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Andreas Klamm Biography EN091 MJB

Date post: 30-May-2018
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MJB Mission News ISSN 1999-8414 Andreas Klamm, French-German Journalist Biography and Bibliography Andreas Klamm, born on Februar 6, 1968 is a FRENCH-German journalist, broadcast journalist, author, writer, correspondent, Television- radio and film producer since 1984. He has published seven books in France and in Germany and hundreds of articles in newspapers, magazines and on the internet. The journalist, broadcast journalist and author has been working in countries such as the United States of America, United Kingdom, France, Belgium and Germany. French - German Journalist, broadcast journalist and author of five books, director and f ounder of IBS Independent Broadcasting Service Liberty, Radio IBS Liberty, IBS Television Liberty (1986), supporting internationa l understanding since 1986. Co-Founder of MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-841 4 (in co-operation with Reverend Yawovi Nyonato, Lome, Togo, Africa). Founder of 3mnewswire.org (1984, international news wire with text, photos, radio and television programs in English, German and French), British Newsflash Magazine (1986, travel and news), Rundfunk- und Programmarbeitsgemeinschaft fuer Film, Funk und Fernsehen (1984, independent television and radio producers) and co-founder of the international media project Liberty and Peace NOW! Human Rights Reporters (www .humanrightsrep orters.wordpress.com / www.menschenrechtsreporter.blogspot.com) Andreas Klamm is working since 1984 as a journalist, broadcast journalist, author, independent television, radio and film producer. As a secondary profession in 1993 he became also a registered nurse (R.N.) in Germany and was working in Germany and in the United Kingdom as a nurse (R.N.) and even as an ITU nurse for the Clementine Churchill Hosptial in London, England, United Kingdom. MJB Mission News, ISSN 1999-8414, managing editor Redaktionsleitung: Andreas Klamm,  Journalist, broadcast journalist and author , www. radiotvinfo.org/mjbmissionnews – www . radiot vinfo.or g , www. mjbmis sionn ews.blo gspot .com, Copyright © and Copyleft, Creative Commens License by MJB Mission News (ISSN 1999-8414). This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative W orks 3.0 United States License . T o vi ew a copy of this license , visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/3.0/us/ or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.
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