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Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

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Highlights the winners of all the Androscoggin County Chamber Awards given annual to leaders in the Androscoggin County.
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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Sunday, Sunday, January 18, 2015
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Page 2: Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, January 18, 20152 CHAMBER AWARDS

Proud recipient of the 2015 President’s Award.

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Page 3: Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

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Flip a switch and we’re there!


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Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce

Award Winners



Message from the Chamber president

Greetings friends,

T he a n nua l awa rds prog ra m of t he A nd r os c og g i n C ou nt y C h a mber of Commerce is the largest single celebration of excellence in our communities. The event is a total sellout -- with Chamber members and others joining to celebrate the incredible accomplishments of the award winners.

The year 2015 marks The Chamber's 127th annual meeting and there will be 17 individuals and/or organizations receiving the prestigious awards -- but many, many other businesses and organizations are deserving of recognition.

This year, there were over 50 nominations of people who have done remarkable things in our communities -- who have contributed to our local economy and to the positive transformation of our area. The selection of winners was very difficult.

The Chamber board of directors joins me in congratulating the winners and thanking them for all they have done to make our area such a great place to live, work, and play.

ChipCharles A. MorrisonPresident

Chamber Awards Dinner sponsorsThe Chamber's Annual Meeting is sponsored b y T D B a n k w i t h Ox ford Net work s as the major co-sponsor. Other co-sponsors of the event are Center Street Dental, Central Maine Power, Procter & Gamble, and Unitil.

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By Rich LivingstonFeature Writer

For the sixth consecutive yea r, t he C ha mber w i l l present the Cool Chamber Award to an entity which has made a significant difference in reducing energ y usage and preserving resources. eWaste Recycling Solutions, of Auburn, partners w ith businesses, municipalities, transfer stations, and other non profits and organizations to ensure the safe recycling of elect ronics, including destruction of discarded hard drives.

eWaste Solutions designs eff icient, inexpensive and

convenient options while preparing electronic waste for re-use in manufacturing, protecting customers’ private interests while serving the interests of the environment.

Almost no one can remember a time when Bob Thompson, e x e c u t i v e d i r e c t o r o f A n d r o s c o g g i n V a l l e y Cou nci l of Gover n ments and recipient of this year’s prest ig ious Ken Add iton

Business Advocate Award was not among the most p r o m i n e n t i n d i v i d u a l s e n g a g e d i n e c o n o m i c de velopment i n c ent r a l Maine. Created in 2004, this award is presented to those who best embody Additon's unique spirit and dedication to his clients.

Additon was a great friend to The Chamber and the small business community, and all past recipients of this award have cited Additon's inspiration as the source of their own motivation, and no one personifies that spirit, dedication and impact more than Thompson. AVCOG’S impact on both public and private sector enterprises, o n t r a n s p o r t a t i o n , tou r i sm, env i ron ment a l p r o t e c t i o n , b u s i n e s s de v elopment , t e c h n ic a l assistance and f inancing has been immeasurable, and T hompson's stewa rdsh ip of AVCOG and impact on its clients has been an engine of

prosperity in the region for decades.

“Maybe t he perk of t h is job I will miss most,” said Chip Morrison, Chamber president retiring in June, “is the opportunity to select the


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Congratulationsto all

Chamber Winners!Just good cookin’ and plenty of it!


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Special recognition:

Awards for those who stand out among many greats

Amber Waterman photoAaron Moser, son of the founders of Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers

Jim Marston Bob ThompsonRecognition

page 13 ‰

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Chair, Clif Greim

Harriman Architects & Engineers

Chair Elect

Stephanie Gelinas

Sandcastle Clinical and Educational Services

Past Chair, Patti Gagne

Patti Gagne Agency, Allstate Insurance

Treasurer, Robin Robbins, Androscoggin Bank

YPLAA Chair, Carl Sheline, Center Street Dental

Austin Albert, Twin City Financial Group

Ed Barrett, City of Lewiston

Paul Beaudette, Leading Edge Business Strategies

Joleen Bedard, United Way of Androscoggin County

Bob Bernier, Matheson Gases

Salvatore Bonetti, Salvatore Bonetti at Morgan Stanley

JoAnne Campbell, Mechanics Savings Bank

Kelly David, Central Maine Orthopaedics

Hillary Dow

Live. Work. Play. Maine

Kate Egeland, International

Paper Auburn

Joyce Gibson, University of Southern Maine

Katy Grondin, Auburn School Department

Jennifer Hogan, Community Credit Union

John Holden, LAEGC

Michael Huppe, Central Maine Healthcare Corp

Susan Keiler, St. Mary's Health System

Mary LaFontaine, MDOL-Lewiston CareerCenter

Kurk Lalemand, Next Level Business Coaching Inc

Paul Landry, Fish Bones American Grill

Sherry Lavoie, Moody's

Collision Centers

Jamison Leavitt, Agren Appliance

Betsy Libby, Central Maine Community College

Rick Malinowski, Procter & Gamble

Michael Malloy, Brann & Isaacson

Scott Riccio, Northeast Charter and Tour Company Inc

Julie Shackley, Androscoggin Home Care & Hospice

Mark Stasium, TD Bank

Amanda Theberge, Hilton Garden Inn Auburn Riverwatch

Bob Thompson, AVCOG

Bill Webster, Lewiston Public Schools

Shane Wright, Isaacson & Raymond

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Special Congratulations to all of the 2015 Chamber Award

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CONGRATULATIONSTo all the award winners at the

Androscoggin County Chamber of CommerceAnnual Meeting and Awards Banquet

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Congratulations to allChamber Award Winners!

Chamber board of directors

Board of directors

Contact information

Visit, call or write the Chamber at:

The Business Service Centerat KeyBank Plaza415 Lisbon Street,

PO Box 59Lewiston, Maine 04243


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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, January 18, 20156 CHAMBER AWARDS


Congratula�ons to this year’saward winners!


The City of Lewiston would like to Congratulate the

2015 CHAMBER Award Winners for

their hard work, dedication and community leadership!

City of Lewiston, Maine

Leadership awards: Focus on a fewBy Rich LivingstonFeature Writer

“One of the most fun parts of t h is job,” sa id Ch ip Morrison, t he long-t ime (and out-going) president of The Chamber, “is that we never run out of people and businesses that deserve to be recognized and honored. We a re rea l ly for tunate to have such a wonderful c ol le c t ion of f a bu lou s cor porate cit i zens. Ou r annual awards are a great

opportunity to focus on just a few.”

T he R ay G eiger Aw a rd recognizes how deeply its namesake, the founder of Geiger Brothers, cared for his adopted hometown, and this year’s recipient, Patti Gagne of the Patti Gagne Allstate Agency, exemplifies exact ly t hat spir it . Past chair of The Chamber board of directors, Gag ne has been involved in chamber leadership for more than a

decade, was a candidate for state senate in 2014, and has throughout been among the most ardent cheerleaders on behalf of the Lewiston-A u b u r n c o m m u n i t y , reflecting both the primary role of The Chamber as well as Ray Geiger’s personal commitment.

The Business Leadership Award for a larger company will be presented to Thayer Cor p., a major Aubur n-based specialty contractor that has been prov iding Maine with a wide range of heating, ventilation, air cond it ion i ng, plu mbi ng and refrigeration solutions si nce 1981. Recog n i zed several years ago as the best commercial HVAC&R cont rac tor i n t he U.S., according to Contractor M a g a z i n e , T h a y e r specializes in design/build projects and performs all trade functions in-house. T he compa ny has been the recipient of numerous a w a r d s , h a s p r o v i d e d nationwide peer training and has contributed to the industry knowledge base.

CEO Da n T hayer holds several patents and has been

personally engaged with numerous civic initiatives and associations, including leadership positions with the Auburn Business Corp. and LAEGC. The company was ranked among the Best Places to Work in Maine in 2014.

A s e c o n d B u s i n e s s L e ader sh ip Aw a rd w i l l be presented to Pay rol l Management, of Auburn, a family-owned company led by Ga r y Hemenway. H e m e n w a y f o u n d e d t h e c o m p a n y i n 19 8 9 and it is now one of the l a r g e s t i n d e p e n d e n t p a y r o l l c o m p a n i e s i n M a i n e . Und e r s t a nd i n g t he need for sma l l a nd m id-si z e bu si nesses to

rema i n n i mble, Pay rol l M a n a g e m e n t p r o v i d e s custom reports and flexible ser v ices. T he compa ny ha s be en ex per ienc i ng significant growth including an expansion a year ago into central and southern New Hampshire.

A Bu si ne s s L e ader sh ip A w a r d f o r a s m a l l e r company will be presented

Patti Gagne

Dan Thayer

Ken Blais from Rolly's Diner

Gary HemenwayRoland Miller, Auburn economic development director

Leadershippage 13 ‰

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Congratulations2015 Androscoggin

Chamber Award Recipients

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Congratulations 2015 Chamber Award Winners!

The Chamber's Annual Meeting and Awards Banquet

The Chamber's Annual Meeting

and Awards Banquet

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Thursday, Jan. 22

5 p.m. Social Hour & Cash Bar

6 p.m. Dinner & Awards Ceremony

at the Ramada Conference Center

490 Pleasant Street, Lewiston

Past Chamber awards winners1988Business Leader AwardBill JohnsonGeiger AwardRon FrizzellAthena AwardPauline Beale

1989Business Leader AwardDavid MacMahonAthena AwardBonnie AdamsGeiger AwardRalph Tuttle

1990Business Leader AwardTom AugerGeiger AwardGary Adams

1991Business Leader AwardDoug BoydPublic Service AwardPhil St. PierreGeiger AwardPeter GeigerTurner AwardRandy Murray

1993Business Leader AwardBob Roy, Sr.Civic leader AwardEd CormierGeiger AwardLA ArtsTurner AwardPete Angell

1994Business Leader AwardJane ThebergeCivic Leader AwardIP/DEPGeiger AwardTheresa SamsonLisbon AwardDavid Patterson

1995Business Leader AwardChris PierceCivic Leader AwardBob Rice and WMTWGeiger AwardBethel Shields &Rachel Desgroseilliers

1996Business Leader AwardMarc LaskyCommunity Service AwardCharlene BelangerLisbon AwardConrad DavisGeiger AwardDom Tardif

1997Business Leader Award (large) TambrandsBuisness Leader Award (smaller) Sam’sEducation/Business AwardLucien GosselinCommunity Service AwardPaul and Rita DubePublic Service AwardMayor Jenkins andMayor ThorpeRay Geiger AwardJim Carignan and Peter Garcia (L/A Together)Lisbon AwardTony DoyonTurner AwardDawn and Kelvin Youland

1998Business Leader Award (large)Geiger BrosBusiness Leader Award (smaller) Performance Product PaintingEducation/Business AwardPeggy Rotundo

Community Service Award

JoAnn Pike and GoodShepherd Food BankPublic Service AwardBob MulreadyRay Geiger AwardRay MartelLisbon AwardJoe GrazianoTurner AwardSteve Leavitt

1999Business Leader Award (large)Peoples BankBusiness Leader Award (small) Twin Cities Air ServiceEducation-Business AwardDiane Dostie, CMTCCommunity Service AwardAndroscoggin Valley Red Cross & Citizens for Local Jobs and OpportunitiesPublic Service AwardSenator John NuttingLisbon AwardIP/Masonite andJohn SilvestriTurner AwardAdrian Wadsworth,River Rise FarmsRay Geiger AwardDick Kendall

2000Business Leader Award (large) FISC

Business Leader Award (smaller) Cascades Auburn FiberEducation-Business AwardRay PotterCommunity Service AwardLionel Guay, BonnieLounsbury, and PaulGosselin (3 awards)Public Service AwardDon HarwardLisbon Award

Past Winnerspage 11 ‰

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This year's award winnersBusiness

Leadership Awards:

Payroll Management

Rolly's Diner

Thayer Corp

Ray Geiger Award:

Community Service Leadership Award:

Public Service Leadership Award:

Greene Business Award:

Affordable Exhibit Displays

Lisbon Business Award:

Poland Business Award:

Ken Additon Business

Advocacy Award: YPLAA Awards:

President’s Awards:

Education & Workforce Development Award:

Lewiston Regional Tech Center

Cool Chamber Award:

eWaste Recycling Solutions

New Member Award:

Shawn's Lawns

Suzanne and Roy Forsberg of Wolf Cove Inn

Ken Blais

Roland Miller

Patti Gagne

Kelly David

Hillary DowGary Hemenway

Ron Partridge and Marge Partridge of Don's Automotive Inc.

Dan Thayer

Ashlee VandiverTammie Grieshaber

Bob Thompson of AVCOG

Aaron MoserThos. Moser Cabinetmakers

Jim Marston Uncle Andy’s Digest

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Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday January 18, 2015 CHAMBER AWARDS 9

Community awards:

Recognizing contributors to our great communityBy Rich Livingston Feature Writer

Downtown Lewiston has experienced a resurgence of energy unlike anything that’s happened in the last 30 years, and a major source of that vitality has been Tammie Grieshaber, recipient of the Community Service Leadership Award in recognition of those contributions.

Recently retired as the owner and curator of the Lyceum Gallery, an anchor of the renewed L isbon St reet com mu n it y, Grieshaber has lived and worked in the heart of the revitalization environment, has been a prominent fixture in downtown activities such as the Artwalk Lewiston Auburn, and in many ways has been the personification of all that is new and exciting about the beating heart of L-A.

"Ma i ne ha s a n u nbel iev ably la r ge community of artists, both visual and performing artists, and most of them work 'day jobs' in local businesses," Grieshaber said.

Speaking of the artists represented in her gallery, Grieshaber once said, "These artists are the creative force in so many of our businesses. That creative force is more than their demonstrated artistic talent as a musician, actor, photographer, painter or sculptor. That creative force is most powerful in their problem-solving, innovation, and strategic-planning skills," and she has helped bring them the attention of an entirely new audience.

T h e E d u c a t i o n a n d W o r k f o r c e Development awa rd represent s t he alignment of the interests of local business, community, and helping nourish the development of a trained workforce to support future economic growth and vitality. The 2015 award will be presented to the Lewiston Regional Technical Center.

The mission of the LRTC is “to provide all students with a quality education that embodies technical and academic excellence, professionalism, and social responsibility. Their work-based learning environment prepares graduates with t he k nowledge a nd sk i l ls necessa r y for employ ment a nd post-seconda r y education in the 21st Century.”

LRTC accepts students from Edward Little, Leavitt, Lewiston, Lisbon, Oak Hill and

Poland Regional high schools, and partners with the local business community to ensure that employer needs will be met by a well-prepared workforce, and that students completing the program will have meaningful employment opportunities right here at home.

The Androscoggin Chamber is the largest regional chamber of commerce in Maine, and encompasses more than just L-A. There are special awards presented to businesses t hat represent t he best i n out ly i ng communities.

The 2015 Lisbon Business Award will be conferred on Ron Partridge and Don’s Automotive repair. Partridge has been among Lisbon’s biggest local advocates, and the business is committed to bringing transparency and confidence especially to consumers nervous about car repairs, providing meticulous diagnosis of auto problems and a thorough explanation of what needs to be done.

Don's provides a comprehensive online collection of frequently asked questions and answers to a variety of auto repair-related topics and proactively shares their knowledge about various auto repair topics in the effort to help customers better understand how a car works, how to identify problems with their car or truck, and other information that helps people feel better about getting their vehicles operating properly.

The decade-old Affordable Exhibit Displays is the recipient of the Greene Business Awa rd. This fa mily-ow ned compa ny provides top-quality trade show display products to customers across the country and around the world, but it has also had a major impact on many of the exhibitors at L-A’s own annual B2B show.

AED offers the largest imaginable selection of table-top display units and they have the capacity to design, print, produce, package and ship booths and materials entirely in their own shop. The company is helping bring the 21st-century economy to rural Maine, and has in short order become a vital component of the regional business community.

Sue a nd Roy Forsberg a re t he new innkeepers of the Wolf Cove Inn, a relaxing and romantic bed and breakfast on Tripp Lake, and recipient of the Poland Business

Award. Recently renovated, every room in the historic inn has been remodeled to provide an entirely new level of luxury. As part of the renovation process, the Forsbergs donated excess materials to the Poland Food Bank and to Habitat for Humanity.

The Inn was selected as a Top 10 Hidden Escape destination just last month, by Beda ndBrea k fast.com, adding to its membership in BedandBreakfast.com’s Diamond Collection, an exclusive group of professionally inspected and guest-reviewed luxury inns.

Toys, toys, toys!

The Christmas spirit brought together a great collection of donated toys for local kids.

Page 10: Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, January 18, 201510 CHAMBER AWARDS

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Chamber programs to help grow your businessMonthly Events

CHAMBER BREAKFASTChamber Breakfast is held on the second Thursday of each month at major meeting venues t h roug hout t he L/A a rea. T he brea k fast a lways features a spea ker of public/business interest, introduction of approximately 10 new members, and exhibits by four to six Chamber members. At this monthly breakfast you can feel the energy that is propelling the L/A area to lead the state of Maine in new developments. Average attendance is 215-275 members per month.

BUSINESS AFTER HOURSBusiness After Hours is generally held from 5 to 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month at a different Chamber member each month. This is a networking and social event at which Chamber members and guests make key contacts to grow their businesses and organizations. Average attendance is 150-200 people per month.

CHAMBER SEMINARS & BROWN BAGSChamber seminars are held at least monthly at the Business Service Center on topics of interest to Chamber members. Seminar topics have included sales techniques, customer service, marketing, and technology issues. Topics are chosen based on the results of member surveys and the seminars are offered at a nominal cost to members. Attendance is usually 25-40 members.

Brown Bag seminars are held at least monthly at noon in the Business Service Center.

These programs are offered free and are on topics identified by Chamber members as important. Attendance is usually 15-25 members.

Annual EventsNOT YOUR NORMAL FORMALNot Your Normal Formal is the Chamber’s annual “big” social event, featuring a special and different theme each year, a world-class auction, and several cash prizes of up to $5,000. The great annual party is held the first week in May for the first 200 couples to purchase tickets.

CHAMBER ANNUAL MEETINGThe annua l meeting is The Chamber's premiere event held annually at the end of January. It features the annual report and the prestigious Chamber awards for business

excel lence, communit y ser v ice, public service, business support, and business education partnerships. The annual meeting is always sold out, with attendance of 450 members.

Collaborative Programs with other Organizations

BUSINESS-TO-BUSINESS TRADE SHOWThe Androscoggin Business to Business Trade Show (organized by the LAEGC) is held during the second week in June. It is held at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee and features 200 exhibits, a special kick-off breakfast and a festive Business After Hours at the Colisee. The show draws an attendance of

approximately 2,500 people and exhibit space is nearly always sold out.


The Adopt-a-Spot program is a cooperative effort of the Androscoggin County Chamber of Commerce, the city of Lewiston, and the city of Auburn. The program is designed to promote beautification as well as a sense of pride within Androscoggin County.

Special Education and Workforce Development

ProgramsW it h t he g u ida nce of t he educ at ion committee The Chamber organizes a wide array of programs to bring employers, educators and students closer together. These include:

* Two career fairs for all 10th graders and all 7th graders;

* A Job Fair which last year had 60 exhibitors and over 500 job applicants;

* Over 50 Junior Achievement programs which last year reached over 1000 students;

* The Young Entrepreneurs Academy which this year has 10 students starting businesses;

* A Scholarship Scramble which over the last 15 years has raised over $560,000 for scholarships for local students.

Androscoggin Leadership Development Institute’s Class of 2014 at their graduation at the December Chamber Breakfast.

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Your Financial Team

CongratulationsAndroscoggin County Chamber

2015 Award Recipients


2015 Winner

Brenda RogersTurner AwardSteve CornelioRay Geiger AwardDonna SteckinoPresident’s AwardPete Sassano

2001Business Leader Award (large) Seltzer and RydholmBusiness Leader Award (smaller) Tom PlatzEducation/Business Partnership AwardFaithworks and Lewiston Adult EducationCommunity Service AwardSt. Mary’sCMMCPublic Service AwardLee YoungLisbon AwardBradco ChairTurner AwardChick-A-Dee RestaurantGeiger AwardTom Robustelli

2002Turner Business Award Goodwin Well and WaterLisbon Business AwardTown of LisbonEducation-Business AwardBetty RobinsonAnne NiemiecCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardSteve Closson, Androscoggin Bank, John Emerson, Louis Chevrolet, Kristen Tardiff, Poland Spring Bottling Co.Public ServiceLeadership AwardPeter GagnonBusiness Leadership AwardRichardson Hollow Associates, Twin City TimesRay Geiger AwardDick AlbertPresident’s AwardsIrving IsaacsonHeidi Marcotte

2003Turner Business Award Murdock Country CreationsLisbon Business AwardFirst Choice PrintingGreene Business Award

Beckie LaliberteEducation-Business AwardFilomena DayCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardFaye BrownBeckie ConradAustin AssociatesPublic ServiceLeadership AwardGreg Mitchell/Mark AdamsBusiness Leadership AwardWhite Rock DistilleriesGleason Media GroupRay Geiger AwardEd CormierPresident’s AwardPat Finnigan

2004Turner Business AwardNezinscot GuildLisbon Business AwardSue ConroyGreene Business AwardTown and Country FoodsEducation AwardScott KnappCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardBarbara TraftonEd PlourdePublic Service

Leadership AwardLarry RaymondBusiness Leadership AwardWare Street InnHarriman AssociatesRay Geiger AwardBarbara FogartyPresident’s AwardHilton Garden InnMaine Public BroadcastingSmall Business

Advocate AwardDiane McManus

2005Greene Business AwardDonovan’s Auto SalesTurner Business Award Turner HighlandsLisbon Business Award Maine Art Glass StudioEducation Award

Andover CollegeBusiness Leadership AwardRoopersOxford NetworksCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardMechanics Savings BankPublic Service

Past Winnersfrom page 7

Past Winnerspage 12 ‰

Chamber and YPLAA representatives pick up toys at CMCC to “Stuff the Bus.”

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Hats o� to all award recipients!LEWISTON REGIONALTECHNICAL CENTER

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it’s fellow2015 CHAMBER Award Winners!

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Leadership AwardBob ThompsonSmall BusinessAdvocate AwardElizabeth HoyRay Geiger AwardRon LebelPresident’s AwardCynthia Crocker

2006Greene Business Award Sedgley PlaceTurner Business Award Youly’s RestaurantLisbon Business AwardL & B ElectricEducation AwardCarol AlbertBusiness Leadership AwardSun JournalLamey WellehanCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardEstelle Rubinstein

Franco American Heritage CenterPublic ServiceLeadership AwardJim Bennett

Small Business AdvocateBob KasputesPresident’s AwardSafe HandlingMunroe InnRay Geiger AwardTom Platz

2007Greene Business AwardFleet TruckLeeds Business AwardAngell Cove CottagesTurner Business AwardThe Perfect BasketLisbon Business AwardFloor SystemsEducation AwardsJoan MacriHealth Care Action TeamBusiness Leadership AwardAuburn ManufacturingCentral DistributorsO’Brien Consolidated

Community ServiceLeadership AwardTammie GrieshaberMark AnthoineYPLAAPublic ServiceLeadership AwardKelly MatzenSmall BusinessAdvocate AwardJohn BelislePresident’s AwardJan PhillipsRay Geiger AwardDick Gleason

2008Greene Business AwardThe Geek TeamTurner Business AwardThe Great OutdoorsLisbon Business Award File-BustersEducation AwardSteve WesslerBusiness Leadership (small) Wei-Li Chinese RestaurantBusiness Leadership (large) WahlcoMetroflexCommunity Service Leadership AwardAndroscoggin Home Care and HospicePublic Service Leadership Award Phil NadeauPresident’s AwardFuel & Fish BonesNew Member AwardSandcastle PreschoolPresident’s AwardGerry DennisonBusiness Advocate Award

SCORERay Geiger AwardBud Willey

2009Greene Business AwardRiverwalk CreationsTurner Business Award Brigeen FarmsLisbon Business AwardSteve EldridgeEducation AwardRick SpeerBusiness Leadership Award (small) Morin’s AutoBusiness Leadership Award (large) Bedard PharmacyCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardAndrew HarrisCool Chamber AwardEfficiency MainePublic ServiceLeadership AwardDottie Perham-WhittierPresident’s AwardDavinci’s RestaurantNew Member AwardHeidi’s Brooklyn DeliPresident’s AwardBisson TransportationBusiness Advocate Maine & CompanyRay Geiger AwardJan Barrett

2010Business Leadership AwardEncompass Marketing and DesignAuburn ManufacturingNason MechanicalLisbon Award

Downeast EnergyPoland AwardPoland Spring Bottling CompanyCommunity Service AwardKim Wettlaufer, Trinity Jubilee CenterMuseum LA, Rachel

DesgrosseilliersPublic Service AwardRick WhitingNorm Lamie

Past Winnersfrom page 11

Past Winnerspage 13 ‰

J. Dosite Jewelers

Page 13: Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

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Congratulationsto ALL 2015

CHAMBER Award Winners!

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CONGRATULATIONSTo all the award winners at the

Androscoggin County Chamber of CommerceAnnual Meeting and Awards Banquet

from your friends at the

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Congratulationsto the 2015 Androscoggin Chamber Award Winners!

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winners of the annual President’s Award. So I’m exercising that privilege to choose two recipients this year.”

The first award will be presented to Jim Marston and Uncle Andy’s Digest, described by Morrison as “a local treasure.” Uncle Andy’s is a local economy all by itself, a venue that invites participation by buyers and sellers of virtually any kind of goods imaginable, and it does so with an unfailing sense of humor that engages its readers and lubricates the wheels of commerce. Since 2001, Uncle Andy’s has been providing employment opportunities to people with disabilities from John F. Murphy Homes.

The second President’s Award will be presented to Thos. Moser Cabinetmakers, one of the most widely recognized companies in the community. With a well-deserved worldwide reputation for unparalleled craftsmanship, Thos. Moser has grown from the vision of one individual some 40 years ago to now employing nearly 70 cabinetmakers, evenly divided between men and women.

The company continues to be guided by its vision to: “Build furniture that celebrates the natural beauty of wood; is of simple, unadorned, graceful lines; and is crafted for a long, useful life.” In addition to a widely distributed catalog, the company operates showrooms in Auburn and Freeport, Maine, as well as in Boston, New York, Greenwich, Philadelphia, and San Francisco.

Recognitionfrom page 4

to New Auburn’s iconic Rolly’s Diner, and owner Ken Blais. There is no better description of this local institution than a recent YELP review: “Fantastic little diner with a charming old town atmosphere ... it's open early, and generally packed with locals who clearly know where the good stuff is. It's not a big place, and feels old fashioned in all the good ways ... Wait staff is always friendly, quick to get your order through, and the portions are generally massive enough to fill the most hungry bellies.”

For the past 34 years, much of the economic character of Auburn, and indeed of the entire Lewiston-Auburn communit y, has been shaped by Roland Miller, recipient of the 2015 Public Ser vice Leadership Award, and Auburn’s Director of Economic Development.

One of the most visible and active public faces of the city, Miller has represented Auburn on numerous boards, committees and associations, and he has been instrumental in the

development of the Port of Auburn intermodal transportation facility near the airport, several business and industrial parks, and the retail mall district that has become a magnet for consumers from throughout central and western Maine. At the same time, he has helped preserve the historic buildings and streetscape of downtown Auburn and is helping position the community for the diverse economy of the 21st century.

Leadershipfrom page 6

Education AwardLeon LevesqueCool ChamberHeutz OilPresident’s AwardDan SmileyPublic TheatreDempsey Challenge/CMMCGeiger AwardSue Donovan

2011Business Leadership AwardWal-Mart Distribution CenterCassiel’s Day SpaTurner AwardAccidental AnomaliesPoland Award

Poland Spring Bottling CompanyCommunity Service AwardAndrosccoggin Bank, Mechanics Bank & Auburn SavingsPublic Service AwardPaul BadeauEducation AwardSouthern New Hampshire UniversityCool Chamber AwardJim Wellehan & Bruce DamonKen AdditonSmall Bussiness AwardAdvocate Women Work & CommunityPresident’s AwardThe Bread ShackJim Day and Nick GlicosRay Geiger AwardPeter Murphy

2012Business Leadership AwardAgren ApplianceBaxter BrewingPoland AwardPike Industries

Community Service AwardL/A Cash Coalition

Past Winnersfrom page 12

Past Winnerspage 14 ‰

Holiday Business After Hours at Lost Valley

Page 14: Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, January 18, 201514 CHAMBER AWARDS

Congratulations Androscoggin Chamber of

Commerce Award winners

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CongratulationsAndroscogginChamber of Commerce

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Loan Manager: John [email protected]

Econ Dev Specialist: Georgy [email protected]

Finance Manager: Stephanie [email protected]

Congratulations to the 2015 Award Winners!

Grow and Expand Your Business in Lewiston Auburn

L/A Art WalkPublic Service AwardPhil CrowellEducation AwardHealthy AndroscogginNew Member AwardCenter Street DentalCool Chamber AwardIndustrial RoofingKen AdditonSmall Bussiness AwardAdvocate Lewiston Career CenterPresident’s Award

Northeast Charter & ToursThe Library CafeRay Geiger AwardSteve Closson

2013Business Leadership AwardLarge CompanyCarboniteBusiness Leadership Award Small CompanyKatahdin FurnitureBusiness Leadership AwardKurk Lalemand of Next Level Business Coaching – Small CompanyRay Geiger AwardLarry Raymond of Isaacson &

RaymondCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardTree Street YouthCommunity ServiceLeadership AwardRita DubePoland Business AwardJones AssociatesLisbon Business AwardBenoit's Bakery and Wine CellarTurner Business AwardRicker Hill FarmsEducation-BusinessPartnership AwardRuss BarlowCool Chamber Award

Procter & GambleKen Additon BusinessAdvocate AwardDick Roy of Mechanics BankPresident's Award #1Kevin Dean and Emil ClavetPresident's Award #2The VaultNew Member AwardRevelation MassageYPLAA AwardTravis Dow & Wei Li Restaurant and Cam Luu

2014Business Leadership AwardArgo MarketingRainbow Bike

Ray GeigerArt BoulayNew Member of the Year AwardMorningstar Stone & TileCommunity Service Leadership AwardYWCACathy Durgin LeightonPublic Service AwardCraig SaddlrmireGreene Business AwardHurricane Café and DeliLisbon Business AwardPositive Change LisbonTurner Business AwardTurner Publishing Jodi Cornelio

Poland Business AwardPoland Spring Preservation SocietyEducation-Business Partnership AwardCommunity Credit UnionCool ChamberPettengill AcademyPresident’s AwardsL-A Harley DavidsonJohn StoryRinck AdvertisingYPLAA AwardsSandra JonesShanna RogersMichael Malloy

Past Winnersfrom page 13

Page 15: Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, January 18, 2015 CHAMBER AWARDS 15

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Page 16: Androscoggin County Chamber Awards 2015

Advertising Supplement to the Sun Journal, Lewiston, Maine, Sunday, January 18, 201516 CHAMBER AWARDS

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