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Android App Hacking - Erez Metula, AppSec

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Hacking Android Apps Erez Metula, Application Security Expert AppSec Labs (Founder & CEO) [email protected]
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Hacking Android Apps

Erez Metula, Application Security Expert

AppSec Labs (Founder & CEO)

[email protected]

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Introduction to android application security model

Mobile app security – why should we care?

Top 10 of the most common android app vulnerabilities


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About me

Application security expert

Founder & CEO of AppSec Labs

Book author - Managed Code Rootkits

Speaker - BlackHat, Defcon, RSA, OWASP, etc.

Trainer - Secure Coding / Hacking

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Android Security Model

Well established OS, based on Linux

Sandboxed VM runtime (“Dalvik”) similar to Java’s JVM

The OS creates unique user for each app

Each app runs in a sandbox using its UID

Security is enforced at the OS and the App level

Each app is signed

Applications are totally isolated by default

So where’s the problem ???

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Top 10 – most common vulnerabilities (OWASP)

1. Weak Server Side Controls

2. Insecure Data Storage

3. Insufficient Transport Layer Protection

4. Unintended Data Leakage

5. Poor Authorization and Authentication

6. Broken Cryptography

7. Client Side Injection

8. Security Decisions Via Untrusted Inputs

9. Improper Session Handling

10. Lack of Binary Protections

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Things an attacker will probably do

Reverse engineering the APK – peek into code, manifest file, etc

Grab all app files stored in /data/data/

Debug the running app & Setting breakpoints

Hook important runtime calls

Monitor & manipulate network traffic (sniffing, proxying)

Monitor process activity

Observing file access

Analyze memory dumps (MAT, hprof dumps)

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Weak Server Side Controls

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Weak Server Side Controls

Using the android mobile app to attack the server business logic

Not a risk specific to the mobile platform

Common server side vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS, insecure authentication, etc.

Often by redirecting the phone’s request to a proxy and manipulate with it

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Intercepting and manipulating client/server requests

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Insecure Data Storage

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Insecure Data Storage

Many of the most publicized mobile application security incidents have been caused by insecure or unnecessary client-side data storage.

Sometimes app developers assume the app data cannot be accessed by an attacker

Sensitive information – usernames, passwords, Encryption keys, Credit cards, session identifiers, tokens, etc.

Private information - Phone numbers, Addresses, Emails, locations

Interesting places that might contain sensitive data

SQLite databases

Log Files

XML Data Stores or Manifest Files

Binary data stores

SD Card


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Insecure File Permissions

In general, app files are sandboxed

Writing files with poor permissions

Files on /data/data/APP/ with “everyone read”

Files stored on SDcard (no permissions !!)

Allows AppA to steal files from AppB

Example – Skype bad permissions - steal contacts !

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Insufficient Transport Layer Security (no HTTPS)

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Insufficient Transport Layer Security (no HTTPS)

“10% of apps fail doing SSL cert validation” - CERT

HTTPS (TLS or SSL), are cryptographic protocols that provide communication security over the Internet:

Encrypting the transport layer

Authentication the server side

Any request sent without HTTPS is vulnerable to..

Information disclosure

Data tampering

Server spoofing and phishing

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Another common Mistakes – no

cert validation

• usage of out of date/self signed SSL certificates

TrustManager[] trustAllCerts = new TrustManager[] { new X509TrustManager() {

public java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] getAcceptedIssuers() {

return new java.security.cert.X509Certificate[] {};


public void checkClientTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)

throws CertificateException { }

public void checkServerTrusted(X509Certificate[] chain, String authType)

throws CertificateException { }


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Unintended Data Leakage

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Unintended Data Leakage

Unintended data leakage occurs when a developer accidentally places sensitive data in a location on the mobile device that can be accessed by other apps / physical accessAnother case is during sensitive data processing, a side-effect (that is unknown to the developer) results in that information being placed into an insecure location

Examples - places to look forURL Caching (Both request and response) Keyboard Press Caching Copy/Paste buffer Caching Application backgroundingLogging HTML5 data storage Browser cookie objects Analytics data sent to 3rd parties

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Example - Insecure Log Exposure

Some apps store their own logs inside the local folder

Logs can contain info such as

Important events (app start, user login details, page load)


Sensitive variables (encryption keys, serial numbers)

Sensitive information (credit cards, passwords)

Often such files are stored without any protection at the file system

Sometimes such files don’t even have any file permission protection – any app can steal such info

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Common Pitfall - Leaking Information to Runtime Logs

Private information is often written to logs

Location, Phone identifiers ,Passwords, CC, URL, etc

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Poor Authorization and Authentication

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Poor or missing authentication

Attacker van to anonymously execute functionality

Can also allow to impersonate other users

Sometimes weak passwords can lead to broken authentication

Strong passwords are hard to enter on a mobile device

Short passwords (4-digit PINs) are often used

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Poor Authorization and Authentication

Example - Device authentication based on IMEI, IMSI, UUID is not sufficient

Hardware identifiers persist across data wipes and factory resets

Don’t use device identifier as session token

Another example - When security is enforced at the client side

The UI shows the user only what he can do. What he cannot is disabled or just not visible

Attacker can bypass this quite easily

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IMEI restriction bypass with ReFrameworker

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Broken cryptography (“Encraption”)

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Broken cryptography (“Encraption”)

Usage of a broken or risky cryptographic algorithm may result in the exposure of sensitive information.

Configuration files or databases belonging to the app may contain some encrypted data

Many times the app does bad encryption

Hard-coded key is stored in the source code

Same key for all users

Key can be stolen by other apps due to bad permissions

Key is stored right next the encrypted data

Custom, easily defeated crypto implementations (“encraption”)

Encrypting some data while storing the encryption key at the client side does not help that much

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Spot the bug

what’s wrong with this code?

Spot 3 different bugs related to encryption!!!!Hard








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Client side injections

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Client side injections

Results in the execution of malicious code

Malicious code is provided in the form of input that is processed by the app

During processing, the input is interpreted as executable code which is executed by the app, running with its access permissions

Input can come fromAnother app via intent/content provider

Shared file (ex: sdcard) manipulated by another app

Server side response

3rd party web site

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Some examples

SQL Injection – embedding untrusted input into raw SQL statements

String query = "select * from table where columnName=‘“+external_input+”’”;

db.rawQuery( query, null );

Command Injection – embedding untrusted input into OS command execution

Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("top -n “ + external_input );

Directory traversal – using a manipulated file name

basePath = “/sdcard/DCIM/”;

Filename = getInput();// “../../data/data/target.app.packagename/shared_prefs/preferences.xml”

openFileOutput(basePath+filename, Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE);

XSS/Javascript injection into WebView – embedding input into HTML

String htmlCode = "<html><body><button type="button" onclick="myFunction()">+ external_input+"</button></body></html>";

webView.loadDataWithBaseURL("null", htmlCode, "text/html", "UTF-8", null);

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Security Decisions Via Untrusted Inputs

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Insecure IPC (Inter Process Communication)

Interoperability - A unique aspect of the Android system design is that any application can start another application’s component

Apps are sandboxed, and cannot directly activate a component from another application.

Therefore, to activate a component in another application, apps deliver an asynchronous message to the system (“intent”)

The system then activates the target component

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Exposed components

Components are not visible to other apps by default. Unless….

It has At least one <intent-filter> tag

It is declared as exported “exported=true”

<receiver android:name="com.appsec.hackmepal.BrReciever" android:exported="true"> </receiver>

It is a dynamically registered broadcast receiver


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Insecure IPC (Inter Process Communication)

If it is exposed, and you didn’t use android:permission than you’re screwed.. ☺☺☺☺

Some examples

Unauthorized caller/intent spoofing

Permission re-delegation/Confused deputy


Intent sniffing


Component hijack/identity theft

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Intent Denial of Service (DoS)

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Improper Session Handling

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Improper Session Handling

Mobile apps often use session tokens to maintain state over stateless protocols like HTTP or SOAP

Client authenticates with the backend server

gets a session cookie in response

Cookie is added to all requests sent to the server

Server can enforce authentication and authorization

Common mistakes Insecure Token Creation

Failure to Invalidate Sessions on the server side

Lack of Adequate Timeout Protection

Failure to Properly Rotate Cookies (timeout, changing user role, etc).

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Lack of Binary Protections

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Lack of Binary Protections

Exposure of the application to a variety of risks

Results in a mobile app that can be analyzed, reverse-engineered, and modified

It is extremely common for apps to be deployed without binary protection.

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The Problem of Reversing & Decompilation

Major risks

Code exposure

Business logic (secret algorhithms, etc)

Security vulnerabilities in the code

Secrets in code (passwords, Encryption keys, etc)

Software piracy

Code modification

Add backdoors to original code

Patching - Change the application logic, add or remove functionaliy, etc

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Reverse engineering

Extract application from device (adb pull app.apk)

Reverse Engineering the apkExtracting the APK content

apktool d someapp.apk –o outputDir


Decompile the APK

dex2jar - Converting the classes.dex file to a jar

Decompiling the jar file and getting java source code

Analyzing the appLocating sensitive files on device storage, Insecure file permissions, Locating secrets in code/config files, Tracking insecure IPC, etc.

Patching the apkRebuilding the APK content

apktool b outputDir –o new.apk

Re-Signing modified apk’sSignapk new.apk new_signed.apk

Put it back (adb push new_signed.apk)

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Obfuscated Code and anti-debugging

Although it’s a bit harder to read, class and member types must stay the same..

Encrypted values must have the key somewhere near

Anti debugging code can be removed…

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Android application level vulnerabilities put the service and the end user at risk

Never take any security decisions at the Android side!

Remember this: “APK = open source code”. This way you’ll avoid doing stupid things (security wise ☺)

Integrate security into your development lifecycle

Performing penetration testing on your Android apps

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