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Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment

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The Angel of Space Clearing asks you to let go, surrender all your cares and worries to her so she can change these negative energies to a positive. This Angel asks us to take time for ourselves, to take time out when we feel pressured or overloaded and to strip everything bare and take all things back to a love basis
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The Angel of S pace Clearing Empowerment

Copyright CharlieAngelStar 2009 

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My name is Charlotte Ann Snares Dip C ( I nst. NH ).

I am an I ndependent Reiki Grandmaster, H olistic Therapist and Counsellor .I am a char tered member of the World Reik i Association and the Wor ld Metaphysical Association.

I have been studying reik i and other energy healing systems since 2006, and have found that th is heal ing 

art has been l if e changing and instrumental in not onl y my own spir itual , emotional, mental and 

physical development, but in that of those around me too.I hope that where ever you are on your jou rney that this heali ng energy system aids you in the 

development of your divine and spir itual pathway.

Eternal Blessings of the Rainbow L ight 


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Th e Angel of Space Clearing EmpowermentBackground 

The Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment is apart of the ‘Angeli c Blessings Series’ .

The Angel of Space Clearing has come to us with the message that she is with us to support us in 

clearing negative thought patterns and f eeli ngs that may have sur faced. This negative energy can be created when we focus on the negative, past mistakes and regrets. These thoughts and feeli ngs are 

unconstructive, can cause you to feel con fused, stressed and can prevent posit ive new energies from 

enter ing your li f e.

The Angel of Space Clearing asks you to let go, surr ender all your cares and worr ies to her so she can change these negative energi es to a positive. This Angel asks us to take time for ourselves, to take time 

out when we feel pressur ed or overl oaded and to strip everything bar e and take all thi ngs back to a love 


I f you are feeling these energies, the Angel of Space Clearing suggests you try to f ind ways to clear your self . I f your room is clu ttered, have a clear out, look at what you really need instead of holding on to possessions. Be char itable to those less fortuna te then yourself , for giving wi ll br ing its own rewards.

Th ink if you are work ing yourself to hard. Do I really need to push myself? Can I allow myself to have a 

rest? For i f you take time out, your energy recharges and then new opportuni ties, ideas and inspiration 

wil l come your way.

Clear yourself regular ly with a sea sal t bath, if you are susceptible to psychic attack, are empathi c or f ind that you get sick quickly in negative spaces, place pots of salt ar ound your house to clear this. Hold 

salt in your palms and ask the Angel of Space Cleari ng to clear your aura and chakras of all lower 

energies and what does not serve your higher purpose. Look at crystals that can clear dark energies and 

protect you. Give thanks for al l the positives in your li fe, and let go of what does not hold to a higher 

state of consciousness. Remember that love is the only truth th at exists in the un iverse, and all fears and negativity are only an il lusion , and are very often created by our selves.

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The A ngel of Space C learing Empowerment

Cleansing, Grounding and Attunement Process 

Cleansing Exercise 

A very good exercise to cleanse yourself of any negative energ ies and matters is to take a hand fu ll of rock sea salt, ho ld it in the palm of your hands and ask your guides and angels to draw any negative 

energy from your chakras and aura in to the salt.

Visual ise any negative feelings and thoughts and energies going i nto the salt, then ask that it be 

transmuted, cleansed and released back to the un iverse as heali ng energy to benefit all beings.

Then place the salt i n a bowl fu ll of water, leave for the rest of the day and then dispose of the water 

asking that the loving energies of the sal t and water goes back to Gaia in love and l igh t.You can also clear rooms in your household by placing li ttle amounts of rock sea salt i n small holders 

around your house. This wil l clear any negative energy. You can change the sal t every couple of weeks.

As you dispose of the salt ask that all negative energy or matters are transmuted into the uni versal healing energy to benefi t all beings.I use this technique myself and can not put enough emphasis on how well i t works; i t is probably the 

most important pi ece of guidance that one of my teachers gave to me.


Make yourself comfortable, either sitting in a chair with both feet on the ground or in the lotus position .

Play some relaxing music, li ght some incense if you wish and then begin to focus on your breathing.Take slow deep breathes in thr ough the nose and out through the mouth.

Visual ise yourself protected by a bubble of Rainbow or whi te l igh t.

Ask for your spir it gu ides and angels to ground, protect and centre you.

Then visual ise yourself with roots slowly growing out fr om you f eet, going deep into the ground, lik e the roots of a tree, strong and sturdy, suppor ted by the Earth.

Attunement Procedure 

The attunement process is very simple al l you need to do af ter you have grounded and protected your self 

is simply state your in tention to receive the energy.

(I ……. State my in tenti on and am now ready to receive the energy of the Angel of Space Clearing 

Empowerment from my teacher………. I accept thi s energy ful ly, and thank al l those beings who 

suppor t, guide and protect me thr ough thi s attunement process.) 

The energy will then begin to fl ow, close your eyes and visuali se the loving pr esence of this beautif ul 

angel, who is here to help you clear and heal a ll those unwanted emotions and thoughts. Imagine a beam of coloured rainbow light penetrating your heart chakra, and then another penetrates in to your mind. Feel al l your thoughts and perception s begin to relax, and your emotions becoming clear , calm 

and balanced. Then gi ve thank s to the universe for this blessing and heal ing.

The empowerment should f low for 20-30 minu tes and you should naturall y feel when the empowerment has finished.

Then you will need to close down, and connect to your sur roundings.Visual ise the roots of the tree suppor ting and grounding you go back up into your body. Close the bubble 

of protection down. Thank your Angels, Guides and the universal spir it f or giving you love, protection 

and support. Then open your eyes, sit f or a minute and gain your bearings, when you are ready you may 

get up from you meditation position . I t is recommended that you dri nk plenty of water, and eat to 

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bring you grounding 

Passing the Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment 

I f you ar e a teacher passing on th is attunement, please fol low th is or your own grounding process.

Al l you then need to do is state your i ntention to pass on the attunement to your student.

(I……. state my in tenti on to pass the Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment to my student……..I ask 

the Universal Spir it, Gui des and Angels to help support and aid ……to ful ly except thi s healing energy.) 

You may then issue your student with a certi fi cate so they can th en pass this energy on to others.

I feel that thi s energy should be available to all , so I ask that a fi xed fee of £ 5.00 be set for sending the Angel of Space Clearing Empowerment indi vidual ly. You may also send th is empowerment as part of the 

collective ‘Angelic B lessings Series’ which should have a set f ee of £ 30.00. Thank you.

Th is System may be distributed as long as the manual r emains with no al tera tions and in i ts or igi nal state as i t is copyright protected.

Please abide and r espect this if you wish to pass on this system to other students. I f as a teacher you wish 

to use thi s system or any CharlieAngelStar founded systems as apart of a discount or in troductory off er thr ough your business or wish to use i t on a fr ee share net work ing site, you are fr ee to do so as long as 

you notif y me of your in tention s via email at [email protected] so I can notif y other 

teachers and students to your off er as I wish to k eep this system true to essence in whi ch i t was created and given as a blessing f rom spir it and in lin e with the universal law of giving and receiving in balance.

Thank you.

Copyright CharlieAngelStar 2009 

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