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ANDERSON AND JEFFERIS, William Norris, Jun.mdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3722/msa_sc3722_2... ·...

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•* William P Mathews Has just received by the Fair American, from London, AH EXTENSIVE SUPPLY OF Fresh Drugs and Medicine. His stock is now general and extensive, con- sisting of Glaziers' Db motids Drugs and Chemicals Sur-geonilnstrnments Patent Medicines ("iirniturt Glass and Vials Fine Painters' Colours Gold arid Silver Leaf Copal and Spt. Var rushes October 5. I) e Stuffs & fine Fig Biup Genuine Windsor .Soan vVash Balls, l'eeth Brushes, and A variety of Perfume* ry. d!2t India and I'rencti Suks* etc. Cjj0 : and BrotJiets H ve for s tie at 'No. 202, Ma'bt-str. et, Black an 1 colored Sr.nsoa.ws, Plaid Lute- strings, and Fancy Silk Wai^tcoating, 1 st & 2d Chop India Sdk lld'kfs.& 5-4 do Shawls, Sewing 1 Silks, Damask k Serge Silk Shawls, Estra T J onpr»rid Habit G o< es ; Silk H -siery. Linen C on rt.k,—Flag. Brown, Blue, Hed, and Yell >w" Bartdannoes, Suspender, Man- chestrv, Stuffs, Cambric M.isiins, and Shirt- ings, &c. Sec. Alsnjvst received, 23 bales ( alcutta Goods, Entitled to drawback. Gurrahs, 1 Checks, , 98 Se 5 4 Sawns, | U w s, Eoxrties, 1 Mamoodies, and Cossas, • Baf'tas. At \ cry low prices for cash or notes. Sept 3d. eolOt PiUton and Jones, Jfo. 93, Market thett, Baltimore, andNo.4&, Market street, Fiilaklphia, Have received by tlie late arrivals from London a id Live-pool, a complete assortment of iiight Dae and Table "CLOCKS, Horizontal, Patent Layer, Chronometers, and common Gold and Silver WATCHES, And Clock and Watch maker's '1 ools and Materials. Which '.bey offer very 1 >w for cash, or ac- septances in town 10th mo. 5. eol2t George floffman Xtas received by the several umv tie, upwards of 30d packages well selected FALL* GOODS, Which being fflOstly bought, at short credit, and scle led by careful hands will be found cheap. Also suite I to the expert trade, 20 trunks London Canibriek Chintzes, 12 do. French Pullicat M'dkts 5 do Madras do. 4 do Ginghams, 5 d.>. Kich Fancy Muslins, T il" Colored Cambric, 1 do Printed Cambric Robes, 1(1 chests Di.nothv's, 9 cases Shirting Cottons, 35 frt». Super Men's Hats, 12 b des Becking Baize, 6 do. Super Cloths and Cassimeres, 2 do. Scarlet Flannels. October 1. d6t-eo6t Schuitz and Pro > string No. 2 22, Mat het-street, Have imported an assortment of GER iAN GOODS; Consisting of Burlaps ; Hessians; and fine home-made" Linen ; Thread Laces ; white and black Edgings, and Fringes , C'tton Bed- ' Ttickensi Snuff Box .s ; L'>oking.glass Plates aval Looking glasses ; a general sssortinen o "Wooden Stockings and Gloves ; Superfine blue, black M .nixVd CI th<< Velvet Kihand ; Plain and figured silk Velvets, all colours ; Black and colored silk Handkershiefs and sba wis; fashiooabesilk Ribands; Ca .d'l.stiekK, Oil flints; Spinning wheel Irons ; Oilcloths; Violins a Violin-strings j and an handsome as- sortment of English Cutlery j Silver watches ; "Watch Springs; Watch hands. Also, 60B"ox- es Spanish Cigars, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms. They also have on hand a parcel of Calicoes, Dimities ; President Velvets ; Nap Coating, &c Ike, which the\ offer for sale at reduced prices, to close a consignment Oct ~ 7. eo6 ANDERSON AND JEFFERIS, 66, MARKET-STREET, Have received per the Fair American from London, and Her- cules from Live/pool, the following goods, viz : Sportsman's Knives, from I5s to 30s each Fine Scissors. Best warranted Razors Gardener's Pruning knives Best En- Cases of'piotling instruments Ebony and brass Parallel rules Pocket Compasses 6 and 12 inch ivory pocket rules. Pocket Thermometers, in shagreen cases Barometers and Thermometers together Ivory Scales and Sectors. Brass Protractors Opera Glasses Brass Linen Prevers Camera Obscuras Spirit Levels Lamp "Glasses, Wicks, &c. &c. Sujvarow Spurs—Tooth Brushes /Powder flasks, from 1 to 3 doll.—Counting House files Shot Belts, from lto 2 1-2 dolls. Tooth Picks, TortoUesheil and silver &c. Sec. Also on Hand. SPECTACLES AND CASES. Silver 1 Convex and green glasses Super Royal Royal Medium Demy Thick and thin folio post, plain Ditto do. do wove ^glish Paper Foolscap Extra large quarter post, plain Ditto do, do. gilt Common size do. plain and gib Single and double ruled Ledgers in plain and patentbinding Journals and Waste-Books I ivoice, Letter, and account Current Books". Cash and receipt books Common Piace and Memorandum books Quit's, from 3-< 9d. to 26s 3d per 10». Best red and coloured Irish Wafers Common red ditto Superfine red and black S'.aling-Wax C iinmon red and black ditto. Pewter ink-sia.ids of all sizes Fountain Ink stands L'gnnm Viex an ! ji-panned Sand-Boxes Ivory aivl bone Folders -dateaend Slate Pencils rtlack lead Pencils, warranted Best black and red ink Powder itou.d and flat Rulers, of all sizes Message and visiting Carls Foolscap and demy marble Paper India Kubber Books of Penmanship and Slip Copies Ladi.'s'and entlemens'Poe ket Books Gentlemen's and Ladies japanned dressing Cases Snuff and Cigar Boxes, assorted Superfine Placing Cards i and 1 feej. G.inter's Scales An elegant assortment of Penknives, with 1, 2, 3, h 4 blades, from Is 6 1 to IPs 9d each Counting-House Penknives with ivory handles W. L. &4 J. liarMy Have for sale, Direct Bills on London, at 30 days sight. Also, The Cargo of the S><ow Paragon, E. Eveleth, roaster, from Trieste and Sicily, Ctiiisisii g of. Platillas, Faro s. Marsala Wines, Britannia*, Hollow Glass Ware, Cavallinos, B.ue Marbled Castile Soap lastaeloes, Zante Currants, Checks, Sweet Almonds, Ollamlinas, Black &> col Sewing Silk, Bastoneinas, Florentine & Green Silks &c Also, 148 boxes superior quality Havanna Sugar*, and a few pipes old Madeira Wine. Sept 19. d.'w e< lm John Robinson, No J16, MARKET STREET, Has imported per ships Otheib, Fame and Abe alia, jrom Liverpool, a well selected and genet at assortment of FALL GOODS, HATTERS' cjT UPHOLS I'ERERS' TRIM- MINGS, tsv. b v c. Men's and Women's Coarse and Fine Hats, and CMliiren's neatly assorted Fancy Hats, in small cases. Which are offsred for sale, oti the most jeasonable terms. Sept 25. d'O -eolOt Plated Ware. Charles i.. tfcehme JSasjmt received an assortment of Plated Goods ; Contisting of CofTee and Tea Pots, Sugar Dishes, Slop Basons, and Cream Pots in Sets. Castor's, Candle Sticks, Brackets, Bread and Fi u.t Baskets, Salts, Snuffers and Trays, Coasters, &c. Sic. FALL GOODs, \ from 1 to 5 doll. Plated t Also, Tortoishshell i Concave glasses for near Steel J sig't.'d persons Goggles with green and white Glasses for weak eyes Reading Glasses in horn, tortoise-shell and pearl WHIPS. Crop Whips Switch do. Gig do. Curricle do. Tandem do. C NES. Sword Canes, from 3 to 5 dells. Dirk do. from 2 1 ° to 3 do. And a variety of others from 25 cents to 10 dolls, and folders A. a J have for sale, a large stock of \merican Writing, Printing and Wrapping Pap<M-, do met Boards, Bihles, Testamen's, Spelling Books, Primers, Cyphering and Cspy Books, Ink-Powder Plaving Cards Wafers, i.c. ' c suitable for Country Meiciianls, which they will sell on the lowest terms for casn or approved paper. Bank Account Books of every descriptu n made at the shortest notice. Merchants, P iblie Oilices, &c. in town or at a distance, furnished with every article in the Stationary line of the best quality, and Orders to any part of toe c mntry executea with punctuality and care. A. a. J fcxpect an additional supply o'" Fine Cutlery he. per the Alexander. NEW GLASSES PUT IN OLD SPECTACLE FRAMES. Oc'.ocer 5 — — e o 6 t And on hand, nWui Of bis own Wrtmulactoiy, newest paterr.s,^ and warranted sterling Silver, Tea Sets of various tashie.ns, Plain and Gdt ; Spoons of every description, together with a general & extensive assortment of Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Mounted Swords and every other ailicle in his lino. TO LUT„ A new two-story Brick Dwelling in North Charles stieet and adjoining the reside.ice of Mr. George Crosdale, apply as above. October i4. «o8t i ill i am Scott, No. 46, NORTH HOWARD STREET, Bus imported per late arrivals Jr.m Liverpool am London, a general assortment of Fail G ods, viz : Cloths and Cassimeres, super line & com- mon, Coatings, plain, napt, and moleskin, Plains, liers'eyi, and Kendal -oitoni, Blankets, Hose, Striped, and Point, Flannels, and iockihgbajsei Manchester Cords, Velveteens, and Thick- seis, Uombazettes, Wildbores, Durants, and C. rmancoes, H siery, Worsted, Lambs Wool, and Cot- ton, &c. &c. Alsoj- st received, Cali oes, India Muslins, Bandanoes, Sewing Silks, German and Irish i-innens, Threads, Pins, S>c. Si pt. '.'4 eo fcrtneh. i.veUiilg Scriu6i. THE School is divided nto two classes which meet alternately every other evei ing Gentlemen who cannot attend regulai ly itnei class, may come occasionally, when their an gagements w-dl allow. MKtHOD Oh TKACHING. To.lessen as much as can be done the la bor attending tlie study of an unknown tuivgue, every begia er is assisted in rsi.idiilg t* constvuing. until he. can translate fine tly by himscit, and to facilitate the knowledge of the gr in,iiar, a selection is iraiic of the most "Ssentiat practical rules whioli j lined t•.>. the j-ecpient repetitions of tne phraseology con- tuuet in Mr. Dufiaf's work tend consitici- ably to accelerate the attainment of the Ian guage. J- BROWN No 8, Water-street, between South and Calvert streets. Sept "5. eol3!|| baluerston and Cornthwait, 51, Countv wharf, HAVE ON HAND, Brown Sugars, Island 2d quality, Loaf and Lump do. i.est Green Coffee, ImpeHalj Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson Skin Teas, of the iirst quality, Allspice, Pepper, Nut nit gs, Ginger, Fig Blue, Indigo, Madler, Star h, Copperas, .\- ium, Raisins, Bed Cords and Leading Lines', 3 tons patent Shot. B B. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Bar Lead, 30 cl /.en TwiHed Sieves, 20 casks 6d. 8d lOd. and 12d wrought Nails 100 do 3M.4d.6d.8d 10(1. T;di«208 cut do. 20 firkins good Biitteriinntce shipping order 2^)0 barrels fresh Fiederick county Flour, 100 barrels Pork, All of which will be sold on aecoir modating ter .s. 10th mo. 5th eo8t Nautical y Surveying instru- ments, for Sale. '. Allen and Co. CoRNEE CF WATFK AND F REDEniCK- STREE1S, NLAll TI.E Ct'STOM HofSZ, Hove reteived fioin London, per the Juniata, Best Brass Sextants, Pocket do lately in- vented and remarkably well .adapted tor land as well as marine surveying, common tind Tangent Quadrants, all of which are accurate, ly divided by an engine constructed on the principle of that of Kamsden's. Also, Storm and Hanging Compasses, a variety of choice day and night Telescopes, Maps, Charts, and Navigation Books : also Theodolites, Mea- suring Chains, cases of Drawing Instiuime.iits, Circumfere tors. Spirit Levels, Military Spy- Glasses, and Microscopes ; also, the Nautical Almanac lor 1807, and 1808, East India Pi- lots' Directory, &c. October 12. eo6t|| "COLORS. The military gentlemen of Baltimore, are respectfully informed, that they o n be sup- plied with Silk Standards, Cavalry and Divi sion Colors, of evary description, on the shortest notice, finished and delivered in com- plete order, at No 60, corner of Albermarle and the lower Bridge-streets. Atro, Colors for the Navy, on the most reasonable terms, by REBECCA -YOUNG. ' Sept 16. eo Hazlenutst, lirotiitrs aad ( o Have received by the George and Albert from 'i'onni'gen, A general assortment of Get man I inens, Consist''.s* of Great " la Morlaix, Dowlas, i-iatillas Royal, biet uir.ias, Kouans, White Rolls, Clr cks, Listadoes, Qiadr.ipie Silesias, Cuscks, No. 2, &c. Also, an invoice of Sheathing ( opperWCut Nails. On Jiui.it, Sheet Lead, Bar do. Pig do. Grind Stones, Mustard in bottlr s, Crown Gloss in crates 01 12 Tables, Porter and Wine isot- tlcs, Copperas. 7- L. P. Madeira Wine in pipes, hhds. and qr. casks, Champaigne, Wine of superior quality, An imoice of Cotton Hosiery ana Black L ice, L'U logs St Dom ngo Mahoganv, 3o ions Logwood. Sept jb. eol2 240 pieces Russia Duck Of the 1st c| alily, just received per scbr Hero captain smith, lrom Boston, and for sate by BUFFUM & GOODHUE, No. 84, Bow'y's wharf. Sept 26. d4uo.it Shoe Thread, English Bend LEATHhR, iff. fohn S. Peck and Co. ' TANNERS and CURRIERS, No. 63, MARKET-SPACE, Have for sale. Prime English Bend Sole Leather, in ranges and squares; Tanners and Curriers' Knives, and a gene- ral assortment of Leather. A1*0, Hair for Plaisterers. And have imported in the Fair American from London SHOE THREAD, of the best quality. October 1. dot eo9t David War field, No 183, BALTIMORE-STREET, Has im-.orted by the late arrivals from Liver- pool, and otherwise rece v\d for sale, A Genet ul Assortment of SEASONABLE GOODS: Amongst which are, Superfine and common Cloths ; Cassimeres, Swandowns, Flannels, Coatings,Bay ses, Flush- ings, Blankets, Plains, Kerseys & Halftbicks ; Manchestry, assorted ; Cotton, Worsted and Silk Hosiery; Stuffs, assorted; Irish Likens, Brown Hollands, Bed-tickens of all qualities ; a good assortment cf Buttons, Threads, Sew- ing Sdks, Su;.; French Silk and Kid Gloves ; Sarsenets, Pealnr.s, and Sattins ; French Cam- brics j German Linens ; India Muslins, C'hecks and Romals ; Bandannas, he. &c. Sept. 21. d4t-eol6t Permanent Museum! A new Museum is Open at No. 6, Water street, which the proprietor intends as a per- manent establishment under the title of the " Baltimore Museum," and respectfully solicits the patronage and liberality of the citizens and others to aid him in the design of rendering this institution inferior to no other in the Unit- ed States. The assistance of the curious, either by vi- si's, donations or deposits is, at this time par- ticularly important, as the institution is [en- tirely new, and must for some time labor un- der all those difficulties and disadvantages to which such establishments are liable. 'The present collection of articles is very neat and daily increasing. The terms are two dollars for a year, or 25 cents admittance. The Museum will be open every dav and eveaing. Oct 9. ee4t|| Cornelius and John Comegys. iVo. 190, Market-street, Have received by the late arrivals, thair usual supply of Consisting of Superfine, second «. low-priced Broadcloths, Double-milled Drabs and Cassimeres, Blue, drab and mixed Plains, Coatings, plain and napp.'d, Bookings, Flannels and Fearnoughts, Rose, striped and point blankets, Kerseys, Halftbicks and Kendal Cottons, Hosiery, Manchestry* Ike. Sic. 20 cases line Hats, And a variety of Goods particularly calcula- ted for exportation. _Sept. Si eo4w Just Received, Per ship William Wilson from Amsterdam, and for sale by the s.ibscribers, 300 boxes red crust Cheese, one Cheese in each box, 100 do. P itte Grasse do. do. 15 bales brawn Flemish Sheetings. In Store, 18 bales white and brojvn Flander Sheet- ings, 6 do. light Holland Sail Duck, 2 boxes heavy do. do. 13 bales Gunny bags ; 2 boxes Tapes and Bobbins, Platillas, Bretagnns, Creas, Esto- pillas, Listadoes, Checks, No 2, Book Che- ks, Osnabnrghs, Hessians, .sc. 1-2 pint Tumblers Madder; Black Lead Crucibles, Fishing and Se A'ing Twine, Holland Gin, Gin cases and Port Wine in boxes, and Spanish Cigars. ALSO, 250,000 wt. Coffee, 80U boxes Havrtna Sugar, And 42 bales Upland Cotton. VON KAPFF & BRUNK. October 9. d ,t-r> ;t A Person Employed in a P iblic Institution of this city, is willing to devote the Evening in a Counting-House, for a few m >i ths. Apply at this office. October 2. eoSt Wm. Norris, Jun. TEA DEALER ASP GROCER, NO 6i, M AKKET-S , ufcli r, Has just receivedfor sale, lo hhds. of superior quality Jamaica Sugar, 7 do. St. Croix do. 50 bags bra tif.il Green Coffee, 25 boxes Muscatel Raisins, 100 do. Bloom do. 80 dozen Windsor Shaving Soap, 2oo lb Fresh Cloves, 3o kegs fresh Split Peas, lo5 boxes d >. Mou.d and Dipt Candles, 1000 baskets fine Table Salt, 64 kegs of very fine and small Twist To- bacco suitable for retailing. 5X> wt. Spanish Flotant Indigo (very fine) 100 cannisters Treble strong Powder, con- taining one pound each. Who has in store, Fine old Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon and Port Wine, by the qr. cask, demijohn or gal- lon ; old Ccgniac Brandy, and old Rum, by the qr. cask e.r gallon ; Allum and Copperas, in bbls and kegs ; Imperial, Hyson, Yout g H\son and blatk Teas, of the best quality, wholesale and retail, with a largo supplv of' well clicsen Groceries, which will DP sold on pleasing terms. N. B. Having on hand a larger quantity of Groceries chan I wish to keep, will dispose of them at reduced prices, for cash. October 14 eo Medical Lectures A course of Leetuies on Anatomy and Sur- ger_\, with a few o-cours«s on the elements of Midwiterv, will be ghen this season by J B. Davidge ; and A coarse on Chyniistry, by J. Shaw. The course or. Anatomy mil be rendered more fill and c mplete, by a series of pre- iec'.ions, on the functions of some of the most important organs of the bod by J. Cocke. Tne above lectures will commence on the first Monday in November next. Oi toner 14. eolstN For Sale, A FARM on I.Ik Kidge, about 18 or 20 miles distant from B ..rimoie, wi bin a mile of the Frederick town 1 nrnpike Road, with a comfortable Dwelling, and oth< r out louses, a lime kiln, and a q antitj ot fruit. It con tains 300 acres with sufficiency ot wood for tbe support of the place, and will make an excellent Gr.izirg Farm. *j\lso, U96 acres within 6 miles of Baltimore, nei.rly two thirds of which is in wood. For terms, v\!ieh will be accommodating; apply at Mr William Child's store, No. 88, Bowly's wharf. Sept 23. eolm Pocket-Book Lost. Lost on Saturday last'.be 10th instant, sup posed between Mr. Barney's Tavern, on t> e Philadelphia Koad, and this city, a Red Mo- rocco 1-OCKET BOCK, containing a variety of papers and a small sum of Money in Bank Notes, supposed to be about 4o or 50 debars. As I had been in town s6me. time before I missed my Pocket Book, it might have been dropped in the street Whoever has found the same, and will return it uito its contents, to Norris and'Tyson on Ellicott's wharf, shall be generously rewarded. JOHN NORRIS. October 12. eo4t| Just Received From Philadelphia, andfor sale by GEohGE HILL, A Chemical Catechism, Or the Application of Chemistry to tlie A rts, for the use of Young People, Ttists, 'Trades- men and the amusement of Leisure Hours, to which is added, a vocabulary of Chemical 'Terms, some useful Tables, and a variety of useful & amusing experiments, by S. PARKES, Manufacturing Chemist. CtJ" This edition is embellished with an elegantly engraved copperplate Frontispiece of the economical Laboratory of James .Vood- house, M. 1). april 22. eo William Cochran & Brothers Have imported by the several arrival's from London and Liverpool, ihcir^usual supply of Fall Goods, Consisting of Superfine, second and low priced Cloths, Double Milled Drabs and Cassimeres, Blue, white, drab and mixed P)ain9, Plain and Napped Coatings, Kersey's and Half Th'C.ks, Flannels and Booking Baizes, Mane u-stry, Hosiery and Stuffs, Coarse Hats, assorted in small cases, Florentines, Collar and Bonnet Velvets, Sewing Silks, Gluves, Buttons, &c. October 2. eolSt William Norris, Jun. ho. 64, Mnrktt street, HAS F O R s^'.E, 110 chests Young Hyson Tea, Jst quality; 85 ditto 1-yson Skio ; 150 smab bi xes 1 tyson Skin Tea, of 13 1-2 lb each ; ij cr.ests Sou- chong; 5 ditto Pekoe Souchong ; 300 leads Imperial and H'snn Tea, containing 2 lbs- each, of supr riot quality; real Cognise. Bran- dy, in long ; Bordeaux diito. in iort pip^s ; Old Jamaica and Antigua Prints, in hhds.; Holland Gin, in pipes; old Peach Brandy, in bbls. ; Made ra Wine, in pi[.es, half pipes, and quarter casks; Brown Su- gar, in hhds. ; Coffee, in bags ; Black Pep- per, ilasket Salt, Race and Ground G-ngery in kegs ; Double Refined Salt Petre ; Cassia, in small bales ; Mace, Cinamon, Nutmegs, and Cloves ; warranted and common Ch co- late ; Mould and Dipt Candles, of the best quality, in boxes ; Spermaceti Candles ; Lon- don and Philadelphia Mustard, in boxes cf 8 and 3 dozen each j Castile, While and Brown Soap, in boxes ; 200 whole and half boxes Segars, some of which are- superior to any ini this city ; 2100 rounds doubl.- sealed Battle Pwwder, in pound papers, of superior qualityj Fig Blue, in small boxes ; Spanish, Flotant, and New-Orleans Inclrjo, of the besi qaaiity ; Cabiness and small Twist Tobacco, in egs, and half kegs, suitable for retailing, some of which hay bees manufactured 18 months £ Sweet Oil, in boxes o! SO flasks each, ancS in baskets and boxes of 13 bottles eai h ; OUT P„rt and Madeira Wine, in botth s ; Cordial/ in botttes j Ketchup,, jr. do ; ( • ' bampai- gne and Burgundy Wine, in buxcs of 1 doz. each; Claret Wine, in boxes f i and 2 doz. each, 1st and W quslity; pi. ing Cards by wholesale, at' • MI ifact'irer's piires; Ja- mieson's Crackers') in bbls. nal bids Kegs,' and. by p tail; Patent Shot,"assorted ; filnom Raisins, in boxes ; Son Sheiie-rt, and Shelled Mmonds, FiuVrrR, White ustard Red; Long Pepper; Picktipg >'•: ar; Poland Stair I iii poan ' pa >ers ; Spot peas, in siriall kegs, and by retail; 12 years eld Spirits; and . 15 years old Cognise Brandy, by retail ; Ca- pers, Ouv s an-t Anchovies, h, boxes ; teal Ceylon Cinnamon, &c. .-11 of which will he sold wholesale and retail, low for cash, or on the usual credit to punctual customers. •gyTt 5 - d4*-2aw_4_w_ | Notice is hereby Givej), That ths subscriber hath obtained from the Orphan's court ot Baltimore caunty, let- ters o; a 'minisirat'on on the pi rionaj est 'e of William I.itzinj^r, late of said county, deceased : All persons haying; claims airamst said estate, are desired to render them to tlie subscriber duly authenticated, li r pay- ment, on or before the 6th day of March next, otherwise they may by lav be excluded from all benefit of said estate ; and all those indebted, are desired to ntake payment with- out delay. ELIZAEETH L1TZ1NGFR, Admiiiistralriai Sept 5, 1807 ,aw6w William Ashman, A r .. 229, Mariet-strc t. Wishes to inforin his old cosjomers and the public, that he continues to I eeo a general assortment of SH'./TS at tbe most reduced prices by wholesa and retail. TO A"/-A'/, For one , r more. ,eu"tr, A good Sta-d for an) k id of business, nest doer te me above, yi p; y to W. ASHMAN. October 7 collt Wm. Wilson and Sons, Hftcejvup tec! for sole, Rose Blankets, ..sr ed in sH.all bales, Carpets, 1'ifli Linens and Lawns, Madder, Dry White Lead Sheaf hii: ; C; pper, i 36 oz. Patent Com er Nails, Japanned \Vare, 6d 8t 8d fin. draw. Nails, G* nan Steel, 100 crates Earthenware, And a few pipes London Particular Madei*. ra Wine, part thereof is old arm fit for use, whjch will be disposed of on accommodating terms, to close the sales. Sept U9. d6t-eo6t Notice is hereby Given, That I intend two months after the date here- of to petition Baltimore county court, or cne of the judges thereof fin the benefit of the insolvent la^ a of the state, to relieve me from dects which I am m aide to pay JAMES RICHARDSON. October 5, 1807. eo2m Notice. Tbe Subscriber is under the painful neces- sity ol notifiing bis creditors, of his intention to asply to Baltimore County Court, or in iis recess, to one of the judges thereof, far the be- nefit of the insolvnnt law of this elate. NICHAEL MACKEY. Oct. 5 en2m Notice to ail my Creditors. From the many losses sustained as security, I am rectu cd to tbe necessity of applying to the honorable tbe judges of Baltimnre county court, for the bem fit of the insolvent laws of 18U5 and 1806. Which application will be made in two m'ntbs from the date hereof, or as soon thereatter as the court shall ba in session. JOHN W1LMOT. Bdiimore county, October 2, 1800—eo2nt Notice is hereby Given, That toe subscriber intends applying to Bs.1. timers county court, at its next si rb gs", or in its recess, to one of the judges tin re.,f, lb? the benefit of the insolvent laws of Marvland MATTHIAS R'CH. Sent. 18, 1807. ' dfrnj Notice. The subscriber is compelled to notify bis creditors of his intenion to apply to Balti- more county court, at i s next .session, or in its recess, to one of the judges thereof, tor the benefit of the ii.solvent Laws of this state. JAMES WEST. Sept 25. d<!m Notice is hereby given, to all my creditors, that I am under tbe painful no- . cessity of appK ing to the judges of Baltimore county court, or to some one of them, for the benefit of the act of assembly passed at No- vember session 1805, entitled an act for tbe relief of sundry insolvent debtors, as also of of the supplement thereto, passed at tbe last, session. ABRAHAM FULLER Sept. 7. d2m •• —^—••—"I ill mi IMII WI.ILJM PRINTED'AND PVRLISHED BY" JOHN HEWBS, Qjipmtethe Post .Office, St. Pmi's-Lave. BALTIMWRR.
Page 1: ANDERSON AND JEFFERIS, William Norris, Jun.mdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3722/msa_sc3722_2... · Violins a Violin-strings j and an handsome as sortment of English Cutlery j Silver


William P Mathews Has jus t received by the Fair American, from


Fresh Drugs and Medicine. His stock is now general and extensive, con­

sisting of Glaziers' Db motids Drugs and Chemicals

Sur-geonilnstrnments Patent Medicines ("iirniturt Glass and

Vials Fine Painters' Colours Gold arid Silver Leaf Copal and Spt. Var

rushes October 5.

I) e Stuffs & fine Fig Biup

Genuine Windsor .Soan

vVash Balls, l'eeth Brushes, and A variety of Perfume* ry.


India and I'rencti Suks* etc. Cjj0:and BrotJiets

H ve for s tie at 'No. 202, Ma'bt-str. et, Black an 1 colored Sr.nsoa.ws, Plaid Lute­

strings, and Fancy Silk Wai^tcoating, 1 st & 2d Chop India Sdk lld'kfs.& 5-4 do Shawls, Sewing1 Silks, Damask k Serge Silk Shawls, Estra T

Jonpr»rid Habit G o< es ; Silk H -siery. Linen C on rt.k,—Flag. Brown, Blue, Hed, and Yell >w" Bartdannoes, Suspender, Man-chestrv, Stuffs, Cambric M.isiins, and Shirt­ings, &c. Sec.

Alsnjvst received,

23 bales ( alcutta Goods, Entitled to drawback.

Gurrahs, 1 Checks, , 9 8 Se 5 4 Sawns, | U w s, Eoxr t ies , 1 Mamoodies, and Cossas, • Baf'tas.

At \ cry low prices for cash or notes. Sept 3d. eolOt

PiUton and Jones, Jfo. 93 , Market thett, Baltimore, andNo.4&,

Market street, Fiilaklphia, Have received by tlie late arrivals from

London a id Live-pool, a complete assortment of iiight Dae and Table

"CLOCKS, Horizontal, Patent Layer, Chronometers,

and common Gold and Silver

W A T C H E S , And Clock and Watch maker's

'1 ools and Materials. Which '.bey offer very 1 >w for cash, or ac-

septances in town 10th mo. 5. eol2t

George floffman Xtas received by the several umv tie, upwards of

30d packages well selected

FALL* GOODS, Which being fflOstly bought, at short credit,

and scle led by careful hands will be found cheap.

Also suite I to the expert trade, 20 trunks London Canibriek Chintzes, 12 do. French Pullicat M'dkts 5 do Madras do. 4 do Ginghams, 5 d.>. Kich Fancy Muslins, T i l " Colored Cambric, 1 do Printed Cambric Robes,

1(1 chests Di.nothv's, 9 cases Shirting Cottons,

35 frt». Super Men's Hats, 12 b des Becking Baize, 6 do. Super Cloths and Cassimeres, 2 do. Scarlet Flannels.

October 1. d6t-eo6t

Schuitz and Pro > string No. 2 22, Mat het-street,

Have imported an assortment of GER iAN GOODS;

Consisting of Burlaps ; Hessians; and fine home-made" Linen ; Thread Laces ; white and black Edgings, and Fringes , C'tton Bed-

' Ttickensi Snuff Box .s ; L'>oking.glass Plates aval Looking glasses ; a general sssortinen o "Wooden Stockings and Gloves ; Superfine blue, black M .nixVd CI th<< Velvet Kihand ; Plain and figured silk Velvets, all colours ; Black and colored silk Handkershiefs and sba wis; fashiooabesilk Ribands; Ca .d'l.stiekK, Oil flints; Spinning wheel Irons ; Oilcloths; Violins a Violin-strings j and an handsome as­sortment of English Cutlery j Silver watches ; "Watch Springs; Watch hands. Also, 60B"ox-es Spanish Cigars, which they offer for sale on reasonable terms.

They also have on hand a parcel of Calicoes, Dimities ; President Velvets ; Nap Coating, &c Ike, which the\ offer for sale at reduced prices, to close a consignment

Oct ~ 7. eo6


Have received per the Fair American from London, and Her­cules from Live/pool, the following goods, viz :

Sportsman's Knives, from I5s to 30s each Fine Scissors. Best warranted Razors Gardener's Pruning knives

Best En- Cases of'piotling instruments Ebony and brass Parallel rules Pocket Compasses 6 and 12 inch ivory pocket rules. Pocket Thermometers, in shagreen cases Barometers and Thermometers together Ivory Scales and Sectors. Brass Protractors Opera Glasses Brass Linen Prevers Camera Obscuras Spirit Levels Lamp "Glasses, Wicks, &c. &c. Sujvarow Spurs—Tooth Brushes

/Powder flasks, from 1 to 3 doll.—Counting House files

Shot Belts, from l t o 2 1-2 dolls. Tooth Picks, TortoUesheil and silver &c. Sec.


Silver 1 Convex and green glasses

Super Royal Royal Medium Demy Thick and thin folio post, plain Ditto do. do wove ^glish Paper Foolscap Extra large quarter post, plain Ditto do, do. gilt Common size do. plain and gib Single and double ruled Ledgers in plain and

patentbinding Journals and Waste-Books I ivoice, Letter, and account Current Books". Cash and receipt books Common Piace and Memorandum books Quit's, from 3-< 9d. to 26s 3d per 10». Best red and coloured Irish Wafers Common red ditto Superfine red and black S'.aling-Wax C iinmon red and black ditto. Pewter ink-sia.ids of all sizes Fountain Ink stands L'gnnm Viex an ! ji-panned Sand-Boxes Ivory aivl bone Folders -dateaend Slate Pencils rtlack lead Pencils, warranted Best black and red ink Powder itou.d and flat Rulers, of all sizes Message and visiting Carls Foolscap and demy marble Paper India Kubber Books of Penmanship and Slip Copies Ladi.'s'and entlemens'Poe ket Books Gentlemen's and Ladies japanned dressing

Cases Snuff and Cigar Boxes, assorted Superfine Placing Cards i and 1 feej. G.inter's Scales An elegant assortment of Penknives, with 1,

2, 3, h 4 blades, from Is 6 1 to IPs 9d each

Counting-House Penknives with ivory handles

W. L. &4 J. liarMy Have for sale,

Direct Bills on London, at 30 days sight. Also,

The Cargo of the S><ow Paragon, E. Eveleth, roaster, from Trieste and Sicily,

Ctiiisisii g of. Platillas, Faro s. Marsala Wines, Britannia*, Hollow Glass Ware, Cavallinos, B.ue Marbled Castile Soap lastaeloes, Zante Currants, Checks, Sweet Almonds, Ollamlinas, Black &> col Sewing Silk, Bastoneinas, Florentine & Green Silks &c

Also, 148 boxes superior quality Havanna Sugar*,

and a few pipes old Madeira Wine. Sept 19. d.'w e< lm

John Robinson, No J16 , M A R K E T S T R E E T ,

Has imported per ships Otheib, Fame and Abe alia, jrom Liverpool, a well selected and

genet at assortment of


MINGS, tsv. bvc. Men's and Women's Coarse and Fine Hats,

and CMliiren's neatly assorted Fancy Hats, in small cases.

Which are offsred for sale, oti the most jeasonable terms. Sept 25. d'O -eolOt

Plated Ware.

Charles i . . tfcehme JSasjmt received an assortment of

Plated Goods ; Contisting of

CofTee and Tea Pots, Sugar Dishes, Slop Basons, and Cream Pots in Sets. Castor's, Candle Sticks, Brackets, Bread and Fi u.t Baskets, Salts, Snuffers and Trays, Coasters, &c. Sic.

F A L L G O O D s ,


from 1 to 5 doll.

Plated t Also, Tortoishshell i Concave glasses for near Steel J sig't . 'd persons Goggles with green and white Glasses for

weak eyes Reading Glasses in horn, tortoise-shell and

pearl W H I P S .

Crop Whips Switch do. Gig do. Curricle do. Tandem do.

C NES. Sword Canes, from 3 to 5 dells. Dirk do. from 2 1 ° to 3 do. And a variety of others from 25 cents to 10

dolls, and folders

A. a J have for sale, a large stock of \merican Writing, Printing and Wrapping Pap<M-, do met Boards, Bihles, Testamen's, Spelling Books, Primers, Cyphering and Cspy Books, Ink-Powder Plaving Cards Wafers, i.c. ' c suitable for Country Meiciianls, which they will sell on the lowest terms for casn or approved paper.

Bank Account Books of every descriptu n made at the shortest notice. Merchants, P iblie Oilices, &c. in town or at a distance, furnished with every article in

the Stationary line of the best quality, and Orders to any part of toe c mntry executea with punctuality and care.

A. a. J fcxpect an additional supply o'" Fine Cutlery he. per the Alexander. NEW GLASSES PUT IN OLD SPECTACLE FRAMES.

Oc'.ocer 5 — — e o 6 t

And on hand, nWui Of bis own Wrtmulactoiy, newest paterr.s,^

and warranted sterling Silver, Tea Sets of various tashie.ns, Plain and Gdt ; Spoons of every description, together with a general & extensive assortment of Jewelry, Gold and Silver Watches, Silver Mounted Swords and every other ailicle in his lino.

TO LUT„ A new two-story Brick Dwelling in North

Charles stieet and adjoining the reside.ice of Mr. George Crosdale, apply as above.

October i4. «o8t

i ill i am Scott, No. 46, N O R T H HOWARD STREET,

Bus imported per late arrivals Jr.m Liverpool am London, a general assortment of

Fail G ods, viz : Cloths and Cassimeres, super line & com-

mon, Coatings, plain, napt, and moleskin, Plains, liers'eyi, and Kendal -oitoni, Blankets, Hose, Striped, and Point, Flannels, and iockihgbajsei Manchester Cords, Velveteens, and Thick-

seis, Uombazettes, Wildbores, Durants, and

C. rmancoes, H siery, Worsted, Lambs Wool, and Cot­

ton, &c. &c. Alsoj- st received,

Cali oes, India Muslins, Bandanoes, Sewing Silks, German and Irish i-innens,

Threads, Pins, S>c. Si pt. '.'4 eo

fcrtneh. i.veUiilg Scriu6i. THE School is divided nto two classes

which meet alternately every other evei ing Gentlemen who cannot attend regulai ly • itnei class, may come occasionally, when their an gagements w-dl allow.

MKtHOD Oh TKACHING. To.lessen as much as can be done the la

bor attending tlie study of an unknown tuivgue, every begia er is assisted in rsi.idiilg t* constvuing. until he. can translate fine tly by himscit, and to facilitate the knowledge of the gr in,iiar, a selection is iraiic of the most "Ssentiat practical rules whioli j lined t•.>. the j-ecpient repetitions of tne phraseology con-tuuet in Mr. Dufiaf's work tend consitici-ably to accelerate the attainment of the Ian guage. J- BROWN

No 8, Water-street, between South and Calvert streets.

Sept "5. eol3!| |

baluerston and Cornthwait, 51, Countv wharf,

HAVE ON HAND, Brown Sugars, Island 2d quality, Loaf and Lump do. i.est Green Coffee, ImpeHalj Hyson, Young Hyson, and Hyson

Skin Teas, of the iirst quality, Allspice, Pepper, Nut nit gs, Ginger, Fig

Blue, Indigo, Madler, Star h, Copperas, .\-ium, Raisins, Bed Cords and Leading Lines',

3 tons patent Shot. B B. Nos. 1, 2 and 3, Bar Lead, 30 cl /.en TwiHed Sieves, 20 casks 6d. 8d lOd. and 12d wrought Nails

100 do 3M.4d.6d.8d 10(1. T;di«208 cut do. 20 firkins good Biitteriinntce shipping order

2̂ )0 barrels fresh Fiederick county Flour, 100 barrels Pork,

All of which will be sold on aecoir modating ter .s.

10th mo. 5th eo8t

Nautical y Surveying instru­ments, for Sale.

'. Allen and Co. CoRNEE CF W A T F K AND F REDEniCK-

STREE1S, NLAll TI.E Ct'STOM HofSZ, Hove reteived fioin London, per the Juniata,

Best Brass Sextants, Pocket do lately in­vented and remarkably well .adapted tor land as well as marine surveying, common tind Tangent Quadrants, all of which are accurate, ly divided by an engine constructed on the principle of that of Kamsden's. Also, Storm and Hanging Compasses, a variety of choice day and night Telescopes, Maps, Charts, and Navigation Books : also Theodolites, Mea­suring Chains, cases of Drawing Instiuime.iits, Circumfere tors. Spirit Levels, Military Spy-Glasses, and Microscopes ; also, the Nautical Almanac lor 1807, and 1808, East India Pi­lots' Directory, &c. October 12. eo6t||

" C O L O R S . The military gentlemen of Baltimore, are

respectfully informed, that they o n be sup­plied with Silk Standards, Cavalry and Divi sion Colors, of evary description, on the shortest notice, finished and delivered in com­plete order, at No 60, corner of Albermarle and the lower Bridge-streets. Atro, Colors for the Navy, on the most reasonable terms, by

REBECCA -YOUNG. ' Sept 16. eo

Hazlenutst, lirotiitrs aad ( o Have received by the George and Albert from

'i'onni'gen, A general assortment of

Get man I inens, Consist''.s* of Great " la Morlaix,

Dowlas, i-iatillas Royal, biet uir.ias, Kouans,

White Rolls, Clr cks, Listadoes, Qiadr.ipie Silesias, Cuscks, No. 2, &c.

Also, an invoice of

Sheathing ( opperWCut Nails. On Jiui.it,

Sheet Lead, Bar do. Pig do. Grind Stones, Mustard in bottlr s,

Crown Gloss in crates 01 12 Tables,

Porter and Wine isot-tlcs,



L. P. Madeira Wine in pipes, hhds. and qr. casks,

Champaigne, Wine of superior quality, An imoice of Cotton Hosiery ana Black

L ice, L'U logs St Dom ngo Mahoganv, 3o ions Logwood.

Sept jb. eol2

240 pieces Russia Duck Of the 1st c| alily, just received per scbr

Hero captain smith, lrom Boston, and for sate by

BUFFUM & GOODHUE, No. 84, Bow'y's wharf.

Sept 26. d4uo.it

Shoe Thread, English Bend LEATHhR, iff.

fohn S. Peck and Co. ' TANNERS and CURRIERS,

No. 63, M A R K E T - S P A C E , Have for sale.

Prime English Bend Sole Leather, in ranges and squares;

Tanners and Curriers' Knives, and a gene­ral assortment of Leather.

A1*0, Hair for Plaisterers. And have imported in the Fair American

from London SHOE T H R E A D , of the best quality.

October 1. dot eo9t

David War field, No 183, B A L T I M O R E - S T R E E T ,

Has im-.orted by the late arrivals from Liver­pool, and otherwise rece v\d for sale,

A Genet ul Assortment of

S E A S O N A B L E G O O D S : Amongst which are,

Superfine and common Cloths ; Cassimeres, Swandowns, Flannels, Coatings,Bay ses, Flush­ings, Blankets, Plains, Kerseys & Halftbicks ; Manchestry, assorted ; Cotton, Worsted and Silk Hosiery; Stuffs, assorted; Irish Likens, Brown Hollands, Bed-tickens of all qualities ; a good assortment cf Buttons, Threads, Sew­ing Sdks, Su;.; French Silk and Kid Gloves ; Sarsenets, Pealnr.s, and Sattins ; French Cam­brics j German Linens ; India Muslins, C'hecks and Romals ; Bandannas, he. &c.

Sept. 21. d4t-eol6t

Permanent Museum! A new Museum is Open at No. 6, Water

street, which the proprietor intends as a per­manent establishment under the title of the " Baltimore Museum," and respectfully solicits the patronage and liberality of the citizens and others to aid him in the design of rendering this institution inferior to no other in the Unit­ed States.

The assistance of the curious, either by vi-si's, donations or deposits is, at this time par­ticularly important, as the institution is [en­tirely new, and must for some time labor un­der all those difficulties and disadvantages to which such establishments are liable. 'The present collection of articles is very neat and daily increasing.

The terms are two dollars for a year, or 25 cents admittance. The Museum will be open every dav and eveaing.

Oct 9. ee4t||

Cornelius and John Comegys. iVo. 190, Market-street,

Have received by the late arrivals, thair usual supply of

Consisting of Superfine, second «. low-priced Broadcloths, Double-milled Drabs and Cassimeres, Blue, drab and mixed Plains, Coatings, plain and napp.'d, Bookings, Flannels and Fearnoughts, Rose, striped and point blankets, Kerseys, Halftbicks and Kendal Cottons, Hosiery, Manchestry* Ike. Sic. 20 cases line Hats,

And a variety of Goods particularly calcula­ted for exportation. _Sept. S i eo4w

Just Received, Per ship William Wilson from Amsterdam,

and for sale by the s.ibscribers, 300 boxes red crust Cheese, one Cheese in

each box, 100 do. P itte Grasse do. do.

15 bales brawn Flemish Sheetings. In Store,

18 bales white and brojvn Flander Sheet­ings,

6 do. light Holland Sail Duck, 2 boxes heavy do. do.

13 bales Gunny bags ; 2 boxes Tapes and Bobbins, Platillas, Bretagnns, Creas, Esto-pillas, Listadoes, Checks, No 2, Book Che- ks, Osnabnrghs, Hessians, .sc. 1-2 pint Tumblers Madder; Black Lead Crucibles, Fishing and Se A'ing Twine, Holland Gin, Gin cases and Port Wine in boxes, and Spanish Cigars.

ALSO, 250,000 wt. Coffee,

80U boxes Havrtna Sugar, And 42 bales Upland Cotton.

VON KAPFF & BRUNK. October 9. d ,t-r> ;t

A Person Employed in a P iblic Institution of this city, is willing to devote the Evening in a Counting-House, for a few m >i ths. Apply at this office.

October 2. eoSt


NO 6i , M AKKET-S , ufcli r, Has just receivedfor sale,

lo hhds. of superior quality Jamaica Sugar, 7 do. St. Croix do.

50 bags bra tif.il Green Coffee, 25 boxes Muscatel Raisins,

100 do. Bloom do. 80 dozen Windsor Shaving Soap,

2oo lb Fresh Cloves, 3o kegs fresh Split Peas,

lo5 boxes d >. Mou.d and Dipt Candles, 1000 baskets fine Table Salt,

64 kegs of very fine and small Twist To­bacco suitable for retailing. 5X> wt. Spanish Flotant Indigo (very fine)

100 cannisters Treble strong Powder, con­taining one pound each.

Who has in store, Fine old Madeira, Sherry, Lisbon and

Port Wine, by the qr. cask, demijohn or gal­lon ; old Ccgniac Brandy, and old Rum, by the qr. cask e.r gallon ; Allum and Copperas, in bbls and kegs ; Imperial, Hyson, Yout g H\son and blatk Teas, of the best quality, wholesale and retail, with a largo supplv of' well clicsen Groceries, which will DP sold on pleasing terms.

N. B. Having on hand a larger quantity of Groceries chan I wish to keep, will dispose of them at reduced prices, for cash.

October 14 eo

Medical Lectures A course of Leetuies on Anatomy and Sur-

ger_\, with a few o-cours«s on the elements of Midwiterv, will be ghen this season by J B. Davidge ; and

A coarse on Chyniistry, by J. Shaw. The course or. Anatomy mil be rendered

more fill and c mplete, by a series of pre-iec'.ions, on the functions of some of the most important organs of the bod by J. Cocke.

Tne above lectures will commence on the first Monday in November next.

Oi toner 14. eolstN

For Sale, A FARM on I.Ik Kidge, about 18 or 20

miles distant from B ..rimoie, wi bin a mile of the Frederick town 1 nrnpike Road, with a comfortable Dwelling, and oth< r out louses, a lime kiln, and a q antitj ot fruit. It con tains 300 acres with sufficiency ot wood for tbe support of the place, and will make an excellent Gr.izirg Farm. *j\lso, U96 acres within 6 miles of Baltimore, nei.rly two thirds of which is in wood. For terms, v\!ieh will be accommodating; apply at Mr William Child's store, No. 88, Bowly's wharf.

Sept 23. eolm

Pocket-Book Lost. Lost on Saturday last'.be 10th instant, sup

posed between Mr. Barney's Tavern, on t> e Philadelphia Koad, and this city, a Red Mo­rocco 1-OCKET BOCK, containing a variety of papers and a small sum of Money in Bank Notes, supposed to be about 4o or 50 debars. As I had been in town s6me. time before I missed my Pocket Book, it might have been dropped in the street Whoever has found the same, and will return it uito its contents, to Norris and'Tyson on Ellicott's wharf, shall be generously rewarded. JOHN NORRIS.

October 12. eo4t |

Just Received From Philadelphia, and for sale by

G E o h G E HILL,

A Chemical Catechism, Or the Application of Chemistry to tlie A rts,

for the use of Young People, Ttists, 'Trades­men and the amusement of Leisure Hours, to which is added, a vocabulary of Chemical 'Terms, some useful Tables, and a variety of useful & amusing experiments, by S. PARKES, Manufacturing Chemist.

CtJ" This edition is embellished with an elegantly engraved copperplate Frontispiece of the economical Laboratory of James .Vood-house, M. 1).

april 22. eo

William Cochran & Brothers Have imported by the several arrival's from

London and Liverpool, ihcir^usual supply of

Fall Goods, Consisting of

Superfine, second and low priced Cloths, Double Milled Drabs and Cassimeres, Blue, white, drab and mixed P)ain9, Plain and Napped Coatings, Kersey's and Half Th'C.ks, Flannels and Booking Baizes, Mane u-stry, Hosiery and Stuffs, Coarse Hats, assorted in small cases, Florentines, Collar and Bonnet Velvets, Sewing Silks, Gluves, Buttons, &c.

October 2. eolSt

William Norris, Jun. ho. 64, Mnrktt street,

HAS FOR s^'.E, 110 chests Young Hyson Tea, Jst quality;

85 ditto 1-yson Skio ; 150 smab bi xes 1 tyson Skin Tea, of 13 1-2 lb each ; i j cr.ests Sou­chong; 5 ditto Pekoe Souchong ; 300 leads Imperial and H'snn Tea, containing 2 lbs-each, of supr riot quality; real Cognise. Bran­dy, in long ; Bordeaux diito. in iort pip^s ; Old Jamaica and Antigua Prints, in hhds.; Holland Gin, in pipes; old Peach Brandy, in bbls. ; Made ra Wine, in pi[.es, half pipes, and quarter casks; Brown Su­gar, in hhds. ; Coffee, in bags ; Black Pep­per, ilasket Salt, Race and Ground G-ngery in kegs ; Double Refined Salt Petre ; Cassia, in small bales ; Mace, Cinamon, Nutmegs, and Cloves ; warranted and common Ch co-late ; Mould and Dipt Candles, of the best quality, in boxes ; Spermaceti Candles ; Lon­don and Philadelphia Mustard, in boxes cf 8 and 3 dozen each j Castile, While and Brown Soap, in boxes ; 200 whole and half boxes Segars, some of which are- superior to any ini this city ; 2100 rounds doubl.- sealed Battle Pwwder, in pound papers, of superior qualityj Fig Blue, in small boxes ; Spanish, Flotant, and New-Orleans Inclrjo, of the besi qaaiity ; Cabiness and small Twist Tobacco, in egs, and half kegs, suitable for retailing, some of which hay bees manufactured 18 months £ Sweet Oil, in boxes o! SO flasks each, ancS in baskets and boxes of 13 bottles eai h ; OUT P„rt and Madeira Wine, in botth s ; Cordial/ in botttes j Ketchup,, jr. do ; ( • ' bampai-gne and Burgundy Wine, in buxcs of 1 doz. each; Claret Wine, in boxes f i and 2 doz. each, 1st and W quslity; p i . ing Cards by wholesale, a t ' • MI ifact'irer's p i i res ; Ja-mieson's Crackers') in bbls. nal bids Kegs,' and. by p tail; Patent Shot,"assorted ; filnom Raisins, in boxes ; Son Sheiie-rt, and Shelled Mmonds, FiuVrrR, White ustard Red; Long Pepper; Picktipg >'•: a r ; Poland Stair I iii poan ' pa >ers ; Spot peas, in siriall kegs, and by retail; 12 years eld Spirits; and . 15 years old Cognise Brandy, by retail ; Ca­pers, Ouv s an-t Anchovies, h, boxes ; teal Ceylon Cinnamon, &c. .-11 of which will he sold wholesale and retail, low for cash, or on the usual credit to punctual customers.

•gyTt 5- d4*-2aw_4_w_ |

Notice is hereby Givej), That ths subscriber hath obtained from

the Orphan's court ot Baltimore caunty, let­ters o; a 'minisirat'on on the pi rionaj est 'e of William I.itzinj^r, late of said county, deceased : All persons haying; claims airamst said estate, are desired to render them to tlie subscriber duly authenticated, li r pay­ment, on or before the 6th day of March next, otherwise they may by lav be excluded from all benefit of said estate ; and all those indebted, are desired to ntake payment with­out delay.

ELIZAEETH L1TZ1NGFR, Admiiiistralriai

Sept 5, 1807 ,aw6w

William Ashman, Ar.. 229, Mariet-strc t.

Wishes to inforin his old cosjomers and the public, that he continues to I eeo a general assortment of SH'./TS at tbe most reduced prices by wholesa and retail.

TO A"/-A'/, For one , r more. ,eu"tr,

A good Sta-d for an) k id of business, nest doer te me above, yi p; y to

W. ASHMAN. October 7 col l t

Wm. Wilson and Sons, Hftcejvup tec! for sole,

Rose Blankets, ..sr ed in sH.all bales, Carpets, 1'ifli Linens and Lawns, Madder, Dry White Lead Sheaf hii: ; C; pper, • i 36 oz. Patent Com er Nails, Japanned \Vare, 6d 8t 8d fin. draw. Nails, G * nan Steel, 100 crates Earthenware, And a few pipes London Particular Madei*.

ra Wine, part thereof is old arm fit for use, whjch will be disposed of on accommodating terms, to close the sales.

Sept U9. d6t-eo6t

Notice is hereby Given, That I intend two months after the date here­

of to petition Baltimore county court, or cne of the judges thereof fin the benefit of the insolvent la^ a of the state, to relieve me from dects which I am m aide to pay

JAMES RICHARDSON. October 5, 1807. eo2m

Notice. Tbe Subscriber is under the painful neces­

sity ol notifiing bis creditors, of his intention to asply to Baltimore County Court, or in iis recess, to one of the judges thereof, far the be­nefit of the insolvnnt law of this elate.

N I C H A E L MACKEY. Oct. 5 en2m

Notice to ail my Creditors. From the many losses sustained as security,

I am rectu cd to tbe necessity of applying to the honorable tbe judges of Baltimnre county court, for the bem fit of the insolvent laws of 18U5 and 1806. Which application will be made in two m'ntbs from the date hereof, or as soon thereatter as the court shall ba in session.

JOHN W1LMOT. Bdiimore county, October 2, 1800—eo2nt

Notice is hereby Given, That toe subscriber intends applying to Bs.1.

timers county court, at its next si rb gs", or in its recess, to one of the judges tin re.,f, lb? the benefit of the insolvent laws of Marvland

MATTHIAS R 'CH. Sent. 18, 1807. ' dfrnj

Notice. The subscriber is compelled to notify bis

creditors of his intenion to apply to Balti­more county court, at i s next .session, or in its recess, to one of the judges thereof, tor the benefit of the ii.solvent Laws of this state. JAMES WEST.

Sept 25. d<!m

Notice is hereby given, to all my creditors, that I am under tbe painful no- . cessity of appK ing to the judges of Baltimore county court, or to some one of them, for the benefit of the act of assembly passed at No­vember session 1805, entitled an act for tbe relief of sundry insolvent debtors, as also of of the supplement thereto, passed at tbe last, session.


• — • • — ^ — • • — " I i l l mi IMII WI.ILJM


Qjipmtethe Post .Office, St. Pmi's-Lave. BALTIMWRR.
