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And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve...

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Page 1: And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones). Since you’re
Page 2: And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones). Since you’re

Do you feel the presence of great potential inside you, but it just feels ... blocked?

Maybe you feel blocked with money; career; relationships; happiness and inner peace; body, health and wellness; Spirituality and Truth; or more than one of these.

And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un-block you, right?

Have you been feeling frustrated because you're still not living "the life of your dreams,” still not achieving specific goals that are important to you (including spiritual ones) …

Even after reading so many books, attending so many workshops and seminars, using so many techniques, and maybe getting coaching too?

If you answered “Yes!” to any of my questions, I know exactly how you feel. That was my story, until I made a discovery that unblocked me and changed everything in my life, down to the smallest detail.

You can make the same discovery and Live An Unblocked Life too.

I’m sure you’ve heard stories like that a zillion times before, but if you stick with me, you’ll see why this story, and what it can do for you, is unique and game-changing. Part of the Journey into Living An Unblocked Life is like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. In this Guide, I’ll share the first set of puzzle pieces with you.

Then I’ll show you how to get more puzzle pieces (my FREE gift to you), and how you can continue gathering and assembling puzzle pieces until The Big Picture becomes crystal clear and opens the door to True Transformation for you.

If you read my Busting Loose books, or participated in my live or online Busting Loose or Phase 2 Experiences, this Guide and the steps that follow are your opportunity to discover where my Journey took me after I applied what’s in those books and …

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Page 3: And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones). Since you’re

Experiences myself, and how my discoveries and experiences can help you now!

First, let me be crystal clear. Something has been blocking you, but it has nothing to do with your subconscious mind, limiting beliefs, brain wiring, energy fields, karma, past lives, or any of the other things you’ve probably been taught.

I’m talking about blocks no one ever told you about before, blocks it took me 30+ years, and huge amounts of time, money, energy, blood, sweat, and tears to uncover and remove.

If you’re ready to discover:

1.What has REALLY been blocking you … 2.Why it has been blocking you … 3.How you can fully, completely, and permanently remove the blocks … 4. How you can then, and only then, start consistently getting what you REALLY want

(as opposed to what you only think you want) …

Then you’re going to love what you discover here, and in the steps that follow.

In case you don’t already know, I’m Robert Scheinfeld, New York Times bestselling author, globetrotting speaker, coach and entrepreneur. At the time of this writing, I’m

61 years old. For the vast majority of my adult life, I was blocked, blocked, blocked.

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Page 4: And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones). Since you’re

I wasn’t able to get what I wanted, no matter what I did or how hard I tried …

Or I’d get one thing, but not be able to hold onto it (up, up, up, crash and burn; get it, lose it, get it, lose it; over and over).

Or I’d get something I wanted, be able to hold onto it, but it didn’t make me happy. Getting what I thought I wanted felt surprisingly flat and empty.

The net result? Even though some things changed, there was no genuine improvement to my quality of life at all.

Can you relate?

Most people who find their way to me have had the same or similar experiences.

It used to make me sooooooooo A-N-G-R-Y!!!!!!!!!!

It used to make me want to punch, smash, and break things. I never actually did, thank goodness, but once, I did go outside and physically scream to the heavens, begging for help and the answers that could end my pain.

In those long gone days, if you’d given me a Truth Drug and asked me to give you one word to describe how I felt most of the time, I would have said, “tortured.”

Millions of people, all over the world, are blocked, angry, frustrated, and feel tortured like I once did. Yet only a small fraction will end up Living An Unblocked Life and Experiencing Ultimate Freedom.

Only a small fraction will end up experiencing the BIG Permanent Breakthroughs and taking the Quantum Leaps I know you want.

The why behind that is what you and I need to explore together.

Odds are, you've searched for answers and help from books, courses, audios, videos, workshops, experts, and coaches …

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Page 5: And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones). Since you’re

Odds are, you’ve tried a ton of tools, techniques, systems, methods, practices, and strategies.

Odds are, you’ve invested tons of time, money and energy on your quest to change fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones).

Since you’re here reading this Guide, you must still be feeling blocked. You must still be frustrated. You must still be searching for answers. You must still not be living a life that's as fun, rich, abundant, satisfying, and fulfilling as you hunger for.

And if you’re like I used to be, a really big one for you is you’re still confused about why you’re still not getting what you want, when it seems like you’ve been doing everything right.

What if I told you it’s not your fault?

What if I told you the answers, tools, and techniques you’ve been given, and even the questions you've been asking, simply haven't taken you deep enough to open a gateway into what you want most?

What if I told you there’s a Deeper Level you must reach before anything Truly changes for you in a profound and lasting way?

There’s a lot going on behind the scenes of your life you’ve never been told. There’s a “Hidden Story.”

If you’ve read my books or participated in the live and online Experiences I offered over the years (prior to The Ultimate Freedom Experience), you know some of the Hidden Story, but you’re still missing some key puzzle pieces.

Here’s The Brutally Honest Truth …

In most of the approaches you’ve tried, if you want to make something “bad” go away, you’re taught to target it, then use XYZ technique to change it, heal it, release

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it, shrink it, manage it, let it go, reframe it, or somehow make it disappear, right?

I call those techniques, “Search And Destroy Missions.” Have your Search And Destroy Missions been successful? Odds are, they haven’t been, or you wouldn’t be here reading this Guide.

Most of my Missions weren’t successful either, until I discovered The Hidden Story, reached The Deeper Level, and saw B-I-G changes made there.

Something Hidden, Something Secret …

What if there’s something hidden, something secret, something the other approaches you’ve tried never addressed, that’s keeping the “bad” things in your life locked in place, despite your best efforts to get rid of them?

In most of the approaches you’ve tried, if you want to bring something new into your life (or expand something you already have), you’re taught to get clear on what you want, then use XYZ technique to manifest, create, or attract it, right?

But the thing is, if you look with clear vision and brutal honesty, you see the tools, techniques, systems, methods, and practices we’re given for doing that don’t work as promised, at all or consistently.

Sure, the tools and techniques appear to work for some of the people some of the time. Maybe they’ve appeared to work for you too, now and then.

But if you’re brutally honest and your vision is clear, you see the tools and techniques

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haven’t worked consistently for you, and they don’t work consistently for anyone else either, including the people who teach them. They actually fail MUCH MORE than they succeed for just about everyone!

If all the techniques were really as super-powered and magical as we’re told, if the stories about how and why they work were True, your life and the lives of millions of other people around the world would be very different …

And they’re NOT!

Don’t believe me? Look around and be brutally honest about what you see!

I can show you why the techniques haven’t worked for you, and how things can finally change for you, if you shift gears and go in a radically different direction. The Truth about it will probably surprise you. Maybe even shock you.

Even when the techniques do appear to help people get certain things, getting them rarely leads to those people actually living the life of their dreams.

If you pull back the curtain and see what’s really going on, you see that suffering, struggle, and pain continue for most, if not all of them.

Jim Carrey, one of the wealthiest and most successful entertainers of our time, had this to say, which really hits the nail on the head:

“I wish everyone could get rich and famous and have everything they ever dreamed of, so they would know that’s not the answer.”

That brings me to one more thing we need to look at here.

Is it possible you’re not clear at all, or as clear as you could be, about what you really want, what would really make you happy, what would really lead you to living the

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Page 8: And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones). Since you’re

Truly rich, abundant, satisfying, and fulfilling life I know you crave?

What if you’ve been trying to manifest, attract, or create things that aren’t coming from who you REALLY are, and aren’t what you REALLY want?

I discovered there’s usually a HUGE difference between what our minds tell us we want, or what someone or something else influenced us to want, and what we REALLY want.

Much to my shock and surprise, I realized that until I took my first Quantum Leaps and had my first True Breakthroughs, I didn’t have a clue about what I REALLY wanted or what would REALLY make me happy, even though I would’ve sworn I did.

What if there’s something hidden, something secret, something the other teachings and approaches you tried never addressed, that’s blocking you from:

1. Knowing what you really want? 2.Getting what you really want?

I’ll repeat now, to really hammer the point home …

There’s A Hidden Story No One Ever Told You

The Hidden Story is the real reason you’re still blocked.

The Hidden Story is the real reason you still aren’t living “The Dream Life” so many people promised you.

The Hidden Story is the real reason you’re still struggling and suffering.

The Hidden Story is the real reason you’ve been unable to change, fix, or improve your life the way you want.

The Hidden Story is the real reason the same frustrating patterns repeat for you

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with money, career, relationships, body, negativity, or whatever else it is for you.

The Hidden Story also reveals what Spirituality, Truth, abundance, prosperity, happiness and inner peace REALLY mean, what they really look like, and odds are, it’s not what you think or believe.

If you’re like I used to be, all day long, in one or more ways, you’re at war with yourself, other people, your bank account, your career, and what happens in the world around you.

If you’re like I used to be, you believe you’ll win those wars one day, if you just find the right technique, the right strategy, the right coach or mentor, or if you work hard and long enough.

Once again, here’s the brutally honest and shocking Truth I discovered, a Truth you may find hard to believe or accept when you first hear it.

You can’t “win” the wars you’ve been fighting, if you keep trying to win the way you’ve been taught. No one ever “wins” them using those approaches (even if it seems like some people do).

But Here’s The Really Good News I Also Discovered …

Although you can’t “win” the wars fighting the way you’ve been taught, they can end.

The fighting can stop. I can show you how. But before that can happen, 3 things must happen first …

1. The Hidden Story must be revealed to you 2. You must go deeper than you’ve ever gone before to discover how and why what

happens to you REALLY gets created the way it does 3. Changes must be made at The Deepest Level

Let me repeat, what I’m calling “The Deepest Level” has nothing to do with your

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subconscious mind, limiting beliefs, brain wiring, energy fields, karma, past lives, or any of the other things you’ve probably been taught. I’m talking about going much deeper to discover The Truth hiding underneath all of that.

Part of The Hidden Story can be revealed to you as ideas and concepts you can easily understand. But other parts, the ones that Truly change you, deeply, profoundly, and permanently must be EXPERIENCED, which I can help you do.

That’s what happened to me on my Journey. I first discovered The Hidden Story at the mental, idea and concept level. I understood it. Then, with help of a Guide, I began to Experience more and more of The Truth of it.

Then I was taken to The Deepest Level, where massive changes were made, including the removal of my blocks, and my life finally Transforming in H-U-G-E, dramatic and permanent ways, inside of me and outside of me.

That’s when I saw all the repeating patterns finally stop. That’s when I started getting crystal clear on what I REALLY wanted and getting what I REALLY wanted in what felt like easy and effortless ways (even when effort was involved).

That’s when I knocked out the rest of my cloud cover, began Living An Unblocked Life, and Experiencing what I now call Ultimate Freedom. Much to my shock and surprise, everything changed without me trying to manifest, attract, create, or make it happen using tools, techniques, or repetitive practices.

It just happened, naturally and automatically, after changes were made at The Deepest Level, and it can happen naturally and automatically for you too, if you take the same Journey, which the image below depicts visually …

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Page 11: And whatever it is, no matter what you do, nothing seems to un … · 2018-10-10 · fix, improve your life, and achieve specific goals (including spiritual ones). Since you’re

You want to take a Journey like that, don’t you? A Journey from the “darkness” of being blocked, suffering, struggling, stressed and unhappy, feeling pain, through a gateway, into a bright, glowing new life, right?

Because I actually took that Journey myself, and documented each step of it, down to the smallest detail; because I was specially prepared to do it; and because I’ve now helped thousands of other people, all over the world, take the same Journey I did, I’m uniquely qualified to be your Guide.

I can show you how to say goodbye, forever, to your blocks, frustrations, suffering, struggles, pains, and dead-ends, and hello to a new and radically different way of life and living. I know that may sound like a big or outrageous claim, but if you stick with me, I’ll show you how you can verify the truth of it for yourself.

If taking a Journey like I just described interests you, here’s your next step, my FREE gift to you. I created a FREE Video Masterclass to take you deeper into what I sketched out here.

It will show you exactly what happened to me, how I got unblocked, how you can take the same Journey, and the exact steps you can take to start Living An Unblocked Life and Experiencing Ultimate Freedom yourself.

You can get immediate access to Video 1 in the Masterclass here:


See you there …

P.S. As you go through the Video Masterclass, be prepared for some brutally honest talk about the lies, illusions and stories that have kept you blocked, limited, struggling, and suffering, and The Truth that really can set you FREE!

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