs. Jotham Coddlngtonof Scranton, Pa.

Mrs. n. L. McNulty, whq has beenat (lit) home of her mother, Mrs.(ieorge Brewster, for the past nilweeks, has returned to her home InWashington, D C

Uuilding loan shares are as safem iuvestiueut as one can secure andgive better returns than can be hadfrom any BiivingB bank.

Mrs. William Pratt of Metuc&envisited a few of her many friends intown ou Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Asher Randolphmoved this week from Grove avenueto their home in Rahway avenue.

The money invested in BuildingLoan Shares is used to build up amiadvance your liuwfe -community, andd hthe greuteat good for the greateat number.

Mra. Dudley Chase, who baB beenvisUing her mother, Mr«. O,car Val-uutine, has returned to her home inllaliway.

Mr»,. Ivlna Hrowue is HI at herhome la Kuhway avenue.

Get the thrift hab.lt. j o i n theWoodbridge Building fit LoU[1 Asso-ciation «iud help in the upbuilding oryour community.

Rev, and Mrs. Buahman attendedPreal>yti»ry in Elizabeth ttiia wu.-k

Mlaa lt#« Oatoru »peut theand in Abbury Park. '

Ciltnut Mer^itjji of llnnclle »iod £rl*iud» in Sunday.


n Harrington ofeek-«ad guedt of


-Invest Your SavingsSafely'

DO YOU KNOW That there are ONE-HALF Mil{JON DOLLARS in Hoine Buildings nowunder construction in Woodbridge pro|><r?

DO YOU KNOW That, if we had another hundmlhomes ready, they would be disposed of inshort order?

DO YOU KNOW That the Woodbridge Building &Loan Association is a prominent factor in the

\. development now Under way?JDO YOU KNOW That the Twenty-second Seri<- of

» that Association opens tonight and will re-main open a week?

DO YOU KNOW That that Association needother thousand shares subscribed in tseries in order to care for its vastly inma

* * business?DO YOU KNOW That everyone's dollar i« m-n

to keep the boom we are now enjoying tithighest i>oint of activity?

PO YOU KNOW That now is the time to join tl*Association to partake of the increased profit-that are bound to accrue to all sharehoi<l< '"who take advantage of this golden o|H><itunity? . 6 , _;

Make Your Decision Now!Join the Woodbridge Building

Loan Association



M. IRVJNG DEMARESTGeneral Contractor

E J cn


Page 5: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in


iress—Auto Servicebetween Newark, Elizabeth, Linden,

.1V, Woodbrldge, Perth Amboy, Carleretand Chrome

Telephone 3 I 0 Roosevelt

fice: 9 THIRD ST.Woodbridge Station:


Telephone 222 W

Building aid Loan SharesEagerly Bought Up



The Tirt With a 6000ile Guarantee and Free Repairs

MIDDLESEX PRESS;en St., Tel. 222-w, Woodbridge.


Th<» (-ommlttefl Jn chnrftf* of tho<1rlvo that Is being conducted by ourlooal liuildinR and Loan Associationfor memhftrHhlp In the B2nd series,l<> be offered to the public the wnekof O o t o W mth to 17th. report thattln>y nro monlifiR with a henrry rft-MponHe from <iur tuvrhspeople, and anumber of IIHK'1 HubscrtptlonH havelilrnaily limm lakitti.

This showM ttm( our citizens nreuwako tu Ihn innny advantages thflHulldltif* and E.oiut Association offersU> IiivoHU.ru, and that the drfT19 Wiltprove n tnnxRHH lieyond measure

This nlao apf.-ilfs well of the confi-dence repimed |,y (|lfl inTOStorfi, andhomeHonkcre ulikt;, in the director**<>f thi< association, who by conHcrva-tivo and rareful luaimgemenl of UBafTiurH f(ir the.past nine (9) yearshiiv«> Kifintlj- incryiised its resourtt-sfind Htoi»! ol activities, and, ure work-ing hard to make this the bnnneryonr o( its exlHtenoo.

We nro now In the midst of aperiod of rcrcinstruutton after _th«ritcorn of 1 Jio Rreatwur, and the Isad-ora of <mr country are urging uponall r>f n« the cHtnpalga of saving andconservation, in ofder th«,t we mayT>e ablp to lend a helping hand to themuny nutioiur that have t>$en »orelydrained by the great worti'i conflict;

riier« 1» no better metttm of ping to solre thin condition than bypracticing economy in our every flayiir<\ ntnl placing a Btnall portion ofour oarnlngn away monthly in thr?Build in* & Loan- 'Association, Inthis way yon arc aavlng^what mightot.hflrwjae be used up In ordinaryohnnnets of llrinff, and at tli« Ham*time you are helping In the recon-Htriu:(.lon work of yonr community,which might otherwise have to be B«-cured from another noufc»v

Th« Muilding it Loan ARaorlationnin our rountry hare be -omc suchimi>ort(in» factors that HIP gov<>rn-mont haw now under considerationimportnnt constructive l^gisiattonwhich will suld marerlally to their

h of operations. ,



On An AverageY»n fit% lhrr« timet more than you

pay for »ben TO*


Perth Ambey

; Presbyterian Church Notes1 Kuaclay. |, 10:00 A. M Sunday Srhool and| Men's Bible'G'lasH. I

ll:i><> A. M. Morning Service.Topic:, "Stars and Hearts."

1:0h P.'M. c. B. .7::o i>, M. Special aorviccB.

Speaker, Indian Chief Matowong.

The ladles of the PreabytertanChurch werp pntnrtained on Wed-ne«d»y aftprnoon by Mrs. Morris a ther home In Railway avenue.

Moral—Don't BorrotrA man who was too stingy to suh-

Hcribtt for hlw home paper sent, hislittle hoy to borrow the copy tnkonby a neuchlior. ^in hln haste the boyran over a $4 stand of hotse and In tenminutns IOOIWHI tike a waHy summerwjuash. His futhrnr ran to hia assist-nnce, and failliijg to notice the barbwire foncr, ran' into that, nuttJnR nhole hi hit* uuaumiy and ruining it?5 pair of troiiHerB. Th« old eok-took advantago of th'e gap in Lhnfen/:o and got into the corn neld andkilled hei-Hdr eating green coin.Hearing <t racket, the wl f^r . in out,upset H four K a 11 on churn full ofcream into a banket of little chickena,drowning ^U** entire hatch. 4p IHThiiHto tilie dropped a | 8 5 net of falsetroth Thfl bn\,y, -hnviiiK Tjo»ai l<>ftalotit;, crawli'd through the milk Intothe parlor, ruining :i brand m<w $25carpet. DurlnK thjj^jxciu-iiu-iil llu-oldest <!mightor rfB5ivrn> with thehired man, the dog broke up 1 1 sot-tinff hens and tho calves got out HUIIchewed thft tailn of four 11 nn shirtson the clotheB l ine. - -Hwbree ( Ky 1Banner.

DI Conflicting Thought* D

W h o ' s ( i o t t h f ( ! h i < * k o n s ? i lm tv - Iwo chlckmiK wore, stolen frontJoseph f lrejtoiR, of Mllci idi i li> Icr-

race, roporfed to liinlliin l i cn l ilu>r T i l l .

on Mm night of Octo-


For labeling and wrapping in Rahway. Clean, pleasant

work, up-to-date recreation room, also lunch room and

restaurant in building. Hours 8 to 12, 1 to 5, Saturday

one-half day. Permanent employment and advancement«

to good worker*. Apply MERK &. CO., employmentoffice, Rahway, N. J.

Attended To ! • Woodbridg* tmd Ford.



Telephone Perth Amboy 163


Feed, Bran,i le. Ms?Straw



KEYESpPianos Moved


New Jertey

FuULineofFord Parts

AccessariesElectrical SuppliesLighting Fixtures


193-195 Smith St.,Perth Amboy, N. J.

Ambalaw* Service

R. A. HIRNERUndertaker andExpert Embalmer

1 Office anil Garafl* 47 Main St.Real dene* 23 nlgn at,

WOODBRIDGE, N. J.Phone Qfllce 264 Res. 239

Trinity Episcopal ChurchSeventeenth Sunday »fter Trinity.Church school, 10 a. m.MornlnK prayor and sermon, 11

o'clock. "What I« Chri«ti«nity?"and »nriuon, 4 o'clock.WALTKK H. STOWB.

1st Congregational ChurchSnadty, 10 A. M , Sandar iicbool;

11 A. M.. morning worship; T P. M.,Cbrfwitan find««vor; 7*6 P. L

Wednesday, JJ P. M.. prayer me«t-Inc.

Friday, 7 H. M , intermediateChjiflU*a Endeavor.

The annual meeting; of the COB-rr«c»tiouAl Church and Society WMh«ld on Wednesday evening in th«church parlors. Following the bu»Fn«M meeting, ice cream, cake andcoffee way served by the lendera. ,

A number of delegates from the.Presbyterian and Congregatlonftichurches attended the Sunday SchoolcoBT«ntion held in Perth Amboy.

Methodist Church Notes. Sunday. 10 A. M,. Sunday achool;11 A. M., moininK wqrahip; 7:45P. M., evening worship.

Wednesday, 7:45 I' M, prayerservice.

There will be an udjournod meet-ing of the King's Daughters on Monday afternoon at the home of MrsW. A. Osborn. *

Sunshine NotesThe Sunshine Sodal Club of the

First Baptist Church has turned overto Mrs. L,. Luck * 15.51) towards thefurnishing of the pulpit of thechurch.

George and James Paine, who arefbotb In the navy, visile*! relatives andi friends in town over the week-end.

i The chicken dinner which theIclub gave recently waa well attendedI About 100 gueatu are suid to have| been present. The ileuitind wasgreater than the Bupply, as nearly ulthose who bought tickets were proa

lent and a few had to be turned awuy

A. J. MILLER LBR, CO.Phone Roosevelt 412

Sharrott*and ?rd St., Carteret, N. J.

If you intend to build pr make repairslet us furnish


Right Prices, Quality and Service

SHINGLE BEAUTYFor best appearance and wear ofroof or shingled si<!*' wall* do notdecide on "just sliinglra"—-buy


They are preserved aguinst decay,worms, weather and curling up-1-tbey last a generation. Ordinaryshingles look shoddy beside a" C H E O - D i r T " shiugled home.They come already stained auycolor desired. I et us show you

Sample* of Color* on Woodd yet our Price*.

BEAVER BOARDInsist on getting Genuine Beaver Board.

Do" not accept a substitute, Genuine

Braver has the trade mark plainly printed

every three feet on the back of every

panel. Sizes 4ftX6ft-7-8-9-10-12-16.


It wasn't as impossible aa It aeemed' . WAS -4N VH€T) ' - _

Page 6: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in

DEWS OF EVENo More Centle Than

"Casrarfts" for theIjver, Bowels

11 jnst ne needless as It Into take violent or naaty r-athartW-R.

provides no shock nlvwrlwn-s fi>rjanr liver and bowels AfrnlnRt <*nlf>mr>l,larch pill*, sickening oil nnd so Its.fiURiiitt givfr quirk rcllof without in-Jsry frotn Constipation, BHIOIIMIPHS. Tn-

flnswt and SlrV HondachP.trets work while you sleep, remov-

thf! toxin*. p'tt*!'»ns niul sour. In-tlbta wn^te wit limit prlnlnc^w In-ifenre. Oasonmts rr-culntft by

nr the bowel muscles. TheyBo 111Mi> too.- Adv.

The Mode.1 *!Pomo(1nu"f ( hnvo traveled miles In

pKJ dreams.""I *(i|>|iosf> II WHS oh E nightmare."

Important to Mather*Kiamluv carefully, every bottle of

©ASTORIA, that famous old remedytor Infants and children, and see that It

Bears tt•aCnature of il a Use for Over 30 Tears.IQbildrcn Cry for Fletcher's Caatoria

Ignorant is h\|fts until it begins tolate with egotism.

•jomct lines it man misleads peopley being honest with them.

IT yaau *r«a (mart or fml aCaldad. II*-• • t B*ra Balaam applla4 wpmi folmm to tada law th* thtaay »• nil*** tlmaa. .*»».

n Is Mtt so ranch what you earn asyon, spend that counts.

Potatoes, tottnrru and'corn are n*-1U» America.

$100 Reward. $100la a local dtaeaae ar*attr Infls-

bj conatttutlotial condtttotts. It* requires constitutional tr«*t-HALL8 CATARRH MKD1CINB

_i Internally and *xta throug* tb*on UM Mucous Burbicss of tho Bye.HALL'S CATARRH MBDICIN*r» tha foundation of the dtaaaa*.

a the patient atrentth by )tnproving•BMral heaULu and aaalvta na,tur» In

" work. flOOOO for any cu« Othat HAUL'S CATARRB

•JB fill* to run.UKCfata 7*c. TestlroonlaU fre«-

P. X. OMnev A Co.. Toledo, Ohio.

KVCH the feet of a lazyp trouble du»t.

man can


j. in PLUG formMOIST & FRESH

M l CANT CUT OUT 5.T.SKIIsat fou can clean tbcui oS promptly witfc

iNEABSORBand you work the hone amc thncDoes not blister or remove thehair. $2.50 per bottle, delivered.Will tell you more if you milt.Book 4 R free. ABSORBWE, JIUthe antiaeptic liniment for mankind,reduces Viricote Vein*, RupturedMuck* of UftmenU. Bntarrca Uiaoa*, WOKC T » AlUyi pain gukilr. rrkc (Li t • baoh

of dcUrtitd. Made la &c U. L A. by

uticura Soap13 IDEAL

or the HandsSSc.. Olntownta * Wo.. Talcnin tto. ttample

true In "Outluara, I>rpt. K. Bodoa."

THE "BLUES"Caused by


Anil rlo«f*r

"ni l n f t fn vlrtiif>B BP<T?I to

Anil thuii man rim1"died,

Nut un<5«>rs<o«<1

fnlli llv«a


The simplest foodn »-cll cooknl andare the most HtitiHf.vinR to the

mnjnrily of peoplefor every dny.

Coconut Bisque.*»rnt** on** f ni-ft-

nut without r>Mjiov-Itfn tlu' brown <kln,i-i iv cr with orn1

Inu hoi. nml letsttind Tintil oolil :

<trsln through n thin rlotb, f*ni! n-lil'lit' Juice of iiiu> IciTi'yu nnd xnniir totnsti\ Serve mid. prcTernWy

Cggs D« Lessepa.— Smite the ecsr*n n pun with M small amount of bitl-

tor, fsikinsj inn' tint to Iirenl; the yolk.Ihen plare idem on n hot plntter and•lust with v).)t ; liii.wn tin- butter tn"he frylnir pnn. iiddin;; n te:i<;poonful of

tn fi.nr ejJKS, anil one ten-ipoonfnl of minced parsley. Servewith ca.lv e's hrnlns Mint nio hoiled. sw»wnml.anrl sauted In butter, then pourthe sance over the epgs and brn(n*«.

Claridge Beef Heart.—Wash and re-move pipes from the heart, wipe dry.Stuff with nn herb stuffing, tie secure-ly and roast for nlioul thrf*1 hours In

modornte ovon. Rentovo strings,serve hot with Rravy ^Kiureil nround.

Stuffing - -Chop one ounce of suetOne; fcrtd two cupfnls of iirt-ini rnuniis,One chopped onion; m>H.>4oii «Mth piir^ley. thyipe, pepper, wilt and tilt ofgrated nutmeg. Mix well nnd mid <>newhole ejot to hfnd It

Sauce—Mix tliri-f largo rlpi' toir-.itoes, two sliced onions, two mpfuls ofstock. Julci' of one lemon iinil n ti-a-spoonful of prepared mustnrtl. fook

nilnut«*s, mix with ft tonspoonful ftcornfitarcb itissolvcd in cold wnter: rubthrough a sieve, reheat ojul n<l>l ft ta-blespoonful of rhnpited parsley.

Fish With Green Pepper.—Tako onenn<l three-fourths cupfuls of eookedflsh and one ctipful of white smire.Cook :i hnlf ii slice of onion in butteruntil brown, mid snlt, pepper. 1'nr-boil a pepper, then cut In strips andiidd to the tish, onion anil white sauce.Serve lint.

Celery Toast.—Out tender stnlks of"I'IITV into thin slices nnd cook Inunited water nntll tender. Use butlittle water, so there Ifl none left whencooked. Add cream to cover, seaBonwith i»-|>i»-i mid nalt, add flour wlllia little cold milk, mixed to ft paste un-til thiik. I'rcpare buttered toast andpour tbe celery sauce over It. Servepiping hot.


Was Laid Up

"I titd OTIO AT tht m N t can* of W4->«y CompUtnl lma(lnnh!e." "r« MilWm. Vnfl. IIIC Alidr jr Aw*..M«, "and t m laid up In »*d for• t • tlna..

"My aladdtr * u lnflam<-« mni Uv*kl<ln#7 pecrrtinn* r*tia«4ltorrlhii. pxln My backn i In •ix-h M l afc***th«i wh-n I mavx) t inp*lhi w^r« llk« a fcnifa-lhf'i« : r<1 an ditto/ Icouldn't mooD avA n rhi-«d ju>i thrnbbaA »UHpain Unit* of P«r*»l-ration vnuld atand onmy t#tnp|p«. tb*B Iwould tiHtmi toldnnmh. Uj h»art «ot«awaa afT* t*d Una 1 f«tt ateIf I couldn't t»a* t

•TMth. I rot »n nrrvnua an4 ninI f»rt nra n u n t »"tl i

tI f»r n u n t g • «*tah*d that 1 mltbt <1!» ao mj- (uatarlu

ld ba %nir*. MriHeln* fall«4 ts halpa I w u dl<K»uMkr*d.

K 1MII* ar»r«nd I enolf toll


rav 1MII* ar»r« racntntt«nd-

mm and I enolf toll I •mm b ih*lp»4 alttr tha Oral r*w doaaa.


•mm b*in«t a. t k-apt

V ( better "ttrj <1«r and footlniwdtin eurad ma. Mr health Irnprovad la

W»T and twit of all, tfaa enr* haap»rman«nt I fr»l that Doaa'a



EmbroiderersSxperionced hand cmfaroMefcn on tCat*nped underwear. Steady. Work wot out

of town. Send sample*.B s i cLLA-SC;iiLiER BROS.

»W«at 24th Stre« New York Ctty

Doth"We twiff nn old fuwlly kdocker on

>ur front door.""We have one lnslfle."


rial Reduction In High Cottof Living.

"Tood products wer» wrttr higherpriwd or more nP*d«J than ther werothis past year. Had yet the food ad-ntnlstrntlon -tntes that one-half of ourp*riahanl« produce rottwl on theground for ldi-v of traiwportatlon fa-cJlltlen," nalrt <l«irf« 0 . Hnbb* «al«amanager for a l*rg« antomoijlle con-cern. "Surh ft wi«te wpnld bo nnheard of In Europe. It w*old flp*'1 n *'tJonal dlsici'T. And at first thoughtIt se*>m« remMrkable that tt ahould betmo of the 1'iiuntry which has 229.M1miles of mil road an against Mn,8ttlmiles for i.ll the rent of th# world puttogether, mid <l.000.000 motor vehiclesan mrfllnst nppn>tlmat«ly 440.000 forthe rest of the world.

"But w<> niiiRt remember that allthis grent network of rmtlroad* andwaterways might aa well not extut, nofmr as the fanner located fire nillei

Dont Forget f.uticura TalcumWhen adding to your toiiet reQDiattaa.;kn exquisitely scented face, akin, babyind dnating powder and petfome, reo-lerlnK other p«rfnmaai «perfluoua.£00 may rely 00 It became one of thaCTutlrura Trio (Soap, Ointment andralcum). 28c each everywhere.—Ad*.

No Hard Taak, Either."Heading vera libre, are you. old

man? Well, you might be doing worse.""Yes, I might be writing It."—Bos-

ton Transcript.

11a plthpr f«ar« Mn tfa,t» too much.Or MB desserts art small,

Tliat darea not put It to the touch1 let firm inivrt to K**'l "J'


A few (iiileH. a handful of nuts, ahit of bread nnd butter, a glass of

milk, nnd one Is well fed.The date is valuublcfood, and tt Is refreshln£ i)i-casW>niilly to cutloose from modern cookfry anil enjoy flnst prin-ciples.

Date and Apple Pie.—Line a pie plute with Hrich crust, till with umixture of chopped date*

and npples, UHIIIK one cupful of date*In two of npple ; sprinkle with ciiuiu-IIKIII, sn^iir tun] dot with hits of hutter. ('nver with 11 top i-rust mid t)ttk*in 11 liuiilerute uven one hour. Strvthot or cold with whipped crenin ota la mode.

Date Sandwiches. — Kemove I In'Ktones from well-sviisdied diite^ nnd cutiii strips; add un equnl iitunUlty ofpet'tiu ineutH, cut tine; mil with 11 lit-tle cretuned liutter; mid 11 di^b ufsuit and spread on slices of bit-ml.

Stuffed duttts muke a most dalutylittle dessert when one does not wlrth:uivlliiiig more tilling. Stuff ivith foildiiut. cream cheese, or with nuts, astill are good.

Date Cream Puffsv—Kill cream puff*with a mixture of nuta, dates undwhipped cream; roll lu sugar andserve. Tue puffH, If made v«ry MIUUII,look more dulnty and go further.

Date Bread.—Muke a Hpougt! with

A SUMMER COLDA cold fa tha snmmer time, M every-

body know*, hi the hardeat kind of acold to get rid of. The best and quick-est way la to go <to bed and atay thereu* j o u can, with a bottle of "Poechee'aSymp" handy to laaare a food night'srest, free from eoogblag. with e*aj ex-pectoration In the morning.

Bat If yon cant stay In bed you motkeep oat of draaghta, avoid soddenchanges, eat sparingly of simple foodand take occasional doses of BoscbaaVs8ymp, which yon ca* bny at any atorawhere medicine Is sold, a safe and eftVclent remedy, made tn America for morethan fifty yean. Keep It handy.—Adv.

Britons Educate Millers.The British UIIIHDK industry has

started a campaign of technical educa-tion to Improve the efficiency of Itsworkers.


Motor Trucks Help Farmer to Get HisProduce to Market CHespty andQuickly.

bark in the country Is concerned, un-less he Is able to advantageously haulhis produce over that five miles to thenearest shipping point. As SecretaryHed field recently pot It, Ton mightbuild the railroads op tmtll they areten tracks wide, bet yon do not ftiMyhelp the farmer ten miles away to gethit* produce to market. And yon mightfill the rivers with steamers, and hamay still be isolated.'

"Motor cars and motor trucks are apartial solution. But they are notenough. To use them advantageouslyrequires good roads as well, overwhich the farmer can haul his prod-uce ID motor vehicles directly to theconsumer, Where possible, or else tothe nearest aalpptag point Therenever was a sounder Investment tnthe world than money expended tnthe building of good roads. TheRomans had learned that 2,000 yearsHfro. and they built their roads so wellthat Borne of them are used yet

"Certainly one of tbe sorest ways toreduce the high cost of, living Is tobuild more good roads. And the 'buildnow' campaign which Mr. Wilson, sec-retary of labor* baa recently startedihonld receive tbe nearly support ofeverybody,"



* tt 7


MAY MAKE YOU RKOttr S.0S0 BUT** la th« rteb Tulnrn.i, ,tirm Mctitou, InHaMHtax onf T*HM h. I Ionumtl ehanoe for gaW-h-Uc l l n . ,(Inn rotniianr tnM lu •tiaraa at 5 <-. .c«an« worth $10. O«r riium an- 1,1


Ngrtk A M l G M QU & Rtlinini GQ. DITI_ .... _.. VJ


Wri t * Te Ttasay—laah ,

HANG ON" FOR MANY YEARSKnow That Jellyfish Live

Long, but "What Do TheyGet Out Of ItT"

In a rwcnl lecture to rhlldrwi atthe Hoynl Institution, London, Prof-D'Arry \V. Thompson told of a Jelly-fish known as Granny that waa res-cued by Sir John Ornlfam Daljrttt andkept allv«> In sen water. Granny, ac-cording to Prof. Thompson, waa care-fully tended by Sir John nnd fed red-ularly one-half mussel a fortnight.She throve Exceedingly under this kindattention. Six hundred of her offspringwere known. On the death of Sir Johnshe passed to the care of an arcticexplorer and wan bequeathed by himto another scientific man. Granny out-lived frfur protectors and died at last.Oct. 11. 1887, at the authentic age of0T years, beiruuse of the. neglect orIll-treatment of n botanist.

Prof. Thompson did not nay so, huthe leff It to be assumed that had th<"neglectful botanist been as careful andattentive as waa Sir John DalyellGranny might pat ba allva. says theNew York Tribune, in which case sh*would be no Jess than 98 years old.and aRRunilng that she was at lesTsftwo when Sir John found her, wblch

answer to ihad the b»ir"blew up tli'1

seems probable, she would bepast the century mark.


That Dassfid*."Do you think any woman belleTca

you when you tell her she Is the firstwoman you ever lov«d?"

"Yea, If you nre the Orst Hsr shehits ever met."

Name "Bayer" is on GenttfMAspirin—say Bayer

at U,•BBC


1» who worry, »r« neiDon-tit meatal {lerireaaton. feel

and ara ofl«n ni«lauclii>l>, t>ellev« tbalcundltlona ar« dun io uutalde lofluencoaVfalch tlio* have Illlle or no control.

ly alwaya, hewavtr, they can b« traced | > n e q U a r t of l u k e w a r m Wttter. hal f 11an Internal mvurc*-aAM-MarOneU. Nor i» ^

dared at. Aeldatocnavb, beginwum _i »mli wull d*flrni'l •yniploino aa In-

hrli-.lilni. hoartborn. bloat, etc..It nut i^iecked. In time alTecl to aoma

i. uilivr all tba vital orKatu. Th»hi>i.in tircuinea daraueit. DI«e»l(oQTim l.lu.nl tn Impuvertabad. Health

UKMiKlSi are uadcrmliud. Tba rlctlm (•(biuiikaL:li. ultliutmti h* nifty ndt known u t uf hlo nilitteola, C«*l* hta hot>«,

billon und energy atlpplaaS. Andlife la iiaiH r.i wurtb muota to tha

it! !)im'i iut nffld aloxrtach boldwrack yuur Lealtb, n u k e your

ukaki: vitu a victim o# tk «louiny tln;uiht«! Th»™ (a aleiii i. f1 i , , t /cal^il BATON 10

tttil BUll» MUlck iilltft frnm yourT.)l;l«a—a«J>>uur on.inui.ll 16 mi l l *

It B|rulil(, <uul. H--.I ,.M1 comMrt-yov Krt ba^h wititi -<tT<itMtlLK

taara ti»> (umlupon liHiuininiotiJO wiiii 1.1 ii



at !*• urn »ui. you will'.It you win )u»i «ivo u a

tabaiU that yuu

conipressed yeast cuke itnd a teuspoon-ful of salt, one nnd one half pints afDour. When ll^ht uutl Hiiongy addhalf « cupful euch of sugar and ino-lusscs und iluiii to iiutke it drop bat-ter; uild two oupfulH of chopped tlates;kiii-ad and let rise Wiieu IlKht, moldInto loaves; rlNi; again mid buke 45lUltHltt'fl.

Date .Pudd'nfl.—Take two-thirdis ufa CupJful of chopped sstlet, otie Ji'iipfulof hreud eniinh.s, one eK« well heuten,rwo Jiilil<ii\i>«»uful» at HUKUI, imu rue-ful of milk. »'>« fuiiful of Htoueil duteflcut One, one teagpomiful of vunllla,two tea^itooufuta of baklu^ powder, atu}lf<-te<i0£oojLiful of slilt nnd enoughHour to ii»aK« a 4rop battur Hteamthree hour* a««i serve with an egg

loatst on "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"In a "Bayer package," containing proi>-«r dlrectlonaV, for Headache, Coltls,Pain, Neuralgia, Lumbago, uud Klieu-mattsni. Nume, "Bayer" means gi-uulneAspirin preBcrlbed by pliyukluna fornineteen years. Handy tin tuxes of VItablets cost few ceuls. Aspirin la trudemark of Buyer Manufacture of Mono-acetteaoldeetiT of Sallcylicacld.—Adv.

University of MleMgan AnneunoeaCourse In Roae] TiHraafurt to

Its «tu4«nta.

One of the most far-reachlnt deret-opnaents to place oar national high-way system on a sound, uniform andeoonoml^al basis ia the recent an-nouncement by President H. B. Hutco-lna that tba University ot Michiganwill offer a course In highway trans-port to Us students, sayi the B F.Goodrich Eubber company.

The significance of highway ftvichttransportation was vividly brouKht tolight by the war and Is now recognizedas much a part of oar shipping andcommunication scheme as are the rail-roads and the steamship lines.

Harl HarlFlr«t MluKtrel-^Tahlbo,' can you tell

roe why baaeuull^and1 pancukis uruallite?

Ueeond Minstrel—No, 1 mn't Wluit'athe reutonl \

MUistrel—They boththe butter.

INVESTMENT IN GOOD ROADSDoss Net •scows Raul Economy Until

Provision Is Mad* for ProperMalotaynanoe.


(Prepared by tfaa UnU*d Stat*4^ mant of ASTtcultur*,)TnveBtment 9t money lu new roads

does not become real economyprovision is made for keepingnew roads' In condition after fhey^urebuilt, UP a new road Is built uud thenallowed to fall Into disrepair, much ofthe origlnat Investment

A chicken Bttlad ^hlch in ttinVient Islining a small sopfut of

with , the celery audLfie usual dntaatnf

OptimiHui, unless, backed by hardwork, never cashed In.

firoartqrBuniyifSo-e.Irritated, Inflamed tiGnaulatad, ucMuimcUfr Ssie («


TattSMir* P.rminencyIt WOtjld fevm atlvUablt; thut ID the

copatitlCtlOD .of all roadp, aom« godurable material should be applieda top. covering In order thut permaneurar may b « secured.

prag TroutrtIf yon and yuur nelifhbur are hav-

ing trouble over your road. ddhJt dragtt Into court. Just drag It. ~

Anybody Can Build RoastAoybody cam bulW a. ifood road—u

you ftvo him enough money.

The Last Ride.Headline—"Five-Cent Farfts Kevar

o Hi-turn." We dont know any such•lure—unless It refers to the

•She's crazy about nie."If«he thinks anything at all about

tru nbe's certainly

Anm«r (rre>-r'':

usually rim.I am In th>- i

I t l B C , W l : l .

raw whi te piOf It* dark «

As I dri>|>;<s a w that it.acarr«l )T>evenand

As th<ever, I ti


and ;the wnii*Chronicle

RankT w o liM«rn. ,

piece of ilnili«-ithe Joli."

"Lay It .!••"Who yoni other i

think )r'ut •datr

"Surv I i"Hah ntiiiu' ;

-Huh! dmsecotnl vm "iname U :-TrwK'h ari'l i;

••Johnny.g*ograsih> 1

"Not \ ••youngHtcrgeogrnpli>SAd iint'er'.


C h r i |

£dlthla your fi

Churle-I have sisecond !•;

H i s r .!..-•

A DrinkThat's Part

of the Meal!|

POSTUCECEALas a fl«vor

please. Aam

instead of coii

Two sixes ltfuatty soid at , *&<

; • » •


Page 7: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in

If » vW-$iH M,^


p walls should be Alabastincd in the lat»stminute nature color tints. Each room'sholltit,,,, own individuali ty and tlic treatmentui he a complete perfect harmony in colorsra||i of the old home, whether mansion or cottage, ran be

attractive, juit M unitary, through the intelligrn't vi«<- of

Jead of kalsomine or wallpaperb. !i Icttflr, whan you have anew home, to tr«-t rigAt thantohMv*„ -. ,,[trrward from former treatment with othor materials when|,,. „•«• of Alalwutine, as does nearly every one sooner or later.

wills are A1aho«Une<J you can use «ny material over ithut having used AlabMtine you will have no detiro (ortit: flit.

p l y

ii so ea«y to mix »nd apply —so lasting in its rtoulu tony — and to generally recognised as the proper decormtiv*.s by iUelf that it ia becoming difficult to manufactory (

tho demand. • •»•Ire is n dry powder, put up in five-pound packages white and

t-;nitiful tint*, ready to mi* and use by the* ,a Mi don of cold water, and with full directionsID rarh package. Evtry p*eimgt tf gfmuimMabattin* IUW crow and circle printed in red.

fittto? writ* M for ht(l4-ma4« color dwifnt[•I auatiitnifu. flf»« a* roar <J«cor«U»« woblet mmhirip r<w *ork tk«o out


\n inlfttake preju-

ii makes a poorUL'llt.

Truth and nil will come to the sur-faw.

firi'iiteat dividend In human lifehi hnpplnrfln.


Everything that falsely en-i rages unrest also encouragesIshevism.

lisunderstanding of Amer-industrial organization, and

Us benefits to mankind, leadsunrest dissatisfaction, and

hcalism.•or example, the Federalide Commission tells the pub-that the large packers had anreed price for lard substituteide of cotton-seed oil.)

tt reproduces letters taken fromfiles of one of the packers,

)wing that such agreed pricestcd '

it it failed to mention thatagreed price was deter-

ied at the request of and inoperation With the Food

itratioii!iven the Department of Jus-

in its unjust attempt to»te prejudice against the

Ekers, has made public theseie letters, with no explanation.lew long must this kind ofBrepresjptation continue? In[far as it is believed, it not. breeds discontent, but re-ts in injustice to our industry.

you a "Swift Dollar."It will interest you.

Addi-MM Swift & Company,_Union Stock Yards, Chicago, PL

ift & Company, U.&A,



r. , . v

Ntitioiui] Council of'ns r>f Arnek-ica.)


1!,r run th« s n m m f r CIIMIII,,,,lt,lHnVH hf«OUt \vfta wishes

r o u t i n e «,-,,rif ,,r tin. r u m p hp i m u l o nnI ' ' • • i - . - t i , , r l n . l U l , r o f H e r v l P p t o ( h ( ,I'nniji fvur i i rmni t .v?

on ih.. irnil ,,r tiicRc nod mnny r<vintm nn.'siinns, M'vftal hundred ennrp'Hro.'NirH ,,r*» w,.rkln(r. It la clear•Inn HIP !„-<,( W l i y t o t e n c h c a m p l n gif to lot tho hoy actually rjimp. TheproMrnr-p or proximity of ftn etperl"tiwl rnmppr wUl help Mm M Icnrnth»> b(.f,t wny m.ire readily, and withl«f»s tin/.nrd. hut the way Itself la thatof the apprentice rnther than the book"tiHlpnt. Tho habit of'self-reliancefind of common Hense can beat be d«-velnpod tn a mmp where Inntructlonin combined with hours and dftyn thatthrow the boys on theft- own re-sources.

i l t should he th« wish of every boyw> become a proficient camper1 whilepawing his Rcout (rrRden and meritbndRes. The enthusiasm ot manyboys will lead them to endttre lecturesand book work to a certain extent,but BTich enthoalnaAi feed* npon thechance to do Borne purt of the neces-sary work of n community as well nsIt can be done, whether It be for apatrol, a troop, or a council.


TROUBLESTh# tortnrn and dtictnhfort* of

weak, lame nn<l aching bock, twollenfeet nml Hroba, wnkn<>a«i mzttnetur,ntimcft, a* • tmti bare their origin inkldnpj ttouble, not "f<*m*M «ottiplalnta,"These f<meral •}lmptom» of Honey andbladder dlseftiw are w«U known—so isthe remedy.

Next time you feel a twTnfft of painIn the back or axe tfoubled with head-ache, indigestion, Inaorania, jrrltstloaIn the blflflrtpr or puin Wi thn loins andlower abdomen, you will find quick and«ur*i rpllnf in GOLD MEDAL IlaarleniOil CaixmlMt. Thta old and tried rem-edy for kidney trouble and allied <Ja-ranteraeuU but Itood th« teat for hnn-clrodA nf years. It doea the •work*Fainn and trouble* vanish arid new lifeand hfdlth will come ft* you continm*their use. Wnen oomplflt«ly rcntnrnito your umial vigor, continue taking mrapguln or two each day,

GOLD MFlBAt, Haarlem Oil Oap-aulen am imparted from the laborato*«*» nt Haarlem, Holland, Po not ao*cept a Muhstitnte. I s sealed boom,three atxea. Adr.

Mon llstt'ii wiKjn money tnlks, Prob-ably that la why w«; somotlrnoB hour olhiiHli money.


iifo Is smncthliiK tltntmnn triMiibtc <>very lime it

I j . s s F u e l ••• G e t .M')ii:bard »r aoft coafk wood or gma In a New Idem fffieless

acft and burn a lot \rss of it to krep pv»ry room to Jronrhonae con»fort*Mc. Tlio iicat clreulat<~s t.hroujfh thfchouse, leaving tlic trllar c*>ol for utoring fniita andvegetables. InsUlI n

N E W - I D E A Pipeles* Furnace" 7 * . On. Yon'v, lUatd So Math Aboot"

ln*rt»7. Cottnlllllr morr tlmn n f"^ r\irrr. No »)bi-r»tlr.n(l to mukfi.A tootitiv* flnd kin<1irt0 writtrn RunrnTit<^ ticoompanic« rrery faft&tor.

it*1 for in form n tin n RIHI ticnlrr'ft immt.

UTICA HTiATCR COMPANY. Bn* 20. Utle«, N. Y.. v u p m w Warm Air Furmm* onut "Irnvtrta

tturn anH Hot Wattr Btiitf*. , „

Naturally.you once n hnnd-resder?"

"Yes, (hose were my pnlmy dny?."—Baltimore Amprlenn.

How much OiiHfvr It IH forto make their won't than It Is to maketheir will I

Ho»i**> Croup Rimeijy, th* only car* fororonp. FrevenU pneumonia. 14c.—Artv.

Uieful Practice."What practlcjil ftood did your son's

nthlotlcfi ever do him?" "Well, he potn position an n bnnk rnnne.r."

A Poet Scorned. ,Poi't Tlipre Is poetry In evprythliKdltor—There Is too ntiich of it

tho mnllfl.

on* bo«j« of r>r, r«»nr«« "nnnd m«t''•»»9 jon money. t!m». anxiety sn4 IteaMkiOn* jo*« nufflcUnt. without Ckitor OU mmildttlon. Adv.

Tho New Olast."Willie, nnmp <>up of thn

tiv«! sciences.""Gpojrrniihy." t


Scores of Women

Boy 8c«uts Have Signs With TheirFingers. Here Is One UndergoingTest


Another task which Boy Scouts wera-recently naked by the government toattempt was the distribution of postersrelating to the problem of getting J«b8for soldier*.

The war department provided na-tional headquarters with a list of fortyor more cities In which the situationwas so serious as to require specialpropaganda effort. In every one ofthese cities there was a first-classftcout council and through the scoutexecutive of these local organizationsthe work wn« carried out In eachcommunity with dispatch and efficiency.

Again Boy Scouts were proud andeager to lend a hand. Evidentlythere Is still plenty of war work to bedone, even though the treaty has beenalgned and peace declared. This laaS It should he. Scouting wlnhes tohelp Uncle Hani put thruugti some ofhis'numerous big tasks which concettihis "boys."


John M. Phillips, member of the na-tional scout council nnd a scout com-missioner for Allegheny county, Penn-sylvania, has this to suy regarding cig-arette smoking:

"From personal observation I findthat we have very little smokingamong our Allegheny county stouts,and while we have not prohibited Itwe Impress noon the scout the factthat to be *phyrically strong, mentnllyawake and morally straight,' he can-not abuse his body by using tobaccoIn any form. I have stopped a lot ofscouts from smoking cigarettes bytelling them thut If I wanted to stunta pup I would feed him tdbaeco juice."

Mr. Phillips ts getting splendid re-from hlB "atuntud pup."


The poy Kcouts in South Smi KVun-cteeo have planted a lurge Utit.- imlmIn the civic center In honor of Theo-dora Roosevelt.

Three Woy Scouts who wi-ru <>u ahike from New York to Mmipac ing through the Adirondack Moun-tains between Chestertou wnl Wl™-bellitown, N, Y,, came across at a r kicHiKmt. In which rn« ucciipof tin- Hkie-car we^e uncousciojis.boys render^ flrst uId.and teleitintp Klt«ap#tMoWff for toWlcal aid.

in homes, stores, offices and factories are not fit to be at work.They toil on day after day and year after year sufferingwith distressing weaknesses and derangements, hoping againsthope that they will soon feel beH er, but how can they hopeto do good work or escape permanent invalidism?Such women are in danger of derangement of women's functions. Theyowe it to themselves to try that good old fashioned root and herb remedyLydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, which for more than fortyyears h§s been restoring American Women to health and strength.

Hereis a Notable ExampleJoplin, Missouri,—"I took Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound totee if it really would do as it was ad-vertised and it sure did, and more. Iwas weak and could not do muchwork, had bearing down pains and hadto go to bed. I learned about the .Vegetable Compound from my motherand my husband told me to get it.After taking one bottle I was able tobe on my feet most of the time anddo my work again. I hav« a babyeleven months old and I have done allmy own work, even the washing andironing since she was three weeks old.I certainly recommend yoafr great medi-cine Xo everyone who complains offemale trouble and 1 am more than iwilling for you to use my testimonial."

— Mrs. TIMOTHY GRANEY.426 Connor Ave., Joplin, Mo.

And AnotherChicago, Illinois.—" I suffered for fouryears with pains in my sides, hips andlegs and a terrible backache, t couldnot do any work at all. 1 was treatedby many physicians but they did nothelp me. 1 read in one of your bookswhere other women have been helpedby LyeJjB EL Pinkhara's Vegetable*Compound, so I tried it and it helpedme very much so that now I can doeverything in the house. I have toldmy friends about Vegetable Compoundand you have my permission to use thisletter."— Mrs. I. OVENSTEIN, 902S. Marshfield Avenue, Chicago, lit.

Thousands of such Letter*Prove the Curative

Value of

Page 8: AND THE MOSQUITO - digifind-it.com · • v. r hurl. ii',! H.i.it Club haw ... in

"1'artJi of It. TJ»* bills d*roai>d OB Urn*."

I iund4M HI,h* atartad Hia

Iat« and


Ostrich—G««,I irlah I had adollar. I<1 setmviu'lf dolledup a bltl


JS a b r (••rtrudafound ' xim*coal.

«be nibbled ItWith | r « i t

Till pa • * ! . "O«r-trud*, p r a ycontrol

Tour expensiveappelit«."

Judget h eW h « t '

charge?Cifllrer Monk —

3)lsordt'rljr condurt.

Judge Monk—Ten day» on dryland!


Rooster TVhyto Billy UoatTr»«plnK no copi-ously this Qnt)morning?

Nanny Goat— :Oh, he Juft fin-ished devouringlite cuuii£ (*uin>lftnicnt of a Sunday


Young Ora t o r(I'oni|>ousij >. 1want to make alasting i na p r «a-•lou.

Wo red Listener(Dryly ) ; gii downIn rrtjbh

THE RETORT.H o w m a n y

time* hava I toldyou that y u u. j ,muat not fcnswer-4.KB.*-, back, Norn)) ?

(jure. Mum, andO'l ain't answer-In' yer barkOl'm aoawarln'yer foe*.

What's the n«woffice boy's uamaT


*"• E**y street wea l l f e * ldrawn,

Life there Is• WML

But most of usAre living on

V street.

H1B V1BW,"Kver s e e a

guiue of. poloT"•&*»« oue one*

upon « tLiue, bijf.It muii have beena ( l i f r uii«. as Igot (lie Idea Itwas K(ntuac therul*s ti> liU theball."



Anna Ilolan, of W«odbrldft<\a very dollRhtful showr

at the homo of Mr. and Mrs <Pi«rson,avenue, Etlxahe(.b. by tho

fi Club, of which Bae is n mem-ber OsnrinK and Kinging w»>r«» «*n-

the ftTeninn. sftor which

\ \

Miss Anna BolanHonored With Shower

and Luncheon

Miss Bolfln wan «l«o pivt>n nluncheon by her office associates

nf the Boynton Bros. Co.Miss Molan wan otHiiiol \\>dnen-

day morning in «he Roman Catholichnrch.

Large Crowd Danceat Monument

The Monument Theater has starteda ww-fcly series of danrM to be heldduriur the winter. The first of these

am-fw wan held last night at theheater, at which A large crowd ofoung people was present. Profe*-or Walen's orchestra f«rninW<l the

niliDii". Th«sf daniPH which woreheld last winter, were very popular

+ ~ •

Port Reading Churchto-Hold Dance

A rtanoe will ln» held in the base-ment of St. Anthony's Church, PortReading, on Monday c,v*'ninM|OcJo-wr 1 '.\, for the benefit of the cbnn-u.A popular jazz baud has been en-gaged anil the managers of the danceuxueot thai it will he. • big success.Tliey art; only charging iwenty-flverents for tickets.

No LightsCharles Wilson was arrested by

Officer Kinhoiii for driving a truckbelonRinR to the Armour Beef Com-pany uti the night of October 3rdwithout lightH. Wilson wa» broughtbefore the Hecorder and nnert f.i andcosts, J1.50.

Hatiroads toHave AccidentPrevention Campaign

Under the direction of th« Untt«dRailroad Administration the

officers of thf railroads hat« an-nounced an accident ^reYention c»m-

to start Oc)oh«r 18. Tbln willb* carried «n by mean* of lmr«;eposters and when poHslhle UlHmlnlit-ed ttljrns In the larice yards and sta-tions Tb,*se poflters will *how 8t«-Hstlcs and pictures of actual accl-dentR. Like fires, mnsl of thes« ac-cirtentR and tlie RufferiH|r which re-snlts from them. Is entirely the faultof carelessness and cl)ftr«|rard tttrules. Churrhes. schoola, V. M. CA. and all civic and community In-stitutions hnve he«n asked to l«nd ahand in this drive.


Notion iH hereby fciv^n that tht-Roarrts of Registry and Klec-

lion in anil for thi' Township orWoodbriilge in the County or Middle-sex, will meet in the place;* herein-after designated OHAfter designation l>etwc-en the hoursur o P. M. and i> F. -\C on

Nullic iR further Riven that thesai<! Hoards will also sit at the sameplaces between the hours of 'A P. M.and 9 P M , on

Tuesday, the 21st day of October,1919, for the purpose of registeringall persons entitled to vot« at thecmi;uinK Primary and General Election.

Notice is also given that an Elec-tion will be held in said Township on

Tuesday, the 4th day of Novem-ber, 1919, between the hours of rto'clock in the torenoon and 7 o'clockin the .evening for the purpose ofelecting u Governor; three members»f the General Assembly; two mem-bers of thi> Board of Chosen Free-holders; one member of the Town-r.hin Committee from each ward; onemeuiber of the Township t'omnnitieeat Kaijje, Reteiver of Taxes', threeJustices of tlie Peat-e, six Constables;two Surveyors of the Highways.

Said registrations an"d eluetionBwill he he!d in each election district

the following places:1st Ward—1st Poll -Township Hall

School street.1st Ward- 2nd Poll—High School.2nd Ward—1st Poll — Fords school2nd Ward—2nd Poll—Iselin school.:jrd Ward—1st Poll—Port Heading

school.3rd Ward—2nd Poll—Avenel school.

ANDREW KEYKS,Townohip Clerk.


of VVoodbrldge Independent, pub-lished weekly at Wooduridge, N. J.,

forOcwbet 1, 1BI9.State of New Jersey, County of Mid-

dlesex, S8. .Muxwult l.ugan, having been duly

MWorn according to law, depoHea anduayu that In.- in the editor (if theWuodbridgt) Independent and thatthe following in, to the beat of hisknowledge and belief, u true s.mte•limit of the ownerHhin and manage-ment of toe liforHHuiil |>iibUcalii)ti f<>fthe (lute KIKJWU tu the above < uplion,required by the itel of AuguuL 24,19 12,• embodied in section 413, Puttat U v a and Regulutloiid, to vtt:

That the nuiuea mid addreKHe; ofttiu yxibllBher, editor, manuglug .idiuir an4 Duuinosn maliaK ''» irel'u.l>linher, Miidle»«jc Prea*. Woud-

, N. J.; editor, Maxwell I-okuu,, N. J.; "'"

""" J ;

\Voodbrl(lKe, H, JThat the 0Wn«r« ara: Midi

Prms, Maxwell Locan, owner,j

15,000 Burned toDeath Every Year

Yesterday. October 9, w»» Fire Pre-vention Dn.v Thi« wan iantltaUtdwith the hope that careless peoplewould reallr.e the great damage thatfires do to tfie country.* It In e*U-matcd that about l.">,000 human IITORare lost every year, many thousand"more Injured and about $240,000,-(100 worth of properly Is de»troy«d.This great item neems most tinnec-

pary. as most of the Ores whichcause thin loan are due entirely in

rric-»u^,. . Some years ego • cr«*tpart of Chicago wan burned to theground Just because some carele**person .left a kerosene lamp where u.cow could kick It over. Thts In onlyone of the many instances which maybe cited on this subject.

further "npi'vu"'"*1"11"! •n'-t l ie opt tonIn given t" en. ii In llw event of * rte-fault hy Hi*- ••'li«r..«ft oomplele con-stnirtlon «' ' ^ l i w n • x ^ n « e and to••olleot the loll* on hoth lide» i*1 **ierl»er until t)>- '<»*t I* repaid to thestate which inures th* adranccc,

A schedule »f toJln la to be e»ia»>ll*hed wh»n the tuttu«4 I* flolahed «Ufndent to rrpnv to each ttate wMUtn » lyearn prln<ii>nl and hif»re«t of th.>amount ( .l ^nl*ed tm const Miff Ion.The contrn< i <•'»« proTldet that eitherstate mftv •>nlnnlt It to Oongreiw t<<rratification

M«tnh*r« »( the New Vort OonimlnMon are o n e r a l Ctoorw* R, Dyer,•hairman; K W. Bloomlnrlale, MeDougnll HHwkea, A, J. Shamber^, (Siover A \Yhni.-ii. «-*i»i»l«lon»r of plant*nnd Btniuurek, and State EngineerFrank M Wllllanw MorrU M KrolUhIn «ecrelMi> atut Fltiil Wlnileln, 27 Pin*street. 1

/ W y Wldinofrom m we want to

1 L

"TUi hii

m i > Harc W eller IT. Noyes, clialnnan;

Samuel I French, Palmer ("ainphell.; T A11>*'ut Vdantfi, TJieiwlore (Joetlser.TiiomiiK ,1 S. Bnrlow, t>anlH F, Henarlfksf*" tUr-hani T. Collln* and KMorgan Uarrndalc, awUtant secretiiry.Ex-Sial.' Senator Kmerson Hiclturds «fAtlantic ''">' s* counsel.

Want Something?Advertise, for it inthese columns


New York and New Jersey Com-missions Announce Reaching

Agreement on Plan.


Tunnel Will Run From C*na( Street,

Manhattan, to Twelfth "8tr*«t in

City—N«w Tub* to

Cost * 12,000,000.

TrciLiim. Announcement was madeili;i! the connuct livtween the tttutcsufXi1*1 York add New Jersey for the con- 't~iin< rum nf ;i v.nirnlar tunnel underthe Hudson river fnmi a i>olnt in theviriniir of ('H)ini street, MnnbaUtau, to ialiniii Twelfth Mie«rt, Jersey 4Jlty ltii<lIn-i-ii tsifiH-ti iit the Joint offlCO of theNew York Smu? Krlilge and Tunnel• "<»mnnssiini and I in- New Jerwy lutt-r-Miitf BrUlt;*' ii>><! Tunnel Coiiiruts»-loii.U - tSruMduuy, Nvw York. Aciiiulwork on (tie iiintlcl, it WMK tsuid,'will IK- I1M-KUII in u tlwnl tlliiv.

Autiitiiity tu enter Into theliy tin- New Yoik Statew ,1.-* ^iveu in mi net 'of thesl m"<l by (governor Smith, April 11.'I'll,!' 1 I l l l l l t ' l C l l l l l l l l i K s i o l l b U | OIICC « l | i

• > ! > : ; ] I I I 7 « ' t l , m i l l i l l ) i n ^ i n v c r i l i g M i i l Y

W i t s <T**utt»*J, u ' l i i d i l u i K h i ' i ' t i b i t»<y s i t u t

l l i c n p r e p u r l u x | > l u i t H n n t l t i l i i i i i i i i n - <

i l i i t i t . T h e t t h i l l l t ' l u i i i f r . m i I ' h i . f I ' n

^meer i llftonl M. Hnlluiitl Ih t-\|!*«•»«-<ISlIOll,

It uliio >\iit I t u i i m j ihul bl^e ul<c.nl>have iKfli oiieiifil mi u iunlrin'1 U>\Ivsfc boi'liigt; in the bill (if the Nni i l iriver, mid the contract will he i iuni i leil xvJieu the iiniimlssiouK niL'tt,

T h t l'oxiii of run ii o i l was ijreimrf'Junder Ihe direct ion of die New YorkO O I U I l l t S K l O l l 1111(1 U | l « M l l l l l l i U c t l t i l t i l t -

N e w J e r s e y ( 'oiui i i ls>l i ) i i M a y 2<), 111)'.),w h i c h u c t i ' p l e t l It tiii>>)<lanlkilly lii t in-f o r m i>ro|>'iM'd It i> invi i l cs f o r <ii'ej o l u t c o n s i c t i c i l o r i , o u e r a t l o n , r«'palru n d i i i a l i i H n i i n . e o f t i l e Ilililn-I, sul»je< tto Up|)roii i '1utkn;» IIIHIIC lij1 \\*v Irglfcluf t i r e s of ( l ie t w o Kitt ies .

T h e t u n i i r l i> \,, l ie f I t lu . s tv< l .v fo iv e l i i d e i * null ii«-<!e.Hlrlniiw. N o f r a n -i-tilnc o r r ight i n n lit- Klvf i i l o u JIMIIIICs e r v i c e c i i t 'poru i lon cvc*>|il w i t h i lu- »ti-pri tvul nf 111*- K>i,Vfi'iioiH m i d h'j.'li-lii-llirVH of run ti utHt»it. T h e 111 It- t o t h ctnnni-1 in l<> ust In Hie *lMI«t. j o t m l v ,iiuil If elttu-i1 » ( a t c H<lein|>lH l o l u x flu-Ini-iiiju1 iirlitliiK fi'oin | t « i i p e t H i l o n init ie | i i o i H i i \ i i i i | i i l i f d In U H i -o i iMim- :I loll th i l l Inn. In Iti tu- p a i d Oil I o f (I,,-t*hmc of I tic- lol l i MIIII-II utav hf due orD W I I H |o I In- «iult' levying the tux. i

One iirovUlon IK U claiiKe wlilcliwould protect etthur iSlute In iln.- t»«-iu Iu( a default by thu uthur. TliU v»nn Ideemed necetumry, »lnc« III-IUM i ht«tfolillgait-H itnelf at tliln tlint' to l)n- full• out ot (lie tuunel , but only to such up I

i Aa wu*y Us luade fromiinn- lu (line b)' the lfuJwImintM ri,,lrKinlanir«>« « i their IMHI vawtuua uj»|.i..t.ii««ett ?l,«>0,000 each. |

It in ejt|l»i>Htnl that ihe tuunel will Im 112,000,000. There. It, uu conti«ct-

hj eMtftf «wi» to luge

Save Pennies-Waste DollarsCJ Some users of printing•" save pennies by get-

ting inferior work and losedofiars through lack of ad-vertising value in the workthey get Printers as a rulecharge very reasonableprices, for none of themget rich Although nearlyaM of them work

MotuL GtM yomr printing- loa good printer and tavc money.

Our Printing IsUnexcelled

oar h « pltt lervice

We Hdp You

tfjr»e ftn expert advice

em con at low D



CLAUSEN & JOHN!The Leather Goods Store

Travelling Bags and Suit Cases, HarnessKinds, Auto Tops Recovered and Rcpiii


MIDDLESEX PRESS,23 Green St , Woodbridge.


432 State Street, cor. Washington Street, Perth ArabIt will interest everybody to know that i'

being spoken at the JACOB GOLDBKK*,! R BAMMKAMSHIP TICKET AND MONEY FORM \RDB|KICE. We accept deposit*, ,««U Bt«amarti;>Foreign Exchange apd send money to all i>by Mail, Check or Cable, through our o«abroad.l;nilt-r \he ('otitiot of Ihe New Jersey S(HU" 1'


LA^llSEN & FOXCivil Engineers



For your spring repairing KB

