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G-Protein-Coupled Receptors DOI: 10.1002/anie.201302116 The Structural Basis of G-Protein-Coupled Receptor Signaling (Nobel Lecture)** Brian Kobilka* b 2 adrenergic receptor · G protein coupled receptors · Nobel lecture · protein structures · signaling Introduction Complex organisms require a sophisticated communica- tion network to maintain homeostasis. Cells from different parts of our bodies communicate with each other using chemical messengers in the form of hormones and neuro- transmitters. Cells process information encoded in these chemical messages using G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) located in the plasma membrane. GPCRs also mediate communication with the outside world. The senses of sight, smell and taste are mediated by GPCRs. GPCRs are nature)s most versatile chemical sensors. There are over 800 GPCRs in the human genome and they respond to a broad spectrum of chemical entities ranging from photons, protons and calcium ions, small organic molecules (including odorants and neurotransmitters), to peptides and glycoproteins. The classical role of a GPCR is to detect the presence of an extracellular agonist, transmit the information across the plasma membrane, and activate a cytoplasmic heterotrimeric G protein, leading to modulation of downstream effector proteins. Taking the human b 2 adrenergic receptor (b 2 AR) as an example, binding of adrenaline leads to activation of G as , stimulation of adenylyl cyclase, cAMP accumulation, PKA activation, and phosphorylation of proteins involved in cell metabolism (Figure 1). However, a wealth of research has now demonstrated that many GPCRs have more complex signaling repertoires. For example, the b 2 AR couples to both G as and G ai in cardiac myocytes, [1] and can also signal through MAP kinase pathways in a G-protein-independent manner via arrestin. [2, 3] Similarly, the process of GPCR desensitization involves multiple pathways, including receptor phosphoryla- tion events, arrestin-mediated internalization into endosomes, receptor recycling, and lysosomal degradation. These activ- ities are further complicated by the possibility of GPCR oligomerization, [4] and the localization of receptors to specific membrane compartments having different complements of signaling proteins and different lipid bilayer compositions. Such multifaceted functional behavior has been observed for many different GPCRs. How does this complexity of functional behavior reconcile with the biochemical and biophysical properties of GPCRs? The effect of a ligand on the structure and biophysical properties of a receptor, and thereby the biological response, is known as the ligand efficacy. Natural and synthetic ligands can be grouped into different efficacy classes (Figure 1 inset): 1) full agonists are capable of maximal receptor stimulation; 2) partial agonists are unable to proffer full activity even at saturating concentrations; 3) neutral antagonists have no effect on signaling activity, but can prevent other ligands from binding to the receptor; 4) inverse agonists reduce the level of basal or constitutive activity below that of the unliganded receptor. For GPCRs capable of coupling to multiple signaling systems, specific ligands can have differ- ential relative efficacies towards the different pathways. In the extreme case, even opposite activities towards different signaling pathways are observed: for the b 2 AR, agonists toward the arrestin/MAP kinase pathway are also inverse agonists for the classical G as /cAMP/PKA pathway. [2, 5] Given the central role played by GPCRs in nearly all physiologic processes, they represent the largest group of targets for drug discovery for a broad spectrum of diseases. A better understanding of the structural basis for the complex signaling behavior of GPCRs should lead to more efficient and economical approaches to drug discovery. Early Insights into GPCR structure First insights into GPCR structure came from the sequencing of rhodopsin and the cloning of the b 2 AR and other GPCRs in the 1980s. My research career in this field began in 1984 when I joined the laboratory of Dr. Robert Lefkowitz. As a postdoctoral fellow in the Lefkowitz laboratory, I was involved in the cloning of the b 2 AR. [6] This was the first look at the primary amino acid sequence of GPCR activated by a diffusible ligand (hormone or neuro- transmitter). At the time we were surprised by the sequence homology with rhodopsin. However, this comparison and insights from the cloning of other GPCRs that soon followed confirmed the seven-transmembrane topology to be a signa- ture of GPCRs. My first efforts to understand the structural basis of b 2 AR function took advantage of having access to other adrenergic receptors that we had cloned. Generating chimeric receptors composed of different combinations of sequence from b 2 AR [*] Prof. B. Kobilka Stanford University School of Medicine, Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology 279 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305 (USA) [**] Copyright# The Nobel Foundation 2012. We thank the Nobel Foundation, Stockholm, for permission to print this lecture. . Angewandte Nobel Lectures B. Kobilka 6380 www.angewandte.org # 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6380 – 6388
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G-Protein-Coupled ReceptorsDOI: 10.1002/anie.201302116

The Structural Basis of G-Protein-Coupled ReceptorSignaling (Nobel Lecture)**Brian Kobilka*

b2 adrenergic receptor · G protein coupled receptors ·Nobel lecture · protein structures · signaling


Complex organisms require a sophisticated communica-tion network to maintain homeostasis. Cells from differentparts of our bodies communicate with each other usingchemical messengers in the form of hormones and neuro-transmitters. Cells process information encoded in thesechemical messages using G-protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs) located in the plasma membrane. GPCRs alsomediate communication with the outside world. The senses ofsight, smell and taste are mediated by GPCRs. GPCRs arenature�s most versatile chemical sensors. There are over 800GPCRs in the human genome and they respond to a broadspectrum of chemical entities ranging from photons, protonsand calcium ions, small organic molecules (including odorantsand neurotransmitters), to peptides and glycoproteins.

The classical role of a GPCR is to detect the presence ofan extracellular agonist, transmit the information across theplasma membrane, and activate a cytoplasmic heterotrimericG protein, leading to modulation of downstream effectorproteins. Taking the human b2 adrenergic receptor (b2AR) asan example, binding of adrenaline leads to activation of Gas,stimulation of adenylyl cyclase, cAMP accumulation, PKAactivation, and phosphorylation of proteins involved in cellmetabolism (Figure 1). However, a wealth of research hasnow demonstrated that many GPCRs have more complexsignaling repertoires. For example, the b2AR couples to bothGas and Gai in cardiac myocytes,[1] and can also signal throughMAP kinase pathways in a G-protein-independent mannervia arrestin.[2, 3] Similarly, the process of GPCR desensitizationinvolves multiple pathways, including receptor phosphoryla-tion events, arrestin-mediated internalization into endosomes,receptor recycling, and lysosomal degradation. These activ-ities are further complicated by the possibility of GPCRoligomerization,[4] and the localization of receptors to specificmembrane compartments having different complements ofsignaling proteins and different lipid bilayer compositions.Such multifaceted functional behavior has been observed formany different GPCRs.

How does this complexity of functional behavior reconcilewith the biochemical and biophysical properties of GPCRs?The effect of a ligand on the structure and biophysicalproperties of a receptor, and thereby the biological response,is known as the ligand efficacy. Natural and synthetic ligandscan be grouped into different efficacy classes (Figure 1 inset):1) full agonists are capable of maximal receptor stimulation;

2) partial agonists are unable to proffer full activity even atsaturating concentrations; 3) neutral antagonists have noeffect on signaling activity, but can prevent other ligandsfrom binding to the receptor; 4) inverse agonists reduce thelevel of basal or constitutive activity below that of theunliganded receptor. For GPCRs capable of coupling tomultiple signaling systems, specific ligands can have differ-ential relative efficacies towards the different pathways. Inthe extreme case, even opposite activities towards differentsignaling pathways are observed: for the b2AR, agoniststoward the arrestin/MAP kinase pathway are also inverseagonists for the classical Gas/cAMP/PKA pathway.[2,5]

Given the central role played by GPCRs in nearly allphysiologic processes, they represent the largest group oftargets for drug discovery for a broad spectrum of diseases. Abetter understanding of the structural basis for the complexsignaling behavior of GPCRs should lead to more efficientand economical approaches to drug discovery.

Early Insights into GPCR structure

First insights into GPCR structure came from thesequencing of rhodopsin and the cloning of the b2AR andother GPCRs in the 1980s. My research career in this fieldbegan in 1984 when I joined the laboratory of Dr. RobertLefkowitz. As a postdoctoral fellow in the Lefkowitzlaboratory, I was involved in the cloning of the b2AR.[6] Thiswas the first look at the primary amino acid sequence ofGPCR activated by a diffusible ligand (hormone or neuro-transmitter). At the time we were surprised by the sequencehomology with rhodopsin. However, this comparison andinsights from the cloning of other GPCRs that soon followedconfirmed the seven-transmembrane topology to be a signa-ture of GPCRs.

My first efforts to understand the structural basis of b2ARfunction took advantage of having access to other adrenergicreceptors that we had cloned. Generating chimeric receptorscomposed of different combinations of sequence from b2AR

[*] Prof. B. KobilkaStanford University School of Medicine, Department of Molecularand Cellular Physiology279 Campus Drive, Stanford, CA 94305 (USA)

[**] Copyright� The Nobel Foundation 2012. We thank the NobelFoundation, Stockholm, for permission to print this lecture.

.AngewandteNobel Lectures B. Kobilka

6380 www.angewandte.org � 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6380 – 6388

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and a2AAR allowed us to identify domains involved in ligandbinding and G-protein-coupling specificity.[7] After I startedmy lab at Stanford University at the end of 1989 we continuedto refine the map of functional domains through a series ofstudies using chimeric receptors and site-directedmutants.[8–10] These studies also identified intramolecularcontacts that helped define the arrangement of transmem-brane segments in the lipid bilayer.[11]

Realizing the limitations of mutagenesis to define proteinstructure, I began to explore methods for the large-scaleproduction and purification of the b2AR to enable the use ofbiophysical methods to study receptor structure and theconformational changes involved in receptor activation. Theb2AR was an ideal model system for these studies because ofthe existing wealth of structural information from muta-genesis studies, and the rich diversity of commerciallyavailable ligands for this receptor (agonists, partial agonists,neutral antagonists, and inverse agonists). Nevertheless, thiseffort was particularly challenging because of the inherentproblems associated with expression and purification of theserelatively unstable membrane proteins.

Initial work focused on understanding b2AR biosynthesisin an effort to identify factors that might facilitate large-scale

production.[12] The b2AR is a type IIIb membrane protein andlacks a cleavable signal sequence. We found that insertion ofa cleavable signal sequence from influenza hemagglutininimproved insertion of the amino terminus and transmem-brane segment (TM) 1, and enhanced functional expression ininsect cells by two-fold.[13] Using this modification, togetherwith affinity tags at the amino and carboxyl terminus weestablished a protocol to express and purify sufficientquantities of b2AR for biophysical studies.[14]

In 1993, Ulrik Gether and Sansan Lin joined the lab andbegan applying fluorescence spectroscopy and other bio-chemical and biophysical approaches to characterize b2ARstructure and conformational changes in response to bindingof various ligands. Using relatively simple techniques such ascircular dichroism and intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence gaveus insights into the biochemical behavior of the b2AR thatwould ultimately be important for crystallography, such as thestabilizing effect of ligands, particularly antagonists andinverse agonists.[15] By labeling the b2AR with small, environ-mentally sensitive fluorescence probes we were able toobserve structural changes in response to agonist binding.[16–18]

These initial studies led to a series of experiments usingfluorescence spectroscopy to characterize the mechanism by

Figure 1. The complex signaling and regulatory behavior of the b2AR. The inset illustrates the concept of ligand efficacy. PKA= protein kinase A,PKC= protein kinase C, PDE =phosphodiesterase, cAMP =cyclic adenosin monophosphate, Gs = stimulative regulative G protein, Gi = inhibitoryregulative G protein, GRK= G-protein-coupled receptor kinase, ERK = extracellular signal-regulated kinase.

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6381Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6380 – 6388 � 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

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agonist binding and activation. These experiments focusedprimarily on transmembrane segment (TM) 6 which earlierexperiments suggested underwent the largest structuralchanges upon agonist binding. Purified b2AR was labeled atthe cytoplasmic end of TM6 with a small environmentallysensitive fluorescent probe. By monitoring changes in thefluorescence as a function of time, we observed that theagonist binding and activation occurred through at least oneconformational intermediate, and that agonists and partialagonists stabilize distinct states.[19–21] We also observed thatagonists alone do not stabilize a single active conformation.[19]

As a result of these findings, together with a growing body ofevidence for ligand-specific signaling behavior in cells,GPCRs were no longer thought to behave as simple two-state switches. Rather, they are more properly thought of asmolecular “rheostats”, able to sample a continuum ofconformations with relatively closely spaced energies.[22,23]

These biophysical and functional experiments suggestedthat chemical interactions between a ligand and a receptorled to the stabilization of a ligand-specific conformation orensemble of conformations that interact with specific cyto-plasmic signaling and regulatory proteins.


The first insights into the three-dimensional structure ofGPCRs came from rhodopsin, which differs from most otherGPCRs in its relatively high biochemical stability and itsnatural abundance in a native tissue, bovine retina. GebhardSchertler�s lab prodvided the first structures of rhodopsinfrom two-dimensional crystals generated in lipids from rodouter segment membranes.[24] This structure revealed thegeneral architecture of the seven transmembrane (TM)helices, and was the basis for most GPCR homology modelsuntil Okada and Palczewski[25] obtained the first high-resolution three-dimensional structure of rhodopsin in 2000.The elegantly simple approach developed by Okada forpurifying rhodopsin from rod outer segments using onlydetergent extraction suggested that lipids extracted withrhodopsin might be important for protein stability and/orcrystallogenesis.[26] More recently, Ernst and Hofmann pro-duced the first active-state structures of opsin from nativerhodopsin.[27,28]

In contrast to rhodopsin, GPCRs for hormones andneurotransmitters are not expressed in tissues at sufficientlevels for biophysical studies and are much less stable whenextracted from membranes with detergents. Nevertheless,through incremental improvements in insect cell expressionand the efficiency of the purification procedure we were ableto produce sufficient quantities of b2AR (1–10 mg) to startcrystallography trials around 1998. However, it was not until2004 that we obtained the first crystals of the b2AR largeenough to examine by X-ray diffraction. These crystals werestill very small (< 50 mm) and we were not able to seediffraction at conventional synchrotron beamlines. I showeda picture of these crystals to Gebhard Schertler who wasworking with Christian Riekel and Manfred Burghammer atthe European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) in

Grenoble to develop a microfocus beamline. Gebhard invitedme to bring some of our b2AR crystals to the ESRF. Usinga high-intensity 5 mm beam we were able to see diffractioncompatible with a protein crystal at a resolution of approx-imately 20 �. While we were disappointed in the poor qualityof the diffraction, we were encouraged by the fact that wewere able to form crystals of the b2AR. This was an importantmilestone in the effort and suggested that a crystal structureof the b2AR was not an impossible goal.

In 2005 Dan Rosenbaum and Søren Rasmussen, two verytalented and intrepid postdoctoral fellows, joined the crystal-lography effort. Based on our experience at that time wespeculated that there were two impediments to crystallog-raphy: the dynamic character of the protein, and the verysmall polar surface area available for crystal lattice contacts.Our biophysical and biochemical studies had suggested thatthe b2AR was a flexible, dynamic protein with the cytoplasmicends of TM5 and TM6, and the intervening third intracellularloop as being the most flexible. We speculated that thedynamic character of this region of the receptor led toconformational heterogeneity that prevented the formationof well-ordered cystals. At the same time biochemical studiesshowed that the largest stretches of polar amino acids werelargely unstructured and not suitable for forming crystallattice contacts. Søren and Dan took two different approachesto address these problems and to generate better qualitycrystals of the b2AR. Søren identified a monoclonal antibodyfragment (Fab) that bound to the cytoplasmic ends of TM5and TM6. This antibody came out of a collaboration Iinitiated in 2003 with Dan Rohr at Medarex, a companyspecializing in therapeutic antigodies. The goal of thecollaboration was to generate antibodies that recognizeda three-dimensional epitope on native b2AR for use incrystallography. As immunogen, I prepared purified b2ARreconstituted into phospholipid vesicles to maintain its nativeconformation. We obtained 13 different monoclonal anti-bodies from Medarex, and Søren and colleagues in the labsubsequently identified one that bound only to native b2ARand localized its binding site to a region between TM5 andTM6.[29]

As an alternative strategy, Dan used protein engineeringto replace the same flexible, dynamic region of the b2ARbetween TM5 and TM6 of the b2AR with T4 lysozyme(T4L).[30] T4L was chosen because it is a very stable and highlycrystallizable soluble protein with amino and carboxyl terminiwell positioned to fit between TM5 and TM6.

Both approaches were designed to minimize conforma-tional flexibility, or at a minimum, mask the most dynamicsurface of the receptor and at the same time increase theamount of polar surface area available for forming crystallattice contacts. During 2006 we obtained crystals using bothapproaches combined with a lipid-based media known asbicelles (consisting of a mixture of lipid and detergent) thathad been shown to be suitable for membrane proteincrystallization.[31] Initial crystals of the b2AR–Fab and theb2AR–T4L fusion protein complex both diffracted to below4 �. We subsequently obtained a 3.4 � structure of theb2AR–Fab complex grown in bicelles.[32] This was our first

.AngewandteNobel Lectures

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6382 www.angewandte.org � 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6380 – 6388

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look at the three-dimensional structure of the b2AR, buta higher resolution structure would soon follow (Figure 2A).

In the fall of 2006 we sent purified b2AR–T4L complex toVadim Cherezov in the lab of Raymond Stevens at Scripps.Vadim had trained with Martin Caffrey at The Ohio State

University. Martin�s lab had recently developed miniaturized,high-throughput methods for lipidic cubic phase (LCP)crystallography.[33, 34] We previously explored the use of LCPmethods to crystallize the b2AR in 1999 in collaboration withPeter Nollert; however, at that time the methods were verylabor intensive and used relatively large amounts of protein toscreen very few conditions. The methods developed inMartin�s lab together with the robot built by his team enabledscreening of thousands of conditions with a few milligrams ofprotein.[35] Vadim had recently joined the Stevens� lab bring-ing with him a LCP robot on loan from Martin Caffrey. Thiscollaboration led to a 2.4 � structure of the b2AR–T4Lcomplex (Figure 2 B).[30, 36] The fusion protein strategy devel-oped for the b2AR has since been successfully applied toa growing number of other GPCRs. Through collaborativeefforts with several other groups, my lab recently used thesame fusion protein approach to determine structures of theM2 and M3 muscarinic receptors,[37, 38] the m and d opioidreceptors,[39, 40] and the protease-activated receptor PAR1.[41]

More recently we have found that fusing T4L to the aminoterminus of the b2AR and simply deleting most of the thirdintracellular loop can also facilitate crystallization.[42]

Another approach that has succeeded in obtaining GPCRcrystal structures involves scanning mutagenesis to identifythermostabilizing mutations. Chris Tate and Gebhard Scher-tler and their colleagues pioneered this approach to obtain thestructure of the avian b1AR.[43] These stabilizing mutationsmay reduce structural flexibility and permit the use ofdetergents having a smaller micelle size. This approach hasalso been used to obtain the structure of the adenosine A2A

receptor[44] and, in combination with a T4L fusion proteinstrategy, the neurotensin receptor.[45]

Capturing Active States by Crystallography

Immediately after obtaining these initial inactive-statestructures of the b2AR we initiated efforts to capture activestates by crystallography. Using the methods that weresuccessful in obtaining inactive-state structures, we were notable to obtain crystals of a b2AR bound to an agonist. Ourconcern was that due to the relatively low affinity of agonists(when compared to the very high affinity inverse-agonistcarazolol used to obtain inactive-state structures), we hadincomplete occupancy of the receptor under crystallographyconditions. This would lead to conformational heterogeneity.To overcome this problem, Dan Rosenbaum worked withRalph Holl and Peter Gmeiner (University of Erlangen) todevelop a covalent agonist for the b2AR. Using this approachthey were able to obtain crystals of the covalent agonist-bound b2AR; however, the cytoplasmic face of the receptorwas indistinguishable from the inactive-state structure.[46]

These disappointing results were consistent with what wehad learned from earlier biophysical studies, that agonistsalone do not fully stabilize the active state of the b2AR. Thiswas first observed using fluorescence spectroscopy[19,47] andconfirmed in more recent studies using NMR spectroscopy.[48]

Figure 3 is a cartoon illustrating the dynamic character of thereceptor showing that the receptor exists as an ensemble ofconformations. Due to the flexibility of the unliganded b2AR,a small population can be in an active conformation,accounting the phenomenon of basal activity. On bindingagonist the cytoplasmic interface becomes even moredynamic, sampling a broader spectrum of conformations.This contributes to the challenges in crystallizing agonist-bound receptor. Fluorescence and NMR experiments showedus that stabilization of the active state required that the

Figure 2. First crystal structures of b2AR in the inactive states. A) Theb2AR–Fab complex. B) The b2AR–T4L fusion protein.

Figure 3. Cartoon illustrating the dynamic character of the b2AR. In theabsence of a ligand, the G protein coupling interface of the receptorexists in an ensemble of predominantly low-energy conformations.Rare active-state conformations are responsible for basal activity.Agonist binding increases the dynamic properties of the b2AR, increas-ing the probably of active-state conformations. Only G protein bindingcan fully stabilize the active state.

G-Protein-Coupled ReceptorsAngewandte


6383Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6380 – 6388 � 2013 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.angewandte.org

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receptor must form a complex with its G protein, or someother binding protein that binds to the active conforma-tion.[47, 48]

Our efforts to crystallize the b2AR–Gs complex were inprogress, but not yet successful. As an alternative we wereexploring antibodies and other binding proteins. In May of2009 I had the good fortune to meet Jan Steyaert (FreeUniversity of Brussels) at a Gordon Conference in Italy. Janwas pioneering the application of single-chain camelid anti-body fragments, known as nanobodies, as facilitators ofprotein crystallogenesis. Shortly after the conference I sentJan purified, agonist-bound b2AR reconstituted into phos-pholipid vesicles for immunizing llamas. By November 2009we had our first nanobodies and Søren Rasmussen identifiedone that exhibited G-protein-like properties. This nanobody(Nb80) bound to purified b2AR and allosterically enhancedagonist binding affinity by 100-fold, similar to what isobserved in a b2AR–Gs complex. This b2AR–Nb80 complexgave us the first picture of the active-state conformation of theb2AR (Figure 4A).[49]

The b2AR–Gs Complex

In 2005 I met Roger Sunahara (University of Michigan) ata Gordon Conference and we began working together tounderstand the structural basis of cooperative interactionsbetween the b2AR and its G protein Gs. Our long-term goalwas to crystallize the b2AR–Gs complex. The ultimate successof this effort would require an extensive network of collab-orations with investigators from diverse disciplines.

One of the most important contributions to this effort wasthe use of single-particle electron microscopy (EM) toprovide structural insights that guided our crystallizationstrategy. By 2009 Søren Rasmussen in my lab and BrianDevree in Roger�s lab were making considerable progress onthe biochemistry of the complex. They were able to forma relatively stable b2AR–Gs complex that migrated as a singlepeak by size exclusion chromatography, however we were not

able to grow crystals. We sent protein to Georgios Skiniotis,and expert in single-particle EM methods at the University ofMichigan. Our first view of the b2AR–Gs complex came froma low-resolution structure generated from negative stainedEM images. This structure revealed an unexpected feature ofthe complex that was one of the biggest obstacles to crystalgrowth. The Gas subunit is composed of an a-helical domainand a Ras-like domain with the GDP binding pocket at theinterface. The EM structure revealed that he a-helical domainof the Gas subunit was conformationally heterogeneous.Subsequent EM studies helped to identify chemical additivesthat minimized the conformational heterogeneity, as well asa nanobody (Nb35) that stabilized the complex.

Other contributions to the success of the b2AR–Gs

crystallography include the identification of an ultra-highaffinity agonist (BI-167107) from Boehringer Ingelheim. Thisagonist has a dissociation half-life of more than 30 h ensuringthat the b2AR would be occupied by an agonist at all times.Another important reagent was a new detergent MNG-3provided by Pil Seok Chae and Sam Gellman at theUniversity of Wisconsin, Madison.[50] This detergent stabilizedthe b2AR–Gs complex during incorporation into the meso-phase lipid used for crystallography. Martin Caffrey provideda special mesophase lipid (7.7 MAG) that enabled theapplication of lipidic cubic phase methods to a large proteincomplex.[34] To further stabilize the b2AR–Gs complex weworked with Jan Steyaert to develop a nanobody (Nb35) thatbound to the interface between the a and b subunits of Gs.Finally, replacement of the amino terminus of the b2AR withT4L facilitated packing interactions with the extracellularsurface.

The first crystals of the b2AR–Gs complex were obtainedin April 2011 and we were ultimately able to solve thestructure to 3.2 � (Figure 4B).[51] The structure revealed howthe binding of a small agonist at the extracellular side of thereceptor propagates structural changes across the lipid bilayerto effect activation of a cytosolic G protein. In this process,small structural changes around the binding pocket areamplified to very large structural changes in the G protein.

Figures 5–8 follow the process of activation from agonist-stabilized changes in the b2AR to receptor-mediated changesin Gs. As shown in Figure 5, structural differences betweenthe inactive and active state b2AR structures are relativelysmall, particularly around the ligand binding pocket. Thelargest changes are observed at the cytoplasmic surfaceincluding a 14 � outward movement of TM6.

Figure 6 compares the ligand binding pockets for activeand inactive structures. Amino acids within 4 � of the agonistBI167107 are shown. Changes in the binding pocket arerelatively subtle, with the agonist pocket being smaller thanthat of the inverse agonist-bound receptor. The largestdifference is a 2 � inward movement around Ser207 inTM5. Ser 203, 204 and 207 have previously been shown to beimportant for agonist binding and activation.

To understand how these small changes in the bindingpocket contribute to the larger 14 � movement at thecytoplasmic end of the receptor we looked for the changesin packing interactions between TM segments below theligand binding pocket. As shown in Figure 7, a set of

Figure 4. Active-state structures of the human b2AR.

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conserved amino acids pack together to stabilize the inactiveconformation (Figure 7A). These include the highly con-served Pro211 in TM5 and Phe282 in TM6 as well as Ile 121 inTM3 and Asn318 in TM7. This packing arrangement is notcompatible with the small inward movement of TM5 andrequires a rearrangement to accommodate the agonist-bound

active state (Figure 7B). This rearrangement involves a rota-tion of TM6 around Phe282 that is largely responsible for thelarge outward movement at its cytoplasmic end (Figure 7C).

Figure 8 shows the structural changes in Gs upon forminga complex with agonist-bound b2AR. The inactive state of Gs

heterotrimer is modeled from the crystal structure of the Gi

heterotrimer. The Gas subunit is composed of a Ras-likeGTPase domain and an a-helical domain. The GDP (guano-sine diphosphate) binding site occupies the interface betweenthese two domains. On coupling to the b2AR. the Gas subunit

undergoes large structuralchanges with the a-helicaldomain being displaced byapproxiamately 1308. The car-boxyl terminal a5-helix of theRas-like domain is displaced5 � into the core of the activereceptor, stabilizing the activestate of the receptor. This dis-placement of the a5-helix aswell as more subtle changestransmitted from the receptorto the GDP binding pocketthrough the b1-strand of theRas domain are responsible fordissociation of GDP. Theempty-state b2AR–Gs complexis poised for activation by GTP(guanosine triphosphate). Thevery large displacement of a-helical domain was notexpected from prior studies;however, as noted above, low-resolution single-particle EMstudies by Georgios Skiniotisrevealed that the a-helicaldomain is highly dynamic.

Figure 5. A comparison of the carazolol-bound, inactive-state structureof the b2AR (gray) and the active-state structure of the b2AR (green)from the b2AR–Gs complex.

Figure 6. A comparison of the binding pocket for the inverse agonistcarazolol in the inactive-state structure of the b2AR (gray) and theBI167107 binding pocket for the active-state structure of the b2AR(green).

Figure 7. Packing interactions of conserved amino acids in inactive and active states of the b2AR. OnlyTM3, TM5, TM6, and TM7 are shown. A) A set of conserved amino acids (represented as spheres) packtogether to stabilize the inactive conformation. These include the highly conserved Pro211 in TM5 andPhe282 in TM6 as well as Ile121 in TM3 and Asn318 in TM7. B) Active state. The packing arrangementobserved in the inactive state is not compatible with the small inward movement of TM5 and requiresa rearrangement to accommodate the agonist-bound active state. C) Active and inactive structures aresuperimposed. Pro211, Phe282, Ile121, and Asn318 are represented as sticks to more easily comparedifferences in position.

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The b2AR–Gs complex crystal structure provides the firsthigh-resolution view of transmembrane signaling fora GPCR. We now have a framework to design experimentsto investigate the mechanism of complex formation, GTPbinding and complex dissociation. Of particular interest willbe studies designed to determine the functional significanceof the large movement of the Gas a-helical domain relative toRas-like domain that is observed in the b2AR–Gs complex.Nevertheless, the b2AR–Gs structure leaves an importantquestion unanswered. It does not explain why the b2ARpreferentially couples to Gs. While some of the b2ARsequences involved in the b2AR–Gs interface have beenshown to have a role in G protein coupling; there is no clearconsensus sequence for Gs-coupling specificity when thesesegments are aligned with other Gs-coupled GPCRs. Cou-pling specificity may be dictated by interactions between theb2AR and Gs that precede the formation of the nucleotide-free complex. While the studies outlined in this lecture haveadvanced the field, much work remains to be done before wecan fully understand and pharmacologically control signalingby these fascinating membrane proteins.


This lecture represents work done since 1984 and reflectscontributions of many colleagues, postdoctoral fellows andgraduate students, as well as inspiration provided by the workof other investigators in the field. I want to single out a fewcolleagues for special thanks. My wife Tong Sun Kobilka hasbeen my colleague, advisor and strongest advocate for overthirty years. We began working together at Duke, and continueto this day. I want to thank Bob Lefkowitz for his mentorshipduring my fellowship and beyond. Bill Weis has been mycolleague and advisor on all matters having to do withinterpreting diffraction data and solving difficult crystalstructures. I want to thank Roger Sunahara for initiating our

very enjoyable and fruitfulcollaboration on the b2AR–Gs structure. Finally, I wantto thank the other membersof the team of scientists thatcontributed to the b2AR–Gs

structural effort. At Stanford:Søren Rasmussen, Foon SunThian, Yaozhong Zou,Andrew Kruse, Ka YoungChung, and Jesper Mathie-sen. At the University ofMichigan: Brian DeVree,Diane Calinski, GerwinWestfield, and Georgios Ski-niotis. At The University ofWisconsin, Madison: PilSeok Chae and Sam Gell-man. At the Free Universityof Brussels: Els Pardon andJan Steyaert. At Trinity Col-

lege Dublin: Joseph Lyons, Syed Shah, and Martin Caffrey.This work has been supported by grants from the NationalInstitutes of Health (NINDS and NIGMS), and gifts from theMathers Foundaiton and Lundbeck.

Received: March 11, 2013Published online: May 6, 2013

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Figure 8. Comparison of inactive GDP-bound Gs (left) with the b2AR–Gs complex (middle). The twostructures are superimposed in the right panel. The GDP-bound Gs heterotrimer was modeled from thecrystal structure of the Gi heterotrimer.

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[39] “Structure of the d-opioid receptor bound to naltrindole”: S.Granier, A. Manglik, A. C. Kruse, T. S. Kobilka, F. S. Thian, W. I.Weis, B. K. Kobilka, Nature 2012, 485, 400 – 404.

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[42] “N-terminal T4 lysozyme fusion facilitates crystallization of a Gprotein coupled receptor”: Y. Zou, W. I. Weis, B. K. Kobilka,PLoS One 2012, 7, e46039.

[43] “Structure of a b1-adrenergic G-protein-coupled receptor”: T.Warne, M. J. Serrano-Vega, J. G. Baker, R. Moukhametzianov,P. C. Edwards, R. Henderson, A. G. Leslie, C. G. Tate, G. F.Schertler, Nature 2008, 454, 486 – 491.

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[47] “The effect of ligand efficacy on the formation and stability ofa GPCR – G protein complex”: X. J. Yao, G. Velez Ruiz, M. R.Whorton, S. G. Rasmussen, B. T. DeVree, X. Deupi, R. K.Sunahara, B. Kobilka, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2009, 106,9501 – 9506.

[48] “The dynamic process of b2-adrenergic receptor activation”: R.Nygaard, Y. Zou, R. O. Dror, T. J. Mildorf, D. H. Arlow, A.Manglik, A. C. Pan, C. W. Liu, J. J. Fung, M. P. Bokoch, F. S.Thian, T. S. Kobilka, D. E. Shaw, L. Mueller, R. S. Prosser, B. K.Kobilka, Cell 2013, 152, 532 – 542.

[49] “Structure of a nanobody-stabilized active state of the b2

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[50] “Maltose-neopentyl glycol (MNG) amphiphiles for solubiliza-tion, stabilization and crystallization of membrane proteins”:P. S. Chae, S. G. Rasmussen, R. R. Rana, K. Gotfryd, R.Chandra, M. A. Goren, A. C. Kruse, S. Nurva, C. J. Loland, Y.Pierre, D. Drew, J. L. Popot, D. Picot, B. G. Fox, L. Guan, U.Gether, B. Byrne, B. Kobilka, S. H. Gellman, Nat. Methods 2010,7, 1003 – 1008.

[51] “Crystal structure of the b2 adrenergic receptor – Gs proteincomplex”: S. G. Rasmussen, B. T. DeVree, Y. Zou, A. C. Kruse,K. Y. Chung, T. S. Kobilka, F. S. Thian, P. S. Chae, E. Pardon, D.Calinski, J. M. Mathiesen, S. T. Shah, J. A. Lyons, M. Caffrey,S. H. Gellman, J. Steyaert, G. Skiniotis, W. I. Weis, R. K.Sunahara, B. K. Kobilka, Nature 2011, 477, 549 – 555.

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