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Angaza Design Document UXDi Fall 2013 - Papp + Bachler

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Final class project for General Assembly Fall 2013 UXDi
Dashboard Redesign Sarah Papp | Chris Bachler UX Design Immersive, Fall 2013 General Assembly, San Francisco Wednesday, October 30, 13
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Dashboard RedesignSarah Papp | Chris BachlerUX Design Immersive, Fall 2013General Assembly, San Francisco

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Project Overview

Solar powered lights that also charge your cell phone

Off-grid worlds and emerging markets


Pay As You Go (PAYG)

Energy Hub

Track revenue, support, and customer activity


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Page 3


Adding new accounts and groups

The Problem

Documenting support issues

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Page 4

Project Overview

The Solution

Empower users

Create and edit groups

Improve revenue tracking and customer activity

Improve and guide customer support

Generate account numbers

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Page 5

Key Screens

Dashboard Payment Activity

Account Detail PageGroup Detail PageWednesday, October 30, 13

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Link: http://share.axure.com/6I0DBX

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Key PartnersSunny MoneyEast African School LeadershipOther Distributors

Key ActivitiesCreating and editing groups and accountsCreating and tracking support cases (either payment or general support oriented)Contacting CustomersTracking revenue and sales

Value PropositionFunctional and intuitive dashboard for sales distributors and support/operations teams

Customer RelationshipsSelf-service - users will use the dashboard to generate accounts, create groups, and provide customer care

Key ResourcesEngineering team (building and implementing dashboard software)Operations and sales teams (guiding design of dashboard)Account Data Channels

Dashboard siteAngaza communications

Customer SegmentsAngaza operations personnelThird part distributors

Cost StructureServer space and time spent on using and developing dashboard

Revenue StreamDirect revenue for Angaza takes advantage of their Pay As You Go (PAYG) technology. The dashboard contributes to productivity, so ease of use is critical.

Business Model Canvas

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Competitive Analysis

Current Dashboard CRM Solutions (Salesforce, Sugar, Access, Act!)

Customer Support Software Solutions (Citrix Help Desk,

Salesforce, Zen Desk)

Recent Activity Can sort by date, otherwise, no feed or recent activity display

Displayed in feed or in static list on open/home screen; links to recently

viewed or edited pages/objectsDisplayed on

Note FunctionEntirely by hand, location not

logical, different users have same edit permissions

On all object pages (i.e. a sales opportunities, accounts,

campaigns, etc.), users can add in notes

Big yes, users enter notes that have timestamps and their name

automatically inserted

History DisplaySort by date; account detail page breaks into different categories in

long list of entries

Activity trackable, changes with dates and who made them also

listed in object pagesActivity tracked within case with

date and user name tagged

Search / Filters No search, limited filters Global search, tends to need correct spelling Search is available

Create New Object Not possible, CTO does everything in the backend Users can do this Users can do this

Upload Content (i.e. email, files, documents)

Not possible, even from the backend

Big yes--can upload to multiple locations and use global search to

locateCan upload email and files to

support case

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User Research

Method OpportunityTop 5 FindingsInterviewed internal Angaza users and 3 non-Angaza personnel with related experience

1. CTO manually creates groups and account numbers 2. Key functions (notes and search) are buried within interface3. Support will need to be handled entirely by distributors in the future4. Distributors mainly care about revenue reporting and support5. Angaza team cares about overall system in addition to support and revenue reporting function

Bringing functionalities like search and notes forward while enabling users to create groups and generate accounts from within the dashboard are critical, but beefing up support capabilities and revenue data is key as well.

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Opportunity Analysis

Create Groups

Adding a core set of features to the dashboard will make it more usable and will allow Angaza to scale their business model with less frustrations. Core features include:

Edit Groups

Generate Accounts

Easily find open support cases

Streamlined and easily found notes for accounts, groups, and support cases

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BackgroundJamie has built a career in business operations in emerging markets and has worked in the alternative energy space for six years. She has been tasked with overseeing a robust and growing network of third party distributors for Angaza Design’s product line, which means she spends a lot of her time in the dashboard. Other job responsibilities include administering the supply chain for Angaza’s products, building up distributor relationships and expansion, as well as reporting financial information to the Angaza board and investors. She works long hours five days a week making sure the business runs smoothly and depends heavily on data collected inside the dashboard to make decisions and recommendations to her team and higher ups on business strategy.

Jamie | Angaza Operations Team Lead

Key Characteristics• 41• Single• MBA• Tech Savvy

Technology Habits• Expert in Excel and other MS Office Suite• Uses the dashboard all day, five days a week for customer support and reporting• Constantly checking email• Uses smart phone

Motivations• Provide great support to distributors• Access information within system quickly• Would like to make processes as simple as possible as more distributors come on board


Getty Images

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BackgroundAlec is quick to gauge an opportunity and uses this to his advantage--he works as a third party distributor for several different manufacturers. He prides himself on working with both his customers and the makers of the gadgets he sells in order to provide great goods to people near his home base of Masanda, Kenya. He and his wife have three children, who all go to school and use the SoLite to study at night. He is extremely busy and likes using technology to make his business run better but doesn’t have a lot of time to learn knew systems or software.

Alec | Angaza Distributor

Key Characteristics• 29• Married• High School• Limited Experience with Technology

Technology Profile• Has an old IBM Thinkpad that he uses a few times a week for email• Is an expert at Mine Sweep• Fairly responsive to emails• Uses late model mobile phone

Motivations• Revenue tracking• Maximizing sales and time spent making sales• Does not want to learn a complicated system or do anything that gets in the way of making more sales


Getty Images

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Design Hypothesis

We analyzed the current dashboard as well as popular CRM and support desk solutions. We also did some user research, all to gauge our core feature set and focus areas.

A dashboard that allows users to create and edit groups, generate account numbers, as well as easily access revenue, customer data, support cases would prove to be a huge step in company growth.

Our analysis and research pointed us to add a specific feature set that would provide the maximum amount of function for the minimum amount of bandwidth in order to accommodate a range of internet connectivity and technology usage.




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Conceptual IterationSketching played a large role from the beginning of our ideation phase. These are just a few of those sketches.

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Collaborative Design

1. Revenue needs to be more prominently displayed on dashboard home. Revenue is a main driver for the distributors to log in and use the dashboard to see how much money they will be receiving from sales.

2. Don’t add features to interface just to have them. If it takes the distributor and Angaza less time to complete the task over the phone, best to leave that feature out in this version at least. For example, unit ordering is done outside of the dashboard and should stay outside for now.

3. Account detail page should not have tabs. Hiding account information away in tabs isn’t strictly necessary to keep the page looking clean and having that information on a single page is very convenient.

4. Suggested support list placement should slide in and then possibly disappear as needed.

5. Leader board functionality needs to be applied to accounts and groups so that problems can be spotted easily.

Top 5 Findings

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Prototype Design Iteration

Note the tabbed layout, large map of Africa, and data callouts.

Dashboard Home

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Prototype Design Iteration

Note the tabbed layout.Account Detail Page

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User Testing

1. Dashboard needs cleanup. Make sure sample data isn’t all the same and aligned correctly. Make sure each color means only one thing.

2. For the open case listing on the dashboard, make it clear what the next steps are. Make relevant data available as well.

3. Account detail page needs some reorganization, especially the support section. Reconsider the work flow and the placement of corresponding page elements.

4. Map on dashboard might not be pulling its weight. Play around with the size and consider outright removal.

5. Account detail page needs more account data such as average payment size and default history.

We tested two near-target users--one with a sales and distribution background and another one with experience with a product and market very similar to Angaza. We also tested eight non-target users, people without sales or distribution experience or knowledge of the solar energy market.

Top 5 Findings


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Prototype Design Iteration - Continued

Replaced separate payments, calls, and messages pages.

Payment Activity

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Prototype Design Iteration - Continued

Single view that includes statistics, history, and open cases.

Account Detail

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Design Specification

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User Roles

DistributorUses the site to facilitate sales, track payments, and generate revenue data. Needs to be able to create and edit groups and accounts as well as access relevant data. Also needs to be able to easily support customers.

Angaza Operations Team Member

Uses the site to administer customer support and monitor system performance. Needs to be able to track and diagnose problems as well as access data on groups and accounts.

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Contacts School/

Sales Lead

Sales/Distributor Journey

If lead is interested in SoLite, distributor schedules


Logs In to Angaza

Pay as You Go (PAYG) Dashboard

Creates New Group

Generates Account Numbers

Enters Group


Head teacher/

sales POC promotes product

Customers opt to


Customers make initial

payment using Mobile

Money, activating

their account

Delivers Account

Numbers to Head

Teacher / Sales POC

Accounts Activate

Automatically when

Payments are Received

Tracks Payments

and Revenue through


Units are ordered

based on activated accounts

Receives Units,

already assigned to accounts,

and delivers them to sales


Sales contact

distributes units

Customers use SoLite and make

regular payments via Mobile



Actions in Real World

Virtual, Outside of Dashboard

Actions in Dashboard

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Operations/Customer Support Journey

Logs In to Angaza

Pay as You Go (PAYG) Dashboard

Views Recent Activity Feed

Views Account

Detail Page

Selects Account that

Needs Attention

Issue is Resolved

Reviews Recent Account Activity

Calls User to Resolve Support


Marks Case as Resolved


Actions in Real World

Actions in Dashboard

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Concept Model











Payment Activity

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Site MapLogin


Accounts PaymentActivity


Generate Account Numbers

Account Detail

Create Group

New Group Form

Account Overview

Account History

Account Ongoing Support

Group Detail


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Task Flow: Create Group and Generate Accounts

Dashboard Groups

Create Group and Add Accounts

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Task Flow: Find Problem Accounts and Groups

Payment Activity

Account ViewDashboard

Sort by Worst to Best Sort by Worst to Best

Group View

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Task Flow: Find Account and Resolve Support Case


Account Detail

New Case

Resolve Case

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Annotated Key Screens


A - Outstanding support issues with actionable ones in bold and issues waiting for customer action not bolded.B - Global search.C - Quick look at group performance based on revenue.D - Quick look at account. performance based on number of activations, unlocked, and support cases.E - Payment Activity addition to top navigation.





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Annotated Key Screens

Account Detail

A - Account information.B - Payment progress, how far along the customer is in paying off their device.C - Average payment amount.D - Missed payment information.E - Open issues, use this box to track ongoing issues, edit and close them.F - Account history, included resolved cases, past payments, calls, and messages.G - Suggested next steps depending on the type of issue selected.






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Annotated Key Screens

Payment Activity

A - Sortable data categories.B - Choose between Account and Group view. A


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Annotated Key Screens

Create Group

A - Basic group information, name, number of units and account numbers needed, as well as geographic info.B - Add additional product, a feature they will need as they build out their product line.C - Add point of contact in case there are multiple people involved with the group.D - Pricing information, distributor can set custom pricing for groups.E - Notes.F - Add Group button saves the group.





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Thank YouSarah Papp | [email protected] | (415) 350-1448

Chris Bachler | [email protected] | (650) 208-8097

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