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Androgyna, or The Fool

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Androgyna, or The Fool A play Dr. Rick Duerden Brigham Young University English 372 9 April 2015

Androgyna, or The Fool A play Dr. Rick Duerden Brigham Young University English 372 9 April 2015 Hollingsworth! The Persons of the Play Time, an ironic iconic played also by Androgyna Androgyna, an intersex individual Volpone, a magnifico Mosca, a servant to Volpone Nano, a dwarf Toni (Castrone), a eunuch Celia, Corvinos wife Corvino, Celias husband Bonario, a young gentleman Marta, a prostitute Hollingsworth# Act I Scene I (Time/Androgyna1 enters, going east to west, like the rising and falling moon. Depending on how the theater is situated, she could come on and off by going directly across the stage or perhaps she will need to go from the back of the audience to the stage and then off. She holds a glowing moon in her hands. She may hold it in one hand for a little while or the other hand or both hands.) Time (Androgyna): The mild Moon reflects upon the dream Midsummer late of whispring clouds and stars Above Mount Helicon. The Muses cling To water springs from Hippocrene, the source The fountains bring, inspirng songs the sweet Women sing. Give thanks, the Moon who sent the Horse with wings. Those hooves of Pegagasus would Strike the rock, ignite the streams of pleasant Dreams. The Moon, he does reveal the spark to Muses nine, who yearn for dance and music Tragedy, epic, sacred poetry, Astronomy, history, and even Sometimes comedy. That is why they raise One voice unto the shimmring sky at night, A solemn rite, the inner light to glow With inspirations might. Oh, cherishd Moon Do hear my prayer: I am but Time but am Aware of human plight and suffring there Down on the Earth, poor mortals weep at Mine Swift sword. Divine, my course, hallowd, my path To give and take yond years. What will Thou hath,

1 Time is played by Androgyna. Having Time as a character is ironic because Jonson criticized Shakespeare for having Time in The Winters Tale, since it disrupted the three unities. Hollingsworth$ Allow some peace that dreams may bring, escape The wrath that life carries. Thou, Moon above, Convey soft dreams to those who need thy love, Those humans rare, precious of worth but prized By few or none, since hundreds and thousands return To Earth by birth again to live as male Or female there. Yet only those belovd With outward diffrence, dreams help them prevail, Remember past and present, slice the veil Of now and then. These special ones who have The body both, not either or, of man And woman, too, will need Thy guidance true. The mystical Androgyna, extol And console with dreams before deaths bell tolls. Scene II (There is a simple scene of a kitchen and two people sleeping separately in front of the smoldering fires embers. A lone table and some pans are seen scattered about the simple abodes. A cock crows thrice, stirring two figures on the floor. Androgyna wakes up and smiles at Toni, who continues to sleep on the floor and simply turns over in his sleep.) Androgyna: Tonight Ive had a dream, as strange as ever, perhaps more strange than all the rest combined, but I dont mind. The moon goes to bed now that we must rise. Butoh!if I could dream a little longer, I wouldnt dare wake up again for all my life. Toni, buongiorno! Toni: (still dreaming, calls out from his sleep) Torta caprese!Androgyna: Oh, I thought you were awake, brother. Toni: Sfogliatella! Androgyna: But now I see you still dream of pastries. Toni: Biscotti Regina! Androgyna: (laughing) Sweet dreams, dear oca.2

2 Oca is Italian for goose. Hollingsworth% (Androgyna ruffles Tonis hair, then covers the blanket around his shoulders, and stretches, yawning widely. She uncovers some bowls that are on the table and places the loaves of bread on a tray. She carries the tray, resting it in front of the fire, and the loaves warm there. She grabs a notebook and scribbles down notes.) Androgyna: This morning is cold, but my dreams keep me warm. Memory stays as my body transforms Into Mongols and kittens and beggars And servants and princesses and jaegers. (Androgyna pauses and then crosses out something on her paper, changing her mind of what to write. Toni wakes up, smelling the air while the loaves continue to bake.) Toni: Is that pane3 I smell? Androgyna: It is. Would you like some? Its almost done. Toni: Yes, please. Tell me, were you just quoting poetry? Androgyna: No, no, of course not. Toni: Come here. Androgyna: Im all right here. The loaves are just about ready. I dont want them to burn. Toni: You were dreaming again? Androgyna: Oh, forget about that, will you? You know Im awful at verse. I just wanted to write it down. Toni: What was your dream last night? Were you Pythagores again? Swimming in Grecian waters? Eating Grecian grapes? Androgyna: No. Toni: Well? Androgyna: Its no matter to you. Toni: Yes, it is. I was just teasing. Do tell me. Androgyna: All right. But take some bread? Toni: (taking a bite, with mouth full) What happened last night? Androgyna: I dreamt about one of my past lives.

3 Meaning bread. Hollingsworth& Toni: Were you a queen? Or an heiress? Androgyna: No, I was not. I was actually, last nightwell, youll probably just think its boring. Toni: What? Really. Androgyna: The black-browed albatross. Its a kind of bird. My feathers were strong and firm, and I could fly quite high in the sky, and my voice, it was high, and the notes I sang were incredible. Ive never heard such melodies before. And fish never tasted so good. Toni: Fish? You hate fish. Androgyna: I know, I know. But its so strange. Dreams, I mean. Toni: Thats true. What do you think they mean? Androgyna: Im not entirely sure. But sometimes, I know this will sound pazza,4 but I feel like these different dreams are my past lives. Like the soul of Pythagores, I just live on and on forever, but in different body forms. Its just that I remember my past through my dreams. Its strange, but there are dreams that dont feel real, but then there are dreams that are almost nostalgic. I may not remember all the languages or all the names of the places Ive seen and been to and lived in, but my dreams make me feel like Ive lived that life before. Is that crazy? Toni: No, that doesnt sound so crazy to me, when you put it that way. Androgyna: Maybe a little crazy. Why would this happen? Why would this happen to me? Toni: Well, theres no one like you. Androgyna: Well, theres no one like you either. Toni: This would make a great story, wouldnt it? (Androgyna laughs) No, really. Mosca keeps nagging us for another entertainment for Volpone. Why dont we make this into a story? Androgyna: What do you mean? Toni: I dont know for sure. But youd be the main attraction, the star. All eyes would be on you, and we could tell about your past lives in one setting. It would be like watching a dream come to life. Androgyna: Come, Volpone wouldnt care to watch that. Toni: You dont know that. And do you have a better idea? Androgyna: No, I dont. But whos going to write this play? Toni: We will! Youre lousy at verse, but we can come up with something together. Dont you think? Androgyna: (pulling out her notebook) Let me grab more paper.

4 Pazza means crazy. Hollingsworth' Scene III (As Androgyna runs over to her sleeping area to grab her hidden stash of stolen ink and feather quills to write, Nano and Mosca enter. The two are laughing at some joke they just told one another. Apparently, they have both been out all night partying. Their clothes are in disarray, and they smell.) Mosca: And then . . . then . . . she walked right in! (Nano and Mosca burst into raucous laughter again.) Nano: No, you were the best of the night! No one could topple yours, sir! (Nano burps loudly. The pair laugh.) Mosca: Well, thats certainly true. I was quite hot and bothered, wasnt I? Won more than I lost last night, and thats not too shabby, to say the least. Nano: True, true. Quite strong, werent you Mosca? Them women, those ghastly ladies, swooned when you punched that man who tried to steal your purse. What were your final winnings, sir? Mosca: Lemme see here. (He pulls out his purse and turns it upside down. He shoves Toni and Androgyna out of the way. Nothing comes out.) What. What? What! Ive been robbed! That nasty wench. She stole my earnings. I swear, I swear, shes going to pay. Nano: No, no, no. Didnt you spend the rest of it on drink? Mosca: That bitch! That whore! Nano: You bought those rounds of drinks for everyone there. Mosca: That slut! Nano: And you drank several pints yourself. Mosca: I think Id remember that. Nano: You did. You did. And your dwarf, he drank quite a bit, too. Mosca: Thats certainly true, you dwarf. Nano: Thats right. Mosca: Thats right. Thats right. Now, what was I looking for? Nano: Doesnt matter now. Right-o? What about that deal we made? Mosca: Hi-hi-hum-de-ho! Nano: That deal, remember? Mosca: Hum-de-hum-de-ho! Nano: Mosca! Mosca: What! Hollingsworth( Nano: Our deal! Toni: What deal? What are you two talking about? Nano: None of your rotten business, Castrone. Toni: Its Toni. You know that. Nano: What difference does it make? Androgyna: Because its his name. Nano: Cut out, Androgyno. Androgyna: Androgyna. Nano: Who cares? It doesnt matter. Androgyna: I do, and it does. Its what we call ourselves, brother. Nano: Its what you may call yourselves, but nobody notices and nobody cares. Mosca: Enough, enough! What have you now? Androgyna: What? Mosca: What . . . have you . . . now? For tonight, for tonights, you know, tonights entertainment. Its ready. Androgyna: Toni and I are working on it right now. Mosca: It better be. It better be good, you. Androgyna: It will be our best work yet. Youll see. You will be proud to take credit for our work this time, Mosca. Scene IV (Celia enters the kitchen. The yelling and fighting stops for a minute.) Mosca: You whore! Youre the one! Youre the one who stole my purse. Celia: What? The purse on the table there? Mosca: Oh, right. There it is. Nano: Thats a lady, sir. She wasnt there last night. Mosca: I know, I know. But wheres my purse now? Celia: Androgyna, I need to speak with you. (Pulls her aside.) Androgyna: What are you doing here? You know I dont mind helping you. The bread is almost ready this morning and I was just going to drop it off at your place. Celia: Its not about that. Hollingsworth) Androgyna: Whats wrong? Is it the letter? Celia: Yes, and no. Androgyna: Did he not receive the letter? I was careful to drop it off directly in his hands and no other. Celia: Oh, Androgyna, its so wonderful. Im so very happy. Androgyna: Tell me, did you hear back from Bonario? Celia: Bonario! Hes such an angel. Ive never met a more handsome, gallant, strong, man ever in my whole life before. Androgyna: Yes, yes. But whats happened? What are you doing here? Celia: Bonario has written back to me. Androgyna: I figured. Celia: He has confessed his love for me. Androgyna: Right. But I thought he had already done that. Celia: No, but hes promised that he will marry me. Androgyna: And how is that going to happen? What about Corvino? Celia: My husband? He has no clue. Androgyna: Celia, listen to me. What youre doingits not very smart or safe. You say you love him, but Corvino could find out. Celia: You wont tell. You wont tell? You promised! Androgyna: Of course, Im not going to tell Corvino. Several weeks ago, when I dropped bread off for you, you told me you wanted to escape your marriage. Celia: Yes, I did. But whats you point? Androgyna: I agreed, didnt I? Your husband is terrible and abusive. Its not healthy to be with someone like that, Celia. But you told me you wanted me to give letters to this Bonario to help you escape Venice and take a ship elsewhere. Celia: That was the plan. But plans can change. Androgyna: Focus, Celia. You dont need to leave the abusive arms of one man to enter the abusive arms of another man. Celia: I know, I know. But Bonariohe isnt like that. He says, he promises, that he will always love me. Androgyna: So? Hollingsworth*+ Celia: So, Ive not read such sweet tidings of affection and devotion in many years. Androgyna, dont you know what its like to be loved? Androgyna: Being loved is great. But you dont need him and you dont need it. What are you going to do? Celia: What are we going to do? Well, I dont know, I dont really know for sure yet. Androgyna: Corvino is a very jealous man. Imagine what he will do when he finds out or he walks in on the two of you. Celia: Thats not possible. We havent done anything yet. Ive only seen his face a few times. Thats all. I promise. Androgyna: Celia, Im worried. Im not sure what else I could do for you to help. This decision is up to you. Corvino is quite powerful and you could be put in a very dangerous position if youre not careful. Celia: Of course. I will be careful. We have been quite careful. But Androgynahe loves me! Androgyna: (grabbing Celias hand) I know. Hollingsworth** Act II Scene I (The day has passed, and now it is night again. Nano, Androgyna, and Toni have performed for Volpone. They enter the kitchen, carrying various props and costumes from the finished play. They still wear makeup and costumes. Toni sets down some things on the table and looks out the window.) Toni: Its a full moon out tonight, Androgyna. Nano: What does it matter? The moon is the moon. Get over here, Toni. Help me move this. Toni: It matters to Androgyna. When theres a full moon, she dreams of her life as Pythagoras. Androgyna: Thats right, Toni. Yesterday, albatross the winged. Tonight, Pythagoras the philosopher. Nano: Whats the point in talking about it? We are the way we are. We cant change that. I will always be like this and that will never change. Your ridiculous idea, your past lives, cannot be true. It will never happen. Androgyna: How do you know? Nano: Because its not real. Its fiction. You dont live in reality, Androgyna. Androgyna: And you do? Then why do you hang out with Mosca so much? Do you really think that you are close? That Mosca would call you a friend? That he would defend you? Nano: Who cares? Androgyna: We care. Nano, you are our brother. I care about you and would defend you with my last dying breath. But sometimes I wonder if you would do the same for me. Nano: No, you wouldnt. And tonights play was just nonsensical. What were you thinking? Im sure he hated it. That why we didnt get to finish it. Androgyna: Thats not true. Something came up. It always comes up. Hes just scheming deviously and ruthlessly again. Im sure hes got some outlandish plan because hes just so greedy. Volpone is going to learn a lesson one of these days, I fear. I wish he would just listen to me. Ive seen what greed does to people in my dreams; Ive seen successful, powerful, greedy men and women fall apart at the slightest touch of trouble. Maybe I could just talk to him? Maybe I could convince him to give up this latest scheme of his. Hollingsworth*! Nano: You know what, youre just the fool. Thats what they call you. They call you the fool. Androgyna: I know that. Nano: Did you? Mosca says he cant bear to say your name anymore. So instead he calls you the fool because thats all you are: the foolish boy who turned out to be also a girl. And you. Toni. You never speak in front of Volpone. You rarely speak in front of Mosca and even less in front of me. Apparently, youre missing a voice box as well as your manhood. (Toni jumps on Nano, punching him and kicking him. Nano struggles to get back up. Androgyna tries to intervene.) Androgyna: Stop it! Stop it, both of you! Nano: Get out. Toni: Just go. Androgyna: Fine! I will. (Androgyna storms out of the kitchen, slamming the door behind her, while Nano and Toni continue to fight.) Scene II (Androgyna enters. The scene shows a quiet Venetian street. Corvino, Celias husband, enters, as well.) Corvino: Who goes there? Androgyna: Corvino? Is that you? It is Androgyna. Are you just coming from the house of Volpone? Corvino: Yes, I am Corvino. Androgyna: I hope you travel home in safety. (Tries to continue walking on.) Corvino: Im sorry to hear that Volpones life is hanging on a thread. Androgyna: What are you talking about? Corvino: He doesnt seem to be doing very well. Mosca showed him to me, and he looks sick. Androgyna: I just saw him earlier this evening with my own eyes, and he was doing fine. You must be mistaken. Hollingsworth*# Corvino: Oh, no. I am quite certain. He is finally on his deathbed, and when Volpone dies, I will become the heir to his fortunes. Androgyna: I wouldnt be too certain of that if I were you. Couldnt the money go to any number of other sources? Corvino: Mosca made it quite clear that I am first in line to receive the Volpone fortune. I can just see it now: the piles of coins lining my floors, Arabian perfume from across the desserts, saffron and coriander in the sumptuous food at colorful banquets, gowns and robes from the valleys of the East, servants and slaves from Androgyna: I really must get going. Good night. Corvino: Oh, yes. The next time you see me, youre going to see a rich man. (Heads off stage.) Androgyna: The only thing Im going to see is a greedy, selfish man. I dont know if you will receive the fortunes of Volpone, but I know that you will never change. Scene III (Androgyna enters a dirty room of a whorehouse. A woman enters shortly after, but Androgyna does not notice as she gazes at her reflection on the broken mirror on the wall. Then she pours the cold water onto her hands, washing them clean from the dirt. The theatrical makeup still covers her face. The woman has been watching Androgyna silently and clears her throat, startling Androgyna.) Marta: Where would you like me? Androgyna: You can sit anywhere. I dont mind. Marta: How about the bed? Androgyna: Ill be just a minute. (She resumes washing her hands. She reaches for a towel, but there is none, so she wipes her hands on her pants.) Marta: Im sorry. I dont see anything for you to dry your hands. Androgyna: No worries. This will do just fine. Marta: Would you care to sit down here next to me? Androgyna: Ive left your money, or the money for you, right here next to the bowl, if thats all right. Marta: Yes, thats fine. Hollingsworth*$ Androgyna: I can leave you more if youd like. Ive never done this before. Marta: Your faceyou look quite young. Androgyna: Im neither too old nor too young. Marta: Please, wont you sit down? Androgyna: But I would be happy to pay you more. Whatever you would like. Oh, Ive forgotten to wash my facelet me do that. Marta: Youre quite generous, sir. Ive been told youve paid for the whole night. Androgyna: You dont need to call me, sir. Marta: Oh, yes, sir. I mean, no. Androgyna: And I wont be here the whole night. This shouldnt take that long. I just couldnt be home. Marta: Then youre married, sir? Androgyna: (She has been washing her face clean but now pauses.) What? No, no. Not married. I needed to get away from my half-brothers, who were fighting. I couldnt stay there with them. I needed to talk to someone, with someone, about something, who knows nothing about what Ive been through or who I am or what I am. (She finishes washing her face.) Marta: Sirsit here. Androgyna: Ill stand for now (as she takes off her jacket and dries her face). Marta: So you wont be here long? Androgyna: No, no. I needed a stranger. Someone I didnt know. Marta: Im a stranger. Im someone you dont know. Androgyna: Someone I didnt know whom I could talk with. I thought you might understand what it means to be misunderstood. Marta: Oh, I understand. (She rises and walks towards Androgyna.) You have such delicate features. Youre the prettiest man Ive ever seen. (Marta brushes Androgynas face with the back of her hand.) Androgyna: (laughs and steps back) Thats not quite true. Tell mewhere are you from? Marta: Im from around here. Androgyna: East or west of this place? I live not too far away. Marta: Sometimes east, sometimes west, sometimes south (Marta grabs Androgynas belt), and sometimes north. (Marta leans in for a kiss, but Androgyna, leaning back, avoids the embrace.) Hollingsworth*% Androgyna: Listen. I think theres been a misunderstanding here. Im not interested in that. Ive never really been, and Im not asking anything from you. Marta: What do you mean? Androgyna: I just need someone to talk to. Really. Marta: About what? Androgyna: I dont know. We could talk about anything. We could talk about where youre from, your favorite pastry, your favorite pastime, or your parents. (Androgyna sits on the bed, and Marta, surprised by the questions, stands up and begins pacing.) Marta: Why me? Androgyna: It can be anything. I want to hear about someone elses life rather than think about my own. Please, tell me about you . . . I dont know your name. Would you tell me? Marta: What does it matter? Im just your whore for one night. Thats it. Androgyna: It does matter because your name is part of who you are. And youre not my whore or anybodys whore. My name is Androgyna. Marta: (Marta stops pacing, and then she looks at Androgyna, who is still sitting on the bed.) What a strange name. But, excuse me, Im Marta. Im sorry. This is all just really strange. Androgyna: Yes, Im sorry. But I dont have many people I can talk with. May I talk with you? Im not asking or expecting anything else. Marta: Yes, of course. (Both are sitting on the bed now.) Androgyna: Why are you here? I mean, why this place? Marta: To be honest, its my first night. Ive never done it, I mean, Ive never done anything like this sort of thing before. Androgyna: What happened? Marta: My parents both died not too long ago, and I dont have any other relatives still living. Mother was sure to give me the rest of their savings before she passed away, but the money was Hollingsworth*& spent after several months of scrimping. I looked for work, but people didnt want to hire a foreigner to work in their houses or in their stores. Androgyna: Thats terrible. Im sorry about your parents, but no one would offer you work? Marta: Thats right. Our small house was sold because of the debts my parents owed many different people, and I became homeless and penniless overnight. Honestly, I had nowhere else to turn. Androgyna: The thought that you had to go through thisits just terrible. Im so sorry, Marta. Marta: You are too kind. Really, you are such an unusual man, a beautiful man, but very unusual. Androgyna: Marta. Im not just a man. Marta: Dear. Excuse me. I meant gentleman. Androgyna: No, not that either, Im Marta: An actor! I should have knownthe makeup earlier and what not. Androgyna: Marta, listen. Well, yes, I was acting earlier. I work in the house of Volpone. Do you know where that is? Marta: Yes! That rather large building a couple of blocks from here. Androgyna: Yes, thats it. I living and working in that house all my life. But, I am part male and part female. Marta: I dont think I understand what you mean. Androgyna: I am an intersex person. I was born with parts of male, and when my body changed when I was in transition from youth to adult, I also grew parts of female. Marta: What? I dont understand. I mean, I dont understand you. Thats not real. (Marta stands up and moves far away from Androgyna.) Androgyna: I didnt mean to scare you. Its natural. Its pretty abnormal, but Im still me, Im normal. (Androgyna stands up, facing Marta.) Marta: I didnt ask for this. I want out of the deal, all right. Please, take all your money and leave. (Marta hurries towards the door.) Androgyna: Wait, Marta. Let me trust you for a moment. Ive never showed this to anyone before. (Marta stops at the door and freezes. Androgyna slowly unbuttons her shirt. She removes her shirt, resting it by the bowl of dirty water. Androgynas breasts have been bound. Marta comes to see and sits on the bed again.) Hollingsworth*' Androgyna: Dont you see, Marta. Im human. Yes, Im different, but Im still like you. Marta: (pointing) You have . . . Androgyna: Yes, I identify as a woman. My birth name was Matteo, but I prefer to be called Androgyna. Sometimes people call me Androgyno to tease or make fun, but I dont really mind any more. Marta: Then why do you dress as a man? And your hair, its quite short for a woman. Androgyna: Its whats available. I wear the hand-me-downs of Mosca, my fathers servant. And its often easier to appear as a man when out and about on the streets. Life as a woman is difficult. But short hair is so easy to maintain. Its partly out of habit, since my father thought I was a boy for so long, but Ive always quite liked my hair like this. Marta: So thats why you came here tonight? To show me, to tell me, this? Androgyna: I guess so. I needed to escape my house where I live, and I wish I could tell my father everything I feel and figure out how to help him. But I know that he doesnt care for me as he once did. Volpone is a stubborn man. He only sees me as the fool of the family and is disgraced by me being his child whom he thought was a son for so long. Volpone was furious when he lost his only normal male son, me, who became both male and female after twelve years of being supposedly just boy. Marta: Im sorry that youve had to deal with this by yourself. But where is your mother? Androgyna: She died giving birth to me. And she was actually had the same occupation as you do right now. Marta: Oh. Androgyna: Thank you so much for talking to me. But youre not a whore, and you dont have to be some perfect angel either. Marta, let me help you, please. You dont belong here. Nobody belongs here, but I really think I could find you work someplace where you dont have to do this every night. You have so much to look forward to. Marta: I dont know. I spent so long looking for work but found nothing. Androgyna: I promise you that Ill help you find something. If anything, you can come live with me. Marta: Youd do that for me, a stranger? Androgyna: Youre not a stranger. Youre not a prostitute. Youre Marta. Well, I better be going now. Good night, Marta. (Androgyna leaves, exiting through the door.) Hollingsworth*( Scene IV (Androgyna enters the kitchen of Volpone. The lights are out, Nano is gone, and Toni is sleeping in front of the fire. She sneaks over to the fire and begins to prepare for bed when a soft knocking sound is heard. Androgyna, startled, hurries to the door, trying to stay quiet so not to wake Toni. Celia and Bonario enter.) Androgyna: My friends! Im happy to see you. But what are you doing here? Do you realize what time it is? Celia: (loudly) Youll never believe (Androgyna shushing Celia, points towards Tonis sleeping body.) Celia: (softer) Youll never believe what has happened. Its just terrible. My life is crumbling all around me, Androgyna, and I dont know how to pick the pieces back up. Androgyna: What has happened? Did Corvino find out about the two of you? Bonario: No, weve been very careful about that. Corvino has no clue about how Celia and I feel about one another. Celia: Corvino! Oh, I hate that man! Androgyna: What has he done now? Celia: Corvino is convinced by Mosca, who told him earlier this evening, that Volpone will make him heir to his fortunes. Androgyna: I ran into your husband earlier tonight. He said so himself. But I saw my father today, and he was fine. Im not sure what is going on. Celia: Corvino, that awful man, that terrible husband, has devised a plan. Volpone, in order to be revived, claims that he wants to seduce with me. Volpone saw me earlier today, but I didnt speak a single word to him. Not one! But Corvino has convicted himself that if Volpone does sleep with me, Volpone will make my husband a wealthy man. He only cares about becoming an heir to the great fortune and cares nothing for me. Androgyna: Of all the horridness that man can do, this surpasses it all! He cannot do that! Celia: But he already has plans to do so. I am to go to Volpones tomorrow to complete the deed. Hollingsworth*) Bonario: We are both worried about what to do, but were not sure how to get out of this mess. Celia, you dont deserve to go through with this. Androgyna: I have an idea. Celia: What? Androgyna: I will interfere with their plans. I can tell Mosca to ask Bonario to show up when his father is coming. I overheard Mosca saying that Bonarios father is coming tomorrow to disinherit his son. But when Mosca tells Bonario to hide in the room, Mosca wont tell Volpone that he is in that room, where he is planning for the rendezvous with Celia. Then, when Celia arrives, I will have Celia enter in the same room that Bonario is in. So Volpone wont know that Bonario is hiding in the room, but you, Celia, will already be in there, Volpone will be so distracted by Celias beauty. Eventually, when Volpone makes a fool of himself, Bonario will come out from his hiding spot, and you and Bonario will laugh at Volpone. Bonario: That could work. Celia: Yes, I think thats an idea. Androgyna: I cant believe that Volpone would try to do something so terrible to you, Celia. Hes made terrible plans before and taken advantage of people for money. Celia: Everything will work out. I will see you tomorrow. Hollingsworth!+ Act III Scene I (Its the next day, and Mosca, holding his bleeding arm, enters the kitchen) Mosca: Help me! Androgyna? Toni? (Nano, Toni, and Androgyna enter the kitchen.) Nano: Whats wrong, Mosca? Mosca: My arm, its bleeding! Quick, get something to wrap it up. Nano: (grabbing some rags in the kitchen) Here you go. Let me tie it up. Androgyna: Let me guess, Mosca. Another gambling debtor to collect the money that youve lost again? How much money did you lose last night? (Nano tightens the rags, and Mosca screams out in pain.) Mosca: No! This is all your fault. You are to blame, the fool. Androgyna: I may be the fool, but youre the gambler, Mosca, with a serious debt. Maybe you should consult Volpone if you cant pay it . Mosca: The room . . . and the stars, they had wished me the best of luck, and you (pointing towards Androgyna and mumbling and rambling about more things incoherently). Nano: Mosca, are you all right? Does that help? Mosca: Its over. Everything is over. Its over. (He continues to mumble.) Nano: Whats over? Mosca: My life, its over. There is no meaning in my life. I am going to end it tonight, I promise you. Nano: What went wrong? Mosca: I need to see to Volpones needs. Let me go. (Exit Mosca.) Scene II (The scene is still in the kitchen. A shocked Celia enters.) Androgyna: Celia? What are you doing here? You were supposed to be with Bonario after you fooled Volpone. Hollingsworth!* Celia: Androgyna, youll never believe what happened. Androgyna: Celia, please come sit down here by the table. Mosca just left. Celia: Is he alive? Androgyna: Mosca is still alive. Nano bound his bleeding arm, and Mosca was off to Volpones aid. Tell me what is going on. Celia: Volpone . . . Volpone . . . tried to rape me. Androgyna: But, Bonario was there. Volpone didnt, he didnt, he wouldnt have raped you. Did he? Celia: No, Bonario intervened. He was so upset listening to Volpones false promises of giving me wealth. My love started yelling at that monster when Mosca entered the room. Quickly, Bonario stabbed Mosca in the arm. Androgyna: And is Bonario all right? Celia: Yes, hes fine. He was not injured. But we just learned that we have to go to court. I need to go, but I just needed to talk to someone. Androgyna: I understand. Are you sure you are okay? Did he hurt you? Celia: No, Bonario only stabbed Mosca. Androgyna: I meant did Volpone hurt you when he tried to do that to you? Celia: Ive been better. I never thought that anything would happen. Bonario and I were just going to laugh at him. Androgyna, you should have seen the look in his eyes when he grabbed me. Androgyna: What can I do, Celia? What can I do to make this better? Celia: Pray for us. Please, I have to go now. Androgyna: All right. Good luck. Be safe. Celia: I will. Scene III (It is now later in the afternoon. Androgyna and Toni work in the kitchen. The two sit down during a break from cooking.) Toni: Are you still prepared for the reading lesson today? Androgyna: Ummm . . . yes. Of course. Toni: Are you all right? Hollingsworth!! Androgyna: Im fine. Yes, you know, its hard to believe. I mean, our father can be pretty dumb sometimes, and Celia and Bonario are risky, but they love each other. But Volpone. How could he do something like that? Toni: As far as we know, hes never done anything like this before. Androgyna: What do you mean? Toni: Im not sure entirely, but we cant know everything what our father has done or will do. Hes done some pretty shitty things to a lot of people. I mean, theres our mothers, but I guess that was consensual. Or I hope it was. Androgyna: I dont want to talk about this right now. Lets do something else. Toni: All right, Ill grab the book. (Toni runs over to his sleeping mat in front of the fire to grab his book that is covered in white cloths to protect it. He brings it back.) Toni: Listen, Androgyna. Ive wanted to tell you that Ive really appreciated you helping me learn how to read. I know that its taken a lot of time and its during your break and all, but you are such a great teacher. Androgyna: I was given an education for several years before our father found out I was also part girl and removed me from my classes. You and Nano were slaves the whole time when I was going to school. Toni: But if it werent for you, I would never have been allowed to stay. Volpone didnt even want to keep us around. Androgyna: I remember. So yesterday was the eighteenth chapter. Todays, the nineteenth? Toni: No, we only started the chapter but did not finish. We continue in Matthew. Versetto Dieci. Then said his disciples to him, If the matter be so between man and wife, it is not good to marry. Versetto Undici. But Jesus said unto them, All men cannot receive this thing, save they to whom it is given. Hollingsworth!# Versetto Dodici. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born of their mothers belly; and there be some eunuchs, which be gelded by men; and there be some eunuchs, which have gelded themselves for the kingdom of heaven. He that is able to receive this, let him receive it.5 (Toni stops reading, and the two just look at each other.) Toni: What do you think it means? Im a eunuch. I was born that way from my mother. Nano is a dwarf and was born a dwarf from his mother. Youre intersex, and you were born that way. We were born this way, and its all right. Do we still have hope for salvation? Androgyna: Toni, I dont really want to talk about this right now. Toni: But if this is true, Androgyna, you and I, and even Nano, we could all still be saved. Maybe were not damned to hell. Androgyna: You could never go to hell, Toni. Youre too kind to me. Toni: Ive been going to services my whole life. Its just been me, and thats all right. But I really dont think Im Catholic. Since I was given this Bible from some Protestant friends, Ive really been thinking that Im not a Catholic. Maybe I was born differently so that I could follow a different path, well, religiously speaking. Androgyna: I dont know, Toni. You could be right. Toni: What are you thinking?

5 This version is the Geneva Bible. The source is from here (http://www.genevabible.org/files/DailyScripture/Matthew19footnotes.htm). 10 Then said his disciples to him, If the (i) matter be so between man and wife, it is not good to marry. (i) If the matter stand so between man and wife, or in marriage. 11(3) But he said unto them, All men cannot (k) receive this thing, save they to whom it is given. (3) The gift of continency is peculiar, and therefore no man can set a Law to himself of perpetual continency. (k) Receive and admit, as by translation we say, that a straight and narrow place is not able to receive many things. 12 For there are (*) some (l) (!) eunuchs, which were so born of their mothers belly; and there be some eunuchs, which be gelded by men; and there be some eunuchs, (") which have (m) gelded themselves for the kingdom of heaven. He (#) that is able to receive this, let him receive it. (*) Some by nature are unable to marry, and some by art. (l) The word Eunuch is a general word, and hath divers kinds under it, as gelded men and bursten men. (!) The word signifieth (gelded) and they were so made because they should keep the chambers of noble woman; for they were judged chaste. (") Which have the gift of continence, and use it to serve God with more free liberty. (m) Which abstain from marriage, and live continently through the gift of God. (#) This gift is not commune for all men, but is very rare, and given to few; therefore men may not rashly abstain from marriage. Hollingsworth!$ Androgyna: What if none of it is true? What if, and Im saying if, what if both the Catholics and the Protestants are wrong? I dont know what I think about god. How could a god allow us to be this way? How could a god allow my friend to almost be raped, for all these terrible things to happen? A god to allow us to have a father like that monster upstairs, that monster of a father we both share? Listen, lets stop the reading for today. We better get back to work. Scene IV (Toni and Androgyna are still in the kitchen, but now it is nighttime. Celia enters.) Celia: Androgyna, I have to tell you what happened today during court! Androgyna: What did the Avocatori6 say? Toni: What happened in the courtroom? Celia: I am very upset about the case ruling. That lawyer, Voltore, claimed that when Bonario became impatient waiting for his father to come into the room where he was hiding, he decided to kidnapped me and make me cry rape so they could frame Volpone, who then pretended to be too sick to come to court today. But the four Avocatori demanded that Volpone come to the courtroom. After he arrived, Voltore claimed, that well, Bonario and I are lovers. Toni: How did Voltore find out? Celia: I think the lawyer was just guessing, but he claims that Bonario went to Volpones house, intending to kill his father for disinheriting him. When Bonario didnt find his father, he supposedly decided to attack Volpone. Androgyna: That doesnt make any sense, and Voltore doesnt have any proof. Celia: That lawyer had Bonarios father and my husband testify. Corvino claimed that he has seen Bonario and me making love, which isnt true. Additionally, Corvino showed our love letters that weve been sending back and forth to one another to the Avocatori. Bonario and I were separated, and we are not supposed to see each other. Androgyna, I think Ive been caught! I dont know what to do. Androgyno: I will try to think of something, but you and Bonario may have to leave Venice and live together in a different country. Be sure to let me know the court updates tomorrow. (Celia and Toni exit together.)

6 This is the word for the men that are serving as judges in the Venetian state. Hollingsworth!% Scene V (Marta enters the kitchen.) Androgyna: (baking bread) Marta! Youve come! Marta: Of course, I said I would. Androgyna: How are you doing? Marta: Im doing fine. Im a little concerned about work. Have you been able to find anything? Androgyna: No, not yet. Ive asked around to some of my friends. But no worriesI promise I will help you find something. You can stay here until I find you work. Marta: Ive been looking around for work again but without much luck. Androgyna: Sorry, Ive been so rude. Let me finish this batch, and Ill set it in the oven. Marta: Let me help you. I love cooking. (Marta puts on an apron, and the two make bread for a little while.) Androgyna: Youve quite the knack for this. Marta: I helped my mother baking and cooking when she was still alive. We used to own a bakery, in fact. Androgyna: Thats good to know. I might be able to find you work in a kitchen or someplace. Would you like that? Marta: I would love to work in a kitchen again full time. The smells make me think of home. Androgyna: It looks like this is ready to go in. Let me take out the other batch from the oven, and you can take some to eat on your way home. Ive decided to speak with my father tonight. Marta: What will you say? Androgyna: I dont entirely know for sure. But I know that I must say something. (She hands the bread fresh from the oven to Marta.) Marta: Thank you so much, and best of luck tonight. I hope everything works out. Androgyna: Me, too. Scene VI (A new scene reveals a large, spacious room that is richly furnished, which contrasts greatly to the humble kitchen. A man sits on a voluptuous chair, smoking and drinking gluttonously. A pile of bread rests of the table beside the feast for the small man. Androgyna enters.) Hollingsworth!& Volpone: I can hear you enter. Im busy right now. Go away. (Androgyna says nothing but walks closer. Her footsteps resound against the hard floor.) Volpone: Didnt you hear me? Leave me at once. (Androgyna continues to walk towards the man, still eating away.) Androgyna: Volpone. Volpone: (startled) What are you doing here? Why arent you in the kitchens? Androgyna: I need to speak with you. Its urgent. Volpone: Whats so important that you needed to see me? Androgyna: You need to stop. Youve gone too far this time. How could you do that to Celia? You know that she is my friend. I care for her, you twisted Volpone: You shouldnt believe that little weasel. She and that weasel Bonario are having an affair. Her idiotic husband didnt even realize it. Androgyna: Volpone, you need to listen to me Volpone: Humph! Androgyna: Im here to try to convince you. You mustnt continue with what you are doing. Volpone: Today went quite well in the courtroom. I gave quite the performance. You should have seen me. Androgyna: That doesnt matter Volpone: I fooled them all! Androgyna: Ive played your fool for the last several years. Ive made you laugh and entertained you in your pleasurable evenings of luxury and wealth. But you dont listen to me. Volpone: Those judges, they didnt even see what was coming. They are no match for the great Volpone. Androgyna: Please, listen to me! Volpone: It was quite funny, really, watching their stunned faces. They couldnt believe what happened. Androgyna: And they shouldnt believe it because that isnt what happened. What you did is wrong! You hurt my friend Volpone: Oh, nonsense. That silly girl came onto me. Androgyna: Thats not true, and you know it. Volpone: But can you blame her? Corvino, that obnoxious twit, doesnt deserve her. I can offer her gold and silver, and all he can give her is . . . nothing. Hollingsworth!' Androgyna: Thats your defense? Volpone, you tried to rape her. Volpone: I did not! You shouldnt spend time with that girl; shes filling your head with her asinine, rubbish talk. Androgyna: You need to go to the courts tomorrow. Tell them what really happened. You cant destroy her life. She and Bonario have done nothing to you. Volpone: But you must hear what I have next planned. Tomorrow, I will, or rather Mosca, will declare myself as dead. You should see those three rats scurrying around my carcass, trying to beg for any final scraps while my body rests. How I will laugh then Androgyna: This is absolutely absurd! Youre going too far. This isnt funny, not for the three men that youve promised will be heirs, not for Mosca, not for Celia and Bonario, and not for me. Volpone: You have no say in this matter. Androgyna: Just listen to me. You can make this right. You can testify in court. I refuse to stand by and let you do this. Volpone: Its none of your business! Androgyna: If you dont confess the truth tomorrow, I will go to court. I will testify. I will reveal your lies and deceit. You cant stop me. Volpone: (He laughs.) And who would believe you? The urchin that serves in the house of Volpone. (Suddenly, Volpone has stopped laughing. He has grown intensely serious and cold.) No, Matteo, you will be laughed out of court just as I laugh at you now. Androgyna: Its Androgyna. Volpone: Matteo, you call yourself Androgyna or Androgyno or the fool or whatever you like. But you know what you are. Youre just a bastard son who turned out to be not even all boy. Androgyna: How dare you. Volpone: You know, I did love your mother. I visited her frequently, and I was so devastated when she died giving birth to you. Androgyna: You dont know what love is. Volpone: You were born, and finally I had a son, even if you were some bastard child of a whore. Androgyna: Dont you dare call her that. Volpone: Finally, a boy! Thats why I recognized you as my own, why I kept you in this house, why I fed and clothed you, why I paid for your schooling. You were my investment for our future. When those Jewish sluts left Castroni and Nano on the doorstep of my house, you begged for me to let Hollingsworth!( those tiny brats stay. You didnt even know those were your half brothers. Your heart, it was so big. Its your downfall, Androgyna. Androgyna: Stop this. Please. Volpone: When your time came for your body to change, though, you rebelled. Your very nature rebelled. You are not my son! You are not my son! Androgyna: (She is leaving but then stops.) No, Im not your son. I may be your fool, part female, part male. But this fool would truly be foolish to stay now and watch you ruin the lives of everyone around you. Intermission Hollingsworth!) Act IV Scene I (Time/Androgyna enters, going east to west, like the rising and falling sun. Depending on how the theater is situated, she could come on and off by going directly across the stage or perhaps she will need to go from the back of the audience to the stage and then off. This scene is reminiscent of Act I with the Moon. She holds a bright sun in her hands. She may hold it in one hand for a little while or the other hand or both hands.) Time/Androgyna: The sweltering Sun exposes the dreams, To blistering winds and startling screams. The hurtling Star, perspiring, it beams Blazingly human life to the extremes. Reality scars, or so it does seem; Fortunate could be the living that die Before life begins. Babies, no crying They make, in their tombs, with their mothers, who Have died, beside them in the hollow ground.7 Never to see the hardships that will come Inevitably. Drowning depths of the Convulsions and Soreness, sickness and Discomfort with cramping and misery. Illness, torments, troubles twinge tenderly While fevers rage, their firy ire and Asperity, consume the poor and maimed. Some are not sick in bone and might, but they Are sick in mouth and sightfor they do not Notice how the suffring souls, demented

7 One reason for the absence of mothers and children could be that many mothers and children died in childbirth: The women of Renaissance Italy bore a special burden when it came to childbirth. One out of every ten births resulted in death for the mother, and [i]nfants had a slightly higher mortality rate that fluctuated from 25 percent to as much as 50 percent in some areas (Oquist Portraiture of . . .). Hollingsworth#+ Distraught, delirious, or hysterical Be, saying no words to comfort or free Their brothers and sisters anguish they see. Passion and envy, grudges and horrors Animosity, hostility, hate, Prejudice, malevolence and malice Combine all their might, together they smite Sympathy strong and admiration bright, Mercy and grace and compassion unite. The battle commences; fires ignite The tension and injustice of the fight. In dualitys night-dreams, theres no pain, but When the sun arrives with reality, The nightmares enter harsh mortality. Who could win the battle sore against the Inequality and partiality of Rich ovr poor, of man ovr any diffrent? Now enters the sun. Now day has begun. The sun will then slip; its finally done. Scene II (The scene opens on a street of Venice. It is dark outside, and the streets sparkle with the secrets of the day. Mosca and Corvino enter.) Corvino: Todayoh, what a day! Soon I will be free of my wife. The legal way, at least. Not that Id ever actually harm her. But how I wished she would just disappear from my life, well, our lives. Soon she will be gone. Mosca. Mosca? Are you listening to me? Mosca: Mmmhmmm. Corvino: Mosca? Mosca: Yes. What? Corvino: What did you think of the case outcome? Celia and her bastard lover finally caught in their sticky trap. You were brilliant to convince the lawyer Voltore of that point. Hollingsworth#* Mosca: Yes, yes. Corvino: Celia will now be so completely shamed. Mosca: Corvino, I think we should talk about Corvino: She will be out of my life completely, or at least mostly out of my life, and you and I (Corvino grabs Moscas hands) can be together, well not publicly so to speak, but we can see each other more than we have been able to for the past few months. Mosca: Corvino, tonights the last night. Corvino: What do you mean? Mosca: I cant keep seeing you. You and mewere over. Corvino: No, no, this cant be. You cant leave me. Please, dont do this to me, to us. Mosca, what of what you told me? You promised Mosca: Its over. I need to get going. Corvino: (Hes becoming more and more frantic) You promised! You promised! Mosca: Control yourself. I need to leave. Now. (Corvino violently grabs Mosca and kisses him. Mosca doesnt resist, but they stop when they hear a noise as Androgyna runs onto stage from Volpones house. Mosca runs off, leaving Corvino standing alone in the night.) Androgyna: Corvino? Is that you? Corvino: What? No, no ones here. Androgyna: Corvion? Who was just with you? There was a man? Corvino: I dont know what youre talking about. Androgyna: It is you. But there was a man just there. I saw you two. I saw you kiss him. Corvino: You didnt see anything. Its too dark. Androgyna: I know what I saw. Corvino: You dont know what youre talking about. I was just out with a friend, drinking, and we just parted ways, thats all. Androgyna: Listen, I dont care about whatever was happening with you and that other man. But I need to speak with you. I need you to go to court tomorrow and confess to the court that you lied. You need to free your wife, Celia. She is innocent, and you know that. Corvino: Celia has been caught in adultery, and she will soon no longer be my wife. Androgyna: How can you do this to her? How could you have given her to Volpone? He tried to rape her. Where is your heart? Hollingsworth#! Corvino: Oh, you dont know what its like. I need that money. Volpone promised me his riches. I will be his heir. Androgyna: But Celia! She was hurt by you and Volpone. You betrayed your own wife. Youre a monster. Dont you feel anything? Corvino: I have never really felt anything for her anyway. The marriage was arranged. Androgyna: If you dont feel anything for her, why do you hid her away from the public and abuse her in private? Corvino: Why do you care? (He begins to walk away.) Androgyna: Tell me. Make me understand. Corvino: I was afraid. Androgyna: Of what? Corvino: I was afraid of the public shame if she ever left me, especially, if she left me for another man. I was afraid that the truth would come out. Androgyna: What truth? What would come out? Corvino: I never, I wasnt able to, I couldnt . . . touch Celia. Androgyna: You never consummated the marriage, did you? Corvino: I tried! I did, I wanted to, but her body, its so entirely revolting . . . to me. Androgyna: Celia is one of the most beautiful women in Venice. What are you talking about? Corvino: You dont understand. Androgyna: Corvino, I understand more than you can imagine what you may be going through. I understand if you arent attracted to women. Thats fine. I wont judge you for loving someone of the same sex as yourself. Corvino: Thats not what I said. You are misinterpreting my words. Androgyna: Im not misinterpreting anything. I know what I saw. Corvino: Which is nothing. Androgyna: Which is not nothing. I will go to the courts tomorrow. I will testify before everyone, before all of Venice if I have to. I will reveal your secret if you dont confess that you lied. You must not condemn Celia. Corvino: Celia has been caught! It is her fault. Hollingsworth## Androgyna: It is not her fault, not after what you did to her. Corvino: You cant. You cant do this. Androgyna: I can, and I will. Corvino: No one will believe you. No one. Androgyna: Will take that risk? Everyone will hear me, even if they dont believe me, and word will come out. Corvino: You cant do this. You cant! You wont do this. Androgyna: All you have to do is admit that you were wrong. Let Celia free from the public shame of your lies. Corvino: I will never confess. (Corvino, becoming more and more agitated and desperate and attacks her by lunging for her throat. He punches and kicks her on the ground and then runs away. Androgyna is left lying still in the street.) Scene III (The scene now shows a spacious Catholic church with a cross at the end of the rows of seating. Androgyna enters, and no one is in there. Androgyna is cut up, bleeding, and bruised. She walks and then falls.) Androgyna: Help! Is no one here? Can no one hear me? (Her cries echo, and no one answers. She struggles to get up.) Androgyna: I suppose it is quite late. The nuns must be sleeping. (She walks to the rows and sits down to rest.) Androgyna: Why will no one listen to me? Not Volpone. Not Corvino. Not even you. (She pauses and looks at the cross.) No one would believe what has just happened to me. Because Corvino is a man of position, his word will always be considered more valuable than mine. Hollingsworth#$ (She stands now and begins to walk towards the cross.) Androgyna: No one will listen to me or believe. Do you know how that feels? Did people ignore you, too? (She now stands directly in front of the cross.) Androgyna: How did you do what you did? Why would you care? I dont understand your suffering and bleeding. But, look. Im bleeding now, like you. (Androgyna humbling touches his feet. Real blood stains the cross.) Androgyna: My blood, it mixes with yours. (She tries to wipe away her tears and blood with her dirtied clothes without much avail.) Androgyna: It is stained. I have stained your burden and added my pains to yours. Can you forgive me, dear Lord? (She bows her head and body to the floor and prays. Then she stops.) Androgyna: But you! Even you cannot understand. You came to earth again, like me. I have lived my lives as queens and kings, servants and asses, prostitutes and mothers, and sometimes both. I was Pythagores and Aspasia, Pyrrhus of Delos and Aethalides, golden-haired Euphorbus and Hermotimus. But you, oh Lord, you came again as you were before. You suffered, bled, and died for man and woman. You were buried in the tomb, but you arose. I know the story. Yet when you returned, reborn as it were, you were still Jesus of Nazareth, the King of Kings. Everyone knew who you were. In your humble way, you proved them wrong. People recognized you, but I dont have that luxury. I dont even recognize myself sometimes. (She pauses and stands, looking face-to-face with Christ.) Hollingsworth#% Androgyna: Oh, Holy One from on High. Hear my simple pray, but if you dont hear mine, listen to others. Protect my dear ones. Convince those who have wronged to soften their hearts. Lift my spirit. Oh, Lord. (She begins to cry.) Androgyna: I must leave now. Soon it will be dawn. (She stumbles out of the church.) Scene IV (Androgyna arrives outside Volpones house. Nano, Toni, and Mosca are arguing.) Nano: You promised me, you son of a bitch, you promised me! Mosca: I did no such thing. Toni: You cannot do this! You cannot kick us out! Mosca: You must find other work. Nano: Mosca, you swore to me that night that you and I were partners. When Volpone was overthrown, you and I would work together, as a team. Mosca: Have you this supposed contract in writing? Nano: I dont, but Mosca: Then there is no such thing. Nano: But I you gave me your word. Mosca: Not in writing. You have no proof. Toni: We have lived here all our lives. You cant just tell us to leave now. Mosca: I have the keys now. Volpone is dead. And you three will be gone. Toni: (He just notices Androgyna, who is doing better but still isnt great.) Androgyna! What happened? Androgyna: I was attacked last night. Didnt you hear about it, Mosca? Mosca: What are you suggesting? Androgyna: I think you know. Hollingsworth#& Mosca: Never mind that. The three of you need to look for jobs elsewhere. Its time for you to leave now. Toni: She needs help! Let me grab bandages inside. Mosca: (Looks Androgyna up and down.) All right. But only Toni may go inside. You, two, stay outside. (Toni exits.) Nano: What about our monthly payment? Will we receive nothing then? Mosca: Youve been paid already what is yours. Now I will take what is rightfully mine. Androgyna: What happened to Volpone? Mosca: He died in his sleep last night. Androgyna: No, hes still alive. What are you saying? Mosca: Hes gone. Hes dead. Androgyna: I spoke with him. Last night he told me he was going to fake his death. He told me his final scheme. Mosca: The old man finally has outdone himself. Hes gone, Im afraid. Androgyna: That cant be true. He was fine only a few hours ago. You killed him. Didnt you, Mosca? You killed Volpone! (Toni enters.) Toni: Ive got some bandages for your cuts. Androgyna, youre bleeding from your head. Come, lets go. Androgyna: Murderer! Murderer! (Androgyna screams and continues to point at Mosca. Nano tries to enter the house of Volpone, but Mosca pushes him down into the street. Then Mosca closes the gate shut and locks the three out.) Scene V (Toni, Nano, and Androgyna wander the streets. Toni and Androgyna stop to fix her head bandage again.) Hollingsworth#' Toni: Youre bleeding again. Androgyna: No, no Im fine. Toni: We need to stop for a moment. Nano, we need a break. Will you stop with us? I need your help to hold the bandage tight. Nano: I cant believe it. What are we going to do? Were on the streets without a home again. Toni: It will work out. Well find work. Androgyna: Volpone cant be dead, can he? He was fine, he was, not that long ago. Toni: I dont know what to believe. Its Mosca, but why would he lie? Androgyna: To get the gold. Nano: To cheat us. Toni: To have it all for his own. Androgyna: We need to get to the courtroom. Im going to testify. Toni: You cant do that. Androgyna: I can, and I will. Toni: The case has already started. We wont even get there on time. Androgyna: We need to hurry. Dont worry about my head. Its fine. Lets go. (Volpone enters. He sees them and is about to turn away, but Nano calls out.) Nano: Volpone! Is that you? Volpone, we see you! Volpone: What are you doing here? Why arent you in the kitchens? Its almost time for lunch. Nano: Mosca has betrayed us. Androgyna: He said you were dead. Whats going on? Volpone: Oh, you know, I told you last night, I was pretending to be dead. One final joke, you know. Androgyna: He has your keys. He locked the gate. Weve been run out of the house. Volpone: Who? Who did this? Androgyna: Mosca. Volpone: Mosca! That sleazy pig! Ill kill him, I swear, when I find him! Androgyna: Forget about that. You need to get to the court. You still have time. You can confess everything, and Mosca will be caught. Youll get the house back, Im sure. Volpone: That pickled fly! That cabbaged toad! Hollingsworth#( Androgyna: Volpone, you need to get to the courtroom! Hurry! (Volpone exits, ignoring the three left behind and muttering insults as he leaves.) Scene VI (Celia and Bonario enter, greeting Androgyna. Toni and Nano are busy buying food from a merchant. This scene is still a street in Venice.) Androgyna: What are you two doing here? Celia: Were going to take your advice. Androgyna: What advice? Bonario: Were going to run away. We think well go to England or maybe the Netherlands. We cant stay here. Celia: We dont have much money, but at least we can start somewhere fresh. Were going to escape as soon as the court case is finished. Androgyna: Please be safe. Dont do anything youll regret. Celia: We will. Thank you for all that youve done, Androgyna. Well never forget you. Scene VII (Celia and Bonario exit. Toni and Nano return with food for Androgyna.) Toni: Was that Celia and Bonario? Androgyna: Yes, they are just returning to the courtrooms. The final ruling is about to happen apparently. Nano: So we need to make plans. What are we going to do? Toni: Well, Androgyna and I have been planning to leave for quite some time now. This is the perfect time. Nano: Where are you going to go? Toni: Weve been thinking about going to the Americas. Isnt that right, Androgyna? Androgyna: Yes, I think now is the time to leave Italy once and for all. Nano: I wish you luck on your journey then. Androgyna: What? Are you leaving? Hollingsworth#) Nano: I cant go. I wont make that journey with you, not all across the ocean, not on the other side of the world. Androgyna: But weve never been separated. Nano: I know. Androgyna: Weve had our differences, but weve been able to work them out. Please, Nano, come with us. Nano: Not this time. Ciao, Toni. Ciao, Androgyna. (Nano exits, and Marta enters.) Androgyna: Marta! Marta! Come over! Marta: I was walking to the house of Volpone. What are you doing here? Androgyna: Weve been kicked out. We cant stay here any longer. Marta, Toni and I are planning on traveling to the Americas. Were going to leave today. Come with us. Marta: I thought you were going to help me find work. Androgyna: Im sorry, but I havent been able to find anything. But we can start anew. It will be a grand adventure. Come with us. Say yes. Toni: Come with us. Marta: Oh, all right. Have you bought passage yet? Androgyna: Not yet. Why dont you both go down to the docks and buy our passageway? Well probably have to stop in England. Maybe Spain. But well finally be free of this place. Toni: All right. You wait here? I dont want you to walk too much. Androgyna: Be safe. (Marta and Toni exit.) Scene VIII (Celia and Bonario enter, running excitedly up to Androgyna.) Celia: Youll never believe it! Youll never believe it! Androgyna: Are you both all right? Are you free? Hollingsworth$+ Bonario: Volpone and Mosca have been caught in their own trap. They both confessed of their crimes and lies to the whole courtroom because they both outdid the other. Celia: The judges have ordered that we be let go and declared innocent of any crimes. Androgyna: What were the final condemning rulings? Bonario: Voltore is disbarred from being a lawyer. Mosca is condemned to be a slave because he impersonated a nobleman of Venice. Volpone is to be sent to prison. Androgyna: To prison? Hell die there for certain. Celia: Yes, most likely. Bonario: My father, the one who was going to disinherit me to supposedly become heir to Volpones fortunes, has been stripped of all his property. It has been given to me. Celia: We are now very rich. Androgyna: What of your husband? Celia: Corvino is sentenced to public humiliation where he will be rowed through the canals of Venice, while he has to wear donkeys ears. I know my vain husband. He will commit suicide after being sentenced to such dreaded public humiliation. Androgyna: They will be punished. So you will not leave Italy now? Bonario: We will stay and wait awhile to marry. But the world has been set at right. Those who deserve punishment have been punished. Justice has been served. (Toni and Marta enter.) Toni: Everything is arranged. We will be leaving today. Another boat wont come for several more weeks. Androgyna: Today? Toni: Today we will be on our journey. Were finally going to have our own adventure, dear sister. How are you feeling? Androgyna: All right. Celia and Bonario are no longer guilty, and they will be staying here together. Volpone will be sent to prison. Celia: Imagine, Bonario! Soon we will have our own household. Together we shall be so happy. Androgyna: I hope the two of you will stay in good health and live many years together. I am sorry that we will not see your wedding ceremony. Marta: You will be starting a new household together? Hollingsworth$* Bonario: Not immediately. But I will be preparing everything for the happy day that Celia and I can be one. Marta: Will you need a cook? Bonario: Well, yes, we will. No one is working for us yet. Marta: Androgyna, I would love to travel with you and Toni. But if this couple would be willing, I would much rather stay here in Venice than move again. Androgyna: I understand. Celia, this is my friend Marta. She is an excellent baker. Would you consider hiring her? Celia: I think that is an excellent idea. Bonario: You can start today. I will show you your kitchen and new quarters. I think you will like them. Lets show you our new home right now. Celia: Lets! Here, we can go now this way. Buonanotte, Androgyna! Buonanotte, Toni! Scene IX (This scene is still in the street in Venice. While everyone is saying their goodbyes, Volpone is dragged into the street by guards.) Androgyna: Toni, there is our father. Toni: He is in chains! Androgyna: He is dragged through the streets. The guards are leading him. Do you see? Toni: Come, let us all leave before he sees us. Androgyna: I will meet you by the docks. Go ahead. All of you leave. I want to say goodbye. Toni: Are you sure? There is nothing left for us here. The boat will be leaving soon. Androgyna: I will meet you. Toni: All right. (Celia, Bonario, Marta, and Toni exit. Androgyna watches the pitiful state of Volpone. The guards continue on, and Volpone sees his daughter.) Volpone: Help me! Help me! Only you can help me. Say something. Hollingsworth$! (Androgyna says nothing. Volpone is now very close to her and he lunges out to her. He is surprisingly strong, and the guards struggle to control him again. Volpone kneels before Androgyna.) Volpone: Do something. Free me. Forgive me, daughter. (The guards are carrying him off stage. Volpone continues to struggle.) Volpone: Androgyna! Androgyna! (Androgyna, still hurt from the fight the night before, says nothing. Nor is she in a position to do anything about his final state. The last words she hears him say are Androgynainstead of fool or Androgynothe first time he has called her by her name she prefers. Still she says nothing, but immediately regrets it when her father is carried off the stage. She stands in the street for a second, still looking after where her father is dragged off. Her heart appears to be softened.) Androgyna: (whispers) Goodbye, father. Hollingsworth$# Act V Scene I (The curtain rises. The stage is dark. Suddenly, two lights emerge on stage: glowing sun and moon. A stage light from above begins to shine, slowly, down upon the barer of these two lights. It is Time/Androgyna, once again. But as the rest of the lights become brighter, we see that she is carrying somethinginstead of holding just moon or sun, she bears a large set of scales against her back. Her shoulders bear the beam, her arms supporting both the left side, of the moon, and the right side, of the sun. Her eyes are blindfolded with a white cloth, matching the rest of her simple dress/pant suit. The scales of justice appear to be that of an unusual cross. Lights are on significantly more, but still not blinding. Time/Androgyna stands high above the stage, as if on a large, black throne with wide, descending steps, all of which is center stage. Then she removes her blindfold, looking out at the world around her. No noise, no music is heard but silence as she begins to speak.) Time (Androgyna): Tonight thou call this evenng moon to rest Upon my bosom fair. But, lo, the star Of morning comeshere to greet him eer So near. The time occurs not quite so oft, To witness these two lovers find their bed Entwined with twilights kiss and dawns first bliss. These endless Celestial gods forever Basking both their light down for dim Earth to see Together, their powr be. Eternity To rest? Oh, no! That cannot, shall not, would Not free these dears their task to show the world That two may sometimes be not lone but one. The moon, he loves his sun and stars unfurled His web, his blanket, which his dreams are shown For mortal, troubled humans clear to see. But dreary nights shine is not alone. Here, Is the sun. She shines, she preys her power Hollingsworth$$ Pounding below on planets simple hour, While smiling sweetly behind her lovers Face. When two make one? What is to be done? The merciful moon, his nighttime visits Enable escape from realitys Pain. But with the sun present, her slumber Not spent when the moon makes his course across Earths sky. Together they bask in one Holy kiss. Then do dreams become real for Us humans to feel? Escape a mere ploy, For the brightest star to shine agony Of daily life, of mortal strife? On such A day as this was the union of the Morning beam and nighttimes gleam, when I was Born again. Rebirth, this time, to my joy, Androgyna again! This day of birth On wedded sun and moon, of mercy mild And realitys reviled child Of hurt and pain, of life unnamed, for all Who come, reincarnated once again. (As she continues her monologue, she descends the steps to the main floor, while the Scales of Justice are dragged down the steps.) Ah, sigh! To be back in the body I Favord most, of the thousands of years and The lives Id spent and meant with pure intent To prove, dear God above, that change was bent Within my soul that I would try to move My former father to repent when he Was called by those who lovd and hatd That man named Volpone, never be changed. Hollingsworth$% As my lives would pass by, Id dream of the Hurt, of memorys gaining my conscience To search for the man that I hated And loved. Never at rest, dreaming while also Reliving the pain of that past. At last, Here am I. My intersex body is Perfect and real. I continued to search For my father of five hundred and some Years before. I remember whats come, since I was last in my truest bodys form. (By now, Time/Androgyna is at the bottom of the stairs. She has placed the Scales of Justice beside her. Black screen behind Time/Androgyna. Pictures and film clips shown of the past are shown flashing behind her, like memories fluctuating together.) After sailing to the Americas With dear half-brother Toni, I died a Quiet death, buried in the modest ground Of fresh rebirth. No more could I decline, That soul of Pythagoras firmly died, No, no, now I was reborn to create A new soul on this belovd land. My Soul renewed, I did not choose, where or when My next birth. But freedom, sweet! Eternal Glory! A soul allowed to breath and sing Anew and afresh. Yet still I recalled At night when I dreamed, of memorys past Recalling to me, Volpone the last, Unless I forgave, no way could forget, To move on with my lives in my future. Hollingsworth$& One life I lived a hermit inside a Cave. Mount John Laurie,8 the forests held my Wandring thoughts and aimless sighs of new-found Quests and destinies that one day would come. One life I lived as servant to Master Andrews near Fairmount Park when freedom rang From bells and voices sang of victry ovr Tyranny. Another life I lead as Captain of an army true;9 we swashed the Water in canoes, hurtling forward with Battle cries within our hearts, our heads held High, swords clutched close by, the battle began, my Men, their bodies, fell and many did die. I, too, in war, lost when dawn was nigh. One life I lived as slave10 to toil and burn Beneath the heating sun, as cotton pulled And blood did runas did I. Not out Of fear, but hope for dreams in heart come near Albany, far away from Arkansas. Along the way, I helped families who Sought for freedom from binding, choking chains By tracing stars up in the sky, we flew From hell to our best heavens view. Once more, I tried to help another woman cross From North to South. And while she lived, I died For her. Mother, was she, to children three. I was shot, but she never forgot me. One life I lived as magpie, black and white, Watching as men jumped off, not into flight

8 These mountains are located in Canada. 9 This reference could be to the Revolutionary War or the War of 1812. There are some large gaps between these years, since Time/Androgyna is only including some of the lives she has lead. 10 This life probably lived before the Civil War. Hollingsworth$' But to their deaths.11 I tried, with all of my might To have them fight! One broken coin, one fallen stock There is more to life than mere money talk. One time, I whistled, with softening song To stop a young businessman from death. My tune distracted truthfully, he stopped To stare at simple bird and walked back home. Another life I lived as black instead of White, seeing the hate that eats alive the Best of men and women, racial divide.12 I have a dream! I heard upon the steps Of Abraham. My hands did clap, my voiceRaise in praise of good God and MLK. Another life, in Chile, therea life Quite bare, full of distress and dark despair.13 To speak against, or to speak at all, was To risk everything and fall into The pit of hellthe concentration camp Location nowhere. A child I was, As I watched mother ripped from daughter, and Son torn from father. Love cannot die, not Then, not ever. Women I walked with still Search for bodies, seeing no justice Gaining little mercy, but blistering Their feet in the sands of the dessert where Many choose to forget those bodies left To rot under sweltring heat of summersDay. At night, the stars glow, radiation Continually filling out the air. Yet

11 This life probably lived during the Great Depression. 12 This life lived during the Civil Rights movement. 13 This life lived during Augusto Pinochets dictatorship in the 1970s and 1980s in Chile. Hollingsworth$( Those rocks of dust and ice placed in the air Millions of miles away continue Still in their cycle of matter and life And energy, recycled but never Lost. We are like the stars of the heavens.14 (Pictures and film clips fade into nothing. Blackness is all that is left. Neither moon nor sun shines, and one lone light shines upon Time/Androgyna and the Scales of Justice, still sitting to the side of her.) And the years go by. Until finally, Once more, I find myselfI am at rest Not quite. I have a body, both male And female. I am what I am. Inside, Intersex that is, to me, the best in Lifes hard offering. New body born, I Became a judge ovr all the land; highest yet In present history, powerful And just and kind to those without a voice That others will listen to. I am the Ear. I am the judge. I am what I was Born to be before this world did see the Waking dew. And now deciding days come My old father, Volpone, will stand in Court before me soon. He will be judged for Crimes he has done. He wont remember me; He has not dreams or memories of past And present colliding intimately. Yet I cannot forget his sins done to Me and now unto those unfortunate, Innocent children. His surgeries did

14 This allusion is for the film Nostalgia de la Luz (Nostalgia for the Light). Hollingsworth$) Change their fate, their name, their identity. He has not changed, and still, he hates the child With intersex as he did me so long Ago. My position, my power, my Prestigeall these make me judge his deeds. I Must decidecan I forgive the monster And see the man that might still live below The horrid skin and depthless grin? I weigh These scalesthe past and presentthese Unbearable weights I must decide the Fate of a man who cannot hide from Justice. Illegal it has been to cut A babys potential identity. Yet this precedent cannot set me Free to wash my hands and lower my eyes And pretend that I am bias free; for I am not, nor ever will be, escaped From all those memories. Does mercy drop Like gentle rain? Does justice rule without the Cane? How can a wrong be turned to right when People do not, will not change? However, Am not I changed? I hold no regret of My past mistakes, of my hatred of late? Is not that gone, to some extent, I am Not what I am because of that gentle Lamb. In all my lives, He let me see that I do not have to be unaffected, Firm and fixed. The blood of Him, transfixed me, Enabling me to see what I had Not seen. His cross was his, it is not mine. Hollingsworth%+ (Time/Androgyna drops the scales of justice.) But how can I give to thine Begotten Son my cross which cannot be forgotten? Where is my justice? Where is my jealous Wrath dignified? Dear God, hear my faithful Plea: tell me what to do and what to say. Let my mouth be thy words, oh Lord, hear me, I pray! For justice, I am justified The law has been written; I do not lie. (Time/Androgyna grabs viciously the Scales of Justice, running back to the top of the stairs.) A man who kills then may I kill, and he That comes hath killed hundreds of babes until He was caught and thrown in jail and comes now Before me, to rot in hell! The key is Lost, the guard is set, the beads of sweat will Swell around his neck till the debt is paid. Unholy man, unholy cause. You killed Some child, and there is what we call laws. Once this burden is unloaded then can I have my contentment, my tranquility. O Lord, I will, I can be justified! (Time/Androgyna pauses, looking at the Scales of Justice she holds now in front of her, casting shadows on her face.) I am not thee, nor nevr can be like thee In all of my extremityas slave, As servant, as bug or bee, as master, As king, as humanthere is only He, Hollingsworth%* Above, who listening, hears my troubled Soul, my broken heart, my sorrowful mind. (Drums sound, growing soft to loud. Time/Androgyna, deep in thought is startled by the sound, realizing the trial is about to begin.) Alas! Here now he will come, confronted At last and forever more, I will be Judged just like he is in court and cannot Flee. Harden heart or soften soul? For now, I cannot tell, I do not know what toDecree. Memory, yes, but oh to forsee! Will I recognize the man? Or will I See a stranger when that door is opend . . . there? Birth-child of the sun and moon, look up Towards the unknown day for loving hope And confidence, to drink this bitter cup. (Drums sound quite loudly now. Doors are opened on stage left. Time/Androgyna continues to gaze upwards as Volpone enters in chains. Time/Androgyna looks directly at Volpone, and they both share a knowing glance. Lights go black. The curtain falls.)
