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ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the...

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ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL Constantia Basis Virtutum To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of full COUNCIL to be held at The Upper Guildhall on Thursday 14 June 2012 at 7.00 pm when it is proposed to transact the following business:- Wendy R Coulter Town Clerk – 8 June 2012 MEMBERS OF THE PUBLIC ARE WELCOME TO ALL MEETINGS Prior to the commencement of the Town Council meeting there will be presentations for the winners of the ‘Schools Diamond Jubilee Painting’ Competition and the Andover Town ‘Best Dressed Window’ Competition. 1 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE To receive and accept apologies for absence. 2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST To receive and note any declarations of interest relevant to the agenda. 3 MINUTES The Chairman to sign as a correct record the minutes of the Town Council meeting held on 2 May 2012 – Appendix A. 4 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There is an opportunity for members of the public to make statements or ask questions on items on the agenda. Each person is limited to 3 minutes and the total amount of time set aside will be 15 minutes. 5 CHAIRMAN’S ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive the Chairman’s Announcements. 1
Page 1: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


Constantia Basis Virtutum

To the Members of Andover Town Council:

You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of full COUNCIL to be held at The Upper

Guildhall on Thursday 14 June 2012 at 7.00 pm when it is proposed to transact the

following business:-

Wendy R Coulter

Town Clerk – 8 June 2012


Prior to the commencement of the Town Council meeting there will be presentations for

the winners of the ‘Schools Diamond Jubilee Painting’ Competition and the Andover

Town ‘Best Dressed Window’ Competition.


To receive and accept apologies for absence.


To receive and note any declarations of interest relevant to the agenda.


The Chairman to sign as a correct record the minutes of the Town Council meeting held

on 2 May 2012 – Appendix A.


There is an opportunity for members of the public to make statements or ask questions

on items on the agenda. Each person is limited to 3 minutes and the total amount of

time set aside will be 15 minutes.


To receive the Chairman’s Announcements.


Page 2: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


To receive and note the attached Minutes of the under-mentioned committees:

2 May 2012 Amenities and Town Development Committee – Appendix B.

5 March 2012 Planning Committee – Appendix C.

26 March 2012 Planning Committee – Appendix D.

16 April 2012 Planning Committee – Appendix E.

8 May 2012 Planning Committee – Appendix F.


To note the Internal Audit Management Letter and Action Plan and to approve the

Action Plan – report attached at Appendix G.


To receive and approve the Annual Return for the Year Ended 31 March 2012 – Annual

Return Papers attached at Appendix H.


To consider the disposal of the Town Council business waste, in compliance with

Sections 33 and 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 – report attached at

Appendix I.


To amend Standing Order 15 (ix) as per the Internal Auditors report. Report attached at

Appendix J.


To approve the number of Members on each Committee and to approve the

Membership of Committees – report attached at Appendix K.


To agree the level of allotment rental increase for 2013/2014 and subsequent years –

report attached at Appendix L.


To receive a verbal update report from the Jubilee Working Group on the Jubilee Events

in Andover.


To receive and approve the list of payments up to 11 June 2012 – papers to follow.


To receive questions from Councillors as per Standing Order No 8, provided three clear

working days’ notice of the question has been given to the Town Clerk.

16 REPORTS FROM COUNCILLORS To receive any reports from Town Council Members.



To receive any reports from Borough and County Councillors.


Page 3: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS TO PASS A RESOLUTION to exclude members of the public and press from the meeting at Part

2, Item19 of the agenda. Due to consideration of confidential staffing matters.



To consider a confidential report on Staffing, distributed under separate cover for

Andover Town Council Members only.

The Chairman will close the meeting.


Page 4: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


A Minutes Annual Council

Time and date 7.00pm on Thursday 2 May 2012

Place Upper Guildhall, Andover

Attendees: Cllrs David Drew (Chairman), Geoff McBride (Vice Chairman) Katherine Bird, Barbara

Carpenter, Alan Cotter , Janet Evans, Andrew Fitchet, Karen Hamilton, Sandra Hawke, Kevin

Hughes, Marion Kerley, Barbara Long, Christopher Lynn, Brian Page, Veronika Pond, Philip North,

Roy Shukri.

Members not present: Z Brooks and T Raper.

Officers Present: W Coulter (Town Clerk) (taking the minutes)

Members of the Public: 17

C 01/12 Apologies

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Councillors Z Brooks and T


C 02/12 Declarations of Interest

Councillor Long declared a personal interest in Item 12 – Review of Allotment Charges –

she has an allotment and is the Warden for Vigo Road.

Councillor Lynn declared a personal interest in Item 12 – Review of Allotment Charges –

his son and daughter in law have an allotment at The Drove.

C 03/12 Minutes

The Minutes of the Council meeting held on 15 March 2012 were signed by the Chairman

as a correct record.


Page 5: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

C 04/12 Public Participation

Pam Mutton – Hampshire County Councillor for Andover

With reference to the item on allotment rental increases, there should be improvements

and enhancements to gates, pathways, water provided all year and regular litter


The Chairman Councillor Drew thanked Mrs Mutton for her comments.

Tony Hook – Andover Businessman

Brought the Town Council’s attention to the Portas Review and asked Members to

consider that the Town Centre of Andover, in his opinion was dying.

Mr Hook urged the Town Council to host a meeting to allow the Business Community,

Andover Residents and the local authorities to have a meeting to discuss the situation.

Members agreed that the Town Council should host a meeting to allow discussions to take

place. It was suggest that the meeting should also be to ask residents their opinion on how

the situation could be improved.

Councillor Hamilton suggested that the meeting take place at the Leisure Centre, or

somewhere that could accommodate a large number of people.

Pat West – Hampshire County Councillor for Andover

What is the Lighting Plaque and how much did it cost?

Did the Town Council have permission to place the Beacon on top of St Marys Church

and how much did it cost?

Councillor North confirmed that the Town Council had been working closely with the

Church and permission had been granted and all safety checks and risk assessments had

been carried out.

The Lighting Plaque was to recreate a lighting plaque that had been erected in Andover in

1953 to celebrate the coronation, it cost approximately £2,000.

Councillor Long confirmed that the Beacon had cost approximately £300.

C 05/12 Chairman’s Review

The Chairman Councillor David Drew made the following review of his appointment of

Chairman of Andover Town Council during the Municipal Year 2011/2012.

“Key achievements over the past year

1. Moved to new premises – 66c High Street

2. Took over the allotment administration from TVBC

3. Xmas lights at the switch-on event last November

4. The creation and adoption of a 10 year business plan for the Town Council. The process

involved all councillors.

5. Website is now up and running. To become a Town website rather than a Town Council

website. More information to come, incl. allotments.

6. A Charities event in the High Street on the 30th March. Very successful.

7. Supporting the Diamond Jubilee and the Olympic Games Torch parade. Shop window

dressing competition. Illuminated EIIR sign on Guildhall.

8. A new part time member of staff to support the allotments and a commitment to invest

in them

9. A Council tax freeze for the coming year – as did TVBC & HCC

10. This coming year we will have a 3rd main committee called Amenities and Town

Development – the centre for community activities for the TC

We have made tangible progress this year and there will be further challenges next year to which I


Page 6: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

am certain this Town will rise”.

C 06/12 Election of the Chairman

Councillor Sandra Hawke proposed and Councillor Phillip North seconded that Councillor

David Drew be elected Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year 2012/2013.

There was a further proposal.

Councillor Andrew Fitchet proposed and Councillor Janet Evans seconded that Councillor

Katherine Bird be elected Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year 2012/2013.

A vote by show of hands was taken:

Cllr David Drew – 10

Cllr Katherine Bird – 7

RESOLVED: That Councillor David Drew be elected Chairman of Andover

Town Council for the ensuing Municipal Year 2012/2013.

C 07/12 The Chairman to make the Declaration of Acceptance of Office

Councillor David Drew made his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and continued with

the duties of Chairman.

The Chairman thanked Cllr Hawke and Cllr North for proposing and seconding his

nomination as Chairman and made the following speech.

“What was achieved last year has been covered.

We now look to the future:-

Perhaps a good opportunity to remind ourselves of the talent on the TC:-

4 former Mayors of Test Valley, the former Mayor of Tiverton (Devon), a rocket scientist, experts

in local history, horticulture, campanology, a street pastor, a retired engineer, a banker, a

researcher at the Palace of Westminster, a retired senior army officer, and expertise in personnel,

purchasing, sales, science and engineering, including many who have considerable experience

working in local government and local communities.

This represents considerable talent and expertise.

Turning to community involvement:-

There are many communities across our Town: I praise the work going on to support residents

across residential areas; supported by many organisations and respective local councillors. Not

only geographic Other communities include the elderly, the young, those who walk those who cycle,

those who play sport; football, rugby, hockey and cricket (if the weather improves). And the list

goes on.

Yesterday, along with the Mayor of TV, I was at the annual meeting of the Andover scouts. What

a fantastic community that is. Creating life skills for the young.

I was struck by the words which Zilliah said: If the community of volunteers stopped, Test Valley

would stop. And so I suspect would Andover. Those selfless people who volunteer are also a

community. Our job is therefore to help build these communities, to support and develop them

wherever possible.

There is one community which I expect us to take forward this year. The formation of an Andover

Youth Council. Geoff McB and AF have put out a call for ideas on how this should operate.

Important that the young of our Town have their say on how it runs: it will be their opportunity to

influence the future because they ARE the future. I look forward seeing progress here.


Page 7: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

A little story. Meeting this morning at Iris and Sam’s request to look at parking problems on

Admirals Way. A vigorous community association that deserves our support. Looking at land

ownership: some Highways; some Test Valley and some what was Testway Housing now Aster

Communities. DW Suggested that the TC ‘take on’ the bus shelters – it is in The Plan years 4-8.

To get the best for that community many organisations have to work together.

That is the key. It is why we have our new A&TD committee. We must work together to achieve

the best for our Town. In particular across HCC, TVBC and the TC.

And so we begin another year, some done but still much to do.

Thank you”.

C 08/12 Election of Vice-Chairman

Councillor Marion Kerley proposed and Councillor David Drew seconded that Councillor

Geoffrey McBride be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year 2012/2013.

There was a further nomination.

Councillor Barbara Long proposed and Councillor Katherine Bird seconded that

Councillor Andrew Fitchet be elected Vic-Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year


A vote by show of hands was taken.

Councillor G McBride - 9

Councillor A Fitchet - 8

RESOLVED: That Councillor Geoffrey McBride be elected Vice-Chairman for

the Municipal Year 2012/2013.

C 09/12 Declaration of Acceptance of Office of Vice-Chairman

Councillor Geoffrey McBride made his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked

the Council for his appointment.

C 10/12 Appointment to Committees

Members were asked to consider the appointment of Members to Committees.

Councillor North proposed a reduction in the number of Members on the Staffing Sub-

Committee and proposed that as Councillor Raper was on 4 other Committees and Sub-

Committees he be removed from the Staffing Sub-Committee. The proposal was

seconded by Councillor Karen Hamilton.

Councillor Evans raised a Point of Order. She referred Council Members to Standing

Orders 15a (ix) which states:

“The Chairman or Vice Chairman and the Chairmen of Standing Committees, as ex-officio, shall

be members of every Committee, but will have no voting right or the ability to propose motions on

the Committee on which their Membership is ex-officio. They will not therefore form part of the

quorum as an ex-officio member.”

Councillor Evans stated that Standing Order 15a (ix) meant that the Chairman could not

be a Member of any Committee but was entitled to be an ex-officio member. She asked

the Town Clerk for clarification.


Page 8: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

The Town Clerk responded by confirming that the Standing Order would be read that

the Chairman was Ex Officio of every committee and therefore not a member of other


Councillor Hamilton stated that clarity had not been given for Standing Order 15a (ix).

Councillor Pond suggested that the Standing Order was open to interpretation and that

legal interpretation should be sought.

The Chairman, Councillor Drew suggested to Council that Councillor North’s proposal

be taken and that clarity on Standing Order 15a(ix) would be sought later.

Councillor Fitchet responded that he condemned the removal of any person from a

Committee especially as the Councillor was not present at the meeting. He went on to

say that legal clarification on Standing Order 15a (ix) had been given by the Clerk and said

that Standing Order stated that the Chairman ‘shall’ be ex officio.

Councillor Long raised a Point of Order regarding the number of Members on each

Committee and the political representation on each committee.

She stated that the original agreed numbers of Members on each Committee were;

Staffing Sub-Committee 6, Policy and Resources Committee 11 and Amenities and Town

Development Committee 12. She stated that this could not be changed and there were

too many Members on the Committees. She said that the Council needed to look at the

numbers again as 13 Members on the Amenities Committee had not been agreed.

The Chairman, Councillor Drew, said that the numbers of Members agreed were ‘about’

or ‘approximately’.

He moved to take a vote on Councillor North’s proposal.

Councillor Bird said that she had been involved in the setting up of the Staffing Sub

Committee and that 6 Members were the optimum number and gave a balanced view.

The Staffing Sub-Committee had been ably Chaired by Councillor Raper, to remove him

by reducing the number of members on the Committee was not fair. He should be given

the choice, by removing him at the meeting would be setting a dangerous precedent.

Councillor Cotter said that the point that Councillor Evans had raised regarding Standing

Order 15a (ix) also stated that the Committees and Working Groups should reflect the

political composition of the Town Council.

The Chairman, Councillor Drew said that the Committees reflected the overall political

balance of the Council. The numbers of Members did reflect the political composition of

the Council.

The Chairman continued to take a vote on the proposal from Councillor North.

It was requested that the vote be recorded:

For: Karen Hamilton, Roy Shukri, Brian Page, Marion Kerley, Veronika Pond, David Drew,

Sandra Hawke, Phil North

Against: Andy Fitchet, Barbara Long, Janet Evans, Barbara Carpenter, Alan Cotter,

Katherine Bird


That the Staffing Sub-Committee Membership be reduced to 5 Members and

that as Councillor Raper was on 4 other Committees and Sub-Committees he


Page 9: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

be removed from the Staffing Sub-Committee.

Councillor Long raised a Point of Order and said there should be a vote taken on black

for the Membership of the Committees.

The Chairman Councillor Drew ruled that the vote had been taken on the whole.

Councillor Long requested that it be minuted that the Committees had been voted in by

an illegal motion.

C 11/12 Review of Allotment Charges

The Chairman Councillor Drew asked the Town Clerk to explain to Members the report

from the Allotments Sub-Committee on their recommendations on the increase of

Allotment Charges.

The Town Clerk explained that the Allotment Sub-Committee had considered the

provision of a well managed and improved allotment service. She explained that the Sub-

Committee had also considered the work that needed to be undertaken at the allotments

to bring them to a reasonable condition.

The Chairman of the Allotments Sub-Committee Councillor Geoff McBride went on to

explain how the calculation for the increase had been arrived at.

He explained that there were many different allotment plot sizes and these had been

determined as the ‘allotment factor’.

The Sub-Committee had spent a lot of time working out how much the Town Council

would need to spend on the allotments in respect of maintenance and administration. He

agreed that the increase would be high in one step; however the charges had not been

raised for 6 years.

Councillor Long stated that she was against the rise of over 100% in one go. She stated

that she worked in rods and that the average plot would now cost £50 plus water costs.

She could not find any Council that was charging that amount. She went on to say that the

Town Council had stated that the allotment service would be better run and better

priced but she did not consider that to be the case.

She suggested that the Council should look at subsidies and reduce the over 60 discount

to nil. She went on to state that the price increase was not sending the right message.

The Chairman of the Allotments Sub-Committee, Councillor McBride explained that the

Town Council was no longer offering discounts to new allotment holders over the age of

60. He went on to state that allotment holders made up less than 1% of the population of

Andover. He explained that the Sub-Committee had looked at other options for reducing

costs such as utilising community service workers.

The Chairman Councillor Drew confirmed that he had attended the most recent

Allotments Sub-Committee meeting and all the Members of the Sub-Committee had

agreed the allotment holders should broadly cover the costs of the allotment service.

Councillor Lynn declared a personal interest as his son and daughter in law rented an


He suggested that the allotment rents should be increased in stages over a couple of


Councillor Long declared a personal interest as she rented an allotment plot and was

Warden for Vigo Road Allotments.


Page 10: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Councillor Hawke stated that if the Town Council did not increase the cost of the

allotment rents where would the finance come from to maintain the allotments.

The Chairman of the Allotment Sub-Committee, Councillor McBride confirmed that the

Town Council was investigating the possibility of obtaining grant funding to assist with the

costs of the allotments.

Councillor Bird agreed that making a decision about the increase of allotment rents was

difficult and that the Town Council needed to move forward with the provision of the

allotment service. She reminded Members that there had been a lack of maintenance on

the allotments in the past. She asked whether there were actions with regard to

maintenance that could be undertaken over a longer period of time.

Councillor McBride confirmed that the Town Council was under a great deal of pressure

to bring the allotment sites to a reasonable condition and that the majority were in a

poor state.

Councillor Lynn proposed that the allotment rent be increased over 2 to 3 years. This

was seconded by Councillor Long.

Councillor Evans suggested that the item be deferred back to the Allotments Sub-

Committee to consider the options about how maintenance could be funded and to

consider the implications to defer the rise in allotment charges over 2 to 3 years.

Councillor Bird seconded Councillor Evans’ proposal.

Councillor Hawke agreed that the Sub-Committee should consider the costings again and

thanked the Town Clerk and Administration Assistant for all the work they had done on

the allotments.

Councillor Hamilton agreed that a great deal of work had gone into the report and

considerations of the Allotment Sub-Committee however the costs of the maintenance

and administration had to be covered.

Councillor Bird reiterated that every aspect of the costs were looked at. The Allotment

Holders should be able to understand decisions that the Town Council had taken.

Councillor North asked whether the Chairman of the Allotments Sub-Committee was in

agreement to defer the consideration back to the Sub-Committee.

Councillor Kerley asked whether the Allotments Sub-Committee had debated the costs of

the allotments and whether an agreement had been reached.

Councillor McBride confirmed that the Allotment Sub-Committee had debated the issue

and had agreed that the rents needed to be increased to cover costs as the allotment sites

were deteriorating and work needed to be carried out.

Councillor McBride confirmed that he was in agreement to defer the consideration back

to the Allotments Sub-Committee.

A vote was taken:

For: 10

Against: 2

RESOLVED: That the Allotments Sub-Committee re-consider the allotment


Page 11: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

rental increases and consider the implications of increasing the charges over 2

to 3 years. The Allotment Sub-Committee to report back to the next Full

Council meeting on 14 June 2012.

C 12/12 Proposal for a Forum Style Meeting

The Chairman Councillor Drew invited Councillor Long to speak as she had put forward

the proposal that Andover Town Council set up a Forum Style meeting.

Councillor Long explained the Members of Public only had 15 minutes to speak within a

Council or Committee agenda. There were a great many issues that people would like to

speak about, outside the formal Council meeting.

Councillor McBride agreed that it was a good idea but asked Councillor Long how it

could be taken forward.

Councillor Long explained that the meeting would be in a forum style format, there could

be 2 to 4 meetings a year. The Town Clerk would not be required to attend. It would be

similar to a surgery where Councillors could engage with local residents.

Councillor North suggested that specific issues should be considered and that meetings

should take place on an ad hoc basis. He suggested that the proposal be referred to the

Policy and Resources Committee to consider the feasibility of Forum Style Meetings.

Cllr Hawke agreed that the meetings did not have to be on a regular basis but could be

held when the public wished to discuss an issue.

Councillor Fitchet encouraged Members to try Forum Style meetings. He said that it

would be a good opportunity for Members of the Public to ask any questions that they


Councillor Hamilton suggested that the Website could be used with a ‘hot topics’ page, to

allow members of the public to put forward the ideas of what they’d like to talk about.

Councillor Drew agreed that it would be a good idea to use the website and that the

Town Council needed to find out what the public wanted. However he raised the

concern that the Town Council was only responsible for the allotments in the Town and

that other authorities and organisations had power and influence.

Councillor North proposed that the idea of a forum style meeting be referred back to

the Policy and Resources Committee for consideration. This was seconded by Councillor


A vote was taken:

For: 7

Against: 4

RESOLVED: That the Policy and Resources Committee consider at its next

meeting on 7 June 2012, the proposal for a “Forum Style meeting to enable

the Council to meet with residents outside the formal Council meeting”.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.45pm.

Chairman Date


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B Minutes of Amenities & Town Development


Time and date Following the Annual Council Meeting on Wednesday 2 May 2012

Place Upper Guildhall, High Street, Andover

Attendees: Cllrs Katherine Bird, David Drew, Andy Fitchet, Karen Hamilton, Marion Kerley, Barbara

Long, Christopher Lynn, Phil North, Brian Page and Veronika Pond.

Members not present: Zilliah Brooks, Kevin Hughes and Tony Raper

Officers Present: Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk) (taking the minutes)


Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Zilliah Brooks and Tony



Councillor Katherine Bird proposed and Councillor Barbara Long seconded that

Councillor Andrew Fitchet be elected Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year


There was a further proposal.

Councillor Philip North proposed and Councillor Karen Hamilton seconded that

Councillor Christopher Lynn be elected Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year


A vote by show of hands was taken:

Cllr Andrew Fitchet – 3

Cllr Christopher Lynn – 5


Page 13: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

RESOLVED: That Councillor Christopher Lynn be elected Chairman of

the Amenities and Town Development Committee for the ensuing

Municipal Year 2012/2013.


Councillor Katherine Bird proposed and Councillor Barbara Long seconded that

Councillor Andrew Fitchet be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year


There was a further proposal.

Councillor Karen Hamilton proposed and Councillor Philip North seconded that

Councillor Zilliah Brooks be elected Vice-Chairman for the ensuing Municipal Year


A vote by show of hands was taken:

Cllr Andrew Fitchet – 3

Cllr Zilliah Brooks – 5

RESOLVED: That Councillor Zilliah Brooks be elected Vice-Chairman of

the Amenities and Town Development Committee for the ensuing

Municipal Year 2012/2013.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.00pm.

Chairman Date


Page 14: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


C Minutes of Planning Committee

Time and date 6.00pm on Monday 5 March 2012

Place Town Council Office, 66C High Street, Andover

Attendees: Cllrs Alan Cotter (Chairman), Barbara Long (Vice-Chairman), Barbara Carpenter, Sandra

Hawke, Brian Page and Veronika Pond.

Officers Present: Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk) (taking the minutes)

Members of Public Present: 0

PC157/11 Apologies

Apologies were received from Andy Fitchet and Roy Shukri

PC158/11 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

PC159/11 Minutes

The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 30 January 2012 were

signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

PC160/11 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

PC161/11 Planning Applications

Members considered the following planning applications that had been submitted to Test Valley

Borough Council.

RESOLVED: To delegate authority to the Town Clerk to complete the observations

sheet for each application in accordance with the Committee’s resolution.

5.1 11/02468/ADVN


Display of 4 externally illuminated fascia signs


286 Weyhill Road,


No comment.


Page 15: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

5.2 11/02563/FULLN


Change of use of land to provide extended


15, 17, 19 Shakespeare

Avenue, Andover

No comment.

5.3 12/00290/FULLN


Erection of two storey rear extension to provide

enlarges kitchen/dining room and additional

bedroom over

14 Walnut Tree Road,


No comment.

5.4 12/00299/TPON


Prune 3 Lime and 1 Beech Mountwood Nursing

Home, 11 Millway

Road, Andover

No comment.

5.5 12/00323/FULLN


Erection of double garage with storage over

(amended scheme- retrospective)

22 Rooksbury Road,


No comment.

5.6 12/00297/ADVN

(St Marys)

Replacement signs consisting of one internally

illuminated poster sign, three externally

illuminated signs (2 fascia and 1 hanging) and one

non illuminated directional sign

The White Hart

Hotel, 12 Bridge

Street, Andover

The Town Council is saddened to see the disappearance of the old pub signs in this

conservation area.

5.7 12/00298/LSWN

(St Marys)

Replacement signs consisting of one internally

illuminated poster sign, three externally

illuminated signs (2 fascia and 1 hanging) and one

non illuminated directional sign

The White Hart

Hotel, 12 Bridge

Street, Andover

The Town Council is saddened to see the disappearance of the old pub signs in this

conservation area.

5.8 12/00330/FULLN

(St Marys)

Erection of single storey rear extension to

provide study and lobby

45 Marlborough

Street, Andover

No comment.

5.9 12/00294/FULLN


Erection of first floor extension to provide

enlarged bedroom, alterations to first floor side

window and convert part of garage to provide

family room.

24 Old Winton Road,


No comment.

5.10 12/00423/TPON


Reduce 1 Horse-chestnut 2 Brackenbury,


No comment.

5.11 12/00025/FULLN

(St Marys)

Erection of a dry cleaning pod Superstore, River

Way, Andover

No comment

5.12 12/00026/ADVN

(St Marys)

Erection of three internally illuminated fascia signs

and 2 non-illuminated panels

Superstore, Riverway,


No comment

5.13 12/00129/LBWN

(St Marys)

Internal alterations to top bar area including

removal of bar counter and inner door lobby and

installation of oak floorboarding, wine display

feature and oak drinks shelves

The Angel Inn, 95

High Street, Andover

No comment

5.14 12/00924/FULLN


Erection of sirst floor extension to provide

enlarged bedroom, alterations to first floor side

window and convert part of garage to provide

family room

24 Old Winton Road,


No comment

5.15 12/00387/FULLN


Erection of two storey side extension to provide

utility room and WC with bathroom over and a

26 Anton Road,



Page 16: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

single storey rear extension to provide enlarged

family room and kitchen

No comment

5.16 12/00447/TPON


T1, Sycamore – fell to ground level 21 Denning Mead,


No comment

5.17 12/00353/FULLN


Change of use from uses falling within Class B1

(Light Industry) to food production facility falling

in use Class B2 (General industry)

Unit 1, Telford Gate,

Hopkinson Way,

West Portway

Industrial Estate,


No comment

5.18 12/00130/FULLN

(St Marys)

Change of use from A1 (Retail) to A3

(Restaurant/Café) and A5 (Hot Food Takeaways)

on ground floor and basement and provision of

extract fan on rear roof

77 High Street,


No comment

5.19 12/00433/FULLN

Erection of conservatory to rear 35 Lawrence Close,


No comment

5.20 12/00356/FULLN

(St Marys)

Formation of Vehicular access Northwood, 9 London

Road, Andover Down,


No comment

5.21 12/00415/FULLN

(St Marys)

Erection of single storey rear extension to form

enlarged kitchen and enlarged ground floor


5 Valencia Way,


No comment

5.22 12/00442/CLPN

(St Marys)

Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for

proposed development – single storey extension

23 Spey Court,


No comment

5.23 12/00359/FULLN

(St Marys)

Change use of building to Class B1 (Light

industry, offices, research and development,

laboratories, studios) and B8 (wholesale

warehousing, distribution centre) uses

Land adjacent, 10

Walworth Road,

Picket Piece, Andover

No comment

5a 12/00425/ADVN

Display of internally illuminated and non-

illuminated site signage, including 1 height

restrictor, 8 freestanding signs, 9 dot signs and 2

barrier signs

Andover Trade Park,

Joule Road, West

Portway Industrial

Estate, Andover

No objections.

5b 12/00426/ADVN Display of 8 internally illuminated fascia signs Andover Trade Park,

Joule Road, West

Portway Industrial

Estate, Andover

No objections.

5c 12/00427/ADVN Display of internally illuminated freestanding

totem sign

Andover Trade Park,

Joule Road, West

Portway Industrial

Estate, Andover

No objections.

PC162/11 Proposed Extension of Picket Twenty Major Development Area

Members noted that Andover Town Council had received early notification from the developer of

the proposed extensions of Picket Twenty Major Development Area.

The Town Clerk reported that the developer had made contact requesting to make a presentation


Page 17: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

at the Planning Committee meeting on 26 March 2012.

Members instructed the Town Clerk to write to the developer asking for a delay of the

presentation until the full application had been submitted to the Planning Authority, Test Valley

Borough Council, to enable the Town Council to formulate questions to put to the developer.

PC163/11 Decision Notices

The Decision Notices were detailed on the Agenda and were noted by Members.

PC164/11 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Planning Appeals

Members noted that the following application had gone to appeal.


Erection of two storey rear extension to provide additional living accommodation.

8 Itchen Court, Andover

Members further noted that the following application would be considered at Test Valley borough

Council, Northern Area Planning Committee and that the Town Council should make a



Land to rear of former Shepherds Spring County Junior School, Smannell Road, Andover.

It was agreed that Councillor Long would make representation on behalf of the Town Council.

PC165/11 Items for consideration at the next meeting

There were no additional items to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

PC166/11 Date of next meeting

Members noted the date and venue of the next meeting: Monday 26 March 2012 at 6pm at the

Town Council Office.

The meeting closed at 7.05pm.




Page 18: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


D Minutes of Planning Committee

Time and date 6.00pm on Monday 26 March 2012

Place Town Council Office, 66C High Street, Andover

Attendees: Cllrs Alan Cotter (Chairman), Barbara Long (Vice-Chairman), Barbara Carpenter, Andy

Fitchet and Veronika Pond.

Officers Present: Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk) (taking the minutes)

Members of Public Present: 0

PC167/11 Apologies

Apologies were received from Sandra Hawke, Brian Page and Roy Shukri.

PC168/11 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

PC169/11 Minutes

The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 30 January 2012 were

signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

PC170/11 Public Participation

There were no members of the public present.

PC171/11 Planning Applications

Members considered the following planning applications that had been submitted to Test Valley

Borough Council.

RESOLVED: To delegate authority to the Town Clerk to complete the observations

sheet for each application in accordance with the Committee’s resolution.

5.1 12/00416/FULLN Erection of restaurant/take away (use Classes A3

and A5), including drive through facility, parking,

servicing and landscaping.

Andover Trade Park,

Joule Road, West

Portway Industrial


Page 19: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Estate, Andover.

No objections.

5.2 12/00289/FULLN Erection of detached dwelling, bin store

enclosure, gates and fencing, provision of

sewerage treatment plant together with new

access from Rooksbury Road and associated


57 Rooksbury Road,


No objections.

5.3 12/00538/FULLN Change of use to create one first floor flat and

one second floor flat with new access from High

Street at ground level.

84 High Street,


We note that this application is within a Conservation Area and is next door to a

Grade 1 Listed Building.

5.4 12/00539/LBWN Change of use, internal and external alterations

to create one first floor flat and one second floor

flat with access from High Street at ground level,

internal staircase and partitions.

84 High Street,


We note that this application is within a Conservation Area and is next door to a

Grade 1 Listed Building.

5.5 12/00546/FULLN Replacement signs, 1 non-illuminated heritage

sign and 1 non-illuminated heritage hanging sign

5 High Street,


This is more in keeping and enhances the Conservation Area.

5.6 12/00541/FULLN Erection of dwelling and provision of vehicular


Land adjoining 51

Blendon Drive,


No objections

5.7 12/00620/FULLN Erection of dwelling with associated alterations to

existing access and boundary treatments

28 Windsor Road,


No objections

5.8 12/00540/TPON Fell 1 Field Maple The Laurels, Harrow

Way, Andover

No comment

5.9 12/00456/FULLN Pollard 9 Willows and repeat works over a

period of 10 years

Rooksbury Mill Nature

Reserve, Rooksbury

Road, Andover

No comment

5.10 12/00471/FULLN Erection of first floor rear extension to form

additional bedroom and enlarged rear bedroom

and provision of roof light to side elevation to

existing bathroom

20 Ash Tree Road,


No comment

5.11 12/00464/FULLN Erection of first floor rear extension to provide

dining room, front extension to provide porch

and insert window

46 Spey Court,


No comment

5.12 12/00463/FULLN Single storey side extension to form garage 7 Shaw Close,


No comment

5.13 12/00353/FULLN Change of use from uses falling within Class B1

(Light Industry) to food production facility falling

in use Class B2 (General Industry)

Unit 1, Telford Gate,

Hopkinson Way,

West Portway

Industrial Estate,


No comment

5.14 12/00433/FULLN Erection of conservatory to rear 35 Lawrence Close,


Page 20: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


No comment

5.15 12/00471/FULLN Erection of first floor rear extension to form

additional bedroom and provision of rooflight to

side elevation to existing bathroom

20 Ash Tree Road,


No comment

5.16 12/00415/FULLN Erection of single storey rear extension to form

enlarged kitchen and enlarged ground floor


5 Valencia Way,


No comment

5.17 12/00442/FULLN Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for

proposed development – single storey extension

23 Spey Court,


No comment

5.18 12/00464/FULLN Erection of ground floor rear extension to

provide dining room, front extension to provide

porch and insert window

46 Spey Court,


No comment

5.19 12/00387/FULLN Erection of two storey side extension to provide

utility room and WC with bathroom over and a

single storey rear extension to provide enlarged

family room and kitchen

26 Anton Road,


No comment

5.20 12/00462/FULLN Erection of ground floor rear extension 1 palmer Drive,


No comment

5.21 12/00418/FULLN Change of use class B1c (Light Industry) to D1

(Non-residential institutions) to provide a skills

centre/training facility

Unit 1 Sopwith Park,

Royce Close, West

Portway Industrial

Estate, Andover

No comment

5.22 12/00435/FULLN Erection of first floor rear extension to provide

bedroom and extended bedroom

34 Tollgate Road,


No comment

5.23 12/00532/FULLN Retrospective application for the demolition of

garage and greenhouse and erection of garden

room and store to rear of garden

52 Valencia Way,


No comment

5.24 12/00542/FULLN Subdivision into 2 units, with external alterations

including replacement shopfront, roof covering,

additional rear fire exit and cycle shelter. Change

of use to A1 retail, B8 trade counter storage and

retaining existing use of sui generis workshop and


132 Weyhill Road,


No comment

5.25 12/00582/TPON Fell 1 eucalyptus 18 Burnhams Close,


No comment

5.26 12/00505/FULLN Retention of car port 30 Swallowfields,


No comment

5.27 12/00440/FULLN Retain rear conservatory 9 Weyhill Road,


No comment

5.28 12/00528/FULLN Replacement of existing flat roof to side and rear

with pitched roof

136 Salisbury Road,



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No comment

5.29 12/00545/FULLN Erection of outbuilding to provide games room 35 Bishops Way,


No comment

5.30 12/00562/LBWN Internal improvement works: The works to the

ground floor are new floor finishes to trade

areas, reduction in size of ground floor bar

server, glass panel in balustrade at foot of

staircase and introduction of fixed seating. On

the first floor the ‘open section’ of flooring to be

in-filled, and new floor finish throughout


Globe Hotel, 23 High

Street, Andover

No comment.

5.31 12/00589/FULLN First floor rear extension over existing hall to

form shower room

61 London Road,


No comment

5.32 12/00580/FULLN Ground floor rear extension on site of existing

conservatory to provide conservatory

2 Palmer Drive,


No comment

5.33 12/00523/ADVN Purpose built free standing aluminium frame to

display vinyl banners relating to community


Test Valley Borough

Council, Beech Hurst,

Weyhill Road,


We hope this will address the need for banners to be displayed for Andover events.

5.34 12/00591/FULLN First floor side extension above garage to form

bedroom with en-suite and alterations to garage

to form playroom.

9 Barnfield Rise,


No comment

5.35 12/00524/ADVN Purpose built free standing aluminium frame to

display vinyl banners relating to community


Test Valley Borough

Council, Beech Hurst,

Weyhill Road,


We hope this will address the need for banners to be displayed for Andover events.

5.36 12/00645/TPON Fell four sycamore 26 Leigh Gardens,


No comment

PC172/11 Registration for Speaking at Northern Area Planning Committee

Members considered the process for registering to speak at Northern Area Planning Committee

meetings and agreed the following procedure:

The Town Council receives the Northern Area Planning Agenda 15 days before the Committee

meeting. As soon as the notification is received and the Town Council is required to speak, the

Town Clerk will register the Town Council to speak.

If at the following Planning Committee meeting of the Town Council, it is decided that no

representation is required, the registration will be withdrawn.

PC173/11 Decision Notices

The Decision Notices were detailed on the Agenda and were noted by Members.

PC174/11 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Planning Appeals

Members noted that the following application had gone to appeal.


Andover Baptist Church, Charlton Road, Andover

Laying of hardstanding to provide extension to car park.


Page 22: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Members further noted that the following application had been withdrawn:


97 Weyhill Road, Andover

Conversion of existing detached dwelling to 2 one bedroom flats and 1 studio flat, plus erection of

10 new residential units, with associated parking and access.

PC175/11 Items for consideration at the next meeting

There were no additional items to be added to the agenda for the next meeting.

PC176/11 Date of next meeting

Members noted the date and venue of the next meeting: Monday 16 April 2012 at 7pm at the

Town Council Office.

The meeting closed at 7.00pm.




Page 23: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


E Minutes of Planning Committee

Time and date 6.00pm on Monday 16 April 2012

Place Town Council Office, 66C High Street, Andover

Attendees: Cllrs Alan Cotter (Chairman), Barbara Long (Vice-Chairman), Barbara Carpenter, Andy

Fitchet, Veronika Pond and Roy Shukri.

Officers Present: Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk) (taking the minutes)

Members of Public Present: 3

PC177/11 Apologies

Apologies were received from Sandra Hawke and Brian Page.

PC178/11 Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

PC179/11 Minutes

The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 26 March 2012 were

signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

PC180/11 Public Participation

Members received a short presentation from the developer for planning application

12/00690/FULLN – 12 Wolversdene Road, regarding the amended planning application.

Members received a short presentation from the developers for planning application

12/00733/RESN – Land at Picket Twenty, regarding further development at the site.

PC181/11 Planning Applications

Members considered the following planning applications that had been submitted to Test Valley

Borough Council.

RESOLVED: To delegate authority to the Town Clerk to complete the observations

sheet for each application in accordance with the Committee’s resolution.


Page 24: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

5.1 12/00654/FULLN Change of use of ground floor entrance area, first

and second floors with extension and alteration

of the building to provide four residential units.

34 High Street,


No objection, however there appears to be no apparent alternative fire escape for the

shop as it is to be turned into a hallway for the new flats.

5.2 12/00690/FULLN Erection of block forming 4 one bedroom flats

and clock forming 3 three bed houses with

associated parking, erection of cycle/bin stores

and alterations to access.

12 Wolversdene

Road, Andover

No objection. However, still concerned about the access and egress from this site.

Would Highways look again at this as it may cause a staggered crossroads and there is

still concern about the sightlines.

We are pleased to see that the development has reduced roof height and moved the

houses further from the houses in Leigh Road.

We note the amendments to the development.

5.3 11/02846/FULLN Demolish existing day care centre and erect two

storey 10 bed care facility with associated site

works and amenity space.

Bonhomie Centre,

South End Road,


Previous comments of 30 January 2012 still stand. Concerned about that the

passageway to the front doors of the neighbouring properties will be overshadowed

by the fencing of the new development. This could become a security risk and lighting

placed at a low level should be provided.

5.4 12/0060/FULLN Erection of extension to provide enlarged

warehousing/manufacturing area and extended

car parking to provide 5 additional spaces.

Unit 4, Sterling Park,

East Portway Industrial

Estate, Andover

No comment

5.5 12/00629/FULLN Provision of pitched roof over existing single

storey rear extension

77 Springfield Close,


No comment

5.6 12/00607/CLPN Application for Certificate of Lawfulness for

proposed development – single storey extension

to the rear elevation

42 Lawrence Close,


No comment

5.7 12/00697/FULLN Erection of single storey glazed orangery and

ground floor w.c.

22 Batchelors Barn

Road, Andover

No comment.

5.8 12/00424/FULLN Erection of two storey extension to provide

enlarged living room and kitchen with bedroom

and en-suite above.

52 Albany Road,


No comment.

5.9 12/00644/FULLN Erection of ground floor rear extension to

provide dining and living room

20 Amber Gardens,


No comment

5.10 12/00776/TPON Fell 1 Cherry Shepherds Spring

Field, The Old school,

Smannell Road,


No comment

5.11 12/00779/FULLN Erection of garage/garden store 10 Wellesley Road,


No comment

5.12 11/02768/FULLN Erection of two storey side extension 7 Lingen Close,


No comment

PC182/11 Response to Core Strategy Consultation Submission


Page 25: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Members considered and noted the following response from Test Valley Borough Council to the

Town Council’s submission regarding the Core Strategy Consultation:

ATC: How many of the 300 houses/ annum are to be sheltered housing.

TVBC: We do not know how many of the annual figure will be sheltered housing (or affordable housing) as

it all depends on the applications/ proposals coming forward and the rate of delivery by developers.

ATC: Will the Conservation Area still stand once the Core Strategy is adopted.

TVBC: Yes, the Core Strategy does not change the boundary or the weight attached to the designation.

Conservation Areas are designated under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.

This is separate legislation from that covering Core Strategies.

ATC: Page 93 of the Core Strategy states 17,001 at Land at Bere Hill.

TVBC: This is a formatting error. The last '1' should be a reference to footnote number 1. The figure

proposed by the landowner for Bere Hill is 1,700 houses.

Members noted that the other points ATC raised would be considered with all other comments

received and will be responded to in due course.

PC183/11 Grit Bins on developer land

Members noted that the Town Council had received a number of enquiries from residents who

live on privately owned estates, asking for the provision of grit bins. The highways authority cannot

provide grit bins on these estates and cannot maintain and fill them.

In some areas privately owned estates have grit bins provided by the landowner/developer and are

maintained and filled as part of the estate maintenance contract.

Members considered whether the Town Council could adopt this as best practice and agreed to

write to Test Valley Borough Council recommending that any new development that is privately

owned and managed should have a condition to provide, maintain and fill frit bins.

PC184/11 Decision Notices

The Decision Notices were detailed on the Agenda and were noted by Members.

PC185/11 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 – Street Trading Consent

Members considered the following renewal of Street Trading Consent:

Street Trading Consent – Renewal Application

Trading Location: Top of High Street, Andover – Friday 7am to 5pm.

No objection.

PC186/11 Items for consideration at the next meeting

Members noted that planning applications for Augusta Park and Picket Twenty would be

considered at the next meeting.

PC187/11 Date of next meeting

Members noted the date and venue of the next meeting: Tuesday 8 May 2012 at 7pm at the Town

Council Office.

The meeting closed at 8.40pm.




Page 26: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of


F Minutes of Planning Committee

Time and date 7.00pm on Tuesday 8 May 2012

Place Town Council Office, 66C High Street, Andover

Attendees: Cllrs Alan Cotter (Chairman), Barbara Long (Vice-Chairman), Barbara Carpenter and

Veronika Pond.

Not Present: Cllrs Hawke and Page.

Officers Present: Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk) (taking the minutes)

Members of Public Present: 1

PC001/12 Election of Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Long and seconded by Cllr Pond and

RESOLVED: That Councillor Alan Cotter be elected Chairman of the Planning

Committee for the Municipal Year 2012/2013.

PC002/12 Election of Vice Chairman

It was proposed by Cllr Pond and seconded by Cllr Carpenter and

RESOLVED: That Councillor Barbara Long be elected Vice Chairman of the

Planning Committee for the Municipal Year 2012/2013.

PC003/12 Apologies

No apologies for absence were received.

PC004/12 Declarations of Interest

Name of Cllr Application No Type of Interest Reason

B Long 12/00751 – 32 Batchelors

Barn Road

Personal Lives in same road.

B Long 12/00806/LBWN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council

A Cotter 12/00806/LBWN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council


Page 27: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

B Carpenter 12/00806/LBWN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council

V Pond 12/00806/LBWN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council

B Long 12/00888/ADVN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council

A Cotter 12/00888/ADVN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council

B Carpenter 12/00888/ADVN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council

V Pond 12/00888/ADVN –

Guildhall, Andover

Personal/Prejudicial Member of Andover Town Council

PC005/12 Minutes

The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 16 April 2012 were

signed by the Chairman as a correct record.

PC006/12 Public Participation

Mr N Long – Andover Resident

32 Batchelors Barn Road, started building without permission. Concerned that the extension is

too close to the boundary and will affect the neighbouring property.

Planning Application for Wolversdene Road, a viewing party from Test Valley Borough Council will

be inspecting the site on Wednesday 9 May 2012.

PC007/12 Planning Applications

Members considered the following planning applications that had been submitted to Test Valley

Borough Council.

RESOLVED: To delegate authority to the Town Clerk to complete the observations

sheet for each application in accordance with the Committee’s resolution.

7.1 12/00733/RESN Erection of 271 homes (including 107 affordable

dwellings) and associated infrastructure (Phase 2

of TVN.09275)

Land at Picket Twenty,

Picket Twenty,


No objections.

The Town Council notes that within the Picket Twenty site there is an area of

Archaeological Interest. Will this area be maintained and safeguarded?

The extra land proposed for development would be acceptable at the Picket Twenty

site provided the border area alongside Harewood Forest was maintained and the

vistas along Middleway were protected and maintained.

7.2 12/00801/FULLN Installation of an automatic glazed entrance door,

replacement of 6 condenser units and installation

of 3 additional condenser units

5 High Street,


Concerned about the seemingly excessive number of condenser units, increasing from

6 to 9 and about the environmental impact of the condensers.

In order to preserve the street scene in the Conservation Area, is the new door

necessary just to comply with the corporate image.

7.3 12/00802/LBWN Internal and external alterations to include the

installation of a new automatic glazed entrance

door, replacement of 6 condenser units &

installation of 3 additional consider units, supply

exhaust dust riser through tiled roof, decoration

and cleaning of stone work, repair 2 timber

entrance doors remove block work wall and

install beam to first floor, removal/install partition

walls, provision of new lighting/flooring and

5 High Street,



Page 28: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

provision of replacement signage.

Concerned about the seemingly excessive number of condenser units, increasing from

6 to 9.

In order to preserve the street scene in the Conservation Area, is the new door

necessary just to comply with the corporate image.

7a 12/00792/FULLN Erection of conservatory at rear 19 Burnhams Close,


No comment

7b 12/00824/ADVN Display of non- illuminated appendage to existing

estate sign

Andover Trade Park,

Joule Road, West

Portway Industrial

Estate, Andover

No comment

7c 12/00818/TPON Repollard one Horse Chestnut 11 Winterdyne Mews,


No comment

7d 12/00806/LBWN Erection of lighting plaque to the front with a

motif of a Crown and ERII with the wording Long

May She Reign, for a period from end of May

2012 to beginning of July 2012.

The Guildhall, High

Street, Andover

No comment.

7e 12/00828/FULLN Erection of first floor side extension to provide

bedroom/dressing room, and en-suite shower

9A Wellesley Road,


No comment.

7f 11/02794/ADVN Provision of internally illuminated two sided

building fascia wrap and internally illuminated

freestanding double sided pole mounted sign

Land adjacent Plot 56,

Reith Way, West

Portway Industrial

Estate, Andover

No comment

7g 12/00864,FULLN Extension to trade counter element (including

sales to the public) linked to the primary storage

(B8) use

Swift Electrical Ltd,

Plot 18, Smeaton

Road, West Portway

Industrial Estate,


No comment

7h 12/00871/CLPN Certificate of Lawfulness for proposed

development – Erection of rear conservatory

17 Ryon Close,


No comment

7i 12/00777/FULLN Proposed single storey rear extension to provide

further dining facilities

The Chestnut Tree,

227 Weyhill Road,


No comment

7j 12/810/FULLN Erection of two storey side and rear extension to

provide cloakroom, bedroom en-suite and utility


223 Weyhill Road,


No comment

7k 12/00870/ADVN Display of externally illuminated fascia sign Unit 1, Station

Approach, Andover

No comment

7l 12/00863/FULLN Change of use from D1 (Osteopath Clinic) to B1


Ground floor, 2

Westmarch Business

Centre, River Way,


No comment

7m 12/00887/CLPN Erection of single storey extension 35 South View


Page 29: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Gardens, Andover

No comment

7n 12/00505/FULLN Retention of car port 30 Swallowfields,


No comment

7o 12/00916/FULLN Single storey rear extension to form enlarged

living room

32 Florence Court,


No comment

7p 12/00845/FULLN Erection of three storey side extension, a first

floor rear extension and single storey front

extension to provide study, cloak room, store

and porch on the ground floor, additional

bedroom and bathroom on the first floor, store,

wc and provision of rooflights in the roof space

9 Lansdowne Avenue.


Concerned about the massing impact on neighbouring property, number 7.

7q 12/00914/FULLN Erection of side and rear single and two storey


14 Croye Close,


No comment

7r 12/00952/FULLN Erection of conservatory at rear 3 Georgia Close,


No comment

7s 12/00751/FULLN Remove conservatory/lean to and erect a single

storey side/rear extension to provide a larger

kitchen and dining room

32 Batchelors Barn

Road, Andover

No comment

7t 12/00856/FULLN Two-storey rear extension to provide kitchen

with bedroom and en-suite bathroom over

Fairways, Andover

Down, Andover

No comment

7u 12/00888/ADVN Erection of lighting plaque to the front with a

motif of a Crown and ERII with the wording Long

May She Reign

The Guildhall, High

Street, Andover

No comment

7v 12/00907/CLPN Application for lawful development certificate for

extension enclosing new loading bay providing

access for forklifts

Twinings, Plot 49

South Way, Walworth

Business Park,


No comment

PC008/12 Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982 – Street Trading Consent

Members considered the following application for renewal of Street Trading Consent:

Street Trading Consent – Renewal Application

Trading Location: Top of High Street, Andover – Friday 7.00AM to 4.30PM.

No objections.



Notice of Application – Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Members considered, although the application fell outside the Parish of Andover, the following

application. The application was directly adjacent to the Parish Boundary of Andover:


Erection of 156 dwellings and garages and associated works (parcel A of TVN.09258).

Land at East Anton, Smannell Road, Smannell.

Early Day Motion on Planning Appeals and the Planning Applications (Appeals by

Town and Parish Councils) Bill

Members considered correspondence from HALC and NALC in support of the Early Day Motion

on Planning Appeals.


Page 30: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

Members agreed that they supported the Motion and would write in support of NALC and

HALC’s proposals.

PC011/12 Decision Notices

The Decision Notices were detailed on the Agenda and were noted by Members.

PC012/12 Items of consideration at the next meeting

Cllr Carpenter would report to the committee on her attendance at a Transport meeting on 15

May 2012.

Members requested a definition on the meaning of Permitted Development and Lawful


PC013/12 Date of next meeting

Members noted the date and venue of the next meeting: Monday 28 May 2012 at 7pm at the Town

Council Office.

The meeting closed at 7.45pm.




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G Report

Internal Auditors Report


Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Presented by:

Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Produced for:

Full Council

Date of Report:

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Key Issues

As part of the Annual Audit process the Town Council is required to have its processes and accounts subject to an internal

audit review. The Town Council appointed HW Controls and Assurance LLP to undertake this work.

As a result of the issues raised in the resulting management letter (attached) an Action Plan has been produced, included

below to address the issues raised by the Internal Auditor.

Below is a summary of the Action Plan and Actions taken from the Internal Audit in 2011

Full Council is required to receive the Internal Auditors Management Letter and approve the actions of the below Plan.

Summary of Action Plan 2011

Points Raised Action To be completed by Internal Audit

Section 5-6-8 of the Councils Anti-Fraud and

Corruption Policy states that there will be a three year

Internal Audit Plan.

Town Clerk liaised with Internal Auditor

to identify to structure of a three year

audit plan

Town Clerk by 06.09.2012

(Approval by full Council)

Fidelity Guarantee

It is best practice for the level of cover to be the

maximum held at any one time and this would currently

be £200k as opposed to the current cover in place.

Town Clerk to liaise with Insurers to

increase Fidelity Guarantee


Fidelity Guarantee

The current Policy held by the Council describes Fidelity

Guarantee as employee dishonesty and as such does not

Town Clerk to liaise with Insurers to

extend the cover to include Councillors



Page 35: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

extend to covering councillors. Given that the Clerk is

not a signatory on the Bank Account and Councillors

are (who are not employees for the Council) it would

be advisable to have this section of the policy endorsed

to include them.

Asset Register

Although the Council does not currently have a large

amount of assets it should maintain an asset register

with a deminimus level of £500.

Town Clerk has noted the

recommendation and amended the Annual

Return as appropriate.


Protection of Data

Information held on the Council Lap Top needs to be

backed-up routinely and held in a safe environment on

the premises or in a remote location.

Town Clerk has purchased a separate

portable hard drive to back up

information on the Council’s lap-top and

at this time is removed from the premises

every night.


Protection of Data

Important documentation should be maintained in a safe

and secure location such as a fire proof cabinet.

Town Clerk to identify fireproof secure

cabinet for the relocation of the Council

offices to their own location.

Purchase approved – fireproof

safe ordered 06.06.012

Risk Assessment

Although a risk assessment has been undertaken and has

been documented it should be more comprehensive in

covering the risks that are faced by the Council.

Town Clerk to liaise with Internal Auditor

and develop a Risk Assessment Process to

extend the areas covered as the result of

the Transfer of new services.


Standing Orders & Financial Regulations

It would be sensible to review these in light of the

Councils experience to date and amend accordingly.

Review currently in progress 1st Review completed March


Petty Cash

There is no petty cash system and the Clerk has met

several expenses on behalf of the Council and has had

to wait for reimbursement. Alternative arrangements

should be sought or a petty cash impress system

implemented to avoid this situation.

Council to consider the introduction of a

petty cash impress system to a total of


Completed and in place.


To ensure that the proposed software for the

allotments is fully functional at the earliest opportunity

and all administration is as streamlined as possible given

the number of individual allotments.

The Town Clerk has already purchased

the relevant software and the data is in

the process of being transferred.



The Council should also take the opportunity to review

the rules and tenancy agreements to ensure that these

take account of any updated legislation and working


Town Clerk to project manage the



Internal Audit 2012

It is recommend that Full Council receive the Internal Auditors Management Letter and approve the actions of the below


Action Plan 2012

Points Raised Action To be completed by

Internal Audit

As identified last year, Section 5-6-8 of the Council’s

Anti Fraud and Corruption Policy states that there will

be a 3 year internal audit plan.

The plan was not prepared prior to the Internal Audit

To prepare a three year Audit Plan Town Clerk by 06.09.2012

(approval by full Council).


Page 36: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

visit however the structure of the plan was discussed.


Reports from software to be utilised to streamline the

processes to alleviate the administrative burden.

Phasing the issue of invoices

To avoid the deluge of allotment holders all

trying to pay rent at one time.

Pursing the issue of invoices

A system is required to follow up non-payment

of rents – this may be eased is phased invoicing

is adopted.

The Council must follow the procedures that

the allotment holders are already aware of

within the Allotment Rules and Regulations.

Individual Waiting Lists

Separate waiting lists for each allotment site, to

avoid the need for a preference regarding the

sites to be recorded

Waiting List Blocking

To consider, if an individual does not accept a

certain number of plots offered, say 3, they

could be moved to the end of the waiting list

To prepare invoices to be sent out over a

number of weeks to each allotment site.

To set up a procedure, following the

Allotment Rules and Regulations to

follow-up non-payment of rental.

To contact all on waiting list to confirm

their preference and to set up waiting lists

for each allotment.

The Allotment Sub-Committee to

consider the process to alleviate Waiting

List Blocking

By April 2013.

By end of June 2012.

By end of September 2012.

By end of September 2012


The Town Council offices are open to the public,

therefore more signage is required regarding fire exits,

low headroom and no smoking on the premises.

To provide fire exit, low headroom and

no smoking signs for the Town Council


By end of June 2012.


Visit from HM Revenue and Customs identified a couple

of incorrect calculations. Follow procedures explained

by the VAT officer.

Follow procedures explained by VAT


Completed and on-going.

Audit Reports

Not clear whether Audit Plan from 2011 was

completed. Rectify by including a summary of action

taken and identify any items remaining when formulating

the plan for year ended 31 March 2012.

Compile a summary report of Internal

Audit to indicate actions taken and


Completed and on-going.

Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment to be reviewed annually and updated

to show the items that have been resolved to assist with

reconsidering the priority of outstanding issues.

Changes in circumstances should also be reflected

within the review.

To review the Risk Assessment Annually

and to include any changes in


Completed and on-going


Standing Orders

The Standing Orders were reviewed and adopted by

Council on 15 March 2012. The revised wording of

Standing Order 15, Committees, subsection ix was

intended to help clarify the status of councillors when

they are acting in an ex officio capacity on a committee.

It seems to have been the intention that the provision

would only apply in so far as they were not already a

member of any such committee, so their involvement in

that committee would purely be ex officio.

This is not clear from the wording adopted and should

be rectified as a matter of priority in order to ensure

the standing order correctly reflects the intention of the

Full Council to review Standing Order 15

(ix) to clarify the wording and meaning

By 14 June 2012 (Full Council



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Financial Implications:

There are no financial implications with regard to the implementation of the Internal Audit Action plan for 2012.

Legal and Policy Implications

The Council is required to undertake an annual internal audit to satisfy its external auditors. The internal audit and action

plan are submitted to the external auditors as a demonstration of the Council’s response to its duties to act within the law.


1. To receive the Internal Auditors Report

2. To approve the Council’s Action Plan in response to the Internal Auditors Report

6 June 2012

Note: The person to contact about this report is Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk), Andover Town Council, First Floor

Offices, 66C High Street, Andover, Hants. SP10 1NG.

Tel: 01264 335592

Distribution: To all Councillors


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I Report

Waste Disposal


Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Presented by:

Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Produced for:

Full Council

Date of Report:

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Key Issues

The Town Council has a duty to ensure that any waste it produces is handled safely and in accordance with the law.

This ‘Duty of Care’ applies if waste is produced, imported, carried, kept, treated or disposed of. Any waste which is passed

on to a waste contractor, recycler or skip hire company must be authorised to take it.

If the Town Council breaches the regulations or the waste is illegally disposed of, the Town Council will be held


The Duty of Care has no time limit and extends until the waste has been either finally and properly disposed of or fully


The Town Councils’ Duty

The Town Council must prevent anyone keeping, depositing, disposing of or recovering its controlled waste without the

necessary authorization and a valid waste management licence.

The Town Council must ensure materials are contained appropriately and do not escape its control.

The Town Council must only transfer waste to an authorized person or organisation and ensure that it is accompanied by a

written description (a Waste Transfer Note) so that anyone receiving it will dispose of it within their own duty of care.

Town Council’s Waste

The majority of the waste produced by the Town Council from its office is paper waste. Most of this waste contains data

which is protected under the Data Protection Act, for example, names and addresses of Allotment holders.


Page 45: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

The Officers of the Town Council have taken steps to ensure that the waste produced by the Town Council is disposed of

in a responsible manner and have contacted waste management companies within the Andover area.

Having taken advice from professional waste management companies, it is recommended that in order to avoid any disposal

of waste which would be restricted under the Data Protection Act, all the Town Councils paper waste should be

considered confidential.

The Town Council is also responsible for the disposal of waste from its Allotment Sites. Officers have recently been made

aware that the cost of disposal of waste such as glass, concrete, metal and green waste has increased and this will need to

be taken into consideration by the Allotments Sub-Committee.

Confidential Document and Data Destruction in accordance with BSEN: 15713-2009

There are only two waste disposal companies in the local area that deal with confidential document and data destruction.

The preferred company will provide the following service:

A lockable security console for the collection of paper waste

Fully trained and vetted staff

Total destruction of all material within 24 hours

Secure Destruction Facility for all material including paper, compact disks, hard drives and microfiche

Every secure consignment includes a full description certification

Data Destruction carried out by SEAP 8100 approved equipment

End products consisting of recyclable material e.g. paper, cardboard, metal and plastics are recycled.

Financial Implications:

The paper waste collection console will be emptied and serviced every four weeks in accordance with BSEN157013-2009.

The cost of this service will be £78.00 per year.

Legal and Policy Implications

The Town Council must ensure that it complies with Sections 33 and 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the

Data Protection Act and dispose of its waste in accordance with BSEN: 15713-2009.


1. To note the responsibilities of the Town Council with regard to the Environmental Protection

Act and Data Protection Act

2. To delegate to the Town Clerk to manage the appointment of an appropriate Waste

Management and Disposal Service

3. To delegate to the Town Clerk and Allotments Sub-Committee to monitor waste disposal from

Allotments in order to comply with the Environmental Protection Act.

6 June 2012

Note: The person to contact about this report is Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk), Andover Town Council, First Floor

Offices, 66C High Street, Andover, Hants. SP10 1NG.

Tel: 01264 335592

Distribution: To all Councillors


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J Report

Standing Order Amendment


Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Presented by:

Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Produced for:

Full Council

Date of Report:

Thursday 7 June 2012

Key Issues

At the Annual Meeting of the Council on 2 May 2012 a Point of Order was raised regarding Standing Order 15 (ix). An

agreement on the meaning of the Standing Order was not reached during the meeting and the Town Clerk was requested

to seek advice regarding the meaning.

Standing Orders, provided they are not Statutory Orders, may be varied or revoked with the agreement of full Council.

The Internal Auditor carried out the Internal Audit of the Council on 16 May 2012, as part of the Audit he inspected the

Town Council’s Standing Orders. He raised the issue of Standing Order 15 (ix) and the Internal Audit report states:

“Updated Standing Orders were adopted by the Council at their meeting on 15 March 2012. It is understood the revised wording of

Standing Order 15, Committees, sub-section ix, was intended to help clarify the status of councillors when they are acting in an ex

officio capacity on a committee. It seems to have been the intention that this provision would only apply in so far as they were not

already a member of any such committee and so their involvement on that committee would purely be ex officio. This is not clear from

the wording adopted and should be rectified as a matter of priority in order to ensure the standing order correctly reflects the intention

of the Council”.

Standing Order 15 ‘Committees’ Sub-Section ix

The current wording of Standing Order 15 (ix) is as follows:

“The Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the Chairmen of Standing Committees, as ex-officio shall be members of every

Committee, but will have no voting right or the ability to propose motions on the Committee on which their Membership is

ex-officio. They will not therefore form part of the quorum as an ex-officio member”.


Page 47: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

It is suggested that the wording of Standing Order 15 (ix) should be amended to be:

“The Chairman or Vice-Chairman and the Chairmen of Standing Committees, if they are not already a Member of any such

Committee, as ex-officio, shall be members of every Committee, but will have no voting right or the ability to propose

motions on the Committee on which their Membership is ex-officio. They will not therefore form part of the quorum as an

ex-officio member”.

Financial Implications:

There are no Financial Implications.

Legal and Policy Implications

The wording of Standing Order 15 (ix) must be agreed as a priority in order to ensure that the Standing Order correctly

reflects the intention of the Council.


For Full Council to agree the wording and clarification of Standing Order 15 (ix).

7 June 2012

Note: The person to contact about this report is Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk), Andover Town Council, First Floor

Offices, 66C High Street, Andover, Hants. SP10 1NG.

Tel: 01264 335592

Distribution: To all Councillors


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K Report

Standing Committees


Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Presented by:

Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Produced for:

Full Council

Date of Report:

Thursday 7 June 2012

Key Issues

At the Annual Meeting of the Council on 2 May 2012 a Point of Order was raised regarding the number of Members on

each Standing Committee and the Membership of each Standing Committee.

This report is intended to clarify the number of Members on each committee and the membership of each committee.

Number of Members on Each Committee

At the Andover Town Council meeting held on 9 June 2010, it was resolved that the Membership of the Policy and

Resources Committee should be 11 Members. It was also resolved on 9 June 2010 that the Planning Committee should

comprise of 8 Members.

At the Andover Town Council meeting held on 15 March 2012, it was resolved that a new Committee Structure be

adopted, for a trial period of 1 year. The Committee Structure included the following committees:

Policy and Resources Committee

Amenities and Town Development Committee

Planning Committee

The Committee Structure suggested that the membership of each committee would be about 12 members per committee.

Prior to the Annual Meeting of Andover Town Council on 2 May 2012, Members were requested to provide the

preferences for which committees they would wish to serve on.


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As a result the numbers of members on each committee were as follows:

Policy and Resources: 12

Amenities and Town Development: 13

Planning: 6

It is suggested that for clarification, Council should adopt the number of members on each Committee as indicated above.

Membership of Committees

Council is requested to confirm the Membership of each Committee as per the paper attached at Annex A.

Financial Implications:

There are no Financial Implications.

Legal and Policy Implications

For clarification it is requested that Council agree the number of Members on each committee and to confirm the

Membership of each committee.


To agree the number of Members on each committee and to confirm the Membership of each committee.

7 June 2012

Note: The person to contact about this report is Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk), Andover Town Council, First Floor

Offices, 66C High Street, Andover, Hants. SP10 1NG.

Tel: 01264 335592

Distribution: To all Councillors


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L Report

Allotment Rental Fees


Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk)

Produced For:

Full Council

Summary of Key Issues

At the Town Council meeting on 2 May 2012, it was requested that the Allotments Sub Committee reconsider the

implications of increasing the allotment rental increases over 2 to 3yrs. Due to staff illness this meeting was cancelled

and therefore this issue is put before full Council to consider and agree the increase in Allotment Rental Fees for

2013/2014 and consecutive years.

Current Situation

The Town Council took over the management and administration of Andover Allotments fully in April 2011.

The following figures were provided to the Town Council regarding maintenance costs, allotment rental and income:

Maintenance Costs: £7,000

Utilities: £7,000

Income: £14,580

Therefore in 2011/2012 the Town Council based its budget on the above figures. However, at the end of the financial

year in 2012 the actual figures are as follows:

Maintenance Costs: £12,002.43

Utilities: £7560.59

Income: £10,013.90

At the previous meeting Members noted that the Town Council has a total of 493 allotment plots. Of those 226

receive a 50% discount for being over the age of 60.

Members also considered revised costings of routine maintenance that needed to be carried out at the allotments and

noted the following costs:

Provision of Toilets: £3,600

Grass cutting (3 times a year): £1,548

Tap and pipe maintenance & turn water on/off:£824

Hedge/Tree trimming (yearly): £3,770


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Weed clearance (every 4 months): £840

Pest control (wasps/rats): £630

Administration: £6,250

Legal Advice: £1,500

TOTAL: £18,962

Members suggested that contingency monies should be included in the costings at 10% which would bring the total

costs to £20,858.20.

Considering these costs Members suggested in the first instance that the Allotment Rental should be increased from

0.19p per square metre to 0.40p per square metre.

Review of Rental Increase

There has been a recent case where a Local Authority increased their allotment rental charges, they were taken to

court by the allotment association and it was judged that the increases were disproportionate in comparison to the

increases of their other leisure services.

Andover Town Council is not in this position as it does not provide any other services; however as a local authority

it must be seen to be reasonable.

Andover Town Council must also consider that its Precept is funded only by the residents of Andover and is it

reasonable that residents that do not have allotments subsidise those that do.

Further Options:

At the current time, the Town Council is running the allotments at a loss.

To break even the Town Council would need to increase its rental charges by approximately 130%, however the

Council cannot be seen to be unreasonable therefore following three options are proposed for consideration:-

Option 1 – Increase Allotment Rental over 3yrs

Increase the allotment rental each year until the Allotment Service is cost neutral.

Increase the rental in 2013/2014 by 0.6p to 0.25p per square metre

Increase in 2014/2015 by 0.5p to 0.30p per square metre

Increase in 2015/2016 by 0.5p to 0.35p per square metre

Thereafter yearly increments in line with inflation

Benefits: Town Council seen to be fair and reasonable

Rental income will increase enable minimum maintenance works to be carried out

Drawback: Insufficient funds to maintain sites to a high standard

Longer period of time to carry out maintenance which may have a knock on effect that remedial

works such as hedge and tree cutting cannot be carried out which will continue to damage fencing which will require

replacing at a higher cost in the future

Option 2 – One single increase in Allotment Rental

Increase the allotment rental in the first year 2013/2014 by 0.21p to 0.40p per square metre and then by the rate of

inflation each year thereafter.

Benefits: increased income to enable maintenance works to be carried out with immediate effect from 1st April

2013 and will be more cost effective than having to replace further damaged fencing due to overgrown and

encroaching unmanaged trees and creepers.

Drawbacks: the Town Council may be seen to be unreasonable with a large increase in rental in one year. Concern

has already been raised by some allotment tenants over a possible large increase in one year.

Option 3 – No Increase by way of reduction in Maintenance Costs – Annex A costings refer

Reduce maintenance costs by way of removal of the toilets; only carry out grass cuts twice a year. No cutting back of

trees, unless required for Health and Safety reasons, and only carry out routine maintenance such as weed kill to

keep the weeds down. Carry out remedial works to trees etc. on 1 or 2 sites per year over a period of 5yrs. This


Page 52: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of

does not allow for any contingency monies to deal with any Health and Safety issues.

Benefits: income becomes available for use on basic routine maintenance with no added financial increase.

Drawback: maintenance costs continue to rise, no provision for emergencies such as Health & Safety works to

trees, no works completed on overgrown and encroaching vegetation which will further damage fencing which will

need to be replaced, these costs will need to be covered by the Town Council which will have a direct impact on tax

payers who are not allotment holders.

Unmanaged vegetation will encroach on neighbouring residential properties along allotment site boundaries.

Other considerations of future costs:

Legacy work:

Removal and cutting back of overgrown trees, ivy and bushes from allotment boundaries on Old Winton Road, Vigo

Road, Mylen Road, Admirals Way and Churchill Way. An inspection has been carried out and it is clear that the

overgrown trees etc. on these sites have been in this condition for some time, certainly more than the two years

since the Town Council took over the allotments.

If the overgrown trees, ivy, brambles etc. are cut down and a regular programme of weed-kill is undertaken, this may

prevent further action having to be taken in the future.

Remedial Work:

An inspection was also carried out on the condition of the fencing at the above sites. If remedial work is carried out

to remove the overgrown trees then the fencing could be maintained for a further possible five years. However, if the

trees etc. are not removed then the fencing may have to be replaced over the next two years. It is estimated that to

replace the fencing may cost up to £20,000 per site. The cost of the materials is not that great but the labour to carry

out the works would be costly.

Health & Safety work: there is a certain amount of broken glass, metal & plastics on sites which will need to be

removed. The cost of waste and rubbish removal is increasing and the Town Council has a ‘Duty of Care’ under the

Environmental Protection Act 1990 to dispose of its waste responsibly.

The maintenance costs will increase year on year.

The above three options are not stand alone and could be combined e.g. implement option 1 and option 3 together.

Financial Implications:

The financial implications are included in the report.

Legal and Policy Implications

The Town Council must be seen to be acting reasonably but also providing ‘value for money’ for its residents.


To agree the method of increase for Allotment Rental Fees for 2013/2014 and consecutive years.

7 June 2012

Note: The person to contact about this report is Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk), Andover Town Council, 66C, High

Street, Andover, Hampshire. SP10 1NG.

Tel: 01264 335592

Distribution: To all Councillors


Page 53: ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL · 2012. 6. 18. · ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL . Constantia Basis Virtutum . To the Members of Andover Town Council: You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of



Routine Maintenance & Administration Costs Per Year:

Service Cost Cost + 10% for contingency

Loos £3,600 £3,960

Grass Cutting (3 times a year) £1,548 £1,702.80

Taps & water turn on/off £824 £906.40

Hedge/Tree trimming (yearly all sites) £3,770 £4,147

Weed clearance (every 4 months) over growing season £840 £924

Pest control (rats/wasps) £630 £693

Administration £6,250 £6,875

Legal Advice £1,500 £1,650

Total cost £18,962 £20,858.20

19 April 2012

Note: The person to contact about this report is Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk), Andover Town Council, 66C, High

Street, Andover, Hampshire. SP10 1NG.

Tel: 01264 335592

Distribution: To all Councillors

