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Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are...

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Angel House Rules: 4 Fantastic Ideas that Help You, Your Family, Your Community, and Your World!
Page 1: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

Angel House Rules:

4 Fantastic Ideas that Help You,

Your Family, Your Community,

and Your World!

Page 2: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

These are the Angel House Rules I created for my own house as I have gone through my

experiences. When anyone (and I mean, anyone!) comes by my house (whether my

home or my Innate Wellness facebook page or my Innate Wellness blog website), I tell

them “do all these” or go home. It’s really that simple. Business or personal, anyone can

do this. Of course, Angels do it with Love!

These are four simple Angel House Rules to read and follow but they speak volumes for

all those who are dealing with lack of Love. Every family/group/community/organization

has some disharmony in all of their relationships. In fact, ascending people struggle with

the most with these rules… repeating these mistakes until they “get it.” But if they are

willing, they will get it!

So, in this moment, when you get “stuck” just remember… Remember who you are. You

are Angel. You are Love. Let go of the “stuckness” and be. You are ascending with every

experience and situation! This is the nature of Ascension and God and Goddess’ Divine


I wish you Love and no more Eeyores!

~ Rika

Page 3: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

Angel House Rules #1-4 (in a jiffy!)

1) Everyone is Family.

2) Lend a helping hand.

3) Win-win-win situation or no-go.

4) No judgments, no egos, and no Eeyores.

Page 4: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

Angel House Rule #1: Everyone is Family

Houston, we have a problem! Yes, Houston, everyone is Family! That means every

ugly, annoying, irritating person who has entered into your cosmos is Family. And, there

is a reason for that person. To make you grow a little wiser, a little stronger, a little more

faithful, in YOU. Of course, there are nice, lovable people too, but the irritating ones are

the one who make you stretch!

The World gets a little bit smaller when you realize everyone is part of YOUR

World. When you see someone else in your eyes, you see your Self too. When you see

anger, frustration, or sadness in someone else, you see that anger, frustration, or

sadness in you too. Be careful because you are a mirror to everyone else. When you

think happy and loving thoughts, they are what we see in our mirror. When you think

sad and angry thoughts, they also are what we see in our mirror. What you see in the

Divine, is exactly what you will find in your mirror. Namaste – “the Divine in me honors

the Divine in you.” What do you see in YOUR mirror?

Page 5: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

Angel House Rule #2: Lend a Helping Hand

Whether it your Family (blood- or star-related), your group, your community, or

whatever, lend a helping hand for the benefit of all of humanity!

Your Family is your first-line bond. Every member of your Family is part of you,

remember? Mother/Father and siblings, if any, are the archetypes that set the mold of

everything you experience in your childhood. Often, these are exactly the people you

want to avoid – but consider them nonetheless. There are teachers and there are

students – count your blessings from whom you recognize. You chose them! Consider

who your star Family is as well. You have a star Mother, star Father, and numerous

Aunts and Uncles, and infinite Brothers and Sisters. Support your Family! Meet your

Siblings. Family Reunion is right around the corner!

Your group or community can be anything that brings common ground to

everyone within the group or community. It can be a business networking group, school

staff, a group of nurses/police officers, political parties, a non-profit organization, or

anything else that can be consider a group or community. When we help each other, we

all benefit!

Mother Earth or Gaia, has been supporting all your long-lived life and she needs a

break! Support Her first by connecting with Her. She longs for your touch and wishes to

give you blessings that only She can. Ground your Self and connect with the Divine.

Next, support Her by considering recycling centers and other community-supported

Page 6: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

endeavors. Look into creative opportunities that helps us depend less on gas and fossil

fuels. Use the renewable sun to provide solar energy or the wind for wind energy. She’d

like that!

Angel House Rule #3: Win-win-win situation or no-go.

“Win-win-win” means “I win, you win, we win.” So, when you win, I win, and we

win, we all win. When someone loses (win-lose-lose or lose-win-lose), we always lose. If

a situation is not win-win-win, then it’s a no-go, in my book. In a bad situation, someone

is going to lose, and who wants to lose?

Use your Angel intention to set things right. Believe in your positive outcome.

Pray for a win-win-win situation, even if it doesn’t seem possible. Angels can do an

incredible amount of persuasion from all parties involved! With Angels, anything is


Page 7: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

Angel House Rule #4: No judgments, no egos, and no


This, by far, is the most difficult to obtain. But hang in there! There is always


Breathe…. Are you breathing shallowly? Stop and take a moment. Breathe in

Love, breathe out Love. Breathe deeply in Love, breathe deeply out Love. It’s all good!

No judgments! If you find yourself judging others, take a look at the mirror first.

Are you judging yourself? Give yourself a break because we have all been there. The

mirror is still upon you… when you judge others, you judge yourself. Would you rather

Love your Self? Stop. Reset. Love.

No egos! EGO = Edging God Out. Take that funky monkey (aka ‘ego’) and toss it

out the door. Angel intention: Return to the Angels all things that no longer serve us.

No Eeyores! What is Eeyore? Eeyore is a fictional donkey from Winnie the Pooh book.

Eeyore is the archtype of sadness and depression. Eeyore is the epitome of “why me?” –

the perpetual questioner, if he may not even question it if he is so depressed. Eeyore

weighs heavy in the mind and thought. Now, you get what I mean. Stop being Eeyore

and start being happy, bouncy, light Tigger! Believe me, Tigger is A LOT MORE FUN! If

someone calls you out on being Eeyore, see the blessing in being Tigger in that moment.

Page 8: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

Applications of the Angel House Rules

OK, I love all these rules, but now what???

Apply it in your life!

Have a family/group/community/world meeting and let everyone know that these Angel

House Rules are going to be in place. Get everyone’s buy-in. This is crucial!! Bring

Everyone together to play a game, if you will. Angels LOVE games!! Remember,

everything is a game!

What are the benefits of this game?

1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

2) We help each other (hence Rule #2: Everyone lends a helping hand!)

If someone fails a rule, call that person on it. It is a growing experience. It is not a matter

of judging others (Rule #4: No judgments). Remember to call him/her/them on it with

Love. That is the key thing. If we let go of our ego (Rule #4: No egos) and see the bigger

picture, we will return to Love because all there is is Love. Love is the answer. And,

Angels do it with Love!

Within 4 weeks, you will notice the vibe of your family/group/community/World will

start to shift! It will be more loving, more supportive, and more positive! Yes, there will

be some rough spots, but they will soften with Love. I guarantee it!

Please send us a testimonial for a family/group/community/World that has benefited!

We’d LOVE to hear from you! <3 <3 <3

Page 9: Angel House Rules - WordPress.com · Angels LOVE games!! Remember, everything is a game! What are the benefits of this game? 1) Everyone will learn and grow (hence Rule #3: win-win-win!)

That’s All, Folks!

This was lovingly supported by Innate Wellness, Corp. If you feel this information has

been beneficial, please, by all means, give it to someone who needs this help and send

us a Love Donation. It will be a win-win-win situation for all of us!

Thank you for your Love Donation! 100% of our profits helps us financially support 30+

non-profit organizations that help all of Mother Earth's beings. Thank you!

Love and Light!

